#look at how you’ve come and be motivated by how far you can still go. dont give up :))
cranberry-writes · 3 months
Dating Headcannons for The Boys characters!
Please send requests, i need motivation
Characters listed; Hughie, Butcher, M.M, Frenchie, Kimiko
Warnings; Mentioned drinking and cannon typical violence/language. Also i’m barely on season 2 please bear with me
- He’s so so sweet about your relationship
- He gets you flowers for no reason other than he saw them and thought you’d like them
- He has thousands of reminders so he won’t forget anything, from a drink you liked to your anniversary he will have it written down.
- Later on in the series he gets protective and cautious about the relationship, scared someone (homelander) will mess it up by hurting you
- He’ll probably push you away a bit to try and protect you but after you knock some sense into him he’ll be back to normal
- Loves park/library dates, going on a picnic during the summer and to the library when it’s to cold out.
- He will do so much for you (flowers, gifts, dates etc) and insist it’s nothing but will cry (happy tears) if you do the same
- Don’t get me wrong tho, he’s still a bad ass (sometimes). He just dosnt want you to think differently of him because of it, he’s hurt people, killed people, and he honestly isn’t too keen on focusing on it. Even if you two are in the same line of work.
- And if you two don’t work together he tries to keep his ‘work’ life and dating life separate, very separate.
“You’ve never told me what you do for work, maybe i could stop by and meet your co-workers.”
“Uh, actually, i don’t think that’ll work.”
“Why not? is everything ok there or something?”
“I-, uhm, work alone, so i don’t even have coworkers for you to meet really, it’s really boring infact you’d probably fall asleep just from me talking about it hahaha.”
- You find out like two days later
- Little shit
- I mean that affectionately
- His pet names will range anywhere from “Darlin’” to “Fucker” and i WILL stand by it
- He’ll probably introduce you to his work before he does his dog
- But his dog is the big ticket, you meeting Terror is essentially his way of proposing before proposing
- He’s protective but not in the “i’ll watch your every move” more in the “im teaching you how to use every weapon to ever exist” way
- Honestly work would probably come before you for a while before he sucks it up and actually makes an effort
- Dates will be at the most shity bar imaginable, unless he’s apologizing for something then he’ll take you to the nicest place he can and put on a suit. (it’s the Cheese Cake factory and he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt under his jacket but he’s trying)
- Unlike Hughie he will introduce you to his work at some point, granted it would still be a while before he did but he would at some point.
- He’s sweet in his own way
“Darlin’, look what i got ya.” And it’s a Garfield shirt a size to big but you still wear it anyways
- Definition of husband material
- remembers anything and everything after being told one time
- makes you baths with rose petals and candles and all that stuff if you mention you’ve been tired lately
- Takes you out to the movies and a nice restaurant at least twice a month
- Good gods he’s sweet to you
- He knows how to cook/bake and will make stuff for you all the time
- My guy will make a meal from your culture and practice making it almost daily just to give you a taste of home.
- He really loves back massages and cuddling after a long day
- Put on some crappy reality show for background noise and nap together
- He wants you as far away as humanly possible from his work, will literally say shit like “everyone at work has the plague you can’t visit” as a joke to try and change the subject
- Chances are you won’t find out
- His favorite flowers are tulips and nothing will change my mind about it
“Baby what are these?”
“Tulips, I bought them from a street market on 11th today. They’re your favorite, right?”
“Gods, sweetheart you’re perfect.”
- When you two meet you both think it’s just going to be a one night stand
-…then it’s two nights, then three, then a week, then you start spending more time at his place than your own. One day you guys just realize you’re moved in and dating
“Are we dating?”
“…Was there anything else we could be mon cœur?”
- honestly i don’t think you two would get together if you weren’t working together, or at least you were also into some shady shit
- But overall you guys have a strong relationship, one gets hurt the other kills someone, someone is hungry the other is already cooking, stuff like that
- He also cooks but it’s only french food, it’s like a super power. He can cook any french food effortlessly but literally anything else he messes up
- If you are french he’ll be super happy someone else will appreciate the same stuff in a similar way
- If not then he’ll be happy to share stuff with you, teach you some french words and tell you about stuff he grew up with
- Honestly he’s just happy someone (other than Kimiko) will listen and take an interest
-I have a confession to make, Kimiko is my favorite and i have a very blatant bias towards her
- Kill anyone you want bby i don’t care ill always like you
- Anyways, It probably takes you a while to get close enough to her that she’ll consider dating you
- Once y’all get to that point i don’t think you could break it tho
- I think she would like constant minimal physical contact, like hand holding or leaning on each other
- I think she’d be pretty protective over you, like someone looks at you wrong and she wants to maul them
- Learn sign language with/for her she will love it
- Draw with her, get her supplies, like those alcohol markers i’m sure she’ll love them
- Honestly i don’t think she’d be big on pet names, she wouldn’t object to it but i don’t think she’d give you one first
- Cook for her, i just think it would be sweet and she deserves it
“I got you some of those markers you’ve been looking at for a while.”
Thank you, this is nice
- Please she’s perfect i love her
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mr-cha-n · 1 month
Crossing the Finish Line
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Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genres: fluff, angst, athletes AU
Warnings: Profanities, drinking, reader is a bit of an asshole, exercise
Word Count: 17.4k
Summary: Winning is the only thing that matters, except if you're raising money for a charity event with an infuriatingly good-looking swimmer.
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The burn of your muscles and the sweat on your brow are a satisfying reminder of how far you've come.
Reaching for the water bottle at the base of the wall, you take a well-deserved gulp before turning to your coach, who’s approaching with a towel in hand, clapping proudly.
"If you can recreate that in Tokyo, you won’t have to worry about coming home empty-handed!" Sungjin grins, his pride almost matching your own as you bask in the achievement of a personal best—almost.
"I guess I'll just have to keep at it to make sure of that," You smile gingerly, leaning forward to grab the towel and dab the moisture from your face.
"Well, motivation’s never been your problem," he says, raising an eyebrow as if to protest, but instead, he simply gestures back to the climbing wall, hinting for you to continue.
You know Sungjin thinks you’re pushing yourself too hard, but as you square up to the lead course in front of you, feeling that familiar sense of belonging and purpose the wall brings, you’re certain even he has to admit the hard work is paying off.
With a steadying breath, your hands dip into the chalk bag at your waist. Just a little faster, a little stronger, and you’ll be up there competing with the greats of your sport. The clarity of your purpose washes over you; you know your place in the world, and you’re determined to reach it.
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"Done already?" 
Iseul's voice pulls you out of your thoughts as you realize you've been staring at the chipped paint on your admittedly worse-for-wear front door.
The shiny black hands on the cockerel-shaped clock at the entrance to your apartment read 9:20 pm. Glancing between the clock, the half-filled pot of chilli simmering on the stove, and your roommate’s teasing look, you realize you’ve missed dinner.
"Honey, I'm home!" you sing-song, spreading your arms wide to envelop Iseul in an apologetic hug. She screeches and runs away, but her laughter lets you know that all is forgiven for your late arrival.
"Sorry for missing dinner, Sullie. I got caught up in that headspace again and completely forgot you were cooking tonight."
"Don’t be sorry, just be grateful I left you some—it should still be warm!" she hums, offering you a reassuring glance.
You feel her eyes on you as you hang your jacket up and begin ladling out the leftover chilli into your favourite bowl.
"What is it?" you ask, tentatively meeting her gaze.
"I just—" she pauses, her expression softening as she searches for the right words. "I’m worried about you. You spend all day at the training gym or the actual gym. I know you’ve got important milestones coming up, and I’ll be there cheering you on from the sidelines, but your whole life can’t revolve around competitions. You’re not going out, seeing friends, meeting new people—"
"I don’t need you setting me up on another blind date if that’s what you’re suggesting," you interject, raising an eyebrow as you take a bite of chilli. "And I have enough friends."
"When was the last time you saw anyone other than me or your coaching team?"
When was the last time you'd seen any of your other friends?
The corner of your mouth twitches in defensive annoyance, trying to come up with a reply that you both know won't be truthful.
"Okay, fine. You might have a point. How about I promise to see people after Tokyo? I’ll even make an appearance at one of your wretched salsa classes."
You’ve attended exactly one of Iseul’s salsa classes and vowed never to repeat the experience. Sixty minutes of humiliation in a class way above the beginner level you were promised, stumbling through the steps only to collide with your rather handsome dance partner and send both of you crashing to the floor. Needless to say, you’ve managed to avoid that class—and that man—ever since.
"You can’t just avoid people for a month, squid!" Iseul protests. "Maybe you could—"
"No," you warn, dread filling you as you anticipate her next suggestion.
"Come on, I think it would be fun! You could-"
"I don't want to!"
"And what if you didn't have a choice?"
That stops you in your tracks. Blinking slowly, you set down your fork and look blankly at your best friend.
"What ... does that mean?" You ask cautiously.
Iseul grimaces, swallowing hard before replying.
"Okay, don’t be mad." That’s never a good sign. "I might have sent the campaign info to Sungjin."
Your brain feels like it’s been doused in ice water as you process what she’s done.
"You mean to say, I decided three months ago that I definitely didn’t want to do the campaign, and you, despite this, still sent the info to my head coach, who will undoubtedly force me to do it for 'good publicity' and 'sponsorship opportunities'?" you scowl, shooting her your best attempt at a withering look.
"That may, perhaps, be correct." She confesses, giving you a look you’d only reserve for your mother after sneaking out without permission.
A long, loud sigh drags its way out of your body.
"Iseul ... really?"
"...yeah, really."
"God, I don't even remember what the campaign was about!" You complain, pushing the half-eaten bowl of chilli aside, your appetite gone with this new revelation.
"Oh! Here, I have the email up!" Iseul beams, clearly feeling far more helpful than you currently think she deserves to feel.
"Of course you do." You glare, moving to look at the computer screen beside her.
Dear Miss (Y/l/n),
As the excitement builds for the upcoming Olympic competition in Tokyo, we are organizing a special event that combines the spirit of athleticism with the power of giving back to the community.
We are thrilled to invite you to participate in our Road to the Rings relay event, scheduled to take place in the week commencing 5 July. This unique relay will bring together athletes like yourself to not only celebrate the Olympic spirit but also to raise awareness and funds for the KSPO.
As a respected athlete, your involvement would greatly enhance the impact of this event. Not only will this be an opportunity to showcase your support for a meaningful cause, but it will also allow you to connect with fellow athletes and fans in a memorable and inspiring way.
Your participation would include:
Joining a team of athletes in a two-day relay through Tokyo city
Promoting the event on your social media platforms
Engaging with fans during the event to share the importance of the cause we are supporting.
With your help, we can make this an unforgettable experience and a powerful force for good. We would be honoured to have you as part of this initiative.
Please let us know if you are available to join us by replying to this email or contacting Soma Kimiko at [email protected] by 31 May.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference through sport.
Warm regards,
Hu Chunho
International Olympic Committee
"Thank god, the deadline for this passed ages ago." You sigh, relief washing over you.
The guilty look that remains stamped on Iseul's face does not inspire confidence in you.
"Well, about that—don’t quote me on this, but I think Sungjin might have contacted them, and they may have agreed to let you join anyway?"
"Shit." You swear, wracking your brain for a way out and coming up empty. "Let me call Sungjin; maybe I can convince him to change his mind."
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Surrounded by athletes you’ve never met but who all clearly know each other, you scan the crowd for the one face that could save you from your awkward solitude. Soon enough, you manage to catch a glimpse of your teammate, Jeon Wonwoo, across the sea of people. As you begin to wade through the crowd toward him, you realize he’s not alone like you’d hoped but is at the centre of a large group of athletes, all laughing and taking photos outside the Olympic Village entrance.
You've all been allowed early access for the event, a privilege everyone else seems stoaked about, but has left you out of your depth and far from where you want to be.
Deciding that you can morph your embarrassment into a cool, solo mystique rather than face meeting all of Wonwoo’s friends, you pull out your headphones and start wandering around the entrance, feigning busyness.
Keeping one eye on the other athletes, and the other half-heartedly on the information board in front of you, you quickly realise that no one else cares about what you're doing and feel yourself relaxing into the music.
All this waiting has made you hungry, and you wonder if there will be food available in the village or if you’ll have to brave your rudimentary Japanese to find your own sustenance. Surely they'll give you access to the village resources - you'll need to use the gym and the climbing equipment at least -
A sharp tap on your shoulder interrupts your thoughts.
Swivelling around, you’re met face-to-face with a tall, muscular man whose lips are moving, but you can’t hear a word. Gaping at him in confusion, you’re about to tell him he’s not saying anything when he gestures to his ear, miming pulling something out of it—oh, right, your earphones.
You scramble to pull your left earbud from your ear.
"Sorry, I was just saying that they're letting us into the village now."
"Oh, uh thank you! And I thought the language barrier would be my biggest comprehension issue!" You exclaim with a smile too wide and a laugh too loud. The cringe instantly seems into your body as the man cocks one eyebrow at you, and it takes all of your will not to shrivel up under his gaze.
You force yourself to keep smiling, even as the heat of embarrassment creeps up your neck. Clearing your throat, you quickly try to recover. "I guess I'm just a little nervous," you admit with a small, sheepish grin, hoping to smooth over the awkwardness. "I've been waiting to be here for a long time, and now that I'm actually here, I'm not sure what to expect."
The man’s eyebrow slowly lowers, and you catch a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. He nods slightly, the tension easing just a bit. "It's natural to feel that way," he says, his tone softening. "The games can be... overwhelming at first."
Relieved that the moment has passed, you take a deep breath and offer a more genuine smile. "Thanks for letting me know, we should probably head off before they leave us behind."
"I'm not too worried about that," He lets out a little laugh. As you both start to walk, you finally take in the small crowd that has gathered outside the gates. Though you can’t make out what they’re shouting, the team flags and posters bearing the man’s face clue you in on the nature of the turnout.
Pressing your lips together, you nod your head in mock understanding. "I see, can't keep the fanclub waiting?"
His head snaps away from the crowd to meet your eyes, and for a split second, you worry you’ve said the wrong thing. But then you catch the faintest hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"They're more persistent than I expected," he says, his tone light but tinged with weariness. "But I suppose it comes with the territory."
Relieved that he didn't take offence, you relax slightly, feeling a bit more at ease. "Must be exhausting, though," you offer, your voice softer now. "All that attention."
He gives a small shrug, glancing back at the crowd with a resigned expression. "You get used to it," he says, but there's a hint of something in his voice. "But we should really get moving. Don't want to keep anyone waiting—fans or otherwise."
You nod, falling into step beside him as you both head towards the entryway. The buzz of the crowd fades into the background as you walk, the earlier awkwardness slowly dissolving into a comfortable silence.
Once inside the village, the man turns to you again, a curious look on his face. "So, first Olympics?"
You nod, a bit of excitement creeping back into your voice. "Yeah, it’s been a dream for as long as I can remember."
"Well, you’ve got a lot to look forward to," he says, offering a small smile. "It’s an experience like no other."
You smile back, feeling a bit of your nervousness melt away. "I’m sure it will be."
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Weary from the day but still buzzing with anticipation, you finally make it to your assigned room. The sight of the cardboard bed brings a huff of amusement. You flop down onto it, savouring the comfort even if it’s temporary. You have the room to yourself for now, but it’s clear that another athlete will be joining you once the games officially begin. For the moment, though, you relish the peace and quiet.
You managed to grab some sashimi from a nearby restaurant earlier on, and with your hunger sated, you start to settle in, considering whether to crack open a book or simply drift off into an early night’s sleep.
A pounding knock on your door quickly dashes those plans.
"Hey! (Y/n)?" A familiarly deep voice calls out, and you drag yourself up to let your teammate into your room.
"Wonwoo, what a nice surprise." you greet him with a forced grin, his chuckle telling you he’s not fooled.
"Don’t tell me you were planning to spend your first night in Tokyo cooped up in here?" he teases, and you respond by chucking a pillow at him.
"Do you not get exhausted from travelling like a normal person?"
"The plane journey was like three hours, tops." He retorts, falling onto your absentee roommate's bed.
"You have a point." You concede. "And yet, a nice warm bath and a book call to me."
"God, you're so dull!" 
"What are you on about? You read more than anyone I know!"
"Yes, but I'm not reading now, am I? That should tell you something..."
You hate that his logic is making sense to you. Giving him a long, squinty-eyed stare, you eventually give in.
"So, what’s the plan? Not that I’m going, I’m just curious."
Perking up, Wonwoo lifts himself off the bed with a speed you usually only see on the climbing wall. The sly grin that spreads across his face makes you instantly wary.
"A few friends are gathering in one of the common rooms for some drinks and mingling. People might split off later to go clubbing or karaoke or something, but you could just come to the party part if you’re interested. It’s just down the corridor—you wouldn’t be able to sleep with the noise anyway."
You mull it over, remembering the promise you made to Iseul before you left.
"Fine, maybe I’ll make an appearance." The satisfied grin on Wonwoo’s face forces you to hold back an eye roll. Your expression softens, hesitating to confide your apprehensions. "Just… don’t ditch me, okay? I don’t really know anyone else here."
Wonwoo’s playful demeanour shifts to one of gentle understanding as he nods in agreement.
"It’ll be a good chance to meet some new people—they’re really nice." He notices your screwed-up look of unease. "And I’ll introduce you. Don’t worry, the room is like 300 square feet; you’re not gonna lose track of me."
"Alright, fine. Now get out—I have to get changed!" You playfully whack his arm with your remaining pillow, and his laughter echoes in your room as he leaves, making the decision feel a little less daunting.
Rummaging through the unemptied suitcase on your bedroom floor, you thank Iseul for the scrunched-up red dress at the bottom of the case. Throwing it on with your probably unnecessary black leather jacket and some knee-high black boots, you feel like you at least look like you belong at a party.
Lining your lips with a rouge that matches the dress, and blasting some hyper pop to get you pumped up, you take a deep breath, realizing that, despite your nerves, this could be a chance to really settle in, to find your place not just in the competition, but among the people who, like you, have worked so hard to be here.
The bass of the music drums into the back of your skull as you fix yourself a drink in the small common room kitchen. You'd beelined straight to the drinks, grateful to give yourself something to do and to get some liquid courage before you face up to the other athletes.
Taking a sip from your cup, you scan the room for the face of your friend. As promised, you make eye contact with Wonwoo on the other side of the room, who flags you over to come talk to his friends. Revving yourself up for socialising, you make sure to keep an easy smile plastered to your face as you head over to join him.
"Hey, guys, this is my fellow climber, (Y/n). This is (Y/n)'s first Olympics, so ease her in gently!"
A flurry of names and greetings follow, and you take in none of them.
"Between the nerves and the secretive partying, I feel like it's the first day of high school again." You joke, trying to break the ice.
"Ha, if only I was cool enough to be invited to parties my first year of high school!" A lanky man with frosted tips replies, chuckling into his drink.
"I feel like that explains a lot about you, Chunghee." A pretty woman with a knowing smile laughs. Looking towards you, she leans forward, half-whispering, half-speaking. "He's been making up for it ever since," She teases, earning a playful shove from Chungee, who rolls his eyes but grins nonetheless.
You laugh along with them, feeling the tension in your shoulders start to ease as the group’s friendly energy begins to draw you in. The music still pounds in the background, but it seems less overwhelming now.
Wonwoo nudges you lightly, a reassuring smile on his face. "You settling in okay?"
"Yeah, I think so," you nod, glancing around at the group. "It's just a bit surreal, you know? One minute, I'm in my usual training routine, and now I’m here, surrounded by all these amazing athletes. It’s a lot to take in."
"Tell me about it," the woman who teased Chunghee chimes in. "I still remember my first Olympics—it felt like stepping into another world. But don’t worry, by the time the opening ceremony rolls around, you’ll feel right at home."
"Thanks," you say, genuinely touched by the support. "I’m excited—nervous, but excited."
"Excited is good," Wonwoo says, clinking his drink against yours. "And hey, you've always got tonight to get embarrassingly wasted and earn your spot in the Olympic Village Hall of Fame!"
"Speaking of, I got in late for my first Olympics, so my first night ended up being the night of the opening ceremony. I got nervous sick in my room beforehand and used the twenty minutes I had to get absolutely hammered. Next thing I know, I'm tripping over my own feet holding the Olympic torch and trying not to set everything on fire. To this day, the other athletes still call me 'Torch Tango' after I somehow managed to spin around and do a full pirouette, nearly taking out the torchbearer behind me," A jovial woman standing to the right of Wonwoo chimes to a chorus of laughter. 
You find yourself laughing along with them, the image of her drunkenly dancing with the Olympic torch so absurd that you can't help but be amused. "That sounds both terrifying and hilarious," you say, shaking your head. "I can’t imagine how you pulled that off."
"Trust me, it wasn’t on purpose!" she replies, still giggling. "But it broke the ice for me. I figured if I could survive that level of embarrassment in front of the entire world, I could handle anything the games threw at me."
"You know, that’s actually kind of inspiring," Wonwoo chimes in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Maybe (Y/n) here should start off with a bang like that, get all the nerves out of the way early."
You shoot him a mock glare, though you can’t help the smile tugging at your lips. "Let’s not tempt fate, okay? I’d rather not be remembered as 'the one who set the Olympic Village on fire.'"
The group chuckles, and Chunghee raises his glass in a mock toast. "To avoiding accidental arson and to surviving our first Olympics without becoming memes!"
"Cheers to that," you agree, clinking your drink against his. The mood in the room is light and warm, and the camaraderie in the group is palpable. You feel yourself relaxing even more as the conversation flows naturally from one topic to the next. Stories of past competitions, travel mishaps, and favourite training rituals are shared, and before long, you find yourself laughing along, no longer worried about making a good impression.
You catch Wonwoo’s eye across the group, and he gives you a small nod, as if to say, "See? I told you it’d be fine." And as you take another sip of your drink, you can’t help but smile to yourself.
Moving back to grab a second round of drinks, you overhear the conversation loudly playing out on the other side of the room.
"-definitely Haneul, she's an Olympic medalist in shooting. I'm not gonna get mauled by a tiger if she's protecting me!" A passionate voice calls out to a chorus of laughter.
You peer around to see a group of about eight to ten people occupying the common room sofas and floor in one big circle. Amongst the group, you spot the man from earlier, leaning back in his position on the couch with an easy laugh and a cup in one hand.
"No offence, Haneul, but if I'm trying to survive a deserted island, I think I'd have bigger priorities than shooting wild animals with a non-existent gun." Another man replies. "I know who I'd want."
"Oh yeah, who?" The original voice calls back, belonging to a confident-looking woman dressed in all black.
"Kim Mingyu, obviously. A world-renowned swimmer, self-made handyman, and absolute gym lad. Not only could he cook me meals, but he'd cuddle me around the fire to keep me warm. And if that didn't work, then his hoards of lovers would track him down and rescue us!"
Kim Mingyu... you recognise that name. The group are now all laughing and nodding at the man on the floor, and you quickly put together the pieces. The fan club, the name, and the admittedly handsome face - the man you'd spoken to earlier was the infamous breaststroke swimmer. You'd seen countless articles in the newspaper about his latest fling, being caught at a rowdy party, and, of course, the record-breaking swims. You hadn't made the connection at first - he'd been so down-to-earth during your brief conversation that it was hard to reconcile that with the image of the notorious athlete plastered across the tabloids.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been standing there, hovering on the edge of the group with your fresh drink in hand, when suddenly Mingyu catches your eye. His laughter subsides as he notices you, and without missing a beat, he flashes you a toothy grin.
"What about you, Mingyu? Who would you bring? You can't pick yourself!"
"You guys have got it all wrong - I'm not the best pick." He starts, putting his cup down in mock seriousness. "I'd bring someone who could gather food, get resources, and save me if I fell off a cliff. The obvious choice is (Y/n)," You feel your heartbeat skyrocket as your name leaves his mouth and the group of debaters swivel round to look at you. "She's literally a world champion in climbing. She could climb a tree for food, wood, or leaves to craft things, and she's the only person here I'd trust to be able to pull me up if I was swinging from her grip off of the edge of a cliff."
You didn't know that he knew who you were. Your heart patters at the realisation, and you feel a blush begin to creep up the side of your neck.
"Oh, I'd be a bad choice," You respond shakily. Mingyu gives you an inquisitive look to carry on.
"I'm deathly allergic to nuts, if the island had any I'd have to choose between insta-death or starvation - not a very good ally if I'm dead."
His gaze lingers, a playful curiosity flickering in his eyes, and it takes all your willpower not to squirm under the attention. You force a laugh, trying to shake off the growing tension. "So, I guess we’ll have to make sure there’s a nut-free island for me to survive on," you quip, attempting to keep the mood light.
Mingyu grins, leaning back against the couch with a nonchalant shrug. "Don’t worry, I’d make sure of it. Can't have my survival expert checking out early."
The group laughs, and the conversation shifts back to the hypothetical island debate.
"I'm sure you've had your ear chatted off about the games, but have you got any interesting plans for afterwards?" The woman in the black outfit, who happens to be sitting closest to you, calls out. 
Double-checking that she is speaking to you first, you perch down next to her.
"Nothing too serious - an unavoidable salsa class and more training probably. There was one sponsorship deal my team got sent with Samsung, but I don't think I'm gonna do it,"
"You're seriously considering turning it down?" Mingyu asks, and you hadn't even realised that he'd been listening to your conversation. "That's a huge opportunity."
"Sure, but I didn't come here for sponsorships. I just want to compete, to push myself. The whole media circus that comes with it ... I don't want it." 
You can feel the weight of his disbelief on you. 
Mingu leans forward, his expression more serious than you've seen before.
"You do realise that sponsorships are part of the game, right? They're what keep you here, you can't just ignore that."
You feel a flicker of frustration at his words. "I get that, but it's not why I'm here. Not everyone's looking for the celebrity lifestyle; sometimes it's okay to not have your whole life plastered over the daily newspaper."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
The icy look in his eyes is entirely different to the friendly aura you'd experienced earlier.
You hadn't meant for it to come out that way, but the words had slipped out before you could stop them. The tension in the room thickens instantly, and you feel a knot of regret tighten in your chest.
"It means - it doesn't mean anything. That's just not my priority," You reply, trying to appear calm despite the hard edge to your voice.
"Not everything in life is about winning a race, you know that right?" He retorts, and you feel yourself scoff.
How could he think that?
That's why you were all here, what brought you together - a mutual dedication to being the best. To deny it was naive.
"-hey, man, we're heading out now, you coming?" The deserted island man leans over Mingyu's shoulder, pulling his arm towards the crowd gathering at the exit of the common room. Mingyu gives you one last look, before nodding at his friend.
"Yeah, coming."
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"Thank you everyone for being here! My name is Hu Chunho, and I am the coordinator of this event!"
You wince as the sound of the loudspeaker makes your head pang. You'd managed to get in a quick training session early this morning, and had not been surprised to see a host of other athletes in the gym already.
"As you all know, we're here to help raise money and awareness before the Olympic Games start. We've set up a fun two days for you guys - and hopefully a fun experience for all those following along at home. Throughout the city, we've set up checkpoints. Taking it in turns, you will be asked to travel to each consecutive checkpoint and complete a task with your teammate when you get there. The winning team will be crowned based on a mixture of factors, including points for each task, the most money raised, and the best viral moment! Remember, getting people engaged and donating is the aim of the game! Now, a list of the teams has been posted on the door over there - please get ready, fill up your bottles, and connect with your teammate and we will begin in 30."
You are faced with the true task of your trip, and the reason why you wanted to avoid it in the first place. Your brain skips in circles as you try to work out how to balance your dislike for social media with your need to win. The challenge ahead feels like it’s pulling you in two different directions—on one hand, the competitive spirit that has driven you this far pushes you to give your all, to win this event just like any other. On the other hand, the idea of chasing “viral moments” and being under the scrutiny of social media makes your stomach turn. You’re here to climb, to compete, not to entertain the masses with antics designed to go viral.
But there’s no backing out now. You’ve committed to this, and like it or not, it’s part of the game.
With a sigh, you weave through the crowd to where the team list is posted, each step a reminder of the tightrope you’re about to walk. As you scan the list for your name, your heart skips a beat when you find it—right next to Kim Mingyu’s.
Of course. You should’ve seen that coming. It’s like the universe has a sense of humour. Mingyu, the guy who’s practically a social media darling, always in the spotlight, the one who you'd argued with about embracing this side of sport last night. You can already imagine the smug grin on his face when he finds out.
You glance around, searching for him in the growing crowd of athletes, and spot him near the front, chatting animatedly with a group of other competitors. As if sensing your gaze, he turns, his eyes locking onto yours across the room. He flashes that familiar, easygoing smile and you wonder if that's meant for you or for the series of onlookers around. 
Your pulse quickens as Mingyu’s gaze lingers on you. For a moment, you consider slipping away, avoiding the inevitable confrontation. But that would be cowardly, and if there’s one thing you’ve prided yourself on throughout your career, it’s facing challenges head-on. So, you straighten your shoulders and start making your way toward him.
As you approach, the group he’s with gradually shifts their focus to you, and the hum of their conversation quiets. Mingyu’s smile broadens, clearly amused by your reluctant approach.
“Looks like we’re teammates,” he says casually, as if the tension from last night’s conversation had never happened.
You manage a nod, trying to suppress the irritation bubbling up inside you. “Yeah, seems like it.”
One of the other athletes, a sprinter you vaguely recognize, perks up. “You guys make a good team—power and endurance. Should be interesting to see how you handle the challenges.”
“Thanks,” you reply, keeping your tone polite. You turn back to Mingyu, who’s watching you with that same inscrutable expression. “So, what’s the plan?”
“Plan?” Mingyu echoes, tilting his head slightly. “I thought we were just winging it.”
His nonchalance grates on you. Of course, he’d suggest going with the flow. That’s probably how he handles everything—charming his way through life with a smile and a shrug. But you’re not wired that way. You need a strategy, a clear path to victory.
“I don’t know about you,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady, “but I’d like to win this thing. So, maybe we should come up with a plan.”
Mingyu studies you for a moment, his smile fading into something more thoughtful. “Alright,” he says finally. “What do you have in mind?”
You hadn’t expected him to concede so easily, and it takes you a moment to gather your thoughts. “Well, we know that completing the tasks is important, but so is raising money and creating those ‘viral moments.’ I think we should focus on playing to our strengths—use your popularity to get the attention and donations, and I’ll focus on the physical challenges.”
Mingyu nods slowly. “Makes sense. But we should also make sure we’re having fun with it. If we’re too focused on winning, people will notice, and it might turn them off from supporting us.”
You bite back the urge to argue, realizing that he has a point. This event isn’t just about competition; it’s about engaging with the audience, making them want to be part of your journey. And as much as you hate to admit it, Mingyu’s easygoing nature might actually help with that.
“Fine,” you agree, “but we still need to stay on top of the challenges. No slacking off.”
Mingyu grins again, the playful glint returning to his eyes. “Deal. Let’s show them what we’ve got.”
The tension between you eases slightly as you both start discussing potential strategies, and by the time Hu Chunho’s voice crackles over the loudspeaker again, you feel a bit more prepared for what’s ahead.
“Alright, athletes, it’s time to head to your first checkpoint! Good luck, and remember—have fun!”
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You'd agreed that Mingu would take on the first challenge so that he could introduce your tasks to the audience, and god you are glad that he did. As you'd hopped into the car to get a lift over to Meiji Jingu, the shrine that was to be the first checkpoint, you saw Mingyu being handed a traditional bow and quiver full of arrows. You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as the realization dawned on you: the first challenge was archery, something you had no experience with and Mingyu, as far as you knew, wasn’t exactly an expert in either. But, you had to admit, he looked the part—focused and serious, with the bow in his hands, and that ever-present confidence on his face.
As you lean back in the car, you are relieved that Mingyu is the one in the spotlight. You know how to navigate the climbing wall, how to plan your routes and push your body to its limits, but this? This is something entirely different.
On your journey, you watch the live stream coming from Mingyu's phone as he runs through the park to get to the shrine. He's happily chatting away to the audience with a level of casualness you've never experienced in the rare times you've been forced into the public spotlight. Watching him jogging along, bow and quiver in hand, hair tousled in the morning breeze, you wonder if he might go viral just for this image alone.
When you arrive at Meiji Jingu, the historic shrine surrounded by ancient trees, the atmosphere is electric. The shrine grounds are bustling with people—locals and tourists alike, all eager to see the Olympic athletes tackle this unique challenge. Cameras are everywhere, capturing every moment for the live stream, and you can acutely feel the eyes of thousands, maybe millions, watching from around the world.
After a short wait for the running athletes to arrive, you spot Mingyu and the other contestants entering the competition zone. At this moment, you can't help but admire the serene beauty of the shrine. The towering Torii gate, the carefully manicured gardens, and the ancient architecture give the place a sense of calm—at odds with the tension brewing in your stomach.
You spot Mingyu a little way off, adjusting his grip on the bow, chatting casually with one of the event organizers. Even from a distance, you can see the ease in his posture, the way he seems to be soaking in the energy of the crowd rather than shying away from it. As much as you hate to admit it, Mingyu seems in his element here.
"Hey, ready to show off those archery skills?" you call out, approaching him to take over the live stream duties for the team whilst he shoots. 
He turns to you, flashing that trademark smile into the camera. "Ready as I'll ever be. How hard can it be, right?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "I’m glad it’s you and not me up there. I don’t think I’d even hit the target."
"Well, let's hope I do, or we’re both going to be in trouble," Mingyu jokes, but there is a seriousness in his eyes that tells you he is more focused than he lets on.
An organizer approaches, signalling that it is time to begin. The challenge is simple: hit the target as close to the centre as possible. The closer the shot, the more money raised for charity, and the more points your team would earn.
Mingyu takes his position, and you can feel the collective anticipation of the crowd as they quiet down, all eyes on him. The camera drones hover above, ready to capture every moment.
The camera in your own hand is shaking slightly. You steady your hand and your nerves as you narrate what you are seeing to the phone. 
He draws the bowstring back, his movements surprisingly smooth for someone who, as far as you knew, has never held a bow before. You hold your breath, the tension in the air palpable as Mingyu focuses on the target.
Then, with a steady exhale, he releases the arrow. It soars through the air, and you watch, heart pounding, as it flies towards the target.
It isn’t a bullseye, but it is close—closer than you’d expected. The crowd erupt in cheers and applause, and you can’t help but join in, a grin spreading across your face. Mingyu turns to you, raising his arms in a mock victory pose, and you laugh, shaking your head at his theatrics and making sure to get the moment on camera.
“Not bad, Kim. Not bad at all,” you call out, genuinely impressed.
He jogs over to you, still holding the bow, a satisfied smirk on his face. “Told you we’d figure this out. Now it’s your turn to show me what you’ve got.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Let’s just hope the next challenge is something that doesn’t involve me embarrassing myself in front of the entire world.”
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As the car pulls away from Meiji Jingu, you glance at Mingyu, who is scrolling through the latest updates on his phone, probably checking the social media response to his archery skills.
The city of Tokyo rushes by outside the window, vibrant and alive, and you feel a renewed sense of determination. This isn’t just a challenge—it is an opportunity. To prove yourself, not just as an athlete, but as someone who could rise to the occasion, no matter what it demanded.
“Looks like people are pretty impressed with your archery skills,” you remark, breaking the silence between you.
Mingyu glances up, his smile widening. “Yeah, not bad for a first try, huh? They’re calling it beginner’s luck, but I’ll take it.”
You chuckle, shaking your head. “Hey, whatever works. Just don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late,” he teases, flashing a playful grin. “So, any guesses on what the next challenge might be?”
You shrug, glancing out the window as the car slows down, weaving through a narrower street lined with small shops and eateries. “No idea. But I’m hoping it’s something more in my wheelhouse.”
The car eventually comes to a stop in front of a small, unassuming building. The sign above the entrance reads 'Nihonbashi Hamacho' in elegant calligraphy, and as you step out of the car, you notice the rich aroma of fresh food wafting through the air. A group of event organizers are already waiting, along with a few locals who have gathered, curious about what is happening.
Mingyu looks around, taking in the scene. “Smells good. Maybe the next challenge involves food?”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by the possibility. “Wouldn’t mind that at all. But how would that tie into a charity event?”
As if on cue, one of the organizers approaches, holding up a small card with instructions. “Welcome to the second checkpoint, Nihonbashi Hamacho,” she begins with a smile. “Your task here is to make traditional Japanese soba noodles. You will then serve them to local residents, who will donate based on how well they think you did. The team with the highest donations at this checkpoint will earn the most points.”
You exchange a glance with Mingyu, a mixture of surprise and amusement on both your faces. Cooking wasn’t exactly what you’d expected, but it is certainly a unique challenge.
“Well, this should be interesting,” Mingyu says, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. “Think you can pull it off?”
“I don’t know,” you reply. “But I’m sure it’ll be entertaining to watch me try.”
The organizers lead you into the building, which turns out to be a small, cozy kitchen set up specifically for the challenge. Everything is neatly arranged—flour, water, rolling pins, and a large wooden cutting board. A local chef stands by, ready to give instructions and oversee your efforts.
Mingyu immediately steps up to the station, eyeing the ingredients with a curious expression. “Alright, let’s see if you can make some magic happen.”
You join him, rolling up your sleeves as the chef begins to explain the process. It sounds simple enough—mix the dough, roll it out, cut it into thin, even strips—but as you get started, it becomes clear that it is much harder than it looks. The dough is tricky to work with, and your first few attempts at rolling it out are uneven and lumpy.
To your side, Mingyu is playing up your cooking for the audience of local spectators and online viewers, and you find yourself slowly joining in with his antics.
His positive attitude is annoyingly infectious, and soon you find yourself relaxing into the task, focusing more on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about perfection. The chef occasionally offers tips, guiding you with a patient smile, and gradually, your noodles start to look more like actual soba.
After what feels like an eternity of rolling, cutting, and re-rolling, you finally have a decent batch of noodles ready. The chef gives a nod of approval, and the organizers quickly set up a small serving station outside, where the locals are already gathering, eager to try the soba made by Olympic athletes.
Mingyu and you take turns serving the noodles, chatting with the locals and trying to convince them that your cooking is worth a generous donation. The atmosphere is light and playful, with plenty of jokes and laughter, and to your surprise, people seem genuinely impressed with your efforts.
“Hey, not bad,” one of the locals says after taking a bite. “I’d donate just for the entertainment, but the noodles are actually pretty good!”
Mingyu grins, giving you a playful nudge. “See? We might have a future as soba chefs if this whole sports thing doesn’t work out.”
You roll your eyes, but can’t help but smile. The challenge has been a lot more enjoyable than you’d expected, and for the first time, you feel like you are really getting into the spirit of the event—engaging with people, raising money for a good cause, and, most importantly, having fun.
As the last bowl is served and the donations tallied, you and Mingyu stand back, watching the locals disperse with a sense of accomplishment. The organizers hand over the final donation amount, and you can’t help but feel a surge of pride at the total.
The other teams slowly gather their own tallies, but this time you are less concerned with your place in the rankings, and more with chatting to the remnant locals left in the area.
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The car hums quietly as it moves through the busy streets of Tokyo. After the high of the soba noodle challenge, you find yourself falling into a contemplative silence. Mingyu, sitting beside you, is flipping through the comments and reactions on his phone, his earlier enthusiasm noticeably dimmed.
You glance over at him, sensing the shift in his mood. “Everything okay?” you ask, trying to keep your tone casual.
Mingyu doesn’t look up, his eyes fixed on the screen. “Yeah, just…reading over the comments. Some of them are pretty harsh."
"Honestly, if it were up to me I'd just turn off the phone and focus on the tasks at hand." You grumble off-handedly, looking out at the Toyko skyline from the car.
"It's not really that simple if the whole point of being here is about raising awareness." He replies.
"Yeah but there's no point trying to pander to every person's perceptions of us. You're overthinking it." 
As the car slows down at a red light, you spot a small street market tucked away in a side alley, illuminated by the warm glow of lanterns. The stalls are bustling with activity, vendors calling out to passersby, and the vibrant colours of fresh produce and handmade goods catch your eye.
"Hey, put the phone down and look at that!" You exclaim, nudging Mingyu and pointing out the window.
Mingyu looks up from his phone, following your gaze to the lively scene outside. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he takes in the sight. "That looks pretty cool," He admits, his tone lighter than it was just minutes ago.
"Let's take a pit stop and check it out - we can just say we got caught in traffic on the way," You suggest, excited by the atmosphere of the market. "It'll be a nice break."
Mingyu hesitates for a moment, but then nods, tucking his phone away into his pocket.
"Yeah, why not? Let's go."
You signal for the driver to pull over, promising to buy him a tasty snack to make up for the detour.
You step out into the cool evening air. The sound of the city is all around you, but the market feels like a little oasis of calm away from the noise of the competition and the city.
As you walk through the market, the sights, sounds, and smells envelop you. You can hear the sizzling of street food being cooked, the chatter of people bargaining with vendors, and the distant strumming of a guitar from a musician performing near the entrance. The aroma of grilled skewers and freshly baked bread makes your mouth water, and you realize how hungry you still are despite the soba noodles earlier.
Mingyu seems to relax as you both wander from stall to stall, occasionally stopping to admire the crafts or taste a sample offered by a vendor. You notice the tension ease from his shoulders, and the earlier clouds of doubt that hung over him seem to disappear.
At one stall, you find a small display of handcrafted jewellery. Delicate silver chains and intricately designed rings catch the light, and Mingyu picks up a simple bracelet, turning it over in his hands.
“This is nice,” he says, more to himself than to you. “My sister would love something like this.”
“You should get it for her,” you encourage, smiling softly up at him.
He nods, slipping the bracelet back into its place before handing over some cash to the vendor.
The sentimental thought behind the purchase, and Mingyu's affectionate and friendly atmosphere this whole trip seem entirely at odds with the image of the rakish, irresponsible party boy crafted of him in the headlines.
At the far end of the market, you come across a small food stall selling taiyaki. You order one each, Mingyu opting for custard while you go for red bean, and an extra one for your driver.
As you bite into the warm pastry, the sweetness spreads through your mouth, and you let out a contented sigh. Mingyu chuckles at your reaction, his earlier mood now completely gone.
“This was a good idea,” he admits, taking a bite of his own taiyaki. “I needed this.”
“Sometimes, it’s good to just disconnect and enjoy the moment,” you reply, leaning against a nearby railing as you savour the treat.
He looks at you with an expression you can't really distinguish but makes your stomach flip.
"I get why you and Wonwoo are friends - you're pretty similar." He finally says, and you find yourself looking up at him, intrigued to know what makes him say that.
"I mean, you might somehow be even more averse to human contact than him, but you both have a grounded connection to reality that I lack sometimes. I admire it." 
Such a simple statement - a judgement of you that anyone could have made - has you feeling a little light-headed. It's just a moment of tender insight, perhaps blown out of proportion due to your lack of going out over the last few months, but you can't help but feel bashfully shy at his admiration.
And yet, in the back of your mind, a small doubt nags at you, wondering if this was his move - to shower someone with attention and make them feel seen just to leave after it gets boring again.
"Ha, ah, thanks." You say, unable to keep the awkwardness from your voice. "That's ironic - because grounded, you know, climbing and all ..."
He lets out a puff of laughter, but it feels strained and you're choking on the dead air between you.
"Right, let's get back - they'll probably start worrying soon!" You declare, jaggedly cutting into the silence. Spinning on your heel, you don't wait to see if he's following you or not.
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As the car approaches the next checkpoint, Odaiba Marine Park, you take a moment to gather your thoughts. The sun is starting to dip low in the sky, casting long shadows across the city, and the air has cooled considerably.
The organisers greet you at the entrance to the park, explaining the next challenge: a swimming relay. The task involved swimming out to a buoy, retrieving a flag, and racing back to shore. It sounds straightforward enough - although swimming isn't exactly your strong suit.
"Finally, something I can show off in!" Mingyu grins, thanking the organiser who helped you at the entrance. You bite back a remark about how the whole day has really been about who can show off the most.
"Guess I'll be relying on you to carry us through this one." You chuckle, trying to hide the nerves building in you at the thought of failing.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got us covered. But you’re swimming too, right? It’s a relay, so we both have to take a turn.” He shrugs casually, and you wish you had the confidence he has.
“Right,” you say, forcing a smile. “Guess I’ll just have to do my best.”
The idea of letting your team down, of being the weak link, gnaws at you.
You walk onto the beach, the water glittering in the light of the low, late afternoon sun. The crowd of spectators and media are even larger here. The atmosphere is electric, with the excitement of the event palpable in the air.
As you and Mingyu make your way to the starting point, you try to block out the noise, the cameras, the expectations. All you have to do is get through this challenge.
The event coordinator greets you both, handing Mingyu a sleek wetsuit and giving you a similar one. “You’ve got about ten minutes to suit up and get ready. We’ll start the relay as soon as everyone’s in position.”
Mingyu takes the wetsuit with a confident nod, but you hesitate. The tight suit is designed for efficiency, but you can’t help but feel self-conscious as you pull it on, the material clinging to your skin. When you are finally suited up, you catch a glimpse of yourself in one of the reflective surfaces nearby and have to resist the urge to cringe.
Together, you walk down to the water's edge, where the other teams are already gathering.
"Okay, game plan-" Mingyu gives you a small smile, and you know that he's only really talking strategy to calm you down. "You should take the first lap, and then I can make up for any time you lose - if I even need to!"
You nod, steeling your nerves. Competition is what you are good at, even if swimming is not. You're not going to let yourself down now.
As the starting signal blares, you take a deep breath and plunge into the water. The coolness of the ocean envelops you, and for a brief moment, it's all you can focus on - the sensation of the water against your skin, the rhythmic pull of your arms as you begin to swim. 
You feel yourself slipping into that familiar headspace. Brutal efficiency and speed at the cost of the pain in your limbs only further motivates you as you manage to tune out the excited shouts of the spectators and other teams.
Reaching the buoy, you see two of the other teams had already grabbed their flags and turned around. Although the disappointment of not being first flares up in you, you know that all you need to do is keep up with the rest of the group and Mingyu will do the rest of the work for you.
Pushing your aching limbs to their limits, you splash your way back to the shoreline. Your bones sigh with relief as your fingertips graze the sand banks and you hear a splash behind you as Mingyu leaps into the water.
Pulling yourself up onto the beach, spluttering out some wayward water, you watch Mingyu's confident strides through the water. Although you've seen his races before on TV, watching it in real life is like nothing else. The powerful strokes, effortlessly pushing him forward, makes it clear that he was born to be in the water.
By the second quarter of his lap, he's already managed to take the lead. You feel yourself cheering out despite the burning sensation in your lungs. Reaching out for the second flag, he easily lifts it up, beginning to spin to turn back for the second lap.
Your excitement turns to confusion as you watch him just ... stop.
"What are you doing!? Keep going! We're going to win!" You yell, confusion bubbling over into frustration.
But he doesn't hear you, or isn't listening.
Mingyu has turned back around, having spotted another team struggling to untangle their flag from the buoy. Swimming over to them, he steadies the base of the buoy so that the swimmer is able to pull the flag free from its constraints.
Your stomach drops as the team previously in second place breaks out in excited screams, their second-leg swimmer touching the sand bank.
Looking back out at the water incredulously, disappointment searing through you, you watch Mingyu glide back towards the shore, pulling ahead of another team for a third-place position.
"What was that!?" You lash out, as Mingyu pulls himself up onto the bank, panting heavily with droplets of water dripping from his hair and eyelashes. He's looking up at you with a confused, puppy-dog expression, and it's only annoying you more.
"We could have won! Why did you stop?"
Mingyu takes a moment to catch his breath, water dripping from his face as he processes your words. His confusion slowly morphs into something more serious, his brows knitting together as he stands up to face you.
“They needed help,” he says simply, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Your frustration only deepens, and you can feel the heat rising in your chest. “But we were winning, Mingyu! This is a competition—we’re here to win, not to play lifeguard!”
Mingyu’s expression hardens, the usual lightness in his eyes replaced by a quiet resolve. “I know it’s a competition, but it’s not just about winning. It’s about more than that—it’s about sportsmanship, about helping each other out. They were stuck, and I wasn’t going to just leave them there.”
You open your mouth to argue, but the words catch in your throat. Deep down, you know he’s right. You’ve always valued integrity in sports, the idea that the game is bigger than the outcome. But in the heat of the moment, all you could see was the finish line, and the thought of losing—especially when victory had been within reach—had blinded you to everything else.
You let out a long breath, trying to rein in your emotions. “But we were so close… You were in the lead, Mingyu. We could’ve taken first.”
He lets out an incredulous laugh. "You're unbelievable."
He shakes his head, walks up the beach, and leaves you to stew in your quiet shame.
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"You got mad at him because he ... helped someone?" 
Iseul's obvious confusion is only making you feel worse.
"Yes, that's exactly what I did." You sigh into the phone. You'd called Iseul the moment you'd gotten back to your room, not even waiting to shower off the crusty salt water in your hair.
"Squid, that's a little bit insane." You can hear her grimacing on the other side of the line.
"I know," You admit, chewing on your bottom lip. "This whole day I've been so anal about winning, but the most enjoyable parts were all the times that I wasn't thinking about it! I liked making things for other people, getting to meet the fans, and exploring the Tokyo market. I don't know why I just blew up like that at the end, especially considering, as you said, he was just helping someone."
A long hum buzzes through the phone.
"I don't know squid," Iseul begins, carefully pacing her words. "I think you're so used to thinking about competitions and winning, and now you've been faced with a situation where that's not as important, and a person who has very different priorities to yourself, and you're struggling to deal with it."
"I know, you're right." You say, letting out a long breath. "It's just ... Mingyu's approach to all of this is so different from mine, and I guess a part of me is jealous that he's able to balance having fun and still doing well in competitions in a way that I've never been able to do."
Iseul's voice softens. "It's not a bad thing to want to win, but you have to remember that it's not the only thing that's important in life."
You nod, even though she can't see you. "I can't believe I let my frustration get the better of me. I didn't even give him credit for what he did. He was just being kind, and I ... I snapped at him."
"I don't think it's too late to make things right," Iseul says gently. "Talk to him. Apologise. It's okay to admit when you're wrong."
You fall silent for a moment, considering her words. The knot in your stomach tightens at the thought of facing Mingyu again, but you know that she's right. You can't just let this fester.
"Yeah," You finally say, your voice firmer. "I'll talk to him. I just hope he doesn't think I'm a complete asshole."
Iseul laughs softly. "Based on what you've said about him, Mingyu doesn't seem like the type to hold a grudge. He's experienced all of these pressures too, I'm sure he'll understand."
"Thanks, Sullie," You say, grateful for the calming presence of your friend.
"Anytime squid. Now go shower - you can't face up to the sexy man you heavily insulted smelling like sea rot!"
You chuckle, wishing her the best as you hang up the phone. For a moment, you linger at the edge of your bed, letting Iseul's words sink in. Dragging yourself in the shower, the warm water washes away the salt and the stress bubbling up in your mind. As the steam fills the bathroom, you replay the events in your mind, trying to figure out what you’ll say to Mingyu. Apologizing has never been easy for you, especially when it comes to admitting that your single-minded focus on winning might not always be the best approach.
Changing into something more comfortable - sort, worn jeans and a loose sweater - you make your way out to the rooftop garden in the Olympic Village. You aren't sure where you will find Mingyu, but you figure that if you were trying to decompress after a hard day this is where you'd go.
The garden was quiet, bathed in the soft glow of string lights that crisscrossed above the paths. The sky was a deep shade of indigo, dotted with the first stars of the night, and the distant hum of the city below felt like a comforting lullaby. You walked slowly along the path, taking in the scent of blooming flowers and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.
As you rounded a corner, you spotted a familiar figure sitting on a bench, his face illuminated by the warm light. Mingyu was there, dressed in casual clothes, his hair still damp from his own shower. He was leaning back against the bench, staring up at the sky.
"Hey, mind if I sit?" You say, your voice tentative.
He looks up, emotions flashing across his eyes as he takes you in. The silence in the moment before he responds feels like it drags on for an eternity.
"Yeah, sure." He finally replies, a coldness to his tone that chills you more than the late evening air.
Carefully perching at the end of the bench, leaving enough room between you, you release a long breath, hoping for the courage to rectify the situation.
"I wanted to apologise for earlier. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You were just trying to help, and I... I was so caught up in the idea of winning that I didn’t see what was really important."
Mingyu's gaze swings around to meet your own, and you can see that he's trying to beat down the anger he's feeling.
"Well, I appreciate that." He relies steelily. "But, you know, this whole obsession with winning isn't cool. You've had this problem with me all day about how I do things - that I'm more laid back, that I like to have fun, or be in the public spotlight. But, really, out of the two of us, it wasn't my actions that ruined the mood."
His words cut through the quiet of the rooftop garden, leaving you momentarily speechless. You knew this conversation wouldn't be easy, but hearing the hurt and frustration in Mingyu's voice brings the reality of the situation crashing down on you.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. "I know," you say softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "You're right. I let my obsession with winning cloud my judgment, and I took it out on you. That wasn’t fair, and I’m sorry."
Mingyu’s eyes narrow slightly as he studies you, his expression guarded. "It’s not just about what happened today," he says, his voice measured. "It’s like... you’ve been judging me from the start. Like I don’t take this seriously because I’m not as intense as you are. But that’s not who I am. I love competing, but I also believe in enjoying the experience, in being kind to the people around me. That doesn’t make me any less dedicated."
The knot in your chest tightens as you realize just how deeply you’ve misjudged him. You’ve been so wrapped up in your own perspective that you failed to see things from his side.
"I don't know how to express how sorry I am. I got caught up in the winning, but I also got caught up in all the headlines and tabloid articles. I acted like I knew you before I actually did - even though all of your actions today have shown me the complete opposite of how they portray you."
You take in a deep, steadying breath.
"The truth is, you've made me confront a part of myself I've been running from for a while now. Your effortless friendliness, your kindness to everyone, and the way you live your life outside of the competition - it was like watching the truth that I'd been avoiding. The truth that my way of doing things, the complete focus to the detriment of every other part of my life, wasn't actually necessary after all. And that revelation wasn't something I wanted to confront. You just happened to be the unlucky recipient of my turmoil - just by existing - and that was entirely unfair of me. I understand if you think I'm a major asshole or a loser, but if you can find it in you to forgive me I promise all of that baggage will no longer be put on you."
The air weighs heavy in the aftermath of your confession.
Mingyu looks at you for a long moment, before slowly nodding his head.
"I don't think your an asshole or a loser," He says sincerely, with a small chuckle in his voice that immediately reverberates through your body and eases out the tension. "I do think that you should stop reading tabloid newspapers though."
You let out a small huff of laughter, releasing a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding.
"Look, I know what I said was harsh," He begins, and you quickly shake your head in disagreement. "No, it was. The drive you have is something that reminds me a lot of myself. You might not believe it now, but I used to do the exact same thing as you - head completely filled with both my own and other people's expectations. I honestly don't think there's anyone here that's gonna be any different. And your drive, it makes you great at what you do - and you are really great at it - but there's so much more to you than being good at climbing."
"That's the lesson I learned for myself, and that I'm still having to learn. Being good at swimming is not my only personality trait, nor is it the only thing I like to do. I still struggle with what other people expect of me, and, like you showed me today, sometimes I do need to get out of that social media bubble. I really did appreciate that, by the way." He continues. 
You feel a wave of relief wash over you at both his forgiveness and his gratitude. Part of you feels even worse for judging this man who's been nothing but kind and introspective, but a larger part feels serene basking in the atmosphere of your late-night confessions.
"Can I ask you something?" You say softly, still apprehensive about disrupting the gentle calm that existed between you.
Mingyu nods, humming a 'yes' for you to continue. His posture is far more relaxed than when you first found him, and under the background lights of the cityscape you can't help but notice how beautiful he looks.
"All of the stuff about the partying and the girls - is any of it true? To be clear, it doesn't matter either way, I'd just like to get to know you better." You ask, feeling too shy to meet his eyes.
Mingyu chuckles, the sound warm and reassuring. "I mean, some of it's true I guess. I don't really think I've done enough to live up to the 'party boy' title though," he says, his tone light but honest. "Yeah, I've had my fun, gone to some parties, met some people, but it's not like I'm out every night getting into fights or causing trouble. The only reason it gets picked up on more than any other athlete is because I have a big following on social media so the stories sell more."
You nod, still too shy to meet his eyes, but you can sense the sincerity in his voice. It’s clear that he’s not trying to brush off the question or hide anything from you.
"I guess when you’re in the public eye, people tend to exaggerate things," he continues, his voice softening. "And, yeah, I’ve been with a few people, but it’s not like I’m out there chasing every girl I meet. Most of it is just rumours and assumptions. You know how it is—people like to talk."
You finally muster the courage to glance up at him, and the gentle look on his face tugs at your heartstrings. "I appreciate you being honest with me," you say quietly. "I didn’t mean to pry, I just… wanted to know the real you."
You watch his face contort from a peaceful smile to an excited expression, raised eyebrows and a large grin that makes you jittery.
"I have an idea - why don't we go out and do something fun? There's not gonna be many chances when the games actually begin, and you're gonna be too tired to want to. But Tokyo nightlife is unlike anything else, and that way we can get to know each other better outside of the pressures of the competition. What do you think?"
He's standing up, his hand outstretched for you to take and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest at the gesture.
This time, you don't need any time to decide. A broad smile taking over your face, you reach out to grab his hand and pull yourself up off of the bench with a small nod.
“Okay, let’s do it,” you say, feeling a rush of excitement that mirrors his own. There’s something thrilling about the spontaneity of the moment, the idea of exploring the city with him, away from the pressures of the competition and the watchful eyes of the media.
Mingyu’s grin widens as he gives your hand a gentle squeeze before letting go. “Awesome! I know just the place,” he says, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm. “It’s this little rooftop bar with an amazing view of the city. I think you’ll love it.”
As you walk together through the vibrant streets of Tokyo, the city’s energy pulses around you. Neon signs flicker in a kaleidoscope of colours, and the sounds of laughter and music fill the air. 
When you arrive at the rooftop bar, the view takes your breath away. The city sprawls out below you, a sea of lights stretching as far as the eye can see. It’s magical, and for a moment, you both stand there in silence, taking it all in.
Mingyu leads you to a cozy corner, where you settle into comfortable chairs with a perfect view of the skyline. The atmosphere is relaxed, the kind of place where you can talk for hours without feeling rushed. And that’s exactly what you do.
As the night wears on, the conversation flows easily. You talk about everything and nothing—your favourite places to travel, the challenges of balancing personal life with the demands of being an athlete, your dreams for the future. There’s a vulnerability in the way Mingyu opens up to you, sharing stories and thoughts he doesn’t often reveal. And you find yourself doing the same, feeling a sense of trust and connection that surprises you.
"You know, my flatmate, Iseul, she calls me squid?" You laugh, embarrassed by the childhood nickname.
"Woah, okay - was not expecting that! There must be a story there?" Mingyu replies, a light breeziness to his laughter.
"Nope, no explanation." You quip, shaking your head in mock indignation.
"Oh, come on!"
"Okay, yeah that was a lie." You chuckle. "In elementary school, on the first day of class, Iseul and I sat next to each other in science class. I'd just moved to the area - I think we were about eight or nine? - and I was so nervous to be in a new school and meet new people. Anyways, I hype myself up to talk to the cool looking girl with one of those summer holiday braids. As I go to open my mouth and speak, my pen explodes in my hand, covering my hands, my shirt, my face - everywhere. Iseul has called me squid ever since. I guess I'm just grateful she still decided to take a chance on me after that."
You peak your head downwards, your ears burning up as you let out an embarrassed laugh.
"Oh, wow - that's a pretty good nickname originator." Mingyu hums. "I never really had any proper nicknames in school, the best I've got is my sister calling me squishy when we were really young."
You release a relieved giggle, glad for the levity Mingyu is able to bring to each moment.
You push your hair back for your face in embarrassment, only to feel Mingyu leaning forward and pushing your hair behind your ear for you. With his face so close to your own and the feeling of his hands next to your face, you feel your smile drop and lips part in shock.
The moment only lasts a second, before his face has moved back again, his hands away from your hair.
Mingyu leans back, a thoughtful expression on his face as he watches the city lights flicker. “You know,” he says softly, “I’ve been to so many places, done so many things, but this… tonight… it feels different.”
You look at him, your heart swelling at his words. “I feel the same way,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’m glad we did this.”
He turns to you, his eyes warm and full of something you can’t quite name. “Me too.”
As the night stretches and the bar begins to empty, neither of you are in a hurry to leave.
"I heard you guys didn't make it to karaoke yesterday, would you wanna go now?" You question, feeling a levity you haven't felt in a long time.
Mingyu's eyes light up at your suggestion. The look is honestly adorable, and you can't help but feel even more endeared towards this overly enthusiastic man.
"Karaoke? Now? Absolutely!" He exclaims, the smile across his face contagious. 
"You really like karaoke, huh?" You tease, enjoying how animated he's become.
"Who doesn't?" He replies, standing up and offering you his hand once again. "Come on, we have to go before the night is over."
Together, you leave the now-empty bar behind, stepping out into the cool night air. The city is still alive, even at this late hour, and you can hear the faint sounds of heels clicking against the pavement as club-goers making their way home, takeaway boxes in hand.
As you walk towards the nearest karaoke spot, Mingyu is practically bouncing with anticipation. “Okay, but just to warn you,” he says with a playful grin, “I take karaoke very seriously. I’ve got a playlist and everything.”
You raise an eyebrow, amused. “A playlist? You’re really prepared.”
“Always,” he says with a wink. “But don’t worry, I’m up for anything. What’s your go-to karaoke song?”
You think for a moment, considering the question. “Probably something upbeat and fun. Maybe a classic pop song that everyone knows - some Shinee or BIG BANG?"
Mingyu nods approvingly. “Good choices. I’m all about the crowd-pleasers too. Nothing better than getting everyone singing along.”
By the time you reach the karaoke bar, you’re both buzzing with anticipation. The place is lively, with groups of people gathered around tables, cheering on their friends as they sing their hearts out. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, and you feel any lingering nerves melt away.
Mingyu arranges for a private room, and as you step inside, you’re greeted by colourful lights and a large screen displaying an endless list of songs. You can’t help but feel a little thrill of excitement for spending this time with Mingyu.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got,” Mingyu says, handing you the remote to choose the first song.
You scroll through the options, finally settling on a catchy, upbeat tune that you know will get the energy flowing. As the music starts, you grab the microphone and throw yourself into the performance, letting go of any self-consciousness. Mingyu watches with a grin, clapping along and cheering you on.
When your song ends, Mingyu takes his turn, picking a song with a dramatic flair. His voice is surprisingly good, and he belts out the lyrics with a passion that’s both impressive and hilarious. You can’t stop laughing, but you’re also genuinely impressed—he’s not kidding when he says he takes karaoke seriously.
The night continues like this, with the two of you trading songs, singing duets, and laughing until your sides hurt. There’s a carefree joy in the air, a sense of freedom that you haven’t felt in a long time. It’s as if, for these few hours, you’re both able to forget about the pressures of the competition and just enjoy the moment.
As the final song of the night plays, a slow, sentimental tune, you find yourselves standing side by side, sharing the microphone. The playful banter fades, replaced by a quiet connection as you sing together. It’s a sweet, unexpected moment of closeness, and when the song ends, you both linger in the silence that follows.
Mingyu turns to you, his expression softening. "Thanks for this, it was a great suggestion." He says quietly.
You smile up at him, feeling the warmth of his words. "It was perfect."
The tension between you floods the room in a manner that feels entirely different to the argument earlier. The way he's looking at you and the fluttering of your heart - you feel yourself being sucked into his aura and he's not doing anything to stop it from happening.
But then it's all too much and all too fast, and your brain processes the situation, and you're here, with the most handsome man you've ever seen, and you're just you. With the little experience of romance you've had, dampened by the very little time you've ever spent trying to pursue it, you feel yourself floundering, unsure of what to do or if you've entirely misread the situation.
What if this was just a friendly night out between teammates? Something to clear the air after a disagreement? What if you're feeling something that he's not?
Breaking the eye contact and pulling your head back around to the karaoke machine, you let out a little, awkward cough.
"We should probably be heading back now - don't want to oversleep and miss the second day of tasks, right?" You say, attempting to keep your voice light but utterly failing.
"Right, yeah, definitely." Mingyu replies, and you can't bear turning back to look at him to further gauge his reaction.
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You wake up early on the second day of the campaign. You had tossed and turned all night, your mind racing with endless thoughts about last night. Deciding it is better to get up and do something productive to clear your head, you end up getting up and heading down to the training pool for a few laps of calming cardio.
Reaching the pool, you strip down to your swimsuit, wrapping a tool around your body and holding on to your bag which you intend to just dump next to the pool.
The sight you are greeted with when you reach the pool stops you in your tracks. Mingyu is already there, cutting through the water with powerful, graceful strokes. He's completely in his element, his focus entirely on the rhythm of his movements, oblivious to your presence. For a moment, you stand there, towel clutched around you, watching him. There's something almost mesmerising about the way he moves, each stroke smooth and deliberate, a perfect blend of strength and precision.
As you continue to watch, a swirl of emotions churns within you. The memories of the previous night, the almost-kiss, and the way you pulled away flood your mind. Part of you wants to rush forward, to apologise, to explain your hesitation, but another part holds you back, uncertain of how to approach him.
Caught frozen between your two instincts, it's Mingyu who first notices you standing there. He stops at the edge of the pool, his eyes locking onto yours, and for a second, neither of you says anything. The tension lingers in the air, something unsettled and unspoken.
“Morning,” Mingyu says, his voice gentle but carrying an undercurrent of something more—concern, maybe?
“Morning,” you reply, managing a small smile as you step closer, placing your bag down beside the pool. “Didn’t expect to see you here so early.”
"Gotta keep a consistent routine going, even if I'm going to spend the day doing more exhausting physical activities." He nods, pulling himself out of the pool and reaching for a towel.
You can't help but marvel at his swimmer's physique. Broad shoulders, a muscular back, and water trickling down his toned stomach. You catch yourself staring, and feel embarrassingly predatory with the way you just ogled him.
"Of course!" Your voice comes out squeaky. "Same here; I just wanted to get in some cardio before the campaign starts again."
"The pool's all yours, I just finished." He makes eye contact with you, offering a small smile as he reaches down and grabs his own bag from the floor.
"Thanks!" It's all you can muster up, and you have to push the bubble of disappointment down as he leaps back up the steps towards the exit. 
Perching at the side of the pool, you drop your bag and towel down and submerge yourself into the clarifyingly cold water, brushing aside everything but the feeling of your body moving through the water.
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The energy around the Olympic Village is electric, buzzing with the anticipation of the day ahead. You can feel it in the air, in the quick, purposeful strides of athletes and the hurried conversations between event organizers.
As you finish your quick meal in the communal dining area, Hu Chunho’s voice crackles over the loudspeakers, calling all the participants to gather at the main event area. You can feel your heart rate pick up, your body already thrumming with the adrenaline that had become so familiar over the past day.
Rather than travelling by car, all the pairs are given a map of the city and offered clues to find specific landmarks or hidden spots around Tokyo.
Peering over at the map of the team next to you, you note that their clues are different to your own.
"I think we might all have different tasks," You say, looking from the map to Mingyu. He hums a note of understanding.
You look back down at your first clue.
'Where the world converges under neon lights, countless footsteps create a symphony of chaos and order. Stand where five paths meet and become part of Tokyo's heartbeat.'
"Oh, I know what this is!" Mingyu exclaims, a grin gracing his features. "It's Shibuya Crossing - the converging paths and neon lights. It has to be!"
You feel yourself smiling back at him, a spike of pride at his quick wit.
"You're right, I'm sure of it. Let's get going now!" You reply with excited glee.
With the destination clear in your minds, you and Mingyu waste no time. You quickly gather your things and set off toward the nearest subway station. The map in your hands outlines the general route, but Mingyu’s familiarity with the city helps you navigate through the bustling streets more efficiently.
The journey is a blur of fast-paced steps and fleeting glimpses of Tokyo’s vibrant city life. As you near Shibuya, the energy in the air intensifies. The streets grow more crowded, the buildings taller, and the lights brighter. When you finally arrive at Shibuya Crossing, the sight before you is both exhilarating and overwhelming.
The crossing is as chaotic and mesmerising as you imagined. Hundreds of people are waiting at the edges, ready to surge forward the moment the lights change. Neon signs tower above, flashing advertisements in a dazzling array of colours. It’s the epitome of organized chaos—a perfect reflection of Tokyo’s heartbeat.
“Here we are,” Mingyu says, his voice filled with awe as he takes in the scene. “It’s even more intense than I remember.”
You nod, feeling the adrenaline coursing through your veins. “Yeah, this is incredible. But what’s our next step? We’re here, but I’m sure we need to do something to complete the task.”
Mingyu pulls out the next clue, which had been tucked under the first. “‘Capture the moment where the world pauses and moves in perfect harmony. Your time in the spotlight will guide you to the next step.’”
You exchange a glance, both of you quickly understanding the challenge. “We need to take a photo or video of the crossing,” you suggest. “But it’s more than just capturing the chaos—we need to find that moment of perfect harmony.”
The two of you wait, watching the flow of people, searching for that precise moment when the crossing becomes a symphony of movement. After a few cycles of the lights changing, you finally see it—a brief pause when all the pedestrians are perfectly aligned in their crossings, creating a visual harmony that’s almost surreal.
“Now!” Mingyu says, raising his phone to capture the scene. You run into the centre of the crossing, spreading your arms up in the air and grinning as wide as you can before running back towards a chuckling Mingyu.
"Getting more into the spirit of things, huh?" He teases, and you feel your cheeks turning red.
"More points for a viral moment." You remind him playfully, feeling that familiar elevated pace as he smiles back at you.
You take a moment to appreciate the photo before Mingyu checks the time on his phone. “We should send this in to confirm we’ve completed the task. I think they’ll give us our next clue once we do.”
With a nod, you send off the photo, your heart still racing with the thrill of the moment.
Mingyu’s phone buzzes with a new notification. He checks it and grins, showing you the screen. “Looks like we’re moving on to the next location. Ready to keep going?”
You smile, the excitement in your chest bubbling over. “Absolutely. Let’s see where this adventure takes us next.”
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'Where giants clash in a ring of honour, find the arena where tradition and strength reign supreme. Seek the sacred ground where wrestlers bow to ancient rituals and the thundering footsteps echo the spirit of Japan’s warriors.'
"Wait," you say, your eyes lighting up as you reread the clue. "Do we get to go to the sumo wrestling arena?"
Mingyu looks up from the clue, his own excitement building as he connects the dots. “Ryogoku Sumo Hall! That has to be it. The 'ring of honour' and 'giants clashing'—it’s definitely talking about sumo wrestling!”
With your destination clear, you both set off, navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo. The journey takes you deeper into the heart of the city, where the modern skyscrapers slowly give way to more traditional structures. The closer you get to Ryogoku, the more the city's energy seems to shift.
The atmosphere around the hall is vibrant, with banners fluttering in the breeze and the faint sounds of drums echoing from within. It's as if the very air is charged with the spirit of the ancient sport.
As you and Mingyu step into the grand interior of Ryogoku Sumo Hall, you’re immediately struck by the rich history that permeates the space. The arena, with its towering roof and sacred dohyō at the centre, exudes a sense of reverence. You can almost hear the echoes of past matches and the cheers of crowds that have filled these seats over the years.
A guide approaches you with a warm smile, holding a scroll that seems fitting for the traditional setting. “Welcome to Ryogoku Sumo Hall,” she says. “Your task today is to immerse yourselves in the ancient traditions of sumo. You’ll be participating in a special challenge that combines both physical skill and cultural understanding.”
Mingyu and you exchange intrigued glances as the guide continues, “First, you’ll each don a mawashi, the traditional sumo belt. Then, you’ll enter the dohyō for a ceremonial shiko—this is the ritual leg-stomping exercise that all sumo wrestlers perform to purify the ring and demonstrate their strength.”
The guide gestures towards a small area where the costumes have been laid out for you. You both eagerly move to change, slipping into the mawashi with some assistance. It feels a bit awkward at first, but the sense of tradition and the significance of the garment quickly overtake any discomfort.
Once you’re ready, the guide leads you to the edge of the dohyō where a set of cameras and one of the event coordinators is waiting on the sidelines.
“The shiko involves raising your leg as high as you can and then stomping down forcefully,” the guide explains to you and the audience. “It symbolizes grounding yourself and dispelling any evil spirits. It’s as much about mental focus as it is physical strength.”
Mingyu steps into the ring first, his expression one of determined focus. He takes a deep breath, then lifts his leg high, bringing it down with a powerful stomp. The sound reverberates through the hall, and even from the sidelines, you can feel the intensity of the movement.
Encouraged by Mingyu’s performance, you follow suit. You step into the ring, feeling the cool clay beneath your feet. Taking a moment to centre yourself, you lift your leg, feeling the stretch in your muscles, and then bring it down with as much force as you can muster. The stomp resonates through the space, and for a moment, you feel totally connected to the earth of the theatre.
After completing the shiko, the guide smiles approvingly. “Well done,” she says. “For the final part of your task, you’ll need to demonstrate your understanding of the sumo rituals by performing a brief reenactment of the pre-match ceremonies. This includes the ritual clapping, salt-throwing, and bowing. It’s important to show respect and precision in each movement.”
You and Mingyu work together to recall the steps you’ve observed from past sumo matches. As you move through the rituals—clapping your hands sharply to summon the attention of the gods, throwing salt to purify the ring, and bowing to show respect to your opponent—you feel ever more connected to Mingyu. 
As you finish the task, the guide hands you a small, ceremonial fan, a symbol of your successful completion of the challenge. “You’ve shown great respect and enthusiasm for our traditions,” she says. “Your next clue will lead you to your following adventure in Tokyo. But for now, take a moment to appreciate the history you’ve become a part of.”
You and Mingyu exchange a look of mutual pride, before offering one last wave to the audience and going to take off the costume.
Exiting the sumo hall through the front entrance, you hear a ding on your phone and pull it out to reveal the third clue. 
'Where the flame of unity is rekindled, and the world’s eyes gather once more. Seek the grounds where champions are crowned, and the spirit of competition ignites the heart of Japan.'
"Back to the Olympic stadium?" Mingyu queries, looking over the clue.
"Sounds like it," You say, still uncertain. The clue's language is undeniably pointing back to the arena, but you're unsure of what could be waiting for you back at the beginning.
With the Tokyo National Stadium as your destination, the two of you pick up the pace, heading back through the city. The streets are familiar now, and the route to the stadium is etched into your memory from the many times you’ve travelled to and from the venue.
Stepping into the stadium, you spot two of the over teams already waiting in one corner of the track field, and make your way over to them.
"Guess we're all here for the final task?" Chunghee beams.
Taking a moment, you look around the stadium, completely soaking in the atmosphere. In a few weeks, you'll be back walking here with your whole team, representing your country. The sense of awe and pride has you feeling small under the arena lights.
Soon enough, the rest of the teams begin to filter into the stadium.
Feeling a presence behind you, you spin around expecting to see Mingyu. A smile breaks over your face as you see your other teammate walking up to you.
"Didn't catch you last night. Did you finally get that night in?" Wonwoo chuckles. His clothes are dirty, as if he's been rolling around in the mud somewhere.
"Not quite," You respond, a ghost of a smile flickering at your lips.
"Gotta keep you on your toes, haven't I?"
"Please, you're about as predictable as the sunrise." He teases, and you bat his arm in mock offence.
"You wouldn't be able to guess what I was doing if you tried." You retort.
"Oh, really? It wouldn't have something to do with the hunky swimmer that hasn't let you out of his sight since you got here?"
You feel your cheeks warm at Wonwoo's teasing, but quickly regain your composure, rolling your eyes in response. "Oh, please," you say, crossing your arms playfully. "You're just jealous of me and Mingyu's great teamwork."
Wonwoo smirks, clearly not buying your casual deflection. "Uh-huh, sure. But just so you know, you're not as subtle as you think." He winks, making you groan in mock frustration.
"Come on, Wonwoo, can we just focus on the tasks and not whatever wild theories you're cooking up in that head of yours?" You protest with a lightness to your tone.
He chuckles, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll back off. But if I were a betting man, I'd put money on you two spending last night together. He's practically glowing today."
You shake your head, unable to suppress a smile. "Maybe it's you who's got the crush."
"I have it on good authority that I'm not the one with the crush."
"What's that supposed to mean-"
"Hey, man, ready for the final challenge?" Before you can finish your sentence, Wonwoo turns around to greet Mingyu who's walked over to the pair of you, but not without shooting you a knowing look first.
Mingyu nods, glancing at you with a smile. "Absolutely. What have you two been talking about?"
"Just catching up," You reply quickly, giving Wonoo a look that says to keep his mouth shut.
Wonwoo laughs, clapping Mingyu on the shoulder. "Yeah, nothing important. Let’s just say I’m curious to see how this day pans out."
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The event coordinators hand you over the final task - although the course at the middle of the arena has already given the game away.
The last challenge of the day was revealed to be an intense relay race. Each team member would have to compete a different leg of the course, each designed to play to different strengths. The course was a mix of speed, agility, and sheer endurance - sprints though tight obstacle courses, balance tests on narrow means, and a gruelling final leg that involve scaling a steep incline with a weighted sack of rice together.
"Hey, so, how do you wanna play this?" Mingyu calls out, huddling next to you as to conceal your planning from the other teams. The warmth from his body next to you makes your breath hitch in your throat.
"Uh, um, I'm amenable. Is there a particular part you'd rather do?" You cough, looking over the course with an analytical eye.
"Your balance is undoubtedly better than mine, so maybe you should do the beam and I'll do the sprints?" He replies and you nod in agreement.
"That makes sense to me!" You smile before taking your phone from your pocket to take a photo of the two of you. "Gotta keep up the socials, right?"
Mingyu shakes his head in surprise, a small laugh escaping him.
"You must have had a good teacher." 
You wink at him in response, and instantly feel the blush creeping back up your neck.
Looking around, you see the other teams still huddled together, getting ready and planning their strategies.
"So, uh, you and Wonwoo are close right?" Mingyu asks, the confident air to his tone noticeably lacking.
"Oh, yeah! We were in the same climbing club when we were younger - made it right to the top together." You smile, thinking back over the memories. "You know, one time, we both got stuck on this insanely tough route. Everyone else had given up, but not Wonwoo. He was determined to figure it out, and I obviously couldn't let him be the only one to finish, so we stayed there for hours. Eventually, we worked together to figure out the route, and we managed to do it. I swear, he more than anyone else taught me the value of perseverence, even if it was out of spite."
Mingyu listens intently, his expression softening as he watches the nostalgia play across your face. “Sounds like you’ve been through a lot together."
“Yeah, we have,” you reply, meeting his gaze. “He’s like a brother to me. We’ve always had each other’s backs, no matter what.”
Mingyu nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “That’s really cool. It’s good to have someone to bring you back to earth."
"-to the starting positions! The team that performs best across all challenges will be crowned the champions. But remember, this is also about raising awanress and funds, to keep the energy high and the spirits up!"
“Ready?” Mingyu’s voice breaks through the announcement, and you look up to see him watching you, a question in his eyes.
 “Yeah, I’m ready.”
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The whistle blows, and the first leg of the relay begins. Mingyu takes off like a shot, his powerful strides eating up the ground as he navigates the winding course with ease. You watch him, your heart in your throat, feeling that familiar pressure being assauged by pride.
When it gets to your turn, you sprint up to the balance beam, forcing yourself to block out the noise of the crowd and focus solely on the task ahead. The beam is narrow, barely wider than your foot, and it wobbles slightly with every step you took. Every muscle in your body is tense, coiled like a spring, ready to react to the slightest imbalance, but you are in your element.
As you near the end of the beam, the crowd’s cheers grow louder, and you feel a surge of triumph as you leap off, landing smoothly on the other side. No time to celebrate, though—there is still the final climb ahead.
Running over to where Mingyu is waiting at the base of the incline, you begin to hoist the rice sacks over your shoulders, exchanging a determined nod before starting the final ascent. The incline is steep, and with the added weight of the sacks, every step becomes a test of endurance and strength. You focus on your breathing, matching your pace with Mingyu’s, both of you pushing each other to keep going despite the burning in your legs.
As you near the top, you catch sight of another team struggling halfway up the incline. One of their members has slipped, and their sack has tumbled down, spilling some of its contents. The other teammate is desperately trying to help, but it’s clear they’re exhausted and frustrated, their progress slow.
Mingyu notices too, glancing at you with a question in his eyes. “It's your call.” he says, his voice tight with effort.
You hesitate, the competitive part of you screaming to keep going, to push through and secure your victory. But another part of you, a bigger part, tugs at your conscience. You know what you have to do.
“Let’s help them,” you say, making the decision in a heartbeat.
Without waiting for a response, you turn and start making your way back down the incline. Mingyu follows without hesitation, both of you quickly reaching the struggling team. You offer a hand to the fallen teammate, helping them back to their feet, while Mingyu retrieves the spilled sack.
You can hear the live stream commentator yelling frenzily into the mic.
“Here, we’ve got this,” you say, as you and Mingyu steady their loads and start guiding them up the incline. The other team looks at you with a mix of surprise and gratitude, clearly touched by the gesture.
The climb is slower now, and you can feel the weight of the rice sacks digging into your shoulders, but there’s a different kind of satisfaction growing in your chest. When you finally reach the top, you help the other team place their sacks down before doing the same with yours. The other team thanks you breathlessly, clearly overwhelmed by your assistance.
As you all cross the finish line together, you know you’ve lost the race, but the sense of accomplishment in doing the right thing far outweighs the sting of defeat. The crowd’s cheers are louder than ever, and you can see that many of the spectators have noticed what you did.
Trying to regain your composure, you look over at Mingyu who is looking back at you with an affectionate smile.
"We didn't win." He pants, causing you to let out a sharp, breathless laugh.
Stepping closer, you place a steading hand on his arm. He looks up at you from his crouched over position, before moving to straighten up. Whether it is the adrenaline of the climb, or the confidence from your conversation with Wonwoo, you don't move away this time.
"I know," You smile, eyes sparkling. "I still feel like I've won something though."
"Oh, really?" He replies, moving closer still as that infamous grin breaks out across his face.
"Yeah." You nod, closing the gap between the two of you.
"You wanna make a real viral moment?" Mingyu asks, his tone light and jovial but his eyes conveying a sense of seriousness.
"You know what, I would actually quite like to." You respond, pushing onto your tiptoes to meet his lips with yours. Although you can hear the screams of the fans and other athletes alike behind you, the sound quickly fades into the background as the immense feeling of passion and joy overtakes you.
HIs hand cups your face, pulling you closer to him as his lips move against yours.
Finally breaking apart, he rests his head against yours, shallow breaths being exchanged between the two of you.
"You know that this is gonna make tabloid headlines tomorrow, right?"
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449 notes · View notes
zepskies · 4 months
Down to the Crust
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader
Summary: You’ve set out on a very specific mission for Dean. The problem is, you now have ulterior motives for your (formerly) pure love of baking.
Request: Since reading your imagine, "Dean Gives You an Impossible Choice," I have not been able to shake it, one point specifically. I was wondering if I could request a fic where the reader is learning to bake pies for Dean. She's best friends with the boys, but she and Dean have undisclosed feelings for each other…
AN: You guys know I love baking shenanigans lol. This one is set at a particular time during season 14…
Song Inspo: “Joy” by Blackstreet
Word Count: 2.6K
Tags/Warnings: Flangst, hurt/comfort, hint of spice~
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No, no, no, no, NO!
You did your best to scoop out the salt you’d just poured into the flour.
You can’t really be this dumb, you berated yourself. How could you confuse one white powdery thing for another? Salt vs. sugar—it wasn’t that hard!
You shook your head in simmering frustration. You decided to just dump the whole contents of the bowl, salty flour and all, into the garbage. You’d have to start again…for the third time now. 
Frankly, this was getting ridiculous. You could make cookies, brownies, even cupcakes (with homemade buttercream).
How hard could a pie really be?
Maybe it was the telltale tremble of nerves in your hands.
Maybe it was because you had an ulterior motive for doing this, besides your formerly pure love of baking.
Maybe because this promised dessert was for one pie-loving glutton who was set to come upstairs from the garage any minute. Or at least, whenever Dean’s stomach finally called him back to the kitchen.
Though recently, he hadn’t been all that hungry. He’d denied your friendly offer of a snack earlier (since when did he turn down taquitos?), and he’d barely touched the pizza you guys had for dinner yesterday. (One slice? The man could eat half a pizza in one sitting. To your knowledge, there wasn’t a pie he didn’t like.)
Dean hid it well, but he wasn’t on his game. You knew why, of course, but…
You sighed and measured out the last of your flour for a fresh try. If you messed this one up, you’d literally have to wash your hands of this mission. And yes, it had become mission fucking impossible, as far as you were concerned.
Once the flour was safely mixed with a cup of sugar, you cut up some chilled butter to create the pastry dough. You followed the instructions in the recipe even more carefully this time, from your open laptop on the kitchen counter. The keyboard was dusted with flour at this point, along with your hands and arms. You even felt it under your nails and in your hair, but you didn’t care.
You were going to make this damn pie if it killed you.
You’d even bought real cherries, not the canned filling. It meant more work for you in removing all the pits inside them, but this was worth the extra labor.
However, as it just occurred to you, you’d left them simmering with some sugar, lemon juice, and cornstarch in a pan, around the time of your second attempt at pastry dough.
“No!” you gasped, hastening to open the lid and checking the saucepan.
Oh, thank God, you thought, seeing that the cherry filling wasn’t bubbling over. It actually looked like the proper thickened consistency and smelled delicious. You just needed to do some more stirring.
An hour or so later, you had successfully shaped the dough, chilled and poured in the filling, and covered it with the (embarrassingly uneven) lattice work on top.
“Whatever. The man still believes in the Five-Second Rule. He’ll eat this,” you muttered as you slid the pie in. You even remembered to do an egg wash on top. You admired it for a moment in its raw pastry form, then closed the lid to the oven with a nod of satisfaction.
You wore a wide smile, feeling accomplished, until you turned around and saw the disaster you’d made of the kitchen. Flour was dusted across the counters, a pile of dishes in the sink, cherry remnants in the pan and dripping across the stove, and so much more. You winced at the sight.
“What the hell is this?” came a gruff voice.
Your gaze drew to the doorway with a sharp intake of breath. Dean was standing in the doorway to the kitchen with a bewildered expression on his face.
The man had a thing about people in “his kitchen.” You got ready to placate him with your hands raised as you took a step towards him, but then you gasped.
“Shit!” you yelped, slipping in some egg that had dropped on the floor. Your hand accidentally banged the oven on the way down, but your head also hit the corner of the wall.   
You ended up sprawled on your side across the dirty floor, dazed and winded. Dean hurried to your side with one of those frowns that always made you want to smooth the wrinkle between his brows.
He braced your shoulder, almost but not quite touching your hip with his free hand.
“Damn. You okay? This ain’t a slip n’ slide,” he said.
Your lips twitched at a smile, but you sighed. “I’m okay.”
“You hit your head?” he asked, beginning to help you up slowly.
“A little,” you admitted. “Nothing the old bag of frozen carrots in the freezer won’t cure.”
Dean grimaced, but after he made sure you were settled on your feet, he checked the back of your head. You tried not to blush (and revel) at the feeling of his fingers slipping into your hair, even if he was trying to feel for a knot back there.
He was close enough that you could almost feel his body heat through the black shirt he wore, for once without the outer layer of plaid. He smelled like grease and sweat; likely he’d been working on Baby.
Were you weird for kind of liking that smell?
“Well, I don’t feel any goose eggs, so you’re probably fine,” he remarked.
“Thanks, House. Is that your final prognosis?” you asked, beginning to smirk.
Dean’s gaze met yours in amusement.
“Tell you what,” he said, “If you get a headache, I give you full permission to take one of the fun little pills I’ve got in my dresser.”
You laughed. “If it’s not Vicodin, I don’t want it.”
House M.D. was one of those shows you and Dean liked to watch together, along with Game of Thrones, and even Smallville, on occasion.
Dean smiled slightly. But even that was a small feat, and something you hadn’t seen from him in weeks. Not a real smile, anyway. Before today, nothing you’d tried had been working to brighten his mood.
Not pizza Fridays. Not letting him listen to the same damn Zeppelin album without complaint for that eight-hour ride on the last hunt. Not trying to gouge his level of broodiness and offering to hang out, to be a listening ear if he needed it.
He still hadn’t taken you up on the last one. While that hurt, you also understood it. You understood how Dean dealt with things he didn’t want to think about, let alone talk about, even to his own brother.  
Dean now looked down on you knowingly, gesturing at the rest of the kitchen.
“You gonna tell me what you’re doing in here?” he asked.
You crossed your arms and raised your chin, a smile playing on your lips.
“What, can’t handle somebody else in your kitchen? What’re you, Gordon Ramsey?” you teased.
Dean’s brows kicked up, his lips twitching.
“You’ve made a mess of my kitchen any number of times, but I ain’t ever smelled sweet, sweet cherry coming out of that oven,” he said. “You’re finally making me pie?”
You had to laugh. Inside, you were pleased that he now looked excited, his green eyes dancing. You clapped your hands over his arms.
“Yes, I’m making you your damn pie. Only took me fifteen tries, but it’s happening,” you said. You turned to check on it, but the second you opened the oven, black smoke billowed out.
Your eyes widened in horror and your mouth fell open on reflex, but harsh coughs tore from your throat as you waved your hand against the smoke. Dean quickly handed you the oven mitts, and you shoved them on before taking out the steaming dessert.
The entire top crust was scorched black. Cherry filling oozed out, and not in a good way. You slammed the oven shut with your hip, and you had to toss the pan onto the counter for how hot it was.
Inside that pan was a dreadful excuse for a pie.
Dean had an arm crossed under his elbow, while a hand came up to cover his mouth as he took in the state of it. He then looked over at you.
He saw the shock, settling into pursed lips and tight shoulders. You turned in slow movements.
You saw that the oven had been switched to “Broil” on the highest setting. You’d probably messed that up when you fell and hit the dial with your hand. But Christ, was that a powerful oven.
Those old white guys really didn't mess around when they built this damn bunker, you thought sourly.
Dean took another look at the steaming pie and grimaced, despite his amusement.
“Well, she won’t be entering any beauty pageants, that’s for sure,” he teased.
His playful smirk fell, however, the moment you turned around. He saw the way you were biting your lip, and the tears brimming in your eyes.
He softened, and he went to you.
“Aww, sweetheart. It’s okay,” he chuckled, and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “‘S probably better than I could do.”
You rested your head against his chest and sniffled. You blinked to try to stem off your tears. 
“It’s not about the damn pie! I mean, not really. It’s just…” you trailed.
You quieted, realizing you were about to say things you’d rather not.
Dean noticed though. Because of course he did.
“Then what’s it about?” he asked.
You avoided his gaze at first, though he was too perceptive not to notice. He jostled you a little against his side.
“Huh? You wanna answer me?” he asked. His lips curved at the way you were fighting a smile yourself. Your tears won out though.
You turned under his arm and leaned up on your toes, so you could hug him. Your arms twined around his neck and you held him tight.
To say it surprised Dean would be an understatement, his eyes widening a fraction. He still held you back, almost on reflex.
“I couldn’t do anything else,” you said, through tears. “Not for you, or Sam…or for Mary.”
Dean’s confusion descended into grim understanding. A weight fell deep in his gut, clenching painfully the way it always did, when he thought about his mom.
The fact that Jack didn’t have his soul didn’t make a difference, no matter what Sam said. Not in Dean’s mind, anyway.
Jack had killed their mom.
She was gone, had been taken from them. And that second loss had torn a new chasm in Dean’s heart, deeper than the last one. He held you a bit tighter without realizing it.
“I’m sorry,” you said, rubbing his back. “I know you don’t want to talk about it. I just wanted to…to do something for you.”
Slowly, Dean pulled away a little. His hands moved to your waist as he looked down on you with a heaviness in his eyes. For a moment, he just took in the contours of your face, your eyes shining with tears that clung to your lashes. You were looking up at him like all you wanted to do was fix it. And fix him.
Well, you had to know that was a lost fucking cause. But it just didn’t stop you from staying here with him and Sam, living with them, hunting with them, being one of the last friends they had, after all these years.
It didn’t stop Dean from loving you for it, either.
He let out a breath, and he couldn’t help but raise a hand to get some of the flour off your cheek. He smoothed the back of his hand against your skin, along your jaw, and finally brushed his thumb across your lower lip, where you had worried it with your teeth.
“You’re too damn much, you know that?” he murmured.
You were blushing hot at his touch, but you frowned at his words. Until you noticed the fond glint in his eyes…and for the first time, something more. Something he was finally allowing you to see.
When he bent down and claimed your lips, your thoughts stuttered to a halt. You gripped the front of his shirt instinctively. He framed your face with his hands; they were calloused and smelled like motor oil, but you didn’t give a shit. Not one iota. Because it meant something, and your heart swelled with a warmer, brighter feeling.
You gripped his shirt tighter and leaned up to meet his second kiss. His hand moved to your lower back, pulling you flush against him. You grabbed onto his shoulders and let him invade your mouth with his warm tongue slipping against yours. You moaned, the sound echoing between you both and shooting right to his dick.
His brows furrowing, Dean’s fingers slipped into your hair again, but this time, to tangle in the strands. He walked you back until your ass hit the counter, where he grabbed hold of your thighs and hefted you on top of it, regardless of whatever stains covered its surface.
He moved in between your jean-clad thighs and encouraged you wordlessly to wrap them around his hips. You didn’t need much encouragement.
“Dean,” you whispered, between heated kisses, hands wandering down your body, exploring soft curves and warmth over clothing.
“Hmm?” he said, into your mouth. It was distracting, but you found the strength to slow things down, gently taking his face into your hands.
You both caught your breath for a moment. It allowed Dean to see the thread of uncertainty in your gaze, even though you caressed his stubble-covered cheeks.
“I just…do you…is this…” you tried, but your brain seemed to be on a short fuse. You blamed his sinful lips entirely.
Said lips drew into a smirk. Dean’s hands moved up your thighs and held your waist less gripping, more comforting (and claiming).
“I really do, and damn straight it is,” he said, slightly teasing. He did lean back in to press a gentler kiss to your lips.
“Trust me,” he said, as he became more serious. “If you want more from this…”
At that, your uncertainty melted into warmth. You released his face, holding onto his shoulders instead.
“Yeah, Dean,” you nodded. “More than anything, yes.”
He read your sincerity, and it warmed him too. Again, he gave into the urge to brush his thumb against your blushing cheek.
“I uh…I had a feeling it was always gonna be you,” he said.
You raised a brow at that, even though your smile threatened to unravel him further.
“Oh, yeah? How long?” you asked.
Dean pretended to think.
“Since that first batch of oatmeal cream pies,” he said, with a cheeky grin. “Pretty sure I was marked from there on out.”
And not just because he’d been imagining what you’d be like to taste, ever since.
You giggled, though you gestured with your eyes at the charred pan next to you on the counter.
“Guess I should try again on that pie. Wonder what that’ll get me,” you hedged, letting your thumb graze his neck. Dean smirked.
“All right, sure. Remind me to pick up a new fire extinguisher,” he said.
You guffawed and hit his shoulder, but he just laughed and pulled you in for another kiss.
It was sweet enough on its own.
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AN: I know, I know. I'm a sap. 😂 Let me know what you thought of this pie-filled episode! 🥧 💕
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms
@foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373
@this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma
@iprobablyshipit91 @melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy
@wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons
@anticxrrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk
@midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19 @agalliasi @venicesem
@chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx
@candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester
@chernayawidow @mimaria420 @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waywardxwords @waynes-multiverse
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652 notes · View notes
garoujo · 1 year
✩ ˛˚ . UNFAIR WE’RE NOT SOMEWHERE MISBEHAVING ; — how blue lock boys react to you sending them a nude at practice.
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FEATURING: nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, itoshi sae, itoshi rin + mikage reo.
warnings: f!reader, all characters written 22+, teasing, possessiveness, bachira sends some back. note: it’s been so long since i’ve done some hcs but aaaa i wanted to do these so hope u guys enjoy <3
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nagi’s body feels heavy as he rests on the bench during training, offering himself a few moments of slacking off before the rest of the team are on his ass again to get moving. but it’s just enough time for him to watch the way the little notification from you pops up just as he unlocks his phone, letting the nozzle of his water bottle rest between his lips as he clicks.
but he almost whimpers when a few moments later his screen is consumed by a pretty little photo of you in his shirt, draped in the oversized material despite the way you’ve pulled it up over your tits — allowing him to see the way you’ve opted for only that and a pair of pretty panties.
nagi’s suddenly glad that he’s at training so he can play off the flush and heat of his cheeks as exasperation, but the throb of his cock is heavy underneath the tight fabric of his training shorts. he still knows he’d rather be at home with you — lips latched around your tits so he can suckle blooming marks into the skin as his hands push underneath the hem of your underwear.
“no fair, pretty thing.” he mumbles underneath his breath as he sends you a cute little emoticon back, signature little :x face that only seems to spur you on as you send another — fingers resting between your thighs as you sink into the comfy sheets of his bed.
sei <3 : such a pain, know i can’t touch you yet.
nagi types back quickly as the thick muscles in his legs spread, readjusting the suddenly restrictive fabric before he’s sending you a quick, lazy selfie back. the snowy peaks of his bangs are messy and slightly wet with sweat as it falls over his sleepy, lidded gaze but the want is apparent in his features despite the cute pout he wears. like a silent little plea not to go too far without him, having to leave you in bed without him was so bothersome already.
but just as you reply with a little but i miss you, sei he almost jolts when reo calls his name back onto the pitch — trying to settle his own heavy breathes and the racing of his heart as he allows himself another quick look at the pretty photos you sent him. but maybe if he scored five more goals they’d let him off early, he’d score ten if it got him home fast enough to feel the press of your skin under his palms and the hug of your body against his as he types out a quick reply, suddenly driven and motivated after his little break.
sei <3 : hey, come on. gotta wait for me, angel.
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normally it was bachira randomly sending you nudes throughout his day, after workout selfies or just random photos of himself where you can see him naked in the mirrors dotted around the locker room in the background. but today, you wanted to be the one to catch him off guard — knowing practice has ended and he was probably getting ready to come home already.
are you done practice, bachi? your little message reads and he’s already grinning as he types out a reply before it’s followed by a photo of your pretty pussy, folds spread and already wet like you’re luring him home. he giggles before he almost moans, so fucking shameless as the rest of the team still clear out their things after their shower.
but it’s almost perfectly timed with the way bachira’s just finished washing himself off, letting his towel fall and pool around his feet before he’s walking back into the showers — the last of his teammates clearing out and thankfully missing the way he’s already rock hard because of you.
bachi <3 : you’re so cute, baby. lemme see a lil more, m’kay?
“mhm— so mean teasing me~” he sings to himself as he gives his cock a few slow strokes, whimpering before he’s taking a quick selfie in the fogged up mirror in the locker room. his hair is messy and his smirk is smug, but even through the hazed glass you can still see the length of him.
but bachira fucking throbs when his own photo is immediately followed by another from you, your fingers deliberately pressing against the intimate skin between your thighs — so he can’t see the way your swollen clit is probably yearning for him to bathe it in needy lavs and rolls of his tongue before he’s closing his lips around it and suckling languidly. but he knows just how to get what he wants.
bachi <3 : 1 new attachment.
the video is short but just enough for you to see the way he’s angled the camera above him, letting you see the way his pretty abdomen twitches with every needy squeeze of his fist around the sensitive glands of his cock as he pants. his amber gaze is narrowed and focused on the camera as his next moan stretches into another cheeky smirk. “come on, baby. touch it a lil for me, mhm.. lemme see it— please~”
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you should’ve known better, sae taught you better than to tease him while he was at practice — he was already so unforgiving on the pitch that the last thing he needed was something to make him even more frustrated. so his fingers twitch into the side of his phone when the first notification he opens during break is you still lying in his sheets, wearing nothing but the fabric of the comforter over your body.
he knows you’re bare because that’s how he left you — he’d spent all night with his bare chest pressed against yours after he’d lost himself in the tight hug of your cunt before bed. he’d basically fucked you to sleep despite the soft, chaste kiss he’d pressed to your temple before he left — a contrast to the carnal desire his rough pace held lastnight. but this is how you thank him?
sae <3 : what do you think you’re doing?
sae’s reply is sharp despite the way he finds himself taking another look at the photo, letting his sharp gaze crawl along the exposed skin of your collarbones and shoulders before it falls to where the blanket just hides your tits. he already feels so wound up, so eager to get this practice done and over so he can remind you to behave.
but then you reply once more with a cute, sleepy looking selfie and it’s insane the way he wants to ruin you — to have your drowsy lidded gaze decorated with tears as he reads your little i just woke up! how’s practice? his cock throbs and he can almost hear the dreamy lull your voice would take with the innocent little question, he wishes he could’ve kissed you awake and let you feel just what you do to him before he left — maybe then you’d be good for him.
sae <3 : so you woke up and decided to tease me, hm?
sae’s next text is driven by the sudden weight of his cock in his uniform and the way desire twists in his abdomen — he’s pretty sure his aura has changed completely, to something darker as he watches the manager hesitate to tell him break is over even if for a second when it brings his sharp gaze away from his phone.
another vibration of his phone against his palm and he knows you’re gonna pay for this when the next notification is you having pushed down the comforter — letting him finally take in the shape of your tits that are still littered in the marks and bites he decorated them in last night. he stretches out the ache in his neck before he offers you another final reply as he burns the image into his mind, tense as he swallows roughly and returns to the pitch.
sae <3 : i’ll deal with you when i’m home, sweetheart. behave until then.
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you always thought it was amusing to tease rin, maybe it was the way he tried so desperately to hold down his need for you — to pretend you didn’t have as much of an effect on him as you actually do. you were his and although you knew how seriously he took practices you always thought it was fun to get him a little more riled up — maybe because he always made sure to fuck you into the mattress when he got home.
you always know he’s on break because he always makes sure to text you, wondering if you’re awake or if you’re still in bed but today you’d woken up as he’d left, already missing the hug of your huge boyfriends frame around your figure and the press of his cock into your lower back.
so you only think you’re being considerate, like an offer to help him out with the frustration he’s probably still swallowing down at practice. it’s instantaneous, the way rin’s gaze turns darker when he gets the first glimpse of your body in the photo you send him — his sheets tangled between your legs as his shirt rides up your body to reveal the curve of your tits and swell of your ass underneath.
rinnie <3 : what’re you trying to do? anyone could’ve seen this.
his jaw is clenched tight as he types out a reply, gritting his teeth as his pretty features drop into a frown — you’d think he was mad, he is — mostly because he can feel the dangerous throb in his cock that’s already straining against his practice shorts. he almost growls at your ‘innocent’ little reply that only consists of a good morning rinnie <3 followed by another, lewder angle as your drool worthy thighs spread.
rinnie <3 : i don’t like people seeing what’s mine.
rinnie <3 : you belong to me.
it’s insane, the effect you have on his well trained body — it’s almost lukewarm the way he’s unable to control himself, suddenly too warm underneath his clothes and he’ll tear this field apart if it means it gets him home to you faster. he’ll have you crying on the end of his cock as soon as he sinks into you, every snap of his hips making your body tremble — as will your lungs when his hands grab and knead at your body.
i know, i’m yours “fuck—“ rin grits as he feels the heat of his need for you lick at the base of his spine, he feels warm around his shoulders and if he squeezed his phone any harder he’s convinced it would shatter. but he’s so fucking hard, already wound up at the memory of those same words falling from your pouty lips everytime his cock grazes along the sweet spots inside of you, like a hormone-drunken mantra that only pushes him to fuck you deeper, rougher until he’s all you fucking know.
rinnie <3 : this game won’t take long. don’t move until i get home.
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reo was obsessed with you, truly — it was almost impossible for him to leave you alone in the mornings he had practice, finding himself squeezing and palming at your body as he kissed you goodbye. his pretty little girlfriend who felt so perfect under his touch, who was so responsive when he made sure to kiss your tits goodbye too.
so it’s almost encouraged when he’s barely even there yet and his phone vibrates, a smug smirk resting on his lips when the first good morning message he receives is a pretty little photo of your body — nipples probably still wet from his spit as your hands palm at each. he loved the responses he could pull out of you, almost using them as a way to hide just how needy he was for you.
reo <3 : oh? you miss me already, bunny?
reo’s reply is teasing despite the way he has to press his free palm against his cock — repositioning it so the sudden bulge in his sweats wasn’t so obvious considering he still has to change when he gets to practice. but you were pretty, something that was all his and it was perfect — especially when his text is accompanied by another with your hand pressed between your thighs with a lil mhm, need you back.
reo <3 : you gonna let me spoil you when i get home, yeah? ‘s that what you want?
fuck— he’d let you devour him, to let you use him for your own selfish needs as you lure him between your legs, your hands twisting in his hair as you grind and smear your pussy along his mouth. yeah, doesn’t feel as good when it’s not you. you reply and he smirks, smug as his cock twitches in his sweats, pre-cum smearing along the dampening fabric as he covers his face with his palm.
reo <3 : you can do better than that, bunny. think you can hold out?
he hopes he can, reo wants nothing more than to turn around the car and come back to you — to cover you in even more marks and brands, so everyone knows that you’re his pretty little possession. he knows he can’t but you’ll wait for him, he’s unintentionally broken you that way, spoiling you in the pleasure that only he can give you as you type out another little mhm, hurry though :( followed by a short little video of your fingers sinking into your walls, wishing it was his.
reo <3 : how ‘bout you lemme see more then? wanna see what’s waiting at home for me.
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© 2023 GAROUJO. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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emmg · 14 days
Imagine for a second everyone ends up happy and Lavellan and Solas get back together. Cue Dorian popping a blood vessel.
Dorian: “You’re back with this fuck?"
Lavellan, flustered: "I can explain—"
Dorian: "With this living omelette?"
Lavellan: "It's not—"
Dorian: "This balding crypt keeper with the emotional range of a brick wall and a wardrobe that makes him look like a discount drapery store threw up on him? The same one who poofed away after saying some cryptic shit about I WiSh iT CoUlD vHenAn?"
Solas: “The mark would have—"
Dorian: "Shut the fuck up, cue ball. I don't care if the mark was going to explode, you still look like you wash your clothes in your own self-pity. And you—" jabs a finger at Lavellan, "what’s your excuse? Has it really been so long that the sight of a naked skull and endless 'mystical' speeches turned you on again?"
Lavellan: “It’s more than that—"
Dorian: "More than that?! He abandoned you, took your fucking arm, and now you’re letting him back in your bed? Are you out of your mind or just starved for terrible decisions? You could’ve had anyone. But no, you pick the fade's worst motivational speaker.”
Solas: “Master Pavus, this is between—”
Dorian: “Oh no, don’t even try that ‘Master Pavus’ nonsense with me. You’ve got the emotional depth of a wet mop and a sex appeal that makes a mud pit look enticing. And yet here you are, again, trying to guilt-trip your way back into her pants with your world-saving speeches. What is it, Solas? You gonna whisper sweet nothings about 'the averted apocalypse' this time? Maybe throw in a lecture on why she was just not woke enough to understand your big, tragic plan but it's fine since everything worked out?"
Rook and Emmrich in their happy, non toxic relationship: :0
Solas: "Dorian—"
Dorian: "No, no, shut the fuck up. Seriously, what do you even do that’s remotely appealing? What did you do for the past ten years? Did you just sit there, staring at a wall, philosophizing about how it’s not 'connected to the Fade' while Lavellan was over there, not that far, mind you, actually trying to live her life?"
Lavellan, miserably: “Dorian, please—"
Dorian: "Do you know how many tears she cried over your wrinkly, bald ass? The sleepless nights? And for what? So you could show up with the same damn sad expression, like a dog that got kicked, expecting her to fall right back into your arms? Well, congratulations, you manipulative little twat, it worked. You got her again. But if you think for one second I’m going to sit here and let this farce play out without letting you know exactly what I think—"
Solas: “This is not your concern—"
Dorian, grinning viciously: "Not my concern? Oh, it’s my concern now, you ancient, egg-headed disaster. You took her arm, and now, what? You’re back for the other one too? What’s next? Gonna steal her dignity too? No, wait—" He flips both of them off. "You already did that. Honestly, Lavellan, were you that desperate? Did your standards drop so low that this walking mid-life crisis seemed like a good idea AGAIN?"
Lavellan, trying to hide: "I just thought—"
Dorian: "No, no, you didn't think. You never think when it comes to this pointy-eared monk reject. You just let him walk all over you with his cryptic, brooding bullshit and now here we are—again. Tell me, Lavellan, how many bad life choices does it take before you finally learn not to open your legs to misery?"
Lavellan: “Dorian—”
Dorian, rounding on Solas: "You’ve got some nerve coming back, Solas. You with your ‘oh woe is me, I didn't fix the world so I'll ruin this woman's life instead again’ schtick. And for what? What do you even have to offer besides a fucking headache and a masterclass in celibacy?”
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wwilloww · 3 months
sh. | chapter twenty two | pjm
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PAIRING ot7 x reader RATING Explicit. 18+. GENRE smut. fluff. angst. nonidol au. wildnerness au. roommates au. friends to lovers. SUMMARY Six months of quarantine have kept you apart. Somehow the distance sparks something new in each of you: questions, unfinished conversations, threads once chased now left cold. So when your roommate invites you to come with him to a mysterious house in the mountains with your friends, how could you even think of saying no? WC 4.8k WARNINGS AND TAGS no use of gendered pronouns to refer to reader. consensual objectification. d/s dynamic. over the panty sex (is this just called dry humping?) fucktoy-ification? teasing. orgasm denial.
AN hi :) i'm so sorry i made you wait so long for this. it's been a rollercoaster these last two years, and i hope you can forgive me for my long absence. if you enjoyed this chapter, i'd love to hear from you: what stuck out to you, what you're hoping will happen in future chapters, or just how you've been. i've missed you. and, as always, thank you for reading <3
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You don’t talk or think much about your childhood. You like to imagine that when you turned eighteen those years whispered away into the ether of time, as irrelevant and dusty as the old photobook that stays on the shelf, eternally unopened. 
As a child, home was multiplied and many. It was the many places you lived, as you moved often, following your father around with his job. But it was also many in the sense that you learned at a young age that home didn’t have to be a place you lived. Home was between the worn and finger-marred pages of the books you fell in love with, home was the wisping scent of fresh (if not often burnt) pastry in your grandmother’s kitchen each time you visited, home was the place you yearned to travel to but never made the time to visit. 
But as you close the book in your hands, the words echo in your mind: 
Are you going to come home? 
You feel far away from home, even though you find a great deal of comfort in the walls of Namjoon’s mountain house. Ahem, mansion. Confusion riddles little holes of worry through you. Where is home, anyways? The small apartment you left empty in the city? The question opens a void in you. Why bother with home anyways? Sure, home could be anything if you tried hard enough, but couldn’t the opposite be true too? That if you tried hard enough, you wouldn’t need a home?
Still, void and all, the question nudges you. 
Unsettled, you clamber down the tree and make your way back towards the house. The sun has risen higher in the sky and breaks through the chill ever so slightly. Worried that you’ve just abandoned Jimin this morning and that he’ll wake up alone, you quicken your pace. You creak the door open, waving at Jungkook and Jin and Taehyung in the kitchen, who are huddled over the coffee, waiting for it to finish brewing. 
“A watched pot never boils,” you call out to them, noting that Jungkook looks a little cheerier than he had the past several days. Jin’s hand rests on Jungkook’s lower back and a little wave of joy jolts through you as the older man throws you a little smile. 
“Watching it actually makes it go faster,” Jungkook says, his eyes glued to the coffee. “A little motivation and encouragement always lends a helping hand.” 
You smile at that and continue making your way towards Jimin’s bedroom. You pass one room—a gym of sorts filled with a few cardio machines, a set of free weights, and a large mirror, and you’re surprised you didn’t notice it before—and pause. 
Namjoon is spotting Hoseok as the latter bench presses what looks like an unreasonably heavy weight. 
As you watch them, the dream from last night floods back to you. 
The music filtering through the night. The tightness of each man’s grip on you as they spun you through the ballroom, the floorboards creaking beneath you, the high of attention sitting heady in your chest. 
And too, you can’t forget, the way they stared at each other in single-minded competition, hackles raised, teeth gritted. You can’t forget the darkness that swirled at their feet, and you wonder too, if you’re letting your dream drift into the world of the living too.
But here they are, fondly smiling at one another. Had you made it all up? Well, of course you made it up. It was a regency-era dream for god's sake. But the tension? The competition? As Namjoon helps Hoseok lower the weights to the bar and hauls him to his feet, you’re sure it’s all in your head. 
“Nice, man,” Namjoon says, grinning and clasping Hoseok on the back. 
Before they see you, you continue on. Just as you’re about to open the door to the bedroom you’ve been searching for, it swings open before you. Jimin steps out. 
“Oh. You’re awake!” you say.
“I am indeed.” 
“I’m sorry I left this morning—“ 
“It’s okay,” he says, but there’s a tinge of sadness in his voice, a little dust mote of it that you catch. 
“I went to go read in a tree,” you offer quickly as an explanation, hoping it will make up for the disappointment of waking up alone after not spending a night together in a while. 
“In a tree?” 
“In a tree,” you confirm. 
He chuckles. “That seems like a good enough reason to abandon me. I gotta be honest though—“ He steps closer, lets his gaze flicker down, and toys with the hem of your shirt. “I was looking forward to waking up beside you.” 
“Were you?” you smile. 
“I was. I was even looking forward to potentially getting to wake you up.” He says it with a mischievous grin. 
“Oh? And how would you have woken me up?”
His hand drifts lower, beneath the band of your leggings. “You know, it’s really easier to show you, rather than tell you—” His hands pause. “What’s this?” Jimin sends you a knowing look. 
“What?” Your mind sputters as you struggle to come up with what he might be talking about. But he steps closer to you, a hand drifting down to your hips, a finger pulling your shirt up. With his other hand he plucks at the band of your panties. 
“This,” he emphasizes. 
You’d nearly forgotten the promise you’d made to Jimin. But now it all comes rushing back, how he’d made you promise in those early days in the house to forgo any underwear. At the time it’d been a silly dare, but the seriousness in his eyes makes you reconsider. 
“What? Do I have to remind you every day?” he says gently. “Or perhaps I haven’t been spending enough time around you, and you’ve forgotten your promise to me?”
“N-no,” you say. “I mean maybe. Maybe I want you around more.” You sidle up to him, running a finger up his chest. “Maybe… I want you to remind me.” 
Jimin steps closer to you, pressing you against the bedroom door. You gasp when he leans in close, close enough to kiss you, but doesn’t. 
“I think you forget too quickly that  I told you there’d be a punishment if you ‘forgot’ about our little rule.” 
“Oh?” You tilt your head as you look at him. “What kind of punishment?” Panties or not, it seems like you win. 
“Like I mentioned earlier, I think I’d rather show you than explain it to you. Let’s just say I’m a hands-on kind of teacher.” 
You think he’s going to kiss you, but instead he presses close, his lips a centimeter away from yours, his hands cupping your cheeks before wandering down to explore your body. You reach for him, struggle to bring his lips to yours, but he shifts his attention elsewhere, leaving you hanging. His hands rove over your body, his lips dip out of reach. So you change your plan of attack too. You let your hands wander over him. When you feel his breath quicken against you, you release him, dipping your head below his chin.
You glide your lips down Jimin’s neck, slow and intentional; a calculated move. You let your breath whisper against his skin, and you can’t help but think back to that night with Yoongi and Namjoon in which sensation—even the lightest of touches—had meant so much to you. To your body. You want to play Jimin like they played you. 
His hands tighten in your shirt, knuckles whitening. 
“Inside,” he gasps, and the desperation in his voice makes you think that he’s lost a bit of his fine-tuned control. His eyes are blown wide. He looks like he could eat you up. “Inside,” he repeats, but enacts the command himself as he pulls you through the door with him, making it sound a little more like a plea than you think he intends.
The pair of you tumble onto the bed, a mess of limbs and lips, teeth, hands. 
He captures your lips, finally, kissing you. The kiss is anything but gentle, nearing the edge of pain, his teeth knocking against yours, nipping at your lips. You groan into his mouth as his hips cant against you. 
It’s not long before he begins to tug at your clothes. 
Then he pauses, lifting your head from his lips. You’re sprawled atop him and you lift yourself up on your hands. 
“What?” you inquire curiously.
“I’m going to ask you to do something.” 
With a leveled gaze, he says, “Strip.” 
He pushes you off of him, and you kneel at the foot of the bed, pausing a second, before making the executive decision to stand and undress. It’ll be more, well, graceful that way, you think. The alternative is flopping around on the sheets like a beached hammerhead shark trying to get your pants off. 
So you do as you’re told. There’s something about undressing before him, as he leans back against the headboard, watching you. There’s something about undressing for him, while he watches on, his gaze drinking you in that has sparks running through your body.
Slowly, slowly you slip off your top, and wiggle your leggings off your legs. You try to make it a little sexy, glancing up at him from time to time, to find that warm darkness swirling in his gaze that you love so much. You trip once, because you’re staring too much. 
“Keep the panties on,” he says when you go to pull them down.  
“Oh. Okay.”  Your brow furrows and you can’t help but let a little bit of the disappointment you’re feeling into your voice. You’re a little confused why he would ask you to keep them on when they were the problem that started all of this. 
He stands then, walking towards you. You hold your breath. He finally arrives before you and places his hands on your hips. His fingers toy with the trim of the panties, and goosebumps race along your skin from the delicate touch. 
“What are you going to do?” you ask, your voice breathy.
“You’ll see.” 
With that he hooks a finger under the band of your underwear and lets it snap against your skin. You cry out, more in surprise than anything else. 
“Did that hurt?” 
“No, not really.” 
“Good.” He grins. “Now, I want you to be honest.” 
“I’m always honest.” You correct yourself: “Most of the time. Most of the time I’m always honest.” 
Jimin chuckles at that. 
“Fair enough. But I need your most-of-the-time-always honesty now.” You nod, your hand drifting upward to grip his forearm. 
“Of course.” 
“I want to try something out with you. Something new.” 
“A new kind of play.”
Your mind reels with the possibilities. What could he possibly suggest? Chastity kink? Tittyfucking? Technojizz? Ballcuzzi?  
“I want to use you like a toy,” he whispers. “I want to fuck you like a toy. I want to talk to you like a toy, treat you like one.” Your eyes widen when he says it. His eyes go wide too, drinking in your every microexpression, as he waits for you to respond. 
“A toy?” 
“Where did this come from?” you say it with a little smile, and trace your finger along his jawline. He relaxes at the touch. 
“I saw the way you reacted during group play. When Jin was talking to you, saying things like, ‘You want to be our slut. You want to be our whore.’” Just hearing Jimin repeating Jin’s words sends a shiver through your body. “He didn’t say it like I would have said it, but I knew he wanted to.” He presses his lips to your ear while his hands rove over your body. “You want to be our toy, don’t you?”  
The answer is easy. “Yes.” 
“You want to be used by us, don’t you?” 
He chuckles. “That’s what I thought. So tell me. Tell me what you want to be.” 
“I want to be your toy.” 
“Good.” He grins. 
He lets his hand drift down to your underwear again, fingers trailing along the inside the elastic hem before plucking at them once more. He seems to like the way you flinch. 
His fingers wander down your skin. He traces your hip, before flicking his fingers beneath the hem that circles your thigh. Slowly, he creeps closer to where you want his fingers most, but before he can touch you, he pulls his fingers away. You nearly groan, and a fleeting grimace crosses your face. Jimin catches it. 
“Patience would look so pretty on you,” he says, and the sting of his words is delightful. 
His fingers continue to explore the thin piece of fabric that separates you from total nudity. They’re not a particularly pretty pair of underwear: they’re nothing more than a tan color brief. 
You say as much to Jimin, and tell him you wish you were wearing something sexier. Lace, maybe. Something black. 
“True,” he replies. “But you know why I like these?” 
“Because I can see you dripping through them.” 
You warm at the implication.   
“And when I push my cock against them, I’ll see me on them too. I’m a visual man, you know.” He kind of chuckles at that last bit, like it’s some sort of inside joke with himself. 
When he drops to his knees, like that first day in the forest with him, you gasp. Finally, finally, he’s going to touch you. 
But when his tongue presses against you through the fabric of your underwear, it’s only half the sensation you need from him. Still, it feels good, a gentle warmth spreading through your abdomen as he licks and presses against your clit and vulva. 
“You taste so good,” he murmurs against you. 
“You’ve soaked your panties through.” 
You warm at the thought, such little stimulation getting you so ready for him. You wonder if he’ll fuck you hard and fast or if he’ll take you sweet and slow. If he’ll take his time with you. Whatever he decides to do, you know you’ll be happy to have him fill you as you currently clench and tighten around nothing. It’s an empty feeling that sifts through you. 
When he’s thoroughly soaked your underwear with his mouth, he stands and kisses you. You can taste the ghost of yourself on him, and it reminds you of the smell of first summer light hitting the ground at dawn. A space when it is neither day, nor night, but some third plane of existence. Like that, in this moment, you feel like some third kind of creature. Neither yourself entirely, nor Jimin, but some other, third thing that you could only become in his presence. You can feel the shit-eating grin that glides across his lips and presses into yours as he walks backwards, leading you back to the bed. 
There’s something different, too, about all of this, about the way he kisses you today. There’s an edge of desperation, of frustration that you can taste on him. His movements are quicker, less languid. His lids are lidded. His breath comes quicker.  It’s delightful. 
But it’s also brand new. It feels like he has let a part of himself loose from under his usual state of control, and you wonder if your most recent conversation with your friends—where you discussed emotionality and feeling—had anything to do with what he was going through. What he wanted. 
An edge of anxiety tickles at your throat as you think of it. Does he want something more? 
He seems to notice your hesitation. 
“I just want you right now,” he says, as if he’s read your mind. He stops you at the edge of the bed, turns you so that the back of your knees hit the mattress.  You’re not sure if he’s a mind reader or what. 
You fall back into the bed, Jimin leading you down gently with a hand against your back until you sink into the soft bedding. You can’t help but giggle at the gentleness. Not that you have anything against it, but in this moment you feel anything but a toy. The way he looks at you makes you feel, well, precious. 
He breaks his gaze to kiss you again, tongue pressing against your lips. 
“Open up for me,” he says. “Like a good kitten—Like a good toy.” 
You do as you’ve been told, opening your mouth and letting him swirl his tongue through you, swiping at the roof of your mouth and sending tingles down your spine. 
His hands drift down your body before slipping beneath your panties. You glow, so eager for his touch, groaning as his fingers swipe against your clit. Just once. But as if he’s just realized a mistake he’s made, he rapidly pulls his hand out. 
“Oops. Got a little caught up.” 
You pout. “What, you’re not going to touch me like that? There? At all?” 
He pulls back enough to flick his gaze between your eyes and your lips. “Be a good toy and just do what you’re told.” 
“Oh?” The bratty part of you flickers and rises up.
He silences you with a kiss, his fingers circling around your clothed entrance before trying to press in through the thin fabric of your underwear. It’s like he’s trying to finger fuck you through the wet cotton, pushing it into you with his fingers. The pressure surely is something, but it’s not even a hint of enough, and you find your hips bucking up against him, seeking more attention, seeking more pressure. 
“So needy. So desperate.” 
He continues until the yearn within you aches.
“Stop playing,” you gasp. “Just give me your cock. Want you. Want your cock. I’ll be your toy, just–just use me like one.” 
“Don’t good toys say please?” 
“Please, sir.”
He freezes above you. 
“I—I… It just slipped out!” 
He grins. “I kinda like it.” He hums, as if contemplating it, then nods. “And since you’ve asked so nicely—“  
Jimin leans back enough to begin unbuttoning his shirt. He takes his time, while the knot in your belly begins to recede. You sit up, eager to help him out of it, but he quickly swats your hands away. 
“Patience, kitten.” 
You don’t say it, but your crossed arms and pout say, “Fine, sir,”  loud and clear. He laughs at your expression. 
“Don’t you worry,” he says, tilting your chin up. “I’ve always taken care of you, haven’t I?” 
He takes his cock out, stroking it once, twice, his hand gliding expertly over the soft and sensitive skin. 
“I’m going to use you like you’re good for.”
“Like I’m good for?” You echo, desperate for him. 
“All you’re good for,” he whispers in your ear and the words send a shiver of pleasure down your spine.  
With one hand, he takes your ankles and pushes them over your head.
“Hold them.” 
He then settles between your legs, hand wrapped tightly around his cock. With a movement that seems far too familiar to him, he slaps your pussy with his hard and dripping cock, and you groan. Fuck. 
Lowering himself to you, so your thighs press into his shoulders, he finally aligns his cock with your clothed vulva. 
And then with one careful movement, he grinds against you. The simple movement is enough to make you cry out. 
“Fuck, Jimin.” 
At first it’s slow, his cock pressing against your vulva in rhythmic pulses, your clit. At one point he pulls back and presses the head of his cock to your clothed entrance and presses in. 
You whine against him, but he doesn’t acknowledge you. He simply returns to continuing his thrusts. You’re just as wet as he is hard, soaking your panties, his precome painting them too. 
“Maybe I would have woken you up like this. Wouldn’t you have liked that? Waking up to my hard cock pressing against your clit, me ready to come, just from rutting against you? Wouldn’t that make you happy, to know how good you make me feel?”
You look down to where your bodies are pressed together. His cock rhythmically pokes up, the head dark and heavy. Sometimes though, the head of his cock gets stuck on your underwear, pushing the fabric higher and tighter around you. You groan at the sight. 
“Don’t you love how good you make me feel?”  
Your hips buck together, finding a desperate, shared rhythm. Your breath, too, matches up. 
For a moment, your eyes lock. All you can think about is how damn pretty he looks when he fucks, his dark hair falling into his face, his cheeks flushed, his plush lower lip caught between his teeth. And he looks back. 
But then his eyes flicker away from yours. 
He fucks you over your panties, murmuring how good of a toy you are for him, how he wishes he could fuck you properly, fill you up.
“Please,” you gasp, desperate for more. “Fuck me.”
“When you behave,” he grunts. “I will.” Another thrust. “When you follow my rules, I will.” 
When he comes, he presses the head of his cock to your clit. You can feel it twitching against you as he groans and sighs, his come painting your panties white. 
With the head of his cock pressing so rhythmically against your clit, you’ve built up to a delicious pleasure, so close to coming. 
“Jimin, Jimin, I’m so close. Please.” Your hips tilt up, searching out the pleasure he keeps denying you. 
But Jimin just grins at you and sighs dramatically. His breath still comes a little quickly, he seems a little winded.  
“If only you hadn’t been so intent on misbehaving earlier. Maybe I could have let you come.” 
“Oh, come on,” you groan, about a second away from throwing your fists on the bed in proper tantrum form. “You’re in charge. You write the rules. Who said you can’t let me come?” 
“The rules I wrote say so, actually.” 
You huff. 
“Well then. Maybe I’ll just have to take care of it myself.” 
In a swift action, Jimin leans over you, pinning your hands above your head. Your breath leaves your lungs in a quick gasp. 
“I think you know you’re not even supposed to be thinking about that, let alone doing it.” 
You tilt your head.
Jimin laughs, a hint of playful hardness in his voice. “Don’t you remember?” You shake your head. “You’re forgetting all of your promises today, aren’t you? Jin had you promise that you wouldn’t be coming unless it was because of one of us.” 
Your eyes widen. 
“Shit. I forgot.” 
“I know you forgot.” 
You throw your head back and groan. “But I thought you said you’d always take care of me.” 
“I did. And I do. But sometimes it’s good for you to wait a little for your reward. Today you took your punishment—” He tilts your head up so you’re looking at him and the pout that had taken over your face fades a little. “And tomorrow, I’ll give you your reward.” 
You roll your eyes. 
“You think you can do that? Wait until tomorrow?” 
“Yeah.” You sigh. 
“You’re so good for me,” he says, pressing a kiss to your lips. His hands glide down to your hips, dipping beneath the band and you think, oh, maybe he’ll do it now. But your hopes are quickly dashed when he tugs on them and says, “Maybe it was a good thing I had you wear these afterall.” He shimmies your come-stained underwear down your thighs. “Easy cleanup.” 
You can’t help but laugh at that, always surprised when Jimin’s practical side pops out alongside his gregariousness. But he balls the panties up, and before tossing them into the laundry basket near the door, holds them up in his hand, shaking them, as if directing attention to them. 
 “I should remind you why I asked you to do this?” 
“I know why you asked me to. You liked the secret of it—?” You think back to what he had said to you, all those days ago, though it feels like a lifetime ago:
“I like walking around, knowing I’m the only one who has your sweetness on my tongue. I love talking to the others while getting to taste you still. Getting to remember the way you squirm underneath my touch. I do it because I want to.”
You still shiver, thinking of those words. But that had been before everyone knew about you and Jimin. 
“I did like the secret of it,” Jimin says, breaking through your reverie. “But there’s more than that, too.” 
You raise an eyebrow, prompting him to go on. 
“There’s knowing you do it for me.” 
He grins, before strutting to the bathroom. You watch his ass as he goes. Plump, you think. When he returns, he’s cleaned up and still grinning. Mulling on what he’s said—”for me”—an image of all eight of you on the living room floor arises. What are the boundaries between one person and another with this set up? What are the lines? What is owed? Your head spins, and you settle into the pillow. You’re still humming in the sensation of your dwindling pleasure, receding far away from your orgasm, and you sigh. 
“If the only way people are going to punish one another around here is by giving them blue balls, I’m going to get tired reeeeal quick,” you murmur to yourself.
“Is that so?” Jimin says from behind you as he collects your clothes. “If that’s the case, we better start coming up with new forms of punishment.” 
“Yes, maybe you should,” you say, mock-grouchily. 
“I’ll start thinking up new and innovative ways. Maybe I’ll consult Jin—he seems creative when it comes to this stuff—especially if you’re going to be so quick to forget what you promised him.” He helps you into your clothes again, but remains naked himself. 
“No buts.” He seals your silence with a kiss. “Just do what you’re told.” The statement stings through you like a bolt of electricity. As much as you hate to admit it, you love when he tells you what to do. Even if you love fighting against it just as much. “You know why you should do what you’re told?” He continues, as he kisses down your throat.
“Because then I can reward you. I can make you come again and again until you’re crying to stop, or hold you at the edge long enough that when you’re finally ready to tip over, it’s the best fucking orgasm in your whole life.” 
You can’t help but giggle. “Are you saying you’re the best fuck of my life?” 
“No. Not yet. But I can be.” He pulls away from you enough to see the shit-eating grin on your face. 
“I think some of your friends might fight you for that position.” 
“Maybe they should.” 
“Maybe they should what?” a voice comes from the door. 
Hoseok stands in the doorway, a confused look on his face. You imagine what he must be seeing, a naked Jimin in bed, and you, now entirely naked, too, now that Jimin stripped you of your panties, tangled up in each other. 
“What’s going on here?” Hoseok asks. 
“Do you really want to know?” Jimin asks.
“Um. Not really.” Then his gaze focuses on you. He lingers on your face, reading you, trying to figure you out. But then he catches himself. “Uh, maybe I should come back later.” 
“No!” you say, perhaps a little too eagerly, sitting up. “What is it?” 
“I just was looking for you,” Hoseok says, a little shyly. “I was hoping to steal you away.”  
“Let me get dressed.” 
You stand up, and pull your clothes back on, noting how Hoseok’s gaze flickers to you just in time to see you pull on your leggings without any panties on underneath.  
Jimin sits up quickly, pulling a pillow over his crotch for the sake of Hoseok’s modesty. “Just so you know—if you’re going to go together—I already said that if someone was going to wear panties that someone wasn’t going to be able to come.” He turns to you. “So don’t you go running off to lover boy, thinking you can get your rocks off.” Jimin turns his attention back to Hobi. “This one is very much not allowed to come. At least for the rest of the day.” 
Hoseok coughs. 
“Oh, I, uh, I wasn’t, I wasn’t presuming.” 
“Yes you were, asshole,” Jimin laughs. “We’re all presuming.” 
Hoseok flushes red all the way to the tips of his ears at the implication, but you find it charming. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” Hoseok says.
You glance at Jimin, who leans back with his hands laced behind his head. He looks like the perfect image of relaxation and… is that pride? There’s a soft smile curving at the corner of his lip, a kind of jesting smirk. 
“Go on,” Jimin says. “I’m already taken care of.” 
You roll your eyes. 
But you stand and make your way to Hoseok nonetheless. 
“You have time?” he asks.
“I have all the time in the world.” 
← || series m.list || →
©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
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battlekidx2 · 7 months
I'm making this post purely to shout out some incredibly talented fanfic writers from the Hazbin Hotel fandom and my favorite works of theirs.
Did anyone ask me for this? No. Will I post it anyway? Absolutely. The writers in this fandom are too good.
The first fanfic writer I want to shout out is @prince-liest (ao3 link)
I absolutely love their get cared for idiot (Alastor) series (not the official name but they called it that in one of their asks jokingly so it's now the default in my head).
Knock, Knock! It's Your Worst Fucking Nightmare! (this fic gets it!!!! This is what I meant when I said Alastor is growing a heart and part of him is raging against it. He still has ulterior motives and a massive amount of pride and part of him feels like that growing fondness is getting in the way, but he can't stop it. I need to stop before this becomes a long ramble. I've written a couple thousand words on this idea, but this fic is just a better use of your time than any meta I could ever write and way more entertaining :D )
Happily Ever After, and Other Shit Nepotism Can't Buy
The Last Bus Stop in Hell, Now Boarding (Please look at the tags for content warning. Angel and Alastor body swap story.)
They're amazing at balancing on that razor's edge with Alastor where there's a heart in there (really deep) and he's unintentionally growing attached to the hazbin crew, but he doesn't lose his edge. He's still manipulative and an asshole and can easily be the scariest guy in any room. He's in hell for a reason. A+ characterization at all times.
They're so good at writing the complicated dynamics he has with the residents, especially Charlie, and I enjoy how they expand on Alastor's potential dynamic with Angel Dust.
Anything they write from Lucifer's POV is gold too! My favorites are:
Take Two and Leave a Voicemail!
The Care and Keeping of Homo Angelus
I am also 100% here for their Aro!Alastor agenda and I'm enjoying their fic I Love Her, I Love Her Not so far!
The second person I want to shout out is @grayintogreen (ao3 link)
Their series Red Roses and Dead Things consistently gut punches me.
Just like Princeliest, they are also fantastic at balancing on that razor's edge with Alastor. A+ characterization for everyone and I love how they write HuskerDust. It's so soft, especially in the aftermath fic for Learn that Even Death May Die called If My Love Is Tomorrow, I've Forgotten Yesterday (that fic hurt in the best way).
The way they explore the aftermath of Learn that Even Death May Die is incredibly impactful. They capture the unique grief that comes from the reality that there are some things you won't get closure for so well that it's painful.
I can't say enough good things about their series. Genuinely go read it.
I found @lediz-watches (ao3 link) before the first season of Hazbin Hotel dropped (I've been a fan of the hellaverse for a few years now and have been enthralled with the Hazbin Hotel pilot since I first watched it in 2020) and I really enjoy their fics.
My favorite is Suffering Kindness. I love the Charlie and Alastor dynamic they explore in this story. I think I'm just a sucker for the Charlie and Alastor dynamic in general, but this fic hits all the right notes for me. (written pre-season 1 but man is it good. 100% recommend)
LeDiz also has a lot of one-shots/collections of one-shots that are very fun.
The Cure for Inexorable Boredom
Dollface (one-shots about Alastor theories. My favorite is the 3rd one. So fascinating!)
Choice Words (one of the few explorations of Alastor and Vaggie's dynamic that I've found in the fandom)
Don't Say It
I have to shout out @ckret2 (ao3 link) and their phenomenal fic You’ve Got a Face for Radio. This is such an amazing aroace!Alastor fic. (Embarrassingly it was this fic that made me realize I was most likely aroace myself. I’d had fleeting moments of suspecting it but it wasn’t until I saw my experiences laid out in a character explicitly written to be aroace that I put the puzzle pieces together. -_- some of these passages were too relatable.) I cannot express how much I love this fic.
I also like their fics Dumpster Baby and Bitter Grapes.
I have one last writer I want to mention because this is getting really long (whoops). The last one is tiredoflofteranditsshit and their Assume He Has a Heart series (because my favorite character and how I interpret them was not obvious enough already with the fics/authors I've recommended. I had to make it more obvious).
These fics are massive (17k and 26k words) and so much fun. Definitely worth the read. Yet another series that follows up season 1 and explores Alastor’s growing connections and how he lies to himself and pushes against it. Love this series and there’s a lot to sink your teeth into :D
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
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How Do You Love? ft. Gepard Landau, Sampo Koski
General relationship headcanon.
Tags: separate, mostly fluff but there are some suggestive things mentioned in Sampo's
A/N: I have like 4 people asking for this I hope I did this right
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With All Of His Heart: Gepard Landau
Gepard is a soft, gentle lover. He enjoys walks, quick kisses in public, and holding your hand whenever you’re within his proximity. But he’s also fierce and passionate. As a Landau his commitment to a relationship goes far and beyond - and that is a promise he gave you when he first took hold of your hand.
When it comes to work, unfortunately, Gepard will prioritize his duty over you. He will prioritize a call from the Supreme Guardian over your dates, apologizing profusely while peppering your face with regretful kisses or paragraphs of apology, before he went off to finish his duty. As his lover, he hoped that you would be patient with him. He loves you, truly, but in a world like Jarilo-VI and in a city like Belobog, if he were to fall, the fate of the entire population on the planet would be doomed as well.
Although if it’s something more casual like perhaps a call from his subordinate - he can slack off a little and pass on the duty to someone else capable like perhaps Dunn, or even his sister if he’s in a pinch. He values his job, yes, but he still loves you, so any minor work that comes outside of his schedule or responsibility will go to someone else.
That being said, when he makes up for all the times lost due to his deployment in the Frontline, Gepard pays extra attention to your dates and your meet-ups, as well as behind closed doors. He holds you more often, his grip lingers and leaves a trail of comforting warmth against Belobog’s eternal coldness, he clings to you more. His most common action is having his arms around you from the back or the front and burying his head onto the crook of your neck.
Gepard honors his duty to protect the people, but.. He doesn’t mind indulging in your protection every now and then. At the start of your relationship he won’t say that he likes being held by you, but further into it, he will be shameless in asking for you to hold him in private. He likes putting his head close to your chest, hearing your heartbeat, having you hold him so close, caressing him so carefully, in fear that he might break any second. He enjoy your gentle loving, and your warm, protective embrace around him.
Little gifts and dates are obvious! Since the Overworld and the Underworld don't really have much ‘trinkets’, next to freshly grown flowers, most of his gifts to you are handmade (with the help of his sister). Hair clips, gloves, scarf, or even jackets, his gifts are often something that you can wear. He doesn’t admit to it, and no one really takes notice, but Gepard seems to really enjoy the idea of his gifts being somewhat of use to you even if he's away. Distance, can't really keep him away from you if he knows that you'll always have yourself wrapped with gifts sewn by his own hands.
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With All Sense Of Belonging: Sampo Koski
Ah Sampo Koski, local troublemaker, shady businessman, what else.. Oh, and a flirt. Fortunately, despite his irresistible charm and overwhelming presence, Sampo doesn’t really flirt much. He persuades people, yes, but he rarely uses flirtation or other people’s feelings to get what he wants. So when he flirts with you, you know he already has his eyes on you deep.
Though it’s easy to suspect his motive, but based on his own version of Preservation, his intention finally got through to you after many, many, many unfortunate attempts on your side of ignoring his charm and smile, as well as his for almost being caught several times by Gepard in suspicion of harassing you. All in all, good for you! You’ve landed a fortunate hit dating him now!
Sampo doesn’t look like it but he’s an easily jealous man. He trusts you wholeheartedly, yes, he just doesn't trust whoever it is that dares to approach you with further intent. A hand that was placed on your lower back now sneaked to pull you closer by your waist, and his ever easygoing smile switched to something more.. Threatening, as Threatening as he could make it.
Talk about threatening, it's uncommon for his 'rivals' to attempt to use you to throw him off of his game. Telling him the various bad things they may do to you should he try to further be a pain in their business. Sampo has no worries, of course. Sure it boils his blood that they even dare to think of using you to get to him - but he has his ways. Whether he has to use his own weapon to draw the necessary conclusions, or should he call for a favor from the Trailblazer, either way, for you, he's willing to do anything. 
He likes taking you on various walks! Sampo is a very adventurous individual, how else would he be able to tread the mazes that are the Underground and the Overworld if it's not for his highly experienced human compassion? He uses this opportunity away from you to find various spots where you can view the scenery of Belobog, above and below, in the most beautiful way possible. To see a beautiful garden of raw untouched Geomarrow, or even a beautiful night sky that is just located at the outskirts of Belobog, he'll take you to places that can stop your breath for a moment.
Sampo doesn't have any 'vulnerable' side. Even to you, he acted mostly the same. Albeit more clingy, and more touchy with his hands and his lips. Although perhaps there is a side to him that you managed to unfold - that is him, being overly possessive of you.
Sampo likes to mark things that belong to him. Living a life such a his can lead to him having to part with mortal rich and people on occasion, just to keep himself going at a stable pace. So when he has you, when you've bound yourself to him in this so-called deal of a relationship, he doesn't want to let you go, ever.
So he'll mark you. Whether it be physically with his teeth or giving you accessories to match himself, he'll do it. PDA is something that he shamelessly would do - unless you wish otherwise. He will always have his hand on you one way or another, a hand on your thigh, a hand on your lower back, around your waist or shoulder, his chest pressing up on your back - anything. If he's near, he will touch you. Kisses are also common, on the cheek, lips, hands, sometimes someone will have to tear him away from you to keep him focused on the task at hand - he can't help it! You're so tempting and he just wants to be near you!
In that final note, someone has definitely caught you two being.. Intimate before. Was it by accident or did he purposely stage for the specific person to see? Who knows. Just be prepared for a lot of things to come when you're with him.
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hard-core-super-star · 4 months
Random thought popped into my head but it's about vampire Kate x reader. What if reader was a witch of some sort who got her heart broken because Kate is an fboy and became terrified and left when she realized how much she loved the reader but came crawling back a year later because she needed reader's witchy help and they ended up casually flirting because they clearly still have feelings for each other and stuff
ain't that the kicker [K.Bishop]
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pairing: vampire!kate x reader
summary: the morning after your late-night encounter with kate doesn't go quite as planned...and neither does the day after that or the day after that. [aka you and kate have way more issues than you thought]
warnings: none, i think?; did somebody order angst?; so much tension, you need more than one knife; i rob you of a longer wanda scene; cliffhanger ending because this got too long; weird vampire powers that are badly explained; very long dream sequences; a surprising lack of actual vampire stuff [i badly need to rewatch first kill]; idiots in love but emphasis on the idiots!
wodcount: 3.2k
a/n: hey everyone, my motivation was pretty dead for a while but, unsurprisingly, vampire kate brought it back! and before you all freak out, YES! THERE WILL BE ANOTHER PART! and maybe it'll be less sad and more spicy, who knows? anyway, thank you so much for sticking with me and my constant disappearing act. my second year at university is wrapping up so hopefully you’ll see more of me this summer ;) that's all i have to say, hope you enjoy <3
part one | part three | part four
* * * * * * *
Saying going home with Kate Bishop had been a bad idea would be a massive understatement.
You knew being alone with the heir of Bishop Security would come with problems but the problems all seemed relatively small compared to the continuous waves of pleasure you had been under all night.
To be fair, though, you never expected a grainy picture of you on Kate's lap to be part of that list of problems. You had expected some awkwardness from the charming brunette, the usual "we can't do this again" speech while actively making out in some random storage closet, maybe even some weird looks from your co-workers to further complicate things.
Your original plan had featured everything except you going viral overnight and waking up to the biggest PR disaster to ever hit Bishop Security. (Which is saying a lot considering the many one-night stand scandals Kate always finds herself wrapped up in)
You had so many ideas of what the morning after would be like but none of them included you waking up to an empty bed and a large pit in your stomach that tells you you fucked up big time.
Maybe it had been your fault, maybe you had been too naive for thinking you could really have it all.
Or maybe Kate was right. Maybe she had a longer list of enemies than you had been willing to entertain.
There were far too many “maybe’s” in your mind, an overwhelming amount of notifications on your phone, and you had no idea where Kate had gone.
You’re not sure how long you spend scrolling through Twitter and avoiding all the texts filled with unanswerable questions from your co-workers but eventually, you manage to regain control of yourself and get up from the archer’s ridiculously comfortable bed. You do your best to ignore how shaky your legs are as you get dressed, your mind unfortunately drifting to the night before.
You manage to find your way to the kitchen where there's a full spread of, slightly burnt, breakfast waiting for you. Your heart swells as you read the messy handwriting on the post-it note next to the biggest stack of pancakes you’ve ever seen.
Morning, sunshine. I didn’t know what you were in the mood for so I made a bit of everything. Eat as much as you can, you’ll need a lot of food and water to recover from last night ;) - Kate
It’s impossible to stop the wave of relief that crashes into you after reading that.
As impossible as it feels, you allow yourself to believe things will be fine. That Kate will stick by your side after opening up to you about her supernatural abilities.
But the fantasy doesn’t last long.
You’re halfway through your breakfast when you hear the front door slam shut with so much force you briefly wonder if the hinges came off. It takes no more than fifteen seconds for the archer to appear in front of you, her shoulders tense and an unreadable storm in her eyes.
Her posture already tells you the answer to the question forming on your lips but you ask anyway. “Everything okay?”
She seems almost startled by the sound of your voice as if hearing you makes you real.
It makes the mess you’re both in real.
“No,” she sighs. “I have some shitty news.”
“Shittier than being called a slut by all of New York?” You reply, unable to stop the urge to make her smile.
Kate doesn’t fully smile but she does let out a small chuckle, her shoulders dropping into a less tense position as the sound escapes her. “Yeah…shittier than that.”
You should’ve known where the conversation was headed. Should’ve realized there was no way you’d be able to have it all. No way for you to continue with your life as if nothing had happened.
Maybe you are too naive because you truly didn’t see her next sentence coming.
“y/n…I have to fire you and we...we can’t do this again. This has to be goodbye.”
Everything crashes into you at once.
The realization of what you’ve actually done, the stupid ease with which Kate is cutting you out of her life, the betrayal of her practically kicking you out onto the streets. You’re not an idiot, you know there’s no way you’ll be able to keep your apartment, your humble yet expensive life in New York, without your job.
Without her.
“You…you’re serious? You’re throwing me out just like that?”
“It’s not easy for me either-”
“It looks pretty damn easy, Kate.” You scoff.
“You’re not the one who spent her whole morning getting chewed out by her mom.” Her words come out like an afterthought, like she knows just how badly she’ll fuck up if you hear the annoyance behind them.
Unfortunately for her, you hear her loud and clear.
“Oh, come on. That’s your excuse? You had one bad conversation with your mom and suddenly I don’t mean anything?”
She doesn’t reply and her silence only serves to stoke the flames of fury and resentment rising within your chest.
“Do you know how many death threats I’ve gotten in the last hour? How many coworkers have tried to blackmail me already? Do you understand just how much of my life this has ruined? And you have the audacity to act like you have it hard?”
“Don’t pretend like you know anything about my life,” she spits back. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it, Katherine. If I didn’t know you, if you didn’t care, why the hell did you tell me your dirty little secret?”
She blinks, taken aback by the hard-hitting truth you throw her way.
If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t notice the way she nervously fidgets with her fingers or the way she bites down on her lower lip while she tries to come up with something to say. If you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t know she’s hurting underneath.
You do know her, though, but knowing her isn’t enough if she’s not willing to let you stay.
So, because you do know her…you walk away.
It feels like giving up in the most infuriating of ways but it’s the only thing you can do. If Kate’s mind is made up, there’s no amount of reason that will get her to change. That’s another thing about her you’ve learned the hard way.
So you swallow your pride and walk away with no plan, no job, no way of supporting yourself. If you were a more spiteful person, you would have applied for a job at Stark Industries but instead, you do the second hardest thing you’ve ever done.
You restart.
It’s a bitter defeat and still, you pack up your things and pay an old friend a visit.
You had left Wanda behind after the Westview fiasco but she’s the only person you can think of running to after your entire life went up in flames. All it takes is one quick spell and the realization that a life without dark magic isn’t one you can live before you’re standing on the porch of her small cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Saying she’s disappointed would be an understatement, especially since she explicitly warned you not to fall in love with Kate Bishop. It’s hard to believe the witch knew about Kate’s vampire secret but you also wouldn’t be surprised if she knew what awaited you the second you left for New York.
Unfortunately, you had to learn things the hard way.
You could write multiple books on everything you’ve learned the hard way.
At the top of that list, though, is the true extent of a certain archer’s vampire powers.
It takes less than a month for Kate to reach you again…through your dreams. Dreams that feel far too real and leave you a tad bit more breathless than you’ll ever be willing to admit.
The first time it happens, you assume it’s one of Wanda’s new tricks, maybe it’s her way of helping you cope with what (or rather who) you’ve left behind. You think it’s weird but maybe a tad bit sweet and you make a mental note to ask her about it in the morning.
It’s not until you realize that you’re actively thinking that you start to worry.
To make matters worse, you’re inside Kate’s apartment…and she quite literally stumbles out of her bedroom to see you standing in the middle of her living room.
“Oh, shit.” She groans.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of her voice. You know you’re just dreaming and yet it all feels so real. It’s like you can feel her eyes on you, hear the way your heart won’t stop pounding in your ears.
Your confusion must be written all over your face because she answers your question before you can even ask it.
“Yes, you are dreaming but this isn’t like a normal dream.”
“What the fuck happened to you not being a mind reader?” You blurt out.
You wait for that stupid smirk of hers to appear, maybe with a half-assed shrug and a semi-charming joke, but it never comes. “My dream, my rules, I guess.”
“That still doesn’t explain what’s going on.”
A beat of silence goes by before she sort of gives you an answer. “I can explain but you might hate me afterwards.”
The look in her eyes says more than you can possibly handle right now. You’ve never known Kate to be particularly insecure but all you can see in those blue depths is fear and insecurity. Fear that your feelings for her have changed, that you already hate her and never want to hear from her again.
Too bad you’ve never been good at lying.
“Try me.”
The corners of her mouth quirk up into a small smile. “Long story short, we’re bonded. That’s why we’re in each other’s dreams.”
There’s a bigger question to be asked but you’re still a little freaked out by how real this all feels. By how intense your feelings for her still are.
“But this isn’t like a normal dream, is it?”
“Nope, perks of having vampire powers.”
“So, you can do everything except read minds?” You can’t help but tease her like all the times before. “That sucks.”
“Shut up,” she says with an over-dramatic roll of her eyes.
A calm silence falls over both of you and you hate how normal it feels. How just like that, you forget your anger and the betrayal you’ve felt every minute since the day you left New York in favor of falling for her stupidly enchanting self all over again.
It doesn’t help that with every second, the distance between you gets smaller and smaller.
You don’t know who takes the first step, all you know is you blink and suddenly she’s standing right in front of you, those soft blue eyes of hers searching for the truth you can’t hide.
“y/n,” she murmurs, her hand tentatively reaching out to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you wanted.”
She’s technically not wrong, leaving because of her incapability to deal with her feelings was the last thing you wanted, but it’s not like you had any other choice.
She didn’t give you any other choice.
And now she’s here, staring at you with that wounded puppy look she so effortlessly embodies.
“I wanted you,” you whisper in response. “When are you going to get that through your thick skull?”
She chuckles, the sound warm but nervous. Her hand moves to cup your face and her touch is so soft, it leaves you breathless for a moment. “Never, I’m too stubborn for that, remember?”
You can’t help but tease her as the atmosphere shifts into something more affectionate than you’d like. “How could I forget? It’s your worst trait.”
“Ouch. Is that how you treat your favorite vampire?”
“Aw, poor little vampire baby.”
You wait for her to make one of her usual jokes but she doesn’t.
Instead, her eyes drift down to your lips and your mind instantly goes blank.
There’s an endless list of reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it isn’t a bad idea. Then again…when has that ever stopped you from being with Kate Bishop?
It’s subtle but you lean forward just enough to give her the invitation she’s too much of a gentleman to ask for. Her eyes widen the slightest bit before she meets you in the middle, the space between your lips becoming nonexistent in the span of a few seconds.
You try your hardest to hold on to your self control, to not seem as desperate as you’ve felt since that first night, but it’s useless. Your hands grip the front of her shirt in an attempt to pull her closer despite how insane everything is.
You’re simply dreaming and yet you can feel every touch, every breath, every desperate effort to make your desires a reality. You would feel embarrassed if Kate wasn’t acting the same way.
Her lips leave yours only to trail down to your neck, her fangs instantly teasing the sensitive skin she finds. The anticipation builds inside your chest as she toys with you and it’s all you can do not to beg for more.
“Kate.” Her name leaves your lips in the form of a whisper that disappears just as fast as it formed.
All you hear is her sharp intake of breath before it all fades to black.
Your eyes snap open and you’re greeted with the absolute silence you’re starting to associate with Wanda’s cabin. All you can do is lay there in the darkness, your heart pounding in your ears while your fingers trace the spot Kate’s lips had just been on.
It had all felt so real and now you’re all alone again. It shouldn’t be surprising at this point and yet you still hold on to the hope Kate will come looking for you.
But she doesn’t.
All she does is haunt your dreams in the most literal way possible. She doesn’t come to find you and fix your many, many issues, instead, she simply appears in your dreams long enough to send your mind reeling without offering any solutions.
You wish you could hate her for doing this to you but you can’t.
You love her.
Worse than that, you love her more and more each night. Even though it’s not nearly enough to heal any of your wounds, and maybe it only serves to hurt you more, it’s definitely addicting.
Wanda offers to help you sever the connection between you and Kate, something about a spell she read in the Darkhold being her only assurance that she knows what she’s doing. You don’t fully trust her on that but you do consider the option for longer than you want to admit.
You reason with yourself that there are much worse things to deal with on a daily basis than highly realistic dreams, though. That being bonded to a vampire isn't the worst thing in the world.
And maybe that would be true…if the vampire in question wasn't Kate Bishop.
You don't know what possesses you to ask but the question slips out in the middle of another midnight rendezvous. It’s been a little over two month since you moved away from New York, a little over two months since you've shared these weird dreams with Kate, when you finally ask.
“What exactly did you do for us to be bonded to each other?”
The question must catch her off guard given the way her eyes widen in panic. “What?”
“You said these weird dreams happen because we’re bonded or something but you never explained how that happened.” You watch the brunette from your spot on the couch and impatiently wait for a response, for something that will help you make sense of everything.
She swallows back her nervousness but gives herself away due to the way she fidgets with the rings on her hand. “Oh, yeah, that…it’s because I bit you that night in my apartment…remember?”
Her awkwardness would be endearing if her response wasn't so damn suspicious.
“Yeah but you're a vampire, biting people is kind of your thing. You're not automatically bonded to every person you bite, right?”
A beat of silence passes before she answers, her voice shaking the slightest bit. “No that…that only happens when there are…certain feelings involved.”
It takes a second for her answer to click in your brain. For her sudden nervousness to hold real meaning.
The answer hits you like a train and it makes your blood boil like nothing else.
“Kate, tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means. Tell me you didn't fire me because you were too afraid of having feelings for me.”
“For fuck’s sake, Kate!”
The sudden frustration in your voice makes her jump, hundreds of meaningless explanations forming on the tip of her tongue.
You don't hear a word she says.
You can't hear anything besides the pounding in your heart and the devastation that threatens to swallow you whole.
You always knew being with Kate would be impossible but this was something else entirely. This wasn't a lack of feelings between you two, this was too many feelings and too many miles of distance and not one ounce of regret from her.
You're not sure when you stood up from your spot or when she approached you, you simply feel her hand on your waist and the unmistakable sound of her breathing.
“y/n,” she tries again. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m so tired of hearing you say that.”
“I know.”
The last thing you feel is her lips on the back of your neck before you wake up. Alone. Again.
Wanda must catch on to your desperation because she brings up the idea of cutting your connection with Kate that same morning.
“It’ll only be temporary,” she assures you. “No offense but you need sleep more than you need Kate Bishop.”
“I’m a little offended,” you grumble in response.
Despite your reservations, and the voice in the back of your head that tells you running away again is a bad idea, you go along with her plan. She's right, after all. You definitely need some time away from Kate Bishop and her never-ending messes.
The spell is simpler than you expect and it, thankfully, requires pretty much no effort on your part and no weird liquids.
It does also bring the best sleep you’ve had in months so you can’t complain…even when you wake up missing the sound of the archer’s voice.
You still miss her every day and you're sure that won't change any time soon but you welcome the peace with open arms.
Wanda spends her time teaching you random spells while you help her build a nice flower garden in the backyard. It's weird but…comforting.
You could even get used to life out here someday.
At least, that's what you keep telling yourself as the weeks go by.
Until Kate shows up unannounced and flips your world upside down again with those same soft eyes you fell on love with all those months ago.
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commanderyes · 7 months
The Commander Says Goodbye
I’m not going to lie, I’m extremely anxious as i’m writing this, out of what these news could mean to a lot of people, and my heart feels heavy enough it could drop down my ribcage any minute from now and squish all my other organs. But I’ve been dancing around this topic for a long time now, and I think i’ve finally reached a point where i can’t ignore it anymore, for my own sake.
I hereby announce Commander Yes has come to an end.
As I’ve mentioned plenty of times before, here and to many other people, when I began this comic all the way back in 2018 I was in a really bad, really low place in my life in every sense of the word, and it was a spur-of-the moment decision to cheer myself up, because Path of Fire had just released and my enjoyment of the game had reached fever pitch and I had been playing Guild Wars 2 alone since as far as launch, and none of my other friends had ever really gotten into it. I guess I just, dunno, cried out into the big maelstrom of the community, one voice amidst millions, because i wanted SOMEBODY to look at what i did and revel in the nerdery with me.
And somehow the snowball began to roll and people wanted more and more of what I could do, and I was being actively reached out to, and, well, some time after that I landed my first ever job, I discovered a lot of things about myself, and I found myself in communities that welcomed me with open arms, and many of the people in there have since become among the best friends I could’ve possibly encountered, kindred souls who i’ve shared joys and sorrows for many years and who I can’t imagine living without anymore.
And all the while I kept making the comics, and with every entry posted every week I’d keep having people stopping to comment on them, and whether they were dumb jokes or personal takes on the story, they’d all share how much what I do kept hitting them in the kokoro, and to this day whenever I play anywhere in the game I still get people who recognize me and thank me for doing what I do. It was wonderful, it IS wonderful, and seeing that response motivated me to keep going, because what did still mattered to people, out there.
But I did always say I planned to keep doing these comics until I ran out of energy for them, and I think i’ve finally reached that point.
Because ever since I actually landed that job I’m exhausted and sleep-deprived every other day, so much so that I only have time to work on the comic on saturdays and sundays, and it gets harder and harder to just sit and draw, and at that point it was just more work, and while I still enjoy and play Guild Wars 2 a lot, it no longer consumes my time and attention like I’ve used to and i’ve been having fun with more personal projects, and honestly the direction the story is taking these days does not sit right with me and it’s hard to find inspiration in that, and this might be borderline selfish but every year I find people care less and less about the comics and it really takes a hit to you motivation when hardly anybody responds after you’ve spent a whole weekend trying to squeeze a five-page comic out.
And, well, I have been doing these for six years straight, and I think that’s a good run. I’m tired, and ready to move on, at long last. Let it be someone else’s turn.
But that’s the beautiful thing about this community, isn’t it? Even if I’m hanging up the hat, there are a whole lot of fantastic artists out there, as we speak, still cranking out works of art, deserving of all the attention they can get. And think of all the artists yet to come! For every story that ends, another story is just about to begin!
The world keeps on spinning, one way or another.
I’ll be closing my patreon shortly after this, but the reddit archives and tumblr blog shall remain for people to browse whenever they feel like (or until they both go in flames, i guess, what social media isn’t about to these days)
I still don’t think I ever was that much of a big deal, but all the same, to everyone who’s ever supported me and helped me be the person I am right now, to everyone who’s been there from the beginning, to all the devs of this game that has captured us for nearly a decade now, to all my fellow players and artists out there
Thank you.
See you out there, fellow commanders. Still the stars find their way.
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arcaneauthor · 25 days
changbin version of cute things he does as your bf?
Cute things Changbin does as your bf
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Pairing: Seo Changbin x reader
Warnings: just Binnie being so adorable it’ll make your heart hurt cause you can’t have him irl😔
Tags: established relationship, fluff, like so much fluff
Authors note: ask and you shall receive😌 Also this has been so fun and has really gotten me back into the writing spirit🥰 Pls feel free to send me requests! It helps to keep me motivated!
Lays his head in your lap while y’all are chilling on the couch
If you tease him a lot (especially if it’s about his height) he just picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. “Binnie! Binnie let me down!” “Nope, not until you apologize” but it just ends up with the two of you laughing your heads off.
Likes to go to the gym with you, sometimes he’ll even bench press you instead of weights lol
Does aegyo to try to get his way. “Come on pleaseeeee” *activates bby changbin* “You know that doesn’t work on me” *activates sad bby face* “okay fine”
he jokingly moans and groans when you wear thick soled shoes or heels. “Yah! As if I didn’t look short enough already”
Blushes so hard at pda. Go give him a kiss on the cheek in front of the members if you want to see him turn into a tomato
Although he’s usually very loud, and he still can be sometimes in excitable situations, he’s usually pretty quiet and docile around you. He’s just enjoys the quiet intimacy of just being in your presence. likes to just quietly cuddle with you while listening to you talk about your day.
Gives you massages if you’ve had a hard day. (And why do I feel like they’d be the best massages too) for such a buff man he’s got such a gentle touch
Brings you home flowers a lot. Doesn’t matter how far into the relationship you are or how long you’ve been dating, he’ll always buy you flowers periodically to make you feel special.
Ik I used this for Chan’s but HAND ON THIGH AT ALL TIMES WHILE DRIVING. (Didn’t you see that video where he asked hyunjin to hold his hands cause he didn’t like them feeling empty while driving?)
Gives a bunch of nose kisses
If you two argue he’s always the first to come apologize and want to talk it out. And he’d be such a good listener
Calls you at random times of the day while at work just cause he misses you
If you gush about how good your new book is to him he’ll go buy himself a copy just so the two of you can read it together and have something to talk about/ bond over (as a book fanatic the idea of a man doing this for me is just-🤤)
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multifandomthoughts · 6 months
Mercs with a reader who’s like Mitsuri
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Heavy really appreciates you. He likes to cook, and when he does, he makes huge portions. So seeing that you eat a lot, it makes him happy. The last thing he would want is for you to go hungry.
He was curious one day, and wanted to see if you could lift Sasha. So he gave you permission to pick his gun up, with the caveat that you had to be extremely careful with her. Was pleasantly surprised and pleased to see that you could lift her with ease.
Compared to his serious and stoic demeanor, he loves how bubbly and happy you are! It really makes his heart flutter, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it.
He also loves how absolutely authentic you are to yourself. If anyone says anything negative about you, they’re going to find the end of his fists. Nobody hurts you and gets away with it, not on his watch.
“Heavy load, coming through!” Is something you’re going to hear much more from him now that you’re around. With your permission and assistance, he can build bigger and heavier contraptions! He’s incredibly grateful, because even though he himself is strong, you’re much stronger than him.
Just like Heavy, it’s normal in his family to have big meals, so at first he wasn’t sure how you would react to him giving you so much food. But he’s incredibly joyful once he sees that you’ve finished your plate and asked for more! You’ll definitely fit in at the family barbecues.
When he’s having a bad day, it always makes him at least the little bit happier when you’re around. You’re so bubbly and sweet that he can’t possibly be upset much longer.
Has tried to arm wrestle you with his gunslinger before, just out of curiosity. He wanted to see how far your physical strength actually went. You lost obviously as you can’t out force a robot arm.
Is absolutely fascinated by how strong you are despite you not looking it. Definitely wants to do experiments on you to determine why this is the case. Is there something that makes you different than the others? Or is it just pure natural strength?
Observes you from a distance, just watching you interact with the others. Is probably the one least likely to call you a monster, he thinks you’re a perfect specimen.
Doesn’t say anything, but he thinks it’s very attractive when you lift very heavy things. It sends a shiver down his spine that he has to shake off. He might ask you to help him declutter his office sometime as it has some very large medical instruments that need removing.
Is also impressed about how much you can eat, and wonders if how much you eat correlates to how you were able to retain all that muscle mass. Not so discretely takes notes on you while eating.
When he hears about how strong you are, he wants to see if you can wield the eyelander. When you can, he shows you the power of wielding both the eyelander and the chargin’ targe. He teaches you how to use them, because he figures that you have enough muscle mass to keep you safe.
When he gets a new barrel or box full of materials he asks if you can help him move it so he can get to work on making more of them. When you do, you happily talk to him all the way, helping to motivate him to work harder.
Because you can eat so much, he wonders if you can drink a lot as well. Challenges you to a drinking contest, and when you inevitably lose, he apologizes profusely. Is still incredibly impressed about how far you got though.
Though, he does tell you how cute you were while drunk. You thought you were bubbly sober? Take it to another level whole nother level. You were giggling, cracking jokes and cuddling up to him.
They knew you were a fun person the first time they laid their eyes on you. This is another person who will relate to being called a monster and will not hesitate to torch whoever did it.
When they bake, they ask you to be their taste tester! They want to make sure everything is right, and if it takes a batch or two, that’s okay! Your voracious appetite won’t be ruined if you have a few cupcakes!
When they want to make a big bonfire outside (much to the chagrin of others.) They also ask you to help them find some large kindling so that they can have a big party!
Pyro also loves hugs, and you can often be seen either picking them up in a hug, or carrying them across your shoulder. They’re surprisingly light, even with the suit and it makes them incredibly happy that you pick them up.
Like Demoman, he is incredibly interested to see how much food you can eat. Challenges you to a food eating contest, but this time, he loses. He’s absolutely miserable after the fact, but thinks you’re so cool for eating that much food.
Scout loves running with you, and loves that you can actually keep up with him. You’re nimble and quick like him, and it causes him to want to keep doing his best.
Despite him being a bit ruder, and a bit more brash, you two are constantly chattering like birds, talking about basically everything, no matter how stupid the things coming out of his mouth may be.
You stand up for him when he gets attacked, because as much as he can be annoying he doesn’t deserve to be beaten up like a bully in high school
Is suspicious of you at first. Your arms and legs are tiny, how could you possibly be as strong as you say they are? The rest of the mercs must have been just been nice to you. That is, until he sees you clock an enemy with just your strength during a battle.
From then on, considers you to be a real American soldier, perfect for the battlefield of life. Helps you find what weapons would be the best suited for you, since weight isn’t a problem.
Applauds you on your abilities in the battlefield, and sticks close to you. Nobody is better than him, and he just wants to make sure that you’re taking his war tips to heart.
When dinner time comes, he’s incredibly shocked at how much you eat, and is lowkey concerned that you’re overdoing it. You’re tiny, you don’t want to make yourself sick on the mission tomorrow!
You work with him as somewhat of a bodyguard when he’s on high ground. He can view the area in front of him, while you make sure that nobody is sneaking up on him from behind. You’re strong enough to make sure nobody gets to his perch.
In the off time though, he likes having barbecues in the front of his vans. You’re incredibly fond of them, and the first time you have a barbecue with him, he realizes that he won’t have to worry about leftovers.
Whenever he needs help with his van, he requests your help. Whether it’s the inside or the outside, he knows that he can count on you. Usually it’s that the van needs a new tire or some new wiring, and you’re always willing to help.
Being someone who is tall and lanky but moderately strong, he relates to you. There’s one big difference between the two of you though, and that’s that he’s really quiet. Your chattering actually helps him feel more comfortable because it lets you control the conversation and allows him to say what he needs to say without having to speak up too much.
Just like Sniper, Spy enjoys listening to you talk. However, because Spy is a more realistic person, your positivity helps balance out the tone of your conversation. When he’s having a particularly bad day, just listening to you talk is helpful to ease your mind.
He definitely wants you to try some of his home cooked food, because while he noticed you eat a lot of food, you love everything that you eat. He just hopes that you aren’t put off by French portion sizes.
Quite likes how you are nimble and quick. Had you not be so talkative, he thinks you’d make quite a good spy. He does teach you how to be a bit more silent so you can sneak up on scout though.
Is confused why people would call you a monster, had they never seen someone so strong before? He likes it that way, so you don’t have to rely on him as much, and that makes him much more likely to help you on the rare occasion you do need it.
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yunhoszn · 6 months
(this is user sourkimchi pls don’t perceive me on main lmao)
i saw another user post this abt this hongjoong fit and it’s been living in my head rent free…
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as a fellow asian rave bisexual.. i need a fic for this concept 🫣
(not so) alcohol-free
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PAIRING kim hongjoong x f!reader
GENRES fluff?﹒smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, clubbing scene, reader feels self conscious, mentions of alcohol, strangers to lovers?, ummmmm hardly any plot tbh half of the wc is porn, couch sex, little bit of foreplay (vaginal fingering), some marking here and there i think, cowgirl position, missionary, protected sex, allusions to multiple rounds of unprotected sex, not beta’d or proofread bc we rawdog this shit like men
SUMMARY notorious for canceling plans at the last minute, you finally let your friends drag you out for a night at the club. however, a chance encounter with the prettiest man you’ve ever seen has the night turning to something unexpected.
MORE AAAAAAND i finally finished my first request LOLLLLL here u go yves!! i kinda strayed away from the main idea bc i wanted to make it my own, but i hope this meets ur expectations <3
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You had a natural affinity for canceling plans at the last minute. You’re not sure why, especially because you always get an awful case of FOMO every time you do. It’s your own fault that you feel left out when your friends get together without you.
No matter how far in advance you plan for the event, you somehow still find a way to lose your motivation to go. You haven’t properly hung out with your friend group in months, so when they start talking about clubbing tonight, you immediately say yes. 
At first, you think you’ll change your mind an hour later, since it’s only an afternoon’s notice. But when you realize your friends will be here to pick you up in thirty minutes and you’re finishing your makeup, you nearly jump for joy. You successfully stuck it out for once. 
Even as you’re sandwiched between Wooyoung and Mingi in the backseat, San in the drivers’ seat and his girlfriend in the passenger, you’re still shocked that this is your reality. You’re actually dolled up and you’re actually on your way to a club right now. 
“Y/N, do you remember the signal if someone hits on me?”
“Wooyoung, no one’s hitting on you.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mingi. It could happen.”
You snort, pulling your skirt down a little. “Woo, we should come up with a signal for if I get hit on.”
“Yeah, Y/N’s more likely to get laid than you are even though she’s bitchless, too.” Mingi nods, adjusting his sunglasses. (You have no idea why he’s wearing sunglasses at 10 PM.)
“Kill your—”
“We’re here!” San announces, effectively putting a pin in any argument that was about to begin. As long as your friendship with the males spanned, he’s always been the mediator. You’ve known the three of them dating all the way back to high school, lumped in the same homeroom your freshman year. The four of you sat in the same general vicinity and got grouped together for a project once and you’ve been inseparable ever since. 
You know you look hot, Wooyoung wolf-whistling at you the moment you started walking towards the car, but you still feel a bit insecure. It probably has everything to do with the fact that you don’t go out much and you’re self-conscious as is. Stepping into the crowded club, a scene that could only be compared to a sardine can, has you shrinking in on yourself. 
Instinctively, you tug on the hem of your skirt to attempt to cover your ass a little more. Then you wrap your arms around your midriff, though your cleavage leaves pretty much nothing to the imagination. You swallow thickly as your trail behind your friends, like a lost puppy with its tail between its legs. 
This is why you always back out of plans. You feel so out of place, like you don’t fit in even when people try to include you. It feels like everyone’s staring at you, waiting for one wrong move so they can point and laugh like you were the butt of some sort of weird joke. You’re ready to go home. 
“Are you okay?” Mingi asks once you’ve settled at an empty high table just a few feet from the dance floor. Through his stupid sunglasses, you can make out the concern on his features. 
“Yeah, I think so,” your lips purse, arms hugging yourself tighter. “I just haven’t been out in so long. I feel… like I shouldn’t be here or something. I’ll be fine. I hope.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, but doesn’t ask any more questions, instead turning to San and his girlfriend who were about to make a trip to the bar. Your poison for the night is simple, a plain margarita that’ll ease your nerves more than anything else. You weren’t much of a beer person, often opting for fruitier, sweeter drinks in comparison to your male counterparts. (When you do go out with them, that is.)
Wooyoung and Mingi fall into a heated discussion about who knows what, leaving you to become a third wheel while you wait for the couple to come back with your drinks. You people-watch to pass the time, chewing on the inside of your lip, your eyes flitting around the club like some kind of guilty criminal. Almost immediately, they land on a guy in the middle of the dance floor. 
He’s hypnotizing, body fluidly moving to the song the DJ’s playing and matching the energy of his friend standing next to him, two girls in front of and facing them. His dark hair falls into his eyes slightly, though parted and styled damn near perfectly. He’s dressed in a black tweed jacket, a white button up left open enough to reveal a couple necklaces resting on his sternum, some ripped jeans, and black boots. But none of that is what caught your attention. 
You’re entranced by his smile, its brightness and how fucking pretty he looks wearing it. You caught the tail-end of something his friend said that made him laugh, and you feel yourself being pulled in deeper and deeper without a single conversation with him. Too bad he seems unavailable. 
“Woah, N/N, might wanna wipe your chin,” Wooyoung teases, a stupid smirk on his face that you want to punch away. “I think you’re drooling a little.”
Mingi howls with laughter, falling onto the table to support himself. He clutches at his stomach as it cramps up from how hard he’s laughing. It wasn’t even that funny. You roll your eyes. 
“Shut up, Wooyo.” 
“Who are you even staring at?” He inquires, resting his elbows on the high top surface, his chin placed on his hands. He blinks at you expectantly, like he’s not letting you off the hook. You avoid his gaze, simultaneously ensuring that you don’t look in the attractive stranger’s general direction either. This all felt so elementary. 
“None of your business.” You murmur, ducking your head. Thankfully, San and his girlfriend return to the table with your drinks perfectly timed, and the topic is dropped completely. 
The first sip of your margarita is damn near heavenly, the alcohol flowing through your system smoothly and calming that storm waging in your mind. It’s not too strong, just enough that another couple drinks would inebriate you entirely. It aids with the anxiety of being in such a packed space, but that feeling of not belonging still sits inside your chest. 
You can’t help but look for the stranger again, who’s no longer on the dance floor. Now he’s on the other side of the club at another high table. His friend is still with him, but the girls from before are nowhere to be found. You focus on his hands and the chunky rings on his fingers, the way he holds his beer bottle, the way his free hand runs through his hair. Your tongue twirls around the straw in your glass out of habit, enthralled by this man who has yet to give you the time of day. 
Except when you glance up to admire his face, you discover that he’s already looking back at you. He’s nodding along to his friend’s words, but his eyes are zeroed in on you, a different kind of smile playing on his lips. Your features fall slightly from being caught red handed, cheeks warming up significantly. You aren’t sure what’s more embarrassing, caught gawking at a stranger by your own friend or by the stranger himself. Truly, the universe was out to get you. 
You down the rest of your margarita and excuse yourself to go to the restroom, needing a second to gather your bearings. Your skin is flushed and you have to hold your cheeks between your palms as you psych yourself up in the mirror. Why should you feel ashamed of thinking someone’s hot? You were only human. Besides, you looked good, too. 
When you exit the restroom, you’re shocked to see the stranger walking out of the men’s restroom at the same time. Your eyes are wide and your body freezes. He gives you that smile from before, ruffling his hair as if this interaction wasn’t difficult enough. 
“I was hoping I’d bump into you,” he says, unabashedly drinking in your figure. “It’s not everyday someone as gorgeous as you crosses my path.”
So he’s a flirt. Noted. 
“I could say the same,” you manage to get out, though your palms are already clamming up. “If fleeting glances across a dance floor count as crossing paths.”
He laughs and you swear it’s the best sound you’ve ever heard. A couple girls come into the hallway, and you maneuver so they can go into the women’s restroom. His hand comes to rest on your lower back when your balance wavers slightly. 
“I’m Hongjoong, by the way,” he introduces himself since he’s in such close proximity to you now. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Yeah, sure,” you nod, too distracted by how much prettier he is only inches away from you. “I’d like that.”
Hongjoong leads you to the bar, a gentle hand wrapped around your wrist so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd. He orders himself a beer and turns to you to ask what you’re having. While waiting for the bartender to whip up your drinks, he strikes up a conversation. 
“Are you gonna tell me your name?” 
You scratch the back of your neck sheepishly. “Oh yeah, sorry… It’s Y/N.”
He repeats it, like he’s testing out the taste in his mouth. The smile that graces his features afterwards says all you need to know. It has butterflies flapping around rampantly in the pit of your stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of you. He thanks the bartender seconds later when he slides your margarita and his beer bottle across the bar. 
“So, Y/N, what brings you out tonight?” He takes a swig from his bottle, one arm leaning onto the surface of the bar. God, the things you would do to him if given the chance…
“Catching up with my friends,” you answer honestly, baby-sipping your margarita through the straw. “I don’t really go out much, because I’m really bad when it comes to canceling plans at the last minute.”
“Should I consider myself lucky then?” Hongjoong quirks a brow, licking his lower lip. If men had anything, it was the audacity. And this man had the audacity to do everything in his power to lure you in with his good looks and charisma. 
“I’ll have you know that this is a one of a kind, once in a lifetime opportunity,” you play along, stirring the slowly-melting ice cubes around your glass. “You’re a very fortunate man.”
“Yeah?” He laughs again and you think you might faint right here and now. He looks off to the other side of the club and then back at you. “I think Prince Charming over there is looking for you.”
He points at the table where your friends are, and you find that Wooyoung is glancing around in search of something, or someone. Namely you. It’s most likely because you went to the restroom and then never returned. He’ll live. 
“Wooyoung? Nah, he’s just being a good friend. I raised him right,” you turn back to him, sipping at your drink leisurely. “Now where were we? Something about you being lucky?”
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“Hwa, I’ll— shit— I’ll have to call you back,” Hongjoong forces out, promptly hanging up so he can focus on putting you in your place. You’re like a damn leech, lips attached to his neck, marking the supple skin like it was your job. Your hands paw at the button of his jeans, your lower half grinding down on his lap. “So fucking impatient. Can’t even wait until I’m off the phone?”
“Want you too bad, Joong,” you pout, slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt, his jacket lost somewhere near the front door. He groans when the nickname falls from your mouth. You had no idea how sexy you were.
The two of you were so insatiable, you couldn’t even make it to the bedroom, collapsing on his couch. You hardly had the mind to message your friends to let them know your whereabouts. His hands hold your ass firmly, halting you from any further teasing. You whine, pushing his shirt off of his shoulders. Your nails drag down his toned abdomen, enjoying the way it tenses beneath your touch. After all he’s put you through tonight, you think you at least deserve a bit of payback. Just a bit. 
“Are you too antsy to make it through foreplay?” He coos and presses a quick kiss to your lips, trailing a few along your jawline. Your eyes flutter shut with a hum and a nod. It was true. If he didn’t fuck you soon, you feared you might go insane. 
“I need you inside me already,” you whine, trying to spread your legs and create more friction downstairs. He chuckles at how desperate you are, how touch starved you must be considering you don’t get out much. It fuels his pride knowing he’s the only one to see you like this, to have you like this, for the first time in who knows how long. If he’s successful, maybe he’ll be the only one ever. 
Hongjoong bunches your skirt around your waist, sneaking a hand between your bodies to rub tight, gentle circles into your clothed clit. A blissful sigh escapes you, your forehead dropping to his shoulder. The cocky smile you’ve grown to adore over the course of the night decorates his lips at how quickly he has you falling apart at his fingertips. 
His middle and ring digits push your underwear to the side, sliding down your slit to prod at your entrance. He nips at the base of your throat, working his way up to the spot behind your ear. Your sighs grow into whimpers, squirming around on his lap when he applies pressure to your cunt with the pad of his middle finger. 
“You’re so wet, sweetheart,” he mutters into your skin, shivers running down your spine from the low register he uses. He circles his digit around your hole, not quite giving you what you need. “You weren’t kidding about how bad you wanted me.”
You’re about to quip back, but then he’s inserting a finger and rubbing your clit with his thumb. You gasp, biting down on his collarbone to ground yourself. As much as you would love to sit here and let him finger you until sunrise, you have bigger priorities. “Mmm, Joong, please… Fuck me, please…”
He kisses his teeth, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. He supposes he can satiate your hunger, though he really wanted to take his time with you. “Do you think you can be still while I put the condom on?”
You pull back and nod enthusiastically, sitting on your haunches slightly, fingers locked behind his neck. “I’ll be so good, I promise. I just need you, like, now.”
All he can do is laugh, and you melt into a puddle in his arms. You’ve concluded that smile of his would quite honestly be the death of you. He removes his fingers from your pussy, instead squeezing your hip before helping you onto the couch cushion beside him. You rest on your knees as he unbuttons his jeans and kicks them off, swiftly grabbing his wallet out of his pocket and plucking a condom from it. In the same breath, he’s taking off his underwear and tugging you back on top of him. 
He places the foil packet between his teeth so he can quickly aid you in the discarding of your panties. Now that your cunt is bare, you can feel the heat of his cock and it’s so hypnotic. Your eyes can barely stay open as you watch him tear open the condom packet and roll it on. He’s the perfect thickness and the perfect length, and you feel so special straddling his lap right now. 
Hongjoong kisses you softly, gripping your waist so he can guide you to sit on his cock. The first breach of your entrance has a shaky exhale leaving your lips against his own. You stay like that for a second so you can adjust to the feel of him inside of you, the fullness in your lower half, and overall just how fucking good it feels. He grins when you slowly start bouncing up and down, his dick thrusting in and out under you. 
“How are you doing, sweetheart?” He pecks your cheek, moving downward and reaching behind your back to untie your halter top. It slips off of you with ease, revealing your tits to him. 
“So good, Joong… Feels so good,” you arch into him, whining and moaning every time he brushes that crook in your cunt that has you seeing stars. He peppers kisses all over your chest and sternum, scraping his teeth along the skin of your breast. You whimper, nails sinking into his back and your toes curling. You’re completely aware of what’s going on, but those two margaritas have to be contributing to the pleasure swirling in your abdomen. 
“Yeah? You’re taking me so fucking well,” His eyebrows knit together when you switch your pace, sitting on him fully and letting his cock fill you for a couple seconds. In reality, your knees were starting to ache and get tired, something he recognizes instantly because he was so attentive. 
His hand holds the small of your back and he flips you so you’re in missionary on the couch now without skipping a beat. The change in position allows for a change in angle, his dick dragging against your velvety walls deliciously. Your sounds grow in volume, scratching his back when he pushes one of your knees to your chest. 
You weren’t anticipating to end up here at the end of the night, but you don’t think you could dare complain. While a majority of this night felt like a fever dream, you feel a high that’s never taken over you before. 
Hongjoong’s hair falls into his eyes as he glances down at where your bodies meet, his cock disappearing inside of you and then sliding out with ease. You intertwine your fingers behind his head, pulling him down so you can connect your lips in a fervent, passionate kiss. That familiar summit is within view now, your hand nudging his own to your clit so you can inch closer towards it. 
His thumb swipes side to side on the sensitive bundle of nerves, never once breaking your kiss. There’s so much stimulation going on for you, you’re starting to feel dizzy. In a good way. He’s gentle in a way that’s still rough enough to knock the daylights out of you and the juxtaposition makes the moment all the more enjoyable. 
“‘M so close, Joong,” you arch off the sofa in an attempt to be closer to him, to sandwich yourself between him and the couch. 
His thrusts become faster and more calculated, but he doesn’t break the focus on your clit. His efforts come to fruition and he mumbles words of encouragement for you as you finally reach that boiling point. A strangled moan falls from your mouth and you spread your legs to suck him in further. 
The uncontrollable fluttering of your walls following your climax is almost too much for him and he has to pull out. Your eyes are half lidded, nimble fingers rolling off the condom. He fucks his fist until he’s painting the area between your tits with his cum.
The two of you don’t move right away, regaining your composure. He leans down to kiss you sweetly, and then repeats the action all over your face until you’re a giggly mess. This is probably the best sex you’ve ever had in your life, and part of you doesn’t want to go home— whether that be later or tomorrow morning. 
“Do you have the energy to go again, or should I go grab a warm washcloth to clean you up?” He raises an eyebrow at you, indicating that he’s just joking but he’s totally down if you are. You laugh, running your fingers through his hair. 
“If you give me a minute, I’m all set to do that again,” you start, resting your eyes for a second. “You don’t have to worry about a condom this time. I kinda wanna feel you raw.”
Hongjoong laughs in disbelief, glancing away from you and then letting his forehead fall onto your shoulder. “What have I gotten myself into…”
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost. 
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kyletogaz · 25 days
walk with me here… Kyle Garrick…. Formula 1 driver. Working with John Price for his career comeback. (Idk shit about F1 I'm just tryna help that writers block lmao)
wait i’ve got something
kyle garrick, scuderia ferrari’s pride and joy.
and the best driver on the grid. he’s been doing this shit since his formula 3 days. just a kid who loves to drive. a kid who enjoys the rush. a boy who’s been competitive ever since he knew what the word meant. and as always, kyle puts in the work and moves on to formula 2, where he experiences nothing but screaming fans & trophies. he is the moment.
just shy of 22, he signs a contract with ferrari for formula 1.
“you’ve got the potential to become one of the greatest formula one drivers there ever was,” they’d said.
kyle still can’t believe that shit. ferrari??? driving for ferrari had always been a dream for him. a dream he never thought would come true. they day he signed on the dotted line, something shifted for him.
“you look good in red,” his moms had told him when they first saw him in his race suit right before testing.
driving for ferrari was everything to kyle. he lived and breathed red. in his very first season as a formula 1 driver, he won the race in shanghai for the chinese grand prix. that first win was all the motivation kyle needed to keep winning poles in qualifying and winning race after race for the next few years.
“no grind. no grit. no greatness,” kyle would say when everyone asked him how does he keep winning. how does he keep getting better and better?
winning was everything. but sometimes kyle did his best and only managed a P2 or P3, which wasn’t ideal for him. then there were times when the car wouldn’t do what it was supposed to, so kyle would drop down to P5 or P6. it was rare, but it would happen. post race interviews when he wasn’t in the top 3 were the worst for him.
he’d say, “i did the best i could today. when you have issues with the car, it’ll only get you so far,” in front of the cameras. but when they were off, he’d tell anyone who’d listen how he really felt.
“you can’t win them all.”
“no, but imma try.”
and try he did. over the years, kyle inherits too many trophies to count.
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it isn’t until he’s 30 when things change. it’s the last race of the season in abu dhabi, and kyle is gunning for P1 like he always does. he won in vegas and qatar, why not go for three in a row?
kyle has driven around the yas marina circuit more times than he can count. so why the fuck does he spin out and crash into the wall? red car just completely wrecked. red car up in flames while kyle struggles to breathe and to get himself out.
it’s like a fucking blur from there. he doesn’t remember getting out of the car before it exploded, doesn’t remember how he got to the hospital.
kyle cries like a fucking baby when they tell him how damaged his left leg is. the broken ribs he can handle. but the leg??? nah. and being laid up in the hospital does nothing to help his mental state. he keeps replaying the crash over and over in his head. he’s trying to see where it all went wrong.
did i miss something? is it my fault? is it the car’s fault? just a string of questions with no answers.
“i don’t understand,” is all he can tell his moms and his sisters, before he burst into tears.
the engine. it’s fucked. he’d found out from his teammate.
“my first DNF, who would have thought.” kyle knows he sounds bitter, but he doesn’t give a shit. he’s hurt, in more ways than one.
abu dhabi was supposed to be his. but sometimes kyle doesn’t get what he wants.
ferrari starts the next season without him while he’s in recovery. it’s a punch to the gut and kyle actually loses it. he spirals. he knew it would happen, but it still hurts.
“they didn’t move on without you, ky,” his older sister tells him one day when she comes over to visit. “they’ll be welcoming you back home with open arms whenever you’re ready.”
kyle decides he’s ready to get back on the track, right before the next testing for the 2025 season.
he wins P1 in australia, shanghai, miami, silverstone (home race), belgium, mexico, vegas and abu dhabi of course.
and if they start calling kyle garrick the G.O.A.T. on social media, he doesn’t argue.
testing - pre season testing for 3 three days
“no grind no grit. no greatness.” - i’ve been watching bel-air and that line seemed fitting lmao
DNF - did not finish
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localplaguenurse · 3 months
Falling Head over Heels (Pantalone x Male Reader) pt.2
Notes: yeah there was always going to be more to this, honestly. Sfw, more of Reader's dad being an ass, more elaboration on Reader's job and condition, and some suggestive content towards the end.
Pt 1 here
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You weren’t surprised that your father had requested you make your presence limited during his dinner with the Regrator. That was the only part of this situation that wasn’t a surprise. The rest of it all, you’re unsure which is more shocking; the fact your father had asked Pantalone for a do-over dinner, or that Pantalone accepted the invitation. There’s also the realization that your father is willing to work with the Fatui in order not to compromise the wealthy lifestyle your family has been living for generations now. A month after the initial party, the shock is not only still real, but his doubling down on it has taken you and your mother aback. 
“Dear, I understand things have been a little shaky for us,” your mother said the night Pantalone’s invitation acceptance was made known, “but do we need to do this? We can honestly get by fine enough, even if it’s not as much as we had before.”
You could hear in his voice that your father was scowling. “You’d really want to embarrass both of our families like that? Lose all standings and ties we have with our friends and colleagues?”
“By the Tsaritsa, you’re making it out like we’re about to go homeless! We’re downsizing!”
“Will we be keeping all our servants if we downsize? Are you going to start cooking our meals? Taking our son to his appointments or to his publisher? Buying all his supplies?”
You raised your hand, not looking up from your book. “Friendly reminder that I am the one who pays for my appointments and supplies now.”
“That’s pocket money compared to the costs of transportation and the accommodations we’ve made and will need to make,” your father snapped, “and you’re still making less than us to boot!”
You looked up and directly in the direction of your father’s voice. His silhouette was backlit by the light of the fireplace, and your initial thought was how it looked like hellfire. You made a mental note to include it somewhere in the next few chapters of your book. 
That was not the end of the arguing between your mother and father, but that was the point you stepped out of the conversation. Their bickering grew louder when you left the room to read elsewhere. With the eerie, hateful silence that plagued the manor the next morning, you took that as a sign that this dinner with Pantalone was happening whether you and your mother liked it or not. 
Fine, whatever. You have work to do anyways.
That is the mantra you repeat in your head as you feel it start to ache in frustration. Your eyes pour over the words you’ve typed so far, trying to make sense of the point you’re making. The wording is clunky, awkward, but you’re struggling to come up with something more concise that accurately conveys the thoughts in your mind. You hear your editor’s voice telling you it doesn’t have to be perfect, that’s the point of a first draft, to just get the point down and then figure out how to make it sound nice after you’ve figured out the whole story. The perfectionist in you screams otherwise, but offers no solution other than to start over completely.
You rub your eyes, feeling mentally drained. Part of you says to take a break, but part of you says you have to make the most of your motivation while you have it, and you are so close to figuring it all out, it’s on the tip of your tongue. Or fingers, come to think of it.
You’re on what feels like the hundredth reread of your scene, having stared at the words so much that they start to look foreign. Your concentration on the page is hardly broken when you hear the door to your office open, and as such, you do not look up. It’s merely Adelaide, you think, just bringing you some refreshments. Your fingers hover over the typewriter as soft footsteps approach your desk, just out of your vision.
You poke at the keys slowly, feeling inspiration drain out of your fingertips. The footsteps grow closer, and you find it odd that Adelaide has yet to say anything, but continue hyperfocusing on your work. Come on, you have the image in your head, and your descriptive vocabulary is vast enough that you should know how to describe it, even if only in fragments. You have the wording of it in your head so why can’t you actually put the words down on paper?
The footsteps stop right next to you. You don’t pay them any mind, assuming Adelaide is about to place something on your desk, perhaps a slice from the cake your father bought for his dinner tonight. You move the geography textbook you have out to the corner of your desk and move what you have of your chapter so far out of the way.
Unable to look out of the corner of your eye, you can not see her move closer to you, but you sense her presence right next to you. The feeling of someone’s body heat is hard to miss, as is the distinct sensation of being watched. You can’t see it, but it feels like Adelaide is standing right on the edge of where your vision ends.
You barely look up from the typewriter when you address her. “Adelaide, I would like some personal space.”
The laughter you hear right in your ear is a man’s. You immediately jump up and away, stumbling over your chair and falling on your back. You sit up, and at first, you see the dark attire and feel your stomach sink. It continues sinking down as your eyes move up to see Pantalone’s face. He’s smiling, which might have been handsome if he wasn’t finding clear amusement in your reaction.
You can’t find your words, so Pantalone speaks instead.
“Apologies,” he says, chuckling a little, “I was just… testing something.”
My fight or flight instincts? You ask yourself but know better than to verbalize. Pantalone steps forward and sets your chair upright, and glances at the typewriter on your desk. He stares for a few seconds, and lets out a soft hum as his eyes drift to where your other finished pages are. His gloved hand drifts over to the pile, and that’s when you quickly stand up.
“That’s not finished yet,” you quickly tell him, “it’s a rough draft.”
You see his eyes glance your way, and he retracts his hand. Pantalone takes a step back, turning to face you. “So I’m not allowed to read any of it?”
“I…” The verbal trap he’s laid out is not lost on you. He knows you can’t easily, confidently say “no” to a Harbinger, especially since you have made a fool of yourself in front of him before. You swallow, and rephrase your thoughts. “I-I would prefer to have a finished chapter before I let anyone read my works.”
Pantalone smiles wider. “Ah, I suppose that is fair.”
He continues to smile and stare at you as you awkwardly sit back down in your chair. You turn your head in his direction, propping your chin up on your hand. “I, um, I thought you were having dinner with my father…?”
Pantalone nods. “Yes, we were, but when I had asked why you were not joining us, I could tell I had struck a nerve between your father and mother.”
“... How so?”
“Your mother asked if she could speak to your father for a moment, and when they did not come back for another ten or so minutes, I figured I should go find them.”
“Did you?”
“They seemed… busy.”
You can imagine the argument right now. You shake your head. “Sorry about that, things have been sort of, um… hectic here. It’s taken its toll on my parents.”
Pantalone nods in understanding, and you wonder if he thinks this has anything to do with the party. You turn back to the typewriter and, rereading the page, decide you hate it and it needs to go. You reach forward and grasp the knob on the end of the roller, twisting it until the paper can be slipped out. You reread it one last time, then crumple it up in your hands.
You hear Pantalone’s voice. “So, I take it you enjoy writing?”
“Right now? No,” you say, which earns a laugh from Pantalone, “but generally, yes.”
“How long have you been writing?”
You lean over and toss the crumpled paper in the waste bin next to your desk. “Professionally, I’ve been writing for eight years, though I started using the typewriter when I was ten.”
Pantalone watches as you slip more paper into the roller, cranking the knob on the end until the paper has been fed through properly, making minor adjustments to the paper’s position. You then slide the roller to the left, the carriage stopping it once it’s in place. Your fingers hover above the keys for a moment, and Pantalone sees your focused expression shift into exhaustion. You groan, running a hand through your hair. If he had to wager a guess, you’ve just lost all writing motivation.
“You know,” Pantalone says, “I could hear your typing through the door before I entered. You type rather fast, it’s impressive.”
The flattery noticeably catches you off guard. “Oh, um, thank you,” you reply, still a little on edge with a Harbinger in your study.
“I have secretaries who couldn’t type that fast without making mistakes, but that page you were working on had consistent strokes and only one typo.”
You turn your head in an attempt to sort of hide the way your cheeks warm up, but Pantalone silently leans over anyway to see you blush. You don’t see him doing this, which Pantalone makes another note of.
“I have the muscle memory for it, I suppose,” you remark, “it’s one of the things I’ve been working on since my diagnosis.”
“Diagnosis… oh, your eye disorder?”
You blink, and turn to Pantalone, surprised at the casual question. “How did you–”
“Your mother briefly explained it at the party,” Pantalone recounts, “that you were diagnosed as a child and do not have any peripheral vision.”
You sigh, and Pantalone hears a hint of annoyance. “Yes, that’s why I ran into you.” You turn to your typewriter, fingers hovering over the keys while you balance thinking of your scene and carrying on the conversation. “It’s called retinitis pigmentosa, and it runs in my mother’s side of the family. My grandfather had it, which made my mother a carrier for it, and then she passed it on to me, and possibly my sisters.”
“Wait, sisters?”
“One older, two younger,” you say, “and an older brother, but he got lucky so his eyesight is still fine.”
“When were you diagnosed, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I was eight when I was properly diagnosed,” you recount. “I used to stumble and trip over furniture all the time when I was little, and was scared of the dark. My family used to tease me about it, until I was around six or seven. That’s when my mother started getting concerned, because I was a seemingly normal child who could read, write, and talk just fine, could walk and stand upright just fine, but I would still trip and fall over seemingly obvious hazards, especially in the dark.”
“I see, I see…”
You pull your hands away from the typewriter, and interlock them on your desk. “With adequate treatment, the rate of my going blind has slowed, but cannot be prevented. From what my doctors say and what I know of my grandfather’s case, I will lose my central vision sometime in my forties if I’m lucky.”
“Oh, I’m… very sorry to hear that.”
Uncomfortable silence hangs in the air. Internally, you’re screaming at yourself for just dumping all of that on the Regrator. In all fairness, he did ask, but still.
At the edge of your central vision, you see a page from your rough draft slip away from the stack. You turn your head, and see Pantalone holding it. Heat spreads across your face, and you quickly pull the page from his grasp. The knowing smile on his face tells you it’s too late.
What sounds like condescension laces his voice. “I was enjoying that, thank you very much.” “And I said I don’t like people reading my work before it’s done,” you hiss, your embarrassment painfully obvious. You place the page back on top of the stack and lift it up and away from Pantalone. You search for a spot on your desk to put it before deciding on sticking it in a drawer. When you slam the drawer shut, your humiliation over the scene you are writing makes you use more force than is needed, which knocks your geography book off the corner of your desk and onto the ground.
Pantalone tilts his head, and you watch him lean down to pick the book up. Horror floods your body, and you try to rush around the other way to stop him, only to bang your knee against the desk. When you stand upright and look, you see Pantalone has not only picked the book up, but has opened it and started flipping through it. Now, that would not normally be a problem, except for the fact that this isn’t a geography textbook, it just has the dust cover on it.
Pantalone’s eyes widen, and though the lighting in this room is a little dimmer than you’d like, you can tell there is the faintest hue of pink on Pantalone’s face. Time slows when he looks up and meets your eyes, and all you can see is his lips twist into an absolutely massive smile, before he cackles with laughter.
He turns the book around to show you the page and the picture displayed inside takes up the entirety of your vision. Your face is on fire, and Pantalone nearly doubles over with how hard he’s laughing. He barely manages to pull himself together enough, straightening his posture and wiping tears from his eyes. He’s not even trying a little bit to hide the amusement he’s feeling at your expense.
He adjusts his glasses so they’re no longer crooked. “J-Just what sort of writer are you?”
You snatch the book from his hand and slam it shut. Pantalone watches you, waiting for an answer. “I-If I tell you, will you leave me alone?”
Pantalone just smiles down at you, and you feel your heart pulsing in your throat at the sound of his voice. “Oh? Are you that eager to get rid of me?”
You glare at him, and he just shakes his head in defeat. You look down at the floor, and your voice trembles in shame. “... I write romance, b-but my editor said I should try something, um, steamier. Their w-words, not mine. I-I don’t really know how to write that sort of thing, so I have this, for reference material.”
“Reference material, he claims,” Pantalone teases.
“L-Look, I’m not in the mood for this,” you snap, “and my father is probably looking for you, so could you please let me get back to my work?”
You do not wait for Pantalone’s answer before you walk away and plop back into your chair. You toss the book into another drawer and slam it shut as well, this time out of anger and embarrassment. Pantalone takes that as a sign that any and all conversation has stopped, and decides he’s had enough fun toying with you. This bizarre scenario aside, you do make a good point; he really should get back to this meeting.
He walks away, trying not to laugh again at what he’s learned about the young man who nearly ruined his suit. He makes his way to the door, taking hold of the knob.
Pantalone pauses, and looks at you over his shoulder.
“... Don’t mention this to my parents.”
He chuckles. “I won’t, as funny as that would be.”
“N-No, it’s not even that, it’s…” You lower your head and voice. “I haven’t told my family I like men yet.”
At that admission and your obvious discomfort, almost shame, the hilarity of the situation fades. A feeling of almost guilt starts to build in Pantalone when he looks at you. He would normally find and revel in the schadenfreude of this sort of situation, but given the new context, Pantalone can recognize a crossed boundary and general invasion of privacy.
He grips the doorknob. “I won’t. I promise.”
“Thank you.”
The door shuts behind Pantalone, leaving you alone in your study. In the quiet of the room, you’re left with your thoughts, and the bizarre reality of what just happened actually sinks in. A Fatui Harbinger just walked into your study and found your gay smut.
You push your typewriter forward so you don’t hit it when you smack your head against your desk to keep yourself from yelling.
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sagucpuppet · 20 days
please pleaes pealse write painter with reader who finds him in a bit of a mess, his wires and circuitry are all tangled and knotted (maybe a bit broken to add some extra seasoning) and reader sits with him and helps to fix and repair him (then they compliment him and tell him how good he was for them and how pretty he is mueheheehehhe)
i need flustered but vulnerable painter so bad chat, i love him to death :(
(also, sagucpuppet, i love you /p and your works, keep doing what you do and have a nice time, ill always be here to admire your works <33)
⟡  ˳︒ “nobody knows what i see!”  ₊  ⦂
⠀ℓ⠀⠀⠀⠀₊⠀⠀⠀⠀A/N : omg, anon your alive…thank you sm…wjendjwwjcnwhw ilyt!! /p <3333⠀⠀⠀⠀:
⠀𓏲⠀⌣⌣⠀⠀⠀extra : painter goes by he/him, reader is genderless, a bit of sebastian slander…and kinda implied painter trying to self destruct…and kinda cheesy..wndjjwjedjw, soooososoo sorry that this came out late…..couldn’t write cause of motivation but we back!!
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𝞋𝞎 ; you were currently on your maybe…10th? run…you didn’t really count, you’ve been actually trying to get to the crystal. but so far you’ve been having no luck and always dying to something. and it doesn’t help that you’ve basically lost all of your items.. and they’ve disappeared..probably sebastian took them just for you to buy them back. what an asshole. you thought to yourself, your mind wandered a bit to your friend painter! you haven’t seen him in quite a bit. maybe you were too focused..on your run? you didn’t really know but you decided to visit him, urbanshade can wait can’t they? sure they can! not like that crystal totally depends on my life! you thought before opening the next door .
𝞋𝞎 ; the doors seemed ENDLESS. even though you’ve went through them a thousand times, you were kinda starting to get annoyed, you just wanted to see painter already…he always makes your runs better! sometimes the thought of him of is enough to get you motivated. or even enough to get you all giddy and happy inside. you two were very close even though you were kinda supposed to never even be friends in the first place, those words you were told by urbanshade..”nobody is your friend. you are expendable.” made you nervous. no. afraid. , you know that almost all of the monsters are NOT your friend, i mean literally all of the them tried to kill you, you don’t even wanna count sebastian as a “friend” he’s far from being your friend ever..but anyway…focusing on your friend painter.. you should be reaching heavy containment soon..hopefully he’s okay.
𝞋𝞎 ; after finally reaching heavy containment and going through the absolute terrorizing screams of the anglers, you basically sighed of relief once you saw the two metal doors and a purple keycard reader, you quickly searched found the purple keycard and scanned it, the two metal doors opening in an instant. surprising you a little, but quickly blinking and making your way into the next room, you searched and it was nothing interesting, same with the others but quickly seeing that one server room you know and love. you quickly made your way to the metal door, skipping past a few steps and the door opened.
𝞋𝞎 ; you peaked into the room, you saw painter but he looked sad..? you also realized that all of his wires from the back were all a jumbled mess, making a noticeable mess on the ground, and it was like his screen was glitching, you quickly stepped inside, painter seemed motionless for a moment, maybe he didn’t notice you…? but his eyes darted up meeting yours. his expression changed to a happy one “reader! you’re b-BACK.” he said his voice cutting out quite a bit.. his face had a big grin on it, you quickly said “Jesus painter..what the hell even happened to you!?” you said as you quickly made your way over to him, running your hands over his metal covers of the computer he was withheld in, he said “I-d..rRather..not..get into the details….” his face expression dropped with sadness, he looked at you. you had a hurt look in your eyes. you couldn’t bare seeing your friend painter in pain, you said “it’s alright painter, how about this? i’ll fix you up and while i do that we can talk for a bit, alright?” you said with a smile. painters face modded in a up down motion, signaling a yes.
𝞋𝞎 ; you quickly pulled over a random chair with your foot, and sitting down in front of painter, you gently pulled some of his wires from the back and starting untangling them, one by one. painter spoke up suddenly his eyes darting around the room “i’m sorry…for making you..do all of this…” you shook your head, and said “hey..it’s fine painter, i’m always open to helping a friend.” painters eyes stopped darting around, he looked at you with a kinda apologetic expression along with a relaxed smile. you managed to get the left side of his wires untangled, you did a quick check making sure none were out of place and not damaged in any way. while you were kinda close up to his screen, he seemed a bit flustered, he looked like an idiot in love, he’s never been exactly soft around humans like you, but..but..you’re different in his eyes, you’ve never mistreated him once. you were always kind and patient with him no matter the situation, even when he was required to stop you from getting the crystal, it was like…wait..why am i feeling a little bit warmer..? im not overheating am i..? he thought in his mind, but it quickly wandered back to you, wait. am i in love with them!?…
𝞋𝞎 ; he quickly looked back at you, in your own world fixing his other wires and cleaning off his circuits, why did it hurt to look at you..in a way..? why did it feel like he was overheating..? , blush appeared on his screen in an instant, it was just like..just the way they smiled..was..cute..wait what..?? get it together painter! he internally screamed at himself, he quickly went back to reality, and you spoke “you’ve been awfully quiet..you doing alright..painter?” you asked a bit worried at his sudden loss for being chatty like always, he blinked and looked at you, “yeah..i’m fine…just..TtHinking..” his voice glitched a little bit again, you nodded and smiled “not thinking of me are you?” painters eyes darted to you, a flustered look on his screen he quickly said “n-no! buzz off reader!” he looked away in an instant, you laughed a bit “just teasing.” you said playfully, as you finished with the last tangled wire in the back, you rised up for the chair, you said “okay..i wanna fix the glitching in your system, i think i saw some spare tools around the room..” painter stared at you as you walked away but spoke “i’m…not gonna..die am i?” painter said bluntly in a worried kinda tone. you quickly turned around and said “oh- no! of course not! it’s probably just a little bug in your system. nothing to get worried about!” you said as you rummaged through a few boxes for tools.
𝞋𝞎 ; painter was still a bit worried, but eased up a bit. his mind wandered a bit, but before you gently placed a bunch of tools beside him, you picked up two of the tools and said, “ okay- i’m gonna just gonna fix some of the circuits and other things in your system. you can stay awake for the process.” you said as you patted the top of his computer head, you then started to do your own thing, painter on the other hand was very flustered, no one was ever this close, especially you…in particular. he never was THIS…vulnerable..but somehow he can always let his guard down around you, it was like he knew he was safe with you. he smiled widely just at the thought of you. he realized you were finished tinkering with his circuits, you sighed as you pulled away from him and step back admiring your work in a way, you spoke “i don’t have any knowledge about robotics or basically anything but hopefully that fixed the whole glitching problem.” you said with a smile.
𝞋𝞎 ; “how do you feel?” you asked painter, the ai quickly snapped outta his thoughts, and spoke “oh-um-..a lot better..” he said, he felt brand new honestly. you nodded and said “okay, that seems to fix the problem..” you said happily, “you did great painter.” , you patted the outer layer of the computer gently. you spoke again “you’re so pretty, you know that right?” painter looked up at you flustered and saying “w—whatever!” he tried to seem annoyed but that quickly faltered. he knew that he couldn’t stay mad at you, never. you laughed at his sudden attempt at being tough, you spoke up “i mean..” you trailed off a bit from your sentence, “you’re perfect in every way, what isn’t there to like about you painter?, after all you were so good..” as soon as painter heard your sentence he was unresponsive for a second then he yelled “OH BUZZ OFF READER!!” with a flushed face showing on his screen. you laughed in response.
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A/n : andndnejejendenhe YEAHHH ITS FINISHEDDDD
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