#look its the prototype costume
hotdogmchiggin · 2 years
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I made an ingo jacket from scratch for halloween because i’ve lost control of my life.
I did, however, learn a lot about sewing in the process. So. Live your truth ig
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mtchee · 3 months
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Katsuki Bakugo] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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You've got the cranky egoist in 1A as your soulmate. Deemed as an 'extra' in his straight laced life, you've resigned yourself to covering your soul words and sealing your lips, becoming U.A's first year general course prodigy, the silent designer. Despite his distasteful character and colourful atittude, as one of Bakugo's primary costume creators, you work to your utmost to satisfy beyond your client's needs. It's unfortunate that despite your title, the angry pompom won't take a goddamn hint from your silence. When you even go out of your way to avoid him, you start to think that he knows you a little too well despite never having uttered a word.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, [name] is a general course student, swearing, sassy [name], lowkey enemies to lovers, you hate him, he likes your attitude, onesided e2l??, i know nothing about textiles and design except the bare minimum, [name] and bakugo are kinda cute why am i eating this up omg, [name] tormenting bakugo with bright pink and ribbons
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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Avoiding Katsuki Bakugo has been a piece of cake.
The guy has such an inflamed ego that he expects the people to part for him wherever he walks.
You met him when the hero course first years were scheduled to mix with the costume design students to discuss both the practical and fashionable output of their hero costumes.
You'd been one of the main designer's for Bakugo's suit, with two others having asissted you in its curation. From his original sketch, you'd syphoned the relevant materials for the prototype, your colleagues aiding in the stitching and detail while you further assessed how it could potentially enhance the use of his quirk.
'Beat it, extra.'
The words had tingled on the back of your neck after he growled at you before you could consult him on his gauntlets' latest design. You had swiftly looked him up and down with disgust at his audaciousness before slapping your sketchpad on the table in front of him and storming off.
You remember hearing the maniacal laughter of his friends while one of your other classmate's (the designer of Shoji's suit) shakily explained to him your presence.
You'd had much better things to do that day, but had decided to go out of your way to personally discuss with him his preference in design and utility so you wouldn't have to go back and forth with various prototypes.
Instead, you got cussed out before saying a single word; what an utter waste of your generous time.
Like hell you were going to deal with a soulmate like that.
You started wearing a thick, velvet choker to hide your golden inked soul words.
Since then, you'd sent your assistants to deliver any sort of message to him. With them doing your communicative bidding, you could put your full focus on the active improvement of his hero costume.
When it would come back burnt from training, you would change and reinforce its material until it was fire resistant. When it got ripped, you would reasses its durability. When his gauntlets got in the way, you would restructure them for better mobility and control.
One day when one of your assistants reluctantly relayed to you Bakugo's irrational displeasure with the pigment of his headpiece (for the seventh time), you'd sent it back hot pink with a black and white frilly ribbon.
He broke your lab door the same day.
Since then, when you'd send off your poor assistants in sacrifice, he'd rattle them and demand for you to face him personally.
You ignored him, but then when your classes started mingling more you couldn't get away from him quick enough.
One of your classmates would sweat in a panic off to the side as you worked at your bench tirelessly with thinned lips and an irk whilst Bakugo yelled and threw a hissyfit at your every move.
"What the hell is that supposed to be? Spandex?!"
"That looks like a lump of shit."
"God, it's ugly."
"Whaddya using that for? Weakass bullshit cloth."
"No way would that work with my quirk!"
"I'd blow that to smithereens easy."
You had to stop yourself from throwing your sketchpad at him most days. But sometimes you caved and summoned a roll of pink ribbon to stuff in his loud mouth.
He spat it at you and yelled even more, but that single moment of peace and his reddened face made it worth it.
On occasion, you would be lucky and actually get a few decent conversations out of him. His mouth was still foul, but his volume would be acceptable, and his suggestions surprisingly competent and reasonable.
On those days, he would leave with his voice intact, and you with one step closer to the final product.
Your impeccable work ethic and skills and Bakugo's mild decency lead you way ahead of the others in your unit. Eventually, you started having enough time to help out with some of the other hero costumes too--with the permission of both the creator and wearer, of course.
They've all been more than thrilled to work alongside U.A's renouned silent designer.
Although you worked quietly, you made more of an effort to communicate personally with the heroes in training regarding their costumes.
Most were surprised at that, having only known you to work alone and to commune from afar as you've done with Bakugo.
While word of your ingenius spread, unfortunately so too did your most recent work relations.
Bakugo didn't seem to find it funny that you talked to everyone but him.
So you threw all your stationary at him when he stormed into your design lab to make it everyone's problem.
But more specifically, to make it your problem.
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"Miss me, nerd?"
Your scathing glare did nothing to Bakugo's arrogant smirk as he waltzes his way past everyone to your work bench.
You narrowly snatch up your latest prototype sketches before he sets down a pair of cold drinks on the table. The condensation drips down, pooling on its surface.
"This it?" He casually quirks up a brow at the strip of hard textured fabric and metal atop your bench. He picks up one of the drinks and slurps from its straw obnoxiously to get on your nerves, "hm, doesn't look like shit this time."
Lately you've been redesigning his utility belt to match the clasps between his protective gloves and gauntlets, additionally extending it to hold extra grenades that activate through his quirk. You've already sent in a request to the support department for those.
"Put ribbons on it like you did last week and I'll kill you."
You fight back a petty smile, recalling the pretty little pompoms decorating the numerous tiny pink bows stitched to each belt loop. He scoffs at your poorly concealed pleasure, and you turn your nose up at him, biting the inside of your cheek mischieviously.
He narrows his eyes at you before rolling them, placing his drink down way too close to your precious papers--again--and resting his cheek on his fist boredly.
Your lips twitch downward in ire at his intrusion of your space, but you work around him nontheless. You don't blink when he cusses as he smacks away a scrap of fabric you toss at him in casual vengeance.
"When's this gonna be done anyway--quit it. I've got a mission in Shinjuku next week." Bakugo snatches a pen you throw at him in mid-air.
You shrug at him, not your problem, but hold up two fingers anyway.
"Two days, huh," He clicks his tongue, "you slackin'?"
He cackles demonically while you log a chunk of stainless steel at his head.
Swear to god--you're gonna make his whole suit neon pink!
He visits you again after his mission, which is evidently successful judging by the fat cocky smirk on his face as he approaches while you stitch up a hero costume from class 1-B.
You deadpan at him as he drops a take away paper bag at the corner of your work bench. Then he tosses his empty utility belt over your most recent handiwork.
"Clasp blasted off."
Bakugo makes himself at home in the spinny chair opposite you, leaning back and putting his boots on the desk as he snags a tasty pastry from the paper bag before pushing it towards you.
An eyebrow twitches as you stare at the no longer existing metal clasp on the support item. A square char mark is left where it would've been. The belt is otherwise untouched.
What, was he aiming for it or something?
Scrunching your nose at him distastefully, you flick the belt off the costume you had been working on and resume your stitching.
"Oi! What about me!?"
You shoot him a sharp glare that makes him scoff. He pipes down nontheless, settling back into his chair with a roll of his eyes and a grumble.
Bakugo's visitations become more frequent.
At this point in time, his hero costume shouldn't need any more major improvements or adjustments until the start of your second year. And yet he's coming in what seems like every other day for any single little thing that bothers him.
Hell, he even comes in to bug you about repaires--you don't do repaires. But he argues that he doesn't want anyone but you 'touching his shit', as he so eloquently explains.
He's come in for his belt clasp six times now, his visor for four, his gauntlets for five, and for the sole of his boots thrice.
The bottom of his fucking shoes.
He can eat your sparkly, bow tied, hot pink and purple swirled shit.
He doesn't even need you anymore!
You're just some stupid non-hero extra. The hell is his deal now?
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Bakugo's come in angry today.
He's normally angry, but it's different this time.
You watch him wearily from the corner of your eye as you type out a risk assessment at your desk. School's finished now, but you've been putting this off for a bit, and wanted to get it done while you were still feeling productive.
Less than ten minutes after the last bell rang out and everyone left for the day, Bakugo had come barging in with a stiffer than usual scowl and a dissatisfied furrow in his brows.
But he's been silent.
Bakugo's never been silent.
He sits in the seat adjacent to you, leant all the way into the backrest with his arms tightly crossed and his eyes narrowed, boring into your form.
Each time you glance at him you look away in a hurry as you meet his gaze.
Okay, now it's getting to you...
Slowly, your fingers stop typing, unable to function properly under the intensity of his stare. You don't look at him this time though, and you sweatdrop uncomfortably.
The tension causes your skin to prick, and you tug at your choker discomposibly. The velvet rubs at your skin, irritating it.
You jump when he suddenly speaks.
"What's up with you, huh?" He says it more like a statement, "you're so damn quiet it's eery. Say something."
You give him a disgruntled look.
Is he for real? Is that what his tantrum is about? He can go eat grass.
You turn your attention back onto your laptop, typing again.
He growls at that.
"Don't ignore me, damnit! I know you can say shit!"
Oh, and the shit I would say. You snicker to yourself, but that only seems to tick him off more.
"[name], answer me."
Your stomach drops--he's never called you by your name, let alone your first name. You glance at him again; Bakugo leans forwards with his elbows on his knees, eyes piercing you with a threatening intensity that sends off warning bells in your head.
You look back at him once you grasp the gravity of his tone.
Your annoyed frown fades, and your features soften as to prompt him. He takes in a deep breath, gaze flicking up and down your form as he processes his thoughts first.
He meets your eyes again with a determined resolve.
"I know you're my soulmate."
Fuck, what.
Bakugo scowls when you visibly stiffen, shock coursing your system.
"Get over yourself, you ain't slick. 'S why you've been runnin' from me." He crosses his arms across his chest, lips firmly downturned at your lack of verbal response.
Ice freezes your blood and your gaze flicks away from him apprehensively. What exactly is he expecting from this? Bakugo is a cocky bastard.
An egocentric prick with the means to flaunt it. He's one of the top students in the hero course and he knows it--what the hell does he want from you?
You feel your temper flare.
So what if he knows your soulmates? He obviously thinks he's too good for this shit; fuck fate and all that it stands for, you're just some side character behind him, just like he's said.
You aren't shit to him, and if he thinks he can actually do better than you, well then you know that you can. Who is he to pick and choose who he deserves? In that case, you know what, yeah, he's right, because you deserve better than him any day-
"What?" Bakugo's unappreciated tone fans the flames of the rapidly burning thread containing your tolerance, "still silent?"
"Shut up, asshole! You think you're too good for shit!" Your outburst as you slamming your hands down atop your work bench, the few utensils scattered about clattering in tandem with the vibration, "I'm not just some side piece you can bulldoze! I know my worth, even if you can't fathom it, you eighth-grade-syndrome twit!"
A tense silence settles over the room, and his eyes harden as you stare him down with an unwavering resolve.
Bakugo's lips twitch.
And then he's cackling like a hyena.
You flinch at the abrupt switch, scrambling to process whether you should feel glad or offended that he doesn't seem to be taking your words to heart.
You know for a fact you would not beat Katsuki Bakugo in a fight.
You shiver at the thought, and he beats his fist on the edge of the table as he recovers from his laughter. He lets out a long winded breath, wiping an exaggerated tear from his eye which you deadpan at.
"Ah, damn," Bakugo snorts, "we're really meant to be, eh?" He lifts up the edge of his loose shirt just enough to reveal the glowing golden words inked vertically on his toned waist, "knew there was a reason I could tolerate you more."
"Ditto." You spit out despite the relief flooding you as he stays put. You rub the back of your neck subconsciously.
He eyes the movement skeptically before motioning for you to move towards him. You scrunch your nose at him but oblige when he clicks his tongue irratedly. You've tested his patience enough already.
Once you're close enough he yanks you down and unclasps your velvet choker. You emit a scandalised gasp, feeling naked without it.
"Give it up," He drawls, "get over yourself."
Bakugo latches a hand around your nape, pulling you forward so your head is bent level with his chest, and your face flushes. Both your hands grip at the armrests of the chair, caging him in as you fight not to fall off balance.
"Ack-" You choke at the feeling of him ever so gently tracing beneath the words on the back of your neck, "-stop that!"
He huffs a laugh, and his breath pans over your skin.
His eyes soften ever so slightly, "You're not jus' some extra, you know..." He lets you up. He ignores the imbuing embarrassment that pairs with the subtle blush tinting his cheeks.
You mull over his words for a second, pushing yourself back to face him head on. You blink slowly, registering his meaning. A gentle warmth settles across your cheeks, and a quiet glee bubbles inside you.
Although you bite back a smile, there's a hopeful glimmer in your eyes.
Bakugo grins, "Yeah," and places a reassuring hand atop your head, "not my soulmate."
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future-crab · 1 year
One thing that really strikes me about Gerard’s Return Tour outfits is like. Nashville is not a Sexy Cheerleader Costume. Detroit is not a Sexy Nurse Costume. They are of course both very sexy — get me talking more about the Detroit look and it will become clear that it makes me Deeply Unwell — but they’re not sexualized. The nurse uniform has its conservative below-the-knee hemline paired those white clogs, the cheerleader outfit has long sleeves and a high neckline and little white shorts underneath — it’s an actual athletic uniform, not a costume.
But Toronto 2? That’s just a sexy cat costume. There’s no getting around it. They went on stage in front of thousands of people in the most classic, prototypical Sexy Kitty Cat halloween costume. And they had a visible erection the entire time.
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madschiavelique · 1 year
Mads babe I have a v self indulgent request 👀
What if Miguel is self conscious about all his scars from Manning those Spiders and reader traces them and kisses them and he's just so in love with reader and how they make him feel and AUGHHHHHHH 😫😫😫😭😭
AAAAA BESTIE you read my mind because this is literally one of my favourite things to read generally WE KNOW THE GOOD STUFF
I FINALLY feel good enough to write so i am BACK BESTIES HEHEHE
summary : reader kisses miguel’s scars and reassures him about it
content warnings : mentions of scars miguel had during fights, self conscious miguel, reader comforting miguel, mention of reader's scars (had during missions), other than that SO much reassurance, genderneutral!reader, no use of y/n word count : 1,4k
tag list : @fandom-ash
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Depixelating his suit at the end of the day was often, if not always, a difficult step. He was well aware that worrying about things as superficial and ephemeral as looks was pointless, but knowing that the marks that ran the length and breadth of his body would stay with him forever was a constant reminder of what he was: a hunter, a tracker of balance, control left on him handcuffs drawn into scars different from those administered to the anomalies under his care.
He sighed, his brown eyes roaming his body in the reflection. So many enemies, so many traces, so many marks eternally etched on his skin.
Costumes are all well and good, because like a carnival mask, they hide enough of oneself not to appear whole, but they also reveal enough to others. It's almost impressive, the way a single thickness of pixel covers the deep lacerations, the acid stains, the ancient fissures when he was cut.
He tucks in his chin as he observes his arms. Long trails of scratches, burns and other poisons erased in his blood but not on his skin ran across them like randomly scribbled textures and patterns.
Only doodles are much more pacifist in idea, he thought. Maybe... maybe he could find a way to reconstruct his skin tissue? Arranging a new technological prototype. He'd heard of an Earth-199999-style device for reconstructing skin tissue. Perhaps he could make use of it? Find a way to get rid of all this... filth.
He wasn't proud of it. They represented his violence, his willingness to put himself in danger and endure brutality just to get the job done.
A sword is said to be good by its marks, its nicks, its scratches, all proving its durability and the fact that no matter the enemy, it holds. How long could his sword last?
You had just entered the bathroom, coming face to face with Miguel, looking at his hands. How many irreparable, eternal scars had he left in his wake? How many bodies had he marked with his claws and fangs with such rage and zeal that the gesture had permanently altered skin and minds?
"Is everything okay, amor?" you'd asked as you approached him, placing your hand on his back.
He had shuddered at your touch, how could you let the softness of your hand reach out to touch the evidence of atrocities that littered his body?
"Yeah," he assured with a deep breath, "yeah I'm just..." he pursed his lips, "I was thinking about doing something about my scars."
The idea made you frown for a moment, was Miguel worried about his appearance? He was always the first to tell you that your body didn't matter, that he thought you were absolutely gorgeous no matter what you looked like, so the fact that he was saying this for himself caught you off guard in the moment.
"What do you mean?" you asked, coming to guide your hand to his shoulder where a gash resided.
He remembered every cut, every pain he'd felt when he'd received new marks. He breathed in, watching your eyes in the reflection of the mirror as he bit the inside of his cheek.
"I want to remove them."
Your lips parted, mixing surprise and tenderness. You probably only had the surface of Miguel's ideas, for he was still occasionally secretive about his thoughts. And the realization that Miguel might be ashamed of his scars had struck you right in the heart.
"Why?" you questioned anyway, caressing his skin.
"Because they're... ugly," he said, bobbing his head and lowering his eyes to your hand placed on his shoulder, "they're proof of some of the things for which I'm not the proudest."
Your eyes sought his tenderly, you saw them lowered, ashamed, as if the mere possibility of meeting your gaze made him feel like a child who had broken something, dreading the scolding of his parents.
You lowered your eyes to your hand, your thumb lightly tracing the scar on his shoulder. Your other hand came to rest on his arm, and you placed a kiss on the tanned gash.
He took a shaky breath: nobody had ever kissed him here, his skin exposed. Only to the sun had kissed him there. Only the sun.
"Those scars do not represent you, Miguel." you affirmed as you took a step to the side to face him, tilting your head up to see him. He was so tall, his vast torso covered in oscillating traces of colours and shapes.
Your hand trailed from his shoulder to his chest, which was cleft by three large marks, no doubt a claw. You wondered if he'd come close to death when he'd been scratched here.
"They're not admirable," he sighed, his breathing almost ragged as the travel of your hand over all those areas he hated so much made him shiver.
The contrast of the softness of your touch against the obscure reality of him was electrifying. It was as if, with your simple touch and your pure words, you'd managed to right a wrong you hadn't committed, evils of which you weren't the author.
"Not all scars can be considered to be admirable," you said as you traced his cut skin, "we just consider them to be a proof that we survived no matter how little or great the menace was. It's nothing you should be ashamed of." Your eyes settle on his face. "There has never been any shame in surviving, has it?"
He breathed, his eyes finally meeting yours. They were soft, almost melancholic.
"Maybe..." he murmured, his voice almost inaudible as he listened to you.
You kissed his scratches on his collarbones gently, your hands caressing the tender skin of his completely lacerated back.
"Scars are not us, they're not our identity. It's terribly complicated to forget the pain, but I think it's even more difficult to remember the softness. After all, we don't have any scars to show for the joys we've had... "
Your fingers illuminated the darkest parts of him. Those sensitive places that held so many crimes of sorrows and screams, you covered them with colours and creams. He felt so soft under your hands, under your touch, under your mouth.
He couldn't get over the fact that you were kissing the most monstrous parts of him with those same lips full of sweetness and sweet words.
You learn so little from peace.
You pulled back.
"I'll show you mine."
You looked up at him, and your hands came away from his body to take hold of your T-shirt. You took it off, pulling it over your head to let Miguel rediscover the multiple gashes in your skin.
You'd been on many missions, some less successful than others, and since it's part of the spider's panoply to always get up no matter how heavy the blow, your body had experienced great agonies that had left marks all over you.
His eyes were riveted on you, shifting from one scar to another. It wasn't the first time he'd seen them, but he'd never looked at them from the angle in which the discussion was taking place. His hand came to rest on your shoulder, his fingers gently tracing one of your cuts with tenderness.
"We're not always proud of it," you asserted, "but sometimes scars bloom no matter where we plant them, and we don't decide what garden our bodies become when we do the job that we have."
"Mine don't bloom," Miguel whispered, his eyes returning to yours as his hand traced down your arm.
"Why not?" you questioned.
He shrugged, his hand continuing its path until it reached yours, caressing your fingers.
"They're weeds," he whispered, taking your hand in his.
You smile, little stars forming in your eyes as he looks at you questioningly.
"I like weeds."
He pouted confusedly. "Why?"
You came and kissed the three gashes on the centre of his torso, resting your chin on them as you looked at him, clasping his hand in yours.
"They always survive."
He could almost feel the tears welling up. He brought you against him, hugging you gently.
You drew stars around his scars, and he felt more loved than ever.
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cupcraft · 1 year
Ranboo rebrand stream important stuff in one single post!:
if anything i missed pls rb and add on!
chat etiquette! They are going to be more strict with this (but not for new chatters honest mistakes).
Ban 101 -> the number 1 rule:
racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination. Instant ban, no excuse. Even bigoted jokes! 0 tolerance! you will be banned from even viewing the streams. This even counts on doing it on other streamer's chats/platforms if found out!
More rules: be funny (please!) and chill and kind and use emotes (including BTTV), dont spam chat (will be fixed/enforced bc of past issues),
other tidbits/news:
the vtuber/stuff will evolve over time, there are different vtuber outfits/costumes planned (ex they have an mcc outfit already!), the room in the background will change, they will be reaching out to ppl for collabs (feel free to recommend people but do not spam their chats!), planning to do more irl streams (will be weird/experimental and they will go wild! They will be making weird stuff!), they also have plans that they are excited to tell and its been a long time coming (this may be the cake video but i couldnt tell in stream), ranboo bakes a cake 2 will be coming TOMORROW on youtube (23 mins and incredible! they laughed at themself), ranboo plans to do experimental stuff on youtube (they have gotten into film lately!), founder's cut of gen 1 of genloss will be coming out 2-3 months ?? date/end of year, the vtuber ranjacket will be a part of the merch drop prototype at vidcon (physical jacket!), will be doing competitive/events with people (like organized little thing) (content/what it is undetermined) and he wants it to be obscure and random, ranboowaslive will start to ramp up a bit (more clips/compilations to come esp if you dont enjoy long vod watching), ranboo will be eating a nintendo DS cartridge live on stream (a joke!), MORE SURPRISES KEPT AS A SECRET + tiny plans in the works, they are moving into the new place/still have boxes to unpack (vtuber lore), he may finish the last of us part 2, subathon (really like back to back fun streams/long streams/playthrough of long games like omori) in january probably, splatoon may return,
What does the new era mean/qna stuff?
talking about old content is fine as long as you recognize that it is the PAST and not the kind of content ranboo makes now. Do not "put them back in the box".
Vtuber: will not be used all the time. They will do facecam streams too. Depends on how he feels.
why the r800: the 8 looks like a b LMAO
this is just the start of rebrand. He will re-establish a lot, things will be easier to find/reorganized, slowly over the weeks things will be changing.
what will happen tothe alt twitter (ranaltboo)?: new pfp, same energy (see below my shitty sc). art creds to mochi!
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not only just a rebrand for him and the look of the content. But also it is a rebrand of how they act around and view their own content. they may not be as in the community as he has been (liking fanart/in chat/etc.) out of recommendation from people! If ranboo needs to be aware of something THEY HAVE PEOPLE to make him aware of important issues/emergencies and they will be focusing more on themself and the content overall. they are thankful to be allowed to do this, as they dont want to keep seeing things they dont want to see/have that anxiety. Less scrolling = more content!
They will probably have longer streams again!
will move to more mature jokes/phrases and may have content labels on the streams. Overall, streams will be pg-13 mostly.
TITS stands for twitch integrated throwing system [insert ranboo's giggle here]
All proceeds donated to ranboo's channel only go to charity! Not to them at all! They have a list of charities that he supports and will be changed 1-3 months at a time like usual!
Please make stuff. This is how he gets ppl who edit and the emote makers/artists. Not forced. Just encouraging ppl who make stuff to make stuff and he appreciates it and loves it! Even if it is not about him just make it! AND SUPPORT ARTISTS BOOBERS!
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pumpkster · 4 months
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bethanythebogwitch · 9 months
Digimon 2023 tier list
As 2023 is about to end, I'm gonna rank the new Digimon that debuted this year. This is purely my opinion based on how much I like each species. My tier list will run from S to D, with S being my favorite and D being my least favorite. I will only put one in each S and D. A will be Digimon I really like, B will be Digimon I like but not as much, and C will be ones I'm more ambivalent toward. I want to say that I don't dislike any of the new Digimon from this year, I just like some more than others.
The only new full evolution line we got this year is the Loogamon line. The baby stages are Fusamon and Bowmon. They're both cute and perfectly good Digimon, but it's generally hard for me to get excited about baby stages compared to the later stages. C-tier for both.
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Loogamon is fun for being a new prototype Digimon with ties to Dorumon and Ryudamon via Seekers. I do think canine Digimon are overdone, but Loogamon sticks out nicely among the flood of Garurumon expies, which is a definite plus. I think I like it more than previous expies like Gaogamon and Dorulumon. I'll give it B-tier
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Loogarmon I quite like. Again, canine Digimon are overdone, but this one manages to have a much more unique silhouette than the likes of Gaogamon, Dorulumon, and Fangmon. I love that the fire it breathes formes a muzzle, that's such a cool and unique idea. The wolf Digimon being a scary werewolf/garm monster is also a great step away from preguous Garurumon-style Digimon. A-tier.
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The two Perfect/Ultimate level forms for Loogamon are Heloogarmon and Soloogarmon, with Heloogarmon being intended as a dark evolution, like the SkullGreymon of the Loogamon line. It's a badass werewolf made of hellfire that has the uncontrollable instinct to burn everything around it in a mindless rage. That is such a cool and scary concept, I absolutely love it. Easy A-tier. Soloogarmon as the good evolution is a lot less cool to me. Its the red-headed stepchild of the Loogamon family. I'm not a fan of how so many high-level Digimon turn into bipeds and Soloogarmon is definitely guilty of this. The mechanical elements also feel out of place compared to the rest of the line and that giant canister on its butt is just weird. The weapon being a wrench/lightsaber is cool, I just think it should be on a Digimon themed around engineering. I definitely prefer Heloogarmon as the Loogarmon evolution. I'm putting it on the bottom of C-tier because there is one I like less.
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The Ultimate/Mega level is Fenriloogamon and I love it. Another quadrupedal Ultimate/Mega partner for a main character has been a long time coming as they're usually humanoid. For example, all the partner final forms from Ghost Game, the most recent anime, looked like people in costumes. A blue, flaming werewolf clad in silver armor is such a cool concept. I would love to see Fenriloogamon animated or in a video game. The Norse Mythology theme is also cool. Easy A-tier. Fenriloogamon also has another form called Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi which looks like if Zacian from Pokemon was designed by a heavy metal album cover artist. The blade it bears is Kazuchimon transformed into a sword. It look me longer than it should to realize that Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi is a reference to Alphamon Oryuken where Oryumon turns itself into a weapon for Alphamon. Given that the Dorumon and Ryudamon lines are in Seekers, we may see Alphamon Oryuken meet Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi. I also give this one an A-tier.
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Commandramon is a high contender for my favorite Digimon of all time (which is ironic given how anti-military I am in real life), so I was super happy to see new evolutions of it for Seekers. Heck, the D-Brigade will be featuring in the Digimon Adventure fanfic I've been working on (please give me constructive criticism on what I have so far) Commandramon itself is not in this list because it's been out for a long time now. The new Adult/Champion level evolution is Hi-Commandramon, which is such an amazing evolution for Commandramon. I think its a better evolution than Sealsdramon, even though in canon Hi-Commandramon evolves from Commandramon who failed the test to become Sealsdramon. Hi-Commandramon is like Digimon distilled into one design, a high-tech cyborg dinosaur with military equipment. It may be a bit early in my tier list, but Hi-Commandramon is my S-tier.
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The new Perfect/Ultimate level for Commandramon is Cargodramon, a dragon tiltrotor. It gives some air support and transportation to the army that is the D-Brigade. Cargodramon is definitely a callback to Tankdramon as the weirdly out of place vehicle evolution of Commandramon. I give it a B-tier.
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Brigadramon is the new Ultimate/Mega level for the D-Brigade. In-universe, it was designed for a replacement for the original Darkdramon after that one went rogue. It acts as a commander that surveys from the air and guns down enemies from above. While I still prefer Darkdramon as a Commandramon evolution, Brigadramon is still great. It also works as an evolution for a ton of different Digimon without seeming out of place, which is a great factor in a series like Digimon with branching evolution lines. Off the top of my head, I can see virus MetalGreymon, MetalGreymon 2010, Gigadramon, and maybe Jazarichmon all evolving to Brigadramon. Easy A-tier.
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Two new related Digimon are Luxmon and ArkhaiAngemon, who are both new angel Digimon. Luxmon is the new Child/Rookie level angel Digimon. I really like Luxmon, I think it's a great starting point for any angelic or holy line and I like that it looks like a child Angemon in footie pajamas. This may be heresy to say, but Luxmon is a better Angemon pre-evo than Patamon. I give it A-tier. ArkhaiAngemon is a new Perfect/Ultimate level angel and I do like it, but I think its probably the last interesting angel of its level compared to HolyAngemon and Angewomon. I kind of wish we got another feminine angel Digimon of this level (or any angel thats not a blonde white person) because it could be a great through line between Dacmon and LovelyAngemon without having to double-up on using Angewomon as the Perfect/Ultimate level when she's pretty firmly established as Ophanimon's pre-evo. I'll give ArkhaiAngemon a B-tier.
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Quantumon is a cool design and is neat as the closest we've gotten to a Digimon form of Adventure's Homeostasis (even though she appeared in a completely different continuity). I Also appreciate another feminine Ultimate/Mega that's not sexualized. Honestly the biggest thing I have against Quantumon is that the end of Ghost Game sucked. I give her a B-tier.
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Cthyllamon as an evil MarineAngemon is neat, but more interesting is that it many be a refenrence to an obscure bit of the franchise. Bck in the Digimon Accel virtual pets, multiple existing Digimon got Blast Modes. These modes only existed in those games and don't have reference book entries. One of these was MarineAngemon Blast Mode, which looked like an angry MarineAngemon with bat wings. We never got anything more than sprite artwork for the Blast Modes, but given the similarities, I think Cthyllamon is a callback to MarineAngemon Blast Mode. For that, I'll give it an A.
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All the new Digimon introduced in Digimon New Century have bee great and Dijiangmon is no exception. As far as evil Digimon go, Dijiangmon is a interesting one. Instead of destroying things or raising armies, it just hangs out, being completely expressionless and never making a sound. It also has the power to telepathically induce other Digimon to fight. It's like the Digimon version of a creepypasta monster. I like it. A-tier.
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A Digimon that has been announced but not yet fully released is Tlalocmon. We have the art and the knowledge that it's a Jogress/DNA Digivolution of Eldoradimon and SaberLeomon, but no lore yet. Despite that, what we have is super cool. It's an adorable Ultimate/Mega level, which is super rare, and its named after the Aztec god of rain Tlaloc. A twitter Digimon fan and Mesoamerican history enthusiast did a big post breaking down the design influences and mythological references in Tlalocmon that you should definitely read. Easy A for Tlalocmon and I can't wait to see it in action.
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Another announced by not yet released Digimon that will be coming from New Century is Takutomon. I'm gonna be honest, I'm not nearly as excited about this one as I am about Tlalocmon. The design is fine, but I'm not too excited about another "dude in a costume" Ultimate/Mega level. Maybe my opinion will change as we get more information, but for now it's C-tier.
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The final new Digimon released this year (not counting the one teased in the announcement for the new card game project which we don't even have a name for yet) is BigUkkamon. The name says it all, it's Ukkamon but bigger. And pink. And with less detail. Gotta say, this one is pretty boring. They didn't even include the weird head tree thing from 02 The Beginning in its official art. The lore is decent, but BigUkkamon is just bland. This one's the D-tier.
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To recap:
S-tier: Hi-Commandramon
A-tier: Loogarmon, Heloogarmon, Fenriloogamon, Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi, Brigadramon, Luxmon, Cthyllamon, Dijiangmon, and Tlalocmon
B-tier: Loogamon, Cargodramon, ArkhaiAngemon, and Quantumon
C-tier: Fusamon, Bowmon, Takutomon, and Soloogarmon
D-tier: BigUkkamon
Between Seekers, 02 The Beginning, and announcements for new card came and video game projects, 2023 was pretty good for Digimon. Hopefully next year keep on going and helps the Digimon renaissance keep going.
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artbyblastweave · 5 months
There’s a specific needle you need to thread when you’re doing an indie cape thing. One of the most common criticisms of Big Two comics is that the editorial structure guarantees that death, when it’s even allowed to happen in the first place, is immaterial. No one stays dead in comics but Uncle Ben, and even he’s been known to twitch on occasion. “Death that sticks” therefore becomes a lynchpin selling point for a lot of indie cape stuff. But the other side of this, which I don’t see acknowledged as often, is that if you create a cape setting that’s stupidly lethal, if capes are dropping left and right, if the average contender goes on two adventures before dying in action, that would seriously affect the norms of the setting! Fewer people would do it, you’d see different strategies, attitudes and presentations amongst the ones who do, and public attitudes towards the superheroic profession would be adjusted accordingly. It wouldn’t look very much at all like the prototypical superhero setting as we envision it. To be clear, a setting that deliberately embraces those shifts as part of a broad commentary on the prototypical dynamic is a fine idea, and I can think of several works in that vein. But if you do want to maintain the vibe of a big-two setting as part of your project, you need to thread the needle, creating a setting where superheroes do get killed, but not all the time.
When you adjust for how generally violent it is, Invincible actually becomes a notably deathless narrative, at least in its front half; civillian and grunt casualties abound, but after the Guardians- who are nothing but signposts- it takes until the Lizard League fiasco for another superhero to die, and it takes until The Invincible War for a superhero with any actual character development to die; the named-character kill count, or more accurately the characters-we’re-supposed-to-weigh-significantly kill count, skyrockets from there. On balance I’m prepared to call this a good thing; it allows the Guardians massacre to stand alone as a noteworthy event in the front half, and it cements the sense of increased stakes in the back half as Mark moves into higher and higher weight classes. That said, I do think that this does suboptimal things to the adaptation, which, not having hit any of the material in the back half, has run two seasons now without any casualties in Marks orbit that don’t turn out to be fakeouts. A couple of weeks ago I was bloviating about how the adaptation handled Shrinking Rae’s “death,” only to face plant when it turned out she survived in the adaptation; I’m now effortlessly pirouetting my criticism to be about the fact that they weren’t even wiling to axe a Mauve Shirt superhero in a way that reminds us that it’s actually a possibility, which of course was the point of Ray’s death in the original. It sort of creates this sense that the show is reproducing the annoying-big-two-ism of throwing around mass civilian casualty events that nonetheless rarely if ever directly connect with anyone in a costume- when in fact what’s happening is really more like the narrative analogue to a Popeye-style comically-extended windup punch.
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roseofhybrids · 3 months
I had an interesting concept do you think so humans maybe got drones almost as a surrogate child like woman who wanted kids that couldn’t or guys that wanted kids but couldn’t got drones. or even grieving parents like their were even costumized drones for people who wanted to parent drones or even for grieving people to costomize them to look their deceased children or even for people who had deceased children in their family .
the concept does remind be of an old movie ("old movie" she says about a film from 2001) called A.I. Artificial Intelligence
it follows the story of a prototype robot boy that a family takes in while their human son is in a coma. The son gets better, and things go wrong from there, resulting in the robot boy getting abandoned and trying to become a real boy, Pinocchio style. (I can't recommend actually watching the movie, it's not great)
I could definitely see the worker drones being used in a similar manner. We don't see many humans who actually care about drones in the series, but surely in a population well over 8 billion, some would care enough about the drones to raise one like a child.
Using one to replace a deceased family member doesn't sound like the healthiest coping mechanism. But could still see the MD humans doing that. If I remember right, something similar happens in Detroit Become Human, and it doesn't go too well. (can't really recommend Detroit either, but I can't think of any good shows that have something like this happen. I Am Mother has the reverse happen. Robot raising human kids, but I haven't seen that one so can't speak for its quality)
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wolfgabe · 1 year
Super Mario Bros Wonder Direct Impressions
After having a day to digest the Super Mario Bros Wonder presentation I think I can properly give my two cents. I don't think I have been this excited for a 2D Mario game in a long time. It's quite insane really how many new ideas they have managed to cram in here. It practically makes New Super Mario Bros look like a prototype by comparison.
In terms of visuals, I seriously don't get where some people are coming from claiming Wonder still looks generic and bland. In what we have seen so far this game absolutely obliterates NSMB in terms of art direction and visual variety. There are also some neat twists on familiar Mario level themes. Fluff Puff Peaks looks like they went and combined the ice and sky worlds into one which is a much more interesting take on the usual Mario world tropes. You can really tell how they are embracing some of the inventive wackiness found in the recent 3D Mario titles.
The playable character roster on display here is just insane. We got the whole NSMB gang plus Peach, Daisy, Toadette 4 Yoshis, and even Nabbit. I know people will dump on Yoshi and Nabbit for basically being the "You Suck." mode but I think it's great to have them for less experienced players. There is just something very surreal about seeing Daisy fully playable in a Mario game that isn't a sports game, or a spin off. I hope this marks the start of Nintendo actually making her a genuine part of the core Mario cast going down the road.
The powerups my god the new powerups. Elephant Mario is such a neat twist on the usual animal costume power up Deviantart jokes aside. Bubble Mario I am surprised they didn't come up with sooner especially considering it was in a ROM hack beforehand and I love how they basically brought back the Spin Drill from Super Mario Galaxy 2 and translated it into 2D.
The Wonder Effects are a perfect way of keeping things fresh in the event people thought 2D Mario was getting too boring and predictable. I have a feeling we are only scratching the surface with what Nintendo has shown us.
The badge system feels like a natural extension of the 2D Mario formula. Nintendo has essentially taking the modern game design philosophy of allowing people to customize the game to suit their play style and applied it into 2D Mario. The speedrunning potential of some of these badges is likely gonna be nuts.
Okay I really didn't have Nintendo giving Super Mario Bros Wonder its own Dark Souls style multiplayer mode on my bingo card. Honestly, I think making online play more focused on assisting and helping other players rather than competitive co-op was a smart move given how much of a mess online co-op has been in previous Mario games that had it. I really get the sense the Mario dev team applied a lot of the lessons they learned with online multiplayer in previous Mario titles to create an experience that was better suited for 2D Mario.
After seeing everything new about Super Mario Bros Wonder I think I can see why Nintendo felt the need to give this game it's own dedicated Nintendo Direct presentation. This truly feels like the proper next generation of 2D Mario in ways the later New Super Mario Bros games never did.
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miss anthro’s film recs: May 2021
Jurassic Park 1993: Watched this for the third time in a month today to celebrate it's release 28 years ago. Like most excellent films, it was created by a lucky intersection of talent. The remarkable premise was crafted into a brilliant script by David Koepp and author Michael Crichton; it was tight, clean, fast-paced - no plot holes and unnecessary scenes. Steven Spielberg really did a fantastic job of making a cohesive production and giving it a kind of emotional continuity. The cast is outstanding. I could write an essay about each one. Richard Attenborough brings pathos to John Hammond, the delusional tycoon. Sam Neill is perfect as Alan Grant, a jaded paleontologist who finds deeper compassion. Laura Dern gives a raw performance as the resolute and charming paleo-botanist Ellie Sattler. Jeff Goldblum stars as Ian Malcolm, chaotician and prototype "rock-star scientist." Bob Peck is wonderful as the sensible game warden Robert Muldoon. Samuel L. Jackson works his magic as sardonic chief engineer Ray Arnold. And of course, excellent performances from Martin Ferrero, Wayne Knight, Joseph Mazzello, and Ariana Richards. The special and physical effects are remarkable and most of them remain so nearly three decades later, including the life-sized animatronic Tyrannosaurus rex and just the right amount of CGI. Cinematography by Dean Cundey features god-tier-level use of scale framing. Not to mention great use of color, blocking, sound, costume, John Williams' beautiful score - you name it, this film really has everything going for it. Is this a perfect film? No, but it gets bloody close. Unmissable science-fiction that examines the horror unleashed by the arrogance of mankind. 
The Birdcage 1996: This 25* year old film is a real gem. While the modern viewer (myself included) could find fault with some stereotypes, etc., the classic comedy has aged quite well. There’s a lot of slapstick and hysterically funny and clever dialogue. Williams and Lane are outstanding. There’s a very touching scene between the two of them which is very romantic and sweet. And of course the whole cast is perfect. I’m always impressed by this film when I haven’t seen it in a while.
The Moon-Spinners 1964: You don’t need to be a Disney fan to love this incredible classic. Hayley Mills is well loved but I don’t think she’s given enough credit for being not only a brilliant child actor but also a great actor as she aged. Her performance is stellar. The whole movie is fun and tense, bringing Mary Stewart’s novel to life in the great and beautiful country of Greece. It’s a fun adventure from start to finish with humor and romance.
Fairytale: A True Story 1997: Want to cry your eyes out about the Cottingley fairy hoax of 1917? You may not trust me but I recommend this experience. Honestly, this movie is life-changing. This is a depiction of a real life story involving historical figures. Usually no one gets that quite right but this movie kinda does. Peter O’Toole looks nothing like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but Harvey Keitel looks remarkably like Harry Houdini. Something about the music and what they do with this story gets into your bloodstream. I couldn’t possibly spoil for anyone who knows nothing about it, but I can say that there is some incredible CGI and a scene where someone faces retribution from an unexpected and shocking source.
edit 2023:
*now 27
I found this in my drafts. Clearly, life got in the way and I didn’t continue my recommendation posts (I have the templates drafted in text form.) Also, while drafting this edit I was attacked by a small beetle. I remain unharmed and have released the beetle into its natural environment.
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irafuwas · 2 years
Bat Imagery in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty
I watched Sleeping Beauty last night for the first time in a few years, and I wanted to see if I could spot any bats or bats imagery in the film. I did this because I've always been so curious about what the source of all Lilia's bat imagery is (his weakness to sunlight, the bat pattern on his bedsheet, his love of tomato juice, his penchant for hanging upside down, the little bats that accompany him in flying class, and the bats on his Union Birthday Card). Despite all those references to bats that he has, I couldn’t really remember that animal playing any prominent role in the movie. So I made sure to pay close attention during last night's viewing and jotted down any bat references I did notice.
1. The only time an “actual" bat appears is when Maleficent curses Princess Aurora
In this scene, a bat flies out from her staff towards the viewer as her spell radiates across the screen. Aside from this scene, I did not see any other actual bats, (i.e., the animal, and not some feature of the architecture or costume design) in the movie.
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(gif by Tumblr user davisbete from this post)
2. There is (possibly) bat imagery in Maleficent’s castle and on her throne
After Maleficent kidnaps Prince Phillip, the Three Good Fairies decide to brave Maleficent’s keep on the Forbidden Mountain and try to rescue him. At the entrance to her fortress is a large gateway that appears to be sculpted in the shape of a bat. I couldn’t find online any official sources from Disney that confirm what the animal is supposed to be, but it looks a lot like a bat to me.
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The only other bat imagery I spotted in the movie was Maleficent’s throne. Again, I could not find a confirmation from any official Disney sources on whether the animal at the top of the throne is indeed a bat, but it looks to me like one. I found a figurine that shows the throne from the movie in good detail, please see the image below. It looks to me like a fearsome vampire bat with its wings spread apart.
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3. Maleficent’s design is inspired in part by bats
After I watched the movie, I did some cursory searching online for mentions of bats with Maleficent’s name. By doing so, I found out that the design of Maleficent herself also incorporates inspiration from bats.
A passage from Elizabeth Bell’s book Somatexts at the Disney Shop states the following (emphasis mine):
“Marc Davis, chief animator of Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty, explains that “she was designed like a giant vampire bat to create a feeling of menace.””
And on the Walt Disney Family Museum’s website, Marc Davis is also quoted as saying the following (emphasis mine):
“I sat down and went through a lot of material I had, including a book of Czechoslovakian religious paintings. There was this figure with the red and black drapery in the back that looked like flames that I thought would be great to use. I took the idea of the collar partly from a bat, and the horns looked like a devil.”
Here I found a prototype Maleficent design from Davis, where he went for a more blatantly bat-themed look. Especially note the wings on her robe.
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I find it interesting that all the references to bats in Sleeping Beauty are with Maleficent herself: from her fatal curse to her indominable stronghold, and from her seat of power to the very cloak she wears. I’m not sure what implications any of this might have on Lilia’s character vis a vis his potential Unique Magic and whatnot, but I thought it was interesting and wanted to share.
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So. Beep-0 is back
Which is weird, right? We KNOW he was “decommissioned and destroyed” and Fandroid tells us “I think there was only ever one Beep-0 in the first place” in one of his Baldi’s Basics videos around 4:44
Fandroid’s wording here is kind of interesting though. He thinks there was only one Beep-0 in the first place
I’m fairly convinced that this is not the same Beep-0 we know from the first video with Beep-0 (or if it is, he’s been seriously reprogrammed and repurposed) because
this Beep-0 can talk, first of all
He says he’s too busy not blowing up the world with missiles to play Roblox but looking at his introduction video… he’s playing ROBLOX and enjoying it.
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The Beep-0 from the livestream is in charge of several things at ADHOC including missiles. The original Beep-0 was a prototype of Fandroid and as such a Let’s Playing robot, who, based on the message at the end of his video being on what to do if a robot escapes its test chamber, disobeyed ADHOC and tried to escape. Why keep a disobedient robot around and PUT HIM IN CHARGE OF THE MISSILES. I know ADHOC’s low on funds but really.
Then of course, there’s stuff like this.
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If there was only one Beep-0 that was decommissioned so long ago, how is he planning Halloween costumes with the other ADHOC robots (and Melody) in 2018?
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And then. This. This Beep-0 looks like the kinda thing that would be a security system in charge of missiles. It’s also clearly not the cube on a stick we know Beep-0 as, yet Fandroid describes the fanart as accurate. For a while my theory/headcanon was that after Beep-0 attempted to escape, they destroyed his old body and stuck him in this now-immobile form to keep him from trying to leave again and maybe as some kind of punishment. But again, who puts a misbehaving robot in charge of the missiles?
That’s what makes me think this is a new or drastically reprogrammed Beep-0. His “purpose” is different and the personality from his first video is replaced with cynicism and a focus on how important his job as ADHOC’s security system/smart thermostat/missile control is.
It reminds me of one of the messages in the ADHOC lobby in the RP
“…And we actually might even come to advertise these as consciousness-free.”
Which is followed up with a different voice saying
“ Everything is conscious, but some things are more conscious then others.”
(also Beep-0 bragging about his singing skills was really funny to me because like. This exists)
Much to think about…
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Seeing your Max headcanon made me remember my headcanon for a Magolor-Susie first meeting. Magolor, fresh off the Master Crown incident, lost in Another Dimension Road, lying down, feeling sorry for himself, waiting for the Doomers circling above to finish him off . . . only for this girl in a cobbled together scrap-mech to burst from outta nowhere, chasing them away from what she thinks is another piece of salvage. Cue both talking and realizing they may have a way out of here after all . . .
I was telling myself, "I know I've got this really good Mago-Susie ask that I've been sitting on somewhere..."
I was struck by Mago Susie feels earlier (despite all the RtDL hype) and I thought I might play around with this only for inspiration to hit even harder! So, I had this thought... because I love the idea of Susie and her dad already being at least part cyborg (Its the eyes. Their eyes seem to be almost purposefully artificial looking) and, well, if you'll allow me to build off your HC...
...Say that Susie comes in, little girlboss-in-training that she is, taking out innumerable Doomers, only to have her cobbled together mech go kablooey at the very end. She complains aloud about the unexpected malfunction, leaving the wreckage behind with this sad cat-goat looking thing that just moans miserably and doesn't want to get up even when she pokes it, only for Magolor to croak out that he knows "...what went wrong with your robot..."
"You do, do you?" Interest is piqued. She thought Magolor was as gray and lifeless as everything else in this dimension. But it seems he's not out of the picture yet. And...he knows machines? Hmm... Magolor manages to pull himself up. He's...not quite sure he's ready to talk to or even be around anyone after everything he just went through, but he also thought he was doomed to never see another living, talking person here in his personal purgatory and... even if he's crushed with guilt, he doesn't want to go back to being alone again.
Susie, who's in survival mode (and has been in survival mode for however long she's been here. Time being wonky, she could have been here for longer than even Magolor was) dubiously quizzes him on what went wrong. To her surprise, after a good look at the prototype, he answers correctly.
Susie then reveals that she actually suffered a malfunction of her own systems while here. One she hasn't been able to fix alone. She needs...a hand. They scrap together a fix (Magolor's recent love of costumes and the masks from RtDL DX - plus the implied hand-made gear from Clash - makes me think he's probably quite handy at making things from scratch) and ... that's all I've got for now. ^^
I do like the idea that they help each other out! Personally, I don't see them as actually leaving AD together, aka, at the same time. I think they find a reason to split up before then.(1) 
But I like the idea of them meeting again circa-Star Allies with a simultaneous: "It's that sad mechanic!" "You're the robot girl...?!"
(1) (...If Super Kirby Clash Magolor is a post AD-Magolor - and I’m very fond of the “Clash is Magolor’s repentance” before he’s allowed back into the main universe theory - then they seem to be on rather antagonistic or at least “complicated” terms by that point, with Magolor considering her something of a pain, turning all his Gem Apples into sorbet. Although I don’t think Susie mentioned if she recognized the cart she raided as being Magolor’s or not? Either way, it makes me wonder if SHE was the one who made the decision to ditch him once she found a way out of AD?)
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krackkokichi · 1 year
Disorganized RUIN questions, thoughts, and observations
this has been in my notes for a few days, and i needed to put them out there. would love for any comments, corrections, etc! all under the read more
— sometimes gets veiny with yellow eyes: instances where he is hijacked by Mimic? but in one of those he argues with "Gregory" so is it something else?
— can't be related to MXES because actively works to disable it
— takes Freddy's place in Brazil ending
— tied to VANNI but why would Faz. Ent. have a mask that looks like that? definitely not created by Vanessa as is unaware of MXES
— why doesn't he let Cassie take the mask off in that one big area
— the mascot costumes?
— poses and moves the same as Burntrap, but is it actually Burntrap?
— scooper ending parallels Burntrap being attacked by the tangle
— clear parallel to Candy Cadet story
— Gregory and Vanessa definitely lured the mimic into its enclosure and sealed it with MXES
— Monty dark ride shows Monty looking up to Bonnie & Bonnie passing the guitar
— hidden cutout of Bonnie falling/being blown away by monty
— connection to wet floor signs?? what does it MEAN
— eyes still glowing
— why in the back of Bonnie Bowl when last recorded location was Monty Golf
— broken bowling ball pieces suggest he was attacked there, not moved
— why'd he take so long to move to Monty Golf, and why go there in the first place?
— why was he killed? he still has his parts so probably wasn't used for Burntrap, unless since Burntrap wasn't created in this timeline, Bonnie wasn't needed? hmmm....
— Monty didn't have the claws at the time Bonnie was destroyed, but it was specifically a Glamrock Bonnie sign that Cassie used to electrocute and destroy Monty (hint toward karma??)
— Bonnie's sign seemingly confirms that Monty's shades were originally his (people using this as proof that Monty is innocent since "no way would Freddy let him wear them" when Freddy probably doesn't have any clue what happened [i don't necessarily think Monty did it; i'm just pointing out this is a bad rebuttal])
— he and Freddy have matching earrings, Freddy has bowling stuff in his greenroom, and Bonnie has Freddy merch in his room, and the poster? oh yeah. they're so gay
— prototype??? i struggle to think this is just a design retcon when it's the first thing we see of him and it's a purposeful addition. and why would Faz. Ent. leave their main animatronic as a prototype
— gift box in chest? and its a different color? something's up for sure
— why was he replaced with Helpi in Brazil ending
— line in security breach where he questions if he was the first Glamrock Freddy
— i actually don't know if the PQ ending necessitates the destruction of his body or if that just happened over time, but from what I have seen people say, it seems like it is destroyed?
— are we sure that that's not just what the glamrocks' bare endos look like on the hands, because his hands are def just metal and not green, so could be not Monty's claws?
— invisible in AR
— multiple instances of headless Freddy (plushie, statue, in the AR portion with giant MXES, construction poster that says "don't lose your head", and ofc the actual animatronic)
— Mimic is pretty good at mimicking Gregory, and Freddy spent the most time with him, BUT Freddy constantly assists and supports Gregory, whereas the Mimic pushes Cassie to do things she doesn't want in order to serve its own purposes (why would Mimic play the long game with Gregory?)
— atp i assume that Foxy was converted into Roxy in universe. Roxy trans REAL
— Foxy log ride? Cassie says it was so much fun, but other flavor text says it was never finished
— only one of the four capable of speech is Roxy (w/exception of "i smell pizza!")
— Roxy reactivating? how?
— her manner of speech is completely different from normal in the special day scene
— the cutouts, her replacing Monty on a vending machine, and her appearing fixed in AR unlike the others suggests that there some level of personalization to the AR?
Other animatronics
— Nightmarionne plushies and the Baby plushie room with the tally marks?
— Monty shrine???
— what happened to DJ MM? he's massive af and is just. not there? only possible appearance it the giant endo Cassie has to climb into in AR
— plenty of vandalizers apparently had no trouble getting pretty far in, so did the animatronics just avoid them or what
— who put the bunny ears, sun rays, etc. on the maskbot and music men?
— people saying latina Chica confirmed canon cause she's wearing a dress that is actually just a saloon dress? guys her name is literally Chica. latina Chica was always canon
— i love Eclipse (Kellen referred to them with they/them pronouns on twt btw! i'm assuming most people just don't know, but it's a little bit frustrating)
— Cassie's dad and the note from him that can randomly show up
— elevator ending probably canon, but who knows for sure (Gregory didn't drop it, and you can fight me on that because why would he guide Cassie just to kill her?)
— Brazil ending definitely reference to sci-fi movie Brazil in which the protag goes into an escapist fantasy while being tortured. apparently this is also a term referring to the same movie, but a lot of people seem to not know what it means, so there you go
— how long after Security Breach is this? how long has Gregory been missing?
— if a man said to a woman what Freddy said to Bonnie, people would except they were a couple instantly, but since it's two guy robots, it's just a headcanon? bffr
Edited to add: the music-like noises that happen at the title drop remind of the beginning of "Beat It" no matter how many times i hear them
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
Today Kat is talking about FNAF's storytelling. Warning, spoilers for the Ruin DLC under the cut.
So I have a small bone to pick with the FNAF Ruin DLC. And this may surprise you, since I don't interact with the Fnaf fandom in the slightest. You wouldn't think I'd even looked at this thing, but surprise, I did! I have friends who are into it, so I loosely keep up so I can understand what they're talking about. But also there is a small part of me that's started to enjoy it, as much as I don't like admitting to it. Fnaf FREAKED me out when the series originally started, I hated it with a passion, and the stuff that I like from it is mostly more recent games. Like my favorite characters are Ballora, Mr. Hippo, the Daycare Attendants, and most of the Glamrocks, I think that tells you most of what you need to know. Ironically, I have an interest in audio animatronics now, thanks to a lot of the TPM videos of Disney animatronics and how they work. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Fnaf has never been known for having award winning writing, and I know that nobody expects the writing to be great at this point, but I just, I can't deal with this glaring issue in Ruin. And let me say that I LOVED a lot of what Ruin brought to the table, the AR world was such an interesting concept and mechanic, and it gives us so much to think about in the way of Vanny. I loved Helpi, I loved how suspicious he and the Gregory mimic were, I loved Roxy, I LOVED LOVED LOVED Eclipse, oh my gosh yes. Heck, the telling of Monty's band backstory was SO CUTE too, really loved everything they did with the cardboard cutouts in this one, that was some effective storytelling. And I loved Cassie, she was such a fun character to follow, and her voice acting was top notch. There were a few areas where it was a little off, but that's not on the actor, that's on the voice direction. I'm delighted that she was so emotive and sassy! I too would be so done if I were trying to rescue my friend but kept getting hunted by broken animatronics.
But by the time we get to the end of the game, even though I loved everything else, the enemy we faced really left me baffled (and no it's not because of the book stuff, I have no issue with that today). Which led to this gem of a quote to one of my friends.
"The weakness of one of the most powerful enemies in all of Fnaf: concrete."
You're telling me this mimic robot can mess with Helpi and the world of AR, a mechanic that actively LETS YOU WALK THROUGH WALLS, but it can't clear a singular wall of concrete??? No, I don't buy it. I don't expect great stories from Fnaf, but this is a new level of not thought through. There is no reason this thing couldn't break out of its prison without us. Especially if it does comply with the book canon of being able to contort and fit into costumes with a variety of shapes, how can it not get out? Additionally, I really don't love the design of its mascot costumes. They don't look like they fit in this world at all. And maybe it's to try and push some new designs for a new game or DLC, but it just, isn't working for me. I mean the way the eyes on the lion one match the stylization of Glitchtrap's head, which was good, but that's my only good note. And that's not even getting into the millions of questions about HOW this robot has a bunch of FABRIC costumes that are mostly in tact in an establishment that was burned down FROM THE BASEMENT AREA. If it's been locked down there for so long, how does it have these in as good of condition as they're in? What were they used for before this? Could we have gotten any set dressing like posters of old characters down in this area to maybe foreshadow/explain this? Maybe a desk with prototype mascot designs? Just, SOMETHING so it's not out of left field. Some things are good when they come out of nowhere, but this did not do it for me.
I'll probably let this go over time and go back to my regularly scheduled enjoyment of mutuals posting and reblogging the daycare attendants. This has just been bugging me all week, and I wanted to talk about it. I acknowledge that I like a lot of things where the writing isn't exactly great, and it doesn't have to be the best in the world to be effective or enjoyable. But this actively killed the experience for me by the end. And I'm annoyed I feel that way, because the rest of this WAS really fun. I'd say this is one of the times I enjoyed FNAF the most, it just didn't stick the landing. Couldn't keep my suspension of disbelief.
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