#lobo alpha
aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
What is Happening to me (Part 11)
Leon x F!Reader
Words: 2,422 Contains: Blood, Angst, Hurt Comfort.
Part 1 | Previous | Next
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Driving down the roads of a foreign country, you try to remember what side of the road you need to be driving on. Luckily it was the same as the US, so you mainly had to figure out what the road rules were with all the signs in German. Also lucky for you, currently you were driving out in country, so not many signs were present, and Leon was giving you directions from the passenger side. Making your way through large rolling hills, you begin to enter the designated area the sightings had been.
"It should be around here somewhere, we should go the rest of the way by foot." He suggests, pointing to the side of the road where you could pull over.
Giving a nod you follow his directions, pulling the jeep over, shutting off the ignition leaving the keys in there just in case you end up needing a quick escape. No one was going to be out here to steal it anyway. Sliding out of the jeep you head around to the front of the vehicle, looking all around to see which direction you might need to go. You were basically surrounded by slopes covered in dried, fallen leaves and trees of varying sizes and shapes.
"I think if we head up hill we should be able to see more of the surrounding area." You suggest, Leon giving you a nod in agreement, turning to the tallest area.
"Then let's go." He starts walking ahead of you, yourself following close behind him as you both make your way up the sloped hill.
Some sections were hard to travers, the dead leaves covering the ground, not making the steep slope any easier to manoeuvre up. You had been climbing about 10 minutes now, Leon starting to slow down in front of you. His broken rib making it harder for him to breathe properly and hiking wasn't the best activity he should be doing with a possibly punctured lung.
"Leon, why don't we stop?" You suggest, catching up to him on one of his pauses he had been taking. He was having to take these pauses more and more as time went on.
"I'm fine, let's just get to the top of the hill." He assures, continuing to hike up the slope from the small flat area you had found.
His footing slips on a rock after trying his best to continue upwards, falling off the small climb up a dirt and rocky section you rush to try and catch him from behind. Your arms wrap under his arms, the force of his fall pushing you to your butt on the ground. Leon leaning back against your chest and on your lap, completely given up at the moment. Wincing at the shooting pain in your tail bone you feel Leon hadn't moved yet, a panting lump of man in your arms.
"Leon?" Your tone worried as you try shuffling out from under him, a hand holding to support the back of his neck as you lay him on the ground. Now kneeling beside him you see the red in his mouth, his teeth coated in the yellowy-red liquid. You realised he needs to stay on his side so he won't drown in his own blood on his back. Rolling him over you rest his head on your lap, rubbing his upper back to help as best you could.
"You really should listen to your body, I know you want to get this mission finished, but you can't do that if you're dead." You say looking around, needing to keep an eye and ear out for any dangers.
"I know.. I just.." Leon Coughs up blood onto your lap.
"Shh.. I know." You didn't really know exactly what he was going to say, but it probably had something to do with protecting you, or trying to be strong, something along those lines. "You shouldn't talk right now."
Leon just gives you a nod as you pull your phone from your pocket and call Chris.
"(Y/N)? Have you found it already? We just finished with the first sector of the outbreak." Chris sounded puffed.
"No, we haven't found it yet. It's Leon, he's punctured a lung and bleeding from the mouth. I don't want him to continue on, not like this. He needs to get to a hospital." You request. Chris was silent on the other side of the line for a moment before you heard him start to call commands to his squads.
"Change of plans, K9, Lobo. You're with me. The rest of you, watch each other's backs and follow the plan." There was a moment of silence after his squad acknowledge his orders. "Two of my men and myself are coming to you with a medic. Send me your location and we'll be there soon, tell Leon to hang in there."
"I am..." Leon responds weakly, his voice strained.
"We'll be right here when you arrive." You assure and hang up, sending Chris your location. Placing your phone back in your pocket you continue to rub Leon's back, giving firm pats every so often. Yes it may hurt his broken rib, but you were freeing up some of the blood pooling, causing him to cough it out. "Leon? you still with me?" You check after a good 5 minutes, your senses still cranked up to max.
"Yeah... I'm still here." He replied. "Sadly."
You could only snigger at his joke. "I think Chris is coming by car so he will take a while to get here, can you walk?" You ask running your fingers through his hair, brushing his bangs back so you could see his face. He had probably rest enough to be able to make the trek back down the hill, at least down was a lot easier than up.
"Yeah.. I can walk." He responds, his eyes had been heavy, trying his best to keep awake. Pushing off your lap you stand up and take his left arm to sling over your shoulders, Leon putting his weight into you, knowing you were strong enough to hold him on his feet.
As you start to make your way down, being careful not to slip you take a different rout down, finding the flatter sections. A clank being heard under your feet, causing both of you to stop in your tracks. Both of you share a look and Leon pulls his arm from over your shoulders, holding his own balance as you kneel down and start to brush away dried leaves and mud. A large metal hatch was uncovered, Leon brushing away more mud from one of the corners and the both of you sigh.
You rub the itch on your nose with the back of your gloved wrist. "Yup.. That's the Umbrella logo alright." You take the latch of the large metal door and pull up, it opens with a loud squeak, both of you covering your ears at how piercing it was. Cement stairs lead down into the darkness, Leon pulls out a torch and shines it down into the hole, an iron bared wall with a gated door thrown off it's hinges.
"I think we found our destination." Leon says starting to step towards the stairs, stopping as he felt you grip his left bicep.
"Leon, wait.. You're going to a hospital, you're clearly not in any state to be fighting anything right now." Your tone was soft, but laced with authority and worry.
Leon looks from you to the hole in front of both of you, sighing he knew you were right, but you just found an Umbrella bunker with possible BOW activity. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone."
"Hey you two." Calls Chris' voice as he walked up the hill with two men in combat vests and a medic carrying a bag following close behind him.
You turn to face them as they approach. "You're timing couldn't be better. We just found a hatch with the Umbrella logo."
Leon points to the hatch where to logo was to show Chris, he stumbled slightly but caught himself, Chris' hand quickly reacting and reaching to place on Leon's back to help support him. Giving the medic a nod, Chris helps Leon sit down on one of the many rocks in the area. Leon just allows himself to be moved and tended to by the medic. "Leon, we need you to go with the medic. I'll take care of this from here with (Y/N)."
Leon swallows heavily, tasting the iron taking over his tastebuds, his head shaking. "I've dealt with worse." He brushed off the concern. "My chest is just slightly tighter than normal, I'll rest once we finish the job." He said looking to the medic who had a  portable x-ray machine.
"It's not life threatening, he has a mild case of Hemoptysis. His blood vessels have ruptured slightly from the impact of the crash, but the main cause of pain would be the broken rib and slight amount of blood in his body from the puncture itself, but that has stopped bleeding." He explains scrolling through the different medical levels that were showing up on screen. "The blood in his mouth just makes it look worse than it is."
"See.. I'm fine, now can we get on with the job?" Leon was starting to get very tired and just wanted this over and done with.
You look to the medic for confirmation and he gives you a nod, your shoulders relaxing then looking to Leon who was also wanting your confirmation. He didn't want to leave you, not here. It seemed the call was on you, knowing Leon would listen if you told him not to come, but you also felt like you needed him with this one. He was the most experienced with BOWs, other than you, but you couldn't remember. "Fine..." You say pinching the bridge of your nose with a heavy sigh. "I think we should deal with this together."
Everyone agrees and Leon was given some oxygen before the medic packs up and heads to the vehicle the four of them arrived in, driving back to the city. Leon looked more alert after resting with the oxygen, giving you a bit more confidence he was going to be alright. Chris and his two squad members follow behind Leon and yourself, keeping an eye on the groups 6.
Walking through a large sewer, it felt like you were in a large pipe, except the walls were dark, stone bricks, your feet clanking as you walk along a suspended metal grate path. Many separate holes on the right and left of the group, blocked by iron bars the gates in them locked with a chain and padlock. 
Coming to a T intersection in the stone piping the 5 of you keep your guns trained, torches lighting your way. "Do you think this place is abandoned?" You ask quietly, There had been no sounds of life, other then the sometimes dripping of a leak and your own footsteps echoing through the dark halls.
 Almost as if you had summoned it with your words, a deep growl echoes through the halls, seeming to come from the direction you were facing and shining a light down. Chris and Leon turn to face the right of the T intersection.
"Canine on our 3, Lobo on our 6" Chris orders, Leon and Chris walking to stand beside you, their weapons trained into the darkness, even with now 3 torches shining down it was hard to see anything.
"You had to say something, didn't you, (Y/N)." Leon snickered, you always seemed to have the perfect timing, and it looked like you kept that trait, even after your head injury.
"Sorry.." You shrugged.
Chris flicks his eyes to Leon over your head, Leon returning the look as he gives Chris a nod. Stepping forwards slowly, Chris makes his way into the darkness ahead of the group. You feel your heart racing as none of this seemed right, your aim slightly to the side as Chris would walk in front of you, not wanting to have him in your sights. Without any warning a large fleshy appendage reaches out of the darkness and wraps around Chris, who lets out a cry of pain feeling some type of barb sinking into his abdomen, pulling him into the darkness.
"CHRIS!!!" You and Leon shout in unison, chasing after him.
The walls were covered in a deep black ichor, dripping from the the top of the stone tube, no wonder your torches didn't light up anything. Slipping in the ichor that thickly coated the ground all 4 of you end up on your backs or hands and knees. "What is this?!" Canine asks, shaking his right hand to try and get it off.
"Whatever you do, don't ingest it!" Leon warns shining his torch around on one knee, a hand on his chest trying to catch his breath from falling on his back.
"There!" You point with your own torch, seeing the smallest amount of Chris' face and right hand sticking out of a wall, made of flesh and bulbus sacks in front of you and to the right. 
Leon helps you to your feet and you both carefully walk over to him, as soon as you reach out to touch his hand one of the sacks opens. A giant eye staring back at you, out of pure instinct you pull your knife from it's sheath on your chest and stab it. The creature/wall shrieks out in pain, more eyes opening and thrashing around. Leon reaches for Chris, shoving his own arms into the wall of flesh and grips around his waist. Bracing a foot into the flesh he starts to pull him out, Canine and Lobo shooting any of the eyes that would open as you take Chris' right hand and help Leon pull him free. Flopping to the ground with a wet squelching sound, Leon falls on top of Chris before grabbing his left wrist, you still holding his right.
"We need to get him out of here!" Leon calls to you over the loud sounds of gunfire. You nod and hurry away from this ichor and flesh filled area, Lobo and Canine throwing a grenade each behind them, hoping to do some damage as they follow their Alpha being dragged out of this dark place, picking up his assault rifle he had dropped when grabbed.
Part 1 | Previous | Next
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat @growingupnrealizing
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yukipri · 7 months
Rereading Override and I literally forgot you called Plo Koon's first commander Lobo lmao <3
Technically his Alpha ARC Captain! But yup, it's a fitting name, isn't it? In my stories, Lobo is Wolffe's mentor, and is to Wolffe kinda what Seventeen is to Cody. Hoping I'll get to show more of their relationship sooner or later! I'm very fond of Lobo hehe
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Watching Chickens. 🎶
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garrusknight · 6 months
Omg there is that wolf pack member who appears in nightbound and he appears in the new choices book hotshot with the name brant lowell 💀
Nooooooooo... the only werewolf and only Lowell is our Cal Lowell 😭 He's the best and deserves better
Yeah I saw that and I thought of Cal.
So yeah... In the Nightbound continuation his name will be established as Sergio Lobo.
Cal is the best Lowell although to be fair he's not the only werewolf with that name since the name is shared with his family and Donny is cool too.
If you've played Unbridled I also find it weird how our abusive ex is called Cal (short for Calloway)... and I'm like no... that's not fair how dare that abusive ex have the same name as our Cal. (There's also a Cal in Alpha, but he's cool.)
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karontedecancer80 · 1 year
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Los invito a leer está interesante historia de hombres lobo, suspenso, terror y romance los esperan.
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avataranamaste · 1 year
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yuuky54 · 1 year
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Fin de la Tortura - I (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1077540234-fin-de-la-tortura-i?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Zake54&wp_originator=TwzD%2Fynwlk4OyI7YDm1%2FpcsnOPtK7GTb7vvA3CkwQAsgBNpzfNZAoJ7u7l7QmrV%2BkFCbxFm%2FO2xOav099rUcwCFg%2FViNHxmxhEO5gF9dsp7vVReWo1CDwuFJPojDoX2X Tras la pérdida de los padres y el hermano mayor de Ayla, todo cambió. El tío de Ayla y su novia se hicieron cargo de la manada mientras que a ella la tenían trabajando para ellos como sirvienta y víctima de los golpes dados por ellos o por su hijo y futuro alpha de la manada Pain Moon. Desde los 11 años estuvo siendo maltratada. Pero la verdadera tortura comenzó a los 15. Desde el dia de su transformación su vida fue una rutina constante, la humillación, los glopes, el abuso... Asher Shasletti, Alpha de la manada Power Moon. Es la manada más poderosa y temida. Es un hombre lobo frío, posesivo y temido por todos. Está desesperado por no encontrar a su mate; lleva años buscándola y ya ha empezado a perder las esperanzas. ¿Qué pasará cuando encuentre a su mate Ayla, una chica rota y destrozada por la realidad? Una historia donde no todo es de color rosa, el dolor siempre está presente; donde una chica buscará venganza para buscar su final feliz que se le arrebató en un solo día... ººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº ✨Soy nueva escribiendo, espero que la disfruteis al igual que yo estoy disfrutandola escribiendo. ✨Espero no tener muchas faltas de ortografía escribiendo, prometo corregirlas siempre que tenga tiempo. ✨Historia copletamente mía y no se permiten copias ni adaptaciones de cualquier tipo sin mi permiso. 🔅Aviso: puede que se presentan temas delicados y de violencia, leer bajo su jurisdicción. Portada hecha por @paolaa_ml07 29/5/21
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goodhatco · 2 years
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Mexican Gray Wolf aka “Lobo” is endangered with less than 1500 running wild. This animal used to run free through Texas, Mexico and Arizona. Protect the wolves. #wolfpack #wolf #wolves #lobo #graywolf #wildlife #wild #nature #texas #protect #endangered #alpha #predator #extinct #hat #snapback #texaswild #goodhatco #ghco https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_9ynhLTAK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cowboydisaster · 1 year
part two (but can be read alone)
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read part 1 here
pairing: werewolf!Arthur Morgan x reader
word count: 2.5k
summary: After your mating bite, Arthur offers you something else-- his body.
a/n: I got a lot of requests for a part two with smut! I really like this little series, lmk if you guys want more! Heres the lore to keep in mind because everyone writes werewolves differently:
-mated pairs can feel each others emotions and pain/pleasure -mated pairs are nearly irresistible to each other during the full moon, it's like sex pollen, but can be painful for one or both parties, i.e. a burning sensation or a fever-- the moons way of keeping her werewolf population from dwindling.
warnings: nsfw, smut, a touch of a/b/o, 18+, minors dni
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beta read by @margowritesthings
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That tether, the unforgiving ache in your chest that had pulled you to him is gone. But it’s replaced by a new feeling. A burning fire, raging in your core. You look up to Arthur’s red eyes, gasping for breath as pure need overtakes you. It’s as strong as the tether was, and your knees buckle as Arthur catches your arms. 
“I need– Arthur, it hurts.” You moan, hands gripping at the fire in your stomach as Arthur holds you up. You radiate with need, and he can smell it coming off you so strongly that he can barely restrain himself. His eyes slip closed and he breathes through his mouth to keep a clear head. 
“If you’ll have me, I’ll make it go away.” Arthur mumbles, dizzy with the way your scent swirls in his head. His strong arms are tight around you, holding you upright as you frantically nod. He’s the only thing grounding you, making you feel whole and empty just the same because you’ve never felt a bond so raw in your soul, or an emptiness so deep in your core.
“Please, I need you.” You whimper, clinging to him like he’s the oxygen flowing in and out of your lungs. 
“I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Arthur whispers. He scoops you up into his arms as if you weigh nothing, carrying you towards your bedroll. Ares and Marley are near the treeline, far away from the sight you two are likely to make. 
Arthur lays you down on the cot with a tenderness that no human has shown you before. His eyes glow red as fresh roses as he lines your body over top of you. 
"You're so perfect." Arthur growls, leaning down to catch your lips, "N' you're all mine." 
You've read about this too. Arthur's an alpha, meaning that he's equally possessive and protective. You're his, and you have no quarrels with that, you'll gladly shout it from rooftops. 
His lips crash onto yours, wanting and needy. He takes your lips like they're something necessary to his survival. It's so different from your first kiss just moments ago. There's a hunger behind his eyes, and this time when he nudges his nose into your neck and inhales, the scent is sickeningly sweet. He can smell how much you want him, he can taste how ready you are. 
Your body aches as he runs his fingers down your stomach to your thigh. He nudges your thighs apart, reaching down to run his fingers over your entrance. If anything, his teasing makes the fire burn hotter and you groan at the way it consumes you. You need more of him, all of him. 
You gasp as he presses a finger into you, curling it. The fire quells, but it's not nearly enough. You groan, wincing as sweat runs down your forehead.
Arthur's fingers work inside you, pumping as he kisses and bites your neck. He growls occasionally, overcome with the need that's raging in himself. His fingers equally help and hurt you. The more he teases you, the more pleasure you feel, but the longer he's not in you, more fever overtakes you. The moon is pulling you together, and her patience is wearing thin. Arthur's fingers continue to slide in you, and you buck your hips as pleasure ripples through you. It's short lived, as the bubbling heat takes over, 
"Arthur, please no more teasing, it hurts." You wince, face scrunching up as your body screams for his own, "Alpha, please."
At his title, something in Arthur snaps back, and when he realizes you're in pain he apologizes immediately.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I'll make it go away. You just hang in there, alright?" Arthur asks of you and you nod. You can do that. You need him so desperately, it's unlike anything you've ever experienced. He's your water, your oxygen, your shelter. He's right with the things keeping you alive, you know that you can't live without him now. 
You swallow thickly when you glance down. He’s an alpha, and so he’s big– really big. You hesitate, and even the fire in your stomach pauses for a moment. Arthur can smell your fear, and he immediately pulls back a bit. 
“What’s the matter? You’re scared.” Arthur points out, scenting the cool night air and finding again the unmistakable, strong scent of fear. You shake your head, pulling him back down to you.  
“You’re big, alpha. Just be gentle.” You ask, some of your anxiety quelling when his eyes soften on yours. They bleed back to that familiar ocean green for just a second as he nods, a strand of his soft hair falls down over your face and you gently push it behind his ear.
“I won't hurt you.” He swears. Werewolves never break their promises. It’s a code, one of their strictest. 
“I trust you.” You murmur, allowing him access as your fever picks back up. Your hands cling to his body, pulling him down as he lines himself up with your entrance. Your head tosses back as you wait for the release, shuddering underneath him. 
Everything falls away when he pushes into you. It's like pieces of a puzzle finally clicking together and all the pain and the heat falls away. It's replaced by pure ecstasy. The forest and the fire, the wind and the moon are lost on you as he rocks into you. There's nothing but him in this moment. You gasp, never having been so full, mind and body, than right now. Arthur's eyes flash red as he groans deeply, keeping a slow hard pace as you gasp underneath him.
"Feel better?" Arthur grunts, nose tucked into your collarbone as he inhales your scent with every thrust. You smell so damn good. It's driving him mad, driving him into you. You're the most addictive drug he's ever tried, and he knows no matter how much he has you it won't ever be enough. 
"It feels so good, Arthur. You make me feel so good." You moan, wrapping your arms around his torso. You hang onto him like a ship at sea, and he surely rocks you like one. His hips roll into you in the most delirious way imaginable, and before long you're a moaning, mewling mess underneath him. 
The stretch is almost painful, but the pleasure is indescribable as your tether returns. It's not painful, just a buzz reminding you that you're mated to the man above you. It adds to your growing pleasure, vibrating through your core. Arthur's arms strain as he holds back, grunting and groaning as he fights his nature. 
"You're holding back." You point out in a breathy whimper. Arthur's squinted eyes open, and his red orbs lock onto yours. 
"You're human…" He groans, "Don't wanna hurt you." 
"I can handle it." You mewl, needing more of him. He shakes his head, hesitating before you reiterate, "Alpha, I trust you. Please."
Arthur snaps, and at your admission, his instincts take over. His nose digs into your neck, and he bites the skin there lightly as he drives into you hard. He's not holding back anymore, and your body rocks against the bedroll as he drills into you, growling into your ear. 
Its raw, animalistic and incredible. Arthur leaves bruises on your hips and yet his lips leave kisses on your neck. Even when he gives up control, he's still a gentleman, still making sure you're comfortable and feeling loved. 
The moon shines down brightly, casting you both in a colorless glow. The deep contrast of red irises bore into your soul as you claw at Arthur's chest, losing your composure. You've never felt such an intense pleasure. It builds and builds until you fear the snap, you're not sure it can get better than this, but you push the boundary nonetheless. 
"Don't stop, Arthur." You moan.
"I won't. Christ, you smell so good." Arthur growls, surrounding himself in your scent as he pumps into you. He can feel your approaching orgasm, making this an almost otherworldly experience. The juxtaposition of two people's pleasure in one body is unfathomably good, and you nearly scream as you peak. 
You yell out a slew of his name until he silences you with his lips. You moan into his mouth, tasting the blood on his lips from his earlier bite. He holds you tight, hips sputtering and quickening their pace as he finishes in you.
You both climax together, and it seems to last a lifetime. Feeling each other's pleasure makes for a long, powerful finish. His lips are still on yours as his eyes glow brighter than you've ever seen them, and then with a heavy pant they bleed back to that familiar blue/green. 
His forehead rests on yours as he catches his breath, beads of sweat sliding down his nose as his instincts leave him somewhat. Immediately he's worried that amidst his loss of control he'd hurt you. 
"You're okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Arthur asks, looking down over your body as he slides out. You wince from overstimulation, shaking your head. 
"No, you didn't hurt me. That was incredible." You smile, gripping his hand in yours. There it is again, that buzzing. It's content now, comfortable. Arthur lets you rest for a moment, peppering kisses along your neck and chest. He runs his tongue over the bite marks on your neck, soothing the sting as you rest under him. 
The wind howls, giving you a chill as goosebumps ripple over your body. Arthur notices this, and he stands from the ground, scooping you up again as you yelp. It's nothing for him to carry you. He also grabs one of your shirts from the ground, holding it in his hands as he begins to carry you away from camp. 
"Where are you takin' me?" You ask, feeling suddenly sleepy as your head lulls back on his big strong arm. He carries you down the bank, ducking under pine trees as he walks bare through the forest. 
"Goin' to get you cleaned up. I told you I'd take care of you. It's my job now, my responsibility. " Arthur hums, seeming satisfied with his new title. 
He carries you down through the woods, following the scent of a path he'd taken before. There's a deep pond down here with crystal clear water, a perfect spot for a bath. Naturally, Marley follows, keeping a comfortable distance behind you both.
You almost fall asleep in his arms. He's wholly satisfied you tonight, both mind and body. You feel so safe, so connected to him. The dirt is soft under Arthur's feet as he pads down to the pond. Insects chirp in the night and owls hoot, but the sound you focus on is Arthur's heartbeat under your ear. It's faster than a normal one, must be a wolf thing. 
You hear when his feet splash into the water as he walks down the slope. You expect it to be cold, but the water is warm as he lets you stand in it. He helps you down until you're on your feet in clay and sand with the water lapping just under your chest. The full moon shines brightly, casting a white glow over the water. Arthur's hand remains around your waist as you take in the night's beauty. 
You dip under the water, submerging yourself fully in the warm pond. You stay under for a few moments, listening to your heartbeat in your ears as your body sings with a fulfillment and a purpose. When you emerge again your hair is slicked back with wetness and water clings to your eyelashes in little droplets. Arthur's hand cups your cheek as you look to him, and he leans in to press a soft kiss to your lips. 
His lips are tender and loving as he showers you in aftercare. You lean into his kiss, licking his bottom lip with a groan. When you pull away, Arthur begins to wash you up. He uses his hands to pour big handfuls of water over your shoulders, tenderly wiping the sweat and the dirt away from your face with the shirt he’d brought. His hands are soft despite the callouses that adorn them. Arthur is careful in his actions, wiping and washing your skin until it is all freshly cleaned.
Once he deems you cleaned up, he gathers you into his arms again, and begins carrying you back to your camp. You smile at the fact that he seems to carry you everywhere now, but you don't mind. Poor Ares has some competition it seems. Arthur walks back up the bank, his chest humming under your body. You lean into his endless pool of warmth, nearly falling asleep again. Arthur places you carefully down on your bedroll near the fire. He gives you time to get dressed, and you pull your shirt over your arms. 
You hear him shift behind you, and as his instincts take over, he runs the perimeter of camp, checking for any threats or potential harms to you. His nose is on the ground as he picks up the scent of a coyote, but the scent is old enough that he's sure it won't bring any harm to you. If anything does, he won't hesitate to kill it. 
You find yourself drifting off, curled up tightly under the stars. You're close to the fire, but still, you shiver from the cold night. 
You smile as Arthur lines your back, his thick fur warming you as you turn and lean into him. He licks your cheek lightly, sighing contentedly as you pet his soft coat.
What a day it has been. It's changed the course of your life. You never would have imagined yourself mated to a werewolf, that's for sure. The stars shine nearly as bright as Arthur's eyes as he watches you drift off through wolf's eyes. He's so warm, you can't help it. Everything about him makes you feel safe and comfortable and loved. You know he loves you, you can feel it through your shared emotions. You love him too, you're sure, but neither of you make a move to say it yet. 
The moon shines proudly, watching over her new mated pair. She has pulled two together again, worked miracles and formed one of the rarest pairs known to the earth– a werewolf and a human. 
You nuzzle into his fur, feeling whole– complete. You've found your other half, and he's found his.
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taglist: @margofiore @mrsarthurmorgan7 @woman-with-no-name @tillith @luvliewriting @pine4pple-b0i @photo1030 @dudsparrow @holyratrimony
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ladysyrabellarouex · 5 months
My favorite Dracfield fanfics on AO3!
Yes i am on Ao3 alot of the time reading different fics that soooth my soul, from HP to Phantom and Azicrow. Here are some i hope many of you would like to read my some of my favorite Dracfield authors.
" Under your skin" By Kindred. Omegaverse Dracfield fanfic. Summery: Alpha Dracula is revived by the Lobos he punishes OmegaRenfield by kidnapping and making him his bride, queen and the mother to his heirs!
" In Time" by Goblintales status with this fic stopped/discontinued? ( If anybody knows who this author is please tell them to start writing again with this!) summery: It had taken years to reform. Many long years let him plan out exactly what he was going to do to his Familiar.
All of Incy little spiders Dracfield fics. thse works are beautiful and soo sexy to read all of them i just cant choose which ones are wild!
All of Sort of Ensorcelled's work its really good highly reccommend them if your looking for some spicy Dracfield fics.
Ghostboo's writes the most incredible fics ive ever seen, Dracfield is soo spicy and hot and beautiful you just have to read them to believe them!
If your looking for a brilliant fic writer who loves to write Dracfield stories and has a great passion for it meet "Draclin" brillint author of " They think a locked door prevents you" one of the most suspenseful and jawdropping fics you will ever read! summery"
It only took a few hours and one spider for Renfield to know he wasn't free. That sooner or later Dracula would return for his wayward servant. And for a familiar to survive for long away from their master... he knew what it would do to him.
He'd been through all this before...
Read this if you get the chance this is one MINDBLOWING FIC!
7. Maplebacon2023 has a wonderful writing that i just adore when it comes to Dracfield fics. This author is very talented and will ensure their work is always up to date before writing these fics. their current fic " Teaching an old dog new tricks" is a wonderful new one! Summery"
After Dracula kills Renfield’s therapy group he comes across some papers on how to train your puppy with positive reinforcement.
Dracula figures why not.
8. Stay with the thing author is a incredible if not a genius author of Dracfield fic " Not a Dog at all" this fic WILL make you think about the Dinamics of the Renfield movie after it ended! one of the best sequels i have ever read in the universe!
These are just a few of the fics that i love about Dracfield and the authors who take their time out of their lives to bring us these works of art! please take time out of your lives to read them if you get the chance because these authors of these fics deserve respect for thir talent.
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minie-mastermind · 4 months
Eternal Evil Head Cannon
My Earth 3 Crime Syndicate & world
(Crime Syndicate)
Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.
Ultraman Aka Klark Kent
Superwoman Aka Lois Lane
Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers
Power Ring Aka John Stewart
(Owlman Aka Thomas Wayne Jr.)
Talon i Aka Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Talon iii Aka Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
She-Bat Aka Magpie Aka Maggie Kyle
The Stalker Aka Jack Ryder
Rubber Bandit Aka Patrick O'Brian
Phantasum Aka Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan
Heretic Aka Cassandra Cain
Nightwing Aka Katherine Webb-Kane power from Medallion of Acrata taken from Andrea Rojas
Red Wing Aka Bette Kane power from the Meltdown Suit
Spitfire Aka Harper Row cyberneticly enhanced by Sarah Charles with parts from LeTonya Charles
Black Light Aka Duke Thomas
Death Mask Aka Gavin King with powers from Tektites nanotechnology
The Vulture Aka Tim Fox
The Stranger ii Aka Renee Montoya
(Ultraman Aka Klark Kent)
Assassin Bug Aka Irwin Schwab
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Shock Aka Anissa Pierce
Awe Aka Jennifer Pierce
Wolf & Bane Aka Rose Canton
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Hazard Aka Grant Albert Emerson
Warpath Aka Maggie Sawyer with powers from Karen Lou Faulkner
Terrible Turpin Aka Dan Turpin power from The Dark Seed made by New Apokolips Cult
Gang Warrior Aka José Delgado power from Powerhouse Formula
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
Bibbo Bibbowski owner of the Ace's Club & holder of the Ace Armour originally the Rook Armour made by Derek Reston
The Sun Slinger Aka Steve Lombard power from Frederic Fowe's solar healing ray
Black Beetle Aka Michael Carter
Wormwood Aka David Reid with power of the Sword of Hyperiex
(Superwoman Aka Lois Lane)
Satan Girl Aka Kara Danvers power from Forge
Galatea Aka Donna Troy copy of Queen Diana Prince & last weapon of Demon Island
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the Daughters of Arse wielder of the Bow of Arse
Annataz Arataz
Doctor Chaos ii Aka Khalid Nassour
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
Bagman Aka Rory Regan took the Suit of Souls from Gerry Regan R.I.P.
Sapphire Fiend Aka Marlene Bloomberg power from the demonic skin of Daniel Patrick Cassidy
Deadly Nightshade Aka Susan Linden
Sorceress Aka June Moone
Jason Blood possessed by Asmodel
The Sirit Xanadu Aka Nimue Inwudu turn into a ghost by Trigon
Marilyn Midnight the Spirit of Cetropolis
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
(Johnny Quick Aka Jonathan Chambers)
Infero Aka Beatriz da Costa & Frostbite Aka Tora Olafsdotter
Enforcer Aka Guy Gardener Ex Owner Warrior Veronna
Scarlet Scarub ii Aka Ted Kord
Vamp Aka Mari McCabe 
The Molder Aka Ralph Dibny
Steel Wolf Aka Dmitri Dmitriyevich Pushkin power suit from the Crimson Missile Corpse
Blüdwind Aka Raphael Arce
Elemental Man ii Aka William Everett iii
Red Claw Aka Vivian D'Aramis
Star-Tsar Aka Leonid Kovar
Gold Rush Aka Alix Harrower
Animal King Aka Bernhard Baker 
Silver Siclone ii created by Thomas Oscar Morrow
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Power Ring)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Atomica Aka Rhonda Pineda the first 'Made Man' power from Dyno Might Aka Ray Palme
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Warwolf Aka Lobo
Nightmare Aka Nia Nal
Mister Misfortune ll Aka Shilo Norman
Death Storm Aka Professor Martin Stein & Ronnie Raymond R.I.P.
Break Dance Aka Virgil Ovid Hawkins
Night Flier Aka Adam Strange
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Legion Of Justice)
Alexander Luthor
Genral Grodd
Lonar the New God
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Devil Ray Aka David Milton Hyde
Power Tower Aka Doris Zuel
Savanna Aka Barbara Ann Minerva
Omega created by Professor Anthony Ivo
Apocalypse Girl Aka Clara Kendall created by Professor Anthony Ivo & Thomas Oscar Morrow
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
(Justice Underground)
Genral Grodd
Sir Sonar Aka Bito Wladon
Lady Sonar Aka Ilana Wladon
Doctor Pychie Aka Edgar Cizko
Doctor Venomous Aka Princess Maru
Odysseus i Aka Morgan Ducard
Equinox Aka Justin Ballantine
Black Swan Aka Vanessa Kapatelis
Multitude Aka Danton Black
La Hechicera Aka Lourdes Lucero
Jackie Frost Aka Caitlin Snow
Dr. Eclipso Aka Bruce Gordon possessed by Aztar
Chance Aka Veronica Sinclair
The Abominable Snowman Aka Byrna Brilyant
Meltdown Aka Michael Miller
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Lightning Aka Lawrence "Larry" Bolatinsky
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Kirke (Anti-Matter counter part to Circe)
Powerhouse Aka Roland Desmond ex police officer of Blüdhaven power from Powerhouse formula made by Mark Desmond
Mayor Maximillian Shreck
Commissioner Cobblepot
Captain Rupert Thorne
Captain Carlton Duquesne
Detective Edward Nashton Aka Enigma
Officer Victor Zsasz
(PDC Gangbuster Unit)
Police Captain Bruno Mannheim
Mayor Morgan Edge
New Rotterdam (Anti-Matter counter part to Gotham)
Cetropolis (Anti-Matter counter part to Metropolis)
Seaboard (Anti-Matter counter part to Coast)
Midway (Anti-Matter counter part to Central)
Starling (Anti-Matter counter part to Star)
Beckville (Anti-Matter counter part to Fawcett)
(The Mystery Mask Society Aka New Rotterdam Justice Underground)
Orpheus Aka Roman Sionis
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
Janus Aka Harvey Dent Wayne Industries ex defence attorney
Reaper Aka Andrea Beaumont fiancé to Julian Caspian R.I.P. mentored by Judson Caspian
Doctor Achilles Milo creator Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Maxie Hades Aka Maxwell Zues (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Zues)
Siren Aka Iris Phelios
Hydra Aka Waylon Jones
White Knight Aka Warren White ex DA
Apollo (Anti-Matter counter part to Prometheus)
Clayface l Aka Julie Madison
Clayface ll Aka Ethan Bennett
Clayface lll Aka Alain Mauricet
Clayface llll Aka Dean Devereaux
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(New Rotterdam City Vigilantes)
Manhunter Aka Thomas "Big Game" Blake
The Musketeer Aka Mortimer Drake
Silance Aka Thomas Elliot
Charaxes Aka Drury Walker power by Dr. Roderick Rose
Wraith Aka Elliot Caldwell &
Shadow Aka Clyde Anderson 
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Astro Anne Aka Roxanne Sutton
Stayman Aka Effigy Aka Jonathan Crane
Skeleton Key Aka Lyle Bolton
Professor Hugo Strange & his Paladins
White Rabbit Aka King Of Hearts Aka Jervis Tetch
The Puppeteer Aka Slam Bradley Aka Arnold Wesker
Sea Wolf Aka Grace Balin
Dollhouse Aka Mary Louise Dahl
Arkham Angel i Aka Vicky Vale/Arkham
Arkham Angel ii Aka Astrid Arkham
(New Rotterdam City Criminals)
Owlwoman i Aka Katrina Moldoff
Owlwoman ii Aka Sonia Alcana, Kathy Duquesne & Rocky Ballantine
(The Harpy's Of New Rotterdam)
Mrs. Zero Aka Nora Fries
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
(Justice Underground Insiders)
Black Power Aka Jefferson Pierce
Tsukuri Aka Tatsu Yamashiro
Transmuto Aka Rex Mason
Terra-Force Aka Prince Brion Markov
Model Citizen Aka Emily Briggs
Aurora Aka Gabrielle Doe
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
(Justice Guild)
Pinkerton Ghost Aka James Craddock
Shadow Sheriff Aka Carl Sands
Mister Black Aka Richard Swift
Matter Mage Aka Mark Mandrill
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Loin-Miss l Aka Priscilla Rich
Loin-Miss ll Aka Deborah "Debbi" Domaine
Iceberg i Aka Joar Mahkent
Iceberg ii Aka Cameron Mahkent
Sportsman Aka Lawrence Crock
Pantheress Aka Paula Brooks Crock
Crusher Aka Artemis Crock
Terra-Mancer Aka Adam Fells
Warlock Aka William Zard
Music Master Aka Isaac Bowin
Brainpower i Aka Henry King Sr
Johnny Misery Aka Jonathan Sorrow
King Basilisk Aka Shiro Ito (Anti-Matter counter part to Dragon King)
Saber Aka Cindy Burman
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe i
Black Jack Aka Steven Sharpe ii
Roulette Aka Rebecca Sharpe
Challenger Aka Edward Clariss
Card Queen Aka Molly Mayne
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Tomestone Aka the corpse of Sheriff Cyrus Gold revived
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Yellow Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Yellow Wasp)
Golden Bee (Anti-Matter counter part to Killer Wasp)
Whitebriar Rose (Anti-Matter counter part to Blackbriar Thorn)
(Crime Lodge)
Streak Aka Jay Garrick
Emerald Knight Aka Alan Scott using the Heart of Chaos
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Johnny "Thunderer" Thunder with the power of Yz
Mad Dog i Aka Ted Grant 
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Bogeyman i Aka Wesley Dodds
Bogeyman ii Aka Garrett Sanford
Bogeyman iii Aka Sandy Hawkins
The Clock Aka Rex Tyler
Mr Horrific i Aka Terry Sloane
Mr Horrific ii Aka Michael Holt
Atomico Aka Grant Albert Pratt
Elemental Man i Aka William Everett, Sr.
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
White Cat Aka Dinah Drake
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Chaos i Aka Kent Nelson
Doctor Noon i Aka Charles McNider
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Commander Iron Aka Nathaniel "Nathan" Heywood
Phantom Aka Jim Corrigan possessed by Galid
Skully Aka S.K.U.L.L. AKA Pat Dugan & Cross Bones Boy Aka Sylvester Pemberton
Radion Aka Terrence Kurtzberger
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Silver Siclone i Aka Abigail Hunkel
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Spaceman i Aka Ted Knight
Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
Sky Tyrant Aka Carter Hall
Blood Wing Aka Kendra Saunders
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
(Entropy Inc.)
Emerald Aka Jennifer-Lynn Hayden
Oblivion Aka Todd James Rice
Mad Dog ii Aka Yolanda Montez
Mad Dog iii Aka Tom Bronson
Southwind Aka Norda Cantrell
Brainpower ii Aka Henry King, Jr.
Doctor Noon ii Aka Elizabeth "Beth" Chapel
Fusion Aka Fallout Aka Albert Julian Rothstein
Twister Aka Maxine Hunkel
Shooting Star Aka Courtney Whitmore power from Spaceman ii Aka Jack Knight's Cosmic Staff
(Young Offenders)
Hawkfire Aka Carrie Kelly
Olympia Aka Cassie Sandsmart
Mars Boy cloned from Alexander Luther & The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Conner Kent)
Speed Freak Aka Bartholomew Henry "Bart" Allen II
Remnant grown from the blood of Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Slobo)
Priestess Aka Anita Fite
Revenant Aka Greta Hayes
Miss Fire Aka Cissie King-Jones
(Teen Tyrants)
Flamebird Aka Jim Gordon Jr.
Wildfire Aka Koriand'r
Mirage Aka Tennyo Kushna Daughter of Rama Kushna & Katarou (Anti-Matter counter part to Raven)
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Grid Aka Victor Stone R.I.P.
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Speed Zone Aka Wallace R. West
Riptide Aka Jackson Hyde Aka Kaldur'ahm
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Young/New Syndicate)
Miss Maneater Aka M'gann M'orzz 
Tempest Aka Garth
Deadeye Aka Connor Hawke
Slipstream Aka Jesse Chambers
Mantis Aka Jamie Raynes
(Young Defenders)
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Klarion the kid Crusader
Anarky Aka Tim Drake
Toymaster iii Aka Hiro Okamura
Weather Witch Aka Joss Jackam
Black Arrow Aka Tommy Merlyn
Whitago Aka Miiyahbin Marten
Blaze Aka Keli Quintela Clonus's Effigy Gauntlet
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
(Young Underground)
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
Elastic Lad Aka Luke O'Brian
Amaxon Thunder Aka Aresia using Amaxon artifacts from the High Sisterhood of Hippolita Cult
Purifire Aka Aubrey Sparks power from Ignition the second Forge
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(The Angel's Sword)
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
War Hound Aka Xiomara Rojas
Psionic Lass Aka Kathy Branden
Roughhouse Aka William Wu
Omega Kid Aka Reggie Meyer
Chernobog (Anti-Matter counter part to Flatline)
Brimstone (Anti-Matter counter part to Djinn)
Red Dart Aka Emiko Queen
(Teen Legion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Vis Majeure Aka Penny Booker
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Selkie Aka Ruth Lauer Aka Ra'ut L'lwer
Matrix Aka Roni Evers
Bobcat Aka Samuel Ballesteros
(The Revolutionaries)
Time Keeper Aka Temple Fugate
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson agent of the Amerikan Military
Lightning Strike Aka Terrence Bolatinsky agent of Justice Underground
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble agent of Human Supremacist Movement
Disastrous Aka Angelica Smith agent of H.I.V.E.
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince agent of the Ouroboros Order
(The Rebellion)
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
Brainwave Aka Bernard "Barney" Venton
Violet created by C.O.M.P.U.T.O. 8 (Anti-Matter counter part to Indigo)
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
Bestiary Aka Samuel Register
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(Rebels For Rent / The Rebels)
Marauder ii Aka Rose Wilson
Kitsune Aka Jade Nguyen
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Ember Aka Carla Moretti
(The Resistance)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Batwoman Aka Stephanie Brown
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
Klarion the kid Crusader
Mar closed from The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus (Anti-Matter counter part to Match)
Kwiz Kid (Anti-Matter counter part to Enigma)
Ballistic Aka Amy Sue Allen
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
(The Ouroboros Order)
King Cobra l Aka Sameer Park
Queen Cobra Aka Larissa Diaz
Kid Cobra Aka Nathan Prince
(Barbatos Cult)
Black Bat Aka Francine Lee
Morpheus Aka Dr. Francine Langstrom R.I.P.
(The Magic Underground)
Brother Light Aka Eldon Peck
Cinder (Anti-Matter counter part to Ember)
Dark Angel Aka Lori Zechlin
Romdur the Merciful (Anti-Matter counter part to Mordru the Merciless)
Morgan Le Fay the rightful Queen of England
Darkness Mistress Aka Sir Ystin wielding the Sword of Night
John Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Jaimini Sargent the Spellcaster user of the Ruby of Life
Night Nurse Aka Suriel possessing Alice Winter (Anti-Matter counter part to Nightmare Nurse)
Felix Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Felix Faust)
Fauna Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Fauna Faust)
Sebastian Throne (Anti-Matter counter part to Sebastian Faust)
(The Pentacle Pact)
J.J. Thunderer Aka Jakeem Williams with the power of Yz
Klarion the kid Crusader
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Damon Arataz (Anti-Matter counter part to Zachary Zatara)
Hex Aka Ginny Hex the artefact hunter
(Human Supremacist Movement)
Cole Parker the Human Supremacist Movement founder, leader & head engineer
Battleaxe Aka Elise Kimble
(The Knighthood)
Brother Blood Aka Niccolai Tepes
The Knight Aka Natalia Mitternacht
The Slayer Aka Anton Mitternacht
Talon ii Aka Renegade Aka Jason Todd  
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
FBI Agent Simon Baz
Ace of Spades Killer Aka Liza Warner
Long Shot Aka Jessica Cruz the globe trotting assassin
James Gordon the mob boss of all New Rotterdam City & agent of Owlman
Sister Selina Kyle of church of satanism
Steven "Shifty" Drake
the Human Target Aka Jonathan Drew
Code Name : Assassin Aka Christopher Chance
Overlord Aka Travis Morgan Amerikan defector & ruler of Skartaris
Doctor Leslie Thompkins Head of Arkham Asylum
Lucius Fox head of Wayne Industries tech division & arms dealer
Natasha Irons apprentice to Lucius Fox and employee of Wayne Industries tech division
Sin the Teenage Assassin Aka Sid Rickard (Anti-Matter counter part to Prez Rickard)
The Freak Aka Big Wheeler (Anti-Matter counter part to Brother Power)
Controller Mu leader of the Darkstars
Blackstar i R.I.P. (Anti-Matter counter part to Evil Star)
Blackstar ii Aka William Hand
Soranik Sinestro
Quanta Walker
(Ultraman Vengeance Squadron)
Mr. Abominable Aka Jimmy Olsen
Metallo Aka John Henry Irons cybernetic's powered by K-Metal
Daughter 13 Aka Tracy Thirteen
Insect Queen Aka Lana Lang & Zazzala ex owner Marcia Monroe 
Centaur clone of Jim Harper
(Cetropolis Vigilantes)
Liberator Aka Nullman i Aka Rudy Jones (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Cyborg Ultraman Aka Henry Henshaw ex leader of Excalibur using the modified body of Rudy Jones
Superiorman "Soups" Aka Nullman ii Aka John Corben member of the Outsiders (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro)
Supernova Aka Nullman iii Aka K. Russell Abernathy powered by K-Metal (Anti-Matter counter part to Bizzaro & Nuclear Man)
Black Banshee Aka Siobhan McDougal
Dead Air Aka Leslie Willis
Phosphorus Aka Claire Selton
Atomic Knight Aka Joseph Martin created by Doctor Albert Michaels
Officer Grflznk
Warden Aka Carl Draper
Castellan Aka Carla Draper
Toymaster i Aka Winslow Schott
Toymaster ii Aka Jack Nimball
Red Hood Aka Oswald Loomis the one man Red Hood gang of Centropolis
Armory Aka Mickey DuBois powers from Alexander Luther
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
(Seaboard City Vigilantes)
Repulse Aka Neal Emerson
Ink i Aka Abel Tarrant
Ink ii Aka Mark Richards
Dummy i Aka Peter Merkel
Dummy ii Aka Peter Merkel, Jr.
Force Majeure Aka Paul Booker
(Midway City Vigilantes)
The Alchemist Aka Barry Allen
Tortoise (Anti-Matter counter part to Turtle)
Cival Sage (Anti-Matter counter part to Vandal Savage)
Brainstorm i Aka Clifford DeVoe
Brainstorm ii Aka Cliff Carmichael
Locust Aka Elizabeth Hersch R.I.P.
Godspeed (Anti-Matter counter part to Savitar)
Blue Flame Aka Malcolm Thawne using the Cobalt Stone
Gold Heart Aka Keith Kenyon & Silver Smith Aka Amunet Black
Anvil Aka Anthony Woodward
Prism Aka Roy G. Bivolo
Mister Element Aka Albert Desmond
Crimson Aka Frances "Francine" Kane
Blight Aka Neil Borman
(The Rogue Hunters)
Commander Cold Aka Leonard "Leo" Snart
Heat Stroke Aka Mick Rory
Weather Warlock Aka Mark Mardon
Trixer i Aka General James Jesse
Trixer ii Aka Axel Walker
Twister Aka Roscoe Dillon
Golden Guardian Aka Lisa Snart
Mirror Monarch i Aka Sergeant Sam Scudder
Mirror Monarch ii Aka Evan McCulloch
Private Piper Aka Hartley Rathaway
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
Commander Boomerang ii Aka Eowyn "Boomer" Mercer
(Project Chase)
Hot Pursuit Aka Hunter Zolomon
Cruise Aka Edward "Eddie" Thawne
Speed Demon Aka Daniel West
(Sea Devils Aka Atlantis)
Sea King Aka Arthur Curry
Siren Lori Aka Lemaris
Barracuda Aka Orm Marius
Leviathan (Anti-Matter counter part to Lagoon Boy)
Dead Water Aka Peter Mortimer
Fisher King Aka Fisherman
Hippocampi Aka Lorena Marquez first of the Sunken
Piranha Aka Tula Marius the second in command of Orm
Weaponer-500 Hal Jordan
Weaponer-666 Kyle Rainer
(Red Hood Gang The Crimson Avengers)
Red Hood Aka Jack Napier the leader
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel second in command
Red Hood Aka Alexis Kaye
Red Hood Aka Ryan Wilder
Red Hood Aka Elizabeth Kane
Red Hood Aka Dana Harlowe
Red Hood Aka Gaggy Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy
Red Hood Aka Owlman's Daughter Aka Arrow Queen Aka Terrible Turpin's Daughter Aka Black Beetle's Daughter Aka Thrill Devil Aka Duela Dent Undercover agent for the Justice Underground
(Brotherhood Of Good)
Cerebrum (Anti-Matter counter part to the Brain)
Gentleman George (Anti-Matter counter part to Monsieur Mallah)
Miss Shade Aka Laura De Mille
Gemini Aka Gemini De Mille
Port Aka Emil LaSalle
Freakout Aka Angela Hawkins 
Hemo-Goblin Aka Otto von Furth
(Salvage Squad)
Doc Aka Niles Caulder
Elongated-Doll Aka Rita Farr
Positive Man Aka Lawrence Trainor
Automan "Otto" Aka Clifford Steele
Changling Aka Garfield Logan
Plain Jane Aka Kay Challis
Worldspinner Aka Dorothy Spinner
Don the Mean Street
(Fearsome Five)
Jongleur Aka Myron Victor
Splitshot Aka William King
Lagomorph Aka Athena Tremor
Hindenburg Aka Herman Cramer
Tremor Aka Leander Brent
(League Of Light)
Ra's/Sawt Al Malak
Talie Al Malak
Cain (Anti-Matter counter part to Bane)
Black Archer Aka Malcolm Merlyn
Michael Al Malak/Wayne son of Cain
Odysseus ii Aka Maya Ducard
Bruiser Aka Colin Wilkes
(HellRaisers Decision The Satanist Church)
Brother John Constantine
Sister Sabina De La Croix
Father Midnite Aka Linton Midnite
(Order of St. Faust)
Asmodeus Aka Jean-Paul Valley, Jr.
(Metal Marauders)
Doctor William Magnus
(L.A.W. Living Assault Weapons)
W A R Warrior Weapons World Allocation Regent
Commander Steel (Anti-Matter counter part to Sargent Steel)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
The Stranger i Aka Vic Sage
Martial Law Aka Ripley Jagger
Scarlet Scarub i Aka Dan Garrett
War Monger Aka Christopher Smith
Midnight Aka Eve Eden
(Starling City Vigilantes)
Artemis Aka Carrie Cutter
General Vertigo Aka Werner Zytle
(Queen Industries / The Bowmen)
Blue Bowman Aka Oliver Queen
Bolt i Aka Crimson Archer Aka Roy Harper
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance first mistress of Oliver Queen
Bolt ii Aka Mia Dearden
Pandora Aka Chloe Sullivan archeologist specializing magical Amazon weaponry & second mistress of Oliver Queen
Watchtower Aka Felicity Smoak third mistress of Oliver Queen, hacker & head of Queen Industries cyber security
The Hood Aka John "The Gave Digger" Diggle head of security at Queen Industries & Agent of the Blue Bowman
(Lex Corp)
Alexander Luthor head of Lex Corp & leader of the Legion Of Justice
Ardora Luther wife to Alexander Luthor & Alien Refugee
Apex Aka Alexander Luthor Jr.
(Future Criminal)
Black Scarab Aka Lily
Rip Hunter the Time Shredder
Anachronos Aka Matthew Ryder
XLR8 Aka Jenny Ognats
(Future Vigilante)
Black Guardian ii Aka Michelle Carter
Kid Flash Aka Thaddeus Thawne
Supergirl Aka Deborah Morgna
Officer Zoom Aka Eobard Thawne
Hokus Pokus (Anti-Matter counter part to Abracadabra)
The Twin Tornadoes Aka Don Allen & Dawn Allen
(Past Vigilante)
Mister Misfortune l Aka Thaddeus Brown
El Mefisto Aka Lazarus Lane first holder of the spirit of wrath
Jonah Hex mercenary & artefact hunter
Per Degaton last of the Time Trust
(The 101)
Orca Aka Tobias Whale
Stalwart Aka Richard Hertz
(Blackguard Inc.)
Black Guardian i Aka Trixie Collins
(H.I.V.E Aka Hierarchy for International Virtuous Empowerment)
Geo Aka Tara Markov
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Marauder i Aka Grant Wilson R.I.P.
Major Disaster Aka Michael Beldon
Properium (Anti-Matter counter part to Protex)
A-Ternal (Anti-Matter counter part to A-Mortal)
Armakine (Anti-Matter counter part to Armek)
Morphxus (Anti-Matter counter part to Fluxus)
Primeve (Anti-Matter counter part to Primaid)
Ironix (Anti-Matter counter part to Tronix)
Xentury (Anti-Matter counter part to Zenturion)
Shüt (Anti-Matter counter part to ZüM)
Kingdom Aka Jackson Hawk
Jen Volt
The Maker Aka Dr. Angela Spica
Raptor Aka Shen Li-Men
Phoebus & Nightfall (Anti-Matter counter part to Apollo & Midnighter)
The Shaman Aka Jeroen Thornedike
Eradicator Aka Vera Lynn Black
United Jack Aka Manchester Black
Vulcan Aka Nathan Craig Jones
Chimera Aka Pamela
The Dragon Aka Rampotatek
(Amerikan Military)
Major Trouble Aka Joseph Jones
Agent Chain Aka Benjamin Lockwood of Children of Chains
Commander Hector Hammond the head of the Psi-Ops Programme
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Shepherd Aka Joseph Wilson agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Psi Kid Aka Sammy Stryker agent the of Psi-Ops Programme
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
(The Armageddon Project)
Armageddon Aka Timothy Zanetti
Onslaught Aka Max Thrane
Genral Nathaniel Christopher Adam head of the Armageddon Project
Major General Clifford Zmeck husband to Helen Zanetti & the onsite head the Armageddon Project
(Project M "Monstrosity" / Creeps Company)
Lieutenant Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane agent of Project M & head of the Creeps Company
Lady Frankenstein Aka Bride of Frankenstein
Anthony "Lupine" Lupus
Andrew "Bloody Bennett" Bennett
Kha-Ef-Re the Sun "Sunny" King
(The Green)
Venus Aka Pamela Lillian Isley
Swamp King Aka Alexander Olsen
(Order Of Andromeda)
Sister Andromeda Aka Karren Starr power from Phantom Zone Projector
Valor Guard Aka Tanya Spears power from Alpha Centurion armour
The Andromeda Madonna Aka Ultrawoman Aka Dana Dearden
(The Republic Of Kahndaq)
Captain Thunder Aka Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam
Lieutenant Lightning Aka Behrad Tarazi
Sargent Storm Aka Zari Adrianna Tomaz
(Overlords Of Oha)
The Interceptors (Anti-Matter counter part to The Manhunters)
Interceptors Highmistress Aka Alpha (Anti-Matter counter part to Aya)
(High Priestess Of Zamaron)
The Unseen Lantern Corps (Anti-Matter counter part to Ultra Violet & Dark Lantern)
Infrared Aka Carol Ferris
Atrocitus The Unseen Lantern
Lyssan Drak holder of the book of Unseen Light
(Cosmic Citizens)
Star Taxie Aka Rokko
Infinitus the Multi-Alien Aka Sojourner "Jo" Mullein
Princess Neila (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxima)
Starro the unifier
Saint Walker failed prophet of the Astonia star doomsday cult & harold to Starro
C.O.M.P.U.T.O. (Civilizations Oncoming Meltdown Preservation Universal Transport Operator) hosted by Vril Dox
Hyperiex (Anti-Matter counter part to Imperiex)
Maximilian Lord Ex Attorney for the Crime Syndicate (Anti-Matter counter part to Maxwell Lord)
S@v0ur (Anti-Matter counter part to Kilg%re)
Terror Twins Shifter Aka Jayna & Downpour Aka Zan
Long Shadow Aka Holling Longshadow
Surge (Anti-Matter counter part to Black Vulcan)
Wind Dragon Aka Toshio Eto
(Happy "Hellion" Harbour)
Lucas "Snapper" Carr leader of the Snappers Street Gang
(Rings Of The Emotional Spectrum)
Raga holder of the Red ring of Furry
Yalan Gur holder of the Orange ring of Gluttony
Arisia holder of the Pink ring of Passion
Thaal Sinestro holder of the Yellow ring of Terror
Mongul holder of the Blue ring of Faith
Empero holder of the Indigo ring of Empathy (Anti-Matter counter part to Despero)
Power Ring Aka John Stewart holder of the Green ring of Resolve
(Sivana Squad)
Cabi The First Aka Cononel Thaddeus Sivana (Anti-Matter counter part to Ibac the First)
Major Magnificus Sivana grow up on Siegmund Krieger's miracle food
Captain Beautia Sivana holder of the Cloak of Darkness
General Georgia Sivana co creator & pilot for the Miss Atom Armour (Anti-Matter counter part to Mr. Atom)
Cabbas Aka Sargent Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. (Anti-Matter counter part to Sabbac)
Super-Humanite Aka Gerard Shugel's mind placed in the boy of an Albino Gorilla
Reckoning Aka Emil Hamilton's mind placed in the corpse of Subject 6 (Anti-Matter counter part to Doomsday)
Snow Queen Aka Delores Winters's mind placed in the boy of Ice Queen Aka Sigrid Nansen R.I.P.
Samson Aka Xavier Simon's mind placed in the boy of a Sivlerback Gorilla
Powerman Aka Morgan Wilde's mind placed in the boy of an Ultraman android
(H.I.V.E. Five)
Commando Aka Simon Jones ex agent of the Psi-Ops Programme
Mastodon Aka Baran Flinders
Glimmer Aka Selinda Flinders
Bless (Anti-Matter counter part to Jinx)
Gadget Aka Mikron O'Jeneus
(Amaxons of Demon Island)
Diana Prince Queen of Demon Island
Hippolita ex queen, lover of Hades & the pact maker of Demon Island
(Amaxons of κόρες του είναι Aka daughters of Ares)
Antiope first Queen of daughters of ares, the pact breaker and first of the daughter of Arse
Requiem Aka Artemis the Shim'Tar of the daughters of Ares wielder of the Bow of Arse
Akila runaway of The Daughters of Ares
(Alexander Luthor's Test Animal)
Neutro the Ultra-Dog (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto the Super-Dog)
Hadro the Ultra-Horse (Anti-Matter counter part to Comet the Super-Horse)
Proto the Ultra-Ape (Anti-Matter counter part to Beppo the Super-Ape)
Electro the Ultra-Cat (Anti-Matter counter part to Streaky the Super-Cat)
Negatro the Ultra-Mouse (Anti-Matter counter part to Krypto Mouse)
(Galaxy Communications)
Cat Grant head of GCN
(Checkmate Crewe)
Black King Aka Joseph Carny
White Queen Aka Mona Taylor
Black Bishop (Anti-Matter counter part to Jack of Spades)
Black Knight Aka Wanda Wayland 
White Rook Aka Derek Reston maker of the Rook Armour
(The MAZAHS's Family)
Mistress MAZAHS Aka Lena Luthor
Champion "Champ" Aka Otis Graves
The Whize Aka Leonard "Lenny" Luthor
Ignatius the pet iguana & dragon
(The Wizard MAZAHS's Militia)
The Wizard MAZAHS Aka Mamaragan
MAZAHS Aka William "Will" Batson R.I.P.
MAZAHS Jr. Aka Freddy Freeman R.I.P.
Mary MAZAHS Aka Mary Mayhem Aka Mary Bromfield
Darla Dudley R.I.P.
Eugene Choi R.I.P.
Pedro Peña R.I.P.
Dudley H. Dudley R.I.P. ex head of the Bad News Boys pick pockets
Tawny Tiger the ally cat & tiger
(Wet Works / The Horned Corporation)
Hadrian Aka Yohn Kohl
Sister Cyber Aka Maxine Manchester
Devotee Aka Lady Zannah
Razorback Aka Reno Bryce
Black Magic Aka Priscilla Kitaen
Mangaler Aka Jeremy Stone
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Scourge Aka Marc Slayton
Rhamnusia Aka Lady Charis of the Adrastea
O.M.A. One Man Army (Anti-Matter counter part to O.M.A.C & T.A.O)
Slaughter Aka Kenesha
Mister Massacre Aka James Bronson Aka Massacros of Khera
Legend (Anti-Matter counter part to Mythos)
Black Zero derived from Experiment B 0 Aka Null Woman Aka Adrianna Tereshkova (Anti-Matter counter part to Void & Bizarro Girl)
(Team 6)
Terminator Aka Slade Wilson the director of D.E.O. & agent of H.I.V.E.
Amanda Waller
Pilgrim Aka Steve Trevor
John Lynch
Code Red Aka Cole Cash
Jackhammer Aka Alexander Fairchild
Henry Bendix Director of The Weathermen & bonded with the Void entity
Celsius Aka Lauren Pennington
Prima Donna Aka Isabella Fermi
Heaven Sent Aka Nigel Keane
Gashadokuro Aka Toshiro Misawa
Brumal Aka Nikolas Andreyvitch Kamarov
(Ghost Initiative /Ghost Patrol)
Amanda Waller Director of the Ghost Initiative
Colonel Richard Flag, Jr.
Red Hood Aka Harleen Quinzel
Live Fire Aka Floyd Lawton
Man-Shark Aka Nanaue
Commander Boomerang i Aka George "Digger" Harkness
(The Huntresses)
Overwatch Aka Barbara Gordon
Richard "The Gray Ghost" Grayson top assassin of mob boss James Gorden
Black Siren Aka Dinah Laurel Lance
Talon iiii Aka Furry Aka Helena Bertinelli/Wayne
Condor ii Aka Dawn Granger & Swan ii Aka Holly Granger
Madame Black Mask ii Aka Zinda Blake
(Unalloyed Criminals)
The Marshion Aka J'edd J'arkus R.I.P.
Streak Aka Barry Allen the one man the Crime Syndicate couldn't catch
Condor i Aka Donald Hall & Swan i Aka Hank Hall
(Black Mask Squadron)
Black Mask Aka Bartholomew "Bart" Hawk
Andre Blanc-Dumont
Carlo "Chuck" Siriani
Madame Black i Aka Natalie Reed
Olaf Friedriksen
Ritter Hendricksen
Stanislaus Drozdowski
Weng Chan
(The Movement)
Commodore Murphy
Cecilia "Cece" Sunbeam
J.P. Houston
Lucia Lynn Houston
Mohammed Qahtanii
(Pokolistan Military)
Zed Aka Avruskin
Faora Right hand woman to Zed Aka Avruskin
Zero Aka Ivruskin son of Faora & Avruskin
Short Circuit Aka Julien Jourdain
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izayoichan · 1 year
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Something new. 🎶
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okeutocalma · 1 year
Izana and Kakucho [MALE READER].
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Ele estava cansado, seu corpo suado deitado em meio aos lençóis brancos agora sujos, lágrimas gordas desciam pelo rosto manchado pelas marcas das lágrimas.
Mais uma vez Izana e Kakucho não estavam ali, mais um heat que passava sozinho, mais uma vez que ele sentia uma dor alucinante em seu peito e sentia seu lobo ferido.
A última briga deles foi tão desgastante, Izana falando que não merecia um Alpha tão frouxo e fraco.
[Nome] sabia que era o Alpha, mas estava tão cansado de receber as migalhas de atenção quando um deles entrava no cio, seu lobo estava tão chateado e ferido.
A dor em seus músculos era horrível, mas mesmo assim ele se levantou da cama, caminhando lentamente em direção ao banheiro.
Enquanto a água quente escorria sobre seu corpo e enchia a banheira, ele tentava regular sua respiração,parecia doloroso até mesmo puxar o ar para os pulmões.
De maneira lenta e calma, ele se lavou, passando o sabonete da natura tododia cereja e avelã em seu corpo, se livrando das sujeiras dos últimos dias de seu corpo.
“Talvez se eles se importasse conosco… ”
Seu lobo não pode deixar de sussurrar em sua mente,magoado e chateado, aos poucos aquele pequeno fio que interligava os três se arrebentou, de maneira dolorosa a marca que os interligava… sumiu.
Um grito escapou dos lábios feridos de [Nome], as pálpebras dele fechavam lentamente, sua mente cansada o permitindo finalmente fechar os olhos.
Antes de apagar totalmente, ele escutou um grito, a porta do banheiro sendo aberta brutalmente e uma figura loira entrando.
— Take… Michi?
Draken olhou preocupado para o alpha trêmulo em seus braços, Takemichi tinha o ligado falando que [Nome] estava quase morto no banheiro da casa.
Ken na mesma hora correu em direção aonde sabia que o amigo morava, e encontrou o temível "O lobo sanguinário" com a cabeça no colo de Takemichi, totalmente enrolado em uma coberta e com o rosto tão pálido e magro.
— [Nome]...
Ele olhou para o outro em seu colo, ajeitando a camisa que um dia foi apertada no alpha, agora estava larga.
— Você não come a quanto tempo?
Os olhos dourados focaram no Alpha maior, indicando que era o lobo no controle do corpo.
— Não tenho certeza, a última vez que ele nos alimentou foi… — Ele parou por um tempo, como se tentasse lembrar que dia tal coisa ocorreu,que era preocupante. — Aquela vez que você o levou para sair.
Okay, isso foi há muito tempo, e a feição de Ken deixou claro o quanto surpreso ficou.
— E… Seus ômegas? Onde estão…?
A pergunta parecia ter efeito sobre o outro, ele apenas mostrou o pescoço onde a marca que os ômegas deixaram ficava, [Nome] mostrava e exibia a marca das presas de maneira orgulhosa, mas quando Draken viu que no lugar das marcas não havia nada ele entendeu.
— Eles…?
— Não… Eu quebrei.
— Oh… — Em um ato de desespero, Draken começou a ronronar, tentando acalmar a respiração do alpha menor que estava a acelerar.
Kakucho foi o primeiro a sentir aquela dor alucinante e logo após Izana, os gritos que escaparam dos lábios de ambos e a queimação em seus pescoços onde ficam as glândulas de odor não foi explicado.
Hanma não entendeu de primeira, mas depois de um tempo ele entendeu.
“ Por isso… Kisaki só os deixava voltar para casa quando era o cio deles… Para a conexão se acabar e o Alpha achar que foi renegado… ”
Antes mesmo dele falar algo, ambos os ômegas começaram a correr, provavelmente para a casa onde o alpha já morto estava.
Um sorriso se formou nos lábios de Hanma, mas rapidamente se desmanchou ao ver que Kisaki também começou a correr de maneira desesperada.
[Nome] estava como uma boneca quebrada, era carregado pelos braços de Draken de um lado para o outro.
Ele não sabia o porquê o grande dragão da toman não o largava.
O de cabelos [claros/escuros] gemeu baixinho, sentindo novamente aquela sensação estranha de desamparo e uma sonolência inexplicável, então nos braços de Draken ele dormiu.
Com o passar das horas, Draken sentiu seu coraç��o apertar cada vez mais. Ele tinha certeza de que algo muito grave estava acontecendo com [Nome], que ainda dormia profundamente em seus braços. Ken observava a respiração fraca e irregular do outro e sentia uma angústia crescente, sem saber o que fazer, ele estava apavorado, segurando o corpo de seu melhor amigo, que não parecia ter sinais de vida.
Ele tentou acordá-lo várias vezes, sacudindo-o e chamando seu nome, mas o alpha de fios [claros/escuros] permanecia imóvel e sem resposta. Draken sentiu-se perdido e impotente diante daquela sensação o peito de [Nome] se mover levemente com a respiração, mas não havia qualquer outro sinal de que ele estivesse consciente.
O loiro afastou o amigo de seus braços e olhou atentamente para o rosto de [Nome], esperando por qualquer mudança, mas tudo o que viu foi o olhar fixo e as gotas de suor escorrendo pela testa.
Dessa vez, ele sentiu sua impotência diante da situação. Ele tentou várias coisas para despertar o grande lobo sanguinário, mas nada parecia funcionar. Suas tentativas de agitar o corpo e prestar auxílio pareciam inúteis.
Draken sentiu uma onda de tristeza e frustração percorrendo o corpo,seu cheiro amargou, a sensação de desespero sendo sentida por todos que sentiam os feromônios descontrolados dele.
O maior se lembrou de todas as vezes em que [Nome] estava lá para ele, sempre o apoiando e encorajando a seguir em frente. Agora, ele sentia como se tivesse falhado completamente em ajudar seu amigo.
Os minutos passaram, mas o estado de [Nome] não parecia melhorar. Os olhos de Draken encheram-se de lágrimas, enquanto ele mantinha o corpo de seu amigo firmemente entre seus braços.
Ele começou a temer que nunca mais veria [Nome] sorrir e contar as piadas que tanto o divertiam, ele sabia que se o levasse para um hospital os médicos falariam que não tinha nada a se fazer, um Alpha que quebra o laço que os liga com o ômega estava destinado a morrer.
De repente, Draken sentiu um movimento no corpo de [Nome]. Ele segurou a respiração, na esperança de que seu amigo estivesse despertando. Para seu alívio, [Nome] começou a projetar um pequeno gemido e seus dedos apertaram fracamente a roupa de Ken.
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karontedecancer80 · 1 year
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 2 months
Não Há Lugar Melhor Que Si Mesmo
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57759142 by Viih_Slytherin Stiles reconhecia uma loja de magia autêntica quando via, mas saber para que serviam os objetos nela vendidos era outra história. Ele aprenderia a não brincar com o que não conhecia, assim como descobriria como era estar sob a pele de um lobo. Words: 4629, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro Series: Part 4 of Steter Week 2024 Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Derek Hale, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Steter - Freeform, Steter Week, Steter Week 2024, steter week 2024 - day 2: human peter/creature stiles, human peter/creature stiles, Bodyswap, Magical Accidents, Magical Artifacts, peter hale is so done, sensory issues, Pre-Relationship, Pre-Slash, Pack Alpha Derek Hale Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/57759142
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sakurajjam · 1 year
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como eu e a rinn vivemos criando plots de rp, resolvi pegar aqueles que não desenvolvemos ou que ficaram apenas nas ideias soltas e liberar, essas ideias são apenas minhas, porque a chefe tem ciúmes dos plots que criou. se alguém tiver vontade de criar um rp diferente, talvez essas ideias podem ajudar!
que tal um centro que prepara atletas para as olimpíadas, onde eles precisam conciliar esporte e suas vidas normais, como trabalho e estudos. OU um centro de atletas nacionais que são reservas do time oficial e precisam mostrar seu valor a todo momento, porque podem ser substituídos da mesma forma.
já teve uma na tag, mas não foi para frente por abandono, mas é uma ótima ideia. ter várias repartições da revista com chefes, editores (uma ótima oportunidade para termos mais chars +27/+30) e até estagiários, para quem curte chars mais novas.
que tal uma guerra de bandas? todos em busca de um contrato de sucesso e milionário com uma gravadora grande, então várias bandas brigam entre si para ganhar.
o dia a dia de trabalhadores em uma rua comercial, o desenvolvimento do crescimento da pessoa na empresa, pessoas buscando sustento em dois empregos e muitos desenvolvimentos aleatórios. 
empresas de jogos, de entretenimento coreano (com programas musicais e doramas), streaming (porque não tentar lançar um rp de netflix, disney + e por ai vai?)
olha o universo fadas da disney, tem como fazer fadas de vários elementos, do bem e do mal. tem um conteúdo bem farto.
sempre tem, mas é uma boa oportunidade: prédios e repúblicas que juntam pessoas que estão começando sua vida ou andam tendo problemas para se reerguer, uma junção de tudo isso, em um prédio.
no estilo Sailor Moon, Madoka e por aí vai. sei que tem a parcela que curte um poderzinho, então por que não pegar todo o conteúdo desses animes e criar um universo assim? um grupo de pessoas com poderes que salvam o mundo.
ignorando isso de abo, pelo amor de deus. que tal uma competição para ver qual clã vai liderar a alcateia? o líder atual não teve herdeiros, então juntou os clãs de lobos de sua alcateia e vai realizar uma competição para escolher o novo alpha/líder, o rp pode se desenrolar entre provas de força, inteligência, administração e por ai vai. e sem essa de apenas homens participam, coloque as mulheres também. todos humanos e só se transformando na fera quando necessário.
sei que não é um tema novo e que todos estão carecas de tantos rps nessas temáticas, mas essa é uma ideia que nunca vi: uma universidade com quatro ou cinco fraternidades que foram castigadas por uma festa que causou problemas para o campus (ou por ter quebrado alguma coisa de valor), o castigo foi a proibição de novos membros até segunda ordem (ao pagarem todos os reparos), mas um novo semestre está chegando e todos estão ansiosos para a nova leva de "bichinhos". todos podem entrar, independente de seu tempo na instituição.
um tema que já esteve em alta, mas foi perdendo a força, uma pena. que tal um evento que causou a destruição do mundo que conhecemos, então quem conseguiu sobreviver tem recursos muito limitados, e precisam sobreviver com as novas condições. tem muitas nuances nisso de cidade/local pós apocalipse, não sei nem listar todas... mas também tenho a ideia de uma cidade com resistência, onde os mais pobres foram isolados por um governo fdp e agora, vivem de revoluções por seus direitos, podem enfiar algumas tecnologias novas e todo o cenário cyberpunk.
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