#lmk if i should change anything!
blindspct · 8 months
closed starter for @cherrysugcr ft. robbie & utp!!
this was so out of the ordinary for him. he rarely left his house this late at night and on top of that, he definitely didn't agree to meet up with girls who he talked to on twitch but he'd made a news years resolution to step out of his comfort zone. he wanted to both find someone to spend his life with and well, losing his virginity at some point would be nice. "i really can't believe you talked me into this." he replied, keeping some of his distance from her and that was mostly out of respect not lack of attraction. "do you normally break into hotel pools with guys you meet on the internet?"
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lcvelctters · 5 months
closed starter for @hvlcyonsx ft. carly & avi
it was almost as if she were psychic or well, maybe she just knew her neighbor a little too well. any time she was cooking dinner, she had her music on and usually before she'd finish cooking her meal, she hear a knock at her door which would be followed with a complaint about how her music was too loud. tonight was one of those nights. she was straining the pasta she'd just boiled when she heard that same knock she'd heard the night before. shuffling over to the door and swinging it open, she smirked. "you know, avi. i'm beginning to think my music doesn't actually bother you and that you just want to see me."
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carissacho · 6 months
closed starter for @jacobklee
the older carissa got, the more worried she was convinced that she wasn't going to find that one person she was supposed to spend the rest of of life with. regardless of that nagging feeling in the back of her head, she still did what she could to connect with anyone in any way she could, jacob included. so, it was no surprise that she was here with him right now. her eyes were on his, her body facing in his direction. she never knew whether or not she was over staying her welcome and just always kind of waited until she could tell it was time for her to leave. "you know, i still can't tell when you're ready for me to get out of your hair." she replied, offering a soft laugh in attempt to make her comment less awkward. "feel free to drop a hint wherever or i'm going to get too comfortable."
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seydaseven · 6 months
❛ AMOS & CASSIA. — at Sinful Ink in South Hills.
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Likely headed to grab a bite and a drink somewhere, Cassia stopped her stroll along the street with @amosdeleon and a half grin crept onto her expression when he turned back to look at her. "I dare you —" She knew that wouldn't be much. To dare someone often as reckless as she was to get a random tattoo. But that wasn't what her smirk was for. "...to get either my name, initials, or some kind of tramp stamp tattooed on you right now." Too often they were getting up to no good together, a bad influence on one another even though they were each trying to fly the straight and narrow. It never seemed to stop them in getting together with knowing it was generally always shenanigans that ensued. Let's be bad together fate had said whenever they locked eyes. "You do it and I'll agree that you're the best tennis player ever."
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jacksonxellis · 1 year
Jackson 📲  Helena
Jackson: yo hell Jackson: are you alive? Jackson: forgot you lived in ocean crest for a sec Jackson: wyd? @helenasoarcs
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fantasywritten · 1 year
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@monmuses ❤️ (for Muriel)
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THERE WAS NOTHING HE COULD DO. Jekyll had tried as hard as he could to fight Hyde, to stop the beast from taking control, to END IT once and for all. But it was hopeless. The ingredients he so desperately needed were an ocean away, and by the time they came, half the population of London would likely be wiped out. The only solace Jekyll had was those fleeting moments of control, those moments where Hyde would temporarily relent — and even those moments would END FAR TOO QUICKLY.
Perhaps Jekyll shouldn’t have been wasting his time on something as desperate as prayer, but at this point, he had nothing else to lose. Clasping his hands together, he fell to his knees, ignoring the TAUNTING VOICE inside his head that laughed at him for such a seemingly fruitless effort. “God… you must help me CARRY ON. Please…” His eyes closed, and he felt a rush of emotions threatening to spill out. But Jekyll held them back, instead opting to beg for something more. “Send me a solution… SOMETHING that will help, please… I cannot let anyone else die. I am desperate, God, SO DESPERATE…”
When he opened his eyes, he was no longer alone in the room. Eyes widening, Jekyll scrambled backwards, at first in surprise, then in FEAR. “Who are you?” He hadn’t heard anyone come in. “How did you… how did you get in here? WHO LET YOU IN?”
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springbreezc · 2 years
♡  — closed starter for @hartofxmatter​
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“whoa, whoa.” swiftly making his way over to their hospital bed, sai shook his head and clucked his tongue. “you took a pretty gnarly fall. slow and steady getting up please, if you feel ready for it.” they were less likely to feel dizzy that way, sai monitoring them closely with a concerned gaze. their vitals were fine and he had no reason to suspect a concussion, but he still had called for them to be monitored. just in case. 
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rei-ismyname · 1 year
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fluxofthemouth · 2 years
The trio gathered around the campfire is grim, except for the member who isn't.
"I respect the profession, but I could never be a bounty hunter," laughs Piter de Vries, one of the assassins. "With these short little legs? How on earth would I persuade an unwilling captive to come with me! I think my targets realize that sometimes. Like, uh oh. That motherfucker's not gonna report back with anything bigger than a nose."
Coriander Tarn, the other assassin, snorts because she finds it funny, and doesn't laugh because she doesn't like Piter. Atkin Hanley, the bounty hunter, doesn't even snort. "I wish I could even say I respect your profession," he grumbles. "I might, if I ever meet an assassin with any kind of conscience. Fucking creep."
"Say it to my face too," Coriander says, turning to Atkin with the ice of pride. She isn't specifically sticking up for Piter, who is looking a Atkin and grinning as he (threateningly?) mimes removing the nose from his face (represented by a thumb stuck through two fingers, in classic "got your nose" fashion).
"Oh, I've heard things about you," Atkin says, shaking his head. "You may not wear the worst of you on your sleeve like he does, but that doesn't make you a saint."
Piter raises his eyebrows at this excellent new piece of drama and looks at Coriander to see how she'll take that. Unlike the others, he has genuinely come to like his traveling companions, even Atkin. Despite what Atkin might claim, he has enough of a conscience, patchwork and feeble, to feel bad on some level for what he has planned for them, what he recruited a team for. It's easiest when his targets are royals or officials. He can have the satisfaction of knowing that they were probably terrible people anyway. On a large scale! Like only royals and officials can be! Hunting his own hurts. But it is a rule of nature that a creature may tear out the throat of another creature, if that is what he must do to survive. And that's just it; he is so tired of just surviving.
Fugitive Isandro! I have come to join you! I want to help you! Here's how I'll prove it to you; I'll kill him and send her away as a witness, so my name will be as stained as yours!
It's what he said moments ago, just as he stabbed Atkin in the back and turned to face Coriander with Ishandro, two against one. She didn't like those odds, as he thought she wouldn't. She shouted in rage and spat at him, as he thought she would. And then she was gone.
Then he quickly dropped his weapons and flung himself to the ground, reaching back to pull his short, dark hair away to expose the back of his neck.
"I will live under the Empire no longer!" he says, shuddering with the fear of what he's risking. "Let me join you in resistance, or free me in death!"
He read quite a lot about his target before setting out on his journey. It was no trouble at all to ask for as much material as the old Baron would give him, with the expectation that he was interested in the knowledge to serve the Empire's purpose. He put together a profile of a proud, temperamental, wily fellow with deep moral convictions.
It just wouldn't work to try and befriend such a fellow and establish trust while playing the role of innocent traveler, Piter thought. The moment Isandro learned that Piter was a trained assassin who had technically been ordered to kill him, any trust between them would be destroyed, all the more so for the initial deception. But approaching him first as an assassin would likely fail as well! There's no coming back from drawing a knife on a fellow!
The old Baron didn't say outright that there would be others hunting Isandro, but Piter knows how these things work. A target who is wanted badly attracts attention, and he hasn't seen such a high profile target in years. So he set off on his journey, and he asked the right questions, and he found Coriander and Atkin. Standing in the truth of his role and killing a fellow attacker seemed like a solid means of building trust.
It's just this last part that he's been worried about.
Because he isn't actually willing to choose death over his life as the old Baron's tactician and blade. He just wants something better. Everything he's read about Isandro makes him think that the fellow wouldn't kill an enemy who had surrendered, and that showing a willingness to risk death will surely express the sincerity of his loyalties well. But he also knows that if he were in Isandro's shoes, he would still make that strike, more likely than not.
The spreading pool of Atkin's blood reaches him as he huddles in the dirt, touching his knee with a terrible warmth. He squeezes his eyes shut and fails to keep his breathing steady as he waits for Isandro's judgment. He is confident in his capacity for planning; willing to bet his life on his plans, even. But this could still end very badly, and he does not want to die.
Good lord. This is a complete stranger! You could never capture everything about a person in a dossier. Sometimes I scarcely recognize myself in what they write about me. What was I thinking! Please, no; please, please. Very soon, I'll be teasing dear old Atkin about noses in Hell.
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imprvdente · 2 years
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@multipleoccupancy​ . 𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
Fish had learned from her father that a routine was essential if one was thriving to surpass themselves. And of course, she was constantly thriving for such a thing. Living in the Capitol had never been an excuse to get complacent, and she had clawed for herself a respected spot among her classmates. Nonetheless, she was still the District girl. Never enough, never sufficient. She had to get the best grades, she needed the cleanest uniform, the best behavior. 
So, every morning, she awoke at dawn, ironed her own uniform (if you want something done right, do it yourself), took a quick shower, and studied. Then she ate breakfast with her father, one of the most cherished moment of her day, and finally, she left for the Academy.
She could have taken the car to the Academy, of course. They had a chauffeur. But she enjoyed walking, it kept her alert. Besides, it allowed her to walk to the Academy with her friend, whom she picked up every day at 7:30. He lived nearby, though he had one of the fanciest penthouse of the capitol.
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Today, like every morning, she was there, waiting in her perfectly ironed uniform, sipping hot tea from a flask. “Coriolanus!” she exclaimed joyfully as she saw him walking out of the building. 
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blindspct · 1 year
@wildestdrcam liked this for a closed starter
tyler was a people watcher and that's, disappointingly enough, how he spent the majority of his friday nights. he went to the same bar and ordered the same burger and paired it with the same beer. he was a man of routine and he was used to seeing the same faces too. though, he'd never seen them before and he the newness of their presence intrigued him. it was the entire reason he spent more time watching them than he normally would anyone else. that's when he noticed someone else watching them, following their every move and he wondered if they could tell. he usually opted to mind his own business but this time he didn't. getting up, he made his way over to the stranger. "hey," he started, clearing his throat softly. "i, uh, i don't know if you know but that man over there with the long hair and mustache has been watching your every move. do you know 'em?"
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bejinyoung · 2 years
bad habits.
@beyulhee​ BACKDATED: 11/12/2022
some people might be disappointed or angry that their friends invited some random stranger to join in on what’s supposed to be a birthday celebration. some might feel that the attention is being taken away from them on their special day, that their friends don’t respect the sanctity of a ‘friends only’ event, or have some other gripe about not wanting to include anyone outside of the group when they’re celebrating something special. but jinyoung isn’t that type of person. in his mind, the more the merrier! it’s not like he has any trouble making friends or any gripes about meeting new people. especially not when the friend of a friend that’s joining them is pretty hot, at least as far as jinyoung can tell in the dimly-lit bar. 
he can barely hear his friends talk over the wailing of some local band that’s clearly only here because they’re not good enough to play at any better venues, but jinyoung’s heard worse. there’s a lull at the end of the set when the band is finally taking a break when the bartender sets a new drink in front of him, gesturing over to one of the other friends in the posse who must’ve gifted jinyoung a birthday drink. “hey, also,” he points out the pretty stranger —he hadn’t been able to catch her name over the wailing of that band— “put what she’s drinking on our tab and say it’s from me,” he’s sure that his buddy won’t mind covering one extra drink; it’s a party after all. and jinyoung does like making a good impression on pretty girls he’d like to get to know better.
one sip of his own drink later, he’s glancing across the bar to catch her eye, sending her a grin as soon as their gazes meet. the problem with moon jinyoung is that he’s all too aware of his own good looks. surely the girl is interested in the handsome man who paid for her drink —with his buddy’s money, but she doesn’t need to know that detail. there’s an open seat next to him, the terrible indie band probably driving away most of the bar’s regular patrons with their caterwauling, so he jerks his head toward it in an invitation for the girl to come sit next to him instead. will the friend who invited her be mad at jinyoung for trying to chat her up? maybe. but it’s his birthday; he can do whatever he wants.
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lvciddreamt · 2 years
spotting her friend from across the room, elizabeth weaved through the crowd and immediately pulled her aside by the elbow. “thank god you’re here. if i have to listen to one more story about how leonardo dicaprio flirted with poppy devereaux at an oscars afterparty i’m going to be sick. honestly, it’s really not the type of thing worth bragging about anymore. the man is a fossil.” she lifted a flute of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray and placed it in torey’s hand. “you look like you could use one of these, too. everything okay, cariño?” 
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mishavorshevsky · 1 year
Tagged: @ayda--demir
Location: Haringey
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Normally he wouldn’t set foot in this part of Haringey without a tetanus shot first, but some jobs required a bit more personal of a touch to ensure completion. Now that he’d sacrificed a few operators at the hands of the ravenous Italians, it became more imperative than ever to circumvent any further loss of merchandise or personnel.
Ipso facto, here he stood in some long forgotten corner of this pit stained borough. Flanked by his own employees on multiple sides, their business had just begun wrapping up when one of them clasped the arm of a woman who’d made the poor choice to take a shortcut. 
Not a worthwhile threat by the look of her, but he painted on a falsely affable demeanor nonetheless.
“A bit late out, isn’t it?”
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sxist · 2 years
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he has a feeling she doesn’t want to talk about what happened.  he certainly doesn't.  he knows better than to think a few words from him is gonna do anything to fix the damage she's done in westview or comfort her in her grief after losing her family.  he’s not here for that.  his mission here is to bring her back into line so shield doesn’t have to worry about her wreaking havoc where she’s not supposed to, so she’s manageable again.               ‘                you know, just because westview wasn’t real doesn’t mean you can’t make it real.  you can move on, find yourself a nice guy, settle down                 ’                 in their line of work that is something that naturally crosses one’s mind  —  he’s thought about it more times than he cares to admit.  hell, he’s thought about it long before he took up the shield.              ‘                i can give that to you                 ’                  he says, eyes fixed on the redhead as he leans against the wall.             ‘               you want it, all you have to do is take your clothes off and beg for it like a good girl                 ’
dynamic.  wanda and steve
ft.  @thedumbblondes​​
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viola--lancaster · 2 years
Location: Dick’s Sporting Goods
Tagging: @bodhi-foster
“Excuse me? I think my kid just clogged up the toilet.” Viola couldn’t even stifle her laugh as she approached Bodhi as he was re-stocking something in an aisle. She had come to check up on him just to make sure he wasn’t totally drowning in misery today. She had known Bodhi pretty much his entire life, which still blew her mind. She knew his siblings and had seen plenty of games before his injury so she knew just how devastating it was for him, though she knew she would never truly know.  “I came to make sure you didn’t melt into a miserable puddle today. Have you eaten lunch?”
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