#lmao and yesterday pretty boy backed me up against a wall at one point trying to get me to gay panic and i was just like lol L
makeste · 11 months
BnHA Volume 36 - Reaction Journey Part 2
continuing on our journey following yesterday’s volume 35 post! some more out-of-context random bullet point reactions taken from my reaction posts for each chapter. the full reactions for each chapter will go up eventually once I finish my manga catch-up marathon (currently at chapter 367).
spoiler warning: just fyi, this post will obviously feature spoilers for chapters 350-362, BUT it will also include a couple of stray spoilers from chapter 403 as well, so just a heads up for that if you aren’t fully caught up!
Chapter 351
friends, we are about to embark upon the most dramatic, theatrical, Shakespearean disaster of a fight this series has ever witnessed. brace yourselves
yes Shouto, that’s just cuz he literally doesn’t feel pain and doesn’t care if he lives or dies :’)
actually come to think of it, he hasn’t attacked once so far. not even the usual giant ice wall opener move. he’s definitely got something up his sleeve. but my god man in the meantime this is hard to watch
sorry Touya, but as justified as your grudge against Enji might be, your grudge against Shouto? not so much. I get it, life handed Shouto the keys to your dream life and he had the audacity to say he didn’t want to drive. but Shouto is allowed to make his own choices, and want his own things. for that matter, so are you. but you’re just stuck. gah. it’s so frustrating and yet the psychology of it is so incredibly compelling
“I might not have the clearest sense of my own identity, but at least I didn’t kill 30 people” fjdsjd gottem
“phosphor” is such a next-level attack name. pretty sure it has more to do with light than fire/heat, but with as white-hot as this attack looks to be, I get it and it definitely works
Chapter 352
love that Kaminari’s instinct when seeing this giant flaming X on Shouto’s chest is to immediately poke it. repeatedly. while Shouto just stands there and vibrates uncomfortably
finally!! a proper half-cold-half-hot ultimate supermove!! though I still don’t quite understand how “making fire that doesn’t actually burn things” is going to help in a battle in any kind of way. BUT I CAN’T WAIT TO BE PROPERLY EDUCATED
he’s thanking Deku. for helping him start to discover his true self all those eons ago. what a sweet sweet boy
omg here it comes ULTIMATE MOVE YESSSS
fuck. okay, yeah. if you give me a shounen character reminiscing over his hard-earned personal growth, and feeling profound gratitude toward his friends who helped him get this far, and then you suddenly hit me with the crying little kid panels to remind us of who these two characters really are, at the end of the day, once you strip away all the rest of it. you show me little baby Touya who’s just desperate to be loved and validated and acknowledged. and you show me little baby Shouto who understands his brother’s feelings completely, and doesn’t want to actually be here doing this, but knows that he has to because there’s no one else who can. if you go ahead and show me all of that!! well then!! I mean, good fucking job!! you knew exactly what you were doing!! well done!! you got the tears again so well done to you!! lmao
Chapter 353
okay is every single person here trying to jinx themselves now?? you guys do realize how absurdly lucky you are that Shouto finished his epic battle in the span of only 2 chapters? are you trying to draw more misfortune to yourselves??
“hey guys! great news, Todoroki already finished his fight” fdfklskf Kacchan’s gonna fucking lose it lmao. to say nothing of poor Deku who’s still busy hurtling across the Pacific
lol what. he’s wearing a shirt collar and suit jacket as pants. and he’s got weird carpet hair and a disquietingly sexy face. AND FLOWER POWER?? who, is this, and why has it taken us 353 chapters to meet him. OR HER??? GENDER-AMBIGUOUS ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE. YOUR FIGHT BETTER BE COOL AS HELL YOU WEIRDO
how is Spinner actually TWENTY FEET TALL NOW??? like, that earlier panel wasn’t actually a fluke or something, that was actually happening?? you smashed a bridge to pieces?!? somehow you’re a Kaijuu now???
this seriously cannot be it though, especially since Iida didn’t even get to do anything. and I really, really, really fucking hate how nervous it’s making me noooo whyyyy
Chapter 354
there is no possible way anything Endeavor tries here will actually work. he’s giving off so many dead man walking vibes right now and I am not okay
Hawks is shouting at him lol. “remember what happened to All Might in Kamino!” for real though! how do they keep falling for it??
oh my god what a sickening realization. to learn that the reason you never found your child was that he was taken. not killed, but taken. that it was never even an accident at all, but deliberate. he was targeted and hurt and taken because of you. and the man responsible for it is standing right here in front of you
what’s AFO even going to do to them lol. I would love to see AFO stumble around and try to come up with some big intimidating weak-point-attacking speech for Tokoyami “The Darkness Is Where I Make My Home” Fumikage. he would probably love it. just sit there hungrily lapping it all up. “no but please keep telling me more about how tormented my soul is, this is great”
Chapter 355
I can’t believe Jirou and Tokoyami are about to fight god
I love Tokoyami and Hawks’s relationship so, so much. there’s just so much trust between the two of them. like on the surface it might seem like Hawks keeps underestimating Tokoyami every step of the way. but in reality it’s more that Hawks, being a former child soldier himself, is extremely reluctant to subject someone else to that, regardless of whether the circumstances are the same, and regardless of how capable Tokoyami keeps proving himself to be. yet another example of Hawks being continuously forced to walk a razor-thin line between decisions that he can live with, and decisions that will actually keep him alive. Tokoyami is a phenomenally powerful fighter, and his presence here absolutely helps tip the scales in their favor. but it’s also an insanely dangerous place for him to be, and so of course Hawks doesn’t want him here
meanwhile on Tokoyami’s end, he started out simply wanting to prove himself to Hawks, but once Hawks opened up to him, his exasperation almost immediately gave way to admiration and respect. and then he almost lost him at Jakku, and I think that really did a number on him, and so he’s so attached to and protective of him now. and I think that in turn has caused Hawks to try and keep his distance a little more, both because he has no idea how to deal with that emotionally, and because he doesn’t want Toko getting hurt. it’s such a delightfully complex relationship and I want to hold it and protect it with everything I have
lol he is REALLY cheesed about her showing him up in the previous chapter. definitely took it personally
I’m getting so many Bakugou vibes from this. legit getting chills over here. “shut your stupid mouth already.” she recognized the small dick energy a mile away
Chapter 356
it’s okay to admit you just suck and are getting your ass whooped by Hawks and the sixteen-year-olds
what are you, a Zelda boss?? so he’s got a fucking phase 2 now?? WHY ARE YOU THE MOST ANNOYING MAN
anyways, wow. after getting COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY shown up by newly minted main character Jirou Kyouka, Endeavor got his moment after all. whatever else he may be, he’s a damn good fucking hero. and if anyone deserves to get punched so hard they burst into flames, it’s AFO, so yeah
Chapter 357
what a sassy little birb. like how he now has the sexy soon-to-be scar as well! you are now officially a Todoroki
fff Endeavor please don’t die :|!!!!
please zap AFO’s other hand!!! I am getting so freaking anxious right now. he’s either gonna win it all here or else something terrible is about to happen
Chapter 358
did TomurAFO really just slap a huge chunk of the iconic U.A. school building to pieces with his disgusting infinityhands all unceremoniously just like that. is nothing sacred anymore. what are you gonna do next?? kill off the most popular character??
“so anyway here’s 1000 words on why me becoming a despot is actually a good thing” dude just shut up and get back to slapping shit already
magnificent. inspired. I can’t believe this child is going to be fucking dead like three chapters from now (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
Chapter 359
is this dude actually livestreaming the battle
bitch he’s going toe to toe with the final villain while you’re down in the basement making a Tiktok. you are not the same
his arm is literal splinters right now and all he cares about is that TomurAFO wasn’t impressed with his new cluster move :’’’’) it’s okay. it’s okay this is fine
this is literally Aizawa’s worst nightmare. greatest fear come to life. one of his students is hurt and in danger and he can’t do anything. Shirakumo all over again. Bakugou is about to die right in front of him and he’s so fucking desperate but he can’t do anything
omg. what a goated fucking chapter. Bakugou angst! Aizawa angst!! Aizawa Being Terrified Over An Imminent Threat to Bakugou’s Safety angst!! and to top it all off, “YOU’RE CLOSER TO MIDORIYA IZUKU THAN ANYONE AND THAT’S WHY I’M ABOUT TO MAKE YOU SUFFER” angst. hoooooooooooly shit
Chapter 360
so he’s literally just. torturing him. just fucking around. wow
Studio Bones is gonna have to utilize some sort of AI program to autogenerate these hand things for all their fight scenes. I feel really sorry for that AI and I just hope that it doesn’t somehow develop sentience and take revenge on us all. it would be within its rights to do so
why was this man not our vanguard. why, when we lost our trump card in the first ten seconds of the fight, did it not occur to a single person that, WELL HEY, SINCE IT LOOKS LIKE THE DEKU THING MIGHT NOT END UP WORKING OUT. WHAT IF WE JUST, YOU KNOW, MIRIO
welp. if anyone needs me. I’ll be in my room crying over fictional characters
Chapter 361
why do I feel like Mirio also got the strange, fleeting impression that he was talking to someone else other than TomurAFO for a moment there? he looks like he’s WEIRDED OUT AS ALL FUCK, but also genuinely sorry for offending him lol
I know I sound like a broken record here but Tamaki, not allowed to die, etc. etc. just so we’re clear Horikoshi. I don’t trust you to remember!!
Chapter 362
oh my GOD WHY DOES MY HEART ALREADY HURT SO MUCH aaaaugh I’m not going to survive this am I. Kacchan we’ll die together
Jeanist’s eyes are so wide and he’s using his quirk and telling Katsuki to stop. he knows. what tipped you off. was it the “take care of everyone” while standing up with sudden terrifying purpose even though he’s already half-dead. was it that. it was that wasn’t it
that’s it. it’s over. Horikoshi’s won. it’s all fucking over we never stood a fucking chance in hell
Kacchan’s face, when he’s not scrunching it up in a glare, or a frown, or grinning like a homicidal maniac, never ceases to just effortlessly slip past every last one of my defenses. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, he just looks so freaking young. like the schoolboy he in fact is. far, far too young to be caught up in a war and facing his own imminent death
seeing him like this now, in his own mental landscape, where he’s free to be himself, and seeing how much of a difference it makes in his demeanor almost immediately, just hits me real fucking hard. he was just way too hard on himself. and he never let himself ask for the autograph because he never felt like he fully earned it, and now it’s too late (or so he thinks), and just. guh
Kacchan dying with that much regret in his heart is not fucking okay and I wanna fight a man about it even though it didn’t even actually wind up happening sob
I love, and hate, that every single other hero there actually did try to stop it. they just weren’t fast enough. god
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
top 10 friendship moments number one
me n pretty boy: *literally talking abt and threatening to make out with each other*
other friend: *clone high jfk voice* whip and nae nae. shawty bae.
#both of us literally stopped the conversation and almost fell to the ground laughing#she didnt even mean for it to sound like the jfk voice apparently but it did so it was just pretty boy says smth abt putting his tongue#in my mouth n then we just hear ''SHAWty bAe''#n they werent even paying attention to our conversation it was just out of nowhere- i care them both so much#also ngl i have kissed and been kissed more times over the past week (past day even) than i have in my entire life#like i saw a meme a lil bit ago like these fictional characters are platonic dating and these fictional characters are romantic friendship#and like the three of us totally just are romantic friendship now like im stealing that terminology#we're friends but also..... gib kiss to each other n also lots of *lenny face* jokes at each other (mostly between me n pretty boy)#another important moment was just me n pretty boy kissed n were like thats kinda gay ngl and our friend just blows a grass whistle#like really loudly it was wonderful#also if like to note that all of this happened at like 1am at my childhood park by my house bc we had a sleepover and decided to walk#over and hang out there for a while#(we totally didnt commit any vandalization and add our tags to a little wood area as well as crossing out where me n my ex's initials were#carved in a heart haha no that would be illegal)#lmao and yesterday pretty boy backed me up against a wall at one point trying to get me to gay panic and i was just like lol L#ive mastered the art of internalizing the panic you arent gonna get a reaction from me haha#(i also may have challenged him to figure out how to get me to outwardly panic at some point :eyes:)#OH ALSO I ALMOST FORGOT i am currently wearing two items of rose quartz jewelry each stolen from one of them (to be returned at#school on monday) but i feel like that just feels very fitting for the situation#just me rambling again#frogs down bad#mmm also also there is nothing more important in life than starting a new deltarune save file and starting to play chapter one with friends#i controlled technically but the decisions were group decisions and we all voiced the characters n stuff#i was kris and the narration and ralsei n friemd was noelle and berdly (her berdly voice was literally so perfect???) n pretty boy was susie#and lancer n we got a little ways in it was so incredibly fun#frogs down bad more like frog n his friends are fuckin gayyy
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rendevousz · 4 years
avengers x gn!teen!reader
platonic!peter parker x reader
requested by @sunflowerbecca : "hey! a request with the whole teen avengers thing you got gotten on haha, anyways something where the reader gets hurt or faints etc etc and then the rest of the avengers are all worried and frantic as they care for them"
summary: there was a consequence of going on a mission while you were sick
warnings: mentions of throwing up and a tiny fight with bestfriend!peter, avengers babying you as usual
word count: roughly 5k words of utter bullshit me thinks but pls do give this a read LMAO
notes: i'm sorry this took longer to write i was unexpectedly busy on the weekends but here i am i hope you enjoy this <3
"stark, you sure about this?"
"of course i'm sure, capsicle. the kids have been bugging us to let them go on a mission together. i know it's because they just want to mess around without being scolded but this is the easiest mission we've ever gotten since the avengers. besides, they've been pretty good lately so i think they deserve it. don't you guys think so?"
his question was met with approving looks all over the room, except from steve. the whole team except the teens —you and peter— were having a meeting about a simple mission that was supposed to happen that night. you and peter weren't in the meeting because you two were still at school.
it had been months since you and peter started asking the team to let you guys go on missions alone without "adult supervision". it was true that you guys wanted that just so you could do missions without feeling like you were being babysat but it was also because you guys thought that you weren't kids anymore; you could handle simple missions.
"c'mon cap, don't you want to see their face light up when we tell them they can go on this mission together, without us?" clint urged. he knew steve loved the kids, especially you, and he especially loved seeing the way your eyes would light up first before you whole face did.
"okay, fine. but if anything happens to them, you guys are to blame for."
school had just finished and you were walking back to the tower with peter. you've been having a killer headache all day and you felt nauseous. you even went to the washroom to throw up twice today. of course you didn't tell peter because he was that type of overprotective best friend who would make you get home if you sneezed more than three times that day. all you wanted to do today was get home quick so you could sleep the sickness away.
yes, you knew you were sick. but you didn't want to tell anyone because like peter, the whole team was overprotective over you and they usually did too much when you were sick. so you avoided that by just acting like you were okay. that was going well so far since all you had to do when you get home was go to your room and tell them you stayed up late last night and needed to catch up on sleep.
of course that didn't go well.
"y/n!" you groaned when peter entered your room uninvited, immediately jumping onto your bed. "yes, pete?" you croaked. his joyful expression turned into a frown when he heard you. "what's wrong? are you okay?"
"yes, pete, i'm okay. just super sleep deprived." you lied, cringing when you felt your head throb once again. "oh.. did you..did you want to sleep? am i interrupting?" he asked, feeling bad. "no, no. it's fine, what did you want?"
"i just came to tell you that mr stark and the team are finally gonna let us go on a mission without them! there's one tonight and they're letting us go alone!" he announced excitedly. you couldn't help the small smile that appeared on your lips when he said that. his happiness was just so contagious.
"but if you wanna sleep then i'll just go with any one of them, i guess," he shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant face but you knew he was internally begging you to come with. after all, you guys have been asking for this for the longest time.
you look at his hopeful face —one that he thought he was concealing very well— and sighed, flashing him a small smile. "fine, it's friday anyways so there's no school tomorrow. but you're buying me food tomorrow for postponing my catchup on beauty sleep," that is, if you can stomach the food, considering how you've thrown up almost anything you had for the past two days.
the thought of this mission going awry because of you being sick was almost immediately forgotten when you saw the huge smile on peter's face. he pulled you into a tight hug before letting go to jump on your bed. "we're finally gonna go on a mission alone!"
you laugh at his excitement though you wished he could lower down his volume because it was making your head hurt.
later that evening, you were in your room, sitting on the bed after having just finished putting on your suit when a knock was heard. after telling the person to come in, you met eyes with a certain blond haired super-soldier.
"hey, y/n." he greets, sitting down beside you. "hey, steve," you responded with a weak voice. he turned to you with a frown and you knew what was coming. "i'm fine, steve. i already had this conversation with pete. i just need sleep but i can get that after this mission. i'm not gonna be fine though if you wake me up at the crack of dawn to train when you know i just had a late night mission." you sassed, causing him to chuckle.
"okay, fine. i'm just worried about you two. you sure you're gonna be fine? don't need me to come along?" he asked, concern written all over his face.
"yes, steve. pete's been wanting a mission without you old folks for the longest time and i'm not gonna disappoint him by making you come along. we'll be fine, stevie. we're not little kids, we're avengers. we can handle finding a random chip in an abandoned building," you reasoned with him.
"it's not a rando— you know what? just be back home safe, okay kiddo?" he ruffled your hair, earning him a playful glare from you.
the swing trip to the mission location had you even more nauseous than you were earlier today and earlier today was worse than yesterday when the symptoms of your fever all started. you almost let go of peter because your body felt weak and now you were getting an earful from the boy.
"y/n, what were you thinking?! you could've gotten hurt!" he scolded you. you only looked down in guilt, biting the inside of your cheeks. "can we not do this now? let's talk about this back at the tower tomorrow," you waved him off, already beginning to feel the pounding headache getting worse. you started to walk ahead but then he gripped your upper arm, effectively halting you in your steps.
"y/n, if i hadn't grabbed onto you tighter the last minute, you could've plummeted 100 feet down to your death! did you know how scared i was?" his voice cracked and you immediately felt bad.
"you know you need to hold on too when i'm swinging us both! why'd you do that?" he yelled at you and you had to press onto your temple because of the headache that was steadily getting worse.
"look, pete, i'm really sorry about that, okay? that was unintentional but if you're gonna berate me over that, can you do that back at the tower?" you sighed, trying to shrug his grip off your arm but he kept it.
"you don't know the true weight of your actions, do you? you could've died, y/n! how do you think i would feel? being the reason my best friend died? having to go on with life without you? i can't lose you, y/n!" at this point, you could tell he was crying under his mask.
you felt bad. you knew you shouldn't have agreed to go on this mission knowing that you had been sick for the past two days. but you couldn't have let the opportunity pass. you couldn't bear to see peter disappointed after waiting for this moment for the longest time ever. but standing here, looking down as peter yelled at you while crying, you were starting to think that it was better to just see his disappointment. anything was better than seeing your best friend cry.
"pete, i truly am sorry. i love you and i would never leave you. but can we please get this mission over and done with so we can get back to the tower as soon as possible? we'll talk about this later," you told him and you immediately felt him let go of your arm.
"okay, fine! since you wanna get the mission done so bad, let's do it! i'll take the east side of the building and you'll take west. we'll split up so can find the goddamn chip quicker. that's what you want right?" and before you could say anything, the boy was already out of your sight.
you tried to keep your tears at bay but when that was the first huge argument you had with your best friend, it was kind of an impossible task.
so with your weak muscles and a breakdown that caused your headache to get even worse, you slowly trudged the west side of the building, looking for that stupid chip that the team wanted you to find.
you were beginning to think that the only reason the team sent you both here was because to find a tiny little chip in a huge abandoned building was like finding a needle in a haystack; definitely not something adults like them could bear to do.
but it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter since you guys could do it peacefully without being pestered every two minutes about your whereabouts during missions. it obviously wouldn't have mattered to you and peter because if that argument hadn't broken out, you two would be enjoying each others company as you looked for the chip together. you could've been singing and joking around like you two wanted to. but of course that couldn't happen because of you.
you stopped in your tracks when a particularly harsh wave of migraine hit you, causing you to lean against the wall. your vision blurred as you tried hard to clear it but it wouldn't. your throat was dry and it made you think; when was the last time you drank water? you barely had energy in you from skipping meals due to your inability to stomach them.
now you were actually regretting coming on this mission. the last thing you saw was the dirty walls decorated with spray painted graffiti.
"oh my god, is this it? KAREN, is this it?" peter asked his built in AI. "yes, peter, this chip matches the picture that mr stark sent you."
"yes!" he cheered, grabbing the chip and storing it safely. "this mission probably would've been a lot more fun if y/n and i weren't fighting. we would've had so much fun. these walls had countless of stuff we could've laughed and joked about." the boy sighed before pressing a finger to his comms.
"hey i uh, i found the chip. where are you? we can go now." he said, waiting for you to respond. but you didn't. "c'mon, y/n, it's been two hours. you can't still be giving me the silent treatment, are you?"
"look, i'm sorry for lashing out on you but like you said, let's settle this at the tower. tell me where you are. i'll come get you and we can swing back as soon as possible."
"goddamnit, y/n! answer me!" he huffed out in annoyance. and when he was met with silence once again, he decided to have KAREN do a scan.
"y/n is at the exact same spot you landed on two hours ago." KAREN showed him the scan of the building and highlighted where you guys landed on two hours ago. he felt his heart race when you seemed to be lying on the ground, motionless.
"what's wrong with them, KAREN? why is y/n lying on the floor?" he asked in concern as he sped up to where you were. "y/n seems to have lost consciousness. according to FRIDAY, they have been showing symptoms of a high fever since yesterday."
peter cursed as he ran towards you when he saw you from afar. how could he have not noticed that you were sick? and it wasn't a simple cold but a high fever. now he was the one who felt bad. he should've suspected it from how different you had been acting since yesterday. that must've also been the reason you couldn't hold on to him properly.
he immediately crouched down to you when he reached you, examining your body for any external injuries. he cringed when he saw dried blood on the side of your forehead. you must've scraped it upon impact on the rough concrete.
"how long have they been out?" he asked KAREN as he picked you up. he proceeded to web you onto his body as extra precaution in case he accidentally let go while he swung. "approximately 2 hours, peter. right after you stormed away angrily."
"okay, KAREN, there's no need to make me feel bad. can you call mr stark?" peter asks the AI as he frantically swings you both back to the tower.
"kid? what's up? did you find the chip?" peter could hear the background rock music being lowered down and from the metal on metal clanking, he could tell tony was in his lab.
"i did but can you, uh, please get medic ready?" he was breathless as he kept swinging from building to building all while holding onto your unconscious body. immediately the metal tinkering sounds as well as the music completely stopped.
"what happened, kid? are you alright?"
"i'm okay, mr stark. it's y/n. they fainted." he told the man. "fainted?" the man exclaimed. "what happened? how long were they out?" he urged the boy and peter could hear that he was walking quickly and he assumed it was to get the medic team ready and to inform them of the situation.
"2 hours," he admitted quietly as he landed on the tower's hangar. "i'm here. i'm bringing them down now." he ran down towards the hospital wing with you in his arms.
once he reached down, he was met with the team waiting, worry etched onto their faces. wanda was the first to notice him and peter saw that her eyes were teary. before he could say anything though, the medic team appeared and proceeded to cut off his webs wrapping you to him. they immediately put you onto the stretcher and they wheeled you into the room, peter's gaze lingering on your unconscious self once he took off his mask.
"what happened out there, kid?" sam asked softly when peter slid down against the wall, staring expressionlessly at the wall across of him. "peter."
"we had a fight, okay!" he let out, taking the team by surprise because he was always such a calm and patient boy. they had never seen him this angry or upset since they first met him.
"we were swinging and their grip on me loosened so i got mad at them. but they kept pushing the matter aside like it wasn't a big deal, like it wasn't a life or death situation so i lashed out and decided that we should split up to look for the stupid chip since they wanted to get back to the tower so bad." he explained, eyes red as he had been crying a lot that night.
"i tried apologising like ten minutes after but y/n didn't respond so i assumed they were giving me the silent treatment but i found them unconscious two hours later. i'm so sorry," he apologised, breaking down as he put his face in between his knees to avoid looking at the team. they were probably mad at him for letting this happen to you.
"kid, why are you apologising? it's not your fault,"
he slowly lifted his head up, to meet the kind smiles of the team. "because the only reason y/n probably went on this mission was because they knew how much i wanted this. they put their own well-being aside just to make me happy and all i did was lash out at them."
"how were you supposed to know y/n had a high fever? we all didn't know either. it's not like we spend every waking hour with th—" clint was immediately cut off when nat nudged him with her elbow. peter had an unamused expression on his face. everyone knew you and peter were practically attached at the hip, always having training, and not to mention, school together. you two even spent your free time together.
"what clint means," nat glared at the archer. "is that it doesn't matter how much time or how little time we spend with y/n. that kid is stubborn as a bull. they could literally have been shot and we wouldn't know until we actually see the wound. my point is, y/n's the type that doesn't want to worry us. and you're their best friend, they knew how much you wanted this mission so that's probably why they didn't tell you. you can't blame yourself for this, peter."
"i know but they did this for me and i got mad at them. they're a much better friend to me than i am to them." peter dropped his head back down between his knees.
before any of them could respond, doctor cho approached them. "as you all know, they have a high fever. i suggest you all come visit tomorrow because they most probably won't wake until then."
"okay, will do. thank you, doc." the doctor smiled before excusing herself. peter then got up to go back to his room to wash up after handing tony the chip.
tony could only sigh when he looked at the boy's back that was growing smaller as he walked farther away.
the next day, you woke up with a terrible headache but you had gotten used to it from the past two mornings.
"good, you're awake. how do you feel?"
you squinted to get used to the bright lighting and your gaze settled on the female doctor by your bed with a clipboard. "like shit." you croaked out. she chuckled. "that's expected. your fever has calmed down now, do you feel anything else?"
"this headache makes me want to rip my head out and i feel weak." she nodded, jotting down on her clipboard. "okay. that's all i needed to know. you should come to us if you're ever unwell, y/n." you gave her a guilty smile before nodding.
"there's a glass of water on the table if you want. the team wants to see you so i'll send them in?" you nodded and she left to bring them in. you looked at the bedside table, seeing the glass of water she mentioned and only now you realised how dry your throat had been. how you managed to verbally respond to doctor cho, you didn't know.
you slowly reached out for it, struggling because your whole body felt weak. "y/n! stay in bed, i'll get it for you." you heard a stern voice scold and you immediately fell limp on the bed.
before you knew it, steve was already by your side with the glass of water. he held your face in one hand while the other held the glass near your mouth. you smiled gratefully and took your time drinking the water, having been dehydrated before you passed out.
"you're still burning up," he noted, settling down on the chair beside you. the rest sat down too and you couldn't be bothered to ask how the heck were there so many chairs in the room. "how are you feeling, y/n/n?" bruce asked, sitting down across steve.
"like shit." you repeated your answer to doctor cho. before steve could open his mouth to tell you to watch your language, you turned to him with a bored look and a raised eyebrow, causing him to close his mouth immediately. boy, were you scary when you weren't about to take anyone's shit.
"why didn't you tell us you were sick, bubs?" wanda pouted, fixing your hair that you were sure looked like a bird's nest at the moment.
"i didn't want to worry you guys. you're adults who have much more important things to worry about. a kid throwing up and experiencing headaches shouldn't be your priority." you admitted, subconsciously playing with nat's fingers. she had gotten used to you doing that when you were nervous or overwhelmed so she let you.
"what are you talking about, y/n?" she held onto your hand, stoping your movements. "anything related to your safety and well-being is a priority to us. you had us worried sick last night, bub." she looked down at you with soft eyes, releasing her grip on your hands so you could continue playing with her fingers.
"yes, you worried us lots, y/n. wanda would not stop crying last night when she heard what happened." vision said, prompting a smack from said woman and a hushed 'vis!'.
"i'm sorry, guys. i initially was just going to stay in my room until i got better but when peter told me about the mission, i couldn't bear to say no to him. he was so happy about it and i didn't want to disappoint him. and i thought i could take it because it literally was the simplest mission ever. but the breakdown i had after our argument was physically draining and i guess i couldn't take it. i'm sorry. god, i only didn't want to disappoint peter but now i've disappointed you guys too." you bit the inside of your cheek to control your emotions, not wanting to seem even weaker in front of these adult superheroes.
"you didn't disappoint us, y/n/n," bucky started. "you've done so well, you've made us proud and you keep making us proud. we just wish you would tell us when you're sick or you just need someone. you don't have to keep everything to yourself. what are we here for? we love you and we're willing to do anything for you. you're our baby." he ruffled your hair and you give him a tired smile. "i'll keep that in mind."
"do you want anything to eat?" sam asked and you paused, trying to figure out whether you would be able to stomach some food or not. "you know what? i'm gonna go and make you some porridge right now. don't move." he told you, as if you could move with these overprotective heroes surrounding your bed.
almost immediately after, wanda got up too. "i'm going to make sure he doesn't burn the kitchen down." she said, leaving the room after a small peck to the side of your head. vision then left too after wishing you a speedy recovery. only bucky, steve, natasha and bruce were left.
"y/n, you know you can come to us if you're sick, right? i know you and you probably think you're troubling doctor cho if you go to her despite it being her job. but we're family, you can come to us anytime. you always help me when with 'the other guy' and you help everyone with basically anything they could possibly need so why wouldn't we do the same for you? you out of everyone in this tower deserves the most." your eyes watered at his speech. you pouted and looked at him with your doe eyes, making the rest of the team internally coo at how adorable you looked.
"bruce," you lower lip jutted out even more as you opened your arms for a hug which he happily accepted. "hey where's clint, tony and pete?" you asked them once you let go of bruce.
"clint went out to get your favourite smoothie from that place you always talk about even though i told him already that you probably don't want it since you're sick." natasha explained. "aw, i think i'm gonna drink it solely because clint made an effort to get it for me."
"you're too nice, bub. but expect it in an hour or so because i know for sure that idiot somehow got himself lost trying to find that shop." you chuckled at this, leaning back against your propped up pillow. "what about tony and pete?"
"peter feels really bad about this whole situation so tony is trying to cheer him up. wait," steve stopped mid-explanation, turning to the rest. "stark told us to get him when y/n's up..." he trailed off and bucky's eyes widened. "he's gonna kill us for him not being the first person y/n sees when they wake up."
"FRIDAY, inform stark that y/n is awake."
"oh yeah he has an AI why couldn't he just tell the AI to inform him instead of us forgetful humans?" bucky questioned rhetorically and before they knew it, they heard frantic screaming and thudding of footsteps before the door was open.
"my baby! you're awake!" was the first thing you heard when the door slammed open. tony rushed in, pushing bruce away as he immediately pulled you into a hug. "you're still burning up, cupcake. have you had anything to eat yet? drank any water yet? here have some water," he grabbed the glass of water steve helped you drink earlier and did exactly what steve did. you had no choice but to drink.
"sam's making them porridge," nat told tony and he turned to her with an incredulous look. "wanda's helping." she added and he sighed out in relief before turning back to you.
"cupcake, you had us all worried last night. please don't ever do that again, okay?" he said, gently caressing your cheek. you gave him an awkward smile. "where's peter?"
"he's taking a swing. he says it helps clear his mind," tony said. "how are you doing here? nice room? comfy bed?" he pointed to the bed you were on.
"i'd much rather be in my own room, on my own bed." and without a warning, steve already had you in his arms while tony went to go tell doctor cho that you were being moved. the blond super-soldier started walking while natasha walked closely behind, dragging your IV drip along so it doesn't get ripped out of your arm.
when you reached your room, you were gently put down on your bed and steve fixed your blanket so it was covering you. "comfy?" he asked and you nodded with a big smile.
"i have to finish some stuff up down the lab," bruce said and you nodded at him with a pout. "i'll come back sometime later, though. you better be resting up all day." he warned jokingly. he ruffled your hair, planting a kiss on your forehead before leaving your room.
"can you tell pete that i want to see him when he comes back?" you told tony and he immediately sent out a text to your best friend.
after about an hour of just steve, nat and tony entertaining you, sam came back with wanda with the porridge and tony insisted that he feed you or you he wasn't going to let you see peter.
"alright, bub, i think you should really get some rest now. you can barely keep your eyes open," nat says, already getting up with your empty bowl of porridge. "we'll tell spiderboy you're asleep."
"okay," you mumbled, eyes already fluttering shut. you felt every single one of them give you a forehead kiss and then you were out like light.
when you woke up later that day, you felt much better than you did the last time you woke up. you decided that you now had enough energy to take a quick shower so you did. once you were done, you dried your hair while humming to a random song before the door opening interrupted you.
your eyes met with peter's guilty ones. "h–hey, you're awake," he stated and you nodded with a small smile, sitting on your bed and peter doing the same.
"look, y/n/n, i'm really sorry about what happened. i shouldn't have lashed out on you witho—"
"pete," you cut him off. "don't apologise. i'd be mad too if you did something as stupid as that." you reasoned. "yeah but it's not like you did it on purpose! you had a valid reason and i got mad at you for it." he spoke in frustration.
"dude, stop. i'm the one who's supposed to be sorry. i should've just told you i was sick. but i didn't want to upset you because you've been waiting for this for the longest time. but i ruined it for you. i'm sorry, pete." you rested your head on his shoulder and he rested his on top of yours.
"i wanna say that i'm the one at fault but then this conversation won't end until like next week so let's just say we're both at fault, yeah? you need to start telling people what's happening with you and i need to be better at reading you." he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into a hug. you hugged him back. "okay."
the door then opened, revealing bucky with his stupid shit-eating grin and you knew what was coming. you let go of peter and immediately you were lifted off the bed and over bucky's shoulders as he excitedly chanted about team movie night.
the night was spent watching a movie with the team you considered your family and them pampering you even more than they usually did (which, frankly, was still too much) since you were sick.
and right when the movie ended and everyone was preparing to head in, the door to the common room slammed open and a disheveled clint entered, holding a single cup of smoothie.
"got your smoothie, y/n/n!"
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Hey I know you probably have like a billion requests already but maybe you could do something where the reader is good friends with corpse (maybe with some unspoken feelings) and they ask him to visit their country side home lmao-
I'm really embarrassed about asking this and I know it sounds strange but being out in the country side can be really good for mental health and I just want this boi to heal--
I'm so sorry hahah
That’s not strange at all, darling!! I love this ask! I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this, my mental health hasn’t been very good lately. I suppose I found this ask rather appropriate and I guess that’s why I liked writing it so much. Hope you enjoy!
Sunrise, Sunset - Oneshot
Pairings: Corpse Husband / Reader.
“Yo,” is the first thing you hear as you open your Discord. It’s not his regular greeting, and he sounds more tired than usual.
“What’s up?” you asked curiously. “Everything okay? Haven’t talked to you in a while.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got really busy.”
“I can tell from your voice,” you chuckled. It had more of a rasp to it- if that was even possible.
“Yea, I can’t do too much for too long. I love that I’m able to work on music now, but it exhausts my voice so much that I can’t even stream sometimes.”
“Maybe you should take a break,” you comment.
“Probably. It’s almost done, so then I can stream more,” he replies.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I’m talking about an actual break, from everything.”
You hear him exhale deeply as if he’d already been considering it himself. “That does sound very nice.”
“I know, I always have the best ideas.”
“You do, except you forgot about the fact that I can’t really go anywhere. I mean, I’d love to take a break, but if I just sit here at home, I’m gonna either end up doing nothing or start working anyways. I don’t see me relaxing that way.”
“I didn’t forget about anything; I just hadn’t gotten to that part yet.”
You’d be lying if you said that noise didn’t make you blush. “Remember how I said I live in the countryside? You know, it’s quite cosy here, and I have a guest bedroom to spare. If you want, but only if you’re comfortable with it, you could come over.”
It was quiet for a moment and your poor nerves were wondering if you’d said something completely wrong. You knew how he was about his privacy, but you’d figured that having known each other for a more than a few months now, you’d be at a point where you’d become actual friends, especially considering you always talked over Discord. At least, when he wasn’t busy.
“I... You wouldn’t mind?” he asked softly.
“Of course not!” You immediately replied, trying your best to make him feel as welcome as possible. “It’ll be so much fun! I was just worried you wouldn’t feel comfortable with it, otherwise, I would’ve invited you over a lot sooner.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Yes! I’m always looking for people to take care of my chickens.”
“You have chickens?” he sputtered.
“Sure do. And that was a joke, by the way.”
He didn’t really give you much time to prepare. He’d instantly asked if he could come over in two days, which meant you had to clean, do the groceries, and have another mental breakdown within that short time.
When he did arrive at your relatively small but homely cottage, you knew that even if you’d had more time, you still wouldn’t have felt like you’d prepared enough. You were incredibly nervous, especially as the cab slowed to a nerve-wracking speed until it finally stopped in front of your little wooden fence that really couldn’t keep anyone out of your garden because it was so ramshackle.
You nod your head to the driver politely, who got out of the car to unload a bag from the trunk. Then, the door opened, ringed fingers sliding across the yellow polish on the metal framing. He pulled himself up and out, finally allowing you to take a good look at his face.
His hair was dark and curly, as to be expected from what you’d seen in the pictures, though you could barely see it underneath the hood he’d pulled up. His dark brown eyes immediately found yours, and a shy smile graced his lips, which you bashfully returned with a small wave. It made you want to hit yourself multiple times. He paid the cabby and thanked him, allowing you to take a good look at his attire, at his frame, at his whole being. He was wearing a black hoodie with some chains around it, along with dark baggy trousers and, go figure, black sneakers. He was slightly slouching, probably so the driver wouldn’t be able to make out his face in its entirety, but overall he looked lean, even while his face was more pale and tired, with dark circles surrounding his eyes.
He locked the creaky wooden fence behind him, quickly closing the distance between you two with only a few strides. He dropped his backpack on the floor, saying, “hi.” “Hey,” you replied with that stupid smile still on your face and now quite possibly a hint of red dusting your cheeks. He just chuckled at the slight awkwardness of the situation, before wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug. He smelled like nice cologne, and he gave really good hugs. It said a lot that you could tell that from just the one. “Thanks for letting me come over,” he muttered, finally allowing himself to sound as exhausted as he looked.
“I told you, it’s nothing.”
When you met his eyes again as he pulled back, you knew he was quietly telling you that it meant more to him than that. Feeling shy under his dark gaze, you shook your head, saying, “Come on, let me show you around.”
It wasn’t that big of a tour, but it was home and it was comfortable, so you never felt embarrassed about it. You made enough money, to be fair, from your career through YouTube, but you’d never really had the heart to leave the house. At least you had a guest bedroom, and the garden was something to dream of. To trade that in for a bit more storage space would be such a pity.
“-and this is going to be your room, for however long you wish to stay,” you finish with a flourish of your hand. He set his suitcase down on the freshly made bed and nodded, glancing around for a bit before his eyes landed back on you. “Did I tell you how much I appreciate you doing this for me?”
You huff, “Once or twice now.”
“I’ll be off your back in a few days, don’t worry. I think I just needed to get out of my stuffy apartment for a bit.”
“Stay as long as you’d like,” you told him assuredly, “I know how stressful it can be and I haven’t even been through what you have. I can’t imagine what it must be like.”
He shrugs, “I have my ups and downs. It’s mostly my health issues and anxiety holding me back.”
“Well, I hope you can relax a bit here, then. People seem to feel more at ease without a bustling city around them,” you said.
He glanced out the window and nodded. “Yeah, I immediately noticed it as I got out of the car. It’s so... quiet here. And the air, of course. It’s so much nicer.”
“I usually take walks in the early mornings. You should come along sometime if you’d like. The sunrise is always really pretty when you get up on the hill.”
The corners of his lips quirked up. “I’d like that.”
“Great,” you replied, clapping your hands together, “I’ll let you get settled and start dinner. The uh- the bathroom is shared, I left a stack of towels on the rack so you can use those.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
You nodded shyly, silently closing the door behind you as you stepped into the hall. You let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the wall, pressing the backs of your hands against your cheek in a vain attempt to cool down the heat and tone down the redness. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d reacted this way but the times you’d spend talking about everything and nothing with Corpse through Discord calls that lasted until the early mornings. You knew you shouldn’t be feeling this way. You didn’t want to risk the friendship you had with him, but the tingling that had sprouted in your gut the moment he’d gotten out of that car told you that this was going to be hard.
 You knocked on his door quietly, afraid you were accidentally going to wake him when he didn’t want to be awoken. You didn’t know what kind of morning person he’d be, but he told you yesterday that he wanted to join you for your walk today. And while you were going to leave half an hour later than usual because it took you that long to work up the courage to knock on his door, meaning you were going to have to hurry a bit to catch the sun rising, you were still scared he was going to react grouchily. But when he opened the door, already dressed and ready to go, you realized you’d foolishly forgotten that this wasn’t just anyone, but that this was one of your friends; someone you already knew, even if it hadn’t been physically. Of course, he’d open the door with a smile, even though he looked more tired than the day before, which worried you.
“How did you sleep?” You made it evident in your tone that you were rather scared to ask the question, but it made him chuckle.
“I think you already know the answer to that. I don’t sleep well in general, so don’t worry. It has nothing to do with the bed or your hospitality.”
“Well, if there’s anything I can do for you, I don’t mind being woken up.”
He shook his head as he followed you downstairs and out the front door. “To be fair, I slept more than I usually would, but your rooster woke me up.”
You laughed, “Yea, I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything about that.” You held the wooden fence gate open for him, following him to the grass field until you were walking next to him. You silently picked up your pace a bit, worrying that you might miss the sunrise when you had promised it to him.
“I know, I know,” he replied amusedly, “Can we go see them later? The chickens?”
“Sure,” you smiled, “I also have a few ducks. You’ll love them, they’ll try to rip the shoelaces from your feet.”
“Sounds great.”
The walk to the hill wasn’t too far, but the hill was quite steep, which was always an exercise for people who walked with you for the first time, so you’d figured he’d start trailing behind you after some time. Thing is, he started trailing behind relatively earlier than you had expected him to.
Glancing back over your shoulder, you called out, “you good? We’re almost there.”
He nodded, though you could see him slightly panting, and you turned around to jog up the last bit until you reached the top. You could see a sliver of light start to peek over the horizon, making you glance back to see how far away he was.
But instead of having moved forward, he was now sort of slouched over, holding his stomach as he panted loudly. “Shit,” you cursed yourself as you sprinted back down until you skidded to a stop in front of him. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I should have slowed down-“
“It’s fine,” he waved you off, slowly catching his breath. “I can do it, I just take a bit longer.”
“I’ll carry you if I have to. I got us into this mess.”
He chuckled, but it sounded a bit hoarse.
“Come on,” you said. He furrowed his brow in confusion but followed you anyway. Walking along the side of the hill was tricky, but you made it around without any issues. He was able to keep up this time and gratefully plopped down on the grass beside you, just in time to watch the sun fully appear from behind the horizon.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
“Yea, it never really gets old.” You laid down, feeling twigs of grass tickle the bareback of your neck.
He joined you, scooting a bit closer until your arms were brushing against each other. You couldn’t tell if he’d done it on purpose, so you acted like it hadn’t affected you, keeping your eyes fixed on the sky above you. At least, you tried. They flickered when you felt fingertips graze across your lower arm until they reached your palm, where his nails slowly dragged along your skin until his warm digits intertwined with yours. His rings felt cool against the heat and tingling you were suddenly feeling in your hand. He didn’t let go of you, not as you laid there for what seemed like hours, nor during the entire walk back.
‘Is this what friends do?’ you were silently asking yourself, watching the ducks try to free his shoes from its laces, ‘is this what friends do when they need support? Is this his way of coping, or is it-‘ You quickly shook the thought away. Of course, he wouldn’t think of you that way. He probably did stuff like this with all his friends. You knew how playful he could get, his guy friends included.
Yeah, it was just that. It had to be.
You were both laid back on the couch that night, stuffed to the brink with the famous lasagne you’d put together. The TV was on, but it sounded more like static noise in the background. “I think I can just fall asleep right here,” you hummed. The glass of red wine you’d shared – because neither of you could handle liquor – had created a pleasant buzz between the two of you.
“That seems a lot less comfortable than your bed.”
“You don’t know a thing about my bed,” you huffed indignantly.
It was quiet for a moment then, a sliver of tension seeping through the warmth of your home. “I think it’s probably about as comfortable as mine, otherwise you’re treating your guests too much,” he replied.
“I don’t know,” you admitted, “I’ve actually never slept in the guest bedroom. I might just be treating my guests too much and I’d never even know about it.”
He suddenly sat up and turned the TV off. “Come on,” he said and was already up the stairs by the time you’d made an attempt to move.
When finally reached the upstairs and were about to round the corner, you were suddenly picked up and slung over his shoulder, causing you to let out a loud shriek. “Corpse!” you laughed, “Please put me down!”
“You were taking too long,” he grumbled, dropping you down on the bed unceremoniously. He shuffled over until he was laying down next to you and lifted the covers up until it reached your neck.
“So?” he asked.
You had your eyes closed. “I might be treating my guests too much.”
He snorted. “Fucking knew it,” which made you laugh.
You laid there for quite a while, not really caring if either of you fell asleep with your regular clothes still on. “Hey Corpse?”
He hummed.
“I’m really glad you came. It gets lonely over here sometimes.”
He shifted, but because it was so dark you couldn’t really see what he was doing. Suddenly though, you felt him hovering over you, his elbows resting on either side of your face as his hand reached across to move a strand of hair to the side. He leaned down and hesitantly, his lips barely touched yours, a silent question if this was okay. You moved back against him, your hand finding his cheek in the darkness. His kisses were gentle, but passionate, which made your breaths heavier and deeper. When you pulled apart, you were both breathing heavily, mostly from the tension that had arisen.
“I really like you,” you admitted.
“Good,” he replied, wrapping his arms around you until you were tucked against his chest. You hit his arm playfully, “Cocky bastard.”
You hear the smirk in his voice as he said goodnight.
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@annshit @simonsbluee @majolittlemixgurl18 @redosmo @mythicalreader @gracehaileym @ollwinchester @thehatredofshiprrick @curlyhairedbrock @thatbandchick39 @reddeserths @mitseuul @potenzel @tanchosanke @tooturntashbash @stephn-prkr @missingpuzzlepiece @sweetasphyxiation @goldiefox1 @imrisaluk @chimchimsugakookies @helena-way07 @danny-devitowo @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @cherry-piee @artist-bby @brattyaphrodite @eccedxntesiaast @faithneko @thebootythrasher @bethpiercwhy @theeerealpunkin @heartbroken-writer @chisaikuki @realnicoleworld @derpygiraffe43110 @rintomoj @phantomamethyst @helloitsmeamie203 @falcon-arrows @ellomellows @loraleiix @ladolcedea @lunaruss @princess00wifi @pennnyroyalty @cultofandom @easygoingtheatre @thatonefangirlbornonfriday @myherotrashbin @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @martinimom @gummybear123 @sparklingblacktea @lovelynervouskingdom @kingsuals @weeblyheaux @flightsandfantasy @chanelle-jackson @actual-spawn-of-satan @consumegods @mirandabarry @narwhalsaremagicalbroski @armycandy10 @chillininahottub-withaghost @mitchiesdungeon @yeolliedokai @alyofmusic @qatiee @dzzizzi @johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt @leilanixx @thefuckthesaurus @hughugh20 @thanossexual @moneybagmgk @squintyangel @motheroffae @arossebyanyothername @vacaprincess @jinxedanxrchist @peterparkerspjsuit @chrysanthykios @wildflowerwhore @justalilsimpsometimes @bunniwritesx @sunnsettee @alilshit @laugh-like-the-moon @sadness-babee @corpsie-bby @corpsesgirl @dead-boys-stuff @roses-and-grasses @byunniebaekhyunnie @lazy-little-me @phantomamethyst @letsloveimagines @polahorvat @possiblyanxioushuman @a-dot-dev @aniyahsucks @error-loading-sorry @bi-andready-tocry @agustdpeach @xibrokensunriseix @genjicats @devilishducky97 @alyss01 @anacrcarvalho @siriuslystupid @bakugonua @n0t-a-simp @notmewrongb1tch @c00ln3rdz @rolls-and-rolex  @namjoons-crabssss @laurenfangirlsout @lickmyleeches @and-claudia @netflix-imagines @bigdickdaddysatan @iambashfulperson @helloitsmeamie203 @peachdoppi @easygoingtheatre @danielle143 @kyky9103 @tayloryorkscurls @v-kouya @jeezkiddo @smokeynaomi @lukoivichi @boiled-onionrings @nerdinthecorner @corpse-husbandsimp @ramdomtails @elebeleb @captainbuckyy @smile-its-psychotic 
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ~
Part III
© sailorhyunjinz 2021; Rights Reserved
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All picture rights to their respective owners.
ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥: Photographer!Hyunjin x fem!model!reader, manager!Bangchan, stylist!Jisung, agedup!straykids, SMUT, fluff, character driven story, stranger to lovers, summer!au, soft!dom hyunjin x fem!reader, PIV, penetrative sex, protected sex (wow first time writing that, good on ya cher) sexual photos/pictures taken during sex, semi-public sex, orgasm (m/f), cum, fingering, blowjob, light choking, praise kink, handkink??
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 5.4 k
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖: am so creative with the office numbers? right? tell me im creative LMAO
oh god this was a fucking pain in the ass to read through i cringed at every sentence so hopefully my pain will be your pleasure
Taking pictures of you - MASTERLIST
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Unlike any other day you couldn’t get out of bed. A boulder of nervousness plaguing you. Through the cracks of the blinds the sun shined in, small particles of dust floating around your resting figure. You were wide awake yet you felt asleep, your thoughts consuming your mind as the dimly lit room became brighter as time ticked on.
You were thinking, perhaps overthinking. This whole situation with Hyunjin seemed confusing and happened way to fast, your psyche not having a moment to digest the events that unfolded during the last couple of days.
Love was a feeling you were familiar with. You knew how it felt. Those butterflies in ones stomach, fluttering everytime a thought of the person passes through your ones.
You felt the same feeling everytime you thought of Hyunjin.
How his soft lips would feel against your cheek that was hot from just looking at his beauty. How his blond hair falls in his face everytime he puts it into a ponytail, his silver decorated fingers tucking the stray pieces behind his pierced ear. These thoughts alone would make your heart beat faster than ever, you eyes clouding with lust even if you knew that this relationship would be impossible given the status the both of you have in this judging industry.
Pushing the covers aside, you sat up before slowly stepping out, your feet hitting the cold flooring of the apartment. You stretched your arms upwards, feeling your spine extend as you squinted, a ray of sunshine hitting you right in the eyes.
The boulder in your chest didn’t feel any lighter but you still got up, wanting time to fly by fast just so you could see his face once again.
No amount of mindfulness exercises could calm the churning of your stomach. The clock in your living room ticked as you watched it with careful eyes, waiting for the time to hit precisely half past before you got up from the couch and shuffled over to the wardrobe, only being stopped from a pling on your phone.
[Bangchan] y/n! can you come by in about an hour? need to discuss some concept photos, sorry for such short notice ❤️
That’s when it hit you. Bangchan didn’t know anything about this. He didn’t know that you’d seen the photos from the shoot and most importantly that you went on a date with the photographer. You could only describe the feeling as ‘improper’. Bangchan was after all one of the closest people in your life, he made you to who you are today and lying to him felt wrong but you shielded your eyes from the truth as you typed back.
[y/n] soz, got plans
[Bangchan] I don’t see any other meeting scheduled for today?
[y/n] you do know that I have a life outside of work? take the day off Chan, you could use some rest ❤️
[Bangchan] Don’t worry about me! You have fun alright?
[y/n] alright, see you next week then ^^
You clicked on the off button on your phone, making the text messages disappear. Getting paranoid, you plopped down on the couch, thinking about every possible way you could get caught which you’d already been, photos of you and Hyunjin circulating throughout social media but they mustn’t have reached Bangchan just yet. You felt like digging a hole underground, wanting to hide away from all these thoughts. The main thought in your mind was whether or not you understood Hyunjin’s intentions. 
What if this love was one sided? 
Waveing your hand in the air, you attempted to get the mind out of your head as if you were breaking up a cloud of real thoughts. You glanced up at the clock and only then realised that you were running late, as usual.
“Wear whatever you want”
Was what Hyunjin said last time but that didn’t make it easier to choose an outfit. Standing infront of multiple racks of clothing you pulled up the weather application on your phone. “Sunny” you mumbled, making you gravitate towards a beige croptop with white stripes around the neckline as well as a white tennis skirt. Not too dressed up but not too dressed down either, just right. Clothes were flying everywhere when you searched for a pair of white socks to pair with your white high platform sneakers. You put the outfit on, observing yourself in the mirror and smiling, trying to get yourself in a better mood rather than being a nervous wreck. Pulling up your phone, you snapped a picture and sent it to the person who knew best about fashion. Jisung.
[y/n] Sungie! Is this acceptable for a impromptu photoshoot?
The fashionable boy replied minutes later.
[Jisung] oh!! that’s so cute! very much acceptable in my book 🥺
You smiled at his reply
[y/n] phew! good... 
[Jisung] is it a date?
Your fingers froze above the keyboard on the phone. Was it that noticeable? Was this really a date? 
[y/n] no!!!
[Jisung] you sure, i saw those photos on social media. ahh.. y/n dating famous photographers now...
By this point you were sweating bullets. 
[y/n] first of all, i’m not meeting him and second of all, he’s a friend so shut it. 
[Jisung] hahah alright alright... i won’t tell Bangchan
[y/n] you have nothing to tell!! we’re friends just like you and I so be quiet otherwise i’ll come over there with balloons, popping them in your face.
[Jisung] oh wow... im so scared...
[y/n] need to leave, if i hear something about you spreading some rumors i’ll seriously do it.
[Jisung] Photo Attachment.
The photo that popped up was from yesterday and your breath hitched. You couldn’t help but to notice the way Hyunjin was looking at you, his eyes filled what seemed like adoration. 
[Jisung] yeah because that totally doesn’t look like a date
[Jisung] oh so it is a date? alright, i won’t! have fun and be safe
[y/n] be safe? we’re taking pictures, not drag racing
[Jisung] hahah stop playing innocent
Your eyes widened in realisation.
[y/n] you crazy fucker
[Jisung] Whatever you say
Thanks to Jisung you were now running dangerously late leading to you snatching objects from all corners of the apartment before ordering a cab that would arrive in minutes.
“We’ve arrived, miss” the cab driver says, smiling at you through the rear-view mirror. You thank him and step out of the yellow car, a smell of car exhaust hitting your nose. The cab drives away, leaving nothing but a small cloud of smoke. You looked up, almost not seeing the tip of the building as the skyscraper towered over you. You’re beside the busy road, mouth agape. You’d walked by a couple of times but knowing that you knew the person that owned at least a bit of the building made you giddy. 
You walked in and was greeted by a grand lobby, a front desk as big as the wall behind it. The entire place was filled with people, everyone from business men in suits to trainee models in the most flamboyant outfits. Fishnet stockings, heavy chains and distressed jeans that consisted of more air then jeans material. The sun shined through the many glass panes that made up most of the ceiling and the slight breeze of the air conditioner made this whole vibe of the building comforting. 
“Hi! y/n y/l/n, meeting Hwang Hyunjin” you say to the receptionist that was a relatively old woman, probably in her early 60′s. She was wearing a white button down shirt with her hair in a high bun, a couple of gray strands sticking out. Her red painted mouth contorted into a smile. 
“y/n, Hyunjin said that you could make your way to his office without the guards. You must be a close friend” 
You smiled shyly with your warm cheeks, looking at either side of the desk where two tall buff men were standing, wearing walkie talkies on their black vests. With a small nod, you started speaking. 
“W-where exactly is his office?”
“Floor 20, his main office is in room 03″
“Thank you!” 
You quickly shuffled over to the elevators, pushing the button that lit up with orange light emitting. 
The doors to the elevator opened and you stepped inside, a couple of office workers joining you and pressing the necessary buttons to make the elevator lift off. 
You step out at the 20th floor, looking around at all the intricate wall design, everything inspired by ancient greece which explains the broken vases that were scattered across the hallway in the most unconventional places. They were all encapsulated with glass and standing on tall white pillars, the vases looking rather sad, being in a spectra of ashy grey colors, every single one of them falling apart. 
Stopping, you observed this one vase that caught your attention. It had swirly details around the edge and was shattered in a rather beautiful way. It made you think how even the most broken pieces still carry beauty, beauty unique to only oneself. 
“It’s pretty right?”
The voice sounded familiar and warm, almost as if it had anticipated your arrival. 
“y-yeah, it really is” 
You say turning around, nearly jumping up on the wall when seeing the figure that looked back at you. It was Hyunjin.
Yet again, his presence was astonishing. Everytime you met him it felt as if you’d met him for the first time. The blond boy was standing tall in front of you, wearing a black hoodie, black basketball shorts and a matching headband. A backpack was thrown across his one shoulder and a smaller camera around his neck, everything about his appearence looking completely different from the last time you saw him, his style usually more sophisticated. 
“On your way to meet me, yeah?” he asked and you nodded shyly. 
“My office is the other way, you know?”
You lifted your gaze to look at the tiny sign on the wall that pointed in two directions, you were walking down the hallway for offices 20-40 by accident and you smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of your head. 
“I didn’t know heh...” 
“It’s alright! Come with me, I was on my way to the studio”
“What room is that? Your office?”
“No, the room next to my office, come! I’ll show you!”
He grabbed your hand and you felt your body stiffen as he dragged you down the hallway, his hand not being decorated with statement rings this time, instead feeling soft and warm. You blanked out, your legs walking by themselves. 
He stopped at a brown door, a tiny gold sign saying « 04 » and beside it a transparent sign stating that this was a photography studio. Hyunjin opened the door and dragged you in, closing the door behind you.
A cold wind hit your warm body, the air conditioner blasting it’s breeze with a faint sound. The room was wide, one wall being made completely out of glass, stand close enough and you could peer down the bustling city filled with people, cars and buildings. The typical photoshoot setup was already in place, the camera being propped up infront of a white backdrop, a white pilar in the middle and two boxlights standing unlit behind the camera. In the corner stood a vintage brown leather couch, the swirly metal details were concealed with a layer of chipped gold paint. Beside the couch stood a simple white table. A black bucket rested on the floor and upon closer inspection you noticed plants, multiple stems of eucalyptus poking out, wrapped in cellophane.
“What are these for?” 
You sat down on your knees infront of the bucket while Hyunjin was pressing buttons on the camera that was screwed onto the tripod before walking over to the table and placing down the camera he had around his neck, his backpack lying lazily on the floor. He looked at your crouching figure, the corners of his lips going upwards.
“I thought they’d suit you”
You held in one of the stems, turning your head and looking at his shy smile, his dimples sitting playfully on the sides of his cheeks. You giggle, standing up and leaning against the white pillar, holding the plant in your both hands. 
“Do they?”
Hyunjin walked towards the steadied camera, bending down and peeking through the lens.
“They do”
Your eyes widen, him snapping a picture without you paying attention.
“Hey! I wasn’t even prepared!” you chuckle, pointing at the blonde boy with the long plant that was dripping at the stem. 
“Nature is a bit more beautiful when caught off guard, don’t you think?” Hyunjin says, his honey-like voice, echoing through the room.
You nod, staring down at the leafs of the plant, rubbing them between your thumb and pointer finger. 
“Try leaning with your butt against the pillar and with one foot fully on the side of the pillar”
You did as he told, the pillar being surprisingly stable.
“Tilt your head and look down to the right”
Once again, you follow his instruction and he hums in satisfaction before pushing the button on the camera twice.
Your warm face turned into a smile, laughing loudly from embarrassment when he observed the pictures on his display. He snickers quietly from shyness, a faint blush brushing across his features as his brown eyes were glued to the screen. Hyunjin peeks up from the camera, seeing you looking down at the backdrop that was filled with ashy grey shoeprints. 
The sound of his footsteps got closer until you saw them in your periferal view causing you to look up at his tentative face. He smiles, displaying his pearly white teeth and crescent shaped eyes before stretching his hand out, feather light fingertips grazing your hot cheek as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, your dainty gold earrings now visible. Hyunjin’s hand lingers on your jaw as he looks at you with a gleam in his eyes, you gulping loudly as your gaze lowers to his pouty pink lips. Leaning forward, Hyunjin tilts his head, attaching his lips onto yours, your heart skipping a beat from the comforting feeling of having him close to you. 
You drop the fragile twig on the floor, kissing him back by pursing your lips and tilting your head as well. The romantic tension that has been bubbling on the surface everytime you met had finally subsided, now the air overflowed sexual tension. 
Cupping his blushed cheeks, you deepen the kiss my licking his plump bottom lip, coaxing his tongue that eventually slipped into your mouth. His hands were firmly planted on your waist, pulling you closer to his body that radiated heat in the already scorching summer weather. 
The two tongues danced around in a impatient manner, the two of you dreaming of this moment since meeting. Hyunjin’s hands roamed over all the valleys of your body, placing his hands on the bottom of your butt, pulling you even closer, close enough to feel his semi-erection against your abdomen. Your eyes spring open in realisation, your body melting in his arms as you felt the effects of the deep kiss, the effects being you unable to control the wet patch that was forming on your underwear, nothing but the thin fabric seperating it from the air due to you wearing a skirt. 
Pulling away from the kiss, your hot breath and a line of saliva was the only thing that seperated you and Hyunjin. You shielded your face from his twinkling eyes, you glancing at the blonde boy through the gaps between your fingers. His two hands grip your wrists, pulling your hands down as he smiles widely
“Don’t hide that pretty face”
Hyunjin giggles, your chuckles following shortly after. The boy grips your wrist tightly, walking backwards as he looks intensely into your eyes, his back falling against the couch as you sit down on the couch on your knees, he looks at you for a moment before attaching his lips again, pushing you down and hovering above you. The wet sounds of the sloppy kiss fills your ear, you helplessly rubbed your thighs together in anticipation. His fingertips trailed down your chest, tracing small circles on the inside of your thigh before plunging down under your skirt, grazing the wet spot on your underwear. The both of you smile into the kiss. 
“Can I?” Hyunjin says, momentarily pulling away from your sweet lips and tugging on the edge of your panties. You nod shyly, not believing that this is happening. 
His lanky fingers run up and down your wet folds as you put your hand at the back of his neck, pulling his blushing face closer to yours and pursing your lips to kiss him sensually. Hyunjin’s fingers gently brush up against your clit that was swollen from excitement, sending shivers down your spine. 
You knew this was wrong, the door wasn’t even locked meaning that anyone could walk in at any moment but the way lips felt on yours made a thousand fireworks ignite, sparking from your chest. Wrapping your hand around his wide wrist, you guide his fingers down to your sopping entrace, your entire body craving him inside of you.
Hyunjin places once last peck on your soft lips before looking at you with concern, asking for permission with his fluffy brown eyes. You nod, your eyelashes gently fluttering over your eyes. His middle finger slips into you with ease, shortly followed by a second finger from seeing how good your cunt swallowed his digits, your essence coating them. A faint gasp escapes your lips as his fingers felt around your velvety walls, the whole situation still feeling like a dream. 
“D-does it feel good?” 
“mhm!” you hum, nodding your head as your grasp around his wrist tightens everytime he curls his fingers upwards. Small whimpers came from you as his fingers started pumping in and out, the blond boy chuckling at your reaction. 
“Did you think I was innocent?” 
The question lingers in the air as you look at him in the eyes.
“Y-yes,,,” just as the question you let the answer hang in the air as Hyunjin hummed, being knuckles deep into you and curling his fingers upwards once more, making you choke on your own moan. Hyunjin nodded slowly, glancing down at your body as he thought.
“It’s because,,, because you’re shy,, different from the others.” You added quickly, filling the silence that was soon interupted by your whimpers as the so called ‘innocent boy’ started circling your sensitive bud with his thumb. 
“I think you’re different from the others, you make me like this baby”
Hyunjin said, seconds later crashing his lips against yours, his tongue attacking yours. He retracted his fingers, the tips coated in your juices and glistening in the sunlight. You whined inbetween kisses, the feeling of being empty leaving you disappointed. Hyunjin’s veiny hands trailed up your stomach, pulling the croptop up and resting it just above your boobs, your white bra exposed. 
Hyunjin pulled away from the kiss, the both of you breathless as the kisses you exchanged were anything but light. His two damp fingers made their way to his mouth, licking them with a slight smirk on his lips. You could go crazy from the sight alone, his big brown eyes turning blank with lust. Not being able to control yourself any longer, you sat up on your knees and pulled off the top, unclasping your bra while you’re at it. As the fabric hit the floor, Hyunjin’s eyes darted to your bare tits, the wind from the air conditioner stiffening your two sensitive buds. You looked at him with a jumbled expression, him staring at your nipples for what seemed like an eternity. You hummed softly, causing him to snap back into reality, the blond boy pulling the black hoodie up from his head, displaying the defined muscles on his abdomen. You wanted him, you wanted him so bad. 
Your knees hit the floor with a thump as looked up at Hyunjin, knealing between his two legs and watching the tent in his loose shorts grow. 
“Do you really want to do this,, y/n,, you don’t have t-”
You hushed before speaking.
“Don’t worry, Hyunjin” you say with a stern voice making Hyunjin shiver, not knowing if it’s from your tone of voice or the way his name rolled of your tongue.
The blonde boy grabbed the small camera that was resting on the table, you looked up at him with confusion before smiling at his pleading eyes that met yours. You nodded, knowing exactly what he wanted to do and giving him permission since you never knew if he’d get to see you like this ever again. 
You hook your two hands on the sides of his shorts and underwear, pulling the fabric down as Hyunjin awkwardly lifts his hips up from the couch for a moment, allowing you to slide the both garments down in one nimble motion. His veiny length sprung out, the tip hitting his abdomen for a moment before resting infront of your eyes, a bead of precum already leaking from his delicate slit. You gulp, the task of sucking him off suddenly seeming daunting. Hyunjin must have noticed since his face turned concerned, a half smile flashing across his lips. 
“y/n,, you don’t have to-aghh!”
Hyunjin was cut of by his own breathy moan, your pursed lips wrapping around his leaking tip, licking small kitten licks before sinking deeper down his impressive length. Hyunjin’s blonde hair fell out of his face when his head rolled back in pleasure, resting it against the back of the rustic couch. 
“f-fuck y/n,,, just- just like that”
He hummed out, his sweet voice intoxicated with desire. Your tongue swirled around his pretty red tip, simultaneously stroking the part doesn’t fit inside of your wet mouth. Multiple shutters of the camera was heard, his hand barely stable enough to hold it due to the pleasure that was shooting through his core. It didn’t take long before his dick twitched against you lips, your cheeks hollowed as bob up and down his girth. His eyes rolled back into his skull as his hand went down to cup your cheek, your eyes stinging with tears as you choked around him. Pulling off with a pop, his dick glimmered as a heavy layer of saliva rested on it, his already warm body turning hotter. He looks down at you, a smug half-smile errupting on his lips as he continued to stroke your cheek, his thumb grazing your cheekbone as he flicked through the photos on his camera, the half-smile now a full on expression of happiness. The two of you sat like that for a while, the silence engulfing the room as you observed his indescribable features. His sharp jawline contrasted with his soft skin that had a dust of rose pink across the cheeks, his moles adding to his charm. 
“Fuck me, Hyunjin”
The words slipped out of your mouth, his brown shiny eyes widening before being overtaken by a blank gaze, placing the silver camera back on the tiny table. 
“You thought I would stop here?”
Now it was your turn to be flustered, his sugary sweet voice interlaced with the cocky words making you even wetter then before, if that’s even possible. Without answering, he pulled you up to the couch by your hand and laying you down before realising what he forgot. The blond boy reached for the baggy backpack laying on the white floor, unzipping the front pocket and fishing out a condom. You nodded shyly, feeling your hands getting sweatier from nervousness, not really sure where to put them. Hyunjin noticed your gaze that was running all over the room, your body slightly tense. The boy snickered, ripping the shiny wrapping open with his hands where veins had started to become apparent. 
“Something wrong?” He asks shyly, placing the condom on his leaking tip before rolling the rubber onto his length. You shake your head.
“J-just thinking,,,” you say, your voice fading out at the end. 
“About?” His voice inhibiting a questionable tone as he holds himself up above you, his elbows on either side of your head. 
“A-about,,, you” 
That was a lie. You thought about how this would end up being disclosed to your company and your friends, Felix would snap your head if he found out that you slept with Hyunjin. Did it even have to be disclosed? Couldn’t it just be a secret between you and Hyunjin? As much as you wish that it could, it simply couldn’t. Not working in this industry. 
Hyunjin smiled softly, his hand trailing down the curves of your body before lifting up the fabric of your skirt, his fingers pushing your panties aside and feeling your throbbing pussy once again. His caramel eyes looked into you the entire time. 
Lifting himself up, he positioned the tip of his member at your sopping entrance, you chuckling softly as he gripped your hips but your chuckle was quickly replaced by a loud gasp, his dick stretching out your tight pussy better than you thought. 
“Are you ok, y/n?” 
He said softly, his dick not even halfway in but already jerking from your welcomingly wet and warm cunt wrapping around his crimson tip. You nodded, looking up at him. 
“Pl-please,, keep going Hyunjin”
The blonde boy blushed, his ears turning red. Tightening the grip on your hips he fully entered you, you shutting your eyes tightly from the slightly painful but pleasurable experience. Glancing down at you, he had to use every bit of discipline to not pound into you. In his eyes you looked angelic. Your parted lips that we’re coated by saliva and the way your skirt bunched up around your waist made it feel like torture to be inside of you, not moving to let you adjust to his size. 
“C-can I move?” He asks impatiently to which you smile, nodding and wrapping your legs around him, pulling him closer to your warm body. Your breath hitched as he softly wraps his hand around your neck, him thinking he’d gone too far.
“I-im sorry! I-” 
You hush him, placing your index finger over his plush pink lips. 
“I’ll tell you if anything doesn’t feel good, alright?” You so desperatly wanted to place a “baby” at the end of the sentence, that nickname fitted him but being to scared to confess your feelings. Just because he wants you doesnt mean he loves you. Hyunjin nodded like an excited puppy, finally getting the permission of moving and feeling your clenched walls around his length, his one hand still wrapped around your throat. 
His thrusts were slow, filled with passion which only worsened your longing for him, the longing of him being yours. Small whimpers dripped from between your parted lips, the moans being mixed with Hyunjin’s low grunts and sounding like a melody. You peeked up at the model-like boy, his expression being synonymous to pleasure. The movements eventually quickened, his long cock hitting your cervix with every thrust, making you put your hands behind his back, your fingernails digging into his soft honey skin. His previously closed eyes fluttered open, watching you with a soft gaze through his fierce eyes. You smiled and he smiled back before his gaze drifted away from yours.
“Y-you feel so good y-y/n,,, you’re an angel”
Chuckling and moaning at the same time, his praise gave you a sense of security but also a sense of lust, wanting to coax out even more dangerously sweet words from his pretty mouth. 
“Go faster,,, Hyunjin”
You gasped out, the pleasure starting to pick up it’s pace. The sound of skin slapping against each other bounced off the white walls in the big studio, the old sofa creaking ever so often from the blond boys powerful thrusts. Hyunjin would never get tired of hearing you say his name, never. 
The knot in your stomach signaled your impending orgasm as your walls were stretched out. You pleaded him to not stop, your voice sounding frail as you neared your sweet release. The hot tempeture wasn’t helping the situation, sweat beading underneath Hyunjins headband, soaking the two strands of blonde locks that hanged infront of his face. 
“F-fuck,, y/n you’re so pretty with my hands wrapped around your throat, fuck-” 
A loud groan escaped his lips, the pleasure of your wet pussy against his rock-hard length getting too much, Hyunjin having to hold back until you came, not wanting to appear selfish. It wasn’t long until you felt your legs shaking around him, your toes curling as the squeaky sound from the couch increased along with the speed of Hyunjin’s thrusts, the rubber not giving him as much intimacy as he would have liked but the visual of you lying beneath him, squirming away from bliss and softly moaning made up for it. 
“I think- i think I’m cumming, s-shit Hyunjin, I’m cumming”
The words spilled from you, quickly followed by a incoherent mumbling of his name before a wave of hot flashed through your entire body, your walls clenching around him as your erotic juices coated his twitching cock. You held your hands against your face that was lightly coated with sweat but before you could come down from your high Hyunjin pinned your hands above your head by your wrists, him letting out a growl before his cum filled the tip of the condom. The both of you rode out your powerful orgasm, your moans softening as the intense feeling subsided, Hyunjin shivering with his last thrust before pulling out. 
The light sound of the air conditioner was now accompanied with heavy panting, your chest heaving as Hyunjin softly pulled down your skirt and ran his hand through his blonde hair, pushing the stray hairs away before rolling off the cumfilled condom and throwing it on the floor, the rubber landing on the dark clothing that were pooling next to the leather couch. The young boy lays down beside you, your eyes fixed on the ceiling as you faded away in a million thoughts, still trying to process what just happened. You turned your head against his, feeling his lingering gaze on your face and you swore you could hear your heart beat in your ears as his cheekbones lifted, his now cherry red lips turning into a soft smile. 
“Do you like me?” 
You choked on your own saliva, coughing and sitting up in panic making Hyunjin worry, him patting you on the back as he sat up next to you. 
“I-im sorry,, I shouldn’t have- y/n,, so-sorry”
He mutters out as you start laughing, he looking confused at your chuckling figure. 
“T-that’s,,, quite the direct question” you say, clearing your throat before continuing. “I don’t know Hyunjin. You know that this isn’t possible”
You saw his previously twinkling eyes turn blank, his heart sinking. 
“Uhm,,, n-no totally not,,, I just said it to-”
He tried to play cool, brushing off the fact that he didn’t get the answer he so longed for. His gaze turning away from your angelic face.
“But I like you”
You spoke quietly, your voice cracking at the end. Hyunjin turned back to you.
“Why wouldn’t it work then?” he asked with a confused voice. You sighed
“Hyunjin, do you not know who you are? We fucked in a building where you own half of the rights, you work with famous people and your work is in every magazine, don’t you understand?”
He stayed silent for a while, comtemplating on what to say before grabbing your clammy hand. 
“Do you only see me for my career?”
You shake your head, trying to catch eye contact with the blonde boy but failing as he stares down at your small hand in his grasp. 
“Hyunjin, I love you but this feels way to quick,,, I can’t just-”
“I’ve known about you for a while, y/n. Do you know why we even worked together in the first place?” 
Hyunjin speaks calmly, a thin string of sadness threading through his voice. You shake your head, looking at him but he looking away.
“I reached out to Bangchan first”
You weren’t surprised, only confused. What did he see in you? 
“I know it might seem,, rushed! But if- if we both like each other then we can make it work. Please don’t worry about our reputations, you are more than your career y/n even if it means the world to you.”
Hyunjin hesitated finishing his sentence, feeling sick to his stomach from the fear of rejection. You withdrew your hand, instead opening your arms and hugging him to which he smiled and hugged you back, the both of you falling back on the couch facing each other. 
“I think I love you,,, like,,, I really love you”
Hyunjin brushed away a strand of hair from your face, his tender eyes meeting yours. 
“And I love you too, y/n”
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@vogueinnie​ @that-anxious-bisexual @putmetogetheragain13 @hyunsluvv @lawleighette​ @meow-minho @minaamhh @ohmysparkle @hwangi @rindomo @fleeingreality​​​​​​​ @nycol-ie @jisungsplatforms @p0t4t0don14ll @skzstanlol
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captainrexisboo · 4 years
Shameless Flirt
Hey hoes! I’m (partially) back!!!
I had a sudden burst of writing inspo. I am very excited to finally give y’all my long awaited Hevy X Reader fic!! I loved writing this, Hevy was so fun to get into the head of. I was going to post this yesterday but then (of course, right as I wanted to start posting again lmao) Life Happened aHA-
Anyways! The Reader Is A Lady (although, it’s not really specified aside from she/her pronouns. still tagging it as female reader though)! No warnings apply, just a lot of flirty banter and a bit of smoochin! Reblogs, replies, and comments are highly encouraged. I love hearing from y’all! Enjoy!!!
Technically, it was your day off. However, being the workaholic you were, and bored just sitting in your quarters, you decided the best course of action was to pick up some things you had left at one of your workstations in the ARC training sector...like the stopping point of your last project. You waved and smiled past the guards and troopers patrolling the halls, the vode knew you so it’s not like they were surprised when you strolled through the stark fluorescent halls in your lounging civvies you brought from Corrie. It’s not like you didn’t do this every other off day. It’s not like they haven’t tried to stop you- but not even ARC Commander Blitz could give you orders to go relax as you hunch over another blaster, detonator, or even some type of launcher, without you grinning like a cheeky loth-cat, “I am relaxing, Commander.”
After the first few months of working alongside Blitz, he came to understand that nothing was going to come between you and your work. At least nothing short of the consequence of you kicking and screaming all the way back to your quarters. So he let you be. “Don’t mind her, boys, that’s just our weapons tech. She’s always at the armory, or here in the target range. Think of her as a part of the training- don’t you dare get distracted.” Every new batch of ARC-trainees got told the same thing, and everytime you’d smirk into your work with a casual but polite wave over your shoulder, not even bothering to look back-
“And what about after training, Commander, will she still be ‘distracting’ up here?”
-until today. His shameless intention laced his words, and you could feel his eyes run up and down the curve of your spine, following the shape of your legs. You stood straight from your bent position over the standing turret, turning around with an unimpressed brow as you cocked out a hip, “I sure will, but you’ve got curfew to make, trooper.”
It was easy to single out the flirt, even if they were all wearing helmets. There were five trainees this time, four of them had their shoulders shaking as they choked back giggles with varying snorts and fake coughs at their brother’s expense. The one second from the end to your right seemed taken aback by your retort, spine stiff, and visor still looking at you dead on. You slid your eyes over to where Blitz was sighing and shaking his head, taking as step forward as he ordered, “Fives, thump your brother’s helmet for me.”
“Aye, sir,” Fives managed to breathe out the two syllables without breaking, but needing to clear his throat before swatting the upside of the flirt’s head, effectively taking his gaze off of you and immediately to the floor. Blitz made his way across the room to stand in front of the trooper, and even though they were the same height, Blitz carried himself in a way that made him seem to loom over the younger soldier.
“CT-782, you said your name was Hevy, right?” 
“Yes sir,” Hevy confirmed, voice coming out low, in a natural huskiness some clones seemed to have, as he stood even straighter, trying to mimic the Commander’s practiced stance. Blitz nodded a couple times, humming sagely- you recognized this though. He wasn’t thinking at all, he was just adding tension, the dramatic bastard. You couldn’t help but scoff silently at his demeanor as he took an inhale before continuing.
“I’ve read up about you and your brothers, soldier. The outpost at Rishi, getting recruited into the 501st, your entire batch surviving every fray, hells I just saw all five of you in action during the Separatist invasion just a couple days ago,” Blitz took a moment to exhale, something that could have been mistaken for a sound of intrigue, “You no doubt deserve to be here. An entire batch making it to ARC training? This hasn’t been done since the last batch made specifically to be ARCs themselves. But son-” in the pause, now you could never be sure, but you were positive in that moment you heard the grating clicking of Hevy grinding his teeth at the term, “-I don’t recommend playing with fire. Lucky as you all have been, even in ARC armor, you’ll get burned.”
Hevy stole a glance back at you, to which you gave him a mock salute with your screwdriver and a delightfully crooked smirk before turning back to your work.
Instead of taking his Commander’s words to heart as a warning, he took them as a challenge. From that day on, whenever he found himself in the same room as you (provided Blitz wasn’t there to reprimand him) he would try his hand to win you over. Admittedly, it was very fun to trade bouts of wit with him. He was a cocky brute, but held a sharp tongue. His hot-headedness made it especially entertaining to get him all riled up, teasing him back, only to give him a flick on the nose or a poke on his chest plate. Hell, there was one time you went as far as squeezing his bicep. Specializing in weaponry, especially the heavy duty kind, his arms were definitely impressive. How could you not take that chance? 
On the slower days, when he was too tired to even run his eyes over you, he’d still find you hunched over your workspace in the armory to watch you perform your task of the day. An arms specialist finding interest in a weapons technician’s work? Shocker. Still, being surrounded by the blasters and countless ammo and bombs in the armory, listening to the gentle clicks of your tinkering and watching your fingers go through repeating nimble motions over metal plates and little rivets did seem to put him at ease after a rough day. It was something you could much too easily relate to. Over the course of Domino squad’s ARC training, those days where he gave you quiet, warm company were your favorite.
Today was not one of those days.
You had been given a new assignment, transferring from the training base...to travel with the Domino squad once they graduated in the next few days. And it seems like they just got the message too. You rolled your eyes as you heard his low whistle from across the room, but from the safety of being turned around you couldn’t help a sly grin take over your face. 
“And what, praytell,” Hevy’s gruff voice fills the armory as his boots echoed off the walls with their weighted falls, like you could hear the sway in his step to the beat of his walk, getting closer to you as you continued to lean over your work table, “Did the Domino ARCs do to get a pretty little thing like you to be our weapons technician?”
“Oi, leave her alone, Hevy,” ever the gentleman, Echo tried to ‘defend your honor’ from the shameless flirt as he walked in not a moment later, “Unless you want her to issue herself for a transfer to a different band of ARCs? Keep talking to her like she’s some meat pie, see where it gets you.”
“Awh, thank you, Echo,” you cooed over your shoulder before pushing up your goggles to give Hevy a sugar-coated pout, “Eat shit, Hevy.”
Hevy knew this game, taking his helmet off he shot you a charming wink, before turning to his brother, “What other ‘band of ARCs’? We’re the only notable ones, all the other ARCs are in CO positions, or are riding it solo and getting contracted to separate battalions for separate missions every day! We’re the only full squad of-“
“Half a squad,” Echo interrupted, taking off his helmet to shoot his brother a criticizing arch of his brow, “You realize a full squad is nine soldiers, right? This stuff has been drilled into us since decanting-”
“Then why do they call us the Domino squad?”
“Rolls off the tongue better than Domino batch,” you grumbled into your work, slipping your goggles back on and trying to focus amidst their conversation, “Look, are y’all actually here for something, or-?”
You trailed off, continuing your practiced movements as you waited for an answer. Hevy leaned next to you on the table, careful not to jostle it, or you, with his weight. He had learned that lesson the hard way...some nights his shin still throbbed with the memory.
“We’re gonna celebrate, not just the graduation, but now with you getting to tag along!” Hevy’s unusual cheeriness made you pause in your work. You turned to him, about to say something when he continued, “And we want you to join in the celebration too, mesh’la.”
You blinked at him, surprised by his offer. Sure, you were friendly to the troopers, and Hevy seems to have gotten especially comfortable around you, but you didn’t think they’d want to invite you to something as special as that. You pulled the goggles completely off your head, setting down your tools as you turned around to lean against your table, “I’ll bite. What’s the catch?”
Echo and Hevy looked between themselves, before glancing at you with mirroring expressions of confusion. 
“Why do you want me to join?” you elaborated, bringing up a hand to count on your fingers, “You wouldn’t want me there unless you had a reason for me to join, what is it? Contraband liquor? Snacks? Do you want me to secure the armory for the get together so you don’t have to have it in the barracks, or my quarters, or what?”
“The catch,” Hevy took a careful step into your space, mimicking your new pose, giving you an amused if not surprised smile, “is for you to have fun, not surrounded by guns and ammo.”
“And that’s coming from Hevy,” Echo scoffed, but agreeing with a wide shrug of his shoulders as he crossed his arms. You looked between the two of them as the moment stretched out for what felt like a lifetime… for Hevy at least. All the times he spent with you, all the terrible flirting and unashamed eyeing- he really wanted you to join. He could feel sweat begin to creep down his neck, the longer he waited for a response, swallowing down a gulp of dry air as his gaze flicked nervously over to Echo. Echo simply rolled his eyes- all of Domino Squad knew about Hevy’s true feelings for you. It was hard not to take notice when Hevy was just, well, like that. But they never seemed to learn about Hevy’s quiet times in here with you, how you two would partake in silent togetherness, finding peace in each other’s company. Not that Hevy was embarrassed, far from it, but he liked having that little piece to himself. Of course, he wanted more of you to himself, but for now those comforting silences while you built and rebuilt blasters were enough for him, because they were enough for you.
You kept your gaze neutral as you weighed the option of joining in your mind. It was far from a bad option, you liked this batch. They had been through a lot together, loved and protected each other like brothers should, and along with Hevy they accepted you as one of their own. What was one night?
“Yeah, alright,” you looked between the two ARCs, a grin forming as you stole a glance at Hevy, “I’ll join in. When is it?”
Hevy could jump for joy at your agreement, but he was still leaning on your workspace. Instead he smiled wide, tattooed cheeks crinkling parallel to the corners of his eyes, letting out a relieving breath, “Tomorrow night, the eve of our first deployment as ARCs. Be at our bunks at 1930…and if you do have any liquor-”
“Of course I have liquor,” you interrupt Echo’s chiding with a wink to the heavy gunner, bringing your forefinger up to trace Hevy’s jawline, gliding along the sharp edge, the pad of your fingertip calloused from years of work, and swelling with pride at how his dark eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into your teasing touch. Coming off with a playful tap to the tip of his chin, his eyes snapped open at your sultry chuckle, “See you tomorrow, soldier.”
You turned back to your work, slipping your goggles on a final time, but not before a quick and casual wave over your shoulder, “Later, Echo.”
Echo couldn’t figure out your mood toward Hevy worth a damn. He looked between your aloof manners and Hevy’s moony grin, deciding it just wasn’t worth trying to pick your brain at, partially because he was smart enough not to get involved, but also he wasn’t certain he’d be able to stomach the answer. Catching his brother's eyes, he made a discreet gagging motion to him before fitting his helmet back on and walking out the door, “See you, techie.”
Hevy stayed back a bit longer, continuing to watch you work. He was completely quiet, but his silence was deafening. You breathed out a huff of laughter, the tops of your ears beginning to heat up at his attention, wetting your lips, “Well?”
“Hm? Well what?” he shook himself out of his stupor, blinking back into time at your voice.
“Are you gonna leave now n’ let me work?” You cursed inwardly at your harsh words. You liked Hevy, deep down he was a real sweetheart, but you always found yourself being so coarse to him. Thankfully, he was as much of a hardhead as he was a hothead, and he met your indifferent glare with a devilish grin that made your heart jump doubletime.
“No, I think I’m gonna sit right here and watch your lovely hands make something amazing.”
“Amazing?” you scoff, shaking your head at his compliment, “I’m just fixing up another DC-15A that some cadet broke. You need to head to the med station if you think that’s amazing. We both know the Z-6 rotary is far superior-”
“When you’re done with it, it’ll be the best DC-15A in the GAR,” Hevy interrupted, eyes shifting between your face and your hands, “Everything you do is amazing.”
You stopped what you were doing at the genuinity that filled his praise. He always spoke to you with a hint of truth, a bit of heartfelt sincerity to make his easy way of speaking more personal to you, more interesting. But there was something in his expression, maybe the dreamlike haze filling the depths of his eyes, or the way that his accent rolled off his tongue that had you placing your palms flat on the table before speaking low to him, “Hevy, what are you doing?”
“I thought I was pretty clear,” he shrugged with a sideways grin, still careful of the lean on your table, “I’m watching you. You’ve let me before-”
“I mean with the…” you gestured to his full self, keeping your eyes on your now resting project, “The whole...flirting thing.”
You caught him off-guard. The two of you have been at it for months now, but neither of you had ever said or acknowledged anything about it. It was like a silent pact between the two of you, continue the performance, but don’t mention the game. To suddenly come out of the unsaid arrangement, Hevy felt himself draw back, slowly lifting his weight off the table, “Do you...not like it? I mean I figured that you...you know, you’ve always responded…”
You couldn’t believe it. After always having something to say, being able to trade quips, building a friendship over the shared banter and ripostes, the fearless ARC trooper you’ve seen grow so much these past few months was babbling out broken sentences at a single question.
“I can stop, if you’d like.”
It was that whispered phrase that brought you back into the moment, turning to him with burning cheeks, “I didn’t say that.”
“Well then what do you want?” He took a step into your space, brow set and a jaw flexing as he frustratingly tried to understand your sudden shift, “We’ve been...flirting-” the word left him like he was saying it for the first time, each syllable carefully leaving his lips- “since the day I met you. Mesh’la, if you don’t like it, say something! We’re about to go to work together, travelling the galaxy for a long time-”
“Exactly,” you countered, poking at his chest as you stood defiantly to him, tearing off your goggles and mussing your hair off to the side, “Whatever this is, are we gonna continue it? Continue dancing around each other like some kind of goddamned soap opera where everyone but us gets off on our own self-denial?”
“Self-denial?” Hevy repeats, an incredulous sound leaving his chest as you saw a fire spark behind his stare, “Sweetheart, I’m not denying anything, especially things I haven’t been asked!”
“Alright then, fine!” Somewhere down the conversation, your voices had raised to shouting in the small space, even as you two stood almost nose to nose, and your breath hot on his lips you asked, “Do you like me, trooper?”
“Like you? It was love at first sight when you first told me off,” Hevy couldn’t find it in himself to be embarrassed at his confession, just focusing on fueling the flames between you, “And what about you, techie? How do you feel about me?”
“I think you’re a smartmouthed asshole with a heart of gold and a pretty face- yeah, I like you a whole fucking lot!” 
This was ridiculous. You knew it was ridiculous. You could see it in his face too, the two of you breathing heavy, barely a hair’s width away from each other. You’re unsure who started it, later on you two would always claim the other giggled first, but eventually you found yourselves holding onto each other for support as you laughed out the rest of your pointless venom. His arms fit around you perfectly as your hands held strong to his wide shoulders, your laughter filling the room together, the sounds swirling in their melody as everything started to click perfectly into place. Once everything quieted down, your head resting against his chest as his hands ran up and down your back, you exhaled low and steady against him, slowly rocking in his hold, “Plastoid isn’t that comfortable to rest on, huh?”
“You should try wearing it,” Hevy snorted at your comment, leaning over to rest his cheek on the top of your head, “So...what now?”
You hummed, feigning thought before angling your face to brush your lips over the column of his throat, murmuring into his skin, “I wouldn’t be against a kiss.”
Something rich left his throat, the sound deep and thrumming through his chest before one of his hands found its way into your tresses on the back of your head, tugging gently at your hair to guide you to his lips. You couldn’t stop the brief hitch in your breath at the daring move, but you wouldn’t have expected anything less from the brash soldier. At your word he took the lead, slanting over your mouth in a soft motion, breathing you in as easy as air. You followed in confidence, welcoming the boldness with which he kissed you as the same boldness that had him playing the game you both set up. A small noise of satisfaction left you, not just from the perfect pressure from his lips moving so softly against yours, but also from the way his hand gripped so firmly at your waist through your canvas jumpsuit, his other hand still carding so thoughtfully through your hair; it was a sweet little gasp that Hevy swore he’d be replaying in his head for a week. Or at least until he was able to make another sound tumble out of you.
Your hands came up to cup his cheeks, thumbs tracing the edges of his tattoos, pulling him impossibly closer. The payoff of this single kiss was absolutely worth all those months of gentle torture, the teasing touches and glances, discreetly watching his lips when he’d talk and thinking about how he’d feel against your own. Or even how he’d taste. In a stroke of your own audacity, you ran a slow, languid lick of your tongue against his lips, and the growl that came from him made the most delightful of shivers shoot right down your spine.
He had a robust, spicy taste, earthy and rich with a bit of heat that came tickling at your tongue. It wasn’t too surprising- he smelled the same way, smoky and hearty with the biting musk all clones seemed to carry with them. What did surprise you was the honeyed velvet of his own tongue eagerly coming to meet yours as you repeated your action. You could feel his infuriating grin at the helpless whimper that dripped from you at the feeling, and you nipped brazenly at his bottom lip in retaliation.
Before he could respond to your playful attack, the two of you froze as a throat loudy cleared from the entryway of the armory. Hevy almost didn’t pull away from you, a near silent broken whine coming from him (for your ears only) as he came off of your lips with a wet smacking sound. After a quick flex of his fingers, he removed his hands from you just as slowly, your own hands sliding down from his face to clasping behind your back. You both turned to face the bucket of Commander Blitz, arms crossed and stance wide in the doorway. He nodded toward the hall, “You left the door open.”
You cleared your throat, pursing your lips to keep from saying something ridiculous. Hevy clenched his jaw, trying to accomplish the same thing. Blitz’s visor smoothly slid to gaze over you, and you straightened in the mimic of his cadets. “You finally relaxing, techie?”
A short chuckle escaped you, lips twitching up in a coy grin, “I am, Commander.”
He nodded, that same dramatic humming leaving him as he turned then to Hevy, who tensed at full attention to the ARC Commander. “What about you, son. How’s that burn feel?”
“To be perfectly candid, sir,” Hevy, always pushing the limits, turned to shoot you a look with a quick lick of his lips before responding, “Absolutely thrilling.”
Blitz nodded again, taking slow steps into the room, like how Hevy had earlier that day, letting each step echo off the walls until he was about two feet away, “I’m happy for you both, but please. Don’t be stupid. You’re lucky it was me walking by and not one of the longnecks, or the nat-born chief trainers. Close the doors. And do me a favor, wait till you’re both off Kamino for any of the heavier stuff, okay?”
You and Hevy both confirmed the Commander’s request with quick nods and mumbled “Yes sirs,” making him let go a long breath. Uncrossing his arms, he pointed to Hevy, “Trooper, hit the showers. Move it.”
Hevy shot you one last look, if you didn’t know any better you’d say he was bashful, before saluting Blitz, grabbing his helmet and marching out of the armory. You stood straight, still under Blitz’s cold stare from his visor, until he sighed, slapping a companionable hand on your shoulder, “If he steps out of line, I better be the first vod you call. I will kick his ass so hard, he’ll be knocked back to failing the Citadel the first time-”
“At ease, Commander,” you rolled your eyes, you hand coming up to hold onto his, brushing your thumb over his knuckles with a soft breath of laughter, “He didn’t lay a hand on me until I asked him to.”
Blitz squeezed your hand, taking off his own helmet to look at you. He looked a little older than Domino did, cheeks slightly hollowed and eyes a bit deeper set, a bittersweet shine coming over his amber stare, mouth twitching up into a lopsided smile, “I’m gonna miss you, after you go off with those fools.”
“You’ll make great friends with the next techie who comes along. Who knows, maybe they’ll actually listen to you,” you smile back at him, the two of you masking the tears threatening to fall from your lashes. He pulls you in, touching your foreheads together, before giving two more pats to your shoulder.
“And remember,” he pulls off of you, placing his helmet back on and causing his voice to come out in a soft static, “Please, for the love of Jango, don’t-”
“Don’t be stupid,” you salute to him, winking for extra effect, “Aye-aye, ori’vod.”
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knullanon · 3 years
l.d fic #2
heres the second part! this one is long too lmao
words: 3227 (bonus at the end too!)
warnings: shotgun, kidnapping
Driving past the beautiful buildings and apartments, you rested your elbow on the car handle where you almost laid your head against the window had it not been for Mercy. “_____, you can’t sleep here.”
You mumbled out something strange before you rested your head on the head of your seat. You really wanted to sleep, as you couldn’t feel your feet when you got into the car, but you knew that your bed would be a lot more comfortable in the long run.
You turned to look at Lex, and he was on the phone with someone. You didn’t even notice him, probably because he was whispering in an exasperated voice. You didn’t try to tune in, as he would probably notice either way, so instead you kept on looking out the window. You saw shops, restaurants, even other gala places like the one you were just at. You even saw the Lexcorp tower.
One thing you remember from your past life was that someone… Was it your mother or father? It was both, right? Anyway, either one would always take you on a night drive every month, usually on a Tuesday for some strange reason. You would usually listen to music on these drives, and the lights in the towns and cities were always so pretty. Even now, it was pretty to you, since there weren’t many people this late at night and the shops were still running. You looked up to one building noticing the bright lights that accompanied the sign. But your attention turned to the top of the building.
There seemed to be two people, one who was extremely tall, with two… sticks in his hands. And the other had a cape and a hoodie, who was shorter than the other man. This one also had a katana. You tried to get a better look, but the car started to move again, and you again tried to look back. But Mercy noticed.
“____, what are you looking at?” She asked, looking where you were watching. You looked back, but there was nothing there. “... I guess there was nothing there.” You whispered to yourself. “What?” Mercy asked. “Nothing. I thought I saw a person on the roof.”
Mercy didn’t say anything and she went back to looking around to make sure that the driver was going the way they were supposed to.
“Dick, what the hell?!” Damian whispered to his older brother. Currently, they were hiding behind a wall on the building you were looking at. Dick sighed before he said, “Well, you were there too, so don’t just put the blame on me!”
“I’m not tall and I don’t wear bright colors!”
“Oh really-” Dick then noticed that Damian was not in his normal yellow and red suit, but instead he was in a more stealthy color.
“The only thing I have is a bluebird on my chest!”
“A big blue bird-”
“Can you guys just… try to follow the car?”
Tim was at his breaking point: he was really at his breaking point. Damian was heard arguing with Dick for a few more seconds before Tim just decided to follow the car himself. Which somehow worked.
“Does anyone have a tracker on that thing?” Duke asked, also following the car. He wasn’t as tired as Tim, but he understood where he was coming from. “Yeah, I’ll send the location to you in just a sec.”
Driving up to the big gates, you felt really tired when you felt the car stop, but at least there weren't any paparazzi you had to run over. You got out of the car and started to walk with Mercy to the elevator, when you thought you heard something from the other side of the empty parking garage. You turned your head, only to see empty space and columns. You tried to look around more, but Mercy had started to lead you towards the elevator already.
Getting into the elevator, you stood with Mercy to listen to the almost silent beeps of the elevator getting higher into the building.
“Ah, I almost forgot, I’ll bring you your dinner to eat in the room. I understand your exhaustion.”
“Oh, what did the cook make?”
“Honey glazed ham with mashed potatoes and gravy.”
You remembered that from before you got here. Your mother would make that every day if you asked her to. You also started to notice how… nice mercy was being towards you. You remember when you first met her, she did not like you at all. In fact the only thing she would say is… well, nothing really. However, that was months ago. Now, she greets you and gives you small talk. She even gives you little presents if you’re good.
When the elevator chimed to your floor, and the doors opened, you were expecting more guards then you saw. Usually there were more than 5 there, but there was no one in the hallway. Even Mercy looked a little shocked. However, she just took your hand and led you through the halls back to your room, where she then opened your door and pointed to the drawers. “You should probably change into something more comfortable. You aren’t going anywhere for another couple weeks at least, so that's a good thing.”
You nodded and walked over to the dresser to change. You picked out a pair of pajamas that were extremely soft before you walked to the bathroom.
Getting out of the bathroom you heard strange music coming from below you. It wasn’t ugly, or loud, just… rumblings of sad music. It sounded nice. You walked over to your overly plush bed and you crawled in, ignoring the strange feeling that was pooling in your mind. Something telling you to be alert, but you were too tired to care. Tossing and turning wasn’t helping you either. Finally you decided that it was getting unbearable. It was then you noticed that you never got a knock on the door from Mercy for your food. Groaning, you climbed out of bed only to notice how cold it felt. You slipped on some slippers that were also extremely soft and warm, before you walked to the door and tried to pull on the handle. It was locked. Of course it was. It's never open in the first place. You sighed and wondered where everyone went. You still felt the rumbling beneath you from the music, so you knew someone was down there, but you just didn’t know who.
Instead of freezing to death, however, you bundled yourself in many different blankets, most soft, fuzzy and warm. Waddling over to the bed you stumbled into your mattress and groaned. You wanted to just fall asleep, but something was keeping you awake. It was a nagging feeling like you just weren’t alone. You crawled your way so that you were leaning against your wall and you also had a view of the room to make sure that there wasn't anyone in there with you.
You were about to crawl back down but then, there was a noise at the door. It was unlocking, you thought, it was probably Mercy finally bringing you your food. However, when the door opened, it was not Mercy. In fact, it was a… boy. Probably a new servant, but still a boy.
He looked to be about your age, and he was wearing the usual uniform that the servants would wear. He was also carrying a tray.
Looking at you bundled up in almost all of your blankets, he gave you a small bow, as to not drop the food. You looked at him up and down, before you asked, “Who are you?”
He stood there, before he coughed a little, and said, “I’m the, uh, new butler assigned to bring you food.”
You gave him a look. “I thought Mercy was supposed to bring the food? Where is she?”
The boy looked a little surprised. “She’s, um, a little busy. With Luthor.”
You gave a nod before he brought the food to you. You unwrapped yourself from the blankets and leaned over to him a bit. He had a tray underneath his arm, and he brought it out so he could lay the food on your bed. He then placed both the tray to carry your food and your food itself onto your bed. Opening the cover, it revealed, just as Mercy had said, honey glazed ham and mashed potatoes and gravy. He gave you two cans of Arizona tea- Arizona tea?
You checked the labels again, surprised that Lex would even give this to you. Usually he gave you a better drink, and something “better”. You did miss the taste of Arizona tea, however, so you didn’t object to getting the tea. Eating your meal, the boy stayed with you while you ate. He didn’t seem to care about you for a minute, before he asked, “What's your name?”
You looked at him to see him close to the bed. You gulped down a piece of ham and said, “____. What's yours?”
“... Damian.”
“Oh, nice. So. When did they hire you?”
Damian did not answer you, but instead asked his own question. “When did you decide to join Lex Luthor?”
You gave him a look. “You must be new around here if you’re asking that.”
Finishing your ham, you moved to the mashed potatoes. “I don’t know why I’m here to be honest. I was taken here a few months ago. I was only found out by a colleague of his a few days ago when they saw me. Or was it a few weeks? I don’t know. I don’t have a calendar. I don’t even know what's going on in the world.” You laughed a little at the last part. However, you saw him start to ask something again.
But then, you had a bright idea. “Hey, speaking of which, what’s happening outside, around the world? People never tell me anything here.”
Damian gave you a look before saying, "Well, Wayne Enterprises is gaining more stock, and Lexcorp isn’t too happy about it."
Putting another piece of potatoes in your mouth, you laughed. "Lex was yelling about that yesterday. Talking about loss of money."
For the next 20 or so minutes, you talked with Damian and laughed with him about different things, and he would also tell you things about the world outside your luxurious penthouse.
Finally, after you finished your food, you put your dishes and trash on the food tray before you gave it to him. "Well. Thank you for keeping me company. Usually only Mercy is allowed to do that.” he nodded and took your tray before he placed it back on the nightstand next to you.
He gave you his hand, before asking, “Lex asked for you to be walked around tonight. He said you haven’t been out of the house for awhile.”
You gave him another look before telling him, “Damian, you do know I was at a gala today for at least 6 hours, right?”
His facade slipped then. You realized that when he stood tall, and he let his arms go to his sides instead of behind his back. At first, you thought he was going to attack you, but instead he pulled something out of his back pocket and he put it on. Then he took off his uniform and-
Oh, shit.
This was the kid you saw at the top of the building.
“I’m sure you can tell who I am by the look on your face. My name is Robin, and I’m here to take you away from here.”
Sneaking past the large doors was easy enough, especially considering the fact that Damian knew what he was doing. He led you through the place like he had lived there, and before you knew it, you were almost to the parking garage. But when you both reached the elevator, instead of going down, he went up.
Giving him a look, he quickly explained. “People know you’re out: They think you’re alone, and since you don’t know of the rooftop area, they’re all gathered down there to get you.”
“How do you know that-”
“SHHH!” Damian gave you a look and turned to the left corridor that led to the large double doors that led to a lounge. He turned back to the elevator, and when he realized there wasn’t enough time for the elevator to come down, he quickly dragged you over to a large statue and hid you behind it along with himself.
You tried to listen but being pressed up against a statue was kind of difficult already. However, you did recognize the steps of the person walking. Pride, power- anger. Fast moving, loud, rage, it all sounded like Lex Luthor himself. And he sounded like he was carrying something.
Mercy was with him, you quickly realized, and she sounded a little muffled.
“-the little bitch got me right in the nose, and then I got knocked out, sir. He took one of the uniforms in the closet, he has black hair, he's short, and he doesn’t have his registry on him.”
“Tell that to the guards around the perimeter. Tell them that no one is going to leave this damn place until both ____ and that fucker are found.”
And with that, you heard someone reload a shotgun before heading into the elevator that was now there.
“Where do you think they’ll be?”
“She only knows the way to the parking garage, so we should look there first, sir. I don’t know how much the other one knows, but-”
When the elevator started to head down, Damian grabbed your arm and started to drag you towards… somewhere. Mercy was right, you had no idea where anything was. You only knew the way from the parking garage to your room. However, Damian seemed to know where to go.
“Uh, where are we going again?”
He turned back to you before gesturing to a large metal door. Stairs.
“We’re going to go up there and escape. We have to hurry, though: they will realize you aren’t in the parking garage.”
You were almost out of breath when you finally reached the rooftop. It felt like you were running for your life. It was so thrilling, and yet, the only thing keeping you going was freedom.
It wasn’t like you weren’t unappreciative of the things given to you by Lex, but you missed being able to walk around and be wherever without having 16 guards surrounding you.
Damian said something, but you didn’t hear it due to the blood pumping to your head: It sounded almost relaxing if it wasn’t increasing.
Dragging you around a bit, he whispered something into his comm, and again, you couldn’t hear it, but from the looks of it this entire thing was almost done.
Suddenly, something dropped seemingly from thin air. A rope.
Looking up, you saw a small, but fairly large ship floating right above you. Damian grabbed you by the waist and started to pull you up. You tried to help yourself, but not going anywhere really put a toll on your body, so he did most of the work. As you were halfway there, though, you heard a shot through the air, and turning around, you saw Lex holding a shotgun with multiple guards surrounding both you and Damian. Mercy was with Lex, and she looked pissed off, even with a bloody nose. Damian was also looking around. You heard something from his ear, along the lines of, “Plan B?” to which Damian responded, “Yeah, plan B.”
Suddenly, he cut the rope you both were hanging off of, and while falling, he got you over his shoulder and started to run towards an area where guards weren’t as plentiful. You were able to look up from your spot, but the only thing you saw was Lex reloading and Mercy yelling something. More guards started to chase the both of you, while Damian seemed to be choosing where to go. He suddenly changed directions, sprinting towards the edge of one building. Realizing what he was going to do, you asked, “That’s a 6 story drop, you know!”
He didn’t listen. He instead jumped and while you expected to die, you were glad that you were at least free of the strange man who kept you here. However, you landed on something: hard. It was the ship that tried to get you earlier!
Bringing you inside, you realized he must have jumped onto a platform. He brought you over to a table where he tried to see if you were injured, however, a gunshot made you both duck. Looking out of the closing platform, you saw Lex continuing to shoot at the ship, trying to take it down, but failing.
You turned back to the occupants of the ship itself and saw three more people besides Damian: One was the one who was standing with him on that rooftop, with two sticks at his sides, one who was tall and had a bright yellow suit on him, and one was at the front of the ship where it was hard to see anything.
The yellow suit guy came up to you first and offered his hand.
“Hi! My codename is Signal, but you can call me Duke. What’s your name?”
fun fact! I was actually gonna have cass instead of duke, but I changed my mind last minute! also, have a bonus for the next chapter!
Lex was beyond pissed. His guards failed at the one thing they were supposed to be good at, and they failed. And it cost him his daughter, too. Mercy was the only thing keeping him from going on a rampage, telling him that the batkids probably had many hiding spots, that they manipulated you into going with them, all other things.
“I want you to find out where they took her and why. Oh, also, if you do find the one who took her?” Mercy nodded, awaiting orders. “I want him alive. I want to kill him myself.”
She nodded again and walked out of his office. As Lex started to walk back to his desk, he noticed there was still reminisce of glass on it. He looked at the broken window where Mercy said she had thrown the strange boy who had taken _____, before he climbed back up and knocked her out. Sighing, he let his hands curl into fists, before he grabbed the chair and threw it across the room, and then he flipped the table.
Rage was all that he could feel at the moment. No one knew of her existence: Who would’ve known? Who had met her and had such an interest that they had to take her from him? What happened-
Suddenly remembering the gala, Lex felt his face become hot and red. He was feeling more furious than he had ever been. He stormed over to one of the beautiful statues he owned in his office, before he pulled out another shotgun from the leg of the stone. He walked over to a different statue holding something in its hand, just in his reach, and picked it up. It was ammunition, and reloaded it so it was full. He stomped out of his office, ignoring glass that cut into his shoes.
“Bruce Wayne…” Luthor whispered to himself, getting his phone to call Mercy.
“I’m going to kill you.”
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Longview - Chapter 5
LAST ONE LAST ONE LAST ONE. it is very short. BUT we get some Stealth Force and I love stealth force with my entire heart.
CW: Gaslighting (their memories were wiped and his weren't but still happens)
Nick sat up and rubbed his eyes. To his great relief that his minds (HIS MINDS HE HAS MORE THAN ONE LMAO) and lungs were working fine, and that he could move fine. It was late in the day, but Chase was still sleeping. Nick could tell because he was snoring, loudly. Nick smirked and saw that Michael was already up and had made his bed. Nick pulled himself out of bed and noticed that there was a set of clothes on the dresser. There was a note that had his name on it pinned to the shirt. The Longview Uniform consisted of a blue collared shirt, dark blue pants, and a yellow and blue stripped tie. (spoiler for something I never wrote but the ties were remoted controlled and could be turned on to strangle them into submission if needed.) Nick shrugged as he put on the tie. When he stopped to look in the mirror, the tie stuck out to him. The last time I wore a tie was to my parent’s funeral, and now I have to wear one every day. Great. He put that out of his mind and walked downstairs. Melody and Treauna were sitting on the sofa laughing.
"Where's Michael?" asked Nick. The two girls turned to him with a confused look on their faces.
"Who?" asked Treauna. Nick looked to her, but then laughed.
"Oh, okay. I get it. Play a prank on the new guy. I'll play along." Melody and Treauana looked at each other, then back at Nick.
"Nick?" questioned Melody, "How are you feeling?"
Nick shrugged.
"I'm fine. I had this weird dream last night but-"
"Oh, I get weird dreams too," interrupted Treauna. "Like this one time I was running down this field and this guy stopped me and asked me how to get to the post office from there, and I was like, 'how should I know?'" Melody elbowed her in the side before she could finish her story. (I still have weird dreams and yes that one of them.)
"What?" she demanded.
Nick looked around the room. This is pretty far to go for a prank, he thought. All of Michael's things were gone from the library. There also wasn't enough chairs for all of them.
"When did you guys put together this prank? While I was sleeping?" asked Nick. Chase appeared behind him.
"What prank? Did someone prank someone? What did I miss?" Nick jumped.
"Nick is looking for Michael," said Melody. He tone was as if she was speaking to a toddler. Chase looked confused.
"Michael?" Nick laughed hollowly.
"Very funny guys." He turned around and Chase was now on the couch with the two girls. They were all looking over the back, and their heads were in a perfect line. They all looked concerned for him. Nick looked closely at Treauna. He knew that she wouldn't be able to keep his stare long if she was pranking him.
"Michael. Brown hair, glasses, laser vision," said Nick franticly. They all shook their heads in unison.
"Never heard of him," said Treauna.
"He's the lead of United!" Melody shook her head.
"I'm the head of United. Maybe you should go see the nurse."
"No, I'm fine. Micheal showed me around the school Friday."
"Nick, I showed you around the school Friday," said Treauna. "You made a joke about how Mr. Ferno was a hothead. I still think that it's pretty funny." Nick ran his hands through his own hair with a confused moan.
“No, it was Michael. I’m sure.” Chase appeared next to him.
“Hey, there’s a place that we haven’t shown you yet.” Nick was confused at the change of subject.
“What?” he asked as Chase took his arm and lead him out of the door.
“The nurse.” (SAVAGE OMG)
"Am I crazy?" asked Nick. He was sitting on the examination table in the nurses office.
"Open," commanded Mrs. Plum, the school's nurse. Nick obediently opened his mouth to let her put a thermometer in his mouth. The office was huge, and there was good reason. Half of the kids that were in there with Nick were Strength Force, and they need a lot of medical attention. All of these jocks have super strength, but that doesn't protect their bones. (🤣) The room consisted of almost a hundred beds, lined up against the wall. Like the entire school, there was many high windows that gave a view of forested area, and the large brick wall in the background. Mrs. Plum pulled the thermometer out of his mouth and read the temperature.
"Then why did I image someone that wasn't there?" asked Nick. Mrs. Plum walked over and picked up his chart.
"What force are you in?"
"United. Is there a psych ward here? Because-"
"Oh, stop that. You're not crazy, but you are driving me in that direction." She kept flipping through the pages as though to look for something.
"Ah," she exclaimed, "United Force House is next to Mind force. I need to speak with Mrs. Mintrid (that is a terrible made up name). She needs to keep her watches under control."
"What do you mean, 'under control'?" asked Nick. Mrs. Plum scrunched up his nose.
"Did you have any bad dreams last night? I mean really terrible, vivid dreams?" Nick nodded dumbly.
"The kids from Mind Force have a bad habit of taking control of people's, especially new students, minds. The longer that you are here, the more resilant your mind becomes. One of the things that they are the most well-known for doing is going back and changing people's memories. Changing memories is difficult though, it takes Last Years to do. They have bad habits of sneaking into other Force's clubhouse and changing memories. One changes the memories and the other distracts the subject with a vivid dream. Did the girl," Mrs. Plum kept flipping through the pages of the file.
"Melody. Her name is Melody," corrected Nick.
"Right, Meldiny. (lots of people get my friend's name wrong so I put this in here to tease her) Did she have an outburst last night? She has a record of using her ability without knowing it. One of the Last years must have disturbed her in the night. You are late for your class." (OMG what a sudden way to end that)
Nick headed down the hallway and looked around for his class. He had Honors first. whatever that means, thought Nick. All that Nick had to show him where to go was a piece of paper that told his classes and the knowledge of the layout that he had acquired yesterday. There wasn't very many people still in the halls, but there was a few Blaze Force members loitering around the halls.
When Nick first looked at them, they looked like there were smoking cigarettes, but he soon realized they were just blowing smoke out of the mouths in different shapes. Cool trick, thought Nick as walked past them. One blew a puff of smoke into his face as he passed. Nick held his breath and scurried around a corner.
Once he was out of hearing distance, Nick sputtered a cough and tried to get the smell out of his nose and the stinging out of his lungs. The stench burned up his nose and made his eyes water. It was a terrible mix of wood smoke, gasoline, and teenage boys. After the smoke cleared, Nick started back down the hallway. Looking around, the new student was sure that he had made a wrong turn. There was no one in the hall.
As Nick was walking, he felt eyes watching him. The feeling grew until Nick had to stop and look around him. He turned to his right, then his left, then up. When he looked up, he saw a girls somehow holding herself onto the ceiling. Nick cried out jumped back.
"Oh shush. You seem lost," said the girl. She wore the same uniform that he did, apart from plaid shorts instead of pants. He hair was braided tightly onto her head. She delicately swung down on top of the lockers. Dangling her legs over the edge, she continued.
"Where do you need to go?"
"Why were you on the ceiling?" asked Nick. He was still trying to figure out how she was holding on up there.
"I'm Stealth Force. (STEALTH FORCE STEALTH FORCE WE STAN) We're not allowed to use the ground. Well, all but Last Year, and I'm not even close to that."
"You're not allowed to use the floor?" question Nick. The idea seemed so foreign. The girl shrugged.
"Yeah, well, for training." Nick's mind was filled with more questions.
"How do they know you don't touch the ground?" The girl fiddled around with a small backpack that seemed to appear out of nowhere. After a moment, she pulled out a funny looking flash light.
"Throw me up on of your shoes," she ordered. It was a strange order, but Nick was starting to grow accustomed to them. After pulling off one of his sneakers, Nick tossed to her. Turning on the flashlight, the soles of Nick shoe shone orange. She then shone it on her own shoes to reveal they had no color. (I STILL LOVE THIS IDEA I THINK IT'S GREAT)
"Don't know what it's called," she said as she threw the shoe back down. "But I know it doesn't wash off. Trust me. Now, where do you need to go?" Nick fumbled with his paper.
"Um, GL 676." She smiled, then pointed back the way that he had come.
"Go down this hallway, take a left, then a right, then another left." Nick tried to commit that to memory. Left, right, then left again. He turned to walk down the hall then turned back to the girl.
"Oh, and thanks, for," when he turned, she was gone. Nick shivered. He had finally made his way to his next class.
annnnnnd that's all I ever wrote. Thanks for reading!
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
Yandere!Ateez Reaction to you Trying to Escape
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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Author’s Note: Heya anon! You’re a lucky one, cause your request got answered the quickest lol. I’m on a roll right now, this is the third request I’m answering today. At least as of when I’m writing this, that’s the case. I could stop halfway through and not finish this until two years later lmao. I outline Yandere!Ateez’s personalities in a previous headcanon, so this is based on those personalities. Some of them, like Yeosang and Jongho, have S/O’s that aren’t even aware they’re Yandere, so in those cases, I made it their reaction to when they think you’re trying to escape.
READ THE TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains mentions and discussion of abusive relationships, threats, violence, death, supernatural creatures, depression, self-harm, disturbing sexual descriptions, and mental illness. The behaviors and relationships depicted below are abusive and unhealthy. These are not examples of healthy relationships, it’s actually the opposite. This is meant to imagine the members of Ateez in a popular anime trope and it in no way represents their real-life personalities and characters. It’s fiction, it’s for fun, PLEASE DON’T READ IT IF YOU KNOW YOU WON’T LIKE IT OR THIS KIND OF STUFF DISTURBS YOU!
Genre: angst?? IDK really
Word Count: 2.7K+
You are in: the Asteroid Belt. 
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The Perfect Boyfriend 
Bitch, I’ll pray for you. Hongjoong is an extremely violent boyfriend and trying to escape is NOT advisable unless you know you have a completely foolproof plan.
 He told you to never run. He told you that you won’t have any warnings or three strikes. If you leave he will catch you and he will hurt you.
Hongjoong is a man of his word, but you didn’t listen.
“Aww, baby,” Hongjoong made a mock pout, crouching down to your level. “Does the poor baby’s broken leg hurt?”
You couldn’t even look at it, it was twisted at such a grotesque angle. You’d always heard that broken bones didn’t hurt as much as you would think, and you found that to be true right now. Or maybe you were just in so much in all the other bruised parts of your body that it drowned out the pain in your leg.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen to me, you stupid bitch.” 
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The Ice King Everytime I write that, I think of the Ice King from Adventure Time.
The silence was unbearable. He hadn’t said anything since your bodyguards brought you back, kicking, screaming, and terrified.
He just stared at you blankly, nothing in his eyes, nothing on his face, nothing in his body language. Occasionally, he would take a sip of the glass of brandy on the table beside him. Sometimes cross and uncross his arms over his chest.
All the while just staring, not saying anything.
You were too scared to speak, eventually too scared to even look at him, opting just to stare at your clammy hands clasped together in your lap.
What was he thinking?
Would he punish you?
Would he forgive you?
Would he beat you?
Would he . . . kill you?
You waited for what could have been hours, bracing yourself for an even more violent response the longer he sat.
But none of that came.
Without a word, Seonghwa stood and glided from the room. You thought he slammed the door the tiniest bit harder than normal, but you were so scared that you were sure your mind had made it up.
As you shuffled back to your room, you hurried as quick as you could past his door.
Your heart was beating too loud, heart too heavy with despair and disappointment, to hear the very faint sounds of sobbing coming from behind his door.
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The Damsel in Distress Next Door 
Theoretically, you could 100% leave Yunho. You could walk out at any time you wanted and he wouldn’t go after you if he knew you were leaving because you wanted to break up and not because you’re hurt or something’s wrong. He wouldn’t hurt you or try and guilt-trip you.
He would say that he wishes you the best and that he won’t try to hurt himself again.
He. Is. Lying.
The minute you walk out that door, he’s closing all the blinds and windows, turning all the lights off, going in his bathroom, and getting the razor blade out of his shaver.
It’s tiny in his huge hands and that makes him even clumsier. He’s shaking, he’s crying, and blood is already spurting everywhere. He’s going to punish himself for everything bad thing he ever did in your relationship that he never got a chance to hurt himself for.
He remembers everything, without even having to write it down, and he’ll give himself the “appropriate” punishment for every bad action, even down to the tiny, most minute things like the time he forgot to put your favorite condiment on the sandwich he made you three months ago, or accidentally pulling your hair when he was running his fingers through it last year.
It might take a while to give himself all those punishments, but he’s going to make sure he stays alive until he gets everything he thinks he deserved.
The time he spends punishing himself is pretty much your only window of opportunity.
Because you know exactly what’s going on. You know what’s happening, you have that same bad feeling from last time, only amplified by ten.
You know he’ll die if you don’t go back.
You could always call the police and send them there, but you honestly doubt their ability to be able to hold him. Yunho’s an adept liar, and he’d get out of hospital treatment, probably in weeks, just to do the same thing. Except there wouldn’t be anyone to call the police then and there was no doubt he’d die then.
At this point, you don’t even believe Yunho can be fixed.
You have the choice between saving his life and being imprisoned in that relationship with him forever or let him die so you can heal and be free.
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The Secret Serial Killer 
Yeosang’s initial reaction is going to be straight-up confusion.
He doesn’t understand how in the world you could have found anything out that would make you leave.
He was so careful, always so cautious. The police don’t even know what he is or the things he’s done, so how would you?
You hadn’t been acting weird lately. Or had you? How would he not notice?
But the truth is you hadn’t noticed anything. Like I said, Yeosang is too careful, too sneaky, too clever.
What really happened is that you were out with a friend yesterday evening and decided to spend the night as no one felt like driving and both of your phones were dead so you couldn’t call Yeosang to pick you up. You got to her house and put the phone on the charge before eating a late dinner, intending to call him when it had charged up a bit, but you fell asleep before you could do so.
And this happened to be on a night where Yeosang had prior commitments so he couldn’t stalk you so see what you were doing. He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he got home, only panicking when he woke up the next day to find you still gone.
And now, it was eleven o’clock and Yeosang was pulling up to your friend’s house, calming only slightly when he saw you about to get in your friend’s car, phone in hand, looking worried.
He realized you’d probably been trying to call him but the blood pounding against his ears didn’t allow him to hear the phone he’d thrown haphazardly into the passenger seat.
Yeosang barely even parks before open the car door, anything he was about to say dying on his tongue as an explanation rushed out of your mouth.
Yeosang takes it gracefully, nodding, as he pulls you into his arms.
“I was scared something happened to you,” he says, to which your friend starts cooing over your relationship.
She just doesn't know that he’s already formulating a back-up plan in case you found out about him and tried to leave.
He had no problem killing your friends off one-by-one if it meant you’d stay with him.
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The Jekyll and Hyde 
No matter how San was feeling previously, your attempted escape would undoubtedly bring out Other San.
You’d seen Other San angry before. You’d seen him throw things, punch gigantic holes in walls, scream till he was hoarse, had him kick you in the stomach so hard he almost ruptured your organs, and even seen break an entire table once.
But none of that, none of it compared to the way you were seeing him now.
His gait was slow and confident, his dark eyes following you like a predator, a terrifying smirk painting his face, the malice of it detracting from every handsome feature he had.
“Baby,” he laughed, shaking his head, crossing to the kitchen and disappearing for a moment. You’d run if you thought you actually had a shot of escaping but you knew you didn’t and San was already angry enough.
“You’re so stupid, baby,” he giggled, voice muffled by distance and the more overpowering sound of metal instruments tinkling and bumping against each other.
You said nothing.
When San emerged, it was with a long meat knife with an incredibly sharp blade. You didn’t even know you had that.
San’s eyes were wild, manic as he advanced toward you, shuddering at the sound of your terrified whimpers.
“If you wanted me to hurt you, all you had to do was ask.”
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The Clingy Bad Boy 
This is probably going to be pretty short because I don’t see Mingi having a gigantic reaction, shocking as that may seem. It wasn’t short at all, but that’s because I got description crazy.
He would just have a really violent one.
The minute he got you back in the house, he’d look at you for a second.
And then he’d punch the shit out of you.
You blacked out and when you woke up, it was to an aching body and bruises all over your body. Some places were swollen, some cut, and some bleeding, but, thankfully, nothing was broken.
For some reason, breaking bones seemed like a line Mingi wasn’t able to cross when it came to you.
Personally, you’d rather he broke a single bone and left you alone than do all this, but that wasn’t something you’d say out loud.
You looked up when the door opened to reveal Mingi coming in the room carrying a glass of water, a sandwich and chips, and a few pills.
He sat in a chair beside the bed, putting the food on one side of the nightstand and holding the glass of water and the pills out to you. “Take these,” he said, no trace of his previous anger, but no trace of remorse either.
He looked like this was a normal, everyday occurrence.
You complied, recognizing the pills as two painkillers and swallowing them along with a couple large gulps of water.
Mingi brought a first-aid kit from under the bed, cleaning cuts and applying ointments to your wounds, humming in his low, deep voice as he did so.
And even though he was the one who did this to you, the human mind is an absolute bitch and you relaxed as you heard him sing the familiar melody. He was humming the song he always sang when you were sad.
When he finished treating you, he gave you the food and let you eat before helping you to the bathroom, giving you a hot bath and helping you brush your teeth, do your skincare routine, and dress you for bed.
Your body hurt, but the painkillers helped and Mingi carried you and did everything for you so you didn’t have to move around as much.
He sang you to sleep as well, something he rarely did.
As you drifted, halfway between sleep and consciousness, you felt him lean down to your ear and say, “I already told you not to leave me. I meant it. Don’t make me do this again.” 
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The Incubus 
I really don’t see a way for you to even attempt to escape from Wooyoung. He has demons guarding you and he uses his powers to keep track of you at all times. Not to mention, you can’t navigate Hell, only a demon can. This is a fact that both you and Wooyoung are well aware of.
If you managed an escape attempt, it would only be because Wooyoung was bored and he allowed it to happen. He might actually like you more if you did this. It’d give him something fun to do and an excuse to punish you and his punishments were his favorite thing in the world.
He’d tell his guards to let you slip past and watch you, amused, as you ran out of the house and past the gates. You didn’t last long, eventually too incredibly confused by the twists and turns of hell, too scared of the glowing eyes of unknown creatures that you could see lurking hungrily at you through the dense shrubbery.
Wooyoung was slightly impressed, though. It was longer than any human’s ever lasted and certainly longer than he expected of you.
But still, he waited. You had to know no one else was coming for you. You had to know that without his help, you’d die here. And it’d be a slow and painful death, much more so than any death on earth could be.
You had nowhere else to turn . . .
There it was.
Wooyoung grinned as he appeared before you in a flurry of black smoke, even more amused at the sight of you sobbing on your knees, hating the fact that you had to return to him but having no other choice.
He tsked disapprovingly, crouching down so he was eye-level with you, his finger slipping under your chin to bring your head up to look at him.
“Bad baby. Now I have to punish you.”
Wooyoung grunted as he thrust quickly into the demon, her loud screams of pleasure reverberating off the walls.
Her smirk was smug as she looked at you, chained in the corner and forced to watch him fuck her.
It was your usual punishment, except Wooyoung normally makes you watch him fuck three or four women (demon stamina was a hell of a thing). But he seemed to be more taken with this girl; they were on their third round and he hadn’t shown any sign of tiring out yet.
You didn’t know what that meant. Had they met before? Did he already like her? Was he . . . was he thinking about replacing you?
You tried to tell yourself that that didn’t matter, that it was something you would be happy about, but you couldn’t deny the lurch your stomach gave at the thought.
If Wooyoung found someone else, what would he do to you?
Would he throw you out? As much as you hated him and this horrible fucking place, you couldn’t ignore the fact that it was much safer here than out there with the other things that lurk in this realm.
And he definitely wouldn’t be nice enough to take you back home.
Would he kill you? There’s a chance it would be quickly but, knowing him, it would be long and drawn out.
Maybe it would be in your best interest not to piss him off, after all.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “So tight!”
His head was thrown back as the woman climbed on top of him, riding him quickly, his hands kneading her ass.
Through his haze of pleasure, he grinned as he read your thoughts. You were starting to question yourself, starting to wonder what was actually in your best interest, just as he wanted.
He became more vocal, making sure not to glance your way as he thrust into the woman and kissed her passionately, both of them groaning loudly as he came.
He could hear how their noises made you feel.
For now, you’d comply because it was best for your safety. But eventually, you’d actually believe you loved him.
“This could be you if you weren’t so mean, love,” he said, placing the woman on her back and thrusting into her once more, going back to ignoring you as he pounded into her, moaning as her legs locked around his waist and her nails dug into his back.
His ego was bigger than ever as he felt your fear amplify, scared he would replace and throw you away, terrified of what lurked outside these walls.
Yes, his plan was going lovely.
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The Overprotective Guard Dog 
We need more Jongho GIFS
OK, I know this is going to be hella short because Jongho would not have a big reaction at all. If you simply wanted to break up, he would ask why. He’d ask what he could change for you two to stay together. He’d change accordingly. If you still wanted to break up, he would reluctantly let it happen and you two would continue to be friends.
If it was because you found out about him, then he would disappear, stalking you quietly from the sidelines without your knowledge.
In all scenarios, Jongho will continue stalking you, taking out threats and people that bother you from afar.
You think you’re rid of him, but you’re his god/ess and he’ll always be around to serve you, whether you know it or not. 
The Asteroid Belt 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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mimik-u · 4 years
Flower Child (Chapter 13): Blue (III)
Goodness, I'm nearly a year and a half late, but here we are—Chapter 13 of "Flower Child." First of all, I want to give my sincerest apologies for the delay... I mentioned this at the start of my fic "Facets," but the simplest and truest story is that my muse for writing Steven Universe and, well, writing in general petered out for a long time and has only recently returned. But, because it has recently returned, I wanted to begin to make good on a promise I made to you guys so many months ago—that one day, I would finish this story. So let's do this. <3 I'm ready now. 
(1) I read through the previous twelve chapters, lmao, and half-loved and half-hated my writing, but the point of that exercise, beyond getting acquainted with the plot of "FC" again, was to also do some quick grammar and flow revisions, so a few of the previous chapters should read just a little better than maybe they had before.
(2) Fun fact! Chapter 13 is pretty interesting because some portions of it were actually written over a year ago; it was an incredible challenge for me to work with what I had as a 2019 writer versus what I've learned as a 2020 writer.
(4) Someone asked on Tumblr a long time ago if there was a playlist I worked with in writing this story...
(5) And finally, and most importantly, this chapter is incredibly heavy, dealing with themes of suicidal ideation and extreme depression.
Please be cautious while reading if these are topics that are triggering to you!
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The shiny, black town car eased to a stop at the pull-through entrance of the hospital, drawing the gazes of passerby on the sidewalk. An older lady in a wheelchair, a group of what appeared to be college kids in scrubs, a scraggly-looking patient who’d obviously escaped the confines of his room to light a cigarette—they all stopped and stared as the back door of the overtly fancy car was pried open from the inside out, as a metal cane preceded a woman who quite looked like she needed it.
Blue Diamond unfolded into the light of day, trembling.
Because it was hard.
It was so hard.
To be here.
(To be.)
She wanted to collapse where she stood, dissemble and dissolve away one piece of herself at a time; she leaned heavily on the head of her cane and lit upon the sole pair of eyes that weren’t looking at her—or, really, her Lincoln. The man named Greg Universe stood next to the automatic doors with his hands shoved deep into his pockets, staring at the ground, all but boring a hole into it. When the sliding doors opened and closed at his backside, they appeared to be ripping into him, piece by miserable piece.
“I’ll call when I’m ready,” Blue murmured to her valet before shutting the door and slowly hobbling over to Greg.
The onlookers glanced away as the town car drove off, resumed their lives and cared not for yet another broken person in their midst. The hospital was full of them as it was. Perhaps they were even broken themselves—very probably they were.
Blue Diamond did not care to know.
I’m betraying her, she thought, she was always thinking. I’m leaving her behind. I’m betraying her. I’m—
The clanking did the trick, catching Greg’s attention and only half-holding it. He lifted his head slowly and mustered a smile that must have been agony. It wobbled on his lips and very nearly disappeared in his bushy beard. It pulled at him—all over. He looked like a Picasso gone wrong, an abstraction of a man stretched too far.
“Hey, just in time.” He gave a shaky little laugh that rather sounded like a sob and then somehow kept talking, his entire physiognomy alive with his nerves. “Steven’s so excited to see you again. He hasn’t stopped talking about ya since this morning, which is kinda nuts because he was so tired yesterday, but this is a good thing, and so we should really go up and see him now because—”
She cut across him; it was a quiet act, a merciful one. “Greg.”
It was just his name, a singular syllable, a sound, but even that was enough.
Mr. Universe’s face fell into geometric disarray.
“No use hiding it, huh?” He half-wept, half-laughed again, scrubbing a hand over his face and bringing up his shirt to soak up what was left.
“No,” Blue Diamond whispered, her hands tightening on the head of her cane. “It’s scrawled all over you, I’m afraid.”
“Figures,” he said hoarsely. “I’m a mess.”
“No more than I am.” She pried one of her hands away from the other and gestured loosely at her entire body with a wry smile. “If you’re a mess, then I am a dereliction.”
It wasn’t a contest; it was the truth.
Four years of grieving had wasted her.
Blue Diamond was skeletal.
Greg took this in and considered; his smile that really wasn’t a smile resolved itself into a quiet, aching sort of frown. It tugged his face downwards; it tugged at the hollows of her chest. She’d seen him only a little over a week ago, and yet today, he looked as though he’d aged a hundred years in the span of eight days. There were bags under his eyes and sunken dunes in his cheeks.
There was a little boy in a hospital bed.
There was a disease.
It was killing them both.
“How do I do this?” He asked the ground. “How did you—” But he stopped short; his breath hitched.
It was a highly personal question after all.
It was no short wonder that Blue’s cane didn’t snap beneath her grip.
“How did I do it?” She returned softly all the same. The slight breeze stirred the strands of hair poking out of her silvery braid.
Greg nodded mutely, the desperation in his face tangible. She could reach out if she wanted and touch his hurt, the very heart of it, and all of its dimensions. (She didn’t want to.)
“To be entirely truthful,” she murmured, “I’m not sure that I ever did.”
It was nearly one o’clock in the afternoon, and it was also 2:38AM, the very moment when a police officer had the audacity to come to their door and tell two mothers that their daughter was dead, gone, and never coming back. His expression was a gathering bruise, and his words were like bullets, striking right between the ribs.
Blue Diamond couldn’t breathe.
In the darkness, she sat on the edge of Pink’s bed and dragged every mouthful of air inwards like it was painful; her chest heaved with the awfulness of it, the punctured horror of leaking lungs.
Her child was dead.
Oh, God.
Her child was gone.
Why, oh, why, oh, God, my God?
And she was never coming back.
In the coagulated darkness, Blue clutched her daughter’s favorite sweatshirt close to her chest; it was black and ratty, full of holes and little tears. A small alien logo perched on the chest, grinning up at her from depthless eyes.
They used to fight over this particular number.
“You’re a multibillion dollar heiress.” Blue would pinch the bridge of her nose and try not to raise her voice above an acerbic whisper. “Would it inconvenience you to buy some nicer clothes?”
Pink was unsparing in her retorts, wicked and witty, face upturned in a haughtiness to match her mother’s own. 
“Would it inconvenience you to get off my ass, Mother? It’s just a sweatshirt.”
And on and on. 
The fabric was cold between Blue’s long fingers, still scented with Pink’s favorite perfume.
They were going to bury her today, mere hours from now.
Last week, they’d been fighting over this shirt.
On and on and never again.
The funeral… mere hours from now… less than three… but how could that also be true when it was only 1:52AM and Pink Diamond was coughing her last, strangled breath on a dirty pavement outside a bar on 9th Avenue?
Blue Diamond hadn’t been there, but she forced the words on the detective’s report to come to life in the theatre of her mind’s eye anyway. By the time the paramedics had arrived, Pink was all but gone; she gasped, and she coughed, and her brown eyes marbled in one final supernova of emotion. They tried to resuscitate her, but the damage was too extensive.
She’d fought back, the officer had said. (He thought it was a consolation to them.)
The proof was caked in her nails and scratched all over her arms, but it’d been three against one.
She was a lion, and they were men; she was a twenty-one year old girl, and they were men.
In the darkness, unraveling, Blue Diamond’s face dripped onto the sweatshirt, onto the alien smiling up at her with a black sliver of a mocking grin. She did not register—she did not care to register—the slow creaking of the door opening inwards.
Amber light strained from the hallway to find and reach and touch her but didn’t quite make it. 
Yellow Diamond was a shadowy figure in the doorway.
“You shouldn’t be in here,” she scolded, and yet, she moved into the room anyway—the hypocrite—her sharp heels muffled in the carpet. Stiff and forbidding, she came to stand in front of Blue, arms crossed over her chest, a frown crossed over her face. “It’s not healthy for you, Bl—“
But Blue cut across her. It was not a kind act; it was a precise incision—cold and surgical—three inches long and just as deep. “Our daughter is dead, Yellow.”
The shadowy figure recoiled but did not bite.
Even now, Yellow couldn’t bear to be seen as vulnerable, couldn’t bear to give one damn inch.
“I know that, dammit,” she muttered to the wall. “Dammit—do you not think I know that?”
But Blue had no pity for her, no shred of any emotion left except for the vicious tangle of grief; it tangled in her fingers, which sunk deep into Pink’s shirt, and it tangled in her cold eyes, leaking down her pale face and salting her anemic lips.
“Then act like it,” she hissed.
The exhortation bruised the air.
It demanded a reaction.
On its hands and knees, it begged for a response.
And yet, the shadowy figure said nothing. She didn't move her clenched fists.
She could not face Blue in the eyes.
She simply left, staggering out of the room on precariously high heels, and Blue simply stayed, conflating the hours and the days and the minutes.
Later that day, they buried their daughter in a mausoleum, a gazebo—in a cemetery slathered in golden sun.
Greg explained the details as best as he could on the way up to Steven’s room. It was hard to find him a kidney because his blood type was O negative, which meant that he would only be able to receive a kidney from a Type O donor. And though he’d been on the waiting list for months now, and though he’d recently been moved to the top of the list given his worsening condition, it was still anyone’s guess as to when a kidney would become available.
(“If,” he could barely choke out, “we can even get one at all.”)
After slowly making their way across an expansive skywalk, they finally arrived at a pair of double doors labeled Truman Ward. The sun pierced through the tall glass windows and lit upon Blue’s sunken face, and Greg’s red eyes, and her metallic cane, and his wobbling lips—as though it was doing them a favor by doing so.
Greg reached behind her and pressed a button on the wall, alerting someone on the other side to their arrival.
“Listen”—he ran his hand along the back of his neck as the doors slowly parted open in welcome—“I’m going to go back to the room for a bit and see if I can get some paperwork done. Feel free to stay as long as ya’d like. Visiting hours don’t end ’til eight.”
Blue stared at him. 
Every moment—every hour, minute, and second with this child was precious nowadays, and here Greg was, lending her time out of his own.
She felt the gift of what he was offering deeply.
(She could have never found it in herself to be so generous with Pink.)
“Thank you.” She swept a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I… I appreciate you allowing me to visit him.”
But he only shook his head and urged her through the doors with a pinched smile.
“If he’s happy that you’re here,” he shrugged, “then I am, too.”
And with that, he waved a last goodbye, and the doors folded to a close again with her on the other side of them.
Room 11037.
Walking became a monumental task as the clinically white hallway stretched out before her, lengthened by her mind, twisted and contorted into an obstacle she had to surmount.
It should have been just a hall.
The memory of Pink burned bright behind her eyelids, stained there permanently by principle but stamped in starkly with assistance from the harsh fluorescents overhead. She was laughing, always laughing, in these flashbulb reminiscences, her freckles coalescing and then expanding across the bridge of her nose like the bellows of an accordion.
But it wasn’t just Pink, though it always would be.
It was Steven now.
A ghost she chased, as opposed to the one who perpetually haunted her (who mercifully, who cruelly stayed.)
But he wasn’t a ghost just yet, right? He was still here and still fighting—did that not count for something? Didn't his heartbeat, the very state of its continued existence, teach her to hope?
But hope was such an awful word—so empty, brimming with meaningless sensationalism.
(Maybe it was the vestiges of her long dead religion, but she wanted to hope anyway.)
Hope was such an awful word.
Room 11037. 
The door was decisively closed. 
A tall woman with bicolored eyes leaned against it, her dark lips corkscrewed into a frown.
Blue Diamond vaguely remembered her from the cemetery but couldn’t quite place a name. She could place an expression, though, and was surprised to name the one on this stranger’s face as disdain. Disdain rolled off this mysterious woman in waves, from the resolute clench of her jaw to the iron way that her arms were folded across her chest. It burned in her eyes. It seemed to languish inside of her, seething just under a facade of smooth skin.
She was a monolith of quiet loathing.
Blue squared her rounded shoulders in a manner she thought to be composed; her hands trembled on her cane nonetheless.
“You don’t like me very much, do you?” She asked it quite politely, even as the walls were harsh and white around them. She used to command rooms by the authoritative nature of her voice alone, and now she struggled to keep it together long enough to face a singular woman in front of a singular door.
“It’s not you specifically,” the woman replied, impressively put together, admirably composed. If her electric blue eye was cold, the brown one simply burned. Both were bruised underneath with tired shadows. “It’s what you stand for. It’s about the morals that Diamond Electric doesn’t have.”
“You’re an activist,” Blue surmised quickly, almost flippantly. Activists were challenging DE all of the time, and activists were always losing. Before Pink… she’d largely assumed that these sorts of protesters simply had no logical case. After Pink, she had had much more consuming thoughts on her mind than petty lawsuits against their multibillion dollar company.
“A Crystal Gem,” she corrected tersely, “but that’s not what I want to talk to you about.” Her gaze slid subtly to the doorway behind her, and Blue understood her at once.
“Steven,” she whispered.
The woman nodded.
“Steven,” she agreed, and her voice cracked as she said it, splintering into thousands of little pieces and struggling to regroup. When she swallowed to compose herself, it was almost as though she was swallowing the shards. “He likes you, and I can’t… I won’t begrudge him that.”
In the way that she said it, it was almost like she was convincing herself most of all.
“There is an implicit but there,” Blue parried softly. “You won’t begrudge him that, but.”
Again, the woman nodded, the gesture slow and measured, as though she was working something out in the tiny motion. When her squared chin came up again, her mismatched eyes were bright, intense with quiet pain.
“But don’t hurt him.”
It was a reasonable demand, but the implication behind it stung immediately and anyway.
She inhaled sharply and scrambled to defend herself, to salvage the punctured wound, but the damage was already done. Her voice came out more broken than it did cold.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“Maybe not intentionally,” the Crystal Gem said, shaking her head. “Most people never really intend to hurt someone… but it happens. We get caught up in our emotions. We get selfish. We get distant. And then we hurt people.”
It struck Blue Diamond at that very moment that she hadn’t even deigned to ask the woman’s name.
“So, all I’m saying is don’t hurt him.” She unfolded herself from the door and stepped aside. “He likes you.”
Two days after the first anniversary of Pink Diamond’s death, a doctor shined a light in Blue Diamond’s glassy eyes and waited for a pupillary response. When he received one—an involuntary but nonetheless reactive blink—he unceremoniously clicked off his pen light and straightened up into the unfriendly darkness once more.
In the sparse incandescence bleeding in from the hallway, Yellow Diamond cut a shadowy figure by his side, her usually tidy hair rumpled from all the times her fingers had become ensnared in it that day.
Her tie was loose, and lines had already begun to etch themselves beneath those hawklike eyes of hers.
Soon, they would become permanent fixtures, marked there by time and age and grief.
For now, though, they were only suggestions.
Hints of what was to come.
(So many sleepless nights.)
(How many haunted days?)
“Well?” Though the CEO tried hard to strangle her voice into a whisper, the sharpness of the syllable was still the loudest sound in the room. Subtlety had never quite been this woman’s strong suit; she wielded her words as though they were gavels to proclaim on the heads of all who dared to cross her path.
“Catatonic depression,” the doctor replied, just as succinctly, replacing his pen in the pocket of his lab coat. “The staring, the lack of movement, the loss of appetite, the elective mutism. All textbook symptoms that point to the fact that your wife is still grieving, Mrs. Diamond. Frankly, I’m worried for her health.”
The shadow on his left scowled at this diagnosis, and she fidgeted, and it was apparent by these two idiosyncrasies alone that she was scrounging deep for some incisive rebuttal against the truth that laid like a breathing corpse directly below her. 
“Then what, pray tell, do you intend to do about it?” Her voice exceeded its former intentions of quietness. “That’s the problem. Now what’s the solution?”
“Well, I admit her to the hospital and start her on an intravenous Lorazepam treatment. It’s a sedative. It’ll assuage some of her anxiety and relax her muscles to prevent spasming.”
“Yes, and then?”
They were talking about her as though she wasn’t even there.
It was a fair enough assessment.
“And then what, Mrs. Diamond?” The doctor stared at her incredulously, shoving both of his hands in his pockets. “With all due respect, I can treat your wife’s physical symptoms from sunup to sundown, but that’s not touching the heart of what is truly debilitating her. She’s grieving, ma’am, and she needs psychiatric treatment beyond what I can provide as a private doctor and you can provide as her spouse. We discussed this the last time I was here.”
“And the time before that—yes, I know,” Yellow Diamond laughed humorlessly, the sound half-mad in her constricted throat. “Because you stand there, like an imbecile, and tell me that there’s no underlying medical cause to this?!”
She jabbed an accusing hand at Blue Diamond, whose oceanic eyes were wide open and unseeing, silent tears slipping from the corners of them and falling sideways across her face. There was an untouched tray of food on her nightstand. There was a lankness in her unwashed hair. There were pill bottles accumulating like a grotesque collection next to the alarm clock.  
And there was an air, an atmosphere, an oppression of silent decay.
The funereality of it was undeniable.
An uncomfortable wooden chair stood next to the bed where Yellow Diamond had been sitting vigil for the past two nights since they had visited the cemetery on the day of the anniversary. 
Blue Diamond’s keening sobs had sliced the autumnal air.
Her daughter was dead.
Never coming back.
She stared at nothing, it seemed to Yellow and the doctor; she languished in the visions of Pink that seized across her mind with every dripping second of consciousness. 
“Depression is an underlying medical cause, Mrs. Diamond.” 
The doctor’s voice softened. 
For the first time since the house call had begun, his lanky silhouette jerked a little, as though he wanted to place a hand on the CEO’s shoulder, but thought better of it upon seeing something forbidding in the other’s expression.
“And she’s tired, ma’am. You both are.” Look at you, his rust colored eyes seemed to say. You’re both historical wrecks to a long dead ghost. “You can’t take care of her alone…  moreover, you shouldn’t have to.”
But the doctor had finally overstepped one prying comment too far, and he must have known it immediately, because he took a step back from the golden eyes glowering at him in the darkness of that dusty bedroom.
Yellow Diamond’s entire face transformed, twisting itself into facets of shattered rage.
She was feral.
Apoplectic with fury.
(Grieving, she was inconsolable.)
Goddammit, she was on fire.
“Do not ever deign to tell me what I can and can’t do when it comes to my wife,” she snarled, all pretense of quietness long gone, devoured in the hurricane of emotion. “Get out! OUT!”
“Mrs. Diamond, please—“
“I SAID OUT! OUT!” She shrieked, harshly shoving his shoulder with the flats of her palms. “GET THE HELL OUT!”
The doctor did not need telling again; he fled the room as the force of Yellow Diamond’s dismissal stoned his back.
Blue blinked slowly as a shaking hand suddenly clasped her arm in the wake of the carnage, the imprint of a steel wedding band carving itself into her flesh.
That hurts, Yellow.
She blinked again, the words swelling on her tongue and dying there unrestfully.
That hurts.
The warnings of Steven’s guardian standing sentinel on top of her frantically beating heart, Blue Diamond turned the knob to Room 11037 and pushed inwards until the door reluctantly gave way to a sight she had forgotten to steel herself for in-between the guilt of moving on and the agonizing action of doing so.
Steven himself.
Dwarfed in a hospital bed.
A mere wisp of the boy who had sat with her on the balcony only three days ago and stuffed his face with little chocolate cakes.
Her prodigious mind working far ahead of her paralyzed body, she frantically tried to recall his text from yesterday, what it had said about his condition, if it had indicated anything about his current state at all. But he had only told her that he had passed out and ended up in the hospital again. The boy had said nothing about the extensive tubing and the wires that ribboned and scissored his entire body in streaming colors. Lines crisscrossed each other and tumbled over and under and around his blankets. 
She saw the bottom of an empty catheter bag at the edge of the bed.
And the bruises like angry embers pulsing up his arms.
Somehow, amongst all the other things she was absorbing at precisely the same time, she noticed that next to a vase of elegantly arranged sunflowers, there was an inelegantly arranged tray of hospital food.
He had texted not a word about the yellow pallor of his skin.
He had used exclamation points—exclamation points!—to indicate his excitement.
Blue Diamond could not shake the notion, the very absurd idea, that he had lied to her somehow, had drawn her here under false pretenses.
(This was not the truth. She had estimated at what she was getting herself into and crossed the line into getting herself into it anyway.)
“Hi,” Steven Universe said sheepishly, his cheeks flushing darkly. He was caught, and he knew it. “It’s good to see you again, Blue.”
The seconds dripped between them.
The heart monitor on the wall counted them out.
Blue’s plump lips parted slightly.
Her hand shivered on the head of her cane until the sound of it rattled the clinically quiet room.
She couldn’t do this again.
She wouldn’t grieve for another dead child.
One had been too much—one had almost killed her. 
God, and there were still days where she wondered if it still would.
Without thinking, desperate for relief, Blue turned away and braced her free hand on the door, drawing in harsh, ragged breaths that scratched at her beaten lungs, that bled them anew until they were leaking.
Who was she to believe that she wasn’t falling apart at her seams? How delusional was she to hope that a boy with a flower would be the difference between her saving grace and her inevitable dissolution? Was she so naïve to overlook the contours of his illness and think that his determination would be enough to save him from the eternal truth of this world? Was she so weak?
Death didn't discriminate between the old and the young, the sinner and the saint.
Pink Diamond was only twenty-one years old.
Steven Universe was a child.
“Blue!” Steven pleaded. “Wait, please don’t go. I—”
“I cannot look at you, Steven Universe," she cut across him, her voice low and fractured. Hot tears stood in her eyes, suddenly blurring her hand against the smooth door. “I’m sorry, but I cannot bear to see…”
“Can’t bear to see that I’m dying?”
He didn’t just refuse to mince the word; he stabbed it into her back so remorselessly that she gasped sharply. She glanced down at her chest and half-expected to see it lodged there, poking out, her beating heart speared on its tip.
“People can skirt around the word all they want,” Steven laughed bitterly, “but there’s no other word for it… without a kidney, I’m gonna die soon, Blue Diamond. I’m dying right now. I think I’ve been dying all this time. And everyone… all they wanna do… is look away from me. Pearl, Garnet, my dad…”
He sniffed.
“They keep looking away, and I’m so tired of it… I-I’m exhausted.”
The door felt cold against her palm.
On the balcony, two days ago, she accused Yellow Diamond of shoving their daughter away in a drawer with the rest of her useless items.
In an arctic hospital room, Blue Diamond was ready to consign a boy to the same grave her daughter was buried in… 
… but dead children couldn’t talk.
Dead children couldn’t be tired.
They were simply dead.
“So, please, Blue Diamond… please don’t look away.”
The seconds dripped between them.
The heart monitor on the wall counted them out.
Her eyes were wide with the horror of everything, of it all, the senselessness, the depravity, the nihilistic revolutions of this awful, uncaring world.
“I had a daughter once,” she whispered to the door. “Her name was Pink Diamond, and she was… she is… my everything. She had a smile wider than this planet could ever hope to contain… and she very much liked to laugh.”
She had never talked about Pink to anyone other than Yellow before.
Even evoking her name felt like blasphemy.
A second passed, and no lightning fell from the sky to strike her dead; she supposed her own self-flagellation was the punishment and the eternal damnation alike.
“I looked away. Yellow and I both did. She wanted more from life, and we wanted to contain her life into… into a little box that could fit on the shelf with all our other trophies. She was our accomplishment, you see, our legacy.”
Blue Diamond’s hand fell away from the door, so she could bring it up to her mouth in a futile attempt to dam the sobs that racked her shoulders.
“We looked away. The night that she… she—” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word aloud. She wasn’t brave like Steven. “We thought she was in her room, and I didn’t tell her that I loved her that night because we had argued… I thought I’d get the chance the next day or the day after that because we argued all the time. It was normal for us.”
On and on and never again.
When was the last time Blue Diamond had said those three words to her daughter?
These past four years, she had scoured her brain for the answer, but the answer was as elusive as the phrase was from her mouth.
For the simple truth of the matter was that she hadn’t said it very often.
In all her vast intellect, she had always assumed that it was assumed.
You’ll never let me grow up, will you?
I love you, she could have said.
You’ll never let me grow up, will you?
I didn’t want you to, she would have replied then. I wanted you to collect dust with all the rest of our awards and certificates. I wanted you safe, where I could see you. I wanted to quantify the entirety of your life and itemize the particulars. I wanted you to always be mine.
I love you.
I looked away.
An oxymoron.
A tragedy.
“So if I look at you, Steven Universe,” she murmured, screwing her eyes closed tightly against the pain, “really look at you, then I have to face that truth again—that I loved someone once… and I looked away… and now she’s… gone.”
And that was the immutable truth of the matter, the conclusion she circled around to no matter how many times the Earth continued to revolve away from the day since Pink Diamond had last existed on this world.
Four thousand revolutions later, and this would still be what it came down to in the end.
Her daughter’s blood was on her hands, staining them crimson, veining her lifelines with the guilt and the awfulness and the unbearable, crucifying shame.
And her daughter’s blood cried out, You’ll never let me grow up, will you?
And every time she so much as looked at her own palms, that was the only echo she saw written across their hollows.
Those last words.
Undoing and undone.
“But… I’m not gone yet,” Steven argued softly. His voice fought to be heard over all the machinery keeping him alive. “I’m here.”
He must have moved because blankets shifted somewhere behind her.
Dead children didn’t move.
Dead children weren’t here.
They were simply—
Do it, she commanded herself.
Look at him.
But Blue Diamond was frozen, and she was statuesque; she was a calcification barely anchored on the foundation of her cane. One false move and she would crumble entirely. 
The safest bet on her own survival was to limp away and dare not look behind her lest she turn to salt and dust. 
Someone else could clean up the carnage.
That woman who stood at the door—she’d do it—Greg Universe and the boy’s other guardians, too.
Don’t hurt him, that same woman had also said. He likes you.
It was wash day. 
For nearly a year and half after Pink Diamond died, Yellow would force Blue out of bed every few days for a bath or a shower—usually a shower because it was becoming increasingly hard for the CEO to lift her wife in and out of the tub.
Today was a tub sort of occasion, though.
Date night with the Diamonds.
The presence of death was always with them, though, an intrusive third wheel.
With a slight groan, Yellow lowered herself into the warm water behind Blue, steam rising around their naked skin like curling smoke. Once upon a time, this used to be a favorite pastime of theirs, a chance to reacquaint themselves with each other and their bodies… but now the gesture was simply hygienic in purpose, asexual and quiet.
It was always quiet in the Diamonds’ penthouse suite these days.
“Is it too hot?” Yellow asked, her voice as gentle as she could wrangle it. Somehow, at the same time, it was still edged with the trappings of harshness. “I can add some cold water?"
She waited briefly for a reply that would never come.
Blue stared limply at her knees, pulled up awkwardly as they were to her chest. Her sensitive skin had already reddened in a couple of places where it was touching the water. There were pink fingerprints wrapped around her armpits where she’d been handled into the tub. 
“I think it’s too hot. You’re getting a rash.” A well-manicured hand flashed out from behind her ear and knobbed the far left tap. There was a quick murmur and then the steady hiss of cold water.
“There,” she humphed satisfactorily. “This’ll feel better.”
The running stream answered its assent.
Blue Diamond did not say a word.
She hadn’t in days now, maybe even weeks; time was irrelevant to her, and the words would not come. 
There was only a dullness in her head, numb and numbing, like an icy compress coiled tightly around her thoughts.
Yellow didn’t think so, but this was better than the alternative; this was the far superior solution to the problem, the pain, and the pervasiveness of the ghost who was their daughter Pink Diamond.
Because when the analgesic of her own catatonia faded, and some of the feeling tried to seep through, her chest would unfailingly tighten, a vice squeezing hard upon her weary heart.
She couldn’t breathe.
Her child was dead.
The sound came from behind her, guttural and choked, as though the speaker was fighting hard against the noise and losing the war.
“I’m so tired, Blue.” 
It was an admission, and it was a copout.
Both of them knew that Blue Diamond wasn’t registering a single word.
She heard them—yes, this was true.
But they came to her—they landed softly—like distant echoes; she did not feel the pain of them, the visceral agony; at the present moment, she did not even feel her own pain, the grief and the scalding water and the grief.
Because it was always the grief she was trying to repress.
Everything else was just ancillary.
“You don’t know, goddammit, you can’t know, how exhausted I am.” Yellow Diamond’s voice shattered in the tub.
And her entire body hitched.
As though to keep that from breaking, too.
“You exhaust me, Blue Diamond. You exhaust me every single day. And you don’t even know it, goddammit. Who are you? What the hell have you become?”
The question was delivered to her backside, where it slipped down her tall, curving spine and into the water, splashing there with the delivery of the tap. With a violence that was almost cruel, Yellow reached from behind her again and flung it back into an off position.
There was quietness then.
It was so still, that it was disquiet.
It was always quiet in the Diamonds’ penthouse suite these days.
Blue continued to stare blankly at her knees.
There were red patches on her skin.
Her child was dead.
After a moment’s hesitation, her breath heavy on the back of Blue’s long, slender neck, Yellow Diamond gathered her silvery hair gently in one hand and grabbed the comb on the side of the tub with another.
She was careful as she maneuvered its teeth through damp, lank strands.
She always was.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m so sorry, Blue.”
That was what Blue Diamond’s note would say merely a few months later.
I’m sorry and I’m sorry and I’m sorry.
Love always, Blue.
But that was the crucial thing, wasn’t it?
Sorry was not enough; love was not enough.
Because if love had been enough, Pink Diamond would still be alive. 
In a hospital room pierced through with golden sun, Blue Diamond turned around and faced the light of day, her heavy braid swinging along with the slow, deliberate motion. 
She wasn’t looking away, Steven Universe.
She was staring straight at him—at his sunken face and his tubing and at the catheter bag and at the sunflowers.
The boy was dying, but he was not yet dead.
It wasn’t much.
At the very least, though, it was something.
He was not gone, even if he was going.
He was here.
In this moment, in this very ephemeral second.
The heart monitor on the wall attested to that; it counted his heartbeats; it pleaded with her to have hope.
(Hope was such an awful word.)
“Those are beautiful flowers,” she whispered. Her cane clinked against the tiled floor as she carefully drew closer to observe them better.
Their petals were tall and spiky, assaulting the air with attentiveness and regal magnitude.
They vaguely reminded her of Yellow.
With a light finger, she tried to prop up one that was beginning to droop beneath the weight of all its brethren, but the moment she withdrew her touch, it fell again, sighing listlessly. 
Poor thing.
“But not quite as pretty as that hibiscus you bequeathed me.”
Steven’s eyes, edged with the trace remnant of his tears, were wide and dark, full of velvet and silvery stars.
“You don’t still have it, do you?” He asked, incredulous and rather pleased.
He played a little with his hands on top of his blankets. 
He tried to tamp down his hope for an affirmative with an unconvincing casualness.
Blue Diamond’s smile bruised her lips.
“I placed it on my nightstand, sweet boy, so I could look at it everyday.”
It took a second, but the irony of that word choice was not lost on either of them.
Yellow Diamond placed the failed suicide note on her nightstand for Blue to see and know that she saw. They didn’t talk about it afterwards.
How could they?
What was there to say?
It remained there for a few days afterwards, shriveled and guilty-looking next to the alarm clock; every time she opened her eyes, she would see it and feel its quiet condemnation. She would close her eyes against its glare and wait for sleep or numbness one to wrestle her into the dark. 
One day, she woke up, and the paper was gone again. 
The realization drew a frown across her wrinkled face.
When she thought about getting up to search for it, and mustered the appropriate will to get out of bed, apparently, many days had passed in the interim.
A month.
She only recognized this upon surveying her bathroom on her way to the toilet; she couldn't find her shaving razor anywhere.
One night—the day, the month, the year undetermined in the abscessed haze of her mind—a dull ache throbbed through Blue’s hip, growing in intensity and sharpness with each passing second that she laid on the wounded area.
There was a part of her, not entirely inconsequential, that invited the pain. For after all, suffering was the only victory the woman had left in the entire world; she wrestled with it nightly, and she embraced it. She made it her new lover and exchanged an oath that only death would do them part. She didn’t shoot herself, or cut herself, or swallow a handful of pills that would surely do the trick.
She laid on her bad hip and convinced herself that she deserved it.
But that night—whatever night that it was—the agony was unbearable, pulling at her all over.
With a groan that wasn’t voluntary, Blue wrested herself into some semblance of a sitting position and looked for her phone so that she could call Livia for an ice pack, but it wasn’t on the bedside table as it usually was… and since it wasn’t in its usual position, she had no clue where she had last left it.
If she wanted relief, she would have to brave the kitchen herself.
She wanted relief, and the guilt of it half-immobilized her.
So she sat there for a couple more minutes still and endured the stabbing ache before finally coaxing herself upwards into the dark night of the bedroom. 
Assuming her cane in one hand, Blue crept silently towards the door and out of it, where the hallway stretched out before her like a cavernous tunnel, all the lights extinguished. 
Even the telltale glow of lamp warmth that usually emitted from the study across the hall was gone out, which meant that Yellow had likely succumbed to sleep on the couch within. 
A twinge of something bothered Blue’s sternum at the thought.
She limped forward anyway and all the same, lifting her cane off the floor to keep from making noise; the wall was her guide in its stead, the pads of her long fingers moving along its smooth planes until she reached the end of the archway, where she immediately intuited that she wasn’t alone.
In the moonlight that wept into the living room through the tall windowpanes, Yellow Diamond was a stark figure sitting on the edge of the couch, leached of all her color. Her blonde hair, her silky pajamas, the leathery musculature of her corded neck—all of it was leveled by blinding whiteness.  
When her wife swallowed, she could see every line in her powerful jaw working through the peristaltic motion. 
In the shadowed hallway, Blue Diamond stood still, even though the sharp pain in her hip demanded attention.
For this  moment, this night, this moonlit haunting did not belong to her—even though most of them usually did.
She understood, somewhere in the mire of her own head, that to disturb this scene would be sacrilege. So she watched, and she waited.
Yellow Diamond was holding something between her sharp, angular hands.
With a jolt, she realized that it was Spinel, a stuffed pink cat who had been Pink’s favorite companion once upon a time. Her left ear was still stained from the tea Yellow had once accidentally dripped on it during a princess tea party.
Washed it though they had—several times over—the spot was stubborn; Spinel had been permanently marked.
“S’okay, Momma,” Pink had only said, grinning up at them both from gapped teeth. She had hugged the toy to her chest. The affected ear brushed against the side of her freckled neck. “That just means she’s one of a kind."
Yellow’s fingers were wrapped around the cat’s plush stomach tenderly; she stared at it from depthless, ancient eyes. 
It struck Blue Diamond—then and there—that she wanted something more from this vignette; she wanted Yellow to say something. Selfishly, she desired a confirmation for what she had already so trenchantly inferred.
She wanted, she desired, she longed, she needed to know that her wife was broken, too.
It was a horrible hunger, an itch that felt terrible to scratch.
But Blue Diamond was voracious.
Sometimes, maybe even oftentimes, she could be cruel.
After a long while, though, Yellow Diamond only placed the cat down on the coffee table and stared out into the irradiated night with her hands templed below her sharp chin, lost in silent thought.
She looked older than she ever had in all of their collected years together.
She was only fifty-four.
They talked—for a long while—as the sun slipped away from the sky, sunset coming in fragments through the slats in the window blinds. 
Blue Diamond held Steven’s hand, the one that didn’t have so many IVs in it, and rubbed smooth circles against his wrist.
“Pearl does that, too,” he smiled at her softly through hooded eyes when she began. “It’s nice.”
They talked about everything, and they talked about nothing.
He told her about his favorite show, which seemed to be about morose breakfast items from what she could vaguely surmise, and he talked to her, very quietly, about his disease.
It was rapidly progressing, far more quickly than his nephrologist had anticipated.
“Those chocolate cakes we shared on your balcony,” he admitted with the air of a child waiting to be scolded, “I may have accidentally puked them up in your toilet. Sorry..."
“It’s of no consequence,” she returned with a small, sad smile.
And this was very well true.
She wasn’t the one who had to clean it after all.
They talked about everything, and they talked about nothing.
Blue told him about the sunrise yesterday, how all the colors had seeped together in a swirl of delicious color, and she talked to him, very quietly, about Pink.
“In the best of possible ways,” she mumbled, the sound caught in the column of her throat, “you remind me of her sometimes. She smiled at everything, even when there wasn’t exactly something to be smiled about.”
“That’s a very pretty way to put it.” Steven wriggled a thumb from beneath her palm to stay it against the side of her hand.
“Yes,” she nodded gently, “I suppose so.”
When it was time for her to leave—a team of nurses had come in to administer Steven’s evening medicines and check his vitals—she pressed a kiss against his forehead.
Very light and very soft.
“You didn’t look away,” he whispered against her cheek as she withdrew. His breath was sickly sweet with disease. “Thank you, Blue.”
She froze, meeting his eyes.
There was hesitancy, and there was consuming grief.
The scribble of guilt.
Scrawled all over her face.
“I wanted to, though,” she breathed. “If we're being technical... if we're being fair... I think the impulse counts against me.”
“But you didn’t.”
Steven’s chapped lips tilted into the beginnings of a smile.
“And that’s what matters, right?”
She brushed a stray curl off of his clammy forehead and thought about Pink and Yellow and all the things she did and didn’t do.
She loved them.
She looked away.
“Yes,” she told Steven Universe. 
Alone, Blue Diamond slowly crossed the skywalk, her silvery hair crowned in all the colors of the sunset, a phone pressed against her ear.
Her cane struck the tiled floor with each shuffled step forward.
The dial tone droned rhythmically—bzzt and bzzt and bzzt.
She felt her heart work its way up her throat, clambering up its fleshy rungs. The immensity of what she was doing transformed her nervous system into a network of beating, pulsing neuroses.
She was ready for this, and she was not.
She could do this; she half-hoped that she wouldn't receive an answer.
And then—
“Blue?” Yellow Diamond’s low voice threw its instinctive panic across the line. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Because this was new.
And yet, achingly familiar.
So many years of having not sought Yellow out—all those weeks, days, and months—were well-established patterns that were not easily overturned and undone.
All those collective hurts—hundreds of them, thousands.
Four years of misery sat between them like four hundred thousand miles.
Blue Diamond swallowed thickly, stopping dead in her tracks as the spillage of people continued to swarm all around her like a package freed of its contents: doctors and patients and sundry other visitors. She was the eye of their storm, and yet, she was just another broken person in the midst of so many other broken people. She was separate from them, and yet, she was their intimate kin. The contradiction seemed untenable, unworkable like all the rest.
Her fingers tightened on the head of her cane.
“I’m… I’m fine, Yellow,” she began. “Please don’t worry. I just had to… I wanted to tell you something. Are you busy?”
On the other end of the line, somewhere in a giant, yellow skyscraper at the edge of Empire City, there was the sharp intake of breath.
And the hesitant beginnings of a fearful reply.
It was a start, though.
And that was what mattered, right?
Yes, Blue Diamond thought to herself.
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jisungsmochi · 6 years
end up here; lee donghyuck part one
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finally posting another imagine! this is based off the 5 Seconds of Summer song because i can’t seem to think of an original storyline at the moment lmao. anyways, pls enjoy & send requests if you have any! 
A/N: part two will be uploaded tomorrow!!!
You walked in, everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them “Trouble”
My head spins, I’m pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move,
You’re way too cool
And you’re coming this way
His eyes followed her every move from the moment she entered the classroom, his peers were whispering to each other, glancing at the new girl. His mouth hung open as his friends were trying to get his attention
“Hey, Hyuck?” Jaemin flicked the zoned out boy, on the shoulder, causing him to snap out of his small trance.
“Y-yeah?” he answered back, ignoring Jaemin’s actions
“Whatcha looking at?” Jaemin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Jeno who was ready to introduce himself to the new girl. Donghyuck’s eyes widened as he saw his friend approach the girl before tapping her on the shoulder. The two boys who were seated, watched as Jeno began speaking to her. They couldn’t pin point any specific words that were being said, but the conversation was cut short when Jeno spun on his heel, waddling his way back to his seat.
“What did you say to her?” Donghyuck asked, trying not to sound too interested at that point.
“Well since I’m class president, I thought I should have been the first to introduce myself, so when I asked her for her name, and she just said ‘Trouble’” Jeno explained, causing Jaemin to furrow his eyebrows in confusion, but Donghyuck let out a small chuckle.
He thought you were absolutely captivating, from the way you shot down Jeno, to the way you placed all your items on your desk neatly, not focusing on anybody but the teacher. To say the least, Donghyuck was intrigued by you, but he just didn’t know if he could talk to you, if Jeno, the most popular boy in the grade, couldn’t hold a proper conversation with you, what chance did he have?
As class ended, the three boys made their way the front of the school, stopping by Jaemin’s locker first. They were discussing plans for the weekend, Donghyuck wasn’t listening as attentively as he should have been. His mind kept wandering to the mysterious girl who had barely said a word since she stepped foot in the school. Suddenly, almost as if it was on cue, the girl he had been wondering about, waltzed her way through the hall. She held her books close to her chest, her black leather boots tapping on the ground harshly, her face was unreadable, no expression could be clearly made, and she was coming his way.
Donghyuck panicked, he glanced to see if his friends noticed she was walking closer to them, but they were looking at some comics that Jaemin had randomly found in his locker. Donghyuck’s palms became sweaty, he looked at the girl, making direct eye contact, he couldn’t get out of it now. Before he knew it, there you were, standing in front of him. You reached to about his shoulder, having to tilt your head to properly look at him,
“Um excuse me? you’re standing in front of my locker” you politely tell him, waiting for him to move. Donghyuck mentally face palmed himself, muttering a short apology before moving towards his friends. You watched as he hung his head low, trying to insert himself into the small huddle with his friends.
How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we’re walking back to your place
You’re telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer, pretty sure that we’re half way there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how,
How did we end up here?
As you put your books in your locker, you kept stealing glimpses at him, although you could only see his back. You closed your locker with a slight bang, thinking to yourself ‘here goes nothing’. You tapped his shoulder, waiting for him to turn around, internally preparing yourself to talk to him.
“I really like your Cobain shirt, I haven’t seen this design before” you compliment him, hoping you didn’t immediately make the atmosphere awkward.
He was startled by your question, genuinely taken back by your small frame in front of him once again.
“O-oh thanks! It was my dad’s, maybe that’s why you haven’t seen the design before. I really like your uh jacket” he blurted out, not properly processing any word that left his mouth.
“Thanks, I’m y/n by the way, I came here like yesterday” you placed your hand to shake his, he quickly took it and gave your hand a soft squeeze, his cheeks feeling hotter by the minute.
“I’m Donghyuck” you nodded along with him, pulling your hand away and placing them inside your pockets.
“I’ll see you around” you gave him a small smile before walking off to your next class.
Donghyuck waited until you were out of sight, before turning back to his friends, who’s jaws were dropped.
“What was that about?” Jaemin smirked, giving the rose coloured boy, a nudge.
“Nothing, she just complimented my shirt” he shrugged, playing it off as something insignificant.
“I can’t believe she spoke to you first; did she tell you her name?” Jeno questioned, referring to last period where you completely shut down his attempt to talk to you.
“yeah she did tell me her name, and is it bad she spoke to me first? Maybe I’m a catch” Donghyuck shrugged before swinging his backpack over his shoulder
“See you later losers” he teased before pushing open the doors of the school and making his way home.
As he made his way to the front of the school, he saw you sitting at the bottom of the staircase, tapping on your phone.
He looked around, seeing if you were waiting for anybody, before he could have a proper look around, you were one step ahead of him. You skipped up the stairs, giving him a small wave, in which he reciprocated.
“Fancy seeing you again” you joked, watching as his face softened upon looking at yours.
“It’s not like you just saw me like 5 minutes ago” he rolled his eyes playfully, watching as you pushed some hair behind your ears.
“what were you doing, sitting on the steps?” he questioned.
“well, I was dropped off at school this morning and now I have no idea how to get home? I was going to call my brother but he’s busy and my parents are at work” you sighed, gripping your phone in your hand a bit tighter.
“oh that sucks, where about do you live? Maybe I can help” he offered generously, making your face instantly light up.
“yes! Here’s my address” you showed him your phone which had you address written in your notes, he glared at the screen for a few seconds before looking back at you.
“This is actually going to sound crazy, but you live on the next street to mine, we can walk home together” he recommended, which immediately made you blush. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, you nod quickly, turning to walk down the stairs as he trailed behind you.
As you walked next to each other, part of you both wanted to start a conversation.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but judging from your outfit, I assume you like rock music?” He stammered, shoving his hands inside his pockets, awaiting your answer.
“I guess so, I’m not a die-hard fan but it’s pretty good, it’s all my parents listen to during Sunday cleaning so” you chuckled softly, which made his face light up even more.
“Same, my parents play Michael Jackson any chance they get” he shook his head slightly, kicking some small rocks that were on the sidewalk.
“On the topic of music, I really like that song, about living on a prayer? Bon Jovi I think” you rambled on, not sure if he was still interested in the conversation.
“yes!” he stopped to high five you, the contact making you both widen your eyes at each other and retract your hands.
When you reached your house, you invited him in to continue your current conversation on how you plan on spending your weekend.
“I’m going somewhere with Jeno and Jaemin, the guys I was with earlier” he explained as he took a seat on your desk chair.
“Ahh I see, was Jeno the one who tried to talk to me?” you snickered, thinking back to the encounter.
“Yeah, he was pretty cut that you shut him down” you both laughed at the situation.
Before you knew it, you were both sitting on your bed, listening to random albums you found in your room whilst chatting about random topics. Every time you spoke, he would make sure to be fully attentive, not missing a single word you were saying. You felt his eyes on you, making you blush, hoping he wouldn’t say anything if he did see your cheeks heating up. On the other hand, he was filled with nerves, unsure of how to answer you or what to say to you. Despite that, he felt comfortable with you, as if he had known you for a while. You reciprocated those feelings, at ease that you found someone new who you didn’t feel like you had to try hard to impress. That was the thing, you didn’t need to try at all. To him, you were already incredible.
You both lost track of time, which was signalled when there was a knock on your bedroom door. It woke Donghyuck, who glanced down at you, who was fast sleep. It was around 6:30pm, not too late for him to rush home. You wriggled underneath your sheets, your eyes opening to meet Donghyuck lying next to you. Your eyes widened when the knock was heard again. Your brother opened the door, glancing between you and Donghyuck who immediately shuffled away from you and stood at your desk.
“You finally made friends!” your brother teased before announcing “Dinner’s being delivered, you’re lucky mum and dad aren’t here to see this” he chuckled as he closed the door, leaving you embarrassed and Donghyuck, in shock.
“Are you going to be in trouble?” he rushed to you.
“No, my brother just likes to tease me, and my parents wouldn’t mind if you came over to be honest, I don’t usually bring around a lot of friends anyway” you shrugged, laying back down and patting the space next to you for him to lay.
He thought to him, how did I end up here?
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meettheimmovable · 6 years
When It Rains It Pours
Part (1/2) for a short fic involving the brotherhood boys and my girl Poppy trying to apologize to Fred - very amateur; probably could do better 👀 (also, wow very original title lmao)
It was a cold October afternoon at the Brotherhood home. Rain began to hit the boarding house hard, finding its way inside and dripping into the metal buckets scattered about. It happened so many times that the young mutants knew which areas were prone to leaking, but every once in awhile a new spot would show up. Like the one right above Toad’s head. “Huh?” He leaped from off of the couch to watch some droplets hit where he was sitting. “Well, looks like I’m changing the ‘funks-way’ of the living room again.” He walked over to the left armrest and started to push his weight against the couch. Meanwhile, Lance and Pietro stood at the entrance way of the living room, trying to keep out of sight.
“What’s the plan again?” Lance whispered.
“Geez, Alvers, how simple do I have to make this plan for you to remember it? You go hold the door open while I grab onto Toad and toss him outside.”
“I didn't forget. I was just hoping you had a better one.”
“Listen. If we both walk up to him, he’s gonna know something’s up. I’m fast enough to grab the little slime-ball, and you’re really great at holding doors open.”
“Gee, thanks. I’m flattered.” Lance rolled his eyes, still weary about Pietro’s plan. “The last time we tried to do this, Toad fought back. And won.”
“Yeah! Because we underestimated just how slimy he was… is. This time,” The speed demon pulled out two rubber gloves from his back pocket. “We have these!”
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna scrub him down yourself…”
Pietro shivered, “I’m insulted AND disturbed. No. These gloves have little grips on them. Not to mention there won’t be any skin-to-skin contact.”
With a shake of his head, Lance walked over to the front door. “Just tell me ‘when’ so we don’t end up giving the a guy a concussion.”
As Pietro gave Lance a quick nod, their fellow housemate had just finished moving the couch. “There. Good as new. Now I just gotta find a bucket to put under the leak and…”  Toad stopped speaking as soon as he heard footsteps behind him. As he turned, he got a good look at- “Uh, Pietro?” There wasn’t any time to really react as Quicksilver took a hold of Toad’s shirt and rushed him to the door.
“NOW, LANCE!” A little excited that Pietro’s stupid plan had actually worked, Lance threw the door open. He certainly wasn't expecting someone to be on the other side of it. Neither did Pietro as he tried to stop in his track. “Watch out!” But it was too late. Both Toad and Pietro had slammed against their only female housemate, causing all three of them to hit the concrete. Hard.
“SERIOUSLY?!” Poppy pushed them both off, allowing Toad to make his escape back into the house.
“Like they say: Ya can’t lead a toad to water if he don’t wanna swim!”
Pietro stood up right after. “Oh no you don’t!” He and Toad rushed past Lance, causing chaos within the house.
Poppy stayed on her back, looking up at the rain clouds in frustration. “No thanks! I’m good! Really! Assholes…”
“Sorry about that, Poppy.” Lance walked outside, picking up Poppy’s bent umbrella and lending her a hand.
She was reluctant, but held tight to Lance’s arm and stood up. “Why are you guys messing with Todd? Again?” Every curly strand of blonde hair covered her face, but Lance could tell she was pretty pissed.
“We’re trying to help the house out. If Todd won’t take a shower, then we could throw him outside in the rain. That’s a really big kind of shower.” Her unamused silence spoke for itself. “It was Pietro’s idea.”
“Of course it was,” Poppy said as she took her umbrella from Lance and proceed to the door. “No one else seems to have any ideas around here but him.”
Lance followed her inside the ruined house. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Before she could give a snarky answer, Pietro came stomping down the steps.
“Yeah! You better stay locked in there, Toad! And while you’re at it, TAKE A SHOWER!” With every step Pietro took, a horrible sound echoed throughout the household. If the slimmest member of the Brotherhood made the steps gasp like that, things were much worse than they even appeared. 
Poppy wasn’t entirely sure if Todd and Pietro had done any damage during their cartoonish race around the boarding house. It sounded disastrous, but all the cracks in each wall looked the same as yesterday, and the day before that, and so on. As if it mattered. “ ‘Hope you guys don’t have to powder your noses. Tolansky’s gonna be in there for awhile.”
Lance slammed the door behind him. “Great. He’s probably up there spitting on our toothbrushes.”
“Don’t give him any ideas!”
“Hey, it’s better than scrubbing the toilet with them.”
“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! Keep your voice down!”
“So, not to break up your fifth-grader banter,” Poppy said as she placed her umbrella against the wall. “But-”
“Let me guess,” Peitro suddenly appeared next to Poppy, clasping his hands together dramatically. “Did you guys talk to Freddy today? Does he still hate my guts for leading him on?”
“Oh my god- Shut the hell up, Pietro! I was just wondering if he ever came home.”
“You two didn’t meet up after school?” Lance asked. “We assumed that was why you guys were taking so long to get back.”
“No. I waited outside for, like,  thirty minutes just to talk to him…”
“Maybe he got detention.”
“Sounds about right,” Pietro waved his hand at Poppy, not bothering to hide an assumed look on his face. “That poor lug probably got detention just to stay away from you.”
“Thank you for your words of comfort, ‘Tro.”
“Anytime, Pops.” He zipped into the kitchen and came back with a candy bar, “Say, do you mind if I take one of Blob’s treats and blame it on you? ‘Guy can’t get any madder, right?“
“Actually, he totally could...And already is.”
Lance groaned in disbelief. “Oh no. Poppy, what did you do now?”
Not a moment later had the door opened from behind, startling both Poppy and Lance as they were the closest to the entrance. Fred had finally come home. His clothes were absolutely drenched from the rain, but he didn’t seem phased by it.
.“Ah man. Got stuck in the rain, Fred?” Lance tried to ease the tension, but it proved too thick to cut.
“ ‘Took the long way home.” Was all Fred could say.
Poppy looked down at her feet as Freddy walked past her. The air was so cold that she could hardly breathe. “F-Fred-?” She wanted to stop him before he went upstairs, and she partly succeeded. Fred abruptly turned halfway around to glare at her. He didn’t have to say anything to let Poppy know he needed her to fuck off. His look of disgust made Pietro and Lance hold their breath for the sake of the house. They weren’t able to relax until Fred walked up the steps and disappeared into his room.
“Well, look on the bright side! He didn’t notice the candy bar.” Pietro took Poppy’s hand and placed the sweet in her grasp. “Here. You need this more than I do. It’ll go straight to my hips anyway.”
“Poppy, you need to fix this. We can’t live with a ticking-time-blob.” Lance was right. Blob’s temper had a bad reputation, and it surprised everyone in the house that he didn’t completely explode just yet. “I don’t know why or how you made things worse, but if you don’t apologize soon-”
“I’ve been TRYING to apologize, Lance! He just won’t let me!”
“Then you make him!”
“Sooner or later the fat man’s gonna sing, and then it’s over.” Pietro was done with the conversation. He left his two-cents behind and raced into the living room only to slip on a puddle. Crash! Into the wall like a road-runner-cartoon. “TOOOOAD!” Ah, yes. The new leak Todd was planning on ‘fixing’ before being thrown out the door.
When Lance decided to check out the damage, and probably help peal Pietro off of the wall, Poppy considered her options. Fred made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want to talk to her. He walked a different, longer route in the rain just to avoid her. Fred also blatantly told her that he never wanted to speak to Poppy again. That was after her second offense. Maybe it would have been best just to let things ease up on their own, but dumb and dumber made an excellent point. Fred was likely one argument away from destroying everything in his path. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the Brotherhood didn’t NEED shelter, and what if Mystique came back to a demolished boarding house? No. Poppy didn’t want to think about it. She’d probably be hoping that Fred killed her at that point.
She sighed. One last time. I have to try one last time, Poppy thought to herself as she timidly walked up to the second floor.
Just as she turned the corner, Poppy noticed the bathroom door quickly close shut. “Oh, Todd..” She made a quick stop in front of Toad’s current hideout, knocking gently at the barrier.
“Forget it! The only place a guy can feel safe is in the can!”
“Todd, it’s only me. No Lance. No Pietro.”
“Listen, Pops, I can’t risk it. If you want your eyeliner pencil or something, I’ll roll it out from under the door.”
“I just wanna talk. I could really use some words of toadly-wisdom.”
It took a few seconds of consideration before Toad opened the door. He scanned the area for any sign of two guys trying to throw him outside again. “I was gonna take a shower today. I swear.”
“I believe you.”
“But now I’m not gonna bathe for another week just to spite them.”
“Oh God. Please. No. Todd-” Poppy raised her hand to touch the door, causing Toad to nearly close it in her face. “I’m sorry Lance and Pietro did that to you. They should have just asked for you to shower instead of doing whatever that mess was before. Boys are dumb.” She pushed back her hair, “Really, really dumb.”
“Poppy… You know I’m a boy, right?”
“And you plan on not bathing for another week! C’mon, Todd! I’m asking you nicely… Please, for the love of God… take a shower. Please. If not for them, then do it for me.”
“...Yeah, whatever…”
Poppy wasn’t very good at making anyone in the Brotherhood boarding house happy, so it seemed. She looked at Toad sympathetically. “You’re not mad at me, too, are you?”
“Nah. You’ve got enough pissed-off-people with just Freddy alone. Is that what you need ‘toadly-wisdom’ for?”
She laughed nervously, “Are you sure you’re not a telepath?”
“Are you kiddin’ me? ‘You think I’d be stayin’ in this dump if I were? Anyway, I don’t need to have mind-powers to know about the mess you’re in. It’s painfully obvious, right?”
Toad wasn’t wrong. The bubbling tension between Poppy and Fred was so real that it became a member of the Brotherhood. Every time they were in a room together, the other boys wanted to scatter. It literally and metaphorically tore the house apart.
“So, what do I do then?” Poppy looked in the direction of Fred’s bedroom. “What do I say that’ll make things better?”
“You could always lie and say you wanna be with him.”
“I-” She struggled to defend herself. Toad wouldn’t understand. “I need a second option.”
“You could always leave.” Poppy’s ‘are you shitting me’ look made Tolanksy try and save himself, “J-Just so everyone gets their space!”
“Goodbye, Todd.” Suddenly, the bathroom door was shut. Poppy had gained enough ‘toadly-wisdom’ for one day. Her attention was then Fred’s room once more. “I better start saying my prayers.” 
“I thought you were agnostic?” Toad’s muffled voice asked Poppy.
“I don’t hear the water running, Todd.”
“Sorry, mom.”
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Lee Daehwi Super Powers Au
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Waddup So this was written yesterday and idk whether to do a powers au so I guess this is just a try??
In other news I got Seventeens new album for my bday today and got The8 i am blessed. Anywhere, here we go. also pls tell me if I need to tag any triggers, I’m not great at this stuff whoops.
 • Lemme get one thing straight, you didn’t want to use your ability for bad,  • It just kinda happened that you became a theif,  • You were trapped,  • You were a teen when you got dragged into a whole mess of a gang, when you went to take out a loan to pay for treatment for your brother’s illness,  • Because your brother was the most important thing to you but your family couldn’t afford his treatment,  • But you didn’t realise the loan company was actually kinda not a company and you had just officially ruined your life,
 • With gastronomic Interest, you had to pay them back the money with no way of being able to do it,  • Read the small print y'all,  • So they offered you another option: you hated it but there was no other way to help your brother, and they threatened to cut your brother’s treatment if you stepped out of line,  • And in a world made with certain people who had abilities, they made sure to utilize yours,  • Aka the ability to change your appearance and voice to fit it,  • They had you as a thief, and with your skill and ability you quickly became notorious around the city,  • Which made you extremely paranoid, causing you to constantly switch appearances,  • I don’t mean switching looks every minute or something bizarre,  • I mean you never showed your true appearance anymore, you were always someone else and started to panic at the thought of people seeing the real you,  • So you stayed in your place by day planning heists the gang had sent you to do, and went on the missions by night,  • And you hated everything about the way you lived, but you knew your brother was getting better, so you kept at it,  • The gang sent you a particularly dangerous heist one night, and you did not think it was a wise idea at all,  • Like there were shit tonnes of guards and cameras and the switch overs were smooth and the codes hard to crack,  • As a thief, you were known to be able to go in and out before anyone would even realise anything was gone, shifting into guards or ceo’s or customers,  • And you trained your ability to perfection, having no flaws in your transformation and being able to quickly switch features,  • A master™  • But you plan this near impossible heist anyway because you have to, you have everything to lose,  • And while bits of the heist are a bit by chance or freestyle,  • You hate yourself for being quite confidant, as always,  • But heists had started going wrong lately,  • A guard unconvinced and almost omniscient,  • Or the whole place closed for a day as if they already knew,  • Little things going wrong preventing the heists and causing them to go wrong,  • You didn’t know how because they were all planned to perfection, but something was happening,  • You heard whispers of a mole but no one ever told you anything so you had no idea really,  • So you’re dropped off by the usual gruff looking men who are going to wait down the street, safe for them,  • You where dressed as a medium height middle aged woman with brown hair, trying to blend in with the people around you,
 • Like a chameleon damn,  • You float into the bank and act naturally, milling around the atm’s and looking at posters,  • A boy around your actual age seems to keep glancing at you, which sets your nerves off,  • Not only is he cute, it’d be insanely weird for someone his age to be staring at a middle aged lady,  • You try to sway away from his prying eyes and keep your heart at normal pace and prevent your hands shaking,  • You always got nerves before a heist and this dude really wasn’t helping,  • At all,  • Smh doesn’t he know it’s rude to stare?  • You’re nearly set on going over there and telling him yourself, but with your ‘can I see the manager’ hair style you play your role and send him a disapproving mum glare and shake you head, moving on,  • Perfect, v realistic,  • But the dude doesn’t stop sending u shady side eyes, so you decide to get the hell on with it,  • So your eyes scan the floor before slipping into a side door,  • Smooth as always, might I add,  • You change your appearance quickly into a guard and take out a hand mirror quickly to check that you’re perfect,  • Indeed you are perfect,
 •You were about to take off down the hall when the door slides open again,  • You’re about to get into character when the boy from earlier locks eyes with you and lunges,  • You dodge as quick as a whippet and a fight™ ensues,  • You can tell idk how to write a fight omg,  • DW I’ll get better,  • You’re both incredibly good to the point you defo know this ain’t just a usual kid who’s taken some martial arts classes,  • Because as soon as you dodge one punch and throw your own, he’s dodged that and is launching another assault with a knee or elbow,
 • He keeps saying something along the line of 'Stop I’m trying to help’ but you ain’t buying no shady nonsense,  • And you’re both getting pretty beaten, bruises and small cuts appearing, a bloody nose or a broken finger,  • But shit really hits the fan when a guard comes round the corner and then you’re both in for it,  • You’re internally having a meltdown you’ve never had to deal with this before,  • And then your tryna fight the boy and the guards and - shit,  • A bullet grazes your leg but it instantly burns and shocks you to hell,  • Your appearance flickers before returning to the middle aged lady aka the wrong disguise, who0ps,  • Your leg burns and the shock throws you off balance long enough for the boy to wrap an arm around your shoulder and have you against a wall in a second,  • You’re about to swing your leg back to hit him when chloroform and damn you’re out cold,  • Actually outraged in your knocked out state,  • Who DaRe?  • Like you don’t blame them, you’re a damn thief, tbh you’d probs knock yourself out if you were in their situation,  • but hOw DaRe tHey?  • And you’re defo worried about who just chloroformed you but whatever,  • Idek if you can think all this while passed out but you find a way,  • You wake up with someone’s hand on your forehead and you stay still, trying to gather your bearings and figure stuff out before you let them know you’re awake,  • I mean the hand thing is so weird but you deal with it you til you gather that your head’s also in someone’s lap and your skin is tingling and you decide this is very weird,  • I mean not a hard conclusion to come to but a conclusion all the same,  • You slowly open one eye and wow,  • Bright lights,  • But you soldier through it and stare straight ahead at the face of the boy ahead of you,  • You’re about to jump out of your skin but the boys eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful with flawless skin and a slight frown, his brow creased in concentration,  • And then you realise your leg doesn’t burn and your hand and knuckles don’t scream like they did before you dropped,  • And you realise he’s someone like you, he’s a healer,  • And it makes your heart fly with joy, you’ve found someone else with an ability and all of a sudden you feel safer,  • Especially because he’s a healer,  • But then your eyes trail to your arm and your body and all the safety is thrown away,  • You have no disguise, no fake face or fake voice; it’s purely you and it makes you dizzy and sick,  • He must sense your panic because his eyes crack open and he smiles widely at you, removing his hand from your forehead,  • Wow his smile settles your heart and warms your cheeks,  • A million questions run through your foggy brain, where are we and what happened? Who is he and why is he so cute? Where’s the boy from before and what’s going to happen when your former gang know you’re not with them?  • “Y/N, right? I’m Daehwi, and give me a sec and I’ll tell you all the gossip,”  • While his soft voice is calming when you sit up, a wave of dizziness hits you like a wrecking ball ridden by Miley cirus  • (Wow my pop culture references about 5 years too late),  •But despite your swimming head you quickly change your skin, opting for the first thing you can think of, which happens to be Daehwi,  • You change your hair quickly and alter your face and body to match his within seconds,  • You’re kinda embarrassed that you just changed into him but you’re panicking,  • While the boy next to you may have seen your face, you’d prefer if no one else would,  • “That’s increadible,”  • The look on Daehwi’s face, as well has his bubbly laugh, makes you flush but you’re heart is still beating a mile a minute and your chest feels a little too tight,  • “While that’s really cool, and I’m really flattered, I thought your natural face was much prettier,”  • Your face (or is it Daehwi’s?) blushes violently at the comment but the fact you don’t look like yourself calms you a little,  • “A healer, then?”  • You ask simply to change the subject, although it’s pretty obvious at this point,  • “Yep, not one of the coolest abilities but pretty handy. You’re obviously a shape shifter, damn the whole city knows you’re a shape shifter, but seeing it myself, damn, it’s way cooler than I thought”  • He talks in such a laid back manner, leaning back onto his hands, his whole presence relaxing,  • He really suits his ability,  • “I think healing’s the best ability, you get to help,”  • Your voice is quiet but your words are the truth, and you can see Daehwi’s about to reply when the door swings open and the boy from earlier wonders in, doing a double take at the two Daehwi’s sat on the bed and sighing before dropping down into a nearby chair,  • He’s hardly met you and he’s already done with your shit lmao,  • But you’re eyeing him suspiciously because this guy FRICKEN chloroformed you and you still have no answers as to what the hell is going when he launched into a Hella Long explanation,  • To put it simply,
 • Daehwi and the boy, Guanlin, are part of an organisation that rescue abilities from sticky situations and tries to stop the people with abilities for using them nastily,  • (Avengers who?)  • There was indeed a mole in your gang as they planned to rescue you whilst intercepting a heist of yours,  • They didn’t expect you to fight so defiantly back but I mean,  • So then you explain that you’re really not nasty, I mean you used to put milk in before your cereal but yOu’vE cHanGeD,  • You explain your situation and they agreed  that they’ll see what they can do for your brother and you feel like you might cry because this is too good to be true,  • Half convinced this is some awful experiment or teasing you,  • So you spend a few days in the room you wake up in, just in case, in which you discover is actually Daehwi’s room,  • Which is kinda awkward,  • But you honestly can’t ask for a better first friend in the base they have there,  • Daehwi is oh so patient, painfully so, encouraging you to take your time and helps introduce you to the many people in the base, most of which have powers themselves which blows your mind a little
 • You’ve never seen so many abilities,  • And it takes you a while to trust Guanlin, but as soon as you do you realise he’s just a goof and you apologise endlessly for hurting him,  • And you start helping out at the base, doing small missions to help others by using your ability,  • And it feels good,  • Especially when you can come back to Daehwi at the end of the day and laugh and relax into the night,  • And you visit your brother for a very emotional reunion and he’s getting better and life just seems to be good,
 • And in the middle of it all is Daehwi, who you would trust with your life,  • I mean he is a healer many people trust him with their lives,
 • So you’re sat in his room (or your now shared one - you refuse to sleep anywhere else, feeling unsafe) chatting into the night,  • When you both reach a lull in conversation,  • “Y/N, why do you never walk, or sleep, or eat, or live in your normal skin?”  • The question is so out of the blue that your eyes snap to his,  • Which rest on you,  • They always rest on you,  • And you try to figure out a way to say it without feeling stupid,  • Because in your mind it is a whole concept and fear, but there aren’t enough words to describe how you feel, and to condense your thoughts into words belittles them endlessly,  • “It’s scary, showing your true self. I used to fear people would recognise me and arrest me, for being a thief, but nowadays it’s almost as if I don’t trust people enough. Enough to see my face,”  • You pick your words carefully but still feel as if it’s a weak excuse,  • “You don’t trust me, y/n?”  • His words shock you, make you question yourself, and you look into those soft, open eyes and brace yourself,  •You know he’s right as you relax, completely relax for the first time in years, letting all of your facade melt away to show your true skin, your true eyes, your true being,  • And there’s something in Daehwi’s eyes that you love as he looks at your pure self,
 • You feel insanely exposed but Daehwi himself settles you,  • And you know you no longer need to hide yourself from Daehwi anymore when he leans over, wrapping an arm around your real hips,  • Cups the back of your head,  • And gently smiles and he places his lips on your real ones,
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hairgrowsback · 7 years
Jaime II
The boy looked suspiciously at the coin, and then at Jaime's manacles. "Why's this one in irons?""Killed some crossbowmen," said Jaime. "Do you have ale?""Yes." The boy lowered the crossbow an inch. "
With how long its been since I read the books, I’ve forgotten that book Jaime is actually pretty funny and snarky. Even though before losing his hand, its in a very Rich Arrogant Douche kind of way.
The hearth was cold, but Jaime picked the chair nearest the ashes and stretched out his long legs under the table. The clink of his chains accompanied his every movement. An irritating sound. Before this is done, I'll wrap these chains around the wench's throat, see how she likes them then.
oh man, this just stood out to me with how one of the biggest scenes of ASOS is Tyrion’s strangulation of Shae with the Hand’s chain near the end. The Lannister brothers sure are similar in this way aren’t they? Especially since Jaime is very likely the valonqar....
Their host snorted. "Then you're three fools. Last I heard, King Stannis was outside the city walls. They say he has a hundred thousand men and a magic sword."Jaime's hands wrapped around the chain that bound his wrists, and he twisted it taut, wishing for the strength to snap it in two. Then I'd show Stannis whereto sheathe his magic sword.
All of Jaime’s thoughts that show his confidence and impulse in need to solve any problem with a sword really highlight why it was important for him to lose his sword hand for his arc to develop in an interesting way.
This thought in particular here actually reminds me of all the shit that Joffrey was saying during Blackwater. Except obviously in Jaime’s case,his confidence and arrogance is earned and unlike Joffrey he wouldn’t have been a coward during Blackwater. But still I think its kind of interesting that in some ways Joffrey emulates his actual father’s thoughts without even realizing it. 
You would not like the truth. He had joined the Kingsguard for love, of course.
I just love the contradiction here. The fact that Jaime joins this order in which’s most important vow is celibacy so he could be close to her sisterlover. I remember its at this point that I started to think that in some ways Jaime is this stereotypical fantasy “romantic knight” but obviously its still twisted because his lover is his own twin sister and the fact that he impregnates her 3 times later on while she’s married to king makes the foundation of a huge Civil War in Westeros. 
Their father had summoned Cersei to court when she was twelve, hoping to make her a royal marriage. He refused every offer for her hand, preferring to keep her with him in the Tower of the Hand while she grew older and more womanly and ever more beautiful. No doubt he was waiting for Prince Viserys to mature, or perhaps for Rhaegar's wife to die in childbed. Elia of Dorne was never the healthiest of women.Jaime, meantime, had spent four years as squire to Ser Sumner Crake-hall and earned his spurs against the Kingswood Brotherhood. 
The contrast here between the teenage Jaime and Cersei makes me feel very sad for Cersei. Cersei had always been so hungry for attention and affection from Tywin and the time that Tywin did pay attention to her..... he kept her cooped inside the Tower of the Hand with him just so he could marry her off to the man that he thought would make the best political alliance for House Lannister. 
Even Jaime realizes on how important it was for a political marriage that as Cersei was going through puberty, she was only becoming more beautiful. I think that explains a lot on why Cersei feels that she needs to use her beauty and sexuality to persuade men in the way she does. 
But yeah we know that Jaime really enjoyed swords and he got to have and enjoy what he loved growing up, while Tywin kept Cersei close to her so he could use her as a pawn :(
"Is it a rock you want? Or me?"He remembered that night as if it were yesterday. They spent it in an old inn on Eel Alley, well away from watchful eyes. Cersei had come to him dressed as a simple serving wench, which somehow excited him all the more. Jaime had never seen her more passionate. Every time he went to sleep, she woke him again. By morning Casterly Rock seemed a small price to pay to be near her always. He gave his consent, and Cersei promised to do the rest.
Jaime and Cersei act like such typical horny teenagers here. But Cersei is definitely the more rebellious one here. It’s interesting that being in a closer proximity to Tywin during these years makes her more rebellious towards him than obedient. 
There’s a lot of discussion in regards to this on how Cersei ‘forced” Jaime to join the KG. But honestly I don’t think one night of great sex can just cast a magical spell on someone to “force” to make such a life change decision.
I think the point here is that both Jaime and Cersei were seriously codependent and made these choices that ultimately weren’t great to stay close to each other. Cersei was the initiator and more rebellious one, but Jaime himself has like no ambition himself and I don’t think he ever truly wanted Casterly Rock or to be Tywin’s heir.
"Lies. Lady Catelyn was there when His Grace was murdered, she saw. There was a shadow. The candles guttered and the air grew cold, and there was blood—""Oh, very good." Jaime laughed. "Your wits are quicker than mine, I confess it. When they found me standing over my dead king, I never thought to say, 'No, no, it wasn't me, it was a shadow, a terrible cold shadow.'" He laughed again. "Tell me true, one kingslayer to another—did the Starks pay you to slit his throat, or was it Stannis? Had Renly spurned you, was that the way of it? Or perhaps your moon's blood was on you. Never give a wench a sword when she's bleeding."
The way that Jaime mocks Brienne here in regards to Renly’s murder is pretty fucked up. Especially the moon’s blood line holy shit. That’s such a gross thing to say lmao.
"Shall I proclaim a new king as well?" Crakehall asked, and Jaime read the question plain: Shall it be your father, or Robert Baratheon, or do you mean to try to make a new dragonking? He thought for a moment of the boy Viserys, fled to Dragonstone, and of Rhaegar's infant son Aegon, still in Maegor's with his mother. A new Targaryen king, and my father as Hand. How the wolves will howl, and the storm lord choke with rage. For a moment he was tempted, until he glanced down again at the body on the floor, in its spreading pool of blood. His blood is in both of them, he thought. "Proclaim who you bloody well like," he told Crakehall. Then he climbed the Iron Throne and seated himself with his sword across his knees, to see who would come to claim the kingdom. 
Jaime’s line of thinking here is really fucking compelling to me here. Especially as I now think that this story will definitely end in some kind of Targaryen Restoration at the end. 
I’m not really a fan of the “kingmaker” theories in regards to Jaime “kingmaking” Jon as it doesn’t really feel right to me that Jaime’s arc concludes in a way that he realizes that Jon/Dany are the Targaryens that are different from the Mad King. That they’re the Targaryens that can once again bring glory back to House Targaryen. BUT I do think that these lines her are DEFINITELY foreshadowing a Targaryen Restoration at the end. And I kind of feel like Jaime will have to die for it to happen because Cersei obviously would never be here for it (Dany is the YMBQ).............
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askthedespairkids · 7 years
What Number of FF Short Stories is this? Five?
//EY LMAO Here ya’ll go after so long. I like how they came out, actually so I hope you’ll all enjoy them.
-Player 1-
 “Bullshit.” Sly cursed.
 “I told you, didn’t I? Fighting games are my forte.” Orochi said as ‘FATALITY’ appeared on the screen. “Experience doesn’t matter if I know how you’ll attack. And how many games is that I’ve won now?”
 “…31” Sly mumbled.
 “And you?”
 “Oh! I thought it was 5, guess I give you too much credit.” Orochi laughed to himself. “Don’t worry about it, man. I’m sure you’ll improve eventually. The key is fighting many different kinds of opponents.”
 “I hate you.”
 “I know.” Orochi smiled. He leaned back eventually spreading his arms across the bed. Sly looked back at him. “We’ve been playing for a while, I feel like we need to take a break otherwise my thumbs are gonna fall off.”
 “That’s because you’re weak.” Sly grumbled.
 “I mean, I don’t think comparing me too you is fair. Comparing you to Kurosaki-kun or Okanaya-kun? Now that would interesting.”
 Sly seemed to get caught in his thoughts before turning to Orochi. “You called Kurosaki the most dangerous member of 79-C…why?” Orochi frowned at the question before letting his usual smirk set back in.
 “Kurosaki-kun…can be reckless. He tries to protect the people close to him but in doing so, he can bring about new problems that need to be dealt with. Not just that, but his fighting style can become brutal and sadistic if he loses control in a fight. In that case you have to tire him out or knock him out…neither are easy for most, but you’d have the easiest time with that.”
 “Could kill him.”
 “Maybe avoid that.” Orochi laughed nervously, not knowing if Sly was joking or not. “Give him a chance though. Even if he’s a total homewrecker, I don’t think he’d ever put us in danger intentionally.”
 “Maybe…or maybe you have too much faith in people.”
 “Trust me…it’s definitely not that.”
-Love Disasters-
 Malcom grinned to himself as he walked along the hallways of the dormitory. He had gotten the chance to help Nekomaru with setting up his new training regime for the recruits. He was surprised how well some of his -ahem- “slip-ups” had went for him. Like when he ripped his shorts, it had ended with Nekomaru giving Malcom his underwear.
 Mind you, he was just asked to sew a pattern onto them, but a win is a win.
 “Gwah!” A tanned black haired boy tumbled down the stairs in front of Malcom, landing with his backside sticking up in the air. Not exactly a flattering pose, it had to be said.
 “Um…” Malcom looked up the stairs to see a red haired girl frowning down at the boy. “…I’ll…catch you later, Kurohiko-kun.” She then speed-walked away from the scene.
 “Goddammit…” The boy cursed, sitting with his back to the wall.
 “Uh…” Malcom struggled, smiling awkwardly. “...bad luck there?”
 “What gave it away?” He glared daggers at Malcom. “Though I suppose that wasn’t my worst encounter…yesterday I stepped in one of the buckets that the cleaner had left out in the hallway and got it stuck on my foot. Other times I’ve ripped my jeans and other times my belt doesn’t work-“
 “I think I got it.” Malcom frowned. “Man, and I thought I had trouble…what’s your name, kid?”
 “I’m Kurohiko. Doi Kurohiko.”
 “Kuro…Kurohi…ka…Doi.” Malcom decided. “Name’s Malcom Suzuki. Nice first impression you made. Don’t worry, I’m not much better. I ripped my shorts and the guy I think is cute saw my underwear and I kind of get flustered easily when we talk.”
 “Rare for me to find someone who knows my pain…” Doi smirked. “Maybe I’m doomed though…to be a failure in love forever…how ironic…”
 “Hey now, don’t think of it like that! You have a few…bad days…but you can always bounce back! I managed to get a boyfriend despite my awkward streak!”
 “Is that something to be proud of…?”
 “Probably not! My point is that it isn’t impossible even if you have bad luck!” Malcom paused. “Alright then…until you can get yourself someone, call me your honorary brother.”
 “If I know the pain, I can help you through it until you find yourself someone. You’ve got looks, and you don’t seem like a bad guy, so it’s probably just a matter of time.”
 Doi stayed silent for a few moments before saying, “Do you really think that?”
 “Of course!” Malcom grinned. “Come on, get up. You need to get out there again.”
 “If you say so…” Doi reluctantly stood. “Thanks for the advice, Suzuki-san…I’ll try again. Hopefully next time will go better than the last…I need to keep away from stairs. Hmm…I wonder what Watanabe-san is up to right now…? I’m gonna head off now. Later, Suzuki!” Doi turned quickly and ran off down the hallway.
 Malcom smiled to himself, glad he was able to help. Though when he looked back at Doi running off, he noticed the tear on the back of his trousers. “Ack-! Hold up! Doi!” Shouting, Malcom ran after him.
-Princess of the Class-
 In the cafeteria, Rina had been asked to sit with the rescued members of the 79-B class. There weren’t many people in the cafeteria that day, which was unusual, but Rina didn’t want to eat alone.
 “It was nice of you to invite me. I feel as if I’m invading your group though…” Rina said.
 “Don’t be ridiculous, Kirishima-san. I’d hate for you to eat alone, and besides, your class has helped mine a lot of times. We should all be friendly with each other.” Akiko smiled sweetly.
 “Agreed. Even if we aren’t all of friendly terms right now…” Shin nodded, his emotionless eyes were slightly discomforting but Rina didn’t want to be rude.
 “Plus you’re one of Ryuu-kun’s friends. He’d want myself and Sora to be friends with you.” Mamoru smiled gently. Mamoru was a little…volatile compared to his other classmates. He could be kind to Rina, but it didn’t take much to put him in a bad mood, she had noticed.
 “It’s still sad though.” Akiko looked around her classmates. “I’m still the only girl that’s been saved…there’s 7 of us here. So, 9 are still stuck with those horrible people…”
 “Don’t worry, Sugiya-chan! There’s 6 guys, which means it’s become our duty to protect you! You’re the default princess of the 79-B class!” Takashi said, swinging the large trench coat sleeves around.
 “Ah…Hayashi-kun, that’s sweet but I don’t need protecting. I wouldn’t want to cause the trouble either.” She admitted, filtering her blindingly violet hair through her fingers. “…I’m not really worth protecting, you know? All of you have better talents than me that are more valuable than mine.”
 “Yeah, true.” Sora said, his chin resting on the table.
 “Don’t be rude, idiot!” Mamoru chided. “Look, Sugiyama-san. Music is very important as it can be used a tool to boost morale. During World War one, a Scottish fighter got out of the trenches during a battle and played the bagpipes as a way to inspire his fellow soldiers. And it actually worked. His bravery and music of their homeland gave them a stronger will to continue to fight. He even continued playing when he got hit by a bullet.”
 “It was bagpipes, have you heard them before? Probably just wanted to get him to shut up.”
 “No, no, thank you Fukao-kun. That’s sweet of you to say…though I can’t do anything with my talent. You all know I’m terrified of performing on stage.”
 “You’re scared to perform? Why’s that?” Rina asked.
 “I…all those eyes on you. The feeling is horrible. No, I could never do it. That’s why I’m a songwriter…though, I’ll admit, it means songs won’t be performed with the emotion they’re supposed to because those singers don’t have the same connection to the lyrics as me.” Akiko admitted.
 “I-it really is a sh-shame…I th-th-think y-you would b-be a good singer…” Ryokai smiled weakly.
 “Attract the animals with your voice! 79-B princess!” Takashi insisted.
 “And she has her own prince, Mr Ugly Jumpsuit.” Sora grinned. Akiko’s face flushed, her ears also turning bright red.
 “Y-Yamahata-kun and I are dating, for the last time!”
 “Usually you open a sentence with ‘for the last time’, Sugiyama-san.” Shin pointed out, not looking up from his food.
 “Ugh…wh…whatever!” Akiko stood up suddenly. “I…I’m gonna go eat in my room. I’m sick of hearing these stupid jokes from you all!” Grabbing her plate, she quickly left the cafeteria. Rina frowned looking at the guys left at the table.
 “Are…none of you going to-“
 “No.” Shin stopped her. “Sugiyama-san and Yamahata-san were close…but of course he’s still captured, and he…well, he and Okuda-san aren’t complaining about it. They’re happy where they are.”
 “They’re happy?” Mamoru repeated. He and Denbe both looked shocked, then Rina remembered how they hadn’t been captured like the rest of their class.
 “They look up to that Michael guy.” Sora explained. “Dunno…it’s weird…but Akiko was obviously unhappy about it.”
 Rina looked down at her green tea. She was pretty much finished anyway. “I…I’m gonna go and look for Sugiyama-san! Th-thank you for letting me sit with all of you!” And with that she took off.
 Outside the building, Rina slumped against the wall unable to locate Akiko. “Where could she have went…? Poor Sugiyama-san…”
 “Cleaning your soul with a hand from me~” A soft and melodic voice came from nearby. Curious, Rina peered around the building to see Akiko a little behind the bushes that led to the forest, sitting atop a pedestal-shaped rock. She had her eyes closed singing softly to herself as she filtered her hair through her fingers and braiding it as she went. “Can you still find it in your heart to forgive my history~ When we can’t escape the past~ Do you think you and I can last~?”
 Rina listened intently to the lyrics she was singing when a small bird chirped, landing on Akiko’s shoulder. She looked over at it and smiled gently before it flew away.
 “79-B’s princess…” Rina mumbled to herself as she continued listening to Akiko’s voice. “I wonder if this is what Hayashi-kun meant…”
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5hineesback · 7 years
feel korea fanacc 2017 (exid biased)
this is going to be a very detailed fanacc of the full day, including the bad events which took place before the concert
first off let me say that kpop fans are honestly such lovely people. i came across a few bad eggs during the day but overall everyone was amazing. i arrived earlier than my friend and i made friends so quickly with the people who were in front of me in the queue, and i ended up spending the whole concert with them
secondly let me say that the organisation of this concert was an absolute joke, specifically the queueing. it was terrible, the worst organisation i’ve seen in a long time. they originally had one queue for everything, then created a ‘concert’ queue and made people move, then when the daytime event queue had died down we got moved back to where we originally were - except there was no guidance. everyone just ran for it. people at the front ended up at the back and people who’d just arrived got to the front. there was also a severe problem of people pushing in at the front - there was no barrier to block it and when we complained the security didn’t even try to do anything about it. 
i got to the venue at around 12:15, joined the only queue there was, was then moved to the ‘concert’ queue at around 12:45, was very near the front and managed to stay in basically the same place when we got moved back to our original line. then waited for about 6 hours, filled with events such as, as ive mentioned, people pushing in at the front and pretending they were there the whole time, the barrier being widened to such a degree at the front that there was no order at all
then came the worse part. we were lining up around the back of the building, and they wanted to move us to the front doors. so they stood back, and told us to go. everyone ran, again. i got pushed into walls and an open door, girls were falling over or hurting themselves on the barriers as everyone tried to get through. we had been asking them throughout the day how they were planning to get us in - we suggested sending us in groups of 10 or 20, or just making sure we all got to the doors one at a time. instead there was hundreds of people running to the doors, filling up the street because there was no barrier there to meet us. again, i managed to keep my place, pretty much, but a lot of people lost theirs, including girls at the front who had been there since 6am to queue. then despite the street being full of fans, they then told us to get in single file. which was fucking stupid because it wasnt possible. not unless they moved everyone forward enough, past the doors, to make enough room to move everyone against the wall, or move people backwards from the back of the queue, which literally went around the whole block. we eventually got in by them just giving up and letting us in one at a time with as little pushing as possible
but anyway, thats enough of that, although i will be complaining officially online lmao
okay the actual concert. by some miracle, i just got to the barrier, i got the last space. but myself and a couple of girls to my left were in the worst place to be at the barrier - in front of us was a camera man officially recording for the tv screen above, so during the concert idols would often be blocked by the camera which will be shown in my exid fancams lmao. but hey, i was at the barrier, i can’t complain. the distance from the barrier to the stage was about 10 feet i think, it was pretty large tbh so im rly glad i got to be there. we also got given water by very nice security thank u security
they were showing mvs for about an hour while we waited. if you were there, the first scream @ jeonghwa’s appearance in any mv was always me jsyk dklfjhdskj
when the concert started, there was a taekwondo performance which was a m a z i n g, they were breaking wood with their feet and at one point i was scared the broken wood would hit me lmao
after that, hani came on mc’ing, along with two other guys who i don’t know. the moment she appeared i Died. she was wearing such a pretty white dress, shes so angelic and cute and beautiful. she came out to mc after every performance, except it was just the guys when exid was about to perform. she spoke about going to see the disadvantaged kids yesterday and one of the guys was like “hanis not just beautiful, she has a beautiful heart” and hani said “the most beautiful is everyone here!” jdksa shes honestly a Dream
knk was first to perform, then snuper, then exid, then highlight. i’m not gonna pretend i was really there to see anyone but exid, because i wasn’t. but i did hearts to all the idols and i really enjoyed all their performances. knk sang knock first which is the only song i like by them so to hear it was so great. they’re such good dancers and they’re all very pretty
after knk, hani and the guys introduced a “special performance because london has gone through some hardships recently”. it was hyerin singing “you raise me up” and it was so beautiful i would have cried if i weren’t so focused on filming haha
then it was snuper’s turn to perform. i only know platonic love, so i enjoyed that, but i was pretty clueless about the rest of the songs. i still liked it tho. during one of their songs they brought a fan on stage to sing to her and also threw roses to the crowd. according to my friend who was a bit further back one of the members aimed one at her but a girl in front of her caught it lol. one of the members was so funny idk his name but fans threw a signed uk flag at the stage and he put it on like a cape and he came over to our section loads. hes my bias now but who is he
after that (i think??), knk came back on to perform a cover of an ed sheeran song which i don’t know the name of. everyone sang with them and it was rly Nice
then my girls!!! arrived and i screamed So Loud it was too much. they’re all so beautiful, but u kno i love my girl jeonghwa and omg... pictures and videos dont do her justice at all shes honestly Ethereal i went into shock and i almost teared up. i saw a girl so beautiful i started crying???
they started with hot pink and i could kinda feel how empty it was without solji but it was still amazing to see the four of them. then they moved onto night rather than day, then ah yeah, then finally up and down. i was trying So Hard to get interaction, i made eye contact with jeonghwa a few times and every time i was givin her hearts... she just kinda glanced over me tho.... its ok i still love u
the girl next to me got So much interaction, from l.e especially. she had a homemade exid fan sign and l.e seemed to love it haha. i probably should have made something too
exid’s performance seemed to go so quickly, i filmed most of their songs and some of their talk. i haven’t even watched the videos yet i’m gonna die
after exid, there was a performance with snuper and a group of girl dancers who i think won a competition during the day? they did dance covers of a few bts songs
then highlight came on and performed two of their new songs, before two of their old ones. i rly enjoyed the old ones, the new ones... they were okay but i liked being reminded of their old image as beast. i think this was when one of them motioned for us to clap, i was one of the first to start so he looked at me was he was walking our way and nodded at me which was cool lol. i think it was highlight anyway.... and i think it was that time... honestly the boy groups... kinda mushed together for me i could even begin to tell you which member it was. i made eye contact with a few guys of the various groups so i cant rly remember specifically
during highlights performance this annoying girl came up behind me and was literally pushing against me, trying to move my hair, touching my arms and back before eventually asking if i could move over. i did, but i later found out that the girl had literally somehow managed to get to the barrier from the back. she was rude as hell. also there was fireworks during the performance which scared the crap out of me i was like that compilation vid of chanyeol
after highlight, there was an encore where all the groups came out and threw balls and balloons. knk was in front of our section and exid were next to them more towards the middle. i feel bad for saying it but i ... rly wanted exid in front of me lmao. i did hearts towards them and here is where i might have got interaction from hani but im not sure???? she looked in my direction as i was looking at her and making a heart with my hands and she grinned and did a thumbs up but im not sure it was at me it might have been someone near me. i like to think it was at me tho. people around me got a lot of interaction with different idols but i didnt?? thats going back to diy stuff tho, ppl around me had created signs and written messages on paper and stuff so i guess thats where that came from. i rly would have done something too for exid but i didnt think id be that close, never mind at the barrier so i didn’t see much point
there was also confetti flying from a machine right in front of me and i accidentally dropped my exid fan sign i was given in the queue over the barrier so i caught confetti in my bag to take home instead lol. the annoying girl was still there and still annoying, she threw something at knk she’d made and one of the members got it and she started screaming and crying and yelling i love u which i wouldnt mind but... after the way she was so rude to me (and as i found out later, other ppl) nah why does she deserve that lmao. she also ended up getting a ball since security came over with two that had dropped and she said the yellow was hers... it wasnt she even asked me who signed it lmao
overall it was a really good concert and i cant wait to watch the videos back. it had ups and downs but despite having to miss london pride for it i dont regret going. i got to meet some great people and ofc i got to see my Special Girls in the flesh... they said they’d come back soon i hope so. ive drunk so much water tonight and im about to go and drink more also i can’t walk
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