#locks replacement
leolocksmith365 · 2 years
Leo Locksmith 365
Address- 8800 North St, Fishers, IN, USA 46038
Phone- +1 317-850-3323
Website- www.leolocksmith365.com
Leo Locksmith 365 is a professional and locally owned locksmith business. We come to you! our complete mobile locksmith service allows us to come to you when you need us. Our professional locksmiths are on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We also have a friendly and knowledgeable office staff available during business hours. We take extreme pride in the quality of work we do, striving for perfection in all we do!
We are open 24/7.
Payment Method- Cash, Credit Card, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Apple Pay, PayPal, Check.
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toughtinkart · 11 months
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The bright bead of Dominicus winked benignly down from the mouth of the long vertical tunnel.
i promise i don’t exclusively draw tlt these days; it’s just that i started several sketches trying to get more of the *vibes* of specific scenes/environments in tlt so i can share my vision for people. for some reason i want to give the ninth a very sickly green glow, like the place is cartoonishly radioactive.
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udonli · 5 months
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logan in da orgo notes for miami gp tmr 🔥🔥🔥 everyone manifest loints please 🙏🦅🇺🇸
thank u to @disneyprincemuke for the ref !!
also whats the logan version of poorly drawn piastris,,, silly sargeant scribbles? low-quality logans,,, much to consider….
coquette version w/ a bow 🎀🩰
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jjenthusee · 2 months
Late Night Talks Pt. 2
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
A/N: After posting the first part (linked here), I felt unsatisfied at the ending. Then after reading comments and reblogs, you guys felt the same. Great minds think alike! So I whipped out my phone, wrote out a couple lines and tried a couple edits that I thought would give these two a satisfying ending, but I realized that if I planned it, it didn’t feel right. So, I went off instinct and I hope this lives up to what you guys expect :D ( @nckcn your wish is my command hope you enjoy these two being clumsy again <3, @misadear i hope this qualifies as hurt/comfort <3, @janybabyy you wont have to buy a new pair of locks <3, and @heavysighing-dreamyeyes since you gave us a second part to your kitchen dances fic I had to do the same <3) as always comment if your comfortable, reblog, and ENJOY
Tags: Jason is clumsy, fluff worth vomiting over, anxious Jason, hurt/comfort ;D
Word Count: 2.6k
Your back hurt, your head ached.
The back of your eyes stung as you tried to open them, the sun’s rays engulfing the entire couch.
At some point in the night you must have crawled up from the intense crying session you had on the floor.
The puffiness surrounding your eyes weren’t going to be fun to get rid of. Nothing like cold spoons to start your morning.
Your mind swirled as you sat up, slowly moving yourself into a sitting position. Bracing your feet to touch the cold floor, but it was soft and fluffy.
You leaned forward, looking down to find a blanket had fallen, sprawled in various folds and flattened as your feet rested on it.
“Did I grab a blanket last night?” You asked yourself, standing up, wondering for a second in confusion.
Then you glanced at the window where the bright sun rays invaded the room. It was shut, but not locked.
Weird. You thought.
Your face suddenly contorting as the memories flooded in. One by one, hearing your voice from last night flood your head like your own mind wanted you to face the consequences.
You sighed into the air, finally bending down to remove the blanket from the floor. Neatly folding it and placing it where you once laid.
You slowly rubbed at the fabric, mindlessly repeating the movements as you thought to yourself.
“He came back.”
You had memories of him visiting your drinking session and Jason had left clues that he had came back from suddenly leaving. He didn’t have to, but the blanket, the clean coffee table, and unlocked window meant he had cleaned up. He got you to bed. Took care of you.
“Shit.” You breathed out. “He must have saw and heard everything.”
You groaned, rubbing your hands down your face.
You needed some cold spoons and some medicine.
You had to give it to yourself, despite the horrible drunk late night confession, you were glad it only started your weekend. You couldn’t imagine going to work the day after everything.
You could safely rot throughout your day, wasting the day away from your mistakes.
So after a good look in the fridge, you settled for leftovers and a half drunken apple juice. Interesting combo, but you just needed something to digest.
The rest of the day went by as uneventful as your morning.
Laying on the couch, aimlessly watching videos on your phone, reading random posts.
Recovery was awful, especially a mental one.
How were you going to talk to Jason? Would he ever come back? Would you have to fake a robbery scenario? No, that was a bit much.
As you aimlessly thought, yogurt and spoon in hand, the sound of a latch broke your focus.
Heavy boots hit the floor, scaring you as your head moved to the sounds.
You were wrapped in the same blanket from that morning, a small yogurt stain adoring it, but all the same.
“Jason?” You called out, stunned.
He was frantically walking to you, full Red Hood gear, red helmet on his head rather than a domino mask.
He had a hand full of paper bags in his hands. He stopped directly in front of you, looking down at you, a shadow casted on your body from his sheer mass.
“Jason—what? Why are you—“ You stammered, tilting your face in confusion.
“I don’t understand.” Jason exhaled.
“Wha—I mean, I don’t understa—“
“I don’t know how I got here. I don’t know why I have all these bags with me, but I couldn’t leave.” Jason shoved all the bags onto your lap at once.
You couldn’t do anything as the bags fell on one another, another falling to the floor, the contents spilling out. You watched because Jason blocked the coffee table to put down your yogurt and spoon.
“I don’t know. I bought you all this stuff, but I was only planning to get some toothpaste, but it bothered me so much. Last night, I had never heard you talk so much or seen you that gone. But I got worried then I walked to the medicine aisle, then I was walking by the snacks—“ Jason rambled, pacing in front of you, not really understanding how everything escalated when he came to you.
Jason couldn’t hear you repeat his name, so you let him finish. You looked at the contents on your lap. Aspirin, cheeseballs, an ice pack, water, and many more items that you couldn’t look at because you wordlessly held yogurt at the surprise intrusion.
“—then the guy at the cash register was looking at me funny, like ‘What? You don’t see vigilante’s shop at midnight?’ This is Gotham for crying out loud, but I was worried you wouldn’t take care of yourself, although I think it was my fault.”
“Jay, breathe.”
Jason took a quick breath, unconsciously obeying you.
“But that isn’t why I’m here. I couldn’t understand anything that night.” Jason stopped pacing and faced you directly.
After staring at each other for a second too long, you exhaled, motioning Jason to sit next to you with a spoon still in your hand. The couch dipping from his weight and the paper bags leaning toward him.
“I’ve repeated that conversation a million times in my head, but every time I got to the end, it bothered me so much.” Jason frustratingly told you.
You met, what you assumed to be Jason’s stare, from under the helmet, modulated breaths falling with his chest. You looked at your red reflection, watching the tiredness in your eyes. You looked awful.
“Why are you bothered, Jay?” You asked, finally putting the yogurt and spoon down since your visitor stopped pacing.
A lot was happening right now, but in some ways you were relieved that Jason came back. Frantic, but you could deal with that.
“I couldn’t reject you. It didn’t even cross my mind.” Jason admitted, helmet expressionless. You wondered if he could have said any of this without his helmet shielding his face, his expression.
“I told you, I would let you ruin me.” You answered. Watching his movements, trying to find any sign of what he truly wanted.
“But I don’t deserve it. As long as I have this scar marking my face, I won’t be worthy enough for you.”
“I disagree.” You soothed. You kept your voice calm, trying not to frighten Jason and his sudden vulnerability.
“Why?!” Jason nearly yelled in disbelief. “I don’t understand how you can love me when I haven’t done anything that deserves it!”
Jason was breathing rapidly, his modulator breaking in and out.
You carefully moved the blanket and the paper bags off you, moving yourself closer to Jason. You moved your hands up, making sure they were visible to him.
“I’m going to remove your helmet. Are you okay with that, Jason?” You waited, but no answer came out of the man in front of you. “I’m going to remove it because I want to see you and make sure you’re breathing okay, okay?”
He didn’t answer again.
You meticulously moved to his face, moving his helmet up, sections of Jason’s face becoming visible to you. Messy and matted hair covering his head and forehead.
You settled the helmet next to you.
His eyes shifting anxiously, his body looked like it was almost vibrating.
You stood up from the couch, slowly kneeling on the ground in front of Jason, carefully closing yourself in between his legs. Leaving enough space between the two of you, so you didn’t touch.
Now that you were in front of him, you locked onto his eyes. Making sure he was paying attention to you. You took deep breaths, guiding Jason to do the same. At first, he clumsily puffed, but once he balanced his rhythm with yours, his shoulders were evening as they lowered the more he calmed himself.
You didn’t want to break any boundaries because he was overwhelmed. You wanted to calm him, not heighten his current state.
With a steady breath, you laid your hands in your lap, keeping your eye contact with Jason.
“I don’t mind all the gifts, I’m happy you got them for me. I appreciate them because I know you thought of me when you bought them. The water, my favorite snack, and the medicine, but what I truly want right now is you.”
You kept your voice as normal as possible. Trying to show Jason that vulnerable conversations were okay, they were more than okay. They should be okay.
“You are already worthy enough of my love, Jason. More than worthy. I’m proud of you, that you tried to convey it to me too. I have things I need to work on as well.”
You smiled at Jason, gazing up at his head drooped down to you. You were glad he was okay with the closeness, the intimacy.
“I didn’t tell you my feelings the right way.” You continued, a chuckle bubbling in your throat. “I promised myself to do this sober, if I got the chance again, no wine in my system this time.”
Jason weakly smiled like the sound of your laugh calmed him. His hair drooping down to his forehead. He had leaned forward enough to rest his hands on his knees.
The more you talked to him, the closer he was getting to you. It could have been unconscious or he intended for it to happen, but he was drawn to you like a magnet.
“No, no, no.” Jason whispered as he shook his head from side to side. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’m glad you think so, but I should have said it better and at a pace you were comfortable with.”
Jason didn’t respond. He was at a loss for words, not really understanding what direction he needed to address things.
So you guided him, letting him take his first steps into emotional vulnerability.
“I would like to know how you’re feeling. You can tell me things like if I’m overwhelming you, if I need to clarify anything, or anything you can think of. Because that’s the best part of all of this, we get to learn about each other. I get to understand who Jason is and you can learn as much as you want about me.”
Jason meekly reached his hand out to you. Slowly, carefully like he didn’t know if his body was capable of being gentle, but the fears left him once he touched your face. His fingers cupping your cheek.
Nervously watching your reaction, he was anticipating you to pull back, to react with disgust. But you sat there, staying the same way you did.
Then once he felt better, more at ease, he moved his hand further to you, his hand was large enough that some of his fingers touched behind your ear, rubbing at your hair line.
You closed your eyes, exhaling at the relief that he was okay, that he was initiating a new step in your relationship.
You focused on the small rubs from his thumb. Unconsciously leaning into it, Jason simultaneously sucking in a breath.
He was shocked that you let him do this. Numerous times was he close to grabbing your hand, wiping your tears when you cried, and touching your hair. He had restrained himself every time the thought distracted him, but now that he got a small taste of heaven, he didn’t know if he could ever live without it.
“That night…” Jason hesitated.
You opened your eyes, slowly blinking your eyelashes to look up at him.
He lost his breath again, seeing you sitting there, paying attention to him, anticipating what he was going to say.
“That—that night I did come back. It probably wasn’t a good idea after what happened, but I wanted to see you. You were sound asleep, your face drying from the tears and I helped clean up.”
You carefully listened, letting Jason talk as slowly or as much as he wanted.
“I carried you onto the couch and I covered you with a blanket. And I left, but I didn’t go far. I spent a while sitting on the roof of the building across.” Jason’s eyes softened as he spoke, reminiscing.
“I had to carefully think of everything you said. I was so scared that I almost left and never came back. But when I was ready to run, I couldn’t get the image of how hurt you were, crying into the couch.”
You placed your hand over Jason’s. Both warming your cheek.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of you going through that again. Without me.” Jason’s voice hardened, frustrated with his thoughts and contradictions. “But, you also don’t need me. You deserve better.”
“And you are my ‘better.’ You see a version of me that I hate, but you still treat me as I am. I feel safe with you, you lift me up in ways I don’t have the words to describe. I don’t deserve you, Jason.”
Jason moved down to the floor with you, joining you in a kneel, his knees on the sides of yours, demonstrating the sheer size difference.
He cupped your face in both of his hands, his face close to yours, a serious look in his eyes.
“No, you’re perfect. You’ve even accepted me.” He trembled again, not the same as his anxiousness from before. A gentle tremble that embodied all his emotions, his tenderness.
“Jason, you love so much. You love so much that you can’t handle all of it in your heart and I admire that about you. You care about so many people and things that you end up hurting a lot. I want to be there next to you, hurting along with you.” You inhaled, your lungs and throat stinging from your need to tell Jason all your feelings. “I want to live a life filled with your love. I love you, so so much that it hurts.”
Jason wiped your tears with his thumbs. He leaned in, brushing his lips near yours, his eyelashes nearly touching his cheeks as he looked at you.
“I love you too, I want to see you make mistakes, smile when I think of you. I can finally breathe when I’m next to you.”
You trembled at Jason’s words. The raw vulnerability he was giving you.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. And you were wrong. I want to be next to you. You said it felt right and I believe it too. I know you told me not to tell you, that it would ruin you, but I want to ruin you.”
Jason breathed, the air touching your lips that left his.
“I’m selfish too because I want every part of your life.” Jason whispered onto your lips.
“And you can have it.” You whispered back.
Then Jason leaned in, taking all the breath from your lungs as he kissed you. Your head leaning back at the sweet weight of him.
It was perfect, the two of you kneeling toward one another, your face held in Jason’s hands, his body pulling you in.
As you lost your breathe, your legs wobbled from all the want radiating from the man in front of you.
You leaned away, panting, pausing from the possibility of consuming all of Jason’s love at once. A beautiful overwhelming feeling.
Jason held you, not wanting to part an inch further. He watched you take your breaths.
“You’re breathtaking.” He lulled, kissing your eyes, your nose, the corner of your mouth.
You giggled at the brief kisses. Holding onto his arms, feeling the muscle flex underneath.
After endless kisses, you slept well in the arms of the man you love, tangled in the cushions of the couch that witnessed the end of a relationship and the start of another.
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livwritesstuff · 10 months
Every day, when Steve gets home from work, he always asks his and Eddie's daughters what they did while he was gone.
One day, they surprise him with an answer he hasn't heard yet.
They tell him, “Daddy taught us how to pick locks.”
The girls are immensely proud of themselves and want to demonstrate their newfound skill, so they put on a whole show of locking themselves in the bathroom and breaking each other out while Steve watches on.
Much to his chagrin, all three of them can successfully unlock the privacy lock on the bathroom door from the outside – including three-year-old Hazel.
“That’s…that’s great,” Steve says when they’re done. “Uh, where’s your dad?”
They tell him that he’s upstairs and, indeed, Steve finds Eddie up in their bedroom folding a massive pile of laundry.
“Seems like you all had fun today," Steve says to him.
"Did they show you the door thing?" Eddie asks with a grin, "Yeah, they had a blast with that."
“Okay, you do realize that the lock on our door was our ticket to any kind of a sex life, right?”
Eddie blinks, the smile on his face slowly fading.
“Oh…yeah. Shit.”
“Yeah,” Steve repeats, “Nice going.”
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thecooler · 9 months
Alright everyone let's settle this....
These are the only options don't ask about anyone else
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onefleshonepod · 3 months
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One very bad day—when it seemed as though everyone hated her, and as though this were a completely correct way to feel—with bloodied fists and a bruised heart, she wrote a note explaining her suicide then went and unlocked the door. Unexpectedly, this did not kill her; and what did not kill her made her curious. She was much older before she could cross the threshold. [...] When she got there—alive—she could look into the open-faced coffin where lay the reason for her existence. God’s victory and death was a girl. […] Harrow, who had been born for the sole privilege of worshipping this corpse, loved it wildly from sight.
I originally contemplated using the concept of necromancy in the series as the representation for this card, but I decided to go with a figure as The Magician instead of an abstract idea, to match the rest of the Major Arcana. I feel like this scene, as well as Harrow's life as the Reverend Daughter in general, embody the contradictions of this card’s upright and reversed meanings. More thoughts below:
Opening the Locked Tomb led to Harrow crystallizing her life's purpose: to live for the Body and see it awaken. Breaking into the Tomb was a difficult endeavour, requiring skill, willpower, and multiple attempts to make it a reality. I also personally really like how the cliché meaning of the card, "As above, so below," fits metaphorically with the glow worms in the Tomb resembling stars.
This scene also fits the reversed meaning of the card. It shows Harrow at the lowest point in her life, intending to commit suicide, and committing a sacreligious act in contravention of everything she had been raised to believe. This act led to the suicides of her parents and their cavalier. In addition, she was only able to open the tomb not through her own cleverness but also — unbeknownst to her — because of Gideon’s blood under her fingernails.
I got on top of you and choked you till your eyes bugged out. […] You clawed my face so bad that my blood ran down your hands; my face was under your fucking fingernails. When I let you go you couldn’t even stand, you just crawled away and threw up. Were you ten, Harrow? Was I eleven? Was that the day you decided you wanted to die?
ID: A digital collage of "The Magician” tarot card as Reverend Daughter Harrow from the Locked Tomb series. The card shows the scene of Harrow, clad in black and veiled, unlocking the tomb and gazing into the bright blue glow-worm cave beyond. The scene is framed by Gothic columns. There is a broken sword in the lower left. A light above Harrow’s head represents the presence of the Body. Harrow’s silhouette and outfit is from a 1917 ad for Scranton Lace Curtains and an ad for Mariano Fortuny. The cave image is from an 1857 steel engraving of Postojna Cave in Slovenia. The left side of the card shows the upright meaning of The Fool and reads, “Manifestation | Determination | Willpower | Resourcefulness | Creation" in all caps. The right side of the card shows the reversed reading and reads "Illusion | Deceit | Confusion | Bad Intentions | Wasted Talent | Listlessness” in all caps. The base of the card reads "The Magician | Reverend Daughter” in a groovy font.
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candlecanoe · 2 months
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Don't mess with Tex she'll fuck you up
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khuuxu · 3 months
THEY WILL ALWAYS BE ON TOP 💯 💶 I miss bachira sm please bring him home 🥺🙏💕
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lizarddealer · 1 year
An unforeseen downside of listening to the GtN audiobook:
I cannot stop saying “noooo Magnus” in a horrendous French accent
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Yo!!! My wife wants to get that shrug text emoji as a tattoo!!! Delightful to find another enjoyer of it.
I love it so much but I’m not fancy enough to try to type it so it’s a keyboard replace of the word “shrug” and I’ve been questioned several times how quickly I respond with it and I feel like a powerful wizard for having a keyboard command to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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scopostims · 11 months
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[ID: A 3x3 stimboard of 9 GIFs.
GIF 1: An orange and white cat eating out of a bowl surrounded by plants.
GIF 2: Club soda being poured into a cup with ice and kiwi purée.
GIF 3: Smoothly flowing water in a spring surrounded by mossy rocks.
GIF 4: A wooden stamp being removed from a piece of fabric, leaving a design of a painted teapot.
GIF 5 (center): A closeup of light-skinned hands picking orange berries off a branch.
GIF 6: A smooth sphere of quartz being shown off, the sun shining off and through it.
GIF 7: A view of a misty spring with many flowers around it, sun rays shining through the fog.
GIF 8: Ice cubes being dropped in a glass cup.
GIF 9: A pan over of woods on a sunny day as it gently rains, a rainbow formed in the drizzle.
End ID]
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notedchampagne · 2 years
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harrow the ninth, gideon pov & seven stages of grief feat. harrowhark nonagesimus
#reposting the harrow page because i finally got the energy to scan it properly#after the main tags ill go over all the small details im excited about bc i want people to have the chance to pick them out themselves so:#the locked tomb#harrow the ninth#gideon nav#harrowhark nonagesimus#harrow the ninth spoilers#griddlehark#dudele#john gaius#okay so details:#the halo around harrow (gideon)s head is the iris of an eye#same with alectos eye and 'first flower of my house'#the shadow of one of the iron railings and the zweihander make IX#i referenced that freak bug description from the actual book lmfao i hid the page number in there#dont forget the 'river is a revenant' theory w the teeth as is described in ntn so i added that in there too#i balanced green on both sides of harrow(gideon) with the bug AND the stray leaves from the planet harrow killed-#- the bright green stands out and is supposed to feel unnatural against the orange#for the harrow piece: obviously i replaced like all stages of grief with denial#but i put some random words in there too in the bg/in different colors#to try and represent her forced changing of the 'stages' so to say#behind harrows head in the top right you can see the first two letters of 'acceptance'#if you look closely at alectos hand her fingers are fused together and are smaller proportioned. that is on purpose. ily barbie#i do NOT have a distinct gold marker so imagine all the orange is gold. now look at that last golden denial eye. hi gideon#i also hid stairs in there. haha <=== homestuck
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funeralprocessor · 5 days
I feel like the Primaris should have been the catalyst for like, an imperial civil war. At the very least, much unrest in the house of Guilliman. Their existence, let alone rollout/integration, should have had many chapters absolutely rioting. It should be beyond the pale by several orders of magnitude and be seen as an enormous overreach by the more autonomy loving chapters, a blasphemy by the more orthodox chapters, and an existential threat to chapters with geneseed quirks. Plus anyone with any awareness of the thunder warriors should take one look at them and recognize the writing on the wall. Guilliman should absolutely recognize what they represent, what they imply. Like they're the leading wave of a paradigm shift that doesn't bode well for what came before. And I say this as someone who's not averse to Primaris, I just think they could've, should've, been a waaaay bigger deal. I know they loathe changing the status quo and we're never getting rid of the posterboys but I think we missed out on something interesting.
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bluntloyalist · 4 months
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dimitrscu · 6 months
useless piece of information: malenia always follows up with a grab after she breaks your guard with a kick. it is possible to roll out the way as your stamina regens fast enough on it's own, but i still thought it was pretty cool that she can do this
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