#long expanses of being bored with breif lights of ''oh that was actually a bit sweet'' or ''oh yeah that just deeply offended someone''
roughentumble · 2 years
i generally dont quit bad anime with a short run because i have too much fun torturing myself with obscenely terrible garbage, but the problem with ro-kyu-bu is that its like. 90% stuff that's so boilerplate and inoffensive that there isnt anything to laugh about, it's just a blandly executed sports drama about rekindling one's love for basketball, but the stuff that IS bad isnt really stuff you laugh at, it's either stuff that makes you sigh but rolls off you like water off a duck's back because you survived this era of anime and it means nothing to you anymore, or it's so deeply revolting to you that joking about it would be unthinkable.
so there's like. nothing to say. what quip is to be made about the grade schooler maid outfit faux-panty shot? either you just sighed and said "yep, early 2000s VN adaptation for you" in a beleaguered way, or you sat upright in your seat and announced what the fuck. either way there isnt a joke to be made in there
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