#look at me I'm sad. except i always feel better after writing it out
alsojnpie · 4 months
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today's mood
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redroses07 · 3 months
Just Friends // Stiles Stilinski
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader
Summary: Stiles is struggling after being controlled by the Nogitsune, and he turns to you for help. But little does he know, it will turn your friendship into so much more. Takes place after season 3. (Allison isn't dead!!!)
Warnings: Swearing, angsty as fuck, sad Stiles, kissing, implied smut if you squint?, PTSD.
A/N: HI GUYS!!! I really like this fic and ofc I hope y'all will too! This is my first time writing about Stiles and I think I did pretty well! As always, enjoy!! And comments and reblogs are appreciated. P.S. lmk if y'all want me to do a part 2 where they tell their friends (Scott's reaction hee hee) - Claire ♡
After Stiles was released from the control of the Nogitsune, things seemed to go back to normal. Well, at least that’s what one would think from the outside.
The series of events had taken a severe toll on Stiles’s mental health, and even though he did a good job of hiding it, you were the one person who seemed to know what he needed.
It all started about a week after everything happened, it was the middle of the night and you were jolted awake by the sound of your phone buzzing by your head.
You were about to hit decline but then you saw it was Stiles and feelings of worry began to stir within you.
You quickly answered, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you forced yourself awake.
"Stiles, is everything okay?"
"Yeah...well not really. I hate to ask, but do you think you could drive over to my house. I just really don't want to be alone right now." Stiles's voice was groggy, and laced with exhaustion. The fact alone that he was asking you this made you immediately agree.
You hopped out of bed, not bothering to change out of your pajamas, slipped on your slippers, and you were on your way.
Your house wasn't far from Stiles's, about a five minute drive with no traffic.
You lived directly in the middle of him and Scott, being only a short distance from each. The close proximity was the main reason the three of you had stayed so close throughout your school years.
"Friends", that's all you and Stiles had ever been. Although, neither of you could deny the chemistry between the two of you, risking your friendship never seemed worth it.
It was on this night that all that would begin to change.
When you arrived at Stiles's house, he had left the door unlocked for you so you wouldn't have to fumble around with the spare key in the dark.
You found Stiles laying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He looked lost in thought, his eyes rimmed with dark circles. It hurt seeing him look so drastically different from the Stiles you knew, and you wanted to do whatever you could to help.
You laid down next to him, your body facing his.
"Hey..." Stiles began, still staring at the ceiling.
"Stiles, what's going on? You know you can trust me with anything right?"
"Yeah...It's just a lot to put into words." Stiles's voice cracked, which told you that he was fighting tears.
You sat up and stiles copied the movement. You were now both facing each other, sitting legs crossed on his bed. You pushed aside the unspoken vow between the two of you and placed his hands in yours. Stiles's breath hitched, and you could tell he was avoiding eye contact with you.
"Take all the time you need, I'll listen to every word." you said softly.
"I know everyone thinks I'm doing okay, but I can't even function. I can't sleep without having nightmares. I can't eat or do anything without remembering all the awful stuff he made me do. I didn't know who else to tell except you. Scott has his own set of issues, and you're the only person I trust like this."
Stiles began to ramble, and your heart broke as he did. How had you not noticed earlier? Yes, it had only been a week, but you knew Stiles better than anyone. You felt like an awful best friend.
"I'm so tired, I just want to feel normal again." He could no longer hold back the tears, the dam broke and Stiles became a sobbing mess.
You pulled him into your arms with no hesitation, which only made Stiles want to cry.
"No, no I'm going to get your clothes all wet." Stiles protested trying to pull away, but you wouldn't let him.
"A few tears never hurt anyone." You said.
At that Stiles let himself fall into you, his body going limp with exhaustion. You tried not to cry along with him, wiping your burning eyes to prevent the tears.
"It'll be okay." You whispered as Stiles's sobs turned into sniffles. He finally looked up, his cheeks wet from the tears that had escaped his puffy eyes.
You did the only thing you could think of and gave him two kisses, one peck on each cheek. Stiles lips turned up in a small smile, his cheeks still turning red despite his current state.
"I think the first thing we need to do is get you to bed." You smiled, pushing Stiles's messy hair back.
He looks at you and nods without moving from your arms. You lean back on his bed, pulling him with you. You positioned yourself to where Stiles was resting on top of your body, his head pressed to your chest. You kept your arms wrapped around him, squeezing his body in an attempt to comfort him.
As you were settling down you heard Stiles whisper your name softly.
"Promise you'll wake me up if I'm having a nightmare?"
"I promise." You replied as you reached down and laced your fingers with his.
Stiles gave you a half-hearted smile in response, his puffy eyes glazed over from fatigue.
"Thank you." Stiles murmured, fighting sleep.
"Shhh." Was your only response as you traced your fingers along his back.
"I love you." It was an incoherent whisper, so much that you couldn't be sure of his words. But something told you you had heard correctly.
By the time you went to reciprocate the statement, the room was filled with Stiles's muffled snores.
You sighed and proceeded to fall asleep yourself.
Stiles slept through the night for the first time in weeks.
After that the trajectory of your relationship began to shift.
From holding Stiles's hand to remind him that everything was okay when you were with your friends, to staying up all night listening to him talk.
You rarely got to sleep at home anymore, but you didn't mind. You weren't far if you needed something, and it helped Stiles get a good night's sleep. Yet he would still apologize every time. "I'm sorry to bother you again.", "I promise this is the last time.", when in reality you were definitely okay with an excuse to spend more time with him.
You had become his anchor to reality, and Stiles could feel things beginning to look up with every day that passed.
Your friends picked up on it too.
"So, are you and Stiles together, or..." Lydia and Allison asked when they managed to corner you at your locker one day. It was a question you didn't know how to answer. Eventually landing on, 'it's complicated.'
"What's going on with you and Stiles, I'm starting to feel like a third wheel when we're together." It was a joke, but there was certainly some truth behind it.
You laughed it off and changed the subject, but didn't forget the comment that night when you and Stiles laid in each other's arms drifting off to sleep.
Surprisingly, it wasn't you who finally brought it up, but Stiles.
It was a Friday night, and the two of you were at your house instead of his.
"Shit, I forgot clothes to change into." Stiles said as he fumbled through his backpack.
"It's all good, I have a spare pair of clothes in my drawer for you." You replied, pointing to the dresser.
Stiles smiled and laughed, holding eye contact with you for perhaps a moment too long.
"You take care of so much for me, sometimes I feel like you're my wife." It was a casual statement, but it put you at a loss for words.
You laughed awkwardly, failing to come up with a reply.
Stiles could very clearly read your emotions, he pushed the drawer shut and walked back over to sit next to you.
You tried to calm yourself, but your heart wouldn't stop beating at what felt like an unhealthy pace.
"You're my best friend..." Stiles began, taking your clammy hands in his.
"You've done so much for me in the past few weeks, just like a best friend should; but I can't help thinking that this feels like something more."
You felt as if the world stopped. You knew this conversation would come, but definitely not now. Your brain seemed to stop producing thoughts.
"Please tell me I'm not imagining all of this. I know this is a lot at once, but Y/N I love you." Stiles's voice shook from the overwhelming nerves.
"I love you too." You spoke for the first time in minutes, it felt amazing after you had heard it fall from his lips that first night you spent together.
Stiles's eyes gazed into yours, and suddenly the feeling of just your hands touching wasn't enough.
You reached over and grabbed Stiles face, finally closing the gap between the two of you.
You pulled Stiles down as you did, his body landing on top of you sinking into the kiss.
You tugged on his hair lightly, pulling him as close to you as humanly possible. Stiles fell deeper into the kiss, locking your hands together and pressing your body further into the soft mattress.
After a few minutes of pure bliss you broke apart. The air that filled your lungs was both a blessing and a curse. You needed to breathe, but the absence of his touch only made you want him more.
Stiles hovered over you, the sound of his heavy breathing was the only thing you could hear over your own beating heart.
"So I take it you're not just my best friend anymore?" Stiles giggled, pressing his forehead gently against yours.
You gave a sly smile before pulling Stiles down by his shirt and connecting your lips once more.
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alwaysobsessed777 · 14 days
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**this is my first time writing on here so please cut me some slack.**
Words: 1014
Warnings: None other than it being sad (sorry)
Summary: Slowly falling in love with Nika. Things just seem to be going so perfectly, but nothing last forever....
I saw her in the rightest way
Nika Mühl. Where could I even start. Seeing her in the hallways, on the court, in the few classes we had; I wanted nothing more than to talk to her. She always seemed so perfect. I would never reach whatever planet she had all to herself.
My day was going as usual, except the fact she had moved seats in Psychology. Instead of sitting with some of her teammates, she moved beside me. Something about the way she threw her stuff down, she was sitting her out of frustration. It wasn't because she wanted to. I dropped my head, not looking in her direction. She wouldn't talk to me anyway.
"Hey," A small accent coming out with the word, "I shoulda asked but can I sit here for today?"
I nodded, not able to look at her. She shuffled in her seat, uncomfortable I could assume.
"I'm Nika by the way," She lifted her hand, wanting me to shake it.
I smiled, lifting my head to see a similar one on her's, "y/n."
Her smile grew, our hands meeting, "Cute name."
Instead of listening to the lecture, she talked to me. She asked me questions, she let me ask her questions. It was back and forth. Never in a million years did I think I would talk to her, but here I was.
"So, I can sit here tomorrow?" She asked, my brows raising, "If you don't want me too that's fine I ju-"
"No, I want you too," I cut her off, "It was nice talking to someone for once."
She smiled, "Well, I had fun talking to you too, y/n." She slid me a piece of paper, folded neatly her handwriting showing slightly from the ink bleeding through.
"What's this?"
"Just open it, I'll see you tomorrow," She waved, walking out.
I sat there stunned, I had spoke to The Nika Mühl. Not only did I talk to her, she gave me her number. The small note, there on that piece of paper was her number. Her name under it with a small heart beside it.
And then, she came up to my knees. Begging, baby, would you please? Do the things you said you'd do to me, to me
After sometime of talking and getting to know Nika, I found out she had a boyfriend. He was cool. He played basketball. He was made for her. She'd talk to me about him on our daily walks, something we started a week into being friends. She's complain that he seemed perfect, but she didn't want perfect. She wanted something real.
When they'd argue, which was becoming often, she'd come to me. She'd talk about how'd she wanted someone to listen to her, to actually want her.
"I would," I blurted out. Her eyes widened.
"You would what?"
"I would treat you so much better. I would give you everything. I would listen to you, talk to you, want you, everything," My face began to heat up, my cheeks burning.
"I know you would," She smiled, "That's why you'd make an amazing girlfriend to some girl one day."
I wanted that girl to be her, Nika. I kept that to myself. Sometimes I would hope I would just tell her to break up with her boyfriend, find her someone better, find me. I couldn't though.
One day, she came to me, crying.
"What's wrong, Niks?"
"Naheim," I rolled my eyes, "I know, but I think I'm done with him."
My face wanted to show every emotion, the smile trying to creep up, my eyes wanting to light up with joy, but I couldn't. Not right now.
"What happened?"
"I caught him," She broke, "He was with another girl."
I sighed, holding my arms out, "Come here." She listened, making her way into my arms. How could one mess something up with the perfect woman.
"You should show me," To say the least, I was confused.
"I want you, y/n, to show me how you would treat me. You said you would do it better then he could," I was shocked.
"Please, I honestly just need to feel loved by someone. He's just made me feel so...so...usless," I broke, I knew I loved her, I knew it. But, this seemed like she didn't want to reciprocate the feelings. She just wanted them to be sent her way. I couldn't say no to her though, it was Nika.
"Okay," I brought us to my couch, simply opening my arms for here to make her way to me. She smiled through teary eyes, laying on top of me, her head snuggled into the crook of my neck.
Oh, won't you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor
It almost felt real, I think it was real. The way she held my hand during the couple of classes we had. The hangouts becoming sleepovers, laying in each others arms through the night. We had never kissed, but I wanted to. I really wanted to.
"Hey, Nika?"
"Yes, y/n?"
"Can I kiss you?" Her eyes widened, shock apparent on her face, "Or not it's cool, I jus-"
She pulled me into her, our lips meeting. It felt so right, she felt right. The way her lips moved with mine. Her body on mine. I've wanted this, and it was exactly how I've always imagined it.
"Was that good?"
"More than good," I paused, I wanted more, "It was perfect."
I pulled her in for another one, a longer, deeper one. Her soft lips moving against my lips. It felt like they were made for each other. The act felt like a drug, I never wanted to stop. I flipped us, her on her back, I over top of her. Her eyes scanned my face, biting her lip slightly.
"Is something wrong?" I was worried I'd gone too far.
"No," She smiled, "I think I love you."
My heart fluttered, beating out of my chest, "I think I love you too."
Her arms snaked around my neck, her hands making their way through my hair. She pulled me in for another, and another, and another. That's all we did that night, we kissed. It was like we were both addicted, we were each other's drug.
A/N: First time writing on here, I'm kinda excited. Hope you guys like this. Totally expect more from me on here. (I felt there needed to be more stories with Nika)
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How OP men would comfort you after losing a pet || Shanks and Crocodile
I have to put my dog of eleven years down on the 31st (it's 7/30 when I'm writing this). Unfortunately, he has an inoperable cancerous mass on his perineum that is giving him incontinence issues.
Warning: use of (y/n), angst, pet/animal death mentioned.
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Shanks would be there for you and give you anything you ask for, even if it hurts him.
Lucky Roux barged into Shanks's office, going as far as to kick in the door, and yelled, "Boss, I swear to god, you need to go check on (y/n)."
Shanks stopped conversing with Hongo, looked up, and blinked incredulously at his cook's extreme, unusual reaction. "Why's that?" he asked, instantly worried you had crossed some line, you always did have issues identifying people's unspoken boundaries, even though you did try your best.
Lucky Roux vented, "They haven't been coming to meals for several days. They haven't been coming out of their room, except for necessities, and we're all worried about them."
"I see," Shanks muttered in dismay as he averted his eyes.
The large, round man ground his teeth together in frustration before he boomed, "Is that all you have to say! There's something wrong with someone you care about, and you sit there and do nothing!"
Hongo stood up, lifted his hands towards Lucky Roux, and tried to ease him down, "Whoa, whoa."
Shanks declared, "It's alright, Hongo, he has every right to be upset." When the blonde sat back in his seat, Shanks sighed, "They're sad because their cat had gotten into that field of lilies on the last island."
"So? Their cat frolicked in a field of flowers." Roux snapped.
Shanks fixed his friend with a stern gaze, and growled, "Lilies are poisonous to cats. It developed fatal kidney failure a few hours later, and we had to put it down before it started to suffer."
Lucky Roux visibly deflated as Shanks continued, "I know better than any of you how much they're hurting right now. I sleep in the same bed as them, I've woken up to them crying next to me during the night every night since it happened. They asked for some space to process their grief, so the only thing we can do, until they're ready to reach out, is make sure they're comfortable and taken care of."
Lucky Roux unclenched his fists, as a tense silence briefly filled the room. All three men grimaced, dissatisfied with the anguish, from feeling like they couldn't do anything to help, gnawing at their hearts. Shanks broke the silence, "They've been eating, they're just taking them in their room."
Lucky Roux huffed, "Why wasn't I informed? It's usually my job to take people their food when they're under the weather."
"They asked me to not make a fuss, they didn't want to worry anyone." Shanks groaned, "Fat lot of good that did."
Hongo piped in, "He came to me to discuss healthy strategies to help them get out of this grief-funk they've sunk into."
Lucky Roux hummed thoughtfully for a moment, before snapping his fingers, "Why don't we have a crew meeting about this?"
"That's a wonderful idea because I've been feeling lost on what to do." Shanks thundered, slapping his knee as he leaned back into his chair.
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Sir Crocodile would empathize with you in silence, while he gives you physical comfort and considerable amounts of leniency.
Crocodile walked into his office to see you sitting on his couch, silent and seemingly dazed, clutching a tissue box as tears ran down your face. He eyed you, noting that you weren't moving, and showed no knowledge of his presence. The large man shook his head in disbelief, pulling his lighter and a cigar. He took off his coat, threw it over the couch on the other side of the coffee table, and plopped down next to you on the couch. Crocodile took his sweet time to light up, to give you a chance to say anything before he leaned back into the couch cushions, and asked "What's the matter with you, Kid?"
Unsatisfied with your lack of response, Crocodile put his arm over the couch behind you and used his hook to tap your shoulder farthest from him. When jerked away in surprise, he blew out a large plume of smoke. As you coughed and tried to fan away the smoke, Crocodile cocked his head and enunciated, "What is the matter?"
When you stopped coughing, you rasped, "Why would you think that something is the matter?"
Crocodile rolled his eyes, and grumbled, "Cut the crap, you are visibly a wreck."
"My dog died." You admitted.
Now feeling like an ass, Crocodile muttered, "Fuck, the one in the picture on your desk?" When you nodded, he silently allowed his hand to rest on your shoulder and offered his cigar to you. As he watched you take the cigar from him, Crocodile asked, "How did it happen, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Cancer," You sniffled and took a long pull off his cigar. "It was inoperable, and the tumor grew rapidly over six-ish months. I decided that given all his health issues, age, quality of life, and the number of tumors he had, it was best to put him to sleep before he really started to suffer."
Crocodile nodded, slightly relieved that it wasn't anything violent. "Knowing you, he had a good life, and at least he wasn't in pain." Crocodile offered.
The tall man started to panic as tears filled your eyes once more and your face twisted in grief. "I felt I should have done more for him, I could have done more for him." Crocodile, using his free hand, guided the cigar to your lips and shushed you, "Take a hit, dear, it'll help."
You took a shaky hit and leaned against his shoulder.
"Oh! And that's silk you are getting your snot on," Crocodile grumbled but made no move to push you away, before he tisked, "I guess it's fine." In resignation to the fate of his waistcoat, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, lifted the cigar in your hand to his lips, and took a hit. He'd sit there for as long as you needed him to.
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mrsjoeythehurler · 1 month
When I Met You
(OC FMC x Liam Mairi)
I’ve decided to write a fic about an OC and Liam Mairi from Fourth Wing. It’s going to follow the events of the first book and I’m so excited to share it with you. This is my first fic I’ve ever written so keep that in mind while reading :)
I hope you enjoy it!
All characters except for Aurora Sallow who is my OC and the FMC of this fic belong to Rebecca Yarros. The plot of Fourth Wing also belongs to Rebecca Yarros.
Content Warnings: most of the warnings that are for Fourth Wing are also going to be for this fic. That includes: Blood, death, injury, violence and war. The only content warning I am adding is panic attacks (2).
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✧・゚: *✧・゚ Aurora Sallow ✧・゚: *✧・゚
It's Conscription Day—a day I'm not particularly happy to take part in, but I don't have a choice.
I was always meant to become a Scribe. I was always meant to look at books all day and spend my time transcribing them. It's what I've been studying for since I could remember.
That all changed when my parents sat me down two days ago to tell me I was required to become a Rider. My whole world was flipped upside down, my entire future ripped away from me in one 20-minute conversation.
The Riders' Quadrant is apparently in need of more Riders. I heard it's because most dragons are uninterested in bonding with humans, and I'm one of the unlucky ones who's been chosen to try and change that.
Looking around me, I see guards mounted on either side of the entrance and walking about. I see people hugging and conversing with their loved ones and the occasional person silently praying, most likely to any gods who will listen to ensure their safety. They're probably going towards the same destination as me.
Sighing, I look down and make sure my outfit is in order before fixing my hair. I tried to dress appropriately for the Riders' Quadrant—well, as appropriately as my closet back home had to offer. I'm wearing a gray long-sleeved shirt and corset, black pants that are a bit too tight for my liking, and my favorite pair of black platform boots. I'm just about to look through my bag to double-check that I have everything when I hear a familiar voice.
It's Violet Sorrengail. We've been classmates for a really long time. She's always been really kind and someone I consider a friend. Like me, Violet always wanted to become a Scribe; we would always talk about our hopes for the future and look forward to reading books all day.
What is she doing in this line?
She's talking to her sister Mira, so I don't want to interrupt, but I want to know why she's not with the Scribes anymore. She was always among the most intelligent people in our class, if not the smartest. She was going to be the best Scribe the Quadrant ever had. I don't see her wanting to give that up, especially considering it was her dream.
The line continues to move slowly, and when there's only one person ahead of me, I start to really feel the anxiety. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I didn't know two days ago, and I sure as hell don't know now. Who knows if I'll even pass the Parapet? I could be slowly walking towards my death right now. Maybe I should have talked to my parents more and tried to convince them that I can't do this and that anyone else out there is a better fit for this than I am. But I hate disappointing people. My parents don't even know that my panic attacks are back. They were so happy and relieved that I was doing better over the last year, but it all fell apart.
"Next!" Someone calls from ahead of the line.
It's a rider, a marked rider. Along with Captain Fitzgibbons, who’s a Scribe. "Aurora Sallow? First Violet Sorrengail, and now you?"
I give him a small smile. "I'm sorry, sir."
He nods. "It will be sad to see you go. Your future as a Scribe looked so bright."
I want to cry. Instead, I keep my small smile in place and try my best to keep my voice level. "Thank you."
As I go through the entrance, I climb the hundreds of stairs.
After what feels like 100 hours, I'm at the top of the turret, and it's raining. The turret is all stone, formed in a circular platform. The river below shines, with the sun glinting off the surface. Darkness runs through it that rivals the deep sea. I shouldn't have looked down.
Straight ahead lies the Parapet. It's a very slim bridge made of stone with nothing on either side to hold onto. It's a test to see how well you would manage while riding a dragon.
I'm screwed.
There are three riders at the entrance, but only one catches my eye—a mountain of a man with black hair and warm, tawny skin. He turns my way, and I can see the scar running through his left eyebrow, and that's when I know who it is. Xaden Riorson.
Xaden is the son of the Great Betrayer, Fen Riorson, who led the Rebellion. All of the children of the rebels were forced to join the Riders' Quadrant in response to their parents' decisions. I bet they hoped Xaden would get killed, but they were wrong. He's a third-year Wingleader now.
And he's also kind of scary.
Once he sees me staring at him, he narrows his eyes. I'm not sure if it's with recognition or disgust.
Then, I decide to wave at him like an idiot.
He turns back to talk to the Rider beside him, pretending I don't exist.
Yeah, I'm so screwed.
"Next!" Another Rider calls, and I step forward.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 5 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 98... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter literally broke me in more ways than one...
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This chapter is a continuation of Martha and Henderson's backstory from Mission 97, so let's talk about it shall we...?
So when I opened this chapter and saw a radio...:
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...I literally got PTSD from seeing it because it immediately made me think of the first part of Mission 62, Twilight's (or rather [REDACTED]'s) past, so I knew that things were about to take a turn for the worst...! 😔
On the same page, Martha asks Henderson what he's doing here and he tells her that there's a personnel shortage, so he got to graduate early. Then, Henderson turns off the radio and says this:
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This is just... It's so sad, but true that things, like radios, that were once made for helping others can easily be used to spread hatred and cause harm... It's just not right... 😞
Moving on, after being separated for so long, Martha and Henderson were able to have another tea party like they used to have, but it wasn't long before things started to take a turn... During a school safety drill, Martha asks Henderson if he's excused from being drafted, and he tells her...:
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"It may be that even education is powerless now."... 😟
Hearing Henderson say that hurts my soul... But nothing could prepare me for the next few pages...
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Why... Why do things like this have to happen... 😣
No, things like this SHOULDN'T happen...! Innocent people dying because of senseless violence, because of war, it's just not right nor is it fair...! And I will always stand by that...!!
Continuing on, Henderson finds out that Martha is volunteering for The Women's Defense Auxiliary and he's upset by this. She tells him that the ballet company she was a part of is going to disband and her dream will go with it, so he scolds her again and she tells him this:
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My heart hurts just seeing the anguish in face and in her words...!! 💔
And the heart break continues because Martha overhears that Henderson is going to be married off and she is devastated... But while in tears, she overhears that the dance is coming again, so this is her last chance to tell him how she feels...!
At the dance, Martha approaches Henderson:
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Martha looks so cute here...!! 💗 I was so excited to see them dance together, that when I turned the page, something unexpected happened... I started to cry...:
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Seeing them happy, even though just for this moment, it reminded me why I love Spy X Family so much... It's for these moments, the moments that most of S×F's cast is fighting for, the moments that we all should strive for...!! There are just so many bad things going on in the world that it makes wish that moments like these could be the norm for all instead of some...!! I just don't understand why must there be so much hatred and malice in the world... Why can't we all live in peace instead of conflict...
Gosh, I'm even crying now just writing all of that... I should probably start to wrap this up...!
So, just as Martha is about to confess to Henderson, this happens...:
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...and the chapter ends... 💔😭💔
And that was Mission 98; truly such a heartwreching chapter to read, just like Mission 62 was...
I don't even know what else to say except thank you to Endo... Thank you for making this manga, for getting me feel all of these feelings, for giving me the opportunity to share these feelings with everyone that loves this series as much as I do...!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart...!! 💗
And thank you to all of you that reads this post...!! There's a lot of things that I wish that I could do to make the world a better place, but if this post inspires you in anyway, that's good enough for me...!! 💗
Sorry for rambling, but anyway... Until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and thank you for reading...!! 🤗 Later!! 💗
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The One Who Get Away
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Hi guys!
This one come just from my imagination, I can't stop listening this cover of Katy Perry's song so... Here it is! Hope you'll like it :)
I put the version of the song I'm talking about under this text, please listen to it while listening :)
TW : Break up, angst, pressure.
Summary : Your a singer travelling the world with your group but the distance is too hard for you and your (ex) girlfriend. Will you find a way to make her stay?
"I just can't do that anymore"
Ona's voice, coming from your phone make your heart go heavier. You know how she feels about you always being away from your shared penthouse at Barcelona. Well actually you are away from Spain, and today even from Europe.
It’s been three years since your record company managed to place a Spanish band in the international market. Yours. So, now that it’s launched and that it’s been months that you are at the top of the charts, no one hesitates to make you travel to all the countries of the world, without stopping.
It’s been three years since you and your band arrived here by chance, when one of your single ended up on a summer hit. Since then, it has never stopped. In three years you have released two albums and you have made three world tours. You’re exhausted, physically and emotionally. But you made the mistake of not reading carefully the clauses of your contract, too happy to be able to live your dream.
Well, the dream slowly turned into a nightmare. Away from Ona for months now, you were supposed to return to Barcelona in two days to finally have a few weeks of rest. Except that your agent found it more interesting to impose televisions and various promotions in Japan, preventing you from returning from England where you currently are to Ona.
Yet, it was what you expected the most since the day you left her at the airport.
"I’m sorry" you whisper, feeling your throat squeeze. "I can always…"
"No, Y/N. I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t. There are no more ways out"
"What do you mean?"
You know what she means and you’ve been terrified of hearing that sentence for weeks. You’ve known Ona since you were a teenager, one night when you felt lonely and couldn’t sleep, you came across her blog. You don’t know what prompted you to write a comment to which she replied and you started chatting like that. Realizing that you were both from Barcelona, you met and the rest is history.
"I think we need to break up"
"No! Ona please we can work through this. Please. I need you, I can't lose you."
"It's better this way. I'm so sorry"
You don’t think you heard Ona’s voice shake in this way before and you are convinced that she is crying, too.
"Onita please… don’t do this"
"I’m sorry. I have no choice"
"Why? Did you… Did you met someone else?"
Ona has a sad laugh and you can perfectly picture her shaking her head sadly.
"Of course not. It has nothing to do with that. But it’s getting worse every time. It’s been going on for three years."
"It’s not my fault" you whisper softly.
"I know"
A new silence sets in and you hope that your girlfriend is thinking and changing her mind. You know you wouldn’t stand a breakup with her. Ona has been your lighthouse in the dark forever. She’s the most important person in your life.
"I have to go, the team is waiting for me. I think it’s better if we don’t write or call each other for a while."
"Ona wait…"
"No, Y/N. It’s over"
"I love you"
Ona doesn’t answer you, but the breath you hear on the phone confirms that she’s crying. She hangs up after a few seconds and you remain motionless for long minutes, stunned. You are dress for your next performance, your presence on stage being required in about twenty minutes. Fortunately your mascara is waterproof and it’s not necessary to redo it when your friend and guitarist enters the room.
"Ona just broke up with me" you say, looking at him through the mirror.
And with that, the sobs that were until now stuck in your throat suddenly come out. In a few seconds you find yourself transformed into a crying mess, hugged by Juan. He’s your best friend, even if your fans imagine you together. The record company has forbidden you to reveal your homosexuality and has fun supporting the rumors of romance between you two, claiming that it helps the group’s popularity.
"I’m so tired. I just want to go home" you manage to say in between sobs.
Said house being mostly Ona. Making a grimace, Juan caresses your hair. You are not the only one to be exhausted by the frantic pace imposed by your record company. Juan, your drummer Marco and your bass player Ricardo are just as exhausted as you.
"I know" is all he can tell you before someone of the staff come looking for you.
Your manager looks at you coldly seeing the state in which you are and hands you a tissue for you to arrange the draws. He doesn’t ask you what’s going on. He doesn’t care. You just know that if you don’t perform properly, you’re going to get yelled at.
"Are you sure you want to watch this? We can switch channels if you want" Cata kindly assures while looking carefully at Ona.
The brunette shakes her head negatively, stuck against Alexia who passed a protective arm around her. Ona was unable to hide your breakup from her teammates, she’s just as devastated as you are. They had planned an evening to watch the charity concert that you and your group are attending, installed in Lucy’s apartment.
After exchanging a look between them, they finally decided to leave the same channel, the artists walking one after the other. Since this is a charity concert, you had the opportunity to cover a song by one of the featured artists. Your group choose a song by Katy Perry, "The One who get away", a slower version than the original. If you had known, you would have made another choice.
After avoiding a nervous breakdown, you go sit on the stool in the middle of the stage. Juan at your side, you wait for his guitar to be tuned.
"She doesn’t look like she’s ok" Aitana begins, before being immediately shuts up when she meets Mapi’s murderous gaze.
Feeling Ona tense against her, Alexia gently tightens her against her as Ingrid starts to stroke her hair. At the same time, the song starts and you wonder how you are going to finish it. Your hands are shaking, your throat is clenched and you have trouble looking up at the crowd in front of you.
From the end of the first chorus, you have tears in your eyes and at the end of the second you feel a tear roll on your cheek. Despite Juan’s whispers of encouragement, you’re unable to hold her any longer. When the song finally comes to an end, you have the impression that every person who has looked at you has been able to read into you and realize how destroyed you are. And you hate it.
After greeting the audience with the three boys, you let yourself be taken backstage by Ricardo. Juan tries not to make too friendly gestures towards you in public, knowing how much it hurts you and Ona to see everyone jump on these kinds of moments to support their theory.
The ride back to your hotel room was awful. All along the way in the van, your manager yelled at you so much that for the first time the boys rebelled against him. It surprised you but also made you very feel loved and cared. They’re the reason you haven’t dumped everything yet, you don’t have the courage to betray them by leaving. If you had been alone, it would have been different. But they are your childhood friends, more like brothers.
You haven’t looked at your phone once since you got back to your room an hour ago when someone knocked on your door. You know Ona won’t contact you. You have no interest in looking at it. You don’t answer when you hear a knock a second time, then a third time. And you don’t move either when the door of your room opens anyway a few minutes later. Juan went to ask for a copy of your magnetic card at reception, not hearing you open.
"We need to talk Y/N."
"Don’t want to" is the only sentence you manage to get out of your mouth.
Rolled up in a ball under your sheets, your cushion tight between your arms and your head resting on the plush lion that Ona offered you years ago, you only want to stay here until the end of time.
"We talked, with the guys," said Juan, regardless of what you just said. "We think you have to go."
You need a few seconds to realize what he just said.
"I booked you a plane to Barcelona. You have six hours to pack and go to the airport. Marco takes charge of the manager and Ricardo makes sure the way is clear, but you’ll have to go out from this shit. You and Ona are more important than all this bullshit. Go take your girl back."
It is 7am when you land in Barcelona and 8am when you arrive on the doormat of your shared penthouse. You don’t have the key, usually Ona picks you up at the airport and opens you. You didn’t think about it until now. You’re too afraid to lose them somewhere in a hotel room on the other side of the world. But despite your doorbells, no one comes to open.
So you resolve to sit on your doormat and wait for Ona’s return. Your phone is out of battery, preventing you from contacting someone close to your girlfriend. You don’t know where she is and it awakens your fear that she actually found someone else. If that’s what pushed her to break up with you, it will be even harder to fix things.
Exhausted, you let yourself go against the door frame, your feet leaning on the other side. New tears roll over your cheeks and you are so tired that you start to doze.
Ona’s incredulous voice wakes you with a start and you bang your head against the handle of the front door while getting up. Your face fell when you realize that Ona is accompanied by a pretty brunette, who looks at you with curiosity. Is she the one she left you for? Why is she here? It lasts a few seconds, until Alexia comes out of the elevator too. Mechanically massaging the part of the skull you just banged, you continue to observe the unknown.
"What are you doing here?"
Ona's question makes you shift your attention to her and you cannot say why, but you cannot gather your ideas. Yet her tone is neither harsh nor accusing, quite the contrary.
Reacting first, Alexia slips between Ona and you by seizing the keys Ona was holding and opens the door, making enter everyone. Seeing you struggling to get your suitcases, Ona bends down mechanically to help you get everything in.
"You never met my girlfriend, I think?" Alexia looks at you, maybe realizing what’s happening in your head. "This is Olga. Olga, this is Y/N."
You simply acquiesce but Olga hug you with a smile and you hug her back akwardly, the relief making you feel like you're hovering a thousand meters from the ground. Ona hasn’t met someone else. Just like she said.
"I think we’re going to leave you. Are you going to be okay?"
The look that Ona and Alexia exchange lasts a few seconds, before the captain decides that she can actually leave you both. She hugs you too before delicately closing the door behind Olga and her.
"You look exausted. Maybe you should go take a nice hot shower?"
You carry your eyes with heavy eyelids over Ona, shaking your head negatively. You honestly don’t know how long you will endure this sleepless journey, but you also don't know how long you will be able to stay with Ona. She can leave at any time.
"Come sit down, at least"
You feel a heat wave invading your body at the exact spot where Ona puts her hand on your arm to train you in the living room. You let yourself go on the couch, Ona settling next to you.
"You didn’t answer me. What are you doing here?"
"I left" you just whisper. "The boys helped me get out of the hotel and to the airport. Juan booked me a plane and I called my manager to tell him that I was leaving once on the plane. I was too afraid that he would hold me back"
"Wait, when you say you left…"
"I… quit? Broke the contract, call it what you want"
Ona looks at you with disbelief. She never gave you an ultimatum about your career, because she knew you had no choice.
"I should have done this before. But I couldn’t betray the boys" you whisper without being able to look at her.
A new silence settles and you end up lifting your eyes on Ona. She was looking at you attentively and you plunge your gaze into hers for a few seconds.
"I came to ask you for a second chance. I know things have been super complicated between us, especially these past few weeks. But I can’t live without you, Ona. I’ll do anything. I swear."
Ona’s face softens. Your eyes close when you feel her hand on your cheek, your whole body in search of any source of comfort from her. She stroke your cheek with her thumps, making you shivers.
"Do you know why I never asked you to choose between music and me?"
Without opening your eyes, you shake your head negatively. Ona’s voice is soft and helps you to calm down a little.
"Because I know how much you like it"
"I love you more"
You open your eyes even though your whole body is asking you not to. You’re exhausted and wondering what you might look like. Ona certainly saw you in a better light. She continues to look at you elsewhere, a few seconds of silence settling between you.
"I love you too" she ended up whispering. "But we’ll finish this conversation later, I think you need to sleep before you lose consciousness."
Without really giving you a choice, she gets up from the couch and makes you follow her, gently grabbing your hand. You let yourself be guided to your room, in which she helps you put on pajamas before letting you go to cool off in your bathroom. You don’t leave her figure with your eyes, even through the mirror while washing your teeth, fearing that she will disappear. But no, she waits patiently for you, sitting at the feet of your bed.
"Will you be there when I wake up?" you ask in a hesitant tone, finding the inimitable comfort of your bed.
Ona nods and even smiles as you slip under the sheets. Installed on your side, you can’t bring yourself to leave her eyes. That she still agrees to stay by your side despite everything makes you as happy as it terrifies you. She broke up with you less than 24 hours ago and didn’t really confirm to you that something was still possible between you. She said she loves you, but is that enough?
"I can hear you thinking from here"
With an arched eyebrow, Ona observes you with a semblance of severity.
"I’m just scared" you mumble without taking your eyes off her.
"Of what?"
"Losing you forever. You’re the most important thing in my life, I shouldn’t have waited until I lost you to fix things. You deserve the best, of course, but give me time to show you that I can offer it to you."
Softly biting her lip, Ona advances into the bed until she finds herself sitting on her knees, at the height of your chest.
"I’m not going anywhere Bebita"
"Does that mean you believe enough in us to give us another chance?"
As before, Ona’s face softens and is soon dress with one of her most beautiful smiles. You wrote in one of your song that only one of her smiles makes you feel better and that’s still the case today.
"I thought it was clear. Of course I want to give us a second chance."
You’re so relieved you might cry. In truth, real tears cost on your cheeks and you realize that when Ona leans over your cheeks to kiss them.
"Don’t cry. Rest. I’ll be there when you wake up later, and every other day."
As if to support her words, Ona slips with you under the cover and sticks you against her, in her arms. It doesn’t take long for you to fall into a deep sleep, lulled by her caresses on your back, the softness of her hair that sometimes tickles your cheek and the smell of her perfume and shower gel.
When you wake up, hours later, you need some time to understand where you are. Only after that you realize that Ona isn’t here and you panic.
You stand from your bed so quickly that you fell, making a terrible noise. While you stand up, you here footsteps coming to you and you raise your head just in time to see Ona enter your bedroom.
"What happened?" she asks you, taking your hand in hers.
"You weren’t here, I thought you left" you mumble while looking at your feet.
But Ona make you look at her, tilting your face with her index.
"I’m here. I’m not going an where, I promised"
You nod, taking your phone on the floor. You have hundred missed call, messages and notifications everywhere.
"I made pasta, are you hungry?"
In reality you are not at all, but Ona took the time to prepare you to eat and you don’t want to disappoint her at all. Or give her the impression that she wasted her time. So you nod again before following her to the kitchen. You sit where she asks you to, wincing when you see the different messages from your manager. He’s really not happy. In truth, he is even completely furious. "Is everything all right?" asked Ona as she sat down in front of you, serving you a plate that would be enough to feed your entire neighborhood. "I’m in trouble" you sigh softly as you let yourself go against the backrest of your chair. "They will surely seek to press charges or make me pay" It will not be easy. Your gaze is lost on the bay window of your living room, giving a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s partly thanks to this incredible view that you decided to choose this apartment. But you are quickly pulled out of your thoughts by the hand of Ona which lands on yours. "It doesn’t matter mi Corazon. Remember? We don’t care about others... "As long as it's You and Me" you answer with a slight smile. That was your credo when you were both teenagers. And when you grew up it stayed, even if lately the geographical distance took precedence over the rest. Now that you have her in front of you, you wonder how you managed to stay so long away from her. "We’ll find you the best lawyer and I’ll be there every second you need me." "Thank you" you answer simply, throat knotted with emotions Ona smiles tenderly and you feel your heart soaring like a butterfly. You find it hard to believe the reality in which you find yourself. Last night, Ona told you she wanted to break up with you and less than twenty-four hours later, you find yourself in front of her, in your apartment, apparently free of any contract.
"Can I kiss you?" you mumble shyly.
"Since when do you have to ask?" Ona laughs.
You shrug and smile too, inviting her to come to sit on your lap. Ona did and you pass your hand around her smaller frame.
Ona gently puts her hand in your hair, making you shiver.
"What do you want to do now?" Ona ask gently.
"Come see you play at the stadium, eat tortilla de patatas, go to the beach… Catch up on my sleep, if possible with the most beautiful woman in the world next to me."
"Did you already call her?" jokes the Spanish.
You roll your eyes before giving her a little kick on the thigh.
"As if you didn’t know it was you" you snorts before gently kissing her cheek.
"You missed."
Ona’s amused smile makes you smile back and you put your lips on hers this time. It’s a sensation you haven’t felt in far too long. Ona all against you, her skin against yours, her inimitable perfume. She is everything that count for you, well beyond your music group, your success and that we forgive you but obviously well above your fans.
"I’m so in love with you" Ona whispers against your lips.
"Certainly not as much as I am" you answer with a smile.
As you predicted, the record company, your producer and even your manager will launch legal proceedings against you. But thanks to Alexia’s lawyer, you managed to get away with it without much damage. Honestly, you didn’t care about losing money, all you wanted was to be able to get your freedom back.
Like you, the boys came back to Barcelona after the group disbanded. They formed another one for a while, with another singer, but they finally turned the page, claiming it’s not the same without you. None of the three resent you and you still see them regularly.
A few months after you left the band, you came out on social media. Without giving all the details either, you and Ona have not made an official announcement for your couple. You attend almost all of Ona’s matches, sometimes making the trip abroad with her and the team. You post what you want to post on social networks, photos of your holidays, your moments spent with your friends or with Ona, obviously.
It’s fun to see people wondering about your relationship, but you appreciate that they do it with someone you really are. Which you’re extremely in love with and extremely proud of. Wag’s life suits you perfectly, especially when the woman you follow is as perfect as Ona.
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tomblythismyhusband · 9 months
please, please, please, keep writing for haunted! THE ANGST MAKES ME GO INSANE OH MY GOD CHAPTER 2 JUST BROKE MY HEART, poor reader :( i'm loving this series so much, you're so talented!
haunted [coriolanus snow x fem!reader] pt. 3
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[summary]: coriolanus snow x fem!reader | You spend your days depressed as ever, when Tigris comes to talk to you about Coriolanus. Is your relationship with him even worth fixing at this point?
[warnings]: 18+, language, depression, slight eating disorder references [please take care of yourselves lovelies]
[wc]: 1.4k
[note]: I didn’t expect for this series to get so hopelessly sad but chapter 4 is currently in the works! lmk how you guys like this series so far!! requests/asks are always open <3
**series masterlist**
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It had been days. Six to be exact, since you stormed out of Coriolanus’ apartment. You didn’t want to see him knowing that when he looked at you he felt absolutely nothing.
That’s all you felt. Nothing, only a deep, suffocating numbness. You had occupied your days rotting away in your bed trying to forget him. The clothes on your body were old, your hair in desperate need for a wash, and your stomach twisting in hunger you didn’t care to soothe.
You didn’t want to do anything except lay there for hours. What even was the point anymore? Coriolanus didn’t even seem to feel bad for hurting you.
You wrapped your body in your comforter as you let out a breath. It was hard to even describe the hopelessness you felt. All the love and affection you had given Coriolanus, no matter what, clearly meant nothing to him.
You were nothing to him. He never loved you. .
The moment he had returned from District 12 after being discharged from his peacekeeping duties, you were by his side. You supported him, comforted him, and most important of all, loved him.
Love. Maybe that was the problem. Were you really so naive to think of your relationship as love this whole time?
You felt a headache bloom in the front of your forehead causing you to cringe. Sighing, you pulled your sore body out of bed to trudge to the bathroom. Your feet felt heavy as you walked, making you feel weaker than ever.
Opening the medicine cabinet, you popped some painkillers to get rid of the throbbing headache and the achy muscles.
Your eyes drifted to your reflection. What you saw in the mirror wasn’t you. Your heart pounded and you gazed at the stranger, as a shell of who you used to be stared blankly back.
You felt the burning sensation of tears start to prick your eyes. ‘How could I let a man that never even loved me control me like this?’ You thought, biting your bottom lip as your brows furrowed.
Your mind filled with dangerous thoughts. You were never enough. You were nothing. You did everything wrong.
Feeling the sudden need to fix the sorry state you were in, you pulled off your clothes and stepped into the shower. The cold water ran down your back as you tilted your head letting the water soak your scalp. You felt a little better, your self depreciating mindset changing slowly. The feeling of intense cold encasing your body made you feel alive.
When you had finally finished your shower - which lasted almost an hour - you slid into some comfy clothes and tried to smile at yourself in the mirror. The girl staring back still didn’t look like you. She was thinner, exhausted and visibly depressed.
You began to sigh before hearing pounding on your apartment door. You jumped, the loud noise startling you. A tiny part of you hoped it was Coriolanus coming back to make things right.
You walked briskly to the door, peeking through the peephole to see Tigris.
You immediately opened the door, questions spinning around in your mind. You had of course known Tigris with how close you had been with Coriolanus but never enough to the point where you would consider her a friend. Conversation was rare, but you always were in awe of how kindhearted she was.
“Tigris- come in.“ You said breathlessly, as you motioned her to come inside.
She gave you a curt nod before entering your apartment with one swift motion.
“Thank you.” She said quietly. You all of a sudden felt very embarrassed that you stood there in a ratty old crewneck and sweatpants while Tigris was clothed in the finest silk pink dress.
Pushing away your feelings you took a breath and finally spoke. “What can I do for you?”
Tigris brushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced around. You silently prayed she wasn’t judging the disastrous state of your apartment as well.
“I’m here to talk to you about Coriolanus.” She said softly, meeting your gaze. Your heart dropped instantly as his name left her lips.
Nervously, you hugged your arms around your body. “If he wants to talk to me he can do it himself.”
Tigris’ face was stricken with worry as she moved closer to you.
“That’s the problem y/n.” She said urgently. “He’s not talking. He’s not doing anything.”
You looked at her in disbelief. The Coriolanus you knew wouldn’t never neglect the things he had to do.
“W-what do you mean?” You asked, lowering your voice.
Tigris placed her fingers on her temple. “He’s been crying, angry, and doesn't know what to do with himself. It’s starting to get out of hand- I mean, he skipped classes this week too.”
Your jaw tightened as you heard this. Was he really that upset about everything that happened? You felt a slight bit of annoyance bubble up inside.
“If he misses me so much now he should’ve made an effort for me to stay.” You said coldly.
Tigris shook her head. “I don’t doubt that Corio didn’t handle your guys’ situation in the best way but he’s just had so much on his mind I mean…. leaving District 12 and Lucy Gray and-“
Your ears perked up. Lucy Gray? His tribute? What does she have to do with anything?
“What do you mean Lucy Gray? Why does she matter?” You questioned.
Tigris’ face paled and she bit her bottom lip. “He never- told you?” She asked hesitantly.
Your pulse quickened, your breath shortening. What had he not told you? Tigris just stared at you silently, eyes searching your face.
“Never told me what? Tigris-? What happened with Lucy Gray.” You said, a new fierceness entering your tone as you took a step closer.
Tigris let out a sigh and started to play with the rings on her fingers nervously. “You know how Coriolanus was her mentor this year right...” You nodded, listening intently. “Well when he was sent to serve he went to District 12, her district.”
You nodded again. You knew that she was also from 12 but didn’t think anything of it.
“While he was there, he met up with her again. They had a fling of some sort- I’m not exactly sure what happened. He won’t tell me - But he came home heartbroken, I guess she did something.”
You curled your hands into fists. How could he have forgotten to mention he was in love with someone else? It’s pretty obvious it was love judging by the way he had been acting.
“How could he not tell me this?” You asked desperately. You felt your mind connecting all the dots. There was a lot he wasn’t telling you apparently. Was that why he couldn’t love you? Was he really hung up on a scuffed up District 12 runt?
You felt stupid. Of course it was another girl. What other reason would it be? Was she the one that’s been ‘haunting’ him?
Tigris looked at you with pleading eyes. “He won’t tell me exactly what happened but he’s hurting y/n…”
You couldn’t help but let out a scoff. “He’s hurting? Right now I feel like our whole relationship was a lie.”
You felt Tigris reach out to grip your arm. “He loves you. He does.” She pleaded, meeting your troubled gaze.
You yanked your arm away immediately, making Tigris furrow her eyebrows.
“I’m not getting that impression.” The words came out bitter and full of hurt you couldn’t hide anymore. You felt like your body was being weighed down with this new information.
Tigris sucked in a breath. “Y/n you need to try to talk to him.”
You felt like you were going crazy. Coriolanus was the one being shitty and you had to go talk to him?
“He can come talk to me if he misses me so desperately.” You said sarcastically, crossing your arms. “I’m done being hurt by him. I’m sorry.”
Tigris hesitated for a moment then spoke. “He won’t tell me what’s going on in his head. He might tell you.”
You let out a scoff. “Please- he wouldn’t.”
Tigris shook her head, taking her perfectly glossed bottom lip in her teeth. “You don’t have to fix your relationship but maybe you can convince him to get his act together.”
You furrowed your brows and stared at her. “I’m not his fucking parent. He should know how to figure himself out.”
Defeated, Tigris’ shoulders sank. “I’m sorry for bothering you. I’ll leave.”
You still felt tense as you gave her a nod. “I think that would be best.”
She turned towards the door, opening it before looking over her shoulder back at you.
“I didn’t want to come here, but Coriolanus wouldn’t stop begging me to. He’s been crying your name for hours.”
With that she left, shutting the front door behind her, leaving you speechless. You couldn’t picture Coriolanus the way Tigris described. Was he really that upset? But if he was, why hasn’t he come to see you?
You ran your hands through your hair, letting out a groan of frustration. You had so many questions. Questions about Lucy Gray, his feelings for you, why he couldn’t have just acted differently.
Fed up, you quickly ran to go pull on your shoes and grab your purse.
You were giving in.
You were going to go confront Coriolanus.
**part four**
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daenysx · 1 year
Okay so
Modern Aegon fake dating but the uh oh feelings are real and things get hot 🥵
thank you for this request, i hope you like it!
my masterlist
princess treatment
modern!aegon ruins your fake dating agreement by falling in love with you. nsfw.
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you drive aegon targaryen insane.
your little smiles, your hands on his hand or on his back, your soft hair falling gracefully on your neck and shoulders, and you calling him 'my love' all the fucking time.
as if you're actually in love with him.
his brain is blurry when you two are around other people. the fake dating messes with his head, he has to remind himself that this is not an actual relationship. your little acts of love are not real.
he was the one offering it. he offered you to pretend, only when you are around people especially around your family members. both of your families have important places in the business world. his father viserys is your father's business partner and this requires aegon and you to meet at several occasions.
this is where it all begins.
alicent had enough of aegon's girlfriends, or actually the girls he slept with and left. because of aegon's careless actions, alicent had to prevent the press from writing about his acts which would bring the family a bad reputation. well, worse than their reputation now at least.
it was also the day when they meet aemond's girlfriend. alicent loved the girl, she almost treated her like a second daughter. aegon had to try not to throw up every time he saw aemond's proud smile. "why can't you be like your little brother? i'm sick of these behaviours aegon, i'm sick of your stupid actions and all those girls i had to convince not to speak badly of you!"
he couldn't stand another thing aemond bested him at. he couldn't stand hearing alicent's usual disappointed words that made him sad and furious. he should find a proper girlfriend to be with all those stupid events and stop his family's snarky comments at everything he does.
he saw you that night. standing next to your big brother, obviously bored and intolerant. you tried to smile at people talking to you but those smiles were all fake. aegon found out that you had a terrible argument with your father earlier that night about your boyfriend. you broke up with that boy because your father didn't approve of him. you didn't look heartbroken, instead you looked angry and vengeful.
he approached to you later that night when you were standing alone and he tried to convince you into his brilliant fake dating plan. we can be with anyone we want, we only have to pretend when we have to, just be careful not to be seen with them when you're not with me. and you agreed.
the plan had worked. targaryens and your family were quite happy with this new relationship. it affected the opinions of the people in their business in a positive way. even alicent seemed to be proud and happy with aegon.
aegon should be happy.
but aegon isn't happy. he is mad at himself for ruining the plan's actual purpose. he is mad at you for being so perfect. you are a great actress, you actually made him believe that he is somehow nice and lovable. the moments when there is no one around are the worst. aegon has to face with the truths, and the truths are cold and lonely. aegon hates the truths.
he tries to be the perfect-fake boyfriend. he opens all the doors for you, always asks if you want something, walks with you in the room with his hand on your waist, and calls you little endearments.
everyone except aegon is content with the way things go. the families are already happy but you also seem happy with the fake dating thing. you make all the good appereances in public and you have the secret freedom to be with anyone you want.
"i'll meet with cregan after the event tonight."
aegon tries to be cool as he watches you perfect your make up for the upcoming event. "stark? come on princess, you can do better than that."
you smile. "i don't want better, i want him."
aegon feels his blood boil. he smiles but the smile is broken. he knows cregan stark will be a temporary boyfriend for you because no man could ever do with your princess attitude, right? they couldn't stand it and they would leave. it's all that happened 'til now.
"what about you? are you seeing someone?"
he has stopped being with other girls since he accepted his feelings for you. he tried to be with them for the hope of forgetting you. it didn't work, it actually made him more desperate, so he stopped.
"no, not really."
you nod, apply your red lipstick on your lips. fuck that lipstick, it looks perfect.
the event goes smoothly. what worries him is the end of the night. you let go of his hand when you're sure there is no one around. you get into your car and leave him there, to meet cregan stark.
hours of agony pass until he's got enough of it. he drinks one glass of whiskey then he leaves his apartment.
he drives to your house, doesn't even know why. he wants to do something to get him out of this stupid misery. he wants you to know that he fucked up the plan and fell in love with you.
he stops when he sees you in front of your house. with cregan stark. stark leans in to kiss you and aegon loses it. he knows he has no right to say anything, you are not breaking any rules but seeing you with another man is hard. too fucking hard.
you pull cregan to yourself, the door is open and you lead him inside. you don't break the kiss as you walk in. aegon has to do something, the images of you and stark in your room, on your bed haunts him. he walks to your house and knocks on your door. he doesn't care if he'll embarrass himself. that one glass of whiskey gives him the slight courage and he keeps knocking.
you open the door, your red lipstick smeared through cheeks and you look fucking glorious. he wishes the image in front of him to be for him.
"what are you doing here?"
he lifts his head, looks at your questioning face and tries to think of an answer. then he sees stark standing behind you, trying to understand what happens. the moment he recognizes the remnants of the lovely shade of your lipstick on his lips, aegon feels his heart clench with anger.
"get the fuck out of here." aegon says, calmly to cregan. you look at him in disbelief.
"excuse me, who gives you the right to come at my home and tell my guest to leave?" your tone is cool and dangerous.
"remember our agreement, princess? that agreement gives me the right. i won't say it one more time, get the fuck out of here."
he sees the look on cregan's face, clearly the man would fight aegon with a single word from your mouth. instead cregan looks at you and asks a silent question.
"i'm sorry cregan, let's end the night here. i'll call you tomorrow."
he nods, and throws a scary look to aegon as he walks out the door.
"and you. come in and tell me what the hell is wrong with you tonight."
aegon follows you inside, closes the door. he tries to calm down, to not say anything that will annoy you further.
"cat got your tongue? tell me, why are you here?" you ask.
"i wanted to see you."
"and you thought coming over to my house in the middle of the night and saying get out to my guest is the right thing to do? perfect."
aegon shooks his head. "i don't want him near you."
"aegon, you have no right to say that."
"it doesn't change a thing. i don't want him near you."
you stare at him. "you have a thing against cregan?"
he chuckles darkly. "princess, i have a thing against any man who breathes around you."
"what is that suppose to mean? are you drunk? if so, please stop talking now because i don't want to hear anything you say without thinking."
he shakes his head. "i'm not drunk. i mean everything i say. i don't want any other man near you, i don't want their filthy hands on you, i don't want them to have a taste of you. is it so hard to understand?"
"are you insane? of course it's hard to understand! what we have is a simple arrangement. why are you saying that right now?"
"because i ruined the arrangement! i ruined it. i-i fucking broke it. i couldn't stop. i just couldn't stop myself."
you ask calmly this time. "what happened, aegon?"
"i fucking fell in love with you."
the words leave his mouth and you can't help your tears. they make their way on your cheeks and you make a little noise.
aegon can't believe his eyes. why are you crying now? did he upset you that much? guilt crawls in his chest and he can't breathe for a moment.
"why are you crying? wh-what is it?" he asks in a broken voice.
you inhale and try to stay strong in front of him. "you can't just come here and tell me you love me, when i try so hard not to accept my feelings for you just to keep the arrangement safe."
does he hear it correctly? do you say that you have feelings for him? can he actually be this lucky?
"what did you say? you-do you love me? but you said you want stark."
"i lied. great actress remember?"
"so, you love me?"
"you're a fucking idiot."
he weakly smiles and comes closer to you, holding your teary cheeks and presses his lips on yours. it's a desperate kiss, full of longing and love. aegon doesn't know how to show his love properly, so he just follows his instincts. he kisses you for minutes, kisses your face, your forehead. he holds you in his arms and smells your hair.
you wrap your arms around him, still crying and obviously shocked. you try to keep yourself steady even if it feels too hard. all this time you tried to keep your own feelings hidden just to keep your perfect couple image safe and now aegon has the nerve to tell you he is in love with you. you are not sure if you should be happy or angry.
"i'm so mad at you right now." you say after your tears slows down.
"be mad at me tomorrow and i'll explain everything. but now, let me take care of you. let's forget everything for a night, princess."
you nod, leading him to your bedroom. he helps you take off your dress and your heels. you go to bathroom and clean your make up, he takes off his clothes as well. you come out of the bathroom wearing a robe, all clean and relaxed now. he kisses you again, this time he feels you relieved and he smiles.
he lays you on bed, your hair looks like a goddamn crown on your pillows, all shiny and pretty. "what a beautiful princess."
he kisses you, takes off your robe and there is nothing underneath. the sight of your soft skin welcomes him and he is quick to press kisses on your body. his hands stroke the flesh of your thighs as he kisses your nipples. he decides to take his time, to be soft for you. because that's what princesses deserve.
he kisses all the way down to your lower abdomen. he looks up at your face, flushed and expectant. he kisses your clit and you push yourself to him. he kisses it again, again and again. it's swollen with need and aegon feels himself getting harder for you.
he brings his fingers on your cunt, slowly touches your entrance and lets the wetness there coat his fingertips. he starts rubbing your clit, kisses your belly. nothing he does is painful, all of it feels perfect. like a fucking princess treatment.
he rubs your clit with a soft pressure, teasing your entrance and not giving you what you actually want. "aegon, harder. do it harder."
he smirks. "i don't think this is the right attitude for a princess. you should say please to get what you want."
"hmm, no. not all princesses are delicate and gentle. you should've knew about that."
his smile broadens. "my mistake, then. tonight tell me anything you want and i'll give it to you. we can talk about the princess attitude tomorrow."
"can't resist me?"
he shakes his head. "fuck, no."
he rubs your clit harder, his thumb circles it and he puts his two fingers inside. you clench around him, ask him to do it a little harder and he obliges. he has no choice. no choice against you.
he makes you come on his fingers. the orgasm gives your muscles relief and you smile. you kiss him after he licks his fingers and you taste yourself on his lips. you take off his underwear and his cock rests against his stomach.
"come, lay down for me." you say coolly.
he does as he's told. you sit on his thighs, start stroking his already hard cock and make him close his eyes under you.
"that's okay for you?" you ask.
"anything you want is okay for me."
you position yourself on his cock and start moving on top him. he lifts himself closer to your body for a moment, tries to help you adjust. you hold his hands as you move, your muscles clench and you moan softly. you keep moving for a few moments and then decide have a little fun.
"hmm?" he is so lost in his pleasure.
"my legs are tired."
"is that so? well, i can't possibly be a man who lets his princess move in pain now can i?"
he changes the position and now you're under him. he starts moving a little faster, tries to find a pace. "that's it, fucking perfect. not gonna last."
you wrap your arms around his neck, stroking his hair. you moan for him, his name falls from your lips. "my love."
he fucking loses it then, moves faster inside you. "call me that again."
you arch your back as he carries you to your peak. "oh, my love."
he kisses your lips in a passion that you've never seen before. it only takes three more thrusts and he pulls himself off you, comes on your belly. he makes sure you're alright after your second orgasm that night and puts his head on your chest.
breathing sounds fill your room, he leaves the bed for a moment and grabs a clean towel from your bathroom to clean you and himself. you look sleepy now, he is quick to return to bed next to you, pull the covers on and holds you on his chest.
"so, are we not fake dating now?"
he smiles. "we are definitely not fake dating after how you've made me feel now, princess."
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depresssant · 4 months
don't get me wrong, guys, i would DIE for satosugu, but i just had to do this
title : and i love you, darling
synopsis : but for now, satoru would run, and you would have no legs to chase after him.
aristocrat!gojo x writer!reader
you placed the quill gently on the stack of paper and leaned your head against the wall to let out a sigh. thunder rumbled and lightning lit up the dark sky as the rain that pattered a familiar tune on your window reminded you of why you felt this why⏤why you were this way.
there was nothing left.
he was once gone.
he was at the far end, but you had no legs.
he was on the edge, but you had no hand to reach out through.
he was too far away, and you were too close.
you expected it. it didn't hurt any less. what could you do except watch from the sidelines as you had always done? you had no mind to speak and no heart to feel. he would always run, and you would chase, but this? this was different. his laugh couldn't pull you out of the void you were slowly falling into if it was the one thing pushing you into it.
damn it, this hurt so damn much.
"[name]? [nameeeeeee]!"
"you're being so quiet!" he whined. "and you're not listening to me!"
"i was."
"no, you weren't! anyways. back to what i was saying. suguru and i..."
he rambled off, and the thunder shook louder in your ears. it was always suguru. suguru this, suguru that⏤why couldn't it ever be [name]?
he didn't want it to be.
geto and satoru were made for each other like the sun and the moon and the night and day. you were just... dawn and dusk⏤all by yourself either longing for the sun or leaving it. geto was never seen with ink-stained fingers, geto was never seen messy and unkempt. he was perfect.
and perfect belonged with perfect.
as much as it hurt.
"[name]? look, is something wrong?"
everything was wrong. life was unfair. your heart was just so cruel.
"no. everything is alright. i'm just trying to get into the mood."
a teasing grin painted lips that you so desperately wished to kiss. "mood for what?"
"a short story i'm writing."
"tell me about it!" he demanded with a glimmer in his eyes as he sprawled over your bed. those eyes drew you in like a moth to a flame. those eyes had you drowning in an ocean you wished to never return to. those eyes... could never look at you the way you looked at them.
you grabbed your quill and dipped it in ink before scribbling away at the paper. "this woman is in love with a man she can't have. she has to learn to forgo her love as a disease slowly kills her. and besides! i can't write anything without understanding it, so i'm trying to act all sad and mopey."
satoru chuckled and grabbed one of your little decorations from off the table and began to tinker around with it. his hair was a fluffy mess as pink dusted his cheeks⏤an effect of the alcohol. earlier, he had hurled to his stomach's content, and you were there for him every second along the way. even in his formal outfit for that ball, he still looked so ethereal, like an angel too great for any other being.
that ball⏤the same one in which he had confessed his love to geto.
the scent of flowers evaded your noses, but you took in a deep breath so that your coughing wouldn't storm in to interrupt the serene moment. maybe you were just delusional. yet, the idea of geto not sharing something like this made your greedy heart twist in satisfaction. he would never see satoru from the eyes of yours. no matter how hard he tried, he would never love him like you could, and that was something you'd let yourself keep for once. 
to be there throughout his entire life, joining him through the ups and downs, comforting and supporting him, knowing him better than anyone else, seeing him for than what he thought he was⏤that was what a soulmate did! not a lover!
"you know... he said he loved me back!"
but you were't his soulmate. gosh, the ways in which he talked to you made you wishing you were gone. you'd rather die than witness the man who owned your heart like it was a meager coin toss it away for gold.
a chuckle escaped your lips, and you looked down at him. "really?... really."
satoru rose abruptly, and his smile widened as his pace quickened with each word. "i pulled him to the side because i couldn't stand to see him dancing with a woman! we were on the balcony, and the sky was all pretty cloudy, and it was kind of sprinkling, but i didn't care! i HAD to tell him because i just couldn't hold back how i felt! i was even a little angry that he never noticed the way i cared for him⏤the way i loved him! i told him i was there for him all along, but he never noticed me in that way. geto was all grouchy, yet he quite actually lost his composure with every word i spoke, and then he shouted 'i love you' completely out of the blue! can you believe it?"
"i can't."
"and then we paused, and i grabbed his collar and kissed him. i kissed him! and then... i don't know, i just ran."
he spoke about geto like he loved him. he did. he genuinely smiled at the mere thought of him. satoru really was in love with geto suguru. all of a sudden, the sound of knocking interrupted your discussion. three quick knocks followed by a pause and a fourth knock.
your heart sank and satoru's rose.
he stood up excitedly, pulling you up with him by arm.
never hand.
he rushed for the door like he couldn't bare to spend another second alive if it wasn't with geto, and that distinct scent of flowers felt like vines wrapping tightly around your throat, leaving you speechless.
'no! i want you! i want you so dearly i would die if you left me!'
"suguru! What are you doing here?"
"to steal you away?"
'don't go, damn it! please, don't go!'
"would you be okay with that, [name]⏤if i took him?"
'no... no.'
"hah, of course. take your future husband, and don't bring him back."
"[name]! if you stay stuff like that, i never will come back!"
"i... hah! that's a dream i wish to become a reality."
he would come back, and that was the part that hurt most. satoru would lay in arms⏤arms of a coveted life, and you would lay in flowers⏤flowers of a discarded coffin.
but for now, satoru would run, and you would have no legs to chase after him.
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Third Fate - Achilles x Fiancee!Reader
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Requested by Anon
" Hey, I found your tumblr and I'm loving what you do here, mostly troy. I don't know if you're getting requests, but if you are, you can make one for Achilles based on that scene where he's told he can go and win glory in battle and have his name spoken for centuries or he can stay and be loved, have children, wife? I would love to see Achilles receive more love, with a wife and children. Feel free to make any changes you want, thank you very much in advance."
Hi, anon! I got this way sooner than what i expected because I was really in the mood to write it. The bittersweet mix of angst and fluff was exactly what I wanted to get into this week. Hope you will enjoy it :)
For a lenght concern i kept it in a pre war, pre marriage discussion of the prophecy. If once you read it you happen to like what i wrote here let me know and I can post a continuation showing what happens next ( i originally planned to do so, but it became too long so i prefer to save that for a second part)
Word Count 3.200
Warnings: Standard Achilles sexyness ( no smut, but if you watched the film you understand what I mean with this.) Some aspects of both, the canon of the film and the source material it is based on, were changed to fit the request in my envision of the story.
Summary: Terrible news disrupt the eve of your engagement to Achilles. He is called to fight in Troy and the spectacular war that the gossip foretells seems to be the destiny of greatness he had always dreamed with, but the price he has to pay for it is his happiness with you. The three days ultimatum Odysseus gave him is his moment to decide, but he won't do it without you.
Note: Inspired by two prompts by @creativepromptsforwriting
Prompt 1014 - " Well, the prophecy was a bit unclear about this part."
Prompt 1010 - " Let's not worry about the future. Let's just take this one kiss at a time."
"I like how that sounds."
Tags: @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @helie-brain
There was no easy way for him to explain to you what he had just found out. After Odysseus arrived bringing the news of the war in Asia you were already sad thinking of the distance that would keep your fiancé far away from you for an uncertain amount of time, but the real hardships surpassed your expectations. The whispers of fame claimed the conflict escalated enough to become the greatest war your world had ever seen, but you still imagined it as one war like many others he fought before. No matter the challenges found in battle, Achilles would always return to you. 
Except that he wouldn’t,not from Troy. His mother told him of an old prophecy announced before his birth assuring that war would be the peak of his consecration as a hero, but the price for this glorification was his death. From this fact fate allowed him only two options of choice. He could either stay in Greece and be loved during his lifetime knowing history would forget him, or go to Troy to make his name immortal facing his doom. 
To the end of his tale all you could do was cry, convinced that you were losing him forever. All your plans faded in just one instant, the life you dreamed together was gone. 
“ I’m not dead yet, look at me.” He sweetly mocked you. “ How can you be so sure already that I’m here to tell you I’m abandoning you to get myself killed?” 
You could tell he was trying, but that wasn’t making it any better. 
“ If you don’t go, you will regret it. “ Was your dry comeback. “I know you, Achilles. You live to fight, staying away from the battlefield feels to you like a punishment. I can never keep you for long, not even when war calls you to fight other greeks. Why would it be different this time? You were born for this war, not to labrate the fields and raise goats. If Troy is the fate of greatness that you deserve, I can’t ask you to abandon this life purpose for the sake of our wedding.” 
Despite how much he loved to see people worshiping as a hero, he was very aware to be a man in your eyes. Your approach was realistic and showed how well you knew him, much better than some of the men bleeding with him in war. If you fell for him, you did it knowing what to expect. Begging him to change his nature to fit the requirements of peaceful domesticity was never in your plans and you wouldn’t try it even if you were desperate. 
That didn’t mean he wouldn’t be able to surprise you on occasions, exactly as he did when he proposed to you freshly arrived from the victory against King Triopas and his giant Boagrius. 
“ Do you think I wouldn’t give it all away for you? Then I guess you don’t know me as well as you claim. “ He teased you with insistence. “ I can do well raising horses, I have some magnificent ones already. Do you know that horses are one of the most remarkable exportations of the trojans? If their city gets sacked by greeks and I manage to buy a few of theirs to mix with mine we would get an excellent rare breed. “ 
You cleaned your face and warned him against the mockery. 
“ Don’t play with me! With the memories of your proposal still fresh, fate demands me to let you go. Being your wife is my dream, but I can’t have you knowing I would be destroying everything you worked so hard for. The immortality of your name is a cause bigger than me, the happy marriage we could have had or the children I could have given you. It can’t be a coincidence that this war gets unleashed precisely now, just as we are taking the first step to formalize our union.” 
“ They are pressuring me to choose, it’s true, but the load of this decision lies in the fact that I want both more than anything.” 
Achilles interrupted himself to take your hand, inviting you to abandon the distance you were forcing ever since he began to explain the situation. 
“ I need you by my side, it’s the only vulnerability I have ever allowed myself. A glorifying death doesn’t scare me, but surviving far enough without you would be torture.” 
Your lips parted in sincere amazement for that confession, so unusual of him. 
“ A slow agony. If the war doesn’t kill me first, lovesickness will.” He continued. “ The comfort of lonely men fighting in foreign lands is dreaming with their distant wives at night, the hope of returning to them makes life bearable. I would not have this, from the moment I would board my ship I will be aware you are lost to me. All I would have is the wound of my pierced heart still bleeding love for you and plenty of time to wonder how wonderful it would have been to make you mine… Sooner or later I would lose my mind. Knowing glorious death would be the only comfort already promised to me, I would roam the battlefield searching for it. It’s most likely I would perform incredible acts worthy of being remembered, but I would do it as the insane man who is desperately looking for the warrior meant to kill him. The poets would write for centuries about the madness of Achilles.” 
“ Aren’t they singing that already? Many people have described you as a madman.” You teased him, unsure of how to comfort him. “ Not that I mind, but that is a fact.” 
“ They have no idea, unfulfilled passion would consume me in such an incredible way that Paris would feel a reasonable man hearing about me.” 
He dragged you even closer so he could hold you in his arms and you fell for his touch chuckling sweetly. 
“ Would you be competing against both princes at once while fighting the trojans?” 
“ The warrior prince and the lover boy wish they could compare to me, I win in each one of their expertise areas. “ He followed your provocation, then whispered at you. “ I fight as fiercely as I love. “ 
You bit your bottom lip to avoid an audible response, but your flustered face was speaking for you. For an instant you felt as if nothing had changed between you and you have never heard the terrible omens. 
“... Maybe that’s why no woman is meant to have you, the great goddesses would be jealous. “ You theorized out loud while caressing his cheek. “ It’s too much, like Icharus flying too close to the sun… Although I would be lying if I deny I would gladly burn and fall for you.” 
Achilles stopped the flow of words taking your breath away with kisses that numb your senses, but not your mind. He had the habit of expressing important things in short, ambiguous phrases or not saying anything at all. When the hungry kissing began to escalate and you felt his hands roaming the sides of your body you understood that was his answer. If he would be saying goodbye, he would at least try to keep himself distant to make it easier for both of you. Given that his involvement on the war would ruin your chances to formalize, he would be encouraging you to find someone else. 
 He was pulling up your skirt slowly, evidently searching for the heat underneath. The opposite of what you would need from him if he would be about to leave you, so you stopped him right away because you realized what that meant. 
" This isn't the time to act impulsively. I know you love me as strongly as i love you, but you have to choose what truly matters the most to you. If you decide to stay, others will be making history and maybe the pleasures of the thalamus will not be enough to cure the resentment for what you will be missing. Think carefully, hearts can change and the future wife you adore now can one day become the load that brought you down. " 
Although a sensical objection, that didn't seem to preoccupy him much. 
" Never, you were made for me. The omens were very clear, staying grants me a blissful life with you for the price of letting my name fade. I have only two options: be loved and forgotten or waste my life following the fool's orders until death will reward me with immortal glory. Between spending the rest of my life with you or with Agamemnon, I think it's clear where I would rather be. "
The sacrifice was too great, ultimate proof of his love for you. Behind that relaxed phrasing Achilles attempted to de-dramatize giving up his biggest personal dream for the one you shared, what you still considered wasn’t fair. 
Responding with an equal offer was not only what your heart began to crave, but an alternative solution neither of you had considered. 
“ There has to be another way, your mother never said what I must do in all of this.” 
He wasn’t sure of where you wanted to point, but began to suspect it. 
“ Well, the prophecy was a bit unclear about this part.” 
The mischievous happiness renewed in your eyes let him know you had just found hope in the most insane of places. 
“ Don’t give me that look, this is what happens for leaving you a while alone with Odysseus! Now you think you can outsmart destiny and find me a third end.” 
You smirked with pride before presenting your idea. 
“ I can’t interfere with yours, only my own. If no part is clearly stated for me in this sacred command sent to you, then nothing stops me from choosing one. Instead of having you abandon your dream to stay with me, I’ll follow it with you.” 
His eyes were wide open staring at you, disbelief making him feel you were then playing with him. 
“ Are you telling me we could just get married and board the ship to Troy the morning after our wedding night? What kind of honorable nuptials would that be? When all the wives of the country would be giving their farewell to their husbands, would you follow me like slaves are meant to? War holds no virtuous position for a woman to occupy, it would be a stain to your reputation your parents would curse me for. “ 
“ If your baby cousin can go, so can I.” You justified yourself.” To stop me you will have to stop Patroclus and we know that is not going to happen.” 
The exactitude of your threat made him feel frustrated. Not because he wouldn’t love having you with him, but since he was refusing to publicly humiliate you like that. All Greece would know you were going to be the only wife following her husband to Troy for unexplainable reasons and they could judge your morals. Decent wives were meant to wait for their husbands and take care of their homes, not let passion distract them from their social duties. War camps were masculine places meant to be despised by the women, since their only female presence was typically in a state of degradation. Besides, Helen had already caused a moral breach shaming the greek concept of marriage and that was the reason pushing the fight. People would be judgemental of your relationship, they would question you for immorality and him for lacking authority to make you stay like a normal wife should. 
He wasn’t thinking about him anymore, of protecting his name and the weight of his masculine prestige. He was extremely worried about you and the consequences it could bring when he wouldn’t be there to protect you. 
“ Do you sincerely want to go to Troy and watch me die?” 
“ It’s still better than watching you sail knowing you will never come back.” You terminated in response . “ I have heard the city is built to withstand a ten year siege, enough time for us to have a life together before destiny will reclaim you.” 
Arguing with you was hard, even if the idea was insane you would find ways to make it sound logical. 
“ A camp on the trojan beach is no place to start a family. “ He replicated softly, just letting you know he was trying to make you understand you couldn’t ask that. “ What are we going to do when the children come? Because they will, eventually. If you become my wife no omen of death is going to stop me from making love to you.” 
You smirked innocently, ready to deliver a justification. 
“ I'm not naive, Achilles! Do you think I don’t know what happens in those camps? Captives get pregnant all the time, so it's not impossible to go through it there. It may not be ideal, but I can make it. If you would leave me here and break our relationship to protect me from your fate, you could still put a baby inside your finest war trophy girl.” 
“ And who said I’m leaving?” He questioned you. “ I’m not doing it and I am not breaking up with you. Now stop with this nonsense, my wife can’t be giving birth surrounded by death.” 
“ But trojan women can? Because births aren’t going to stop there. “ You insisted, sitting near and acting as if you were two civil parts on a trial. “ Hector has a baby boy, if he can be a father in this mess so can you.” 
The provocation made him hold a groan, but he turned back and kicked the nearest surface as a frustration release outlet. 
“ It’s different for him, his wife is a princess and they have a city to defend. “ He tried to articulate in fast speaking, doing all he could to not show signs of anger growing because of your stubbornness. “ I don’t want you to have the life of a war captive, to denigrate yourself for me.” 
It was very sweet, you were feeling his pain but he had to understand yours too. 
“ As long as you are still breathing I will not accept a life without you. When the time comes I will embrace grief, but I’ll cry for you as your widow. In the meantime I don't want no one else, I’ll have the ground of your tent as thalamus and I’ll have your children.” 
He gave a few steps towards you, presenting one more solid concern. 
“ What will be of all of you when I'm gone?” 
That should have been a strong preoccupation making you desist, but it didn’t. 
“ We will be alright. They will inherit your share of the sacking, we know your death is linked to the fall of Troy so I can assume we will win something. Given that the House of Aeacus would possess fresh new heirs to renew the bloodline, I may even be able to bargain with Agamemnon the throne of Phthia for one of them. He hates you, but he would not be politically capable to refuse if you become the maximum fallen hero of the war he just won.” 
At that point he felt true powerlessness because he just couldn’t convince you out of it for your own good. 
“ They can’t grow in a warzone, think of the ruthless people they will become.  Those kids would not know any better until it would be too late for them. I don’t want a soulless soldier as heir, people saying Achilles’ son has surpassed the brutality of the father.” 
“ Let our little monsters run free through the camp, they will turn out fine if we guide them right. “ You imagined out loud, not scared at all by the dark warning. “ I can’t wait to see them messing around, you will be in tears the first time one of them will grab a wooden sword trying to copy their father.” 
Illusion was starting to make his negative stance harder to maintain, he loved what you were saying. It sounded so wonderful that he couldn’t help find some sensical feeling in it. There was only one detail you haven’t solved for his resistance to fall completely. 
“ How would I fight the enemy worried for you? You will be the only married woman around thousands of men and although I'm terrifying to most of them, I can’t keep control at all times. Some of those men will not be myrmidons, they will not know who you are.” 
“ That’s the best part: I’ll keep Patroclus bussy.” You announced with excitement, knowing well he wouldn’t resist it. “ I know you don’t trust him in an open battleground yet, but he would not accept being left behind so you have to take him or he would never forgive you. With me on board you have a safe mission to give him that would keep him away from combat but still make him feel a hero. By the time you will judge him ready to charge into battle my presence will be naturalized and his vigilant eye won’t be needed anymore.” 
Hope was truly hitting him because he started to feel as if the crazy plan could work if you all would make it work out. Most of the persons he loved the most could be with him for the rest of his lifetime, making the surviving gap before the consecration worth living. His little cousin, his best friend and his wife along with his future children all gathered like some warrior family. 
A taste of happiness before the end, walk the two roads simultaneously into a third fate. 
“ Blessed be your stubbornness, you wonderful woman! “ He praised you, surprise making his attitude switch as he rushed towards you. “ How can you be in every detail? You are insane, but I love you. I don’t deserve you, I can’t believe this.” 
He made you smile and by that point you knew you were about to win. 
“What exactly? My incredible ingeniousness, my gorgeous looks?” 
“ That you love me so much, '' He admitted, then picked you up bridal style. “ That you will be my wife and I will brag about having you to both greeks and trojans. I will not rest until you will be the most honored person in that camp alongside me, your sacrifice will be part of my legend and maybe that will be my start to repay you. “ 
His immense gratitude was making you chuckle due to the unusual intensity, but he wouldn’t stop. 
“ I’ll love you to my last breath, I promise you that.” 
You were all smiles while caressing the strands of hair falling at the sides of his face. 
“That’s all I want. No other payment you can offer matters to me because my will for sacrifice comes from love, just like yours.” You purred blissfully. “ Let’s not worry about the future, let’s just take this one kiss at a time.” 
Mesmerized as he was, he replied against your lips. 
“ I like how that sounds.” 
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leonsdoll · 11 months
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part two
plot: you have a crush on your best friend but sadly she doesn't reciprocate
warnings: angst/no comfort, boring asf, bad writing, plus not proofread!!
word count: 1.2k
notes:hey fruity people, this took me a couple days because I'm soooo busy(listening to radiohead) if any of you sad little gays want a part two tell me and PLEASE give me plot ideas😛 and the title is a mitski lyric💯
ellie had been your best friend since you moved to Jackson, you were both just fourteen years old when you met. over time you slowly but surely development a crush on her, I mean, who wouldn't? she's a cocky but funny girl with great hair, of course as you started to develop feelings so did she, but not for you...
her first girlfriend was when she was 17 and her name was cat. hearing ellie talk and talk about her for hours was a real punch in the gut, no matter how many times you heard the same things over and over again it still hurt like hell. when they broke up you couldn't tell if you were happy or sad, I mean yeah she's single now, but now you have no reason why she doesn't like you, before you could tell yourself that she's only in love with her girlfriend, now she doesn't like anyone and you were no exception.
now she was at her second girlfriend, Dina, you adored but couldn't help your jealousy corrupt you. you wanted to like her so bad, you wanted to look at her and Ellie and be happy for them, but you couldn't, you just couldn't. you were supposed to go out with ellie, dina and jessie tonight, there was a dance or a party, you didn't even know and you didn't care, you just didn't want to go.
it was 7pm and you were supposed to leave at 7:30pm, of course as worrier you are you wanted to look perfect, so you had already been ready for an hour. when it finally came time to leave, you slipped on your shoes, grabbed your bag and left the comfort of your home. as you stepped outside you were immediately hit with the cold air spring and your arms got goose bumps.
reached the "gathering" you could smell alcohol and sweat and hear old country songs play, right then and there you almost considered leaving but you musterd up the courage to walk in, the minute you walked in ellie and jesse turned their heads towards the door, they smiled and indicated for you to come over, you walked over to them and sat down on a bar stool.
"hey guys!" you grinned and hugged them, you guys talked for a good ten minutes but when the conversation died down you looked over at the and saw that they were staring at the dance floor, why? you turned your head to look at what they were paying so much attention to and you saw Dina, dancing with some random guy, she looked beautiful, somehow in this overcrowded and loud bar she still stood out with her beauty.
when the song ended Dina came rushing over to you guys, you said hello to her before she stole ellie drink, she pulled her to dance and that's when you decided it would be better for you to look away. you continued talking with jesse while they danced, you snuck in a couple glances towards them every once and a while, lucky they never saw you, while jesse was talking with someone else you shifted your attention to them again, they were so in love and it hurt you so bad.
you had never actually seen them be together, you always tried to avoid that, if they invited you somewhere you usually would just make up some dumb excuse like you were sick or maria needed you for something, you just couldn't bring yourself to watch ellie be a couple with someone again. they leaned in a little closer and you could see ellie blush and chuckle, after a couple more seconds of chatter they finally kissed, you wanted to look away so bad, but you couldn't, it's like you wanted to hurt yourself.
after they shared that sweet kiss you quickly looked away and wiped a tear from your eye. you put your hand on Jesse shoulder to get his attention, he flinched before turned around, "hey what's up?" he questioned, you cleared your throat before speaking up, "I'm gonna rain check I'm really tired so I think I should get some rest" you put on your best fake smile, he nodded and said goodbye. you quickly rushed out of there.
walking home you couldn't stop thinking about how ellie didn't love you before and she doesn't love you now, you just couldn't understand why you couldn't get that through your head. opening your door was a struggle, do to not being able to see the key hole from the tears forming in your eyes.
when you finally opened the door you took of your shoes and laid down in bed, you sighed and closed your eyes hoping you could just disappear. you woke up to the sun peeking through your window, you sleepily grumbled and rubbed you eyes. you got up and got ready for the day taking your time, you thought you had nothing to do today, just a calm sunday, when suddenly you heard a knock at your door.
you opened the door and the warm air rushed in, it was ellie. 'not to be rude but are you doing here?' you awkwardly put your hand in your sweater pockets, 'oh uhm...yesterday you left really early and I wanted to check if your okay I guess...and you know we beraly see each other anymore' and she was right you've only been seeing each other about twice a month for a while. 'oh yeah I was just really tired last night and uhm I guess I just wanted to go home' ellie nodded, 'can I come in and maybe we can...talk?', you really didn't want to talk to anyone right now, especially not her.
but I mean you couldn't say no...? 'oh yeah sure' you moved from the door and she stepped inside closing it behind her, 'you got a new lamp' ellie pointed to the tall lamp in the corner of your living room that you found on patrol, 'yeah it needed more light in here' you awkwardly chuckled, you both sat down on your couch before ellie spoke, 'what happened to us?' she questioned, you turned you head around and tried to blink tears away, 'i don't know' you lied.
'i mean we used to hang out and tell each other everything, I feel like I don't even talk to you anymore' you sighed and put your knees to your chest, 'i know and I'm sorry' your voice cracked mid sentence, 'did I so something wrong?' she whispered, you thought maybe it was time to actually tell her, you lifted your head from between your knees and looked into her eyes, 'no you didn't, it's just I've always had these...feelings for you and they won't go away, so I guess watching you be with someone else is hard but uhm...talking to you is somehow worse...'
to say the least ellie was shocked at your confession, I mean her best friend was in love with her? and somehow she didn't realize, 'oh' with her mind racing a hundred miles per hour that's all she could say, 'yeah I know' you whispered, ellie thought about what to say before blurring out a quick 'I'm sorry' before getting up and rushing out the door, you watched her leave and sat there with tears streaming down your face. honestly you didn't know if you and ellie would ever be as close again.
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flowery-mess · 7 months
I don't really know what this is, it came to me at 1AM like wave of feelings that I suddenly needed to write down. Let me know if you like it.💗
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Today was perfect day. In every aspect, it was perfect, so why am I standing on the balcony, looking down at people celebrating Nick and his beautiful wife's wedding, crying and with anxiety attacking my body?
All of the Bad omens crew have been looking up to this day ever since Nick proposed to his girlfriend. Boys, including Noah, knew about it, but to everyone else it was surprise.
Me and Nick's girlfriend are close, we clicked immediately when Noah and Nick introduced us.
So I couldn't help but burst into happy tears when she send me picture of her hand with this beautiful ring Nick chose for her. It was almost a year ago, but it felt like yesterday.
Me and other bridesmaids spent the night before the wedding together with the bride to be, while boys used mine and Noah's apartment to hang out with Nick.
We woke up early and started with preparations. It was messy and chaotic, but I enjoyed it in a way. Seeing my friend with a smile on her face as she was about to marry the love of her life made me think about my friends back home.
I moved to the states 5 years ago for work. And for a change. My life back home was a mess and I needed to escape it. I stayed in touch with my best friends, but you can stay as close as the ocean between you allows you to.
We didn't expect that I would stay, I had work offer for a year. But then I met Noah. I never thought I would stay in a foreign country for a boy. When I extended my work contract we were dating only for 3 months, but it felt right.
After everything bad and sad that happened at home before I left, something finally felt right.
5 years later we are still together and I know I made right decision.
But it had sacrifices.
I never had a strong relationship with my family, I always considered my friends as my family. I moved from my hometown to a different town for university and saw my family just a few times a year, usually for occasions like someone's birthday. In a family aspect, I felt alone. I never called my mum to tell her about a boy I met or for cooking advice. She was always busy giving her time to her boyfriend, who I wasn't fan of. Neither he was of me. We drifted apart so easily and neither of us tried to put this so called mother daughter bond back together.
Between me and my dad wasn't a bad blood. We just had very casual relationship. We saw each other once in a few months, which now changed to phone calls once in a few months. He cares about me and loves me, we just weren't close at any point of my life.
So with my blood family, moving was easy.
But being without my friends? That hurts. Especially when I'm spending time with my new friends here in the states, like today.
I was part of the preparations, cake tasting, choosing dresses, making playlist and anything else you can think of. And I loved that. It just made me think of my childhood best friend's wedding. I could take only few days off at work, so I barely made it to bachellorete party, then wedding and then I came back here.
To help you understand my point, my friends went through every shit in my life. My parents divorce, my grandmother's cancer, my mom bringing home this new boyfriend, moving out of my childhood home to a new place, high school, moving for university, crying about my mother or crying about my heart breaks. They were there for me all the time.
After we had our makeups and hair done, me and other bridesmaids went to welcome the guests that started arriving at the venue.
It was family, friends and the BO crew, except for all four boys that actually created the band. Noah is Nick's best man and Folio and Jolly are groomsmen.
I started to feel homesick and guilty for enjoying my 'new' friends wedding that much with thought of my childhood friends. I couldn't wait for Noah to arrive to make me feel better.
"Excuse me lady, the legend says that the bride should be the most beautiful woman on a wedding day." I must have laughed at Noah's joke when he arrived while we had just a few minutes to talk before the ceremony started.
"Well I could say the same about you sir." I said as I placed my hands around his neck and pecked his lips.
"But really, you look beautiful Y/N." He said suddenly with a serious face, but with sincere look in his eyes as his hand caresed my cheek.
I think we both realized that our friends are getting married and that this day is gonna be full of love and happiness and that we're gonna spend it together.
The ceremony started just a few minutes after Noah and the boys have arrived. I was paired with Folio to walk down the aisle. I call Folio my Bad omens best friend. He's the one I'm closest with, we have the same sense od humor and I am voluntarily going fishing with him. I think that's how I get him to be my bestie.
I am very emotional person and I teared up a lot through the day, but when I saw Noah walk down the aisle I felt tear slide down my cheek. He was beautiful. I saw him in a suit only few times, so I am always amazed by how amazing he looks in it. Our eyes were locked the whole time he walked the aisle, we were smiling like it was ours wedding and I saw tear slip down his cheek too.
I was thinking if he's gonna ever propose to me, because we didn't talk about it yet. And with his family background and commitment issues, I am not sure if he even wants a marriage. He worked on himself a lot through our relationship, our begining wasn't easy. But we communicated and talked about our feelings to make it where we are today.
After the ceremony came to an end we moved to the lunch area, where me and Noah could finally spend some time together.
"It was really beautiful wasn't it?" I asked him with my mouth full with this delicious meal.
"It was. I didn't think I'd be this emotional."
"It was hard not to be."
We contiued to eat our meals, then there were some speeches and then the party began.
After few drinks the dancefloor was full with dancing bodies. Playlist was made of all genres and hits you could imagine. We were dancing in a circle, me and Folio the stars of the dancefloor.
Then Love story by Taylor Swift started playing and my mind went back to my thougts I had at the altar.
Noah came to me, connected our hands and started dancing with me. He wasn't fan of dancing, but he would do anything to make me happy.
We were swaying to the rhytm of the song and singing those famous lyrics.
"I can't wait until our day looks like this too." Noah said out of nowhere.
"Our day?" I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I had a feeling.
"Yes, our day. I'm gonna marry you, did you think I am not going to?" He looked genuely surprised and maybe little hurt that I would think that.
"I just didn't know what is your opinion about marriage, we never had that conversation." I answered honestly. Taking his face in my hand and caresing my thumb on his cheek I couldn't resist the smile on my face.
"I know we didn't, but I was thinking about it. I never thought about it before I met you, but I also never thought I could have relationship longer than a few months, so I started thinking about marriage." He looks so cute and all flastered when he talks about his feeling, specially his feelings about me.
"I like that idea of you being my husband very much." I saw the uncertainty leave his face after my words.
"And I like the idea of you being my wife very much too."
After that song and conversation I excused myself and went to the bathroom.
I felt those anxious feelings in my chest and tears forming in my eyes. It was mix of happy and frustrated tears. I tried to compose myself and not to ruin the mood for myself and for everyone else.
That brings me to this moment where I'm standing at balcony and looking at everyone under me. Thank god the lights are pointing at the dancefloor, so I am hiden in a shadow and no one, especially Noah, can see the tears streaming down my face.
I should be happy. After today and the conversation with Noah, I should be happy. Why am I not happy? Or am I? Why do I feel like I have everything I ever wanted, but had to sacrifice my closest friends for it? Do I even like this country that I moved to? What if I want to move back home in the future, will Noah come with me? I suddenly felt so unsure about everything. So many thoughts running through my head as I continued watching those happy faces, while mine was soaked in tears.
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classicanalyzer · 28 days
Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Premiere Thoughts
"I have walked through the dust and deserts of far-away lands, in search of an artist possessing the craft to save all Middle-Earth. A storm is coming, Celebrimbor. I can bring you the knowledge none other possesses. I can unlock your grandest abilities. And when our work is complete, never again will the world overlook you as the mere scion of Fëanor but forevermore revere you...The Lord of the Rings." Sauron/Annatar
Season 2 really improved on the aspects of S1 I found lacking. There are more connections to the lore of the Second Age and better writing in the stories from S1. The production design of this show has always looked amazing, but this season really nails it. The practical Orc designs is always great to see. What a great premiere.
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Elven Kings Under the Sky
"Always, after a defeat... the shadow takes another shape and grows again. Morgoth is gone. Leaving us alone and disgraced. But today, a new age begins. Under me. Your new master. Sauron. And with a new age, I bring a new vision. A path to unconditional conquest. For I seek a new kind of power. Not of the flesh, but over flesh. A power of the unseen world. One we shall use to enslave the peoples of Middle-earth to our very will. Many Orcs will die. But out of the chaos, we will forge a new and perfect order. No longer will we be hunted as the demons who broke Middle-earth, but rather worshipped as the saviors who finally healed it. By bringing its peoples together, to rule them all as one!" Sauron
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I find it funny how Sauron was this out-of-touch wannabe ruler who nonetheless shows why he's feared as he killed a treasonous Orc. This Sauron is a player who didn't invest any points into charisma lmao.
It says a lot about a being when freaking Orcs (one of the most famous examples of corrupted evil mooks) revolt against Sauron. I really like how this show makes you emphasize the Orcs and how Adar was a caring ruler for the Orcs and wanted the best for them. This is especially compared to Sauron who just outright told them they must obey him and they're a race who are meant to be hated.
It's fascinating to see how much the prologue of S2 parallels the prologue of S1 between Sauron and Galadriel. And of course, Sauron chose selfishness just as Diarmid, the kind old man, telling him that he can choose to be good each day until he's good all day. It also shows how Sauron once again loves to lie and twist the truth.
I really love Elrond for understandably being the only one to distrust the rings. I also like the strained relationship between Galadriel and the rest of the Elves even further, except this time they have to work with her since she's the one who got them into this mess. Also, that beautiful shot (the screenshot for this episode's thoughts) is an amazing piece of visual storytelling. It conveys a sense of underlying sadness for Círdan that I can feel.
The Three Elven Rings are finally used (Gil-Galad is a great singer ngl) and we will have to see the greater ramifications and consequences of their use.
The Stranger's deadpan snarker humor is pretty funny to see. I'm also glad Poppy is a part of the duo now, she and Nori have a pretty wholesome dynamic.
The orchestral reprisal of Wandering Day (Warning in the Words) is mesmerizing. It's such a great payoff and a heartwarming reminder that while Sadoc is gone, he continues to help his fellow Harfoots in death.
Where the Stars are Strange
"You are wise to fear this power, Elrond. But do not let that fear blind you to the ways it can be used for good. For it is not your enemy, that bear these rings...But your most trusted friends. If you believe they have strayed, do not abandon them, but rather open their eyes and guide them...Before the darkness spreads across Middle-earth, and blinds us all." Círdan.
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I really love the updated intro for this show as the grain of sand shifts to the music. But now we see red grain as the darkness of Mordor (the red sand at one point "erupting") and Sauron begins to spread. It really sets the stage for the dark times ahead for Middle-earth. The logo is now less shiny and more rusted.
The opening for this episode is so chilling with Celebrimbor's impending death. I just wonder if the show is going to adapt Sauron's brutal killing of Celebrimbor and show his corpse if they adapt the Siege of the Grey Havens.
Durin IV and Dísa continue to be one of the sweetest and wholesome couples in Middle-earth and this show. I love how they support each other at Durin's lowest point. Seeing Khazad-dûm's lights dim is so chilling and it just further sets the ground for the eventual Durin's Bane to come. When Dísa and the singers fail to communicate with the mountain, it really shows how the darkness is beginning seep in everywhere.
Círdan has a great speech about how despite the origins of something with the potential for evil, it can be used for good...but that they must ever be vigilant, not let fear dominate them, and watch over their friends to ensure they stay on the right path.
I find it funny how Elrond agrees to help out Galadriel...but puts himself in charge of the mission. It shows how far their friendship had fallen and Elrond's distrust in Galadriel's ability to resist Sauron.
The Rhûn theme absolutely slaps so hard. It really captures the wonders of the desert really well.
Sauron knows exactly how to use his injuries to make himself sympathetic. He's a clever evil bastard alright.
At this point, the Stranger has to be Gandalf. I wonder who the Dark Wizard is tho. I hope the Dweller Acolyte gets more to do in this season.
The reveal of Annatar, the definition of the devil in angel's clothing, was so well done. He really knows presentation alright by making his entrance the most flashy dramatic reveal ever lol. I felt legit chills when he did a title drop with the Rings theme playing forbiddingly. The whole scene felt like a Renaissance painting come to life and at that point, I totally got how Annatar basically had Celebrimbor at his fingertips. The whole Annatar name reveal was so satisfying to hear.
The Eagle and the Sceptre
"And yet...the grief of Númenor is sacred to me. Your pain, a prayer within these walls. I hear your sorrow, and your anger. I share it. We have bloodied and been bloodied. But know this... We will find our course. Should there be another among us who feels moved to speak...firstly ask yourself this, for whom do you cry out? For those we have already buried? For your kingdom? Or for yourself?" Míriel
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Nothing bad should happen to Berek, one of the best characters of the show haha. Also, Isildur fighting against Shelob is pretty cool. It says a lot about how he longs to go back home now...though given the episode, it may seem like he might not be able to go back home.
I really love Valandil standing up for the Queen and he's becoming one of my favorite side characters of the show. He represents the soldiers who know what it was like in the battle compared to the politicians who use their suffering and the deaths of their peers for their own persona selfish agenda. I really hope he survives Númenor's downfall.
Some of the rhetoric of the pro-Pharazôn faction echoes the sentiment of people post-WW1 of the pointlessness and/or failures of the war. And one such latter group would go on to create one of the most monstrous regimes in human history, just like how Pharazôn's reign as King will become one of the most monstrous regimes in Middle-earth history.
Elendil's relationship with Eärien is going to be fascinating going forward as the two seem to be on opposing sides. It's ironic how in the show, one of Elendil's children began the downfall of Númenor while his other child caused Sauron to live onto the Third Age.
I never thought I would see a wholesome Orc family nor hear heavy metal in Middle-earth and you love to see it. I find it absolutely hilarious that the hill troll is voiced by Gil-Gilad's actor (I wonder if Gil-Gilad and the hill troll will fight each other...that would be so funny).
I absolutely love how Durin IV becomes the first character of this season to realize Annatar's untrustworthy nature because he knew that Elrond would never compliment him like that. The fact Durin IV knew that speaks a lot about their friendship.
I knew smth was fishy about Estrid but for a split moment, I thought maybe she was alright.
I know the death of Bronwyn is due to her actress Nazanin Boniadi stepping away from the show, and it's such a gut punch to see Arondir and Theo revert a bit from their character growth as they both grieve. You can feel that Arondir wants to help Theo but Arondir's reversion back to stoicism to cope and Theo's grieving prevents the two from bonding further.
The story of how Isildur's mother died and how she saved her son's life at the cost of her own...and how Isildur didn't tell anyone because of his own guilt. I really love how Theo emphasized this story given how his mother just died and all the way back in S1, Theo already felt guilty for how the Southlands became Mordor. Isildur's motivations for wanting to do something worthy are now revealed to be his idea to make up for his mother's sacrifice.
Never mess with Ents. Nuff said.
It took a rewatch but I find it funny that the Eagle, a sign of a bad omen in Númenor, looked like it was trying to say "No you idiots don't put Pharazôn into power!" and then left when it became clear Numenor chose its fate. The music especially is incredibly chilling for one simple reason: the main theme of Númenor is still the same. There's a minor key shift but it's still the same theme used for Pharazôn. This really spells the end of Númenor even before the Island will inevitably sink. The red of the future that Pharazôn will lead Númernor is one of blood and horrors.
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emelinstriker · 10 months
First off, I'm really sorry about everything that's been happening around your blog. This AU has been such a huge source of comfort for me in my everyday life, and it pains me to see jerks with nothing better to do than to ruin the happiness of others affect this blog so much. However, on a different note, if you would be so kind as to let me tell you about a daydream I had about your AU, that would be just the most!
So, I was revisiting some old fandoms of mine, and I suppose those began mixing with the ESAU at some point. You know the song "Drift Away" from Steven Universe? I was thinking about how sad it was when the ESAU popped into my mind and OH BOY. I thought about this little scenario! (I apologize for the poor writing):
One of the many Master reincarnations that stuck with Macaque was the long gone Master *Gertrude. It wasn't because she led an interesting life or had special affections for him, but rather that she abandoned him. Fed up with him for being the most affectionate and always in her space, she brought him out into a field. Alone. She smiled and hugged him, something Macaque couldn't have recalled her ever doing towards him in the past, before telling him to stand still in the open field and not to move until she came back. Macaque had wanted to ask her questions about where she was going when she gave him her next and final command, to not ask her questions. With that, she left, and Macaque sensed a feeling of strong joy coming from her and, well, if his Master was happy, than he was overjoyed! And so he waited. Minutes passed by, then hours, then days and a week. And before Macaque knew it, months had gone by, follows by years. Years of standing and waiting for his Master to come back with him, with nothing but the occasional bird or rabbit passing by, which he would snatch up and eat to feed himself and keep himself busy. But Macaque couldn't understand the situation, couldn't understand why any of this was happening, until one day when he saw the other champions coming his way. By this point, the grass in the field was overgrown and the flowers had withered. A few vines reached around Macaque, keeping him planted down to the Earth, as if it was reclaiming him. His fur was filthy and unkempt and he had dark circles around his eyes because it was hard to sleep standing up, in the open, alone. Macaque had watched as his brother and the other champions approached him, Wukong coming forward in swift strides to help pull off the greenery growing on him and hugged him tightly. Macaque... felt like crying although he could hardly understand why.
"Master is dead." Wukong had spoken with his usual monotone voice, but it cracked. Hearing his brother's voice crack broke Macaque and he hugged him back, feeling warm tears running down his face and he asked the question that had been racking his mind for decades.
"Why did Master never come back for me?" Wukong couldn't answer, no one could bare to tell him except for Mink.
"Master got rid of you because they didn't like you. But don't yell at us for never looking for you, because she specifically requested that we didn't and so here we are."
Macaque remembers how he broke down right there, tired after years of standing there with sleepless nights and little to eat or do. He remembers vowing to never trust their Master so blindly again, reminding himself to keep all the qualities Master Gertrude found annoying to a minimum. Macaque won't make the same upsetting mistake twice.
*I'm really sorry if this is the name of any one who might be reading this, I mean no offense! I just looked for a name that isn't frequently used in the modern day and that's what came up
I don't know, maybe I'll write a fanfiction with the next reincarnated Reader comforting Macaque after all this trauma of abandonment, poor baby boy... An AU of an AU, how thrilling!
This could work with any of the champions, in my opinion, because, I think, that if their Master wills it, no matter how harmful it is, they would just instinctually oblige. I only used Macaque because, if this happened to him, I would just break down crying and hug him till I die! Anyways, I hope you liked this, Emelin, and please please please give me validation! Thank you, you're the best!
OOOOOO i love this omg- THE ANGST- THE AAANGSSST- I also love the moment of Wukong's voice crack- it's literally lil moments like this where he shows vulnerability and emotions- fhgnfhgnfhg
Very well written and fitting character choice for this!! :D
But how dare that Master not like Macaque's affection and just abandon him?? HE'S THE MOST WHOLESOME OF THEM ALL- If we ignore the more murderous side of him of course- BUT HE'S SO FLUFFY TOWARDS HIS MASTER AND DESERVES THE BEST FLUFF IN RETURN- HDSFNDSHFNHDSFHNHDSNHSD
Like- this is so in-character for them though- Especially between the monkey bros since Macaque is usually so eager and happy about completing a task to make his Master happy- hgfnhgnfghf the feels of potential heavy angst, man- Gotta love it-
I'd definitely read a part two with a Master who actually gives him the fluffy comfort he deserves and needs gfhgnfhjgf
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
An Au when Sun is dead (by Nexus), Dark Sun pretends to be Sun while trying to find some way to revive him in secret. Nexus is having a mental breakdown, maybe get some redemption later. Everyone is not having a good time except Sun, that poor boy only when he is dead (temporarily) can get some rest.
Summary: In this AU, This is the time when Sun and Dark Sun start gradually becoming quite closer. They were still very wary of each other, but more or less, it was less tense than before.
Moon is busy planning to find the Nexus, and Dark Sun is still keeping a low profile.
Dark Sun still approaches Moon with annoying metaphorical warnings, but before that, he still hangs out with Sun. And although Moon was aware of Dark Sun's appearance, he did not know that Dark Sun and Sun were hanging out together behind his back like that.
Below is a typical day out for Sun and Dark Sun, the reason why they started this habit of going out, honestly no one remembers. Just on a sad day when Sun was drinking, Dark Sun appeared looking for Moon. They argued, mocked each other and like breaking ice, Dark Sun grabbed the bottle of wine that Sun threw at him and the rest is history.
I am really bad at writing, and maybe I will rewrite it again when I think more about it.
What is the value of a life? If a human life is priceless, then how much pain and suffering does Sun have to pay for his sins so he can wash all the blood off his hands?
Technically, he has never killed anyone. It's always Moon, or Eclipse, or Bloodmoon. Sun is always an 'innocent' one in everything.
And isn't it ironic that Sun, after everything, is still at the center of all the destruction, like a curse that brings death?
The reason why he used so much detergent to clean himself and everything in daycare. Or how sometimes Sun would see a red color at the edges of his eyes that wasn't there, or feel a sickly dirt like mud stuck to his metal shell.
It feels like a sign that his subconscious is trying to say something is wrong that Sun actively ignores.
"Are you always this dazed when playing games or do I myself have a special honor to see it?"
An annoying voice rang in Sun's ear, something Sun had been trying to ignore for the past 15 minutes or so but failing miserably.
Sun never thought hearing his own voice could be so unpleasant. He always felt a little bit self conscious about his voice because his voice was quite high, but being the one to hear it directly, made him feel sorry for his listeners because he used to speak very loudly in the past.
A face identical to his, with a bland smile that never reached the bottom of their eyes and empty red eyes that seemed to have given up on the world, this annoying visitor often appeared at random times and only left when they wanted.
"Why did you keep breaking into my house here? Do you have anything to do? Moon is busy in his lab, just go and put your creepy show on him." Sun asked weakly. He didn't really expect an answer, knowing that it would only lead to a metaphorical can of worms that he never wanted to open.
After the appearance of M–Nexus… Dark Sun became Moon's lower threat enemy. The priority one is Nexus. His brother was busy in the lab with Ruin and Puppet, tracking Nexus's whereabouts.
Moon invited him to go, but honestly, he couldn't help, with all the complicated AI and quantum physics theories that both Ruin and Moon knew so well… It would be better for Sun if he just stayed home.
And for some reason, both Moon and Puppet's machines can rarely see the Dark Sun. He is like a ghost in the eyes of the “All-Seeing One” and these geniuses, and Dark Sun shows up only to signal something is troubling, again.
"Can't I come see what I'm doing?" Dark Sun hummed, he looked at Sun and up at the television screen playing "Cult of the Lamb" in what, if Sun didn't know better, he would have considered a look of disgust but nostalgia.
"Don't make me laugh, you always want something, mister 'I don't care about anything unless it benefits me somehow'.”
Sun focused on the final boss, his hoarse voice box echoing a dull rhythm. There was no response, just a slight movement that shook the soft sofa he was sitting on. A bright yellow body chose a comfortable position right in the center of the chair, blatantly, something Sun himself would never be comfortable enough to do so. Too much open space, too few grip points. There is a feeling of being exposed and naked shaking Sun’s inexistent skin, causing Sun's system to always flash an unpleasant red warning.
Why even though the Creator hates them so much, he's still so invested in a delicate area like emotions?
What does a robot need emotions for?
Just to feel dead in the feet and hope tomorrow will not be worse than today?
There was a brief moment of depression as he thought about his hated father, before hearing a solid sound with a slight accent, almost like that British Ruin loved to show off himself with.
Is it self-awareness because Dark Sun feels like he shouldn't be too similar to Sun so he behaves more like Ruin?
Sun's AI brain weaves its way through logical thoughts, morphing and dancing in the form of 1s and 0s.
The bright light on the screen was almost a hypnotic drug, making Sun reduce the stress he felt that had been present since Dark Sun arrived.
“There's still a bit of time… I've played this game before too… Too much management and responsibility, not my taste.”
Sun suppressed his bites. 'If that's the case, why don't you just leave me alone?', but he was too tired, he no longer had the strength to care or even respond.
The space sank into silence again, with bustling electronic noise, almost like white noise, lulling Sun into a feeling of sleepiness.
“Orange juice?”
"Right?" Sun nodded confusedly. On the table top of them are just a glass of orange juice, and it's always been orange juice for the past few weeks, nothing has changed. Why does Dark Sun act like it's odd?
“Hmm.” Dark Sun hummed. “No more wine?”
"I do not drink alcohol anymore." Sun replied defensively, feeling as if he was ruffling feathers. He was so tired of these jokes from Monty and Puppet or those concerns from Earth that he is drinking too much or he is an alcoholic, he didn't need any more words from that guy.
“The other day it seemed like it was a lie.”
Things start to become awkward.
No one said anything next, neither Sun nor Dark Sun wanted to rekindle the event that caused the annual stormy evenings where Dark Sun appeared unusually with lies like this, just to hang out with Sun.
Something about Dark Sun always comes on cloudy days.
It wasn't exactly raining, as it seemed stormy and the water here almost never reached the island.
No, it was the kind of weather where the stifling oppressive heat of the sun turned everything gray, of the wind being quiet and the sunset melting on the edge of sand crumbs torn apart by the tide.
Perhaps it was dramatic, as the nature of every Sun and Moon had always been inherited from their 'dear father' in every line of code. To choose to always appear in those moments when gray shards as smooth as egg whites are whipped to the edge of the sky, like a novice chef's masterpiece blend with a child trying to beat the paper with paint. Sun just hides it better than Moon, and at the same time he has too much anxiety and lacks energy to be able to continue that ‘dramatic role’ for long.
Dark Sun appears, it's almost like looking into a distorted mirror, that never allows you to see your true self form but always in some deformed variation.
Sun's stupid thought was that Dark Sun always appeared at this time because he wanted to match the name they gave him.
“I don't really care if you drink or not.” Dark Sun hummed, stood up and casually walked into the kitchen as if he owned the place, taking out two shiny bottles of wine. Dark Sun's rays of light twisted and moved with each step of Dark Sun like the way a cat wags its tail when something stimulates its curiosity.
“But isn't trying to think about other people's words very tiring?”
The reddish brown color ripples in the glass bottle, like the enticement of the snake in the Garden of Eden. Annoyed at the way he was being read so clearly, Sun grabbed the bottle from Dark Sun's hand and gulped it down.
Then another sip.
One more sip.
And one more…
One more…
The smell of alcohol spread in the air and rippled in Sun's hands. The bell clanged against the side of the jar, perhaps a few drops of wine got on the red cloth wrapped around Sun's wrist.
“Hmm… How long has it been since you drank? And I'm not talking about 'last time'.” Dark Sun took a sip.
The person in front of him was indifferent, calmly took the controller in Sun's hand and chose to sacrifice instead of killing the boss like Sun was trying to do. That fucker even killed Sun's first apostle without hesitation.
“Weeks… Months? Before that Moo–n… Nexus… They, Earth didn't like me doing this very much. So I switched to soda.”
“But soda is horrible.”
“Yeah… It tastes really bad.” The alcohol made Sun laugh.
“I don't understand why they are so worried. Aren't we all robots?”
“That's exactly what I said, and the bottle, it's just this small…”
“It's not enough to make me dizzy anymore…”
Sun's voice sounded like he was shouting, he leaned back in his chair, wondering why everything seemed so normal.
Why did he let Dark Sun in, why did he only warn Moon about Dark Sun's appearance, but never about the moments when they sat down to play games and drink together.
A song and dance Sun and Dark Sun, forcefully have played with each other so damn countless times, with Dark Sun’s words always lurking menace behind them, and his clichés about tentative plans for an uncertain future, entangled in the webs of lies like the strings of a puppeteer, that Sun cannot understand and does not want to understand.
As always, Dark Sun will appear suddenly when Sun is alone, asking random questions about someone who is not there as if hoping that Sun has the answer before they both sit down and play games or just drink together.
How did their relationship become like this? Sun really didn't know.
About how it started or why it continued, even though he knew Dark Sun had a hidden agenda and was only taking advantage of him, even though both of them know they can never be friends, when Dark Sun is still actively a threat to Sun's family.
Perhaps it was the feeling of being understood without being wanted that drew them together. Both are like two sides of the same coin, over time they have been destroyed in different ways that cannot be repaired or came back.
Like trying to pour water into a broken vase, a meaningless action that only crazy people and idiots would continue to do.
If Sun fills that void in his chest with family, with cleaning, with giving himself a purpose to live for. Then Dark Sun just tries by himself to escape from everything. He surrounds himself with a layer of armor full of spikes, blocking anyone who wants to enter, numbing all his feelings until the days they become too hard to crack.
It was a strange thing that Sun wanted to say he understood that feeling, and sometimes, sometimes, he longed for it.
Not like M-New Old Moon, Nexus tearing down and throwing away everything, heading down a path of destruction without even caring how much it affects everyone. A liar, a liar, a liar. Words mumbling in Sun’s head like there is still someone in there. A bitter and sick to his stomach whenever Sun thinks about this... brother.
No, what Sun wants to talk about here is about just being alone and normal, where you just live and don’t have to care or need to care about anyone.
Why did Sun say that? Such ungrateful things about his family, who care deeply about him?
Maybe because that love and care that his family gave Sun sometimes felt like a burning fire, that made him burn when he touched.
Maybe because he just wants to look and care from afar, but doesn't want to touch or be close to them?
Sun loved Earth, she was the best sister he could ask for.
Sun also cherishes Lunar, his mischievous, sometimes crazy younger brother, who acts innocent and childish but actually a cold stone brat from the inside due to the trauma and manipulation that Eclipse caused, sometimes make Sun feels like looking at a twisted combination of him and Moon with sharp words and intelligence hidden in Lunar’s starry eyes.
Despite all the miserable things his brothers put him through and even now, despite the smoldering bitterness still gnawing at his heart, Sun also loves Moon with all his heart, both old and new.
But sometimes, Sun just wants to stay away. It's confusing to say, but Sun is fine with the occasional game together and these terrible jokes, but when stepping into the boundary of care and love, Sun just wants to stay away or cower like a maggot.
It is not worth it.
Sun is not worth it.
Sun doesn't deserve that love and attention.
Why are people always so close, so demanding, so caring to him?
Why does the way Moon tries to make amends, or Earth visits him more and more often, or Lunar gives him a touch or a knowing look, make him sicker than this evil version of himself sitting here? .
Dark Sun doesn't care. Dark Sun never cared. He was just using Sun as a distraction. Or a backup of a backup of a backup of some… he doesn't know, maybe some of his evil plans.
But strangely, Sun feels so comfortable. It's like breathing fresh air. A collar that has been taken out, making Sun easy to breathe. They are not even the same, with totally completely different personalities and intelligence. Heck, even Dark Sun doesn't like “Cult of the Lamb” or he is being too manipulative and indifferent to Sun's liking.
But their essence was still Sun, and even though Sun was stupid, he could still see the core features still there, behind the worn and distorted exterior of a person named Dark Sun. And isn't it disgusting, to feel more comfortable with a version so different and so similar to yourself than with your loved one?
Self-destruction is a curse. A realization lit up in Sun's head, realizing how in the way Eclipses all hated Moon but still wanted his approval, how Solar was scared of Moon but still supported him like a workaholic, how Ruin hated Moon’s guts so much but he still appreciated Moon’s intelligence.
Something about them all have things in common. They all hate, if not hate, then blatantly looking down at Sun, or consider Sun to be too dumb to consist as a threat.
Once may be a coincidence, but two or three people agree on the same opinion, then it’s not their fault, but him. Perhaps, it's just the truth that Sun hates himself so much that his code is passed on to others that are embedded in their subconscious hatred for Sun.
That's the hard truth. Sun just despises himself.
And Dark Sun even hated Sun, and his hatred and critics caused Sun more discomfort than others.
But surprisingly, it's also more comfortable…
Maybe it's because Dark Sun hates him, not because he's stupid or helpless.
Dark Sun hates him because he was once Sun, because he knows Sun can do better...
And because this hate is as familiar as an old blanket. A phantom pain, like the way his body twitched slightly and his fan ran a little too fast when he was in a closed space or he saw something red in the corner of Sun’s eyes.
Though, this hatred goes both in the same places.
Sun hates how Dark Sun can look straight in Sun’s soul to determine how much he is worth. He also hates how Dark Sun shows how bad Sun can become.
He also hated Dark Sun because actually he was just Sun, it was just circumstances that made that person change, that makes Dark Sun different. 
This is sick, disgusting even..
There must be something wrong that happened with Sun, which could cause Sun to have thoughts of sympathizing with this person's actions and thoughts, like Dark Sun deserves sympathy.
Their hate draws each other closer like a fragile chain, an unhealthy relationship, a deceitful friendship of one side covering their eyes and the other covering their ears.
“I wish if you hated me so much, you could just kill me instead of approaching me like this.”
It was dark outside. With only the buzzing sound of the game console and his cats in the basement.
“You… You guys… are all the same… Why can't I have a normal day…”
Sun didn't know if it was him talking or the bottle of wine talking. That's strange... Sun shouldn't be drunk, the bottle is really too small.
“Maybe if I close my eyes and then open them again, all this… crazy stuff will go away… I'll just be me, a regular Sun…”
“And you would die like that, right? It's so tiring, seeing every Sun just this… naive?”
A silence responded. Sun raised his eyes... Red electronic light flashed behind the milky white shell seemingly annoyed.
“Just keep chewing like that day after day. Crying and moaning like that, Sun, do you think it would solve anything?"
“I just don't know what to do…” Sun mumbled, his hand wrapped tightly around the bottle of wine, hugging it to his chest as if he wanted it to protect him.
“You will die soon in the future if you stay like this.”
The words were indifferent and cold, as if reflecting a truth, a truth that Sun had witnessed many times in different dimensions, and in the dimensions that Dark Sun showed Sun.
“Like I don't know.” Sun's shadow shines in front of the piece of glass, revealing a sad and exhausted face. The eyes, once bright blue, had turned white since the day Sun used magic to expel Eclipse from Sun's head.
A silence, nearly peaceful silence, between their two, like hands in hand in the drawing sea.
“Oh… Hmm… By the way, I accidentally killed Narinder.”
There was silence. And then the scream that followed almost alarmed the other side of the island.
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