#loki sh
vale-laufeyson · 1 year
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Loki sh
SUMMARY | You have been struggling lately, and the rest of the Avengers are starting to take notice of this. One night, Thor approaches you and catches you off-guard, making you suddenly feel very self-conscious about your arms and legs. Loki happens to be nearby and notices, making sure you're feeling safe as he comes to your rescue.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Mentions of past self-harm, mentions of depression, Thor being an asshole, Loki being a really great friend.
You haven't been in the best headspace lately, and it is starting to show. Not just in the way you dress or look, but in your behavior too. Usually, you don't mind people seeing your scars nowadays, especially the Avengers, but your depression has been catching up with you again. The missions have been getting harder and it is difficult for you to stay focused when you're even going on one to begin with. Where you used to be the light of every room you walk into, now you're feeling like you bring everyone down with you as your mood turns sour very quickly.
You've rarely gotten out of bed these last few days, and your hygiene has been suffering as a result. When Steve calls you in for another mission, you text him to say you can't go, because you're not feeling well but you don't want to talk about it. He accepts but he's worried regardless, he's seen you go down a spiral like this before. Not much later, he's at your door, knocking softly. "Y/N? Can I come in?" he says but you send him away. "Okay, but please take care of yourself, okay?" he asks and answer, you don't have the strength. you don't
That evening, you have a sudden burst of energy, and decide to take advantage of it by taking a shower and getting yourself cleaned up a little. When you're done it's already close to midnight, so you just put on a pair of sleep shorts and a sports bra, so you can get a snack and something to drink before diving back into your bed. You look at yourself in the mirror and your eyes go over the scars on your arms, legs, and stomach, some from battle, but most from the years of self-harm. Some faded into almost nothing, some still pink from the fact that they're relatively fresh. You haven't done it in almost three months, but the scars don't fade that quickly, and you're well aware.
You finally manage to rip yourself away from the mirror and you walk towards the kitchen, not expecting anyone. When you arrive in the kitchen, however, you're met with a surprise in the form of a certain God of Thunder, as Thor is sitting in the kitchen eating a snack. "Hey Y/N-", he says before the rest of the words die in his mouth, and his eyes are grazing over your scars. You want to curl into a ball and cry right about now, because you're extremely uncomfortable at this moment, but you're trying to stay strong. "What the... I thought you stopped harming yourself," Thor says as he walks up to you with big steps, and grabs your arms into his big hands.
"Thor, please let me go," you whimper, tears starting to trickle down your face. "Not before you tell me why-" he says bluntly, but suddenly you hear a familiar voice behind you. "Brother, I believe the lady said she wants you to let go," Loki says and Thor immediately does, but not before looking at them for a few more seconds. "I thought you didn't-" he starts, but Loki doesn't let him finish. "Stop, she's already in enough distress as is right now. Just go and don't be such a dick next time," he says shortly to Thor and he pulls his eyes away from you. "I'm sorry," is all he says before walking out of the kitchen, and you sink into your knees, sobbing uncontrollably at this point.
"Is it okay if I touch you? I just want to hold you in my arms until you calm down, that's all," Loki says as he crouches in front of you, and you nod with your face in your hands. He wraps his arms around you softly as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, calming you down. The two of you stay like that for what feels like forever, and multiple Avengers came to check up on you, but Loki whisked them away without saying a word. He didn't have to, because they all knew he had it under control, he is taking care of you right now.
When your sobs have turned down to soft sniffles, you take your hands away from your face and you look at Loki, who gives you nothing but a look of pure adoration. "Hi beautiful girl, I'm glad to have you back," he says as he softly runs his fingers through your hair. "Do you want me to bring you to your bedroom?" he asks and you nod, and he picks you up so your wrap your arms and legs around his shoulders and waist. "Ah, you're my little koala bear now!" he softly jokes and you chuckle a little because he's not wrong.
All you can think of is how grateful you are right now. In all honesty, the two of you haven't spoken that many times, but you've always been nice to each other. You never expected him to do this, however, but you'll soak up every second of it while it lasts. He softly strokes your back in circles as he walks you to your bedroom, and he can feel you physically relax in his hold. "It's okay, beautiful, you're going to be okay," he says in your hair and smiles softly. He's glad he can help you like this, and he's honestly happy that he walked by when he did, because he doesn't want to think about what happened if he hadn't.
When the two of you arrived in your bedroom, he softly puts you down on the bed, and as he wants to walk away, you finally say something. "Thank you, Loki. For saving me," you say, and all he says in response is "Please, don't mention it. I'm just taking care of my love," he says before bending over and placing a kiss on your forehead. "Stay, please," you say and he does. He strips down until he's just wearing pants before climbing in the bed with you, as you curl up into his arms, your head against his chest. "We're going to talk about this later, right now, you need your sleep," he says and you agree, slowly falling into a deep sleep in his arms. You've never felt safer in your entire life than you do right now.
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lokiusly · 10 months
tw: sh
what if when Mobius said “scar tissue”, Mobius meant he self h*rmed after the other hunters were killed because he thought it was his fault?
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anundyingfidelity · 10 months
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I did something, I guess...
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Warning my hcs for him might look a bit ooc for anyone who doesn't literally share my brain 💀
TW: s/h, ED, attempted sewerslide, hospitalization
First thing first, this kid's mental health is Fucked Up
He gets through so much shit as a kid, which mostly keeps affecting him as he grows up
When he's a little kid, he's pretty chubby (it's your fault I hc this XD), because Sheila has him completely spoiled
But since humancentiPad be stopped eating almost completely
He couldn't eat anything without throwing up for months at first
And since then he's not been able to eat much either, even though he doesn't puke every time anymore
So yeah, he has an ED and he fucking hates it
HumancentiPad also left him with mouth scars, he hates mirrors because they force him to acknowledge them :(
His relationship with his friends also gets worse on their early teens
Mainly Cartman
The only thing keeping Kyle sane was Stan fr
Like, even if he was getting progressively worse mentally, Stan would make sure it wasn't too bad
But when Stan went to the psych ward at 15, Kyle completely broke
Between the worry for his SBF (he'd attempted Kyle had almost lost him forever fuck fuck fuck what if it happened again), and the being without him for a whole month, it fucked Kyle up so bad
Kyle basically went into a huge mania, always acting happy and cheerful and laughing even though inside he felt fucking awful
When Stan got back he felt so bad
He still stuck with Kyle the same as always :)
Only way to see Kyle's genuine smile (super rare event) is when he's with Stan<3
The only moments Kyle breaks character is when he's by himself
Like literally nobody's seen him cry since he was a little kid, even though his breakdowns are almost weekly
It's at the point that even Cartman genuinely checks on him sometimes
His immune system sucks and that's why he's sick so often
Mentally, he has HPD, an unlabeled ED and bipolar I
He's in a (hypo?)manic episode almost all the time
But he's never been hospitalized nor medicated for it
So he just. Keeps getting worse :(
Self-injury a lot
He used to hide his cuts but he gave up on it
His literal only coping mechanism is hurting himself :(
He doesn't have a specific style, but all his clothes are colorful and eye-strain-y
He keeps wearing his hat, but now it's covered in multicolor paint after he had a big episode
He reads a lot, he always has a book in his bag
At school, he's best at math and English
Not counting literature, he sucks at that
He's pretty good at geography too
His gender and sexuality are both unlabeled, but he goes by he/they
His parents care about him, but they also don't want to be the talk of all the town by getting Kyle admitted into the mental hospital
Plus Kyle insists he'll be fine so they want to believe him
He still takes care of Ike sometimes and they have an alright relationship, but they don't talk as much anymore
He'll probably be fine, eventually,,, but not yet :(
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wrotethisat12 · 1 year
shit idk, I wrote these last night and some of them are oddly specific.
if you use any of these please tag me, I wanna read what you wrote!
tw for mentions of sh/ed/sui ahead
plot prompts:
Person A walks in on person B s/h-ing
Person A is celebrating three years free of s/h
Person A tells person B about their s/h and person B leaves (temporarily)
Celebrity! Person A x Celebrity! Person B, pictures of Person A in an outfit that reveals their s/h scars gets released.
(Platonic/friends to lovers) Person A is encouraging Person B to “just get in” the pool, but the problem isn’t the water, it’s the swimsuit…
Teammate! Person A walks into the locker room while Person B is trying not to s/h 
Person A and Person B decide to follow Person C home to see why they can’t go out with them…
Person A has a nightmare and needs a stuffed animal
(Teen AU) Person A is in the school bathroom s/h-ing, but some blood drips down, and Person B sees…
Person A tells Person B that they are afraid of themself after having a nightmare about attempting sui, Person B holds them all night
Person A’s family invites them and Person B to a water park, but they have to politely decline.
Person A is Celebrity! Person B’s fan, and Person A tells them how they helped inspire them to stop s/h-ing.
Person A helps Person B work up the courage to wear something that shows their scars
Person A realizes that Person B is not taking their meds.
Person A starts to see themself in Person B, which worries them
Person A is Person B’s teacher/ Person A sees Person B’s sleeve roll up in class, asks them to stay after to talk to them about it.
Person A makes Person B food, and Person B doesn’t let go of Person A the entire time.
Dialogue prompts
“I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t let you do this.”
“Stop it! You’re hurting yourself!”
“That is not just a scratch!”
“Are there more?”
“I know what you’re doing, and I’m not gonna let you.”
“I’ve been there, I can help you.”
“honey, have you been taking your meds?”
“I don’t care how many times you cut, I love you…”
“I’ll be there for as long as it takes…” “it’s gonna be a long time, (nickname).”
You can send these in my ask box! (Examples: Dialogue prompts 1 with (character), plot prompts 2 with character) I update this constantly :) any fandoms are fine but I might not have heard of them.
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fla-t-line · 2 years
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Following my own prompts for #whumptober2022
Day 5: Suicide Attempt
Based on chapter 14 of this fic it’s amazing go read it
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hugsandchaos · 7 months
I was suddenly reminded of the Super Hero Squad show and made this
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
do not read this if you are triggered by blood or suicide, ive been having issues lately and needed to vent-write
disclaimer: i love tony and all of the avengers and do not think he or they could ever be this mean but i needed to write something
tw: sh, suicide, bad parent, bad friends, steve is kind of a creep
my head hurt. bad. i walked out of my room and headed down the stairs in search of the tylenol, my gel knight encased in a plastic capsule. i paused, noticing that all of the avengers save sam and bucky were in the kitchen. i crept into the room quietly, hoping they wouldn't notice me, but i'm not exactly morgan. i'm tall. my dad's head whipped around. "what are you doing in here." i tried to swallow the dry lump in my throat as he glared at me. "just getting some water and tylenol. my head really hurts. i don't feel good." i wrung my hands behind my back so he wouldn't see, he didn't like it when i showed any feelings. "who's that tony?" i heard steve's voice float leeringly from his seat at the bar. "your daughter?" "actually, i'm--" "yeah, sadly. she's a worthless piece of shit. didn't really want her, but her mom dropped her off and here we are. she's really only useful for getting me things." tony replied casually. "dad!" i cried breathlessly, shocked at his nonchalance. i felt my eyes swim, the room becoming blurry as i angrily wiped the tears from my face. steve and nat snorted, clint turning away to hide the shaking of his shoulders. bruce was grinning widely as thor spoke to me. "aw, is the lady crying?" i looked at rhodey, wondering if even he hated me. the soft smirk on his face told me all i needed to know. "she looks so sad! tony, you should give her a hug!" nat said mockingly, sending the avengers into fits of giggles all over again. "you wanna know something i didn't?" i asked quietly. "sure, what is it? that the avengers could hate someone?" steve's eyes flicked over me, making me shift uncomfortably. "or that you're simply nothing to us?" bruce chimed in. i stayed silent for a few more seconds before i looked up at them. "when a heart breaks, it actually makes a sound." nat looked taken aback and tony looked mildly uncomfortable. i pulled off my sweatshirt, throwing it at him. "bury this with me, will you?" his eyes scanned me, amused. "this is your fault." i whispered, pointing at all of them. "you are the reason i died." they paused for a second, then started laughing. "you really think we're going to believe you? jeez tony, did your kid inherit any of the brain cells?" nat cried out. while they were all laughing at my expense, i left the room. i went downstairs, grabbing my shoes, my favorite leather jacket, and whisked out the door. i knew where i was going.
avengers pov: "wait. tony? where'd she go?" nat had been the first to stop laughing, now with a pit of anxiety brewing in her stomach. tony looked over at her, then the spot where his kid had been standing. "probably back up to her hermit hole. she rarely leaves it." he took another sip of the gin and tonic he'd mixed before glancing back over at her. "why so worried? weren't you just laughing at her threat?" nat shook her head, red hair bouncing. "but what if she was serious? tony, i know you dislike her but that's still your daughter." her leg was bouncing up and down, only to be calmed by bruce's gentle hand. "nat, leave it. it's nothing." suddenly, JARVIS sprung to life. "sir, i think there's something you may want to see." "throw it on the tv, JARVIS." tony replied to the AI. the tv in front of them sprang to life, showing the tracker he had on his kid. "she seems to be heading for the train tracks, sir." tony looked at the screen, confused. "let's go get her. it's probably nothing, but...yeah. it's probably nothing." the avengers grabbed their things and filed out the double doors.
your pov: this is it. this is the end. my end. i knew my dad didn't care enough, but to think the avengers, the heroes who protected this damn world, hated me too? it was too much to deal with. sighing, i pulled out the small switchblade i kept on my person at all times. flicking it open, i pressed the cool metal to my cheek and relaxed against the familiar feeling of the blade on my hot skin. i made a small incision on the side of my face, biting back tears at the burn it brought with it. all the sudden, i heard my name being called. well, not exactly my name, but i heard tony yelling, "kid! kid!" over and over again. i wanted them to watch. so i stood, facing the bright moon that lit up my soft skin, the harsh wind whipping my hair around. i gripped the knife, pressing it to my throat. i had one chance with this: i could leave and go with my father; or i could make him suffer with seeing the loss of his eldest daughter. either way, i was in a spot they definitely couldn't reach in time, even being the avengers. as i was about to make the cut, my dad stepped into the clearing, nat and clint at his sides, bruce, steve and thor standing behind them all. "kid? what are you doing all the way up there? get down, it's cold and i want to go home." i took a deep breath and shouted back over the wind. "i'm not coming home." "what do you mean you're not coming home? of course you are, let's go!" "i told you once, i can't do this again. i'm done dad. i am done." i held the blade up so they could see it shine in the moonlight. "i want to end it." my voice, strong and confident, cracked on the last syllable. "kid. stop playing games, it's not funny anymore." i could hear the panic in his voice, and i found a guilty pleasure in it. "no. you don't even know my name."
avengers pov: tony threw his hand out to stop clint from scaling the rocks and grabbing them. "you won't get to her in time." he stepped back, looking mildly upset. "well what do we do? she's not gonna come down!" he exclaimed angrily. "i'm gonna try and talk her down. if that doesn't work--" tony's breath caught in his throat as he saw the shine of the blade leave his field of view, most likely going for his kid's throat. "please don't!" he called out to her. "it's not...worth it?" he said, questioning his own sentence when he saw nat roll her eyes. "what? you try!" "gladly." she stepped forward. "hey, honey. please come down. we need you here with us." she pointed to tony. "how would you feel if you left your dad here all alone?" a chill went down nat's spine when she saw the smile that fell from their lips, dripping blood down the side of your face. "i'd feel amazing."
your pov: they couldn't possibly think that i'd listen to them after everything they'd done to me, could they? as i was contemplating it, i saw my dad usher clint forward out of the corner of my eye. the blade was to my throat and i had slashed it open no sooner than he'd taken four steps towards me. i heard a shriek as i fell, not sure if it was nat or possibly my dad. i let my body go limp as everything else went dark, i thought one thing before i hit the ground. "watch my heart break.."
avengers pov: tony tried sending clint while nat distracted her. it didn't work, since the second she saw him moving towards her, she'd slit open her throat and let herself fall down, trusting the wind to take her down safely. tony yelled at the same time nat did, knowing that she died before she hit the ground but also convinced that somehow yelling for her would somehow stop her from dying. he bolted towards her, racing to catch her before her body slammed into the earth. "nonononononononononono, pleaase no," he cried. "you can't leave, no!" his voice tapered into a whisper when he caught her, seeing all the blood spilling from the wound on her neck and staining his clothes. "oh my fuck. no." the rest of the avengers crowded around him, all of them in some state of disarray. "jesus tony." nat whispered. there was no response from stark. he simply curled himself around his daughter's body and cried harder than he ever had in his entire life.
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benevolentgodloki · 10 months
If you can see all timelines that means you also saw the one where Ant-Man defeated Thanos by getting into his ass and expanding, don't you?
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"Never. Tell. Lang."
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aeterna---amantes · 2 years
|| I Still Do Not Like This:
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vale-laufeyson · 1 year
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I think I need Loki in those moments
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jonny-versace · 2 years
She-Hulk just keeps getting better and better, it’s so much fun. Feels like with Moon Knight/Ms Marvel and now this, Marvel have realised that the tv stuff can exist within the MCU but doesn’t have have to be tied to it, or have to have the responsibility of advancing it, a sweeter spot
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 11 months
you can make a loki x sh reader pls. If you don't like this kind of writing thing that's fine anyway. Thanks in any case
Hey ... I hope you are doing ok ❤️
Honestly I am not comfortable and confident enough about this topic -
Usually I would try to research the topic to understand it better to write it somewhat realistically but I have to admit I am feeling unwell even from just reading about it - I can't see blood
• I think the first time Loki caught you hurting yourself he couldn't understand what was happening - why are you hurting yourself ?
• He demands answers - talk to him about your feelings
• Loki doesn't want to leave you alone anymore - he is too scared you would hurt yourself again
• come to him if you feel like hurting yourself - he offers you to hold his hand tight or scratch him instead
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 1 edition)
- while filming the scene where skye gets sh*t by ian quinn in 1x13 [T.R.A.C.K.S], they took hours to film not only because the scene was so intense, but because there was a christmas parade happening nearby that was so loud it kept interrupting the shot.
- another shot interruption occurred in 1x16 when filming scenes at the race track. they couldn’t shut down the track entirely during filming so halfway through a scene a horse would charge past in the background and they would have to reshoot the scene.
- chloe had such a bad driving reputation back in season one that she was banned from driving all golf carts on the lot. she also accidentally stalled a car while rehearsing a scene and everyone panicked.
- they only had 15 days to film 1x01. FIFTEEN DAYS TO FILM EVERYTHING.
- in the end of episode 1x12 [Seeds], there’s a moment where coulson is voicing over and says “the world is full of evil and lies.” during this moment, the camera is on ward. this is one of the first main references of ward secretly being hydra.
- there were three-ish main sets for backgrounds during season one. set 16 was their “labyrinth set” with random sets like the abandoned race track, parts of Providence, john Garrett’s “layer” and a small set for the Freezer.
- clark gregg was so adamant about the casting for the cellist that he actually called audrey nathan personally and told her she was perfect for the role.
- on the day the cast was to meet to discuss filming the last two episodes of the season, a 4.4 earthquake hit los angles which the cast though was foreshadowing the darker episodes to come.
- to represent coulson coming back after what happened to him during the avengers, the wardrobe department tailored his suits differently to give coulson a “new feel”. they really said “let’s mix this shit up and give him a slicker [yes, that’s the word they used] suit.”
- also, coulson never wears black suits after his death due to loki. he only wears shades of grey, never plain black as it reminds him of death.
- the only direction the wardrobe department was given on ward’s outfits was that he needed to look sexy. that’s it.
- as the season progresses, skye wears darker clothes to represent her loss of innocence as the situations get darker.
should i do one for season 2? this was fun and i was bored :)
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amphitriteswife · 26 days
💚marry me!💜
For @rorlokiswifey
Sigyn mentioned in this post is from @mizz-sea-nymph
Lil angsty but it gonna be okii
Tagging: @praisethesuuun @nicasdreamer @swallowtail-lotus @tinyy-tea-cup @jonquilclegane
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Walking up the steps of Valhalla you tried your best to ignore the Nordic god floating above you. He had been pestering you for some years now. Why? Because he proposed, after he only knew you for 1 month. His words were that he could already sense you were the one. Ofcourse that was a lie and he immediately went to the fates to see if you would be his partner. Typical of Loki. ‘Comeeee ooonnnnn~’ Loki whined at you, still floating and following you even if he was supposed to attend the meeting with the other gods. You ignored his whining and finished walking the steps, entering the green house. He just sulked and closed his eyes, murmuring to himself.
In the green house you searched for some flowers you had to attend to on request of Idunn, who also needed to attend the meeting that Loki skipped. Wondering why you couldn’t hear the exaggerated whines and complaints of the trickster god you turned to find him outside the house still floating and murmuring with his eyes closed, he was floating with his face turned to the sky and his hands behind his head. His hair messy because of all the turning and moving. However, he wasn’t looking at where ye was floating and he was getting closer and closer to the glass. As a sign to hopefully make him aware of what he was doing, you ticked on the glass. But he was too caught up in his childish sulking to realize and then bumped his head into the glass which resulted in him falling to the ground on his back with a loud ‘Thump’ and a breathy but screeching ‘OUCH!’
This made you burst out laughing. It’s such a Loki thing to do that would never happen to anyone else which only made it even funnier. ‘H-HEY! IT’S NOT FUNNY! DON’T LAUGH AT YOUR FIANCE!’ Loki spurted out, embarrassment mixed with irritation and a pinch of humiliation. He quickly got up and clenched his hands when you still laughed at him, feeling more humiliated now but also kind of relieved he was able to make you laugh after you ignored him. ‘I’m not your fiancé, Loki.’ You told him a clearly. You hadn’t even accepted his proposal. Not that you would if you’ll be honest, but you’re not going to tell him that. Loki seemed a bit disheartened by your answer. It was no surprise that he really wanted to be with you, but he hated getting rejected like this. It hurt. And hurt is not something he experienced at often which only confused him and the way he should handle his feelings.
‘…why not, Siggy?’ He asked you a little more seriously now, trying to mask his disheartened and difficult acceptance. He isn’t one to take no for an answer and would push until he gets what he wants. That’s how he is and always had been. Though despite the mixed feelings of being married to him you couldn’t deny that the nickname he gave you was cute. ‘Well we don’t know each other that well, and you proposed to me 1 months after we knew each other. It’s all just so fast.’ Loki’s expression turned a little solemn at your words, but at the same time it also made him thought for a moment. Is he really pushing to hard? But he’s certain you’re the only one for him? Are you going to reject him? No! No way! It’ll be humiliating. Perhaps he should just play it as a long lasting prank… but it’s no secret that he does love you though. The scenarios in his head, the way he wanted to know more about you. He played it off as a crush before. But it’s so much more than that.
You couldn’t help but feel a little bad for saying that. He looked so sad… ‘come here.’ You said opening your arms for a hug, this seemed to make him feel a little better as he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your middle, his head was on your shoulder and he seemed to still be deep in thought. Even though his body was bent because of the hug, you could see his muscular shoulder a little slumped down. It was kind of amusing that he assumed you didn’t like him just because you refused the proposal. It didn’t mean you didn’t love him, just that you didn’t want to marry. ‘You do realize that i’d rather be your girlfriend first than actually marrying right away right?’ You asked him patting his back, this made him a bit stunned… you wanted to his girlfriend…you. Wanted to be his. His girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND?!!! His expression turned into one of happiness and excitement, but before he could say anything he choked on his own spit which caused you to laugh.
‘So…you’re my girlfriend now?’ Loki asked you, seemingly still needing time to process it. He did have a smile on his face and hugged you tightly. He seemed very happy, his cheeks slightly red and he seemed a little flustered. ‘Well, yeah! You’re cool with that?’ You asked him patting his back as he hugged you even more and placed a kiss on your cheek. ‘YIPPEE’
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Thank you for reading! 🩵🤍
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lady-rose-moon · 1 year
Hi beautiful! For your prompts, I would like to request:
Loki Laufeyson
4. Rainy day
Please and thank you 🙏😌
LCM xx
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Love Story || Loki x Reader ||
A/N; hello, my friend! I hope you enjoy this! Sorry it has taken so long, I finally found my inspiration! <3 additionally, another user (@fandxmslxt69) requested something similar so I decided just to credit them here, thank you both for the lovely request!
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It had been a beautiful day most of the day, Loki had decided to take you out into Asgard's market for the day, allowing you the opportunity to observe the Realm you now resided in. He watched you with a smile, accepting many compliments on your beauty and grace as you effortlessly mingled with the citizens.
Your smile lit up his world as you dragged him around the market, urging him toward stalls full of items to be bought or traded. Daggers, foods, sweet treats, books, emblems, rings, you name it and they had it. Loki found that his pocket of money he had allowed himself was almost empty after the final stall. Still, your smile made it all worth it.
"Your home is beautiful, Loki," you remarked softly, your dress swishing slowly in the calm wind as Loki guided you down a less occupied street, your cheeks were flushed from the thrill and he loved every second, "do you miss it back home?"
Taking a moment to gaze upon Asgard from your eyes, Loki hummed and replied softly with a fond, "I shall always miss home. However, I have a new home now."
"You do? Where?" you asked with a soft smile, nibbling on a brownie that Loki had purchased because you'd batted your eyelids.
Swiftly, Loki swooped down and pulled you into his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips and then whispering, "you, my love, always you," as he pulled away.
That was enough for your face to flush and your eyes to dart away with a faint embarrassment before you pressed a kiss to his nose with a faint giggle. "You needn't shower me with affection," you said, smiling up at him, "i know it is not your strong point."
"You bring out the best in me, my dear, even making me wish to display my undying affection for you," Loki replied, waving his hand and transporting your bags back to the palace before he grabbed your hip and pulled you close, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You happily responded to the God's advances, wrapping your arms around his neck and humming softly until you gasped and pulled away when a drop of rain fell onto your nose. In all of your time in Asgard - a solid three months now -, you'd never seen it rain. "I didn't... know it rained here," you remarked with a grin, holding up a hand to catch the now quickly falling rain.
Staring up at the sky, Loki didn't reply for a moment before ushering you beneath a stall that had been left and you laughed when you saw the pout on his face. "Thor is trying to mess with our date," you joked, as if to lessen the tension, shrugging as you watched the heavy rain.
"Please do not mention my brother when you are on a date with me," you heard Loki complain but you only smiled softly with a fond shake of your head as you knew he knew you would never leave him.
Watching the droplets falling from the safety of the stall, you smiled as you watched some people still continue with their day as if nothing was happening. You, however, had just had your hair professionally done by Frigga's best hair stylists to prepare for a ball tonight so couldn't possibly run out into the rain.
"Of course, the one day I decide to plan something nice for us, the weather has to ruin it," Loki complained, his arm reaching around your waist to pull you close and shelter you against him. From this embrace, you could feel his warmth and appreciate the moment.
Suddenly, a thought struck you and you smirked, your hand reaching to hold Loki's before you gently whispered, "dance with me."
"I beg your pardon?" Loki muttered distractedly before gasping when you stepped out into the rain with your arms outstretched. "Y/N!" he called, shock shining in his eyes as the professionally styled hair became soggy and you had to pull out all of the delicate pins and charms, "what are you--"
Loki couldn't continue since you reached beneath the stall and pulled him out into the downpour, laughing as he spluttered and his ebony hair stuck to his face as he glared down at you. "I wish to have some real fun before tonight! All those dignitaries are boring already but this can never be dull," you explained loudly over the sound of the rain before you began to guide Loki into a slow waltz.
After a few moments, Loki found his feet and began to lead the dance, enjoying the smile that spread across your lips as you finally began to unwind. Sure, you were out in public dancing with a royal but you knew that Loki adored displaying his affections for you so why shouldn't you dance in public with him? You were simply... staking your own claim.
Distantly, you heard music begin to start and when you gazed around, instruments were floating in the air playing a soft melody that Loki danced with you to. You laughed and spun around, your damp hair flicking this way and that carelessly as your dress began to stick to your legs. Still, you danced on.
Loki's hands gripped your waist and he hoisted you into the air, spinning you around effortlessly as he smiled up at you, bringing you down for a soft kiss as the clouds began to dissipate and make way for the familiar Asgardian sunlight.
"Come, let us return back to the castle," Loki whispered to you breathlessly as you giggled and nodded, interlocking your fingers and beginning the journey back to the palace.
Upon arrival, you and Loki smirked at the horrified gasps of your ladies and the maids surrounding the area. You must look such a sight. You didn't care, however, you'd had a lovely time.
As your ladies and the maids began to drag you away to clean you up, you turned and called over to Loki, "we must do that again sometime!"
"I shall look forward to it, dearest!" Loki called back with a chuckle before striding in the opposite direction, a smirk on his face.
Elsewhere, a satisfied God of Thunder strode back into his chambers, tucking Mjolnir away.
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