minegaga · 1 year
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fatehbaz · 8 months
Traditional scholarship in the history of science associates the quantifiable, universal human body with the European Enlightenment or ‘new science’. This measurable, universal body, it is argued, came to define modern medicine. Behind it lay the driving forces of political economy, [...] life insurance, and modern industrial [profit] [...]. But this widely accepted history of the universalisation and systemisation of human corporeality [...] [involves] an earlier global history of enslaving and measuring bodies in the Indies, born of the Iberian slave trade between Africa and colonial Iberian America. It was in the violent and profitable world of this slave trade that universal concepts and calculations of health risks, disease and bodily characteristics [...] emerged. Indeed, the scale of data production about bodies in the early modern world of Iberian slave trading far outpaced all contemporary systems of production of knowledge about the human body.
The key concept in this early modern quantification of the body was the pieza de Indias (Spanish) or peça da India (Portuguese). [...]
The appearance of this new measure and epistemology was intimately linked to the unprecedented rise in the size and complexity of the transatlantic commerce in human bodies during the first decades of the 17th century. The new, universal measure of man was the result of the slave trade’s need to quantify the risks of investing in human corporeality and its modern afflictions. By the late 16th century, Iberian slave traders, governments, corporations and financiers from around Europe (particularly from Genoa, Florence and the Netherlands) were already thinking of the transportation of slave bodies as units of risk.
The original licences for slaves transacted in Iberia were contractual concepts that did not refer to bodily characteristics [...] [and] were of limited help [...] for calculating the productivity [of a slave's body] [...]. Consequently, slave traders and slave-trading organisations, including the House of Trade (Casa de Contratación) in Seville, developed methodologies that allowed them to translate slave bodies into numbers and calculate the inherent value [...] as it related to an increasingly normalised, constant unit called the pieza. The concept of the pieza (the piece) allowed for the creation of contracts where investors, providers and the state could prospectively calculate tariff, gains and risk using quantifiable notions of bodies [...].
The historical record makes clear that the concept of ‘the piece of the Indies’ itself was already firmly established across the Atlantic basin by the early 1600s. [...] In addition to peça, Portuguese slave traders [in West Africa] used several other terms to refer to slaves who were not adult [...], reflecting an increasingly rich taxonomy [...]. Muleque or muleca [...]. Slave traders began using these terms to refer to young bodies that they discounted at rates [...]. Calculating the value of cañengues, muleques and mulecas by converting them into standard adult [...] piezas was a common practice [...]. Portuguese officials in Sao Paulo da Assumpcao de Loanda deployed the concept when they tallied ‘the dispatch’, or fees due to the Portuguese crown, for the embarkment of African slaves bound for the Americas. Such methods to appraise slave bodies became normative in Spanish America for determining the tariffs that traders had to pay to introduce slaves in the New World.
By the late 1530s, crown officials were counting the ‘pieces of slaves’ (piezas de esclavos) disembarking in Santo Domingo and selling them to miners [...] [and] hacienda owners [...] to work in the mines and estates of the island. [...] [A] concept of an ideal body for transportation and labour [...] had emerged across the Atlantic, and during the first decades of the 17th century it was disseminated across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, being widely used in Dutch trading records. [...] [S]lave traders and government officials used the term pieza to talk about other captive bodies from the Indies, most notably native or 'Indian' bodies in the Caribbean.
The concept of the piece of the Indies appears in full form in the 1660s as part of negotiations of the terms of the asiento de negros or slave monopoly between the Spanish crown and the Genoese financiers Domingo Grillo and Ambrosio Lomelín. The contract with the Grillos established that they would ‘bring 24,500 blacks, piezas de Indias, over the course of seven years and starting in 1662’. The monopoly established as one of its conditions that ‘the said quantity of blacks should be piezas de Indias, each one seven cuartas of height and up’. [...] Slave traders used height as a proxy for life histories of health and nutrition and as a predictor of the slave’s potential productivity [...] [and] created a complex system around the marker of height [...].
[H]aving grey hair, for instance, translated into a reduction in value of one cuarta or one-seventh of the standard pieza. The conditions of 'cloud in one eye [cataracts]' signified a reduction of two cuartas; scurvy, two cuartas; phlegm, one and one-half cuartas; a 'benign hernia', one cuarta [...]. Being older than 35 years merited a one-cuarta deduction [...]. The presence of lobanillos (small tumours) was worth one and one-half cuartas’ reduction; small fingers, one-half cuarta; incapacitating scars (burns), one and one-half cuarta; [...] localised ulcers, one-sixth of a cuarta; generalised ulcers, one cuarta; [...] short-sightednesss, two cuartas; [...] missing molars, one cuarta [...].
The contractual articulation of the concept of the piece of the Indies [...] formalised slave-based knowledge production about human bodies. The contract assembled a vast storehouse of knowledge, much of it held in the House of Trade in Seville, obtained from thousands of records of bodily characteristics and diseases for hundreds of thousands of bodies [...]. The Grillos’ contract set a precedent for the 1679 contract between Spanish and Portuguese merchants and the Dutch West India Company. The 1696 asiento between Spanish crown and [financier F.M.] and [financier N/P.], for example, agreed they would transport 10,000 tonnes of freight including 30,000 piezas de Indias of the ‘regular measure of seven cuartas’. Similarly, a 1709 contract between the French Compagnie de Guinée and Dutch slave traders, settled in Amsterdam, specified that the French would pay 110 pièces de huit (pieces of eight) ‘for each black piece of Indies’ delivered in the Caribbean.
As the ‘new science’ of the European Enlightenment dawned in Europe, the piece of the Indies was well established as the most disseminated universal measure of the human body.
All text above by: Pablo F. Gomez. "Pieza de Indias: Slave Trade and the Quantification of Human Bodies". A chapter in New World Objects of Knowledge: A Cabinet of Curiosities (edited by Mark Thurner and Juan Pimentel), pp. 47-50. Published 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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beattoquarters2 · 2 months
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On a voyage from South America to Amsterdam, the ORANIA, with 121 passengers and a crew of 158, arrived at the port of Leixoes (Portugal) on 19 December 1934 at 07:00 h. for disembarkation of passengers. At 13:30 h. the ship was anchored and the disembarkation of passengers was started. Suddenly the Portuguese steamer LOANDA was seen steaming into the harbour and keeping straight on the port side of the ORANIA. The LOANDA could not avoid a collision and hit the ORANIA on the port side, causing a hole amidships from the promenade deck to below the waterline. The ORANIA immediately took on water and started to list to port. Everyone left the ship safely and in good order, which lay completely flat 40 - 50 minutes after the collision. The ship could no longer be salvaged. The British firm Cox & Danks was commissioned to remove the wreck and it was not until late 1936 that the clean-up was completed.
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newmotorsmoema · 3 months
Procurando carros por até R$ 40 mil? Veja 4 opções à venda em Loanda
2) Chevrolet Vectra 2006 [clique AQUI para saber mais]. Anunciante: Buiu Automóveis; Valor: R$ 34.900,00. 3) Volkswagen FOX 2012/2013 [clique AQUI ... http://dlvr.it/T8fzJZ
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rodininetto · 5 months
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
SADC : passation de pouvoir entre le Congolais Félix Tshisekedi et l'Angolais Joao Laurenço ce jeudi à Luanda
Ce jeudi 17 août, Félix Tshisekedi devra passer le témoin à Joao Laurenço, président angolais. En effet, c’est ce dernier qui prendra la présidence tournante de la Communauté d’Afrique australe (SADC) lors du 43e sommet des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de cette organisation sous-régionale qui se tient à Loanda (Angola). Ce sommet intervient au moment où plusieurs initiatives diplomatiques pour…
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gustavomoreirabio · 2 years
Dezenas de escorpiões da espécie Tityus serrulatus são flagrados em Porto Rico – ASSISTA O VIDEO
Um vídeo que mostra dezenas de escorpiões da espécie Tityus serrulatus em uma das barrancas de Porto Rico, município a 25 quilômetros de Loanda, tem circulado nas redes sociais e causado preocupação em moradores e turistas da região nos últimos dias. As imagens impressionam pela quantidade de animais de diferentes tamanhos, andando entre pedras praticamente […]
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Concurso público: Loanda - Paraná
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Dinamização de Assentamentos Rurais na Bahia Governo do Estado @govba , por meio dos projetos da CAR @carbahia_ ( 03/2021- CGAPP/CAR) para a execução de políticas públicas como a do acesso ao serviço de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (ATER). #GovernoDaBahia #SDR #CAR #Parceria #DesenvolvimentoRural #AgriculturaFamiliar #Ater #AssistênciaTécnica (em Assentamento Loanda, Itajuípe, Ba) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9Pt3KOPPn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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salsichamaringa · 2 years
A Terceira Companhia Independente de Polícia Militar (3ª CIPM), com sede em Loanda, vem realizando o cumprimento de inúmeros mandados de prisão expedidos pelos Juízes das Comarcas de Loanda, Santa Isabel do Ivaí e Nova Londrina, proporcionando a sensação de segurança para a população do extremo noroeste do Paraná. Em data de 17 de novembro de 2022, durante a manhã, a Equipe Policial da 3ª…
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bennettcook · 2 years
Oportunidade é ofertada para o cargo de operador de recursos humanos; veja como participar No estado do Paraná, a Câmara Municipal de Loanda anuncia um novo edital de retificação, referente ao Concurso Público, que tem por objetivo a contratação de um profissional do cargo de operador de recursos humanos. Para concorrer a vaga ofertada, é necessário possuir ensino superior completo em Administração, Ciências Contábeis ou Direito. Ao profissional contratado, a remuneração a ser recebida corresponde ao valor de R$ 3.500,00, referente a jornada de trabalho de 40 horas semanais para o exercício das funções. Procedimentos para participar Os interessados devem se inscrever até o dia 21 de novembro de 2022, exclusivamente via internet, no site da Fundação Fafipa, mediante o pagamento de R$ 100,00. Como critério de seleção, os candidatos inscritos serão avaliados em duas etapas, sendo a primeira delas: prova objetiva, prevista para ser aplicada no dia 11 de dezembro de 2022. A segunda etapa consiste em prova discursiva, prevista para a mesma data. Vale ressaltar que a prova objetiva é composta por 40 questões de múltipla escolha, com cinco alternativas de resposta, sendo apenas uma delas correta, distribuídas entre os seguintes conteúdos programáticos: língua portuguesa, raciocínio lógico, informática, conhecimentos gerais e conhecimentos específicos. Vigência O certame deste Concurso Público terá validade de dois anos, a contar da data de homologação do resultado final, podendo ser prorrogado por igual período a critério da Administração Pública. EDITAL DE ABERTURA Nº 01/2022 - RETIFICADO PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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minegaga · 4 years
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🦋Loving this look by @calligionielainemakeup @calligionielainemakeup @calligionielainemakeup #repost @calligionielainemakeup ・・・ Quer Aprender o Delineado com Gliter??? Aperte o Play 🎥 . . “A arte de viver é simplesmente a arte de conviver... simplesmente, disse eu? Mas como é difícil!” . . . @phoerapromakeup . @casadomaquiadorcm . @nathcapelo . @ikkomakeup . @mfmaquiagem . @pramaquiar cílios Bela 3D. @staceymariemua . @bperfectcosmetics . ...... . . Informações sobre Cursos!!! Whats +55-44-999597894 @igmaquiagens @universomakeup @brunamalheirosmakeup @brutavaresppf @hudabeauty @hullyyohana @heldermarucci @hudabeautyinspiration @shophudabeauty #paraguay #paraguai #ciudaddeleste @hypnaughtypower @barbaralmilani @hypnaughtyfashion @igmaquiagens @loversmakeup_ @loucaspormake_ @loucasemaquiadas @eudoraoficial @euqueroessamake #sãopaulo @edersonoliver_beauty @loucasemaquiadas #igmaquiagens #portoalegre #loanda #maccosmetics @hypnaughtypower @hmellomakeup #macéio #fortaleza @alcantaramakeup @stephanieabsher @fiercesociety @fadiajebai #saopaulo @gomakeoficial @aliceacademyoficial @edersonoliver_beauty @haysanquettamakeup @brigittecalegari @melmakeup.blog @hudabeauty @hudakattanbeauty @shophudabeauty @shopgloss_ @unikemakeup @makeumuarama @universodamaquiagem_oficial @guilhermenogueiramakeup @luannacharamba https://www.instagram.com/p/ByY5j5shBzT/?igshid=1nfw9vyl09nqm
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rodininetto · 5 months
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iweb-rdc001 · 1 year
SADC : passation de pouvoir entre le Congolais Félix Tshisekedi et l'Angolais Joao Laurenço ce jeudi à Luanda
Ce jeudi 17 août, Félix Tshisekedi devra passer le témoin à Joao Laurenço, président angolais. En effet, c’est ce dernier qui prendra la présidence tournante de la Communauté d’Afrique australe (SADC) lors du 43e sommet des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de cette organisation sous-régionale qui se tient à Loanda (Angola). Ce sommet intervient au moment où plusieurs initiatives diplomatiques pour…
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yktechnology · 3 years
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Full video available on YouTube chennal video is post Like / subscribe / share / comment / support frinds & help This chennal . . . #businessmotivation #businesswomen #msmes #businesslife #enterpreneur #vyaparitridiwas #homeloans #studentloans #loandbeholdpatterns #loanda #documentary #documentaryphotography #document #documentyourdays #documentedfaith #bankebihari #sachmeli39 @upstart @psb_loans_in_59_minutes @entrepreneur @business2success @entrepreneurshipfacts @entrepreneurind @womenentrepreneur (at Udaipur - The City of Lakes) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRWkWvrHvVp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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