#lol all of us except for one are somewhere in the chaotic alignment
gin-draws · 6 years
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Figuring out how I want to draw our d&d party, so I doodled some Lil Cutie- our goblin fighter/tinker.. She’s a wildcard.
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
PLEASE explain your Magnus moral alignment post lol 😭 if you want to
okokok so this turned out longer than I wanted it to be, and I kinda put my English-professor glasses on. But basically, Magnus was morally complex in book 1, he was not morally complex in books 2 and 3, and it may or may not be Alex Fierro's fault.
In the first book, Magnus was primarly motivated by one of three things: a) his mother, b) altruism, or c) survival.
The beginning of the novel leaned hard into c) survival. Magnus was presented as a desperate homeless kid with a moral code: he could steal from people, but only the people he thought were rude or rich. Now, this was not a Robbin-Hood situation; he'd pickpocket money off of jerks he met on the street and then he'd use that money to buy things for himself. He wasn't exactly giving the money out to those in need. He lives by his own rules, and those rules are "Keep living, and screw over a couple douchebags in the process."
This lands him purely in the chaotic neutral category: he is motivated by his own selfish desires and needs, and he had no regard for the law or for the well-being of the (assumed-to-be) rich folks from whom he took money. Later, when Magnus breaks out of Valhalla, he does so with the intention of finding his mother— though he is helped by Blitz and Hearth, so he goes along with what they want him to do for a while. Again, this is a selfish motivation resulting in a neutral action. He is willing to risk his floormates' heads to achieve his own self-centered escape (I'm using very negatively connatative language, but I really don't think he was that bad. He was just normal.)
Later on, though, his motivation becomes more focused on the greater good. The most notable shift in the character is when Hel offers to reunite him with his mother and he refuses because he knows she has an ulterior motive that would screw over the rest of humanity. On the Island of Lyngvi, Magnus watches Gunilla die, but she dies peacefully, knowing that it's for the greater good. He even caps off the story with threatening his own life to heal Halfborn. Magnus is still skeptical of authority, and he still plays by his own rules, but his priorities have changed; he's now chaotic good.
BUT in the other two books, Magnus is remarkably more reluctant to step outside of the mould. He no longer makes sacrifices for the greater good; he's never forced to, since no other major characters die after Book 1— which is sorely disappointing. On the narrative level, it kinda makes sense. The way had to be paved for Alex Fierro to stand out as an unconventional and exceptional protagonist— and boy, did she! For Alex and Magnus to be character foils (for the uninitiated, the short version is that "character foils" means "opposites in some significant way"), Magnus's moral complexity had to be eradicated, which is really a shame.
Hammer of Thor and Ship of the Dead do not feature Magnus making hard decisions. They do not feature Magnus chosing to be selfish. They do not feature Magnus's violent traits. They do not feature Magnus defying authority in any significant way. This lands Magnus in the "neutral good" zone.
But why?
Chosing to be selfish, being violent, and defying authority are Alex's jobs now. And as much as I adore Alex, it's a little upsetting.
See, character foils can work in many ways. If characters are very similar but one aspect of them is very different, that one aspect becomes hugely significant. RR actually used his foils pretty well, but if they had been a little more similar with one giant, notable difference, it would have been just as effective, and it wouldn't have compromised Magnus's character.
WOWZA that turned out a lot more in-depth than I wanted it to! I hope I answered your question somewhere in all the chaos!!
I suppose this is a bad time to tell you I've never played D&D.
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rolanberry-rebel · 3 years
Info sheet: Kjalla Nisemi
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Name: Kjalla Nisemi Nicknames: K, Two-Guns, “oh hell, not her!”, “Gun-bunny” if you want to get shot Race: Viera (rava) Age: mid-late 30s in hyuran years, exact age unknown (even to her, really) Gender: Cis female Orientation: Whatever suits her at the moment Relationship status: Whatever suits her at the moment Profession: Professional psycho, hired gun, mechanic
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Height: 6′2″ Weight: 160lbs. Eyes: Icy blue Hair: Dark blue Skin: Greyish-blue Build: Fit, busty Scars: Deep scar along the left side of her jaw, scarring around her wrists and fingers, scar tissue along her neck. Tattoos: Blue markings along her face; a thorny blue vine splayed down the back of her neck, along her right shoulder and twining around her right bicep Fashion: Spartan and street-tough; never goes anywhere without her kickin’ boots and a good jacket. Loves leather, loves fishnets, loves denim, loves spikes. Comfortable and not necessarily showy. Dark colors. Loves red; loves black. Not afraid to show off what she’s got. When she thinks she’ll need it she's outfitted in the one of the suits of heavy armor she custom-builds herself, varying from more mobile sets of light plate to bulky, gadget-augmented battle suits. Accessories: Kjalla wears a fair amount of jewelry, a lot of it worn and tarnished, suggesting it might have some sentimental value. Often seen with a smattering of dull gold and silver rings, earrings, and a bridge piercing with a pair of rubies at each end.
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Birthplace: the Golmore jungles somewhere. Residence: Her junk shop/personal safehouse off of a private jetty near Kugane. Alignment: Chaotic Evil Hobbies: Violence, rowdy nights out, any and every manner of indulgence, creating new weapons and gadgets for her armors, salvaging and experimenting with old junk, making and spending lots of gil Likes: Exciting experiences, adrenaline rushes, the opposite sex, the same sex, swapping stories, swapping punches, money, people with guts, alcohol, tinkering away Dislikes: Cowards, soft people, pretty things, lalafel, you if you get in her way. And chocobos. Disgusting things. Personality: Erratic and unconstrained, shifting wildly with her impulsive mood swings. One night you buy her a drink and you might flirt your way back to her junk-shop; the next she might put a round through your skull. More than anything she likes to surprise and be surprised, so always expect the unexpected. Always headstrong and often arrogant, and you should absolutely never tell her what to do. Ever. In spite of her crazed impulses, when she’s not in a bad mood Kjalla can be incorrigibly flirtatious, friendly, and fun to have a good night out with. Virtues: Strong, physically and emotionally; there’s very little that will break her, and she’s seen it all. Strong leadership instinct, whether through her charisma or force of character simply overwhelming others into following. Obsessively self-sufficient and fiercely independent. Determined and diligent when there’s work to do, and will not quit until she gets it done. Streetwise, clever, skilled; not conventionally smart but picks up new hands-on skills quickly. A fierce, experienced fighter. Unfailingly loyal to those who prove themselves worth it. Bad habits: The obvious - she’s utterly immoral, indulging in any behavior if it makes her feel good. Impulsive, reckless, violent, quick to anger and lash out at others. Heart hard as a rock and a firm believer in the survival of the fittest (the fittest, of course, being her). Trusts next to no one and will betray others save her closest circle if it helps her get ahead. Stubborn as hell. Promiscuous with little regard for whom it might hurt. Huge chip on her shoulder. Has a major problem with authority. Unintelligent by conventional standards, and completely dead to magic.
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Significant Other: *derisive laughter* Children: *even more incredulous laughter* Family: All presumed dead, except for her sister Eyrisse, from whom she is estranged. Pets: Linchpin and Electrode, her pair of baby coeurls, who live at her junk-shop. Their unique grounding and electrical powers help Kjalla with her electrical experiments.
Friends: People aren’t friends to Kjalla; they’re tools, things to be used, experienced and discarded. (Most of the time, anyway...)
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You might know Kjalla if...
Merciless Mercenary. Kjalla is a notoriously cutthroat sellsword, unscrupulous - more than willing and able to do any job big or small, just as long as kids aren’t involved. (That’s the one line she doesn’t cross.) From political leaders to petty thieves, she’s taken them all. Her race may paint her as a novelty - it’s not often you see a viera mercenary traipsing around the world, after all - but she’s no laughing matter. If you hire mercenaries, work with them, or are one yourself, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of her, under one of her assorted names - some flattering, some very much not.
Underworld Surgeon. Kjalla has no magical healing talent but she’s a darn good field surgeon, and has a great knowledge of alchemical remedies, salves and drugs. A ‘side-job’ of hers is to sell her services as a mundane healer to shady characters who, for fear of the law, of the attention, or otherwise - avoid visiting a reputable establishment for healing after an incident. Criminals on the run, overdose cases, just someone who wants to stay off the grid - if you’re in need of a quick patching-up and you’d rather keep it discreet, her junk-shop is always open.
Life of the Party. Kjalla is a staple in a few of her favorite seedy dives in cities across the world - and would certainly be recognizable to regulars, given scar-covered, foul-mouthed viera with backwater accents aren’t exactly easy to miss. If you frequent these kinds of establishments, you’ve no doubt heard of, seen, and maybe even gotten into a drunken brawl with her.
Purveyor of Dangerous and Exploding Things. Kjalla loves weapons - all of them, but especially guns, bombs, tasers, flamethrowers, dynamite, and weapons far more bizarre and exotic. If you’re a weapon collector, an arms dealer, or if you’re looking to outfit yourself with something significantly more dangerous, you’ve no doubt run in to back-alley gunrunners and smugglers who’ve mentioned her as a supplier. Conversely, if you’re searching for training in gunsmithing or engineering from a master, she might consider it... you’ll probably wind up dead, though, so maaaybe not a good idea... unless that’s your kink. 
Garlean Killer: There’re few jobs Kjalla loves more than the ones where she gets to pop Garlean heads like grapes. Though one could scarcely call the viera a principled woman whose violence is politically sophisticated, she takes a perverse delight in torturing and killing agents of the empire, even if she’s not getting paid to do it. Naturally her reputation for murdering prominent officers, personnel, facilities, and stealing lots of Garlean technology has made her a notorious outlaw in the empire, and if you’re involved in any of those fields, you’d recognize her scarred visage anywhere. Just be careful - she really does love planting bullets right in those third eyes.
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Hi! I’ve been RPing forever and I’m lookin for new friends!
Adult female OOCly who’s RPed in every game you can probably think of and happy RPing lots of themes/scene types so long as we talk about it beforehand.
Kjalla is violent, rude, crude, and lustful. I however am (well, in my opinion, anyway...) none of those things, and am happy to talk with nice people! Just be aware most RP involving her’s gonna be one of those things, lol.
Available at random times, usually late evenings EST. Will always try to respond to private messages here no matter when you send them though!
Discord: I’m not on there very much, but I know it’s become a big way for a lotta people to do most of their OOC communication/RP threads so I’m willing to get on there if you wanna talk!
In-game: Anylissa Sebastis (Balmung) or Kjalla Nisemi (Mateus)
If you’re not into psychotic rabbit-ladies, I have my playful spoiled heiress, Anylissa, if you’d prefer. :>
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cherchezlafemme · 6 years
this is a thing for my courier elizabeth. i love her. ignore this if u want also.
Which Fallout game are they from? fnv
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why? she is independent vegas because she’s anarchist and tired. she didn’t destroy any other factions except doing her best to scare the legion away from the Mojave.
What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? s - 10 p - 3 e - 8 c - 4 i - 2 a - 2 l - 10
Give us a summary of their backstory. grew up in a small town in arizona, her mom was a doctor and her dad was a mechanic and she learned a lot of things from them, but actually became a doctor in her late teens. she realized she was gay when she was pretty young, like 12, and then panicked and got engaged to the first man she knew. they were going to get married when she was 26. she didn’t want to do that and told her fiance she was gay and he was like, “oh worm cool. i’ll help you get out of here” and he helped her escape the town. also they were homophobic (i had some fears about my own parents being homophobic when i created eli) so. yeah. then she became a courier! the end.
What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em? her full name was Originally: genevieve elizabeth fredrickson-carter, then i changed to to Rosalina Elizabeth Fredrickson-Cruz because she’s Mexican. i asked my friend (who is also mexican) what a cool name was and she said rosalina, and i chose cruz because that’s my friend’s mom’s first name. yeah!
What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people? big femme lesbian, demigirl. she’s fine telling people.
Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope? she’s autistic and has anxiety. she doesn’t cope well.
Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them? she’s got some brain damage from getting focking shot in the head, she has very bad memory and can only speak in short sentences. there’s not? a treatment? except for what doc mitchell did for her i guess!
How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe? she doesn’t care about her outter appearance at all really. she only really brushes her hair to get dust out of it lol. though she bathes almost every day, and can’t stand feeling dirty.
What do they fear the most? ovens, the dark, bugs
They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw? she’s somewhat of a scaredy-cat, she knows she’s useless when she’s like Really Scared and feels bad about it all the time.
What are they most insecure about? her fear of the dark
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders) CAZADORS
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus) she’s a virgo. zodiac means nothing imo.
What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ) ESFP
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil) chaotic good
Do they have any hobbies? What are they? gardening!
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it? christmas, she celebrates it by making tamales with her companions, and gives out gifts!
What’s their favorite season? spring
Do they have a temper or are they level headed? she’s level headed
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings? she doesn’t really express emotions (autism baybey) but the ones she does feel, she lets them flow.
Are they a leader or a follower? leader
How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make? kinda weird, earnest, like she’s in a hurry to get somewhere
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any? with company, she likes all of the companions, but especially cass because. they’re married lol.
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation? selfless, and it depends on how tired she is dfngkdjfbg
What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction) she loves women who have large hands, brown eyes, and are patient. platonically she likes people who laugh at her bad jokes, even in pity.
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love? no, and she’s a lesbian so she falls in love like every 4 days, until she married cass lol.
What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship? she’s happily married to cass!
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence? diplomatically, tries to not use violence whenever she can.
What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak? she likes rifles the most. she tries to reason with whoever is attacking her first, then when that doesn’t work, she shoots to maim but not kill.
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them? a 9mm pistol with a flower engraved on the side. and whatever rifles she can scrap together.
Their most prized possession? the. 9mm gun thing.
Their thoughts on power armor? it’s fine. noisy.
Favorite armor/ outfit? a plain grey tank top, brown breastplate that only covers the top part of her chest. brown vest. a plain brown belt, jeans, and brown boots. sometimes she wears a flower in her hair when she wants to be more feminine. a brown cowboy hat when she’s not wearing a flower.
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun? she’s not great at aiming but she does have a steady hand
What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily? she doesn’t like to think about it, she does care sometimes. she thinks it’s necessary to kill to be able to survive, and only tries to kill people who would do more harm than good.
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it) she doesn’t fear it, and has kind of accepted it since she Technically already died. she doesn’t want to die again though lmao.
Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home? she likes to stay in one place, in case she gets distracted to forgets to do what she promised. she likes to be familiar with where she is.
What’s their favorite location? freeside. she likes to help out where she can.
Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral? she like non-feral ghouls, and she tries not to hurt the feral ones as much as she can. she knows they used to be people and does her best not to kill them.
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them? she scavenges. she likes to pick up Everything she can get her hands on, knowing she can get at least one cap for everything, or she can break it down into materials to make something else!
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track? yes, she’s easily distracted, if something catches her eye she’s zipping off in that direction.
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere? she sleeps curled up on her side, usually clinging to a companion or a teddy bear. she can sleep anywhere; on the ground, on a bed, on some rocks. she also falls asleep super fast!
What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse) she Loves radio new vegas, her favorite song is heartaches by the number! it reminds her of cass lol
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook? she likes to eat raw fruit and veggies, and she’s super picky. she doesn’t know how to cook at all.
What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol? her favorite beverage is sunset sasparilla and she only drinks wine when she feels Fancy.
Do they have any tag skills? medicine, guns, and survival
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons, Bobbleheads) she likes to collect snow globes, stuffed animals (like teddy bears), and soft blankets
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them? she’s so bad at disarming them, she usually has to run for cover when she accidentally sets off a mine and dramatically jumps away. it’s amusing
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labellerose-acheron · 7 years
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Maurice Beauton -- Character Sheet
Archetype — The Explorer Birthday — January 24, 1958 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ENTP Enneagram — 4; the Individualist Temperament — Melancholic Hogwarts House — Slythdor but a Hufflepuff model Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Gluttony Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Water
Mother — Carine Beauton (nee Gouin) (deceased, 1971, pneumonia) Father — Julien Beauton (deceased, old age, died 2011 age: 87) Mother’s Occupation — teacher Father’s Occupation — teacher Family Finances — middle class Birth Order — younger Brothers — Matthew (deceased, 1993, car accident) (five years older) Sisters — none Other Close Family — Matthew has a wife let’s name her Romaine. And they have a son who is like 27, his name is Antoine. He’s married to a girl named Lydia. They have a 5 year old daughter named Estelle. They live in Paris. Belle knows vaguely about this but definitely not that Antoine is married and has a daughter bc after Matthew died, Romaine didn’t keep in touch with Maurice. So after Julien died, Maurice stopped getting updates and Maurice never talked to her about his family once she got older. She knows she has an uncle and a cousin. Best Friend — he has a few friends up in London Other Friends — eh Enemies — none? Probably Hades lmfaooo kidding i kid maurice is too sweet truly Pets — he’s got a cat, her name is Ettie, tho her full name is Pirouette Home Life During Childhood — Had an okay childhood, his mom died when he was about thirteen from a flu that turned into pneumonia. They moved to France after their mother died bc his dad got a job at some university. His brother was older than him and more sporty/popular so he didn’t want to hang around his weird kooky younger brother. He stood up for him when other people teased him but he didn’t go out of his way to hang out with Maurice. Their father was loving but he was sad when his wife died, though he always supported both of them and he didn’t mind Maurice living with him well into his thirties bc he was lonely. Town or City Name(s) — Grew up in Swynlake and then Paris. Moved to back to Swynlake after marrying Charisse. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Normal? Probably had a workbench in it and was always messy bc he was working on some invention or another. Always had like grease on things. Any Sports or Clubs — lol no. I mean he probably was in uhh like chess club. Maybe the debate team? Or like a science/engineering club? But he got kicked out of most clubs bc he didn’t understand how to play by the rules and would just kind of do his own thing. Favorite Toy or Game — fiddling with things! prolly really into his rubix cube Schooling — decent schooling, he was really smart but he didn’t apply himself well because he just wasn’t interested in things like literature and history more than like face-value. Like he likes reading but he doesn’t want to lEARN about BOOKs. Was much more hands on--liked science and like idk woodshop lol Favorite Subject — Science definitely Popular or Loner — Loner, even though he tried really hard to popular. Like too hard. He would just go and sit with people and start talking to them like he’d known them forever and people found him like too aggressive and weird so they’d just get up and like move tables. Important Experiences or Events — When his mom died! Moving to France! Getting his apprenticeship with the clockmaker! Meeting Charisse! Marrying Charisse! When Belle was born! When Charisse died! Leaving Belle! Going to a mental hospital! Getting out of the mental hospital after three years (he woulda been good after like a year but he just kept hanging around.) Nationality — English Culture — English/French Religion and beliefs — ehhhh no he is a man of science, but his family is Catholic. His brother and father were very devout.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Jeff Perry Complexion — wrinkly lol kind of red in the face Hair Colour — greyish/whiteish now but it used to be dark brown Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’9 Build — he’s short and stout, kind of overweight, does not exercise or properly take care of himself Tattoos — lmfao no Piercings — also lmao no Common Hairstyle — he just lets it do what it wants, it kind of sticks up all over the place Clothing Style — uh? He just wears shirts and pants like nothing special, stays with neutral colors browns/greens Mannerisms — doesn’t really make eye contact well, wrings his hands (like Belle), stutters when he talks, trails off mid-conversation, misses the Point a lot, puts his hand to his forehead when he’s overwhelmed.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — yeah he does not have good health lol probably gets winded like walking up the stairs Physical Ailments — uhhh none? Probably has a lot of scars from things EXPLODIGN wears glasses Neurological Conditions — depression, anxiety, tbh probably on the Autism spectrum? Allergies — none really Grooming Habits — ehhhhh not great especially if he gets hyperfocused on a project Sleeping Habits — terrible he kind of naps throughout the day, doesn’t have liek a set sleeping pattern. Eating Habits — also bad, can’t cook so he just makes himself like shit u heat up Exercise Habits —  the only time he exercises is climbing up into clocks to fix them Emotional Stability — uhhhhhhhh like a 3 lol it is Not Good Body Temperature — eh probably overheats easily lol Sociability — i mean he is super social, but like?? social cues are not his thing so i’ll give him a 6 Addictions — none except maybe caffeine Drug Use — none except his prescribed meds when he takes them, which is only, when he’s in the hospital, Alcohol Use — not really
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — being inconsiderate, hyperfocusing, withdrawing when upset, flighty, cowardly Good Habits — loving, kind, he tries!!, really smart, enthusiastic, passionate Best Characteristic — kind and intelligent Worst Characteristic — just has no clue Worst Memory — losing Charisse Best Memory — meeting Charisse!! (Belle’s birth? I mean, yes, but it isn’t what would come to mind for him exactly.) Proud of — not a lot really? Embarrassed by — also not much tbh bc he just has no awareness, he v much just views the world the way he wants to view it, though he knows when people laugh at him and think he’s weird and that makes him sad. Driving Style — doesn’t drive Strong Points — intelligence, really a great clockmaster Temperament — chill af Attitude — optimistic, kind of stupidly so Weakness — over-enthusiasm Fears — doesn’t really dwell on fears Phobias — none Secrets — none Regrets — also none? Feels Vulnerable When — people laugh at him or make fun of him Pet Peeves — people laughing at him Conflicts — attempting to navigate his mental illness and living a good life. Motivation — uh he doesn’t really have motivations? Short Term Goals and Hopes — make up with belle Long Term Goals and Hopes — just keep on keeping on Sexuality — heterosexual tho rly p asexual Exercise Routine  — none existent Day or Night Person — night owl for sure Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert surprisingly he craves community and closeness Optimist or Pessimist — optimist!
Likes and Styles:
Music — not really super into music, but likes instrumental stuff if he does listen, or operas, though they just make him sad Books — he likes most books but he likes reading things like the Origin of Species the best Magazines — none Foods — all food is good food, except spicy stuff Drinks — really likes milk, Animals — cats and horses are his favorites. He likes most animals though, even spiders and snakes and stuff like that Sports — lol Social Issues — none?? Really?? He’s p magic-friendly but in his own problematic way, Favorite Saying — “If it’s not baroque, don’t fix it!” - nerd humor (yes i stole this from the movie but maurice would find it hilarious.) Color — blue probably Jewelry — does he still wear his wedding ring? probably Games — none Websites — none is hopeless at computers even tho he can take one apart and put it back together TV Shows — none Movies — eh none really Greatest Want — to fix things with belle, for charisse to be alive again D: Greatest Need — to stop living in the past and embrace what still is.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — he has a little flat that he probably shares with a friend let’s name him Daniel Household furnishings — plain just the bare minimum, very bachelor pad Favorite Possession — his wedding ring Most Cherished Possession — his wedding ring Neighborhood — somewhere in London idk Town or City Name — London Details of Town or City — it’s fuckin london Married Before — yes to the love of his life Significant Other Before — only ever loved/dated one woman Children — Belle! Relationship with Family — estranged Car — none Career — clockmaker/fixer Dream Career — famous inventor! Dream Life — a rich, successful famous inventor with his loving wife and daughter by his side though he’ll take a life where charisse is alive over anything else Love Life — none Talents or Skills — super smart, can p much build anything from scratch, really intuitive when it comes to problem solving Intelligence Level — so smart, just truly brilliant, but not super great with people so he doesn’t come off as intelligent Finances — low, low, lower middle classs
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — has always done the same job but for diff places/freelancing Past Lovers — none, just charisse Biggest Mistakes — fuckin leaving belle on her own smh Biggest Achievements — none? really?
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