#lm 1.5.7
secretmellowblog · 10 months
It’s fascinating how Jean Valjean is constantly associated with imagery of being buried alive.
His literal near-burial in the coffin outside Petit-Picpus is the most obvious example of that. But it’s in the sewers chapters as well— he has to face the horror of nearly drowning and being buried alive deep underground in the filth beneath the city.
And that imagery a running motif throughout his entire storyline. His imprisonment is constantly compared to as a burial, a living death; being in prison is like being trapped and drowned underneath an enormous weight, unable to move, unable to escape, with everyone around you refusing to acknowledge you are still a living human being.
In his dream before the Champmatheiu trial, Jean Valjean had a nightmare where he’s surrounded by a faceless crowd of indifferent people, who tell him:
‘Do you not know that you have been dead this long time?’
I opened my mouth to reply, and I perceived that there was no one near me.
The core horror of Jean Valjean’s plotline is the horror of being buried alive. It’s the horror of being constantly told that he is dead when he’s still living and suffering and desperately struggling to escape—- but suffering alone while he’s buried in a place so deep that no one can hear him.
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cliozaur · 7 months
The crucial information for the plot's progression lies in the title. The way Jean Valjean secures Fauchelevent's job in Paris reveals his adeptness at socializing during this phase of his life. He possesses connections and can leverage recommendations, a sharp contrast to the character he will evolve into later in the narrative.
Oh, we've now shifted back in time to when M. Madeleine had not yet assumed the role of mayor. And it’s only now that it happened. Of course, Hugo comments about Javert’s sufferings caused by this development. I can almost physically feel his pain: “he felt the sort of shudder which a watch-dog might experience on smelling a wolf in his master’s clothes.” Poor puppy. But he even managed to address the new mayor with “profound respect.”
The last paragraph reintroduces Fantine to the storyline, shedding light on the payment system for workers based on their daily output.
The last few chapters were amusing, but it's time to brace for a shift in mood as we return to the impending drama and sorrow.
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dolphin1812 · 2 years
Javert remains hilarious. I love that seeing Madeleine in a position of authority makes him so uncomfortable because of the cognitive dissonance that he just avoids him as much as possible, because he has to treat him with respect as the mayor (an Authority Figure), but it also convinced he’s a convict. And of course, since this is Javert, all of this is explained with references to dogs and wolves:
“The first time that Javert beheld M. Madeleine clothed in the scarf which gave him authority over the town, he felt the sort of shudder which a watch-dog might experience on smelling a wolf in his master’s clothes.”
The animal imagery around him really is consistent.
Hugo’s discussion of taxation is interesting as well. In citing the Minister of Finance, he returns to the idea of historical documentation, implying that there’s a record that confirms everything he’s saying. Oddly enough, though, I feel like Hugo doesn’t talk enough about money here. Debtor’s prisons weren’t as big in France as in Britain at this time (at least, I think - if I remember correctly, there were efforts made to limit or abolish debtor’s prisons during the Revolution, but they continued to be dealt with and reformed throughout the 19th century), but given this connection between not being able to pay and prison, I was kind of expecting more of a digression than a paragraph. The word “compel” also felt like it was alluding to a discussion of the state’s force, but Hugo doesn’t elaborate (shockingly). I guess he decided to get his point across concisely this time?
Similarly, I’m waiting for the breakdown of Fantine’s expenses. I’m glad that the factory was like “the face of a friend,” but knowing that her salary is low because she wasn’t trained in this work before is concerning, given that she has to support Cosette (by sending money) as well.
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pureanonofficial · 2 years
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Fauchelevent Becomes a Gardener in Paris, LM 1.5.7 (Les Miserables 1967)
M. Madeleine, on the recommendation of the sisters of charity and of his priest, got the good man a place as gardener in a female convent in the Rue Saint-Antoine in Paris.
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Brickclub 1.5.7 ‘Fauchelevent becomes a gardener in Paris’
“I’m buying your horse and cart.” The cart was smashed and the horse was dead."
I don't know if canon has an equivalent line to the Bishop's "I have bought your soul for God", but there's a similar vibe to this. I have bought something of yours which is broken, because what I am buying with it has priceless value.
"he addressed him with profound respect." Javert is weirdly admirable in his awfulness. His worldview is flawed, but there's something likeable in the fact he does hold himself to it and takes it very seriously. So I love this little comment, because it feels Peak Javert: he's going to follow protocol to the letter.
There's something sad about the contrast between Fantine's "hometown" and all the implications of a "home", and nobody recognising her there.
As for feeling like the factory is a kind of friend, you know I think a lot about how much easier it is to have relationships with buildings over people, how there's a solidity and a permanence to them and you can love their hollowness and shape, the things they represent, as well as their brickwork and the way they echo. I miss buildings with a bitterness and longing that I cannot find for a person, because a building can encapsulate so many meanings and memories, a stand-in for everything that happens there - and it is a permanent monument, a tangible reality, for moments in time that slip and vanish without mark.
And then, of course, sometimes you lose a building, and it is the worst thing that can possibly happen.
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meta-squash · 4 years
Brick Club 1.5.7 “Fauchelevent Becomes A Gardener In Paris”
Valjean has Fauchelevent--who is not an employee of his--sent to the infirmary for his employees. This, plus the purchasing of his horse and cart, plus the fact that Fauchelevent is then given work in a convent, feels like a weirdly cobbled together imitation of the bishop’s “I’ve bought your soul and give it to god.”
Valjean doesn’t actually speak to Fauchelevent in person when he gives him the thousand francs and purchases his horse and cart. It’s all in a note, and we don’t actually hear him speak again until 1.5.13 when he rescues Fantine. (This also means the last words we heard him speak were last chapter’s “Quick! Help!” from under the cart.) Valjean has left Fauchelevent money in a similar manner to how he breaks in to people’s homes and leaves them coins. Again, Valjean gives to avoid talking (and smiling), and writes notes or breaks in to avoid the awkwardness of giving in person and having to talk and/or smile.
Some questions: Does Valjean know that employing Fauchelevent in this convent means he’s basically going to be a recluse? Maybe the whole segregation of the sexes appealed to him? How is gardening easier with a stiff knee? If he was originally a notary or lawyer, why wasn’t he given some sort of law-related job or a clerk job or something? Silly question, since I know the answer is “Symbolism,” but still.
It’s after this incident that Madeleine becomes Monsieur le Maire. I wonder if this happened before or after he rejected the first time he was appointed mayor. Also I love how Javert and Marius have similar reactions to things that make them feel weird in their Feelings About Justice areas, which is to just avoid those things at all costs and then be extremely awkward if they actually have to encounter them.
There is also more imagery of dogs as the enemy of wolves. Initially I found these comparisons just So Weird because in my mind, dogs are the docile ones and wolves are seen as aggressive hunters. But I suppose from a more agricultural perspective, the dogs are set to guard livestock at night, so it would make more sense that Javert is the guard-dog of the law and he sees Valjean as the wolf coming to try and tear it to pieces. The “wolf in his master’s clothes” imagery also is interesting because it indicates the claiming of a role. It’s not a wolf in the master’s house, which wouldn’t necessarily mean an influential role. Javert would still feel that that righteous aggression, but maybe less violated. But because the wolf has pulled a Little Red Riding Hood and climbed into the master’s clothing, it’s not only the Evil Of Crime in Javert’s vicinity, it’s the Evil Of Crime having some sort of power over him and most others in the town.
“When his official duties absolutely demanded it, and he could not avoid contact with the mayor, he spoke to him with profound respect.” We see this again after Valjean spares Javert at the barricade. He stops using the “tu” he began to use as soon as Valjean revealed his identity at Arras and starts to use “vous” again.
“It may be said that poverty and public wealth have an infallible thermometer, the cost of tax collection.” All this talk about how great it is that the district of Montreuil-sur-Mer was making money under Valjean’s leadership. When the population suffers and there’s no work, no one can pay tax. But everyone in M-sur-M is happy and pays tax, right? That means there’s no poverty, right? A chapter later, we start to see this crumble. Especially since Hugo specifically sets up this town-wide prosperity and tax payment beside the entrance of Fantine to the town. Also, maybe this is just a translation thing, but I find it a little weird that he uses the word “symptom” when referring to this prosperity. Doesn’t “symptom” usually have negative connotations? These sections talking about M-sur-M’s prosperity feel like we’re seeing the town through the lens that Valjean is looking through, meaning he doesn’t see the things he doesn’t know to look for, like the sex work side hustles or the less obvious poverty or the terrible and damaging rumor mill. Again, Valjean and Fantine both have this problem of rose-colored glasses when looking at things that they really really want to have work out.
“The door to the factory was like the face of a friend.” This is such a weird phrase. Half the time when the word “ami” appears in this book I expect it to be accompanied with a pun, but this isn’t even that. How can this factory be a friend to Fantine, if it wasn’t a place she worked at before she left the city, and nobody remembers her? I do think this line is very similar to the way she looked at everything in Montfermeil. Fantine trusts this new factory job in the same way that she’s trusting the Thenardiers to take care of Cosette. Both of them are going to screw her over a chapter from now.
Fantine receives almost nothing in wages because she’s not very good at her job. According to Pilf’s incredibly helpful post about wages, she makes somewhere between 13-20 francs a month. Which is another little wobble in the reality of Valjean’s system. Paying employees by their output rather than a more fixed rate means it’s pretty much a guarantee that some will be impoverished. Plus Fantine makes so little, most of which ends up in the hands of the Thenardiers, and who’s to say there aren’t others like her in M-sur-M. It also makes me wonder how much more the more skilled workers are making.
But Valjean’s treatment of wages kind of makes sense. Barely. The last time he had a job was 1795, and then he was paid almost nothing (half a sou per day) for his work for 20 years in prison. His idea of adequate wages is about 24 years behind the times. And it won’t hurt the upper class to pay their workers less, so I doubt they’d say anything about it. Not to mention that by the time Valjean is mayor he seems to have relegated a lot of the factory admin to others. I mean, it’s really shitty. That pay is almost nothing, especially because you’d have to take into account food and board and clothing and child expenses (whether that child is secret or not). I mean, I know I said it in the above paragraph, but Hugo really keeps insisting that everyone was really happy and had all this money but when you look at the details you realize that no, they have like nothing, what the hell are you talking about Hugo. No wonder people are turning to sex work in this garrisoned town where that sort of thing is an accessible side hustle.
This chapter is so interesting to me because it’s almost entirely scaffolding. It explains where Fauchelevent ends up so we can meet him again in 2.5.9, it sets up Javert’s suspicion and unease more firmly so that the entire Champmathieu affair takes place, it frames the prosperity of the town in a way that makes Fantine’s poverty even more stark, and it sets up Fantine’s feeling of accomplishment at earning a living in order for it to be dashed next chapter. There’s no dialogue, and the only real action occurs in that first paragraph, the rest is summary. This is the first chapter where Valjean, Fantine, and Javert’s paths are really moving closer to converging. It’s the first real, concrete building blocks of multiple characters’ storylines happening all at once.
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everyonewasabird · 4 years
Brickclub 1.5.7 ‘Fauchelevent becomes a gardener in Paris’
I find the title of this a little bit hilarious. From this point in the text, it feels like a completely random and insignificant fact. Like--”Okay! good for Fauchelevent, I guess?” But a long while from now, when we drop over a wall into a mysterious garden and we’re all, “Fauchele-who? Ended up where, now?” Hugo can go “NO, I made it a CHAPTER TITLE, you all have No excuse for not knowing what happened to Fauchelevent!”
The tax digression here is interesting. It sounds very plausible that it would be an indicator of prosperity. It speaks to all the very real ways poverty costs money both to the state and to the people who are poor, who are forever being fined extra for not having money.
But also, this construction is extremely capitalistic and reductive. The value of people is being understood in terms of how much money their existence costs. This minister of finance Villèle who is said to approve of Madeleine’s accomplishments is the same Villèle who leads the ultra-royalist party and who will later be prime minister under Louis XIII and Charles X.
What I’m saying is, getting Villèle’s approval may not be the highest of all possible goals in this book.
And Fantine comes back. She hoped that in returning to the town where she grew up she would find a friend, and I can’t help imagining that was particularly appealing after the false friends in Paris. When this chapter says “the door of M. Madeleine’s factory was like the face of a friend,” in this tone of “enh, that’s just as good,” my heart breaks a little more for her.
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fremedon · 4 years
Brickclub I.5.7, “Fauchelevent Becomes a Gardener in Paris”
This chapter wraps up the rest of the background and moves us back into straight chronology for a while. It really is striking just how little of the book is presented as a chronological narrative, and how spare and fast-moving those sections are. Fantine enters the narrative at the end of this chapter. The next three will take her from her arrival in M-s-m, through her firing, her selling her hair and teeth, and her entering the sex trade. That’s just nine pages in Donougher or FMA.
(And looking ahead to next week...yeah, I’m thinking I might want to read ahead a bit. We’re about to get a run of five of the longest and most eventful chapters in this book: 1.5.12, “The Idleness of M. Bamatabois”; 1.5.13, “Solution of Some Questions of the Municipal Police”; 1.6.1, “Now, Rest”; 1.6.2, “How Jean Can Become Champ,” 1.7.1, “Sister Simplice”--27 pages, compared to this week’s 12.)
For now, though, we’re finishing dressing the stage for the burst of action that’s about to start. Fauchelevent leaves the story for a while. Madeleine becomes mayor. Under his administration, the cost of tax collection drops seventy-five percent in M-s-m, and the ultraroyalist finance minister approves--though, as @everyonewasabird points out, the mere fact of Villèle’s approval casts some doubt on how much we’re meant to take the town’s seeming economic prosperity at face value. And in the context of this anecdote, Fantine arrives and finds work; her wages are low, but enough to support her--for now.
Other observations:
--We learn here of the existence of the infirmary and the two Sisters of Charity who run it, though we won’t meet them for a few chapters. We also learn that Madeleine relies on their recommendation to find Fauchelevent his position in Paris, setting up Sister Simplice as someone whose opinion carries weight.
--When he first comes to town, Javert is described as watching Madeleine compulsively, but this stops when Madeleine becomes mayor: Javert is so uncomfortable seeing him in his mayor’s sash that he avoids him as much as he can.
It’s sure...something...that at the apex of Javert’s integrity, before he has hounded an innocent to death, before he has learned to turn a blind eye to his superiors’ corruption, his best response to cognitive dissonance is to physically remove himself from situations that cause it.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
When Fauchelevent becomes a gardener in a Paris convent:
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Global E-learning Software Market 2018 – Industry Trend, Research, Insights and Forecast 2025
10-dec-2018 In 2017, the global E-learning Software market size was million US$ and it is expected to reach million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of during 2018-2025. This report focuses on the global E-learning Software status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the E-learning Software development in United States, Europe and China. The key players covered in this study • IBM • SAP • Net Dimensions • Citrix • Upside learning • Litmos • iSpring Solutions • Versal • Docebo • Absorb • Traineaze • Mindflash Technologies • SkyPrep • Accord LMS • Adobe • Configio Market segment by Type, the product can be split into • Mobile Content Authoring • E-books • Portable LMS • Mobile and Video-based Courseware • Interactive Assessments • Content Development • M-Enablement Request a Sample Copy of This Report: https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/global-e-learning-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2018-2025/request-sample Market segment by Application, split into • BFSI • Healthcare • Government • Professional Services • Telecom and IT • Other Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers • United States • Europe • China • Japan • Southeast Asia • India • Central & South America The study objectives of this report are: • To analyze global E-learning Software status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. • To present the E-learning Software development in United States, Europe and China. • To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies. • To define, describe and forecast the market by product type, market and key regions. In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of E-learning Software are as follows: • History Year: 2013-2017 • Base Year: 2017 • Estimated Year: 2018 • Forecast Year 2018 to Table of Contents 1 Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Key Market Segments 1.3 Players Covered 1.4 Market Analysis by Type 1.4.1 Global E-learning Software Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2013-2025) 1.4.2 Mobile Content Authoring 1.4.3 E-books 1.4.4 Portable LMS 1.4.5 Mobile and Video-based Courseware 1.4.6 Interactive Assessments 1.4.7 Content Development 1.4.8 M-Enablement 1.5 Market by Application 1.5.1 Global E-learning Software Market Share by Application (2013-2025) 1.5.2 BFSI 1.5.3 Healthcare 1.5.4 Government 1.5.5 Professional Services 1.5.6 Telecom and IT 1.5.7 Other 1.6 Study Objectives 1.7 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 E-learning Software Market Size 2.2 E-learning Software Growth Trends by Regions 2.2.1 E-learning Software Market Size by Regions (2013-2025) 2.2.2 E-learning Software Market Share by Regions (2013-2018) 2.3 Industry Trends 2.3.1 Market Top Trends 2.3.2 Market Drivers 2.3.3 Market Opportunities Browse Full Research Report With TOC: https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/global-e-learning-software-market-size-status-and-forecast-2018-2025 3 Market Share by Key Players 3.1 E-learning Software Market Size by Manufacturers 3.1.1 Global E-learning Software Revenue by Manufacturers (2013-2018) 3.1.2 Global E-learning Software Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018) 3.1.3 Global E-learning Software Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.2 E-learning Software Key Players Head office and Area Served 3.3 Key Players E-learning Software Product/Solution/Service 3.4 Date of Enter into E-learning Software Market 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.
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