#look maybe he never specifies the east sea bit
where-the-water-flows · 4 months
Shan gudao got "murdered", which led to Li Xiangyi going full "I will kill the Jinyuan alliance and everyone in it and burn it to ash and salt the earth on which they walk (etc etc)" and then going to dramatically break up / hate fuck / murder suicide Di Feisheng in the east sea.
Shan gudao also murdered their shifu by telling him that Li Xiangyi was in danger....in the east sea...where he was because....Shan gudao.......got murdered....
like I know this timeline is nonsense but also. um. hey? the guy who got famously and notably publicly murdered shows up a month later and is like lol anyway and their shifu's just like seems legit! and did not ask any further questions I guess.
I know the reasonable answer is that Shan gudao was like 'no time to explain shidi's in danger oops ohhhh nooooo you're injured I can take your qi to save him haha whoopsy you're coughing blood now? gosh. oops. toodles.' but also. what the fuck.
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yukipri · 4 years
On the Baratie, Prologue - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Thanks to everyone who sent in their opinion on the East Blue stories poll! I think Sanji’s had the most, so we’re starting off with more Baratie!
While there’ll be a continuation, here’s a bit of prelude, because they need a different reason to go to the Baratie. The ASL Pirates already have a cook after all!
Like a prologue to On the Baratie, Part 1
When Thatch makes up his mind to accompany Ace back to East Blue, he knows that there's one place he wants to visit no matter what.
He's only been to East Blue once, and it was honestly ages ago, and he doubts there'll be another chance in the near future. Not many opportunities to visit the weakest Blue as a commander in an Emperor's crew, after all.
And while Thatch doubts he'd travel halfway around the world for the sole purpose of visiting this spot, he's lucky. Because on this particular trip, it's practically along the way. They're passing right by the area on their way back to re-entering the Grand Line, so there's no way in hell he's letting this slip by.
It's the only request Thatch has made on this journey, and Ace and Luffy, who are the Captains and therefore technically get to decide where they go, have no objections. Luffy's already bobbing up and down in excitement, despite their guides estimating that they still have a ways to go.
"The Baratie, huh," Ace grins. "Never heard of it, we didn't pass by our first time through, did we Deuce?"
"You've never heard of it because you lived in the middle of nowhere, in a jungle with barely any contact with human civilization," Deuce says pointedly. "Most people in East Blue at least know of it, it's kinda famous."
Ace just shrugs, and Luffy whoops as the movement of his shoulders momentarily boosts her higher. Ace indulges her and repeats the movement more aggressively until she's bouncing, and Deuce sighs. The two captains' attentions have shifted, and now they're preoccupied by the most important topic of all: food.
"Food~!" Luffy sings, hopping from one arm to the other as Ace switches to spinning her around, and Deuce has to duck to avoid her tail. "Yummy yummy food at a restaurant! It's gonna be amazing!"
"It really will be amazing, if Zeff hasn't lost his touch," Thatch agrees, and Luffy and Ace cheer. "I've never eaten at this restaurant of his, but I was a fan of the Cook Pirates when I was a kid." 
His expression darkens, and Ace stills, recalling that Thatch mentioned they all died or something.
"Sucks what happened to them," Ace offers.
But Thatch just shrugs. It was around a decade ago, and shit happens out at sea. "I'm just glad Zeff survived. He'll have trained the new cooks well, and it'll be funny to see the old man actually settled down as a civilian."
Thatch was still a teen the last time he saw Zeff, who was Captain of the infamous Cook Pirates back in the day. They were always picking fights, and picked the wrong one with Pops, and predictably lost. Pops let them live, and they had a grand party, and Thatch remembers being captivated by their culinary expertise.
Thatch chuckles to himself, and the two brothers look at him curiously, blinking with adorably similar expressions.
"I just remembered, Zeff tried to scout me. Pops wasn't thrilled."
Ace barks a laugh, hefting Luffy into a more comfortable position before she suddenly squirms out of his arms. Luffy makes a grabby motion towards Thatch, and Ace obligingly if reluctantly moves closer to let her swing up onto the taller man's shoulders.
Thatch perks up at the sudden attention, because it's not every day that the little mermaid chooses to climb someone other than her brother. Thatch knows she doesn't need it, but offers her a hand to get settled more comfortably, which she takes with a pleased little purring sound that makes his heart skip a beat. Thatch pointedly doesn't look at Ace, but he can still feel his burning gaze.
He's not sure what prompted the sudden transport transfer, but suddenly Luffy's leaning forward over his shoulder to peer directly into his face, and she's close. Thatch tries very hard not to blush.
"But if the Zeff-dude cooks are that good, are they better than you, Thatch?" Luffy asks, eyes wide. "That can't be right, because Thatch's food is the best in the world! Better than even Makino's!"
Those words do make Thatch flush crimson, and Ace snorts. Thatch ignores him, too busy trying to control the warmth bubbling up inside his chest.
Thatch doesn't think he's arrogant, but he also isn't unused to his food being praised. As ungrateful as most of his brothers back aboard the Moby usually are, he's still the head chef who leads the culinary division of their entire fleet, and it's a position he's earned. He's personally trained and assigned all of the cooks on every Whitebeard ship. He knows he cooks well.
But there's something special about Luffy's unique brand of painfully genuine praise. Even though they've been traveling together for a few weeks now, she never gets bored of singing her appreciation at every mealtime with, if anything, increasing enthusiasm. It's like every time is her first time trying his food. Thatch in no way needs her compliments to adore her, he was besotted far before she even knew he was a cook, but boy does he appreciate them, and he doubts he'll ever really get used to them.
Thatch has been called the "Best Cook in the World" by many, and he'd accepted their words politely. But to hear them from Luffy feels like the highest honor he can ever attain.
Thatch feels unbearably fond as he reaches up to fluff Luffy's hair, and she leans into his hand, eyes curving up into slits like a happy kitten, her tail curling back and forth at his back.
Ace cheerfully ruins their moment.
"We'll just have to see, Lu, and maybe if you like their cooking better, we can ditch Thatch and kidnap one of their cooks." Ace leers like the evil little shit he is, and Thatch gasps with exaggerated indignation.
"No, no!" Luffy boos her brother, clinging to Thatch like he's the embodiment of all the meals Ace had threatened she'd lose, before she swings her tail around to smack at Ace none too gently until he grudgingly raises his arms in surrender.
"If we like their cooking, then we can keep Thatch AND kidnap one of their cooks!"
"Lil Seastar, you're not satisfied with just me, even if my food is the best in the world?" Thatch teases, and sticks his tongue out at Ace when he scowls. The young Captain isn't so thrilled with Thatch's new nickname for his baby brother, and Thatch thinks it's fair revenge for him being mean. 
"Thatch's food is the best!" Luffy cries again, and Thatch glows. "But if we steal a Zeff, then we have two cooks, which means more food!" She nods, pleased with her conclusion. "More food is always good!"
Well, she's a little confused, but her point is made. They hopefully won't steal Zeff himself, as Thatch doubts he'll be happy to part with his beloved restaurant, but perhaps nabbing one of his assistants isn't a terrible idea.
While handling even Ace and Luffy's appetites is no problem for Thatch, who's used to feeding the entire Moby Dick, some company in the kitchen might not be bad.
(And, a voice whispers in his head, that they'll need a cook that Thatch approves of when he inevitably has to leave to return to Pops. It's a voice Thatch ignores, so that he can enjoy this moment, for now.)
I don't think it's actually ever officially stated whether Thatch's Division is actually in charge of dining, but there are other divisions that are specified, so I thought it would be interesting, so I made it that way ^ ^;
(Edit: Actually it IS explicitly stated that the 4th Division is in charge of dining, this is canon and not just a headcanon whee~!)
And if Thatch as the head of the cooking division, then to me it makes sense that he'd be insanely good at it, not just your average chef. Because I mean, they're the Whitebeard pirates. And sure, they're not as food-centric as the Big Mom Pirates, but the WBs always have quality. Cooking, I feel, is a lot more subjective than say, "Strongest Swordsman in the World" but I don't think it'd be a stretch to say that Thatch is Up There.
This isn't at all to shit on canon!Sanji or his cooking which is probably also insanely good, but Sanji's a lot younger, and the places he's been, the people he's learned from, and the people he's cooked for are far more limited. He, like everyone else, is learning rapidly by stepping out into a far larger world.
Thatch, in comparison, has been on the Grand Line for a loooooong time, traveling with the most infamous crew currently in existence, and probably has picked up a LOT of things from a lot of people. While he doesn't have an official canon age, given the ages of the other Commanders (Marco 45; Jozu 42; Vista 47), I'm putting him at 41 here. That's decades of difference in experience.
It's one of the reasons why I think exploring Thatch and Sanji's mentor-rival relationship in this AU could be so much fun, because think of how much Sanji could grow with someone like Thatch in the crew.
Luckily, Sanji's dream is to find All Blue, not to defeat the cooking equivalent of Mihawk in Iron Chef Grand Line, so outside of fighting for the heart of the love of their lives, I think they can get along quite well ^ ^;
(also do u like his nickname for Lu. I had to consult a friend. But I think it's beginning to stick for me ^ ^;)
As always, any thoughts or comments make my day! Thanks for reading <3
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
Read the next part: 👒🐟On the Baratie, Part 1
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 years
Book Roundup -- April 2017
I completed by challenge of reading 50 books in 2017.... today.  Admittedly this is usually a pretty low bar for me, but I don’t wanna go any higher than 50 just in case I suddenly get super fucking busy or my speed-reading powers deactivate.
Anyway.  Most of the books I read this month were honestly mediocre to poor, but I did discover two books towards the end of the month ( “Feast of Sorrow” and “Crazy Rich Asians”) that not only introduced me to new authors but pretty much thrilled me.
So, without further ado:
The Night Mark by Tiffany Reisz.  3/5.  Still mourning the death of her first husband, Faye ends up divorcing the man she married for convenience and heading to coastal South Carolina in an attempt to resume her former career as a photographer.  After learning the local legend of a lighthouse keeper’s ill-fated daughter in the 1920s, she accidentally ends up in the water--and wakes up in the body of Faith Morgan, said ill-fated 1920s girl.  This book is definitely a romance novel, and it’s a lot of fun.  As with any romance novel, there are some random choices that are kind of done, and the plot is somewhat convoluted, and the time travel aspects of the plot don’t always make sense....  But it was fluffy.  It made me happy.  It made me homesick, for that matter.  If you’re looking for a quick, somewhat mindless read with some nice sexual tension-filled scenes, go for it.  (If anything, I feel like this would have been improved with a few more sex scenes.  To be honest.)  It’s note quite peak trashy time travel romance novel a la Jude Deveraux’s Knight In Shining Armor, but it’s good.
Love for Sale: A World History of Prostitution by Nils Johan Ringdal.  4/5.  A non-fiction history of prostitution spanning from ancient myths to the present day.  The book does a good job of covering the East and West--though more attention is paid to Europe than anywhere else, Asia gets a good amount of attention.  At certain points, it does get a bit dry.  But it does the job, and is very interesting and informative.
Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett.  4/5.  In this YA contemporary, Bailey moves to California, not telling her Californian longtime online penpal, Alex, that she’s done so.  (She has confrontation problems.)  Upon beginning a museum job, she falls into a love-hate tension-filled relationship with security guard Porter, not realizing that he--of course--is Alex.  This is pitched as a modern-day You’ve Got Mail, so I don’t think that’s a spoiler.  Honestly, I was so pleasantly surprised by this book.  I was beginning to think that YA contemporaries just weren’t for me anymore, and something about the chemistry and characters in “Alex, Approximately” just got me.  Certain dramatic backstories were a bit much, but ultimately the chemistry between Bailey and Porter sold this book for me. They felt like actual teenagers who were actually into each other, and lately I feel like the YA I’ve been reading is too sugary to accurately portray that.  Overall, this is a definite summer/spring rec from me.
Marriage Most Scandalous by Johanna Lindsey.  2/5.  This was a pretty typical historical romance bodice ripper, about this dude who killed his best friend by accident in a duel years back?  And is now a sort of mercenary detective type?  So years after said accidental murder, his father’s ward comes a-knockin’, all grown up and such, and she thinks his dad is being targeted by someone evil.  Of course they have to pretend to be married to figure out what’s afoot, and you can take it from there.  I don’t think I like Regency bodice rippers as much as I do like... Viking romances, or Highlander stories.  I feel like bodice rippers should be set in “rougher” times so the extreme fuckery going on is easier to dismiss as part of the fantasy.  Plus, idk, some viking dude capturing the self-insert heroine and teaching her the ways of erotic love is just sexier to me than a dude named Sebastian having a secret identity as the Raven.  I never said I wasn’t problematic.
Literally by Lucy Keating.  1/5.  Annabelle is in the midst of upheaval in personal life when she meets the perfect boy, Will--and finds out that she’s actually the main character in a story by the author Lucy Keating.  K.  This could have been good, but it’s pretty much ruined as soon as Lucy Keating introduces herself.  She’s referred to as Lucy Keating for the whole book; Annabelle thinks about how beautiful she is and her cute clothes; she’s all ambiguous and strange and self-adoring.  This was one of the most uncomfortable, awkward books I’ve ever read.
The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli.  3/5.  This YA contemporary is about Molly, a girl whose insecurity about her weight--and inevitable comparisons to her beautiful twin, Cassie--has her constantly crushing on people that she finds unattainable.  After Cassie falls head over heels for Mina, Molly feels pressured to like Will, Mina’s cute and sweet friend.  But she also likes--perhaps more genuinely--Reid, who is, like Molly, overweight and maybe a bit uncool.  This is less a romance--or I was less interested in the romance--than a story about Molly and Cassie growing up and apart.  Molly’s insecurities are driven in part by her comparing herself to Cassie; at the same time, the main reason why she doesn’t want to like Reid is that she thinks he’ll pull her further from her twin.  That’s a super interesting, real conflict.  The romances I found less compelling.  The book includes a lot of diversity, but at a certain point it did feel a bit... checking the boxes-esque?  Like, Molly thought back to this boy she crushed on, and specified that he was a trans boy even though it added nothing to the story and really served more to set him apart, in his two paragraphs of page time, as “special” compared to the cis boys Molly had crushed on.  I get what the author was going for, but it came off as a bit awkward sometimes.  Overall however, this is a very earnest and sweet read.
Given to the Sea by Mindy McGinnis. 2/5.  Khosa is the latest in a long line of women “given” to the sea--she’s destined dance into the sea as a sacrifice to prevent it from swallowing up her homeland.  Before she does that, of course, she needs to give birth to a daughter who will follow in her footsteps.  Trouble is, Khosa is afraid of being touched.  Aaaaaand that’s pretty much what I got from this.  The story has an interesting mythology and I liked the sort of writing style McGinnis was going for, but that’s it.  I kind of debate even giving it a 2/5 for that.  There were too many narrators (Khosa, the prince type guy she met, and his adopted sister I got but there was one guy whose presence as a narrator I never understood) and the plot was very... vague.  I got that Khosa was doomed to be sacrificed and needed to get knocked up, but everything else was extremely hard to understand.  And I was trying.  I really tried.  It just never got there for me.
The Perfect Stranger by Megan Miranda.  2/5.  I really enjoyed Miranda’s previous thriller, “All The Missing Girls”, but this one just... numbed me.  It seemed like a much more standard “what happened to the missing/dead person” story than “ATMG” was, and it never clicked.  
My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier.  4/5.  Che (yes, named after THAT Che because his parents are The Worst) is a teenager moving from Australia to New York.  Also, his little sister Rosa is fucking psychopath.  Rosa has been wrong since she was a baby, but Che is the only one in his family who acknowledges this--ironically, because his parents are always occupied with hippy-type projects that are meant to save the world.  Che knows exactly how dangerous the unfeeling Rosa is, and how easily she manipulates everyone around her.  And of course, she catapults the family into disaster.  This book was pretty chilling at times.  For that matter, it actually had explanations for things that bothered me--why Che’s parents were so shitty, for example.  Threads like those would have been dropped in another book, and I appreciate Larbalestier following up on them.  It’s a really effective thriller; perhaps the most convincing part of it is how much Che loves his sister, despite everything.  The book isn’t quite scary, but it is creepy--and quite sad at points.
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi.  4/5.  From 1968, a serial killer terrorized the hills surrounding Florence.  The killer would spy on couples parked to have sex--a common practice in Italy, where people usually didn’t leave their parents’ homes until they married--shoot both of them, and often mutilate the women’s bodies in a sexually motivated manner.  There have been a number of suspects, some of which have been convicted then exonerated.  Italian journalist Mario Spezi had been following the case for decades when he met American thriller novelist Douglas Preston.  Forming a friendship, the two began researching the murders, leading to both of them tangling with the Italian authorities (including the prosecutor who botched Amanda Knox’s case; and if you didn’t think she was innocent before you read this book, you probably will after).  The book is divided into two parts--that detailing Mario Spezi’s investigation of the murders as they happened, and then what happened after Preston got involved. Preston describes Florence and the unique Florentine attitude well, but honestly I got frustrated with him a lot.  He seemed so ~shocked~ that the Italian authorities didn’t function in the same way that they do in America.  I figured that out pretty quickly after landing in Italy for my year abroad, and I was 20 at the time.  Also, like...  it wasn’t hard to keep my head down.  I get Preston’s motivations, but his story is less interesting than Spezi’s, which isn’t surprising.  Am I 100% sure that they found the true killer?  No, but their guy seems more likely than anyone else who’s been a suspect.  This is a very gripping, very interesting true crime story that I definitely recommend.
Feast of Sorrow by Crystal King.  4/5.  Thrasius, a young Roman slave, is bought by the patrician Apicius due to his exception skills in the kitchen.  Apicius wants to become the gastronomic adviser of Caesar Augustus, and he believes that Thrasius is his ticket to fave.  What follows is the decades long saga of Thrasius as he helps his often-capricious master and bonds with Apicius’s family, particular his master’s wife, Aelia, and his daughter, Apicata.  But Apicius’s ambition and hunger for renown knows no bounds, and he drags Thrasius and his family into the depths of Roman politics with him.  So this book was actually a really, really compelling read.  King has a talent for description, and as a recurring backdrop of the drama is cookbook(s) that Thrasius is helping Apicius put together... I got hungry fast.  King also has a talent for creating that sense of the Roman world, beyond the famous people.  She created an environment that felt real and everyday to me, while at the same time keying in the drama when she needed to.  I will definitely be picking up her next book, especially if it’s historical fiction.  I couldn’t put this down.  With that being said, there were a couple of things that kept this from being a 5/5 for me.  One was Thrasius’s romance with fellow slave Pallia--it felt very plot-device-y to me; I mean, you do need to give Thrasius a motivation to stay with his master even when he’s a dick (beyond his own life) and yes having him fall in love with a woman brings in the possibility of Babies as an added motivation, but also...  I kinda wish that Thrasius had fallen in love with a dude.  His chemistry and sex scenes with Pallia felt super forced, but his scenes with other men were more... interesting.  Towards the end of the book, the melodrama got dialed up a little too much--like I know it’s not Feast of Sunshine and Daisies but holy shit.  Some fact-checking proves, though, that King did her research and the goriest parts of the book did happen.  So overall, I’d highly recommend this to anyone who wants to read an entertaining novel of Ancient Rome.
The Last Neanderthal by Claire Cameron.  3/5.  This novel takes the perspective of Girl, a young female Neanderthal who, due to a sudden turn of events, ends up alone in the wilderness with Runt, a strange young  boy her family adopted.  At the same time, it tells the story of Rose, a pregnant archeologist who has discovered two unique skeletons and is racing against the clock to finish her project before her baby comes.  This is very much what you might call a feminist read--it’s about different aspects of women’s lives, how much has changed, how much... hasn’t.  What I found particularly interesting was the look at sexism--particularly towards women who choose to become mothers--in the academic world of archeology.  Unfortunately, I can’t say I super liked the book because Girl’s side was... well, kind of a downer.  It’s realistic, but strict realism doesn’t always make the best story; and at any rate, who knows how realistic it is? We’re talking about Neanderthals here.  Also, I feel like some people will really appreciate the degree to which Claire Cameron describes things, but like.  Dude.  Once we start talking in detail about the smell of a Neanderthal’s cervical fluids, I’m kinda out.  But I gave it three stars because it is well-written and it is an interesting angle to take, it’s just not for me.
Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan.  5/5.  American Born Chinese (ABC) girl (but not really) Rachel Chu has been dating the charming Nick Young--her first Asian boyfriend--for about two years, and finally agrees to spend the summer with him in Asia as he stands as the best man in his friend’s wedding.  Nick is charming, kind, and handsome--also, he’s mega-rich, as Rachel only discovers upon arriving in Singapore and meeting his family, including his formidable mother Eleanor.  Nick hails from not one but two different elite clans in Singapore society, and not only is his mother plotting against no-name Rachel--so are all the women who want to get their claws into him and his bloodline.  There are several different, super-interesting subplots going on too, but that’s the main story.  And it’s great.  This book is the perfect blend of insightful social commentary--from someone who would actually know what’s he’s talking about, rather than an outsider white author--and catty drama.  Rachel is probably not the most interesting character here, but she’s supposed to be the good girl, and she’s not bland.  She’s smart and sticks up for herself, even if she’s a bit naive.  Nick is a decent guy, if not perfect--he’s ignorant to the complications of his own world because... it’s his world, and he’s a man and therefore not privy to many of the machinations the women perform.  The two most compelling characters are Astrid, Nick’s beautiful cousin who’s just beginning to recognize the cracks in her marriage, and Eleanor, his mother.  Eleanor is AMAZING, the perfect mom from Hell without being a caricature.  Her concerns go over the top, but they stem from a valid place, especially when you take cultural norms into consideration.  Also, she’s being played by Michelle Yeoh in the movie so... I’m hype.  Loved this.  It was one of my longer books of the month, but I sped through it in two days.
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witch-bomb · 8 years
Obsidian - Chapter 6: Natsu’s Cat
Title: Obsidian
Fandom: Fairy Tail with Steven Universe elements (not really a crossover)
Genres: Family, friendship, humor, adventure, sci-fi
Rating: T
Summary: Natsu had never met his brother. Almost all he knew about him was that he had led twelve others to Earth thousands of years ago in order to protect it - and that he, along with the remainder of the twelve, had to keep protecting it.
More than a month had passed since the collapse of the Lunar Sea Spire. There hadn’t been too many missions since then; those they had found had been deemed “too dangerous” for Natsu.
  But this new mission, they had decided, would be perfect for him.
  Natsu hopped down the stairs, grinning from ear to ear. The Lunar Sea Spire had just been a test, as far as he was concerned – this would be his first real mission with the Spriggans.
  They had given him the details earlier: they would be going to a forest to find some stone which caused a seemingly permanent storm over the area. They hadn’t specified exactly what they were supposed to do about the stone, though. Natsu guessed they would destroy it, since taking it somewhere else would only bring the storm upon a different location.
  He leapt over the last few steps, landing on the ground floor. “I packed my bags! When are we going? Who’s coming with me this time?”
  “All of us,” Invel replied. “The forest is huge. We need to search the entire place to find the Rain Stone.”
  “So we need to split up?”
  “Yep. Everyone for themselves,” Dimaria replied. “But we’ll have a meeting spot we’ll go back to after a few hours or so.”
  Natsu’s heart raced. He would be deep in a forest, all on his own, potentially saving a wide area from the storm that had ravaged it for years. “Awesome! Let’s go!” He froze. “…Are we all gonna fit on the warp pad?”
“Ajeel, you’re stepping on my foot.”
  “Too bad, ice queen. There’s nowhere else to stand.”
  “Hey, Wahl. Ever heard of personal space?”
  “…I’m not surprised, actually.” Brandish sighed.
  Dimaria folded her arms. “You know what? I’ll transport us, and then–”
  “Aw, c’mon!” Natsu’s arm shot into the air, hitting Serena upside the face. “Let me do it! I still need practice!”
  August stared at Dimaria, then at Natsu. “Dimaria, let Natsu do it. He’s right.”
  “…Okay. Just make sure we end up in the right place.”
  “I will!” Natsu focused, shutting his eyes.
  Seconds passed before the group was enveloped in light and transported away.
“I did it!”
  The moment they landed, all eight of them stumbled off of the warp pad with shouts of annoyance – or triumph, in Natsu’s case.
  “I did it, guys!”
  Dimaria leaned toward Brandish, murmuring in her ear. “Is he going to get this excited every time he successfully warps us?”
  Brandish shrugged. “I guess he would be excited about it.”
  “Okay, everyone!” Invel clapped his hands to get their attention, stepping onto a rock and staring down at them. “We need to make a plan. We’ll all head in different directions to find the Rain Stone, then meet back here in four hours. That means we’ll go about two hours into the woods, then take another two to walk back here. I’ll go north–”
  Ajeel glared up at him. “Who put you in charge, princess??”
  “I’m the most responsible one, so it makes sense that I should–”
  “Hah!” Ajeel snorted. “The most responsible? You’re the one who makes me do all the chores instead of, y’know, taking responsibility and doing it yourself!”
  “First of all, I don’t make you do all the chores. Just most of them.” Invel returned the glare coldly. “Secondly, it’s your punishment for constantly breaking things, going out of your way to get on my nerves, taking missions without so much as thinking of the rest of us…”
  Luckily, over the years, the others had developed a habit of tuning out Invel and Ajeel’s arguments. Most of them chose to wander aimlessly around the clearing. Serena had found a gecko under a rock somewhere and sat cross-legged in the dirt, petting it gently. Brandish stood beneath a tall tree, her head tilted back to examine the top leaves.
  Natsu scratched the back of his head. “Man, this mission is already going pretty badly.” He glanced around. “Hey, guys? What about the rain stone?”
  “Screw the rain stone.” Serena smiled down at the gecko he had found. “I have Gilbert.”
  “Dude, Gilbert is the worst name ever for a gecko!” Wahl kneeled next to him. “Call him Billy.”
  “Invel? Ajeel?” Natsu headed toward them. “Can we go on the mission already?”
  “Fine! I’ll take your advice and we’ll see where it gets me!” Ajeel snapped. He spun around and stormed toward the western exit of the clearing.
  “And I’ll use your idea and prove to you that it’s doomed to fail miserably!” Huffing angrily, Invel turned and strode to the east.
  Natsu watched him leave. Slowly, his mind processed the fact that the one in charge had left – and nobody else was taking over. He grinned, leaping up onto the rock. “I’m in charge! I’m the leader! Whoo!”
  “Enough, Natsu.” August raised a hand. “I’m the leader. I’ll organize everyone.”
  Natsu’s face fell. “What?”
  “...Aw. Okay.” Natsu sighed and stepped off of the rock dejectedly.
It took August a minute or so to get everyone’s attention.
  Clearly, they would need to split up to cover more ground in their search. August assigned everyone a direction at random – excluding east and west, since Invel and Ajeel already headed those ways.
  He’d assigned Natsu to the northeast route.
  After walking for an hour or so, the rain soaked through Natsu’s clothes, leaving him freezing and drenched. Water dripped from his hair into his eyes, blurring his vision. And still he had found no sign of the Rain Stone.
  Not the “great adventure” he’d expected, to say the least.
  According to the Spriggans’ description of the Rain Stone, Natsu should be looking for a blue crystal about the same height as himself. Yet the exotic blooms lining the tree trunks seemed to be the only blue in sight.
  Of course, it would be deep in the forest if whoever had placed it had been so desperate to keep others from finding it. With this in mind, Natsu marched onward through the puddles and mud, unaware of his silent observer.
In the north, things were much… slower.
  “Such a pain…” Brandish sighed, leaning back against the trunk of an exotic tree. Why was it always the Spriggan Gems’ responsibility to fix the little things that went wrong on this planet? Corrupted gems, she could deal with. The damage caused by these corrupted gems, she could deal with. But hours of walking through a downpour to find some rock? Sure, it was a sacred stone originating from Homeworld, but couldn’t the humans remove it themselves?
  Brandish stood up, stretching. Even if it was a pain, she may as well keep searching…
“Rain Stooone!” Serena called, cupping his hands around his mouth. He struck a pose. “You can’t hide forever, Rain Stone!”
  No response except the sound of the rain pattering against leaves.
  “Hmm. I’ll keep moving. I’m bound to find that silly rock eventually…”
“Hah!” Ajeel’s foot collided with rock, flipping it over. “Stupid ice queen! Bet I won’t find a thing on this route!” He stomped onward, insects and small animals scuttling to the sides of the path to avoid his rampage. Still, he had calmed down since setting off an hour ago; in fact, he slowed to a walk, then stopped completely.
  Damn, maybe he’s right about the “irresponsible” thing. I’ve just been stomping around without even looking. Maybe I passed the Rain Stone by now…
  No, wait. What am I thinking? I’m just using his idea to prove to him how wrong he was. Of course it won’t be down this route.
  With a snort of laughter, he continued walking.
The pattering of the rain on the leaves filled the air, the only sound in the peaceful forest. Occasionally, creatures could be seen scuttling through the foliage, seeking shelter. Despite the downpour, the scene was a peaceful one.
  Until a sudden blast tore through the trees, knocking a few over and sending debris flying in all directions.
  Wahl grinned as his targets fell to the ground in splinters, glancing around for any sign of a shattered rain stone. After all, if the final goal was to destroy it, why hold back?
  Cackling madly, he fired another blast, smoke billowing around him and into the blue abyss of the sky.
In the south, Dimaria took a similar approach.
  Her blade sliced through yet another thick trunk, the column of wood crashing to the ground. Golden eyes scanned the surrounding area – still no sign of the Rain Stone.
  She chopped down another cluster of trees, stepping back as they fell to the damp earth below.
  “Still no sign of it, huh?” Dimaria sighed. “Looks like whoever put that stone there really didn’t want it found…”
As August continued the journey through the rainforest, he vaguely wondered how the Rain Stone, an ancient artefact from Homeworld, had even ended up in a forest on Earth. Had it been dropped from an invading ship? Put here on purpose by a spiteful gem? And just how long had it been here? He recalled that the request to remove the stone had come in quite some time ago – decades? Centuries?
  Whatever the case, getting rid of it should be their sole focus right now. Grumbling, he continued in the southeast direction.
Sharp eyes darted around, scanning the area for any sign of a blue crystal. Nothing.
  Invel sighed, continuing his journey east. He’d been travelling for an hour, yet still, he hadn’t seen any trace of the Rain Stone. It seemed Ajeel was wrong after all – just as he had set out to prove.
  But maybe I spoke to him a bit too harshly… Invel paused. No. I only spoke the truth; I shouldn’t be regretting this. After all, he really does go out of his way to annoy me – still, maybe I really did speak rudely…
  Shaking his head, he kept walking.
Natsu stopped in his tracks. Out of the corner of his eye, he’d seen a flash of blue – not the pale, dull hue of the flowers, but a much more vivid shade.
  Hope lighting up his eyes, he retraced his steps, peering through the trees.
  A blue creature – similar to some sort of big cat – rested in a sheltered spot beneath the trees, curled up, quite clearly asleep.
  Natsu immediately forgot about the rain stone. Amazed, he carefully stepped over the bushes, creeping toward the unusual animal.
  He knelt next to him. “Hey...”
  The cat lazily opened one eye, peering up at Natsu. Unexpectedly, the creature made no move to run away, or even to stand up.
  Trying to talk to a cat would be stupid. Could he even understand human speech, let alone respond? Even if he did, would he be any help whatsoever? Asking a cat for directions or advice would make one look like a fool.
  Natsu decided to give it a shot. “Have you seen a big blue crystal around here? Apparently it’s what’s causing this rain.”
  The cat stared up at him for a few moments, before standing and stretching. He turned and walked away.
  His face lighting up, Natsu stumbled through the bushes after the creature, his eyes fixed on the blue fur. Had he understood? Would he lead Natsu to the Rain Stone?
  The dense forest soon opened up into a clearing. In the middle of said clearing lay a stream, rain pattering on the surface.
  Natsu slowed to a halt as he entered the clearing, looking around for any sign of the stone. His shoulders slumped in disappointment as his search proved fruitless: the object was nowhere to be found.
  He slumped to the ground, the weight of disappointment sinking in his stomach. “I guess you don’t know where it is, huh?”
  Ignoring Natsu, the cat stepped into the water, splashing around in an effort to catch fish. Natsu watched, disinterested, for a minute or so, before deciding that he should resume his search for the Rain Stone.
  He stood up, dusting himself off. “Well, see ya.”
  The cat perked up, watching him intently as he walked away. Keeping his eyes fixed on the human, he stepped out of the water and followed him back through the trees.
  Natsu paused, hearing the rustling from behind him. He glanced over his shoulder. “Are you gonna follow me?”
  The cat stared at him.
  “…Okay.” He turned and continued to pick his way through the thick barrier of plants, the cat following a few feet behind him.
  Rain poured from the leaves, creating miniature waterfalls all around them. Natsu finally located the path he’d been on before, treading carefully, breaking branches to create a way through.
  “See any signs of the Rain Stone?”
  Of course, talking to a cat was silly. But Natsu found that it helped to alleviate the loneliness of the woods a bit.
  The cat purred, bumping against his legs. Grinning, Natsu kept moving.
  “Wonder how long it’s been. Invel said four hours, right?” Natsu frowned. “Feels like I’ve been walking for ages. Wish I’d brought my watch…”
  Trotting alongside him, the cat listened attentively to Natsu’s aimless rambling, staring up at him.
  Natsu suddenly halted, his breath catching in his throat. Had he imagined it? No – straight ahead of him, a faint blue glow could be seen through the trees…
“Where is he?”
  Invel paced back and forth, occasionally glancing at the treeline for any sign of Natsu.
  Wahl frowned. “D’you think he found it?”
  “Maybe.” Dimaria glanced at the surrounding forest. “Or he was eaten.”
  Brandish smacked her on the arm. “Mari! Don’t joke about that.”
  Invel glared at Dimaria. “Natsu is completely safe, I’m sure.”
  “I suppose our best course of action is to search for him,” August grumbled. “He might be in some sort of trouble.”
  Serena jumped up from his seat on the ground. “Okay! Which way did Natsu go?”
  “To the northeast,” Ajeel replied, gesturing in the western direction.
  “The northeast is that way, actually.” Brandish pointed toward the south.
  Serena shook his head. “That’s the east, silly. The northeast is that way.”
  Invel sighed. “Where’s our compass?”
  Rolling his eyes, August drew the shining object from his pocket. “It’s… that way.”
  Almost before he finished speaking, the other six dashed in the direction he had indicated. Had the ground not been soaking wet, August swore they would have left a cloud of dust behind them. He shook his head and dropped the compass back into his pocket, strolling after them.
  Natsu glared at the crystal, rubbing his stinging fist.
  “Stupid rock…”
  A few meters away, the blue cat sat and watched curiously. He almost seemed to be mocking Natsu.
  Muttering to himself, Natsu swung his fist and struck the crystal again… to no avail. “Dammit! I wish I had a weapon like the others...” He huffed and landed a few more punches, before slumping to the ground, panting.
  He glanced over his shoulder at the cat. “Hey, don’t think I’m giving up! I’m just taking a break, okay?”
  The cat wandered over and sniffed at him, before returning to his former place and simply watching.
  Natsu glanced around, wondering if he should return to the clearing to meet the others. But he had found the stone – what if he couldn’t find it again after his return?
  Perhaps the best thing to do was to wait around here until the others found him and the stone. They would be here eventually. In the meantime, he could work on destroying it.
  Standing up again, he resumed his efforts to break the Rain Stone.
Natsu lay face-down on the grass, groaning in pain. His knuckles had become reddened and cracked from repeatedly striking the stone.
  “Ugh… Not even a scratch…”
  The cat purred, wandering over to sniff him carefully.
  The sound of footsteps pounding the soaked ground became audible. Natsu peered up and quickly stood, vainly attempting to dust himself off. The cat scurried away from the sudden noise.
  “Natsu!” Brandish hurried toward him. “Are you okay?”
  Invel glanced down at Natsu’s knuckles and frowned. “Were you trying to break the Rain Stone by yourself? Natsu, you shouldn’t try to break a solid crystal with your bare hands!”
  “Hey, he found the Rain Stone!” Cheering loudly, Ajeel climbed on top of the crystal and began to stomp on it, the sounds reverberating throughout the clearing.
  Dimaria rubbed her arms, grumbling, and glared up at Ajeel. “Can we just destroy the thing and stop this rain already?”
  “But it’s so pretty…” Serena gently stroked the rain-speckled surface, his eyes sparkling.
  August sighed and shook his head. “Wahl, just… destroy it already.”
  Both Serena and Ajeel suddenly shrieked in terror as a blast tore through the crystal, shattering it into tiny pieces. Ajeel crashed to the ground among the blue shards.
  “Ow! Dude, what’s your problem??”
  Wahl grinned from behind his blaster. “Shouldn’t’ve been standing on the thing in the first place!” He began cackling.
  Natsu gaped at the mess of crystal on the ground. “…It was that easy?!”
  “You should’ve come to us before.” Serena patted him on the back.
  They stood in silence, watching as the clouds overhead gradually cleared. The rain gradually slowed down to the occasional patter, then stopped. The cat purred as he felt the warmth of the sun on his blue fur.
  Natsu grinned up at the near-cloudless sky. “So, I guess we were succe–”
  He was cut off by Dimaria’s sudden shout. “What is that?”
  Invel’s eyes widened. “Is – is that a cat??”
  Natsu grimaced. He’d nearly forgotten about the cat.
  Brandish clamped her hands over her mouth. “It’s… so cute…”
  “Is nobody gonna point out that it has wings?!” Ajeel shrieked.
  Natsu cleared his throat. “Yeah, I sorta made a new friend. He’s called…” He thought for a moment. “Blue!”
  August raised an eyebrow. “Blue? That seems a bit…”
  “Actually, my name is Happy.”
  Immediately, the conversation died down. For several seconds, nobody moved. Then all heads turned toward Wahl.
  Wahl raised his hands defensively. “It wasn’t me!”
  “Well, it certainly wasn’t the cat. Cats don’t talk.” Invel frowned.
  Happy turned abruptly toward Invel. “Hey! That’s rude!”
  “It is!” Ajeel yelled. “It’s talking!”
  “You’re not the only one hearing it.” Dimaria stared in astonishment.
  Natsu stared down at Happy, bewildered. “You didn’t talk earlier…”
  Happy grinned. “You thought I couldn’t talk? Then why were you talking to me?”
  Invel shook his head. “That’s enough. Let’s just… go home.”
  “No way!” Ajeel folded his arms. “Are we seriously gonna leave the talking, winged, blue cat behind?”
  “Yes,” August cut in. “We are not having animals in the temple.”
  Brandish stared at him in horror. “But he’s friendly. And fluffy.”
  “We should keep him!” Serena struck a pose. “After all, I lost Billy Gilbert the gecko somewhere in the forest.”
  “I put him back in the woods,” Wahl reminded him. “He wouldn’t last five minutes in the temple.”
  Serena carried on as if he hadn’t heard. “…So I’m not going to return to the temple without some sort of animal to make up for my loss!”
  “No,” August said flatly.
  “I won’t let him into the temple if he keeps sassing us!” Invel glared down at Happy, who had wandered over to him.
  Ajeel stared blankly at him. “But… we kept Serena.”
  Natsu, reaching a final decision, headed toward Happy and stood next to him. He planted his feet firmly on the ground and folded his arms. “I’m not going back without Happy.”
  “Natsu…” August glared at him. “You’re not five anymore. Cease this behaviour.”
  “Such a pain… but it’s so cute…” Brandish shook her head and assumed a similar position, planting herself beside Natsu. She was followed closely by Ajeel and Serena.
  Wahl glanced at the cat. “…I guess he has a better survival rate than a gecko.” He headed over to join them.
  Invel hesitated for a long moment. He glanced down at Happy. “…Well, nobody’s going to teach him to be polite if he stays out here.”
  “Invel. I thought you, at least, were more sensible than this.”
  “I’m being entirely sensible. It’s important that he learns how to properly speak to people.”
  “He’s a cat.”
  “He lives in the middle of the jungle. How many people will he ever be talking to out here?”
  “A lot more once someone else finds him, I’d think,” Brandish replied.
  August froze. For a long moment, the only sound was the rustling of leaves. “…Fine. We’re going home. But if that cat steps out of line, I’ll personally bring him back here.”
  Happy stuck his tongue out at him.
  Some grumbling, some pleased, the team began the two-hour trek back to the warp pad.
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theheartspoon · 5 years
Genesis 1 and 2
I come to this book of the Bible wondering. There is so much debate about this single book as if discrediting the first book makes the rest of the story invalid.
Gen 1:2 ; What is the deep? It says that darkness was over the surface of the deep. That implies that there was something to be the surface of. The Spirit of God was over the waters. From this, I can infer that water was where the beginnings of life have to come from and originate which is true of all life on our planet. Water is the basis of our lives. So after a bit of research, I have learned that the beginnings of space was about 67 billion years ago. Our solar system wasn’t beginning to form until about 13.6 billion years ago. There is not a given about of time for how long the darkness was over the surface of the deep, this could be billions of years.
Gen 1:3 ; The First day was an evening and morning. God does not differentiate the TIME as in 24 hours here. He simply says that there was an evening and a morning. Earth as we recognize it didn’t exist until about 4.5 billion years ago. We had an atmosphere at around 3.8 billion years ago. Our atmosphere could be the Spirit of God upon the deep.
Gen 1:9 ; Here we have God saying that the waters were gathered to ONE place and land was in another. This sounds much like Pangea to me, as it was originally one land mass rather than multiple landmasses. 2.5 billion years ago we have earth’s landmasses beginning to form.
Gen 1:14 ; Okay, so this is where I am getting confused. The first day has God making day and night. Now, I am on to the fourth day and it is talking about a greater light (SUN) and a lesser light (MOON). How could we have day and night up till this point without the Sun?? Okay so the moon was created about 6.5 billion years ago. According to research, the moon has been moving steadily away from us throughout this time, and at its beginning, it was much closer. Days at this point in time were about 4-6 hours long. We didn’t have more regular days until about 1 billion years ago. Life originated when our days were about 12 hours in length – 3.5 billion years ago. Plants had to arise before sea creatures at about 2.5 billion years ago with the rise of the photosynthetic cell. Multicellular life arose 1.2 billion years ago when the day was about 23 hours long.
Gen 1:20 ; Sea creatures are made first and then birds are created. Note to self – find out about the fossil record and how birds came into being. WAIT. Birds are very similar to dinosaurs according to the fossil record they are our current dinosaurs, right? I think this is talking about dinosaurs. So, sea creatures and “birds” were about 246 to 66 million years ago.
Gen 1:24 ; This is when God makes mammals, but in a completely SEPARATE paragraph, which so far Genesis has used paragraphs to designate a shift in TIME, it mentions the creation of man. This has me wondering how long from the start of the sixth day did God create man? Human ancestors started to arise about 4 million years ago when our day was about 24 hour long.
Gen 2:4 ; This account starts out as a little bit confusing to me. It is almost as if the person who wrote chapter one was like – wait, I skipped some stuff. Let me go back and explain a bit more in depth!!! It rewinds and starts talking about the third day again, where God made land and sea + veggies and now he is adding in that streams were part of this whole action sequence of creation. Now it sounds like the writer is saying that God created man on the third day separately from the sixth day.
Gen 2:6 ; Okay, so maybe this is making more sense than I thought. Maybe here is it saying that God created his original man (Adam and Eve) on the third day, separate from the rest of “man-kind” maybe these were our early apes or homo sapiens?
Gen 2:7 ; According to this account, human beings are god-breathed. We carry his spark of life in our lungs. Yet, we come from the dust. We are lowly just as the dirt beneath our feet is lowly, yet God saw us as worthy enough to consume his breath and be given life.
Gen 2:8 ; Question: Why is it referred to as the East? The East of Pangea at this time? How come we never understand what the tree of LIFE is all about. We only hear about the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God has already displayed that he knows the difference between good and evil because he denotes at the end of each day – it was good. And on the end of the sixth day, the day that he makes man – it was very good. This also implies that evil already exists. For one to know of something, it means it must have had a previous origin or existence. This is a reference to Satan whose original sin was PRIDE.
Gen 2:10 ; Here we are just talking about the 4 rivers – Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. These four rivers would be the basis of all life on land. These rivers were the heads of our civilizations. All of our ancient cultures were birthed near rivers.
Gen 2:15 ; “The Lord God took the man and PUT him in the Garden of Eden” HOLD UP! This means that man did not ORIGINATE in the garden. He was born somewhere else and then placed in the garden after a certain time. God also gives the first man instructions not to eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because if he does he will die. God does not specify what TYPE of death this could be. To those of us who have had our brushes with evil (read: abuse, greed, pride…etc), we know that there are many deaths one human being can suffer other than our final death where our heart stops beating and our brain ceases to send out electrical pulses.
Gen 2: 18 -19 ; Okay here we get to where Adam needs a “suitable helper”. To accomplish this, God makes animals – animals are great helpers! I mean, look at all of our wonderful service animals. They are so full of love and wonder. Precious babes. But, Adam isn’t HAPPY with just animals. He has gone through and named all of them at this point and doesn’t see any of them as a suitable helper/companion.
Gen 2: 23 ; Finally, we have WOMAN appearing here. She is created from the rib of Adam. Pulled from his side = an equal, a companion, and close to his vital organs making her a vital protector of life. Later on, it talks about how they were naked and felt no shame. How a man leaves his mother and father to be united with his wife to be one flesh. Now, Adam and Eve had no idea about husband and wife – they just existed. So this must be some authors’ note inserting himself into the story.
To me, it seems that God’s “days” don’t match up with our current days because the “world” at that time didn’t look like the world we have today. We can’t classify a day as 24 hour according to what it says here because those types of days didn’t exist yet. As a human being, I have to accept that the person who wrote the book of Genesis – many people say Moses wrote Genesis – would have to write this in the most human terms possible to make it make sense to those who would read it. I almost must accept that the Lord my God understands the limitations of the human mind and would want to make himself understood to those who seek him. This means that he would want his scribe to use words that are comprehensible to the human being.
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rosagudino-blog · 7 years
World Of Warships Bot
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