#look at ZZS's branch with the one white flower left
athrisen · 2 years
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The Four Seasons Zine @wohzine has been sent out to all the wonderful supporters and I can finally set this free onto the interwebz!!!
I call this piece "Business Rivals :)"
Also I forgot to add strings to xie er's pipa what is life am i rite
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joylinda-hawks · 8 months
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Yes, there are 81 plum blossoms that symbolize all the people of my generation. residing in Siji Manor. WOH, episode 24, part 3. ZZS enters the manor. It is neglected, but there are still furniture that testify to the splendor of the manor. Memories come flooding in. ZZS talks about how his master taught them in a conference room. ZZS talks about this place where his master used to sit and check homework when he was little. ZZS remembers meetings on the occasion of the Spring Festival and winter meetings by the stove. WKX looks at ZZS. He notices ZZS looking into the room, a dropped painting hangs against the wall. WKX and ZCL come up to him and take him away. They both admire his performance. . WKX reads the credits: flowers bloom all year round, they know everything that is going on in the world. Surprised, ZZS approaches them. ZCL asks ZZS if this painting was painted by its master. However, ZZS is silent, WKX wonders if the boy's question did not touch some wound in the heart of ZZS. ZZS replies yes and explains the meaning of the photo. He adds that after some time he returns to the same place again. ZZS sadly explains that it was he who led to the downfall of Siji Manor. It's like a thorn in his heart. Looking at this painting and remembering another left in Jin, on the wall where after the death of each person belonging to Siji Manor, the petals of white flowers were covered with red paint. In this scene, the past and the present collide. WKX and ZCL look at ZZS, which looks like it's about to fall apart. This short part of the scene is a great test for ZZS. The very decision to return to the seat of the former sect was a challenge for ZZS. But he had to do it, for ZCL, WKX and most of all for himself. He was looking for ZZS in this place of forgiveness. Seeing Siji Manor in such a state was a punishment for ZZS, but also an opportunity for redemption. Every step in the Manor brought back memories. Entering the interior, he hit the most sensitive point of the ZZS heart - he saw the painting of his master. He didn't believe he would see it. His bumbling attempt to imitate the plum tree branch in Jin was something that tied him to Siji Manor. The baggage of experience made ZZS a tough and soulless person. But standing here in the middle of the room, he was falling to pieces. ZZH with its character and beauty perfectly matched the character of ZZS in this scene. We can almost see how hard ZZS is crumbling, how its shell is slowly cracking. There are few actors who perfectly combine delicacy and strong character. ZZH belongs to one of them.
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theboldplant-blog · 6 years
10 Hard-to-Kill Houseplants!
Houseplants are awesome, but some are just more difficult to take care of than others. Below is a list of 10 of some of the easiest plants to care for indoors.
Snake Plant (Sansevieria):
Lighting: Snake plants grow in a variety of lighting conditions. They prefer bright, indirect light but can withstand low light levels.
Soil Conditions: They prefer good, well-drained soil but can handle dry and poor soil.
Watering: Snake plants are sensitive to overwatering, so make sure to let the soil dry out between waterings.
Fertilizer: Lightly fertilize during the growing season with an all-purpose plant food.
-Snake plants have distinct stiff, upright foliage. The leaves are flat and can grow anywhere from 1 to 8 feet tall, depending on the variety. This plant is one of the hardest plants to kill. Not only are they so easy to care for, but they also purify the air in your house! According to NASA’s recent study, snake plants remove benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the air. In the right conditions, snake plants will even bloom!
Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata):
Lighting: Jade plants need full sun to grow properly. If they receive too little sun, they can become stunted and leggy.
Soil Conditions: Do not let the soil dry out completely between waterings.
Watering: Do not overwater, instead water when the first inch to two inches of the soil is dry.
Fertilizer: Fertilize about every six months with a water soluble fertilizer. Only use fertilizer when the soil is wet; fertilize after watering as normal.
-Jade plants are a branched, succulent shrub. They have thick, woody stems and glossy green leaves. Not only are jade plants easy to care for, they are easy to propagate. From one jade plant, you can grow multiple. They can look like miniature trees as they age, but some pruning may be required.
Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum):
Lighting: Pothos are very tolerant and will do well in bright and indirect light as well as low light.
Soil Conditions: They can grow in soil or a jar of water. Just remember that they don’t do well when transferring from one medium to the other.
Watering: If growing in soil, they prefer that the soil dries out between waterings.
Fertilizer: The plants can be fertilized every three months, but they still grow quickly without being fertilized. If grown in water, liquid fertilizer should be added to supply the plant with the necessary nutrients they typically absorb from soil.
-Pothos have large, thick leaves and grooved stems. They are a vining plant and are beautiful when hung or placed on a high shelf. They grow different types of roots depending on the medium they are planted in. That’s why they don’t do very well when transferred from one medium to another.
Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica):
Lighting: Rubber plants need lots of bright, indirect sunlight.
Soil Conditions: They do best in well-draining and aerated soil. They should be planted in a pot with drainage holes.
Watering: In summer, rubber plants should be kept moist. The leaves should be wiped down with a damp cloth or misted regularly. In winter, they need less water and may only require to be watered once or twice a month.
Fertilizer: Fertilize the plant during the growing season.
-Rubber plants, or rubber trees, can be kept medium sized or allowed to become full indoor trees. They are a tropical plant, and therefore should be kept inside in colder climates. The plant has shiny and thick oval shaped leaves. Rubber plants hold a milky white sap in its stems and leaves. This sap is irritating when eaten or allowed to sit on skin or get in a cut. Not only is it poisonous, but it can stain fabric and furniture. 
Aloe (Aloe Barbadensis/Aloe Vera):
Lighting: Aloe needs bright, indirect sunlight.
Soil Conditions: It should be planted in cactus potting soil or a similar well-draining soil. It should be planted in a pot with drainage holes.
Watering: Aloe cannot tolerate standing water. Therefore, it should be watered when the soil is completely dry. When watering, the soil should be completely drenched, and the excess water should be allowed to drain out of the pot.
Fertilizer: You can fertilize the plant once a year in the spring, but it is not typically necessary.
-Aloe has thick, pointed and fleshy green leaves which are full of slimy tissue. It is a popular medicinal plant. It is best known for treating skin injuries, but it also has many other benefits. The gel contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. It has antibacterial properties, and it accelerates the healing of burns. It can reduce dental plaque, help treat canker sores, reduce constipation, may prevent wrinkles, lowers blood sugar levels, and much more.
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum):
Lighting: Spider plants prefer bright, indirect light, but will also do fine in low light.
Soil Conditions: They are not fussy when it comes to soil, as long as it is well-draining.
Watering: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Spider plants are sensitive to overwatering and susceptible to root rot.
Fertilizer: Fertilize the plant three to four times a year during the growing season.
-Spider plants are also known as the airplane plant. They have long, grass-like foliage, and often have a white stripe down the edges or middle of the leaves. In response to increasing daylight, they produce small white flowers. They grow well in containers or hanging baskets. Just like the snake plant, spider plants are also good as purifying toxins out of the air. They can filter formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.
English Ivy (Hedera Helix):
Lighting: English ivy likes bright, indirect light. If it doesn’t receive enough light, the leaves grow smaller and further apart. If it receives too much direct sunlight, the leaves can get sunburned.
Soil Conditions: Ivy needs rich, well-drained soil.
Watering: Let the top couple inches of soil dry out before watering. If you are noticing crispy leaves, that is a sign of overwatering.
Fertilizer: It doesn’t typically need fertilizer, but you can fertilize it twice a year during the growing season.
-Ivy is a climbing plant. It can be used as a screen to cover unsightly views behind a fence. It can also be used to cover an unattractive wall or structure. English Ivy is another plant named by NASA to be useful at filtering the air. It can absorb toxins such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene.
Mass Cane (Dracaena Massangeana):
Lighting: Mass cane grows best in bright, indirect light. It can stand low light, but the growth will be slower.
Soil Conditions: It should be planted in well-draining soil.
Watering: Mass canes should remain relatively dry between waterings. When watering, make sure soil is thoroughly soaked with excess water allowed to drain from the pot.
Fertilizer: Fertilize with an all-purpose plant food about once a month during the growing season.
-Mass cane is also known as the “Corn plant.” It is a slow-growing, slow-reacting plant. This means that it may take weeks for signs of over or under watering to show. Mass cane plants are characteristically sold as staggered canes with multiple heads sprouting on each cane. The leaves typically have a bright yellow stripe running down the center of them.
ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia): 
Lighting: ZZ plants do best in moderate to bright, indirect light, but they will also do just fine in very low light conditions. Be careful because direct sunlight can easily burn its leaves.
Soil Conditions: Plant them in pots with drainage holes and well-draining soil.
Watering: Less is more with this plant. Water only when the soil has dried out. They can survive months without water, but grow faster when watered regularly.
Fertilizer: ZZ plants don’t need to be fertilized, but if you want, you can give them half-strength fertilizer once to twice a year during the growing season. 
-ZZ plant stems start at a thick and bulbous base and grow upward in a wand-like shape. Their leaves are dark green and oval shaped. The whole plant has a waxy coating, making it resemble that of an artificial plant. ZZ plants are nearly indestructible. They are ideal for those people who tend to forget about their plants for long-periods of time. Because they do well in extremely low light levels, they are perfect for windowless offices or bathrooms with only small amounts of fluorescent light.
Lighting: Succulents love light, and need at least a half day to a full day of direct sunlight. Place them near a window or in the room of your house that receives the most light.
Soil Conditions: They should be planted in pots with drainage holes and well-draining soil. Typically, a cactus potting soil mix will do the trick.
Watering: Succulents are sensitive to overwatering. Because they store water in their leaves, they only need to be watered once every week to a couple of weeks. The soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings. When watered, the soil should be thoroughly soaked, with excess water allowed to drain from the pot.
Fertilizer: They don’t need regular fertilizing, but they will grow fuller and with brighter colors if fertilized regularly. Low strength fertilizer can be used every few months. Be sure not to use a fertilizer that is too strong because it can burn your succulents.
-Succulents have thick, fleshy leaves. They come in a variety of colors and shapes depending on the species. They originate from areas with arid climates. Because of this, they love light and have adapted to store water in their leaves. Succulents are another type of plant that love to be left alone. Not only are they easy to care for, but they are also beautiful and, in the right conditions, many of them bloom!
 *If you have kids or pets be sure to keep them safe and double check which plants are poisonous when ingested! If you have fallen in love with a poisonous plant, make sure to keep it up high and away from those who may try and eat it.
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joylinda-hawks · 9 months
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Flowers bloom through the four seasons, knowing everything that happens in the world. WOH, episode 1. ZZS comes to his apartment. He recalls the words that defined the place where his former sect was located. A place famous for its beautiful flowers that bloom all year round. On one of the walls hangs a picture of a plum branch with blooming flowers. All but two of the flowers are red. ZZS dips a brush in red paint and covers the petals of a white flower with it. While doing so, he remembers Mr. Bi's words that 81 of them came to Jin, and eventually he and ZZS stayed. The question was what Siji Manor had become. ZZS stands and looks at the work done. This very short scene says a lot. For ZZS it is a clash of the past with the present. His residence at the prince's Mansion resembled Siji Manor, perhaps because the ZZS wanted to keep a piece of the place where he grew up. Maybe that's why he painted a similar one on one of the walls of his new home, following the example of his old master's painting. Maybe this place allowed him to remember who ZZS really was. Observing ZZS, we assume that initially all flowers were white, with the passage of time and the death of another person, ZZS painted over more flowers. Until one day, standing far away, he realized that there were only a few flowers left with white petals. Was this the moment when the image shook him? He was a killer who mercilessly deprived people of life, and on the other hand he watched the death of his brothers. We see ZZS at the moment when he painted over the petals of the penultimate flower. Only one white flower remained - a symbol of his person. ZZS, standing in front of the wall, had already made decisions, he was aware that no one would paint over the last flower when he died. It will be a white spot, as white as mourning robes are white. Immediately eye-catching. He will leave this place, which was supposed to be his refuge, and was a place where he suffered in solitude. One of his ill-advised decisions to come to the prince's Mansion, acceding to the prince's request, led to misfortune. ZZS was young and inexperienced, and the mistakes of youth cost dearly. Watching the picture on the wall by ZZS was also a punishment for him, which he imposed on himself. ZZH doesn't have to say anything to show emotions. With small gestures and facial expressions, he creates the character of ZZS. One minute we can hate ZZS, and the next we cry over its misfortune. On the one hand, we admire the way ZZH showed the complex personality of ZZS, and on the other hand, we want ZZH to delve even deeper into this character. But in reality ZZH became ZZS. For this price ZZH.
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