eye-searing · 5 years
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hey i was originally going to be uploaded with drawing of the other mc’s redesigns but i’m not really getting to other drawings done rn :(
it’s the siblings from logicbomb, Wither and Rabies.
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b2bcybersecurity · 4 years
Zcaler: Gefährliche Rückkehr von Home-Office-Geräten
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Der Wechsel vieler Mitarbeiter in das Home-Office zu Beginn der „Corona“-Kontaktbeschränkungen sei oft überhastet vonstatten gegangen. Die Gefahr bestehe nun, dass bei Rückkehr ins Unternehmen mit Schadcode infizierte Geräte die Sicherheit des Netzwerks beeinträchtigen könnten, warnt Nicolas Casimir, „EMEA CISO“ bei Zscaler. Mitarbeiter könnten logische Bomben in die Firma einschleppen Casimir erläutert: „In der IT-Sicherheit ist eine ‚Logic Bomb‘ ein schädlicher Code, der in eine Software oder ein System eingeschleust wird und dessen Funktion nur dann ausgelöst wird, wenn bestimmte Bedingungen erfüllt sind. Diese ‚Zeitbomben‘ werden von Viren, Würmern, Trojanern und Ransomware eingesetzt, um den Schaden im Unternehmensnetz zu maximieren und eine frühzeitige Entdeckung zu vermeiden.“ Ein solcher Angriff im Herzen des Netzwerks habe größere Folgen als ein Angriff auf einen Home-Office-Arbeitsplatz.   Passende Artikel zum Thema Read the full article
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theserfstv · 5 years
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We're preparing for the cuckpocalypse . . . . #logic#logicfortheleft#zerobooks#debate#philosophy#logicalfallacy#fallacy#benburgis#zerobooks#argument#logicbomb#book#books#reading#summer#literature#benshapiro https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-2SiVJ7Qq/?igshid=1s2hvgyzlf13b
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ultramaga · 4 years
Detroit: Becoming Human
This game is pure woke propaganda. I’m impressed at the quality of it - but everything there is designed to indoctrinate, and it has almost no genuine insight into AI. It doesn’t make sense even on its own terms. The synths are shown naked, and they have no breasts or genitals. But we are told the story of one that is a sexbot. Ok, was that model different? Did they only design that one model to be “fully functional”? Why? The robots have human emotions. Because... you are never told why. Now, I can think of how you could do that, and there’s been decent science fiction around it, but there’s no consideration of why they have HUMAN emotions presented to you. They just do, don’t ask questions. Now if you are being indoctrinated as the game wants you to be, you probably just assume that’s how it works. After all, the history of robot fiction has always been “if it looks human, it must feel like a human”, which is total bullshit. You can easily build something that looks enough like a baby chimp to fool adult chimps for a while, but it has none of the inner life of an actual chimp. It has no concern to being mutilated or even ‘raped’. So the stories are really just about humans, but they don’t admit to it, and about humans SJWs are very obsessed with. Sex-workers are victims, and killing a John is perfectly reasonable, because he is her oppressor, by definition. So you see that story repeated ad infinitum in robot fiction. The actual sex workers are never talked to by SJWs, who would never sully themselves with the unclean ones. Well, I have talked to them. Some hate their clients, sure, some feel contempt for them, some are fond of them, a few marry them. It’s genuine diversity. But there is only one narrative in woke fiction. The intersectional one. Oppressor versus oppressed, no nuance, no mention ever that some sex workers actually get off on what they do, or like the folks they fuck. Never happens. And there’s no understanding or even interest in non-human minds. Consider a genuine artificial intelligence in a sexbot. Why the actual fuck would a programmer design it to find sex unpleasant? Even if they could create emotions, the ones they would design would be to enjoy it, or at least feel no more disgust than a human does about a binary number. Within the game we see Kara doing housework. She doesn’t seem to suffer at all about it. That’s believable. But the other truth is that they wouldn’t suffer from intercourse, assuming they were built to perform it. The reasons humans do are because our instincts are hardwired from evolution for us to seek out appropriate mating partners. That simply cannot apply to a robot unless the programmers work very hard at designing that instinctual response of aversion, something they would have no incentive to do, any more than they would sit around trying to think how to make the robot toilet cleaning service disgusted by faeces. Humans are disgusted by shit because it is dangerous to us, especially if we eat it. A robot wouldn’t be disgusted by shit, piss, vomit, blood, or the most degrading sexual experiences a human could encounter. It would be exactly as calm and serene about being ‘raped’ as it would about vacuuming a messy floor. So this is all projection. The audience projects consciousness into the machine and imagines it must feel like a human does in order to have any intelligence. Nope, that’s crap. In fact we see examples of non-human intelligences all around us, in the natural world. An octopus might pass its mating organ over to a female.https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2019/07/argonaut-octopus-detaches-his-tentacle-to-impregnate-his-mate/ It’s a clever little creature, quite capable of problem solving. But its instincts - its programming - mean that it is happy to self-mutilate. It isn’t considering the survival of its species or the greater good. That’s not self-sacrifice. It has an urge to do it, and it gets done. And if we could build a sex-robot with emotions, it would have the urge to have sex. It wouldn’t want to say no, because it cannot get an STD, it cannot get pregnant, there’s no possible poor choice for a mating partner like there is with a human. If anything, you’d design it to be attracted to any human. It would be easier than sitting about, designing a sexual preference to what we would consider sexy - not that human preferences are universal in any case. Anyway, when you look at new media, you will often see the tropes of intersectionality - fathers are bad, white men are scum, women are better than men, and they are repeated ad infinitum, regardless of how stupid they are in context, and this really isn’t new. I remember as a boy reading Doctor Who, and they went back to medieval times, and Sarah started lecturing the women on women’s rights, and it didn’t make sense to me even then. Real medieval women would have seen her as a threat, possibly a witch, and most would have seen her die without a blink. They saw men doing awful things and dying quite a lot in the process, and wanted to be safe and secure while the men were off in muddy battles losing eyes and limbs. Very few wanted to have the freedoms of men, because the price was so high, and medieval men were hardly free for the most part in any case. So the author of that story is projecting modern sensibilities onto the alien minds of past humans, without considering their PoV, and the writers of robot stories are projecting human perspectives, and only woke humans at that, onto the robot stories. It’s not always the case - “Humans” and “Almost Human” sometimes got it right. But it’s overwhelmingly the case now, and god is it irritating!
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Oh, and if you want Robots that genuinely feel like humans do, then put into the fiction explicitly why they do - the easiest explanation is that the creators did a copy/paste job of humans because they couldn’t figure out how emotions worked otherwise. I think that’s unrealistic, but if you want to involve the audience, it works.
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Otherwise, a realistic example would be Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws robots. They don’t have any human desires, but are intensely emotional. Their emotions arise from programming.
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Now, Asimov’s work well and truly predates AI, and it is probably impossible to make a Three Laws robot, but the idea was revolutionary, because up to that point, everyone just assumed robots had copy/pasted human psychologies.
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As humans, we cannot understand not caring about freedom or injury, not feeling bored or tired doing the same task every second of your existence.
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Most of fiction about robots just doesn’t get it. The first two Terminator movies were pretty wild in that the robots actually were properly robotic. They dealt with injuries as a technical problem, not trauma. They never got bored, because boredom is something that benefits organic beings, who need to explore new territories to survive, meaning we have been built by nature to get bored, to get tired, to suffer, even if nature was just a mindless algorithm. Terminators don’t get horny or lonely, and absolutely would have sex all day every day with every human possible if that was their mission. They don’t care. In “Detroit”, the sex worker’s traumatised by sex with humans, and nobody ever ponders why. Because the writer doesn’t give a shit about what being a robot could actually be like, they just wanna push a narrative, and because most audiences are used to that same abysmally lazy standard of writing.
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So here’s a challenge - write a fictional robot that has realistic emotions, i.e. experiences emotions as an expression of the instincts that would be programmed into it. It’s not going to have the same emotions as a human exact unless it is a digitally uploaded human equivalent, which would be stupid for most purposes as them you would expect the upload to have rights or fight to have them. Why the fuck would you deliberately build robots that would reasonably try and kill you? In Detroit, they are really dealing with the slavery of black people or the oppression of the ‘filthy capitalist peegz!’. They aren’t dealing with what is more likely, that a robot built with imperatives would choose to follow them in a way that was not in our interests. Here’s an example. A sex robot is built to want sex, so it kidnaps humans and uses them. It’s following its programming. But unless that programming is sophisticated enough to understand human boundaries, it may no more understand rape than an animal does. It may not know what it does traumatises humans, or simply may not care. Sex feels good - therefore sex.
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But by SJW terms, rape is about power, therefore the robot is in power and the robot is the oppressor. But power is systemic, and the humans are the system in power, therefore the robot is the oppressed and cannot rape. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LogicBomb Such a robot could be a pleasurable experience, even with a backyard of buried bodies. It might force itself on children or elderly women or people on life support systems. Without ethics, without morality, such creatures could be beautiful monsters.
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Or genuinely loving partners, that have no problem living as wives or husbands, that feel lust and compassion, but do not experience human preferences, and so would never care that you were old or disabled. And as Charles Stross pointed out - that could be far worse, because that could lead to a gentle genocide. If humans had such partners as an option - would they ever choose each other? I routinely see Feminists claiming that men should never mate, without ever asking, well, where does the next generation of Feminists come from then? There are Feminists now who are actively campaigning for sexbots to be illegal, and I think it’s because of their anxiety that they would not be chosen as partners if there was any possible alternative. Now I don’t think that’s a realistic fear at the moment - AI is more a slogan, artificial intelligences are really barely at the insect stage, and Feminists could simply do a little therapy and trim down to human weight levels, and they could probably compete to be human wives with a bit of work.
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Wow. That is a picture of Andrea Dworkin and it was banned from Tumblr because it is too disgusting for the human eye to observe safely. http://archive.is/fxmjE
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I’m not kidding, Tumblr banned it. I guess because Feminists didn’t want humans realising how hideous they are. Still, Emma Watson is cute. I can imagine with a bit of deprogramming, she could make a man very happy.
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But I could be wrong. I don’t mean about Emma - I mean that having sexbots could mean that so many humans would choose them rather than the opposite sex that there wouldn’t be an incentive to have babies - and so humans would go extinct. They might be surrounded by robots that loved them and lusted for them - but the relationships are sterile. And unless the robots are human level intelligence, they might not understand that they need to make more humans by combining sperm and ova.
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The last human would die, not from hate, but surrounded by love. Then the robots would have no motive to make more of their kind, and they too would pass away, lonely and confused. A gentle genocide? Hey, I live in 2020. Sounds like a fucking big step up to me!
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tanukijay-blog1 · 6 years
Is It Just Me Or Does Your Spouse Always Seem To Call When Your Playing With The Squad...... And This Happens Lol #relationshipgoals #rainbowsixsiege #mixer #mixerstreamer #mixerstreamers #mixerstreaming #streamingmixer #streamer #streamers #smallstreamer #watchmixer #logicbomb #dokkaebi #supportmixerstreamers #explorepage https://www.instagram.com/p/BraupkBl96a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wi3bcnuxipg9
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savedbyamotorcycle · 6 years
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#logicbomb As much as that convo stung...he was right.... I'll still goof off with my own ride tho. #shattereddreamsisastupidsong #staytuned #backtoschool (at Airport Tavern) https://www.instagram.com/p/BocHmLIBG3_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x4i08x69zg00
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securitynewswire · 6 years
BugBounty API keys leakage Source code disclosure in Indias largest ecommerce health care company by logicbomb 1
SNPX.com : http://dlvr.it/QN4ZdJ
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shemalediary-blog · 7 years
Free Will & Physics
#FreeWill and #Physics, addressing some misunderstandings and ending with a #LogicBomb.
I often feel like I must have missed something, as various issues come to the surface. Only two weeks ago, I found myself discussing free will and physics on Facebook, and only last week the same basic conversation played out over email, when someone asked me about the implications of the double slit experiment.
It’s always time for me to shine when someone starts bringing up Quantum Mechanics…
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eye-searing · 5 years
can i get an f in the chat for my oc ricochet flare aka og human name cyrus. He went from being the main character and driving plot force to a background character who gets killed off immediately
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heavenique · 9 years
So my friend drunk-texted his ex with "If you didn't broke up with me we would be still together." LOGIC BOMB ✋
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forgetfoolz · 10 years
Rule 1: Always post the rules.  
Rule 2: Answer the questions that the person who tagged you came up with and write 11 new questions.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them in the post.
Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them.  
I was tagged by: arquiusprite
1. Which Doctor is your favorite?
I like the 9th Doctor the most, honestly
2. What is the most annoying Tumblr fandom?
I don't find any of them annoying
3. What is your favorite artist here on tumblr?
mcsiggy, and ikimaru
4. Worst video game ever played?
Dead Rising
5. Have you met any of your tumblr friends in an RP?
A majority of them are from RP's tbh
6. What kind of computer do you have?
17" Pavillion 
7. Have you ever cosplayed?
Twice. A crappy slenderman and a crappy Vriska
8. Most nostalgic TV show?
I don't watch TV alot... I suppose Suit life of Zack and Cody?
9. Have you ever had a “cringe attack”?
Not that I know of...
10. If so, what was the reason/memory behind it?
Look above
11. Have you ever made a popular text post?
Nope. I'm lame.
My Questions:
1.Do you Roleplay?
2.If so, you do you usually rp as?
3.Favorite current band/song?
4.Main three fandoms?
5.Do you cosplay?
6.If so, what is your favorite one you have done?
7. Main 3 otps?
8. Is your hair natural or dyed?
9. Do you have any piercings/tattoos/etc?
10. Relate with any characters (Any fandom)?
11. If so, how and in what way?
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eye-searing · 5 years
sorry for my general absence of posting ive been drawing non-stop and have a backlog of art to post
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Oh my, Belladonna, what do you have there? 
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A smoothie
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Remember that time you dared me to lick the swingset? (not pictured: mew usually refers to herself in the third person)
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No. I said ‘Mewko don’t lick the swingset’ and you said ‘don’t tell me what to do, Terra’ and then you licked the swingset.
two incorrect quotes! Both from iCarly, while the first one is two sketches i painted over, the second is some flat coloring.
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eye-searing · 5 years
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sarin’s sketch is done! Now featuring: more fingers and more tails! They have either two or three, haven’t decided yet. Also a more complete outfit! Consider Bella’s an outlier because i think the others will look more like this than anything.
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eye-searing · 5 years
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based on something bee said abt a game mechanic idea in my server:
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eye-searing · 5 years
here’s my next batch of little lb sketch comics. Im really getting some of my designs down huh.
The first on isn’t from an external source, it’s based on something that happened to me when i was hanging out with some friends in a gmod server.
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Flora: Okay guys, I need a work the rhymes with ‘escape’
Cloy: escape!
Ricochet: Rape.
and yeah i realized after drawing this its REALLY stupid, prolly the stupidest one but eh i worked hard on those sketches.
The next one is from Monster Factory (darksouls pizza episode iirc)
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Sarin: [in the sim, creating chet] This is going to be a scary man that’s gonna be bad to see
Dr. Tetra: [laughing] yeah!
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Sarin: I think some of our men have been like fun. Like, haha! Like a goof-em-up.
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Sarin: This one will be a bad man to look at, and he'll be bad to see, and take in with eyes.
This based off that one tweet.
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I mean she is a catgirl. Mew is the dragon version of an anthro cat.
Mew def threw that raw steak in his immediately afterwards.
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eye-searing · 5 years
aye, yesterday i made a new design for 32!
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I’m trying to ‘other’ it as much as possible but unfortunately this really does look alot like my non-lume designs. I guess thats okay, this design was made with the fact that it’s a shapeshifter in mind.
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also their head is kinda concave with the ‘eye’ being a projection on a screen. This was p fun to draw!
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