#loki you little shit (affectionate)
nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
the proof that thor wasn't ready is that he didn't realise when he was unready
"I was a fool to think you were ready."
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"Æthelred's notorious nickname, Old English Unræd, is commonly translated into present-day English as "The Unready" (less often, though less inaccurately, as "The Redeless"). The Anglo-Saxon noun unræd means "evil counsel", "bad plan", or "folly" [...]The nickname has also been translated as "ill-advised", "ill-prepared", thus "Æthelred the ill-advised"."
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Why I cuss (affectionately) at my deities, sometimes, and why it's important to me
I'm having some feelings tonight, so here have another "Frog is rambling again" post. This one's about Loki, because they seem intent on speedrunning teaching me shit. Seriously it's been like three weeks.
I wasn't prepared for what working with Loki actually looks like. /pos
Because what that actually looks like, apparently, is sitting watching a comedy anime and getting the distinct vibe that it has a sense of humor that Loki enjoys. And then realizing that's because Loki is actively hanging around... watching fuckin' anime with me. Why the hell would Loki want to watch a dumb comedy anime with the funny little guy he works with?
Seeing a post about watching comedy as a devotional act to Loki later felt intentional, so I ended up deciding to do just that.
Thing is, I grew up exposed to the idea that God is an all-powerful being who deserves nothing less than the best and humans are the scum of the earth. I'm only now seeing that it's been damaging my relationship with my deities. I'm afraid to just chat with them 'too casually.' I apologize if I feel like I said something that's too disrespectful. I've apologized to Loki multiple times because he pulled some shit and my response was "god damnit Loki" or "you motherfucker."
And then they remind me that I call my mom the same thing, and she laughs. It's the same with my friends. All because it's not insulting, or disrespectful, it's a sign of affection. I would never say that and mean it; they know that, so it's funny. It's playful.
Amongst many other things, Loki is teaching me that joy is to be valued. This world tells us that it's dumb, childish, or any other assortment of negative descriptors- and that it has no place in spirituality. Certainly no place in the presence of a god- and that's fucking sad. I think Loki is sad about it too. I think Loki's fucking pissed, actually. How dare we be made to feel shame for what makes us happy. The gods deserve to partake in our joy and our fun just as much as they deserve to be part of our sorrow and fear.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm starting to think that hanging out with some fucker who's scrolling through memes and blasting music might just be a nice change of pace for them.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Short story # 16
✨Fandom(s) - Vikings & The Last Kingdom
💍Pairing - Osferth X Reader
🕯Summary - After many years, you and your brothers are reunited with your father, King Ragnar. Along side him are two men you've never met. And when met face to face with your father, you unleash your rage of being abandoned.
⚠️Warning(s) - Talk of mutilation, near death experience, abandonment, and that's about it I think.
📝Note(s) - Okay so I randomly started brewing this story in my head. I've watched all but like the last season of Vikings, and this story will have little to do with the storyline up until the point Ragnar comes back. Now I've never watched The Last Kingdom, I want to start watching it soon, but as I am writing this piece I haven't watched any. So this crossover will be interesting to say the least. Oh and I apologize but I am writing this with the idea that the reader is about 6'7", and in time I'll explain why in later notes. But for the most part this won't be mentioned, but it will pop up every so often. Reader is also described to have emerald green eyes, dark hair the first two things being things from her mother, and scars she obtained as a girl. Other than that the readers image is up to you. So the read is kinda like an OC but with your name, and the majority of your image. Oh and in this story the Norse Gods are real, and several will be involved in this story. But some things to do with the Gods isn't actually a part of Norse mythology, I'm just bending some of it to work best with the story. (Thank you for taking the time to read the notes if you have.)
🗝Key information - Lokabrenna meaning Loki's Torch in this story. (Eventually it will make perfect sense.)
🌬Year posted - 2022
📖Reading time roughly - Ten minutes.
🙈Rating - SFW/NSFW
◈ Part 1.) | Part 2.) |
🎧Playlist to listen to while reading.↓↓↓
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Sparing with Björn was something (Y/n) indulged with most days, as he was the only one of her brothers willing to spar with her, and the only one that would push her to better her skills. Though her twin, Ivar would likely spar with her and push her to be the best, his legs prevented him from being able to do as much as Björn could. The others watched their eldest brother fought with their little sister, who wasn't quite so little, as she stood roughly four inches above Björn. Ubbe chuckled when (Y/n) slammed her shield into Björns, making the blond stumble back several inches. "You can do better than that." (Y/n) taunted her brother, blocking his sword and countering swiftly, her blade resting beside his neck. "Honestly I'm beginning to think you are getting old brother." She teased, making the others snicker on the sidelines. Björn scoffed with a grin, breaking away from her and beginning the fight again.
"King Ragnar has returned." A voice called out, the words making (Y/n)'s stance falter, giving Björn the opportunity to trip her, making her land face first into the dirt. "Shit." Björn muttered under his breath, realizing his mistake, he tossed his shield and sword aside. The others approaching as she rolled onto her back, looking to the blue sky with glossy emerald eyes. "I didn't mean to-" She cut Björn off. "It isn't that." She closed her eyes for a moment, only opening them again when Ivar brushed her hair away from her eyes. "He doesn't know she is alive." Ivar reminded their brothers in a soft tone, making the eldest sigh with realization. Björn offered his hand to (Y/n), pulling her to her feet when she accepted his offer. "Well then, he will be surprised hm." The blond patted her shoulder affectionately, smiling when she chuckled at that. "Come on then, let's go see the old man." She dusted herself off then followed behind her brother's, keeping pace with Ivar as she always would.
The growing crowd parted for the arrival of the Princes and Princess, allowing Ragnar to see his children for the first time in many years. The shock apparent when his eyes laid on (Y/n), who stood tall beside her brother's, trying to suppress her emotions. "(Y/n)." Ragnar breathed out her name, tears welling in his eyes at the sight of his only surviving daughter. Ragnar approached her with slow steps, as if he was afraid she would vanish if he approached to quickly. "Little (Y/n)." He smiled taking in the sight of her. "Not so little any more." He remarked with a grin, his eyes casting to her left where Ivar sat, his pointer finger curled around (Y/n)'s, something they had done since birth for comfort. "Hello Ivar." Ragnar smiled down at his youngest son, and for a moment Ivar mirrored his smile, until (Y/n) suddenly shoved Ragnar away. The crowd grew deathly silent, watching the scene unfold before them.
"You left me." She hissed lowly, looming over her father. "I didn't-." Ragnar tried, but she stalked forward, putting her face into his. "You left me for dead." (Y/n) growled quietly, fire practically glowing within her emerald orbs. "I thought you had died." He argued. "I called out to you, I screamed so you would hear me. And yet you left me to burn in that dragons fire." Her gaze cast to the two strange men accompanying the King. "Let me guess, this is the boy you took in after you abandoned me?" She accused, Ragnar's eyes shimmering with shame. "You left all of us, but you would raise this stranger as if he were your own." She scoffed. "You think we did not know? That we didn't keep an eye on you? That we wouldn't hear about the young warrior claiming to be another son of King Ragnar?" She straightened her back, looming over her father once more. "You are no King, and you are no father, you are just an old man wallowing in self pity." She hissed before turning her back on him.
"I am your father, and I am your King!" Ragnar yelled, his anger only fueling (Y/n)'s rage. She quickly spun on her heel, and Björn tried catching her arm as she moved to swing. He failed in holding her back, instead he only pulled two of her rings off before her fist collided with Ragnar's jaw, the warn man fell to one knee, blood oozing from his lip. "You stopped being my father when you left me for dead, and you are a worthless King that even the Gods do not recognize." Her voice boomed over the crowd, and as quickly as she had said that, she stormed off. Shoving her way through the crowd, unaware of her brother's following her. Björn crouched down to pick up (Y/n)'s rings, which had fallen to the ground. While Uhtred and Osferth helped Ragnar to his feet, despite the old King's demands to be left alone. "You are not the man I once knew." Björn commented as he rose to his feet, looking his father in the eyes. "Like (Y/n)... I cannot forgive you for what you did to her." He added before walking away, intent on joining his siblings again.
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(Y/n) began her trek into the woods, her sword secured to her hip, and her large grey cloak fastened around her shoulders. "Princess wait a moment." Uhtred called out as he and Osferth jogged after her into the woods. "Why should I even speak to you?" She glowered at the man, who looked almost sheepish before her. "I'm sorry." He offered, which only confused her. "Why are you sorry?" She questioned. "Because of your father." He explained. "I am not angry at my father for raising you... I am angry that he so easily abandoned me and my brothers. And yet instead of coming home, with or without you, he stayed out there and pretended as if he wasn't a King, as if he didn't have his own children to care for." She turned away and began walking again, only for the men to follow her. "You said he left you for dead? I had assumed he left you here with your brothers." He spoke up again, his words causing her to stop again. "My father took me with him when he ran away from Kattegat, I was to young to understand what was happening." She pulled her hood down, properly observing the two.
"I was with him for two years, we lived in a cabin far from here. One evening while he was out hunting a dragon descended upon the cabin. It set the cabin on fire while I was trapped inside, I cried out for my father to save me, but he never came. The dragon had left as quickly as it came, and I was left alone to burn alive." The smaller of the two grimaced at her words. "I found myself trapped in the best place however, as the smoke could not reach me. When part of the wall finally crumbled to the ground, I crawled as best I could out of the cabin. I was weak, and burnt badly. The sky was dark by this point, and my father nowhere in sight." She licked her lips before continuing. "I did the only thing I could think to do, I wept for the Gods. Praying that one of them would hear me, and offer me aid. The wolf God Fenrir heard me, and sent his sons Hati and Sköll to aid me. They found me and used what little magic they could to mend my wounds, which did very little, but it kept me alive long enough for them to bring me home."
She pulled to cord of her cloak, allowing it to fall to the ground. "They ran for seven days and eight nights with me atop Hati until they reached Kattegat. They broke into my families long house, with me on the brink of death, and the moment my mother laid eyes on me she knew what had happened. For she dreamt about it the very same night it happened. She sent for healers from far and wide, and with their help I was nurtured back to health. I bare the scars of my father's negligence, and can never forgive him for it." She turned her back to the men, and quickly swept her shirt up to show them, the mass amount of burnt skin stretched across the expanse of her back. "Gods." Uhtred muttered under his breath, the both of them stunned by the sheer amount of tattered skin, each wondering how she could survive such a thing. The sound of a branch snapping caught their attention, and just as her brothers walked into view (Y/n) dropped her shirt, now facing her brother's.
"You are going to see him aren't you? To pay tribute?" Ubbe asked as she picked up her cloak. "I am." She nodded her head in agreement. "We're coming with you." Björn stated. "Why?" She wondered. "We wish to give thanks to the ones who saved you." Ivar cut in, moving around Ubbe to sit at her feet. "Hvitserk, Sigurd, why are you coming? Neither of you have ever seemed to care much about me." She tilted her head, her words making Hvitserk scoff. "You are still our sister." Sigurd argued. "We care more deeply than you think." Hvitserk added. "Okay... You can all come with me." She smiled at her brother's, her gaze casting to Uhtred and Osferth when Uhtred cleared his throat. "Who are you going to see?" He questioned. "Fenrir wolf." Her words stunned them both for a moment. "We shall come as well." Uhtred insisted. "And why is that?" (Y/n) questioned. "I feel that we must." He vaguely explained, making (Y/n) arch a brow at him.
"If that is what you wish, then so be it." She turned her attention then to Ivar. "I shall carry you Ivar, this is a long journey, and I do not wish for you to suffer." She knelt before him. "So you shall suffer instead?" Ivar argued stubbornly. "I will happily suffer for you dear brother." She assured him, before playfully bumping her forehead against his. Only turning her back to him when he grinned at her, and effortlessly she hoisted her twin onto her back, and rose to her feet. "We will not be back until tomorrow evening." She warned them, half expecting Uhtred and Osferth to turn back. A faint grin ghosting her lips when they continued to follow her lead deeper into the woods. "I didn't expect Fenrir to be so close to Kattegat." Uhtred remarked. "He isn't. But one of the passageways to him is." (Y/n) explained, the entire encounter leaving Osferth confused in his silence, though he continued to follow his friend regardless of his doubts.
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← Previously | Continue →
◈ Part 1.) | Part 2.) |
⚜ Leave a comment and let me know what you think, and if you'd like to be tagged in future parts of this story. - Jaded Monkey🐒
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rielzero · 11 months
Just saw your post about ascended Astarion and male Tav fanfic. I am willing to rise to the challenge
If you need any prompts! here's some concept I've danced with in my head (up for anyone to use) inspired by my own character's potential AUs. Please do not claim ownership over the ideas, I'd love to see people's different spins. Please keep it to Male Tav, there's so many Female Tav fics out there already- I had ideas specifically with a male character in mind. M x M focus is preferred. I'm not bi or pan, so anything hinting to tav being exclusively gay is nice.
THESE ARE all PROMPTS / IDEAS not demands. I'm not here to control anyone's creative progress :V
I'm just a nerd be nice
Brain Damage Tav has used the tadpole powers but refuses to become half-illitid and keeps it how it is. Tav ascends Astarion- but is convinced by Jaheira or someone else that he is incapable of feeling love now and becomes afraid of him- (Astarion still is very much capable of love) Astarion responds of course like a scorned ex, and lies through his teeth when the break up happens and breaks tav's heart. Timeskip- it is revealed Tav's altered brain still has mindflayer powers, but because of the trauma of the final fight he suffers from severe memory loss and pretty much got themselves in a position were he is dying- only for Astarion to come around and save him by turning him- then be met with guilt and over-protectiveness when he realizes Tav does not remember their time together anymore. (would work for a series, this concept is what I intend to use for an AU of my character but it would be very different.) Lots of angst but soft ascended astarion towards male tav :3 very gentle- very protective.
You were There too AU were Tav was kept by Cazador but never turned, just kept as a snack- so Astarion knows him and they may have fallen in love during that time. During the ritual Cazador threatens to replace Astarion with Tav- Astarion goes feral.
I forget you're an Urchin Playing into the fact that Astarion was a corrupted Noble- knows what luxury life is like- inspired by how my tav is an urchin and very unfamiliar with luxury- Tav is Astarion's consort- but is very awkward not knowing ANYTHING about noble life, from etiquette to wearing jewelry and fancy garbs. Wholesome stuff- Probably lots of fluff. Astarion spoiling Tav and showing him off.
Three of them AU were Gale and Astarion and Tav are a in a polycule, after ascension Astarion becomes a little overly possessive over Tav- Gale notices a bit late and feels left out, but supports his loved ones new life goals... Of world domination.
I'm married, get over it Au were male tav has an horrible ex who breaks in the mansion because he thinks tav is enslaved to Astarion- but he's not- He's just as evil as Astarion. And they're very affectionate- Astarion enjoys rubbing it into the ex's face. Extra points if the ex is a human cleric, paladin, or bard with too much facial hair. (COUGHS)
Warlock? cool Any fic that plays into the warlock theme openly for tav, not similary to Wyll- all though I don't want to restrict anyone to a specific type of patron. (my patron is a great old one) keep in mind there's warlock patrons outside of the subclasses in the bg3 game if you need inspiration. If tav's patron is female, give them a mother-son kind of bond since tav is gay.
Other, Tropes I like described vaguely cuz my brain stoopid but ideas that can be expanded into one fic or more -oh shit you're dying don't worry I can fix it with a bite -you're so beautiful I want a 100 paintings of you akjdkhgkfhgk -The gods literally made you to ruin me god damn it I should've known -tav is small / fragile looking man but he can stab you 100 times over -tav can sing, or is creative but he doesn't like sharing this side of him (loki is 100% exactly this lol) hes easily embarrassed -tav is internally panicking because he is very very very gay. -tav has scars too and is very insecure about his body. -overprotectiveness, lots of handholding keep you close kinda stuff -wholesome physical affection, does not have sexual implications even if they talk dirty or flirt silly -words being used like petite, twink- or cute in the right context. -maybe a fic focussing on tav being half elf and the struggles that come with it. Otherwise leave race up to reader. -Tav was already a vampire before they met, or is a dhampir -Astarion and tav knew each other 200 years ago -I will pet you aggressively and affectionally and you will like it -who the fuck are you drawing? wait thats me??? oh -Astarion is creative too and might doodle. -love at first sight but in denial.. cuz its funny -tav has insomnia and needs cuddles... -tav is a necromancer and familiar with vampire lore. -anything reflecting the vampire bride/groom lore in a scene. (there's a reddit post explaining this) -Vampire hunters coming after tav in attempt to hurt Astarion because he's become pretty untouchable -Vampire Tav does not want to feed on his victims because he finds that too intimite -Vampire tav is a vampire lord too- but not an ascended one- and he isn't corrupted by greed. -Astarion technically can compel Tav, but has no desire to do so and voices this openly to anyone who tries to argue Tav is a slave. -If Astarion hurts tav by accident in any way he feels horrible and will shower him in gifts or thousands of love language things just to affirm that it was an oopsie and he did not want to do that. He'd never do that willingly. -consent consent consent anything with consent- love language is consent -tav was a sex worker himself before they met but not anymore -lots of fluff stuff -scheming husbands plotting the downfall of the world together, bonus points if tav is the mastermind and a genius -Polycule with Gale, either as Triad, or Triangle -Admiring from afar, staring- lots of staring- intense consential staring -astarion beating up tav's abusers while tav sips from a chalice like a spoiled consort -dramatic vampire parties and all the normie vampire lords are scared of Astarion and his consort -vampire politics are kind of like ballroom hissing contests with fancy banquets and showing off your partner -I will go feral if someone hurts or touches you -steer clear of the consort, or the master will gut you -jealous vampire lord tries to seduce tav but tav is very loyal to astarion and not having it -astarion gets a cleric or powerful mage in his court just to revive tav if tav dies -You offended my husband? I'm setting your village on fire -Everyone thinks the consort tav is weak- but the consort might actually be more dangerous oh no -None of the above lines have to be necessarily restricted by ingame universe, can all be AU- does not have to include the whole mindflayer drama. Rule of Cool.
Avoid these please? I personally dislike that -misgendering tav (babygirl, queen, girly, strictly effeminate- any words that might demasculinize tav, as a gay man this stuff makes me really uncomfortable) -Overly describing tav's features as if they're set without leaving it open to the reader (long hair, skin color, favorite colors, etc) -Astarion knew tav when tav was still a child and Astarion was an adult. -Astarion abusing tav physically, just.. Please no. -...they're teenagers in high school... *dies* -brainwashing.. No offense to people who like some tropes I don't- You're fine :V We all have different tastes!
Headcanons for how Ascension works that you can use (inspired by ingame dialogue and such) -Tav isn't a regular spawn, but a vampire groom- He was turned differently, not buried for 2 days. Astarion can sense Tav is in danger if he is a groom, or sense strong emotions from him. -Tav is not immune to sunlight unless he stays in close range of Astarion. (based on dialogue) -Astarion might be a bit warmer to the touch since he is a living vampire now. He does not have to feed on blood- but Tav still requires blood and is cold to the touch.
Might edit this post later with more.
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yummygender · 1 year
Kinktober day 3: Crawl
Loki x Grandmaster
(In this one, I tried to make the grandmaster less toxic and more protective. It’ll be explained in the story how and why he changed. He still is a little shit *affectionate* Hope you liked it, I had to google expensive wines 🍷)
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Loki knew that the Grandmaster was a toxic person, imprisoning people whenever he wanted and make them battle to the death…but something changed. He was…letting them go?
“I let them leave. I gave them a ship and basic supplies…so they could survive.”
Loki stared at the elder immortal as the Grandmaster smiled sadly.
“I’m an old man, Loki…I can’t do the things I used to do…”
“That doesn’t explain why though.”
The Grandmaster sipped his wineglass as he chuckled and hummed.
“I did it because you and your brother made me realize something…something that I almost forgot…”
“Which was?”
“…that love truly does exist.”
Loki froze as the Grandmaster turned to him with another glass of wine in his hand. He offered it to Loki but when Loki made it clear he didn’t trust the man, the Grandmaster dumped the wine out and scanned his collection of alcohol.
“What wine do you like?”
“How do I know that it’s not poisoned?”
“You really think I’d waste perfectly good wine to poison you? It’s a fresh bottle. Barely touched, never opened.”
The god of mischief sat down as he picked up the glass and slowly sipped on the wine, the fermented taste making him feel better.
“Mmm…is this Port?”
“Yes, only the finest of the collection.”
Guess the Grandmaster wasn’t kidding, who’d ruin Port wine with poison?
Loki continued sipping on his wine as the Grandmaster watched, his age and what little wisdom he had started to show in his eyes while watching Loki enjoy himself for once. He knew that Loki was just faking his enjoyment to get closer to him, but he didn’t care. At first, that’s just what their relationship was. Transactions. Loki got special attention and privileges while the Grandmaster finally had someone to spoil and care for. Loki was his precious little sugar baby who he’d wouldn’t trade for in the world. Not even the infinity stones.
But after awhile, The Grandmaster began to lose interest in the battles and the contest of champions. He didn’t need anything like that anymore, he had Loki…and not for entertainment, no. This was different. This was special.
The Grandmaster gently rubbed his head as he began to focus on Loki.
“Y-yes…yes dear?”
Loki was completely a-taken back by the Grandmaster’s nickname, but kept talking.
“Are you sure there’s not another reason for this?”
The Grandmaster paused as he finished his glass. Should he tell him? Well, he couldn’t just say nothing…
“Loki, before you and your brother arrived, I never ever met anyone who could…who dared fight against me…”
“…are you kidding?”
“No…not at all…”
The two continued to discuss what happened as Loki eventually spoke up.
“So you think that letting them go would instantly make it better?”
“No, but it’s a start. Right?”
The two men frowned, the room turning stuffy as they finished their wine and returned to talking.
“I suppose…”
“Loki…I want to be better. I promise…”
Loki took his hand and began to read his mind, revealing that he was telling the truth.
“Uhh…you ok, Loki?”
The younger god slowly pulled his hand away as they stared into each other’s eyes for awhile, Loki standing up and walking over to the Grandmaster as he knelt before him.
“H-hey! Whoa whoa whoa!! There’s no need to do that!!”
“…but…I want to.”
“Why? I-I kidnapped you!! I…I forced your brother to fight!! I did all theses horrible things!!! Why?!”
Loki paused as he kept his head down.
“…because you want to change…like I do…”
“This isn’t…this…it’s not good, Loki! We can’t change each other like this!!!”
The Grandmaster raised a brilliant point. How could they change with each other when the reason they find the other one attractive was because of the actions that they’ve been trying to make up for and never do again? How could that work?
“I…I don’t know, but I wanna try.”
The Grandmaster sighed as he gently patted Loki’s head.
“Why are you so stubborn?”
“Because I can be~”
The two began to giggle and chuckle at the severe absurdity of the situation as the Grandmaster gently ran his fingers through the younger god��s hair.
“You’re such a sweetheart…”
“So are you…”
Loki kept kneeling before the elder immortal as he kept petting the trickster’s hair.
“I…I hope this isn’t…”
“No, it’s great. I like it~”
The Grandmaster smiled as he gently placed a kiss on Loki’s forehead, quickly pulling away as his face turned red.
“I’m so sorry, I have…I have no idea what came over me…”
The trickster smirked as he inched closer.
“Oh? Then you wouldn’t mind doing it again?”
“You’re drunk, this isn’t right.”
“But I love you…”
The Grandmaster bit his lip as he got an idea.
“I love you too…”
Loki blushed as he crawled up closer to the older man, said man feeling a bit uncomfortable at first, but once he saw that Loki was ok with it…began to smile as he gently pushed Loki away.
“Again~” The Grandmaster whispered, his voice smooth like butter, which only made Loki want to impress and please him more.
He wasn’t sure why Loki was so happy to obey such a silly and goofy command. In fact, at first bit was just a joke. Some twisted game he liked to play…but just like with their relationship…the minute Loki took it seriously, the Grandmaster began to enjoy it. He chuckled at Loki’s swaying hips and kitty actions while the young god laid his head on the older immortal’s lap, purring as the Grandmaster gently caressed his cheek.
“Perhaps I’ve been a little too hesitant and hard on you, little one…”
“More what?”
“Wanna see me do it again?”
The Grandmaster laughed as he continued to rub Loki’s cheek.
“If you want to, dear…”
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reginaxxmarie · 2 years
Intro to 1st Sgt. Naomi “Velvet” Quinn
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(these came from pinterest bc i can’t draw for shit but i tried to find art that best captured how i envision her)
Velvet is 26 years old, she joined the army at 17 after graduating high school at 16. she is mixed race, her mother is white and her father is black.
5’1, she is petite but not thin. i picture her to be more toned but curvy. she was athletic as a teenager because she rode horses but definitely had to be in better shape when joining the military. she has stretch marks but she’s not self-conscious about them, she views them as a testament to her commitment, as she does with her scars.
grew up rural Louisiana in a very small town, has a pronounced but smooth southern accent as most people in the central area do.
her position in the military is sergeant 1st class and weapons specialist in the special forces detachment A. it took her 7 years to earn the 1st sergeant title as it is a time served position. she joined the 75th ranger regiment special forces and trained additionally for the occupation of weapons specialist. this means she knows how to maintain as well as operate all different kinds of weaponry, even foreign ones. this job also required her to be a skilled diver, parachutist, and endurance runner. (home girl got stamina FOR DAYS) this made her very desirable for the 141.
as far as combat, she’s skilled in mma but specializes in brazilian jiu-jitsu. she prefers long-distance weapons but because of her skill set, she’s good with any weapon you put in her hands. has a fixation with knives, she carries two pearl handled throwing knives that she affectionately named thelma and louise and they are her children. touch her knives and expect to not have hands.
owns a doberman named Loki that her sweet older neighbor looks after while she’s away. after a particularly awful mission, feeling safe in her own home proved difficult so she adopted Loki to keep her company and he does just that. after being recruited by Price for the 141, she relocated to the uk so Loki would be closer to her.
she has no piercings but has a large dragon on her sternum, a sleeve on her right arm, and “Sua Sponte” (of their own accord), the ranger motto, between her shoulder blades.
looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you with her bare hands. she is an omnivert by nature. once she’s comfortable with you and sure she can trust you, she’s quite open. but if she senses something is off, she shuts down.
i ship her with ghost. she is the sun that he orbits around. upon arrival, she had a flirtationship with gaz but it ended as quickly as it started when they realized they were better off as friends.
soap is most def her bestie in the group. those two gossip like old women. together, it’s always crackhead energy and shenanigans. once they tried to sneak into ghost’s room to steal his mask and paint it but just as she grabbed it, ghost shot up out of bed, knife swinging. in a panic, she pushed soap towards him and sprinted to the door. unfortunately she never made it to said door because ghost picked up his heavy ass boot and yeeted it at her head.
she fits in well with the 141. the boys are extremely protective of their little velvet, despite her being perfectly capable of defending herself. they love to play with her hair because how is it so SOFT?! and they are positively enamored by her hair care routine when she explains to everyone but gaz that because she has mixed hair, it takes quite a bit of maintenance.
as she is in the gen z realm, she has a tendency to say some pretty outta pocket shit that has pepaw price REELING. some days he’s not sure if she needs a grippy sock vacation or a smack to the forehead. basically she’s a feral gremlin most of the time.
on the battlefield she’s much like könig in the sense she’s absolutely A MENACE. once the adrenaline gets flowing, she’s unhinged but never in a way that puts her team in harm’s way. she becomes a machine, built for the mission. if you asked price, he’d describe her as a thoroughbred in the starting gate, vibrating with energy. she’s deadly and she knows it. her first mission with the 141, she took down a man twice her size and crushed his windpipe with her boot. ghost would never admit it but watching her completely annihilate a man who was every bit as big as him, had him feeling like a horny teenager. mans was ready to risk it all.
very much into hard rock. she’s quite y’allternative but she appreciates all types of music. she likes everything except for what she doesn’t like.
i do so hope you enjoyed this snippet of Velvet and i fully intend to write a fic with her and post more facts if that interests any of you. 💕🤘🏼
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sepheray · 1 year
wanted to support u by doing the match up (but also bc I wanna know ur opinion sooo)
im 5'4 (shortie, ik but- genetics didn't like me at all, I lost it), brown hair, brown eyes- I've got a pink streak in my hair rn!! very pale, freckles yay! mid size probably- idk I'm so disconnected from my body bc dysphoria that idek
ummm I'm trans, gay and demiaroace!! he/him bc she and they make me feel weird?? like not bad but it just feels like another person, not me.
I really like anything space- physics, theoretical physics, planets and rockets and shit- I edit for fun, dr edits and like Wil edits. reading, writing- I write poetry! im learning bass and guitar- sometimes I make jewelry n things- space documentaries or movies or shows I love- ooo crocheting!! I love that-
i looooove puzzles, escape rooms, strategy games. I am an absolute menace when I play risk- love playing Stardew valley and Minecraft- Harvey is my favorite bachelor!!
favorite shows include; Loki, criminal minds, heartland, rizolli and isles and the closer
mm- I listen to a lot of indie rock tbf- just indie music in general but like a lot of arctic monkeys and front bottoms (and Lovejoy)
I'm very observant, probably to a fault but I like to help ppl, be there for them. I'm very affectionate, lots of hugs and cuddles for whoever needs it but if that's not someone's forte I get it :) ummm idk- what else is good Abt me?? dbjffn
I kinda shut down when I'm upset or triggered, just kinda freeze up and panic. I don't talk a ton unless given a reason to, very very quiet. I have a hard time raising my voice at all. I keep everything bottled up til it's like about to explode.
also love languages; acts of service, physical contact, words of affirmation
Connor I ship you with Wilbur!! ☆@mysticalsoot☆
your interest in planets and theories are very wilbur, I feel like you two could sit there and like fun-fact-dump to eachother all day
When you shut down, Will would be so doting while still giving you your space. He'd do the little things to let you know that he's here from a distance.
Wilb has definitely stated in the past that one of his love languages is words of affirmation so you two would be the most affectionate couple with your sweet words to eachother.
Will is so so observant as well so you guys would be looking out for eachorher 24/7, there is not a single second that you feel alone because his close watch on your feelings doesn't let you feel bad in any way
Wilbur loves puzzles and logic games too (flashbacks to the traumatic tetris streams)
You'd be Lovejoy's biggest fan and their #1 groupie (jkjk) you'd be at every concert, festival, behind the camera in every interview, you'd be his +1 to events.
He'd probably try to help you with learning the bass but then Ash would end up giving u lessons cus you weren't learning much ahaha
You'd make him little matching jewellery pieces - rings, bracelets, necklaces!!
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vammppyre · 11 months
cuz ik this is gonna be Bat Shit Insane
ok here we go
is that like the furthest back he can go or something????
nvm hes just struggling (fair, hes watching someone spaghettify over and over again)
the model scene again is sending me omg
tell them tell them tell them you're driving me insane loki, GIVE THEM AN EXPLANATION PLEASE BBY
omg he knows all the weak spots on the suit omg
mobius confusedddd
she's so brave! she's well-behaved! she is not afraidddddd!!!
centuriessss omg hes been going through it im gonna cry thinking about it holy shit. all for his friends. I love him so much
shittt no the pruning has to happen doesn't it....
oh god
is he gonna have to go back to before the end of s1?
hug mobius hug mobius hug mobius before they all die again please please please
tell her u time traveled tell her you time traveled tell her you time traveled tell her you've time traveled tell her you've time traveled tell her you've time traveled TELL HER YOUVE TIME TRAVLED
no way is he actually going to have to kill her?
omg this actually means he doesnt kiss Sylvie ever again lmfaooo. gay ass (affectionate)
"this is a lot for you" lmfaoooo "lmk when you're ready to have a conversation"
omg the first "idk what happens after this" was a SETUPPPPPP HOLYSHITTTTT IM SCREAMINGGGGGG
is he EVER gonna tell mobius/the gang. I feel like if he would've told them in one of his retries they would've showed us
it just occurred to me none of season two happened to ANYONE but loki holyshit
the actual concept of the end of time is still crazyyy to me like my little peabrain can't comprehend
omg omg omg pre all of his relationships hes barely gonna have his friends hes gonna have to reform all the relationships
I just know hes so happy to talk to mobius again hes spent probably weeks months years at the citadel at the end of time
more burden than glory omgomgomg
at least hes finally telling somebody
don't fucking make them kiss AGAIN istg
babes hes spent CENTURIES reliving shit please gurl
hes just chilling with them (in slow-mo? can't tell)
boy if you die everything does dont do it
slutty hair flip here we go
ok that's creepy looking asf
im gonna start sobbing
mobius :(
im actually sobbing right now :(((
lmfao they pruned Ravenna
DON :(
glorious purpose. sobbing. sobbing.
its rly good this just means its really over.
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jovenshires · 11 months
If Spencer is Spider-Man, do you have any ideas on who in the Smosh crew would be certain Marvel heroes?
okay SO. i have been thinking ab this a little bit, bc i would like to expand the spidey au universe to other heroes. BUT im not gonna talk ab what im gonna do with the spidey au (spoilers lads <3). instead im gonna talk ab vibes. who do i think these people could be hypothetically! there's like one spoiler in here but otherwise none of this has anything to do with the canon for my spidey-spencer-verse.
also i wanna say before i get into this - DISCLAIMER: idk jack shit ab comics and i don't keep up with mcu anymore so. we're flying blind baby! i am making shit up as i go!
amanda: @blandview and i talked ab this and i think we came to a few conclusions: either she'd be black widow yelena OR she'd be an anti-hero of some kind. think elektra, think black cat... yeah she's got options.
angela: okay blandview also suggested this one: kate bishop hawkeye. we are taking no criticisms at this time.
anthony: god...... i could go so many directions but my heart longs to make him a villain/anti-hero. he's so morally gray-coded imo. magneto perhaps. other options are loki and wolverine.
arasha: there's so many options here too but i kind of like miss america for her i think!!
chanse: i mean he's miles morales. spencer is peter parker and he is miles morales end of sentence. BUT if i had to pick a non-spidey option, probably wiccan. i wanna give him magic powers so sue me!! oh or maybe iron lad. those are my faves for him
courtney: SO captain marvel coded for many many reasons. like i don't even think i need to explain this one tbh
damien: okay im thinking of making him part of the hero verse in the spidey fic so i am seriously considering this one... on the one hand like. cyclops. he is so classic x-men to me. daredevil could be fun and sexy for him. oh OR the hulk bc he's bruce banner-coded.
ian: so ive got some ops here: to match anthony. professor x. obviously. OR ant-man. do you see my vision. he looks like that.
jackie: scarlet witch was my first thought! mostly bc i could see her tearing apart the universe for love tbh (i did not watch wandavision but that trope sticks with me)
keith: does keith even want to be part of this. no probably not. maybe gambit or star-lord?? i literally cannot picture him doing this non-reluctantly and that's clouding my vision i think DKNGKNGK
kimmy: specifically jane forester thor perhaps. dazzler or jubilee could be fun for her too!!
noah: out of Everyone, noah is voted most likely to be deadpool imo. i could also see him as quicksilver bc little shit (affectionate)
shayne: i mean. thats captain america. look at him. once again i am done speaking thats it.
tommy: god... tommy is the toughest one. he's so normie in a hero world to me. like 'same shit as always' going to work while everyone out there being insane. angel?? he's also kinda x-men coded to me. otherwise....... winter soldier? i'll be real i got Nothin for that one chief.
anyway hope this was not too much of a disaster love ya bye xxx
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wildcxrds · 2 months
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CW: sexual content discussed
full name: Alexandra Morales nicknames / aliases: Alex, Al (only by those really close to her), Sunny (by Kai sometimes) height: 5'1"-5'2" age: (verse dependent, usually around 24+) zodiac: Leo spoken languages: English, Spanish, ASL, slightly knows A'irth
physical characteristics
hair colour: black eye colour: brown/gold skin tone: warm toned/light tan body type: thin, a bit toned around her arms and legs dominant hand: right posture: usually straight but known to slouch when sitting scars: a burn-like scar up her right side spidering up from her hip to just below her armpit, a few small ones around her hands, one on her knee from a silly fall she took tattoos: (mv+) jacob, knox and luna's names on the back of her neck, sunflowers along her right arm; a rose on her upper right arm and a coat of arms from her father's favorite soccer team on her upper left arm; a little angel on her right shoulder blade and a little devil on her left; recently acquired a small one of loki's golden horns on her right side. birthmarks: a white mark on her right hip, as well as a smattering of beauty marks randomly along her torso, face and neck most noticeable features: she'd say probably the beauty mark on her right cheek, or any of her tattoos.
place of birth: Lima, Peru siblings: alejandro (twin brother), jake (not blood related), ariana, graciela (older sisters), thor (sibling-in-law) parents: annette & antonio
adult life
occupation: Previously was a librarian temporarily, (mv+) owns her own magic shop current residence: (mv+) Mitologico, Washington close friends: Kairo, Kori, Alliecat, Jake, Thor, (mv+) Zion, Yosh, Gus, Lysander, Wolfie relationship status: (mv+) Divorced from Jaden Hytes; In love with Loki driver's licence: Has hers, rarely drives criminal record: Expunged (only criminal record was one written up by The Hunters) vices: sex, curiosity, anger, flip flops between too forgiving or not forgiving at all, private about her personal troubles sometimes
sex & romance
sexual orientation: bisexual preferred sexual role: is a switch, with some of a preference to being submissive but more than happy to be dominant libido: high turn-ons: biting, dirty talk, risky areas, confidence, possessiveness/protectiveness, emotional, hair pulling, pinning to wall turn-offs: controlling, outright a piece of shit, antagonizing/disrespectful to her loved ones, anything fecal, anything too forceful love language: Physical touch, gift giving, words of affirmation relationship tendencies: very affectionate, loving, can be insecure but hides it, is prone to jealousy, always builds up her lover, loves to exist next to them, using magic in their lives in gifts or dates, plans dates/vacations, gives her all to partner
hobbies to pass time: practicing magic, potion brewing, gaming, writing, drawing/painting, reading, spending time outside in the garden, exercising mental illnesses: (mv+) PTSD surrounding being possessed & dying, AudADHD, anxiety, depression self-confidence level: fluctuates in all verses. can be confident but there are things that can hit her hard in her heart, and she wears her heart on her sleeve.
tagged by: @emeraldxphoenix !!
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luxeavenger · 3 years
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Welcome to Backstage Pass
Series Summary: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers are sex poured into tight pants and given a rock band to spread the gospel of their cocks to the masses. And you just know you gotta meet them.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x female!reader
A/N: Everything I write is explicit. You must be 18+ to read.
Main Masterlist | ko-fi
Backstage Pass: Songs From The Road (Listen Like A Howling Commando)
Band Members
Bucky+Steve+princess 4eva
Could I Come Again, Please
The Past Is Now Part Of My Future
I Carry Bands-Aids On Me Now
I Spit Diamonds
In The Land Of Idiot Boys [Alpine]
Drive Our Ships To New Lands
Aqua Sea Foam Shame // You're The Queen Of My Heart
You’re The One Who Makes Me Sing
She Lost Control Again
This Dog Is Going To Get You [Alpine]
Spice Up Your Life, Come Get A Freak
He'll Need Us When He Wakes Up
Onomatopoeia: The Bet
Black Plaid
Don't Mind Me
Bruise // Ours // Mine
My Girls
The Bull
Pip-Squeak (Affectionate)
Tap. Tap.
Birthday Series:
My Blood Is Made Of Whiskey [Steve's Birthday]
I Love Those Tough Guys With Their Thick Thighs [Reader's Birthday]
My Thighs Are Connected To You [Bucky's Birthday]
Kinktober Prompts:
She's Earned It In Spades [Steve x reader | Pegging]
Little Happy Noises [Bucky x Steve x reader | Butt plug]
Kick Ass Sci-Fi Shit [Bucky x reader | Fisting]
This Is How Reward Insomniacs Now [Bucky x Steve x reader | Mutual Masturbation]
Candy-Pink Cream [Bucky x reader | Knifeplay]
Green [Bucky x Steve x reader | Sadism/masochism]
Ravenous [Bucky x Steve | Rough sex]
Green Room Mirror [Steve x reader | Mirror sex]
Happy Halloween [Bucky x Steve x reader | Role play]
He’s Sorry [Bucky x Steve x reader | Sex in public]
Shark [Natasha x reader | Overstimulation]
My Pet [Loki x Clint | Degradation]
I Want Us To Watch [Steve x reader | Voyeurism/Being Recorded]
STFUATTDLAGG [Bucky x Steve x reader | Dildos]
The Leash [Spanking | Bucky x reader]
Bubbly [Object I serotonin | Clint x reader x Nat]
Get Down There [Bucky x Steve x reader | Boot Worship]
I’m Not Stopping You [Bucky x Steve x reader | Vibrators]
Deep Breath [Bucky x Steve x reader | Breathplay]
It Was Wonderful [Bucky x Steve x reader | Aftercare]
Happy Howlie-days:
Three Dollars And A Bag Of Red Vines
Secret Santa
Valentine's Day:
Needs Must When The Devil Drives
(Post) Easter:
Is This An Easter Thing?
You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me [Alpine]
This Is How All Their Debates End
We Were A Pair [Alpine]
Torture (Affectionate)
Meoow (I Let Alpine Name This Chapter) [Alpine]
Gentleman’s Agreement
Little Pearl
Mouse | Sugar [Nat x reader]
Has Princess Ever Used Her Safe Word l? [Ask]
Bucky, Alpine, and the Duckie Hat
So Where Do We Stand On Orgies? [Ask]
Of Princess And Her Period [Ask]
Okay, But Not This Hat, Thanks
Bucky Does Home Sweet Home [Seb's Insta Video]
How The Man Became The Myth [Captain America-era Stucky]
The Grooming Habits Of One Steve Rogers
Pride Month 2022
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eddiesbug · 2 years
for a mini musing: bringing loki a cup of tea bc he looks a little down, and when you ask if they need anything else they pull you onto his lap and says “just you, my love” and kisses all over your face? :(( i love loki sm
this is legit so fuckin cute n i made it so fluffy n i just love loki so much shit man
“Tea,” you murmur, thrusting Loki’s favourite mug into his hands, mindful of the steaming liquid almost overflowing from the rim. His tired eyes meet yours and you coo, running your cool hands across his flushed face. He makes a little sound from the back of his throat, craning into your gentle touch.
“Thank you,” comes his quiet reply; he takes a sip, the hot steam leaving a damp sheen over his face, before setting the mug down on the table next to your bed.
“You wanna talk about it?” you ask softly, considerately.
“I’m just tired, dove. I promise it’s okay.”
“Okay.” Your voice is no more than a whisper, unconsciously mimicking his languid tone. “Do you need anything else?”
“Just you, my love,” he sighs, tugging you into his lap. You squeal, melting into his loving embrace as his lips press against the corner of your mouth. Before you can reciprocate, they’re travelling away, pressing against the frown lines in your forehead and your smiling cheeks. Even the little dimple in your chin isn’t left unkissed. His thumbs come up to push away the creases left in your face from your fretting and you giggle, curling into his chest.
“I love you.” The confession is nothing new, a recitation that’s become habit for the pair of you, but still, you tell him whenever you can.
“I love you more,” he chuckles, a smile cracking across his exhausted face.
He pulls you down until you’re comfortably laying on the bed and your arms automatically open for him, drawing him in without a single word. He settles himself in the juncture of your neck and his eyes become visibly heavy, fluttering as he forces them open.
“Shh…” you mumble, nuzzling his cheek with the tip of your nose. “Don’t fight it, just sleep.”
“But the tea…” he whines pitifully, arms snaking until they have you encased between them.
“I’ll make you more when you wake up,” you reassure, the telltale signs of amusement creeping into your features: a tilt of your lips, the little crinkle of your nose and the narrowing of your eyes.
“Don’t laugh at me,” he grumbles plaintively.
“I’m not, I promise,” you say, although you’re biting your lip to contain an affectionate smile. “I love you,” you repeat, fingers toying with the dark hairs at the nape of his neck.
“Love you more…” is his muffled reply as his eyes close for good, breaths evening out as all of the anxiety and unrest finally exits his body.
He just needed you.
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astromaki · 3 years
part 3 of second choice ; ceo!shoto todoroki x gn!reader (x ceo!katsuki bakugo) (1617 words)
part 1. part 2. (previous) part 4.
tw ; angst, arranged marriage, toxic relationship, degradation, divorce, mention of alcohol, bad language, slightly suggestive ?
EXTRA INFOS ;; all the characters are aged up obviously (they are 30 here), the point of view of this third part is from shoto todoroki !
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confrontation. [7 : 16 pm]
a week has passed since he came home that night drunk. that he had begged momo to stay with him. that he had accidentally seen those divorce papers crumpled by your hands.
momo had seen them too that night, and yet she and shoto had not commented on them. good, he wasn't in the mood anyway.
it had become almost official, even the media had it on their front pages. "one of japan's richest couples on the verge of divorce?", "billionaire todoroki single again?" "y/n, will the heir.ess of their father's company return to being a lawyer?"
he would have liked to say that he cared what you thought about it. if you cried, screamed, were you hurt ? but that would be lying, you were the least of his worries.
and then, wasn't it what he wanted from the beginning ?
that you would end up hating him so much that you would leave him. that he could finally be free of the weight that you represented every day.
and yet his signature was still missing.
"you can't even love your partner properly, and now i hear through the media that a divorce is on the way ? you're pathetic son. i knew i should have married them to touya. " enji's heart-attack voice echoed terribly through the phone, which made shoto sigh. he was even pretty sure he could hear it from across town.
"calm down." shoto said in an annoyed tone. "your marriage isn't a success either, so keep your remarks to yourself. bye. "
"you idiot, don't you dare hanging up on me. i don't care if you can't satisfy your s/o, i don't care if they feel bad about this arranged marriage either. but y/n y/l/n comes from a very famous lawyer's family, so get a divorce and the amount of money you have to give will be huge. "
"i manage them, it will not be a problem. i have to go now. "
the young man finally returned to your room, looking exhausted, his tie loosened and ready to down a few glasses of whiskey.
however, he was surprised to see you. dressed in a beautiful versace dress/suit, you were glowing. well no, he meant that you looked... good.
though, it was the first time he took the time to look at you. to admire you.
the young man finally met your indifferent gaze through the mirror you were standing in front of. that gaze that was so joyful and sparkling at the beginning of your marriage, full of hope to transform this purely financial union into a love marriage.
but that look, devoid of emotion, almost made shoto, Japan's most ambitious ceo, doubt himself. almost.
"i'm surprised you're still using my card to splurge. how much is this one? $1000 ? $2000 ?"
he was tired, exhausted. nut the truth is he was in the mood to be a pain in the ass tonight.
"$ 8,330. plus the $800 pair. " you replied coldly.
your answer was like a slap in the face to your husband. not because of the price, he didn't give a fuck about this.
but this tone right there. it wasn't like you. you were normally so gentle, patient even with the worst of the crap he put you through. that naive kindness that made him want to vomit was completely gone. he didn't expect such a turn of events.
"so you decide to divorce me, but first you want to empty my bank account? you're exactly as I imagined." his look that used to reflect nothing but fatigue was now full of contempt for you.
you finally faced him. shit, he couldn't help but find you beautiful.
"here todoroki, let's talk about the divorce. " you began, quietly walking over to the cabinet and pulling out a stack of documents. "i've signed it, sign it, and i'll take it to my lawyers first thing in the morning.
he snatched them out of your hand and threw them across the room. you didn't even flinch, you even held his gaze. poker face.
a loud silence fell between you. a long silence, uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. heavy and light. sensible and meaningless.
"what's all this about ? who put you up to this ?"
a wry laugh escaped your lips. your new behavior puzzled shoto. he loved and hated what he had in front of him. a challenge.
"you think i need someone to make me realize that i deserve better than an asshole like you ? fuck, let me laugh. "
your hand went to retrieve a piece of paper from your purse. and it was slammed hard against his chest. bakugou’s business card.
he found your face inches from his, your warm breath gently caressing his cheeks. a scent of whiskey filled his nostrils. you were not sober.
"how many drinks are you on? " he asked quietly.
"so now do you care if i downed a whole bottle or not ? oh please shut up. because now that you mention it, your friend bakugou katsuki may have hired me. to be his company's business lawyer. isn't that funny? "
you turned your back on him, unaware of the state you'd put him in. but damn, it was like he'd just been slapped in the face. nausea took over his whole body, his legs became heavy and weak in few seconds only. and he knew damn well it wasn't fatigue.
so you were leaving him, but on top of that you were going to work for his number one competitor ?
he didn't know what hurt more, the knowledge that bakugo had won one of the most competent lawyers in the field or that you were leaving him for him ? was he jealous ? surely not, it was another feeling that repulsed him. he didn't even know.
"have you lost your tongue todoroki ?"
todoroki ? since when did you call him by his last name ? where are the darlings or my heart that used to annoy him so much ?
you finish getting ready, now wearing your long jacket. he had lost his tongue indeed, he didn't know what to say to you. what to do.
y/n y/l/n, you had succeeded in putting your husband to the wall.
but it was only for a moment. he quickly, too quickly, pulled himself together. his usual irritated expression returned.
"you don't see that he's using you to get ahead of me ? i thought you were smarter than that. "
he took a step forward, slowly but surely. like a predator approaching its prey.
"he doesn't care about you. just like no one has ever cared about you, not me, not him and not your bourgeois family. that's why they put you in a loveless marriage so easily. "
a mirthless laugh escaped from his lips.
"y/n, this bastard doesn't give a damn about you. "
you tried to move towards him, ready to slap him, but the alcohol made you capsize and stumble on your carpet. he arrived just in time to support you with his muscular arms. an annoyed sigh resounded in the large room when your sob reached his ears.
nevertheless, a petty smile stretched his lips. there you were again, the fragile and unassertive y/n finally in his arms.
that bakugo had managed to turn your brain inside out. yet shoto knew you better than anyone else. he knew you. better than you knew yourself. you were that puzzle he had managed to decipher long ago.
"that's not true. kacchan wouldn't do that...", you whisper.
"you know i'm right, sweetheart. you know i'm the only one who's honest with you. my love for you is all you need. "
his muscular hand gradually, peacefully, came to caress your back to take off the buttons of your dress. his lips came to meet yours, to draw you into a long, languid, unsentimental kiss. your lips asked for more, your whole soul asked for more of shoto. more of this man for whom your heart never stopped beating. even if his was vibrating for another woman.
you wanted to feel his lips making love to you sensually, sincerely.
you just wanted him to love you for one night. one fucking night.
shoto was ecstatic. he could already see himself opening a bottle of champagne with his father, to celebrate the divorce that would never happen. tonight, shoto had brought out his best acting skills. millions were at stake. he had brought out his best kiss. he had never touched you like that. so gently, so carefully.
he had never called you by any affectionate nickname.
he has done too much to keep you around.
and you were drunk, not stupid.
you finally stood up, moving away from him, reluctantly. nothing he said was true. from his love for you, to his accusations against katsuki.
awkwardly, you put your dress/suit back on properly.
"i have a meeting with my future employer mr. bakugou tonight. i'll be late. don't wait for me, i'll sleep at the hotel tonight, with your card. "
a red color came to his cheeks. anger ? sadness ? jealousy ?
he had never seen you so determined, so proud. and that attracted him. he was going to lose millions, no matter what. but it was you who was going to escape him. for that bastard bakugou katsuki.
the nice little y/n was no longer shoto todoroki's.
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AHHH omg sorry sorry i told you i can't do a fluffy end!! >< (comments and reblogs are appreciated <3)
🔖 tag list ; @nveusii @angelofthorr @missmolliemoo @jazzylove @loki-an-idiot @deepestranchgoopdeputy @mhasimp666 @shotorozu @chscklvr @devilsbooksworld @marshmallow12345 (ones in bold cannot be tagged)
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roboticchibitan · 3 years
You guys wanna see my teapot collection? Good cuz I'm gonna show you.
This one is kinda mediocre and I can't remember if I inherited from my great grandma or if I got it at a thrift store
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The man himself! This is Godrick, who I saw in an uncredited photo on tumblr and immediately had to have because I collect teapots and my aunt collects frogs so I wanted it to remind me of her. He's adorable but not well insulated. I plan on knitting him some overalls as a teapot cozy!
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Not a teapot but like two years after I bought him, my gf discovered he's actually part of an entire housewares line called Toby Toad and I lost my mind and immediately bought the matching salt shakers who arrived looking like they had Seen Some Shit. I love them.
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I inherited this cherry one from my great grandma and I think it's very cute and it's well insulated, which is a big plus
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When I was little I collected ladybug themed items (I've always been a bit of a crow) so obviously when my gf saw this at an antique store I had to get jt
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I got this one out of storage today because now I have reusable teabags I can finally use it with my nice tea (I've never used it before and I'm quite excited for it). I think this one is really pretty.
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Hideous teapot that Loki made me buy (affectionate)
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Rainbow teapot with a unicorn on the lid. It's adorable but the opening on top is absolutely tiny. I don't think this was actually meant to be a functional teapot.
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Another teapot I inherited from my great grandma. It came with two teacups and saucers! Also pretty well insulated.
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Last of all, and this is just a stock image, not my image, but I just googled "teavanna cherry blossom tea set" and there it is my prettiest teapot and the four cups and saucers it came with. My ex bought it for me and it's the prettiest teapot I own.
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She makes good points about corporate feminism and wokism don't excuse bad scripts.
Thank you for the link. There are a few things I agree with, especially when she says the movies feel like "watching female characters stand up at the expense of their male counterparts" and "wokenism has become a shield for bad television and film, and sexism has become the justification when a female-led film doesn't do well".
But there are certain things I disagree with, especially her complaints about Captain Marvel (what can I say, I love that film). I don't understand why she cherry-picks certain things of the movie while ignoring everything else. She whines that Carol doesn't show emotion during the movie - but she doesn't say that she had been indoctrinated by the kree to hide her feelings + the longer she's on Earth and away from the kree the more lighthearted she is, she smiles, she jokes around, she's a little shit (affectionate)...
Also the OP claims the movie treats men like crap but she doesn't mention that Carol teams up with Fury and Talos in the end and they all, along with Maria, save the Skrulls and defeat the Kree. Guess she doesn't mention that because it refutes her argument.
And then she tries to claim Wonder Woman is a good example of a female-led character movie.... 🤦‍♀️
Anyway, what I usually find in these videos is that the focus is so highly on whether or not the women deserve to be there in the first place (she keeps saying some of those female characters are just there because they're women... what does that mean?), the level at which these fans judge the women is so precise and surgical but they don't do the same with men, the scrutiny is insane.
Like in AoU the only thing she mentions is that Natasha loves Bruce which is a huge disservice to her character in that movie: she's traumatized by Wanda, she recovers and she's taken by Ultron, she feigns weakness and leads the entire team to Sokovia, she kicks Bruce's ass and refuses to leave and she's willing to die in order to protect everyone else. And the only thing that matters is that she kisses Bruce? Is that the failure of the movie or those watching it?
She keeps mentioning all modern movies and shows do it wrong and the women feel weak but that is such a blanket statement that I find it hard to take it seriously. I'm watching Daredevil now and the women in this show are wonderful, they have arcs of their own, their personalities feel real, they're as well-written as the men. Not to mention there are other countries making movies and shows as well... just leaving it out there, watching how other countries do these things would help these folks a huge deal.
So while I agree with her that trying to lift female characters by portraying the men as weak and misogynistic is a huge insult to both men and women, sometimes it feels that for the viewers they first see a woman and then a character and they're so much more critical of her than a man.
This is not to say women can't be criticized of course, I do it all the time lol, but blanket statements that try to put all women in the same place and actively refuse to first check the nuance and the context (if there is one) don't help anyone. Surely we can say that the way Wanda is written in WandaVision is nowhere near what the Loki writers did to Sylvie, right? Or that Captain Brexit was not a well-written female character and TFA didn't do a good job with rep for women but TWS was brilliant with Natasha?
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dontcallmecarrie · 2 years
Do you think Victor is touched starved after the incident? Do you think Justin misses the little touches they used to share?
...um. About that.
Short version: it's Complicated™.
Long version, feat. backstory: in NHDD, Justin Hammer's family can be mostly summed up as 'Old Money with an unhealthy fixation on image'— which includes but is not limited to performative masculinity, for Justin. Specifically, the Hammers are the type of people who, among other things, go "men don't cry" and think that only women are socially permitted to be physically affectionate 'without it being gay or something' [...because they're homophobic on top of everything else].
That, among other things, is part of why Justin's so reserved in public. Not that their parents succeeded in their endeavor, exactly, but Justin will never be the one to initiate physical contact— and doesn't tend to welcome it from anyone other than the people they care about, which for the longest time could be counted on one hand and have fingers left over. [...which also ties into the general public's '???' when it comes to Justin's relationship with Tony, since the latter tends to be tactile and the former doesn't hold him at an icy distance for it.]
Meanwhile, in this AU, Victor von Doom is very much an introvert but he had his family, and, after shit hit the fan, his allies. A large part of why they're so dear to him is the fact that they all know and respect his boundaries, and while Victor might struggle to express his appreciation, they at the very least know he cares.
Which is all a long-winded way for me to say that I hadn't really envisioned either Justin or Victor being particularly tactile in NHDD, and yes, this is quite possibly the slowest burn I've written to date because Justin's on the asexuality spectrum and it took the Incident for Victor to realize that yes, in fact, he is in love with his best friend.
After the Incident, Victor doesn't trust himself around Justin.
Or anyone else, for that matter. He works tirelessly to figure out what the hell is wrong with him, and self-isolates like never before in an attempt to not, y'know, accidentally kill anyone else he cares about. Because the sight of the medics having to restart his best friend's heart has been seared into Victor's memories, and that's...not easy to live with, to say the least.
Especially because in his experiments, Victor quickly discovers his power isn't electricity. If only because electricity made sense, meanwhile this energy fries every electronic he tries to test it with, no matter how sophisticated, and conventional insulators like plastic turn out to be one-use-only at best. Meanwhile, the leather shooting gloves he'd been gifted visibly sparked but lowered his output to something like static electricity. Overall, though, the main takeaways all this research gives him is the discovery that he harbors the single most destructive force he's ever personally encountered, and that...does not help his mental health. At all.
As such, it's really not a surprise that he goes all in when Loki mentions the true nature of his new power. Not a surprise that he uses his genius and drive to master it, to figure out a way to keep it leashed and controlled instead of letting it decimate everything he can touch.
And it's really, really not a surprise that the first thing Victor does the next time he sees his best friend is embrace him like he'd wanted to since first coming back, and not want to let go for hours.
[...and that's the most natural point where I can see these two getting together, tbh, with Victor going from 'grumpy cat who very reluctantly deigns to be in the same room' to either 'PDA Whomst?' or 'the Model Boyfriend who is perpetually in the honeymoon stage, much to the fond amusement of his partner and bewilderment/envy/exasperation of literally everyone else']
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