#ln2 ghost kid
fae-sodapop · 5 months
The Little Nightmares Kids #Two
Here I'll be sharing my drawings & headcanons!
This is an AU where all the kids live.
Reference at the end
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Spoon (spoon girl) : 11 years old, ginger hair, green eyes, She/her, 🇮🇪/🇺🇲, Item: spoon. Spoon is very fast & feels the need to protect everyone in her group. She's a bit sassy and rude at times often lashing out if she believes someone may endanger the rest of the group, how else would a traumatized kid react in a hell scape? She butts heads with lots of the other kids in the group but she only wants to keep them safe. Wasn't happy when West took over their little group.
Sweetz (lollipop kid): 8 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, he/him, 🇬🇧/🇺🇲, Item: Lollipop. Scared and fearful, not as fast as the other kids, often lags behind. He only really attacks when extremely frightened (as with the bullies). He felt really bad for hurting the bullies in the school because they resemble kids (whether or not they actually are) he'd never want to hurt another person.
Ghost: 12 years old, pale blonde hair, golden eyes, they/it, 🇨🇦. They're mute, using sign language to communicate. They saved a baby rat and named it phantom. It fights w/ spoon a lot saying she's very bossy. They're good at climbing.
Tyke (The toddler): 2 years old, Brown hair, brown eyes, He/Him, 🇺🇲, Item: knapsack.
Bleu (Blue overalls boy) : 6 years old, black hair, brown eyes, he/him, 🇺🇲, Item: large nail. He was in an orphanage with Mono (while in the Nowhere) he didn't escape unharmed however, he has several burn marks on his body. The kids at the orphanage were all close friends he's worried about what happened to the rest of them. He found Tyke in the forest while running from the hunter & had been trying his best to keep him safe until he found the rest of the group.
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West (Sou'wester girl): 14 years old, Brown hair, blue & green eyes, She/her, 🇨🇦, Item: Sou'wester hat. The oldest kid of the group she's been running around the forests near the pale city but she never intended to become the leader of a bunch of kids she barely knew. She escaped an encounter with the hunter after trying to take food from his cabin but she escaped, losing her hat in the process. She's quite tall due to the side effects of the signal tower even though she's been able to reduce its affects while staying in the forest.
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The bullies
Prim & Proper - 11 years old (?), Twins
Rough & Rowdy - 9 years old (?), Twins
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1 & 2) Kids from LN2 comics & their models
3) the bullies
4 & 5) Sou'wester girl model
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tiny-flickers · 4 months
color wheel challenge: little nightmares edition!
this is from july/august last year but i’m still pretty proud of it! :>
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skinnymonopoly · 5 months
who did his hair?🤔
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keikoyume · 5 months
I’m so sorry for not talking for awhile (life hit me like a brick) but I FINALLY listened to sounds of nightmares.
And holy cats do I have thoughts about it…
It does make me wonder- is cici six? I can honestly see it either way…
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HELLO FRIEND!!! I’m happy to see you and I hope you’re good!
I’m so happy you got into Sounds Of Nightmares and that it inspires you for LN :DD
I’m not the good person for making assumptions and theories but the idea that Cici is Six got debunked by some people in the fandom, notably my friend @queen0fm0nsterz .
(Excuse my bad english):
From what I can say, the raincoat is just a reference, nothing more. Both Raincoat Girl and Six have the same coat and we know where and when Six got hers. It’d be a bit redundant and narratively odd (in my opinion) that Six (assumed Cici) gets to start in the Nowhere with her coat -> then loses it -> then finds a new one in LN2.
Still my opinion here (and that’s something I already argue for Otto NOT being the Doctor of LN2): Story wise, it doesn’t add anything to Cici or Six’s character to be the same person. It doesn’t connect any big dots or add any lore.
I like imagining Cici got willingly taken by the Ferryman partially because Otto was very clingy to her meanwhile Six is more defined by her need to escape the Nowhere (my headcanons, lol).
Finally, I believe Cici is legitimately dead by now and Otto is just chasing a ghost. It makes his character even darker and the fact he unintentionally helps the Ferryman by sending more kids to the Nowhere gives us a very ironical and tragic ending (just as every LN endings). Having Cici alive would risk to bring an ounce of hope to Otto’s character and I don’t think we’re supposed to root for him since he’s a piece of garbage xD
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purplemninja · 5 months
Little Nightmares hot takes
[Feel free to comment or reblog with hot takes of your own]
Someone on the LN subreddit asked for people's hot takes and I commented a bunch of spicy ones that I have, which I will copy and paste here (though the last one will have something added to it):
1- People who say that Mono is an uwu-softboi or portray him as such are awful and are doing him a disservice. Like, you can not look at his battle against the Thin Man and pretend that he's a pacifist, not to mention the other kills he made in-game. His fight against the Thin Man and moving the tower towards himself is his most badass moment and these rougher edges to him make him a much more interesting character. So by taking that away and acting like he wouldn't hurt a fly really doesn't do Mono's character and arc any favours, it just ruins it, so people have seriously got to stop thinking that he's a 'pwecious widdle angel' when he clearly isn't, especially when it hurts his character and story.
2- I'm pretty sure that people are expecting this one but the fandom needs to lay off Six, and way the fandom makes it so that Six must either be totally good or totally bad and is not allowed to be morally grey (in between) is so irritating. Just like with Mono, taking away Six's rough edges or smooth ones hurt her character and make her way less interesting. Also no surprise that I say this but the way that the anti-Six people treat her is so awful.
3- In addition to what I said about the golden child Mono stans in number 1, the way that the FNAF books treat Henry is very much like how the fandom treats Mono - only his suffering matters, screw everyone else. Or some go even stupider and treat all of the characters in LN except Six sort of in the same way that the FNAF books treat Henry, basically like "Six and her suffering? She should shut up and suck it up" or even going as far to say that she deserves her suffering. While just about all the other characters (Mono most especially) have their suffering dealt with a gentle hand.
4- I'm pretty sure this is ghost-pepper level spicy but it's so dumb that the fandom claims that Roger is nice. Like bruh, he literally has blood stains on his vest, chases kids, you can hear one that he catches whimpering as he takes them away, wraps them up to be taken to the kitchen, and there's a bloody guillotine in vicinity. Just because he doesn't kill Six or RK on-screen means he's nice? What?
5- They should've made a LN2 DLC where you play the game as Six and get to see her perspective of everything that happened, especially that scene. Make them step out of their Mono/Thin Man tunnel vision and focus on Six and her suffering too for a change instead of making Mono's overshadow everything.
6- Six being the Lady would be disappointing AF and lazy that they're recycling Mono's fate. I'd be better off if Six was the next Lady and not the same one encountered in LN1, but I still prefer a different way for her story to go (or maybe make my new depressing interpretation of her ending (where she's not the lady but is still stranded at sea with no innocence or humanity left, making everything she went through all be for nothing in the end) the actual ending for her).
Plus, you're telling me that the remaining staff on the Maw (The Twin Chefs) were like "Oh, this kid that we tried to murder earlier is our boss now" and Six is like "Oh, I'm not going to kill these guys who tried to add me to the menu earlier. Plus I'll hire an exact copy of the Janitor and get a replacement for the one and only mirror I was able to fight the Lady with since it broke and try to board it up in the same room that I found it in. Yeah, it tooootaaaally would prevent another me from being able to get it in the exact same way that I did".
Not only that but they also put a child in charge of dealing with other business-related stuff on the Maw like shipments of coal and vegetables (or maybe someone else did that)? So stupid.
7- Runaway Kid's name is not seven!
8- The ridiculous double standards of self defence. Why are Mono and Runaway Kid allowed to defend themselves from monsters trying to kill them but Six isn't?
Mono - Smashes a bunch of bullies, pulls the trigger on the gun to shoot the Hunter, beats some living hands to death, probably burns the Doctor alive, kills some viewers by electrocuting them to death or luring them off of a ledge, and probably broke every bone in Thin Man's body before Thanos Snapping him.
Fandom - Eh.
RK - Electrocutes the Granny to death and disintegrates the Shadow Kids with his torch.
Fandom - Whatever
Six- Helps Mono shoot the same Hunter that kidnapped her and locked her in his basement (and she didn't take the gun off the hooks, Mono did), kills one bully after being kidnapped, tortured and hung upside down by them for who knows how long (which will eventually kill you), cuts off Roger's arms with a door when she was cornered, eats a rat when there's no other food nearby, eats a Nome instead of a sausage that she knows is made of human flesh, eats the Lady when there's no other food anywhere, and kills some guests who are reaching over to try and eat her on her way out of the Maw.
Fandom - Monster.
Now, I'm not saying that what Six did was good or what the boys did was evil, but people have to stop acting like it's okay for one character to kill to save their own lives but not the other.
9- This stems more from a certain artist that I won't name to avoid people going to harass them, but on top of the self defence standards, people also have to stop with the double standards of bad things happening to a character due to another character's actions. What I mean with this is that while yes, Mono had no way of knowing that Thin Man was behind the door and getting Six kidnapped by him was a mistake, that does not, however, undo the fact that Six still got kidnapped or that her kidnapping is not that big a deal all because it was an accident on Mono's part. Especially when people won't give Six the same leniency when it comes to Mono becoming the Thin Man. Six had no way of knowing that Mono would survive the fall, let alone him being stuck in a room on a chair for decades and turning into the Thin Man, yet that is a big deal despite her not knowing but her kidnapping isn't because it's also an accident?
And lastly,
10- Another ghost-pepper level spicy but AUs where Six pulls Mono up yet all the suffering she has to go through before that is 100% the same as in-game makes her a way, waaaayyyy better person than Mono. This goes double for AUs where Six realises that he's the Thin Man (you know, her kidnapper and tormentor) but decides to pull him up anyway. Like, Mono as Thin Man decides to kidnap and torture an innocent version of Six, cursing her with the hunger and making the child Mono have to torture her to save her, but Six decides to pull him up despite all of the pain he put her through. Even more so when she realises that he is her kidnapper. That makes her a much better person that him. Though it also makes her kind of spineless. I'm not saying that she should drop him, but in-game the player can abuse Six in some ways (running when holding her hand, which makes her stumble, throwing stuff at her, bash her with weapons (even if they don't do anything to her) getting her to fall off of stuff (yes, she respawns or teleports, but still), blinding her with the torch) but not once does Six retaliate until Mono attacks the music box, making her a bit of a doormat TBH. Yet some people in the fandom portray Mono as the doormat instead, it's like the fandom goes out of its way to get Mono and Six as backwards as possible.
Additionally, fan content where Mono doesn't apologise for getting Six kidnapped in the first place, or torturing her during his fight against her monster self makes him a huge jerk. Like, this girl has to suffer because of his actions (unintentional, perhaps. But as I said, that doesn't make the pain Six suffered go away or not matter) and he doesn't even have the decency to at least say sorry for the hurt he caused her? It pleases me whenever there's fan content where he does apologise, because not being sorry for hurting Six makes him a huge jerk.
It's long, but those are my hot takes.
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mickeys-malarkey · 1 year
So, I Think I Know Who Ruth/Noone Is
No, I don't think she's Six nor Alone. But I don't think she's a totally new character like Otto/The Counselor (who, by the way, I noticed upon my relisten also identifies himself as “The Counselor” in his first audio log; an incredibly weird decision for one counselor in an asylum full of other counselors that he mentions constantly to make if it has no significance), either. And, I'm sorry, but this will mean that she is yet another poor child who doesn't get a happy ending.
Point One: Her Name
We… we know that Ruth's other name is “Noone,” not “Six” nor “Alone,” guys. That alone is proof that she's neither of them, just like how knowing Otto's other name is “The Counselor” alone is proof against the theories that he's either The Doctor or Mono/The Thin Man.
From what I can tell, it looks like people who've lived in both worlds get a Human Name and what I'll call a “Nowhere Name” or a “Nightmare Name.”
“The Janitor” is for sure Roger's in LN1.
“The Doctor” seems to be “that celebrity doctor” from TSON's in LN2.
“The Counselor” is for sure Otto's in TSON and potentially LN3 if he shows up there.
“Noone” is for sure Ruth's.
Some might choose their Nowhere/Nightmare Name, some may be bestowed it, but it certainly looks to me like the only time someone gets multiple Nowhere/Nightmare Names (excluding The Candleman/Ferryman because, from what Otto said at the beginning of Ch5, he's like literally some sort of Eldritch god or personification of an abstract concept or something who probably doesn't even have a concrete True Physical Form seeing as he's described very differently by mythologies all over the world throughout history, “‘The Guardian At The Threshold,’ an archetype that parapsychologists have obsessed over for centuries. A mythic entity who's appeared in the stories of innumerable cultures. No matter their description, his roll is always the same: to confront anyone who dares cross into unseen worlds . . . The Candleman. The Ferryman. Indeed, The Guardian At The Threshold. An eidolon [googled definitions: ‘a specter or phantom; a ghost or elusive entity; an unsubstantial image; an image or representation of an idea; an apparition of some actual or imaginary entity, or an aspect of reality’] on the inside, determined to keep. Me. Out.” So, I think we can just assume that, because he's an ethereal being, everyone who encounters him perceives him varying degrees of differently [I mean, just look how difficult Noone found it to solidify her perception of him enough to describe him in the first place] and, unless their perceptions just happenstance into matching up enough or they decide to call him by a name they heard someone else use, they all call him something different and therefore, to use Tumblr terms: he's Spiders Georg and shouldn't be counted) is specifically in the case of kids surviving to adulthood in The Nowhere. Because, then, they transition from having a “nickname” type of Nowhere/Nightmare Name to having a “title” type, like Mono (ain't no way his parents put “Mono” on his birth certificate, that's definitely a nickname) growing into The Thin Man (an incredibly weird title, but a title nonetheless 🤷🏻‍♀️).
Sisi could easily be Six, or Raincoat Girl, or Portrait Girl (more likely Raincoat Girl or Portrait Girl), there's evidence for all three (but stronger for Raincoat Girl and Portrait Girl) and Otto/The Counselor never mentioned whatever her other name is, only “Sisi.” But, as I said, we know Ruth's other name: Noone!
Now, there is an unnamed girl that Noone is a little too similar to for it to be a coincidence: Spoon Girl (aka Girl With Pigtails, aka Nosebleed Girl, aka Hospital Girl, whatever you wanna call her) from the LN2 comics.
Point Two: Narrative Parallels & Matching Imagery
• Ruth/Noone: has an eye-looking “pea-size tumor on [her] right-sided amygdala,” as Otto said (“they maintain it's benign, despite the unusual ocular appearance”).
> Is “helped” to escape the asylum, Otto/The Counselor, and her tumor in the horrible, corrupting nightmare world that is The Nowhere by The Candleman/Ferryman after he brings her back and forth for a while, manipulating her into thinking The Nowhere is the lesser of the two evils.
• Spoon Girl: has a right-side nosebleed, which could mean Ruth/Noone was incorrect that living in The Nowhere would cure her of her tumor (not surprising, given that “ocular appearance.” Of course she couldn't escape it in its own domain) and now the cancer has spread to her nasal cavity (nosebleeds come up as a possible side effect of olfactory neuroblastoma, a cancer of the nerves that allow you to smell which starts growing in your nose and can spread into your brain. They could've researched that and thought it seemed perfectly reasonable that a tumor growing in the opposite direction would do the same exact thing)?
> Is “helped” to escape her hospital cell by an unseen person repeatedly pushing spoons under her door only to find that she's actually dug herself into an identical cell, all the way down to the hash marks she put on the walls presumably counting how many spoons she broke while digging. The door then opens to lure her to where she's found by The Doctor and, presumably, is either killed by him or “saved” from him by The Thin Man (if her Glitching Remains that Mono can find and absorb in the actual game are an indication that he attempted a rescue after the pair encountered each other through The Mall), likely turning her into a monster similar to Monster Six and locking her away somewhere until her tumor finally killed her.
Wouldn't it just wrap Ruth/Noone's story up in a positively hideous bow if, once she thought she'd escaped the horrors of her real life, she literally just found herself delivered into the hands of the very same man who traumatized her and got her face plastered all over the telly in the first place, where she basically lives through a metaphor that makes her realize what a terrible mistake she's made before she succumbs to whatever her final fate was (the latter option would mean also into the hands of someone so similar to Otto/The Counselor that the writers were able to use him to foreshadow how his part of her story would end)? 😬😢
If you need more proof, let's look at the TSON cover art…
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Looks an awful lot like those bottom two hands are gripping pigtails, doesn't it (in exactly the wrong place for her to be Alone, might I add. Alone's pigtails stick up, Ruth/Noone's hang down)…? The fact they're also specifically covering the area where her bangs would be is pretty suspicious, as well… Now, let's compare her to Spoon Girl's concept art from the LN2 art book…
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…Yeah, I think it's her. The face, head, shoulder, and collar shapes are much too similar for this series whose artists very much do not suffer from Same Face nor Same Body Syndrome when characters aren't meant to just be members of a faceless/masked/cloned throng. Hello, Ruth/Noone… R.I.P. 😔
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littlenighttales · 1 year
I’ve secretly written a little spinoff about some of the LN2 comic kids. Some fan favorites like the Spoon Girl, Ghost Kid, The Toddler, and the Fat Kid (who really needs a name that isn’t that, so I called him Two.)
Link here.
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samychanuniverse · 3 years
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Boy’s Ln/Ln2
bonus hehe
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alish-artie · 3 years
Here’s a simple drawing of Ghost Kid ! I gave them a pet rat because I was sad that the one they tried to save died sooo here !
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They match hehe~
Also it’s funny how the way I’m drawing Ghost Kid make him look a lot like a teru teru bōzu !
In Japanese, a teru teru bōzu is a white doll that you tie to your window as a lucky charm in order to chase the rain away and bring good weather, which is...actually fitting for the Pale City since it’s raining almost all the time x)
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a-random-warrior · 3 years
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Happy (Late) Trans Day of Visibility
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vinehasnohopeleft · 3 years
I ended up watching a video that was trying to explain the ghost kid’s identity and from what we know, the ghost kid doesn’t have a right arm for some reason. the person in the video said that the barber might have been the reason why the ghost kid doesn’t have their other arm.
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the person said that the kid in the concept art might be the ghost kid. I’ll link the video some where here but if we do think that this is the ghost kid (and to some, grew up to be the hunter) we now have an idea of what the ghost kid looks like. the person also did say that there is a picture in the little nightmares/ the Maw that looks like that kid in the concept art.
sorry if my stuff sucks, I just wanted to get that out there for no reason what so ever than the fact that I found a theory, I guess... the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfFUo0vvSh0
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fae-sodapop · 11 months
Almost every kid from Little Nightmares
Apologies for bad quality in some of the drawings
Part 2
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liittlenightmares · 4 years
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scribbles for my “mono sees ghosts” au
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crocyart · 4 years
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hrtley · 3 years
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some comic kid designs bc i dont draw them enough <3
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techno-foxx-comixx · 3 years
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Some little extras for the Camping AU plus a mini comic 🏕🌿
The second one is just some fun designs of some of the other Little Nightmares kids as campers. I don’t really plan on adding them to the comic cause that’s too many characters but I suppose that could change in the future 🥄👻💄🍭
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