devilzfruit · 1 month
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fading summer skies
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rainboneish · 7 months
the most unrealistic thing about one piece fights aren’t the magic powers (by devil fruit or otherwise) or anime physics & physiology of all the characters… the most unrealistic thing about combat in one piece is the fact that Nami’s Log Pose isn’t breaking in every fight, considering a literal breeze shattered the first one they found
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searchcure · 1 year
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it was true that she didn't really know how to interact.... but , she would try. There was a huge breath of fresh air that there was at least some indication of a library when she'd arrived on the island. ( because the last one didn't have anything and for her , who traveled for DAYS , it was a frustrating thing to come face to face with. )
Genuine curiosity gets the better of her , mingling with strangers was something she was trying her best to get better with.
" what... are you reading? " she asks , arms full of a stack already.
@logposed ( for robin! )
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I kinda wanna write a light & fun #fortunecookieAU of zosan. Heavily inspired by that Rick & Morty Fortune Cookie episode 😂
It could be like they arrived on an island that is very mysterious (in a way just like sabaody bc you cannot find it through any logpose) and the people talk about their famous fortune cookies.
There was also a festival that's happening so they decided to stay and enjoy themselves.
The crew decided to eat on the island for lunch and they're given fortune cookies and everyone got basic fortunes until Zoro's, who got a
"You'll have sex with the person who has curly eyebrows" which shocks everyone in the room. They laughed about it and Sanji being Sanji screaming crying and murderous. He was so pissed but also superstitious. Zoro after the initial shock and annoyance just shrugged it off and guaranteed Sanji it won't happen (since he won't force Sanji to do anything he doesn't want to). But Sanji doesn't listen. He believes it will happen and has been walking on thin ice since then.
But it seems Sanji could be right since after lunch a series of unfortunate (fortunate) events led to so many uncompromising situations.... like one of them being...
(Somehow) They both got the long end of the stick and had to watch the ship together and Zoro was training half naked as always but when Sanji brought his snack he suddenly slipped and somehow someway Zoro's on the floor laying while Sanji's on top of him sitting exactly where his ass was meeting Zoro's hardening crotch and one hand holding the empty tray and the other on Zoro's juicy pecs.
Sanji had never seen Zoro so red before and he had never stood up and ran so fast to the galley in his life before.
There's also that time they accidentally met behind the festival stalls because Sanji was smoking and Zoro's lost again and Sanji was so scared to be in the same space as Zoro that he panicked and his yukata was caught on a branch and Zoro wanted to warn the cook but before he could open his mouth Sanji already stumbled and his ass was on the ground cushioning his fall with his elbow propped and amidst of it Sanji was so surprised he grabbed whatever was near him which was Zoro's robe and Zoro fell with him and conveniently on top of him. Zoro almost froze at the spot. Sanji's yukata was open and deliciously cascading on his propped elbow making his whole torso exposed for Zoro's eye to feast while other hand still clutching on Zoro's robe. And the position they fell into had Zoro right in between Sanji's open legs. Barely any spaces for their crotch to meet. The position had made Zoro weak he had to slam his arms beside Sanji's head for support putting Sanji in a kabedon. The action startled Sanji as he looked up to see Zoro's wild steel grey eye. It was too much to bear he could only look down and away only then realizing the position that they're into.
There's also that one time they didn't know the other was behind and they turned exactly at the same time that their faces were so close they could almost kiss. Or that one time Zoro didn't know Sanji was still in the bathroom and changing. He just finished training and he's all sweaty and wanted to take a bath and when he opened the door he was greeted with Sanji who was full naked with his back to the door, bending and ass out as Sanji was picking up his tie that fell.
Sanji doesn't know how long he can handle it (since he might have a little bit of a crush on said mosshead) and the situation has left Zoro so pissed (bc everything seems to be out of his control) and confused (bc the cook is so irresistible he can't keep his hands to himself any longer).
This really looks like a fun au. And I might try to do it and finish it before my semester starts!!! pray for me and my brain 😭😂🩵
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normansnt · 1 year
The tailor (sanji x male tailor! Reader)
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Warnings: the reader cuts himself with scissors. I don't know if thats a warning but yeah.
The strawhats docked at another island for the logpose to reset. As usual everyone went their way. And Sanji obviously went with Robin and Nami clothe shopping to carry their bags.
They were walking around town when they spotted a shop standing alone. It wasn't too big nor small. The first thing that someone felt when they saw it was calmness. It was a cozy little store. First Nami wanted to ignore it due to its simple looks. But Robin felt like the little shop had great things to offer.
"I find it rather adorable, I wouldn't mind going in" said Robin in a calm voice.
"Well all right we have time after all" gave in Nami looking at the log pose. Sanji didn't say anything but he had a little cheer in his mind that the girls decided to go in.
It was a small shop with unique and beautiful clothes put on display. The closer they got the clearer they could see how amazing the clothes put on display in the shop window were.
When they stepped into the shop the little bell over the door gave a light "ting" sound letting whoever was in there know that they had entered. The smell of lavender greeted them. The shop was only slightly bigger on the inside then it looked from outside, but it was not too small as though not having enough space.
Two clothing racks stood in the middle and if you walked to the other side of the store three mirrors greeted you with a small stage in front and a table besides them. The walls, which had clothes hanging on racks neatly organized, had a comforting light blue color. There was also a staircase leading to a door, a closed door so they had no idea what was behind it.
"Aughh damn it" came from behind the closed door.
"I will be down in a minute" yelled a mans voice.
Nami and Robin started looking around while waiting for whoever it was behind that door to come down, Sanji kept analyzing the place. All though he had to lie if he said that the clothed there didn't catch even his attention.
They seem to have been made with utmost care due to every stitch being very clean and the pieces of fabric complimented each other well very well.
The door opened suddenly and a man not much younger then Sanji stepped out. He had a big smile on his face and glasses on his nose which were held together by duct tape.
The man had h/c h/l hair and e/c eyes. These looked lovely with his s/c skin. He was a handsome man by the looks of it and based on his outfit he knew his way around clothing as well. He was wearing a white button up shirt with brown suit pants which had red squares detailed on it, around his neck was a tape measure and on his middle finger a thimble showing that he in fact made these clothes with his own hands. To top it off on his feet were black loafers, he looked very sheik.
"Oh hello" greeted Robin politely "are you alright we heard cursing before?" Asked the raven haired women kindly.
"Oh, I apologize for that, I was just cutting some fabric and the bell startled me so I cut into my finger a bit" smiled the man sheepishly while holding up his index finger which was bandaged all the way.
"Must have been a deep cut" muttered Sanji.
"Anyway I apologize again, what can I help you with ladies and gentleman?" Said the man while flashing a big smile. 'Adorable' thought Sanji, his smile had a child like innocence to it and the glint in his e/c eyes made it all the more sweeter- what? Since when did Sanji think like this about a man? He admits when a man is handsome, of course, but he never went into detail describing his attraction towards one- attraction? What is going on today?
"And for you sir?" Asked the man who he still didn't know the name of because he wasn't paying attention to the conversation he was having with the girls, who, disappeared,now realized Sanji. The man must have noticed his confusion so he said hastily
"The ladies went to try one some pieces" said the clothing shop owner while pointing at a door beside the three mirrors on the opposite side to the little table.
"And my previous question was if you are looking for any clothing?" Said the man smiling kindly. Sanji didn't want to be rude he wanted to get the handsome mans name at least.
"Please excuse me but I seem to have zoned out previously, do you mind telling me your name?" Asked Sanji red in the face.
"Oh no problem, of course, my name is Y/N L/N it is a pleasure to meet you" smiled Y/N while putting his hand out for Sanji to shake. He did just that while introducing himself as well.
"So are you looking for any clothing? I can tell by what you are wearing that you know a thing or too about fashion" he flashed his handsome smile again.
It was true Sanji did put a bit more care into what he was wearing than oder man but compared to Y/N he probably couldn't tell the difference between velvet and chiffon.
"Oh no, thank you, Im just here to carry the ladies shopping bags and assist them any way they need" smiled back Sanji. All though he liked the clothes in this shop, he didn't want to waste money, not to mention it was hard to find something that fit him because of his build, he was skinny but very muscular at the same time.
"Are you sure? I can tailor something for you as well" said the man hopefully.
Sanji saw the glint in his eyes, it looked similar to when he was about to cook a new meal or try a new recipe. Passion, passion for ones work. Sanji liked that about Y/N he seemed very eager to work, just like him. Also the thought of having his own tailored suit sounded lovely for Sanji. Finally something that fits perfectly.
"I actually think that's a really good idea Sanji you have been wearing the same suit for forever" Said Nami suddenly standing beside Sanji. She walked out of the fitting room with the clothes she wants to buy in her hand just a minute ago. Sanji didn't notice her walking out. But how could that happen? Sanji not noticing Nami? Its true he was focusing on Y/N but not this hard! Right?
"Yes, getting a new suit might actually be useful but I don't want to waste money that could be spent on food Nami-san" said Sanji.
"Its not a waste of money its clothes, we have enough money for food, its just one suit it cant even be that much money" said Nami looking at Y/N hopefully.
"Oh no its 50 berry" Said Y/N hoping they are ok with that price. Nami's eyes turned into berry icons showing how happy she is that she will be saving this much money.
Y/Ns clothes had amazing quality and were cheap as well. This showed how kind the male was he never thought much of money. He just sold his clothes to make people happy and of course he needed to eat something.
"Very well," gave in Sanji "I would love to have you tailor me suit" finished Sanji smiling at Y/N.
"All right we will leave you to it then" said Robin also coming out of the fitting rooms. And with that the girls paid for the clothes they wanted and left. Weirdly enough, Sanji didn't mind this, of course it would be amazing to spend more time with the lovely ladies of the strawhat crew but staying alone with Y/N was an idea he didn't oppose of.
While Y/N was taking his measurements Sanji could feel his hands touching his body slightly. Y/Ns feather light touch left goosebumps on Sanjis skin for some reason even though it was only through fabric.
Naw, Sanji was no fool. He has noticed in the past that Ladies are not the only ones who capture his attention, he wanted to sleep with man as well in fact.
However what Y/N was doing to him was completely new. The man made Sanji flustered and now he understood those butterflies in the stomach everyone was talking about. They had just met but Sanji was smitten. Even more so when they started talking, while Y/N was making his suit.
"Yeah, I love cooking Im not really good at it though" said Y/N a little red in the face. "The last time I tried to make breakfast I left the omelette on the stove because I got distracted and well lats just say I had to get a new kitchen." Smiled the e/c eyed male sheepishly. Sanji loved when he smiled like that it was rather adorable.
"I can teach you if you like" said Sanji perhaps a little fast. Y/N stopped his movements and looked at Sanji with a slightly red face and a small smile
"You would do that? Thats so kind but you guys will only be on this island for so long Im afraid we don't have time, I mean pirates have to move right?"
The interesting thing about this sentence is that Sanji never mentioned that they were pirates. That means Y/N must have known the entire time. And yet... and yet he was this nice to them showing nothing but kindness. Thats it, he had to have you, at least on the crew.
"Well... we don't have a tailor on our ship yet..." started Sanji hopefully. At this point he didn't care if you couldn't fight he would protect you, he didn't care he has to clear things with Luffy he will threaten to not give him food for a week.
"Oh, Im sorry, I would not be a good pirate, I hate fighting..."
"You don't have to I'll protect you" Y/N smirked a little bit. "I didn't say I couldn't protect myself I just said I hate fighting, lets just say me and fighting have a...problematic past." Y/N was searching for the right words. "You see if I were to be a pirate they would find me and well I do not fancy that" smiled Y/N embarrassed hoping Sanji wouldn't question him further.
"They? Who is they is someone after you?" Sanji was shocked. You, an innocent angel, had a past with fighting? Not to mention someone was after you?
Y/N was contemplating what to do. On one hand he trusted Sanji even though they had just met he took a liking to the blond. But he is risking a great deal if he finds out about his past.
Oh what the hell he has been in hiding till now even if Sanji decides to hold this against him he can just flee.
"Sanji have you heard about Ciper pol?" What? Yes he had he fought them not long ago...where is this going?
"More specifically Cp9?" Oh no, what is Y/N about to say?
"I was part of them" there it is, exactly what Sanji feared. "Im not anymore, I fled, they raised me to be a monster who knows nothing outside of fighting, but thats not me, I hate fighting, I decided to flee not long after an old lady showed me how to sow" a sad smile spread on Y/Ns face. "She thought me in thanks for not killing her family, I was supposed to kill them. Thats why after I stayed with them for a long time and she thought me how to make clothes I ran away and lived in hiding since then"
There it was, out in the open. Now Sanji can run away, make a disgusted face, curse him. These are the reactions he got before this.
But instead Sanji took out a cigarette and lit it up. He took a drag and then said
"My crew just fought Cp9 not long ago" Y/Ns eyes widened 'and they are still alive??' "In fact we declared a war against the government, then won the fight against them." Sanji looked at Y/N who's expression showed absolute shock.
"Listen it doesn't matter how your story begins you had no say in that, your decision afterwards matter. And you fled, you ran away from that horrible life and that was your decision and that shows the person you really are--" before Sanji could finish his sentence Y/N was clinging to him, hugging him with almost unbearable strength, almost. "Thank you..." whispered the slightly shorter male.
He meant thank you for them defeating his past comrades, Sanji knew that. He hugged back. It was a very comfortable hug, Y/N smelled like clean clothes and lavender, just like his shop.
After hugging for a good two minutes Y/N pulled away.
"I'm sorry its just... they deserved it" chuckled Y/N slightly "they needed an ass whopping to get them in the right mind just a little" continued Y/N while taking the cigarette from Sanjis hands and taking a drag. "Fuck I needed that".
Sanji got tomato read. The way Y/N inhaled the deadly chemical and then tilted his had back to blow it out. His adams apple visible and his neck exposed.
"Anyway where is this pirate crew who declared a war on the government? The handsome cook said they needed a tailor I would like to check it out" smiled Y/N kindly again. Sanji got even redder. This is going to be interesting
WHAAAAA- two posts on one day😗
I told you my next fic is gonna be a Sanji fic😍
I tried to not like this man due to his pervert behavior but I just have to end up falling for him🙃
ANYWAYS I love how this fic turned out I tried to make it longer now, and I successfully did so, Im happy🥳
I hope you guys like it Im sorry for any grammatical mistakes I made if I did please correct me🙏
Well, I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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kingofthe-egirls · 11 months
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SUN GOD AU: LUFFY x Y/N (part 3)
part 1 part 2
originally requested by @braini-wiz
(cw: fully lore about what characters would be gods of what, slight asl trio setup, slight zolu, poetry as always)
(a/n: idk idk i can't get to the smut im so sorry)
Songs: "Unknown / Nth" by Hozier
words: 1.1k
It stings,
becoming a
Sun god—dess ?
¿ ..,
* *
_ ,
in place
where am i?
, !
. ,
“She’s alive!!!”
Luffy shouts, from somewhere overhead. Speaking of, your head is killing you. You scrunch your face against the bright sunshine searing orange onto your eyelids. You sit up, woozy. Are you…are you drunk?
No, worse.
“Shit…,” you mutter, swinging your legs off the bench you’ve been laying on. Something rocks the world sideways, and you gasp.
“Nyoop!” Luffy says as he catches you, midfall. You thunk your head against his chest. You’re so loose, and…heavy. You scrub a fist into your eyes. And then,
you stop.
“Oh, shit,” you say again, staring at the hottest person you’ve seen in your fucking life. This has been Nika the whole time?!
You stumble to your feet, your weight supported by the sun god of your dreams. “S-sorry!” You say, but the word is sour on your tongue. It doesn’t…fit, anymore.
After all, what have you to be sorry for?
And just like that, it’s gone.
A skeleton that is made of bone instead of gold, blood that is not ichor, courage that is human and only ever human, melts away.
You are powerful.
You are strong.
You are as radiant as the sun.
Sun incarnate stands beside you, smiling at your newfound face. It’s the same, but it’s…shinier. Faster.
If that makes sense?
It doesn’t,
(that’s okay).
The sun goddess has wings.
Gold leaf and elaborate, they stretch out behind you like a monarch butterfly’s. You flap them experimentally, and find yourself floating several inches off the ground. You realight back onto the deck of the ship—for that’s where you are—and suddenly find yourself surrounded by people.
“So…what happens now?”
The sun god beside you laughs, squeezing your warmth into his side. You’re warmer, somehow.
“Now…,” he smiles dazzlingly, two inches from your face. “We say hi!”
The people (gods) gathered around the two of you smile and introduce themselves. Luffy whispers his relationship to them as they speak.
“Nami,” a slender, orange-haired goddess smiles at you. She has a logpose on her wrist. Her skin is smattered in flecks of constellational gold. Navigation, currency, stars.
“Nico Robin!” Luffy says, smiling as he gestures toward the mysterious, dark-haired woman in a blue dress. Archeology, historical scriptures, stones.
“Ace,” someone who smiles almost as wide as Luffy, shakes your hand with a warm fist. He’s even warmer than you are, now. “Fire, fistfights, and protecting your elders,” he grins.
He smells like cinnamon, too.
“He’s my brother!” Luffy says proudly. “And so is Sabo!”
Another handsome, blond man steps up to shake your hand. His is strong, tough yet flexible. He’s wearing a blue suit, with a strange hat atop his head. He bows, slightly. His lips brush the backs of your knuckles.
“Revolutions, secrets, obsessions,” he introduces his godly dominions with a strange smile on his wide face.
You trust him,
but also
“Usopp’s here too! And Sanji, my friends,” Luffy leads you over to a charming male with dark skin and a kerchief around his hair. He’s toying with a slingshot in between dexterous hands. The god of snipers smiles at you sweetly.
Sanji (pale skin, yellow hair, swirly brows) is a chef god, someone who loves the sea and seafood and making girls cum. Oh, he says it with such a blush. Your wings flutter, stardust sparkling off them.
You are the goddess of springtime.
Of dawns and new beginnings.
Of song.
“I always did like ya singin’,” Luffy says quietly as he leads you away from the group. There’s another god: a strong, stoic man sitting with his back against the mast, his hands behind his mossy green head.
“Swordsman,” you say, curtsying slightly. This god is like a sleeping tiger. You are afraid of getting bit.
“Zoro,” he says his own name without opening his eyes, or barely even moving his face.
Luffy is undeterred, or else doesn’t care, because he lands in Zoro’s lap to place a kiss on his face. “Zoro’s my first mate!”
He stares cheekily up at you, capuchin smile plastered across his squishy face. You wrap a lock of hair around your finger, twirling it nervously. “S-so nice to meet you,” you stutter out, suddenly cowed by this samurai’s presence.
Swords, sacrifice.
First mate.
Luffy squeezes your hands in both of his. “Lemme show ya my room,” he says, scanning your face as your anxiety grows.
Silently, you nod.
Luffy leads you across the deck of his sunshine ship, with the figurehead of a sunflower, no—lion.
He opens his captain’s quarters for you, letting you step inside first.
“So…,” he starts, suddenly shy as he watches you twirl around his room. “Whaddya think?”
“I think it’s lovely,” you smile at him, all floaty with your newfound goddess-ness.
“Springtime suits ya,” he says, stepping forward to skim his knuckles down your arms. “Sing for us sometime too, yeah?” He smiles dazzlingly down at you, his face suddenly mere inches from your own.
“Kiss me, sweetheart?”
He asks, raspy.
Luffy’s lips taste like sunlight.
He groans into the kiss, his hands tightening around your waist. Your chiton is gold now, it seems.
His body is strong, lithe, and muscular as he pushes you backwards onto the bed. He slides between your knees, standing in front of you as he cradles your head.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers, stroking his thumbs along your cheeks, “Stay with me for a while, yeah? Let’s have some adventures, mhm? Say you’ll stay…,” he leans forward to press his forehead against yours. His cloud-like hair squishes against your face.
“Say you’ll protect me first,” you counter, “Say you’ll stay with me.”
He snickers,
and then
he laughs.
“Of course I’ll stay with you!” He shouts, sweeping you up in his arms. He spins you around, and you’re dizzy. From the circles or his scent, you’re not sure. But he sets you down and nuzzles your face, kissing at your cheeks and then your chin.
“I was scared ya wouldn’t stick around,” he scratches the back of his fluffy white head.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You tilt your own godly head, butterfly wings slowly opening and closing behind you.
He scuffs his heel against the floor, sheepish. “Sometimes the priestesses just wanna have sex with me ‘n leave.”
He says it so simply, his heartbreak apparent in every syllable.
“Sorry,” you say, wrapping your hands around his. “Those stupid girls didn’t know what they were missing.”
He stops, stunned.
“Even though m’clumsy and break stuff?” He asks, rosy eyes wide.
You shake your head.
“Who cares? I’m clumsy too,” you smile, tugging his arms so he falls into bed beside you. He lies on his back, so you climb over him.
“So…you’re not gonna leave?” He asks hopefully, flush spreading across his cheeks. You shake your head, straddling his hips. He smiles: a truly bright, delighted smile. Full of pearly, square teeth. “Say you’re my sweetheart, y/n.”
“I’m your sweetheart, sun god.”
“And I’m your captain, spring goddess!”
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jojolymes · 1 year
𝐒𝐄𝐀 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄; one piece
: ̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞. you study every second you can, ensure that things run smoothly while your father is away, and keep your worries to yourself. perfection is only to be expected so you won’t let yourself be anything less than. you simply can’t, not when your stepmother wants you gone. so sometimes, you’ll let yourself sink into the sea, staring up through the waves, hoping to never resurface. when people you are convinced are out to destroy your little nation arrive offshore, it’s only natural your little mask of perfection cracks.
the straw hats are worn out by the time they leave the navarrone marine base. the octopus has already deflated twice on their journey to get back on track with the logpose and nami isn’t sure how many more of luffy’s “are we there yet”s she can take. so when the logpose decides to shoot them over to an island robin had only seen on one of the many maps she stole, nami can’t complain. it seems they’re too low on everything to change course now. plus, it’s not like oetia is all that dangerous…
𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 © PLANXTAS ���·˚
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 © eiichiro oda ༊·˚
table of contents:
I. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐚
up to date version: click here ༊*·˚
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melkyt · 2 months
This of what you said about white lead being contagious like an std. so im thinking of like it being spread through fluids (including spit) and law unknowingly being still contagious.
Luffy getting infected due to repeated exposure and how bad law would feel about it even if he can immediately cure luffy with his df.
Even better if its while their crew are separated pretty far apart so it takes a long time for law to get there and luffy gets pretty sick in that time.
Yees, yesss!
Let's say it happens like this XD:
Law not even hearing about it until one of the crew calls the polar tang, maybe Usopp, which is weird all in itself, since it's usually Nami, or Robin or Luffy calling for one thing or another. Then Luffy takes the receiver, but he sounds horrible.
Luffy telling Law that he has the same cool patches. Law's heart just drops. Sure he hasn't been as careful as usual with Luffy, and he always worried about it being contagious, but that never turned out to be true until now. Law drops everything, he is the only one who has the cure. They are more then a few islands apart, and having to sail without the help of a logpose until they get to an island that Nami points to. It's safer in the submarine but when they get there, they all look rough on barely any sleep.
Law practically collapses by Luffy's side. Luffy who can barely move, the vitiligo spreading over his skin. Law having flashbacks to Lami dying right in front of his eyes. What if he tries to use room, but he is to exhausted to do so, and knows that he should have taken the time to rest but logic flew out the window as he heard it was Luffy, he cant quite think straight when someone he loves is in danger. Law taking caring of him the old fashioned way until his power recovers. Luffy sometimes wakes up, and is lucid enough to talk. He pouts that Law looks worse then he does, and thats its gonna be okay.
Law blaming himself for this, because it is his fault, he wasnt careful enough. Luffy grumbles and calls him dumb, its the dumb disease and he'll fight and it will be okay just as with everything. Law as soon as his power is strong enough to work, helps Luffy recover, leaves without even saying goodbye. He decides that it will be safer to just stay as far away as possible. Luffy chasing after him, because nuh-uh, sure it hurt, but being without Traffy hurts more, and nothing is gonna beat him twice! Luffy would become immune just by that statement alone, but Law gets very paranoid about using protection and no kisses for awhile, which makes Luffy pout XD
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mandiemegatron · 11 months
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𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑨 𝑻𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆
𝑹𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒂 𝒁𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝒄𝒊𝒔!𝒇𝒆𝒎 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
♡ 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅: 𝑴 18+ 𝑶𝑵𝑳𝒀. // 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝒇𝒆𝒎. 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈), 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒆𝒙.
𝘼/𝙉: 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊💖💖💖💖!!!! 𝙎𝙤, 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙈𝙧. 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙤 𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙬𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙡, 𝙨𝙤 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙚 !!! 𝙄 𝙙𝙤 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙯𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙖 𝙃𝙐𝙂𝙀 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙮-𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙖♡ @therion-woods , 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙚!!! 🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖
𝙄 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 !! 💖💖💖💖
𝒁𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒚 ; @baka-tsuki // @baka-tsuki-2 ♡
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One drink at the bar.
That was all you promised Zoro, was one goddamn drink.
And here you were, four drinks in and almost leaning on the swordsman, laughing loudly at whatever joke he decided to crack.
His arm rested comfortably around your hip, his large hand cradling your hip bone, a warm thumb brushing over your clothed skin every once in a while. You waved off an irate Sanji, who huffed and puffed at you 'being manhandled by the ugliest runt to ever wander the Grand Line', which caused the green haired man to snap back, his grip on you tightening as he literally pulled you to him, your empty hand pressing against his chest to catch yourself.
Your face burned as you looked up at him, a childish retort falling away from your lips as he turned to stare back, his earrings slightly swaying at his head snapping to look down at you.
It went quiet in your head, your eyes seemingly locked together until Nami's voice shattered the stillness, her teasing tone ringing out,
"Geez, get a room already!"
Usopp and Brook let out a loud, "OooOoo!" which caused Zoro to glare at them before he grabbed your hand from his chest and began dragging you away, angry puffs of smoke seeming to rise from his head as you walked away from the now laughing group.
Zoro was murmuring to himself, dragging you to wherever his terrible sense of direction decided was best and surprisingly, you came out to the open blues, the Thousand Sunny resting peacefully at the dock. Gentle waves crashed into the shoreline, filling the air with calm, which you assumed was why Zoro came this way.
"Huh. I was definitely trying to get to the other bar," he muttered, clearly confused as his free hand scratched the top of his head.
Your mouth dropped open in utter surprise and shock, unable to believe the words that came out of his mouth.
"You mean the one that was BESIDE the one we were in?!"
He turned to you, an almost horrified shocked look on his face as he shouted back,
"It was BESIDE us?!"
You snapped back,
He gave a sharp "Oi!" in response before taking you back the way you both came. You rolled your eyes with a loud groan and tightened your grip, glad you weren't so tipsy you couldn't walk or navigate easily.
"You never cease to amaze me, Zo," you commented lightly, throwing him a withering look over your shoulder to which he pouted the second you turned back, going back to muttering under his breath.
"You better not say anything," he bit out, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him before you laughed out,
"As if I need to. Everyone knows you'd get lost in a paper bag if you had the chance."
He stopped walking, pulling you towards him as he moved you to an alley, not too far from the first bar the rest of the crew was drinking dry.
Pressing your back against the brick building, he stared down at you, his cheeks tinted pink as he grumbled down at you,
"You don't know shit."
You laughed, realizing he was probably a little tipsy, at least enough to be so close to you. He always seemed to be nervous around you when he was sober, almost anxious whenever your hand brushed over his shoulder or his head when you passed him.
He was nothing like that now.
His hands rested on your shoulders, almost a little too tight as he asked,
"... why are you blushing?"
You chuckled weakly and rolled your eyes, giving him a cheeky look through thick lashes as your murmured softly,
"I don't know, maybe it's 'cause I've been thinking about something like this happening for a long time."
The second the words left you, you froze and a small squeak of embarrassment left you as you covered your face, unable to look at him.
Zoro choked on his breath, staring you down with a wide eye before his expression changed into an almost predatory one, sending shivers over your entire form.
Staring you down like a starved man, Zoro rose his eyebrow, a slow smirk washing over his face as he asked,
"You've wanted this for how long?"
Your face dropped, cheeks burning red at your accidental blubbering. You shook your head with a slightly nervous laugh, waving him away with a lazy hand as you responded,
"I don't know what you're talking about."
A heavy hand landed roughly on the wall behind your head, his bulky frame seeming to tower over you and cage you in. You froze, eyes wide as you stared up at him as he nearly purred out,
"If you think I'm going to play stupid, you're wrong."
A shaky breath left you as his other hand came up to cradle your cheek, a rough padded thumb brushing over your soft skin almost as if you'd shatter under his touch. Your eyes fell shut, your head tilting slightly to lean into his touch as your hands slowly moved up his chest.
Zoro sucked in a harsh breath, holding it as your gentle hands moved over his toned, scarred chest, his stomach twisting and flipping around as your fingers traced over his scar from Mihawk.
He didn't know why he felt so compelled to kiss you, but before he could question himself, he moved in and his lips were pressed against yours, his hand gliding from your face to grip your hair at the base of your head. He tilts your head back and his tongue runs along your lips, begging for entrance which you give willingly, pulling a low groan from the swordsman.
Your hands move up to the back of his neck, your fingers pressing into the base of his head and down his neck, pulling another sound of pleasure from Zoro as your magic digits pulled all the anxiety from his muscles. He pulled away to nip and suck at the side of your throat, your head falling back and you grunt in pain as your head hits rough brick.
Zoro pulled away to raise an eyebrow at you, smirking to himself before he murmured, "Stupid."
You couldn't even respond, his lips immediately returning to your neck and leaving small marks over your skin. One of his hands cradled the back of your head, keeping you from hitting brick again as his other hand gripped your ass, his thigh sliding between your legs and grinding up against your warmth. Zoro moaned against your skin, his breathing shaky as he groaned out,
"Gods, I can feel how soaked you are,"
Your breath hitched, eyes rolling back at the ecstatic feeling of pleasure running over you. You unconsciously humped against his leg slightly, moaning softly when he moved up into you.
"Desperate, aren't you?" He murmured in your ear before he easily flipped you around, your ass pressing into his very evident boner as he gently moved your hands to the rough brick.
Ripping your shirt off, he handed it to you and instructed you with a husky voice to hold it to the wall, keeping your palms from scratching and bruising. You stared at the fabric before staring up at him with wide eyes, trying not to freak out.
"Zo…. This was Nami's."
The swordsman's face fell, a look of fear crossing it as he stared at the ruined fabric, his lips pressing into a thin line before he finally shrugged and replied,
"Shit happens."
You went to reply but one of his hands snaked around your front, immediately shoving down the front of your yoga pants and cupping your sex. He groaned with a wide grin, his forehead resting against your shoulder as you gave a low moan, reveling in his touch.
Two of his fingers pressed over your soaked slit, his lips grinning against your skin at the sounds he pulled from you.
"I've barely touched you and you're already this soaked," he mumbles, pressing hot kisses to your skin as one finger traces around your clit. Once again you unconsciously move against him, your ass pressing into his clothed cock as one of his fingers finally slides into you.
Your mouth falls open, an almost silent plea for him not to stop leaving you which he happily obliged. He sucked a few more marks onto your skin, smirking to himself at the constellations he marred you with, a sense of pride filling him at the sounds that came from you. A second finger fell into you and you nearly came then and there, thankfully for his other hand that gently slapped over your mouth to keep you from being too loud.
"Tsk, come on princess, you know better," he purred in your ear, his ego growing three sizes at seeing your eyes roll back simply at his fingers.
He curled his fingers and you came, almost falling against him as your body twitched, one of your hands moving from the brick to grip around his forearm as much as you could to try and stop him.
You couldn't.
A high pitched whine fell from you as he kept going, feeling a strange pressure and you almost yelped at the sudden gush that came from you. Zoro pulled you tight to his chest, his breathing erratic and eye wide as he realized what he just made you do.
"Do that again," he demanded roughly, his pace picking up slightly as he pounded into you. It didn't take long, warmth gushing over his fingers and pulling a soft, breathy laugh from him. He finally stilled, two fingers still squished inside your now throbbing cunt and you were able to catch your breath, eyes opening to stare up at a very pleased looking Zoro.
"I want to make you do that over and over," he admitted with a sharky grin, slowly pulling his hand from your pants. He stared down at his soaked hand and gave a shaky sigh, eye closing as he licked your juices from his palm and fingers, your face burning bright red at the sight. When he was satisfied, he grinned down at you again and whispered,
"Let's go back to the ship."
You threw the ruined shirt back on and grunted softly at how it hung off your bra-covered chest. You hummed for a moment before daisy-duke tying it, the knot sitting in the middle of your breasts comfortably. You then looked up at him with a grin of your own, gripping his hand into yours as you leaned up into a quick kiss, your heart racing as he kissed you back feverishly.
He frowned when you pulled away, tugging you closer to him as you began to lead him back towards the ship.
"I think this time though, you should let me have a little taste," you teased, falling in step with him. Your words caused a fire to rage inside him, and he immediately threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your shout of indignation, and the second the Sunny was in view, he raced towards the ship.
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Tagging requested // @honeysworld-offanfiction ♡ 🤭🤭💖💖
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In the beginning of the movie when Nami and Usopp are sitting next to each other and talking about the crazy logpose, and Sanji comes up to them like “Nami dear here’s your tea” and after a second we see Usopp ALSO WITH A CUP OF TEA
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cal-writes · 22 days
Do you have any thoughts or headcanons on Zoro's earrings? When and why he got them? What do you think of popular trop in Zoro shipping of him giving one earring to his partner?
I like the piece you shared from Law's 12 :)
honestly in canon i think zoro just thought "omg three swords, three earrings" and he has them on the left, as if to balance out carrying three swords on his right. or subtle foreshadowing to his style of sword fighting
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design wise it might also be inspired by pirates wearing earrings in general. none of the other characters really have much of any signifcant jewlery safe for the logpose and thats more practical than anything.
quick websearch tells me that pirate wearing earrings might have had several reasons like gold being universal currency (some sources saying a single gold earring would be enouhg to pay for a funeral so thats a morbit detail i love), a sign of status, of their toughness, some saying it improved balance which would be hilarious for zoro, some claim it helped with sea sickness, apparently there is also a supersition that it would save you from drowning
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we don't really know when he got them besides sometime between 11-19 years old so it could be a teenage whim or like a drunken escapade. i havent thought much about it in canon bc i think it was primarily a design choice. there wasnt any significance to jewelery in wano either so i doubt its a cultural thing. tbh i could see zoro getting piss drunk and doing it on a dare from johnny and yosaku lol
or maybe similar to the way i justified it in laws 12/robins backstory. like when you grow up in a contrictive enviroment, esp as a teenager you extert your control over anything you have control over. so i think zoro finding a way to like, change how he looks just bc he wanted to, is definitely that.
or if we go with sth inspired by movie canon (and what im cooking with for superhero au) three earrings not for swords but one for him, one for kuina and one for saga.
i realized i didnt get into the second bit
i love the trope of zoro giving his earrings to his partners! itll come up in laws 12!
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pampushky · 2 months
Creature (Both Haunted & Holy)
Vinsmoke Sanji/Reader - Chapter 17 - 4k
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Vivi has regrets about her treatment of you as the Strawhats land in Whiskey Peak, while Sanji confesses something to Nami and Usopp. Luffy is a good friend.
ao3 | series masterlist | masterlist | next part
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Notes on Selkenfolk, from the Journal of Dr. Crocus of the Roger's Pirates Selkenfolk have a natural connection to the sea, but not all selkenfolk can call the water. Calling the water is how they refer to their control over the tides, and it can greatly vary, based on what stage of the moon, or celestial events, a selkie is born under. The struggle that many young selkenfolk face when trying to call the tides after entering their first cycle can make it hard for many to do what had once been easy in childhood. In reality, the childhood abilty to call the water is rather dangerous, as selkie pups are unable to recognize when they are pushing their body to the point of exhaustion with the feats they can pull off, thus causing serious damage to their body. The start of a cycle essentially causes the body to recognize the risk, and the development of the instincts, or hindbrain, of a selkie is a natural regulator. Items are of course created to help calling the tides, and even to shape water into it's gaseous and solid states, essentially making these items channels for the energy of the selkie. Truthfully, calling water is the biological ability of selkenfolk to channel their own energy into water, letting them change and control the form of water very similarly to their own form with the aid of their pelt. It is unknown how selkenfolk gained these adaptions, or why the moon plays such a large roll in their biology. Selkies insist that it is not an evolutionary trait, but rather, a gift from the Sea Mother after the Sea Devil, her husband, took away the ability to eat devil fruit from the Selkenfolk when their oldest child, the first selkie, made him angry.
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Breakfast is quieter than normal, but that can be blamed on Luffy, who is stuffing his face with bacon and omelets, and washing it all down with a slush of coffee-- it's mixed with enough sugar to rot his teeth in a single sip. If anyone notices that Sanji and yourself are less talkative, no one mentions it. You’re all dismissed to chores rather quickly after that. You draw the short straw and end up being saddled with watching Miss Wednesday for the day, and handling navigation when Nami isn’t able to. The current objective of your chore is broody as usual, watching as you carefully steer the ship with the aid of the logpose, conducting the undercurrents of the water to follow the direction of the needle. 
Tide hums in your hands, cold to the touch as usual, almost asking for you to do more with it as you lower your voice to a low vibrato. It’s… an odd feeling, honestly, whenever the trident ‘speaks’ to you. There’s no mental words, like you had thought it would have been in your youth, but rather, physical feedback. Tide will actively vibrate with energy, if it approves of what you’re doing, making it even easier to conduct the waves around you, while the backlash of disagreement saps you of your energy. 
Whatever Tide wants, it seems that Tide gets, at least with your experience with the weapon. 
You’re not exactly certain what it’s made of, either. Or if it’s an ‘it’ or a ‘them’. You decide, however, to try something new. 
“Can we agree to not argue today?” You ask the weapon, and of course, receive no answer besides a slightly louder hum than normal, and the metal growing colder. Confusion, perhaps? 
“Listen, I know I’m not what you wanted, Toha probably would have been better–” A strong wave of exhaustion threatens to crash over you as you say it,  “–but you’re stuck with me, so I need to get better at working with you.” 
Thoughtfulness. The hum turns quieter, yet the shaft vibrates a bit heavier, before Tide goes entirely still, just like when you have first received it from Pell. You stare at it, waiting for something to happen. 
“Is that a yes?”
A quick, clear dink, like ice cracking, and you swear you can see steam rising off of the points. The hum starts up again, a bit more discordant, before evening out, clear and calm. For some reason, you think of your grandmother, a woman you’ve never known, and only heard foggy tales of from Feann when she felt like reminiscing.
“Okay, uh. Cool.”
Carefully, like you’ve practiced time and time again, you raise Tide with your right hand, holding it in a loose grip with your fingers, as if to drop it, before quickly rotating your wrist. The trident twirled in your hands, the hum increasing as you brought it out to the side, the speed of the Going Merry noticeably picking up as you did so. 
“Thank you,” you hold Tide in both of your hands, listening as the hum goes quiet, almost gone, but still there, always present. Gently, you slip it into the holster Pell made you, letting it rest across your back as you glance down at the log pose.
“You talk to that thing a lot?” Miss Wednesday asks with folded arms. 
“Not really, this is the first time I’ve tried it,” You scratch the back of your neck, “Uh, sorry. About bringing Sanji into the room last night—”
“It was a joke, ” she huffs, and you nod, still unsure. “Surely you’ve had that type of talk with other people your age?”
“Ah, no, can’t say I have,” you look down at the log pose, not really wanting to look at her. “Uh…”
“Must you be so awkward?”
“Being captured by pirates at sixteen kinda… stunts the whole social thing,” you circle your hands around each other in front of you, not really sure how to respond. The Strawhats understood, hell , most of them were as bad as you, save for Nami and Sanji, who could smooth out nearly any situation with their charm. Zoro and yourself? Mildly hopeless. It’s not that you wanted to be this way— you just weren’t sure how people would react. And you’d rather not chance a bad reaction to your shyness, so you masked it rather well in public when you needed to, as the crew had seen in Lougetown when you had pretended to be a couple with Sanji. Bribery was just so much easier, like when you had allowed a sleazy warf-master a glance at your chest if it meant you could dock the Going Merry without the proper documents. There were no crowds watching you with bribery, only plausible outcomes if you played the game right. You didn't need to play that game much, anymore, after a long talk with Zoro about not needing to sacrifice your well-being for a slight advantage in not being discovered in port, because, knowing Luffy, it wouldn't matter in the end.
"Yeah, uh... sorry."
An awkward silence settles between the two of you as you look at the ocean, occasionally adjusting the course to fit the log pose best, Tide responding to you without the normal exhaustion as you bring it out again. 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Wednesday says after a while. “I was being rude. I’m sorry about that, your crew has been rather kind to us, considering how we met.”
“It’s fine,” you shrug, and the other girl can’t help but be a bit disturbed by how nonchalant you are about it. “Terrible things happen to people all the time. Others have it worse, probably.”
“You’re….  allowed to be upset about whatever happened to you, you know.” She chooses her words carefully, “Just because someone may have it worse, doesn’t mean that what you went through was trivial.”
“I guess.” You glance over at her. “Sorry for freezing you and your partner to the wall when I first saw you.”
“Water under the bridge,” She turns away, going down onto the lower deck. “We should be there soon, anyway. It’s been nearly two weeks of sailing.”
You only nod, and focus on the water, letting the ocean air calm your nerves, as if the Sea Mother herself is holding you. 
Deep within her heart, Princess Vivi Nefertari, the daughter of a land that has been torn asunder by a corrupt organization, weeps for what she is about to put you through again, and secretly prays that you and your crew will somehow escape the fate that will undoubtedly befall you when you get Whiskey Peak.
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Sanji is pacing back and forth in the kitchen as Usopp and Nami watch him. Mr. 9 is under Luffy’s rather chaotic watch, and every few minutes, there is a screech from the spy, and then a cackling laugh from the captain. It is a miracle, the crew realizes, that they’ve gotten this far with Luffy at the head of this operation.
This hasn’t distracted Nami, however, and she is watching the blond’s nervous movements like a hawk. His dress shirt, which are always perfectly ironed, no matter the time of day or occasion, has a noticeable wrinkle on the collar, and that’s enough for Nami to know this is serious. Usopp is much more relaxed, eating popcorn from a glass container, tossing it into his mouth. 
“You’re pricklier than normal,” Nami sets her head on her palm, and Sanji turns to her with a flush on his face. “Who rejected you now?”
“Wha– no, I was not rejected,” Sanji sounds indignant, and now a bit embarrassed, “Why do you all think that’s what’s wrong when I’m upset?”
“No reason,” Usopp mumbles around a mouthful of popcorn. “You just… flirt a lot.” 
“I compliment, people, everyone just needs to learn to love the world a bit more,” The cook sniffs, “But that’s not the point. I think I fucked up.”
Usopp and Nami share a glance, and then look back at Sanji, who is the very definition of nervous tension as he paces back and forth, hands behind his head, fingers tangled in his hair. His nails dig into his scalp partially. It's an unhealthy habit, really, how often he defaults to pulling at his hair when he's nervous. It's better than when he used to chew on his nails, biting off bits of his calluses on his fingertips. He stopped, after he had gotten an infection in the nail when he was twelve. Zeff had suggested he find a new coping mechanism, and that's how he'd come upon smoking. 
“Go on,” Usopp puts the popcorn down.
“So last night, I was on watch, and I heard a splash,” Sanji leans against the counter, crossing his arms, “And all I can smell is, old, dead leaves, which is weird for us being on the ocean–”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Nami interrupts. 
“I’m getting to that!” Sanji runs his hands down his face, fingers itching for another cigarette. But he had made a promise to you not to smoke indoors, as the smell made you dizzy. “When I followed the smell and where the sound was,” Sanji utters you name with a reverence saved usually for deities, “She was just laying there, out of it, and picking at her tail. She was the smell– like, I could tell it was coming from her directly,” He looks up at the other two, who look both confused and intrigued by this development, “But guys, she was just– she thought Arlong was there , and I think I scared her.”
There is a very prolonged silence, with Nami staring straight at Sanji. 
“She what?”
“She thought Arlong was here, hunting her from the shadows,” Sanji whispers, his heart aching. “And— and then there was this spark between us,”
“Back up,” Usopp shakes Nami slightly, who has her hands folded in front of her face, dead-eyed as she stares through Sanji. “Arlong.”
The navigator doesn’t say anything, really. Just looks down at the counter, brow wrinkled in deep thought. 
“Crocus… well, we talked about it with Crocus. He gave her a few suggestions….” She trails off, suddenly unsure.
“You didn’t think it’d just… go away after that, did you?” Usopp looks a bit confused as Nami shakes her head.
“Of course not!" She snaps, one fist slamming into the counter as she glares at the boy next to her, "But she told me she was getting better,” Nami’s voice cracks a bit, and Sanji and Usopp shared startled glances. “...she's been lying to me."
“Not to hurt you,” Usopp immediately butts in, the panic in his voice rising, “Nami, I think the last thing she wants is for you to worry about her anymore than you already do.”
“I agree,” Sanji comes on from her other side, “What she’s went through… and what you’ve gone through, if I know her as well as I think I do, she’s trying to act tough for you.”
Nami only holds her head in her hands, taking in another shakey breath before a tear slips down her cheek, quickly followed by another, and then another. She's crying before she can really stop herself, cursing her friend's ranking of priorities when it came to the crew. Nami would always been the number one concern to you, your oldest friend, your closest ally when you had no one else to turn to in your darkest hour. In your mind, pretending you were a bit better than you really were would have been well worth it, if only to make your podmate smile, the scent of sweet tangerine juice filling the air. 
“She does it because she loves you, Nami, you’re her pod.” Usopp rubs a gentle hand down her back, as the navigator sighs, “It’s frustrating, but you also do the same thing for her,”
“I know,” she lets out a wet laugh, and tension in the air releases. “I just wish we weren’t both like that.”
“That’s what communication is for,” Sanji lets out a chuckle, going back to his original place behind the kitchen island. “Do you want to take a break?”
“No, I'll be fine, and besides,” Nami wipes out a tear, and flicks it to the ground, suddenly fixing Sanji with an intense stare, as if she hadn't just been crying over the actions of her closest friend, “I wanna know about that spark you felt, because I know damn well you’re in love with her, aren’t you, Sanji?”
The kitchen goes utterly silent as Sanji is verbally knocked on his ass, face bright pink in the very same instant, blurting out a smattering of French to not directly answer the accusatory question, his face getting all the redder as Nami looms over him. Usopp, if anything, has started to enjoy his popcorn more. Roughly translating his words, it was a collection of "You're insane!" to "She's not ready for that!" and "I can't even start to think about that yet!" and other similar sentences that only made Usopp and Nami look at each other knowingly, even if they don't understand a single syllable of his speech. 
“You’re– you have no idea what you’re talking about,” Sanji finally manages to get out in English. Nami only chuckles darkly, one hand shadowing her face. 
“Then tell me about that little spark you felt, if you're so confident!”
“It was more like a lightning strike,” Sanji holds up his hands in slight surrender, “For a moment, I could feel exactly what she felt, saw through her eyes,” He shakes his head to get rid of the image of your terror out of his eyes, and the cries you had made for your pod. “It– it was like for a second we were one person.” 
The memory washes over him again. Wide, obsidian eyes staring straight into his own, glaring deep into his soul, cracking open his ribs to pull his heart from his chest, still beating as you examine it. All Sanji wants for you to do is feast upon it to gain what little sustenance you will from it, to tear him limb from limb and to judge him for all his sins and promises, if it means you will gain something from it. You had, in that moment, the very second of the strike, seen deep into the recesses of his mind, uncovering events that he had forgotten, and experienced them as though you were him, all the beatings, all the abuse from his family, the starvation— every single secret that Sanji had, you now knew— and he would not have it any other way.
He feels so devastatingly empty without you there now, your presence tugging at the back of his mind and keeping him anchored in the world of the living. 
And Sanji remembers the very sight of your soul, like the moon rising over the ocean, reflecting off of the waves. Luminous, glowing like a ground up pearl. He can see the constellations in the speckles of your skin, and tell the currents of the based on the way your hair spills over your shoulders. It’s as if you are his other half, one he hadn’t realized he was missing until he had seen you for the first time in Nami’s childhood home. You, in all your glory, with all your trauma and wild nature, have captured Sanji’s heart fully, staring down at you thorough sheet of ice as you look up at him, your hair a halo around your head. 
When he looks up at Nami again, she looks pale.
"I—I didn't mean to do anything like that, I swear," Sanji fears the worst. Had he done something wrong? Had he managed to hurt you, even more than sleeping in the same bed as you? "How do I fix this?"
Nami takes a deep breath in, and sits across from him on the floor, legs folded underneath her. "Listen to me very, very carefully, Sanji."
"What you experienced was some... courtship... instinct, from her end, so she probably didn't mean to do it..." He panics at the thought of rejection, even if it isn't his right to worry about that now, when you should be the sole focus, "...but that doesn't mean it wasn't mutual."
One second.
Then three, four, five...
In total, it takes ten seconds for Sanji to process what that means. Three more seconds to come to terms with what that could imply. And a single moment where he feels his heart soar straight into the clouds. 
"She feels the same?" 
"Obviously," Usopp is loving the drama of this entire interaction. 
"You... just have to take it at her pace," Nami says carefully. How was she going to try and broach this topic with you when you had gone into a panic about your own feelings for Sanji just this morning? Perhaps that was a problem for later, or just not for her to even try to approach. "Be a gentleman. You're gonna have to go slow, and I mean slow, Sanji."
"I'd do anything if meant I had a chance," Sanji stands, looking at the two people before him, "By the gods am I lucky!"
Now, the rest of the conversation is foggy. Nami does lecture him about leaving the bed without waking you, but assures him that he didn't do anything to take advantage of you. Usopp backs this up further, reminding the cook that not every crewmate on the Going Merry was gifted with the personality of a social butterfly, especially not the selkie who had been taken from her home island at arguably one of the most important social developmental periods of any person's life. You are, lovingly, just a bit awkward with people, and can jump to the worst conclusions because, well, your life had jumped to the worst multiple times in a row. 
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Sanji runs into you as he's heading out of the galley when Luffy calls in that he's spotted land. Like, literally, he manages to knock you down as you're heading in, falling on top of you. You let out a small groan, holding your nose as Sanji scrambles off of you. 
"Shit— are you okay?"
Despite the fact that your nose is bleeding, you let out a small chuckle, pinching the bridge carefully. "I'm fine, at least I will be when I stop bleeding."
He watches as you carefully walk into the galley, leaning over the sink as you wait for the flow to stop. It makes him feel somehow even more guilty about, well, everything. You eventually lean back, still holding your nose, but the bleeding has stopped. You look curiously at him, still leaning slightly over the sink, head tilted. It's not an uncomfortable silence, rather, it's relaxing, and almost kind. 
"So I—"
"We need—"
The both of you speak at the same time, and you can't help but trill, head leaned back as you do, and Sanji even cracks a smile, shaking his head slightly at how you've managed to cause him to feel like he's just a teenager again, flirting with an attractive customer at the Baratie all over again. No charm, no smooth talking, just butterflies in his stomach. 
"You go," He gestures to you, and you make a small face, cheeks dusted with blush. 
"We need to talk, I think," One of your ears twitches, and you hope you don't look too nervous. "Uhm."
"I was just about to suggest that," Sanji makes sure to keep his hands down, and to keep his space from you. He doesn't need to make you nervous now, especially when he has to address the events of last night. "Uh, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, again, or anything—"
"No, no, you didn't!" You let out a small warble, a bit panicked that he thought that, "You helped, a lot, but I think we can talk about it after we leave Whiskey Peak,"
"Yeah, absolutely," Sanji smiles, and then turns to leave, holding the door behind him, "You coming?"
"I'll stay to watch the ship," you pull yourself up ot sit on the counter. "Crowds... aren't really my thing."
"Fair enough," He gives you a small wave and smile, and the door swings shut behind him, the ship left in silence as you pull into port.
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Luffy is the last one off the ship, despite his excitement. He stands next to you, leaning on the railing as you watch the docking crew tie the ship to the dock. He doesn’t say anything, just stands there with you, oddly quiet, the signature straw hat hanging around his neck, trailing down his back.
“You doing okay, Ott?” He doesn’t look at you, just watches as Sanji and Zoro bicker on the short. 
The nickname makes you chuckle a bit. Podmate. He’d insisted on calling you ottosei when he first saw your merged form. Luffy had seen the shame in your eyes for the patchy nature of your pelt, your back and parts of your tail still soft and fluffy like a pups. And what had he done with that? Hugged your tail and snuggled into the downy, white fur with glee, hiding his face in the back of your tail while you were drying off in the sun. 
“I’m gonna call ya’ ottosei now!” Luffy had grinned as bright as the sun, looking up at you with nothing but brotherly love for you. "Or Ott!"
“I’m not even a fur seal, captain!” 
“Don’t care! You’re soft!”
He pressed into your back stubbornly, grinning ear to ear, before hiding his face again, a weird sensation and wetness making your spine tingle as Zoro started to laugh at your captain’s mischief. 
“Oi! Don’t blow your nose on me! That’s fucking nasty!”
“Get boogered!”
Somehow, even about something you were incredibly insecure about, Luffy had made you feel wanted and loved, just as much of the crew had made you feel ever since you had joined. 
“I’ll be fine, Luf,” You pressed his hat onto his head, making sure it was a bit too low, so that he’d have to adjust it at some point. “You know I don’t like crowds. I’ll keep watch of the ship, we can leave after.”
Just as you go to leave, Luffy pulls you into a tight hug, hiding his face in your shoulder. 
“You’re important to me, and to everyone here, y’know that?” He pulls back so that his hands are on your shoulders, looking you in your eyes with an uncharacteristic seriousness. “You’re my podmate. And I won’t let anyone hurt you like Arlong ever again, Ott. I promise.”
It makes your lower lip tremble, as you hug him back, rumbling deep from your chest as Luffy holds you. “Thank you, captain.”
You watch as he disembarks, being lead away by the greeting party, with a few curious glances thrown your way by the locals. Sanji brings up the rear of the Straw Hat’s party, and despite the attention that many young women and men are attempting to give him, his eyes are on your. Sanji gives a final wave to you, and you smile, leaning on the railing, and waving back, mouthing ‘Have fun!’ to him as they go through the streets, now only left in the company of dockhands as the Going Merry bobs along, tied to the pier. 
Somewhere under the sea, a goliath stirs in their sleep as Vivi’s prayer for redemption is unknowingly answered, and as you set your watch on the ship, cautiously eyeing the town of Whiskey Peak, Tide hums on your back, an odd presence picking at the back of your mind.
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stonedpiece · 1 year
even though stampede isn't canon, the scenes where buggy and usopp are the first two see the inside of the chest and find the laugh tale logpose is foreshadowing to them finding the one piece. thats when we'll get a duel beteeen the two where they split the skies
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yujo-nishimura · 10 months
The Escape - Part 25
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24
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You somehow both manage to get back on the ship. The whole crew is awake and worried, you can see from afar that Mohji was gathering more men, determined to probably come after you and the captain. To your surprise you can also see that Cabaji is already back at the ship, as you get on board, still held by Buggy you can see that he was sitting heavily wounded on deck. Buggy makes quick decisions as he gets back. He orders Mohji to take you and try to get off the wax which was still restraining you from walking. With a few quick commands he orders the rest of the crew to immediately set sail and leave the island. You can hear the navigator talking with Buggy in concern on the deck, mentioning the logpose was not ready yet to point at the next island. But Buggy dismisses this concern with a wave of his hand. “We will set sail and eventually get to the next island.” 
Everybody on deck realizes the seriousness of the situation and gets quickly to work. You sit at the main mast, Mohji inspecting your wax shackles as the first rays of the sun begin to peek above the horizon, signaling the gradual end of this arduous night.
“I think we will just need to melt this as well.”, he says, getting up to find a torch or a similar heat resource. You nod, tired from the excitement and the fight, staying in your position, thankful that you didn't need to do anything for a moment. 
As the ship had quickly set sail and you all left the island in a very short time you can feel the tension on board slowly ceasing and Cabaji and Buggy heading to the ships doctor to tend their wounds. You stay with Mohji until the sky has turned from a beautiful orange into a bright blue - this night is finally over. 
As the afternoon sun bathes the ship in a warm glow, Buggy gathers his crew around him, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. Stepping forward, he addresses them with a commanding presence, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.
"We find ourselves pursued by Baroque Works, a notorious syndicate of assassins and bounty hunters," Buggy begins, his words hanging in the air, heavy with the weight of the danger that looms over them. His gaze meets yours, a flicker of suspicion lingering in his eyes, as if he senses something more. "It's possible they are after my head, or perhaps some of our valued crew members." You feel uneasy as he says this, wondering if he was still thinking about the things Mr. 3 had said to you. 
“But since we are aware of this danger now, we will be prepared for the next battles. Land teams will be enforced with more men. Actions will not be taken at night, but at daylight. We will come up with escape strategies if similar situations occur…” 
As Buggy continues to address the crew, you find your focus slowly slipping away. While the rest of the crew attentively listens and follows his instructions, your gaze fixates on his lips, captivated by his handsome features. Your eyes roam over his body, taking in the bandaged arm and the faint bruises concealed beneath his freshly applied clown makeup.
In this moment, a realization washes over you—whenever the need arose for teamwork and cooperation, both you and Buggy set aside your complicated feelings and supported each other without hesitation. But now, with Buggy standing a few meters away from you, embodying his charismatic and unpredictable captain persona, your actions and thoughts suddenly lose their coherence. You feel again like a teenager in love. 
Images flood your mind, memories of holding his detached head, the gentle touch of his skin against your fingertips, and the intimate embrace as you pressed him against your chest. Your mind spirals into a realm of alternative possibilities, contemplating the ways in which you could have utilized his detached head.
A welcome cold breeze brushes against your face, offering a moment of respite from your heated thoughts. This was not the time to have dirty thoughts about your captain. Although you longed for him and his body as when you were together the other night. 
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thoraeth · 6 months
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words: 3600
Summary: Welcome aboard the Challenger, a ship from Egghead with a crazy logpose! While Ava and Buggy find a way to coexist peacefully, Romi and her crew are pressured by Labophase.
Chapter 3 - Ceasefire
<CH2 CH4> | Read on Ao3
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Ava is compressed against spiky metal bits, stinging like a million needles on her skin.
She’s been enveloped in the clown’s coat the whole time, but now that the debris doesn't move anymore, she can get that ripped fabric out of her face.
They’re in a big empty room, whose likeness she’s never seen before: the floor is completely hidden by metal scraps while the walls, light colored, are covered in weird panels and glowing buttons. That horrible claw crane is still dangling from the ceiling as an orange light flashes through the room.
Something’s still weighing on Ava's body. Looking down at her lap, she notices a shadow entangled in the coat. It's an arm, a single arm with a gloved hand.
The woman screams. Crawling back on her elbows, she scans the room again: many other pieces of the pirate are peeking out among the debris, scattered around. Her stomach is in knots.
“It…it shredded him…”
Ava manages to get up when two panels in the wall behind her slide open. The flashing light stops and three people enter the room chatting loudly. They're all wearing a gray coverall and heavy combat boots.
“Allen, Torres, check the crane report. We should have got everything back.”
“Who died and made you queen, Meg?”
A muscular woman jumps in the debris while a brown skinned guy makes faces at her. A fellow big man, bald and middle aged, is tapping with both hands on a glitching panel.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” the woman's voice echoes in the distance.
“Meg? Is everything okay?”
“Guys, we’ve got a stowaway!”
Running through the scraps, the trio is upon Ava, surrounding her.
“How did you sneak in, uh?”
“This can't be for real…” Ava’s staring at the arm on the ground, shocked.
“Ugh, gross! If I see blood, I'm out of here.” the brown skinned man backs off with a disgusted expression.
“Torres!” The other growls “Sorry for your loss, sweetheart.” He brings his face closer to the frightened clandestine, speaking with a gentle voice. “I'm doctor Allen Stein. How about we clean your cuts and talk about what happened?”
With the corner of her eye, Ava is watching Meg: a big burn crosses her face, half hidden behind white curls. The woman picks up Buggy's arm and observes it from different angles.
“Doc.” she calls out “Isn't it a little too clean in here?”
As Meg speaks, the lifeless arm begins to levitate. Suddenly legs, hands, arms, ears fly across the room and swirl rapidly around her body. The pieces fit together in a blue haired man who grabs her from the back, pointing a sharp rod at her throat.
“ ‘Evening ladies and gentlemen. Get me the fuck outta here and no one gets hurt.”
Torres can't believe his eyes. “Where’d that dirty clown come from?!”
“It must be Devil Fruit powers, watch out!”
The two men block Ava and take a step back, pulling out their guns.
“Put all weapons down, please!” the woman yells. “It’s just a misunderstanding!”
“Relax, lads. You can keep her all you want.” the pirate smirks bitterly.
“Buggy, no!”
“Shut up! It's all your fault, shark girl!”
“What? You broke the cannon!”
As the quarrel goes on, one word ignites a sudden exchange of glances among the crew members. Meg looks up, resisting the rod sinking in her neck.
“Oh” she says stiffly “you're the Emperor.”
“Flash and bones, baby: the star clown, the genius jester, Warlord, president of Cross Gild! You’d better drop me off before my men hunt you down!”
“I hope you're a good swimmer, then.” Allen frowns. “We entered the calm belt half an hour ago.”
Buggy rolls his eyes, chuckling “Pathetic bluff, doc. How could you losers navigate the belts?”
“Deck 4, open airlock.”
Torres’ voice echoes through the room and the orange light on the ceiling flashes again.
The wall next to them splits and opens up with a loud hiss, revealing the open sea. Even if a light rain is rippling the sea surface, no wind comes in, the air outside is dense and stifling.
Buggy pushes Meg away, his heart plunging in his chest while observing the gigantic silhouettes of Sea Kings roaming underwater.
“I think you should meet our Captain, jester.” the woman suggests, massaging her neck.
The crew proceeds to escort Buggy and Ava out of the warehouse, through narrow corridors and steep stairs. The clown is quietly observing the place as they go: “That’s crazy! You can talk to the ship and it does things on its own. These shitheads do have something on their hands… I wonder if there's any gizmo I could steal.” He swallows nervously “At least I wouldn't return to Perona empty handed.”
The group stops in front of a wall with a glowing disk where Meg places her hand. Again, two panels activate, splitting and sliding open.
“Romi, we have guests.”
The woman leads the way through an extremely messy workroom, where the stowaways are fascinated by unknown machinery lying on a large counter. All around, glowing texts and shapes are glitching on the walls.
“What is that!” Ava gasps under her breath. A sleek device is cabled to a platform; it has a beat-up hollow wheel in the front and its lucid shell is heavily scratched. With a raspy voice, a dark skinned woman stands up behind the vehicle.
“If it's another hologram from Labophase, I swear…” She adjusts a pair of round eyeglasses in her wavy hair, still focused on her reparations.
Meg clears her throat: “He’s Buggy the clown, one of the Four Emperors. Him and the girl got caught in the crane.” The scarred woman walks up to the platform and whispers “Remember that talk we had before leaving Egghead? All those pictures and bounties?”
“What would you suggest?” the captain asks in a low voice.
Romi grabs a greasy towel, eying the intruders: Buggy the Emperor doesn't look that threatening in his messed up face paint and striped shirt; same goes for his blonde companion who wouldn't even sustain eye contact. The captain gets closer with a dim smile on her face. “What a privilege for us, Yonko. Welcome aboard the Challenger.”
“How kind.” Buggy replies, his voice flat “As much as I’d love to play tea party, Ma’am, I need you to take me back where you dug me up.”
“On 0348? No prob, it'll take a couple weeks.”
“Come again?”
“It’s our best outcome, so far: fifteen days to complete a lap of the Grand Line.”
The pirate laughs, confused. “You know you can literally turn the ship around, right?”
“No you can't, if the ship's the Challenger. Once we enter the belts, the Algopose decides where and when we stop next. It has to work its magic or we get lost for good.”
Buggy strokes his forehead, inhaling deeply. “A ship from the future that doesn't steer…” He can't decide whether to scream or cry his eyes out. “This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” he says in a low voice.
“It has its flaws, I give you that.”
“How about Karai Bari, then? How many decades to get there?”
“Let me check with JoyJoey. In the meanwhile, I think you should get some rest.”
Romi heads for the workroom’s exit, signaling everyone to follow her.
As she leads her crew and guests down a metal staircase, the clanging of their steps resounds all around, along with her voice. “You’ll like it in here. Some details aren't top-tier yet, but my ship has nothing to envy to that pretentious junk from Labophase.”
They turn into a wide corridor, evenly lit by tall lighted arches. Left and right, numbered panels tower over them.
“What’s Labophase?” Ava timidly asks.
Romi’s voice gets snarly. “Vegapunk’s lab, the cradle of the future…actually a bunch of old farts with gov money.”
“And weapons.” Buggy adds. “You guys do weapons too?”
The Captain picks up the pace.
“I refuse. Everybody wants to be the next professor V. and what’s come of it? Wooden ships still sink at Reverse Mountain but, oi, we’ve got the Pacifistas!”
Romi stops in front of a door and slaps the digital circle to reveal a bedroom.
“Stay as long as you need. It’s JoyJoey’s room but he never lefts the cockpit.”
Buggy stomps in first, taking a good look at the space. “Wow…gray, grates and weird stuff. Again.” he thinks, raising his eyebrows “What's with this dullness?”
He stops in front of a hexagonal niche and throws himself on the mattress placed inside.
Buggy is quite surprised: a cheerful crowd of shapes fills the hidden space around the bed. Small paper drawings are glued on the walls, in a chaotic whirlwind of colors. A smile lights up the clown's face.
“Ugh, he still hasn't cleaned this mess.” Romi leans inside the bed niche, reaching for a squared button.
A portion of the wall rolls up and natural light fills the room.
“JoyJoey’s our navigator” the woman says “The only one who gets to have a window here. You’re two lucky bastards!” she bursts out laughing.
Buggy sits up “Two? Oh no, Ma’am, I don’t share.”
“This is a small ship. It's either here or top deck, if you fancy the Belts at night.”
“Am I going to sleep on the floor?” Ava presses Romi.
“Hey, chill out! We've got bed modules.”
“Well then, take that module and shove it in one of your rooms.” Buggy growls "Ladies should go with ladies.”
“And strangers with strangers! You're not going anywhere until I trust you two.” Romi quickly reaches her crew, half hidden outside the room. She stretches a fake smile and presses her hand on the wall. The panels close, followed by a steamy noise.
Ava runs to the door, randomly hitting its surface with her palms.
“This is all your fault.” the pirate hisses behind her. “You’re always in my way and it's complete chaos, one bullshit after the other! You got me into this mess and I don’t know how to get out of it!”
As the words come out of Buggy's mouth, his voice gets shrill.
“Do you even understand how fucked I am? If those two find out I’m not at the camp they’ll think I’ve run off!”
“So what?” Ava snaps “You’ve run off! Call your pirate army and…I don't know, kill them. What can they do to you?”
“They own me.”
The two remain still, frowning at each other.
“I owe Sir Fucking Crocodile millions of Berry and the only reason I’m alive is that I’ll have to take a bullet for him if things go south!” the pirate’s face is altered by a desperate grin “I just wanted to forget about my shitty life for a day or two. Now I'm a dead man walking.”
“I’m truly sorry, Buggy. But again, this is not my fault.” Ava’s voice is shaky. “You made things worse by damaging that cannon.”
“Why am I even talking to you?! Get out of my sight!”
“Sure, you only want to talk when I'm useful… Like an hour ago, on that beach.”
Buggy raises his blue eyes towards Ava. “It was a polite chat to kill time.”
“And it was nice, can we stick to that?”
“No. They made us marry, but I can choose not to like you.”
“Ok, so what did I do to you? I was forced into that ring like you, I’m miserable as you are miserable and yet I’ve been nothing but kind.”
“Oh, the hypocrisy! You didn't want to be killed, that's all.”
“That too, yes!” Ava yells, her green eyes open wide. “For the first time I was my own person and I thought it would be great, however I'm still sleeping on the floor and constantly being yelled at…No matter how far I go, I'm still stuck.”
The atmosphere within the room turns sad. Ava tries to hold back tears, her eyes reddened.
“Still stuck.” Buggy echoes, sitting on the bed again. He rests his head on his palms and lets go of a long puff: “Even if I wiped you all out, it would be me and the Sea Kings anyway. I guess I'd better not waste my energy and find a way to handle this mess.”
One of his hands flies towards Ava. The woman’s eyes light up as his dirty fingers take her hand and firmly shake it.
“Now. The only way I can survive Croc and Mihawk is with information; a lot of information. A slave with information is worth more than a Yonko, I'll tell you that much.”
“So you're a slave now?” Ava sighs, sitting on the floor next to the pirate.
“Do you think slaves only come with a skin mark? Buckle up for the real world, babe.” Buggy smirks. “Anyway. During these two weeks I have to squeeze out the science gang and I expect your full collaboration, Ava.”
The woman looks up to the clown’s crazed glance, worried.
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“…within my heart
Daisy, Daisy
planted one day by a glancing dart…”
The bright sky of the Belts reflects on a large hexagonal mirror, a translucent surface hiding a tidy bed. Ava is zipping up her gray coverall and leans forward to check a pimple on her forehead. “Enough with the singing, jester, it's time to go!” she chuckles.
Her roommate’s image appears in the mirror: Buggy is untangling his wet hair, shaking the dripping brush towards Ava with a childish grin. She pushes him away and jumps on the messy bed next to the window.
“I’ll miss this a little.” she thinks, tying up her boot's laces.
Over those days, she has grown fond of the clown’s weird songs. She'd often slow down in the morning, listening to him humming with his hair slit back and his face still clean.
“Room, Mirror off.” Buggy exclaims. The reflections fade away and the hexagon goes back to a bed module. Throwing a piece of charcoal on the floor, the pirate exits the room, his face covered in intricate black shapes.
“So, how are we feeling?” Ava asks, walking with him under the light arches.
“I don’t know. I hope our little present will please my colleagues enough to keep my head close to the rest.”
“It’s more than enough; that nose of yours will still be attached to your face tomorrow.” the woman winks at him.
“No shit.” Buggy fakes a grunt “Luckily, you're good at science ‘cause you'd make a horrible comedian.”
“You mean I can't apply for your circus?”
“Of course you can. CEO of Den Dens’ maintenance, right away!”
They enter the lunchroom smirking as the challenger’s crew is eating breakfast around a long metal table, arms chaotically mingling over full plates.
“You two!” Romi shouts “Thank god the jester’s getting off this ship today, I’m fed up with your nightly chats! What’s with sharing your whole life’s stories at 4am? People need to sleep!”
“Sorry Romi.” Ava says quietly, pouring herself the last drop of tea.
“Oh, c’mon Buggy.” the Captain continues. “Stop it.”
The pirate mutters through his full cheeks “I told you a million times, mind your business.” He’s eating with his hands, seated on the table with his legs spread. As usual, Ava sits behind him, hidden from the rest of the crew. After some time, though, Buggy feels a light touch on his arm: Ava's whispering to him to let go. The blue haired man sits properly and drags his chair. “I did what I could, she's on her own now.” he thinks, cracking a smile.
“So…what do I do with Labophase? They called again.” Meg is urging Romi who’s aggressively munching on her breakfast.
“Those Assholes!” the Captain shouts “Five years of research: no questions, no money. We sink half a cannon and it's three calls a day!”
“It might get into the wrong hands; they do have a point.” Allen objects.
“Tsk. They’re just scared they’ll no longer be the ones running the game.”
Torres waves his spoon, spitting cornflakes as he speaks: “I think we kinda leveled the field. If pirates and marines have the same tech, they’re…even?”
“Commoners will appreciate the fair play, no doubt.” Meg snaps, scathing.
“Guys, really, I can’t do this.” Romi’s voice gets weak, her face pale and drawn.
“Tell Labophase we won’t go search for it. Our funds are running out and the drifter is still unusable. I…I can’t sacrifice all of this on a fucking weapon.”
The Captain stands up abruptly. “Yonko, ready to disembark in four hours.” She cuts the conversation short and storms out of the lunchroom.
The atmosphere among the crew has gotten heavy, so Ava leads Buggy out. The two are walking through Deck 2, chatting and joking, when orange flashing lights go off throughout the ship.
A low rumble rises, growing and growing below the hull and the Challenger begins to roll: slowly tilting left and right, the floors become unsteady and random objects come tumbling down from the rooms.
“Shit!” Buggy holds Ava up. “Out of the Belts already?!” he mouths in the middle of the deafening noise. Clinging to his floating hand, the woman cries out: “It's the Algopose! We're early!”
Amidst that chaos, a familiar voice croaks from above: “Initiate safety protocol, remote commands are not responding.” All of Romi’s distress is coming out of the speakers. “Lab 2 is top priority. Ava, take Buggy to Lab 3 immediately.”
Ava visibly gaps. She moves quickly, sliding and falling. The jester presses his hand against her back, guiding her away from slamming into the walls when a new wave hits.
They run past Romi’s lab, where Meg and Torres are securing all the gimmicks, then Ava stops in front of a second door. As its panels slide open, Buggy cannot believe his eyes.
It’s a chemistry lab. Powders, burners, beakers, flasks everywhere. “It’s… beautiful.” the pirate thinks, gawping.
Ava’s cries for help harshly bring him back to reality: all those shiny objects are rolling and flying off their shelves, shattering on the floor in thousands of pieces.
“Lab 3, lock in place!” Ava orders, tinkering with a touch panel and hitting it with the palm of her hand. A number of boxes go back to their position, retained by an invisible force, while others are grasped by Buggy, his limbs moving frantically around the room.
As hours go by, the ominous rumble of the sea seems to quiet and the floor tilting gets gentler. Exhausted, Ava and Buggy slide down a wall, surrounded by glass splinters.
“These people are out of their fucking mind!” the pirate shouts “We could explode!”
“On normal days…it’s all locked up…” Ava wheezes
“Why did they send you? You need someone who knows how to handle this stuff!”
“No one here knows.” Ava replies. “I mean, from what I saw, Romi knows a little, but not nearly enough to help with the Drifter.”
“Is that why Captain Four Eyes was crying into her breakfast?”
“Yup. Last tests didn't go well…It keeps shutting down. Didn't make it past the lab’s doors.”
“I could have helped! There must be something useful here.”
“You could? It’s a pity you did nothing but sleep and eat the whole time, then.”
“Like this and this, or that” Buggy’s finger is pointing at colored liquids and powders around the lab. “Mix together and…boom! Whatever that thing is, they're gonna fish it out of the East Blue!” he sneers.
“That's not the point, Doctor Vegaclown!
Where did you learn all this, though?”
“I loved to do experiments as a kid, back on the Oro Jackson… A lifetime ago.” Buggy smiles while twirling some glass tubes around his fingers. “How do you think I make my Muggy bombs, uh? You don’t need books to make those beauties!”
Ava laughs heartily, as the pirate turns into a rambling child, jabbering on and on about his favorite topic. As Buggy lets himself go, a warm feeling makes its way through Ava's chest. What a shame he had to go back to his Yonko life.
“Hey, Bug, since you're good with chemistry.” Ava looks down “You should find a way to read someone's blood, to check where they’re from.”
“What does it even mean?”
“If you’d test Meara…you'd be a slave with a hell of a leverage. Crocodile won't touch you again.”
“I see.” The pirate frowns.
During their nightly chats, Ava told him about her relatives and Meara’s cruelty to all of them. “But this? What's with Read’s blood now?” he thinks.
“Also, if you keep your head…make something again.” the woman flushes. “It must be nice to be around you when you’re that happy.”
Buggy stares at Ava, looking for a funny, witty remark, but nothing comes to mind. He definitely is unhappy, through and through. Still, he has to admit her words have given him some sort of hopeful, nostalgic feelings; as if there were a small shard of himself, buried deep inside, that isn't completely dead.
Romi’s voice echoes from the speakers: “Attention, crew. We entered the Grand Line in the middle of a storm. Again. But no losses this round, so…good job. Buggy, come to the cockpit, we're one hour away from Karai Bari.”
“It's time.” The pirate gets up, his hands in his pockets. “All in all, it was fun. I'm sorry you got such a shitty husband but I'm sure you'll do great with the science gang.”
As he walks out, a deep uneasiness jolts through Ava's chest. Words escape her lips, louder that she'd like them to be: “I’ll miss our chats at night. Take care, Buggy.”
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cutedice · 2 years
Rushing In (1/3)
Ship: Sanji x GN!Reader WC: 1063 Warnings: Fluff, a little OOC Placement: Pre-timeskip, Post Alabasta Synopsis: The crew stopped on an island for a few days, and while being shown around, Sanji begins to realize he’s about to fall for their tour guide; and perhaps they were on the same edge as him.
Sanji trod a thin line between emotionally reserved and a bit too empathetic for his own good. He fully believed that there was nothing wrong with expressing one’s feelings and emotions as long as the given time was appropriate. Still, he did have issues representing that belief himself. He didn’t want to be hypocritical but something along the lines of his pride stopped him from fully committing to certain feelings.
This was especially true when it came to romantics. Of course, he was a showy man. He had fronts and expressed his outward admiration for the lovely women he would meet, but there was a subtle lack of depth to all of it.
He did crave a better connection, but it was something he could suppress and wait for. However, that did change one night on an island on the Grandline where he met (Y/N).
He didn’t know what it was about them, perhaps their kindness in offering to tour the small group around the island? It was just the six of them– Robin had stuck to the ship for this visit, and Luffy didn’t seem to mind leaving her in charge so… the rest of the crew didn’t mind. Still, it was a large group to handle.
But, (Y/N) handled it with a smile. A glorious look, the delightful way they lit up when someone on the crew did something dumb or laughable.
He couldn’t resist. It was almost impossible for him to ignore the rapid beating in his chest and the way he could feel the back of his neck burn as a blush crept its way up to his face whenever they looked at him.
They led them to a bar and joined them for dinner. It was cheap and good and the spirits were high and joyus. Sanji crept a few more glances their way, a bubbling in his chest and suddenly he just coulnd’t handle it. He stood up and excused himself for a smoke. The rest of the crew didn’t mind his leaving, though Chopper muttered something about the risks of doing so.
Sanji ignored that, much like he had when it was brought up after Chopper initially joined. He stepped outside, looking up at the night sky as he took a cigarette out of his pack. He brought it to his lips as he went to pat for his lighter, though he was caught of guard by one appearing in front of his face. He followed the hand, looking past the arm only to see (Y/N)’s kind smile looking back at him. “Ah, thanks,” he muttered, leaning forward some as they ignighted the lighter.
The smoke was lit and Sanji took a long drag before blowing away from them. It was quiet for a few minutes before the chef leaned against the wall with a small sigh. “The islands lovely. Thanks for the tour,” he said, smiling towards them.
(Y/N) waved the thanks off, finding some sort of excuse in there for why he didn’t have to thank them before they leaned on the wall next to him.
“... You want a hit?” he offered the cigarette over. He didn’t mind not filling the silence, but it felt oddly tense. That was, of course, his own fault in a way.
He watched them deny the offer and he shrugged, taking another hit off of it.
(Y/N) dug their toe into the dirt before finally they spoke out, carefully.
Sanji perked up, glancing over at them before he tilted his head. “Ah… I think we’re staying three days so the logpose can set,” he answered. “Plenty of time for someone like you to fall for me I think,” he said, winking.
He chuckled as they laughed.
It fell silent again and Sanji finished his smoke, dropping it to the ground to snub it out. Then, he lokoed at (Y/N) with a michievous grin. “Do you want to go on a walk with me? I’m sure they’ll be partying for a bit,” he looked towards the entrance to the bar, wathcing shadows move frantically around.
(Y/N) didn’t take long to accept, but they also took the lead on the walk.
Sanji didn’t mind, following along with them as they led him back through town and to the beach. They skipped the docks and headed for a different area. It was explained to him as a secret spot, but they liked him so he could see. That in itself was flattering, but the sight was fairly pretty too.
It wasn’t huge, but a patch of a secluded part of the beach was multicolored with different rocks, creating a rainbow display on the sand in front of a cave.
Sanji listened to (Y/N) as they explained it, growing more curious with the explanation as he felt the familiar butterflies fill him again.
“So this is the most romantic spot in town, huh?” he asked, smiling a bit before he chuckled. “Is this your way of flirting?” he asked them, watching as their face turned red, defensive.
He snickered. “It’s alright! I don’t mind,” he cooed before he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I’d love to indulge in an island’s tradition, especially with you, but it feels, well… like it should be special. I know you’re not serious about it.”
(Y/N) stared at him, the gears in their head apparently clicking as they lit up and asked a question.
“Well… like I said, Nami mentioned it’d take three days for the log pose to set,” Sanji mumbled, “So we’ll be here for that long.”
With a large grin, the announcement then came. It was more of a dare, a game of sorts, but the challenge had Sanji’s heart dancing.
“You- you think you can get that close to me in three days?” he asked, sounding skeptical.
(Y/N) gave a confident nod and then reached into their pocket, passing Sanji a brightly colored rock. A promise.
Sanji stared at it, his smile shaky but he had nothing to lose here. “You’re on then,” he told them with a small laugh. “Pick me up tomorrow morning from the ship, okay?”
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