edupunkn00b · 3 months
Guardian ad Liber, Chapter 3: Placement
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Photo by Matt Tulos, CC 4.0. Edited by author. n.b. Liber can mean book or child.
Prev - Placement - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 2651 - Rated: G - CW: discusses of child welfare system, very vague hints of past neglect and abuse. Written for @loceitweek, a continuation of last year's story. -
It wasn’t until a blast of cold January air hit them as they pushed through the scuffed revolving doors that Logan realized he’d left behind his coat and his briefcase in the courtroom. “I must—” he began, turning back toward the courthouse.
Janus met his eyes with a smile. And his coat.
“I’ve got you, Lo,” he said, draping the coat over his shoulders.
Logan looked down at the little boy shivering in his arms. “Thank you, Jan,” he said quietly and shifted Patton to one side to better protect him from the weather.
The coat was a little over-sized—”You’re swimming in that thing,” Remus had complained with a laugh when he’d purchased it. “We can’t hardly see your ass in it!”—but today that was a benefit.
With a small adjustment, he was able to close one side around Patton, banishing the cold. Patton’s little arm slid beneath the coat and he gripped the back of Logan’s suit, smiling. “Is that better?” he asked as Janus tucked the lapel under the toddler’s chin.
Shoulders scrunched and beginning to cry, he shook his head, drawing away from the coat. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Janus said, dropping his hands. “Too close?” he asked.
He kicked at the air—stockinged feet twice striking Logan’s legs—and stared at the coat, simultaneously hiding from it and pushing himself deeper into its warmth.
Janus removed one of his own gloves and touched the coat. “Oh!” he said again. “Too scratchy!” he said and Patton stilled, eyes wide.
“It hurts,” he whispered.
Pulling a bright yellow scarf from under his own coat, Janus offered it to Patton to touch. “Would you like to use this?”
Moving carefully, Patton stroked and pinched the smooth, heavy silk, then smiled. He nodded, watching Janus’ hands as he tucked the scarf between the coat and his neck and shoulders. Janus left the excess close to his hand and Patton grasped it, twisting the material between his fingers.
“Is that acceptable?” Logan asked both of them. Janus didn’t even let him borrow his favorite scarf, let alone Remus who had a track record for spilling ceramic glaze on every textile he got within five feet of.
He'd certainly never lend it to a child.
Patton didn’t answer with words, merely curled closer to Logan, brushing the scarf against his cheek.
“I believe it is more than acceptable,” Janus smiled and pointed north before nodding at Grace, who’d watched the exchange in a stunned fascination. “Our office is two blocks this way.”
“I…” Hurrying to match his pace, she finally found her words. Logan walked behind them down the narrow street. “I didn’t know he could communicate. His file…” She shook her head, looking down at the thick redwell clutched to her chest. “It says he’s pre-verbal. Developmentally delayed.” Glancing over her shoulder, she caught Patton staring right at her and she lowered her voice but not enough that Logan couldn’t hear. “Significantly.”
Janus raised an eyebrow before winking at Patton and Logan as they waited to cross at the corner. “Perhaps no-one was listening to him.”
Janus called Remus on their way, asking him to meet them at their offices with food and whatever weather appropriate clothes he could find for the boy at the Target on his way. “Size?” he said, looking to Grace.
She shrugged helplessly. 
“Ah…” Janus looked closely at the little boy curled against Logan’s chest as they waited for the walk signal. “He’s as tall from shoulder to hip as Lo’s tie,” he said at last. “And skinny.” Remus’ response pulled a low laugh from the back of Janus’ throat and Logan couldn’t help but smile. He was gratified Janus had thought to have Remus join them. Nothing really felt complete without him there. 
“See you soon, love,” Janus said. He paused, glancing at Logan with a smile. “We do, too,” he said, then ended the call. Addressing Grace, he nodded as the light changed. “My husband will meet us shortly.”
They waited less than an hour for Remus to appear, tromping into the conference room where Patton had some room to move around without disrupting anyone still working in the offices after hours. A happy whistle—some sort of show tune, if Logan had to guess—announced his presence and Patton looked up just in time to see his mop of bright green hair peering around the corner into the room. "Found you! Reception's gone home already."
"We had every faith in your navigational abilities," Logan chuckled, rubbing Patton's back when he climbed into the chair beside him, peering up at Remus with wide eyes.
Grace looked up from her paperwork. "You got here must faster than I thought you would."
Remus laughed. “I’m just that fast.”
“We all know that,” Janus deadpanned quietly and Logan cleared his throat to disguise his laugh.
“Well I heard there was a hungry little caterpillar here,” Remus grinned, brandishing two giant bags from the Veggie Grill. He set them down the bags on the conference table and began to unpack. The room was soon filled with the rich aroma of french fries and melted cheese, the sweet-sticky scent of their special seared zucchini, and toasted garlic bread. “Wanna come see what looks good to you?” he asked Patton.
Legs criss-crossed in his chair, Patton eyed the packages then looked up at Remus towering over the table.
Head tilted, Remus peered back at him then his smile suddenly grew. Moving to the opposite side of the long table, he took a seat and folded his own lanky frame in the seat, mimicking Patton’s pose. “Watch this,” he said and, holding the edge of the table, pulled himself along the length of it until he was closer to the food.
Giggling, Patton copied him until he was in reach of a stack of wrapped sandwiches.
“Hmm, those do look good,” Remus said, picking one up when Patton selected one. “How ‘bout a drink?”
Remus had brought a half-dozen different kinds of juice boxes and milks. Patton assessed them, touching each and setting them aside before two remained before him. He stared at them both for a long moment when Remus spoke again. “You could have both, if you want.”
Eyes narrowed, Patton watched his expression for a long moment. He reminded Logan of Janus staring down a witness he knew to be lying. Without breaking his gaze, Patton pulled both closer, looking down only when Remus took two matching juice boxes for himself.
“So,” Remus then said, wiggling his fingers and frowning down at his hands. “I like to wash up before I eat. How 'bout you?”
A half an hour and four clean hands later, Patton pulled Logan over to sit with him while he ate. Prepared to assist him with his meal, Logan was surprised at Patton’s dexterity with his sandwich wrapping and drink box straw. The only help the toddler needed was a little encouragement to use a napkin instead of his sleeve to wipe up a bit of spilled juice.
Remus and Janus sat across from them and Grace sat adjacently, flipping through Patton’s file as she picked at her own food.
After a few quiet minutes, Grace looked up at Janus, brow furrowed. “How did you guess at—” She stopped, glancing at Patton, then turned the file to show the petition cover sheet.
Janus gestured to the section marked guardian ad litem. “The court-assigned GAL. Devin used to work here," he explained. "We’ve been reassigning his cases. The parent’s name stuck out.”
Reading upside down, Logan scanned the sheet and scowled. “Your client—”
“Oh, she’s not my client,” Grace interrupted, the kind of fire in her eyes Logan had only previously seen when she testified against the worst kind of group home. “Patton is my client,” she said, smiling when the little boy looked up at her, reaching for Logan’s arm. She nodded at him, gaze lingering when, apparently satisfied she wasn’t preparing to take him somewhere, he returned to slowly dipping sweet potato fries in his ketchup. “Given his…” She pursed her lips, brow furrowed as she seemed to reconsider her phrasing. “Some placements are more difficult than others. High support needs. And there are certain… behavioral difficulties. Violent tendencies…”
“You cannot be serious,” Logan began to shake his head but before he could finish his argument, she pointed to the bright red scratches that still adorned the backs of his hands.
He frowned. “That hardly seems fair.”
Grace sighed but shrugged as she finished her drink. “I didn’t say it was fair. It just is.” She sat back in her seat and closed the file. “If he needs a new GAL, maybe you’re right for the job.”
“I can think of no-one who would fight harder,” Janus murmured, then smirked. “Besides me, of course. I am the better lawyer.”
Logan chuckled. “Perhaps in your dreams.”
Making quiet whooshing sounds, Patton had begun to trace swirls of ketchup over his empty sandwich wrapper, loading up the end of a fry like a paintbrush. “Patton,” Grace said sternly. “Don’t play with your food.” She must have caught Logan’s scowl because she quickly added, “Please.”
Not listening or perhaps not hearing, Patton continued, adding a large blob of ketchup in one corner of the dirty wrapper. Remus leaned over the table, watching him.
After a moment, he asked, “Is that the sun?”
Patton beamed but didn’t look up from his work.
Reaching behind him into the ancient messenger bag he brought everywhere, Remus dug around until he came up with a small box of pastels. They weren’t the very first box Logan had bought for him, but neither were they new. “I bet Jannie here knows where we could find some paper if you want to try some different colors.”
Eyes wide, Patton looked up and nodded when Remus opened the box to reveal more than a rainbow’s worth of hues.
Logan pointed to the stack of notepads and printer paper in the corner of the room. “There’s paper right—”
“You are welcome to any blank paper you find in there,” Janus said, gesturing through the glass wall to their shared attorney-in-charge offices before looking pointedly at him.
“Of course,” he agreed, turning to Patton. “Would you like to draw across the hall with Mr. Remus?” They both turned and peered through the open door. “We will clean up here while you do.”
Chewing on his lip, Patton looked at each of them, gaze lingering on Logan’s eyes. Finally, he nodded and clambered out of his chair. He waited for Remus at the door, bouncing on his toes as Remus gathered up his bag and kissed Janus’ cheek. Remus flashed a quick wink at Logan as he rose, mouthing, “Later.”
With her head once again buried in the file, Logan doubted Grace noticed even noticed. He smiled back at Remus as he and Patton left the conference room. Patton walked beside him, eyes down at the thin chains jingling on his boots. He laughed again and copied the sound with each step before plopping down on the office floor, looking up expectantly at Remus.
Finally, Logan turned back to Janus and Grace. Grace was tapping at her phone and Janus… Janus was watching him, a crooked smile pulling up the corner of his mouth. Before he could explain, Grace sat down her phone and sighed.
“The night social worker will be here in a few hours,” she shook her head. “We’ve run out of leads for even an emergency placement for him. He’s too old for Foundling and too young for our contracted respite center. He’s—”
“He can sleep here,” Logan interrupted, momentarily surprised by his own impulsivity. Janus looked back at him, eyebrow cocked. After a beat he nodded.
“He wouldn’t be the first person to sleep here,” Janus said. “Though likely the youngest.”
“I can’t simply leave him here in the care of—”
Daggers shot from Janus’ eyes but Logan spoke before he could. “If his proficiency with children is insufficient as a clue to his qualifications, Remus is a certified respite childcare worker,” he said. “Has been for ten years. Janus and I regularly work with minor clients and have background checks on file with Chidrens' Services."
“Oh,” she said, naked surprise coloring her face. “Of course, I… I see. Well… I will need to confirm his credentials,” she fumbled for her phone but nodded. “That works as a short term solution. I…” Grace looked down at Patton’s file. “But even if his mother bothers to appear in court tomorrow and, given how drunk she sounded over the phone, that’s unlikely.” She shook her head, eyes darting up at the peal of Patton's happy laughter spilling out from their office. “His mother is unlikely to succeed in this petition.”
Logan adjusted his glasses and reached for the paperwork. “What finding, precisely, is the mother petitioning the court to stay?”
Grace sighed again, bowed head accentuating the deep shadows under her eyes. “Termination of parental rights.”
One more trip to Target later and they’d equipped Patton with fresh pajamas and underclothes, a toothbrush, and three different flavors of toothpaste to try. Remus had also hefted a second bag and murmured to Logan. “I bought a comb and some detangling spray for his hair, too. I have an idea.”
At some point during their coloring, Patton had noticed Remus’ tattoos and had begun to draw on his own arms with the pastels. Now, while Janus and Grace discussed the case, Logan and Remus worked on Patton’s hair. Blazer and vest shed, Logan sat on the floor with his sleeves rolled up. Patton sat facing him, smearing Crayola markers over his bare skin. He grazed the edge of Logan's braided bracelet with the marker and he froze, hand trembling.
"It is quite alright," Logan said. "They're washable, see?" he added, wiping away the errant mark with one of the hand-wipes Remus had thankfully thought to include. "It's all gone now."
A small laugh bubbled up and Patton resumed his scribbling on Logan's arm.
Remus sat behind Patton, detangling one tiny section of his hair at a time. Spraying the comb first, he then slowly worked it through from end to root, moving up only when the lower strands were free of knots.
Suddenly, Patton hissed, pained, and Remus stopped, dropping the comb. “I’m sorry, Bud, did I pull?”
But Patton was looking down at the scratches he’d left earlier on Logan’s arm, bruises the size of his own little fingertips beginning to bloom in red and purple. Gently, he brushed Logan’s arm and looked up at him with shiny, wet eyes. “You have boo-boos,” he said.
“I do,” Logan nodded. “These will heal quickly. I will be okay,” he said, not sure what else to say to a toddler who’d only just begun to have object permanence. There was little point in reminding the boy just how he'd gotten his 'boo-boos.'
Patton nodded slowly. “I’m sorry,” he whispered and Logan’s eyes flew wide open. Though far from an expert in child development, he certainly hadn’t anticipated it was even possible for a child Patton’s age to connect his earlier tantrum with Logan’s minor wounds.
“I—” Logan frowned when Patton looked up at him with more worry than a child his age should ever know. He took his hand and smiled. “I forgive you,” he said. When Patton’s forehead only creased further Logan added with a small smile, “I am not angry with you.”
Gradually, Patton’s smile matched his and he patted Logan’s hand.
“Can I keep going with your hair, Bud?” Remus asked after a minute. “We’re nearly finished,” he said.
Picking up another marker, Patton nodded and resumed coloring Logan’s arms, careful to avoid the scratches. And his bracelet. Logan looked up, again catching Janus quietly watching them. Their eyes met in silent agreement.
They had much to discuss.
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loceitweek · 9 months
Looking ahead to next year (y’know, in like two days 😂) Is LoceitWeek going to be roughly around the same time next year? (Specifically, the week that includes Remus’ birthday?)
Hello again Edu!! It's fantastic to see you again! We're planning Loceit week for the week AFTER Remus's birthday, specifically, June 30th - July 6th, so it doesn't cover over Remus's special day 💙💛
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xandriagreat · 1 year
About Time
This is for @loceitweek
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Logan and Janus have a date at the clock tower and it went great.
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tastic-in-its-finest · 3 months
@loceitweek snek :>
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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@loceitweek Poor Logan got sick, but luckily Janus is really good at taking care of other sides!
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naminethewriter · 3 months
To an Interesting Night
It's Day 4 of Loceit Week and I got a very funny prompt for today that was very fun to write 🤭 @loceitweek
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2024 Masterpost | Ao3
Prompt: “Do I know you?” “Yes. We had Sex.”
Summary: Janus ends up in a bar after a bad date. There he is approached by someone who knows him though he has no memory of the other in return.
Content Warnings: Talk of sex (nothing explicit however)
Janus people-watched from the bar with disinterest. He’d just had a miserable blind date and decided to have one or two drinks before heading back home so the time he’d spent on his outfit wasn’t a waste. The bar he’d ended up in was far from empty but not too crowded. Still, he was getting bored.
Until someone sat next to him.
“Good evening,” the man said to him with a nod before keeping an eye out for the bartender. Janus raised an eyebrow at the man’s suit and tie, a way too professional set of clothes for the establishment. But he was more annoyed by having someone so close, after all, he’d done his best to dissuade anyone else from taking the seat next to him.
He wasn’t keen on company right now.
“Do I know you?” he asked, trying to sound disgruntled enough that the guy would get the hint and leave.
He wasn’t prepared for his answer.
“Yes. We had sex.”
Janus, maybe for the first time in his life, was speechless. The man didn’t elaborate and instead finally managed to order a drink. It was placed in front of him by the time Janus regained his composure.
“If that is your idea of a joke, it is not funny,” he pressed out between grit teeth.
“I assure you, I am not,” the other shrugged and took a sip of his drink. “I do not fault you for forgetting, it has been a long while.”
“Then do enlighten me.”
“Of course. We went to the same college and met at a party. We were both slightly intoxicated but not to a degree where we couldn’t consent. You were annoyed at your roommate for something you never elaborated on and wanted to get back at him by having sex with someone in your room. You were attractive and I was in the mood, so I agreed. We had an enjoyable night and I left right after we were done.”
Janus couldn’t deny that that is something he would have done. No, it is something he had definitely done, but he couldn’t remember ever seeing this man.
“If it is any consolation to you, I did not think you would remember me,” the man continued before Janus could speak up. “All our interactions were in rather dimly lit locations, and you were adamant about not keeping any sort of contact. You never even gave me your name and refused to learn mine. Instead, I was supposed to call you Deceit and I told you to call me—”
“Logic,” Janus interrupted, finally remembering something of that evening.
“Indeed. A friend of mine had picked out my outfit that evening and I had dyed my hair as a consequence of a bet, so I looked quite different than usual as well. We passed each other on campus only once more as far as I can remember and even then you gave no indication that you knew who I was despite our eyes meeting.”
“I see.” Janus was at a loss of what to do. He felt kind of bad for not remembering this man in the slightest but the other hardly seemed bothered by it. “I suppose I should thank you for helping me out then,” he settled on. “I’d like to pay for your next drink if you are amiable?”
The other man smiled.
“I will gladly take you up on your offer. Do I get to know your name this time or would you like me to call you Deceit again?”
Oh, this man was fun, Janus decided and a smirk stole itself onto his face.
“Let’s see how this night goes first and if I still like talking to you in the morning, I might just share it with you.”
“I do like a challenge. Very well, Deceit. To an interesting night then.” The other held out his drink for Janus to clink his own glass against.
“To an interesting night indeed, Logic.”
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krowfics · 3 months
In The Rain (Drabble)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship: loceit for @loceitweek
Plot: Janus has a plan to get his date with Logan to continue
Words: 322
Notes: prompt from here i think? i looked at several and have since closed out of the page :/ - the prompts was: Person A is alone in the rain because they forgot to bring an umbrella, Person B offers to share theirs. Only followed loosely lol
“Oh dear, I didn't bring an umbrella.” Janus sighed.
The man who shared the shelter of the coffee shop’s awning with Janus furrowed his brows, "Did you not check the weather?" from anyone else, Janus would assume that was a dig, but from Logan he knew it was genuine confusion.
He offered a wry smile, "It slipped my mind, it was so sunny when I left."
This only seemed to further the man's confusion, "It's been cloudy all day."
"There's nothing to be done, I'll simply have to walk through it."
"There's certainly not nothing to be done, as you say." Logan said and Janus worked to bite back a smile, "Would you like me to call a ride?”
“Oh, no need to bother,” Janus said, waving his hand flippantly, “It’s a short walk.”
He saw Logan's frown deepen out of the corner of his eye. “I'll walk with you then,” he said and Janus let the delighted grin spread across his face.
“Well if you'd be so willing, I certainly wouldn't be opposed.”
Their walk was quiet but it was of peaceful silence, Janus took the opportunity to simply enjoy the other’s company even after their coffee date had ended. Logan was quite the gentleman, always making sure to keep the umbrella between them more so over Janus’ head so that he did not get a drop on him.
They slowed to a stop in front of Janus’ apartment complex, and Janus, ever the gentleman himself, made an offer. “Would you like to come in? At least until the rain lightens?”
Logan was quiet for a moment, contemplative. “You didn’t bring an umbrella on purpose.” He said, suddenly.
Janus only smiled, “Is that a no?”
Logan shook his head, now giving a small smile himself, “Hardly.” 
Janus turned to head to the building, not doubting for a moment that the umbrella would stay over his head as Logan followed him in.
tag @flowercrownsandtrauma hiya :3
i had to rub the two halves of my last remaining brain cell together to proofread this there are no thoughts left in my head uwu
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sanders-sides-events · 9 months
Sanders Sides 2024 events masterpost!!
2023 masterpost
Here's the Sanders Sides events list for 2024!! If you're running an event and want it to be added to the list, please let me know, and tag this blog in any posts you want reblogged here!!
Events are under the cut:
Event weeks
Logince Week @loginceweek2024
21st - 27th January | Prompts
Dukeceit Week (hosted by @imnotgrimimjustagrumpyreaper)
6th - 13th April | Prompts
Analogince week @analoginceweek
29th April - 5th May
Dukexiety Week @dukexietyweek
25th May - 2nd June | Prompts
Ace Sides Week @acesidesweek
3rd June - 9th June | Prompts
Anaroceit Week @anaroceitweek
17th June - 23rd June | Prompts
Prinxiety Week @prinxietyweek
24th June - 30th June | Prompts
Loceit Week @loceitweek
30th June - 6th July
LAMP Appreciation Week @lamp-appreciation-week
8th July - 14th July 2024 | Prompts
Intruality Week @intrualityweek
Logicality Week @logicalityweek2024
14th - 20th July
Platonic Sides Week @platonicsidesweek
22nd - 28th September
29th September - 5th October
Intrulogical Week @intrulogicalweek
3rd - 9th November
Big Bangs & exchanges
Tss Storytime Big Bang @tss-storytime
1st February - 31st August | Schedule
Sanders Sides Big Bang @sandersidesbigbang
Schedule to be confirmed
Sanders Sides New Years Bang @newyearsbang
Other events and projects
@syzygy-podfic-project Auditions open 5th February - 16th February
@sasiaucompetition Submissions open 15th February - 22nd February
Schedules + event blogs
Logan's Master Schedule by @edupunkn00b
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transfemlogan · 2 years
Sanders Sides events in 2023! Last updated: September 17th, 2023
2022 event list
This list complies every event in 2023 (on Tumblr), such as: character days, ship weeks, gift exchanges, "big bangs", and ETC. If you have an event this year, let me know so I can add it to the list!
I will not be adding the sides' birthdays to this list (unless begged /j), because they are in my last list and... they don't change.
(These are added as the people hosting the event state that they are doing it this year)
@tss-storytime - Sanders Sides Big Bang - Schedule
@tsspromptmonth - Spring Cleaning Event: February 10 - end of April Sign ups & Schedule
@transsidesweek - Transgender Sides Week: september 11th - 17th
@acesidesweek - Asexual Sides Week: june 5th - 11th (prompts)
@aro-sides-week - Aromantic Sides Week: august 20th - 26th (prompts)
@briandthemoon - Thomas Sanders Birthday Bash: DEADLINE MARCH 24TH (information)
@tss-october-ghostwriters - Halloween Exchange (FAQ) (SIGN UPS - july 36th - september 30th)
@autisticsidesweek - Autistic Sides Week: December 4th - 10th
@loginceweek2023 - Logince Week: January 23rd - 29th (prompts)
@roceit2023 - Roceit Week: April 6-13 (prompts)*
@dukexietyweek - Dukexiety Week: June 18th - 25th (prompts)
@loceitweek - Loceit Week: June 27th - July 3rd (prompts)
@anaroceitweek - Anaroceit Week: July 10th - July 16th (prompts)
@royalityweek - Royality Week: July 31st - August 6th
@prinxietyweek - Prinxiety Week: October 2nd - October 8th (prompts)
@intrualityweek - Intruality Week: October 22nd - 28th
@intrulogicalweek - Intrulogical Week: October 29th - November 4th (prompts)
@tss-anxceit-week - Anxceit Week: November 12 - 19
@moxiety-week - Moxiety Week: December 18th - 24th
*2023 roceit week is hosted by someone different than last years! Check out last years roceit week at @roceitweek
@roleslayingweek2023 - Roleslaying Week: July 24th - 30th
Events NOT Happening
Moceit Week (@moceit-appreciation-week) is Not coming back this year, there hasn't been an Intruality week since 2021 (@intrualityweek2021), and there has never been a Logicality week ever! Analogical Week (@analogicalweek) is most likely not coming back this year (or ever), as the creator left the fandom.
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lily-janus · 1 year
Take A Break
Summary: Logan first thinks of Janus as a smart but lazy person, but he's about to be proven wrong.
Pairing: pre-romantic loceit
Warnings: none that I can think of but do let me know if I missed any.
Word count: 1,225
For @loceitweek day 3 Law School/Astronamy
(I have no idea how law school work so it might sound more like regular school but bare with me😅)
"...and then I will argue that the evidence is not really reliable because- are you listening?" Logan stopped his explanation, noticing that his… partner was, once again, not paying attention.
"Hm?" Janus hummed, focusing his gaze on Logan's own, "were you saying something?" He smirked, knowing full well how that will annoy Logan.
"You know as well as I that I've been," he used air quotes, " 'saying something', for the past hour. We need to do this assignment perfectly, Janus." Logan said, exasperated by his classmate.
Okay, don't tell Janus that, but Logan really does think Janus was an incredibly intelligent person, there were multiple occasions throughout the semester where Janus had impressed Logan with his arguments.
That being said, Janus had a tendency to be… extremely frustrating. Acting cocky and smug most of the time, egging people on with no more reason than simple amusement… and, of course, his cryptic way of behaving. And, for some unknown reason, Janus seems to enjoy annoying Logan the most out of all their classmates.
Always cornering him after lectures, arguing with him during lessons no matter what side he chooses, or are assigned to.
So, when they were chosen to work this assignment together… Logan was, at the very least, not pleased. Not that he'd ever defy the will of their teacher, so he was stuck with his smug classmates who didn't seem to care enough to even listen to Logan's ideas.
Janus shrugged, "maybe I know that, and maybe I don't, I could have a very short attention span for all you know about me, which isn't much besides my brilliant intelligence that I repeatedly show in class." Janus smirked smugly again.
Logan let out a frustrated sigh, "can we just be serious long enough to finish this?" He asked, on the verge of begging. He never ever failed at anything and he's not about to let Janus change that.
Janus groaned, "Jesus, Teach, ever heard of relaxing? We still got months until the due date." He pointed out.
"While true, you neglect the fact that this assignment is only one out of many others we have from other classes, plus my reputation to hand in assignments early-" but he was interrupted by another, rather exaggerative, groan from Janus.
"You talk a lot." Janus complained.
Logan could feel his eye twitching in annoyance, "well, it would seem like I'm the only one out of the two of us who's doing anything, why are you even in law school if you're not willing to put effort into anything?" Logan asked with a groan of his own, not really looking for an answer, mostly wanting to annoy Janus back.
But of course, that didn't work, as Janus' smirk only grew, seeming more satisfied the more frustrated Logan became. "I wouldn't say that, I put lots of effort into my studies, I'm just balancing it more so I won't get overwhelmed and burned out. Surely you can appreciate a healthy work balance, right Teach?"
Logan's fist hit the table, "stop calling me that!"
Janus was unphased, "how about… professor? Nerd? Glasses? Ooh, maybe Specs?"
"How about simply Logan?" Logan suggested, as calmly as he could.
Janus faked thinking it over before shaking his head, "nah, I like Specs best."
With a growl of frustration, Logan dropped his pen and pushed his chair away from the desk, "I think we're done for today.."
Janus clapped his hands together in glee before standing up, "marvelous! Same time next week?" He winked at Logan.
Logan blushed slightly at the gesture for some reason, "ah.. sure."
Janus smirked again, "it's a date, Specs!" He called as he walked out of Logan's dorms.
That statement caused Logan's blush to deepen, which was… odd.
"Oh he is totally flirting with you, Lo!" Roman, his roommate, said after Logan finished telling him about Janus.
Logan huffed, "I doubt annoying me is considered flirting." Roman was being ridiculous again, there's no way!
Roman shook his head with a sigh, "sometimes I forget how little you understand about the delicate art of romance." He said, "it's because he likes you!"
Logan almost laughed at Roman's statement, "that's absurd, we're both completely different and he always gets out of his way just to get a rise out of me and… always corners me after class and…" he trailed off in thought.
"And trying to get your attention and more time to be with you?" Roman finished for him with a knowing smile.
The more Logan thought about it now, the more Roman's explanation made sense… is he feeling the same way?
"Oh my stars! You're blushing! You like him too! Oh, the robot finally found his heart!" Roman swooned, placing both his hands on his heart in a dramatic gesture.
Logan shook his head, "n-no, no. Janus doesn't like me and I don't like him."
Roman was still smiling knowingly at him, "ah ha, sure, whatever you say, Calculator Watch." He winked at him.
"You're late." Logan said when Janus finally showed up to their second meeting to work on their assignment.
As usual, Janus was unphased, he simply walked in, took his seat on Roman's red beanbag, put his legs up on a chair and leaned back on his hands. Choosing the most dramatic position to show his carefree attitude towards this assignment that they were supposed to work on together.
"Sorry, Specs, it took longer than I thought it would, but I'm here now aren't I?" Janus looked up at Logan to where he sat in front of his work desk.
"It?" Logan asked, "what were doing that took so long?" He asked, barely two seconds passed and he was already starting to get annoyed. What could possibly be more important than law school? Does Janus hold no regards to-
"Our assignment, of course." Janus said casually, halting Logan's thoughts in their place for a minute.
"Excuse me?" Logan asked, surely he didn't hear that correctly.
Janus smirked and handed Logan the notebook he's been holding, "o-u-r a-ssign-ment." He said slowly, emphasizing every syllable.
Eyeing Janus suspiciously, Logan took the notebook and looked it over… he really did do it…
Janus suddenly hopped to his feet, offering Logan his hand, "now that the boring stuff is out of the way, it's time for you to relax with me." He smirked at him.
Logan frowned, "what do you mean?"
Janus sighed, "I really need to spell it out to you, huh?" He chuckled to himself, "fine. Logan, will you go on a date with me?"
Logan flushed a deep red, "b-but there's still work to-"
"Logan." Janus cut him off, suddenly serious, "you really need to learn to take breaks from time to time, you're not helping anyone by running yourself to the ground."
"I'm… not running anywhere, let alone to the ground…" Logan stammered, trailing off.
Janus snickered again, "it means you're overworking yourself, c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite Cafe' on campus." Janus gently grabbed one of his hands and tagged on it.
Still flushing, Logan gave in, putting Janus' notebook on his desk before standing up and following Janus.
Perhaps Janus had a point, he doesn't remember taking a single break other than sleep since the start of semester. And, well, Janus wasn't the worst person to take his first break with…
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edupunkn00b · 3 months
LoceitWeek 2024 Stories
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loceitweek · 2 years
Maybe the real friend was the amount of times we changed the username along the way
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ao3feed-loceit · 3 months
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amateurmasksmith · 1 year
Astronomy - WIP
"Despite what the Internet might speculate, Logan doesn't actually know much about Astronomy."
Author's note: Originally for @loceitweek, but I ran out of steam before I could finish. If anyone wants to continue this, please do! (and @ me so I can see!)
Summary: Logan isn't just Logic. He's also Curiosity, but recent events have led him to stop acknowledging that part of his role - Except when he's alone in his dreamspace. So, what happens when a certain Side confronts him in the one space he allows himself to simply "be?"
Warning: This is INCOMPLETE, and cuts off very abruptly.
Despite what the Internet might speculate, Logan doesn't actually know much about Astronomy.
That's precisely why he was so fascinated by it - Aptly nicknamed the "Final Frontier," space and its contents are so vast and uncharted as to provide an endless fuel for Logan's curiosity.
Logan doesn't know much about Astronomy - Not for lack of trying, mind you.
He once suggested that Thomas major in Astronomy, but Thomas was more interested in Chemistry. That was a perfectly suitable career choice, as far as Logan could tell.
Astronomy could remain a hobby. A passing interest.
He later suggested that Thomas consider taking an introductory course in Astronomy - It was considered, but… nothing came of it. Thomas was busy with more important things, Logan understood.
In spare moments, he would ask Thomas to look up videos about the Solar System and beyond. And, occasionally, Thomas would - Tilting his laptop so they both could see as they watched.
But, as time went on, Thomas lost even this mild interest in the stars.
And Logan was left to stargaze alone, in his own dreamspace, carved out from a portion of the metaphysical space his room takes up.
Alone on a high mountain plateau, with nothing but a telescope, a chair, his (prized) notebook, and the mostly-empty sky.
Mostly-empty, due to his incomplete knowledge. Sure, he could just wave his hand and scatter a random assortment of lights across the sky - It was his dreamspace, after all.
But, that wouldn't be accurate. That wouldn't be right.
It wasn't accurate, now, but at least it was his. His dreamspace. His dream. And his alone.
Sometimes, that was enough. When the others were being too… extra, it was good to have a place of solitude. And since the others couldn't just appear in his dreamspace unbeckoned, this was truly a place where Logan could simply… be.
No pressure to enforce unenforceable schedules. No reminders of the "otherness" of his function.
Nothing for anyone else. Just him, and him alone.
So, then, why was someone else here?
In his room?
In HIS dreamspace?!
"Janus," he said curtly after appearing in (what was supposed to be) his dreamspace. The caplet-clad side didn't move from HIS chair, looking through HIS telescope, holding HIS notebook.
"Oh, good evening, Logan," Janus drawled, "lovely weather for stargazing, isn't it?"
(of course it is, I designed this entire area!) Logan stared for a moment, trying to decide what to say.
Curiosity got the better of him. "How are you here? This was supposed to be my dreamspace."
"It's a bit odd, isn't it?"
"…Which is why I was asking-"
"The sky usually has more stars, doesn't it?"
Logan bristled at the question, but didn't bother answering. Janus finally turned away from the telescope's eyepiece, and oh-so-calculatedly-casually turned in the chair to face Logan.
(you know this - why are you asking me?) And stared, waiting for a response. "Yes," Logan replied, "in reality, it does."
"Why? Or, rather," Janus corrected, "why does your sky have so few?"
(why do you care? what are you planning?) "Because I am taking the time to ensure their accurate placement," Logan replied - truthfully, but not accurately. "Now, did you need something?" he asked, reaching to take back the notebook (HIS notebook).
Janus pulled it back, just out of reach, smirking. "Falsehood. According to your notebook," he gestured with it, "You haven't placed a new constellation in…" he flipped through many blank pages before finding the most recent entry and sighing, "Quite some time now."
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creativia10 · 1 year
The Merits of Scientist Lab coats
Logan was preparing how he would want a Crofter's commercial to go, for if he gets the chance to share. Janus comes in while Logan is practicing to flirt with him.
Warnings: suggestive themes
Relationships: Logan/Janus
Wordcount: 1405
Notes: Loceit Week 2023 Day 5 Philosophy/Science (I chose science) Sorry this is late. I don't know if I'll have any more for @loceitweek as I only decided this week to write this one. The topic this week has inspired me though. I may write other Loceit fics, like maybe for the multifandom pride prompts I've been attempting (which will also be late).
Logan looked around at his setup with a nod. It wasn’t much, but it was perfect for what he was going for. Logan had been preparing in his head what kind of commercial he would have proposed for Crofters. If it ever came up that was.
He cleared his throat and smoothed out his lab coat. Logan then waved a hand at the nearby whiteboards to write out what he said. It would look better to be handwritten in real time for the actual thing when he showed the others. This was just for practice though.
He held up the crofters’ jar, presenting it to where he knew the camera would be. Logan had been listing helpful facts about the jam for a minute and a half when he heard someone go,
Logan stopped and looked in that direction. He hadn’t thought anyone was in here. To his surprise, Janus was sitting nearby, smirking at him.
Janus clapped.
“What a well-done presentation, Logan. I apologize for interrupting you. It was not my intention.”
Logan frowned at the other, unsure about that. Logan cleared his throat and set the jar of jam off to the side.
“Janus. I did not expect you in here. Did you need something?”
Janus hmmed again and stood up. He stretched languidly, bringing attention to his different outfit of choice. Then he started to walk over to Logan.
“Noo, not necessarily. Perhaps I just wanted to hear you ramble on intelligently about something of interest to you,” Janus said with a smirk.
Logan’s eyes widened. Janus walked closer to Logan, who then coughed to the side. Logan hadn’t expected anyone to actually want to hear him spew facts like that. The others had always acted like it was a necessity that nobody actually liked.
“I-is that so?” Logan cleared his throat again. He was usually so much better at holding his composure than this. Janus had simply caught him off guard by saying so.
“And the outfit?” Logan asked, gesturing to Janus’ new getup.
Janus was wearing a lab coat, like Logan’s own. Except he had a yellow shirt peaking out where Logan’s typical polo was similarly visible. Janus was also wearing safety goggles as well.
Janus hummed again, stepping even closer.
“Maybe I just wanted to match the vibe of your setup, hm? I think the scientist look works, don’t you?” He asked with a playful smirk.
“Ah well, yes. Of course, it works,” Logan started,
“I had the lab coat set up for this scene to show safety was a priority. And how the production of Crofters would be hygienic. Of course, we wouldn’t be near anything that would be a contamination concern anyways, as it is more for the aesthetic of the commercial.”
Janus sighed at that.
“Logan, I’m not doubting the merits of wearing a lab coat here. I know you have good plans for these things,” Janus said.
“You do?” Logan asked.
“Mhmm,” When Janus was close enough, he reached over and started toying with the lapels of Logan’s lab coat.
“I just think the whole scientist look, with the lab coats, works for us. Aesthetically, as you would say. I certainly appreciate intellectual looks,” Janus said with that smooth voice of his.
“O-oh,” Logan said. Janus’ fingers were warm where Logan could feel him brushing against his coat. Amidst messing with the lapels.
 Logan found he didn’t mind it, even if it was unexpected. Nobody got this close to him.
Janus leaned in.
“Did you want to keep going? I wouldn’t be opposed to assisting you.” Janus said.
Logan hesitated. He was sufficiently distracted now. Admitting such a thing felt embarrassing though.
“Uh, well,”
“Or did I throw you off your vibe?” Janus asked.
 Logan really needed to add that word to his slang vocab. He was hearing it a lot more now.
“I wouldn’t say you threw me off. I am physically right where I was when I started. I also knew I would be presenting this in front of others at some point. Theoretically, I should be fine.”
“Theoretically?” Janus asked with a knowing smile.
“Uh, well,” Logan wasn’t sure what he should say here. Janus hmmed.
“It’s okay if I distracted you, Logan. I am well aware you didn’t expect me to be here,” Janus said.
“How did you know I would be here anyways?” Logan asked.
“I didn’t originally,” Janus continued. “But I was bored and I overheard you as I passed this room amidst my wandering. Figured I could learn something and maybe have some fun. Which I definitely have.”
Janus was smirking again, which e often did.
Logan blinked. “Oh? You were enjoying my presentation?”
“Of course,” Janus said, “Although, I have more fun interacting with you.” Janus paused in his teasing to lightly poke Logan in the chest.
“I-is that so?” Logan asked.
Janus winked at him in response.
“Why are you interacting with me in this way?” Logan asked.
“Because it’s fun, as I said,” Janus continued, “Is that alright?”
“I suppose,” Logan said.
Janus frowned slightly and stepped away.
“Logan, I know you’re not the best at admitting to your wants, but you need to be clear about how you feel about my teasing. It’s no fun if I am actively making you uncomfortable. I get a hard enough time from the others. About whether I actually respect personal boundaries.”
Logan blinked at that.
“Wouldn’t that be more of a concern from Remus than you?” Logan asked. Janus sighed and shrugged. Logan frowned but nodded.
“I see what you are saying. I would not want to make things worse for you.”
“Logan, it’s not about that,” Janus said. “You are not responsible for anything that affects me except your own actions. Which you are fine with at this point by the way. Nothing else should be a factor in stating your boundaries. Aside from what you are comfortable with.”
Logan nodded again. He knew Janus had a point.
“Right, of course.”
But then came the harder part of admitting he didn’t mind Janus’ actions, because what would that mean next?
“It’s okay if you don’t know, Logan,” Janus said with a more genuine smile this time.
“I should have asked earlier anyways. I just like to be playful, you know how I am.”
Logan supposed he did. Although Logan saw this side more when Janus was around Logan now.
Logan took a breath. He was curious though where they could go from here. Logan was definitely one to seek after knowledge. Even in the case that it could affect his personal relationships, though not in a bad way.
“I…did not mind, Janus,” Logan said, not meeting the other’s eyes. He figured he should have at least looked at Janus while admitting so. But it was harder than he expected for some reason. Plus, Logan could feel his cheeks warming.
After a moment, Janus stepped up to Logan again.
“You are sure?” Janus asked.
Logan nodded.
“Yes. I am just…not used to admitting such things.”
Janus hummed again before reaching forward again to trace his fingers against Logan.
“That’s okay, Logan. It can be a process. It does make me wonder if you would prefer moving slower than I had in mind then.”
Logan’s breath caught, and he got himself to look at Janus in the face then. Janus looked back at him.
“I would like to know what you mean, first. And, I’m sorry if my need for clear wording changes the uh ‘mood’ at all, as the twins have told me in the past.”
Janus gave him a soft look at that and shook his head.
“Logan, you are not ruining anything. I know who you are. How do you know I don’t get hot and bothered by more words anyways?”
Logan narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“Hot and bothered? I certainly wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable at all, that doesn’t sound pleasant. Should we get some air in here?”
Janus threw his head back in a laugh. Then he suddenly gripped his fingers around the coat lapels and pulled Logan against him. The breath from Janus’ lips brushed Logan’s own as he said,
“How about we head up to my room and I show you what I really mean by that?” Janus asked.
Logan’s breath stuttered.
“Okay,” Logan choked out.
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naminethewriter · 3 months
Deciding Darts
It's the one Intruloceit story I always sneak into these ship weeks for Loceit Week Day 6! And of course it's by far the longest 😅 What can I say? Remus demanded to be in this one and then wouldn't stop until he reached his goal... I love him 💚 @loceitweek
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2024 Masterpost | Ao3
Prompt: “We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?”
Summary: Janus and Logan are on a double date with Patton and Roman when they get interrupted by Roman's twin who's surprisingly back in town.
Content Warnings: Mentions of sex, Remus being very blunt and almost crossing several lines
“…and that’s when one of the tree branches came lose and hit Derrick on his head. Luckily it was just cardboard, so he wasn’t injured but it was pretty funny.”
Janus only half listened to Roman’s tales of his latest theater shows. Patton next to Roman looked as enamored with him as always, even if he was pretty sure he must have heard the story before. Logan was sipping from his glass but politely nodding along. Even if Janus was a bit bored at the moment, he couldn’t deny that the double date had been more fun than he’d imagined so far.
When the idea had first been brought up, Janus had asked Virgil if he wanted to come along but the emo had quickly refused.
“You want me to be the fifth wheel in a loud and crowded bar that probably way overprices the drinks? Over my dead body. Plus, Remy already asked if I could come over that night to keep him distracted while Emile’s out of town and he promised me free drinks, so yeah no dice.”
Janus had rolled his eyes but let it slide. Remy usually was a mess when he was separated from his husband for more than 24 hours even if he liked to pretend to be a loner.
“Just make sure he doesn’t make you too many drinks that include caffein. And don’t drink any of those too late either.”
“Sure thing, mom.”
Janus had lightly hit him on the head for that one.
Suddenly, Janus was pulled back into the present by a loud voice.
“Ro-bro! Fancy seeing you here!”
All four of them looked up to see a man with Roman’s face but slightly off standing in front of their booth. He had the same eyes and features as Roman but sported a mustache and a white streak in his hair. And if that didn’t set him apart from his brother enough, the clothes the man was wearing were probably the opposite of Roman too with ripped jeans, a dark crop top and combat boots.
So that must be the infamous twin, Janus thought as he looked the other up and down once more. What was his name again?
“Remus?!” Roman gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“Getting drunk! And looking for someone to take back to the hotel with me.” He winked suggestively at Logan who simply raised an eyebrow.
“Not what I meant and you know it,” Roman almost growled, clearly annoyed. “What are you doing here in town, I thought you were still in Europe.”
“Yeah, some stuff happened and I got back early. I was gonna surprise you at your place tomorrow but this is even better! Nice to finally meet you in person, Patty Daddy.”
“Yes, nice to see you, Remus,” Patton laughed uncomfortably. Remus paused.
“Nickname too much?”
“Obviously,” Roman sighed.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll behave. So introduce me to these fine gentlemen.” Remus grabbed a chair from nearby and plopped down in front of the booth, grinning at Logan and Janus.
“Logan Croft,” Logan spoke up before Roman could interject, holding his hand out for Remus to shake. “And this is my partner Janus Dean. We’re longtime friends of Patton’s.”
“Pleasure,” Janus said simply, nodding instead of offering his own hand. Remus laughed and gripped Logan’s hand tight.
“Remus Kingsleigh, at your service.” Instead of shaking Logan’s hand however, he brought it up to his mouth and licked it. “You taste delightful,” he added with a grin.
“Remus!” Roman scolded, pulling him away from Logan who didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. He simply pulled his hand back, got a bottle of disinfectant out of his bag and rubbed it into the skin.
“Well then, Remus, how long are you staying?” Patton asked, still looking incredibly uncomfortable and desperate to change the topic. Janus wasn’t surprised. While Patton was very tolerant of other people’s behaviors and believes, he was rather strictly catholic himself and didn’t want pre-marital sex, which Roman was very much okay with. But Patton also was very uncomfortable with the topic of sex in general, so Janus could imagine that Remus, who as far as he knew had made sex and innuendos kind of a big part of his personality, put him on edge.
He was in luck however since Remus was open to the change in topic and started detailing his plans and told stories about his travels which Logan especially appreciated. For the next hour or so, pleasant conversation flowed between the five of them until Patton got tired and asked Roman to drive him home. The two paid off their part of the tab and left.
“Well then, that just leaves us three,” Remus grinned as he slid into the seats his brother and Patton had just vacated. “Are you open to have some fun?”
“You do understand that we’re in a committed relationship, right?” Janus asked, eyebrows raised and trying to inject boredom into his voice. Remus was entertaining, sure, but not all that appealing to him.
“So what? I can take you both.” The grin on Remus’ face was without a hint of shame. Refreshing, Janus could admit but he still wasn’t interested.
“Thank you for the offer, Remus, but we are not currently looking for a third,” Logan answered. Diplomatic as always.
“Currently? So that might change?” Remus was leaning over the table now, his eyes wide and wild.
“Sure. Ask another ten times and we’ll probably say yes!” Janus huffed.
“Boo, you’re no fun.”
“Then maybe you should seek your thrill elsewhere.”
“How about a bet?” Remus suddenly offered, sitting back in his seat, still grinning.
“I believe we have been quite clear—” Logan started but Remus interrupted him.
“A game of darts for your phone numbers. And a week to change your minds if I win.”
Janus rolled his eyes again, but to his surprise Logan leaned forward, studying Remus’ face intensely.
“You seem quite sure of your skill.”
“I am.”
“Very well. I accept.”
Janus sighed but didn’t argue. Truly, he should have seen it coming. Darts was the only sport Logan was interested in – well, besides chess but in terms of physical sports it was the only one. It relied on dexterity and math, both of which Logan appreciated greatly.
Logan and Remus agreed on a set of rules and Janus was pulled along to judge.
“Don’t you think I’m going to be biased?”
Janus had expected that answer from his partner but not Remus.
“Lolo here seems to have a bit of a stick up his ass about rules. I imagine he’d be pretty cross with you if you didn’t play fair.”
“You… aren’t wrong,” Janus conceded, surprised by his insight. Maybe Remus wasn’t as aloof and uncaring as he first seemed.
They got some darts from the barkeeper and luckily one of the three boards was still available. They played best of three with Logan easily winning the first one, Remus barely clutching out the second and now they were both in finishing range for the third.
Logan was up first. He hit the triple he needed without difficulty and just slightly overshot the double with the second and took aim with the third. Before he could throw though, Remus stepped up to him and whispered something in his ear that Janus couldn’t hear. Logan glanced away from the board and at Remus for a moment but didn’t answer. Remus laughed and stepped back, letting him finish his turn.
Janus watched as Logan took two deep breaths before aiming again.
He threw the dart.
And it bounced off the second dart that had already missed the target, falling to the floor.
“My turn!” Remus giggled, delighted, as Logan gathered his darts.
“Will you aim for the double 14 and then tops?” Logan asked. If Janus remembered correctly, ‘tops’ referred to the double 20 on the top of the board.
“Nah, where’s the fun in that?” Remus grinned and threw his first dart. It landed square in the 18 field. Leaving Remus with a rest score of 50. He needed the bull’s eye to win.
That truly fit with his character.
If he was just slightly off, the math wouldn’t work out anymore and he might not be able to use his last dart to finish.
Despite the high stakes, kinda, Remus looked very relaxed to Janus. As if he had unending confidence in his skills.
He took aim.
He threw.
He hit.
The dart landed in the bull’s eye with a dull thud.
“Congratulations,” Logan said, genuinely. “That were some impressive games.”
“Aw, thanks Logie! Now pay up!”
“I was under the impression that you wanted our phone numbers not our money.”
“That’s what he means, Lo,” Janus explained as he stepped up to the two. “Here.” He held a business card out to Remus that had his name and law firm printed on it. He’d also added Logan’s number on the other side. “Your one week starts now.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Janny! And I promise I won’t send you dick pics immediately!” With that, Remus waved to them and left, handing the darts back to the bartender on his way out.
“We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?” Janus commented dryly as they watched the door close behind him.
“Well, I always thought the devil had some fair points,” Logan shrugged, a small smile on his lips.
Janus had an inkling that his life was about to get a lot more chaotic.
He found that he didn’t really mind the idea.
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