rptgossip · 11 months
You can do with this what you like but I highly suspect that the new rpc-home-truths is Nolan in disguise. Dude has been a problem in the tumblr rpc since 2015 stealing theme codes and original character ideas and plagiarizing other media sources for his “original rp” plots and claiming it all his own. On top of that he’s known for hella godmodding in threads, harassing and stalking his partners that he gloms onto because they have a male fc he’s super attracted to, blatantly ignores female characters because he’s not interested in m/f romance/smut, ignores rp lore, and has been kicked out of a few groups, like Empire and Corinth Bay to name a couple recent ones that I know of, for his behavior. He’s also been racist and misogynistic with the premade characters and lore he’s created in his own rps. And when he’s kicked out and called out for his shit? Gaslighting for days to paint himself as a victim. He’s still going on about drama from 2015 where he was 100% the aggressor and problem.
I know it sounds crazy and conspiratory. That rpc-home-truths talks a lot like how Nolan does, using “staff” as opposed to “admin” or “mod,” and I bet is about to rehash the whole shit he did from his perspective again. The blog just hid their likes but I saw a few pics of nearly naked buff dudes plus a photo set of Joshua Orpin, who is a fc Nolan has been using frequently since 2020.
Here is the link to his last-known rp blog from Corinth Bay: https://www.tumblr.com/callum-marcoh
His account where he continues rehashing his past problematic behavior from a victim narrative in novella format: https://zachnovak.tumblr.com/
And this thread has a pretty good breakdown of his behavior from a couple people in Corinth Bay: https://binxrps.tumblr.com/post/630553132533940224/wiscowrites-loganlcrmans-jayrpssometimes
Okay this is a lot. I have a lot of thoughts so i’m going to bullet point. But firstly do not send hate to this blog or any of the blogs mentioned above. That shit just keeps the fire going and responding to toxic behavior with toxic behavior gets no one anywhere. Moving on 
This guy has been called out many times over the years. I remember lurking and reading about him over and over again. In cases like these if you're the common denominator you're probably the problem. And you should probably start looking introspectively on what went wrong 
That 2nd link to his blog is wild…. I scrolled through a couple of pages and there's just straight up smut out there in the open? I know I just preached about being open to someone not knowing something but I think everyone should know what the read more button is and use it ? Like i’m all for smut but c’mon some of us rp at work and yes people should know the risks of doing that but the read more button is right there- and on a definitely more important note, it could be super triggering
At this point the proof is right there.  This isn’t a ‘witch hunt’ or ‘drama’ this is a person with some serious issues who should be avoided at all costs. And to have an rpc-home-truths defending them using that vocabulary is disgusting. The internet can 100% have an affect on people's mental health, and Nolan’s actions has affected many people .he should be named, shamed, and blocked
The last part is going under read more it because it discuss triggering topics which are all tagged below 
Speaking of rpc-home-truths its been really gross in their defense of Nolan. One of them posted a scenario that put out a scenario about s*uicide basically victim blaming the ‘mob’ or whoever is against Nolan, Except as an example she used her daughter. And to top it off put in the tags with no trigger warning or tags, and it is still up as of now. I find this disgusting, I am not a mother but why would you put that energy out into the world about your daughter?? Its gross and manipulative. And to not have it tagged? I feel like anyone rping who are decent humans know that has to be tagged. It should have never been posted in the first but at least tag it or warn people in some way so they can choose to ignore it. 
Call me a coward but I have blocked them already( and screenshotted the post in case they delete and act like that it never happened), they have a blog they can defend themselves on but how that was handled has given me enough information on who they are as people and I don’t want to see them or  interact with them.
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sapphicrpc · 11 months
I'm ngl that last anon you received in response to being harassed and abused sounds like Nolan, who is actually problematic, and trying to advocate for "his friend" as himself. This isn't here to send hate and you don't have to post this or do anything. Nolan is actually a major issue in the rpc. He's lied, manipulated, gaslighted, harassed, and stalked those that have kicked him out of their groups for heavily godmodding, purposefully ignoring female characters because his characters are gay and therefore he won't be finding any romantic/sexual connections with them. After he's kicked out he goes off to make his own rps with stolen material for his lore and then sends out messages to the members of the rp he was kicked from practically begging them to join his group.
There are claims that he's been racist and he did in fact steal a theme code from popular creator hailthehelpful / ikilledtherpc a few years back. When folks went after him, he compared the attack to a "jihad" which is fucked up in itself. Unfortunately, it seems those receipts have been deleted and lost to time but there is evidence of him still pulling this crap within the last couple years on another rp that can be read through here: https://binxrps.tumblr.com/post/630553132533940224/wiscowrites-loganlcrmans-jayrpssometimes?is_related_post=1
The dude can't let anything go. The only reason I'm sending this on anon is because I was an admin of one of those rps years ago (I'm betting the one he's claiming said were "fans of his site" which is bs). The rp's been shut down for 7 years and he continues stalking our main page (I have statcounter installed) excessively to this day. In fact, he was on it just yesterday with 20 new hits.
if this is true i feel like i should make it clear that me promoting kindness should not be taken as this blog being a safe space for racists!!
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hoyeonnies · 11 months
Follow up to that Nolan anon:
Here is the link to his last-known rp blog from Corinth Bay: https://www.tumblr.com/callum-marcoh
His account where he continues rehashing his past problematic behavior from a victim narrative in novella format: https://zachnovak.tumblr.com/
And this thread has a pretty good breakdown of his behavior from a couple people in Corinth Bay: https://binxrps.tumblr.com/post/630553132533940224/wiscowrites-loganlcrmans-jayrpssometimes
psa ig
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a lil gift for @megansmoosings
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saphinc · 4 years
today's daily steph annoyance is charas not being allowed to have to have the same first names.
OH I KNOW. it kills me every time , especially when it’s a very common name?? and i really don’t vibe with the ‘it’s confusing’ thing because . just get to know the characters individually ??????
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osvaldrps-archived · 4 years
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
the portrayal is... horrible. russians are always associated with vodka, balalayka, bears, kbg agents (even tho kgb doesn’t exists since 1991), russian mafia and, thanks to 2017, russian hackers. if you see a bad guy in a hollywood movie or almost every american tv show, he’s most probably russian. i kinda understand why we’re always portrayed evil and just bad, because hey, cold war never actually ended, but it’s still disgusting. also... english speaking world, PLEASE, hire russian speaking people if you want to show any “““russian””” words on screen cause, you know, e.g. “мумия” is not a mommy it’s a fucking mummy and "головка пальца ноги” means “head of a toe” which is not a real thing and not a ship name for sure. so yeah, if a movie/tv show says anything about russians and russia, i’d suggest to not believe any of it.
the “hi, i’m not from the us” meme
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charlievveasley · 4 years
why is charlie ur fav weasley?
I don’t feel like I even have a coherent answer to this because it’s mostly what I’ve filled in the gaps with in my own brain (because tbh we deserved more charlie in the books!!) but the man works with dragons !! and was quidditch captain ! like, I can only assume he is Very Cool
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usaqitsukino · 4 years
ari u need 2 watch true blood NOW
no ✨
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haleyjames · 4 years
Funny how these abusers n racists n predators mental health matters so much and excuses the heinous shit they have done but the same does not apply to u and other people. they are poor lil innocent angels dealing with their issues while u are a bully destroying the rpc :( that anon has worms for brains. stop being a dumbass and using mental illness as a shield and as an excuse to be shitty. Read the fucking room, imbecile. there are many peeps venting abt their horrid experiences for a REASON
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merrittrps · 4 years
favorite favorite fcs
❗ - Merritt Patterson. I have to start with Merritt mostly because she’s my kween and I love her and I’ll always find reasons to use her ;-;  ❗ - Dewanda Wise. I’m using her face for the first time and it’s been delightful. She’s so talented and she has such a great range of expressions (10/10 recommend her being used more) ❗ - Charles Michael Davis. I never understood how someone so handsome and so great has never been used more since everyone was constantly crying over every single person in the cast of The Vampire Diaries/The Originals (actually we know why)
least favorite fcs
❗ - Nina Dobrev. I’ve used her at some point, ngl, but after awhile it was a big no-no. I think every single roleplay back in 2012 had a Nina even when it wasn’t a TVD rp. ❗ - L*li Reinhart . There’s never a good story behind this faceclaim in the rpc world, or the entire Riverdale cast (minus Camila - tho I do have a bad experience with someone using camila, I never held it against the fc). I’ll use Lili to say that KJ and that other one are also a HUGE no-no. ❗ - Bill Skarsgard. Also don’t see the appeal, he lowkey scares me tbh.
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zachnovak · 4 years
So I don’t normally log onto this account much so I haven’t seen any of the many messages and such I’ve been getting on recent posts concern some dumb drama. In a nut shell, some adults who act more like immature children from the Mean Girls universe love to make crap up and I was the current target as I.... was breathing? I dunno. Apparently I’m the anti christ or something and they haven’t gotten over that their attempts to cancel me and even cause me to commit acts of self harm with continued targeted harassment and involving me in drama I know nothing about have all failed. Frankly, it’s because I literally don’t give a shit. I come to tumblr to RP, make my posts, and then hop on my PS4, switch, class work, gym time whatever. I don’t care about drama or what’s going on in the RPC as I know it’s a shot show filled with drama and people trying gossip girl type ‘takedowns’ of others just for breathing in when they were suppose to breathe out.
Because of that crap I literally just sign on to in the RPs I’m in then close the tumble tab. I do not have a personal, I do not check out any tags other than for the face claims I use to get pics or gifs, and I go out of my way NOT to know anyone’s personal blogs or their aliases. If we talk on discord great, if not, great as well. I do occasionally make my own group and put my current one on hiatus as the recent drama turned me off but going to reopen it soon. I’ve just been part of a couple of groups since and currently. However, since some people are interested in my past here because of the nonsense, here we go.
I was on an RP called alegendreborn which was one of my first RPs on tumblr. It seemed great and welcoming. I picked one of their skeleton canons and was happy to be there. I got along with people but didn’t know how to reblog properly as I was new to tumblr and three way posts were extreme confusing. Apparently my inability to properly reblog them pissed off some of the members. Because of that I only really talked to one person in the RP who helped me learn how to reblog correctly. Also, my character had a pre-established connection to another as a ‘best friend’ so we had a couple of threads. However, I quickly noticed the min of that character could go 3 weeks to months without posting but pass all activity checks and would focus on bubble RPing with the same three muns. When this person ignored our thread for weeks I sent them three messages four days apart each that reminded them of the thread which I was told they’d post. On the last message I told this person I was ending our thread and requesting that staff change my characters group in an event they were running as they put our characters in the same group and I no longer trusted this person to post in a timely manner to me. I was quickly ‘invited to leave’ and had multiple members message me on Skype to basically tell me I was shit and an awful person for trying to get a reply I’d been waiting 2 months to get. So I left and never looked back.
I later joined an RP called warofthenewage-rpg which again seemed friendly but much more basic lore wise than the previous RP. I quickly noticed a character who was almost EXACTLY like a skeleton canon I had on an RP I made on a jcink forums RP two years before. I messaged the player of that character asking if he knew of my RP he said he did but before I could presue anything he instantly wanted to plot my character with his. I did message the main about it but was later told they ‘never got it’. We plotted our character as a couple as the chemistry they were displaying in our first few threads was very apparent and we loved posting together and could pop out paragraphs of posts minutes after the other just posted. Eventually, that min begun to became very controlling of how and what I was posting. If my character had a thought of his that wasn’t postive or lovey, he’d berate the hell out of me on Skype and threaten to end our plot. Apparently he had also been complaining the his friends in the RP and told them I posted ‘too many actions’ and that it made him feel forced to react in specific ways. That telephoned to other members and morphed into I was forcing him to do exactly what I told him to post and poweplaying/god modding him. Now I come from forum RPs and there to post A LOT and you progress the thread with each post. This is done so you’re not 30 posts in and you’re characters are still at the door that one of them knocked on in the very first post.
Eventually, most members begun to refuse to speak to me because of the complaining he did which they’d snowball into some out of this world epic drama. The staff even begun to be hostile, use the gossip blog to belittle my character, and would pretend not to receive my applications when I tried for additional characters or my wanted ads but use the info to create a very similar character or ‘update’ an existing one. Well, about 2 months of members ignoring me or belittling me followed, staff made it worse and the mun I had a plot with decided to when not telling me I suck and no one liked me, he’d say we still had our plot but then took my character out of the equation and made another character take his place. Naturally I was upset as I had been through months of harassment, belittling, and treated like crap by everyone in the RP because of this guy only to in the end be thrown away. I resolved to move my character on. I only spoke to him and two other people in the RP and one of them had a character that was insanely into my character. However, the guy I had the plot with was insanely sexually attracted to the face claim so when my character and this new one had threads, he tried to tell the RP and even the other mun that I was forcing them into posting and into smutting which was engaged by the other person in one of our threads. I was harassed by that guy for days until I dropped that plot and basically used a ‘reset’ option for my character. However, that pissed off the guy and I again was relentlessly attacked by him on Skype. After months of the members ignoring me for (to my knowledge, no reason as I never spoke with 98% of the RP) or insulting me and out right telling me to kill myself, an attempt was made and I was effectively gone for almost two months for recovery.
Almost a year later I came back and begun to remake my old jcink RP here on tumblr. It took me about 5 months to do and I dug up codes from codepen and codrops to use in the theme. I also copied the aesthetic from the jcink RP’s theme and brought it over. The RP was very popular and seen as one of the best designed and story driven ‘mutant’ type RPs around. However, an admin from another RP became very bitter at it and me. This admin ran an RPH and had their own RP in the same genre in the past. They were revamping it and noticed our RPs had a similar aesthetic, apparently monchromatic themes AKA a them that uses shades of white, grey, and black for most of its coloring was only allowed to be used by that admin. The admin attacked my RP and claimed I had stolen their theme and coding and even went so far as going into my coding and pasting selective bits of it. I was asleep when she made the original post and woke up to dozens of anon messages ranging from calling me a thief to demanding I kill myself. All my members were harassed in the same way and she had contacted all the RPHs I had asked for a shoutout or was on their spotlights of to ‘inform them’ and then openly attack them if they didn’t remove any mention of my RP and signal boost her post. She even went so far as to harass and threaten RPs I was on, that I was one, or that had a character that sounded anything like any of mine. I even had an affiliation thing started but many of those I had been added to messaged me that they were being harassed and I told them to pretend they didn’t know what was going on. I’d take the hit for them and spare them farther harassment and leave their RPs if they wanted as I was on most of them.
During this time I was recovering from everything I was being slammed with be anons and the RPs previously mentioned going off as well in some pity attempt to get revenge for... not being liked on their RPs three and two years previously? I also was collecting evidence that many of the codes this RPH claimed she made and in stole were in fact on codrops and codepen. A good amount I made myself but a large chunk were from these resource sites with some heavy edits so they’d work better on tumblr. I even had evidence that many of her own coding templates had codes directly from these sites and others with no credit given to them and her claiming she created all the coding on her own. I submitted it to many RPHs and many of them saw the error and how this person was very toxic in the community and was making more drama than helping it. Some ignored it outright as she was popular and I was just a nobody. It took 3 years to recover from it in terms of my reputation and I again shut down my RP for a bit as I had made another attempt on my own life as that person and her friends continued to harass me and attack me on their personal or RPH accounts.
The last bit of drama came when I joined an RP called Corinth Bay. At first there wasn’t any and I had long since adopted my, sign on just to post and then bounce method of being on an RP. I eventually got to know one member named Shane. @inthenamexofthemoon I think we became pretty good friends as we talked everyday for basically the whole day. We had plots, enjoyed posting, and just chatting. I noticed that RP was heavily cliquey and wasn’t aware that Shane was a part of the admin’s clique. This group had multiple issues with member complaining their characters were being ignored and people were bubble RPing with the same people over and over. I myself had to constantly ask people if they wanted to plot or just post and even the main had to post up announcement about ignoring starters to make closed ones and expanding who they post with. I also had questions on much of the lore of the RP as other than the origins of each supernatural species, the lore was very generic and vague. I asked around and got a lot of different opinions on what could or couldn’t be done by each species and just went with what was common among them all. Shane himself helped me a bit and I went with his suggestions which apparently were completely wrong as the staff had to talk to me on ‘breaking lore’.
After that, I expressed openly how I felt the staff didn’t like me and my concern that given how cliquey the place was, if the staff didn’t like me I’d probably be ‘exiled’ from the group as a whole AKA no one would post or talk to me. Which did happen with the exception of Shane. Others I had spoken to had long left and told me stories of the awfulness of some of the members and staff. So I begun working on an RP of the same genre that I had half finished years before. Shane was kept in the loop every step of the way and pinned and loved all the lore I showed him which I did to ensure it was both in-depth and easy to follow but also wasn’t ‘bad’ IE, offensive if certain things are mentioned. He loved it and ensured me it was great and pinned everything I showed him so he’d reference it when making his characters. Eventually I worked on it so much that I kept only the bare minimum activity requirements for Corinth Bay but obeyed the rules of activity to the letter. However, the staff ultimately removed me despite even admitting that they knew I still had a couple of days before failing the activity check and had actually ‘not counted’ a couple of posts I made for an event going on as I should have replied to starters for it first but it wasn’t a requirement. Also they used a blog to post up starters as many RPs like to do now only they were also slow to reblog them and never used the starter tags so they’d get buried quickly on the dash with everyone posting picture posts and what not.
Ultimately I gave up on that RP, didn’t need the toxic environment and finished mine. Shane got very quiet though and didn’t reply to my discord messages for a couple of days. When he did he suddenly got a bit hostile and everything in my RP WAS ‘problematic’ and because of that he wouldn’t be joining. I had no idea what he meant as before he said it was perfect and awesome so I asked what he meant specifically. Eveutally he told me a little of what he meant. Apparently there was racism as In the witch’s page mentioning that voodoo and other cultural magical/practices was a form of magic some witches practiced was both racist and cultural appropriation. Although voodoo was indeed a magical/belief practice used as a magical practice I decided to just remove its mention in the end. He also didn’t like that in the lore, there were female characters that were ‘bad’ and that was sexist. This I choose not to change as it’s sexist to say women can’t be villains and felt as just an excuse. Especially since my lore included many powerful women, men, and gender less entities that were villains, heroes, and neutral parties.
Eventually after opening, I decided to message the people I had previous posted with telling them the RP was ready and I’d love for them to check it out. Those from Corinth Bay I messaged were either aware I was making one and wanted to see it or were people Shane and I hinted to it being made and they had at least a slight interest in it. Admittedly, I also messaged blogs that came on the ‘recommended blogs’ part of the dash. Only those that were inactive according to the last few IC posts that were showing in their blogs. I know this gets a mixed reaction from some as some view it as a horrible thing even if the blogs are inactive but many MANY people also appriecate it and the fact that someone read their blog and was very impressed with their writing ability and character. I myself receive many of these messages on my retired blogs and don’t see an issue with it myself. Even if I did I’d just block the blog that sent it and never think of them again like a normal person.
One of the members I DIDN’T even know who they were apparently didn’t like this and decided to make drama over it. To this day I don’t know who this person even is or was when I was on that RP and still don’t as everyone drops and makes new characters when bored on there. Shane went fully 180 on me and turned vile and petty which is clearly to save face with the people on that RP. He knows me from all our talks and that the bullshit he spreads is itself false but still was a bit of a pity bitch for a while. Apparently the friend @stephwuzhere @loganlcrmans of the admin that tried to cancel me also wanted to rehash that old drama but was quickly shut down. I had no idea who this person even was at first as again, I don’t follow any tags and go out of my way to avoid personal blogs and ones like RPH, RPT, and whatever unless just asking for a quick shoutout to my RP. I had no idea that this person was also very toxic and involved in targeted harassment, grooming, and identity theft of various people in the RPC just because she didn’t like them at the moment.
I have decided to stay away from this shit storm despite some of these people still trying to drag me into it even though I literally haven’t thought about them for months and barely even remember they exist. I’ll be reopening my RP soon and hope that these people who live their privlenged lives will eventually get over themselves and do some growing up. I say their are privileged because you must be if you can harp on drama for months and keep dragging someone you have no connection or knowledge of. The rest of us, adults, have things like work, bills, school, friends, and trying to destress from watching our bank account get more and more empty to care about pity immature online drama. Especially when it’s bullshit like ‘he dared to remind me he exists’. Please, grow up and do better people. There is life outside of the internet and when you get too old to be in the RPC which is apparently a thing now, you’ll see just how stupid you were to make so much drama for no reason other than being pity, stupid, immature, brats.
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tashawrite · 4 years
Favorite FCs
❗ - Aja Naomi King! queen!! she needs to be used more!!! she deserves a 1,000+ gifs from HTGAWM just like how Karla does. there’s a new movie w her in it coming out and im excited! um, i haven’t seen her in rps :( i have one chara with her fc that i have not been able to use yet D: contemplating gifing her in HTGAWM. 
❗ - Cierra Ramirez! i have the biggest crush on her ;n; she was my go to fc for anything new ( i am doing that with ryan now slkdjgaldkg ) I have a few charas with her as the fc. I haven’t seen her used in the rps i have been in? doing q like these make me realize i wasn’t in that many rps as i thought i was in LKSDGALGKJ 
❗ - Paige Hurd! i want to use her so bad :/ she doesn’t have that many resources but i did download the oval to gif her in! she’s so cute i wish she was used more and i wish she was in more movies / show 
Least favorite FCs
❗ - Saoirse Ronan! she’s just bland? another white girl with blond hair and blue eyes. I don’t get the hype around her. 
❗ - Sebastian Stan! i did have a bad encounter with a mun who used sebastian stan, so they ruined him for me. but also the whole thing about his gf doing something offensive on social media and he and the gf blocked people that were calling her out on it LDKSAJLSKGDJ 
❗ - Jeffrey Dean Morgan! mr blue lives matter himself! theres the time he said people are stupid bc of the complaints that came in about the ‘walking dead’ shirt being pulled from stores because of the racism behind it. that time he went on rant about he didn’t want to teach his white kids about race/racism bc they’re too young :/ like nah bro don’t mess with him. don’t care for his ideologies. 
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gomezisabellas · 4 years
okay so another one of my least favorite fcs is cole sprouse. i literally cannot stand the man. i watched riverdale ( yuck ) and i literally could not stand his character. and he’s not even acting in it ? the character he plays is a grumpy and pretentious asshole so like it’s not much of a stretch for cold sprouts is it. 
another least favorite fc is kind of for a weird reason but i was in this skeleton mystery rp where the blog revealing all of the secrets had a kiernan shipka fc and ever since then she just gives me anxiety. like it’s nothing that the fc herself did but seeing her lowkey activates my flight or fight response. 
i guess another one of my least favorite fcs would have to be the members of bts. i know a lot of people love them and i don’t mind playing against them in groups but i’m very selective playing against them on my indie. mostly because their history of cultural appropriation, antiblackness, and antisemitism just always leaves a sour taste in my mouth. and i also find their stans to be a little bit much sometimes.
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herorps · 4 years
idk if it is an xkit tweak but u might wanna check xkit just incase u got something enabled that hide the source thingy on posts!
i logged onto a different browser that has xkit and all the same xkit settings (i used xcloud to make sure the settings were the same on both) and it’s still an issue on this main browser. i also went thru all my xkit stuff and checked and unchecked it just to make sure... i think it’s just ... an old extension i have installed somewhere that’s buggy. but yeah, ... strange. :/ 
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i havent watched cursed and idk if i will but i am curious. whomst is the genocidal weirdo white boy u mentioned in ur tags? is daniel sharman's chara that i keep seeing everywhere? 👀
Don’t get me wrong I loved the show but the fandom better not come anywhere near me if it’s like this after TWO DAYS kadfkjfaddfj
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saphinc · 4 years
also!!! it is important to not normalize referring to minors as old souls or telling them that they are mature and/or more mature than actual adults because that is a phrase predators use to groom kids! srsly, enjoy being a kid! start a movement where u guys make qt teens only rps with teen fcs! create safe spaces instead of trying to interact with adults bc while some might be decent peeps, others will not think twice before they take advantage of a kid desperate to be given the chance to write
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