#looks are deceiving. he hates gay people
realpokemon · 1 year
so we know that there's gay pokemon, but are there homophobic pokemon?
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lazycats-stuff · 10 months
been thinking of a batbro bimbo reader who isn't yet fully aware of his family's identitys but is a vigilante too. Thinking of him getting flirted on and the other's getting protective. Especially the younger siblings (Ex: Damian)
Oh Damian is going to kill them. Blade out and everything. Also, I think you thought about writing a himbo. Also, I don't know which gif to put so enjoy a storm lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is a bit stupid, but very nice. He is oblivious to a lot of stuff and his siblings are protective of him.
Warnings: (Y/N) is stupid and sweet at the same time, adorable (Y/N), protective everybody, especially Damian.
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Bruce often wondered how (Y/N) managed to survive for this long. Looks are often deceiving, he knows that very well. He always expected the unexpected and (Y/N) was certainly something of that sort. You know how you expect big people to be cold and just rude over all?
(Y/N) is sweet beyond belief and Bruce wonders how he survived for so long as a vigilante. But there is another problem too. (Y/N) sometimes has problems seeing when he is being flirted with and overall, sometimes slow with catching up.
What kind of scared Bruce was the fact that (Y/N) still didn't... Kind of... Connect the dots with their identities. Bruce often kept an eye out on (Y/N) during patrol or missions. Always. Everyone also kept an eye on their brother.
They all loved (Y/N) and they all just wanted to make sure that he is okay. He is far too adorable and kind for this world. That is a conclusion that everyone has reached. Even Damian. Damian is the one who is the most protective of him.
(Y/N) found a way to channel his kindness. Bruce helped him set up a few organizations to help the youth on the streets, homeless people in general and one for mental health problems.
Well, more (Y/N) and Tim. (Y/N) is the face of those charities and Tim has agreed to help out behind the scenes. He never minded doing it for his brother and it's for a good cause so he didn't mind to help with the financial stuff.
(Y/N) has tried to do it on his own, but he just hated paperwork. Bruce and Tim sympathized with (Y/N), knowing how paperwork could be shit. Tim loved working with (Y/N). More so than with Bruce. But Bruce will never know it.
(Y/N) is often considered by Gotham City as their baby on social media and he is famous because of it. Well, because of his kindness and other moments that social media would say is iconic. Gotham loved him and (Y/N) would often go in his vigilante suit to see little kids all year round in the hospitals in Gotham and sometimes elsewhere.
(Y/N) loved doing it and loved seeing kids smile. Some were just so beaten down that by being in a hospital and seeing them smile so much made (Y/N)'s day.
Damian is often considered as (Y/N)'s bodyguard on galas. Of course, there are many people who consider (Y/N) handsome. Unfortunately, (Y/N) can't see those advances and that's where Damian has stepped in. Always.
If (Y/N) is going to be in a relationship, it's going to be with someone who looks past his looks. Many who tried to woo him did so because of his looks. Not because of him and personality.
Damian often stepped in, making excuses for (Y/N) as to why he couldn't. And then the man would be met with an icy glare.
Now, the public loved (Y/N) even more when they saw how he treated women. How respectful he is... The female population of Gotham City have lost their minds. There was a viral moment where (Y/N) was seen giving his umbrella to a lady after a heavy rain started. He was soaked afterwards, but at least he did something nice.
There is a plethora of responses from men, but once (Y/N) came out as gay, those men weren't afraid of not getting anymore dates. The women of Gotham were sad, but there was nothing that they could do.
Dick and Jason were also protective of (Y/N), but not to the degree where Damian is. Nowhere near. But did they always keep an eye on him? Yes. That's their brother, how could they not. They loved him, but they knew that the couldn't protect him like Damian does.
Damian is on a whole another level.
Galas are often considered the most stress inducing thing that happens a few times a year. Nobody liked to attend galas in the family, not even Bruce, but they had to due to appearances they had to.
(Y/N) didn't mind it. Now, galas are often the time when Damian was vigilant around (Y/N). Bruce didn't say anything to Damian about being protective. In fact, it made Bruce happy, knowing that he didn't have to be constantly vigilant over (Y/N).
Damian is his second in command when it came to (Y/N)'s protection. Damian is often subtle in the way he is vigilant. Often. He never outright stood next to (Y/N), but he was always close enough to step in.
As of now, (Y/N) was making his way to the bar to get a drink. Damian watched him from the buffet table. He watched everyone else in the room, seeing if anyone was looking at (Y/N). And he did find someone.
He was looking at (Y/N) with something in his eyes that made Damian pissed. He knew that look very well and it wasn't to talk to (Y/N) about his charities. Damian waited for a moment to see if his suspicions are right.
And when was Damian wrong? Never.
He wanted to scoff at the predictability of these guys. They are really predictable. He watched for a moment more, but when he saw how the man smiled at his brother, it was go time. He swiftly put some food on the plate, (Y/N)'s favorite and quickly went to the bar where the two were.
" Hey (Y/N), here is some food that I know you love. " Damian said, bringing (Y/N)'s attention to himself.
" Oh really? Thanks Damian. "
" No problem and Bruce told me he needs to talk to you. " Damian said and quickly glanced at Bruce who nodded subtly.
" Oh? Well, I will talk to you later then. " (Y/N) said as he turned to his 'suitor' and then took the food that Damian brought and then walked off. The moment that (Y/N) couldn't see them, Damian glares at the man.
" I wouldn't try it if I were you. " Damian said as he glared at the man.
" And what is a kid like you going to do? " The man said and Damian had to smirk at the arrogance.
" I know who you are. I know that your father wants to make a deal with my father. And I can always put a word in about you. And let me tell you, father is very protective of (Y/N) and he is not going to like the fact that you are just trying to sleep with him. "
The man tried to defend himself, but deep down he knew that Damian was spot on.
" Now, I wouldn't really try to flirt with him anymore. Not to mention, there are 3 more brothers that will kick your ass in different ways if you try to. " Damian said as he walked off, trying not to smirk once more.
He can't smirk or (Y/N) will see something. Who said that galas could be boring when you can threaten your brother's suitors? Dick and Jason gave him a thumbs up from a far. Tim and Bruce shook their heads quietly. Damian walked up to (Y/N) and gave him a quick hug.
Nobody messes with (Y/N) Wayne. Nobody.
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mrabubu · 4 months
Ok so I just enter to Tumblr and the first thing I see are hate comments for a post?...
I honestly loved what you did, I'm relatively new to the fandom and the first thing I saw about Leo was Leosagi fanarts which confused me because they're not even in the same series?... But people defended it so much that I thought that was a normal ship that the entire fandom liked and that's why I would have to get used to it, then I find out your blog and I'm so in love with the way you portray Leo with y/n it means a lot to me! So, in short: thanks for speaking up about it and I just really love your drawings and animations ✨
Thank you, I appreciate your words ~
But, honestly, this is scary to see how much some people downplay Leo and his personality to just him being gay (when he's not and his personality and character arc are MUCH more than that) and deceive others into thinking leosagi is canon... I saw other case like this, and I myself at some point though it was something until I checked everything and realised that, no, it's all just headcanon that some really forcing into others and even creators themselves.
I hope you don't mind if I leave some of my thoughts on this ship under your ask, but I've watched the first episode of Usagi Chronicles because I wanted to a) see what all the fuss is about, b) try not to make people think I'm critical when I haven't even watched the show. I'm going to leave my thoughts below, so, if people want, they can read them. If not, then, please, don't. Those are my personal experience. If you like leosagi and want to continue ship it, do it. It's not my business. Under the line I'll be talking mostly about those people who, again, forcing this ship into fans and creators.
So, I watched that first episode while my friend watched the whole series, and, honestly, my thoughts were "huh..?". Like, Usagi to me felt like diet Leo. They're basically have the same personality, but Usagi is less charismatic and even annoying... Leo to some is also annoying, but he still has his charms and strategic mind. And from what I've heard, even by the end of the season 2 Usagi stays pretty much the same. Honestly, I don't see how this ship can work without heavy fanoning both characters. I wouldn't be surprised if many aggressive shippers haven't even watched Usagi Chronicles and ship leosagi because: a) they need to ship Leo with a male and Yuichi is an easy choice, b) they just look cute together. Because if past movie Leo would meet past season 2 Usagi they wouldn't stand each other. And in a relationship they would get bored of each other pretty quickly, because there would be no dynamic or chemistry. Good friends? Maybe. Partners? No.
I'm not going to talk about Miyamoto because as far as I know he has a canonical love interest and a child.
And all this led me to a question: is THIS what people want...? For creators to butcher a character so they could have their fanservice?
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nrilliree · 5 months
1.Laenor has demonstrated on more than one occasion that he loves these children and considers them his own despite not being biologically his. The man is delighted with baby Joffrey and looked at him with the love of a father. Trying to deny this is simply being too stupid and wanting to vilify Rhaenyra.
2. Most of the time we see Laenor, he is doing whatever he wants; he drinks heavily and constantly spends time with his lover without any discretion. All Rhaenyra asks of him is basically not to leave and to not leave her and her children alone.
3. This idea that Rhaenyra is "abusive" to Laenor is a bit strange because it has never been shown that she is abusive to him. They were both forced into marriage. Laenor and Rhaenyra have problems like any marriage; she has never hated him for being gay or for being with other men. We only see one scene of them arguing, and she has been his wife and companion for over 7 years. Arguments in marriages are normal; spouses and friends can be sarcastic when they are fighting and angry, this does not mean that there is no love or affection for each other.
4. The Team Green are very amusing because they will always use the book when it benefits them, but when it doesn't benefit them, the book canon and the series canon are different. In the series, Rhaenyra did not get pregnant immediately after her wedding to Laenor as she did in the book, because it is impossible for her to have done so. Aemond had not been born and he is older than Jace, which implies that Laenor and Rhaenyra were married for several months before Jace was born. Considering that both admit to having tried in the series, this is logical.
5. Laenor is a gay man, he will never feel attracted or 100% comfortable having sex with a woman because he is gay. This idea that they should have tried much harder is a bit strange if you really care about Laenor because basically you want the man to go through hell and be abused. The worst part of this is that it comes from the same people who feel sorry for Alicent for being a victim of marital rape…
6. This person also deliberately forgets that Laenor is unfaithful to Rhaenyra as well. She also has to bear the burden of being a cuckolded wife, with her husband preferring men over her, which is humiliating for her too. This attempt to portray Laenor as a poor victim deceived by his wife is strange because he is also unfaithful to Rhaenyra...
7. Laenor decided to leave with his lover; if he hadn't wanted to do it, he would have refused or sought a way to escape or speak to his parents to tell them what was going on and to help him, but he didn't. On the contrary, Laenor accepted to leave and even masterfully participated in the dramatization of his fake fight with Qarl. If Laenor were sorry or wanted to return, he could have returned, but he didn't; it has been more than 5 years and he is still far away with his lover. He agreed to do this.
As I said, I'm blocked, so I don't know what it says, so I'll refer to your post.
Look at Laenor:
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Does he look like he doesn't love this boy? He wanted to name it himself, telling Rhaenyra that they were his children too. We saw him with Joffrey in his arms several times, even on Dragonstone when he didn't have to hold him and could have given him to a wet nurse, but he didn't. As @thedammitsoldier once wrote, "People forget that they were his boys too." Laenor was their father for what, eight years? He raised them, he was their father. And that they weren't his? Are these people suggesting that adoptive fathers are not fathers? That they don't love their children?
Laenor had a few cross scenes, but he still showed that he is a better father than anyone else on this show, lol. At least he didn't neglect the children, give them a wrong sex complex, or become their pimp. Little Luke loved him - he comforted him at the funeral, wanted to hold his hand, and was shocked when Aemond said that "you will die like your father in the flames", because his father was alive. (Aemond choked him, threatened to kill him and smash his head, and earlier he threatened to throw Rhaena to Vhagar - do you think that poor Luke wasn't scared that something happened to Laenor?) Laenori and Rhaenyra were probably the healthiest marriage we see in HotD because they were partners and unquestionably loved each other as friends. We see this in their conversation in Driftmark.
Laernor agreed to leave because he knew it was the best option. Alicent wasn't shy about bringing up the argument about his orientation, even at his sister's funeral, when Laenor was in complete despair and she insinuated that he was having fun with young boys. After what happened in Driftmark, she wouldn't give up. Laenor abandoned his children and family, but he did it to keep them safe. Daemon will keep the boys safe. Corlys trusted Daemon because they fought together on the Stepstones. Laenor too. Daemon and Laenor developed a relationship, and from his conversation with Laena, we know that Daemon at least respected him. So in my opinion, Laenor definitely had a hand in the planning.
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If the reboot seasons keep going with the early merges, coaster strategies like Millie’s or to an extent MK’s are gonna be really viable. Not winning challenges puts you in danger on a team, but pre-merge there’s usually at least one asshole everyone hates who can be a target instead. Fly under the radar, be nice to your team, and look like you’re doing your best even when throwing. Post-merge, it can be really viable to throw challenges because competitors who win a lot of competitions like Julia, Priya, and Caleb will be targeting each other due to their obvious threat level.
Coasting doesn’t necessarily mean a boring strategy. What it means in TD is usually letting an ally carry you to the end because they think they can beat you and then stabbing them in the back at the last minute.
I think the most viable winner of a potential season 3 under this idea is probably MK. She has Julia by her side who basically has a neon sign above her at all times saying “I’M A HUGE COMPETITIVE THREAT AND ALSO THE WORST! VOTE ME OUT!” and because MK so rarely wins anything, people aren’t likely to think voting out MK will undercut Julia’s game in any meaningful way. As long as Julia doesn’t backstab her again—which to be fair she definitely would do—she’s good in that department. The only issue here is that MK doesn’t throw competitions, she just sucks at anything physical (affectionate). So if she and basically anyone were in a final 2 I’m not super confident she could actually win unless she cheated somehow or just got lucky with a more mental competition. Maybe against Millie who’s not great at challenges or Zee who she could probably deceive into losing.
Speaking of Zee, he’s also a great coaster. Everyone except Julia and MK like him and those two only like each other (🏳️‍🌈). He has an ally or potential ally in basically everyone else. His social game is for the most part really strong. However, when he was eliminated in both s1 and s2 it was because everyone was mad at him for doing something stupid. In s1 it was probably just to take him out in a silly way because he’s mostly a gag character, but in s2 it was because he let slip the insane number of secrets he has on EVERYONE. People either tell him everything and anything on their mind or don’t realize he’s eavesdropping. Either way, it’s very promising. If he’s more strategic in the future and doesn’t blow up his game by spilling secrets in front of everyone and instead uses them to his advantage, he has good win potential. He’s also not terrible at challenges, and has a good showing in a majority of them. The catapult challenge definitely proves that he can excel in challenges even better than Julia when he needs to.
So yeah, those are my season 3 winner picks. I’d also be very happy with a Julia win without a redemption arc. She’s gay and horrible and wins.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 10 months
Could you recommend me some enemies to lovers? I love this trope! Thanks for your work ^^
Here's quite a few suggestions, I forgot how much I love this trope. ~Jen
True Like (or Looks Can Be Deceiving) by dualwielding
Kurt loves his job at the off-Broadway theater. As for Blaine Anderson, Kurt might have to work with him, but he doesn't have to like him.
Feel my heart's intention by @kurtsascot
Blaine started to hate Kurt on his first day. And it was a shame, really, because they could have been cute together. 
Clinging to this hating game by notarelationship (justpracticing)
Based on this prompt from the Klaine-prompt-a-fic blog on tumblr:
Kurt and Blaine couldn't stand each other in high school, maybe one was a jock/cheerleader and the other a nerd/glee clubber. Or they were bitter rivals for competition solos if they were both in glee club. Now they both live in NY and their friends set them up on a blind date, not knowing they went to the same high school.
Home away from Home by @lilyvandersteen
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Make Food and War by @kirakiwiwrites
What if Blaine and Kurt met another way?  AU Meetings with the theme of: Food. We all know how our boys met on the show. For this creative challenge, let's play with how the boys might have met in alternate universes. And this time, use the topic of food to be the through line of your creations.
Living Haphazard By @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion Anna_Timberlake
Have you ever thought of getting cheated by a house broker and getting to know that you had to stay with another stranger who was also cheated? What if you are getting stuck up with the stranger in the apartment due to unavoidable circumstances? What if you hate him as well as have a crush on him? What if you had to fight your inner self and the stranger? What if he agreed on helping you which can only happen in dreams? This is a real living haphazard, isn't it?
The Hating Game by orphan_account
Blaine can count on one hand the amount of people he has hated in his life. But Kurt Hummel is definitely The Worst.
Or: That co-workers AU where they hate each other (until they don't)
Anyway, Here's wonderwall by @honeysucklepink
Inspired by the story of the Oasis cover band and pub goers who got stranded at a pub in a snow storm.
Adam Crawford is the proprietor of a tavern and music venue in the English countryside. Just before Christmas, he hosts a Battle of the Bands, unaware of a forecasted winter storm. A blizzard traps the patrons, the final bands standing, One Three Hill and The Warblers, and their bickering leaders, Kurt and Blaine. The two have been rivals since their NYADA days, but their friends and bandmates can smell the unresolved sexual tension a mile away. If circumstances had been different, so too would their relationship. So their friends decide to give fate a little nudge...
About-Face By @quizasvivamos
At the start of the Marching Band season his sophomore year, Blaine is the youngest Drum Major in McKinley High history. However, none of his peers believe he deserves the title, especially a handful of embittered upperclassmen, including one particularly stubborn Color Guard Captain, who challenges him in more ways than one.
Mendacious By @forabeatofadrum maanorchidee
Blaine Anderson is McKinley’s biggest star. Everyone in school loves him. And he’s gay. Blaine Anderson has what Kurt Hummel wants. When Kurt finds out that Blaine’s hoping for the same scholarship at the prestigious NYADA, Kurt knows for sure that he deserves it more, but no one seems to agree. There has to be something wrong with Blaine. If Kurt could expose that, it’ll all be over for him. With a scholarship at stake, Kurt’s willing to go very far to find some dirt on everyone’s favourite student.
Turn Into a Pose by @little-escapist
Singer-songwriter Blaine Anderson wants to come out of the closet. When his publicist sets him up with movie-star Kurt Hummel, he’s ready for anything, but the last thing that Kurt wants is a relationship with anyone, let alone Blaine. He hates his publicist for setting him up, hates the idea of lying to the world, and hates letting the world invade his personal life. But maybe Blaine Anderson is exactly what Kurt Hummel needs.
French fries and Milkshakes by BlurglesmurfKlaine
Cheerio!Kurt and Nerd!Blaine don't exactly get along. So what happens when they get paired for a glee club assignment? They're polar opposites. They're voices shouldn't work together, neither should their personalities. Or their chemistry, for that matter. They're two very different things that shouldn't blend together, but do. Kind of like French Fries and Milkshakes.
Bites by foxxed
Kurt Hummel is a Chef de Cuisine with a tongue as sharp as his knife. But when the restaurant across the street finally opens, Kurt is confronted with an old culinary school rival - the always smiling and opera-singing Italian Chef Blaine Anderson and things are about to heat up faster than the average stove.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Dangerous Romance Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Kanghan took his bullying to maximum levels, but got dunked on by his own grandmother when she called out his bullshit in front of the principal and then hired Sailom as his tutor. Kanghan continued to lose to Sailom, so fucked with his money by accusing him of being a sex offender in the parents’ chat. Kanghan took a gun to Sailom’s house to try and intimidate him only to find him being beaten by debt collectors. Kanghan scared them off, and we left at Sailom still in shock as his brother arrived late.
Oh, good we’re picking up with the gun. Let’s not forget that he took a fucking gun to Sailom’s house. Perth’s characters waving guns around dangerously is the GMMTV theme of the year.
Compensation for losing your job? Look, I read a bunch of negative takes on Sailom of Wedding Plan for fucking with Nuea’s money when it wasn’t actually a big deal there. It is a big deal here! Kanghan was actively fucking with his money! Kanghan called Sailom a pedo and cut off his tutoring gig!
Kanghan went to the library smelling like soccer? I don’t know about that.
I love them putting a PS5 on a coffee table so we can see that Kanghan has money as he talks about how he’s not going to study. It’s not even plugged into anything!
Kanghan seems really nervous around his dad. It feels a bit out of sync with the way his dad seems to have no expectations of him.
I don’t know how I feel about the implications that Sailom has had feelings for Kanghan already with the way he’s nervous about holding onto him, and then smiling about it. I really hate stories of gay boys having crushes on their bullies.
Oh, so now we're buying fancy dinners for Sailom? I see you, Kanghan.
Did he really just order meat and no veggies? He is such a boy.
Speaking with others casually is a low-stakes way to learn a language, but I'm with @shortpplfedup that this sounds like JoJo Tichakorn learning English to flirt with tourists.
Yes, let's try to deceive our way into the bar. Incredible.
Oh, so we're going to acknowledge in English how thematically linked their names are? Sure, why not!
Pepper is about to turn into Claire Huxtable. "You ain't paid me back for that loan but you decided to go out and have big fun with the Wretched?"
Chimon really makes incredible facial expressions. He and Perth are well-matched.
Sailom continues to see through all of Kanghan's bullshit.
Kanghan may not be great at English, but he knows how to tell people to fuck off. Was curious if a GMMTV show would reference sex tourism at some point.
Kanghan also clearly watches too many movies if he immediately resorted to kissing to blend in with just ONE other couple.
I appreciate that Kanghan sensed that something was amiss in his house right away.
LOL! Sailom also thinks Kanghan watches too many movies!
That is a seriously good portrait of Perth. Goddamn.
Pretty fucked that his dad got him the thing he wanted but not on the terms they agreed.
Oh no. Please tell me that Sailom has not been crushing on this boy since middle school.
I don't know, y'all. I like Chimon and Perth a lot, but I'm not that into this dynamic. I do like a cross-class romance as much as anyone else, but I was hoping things would be a little more contentious between them. I feel like we're moving past some things quickly.
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hawthornsugar16 · 8 months
The truth about "C2"
What I find very funny is that there are always people who like to pretend not to know and even deceive themselves.
If you looked closely at what goes on between Charles and Sainz on and off the paddock, you wouldn't think they were good friends. At least this has been proven by Pierre. (Pierre is the only close friend Charles admits to being in the paddock)
Unless you don't know about the public work and believe it to be true. Just like Red Bull Racing deal with the relationship between Verstappen and Perez, when they had an embarrassing confrontation outside the paddock, they still had to look like they were get along in harmony.
Apart from Charles, I have no particular affection for any of the other drivers in the paddock. Since I follow Charles, I know why some Charles fans don't like Sainz, but they don't hate Vettel or Eriksen (they get along very well with Charles, and Eriksen writed "Kick ass at Ferrari, win that bloody championship" when Charles went to Ferrari, not to mention the Vettel's helmet message praised Charles' talent and sincerely wished him the best)
But obviously Sainz is not like this. For example, Sainz almost never helps Charles during the race. In qualifying at Monza this year, Charles gave Sainz two tows, but Sainz had no thanks for it. Although some people have poor memory, there are traces of the Internet. While Sainz's mother and friends took to Twitter to shame Charles, we didn't know what those calling themselves C2 were up to. It's completely understandable that Charles' fans would be disgusted by such behavior and would fight back against it. Likewise, if Charles took the initiative to do something similar, it would be normal for Sainz's fans to fight back. But in fact, it all happened because the Sainz family took the initiative to belittle Charles and made remarks against Charles through media interviews, including the fact that Sainz's father repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with Ferrari and Charles. Sainz absolutely loves throwing his team and teammates under the bus.
I think they did get along well in the beginning, like in 2021. But obviously, the longer they get along, the relationship does not become closer, and even becomes cold (at least we all know that Sainz and Lando have a good relationship, and they are not even in the same team. For the same reason, Vettel is not in the paddock, but Charles is still with him maintain a good relationship)
When you think some fans are toxic, know that not all fans are that way to begin with, everything happens for a reason, and the hate is mutual. At the same time, it is also toxic for some people to ignore this contradiction in order to satisfy their own fandom and gay desires even though they may know the truth.
Sainz received help from Charles, but never thanked Charles, never appeared when Charles needed help, and rarely even offered to congratulate Charles on his success. When Charles helped him, offered to congratulate him. I don't think so anyone goes through this and still thinks they have a good relationship, just like you have such a colleague around you, you are friendly to him, he only accepts your kindness, but he doesn't give you the same kindness.
Finally, the flexibility and double standards some fans have towards different people is disgusting. Just like Charles renewing his contract with Ferrari. Charles is a member of the FDA, his childhood dream has been to win at Ferrari, and the contract extension is a sign of his loyalty. But is it said to be Stockholm by some people? I can only say that people without dreams will never understand that a person has had a dream since he was a child, and has been working hard to realize his dream, and will not give up even if he encounters setbacks. This kind of beautiful character is not possessed by everyone.
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not-poignant · 1 year
@hellish-cleric replied to your post “I think it will come as no surprise to anyone that...”:
Yeah, everyone in my party, plus most of the players in my d&d group *hated* Astarion as soon as they met him. Meanwhile, I'm Team Ride or Die for Astarion. I'm a little confused at all the hate he gets.
​Oh actually I can answer at least some of this!
He's an obviously camp character who was in a gay relationship (a forced gay relationship but w/e) in an AAA game that is mostly going out to dudebros, and frankly the people who overwhelmingly hate him or kill him immediately the most are straight guys. (The biggest complaints for BG3 are not actually the bugs, but the LGBTQIA+ rep, including being able to have a nonbinary character, or trans character). Within that context, there was already latent Astarion hate in the community that was easy for everyone else to pick up on. So some of it is honestly straight up homophobia!
Then on top of that they gave him PTSD over being saved by someone who then tortured him for 200 years and enslaved him in exchange for that rescue, so he reacts badly every time you save someone, because he doesn't trust that.
And then on top of that he's a complete chaos gremlin. After all, he was tortured and forced to torture people for 200 years, and just about no one maintains much of an ethical backbone after that kind of treatment.
And I think the combo of 'so much of the (guy) community hates Astarion so there's already a background vibe that predisposes people to being suspicious of him' and 'he's camp which hooks into the homophobic folks who don't like that' AND 'he keeps disapproving of me when I do heroic things' (which is a lie, he doesn't always disapprove, and sometimes he actually approves, it depends a lot on context) just kind of turns a lot of folks off him.
He's the only character in the whole story who will actually take you aside privately and comfort you if you do a sexual thing with an NPC later in the game and choose dialogue options that say you were disgusted by doing the thing. He literally takes you aside and starts joking and then is like 'actually... I know what that's like, and I'm so so sorry you had to go through that.'
Dude's fun to meme, hilarious to meme, but he's also the only character who comforts you after you get sexually assaulted/harassed, and in an extremely genuine, 'no strings attached' way. I'm ride or die for that fucker, and I laugh at the folks that turfed him because a bunch of dudes laid a path they walked down.
Like don't get me wrong, some folks just hate him because of the way he looks, the constant disapproval if you're playing a Very Good Character is frustrating, or they have no use for a rogue (they hate loot or maybe they're playing a rogue themselves), or because he can be naff in a battle if you spec him badly / don't know how to spec him out, or for a lot of super understandable reasons! Like, if you never talk your way out of situations, hulk smash a lot in battles, and save people, you're going to get his disapproval AND he won't be as useful in those battles. If you don't sneak around picking off folks, and just go in and smash everyone, he's not as useful as Gale and Wyll who have good AoE, or Lae'zel and Karlach who have amazing 'Hulk Smash' abilities.
I'd avoid him too if I was playing a character who couldn't persuade/deceive/intimidate my way out of situations (which is the best and easiest way to earn his approval), and I might be like 'I don't like Astarion' because of it. He doesn't fit my playstyle! I can't stand Lae'zel for example, because I just don't vibe with 'killing the weak and no one is equal' as a political stance!
But some of it re: Astarion is literally 'a lot of folks are implicitly homophobic and he's easy to hate.'
Frankly I think Dorian (from Dragon Age: Inquisition) would have received a lot more of this too if he'd been more morally questionable as a character when you first meet him. But they made him a 'good' queer so he got more conditional acceptance (and even then, he still got a lot of hate initially!!!)
I am very fortunate that everyone I know personally absolutely love him, and I'm surrounded by a lot of Ride or Die Astarion fans in my personal circle/s both offline and irl and that makes me so incredibly happy.
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34saveme34 · 6 months
considering you didn't specify, I might just talk about my mainies! That being. way too much 34, more than a sane person should think about them, then some Mario, Meggy and Saiko, though not a lot, I'm really living up to my username oops
first of all, even though I'm not like, a shipper of mar34 (like what I stated before about ages being Weird and the fact that only PV managed to break my aroace Mario hcs and nobody else) I really like thinking of them in the Sun-Earth-Moon way
Sun Mario, Earth 4 and Moon 3
Sun Mario because he's the center of it all in the end, the world we know here wouldn't exist without him, just like if the Sun dies, we lose the world as we know it. Although he isn't exactly a leader in that way I think it still fits him well enough
I went on hard about Earth 4 and Moon 3 before but the way they connect that way- but the way how Moon and Earth are built of similar material, the same way how these 2 idiots are a lot more similar than they realise, even if the looks can be deceiving
also how neither would be the same without the other but especially 3
the way how our Moon even came to existence has angst potentials with the 2 just- ough
also the moon phases feeling like 3's stupid emotions in a way
like the tides, their relationship isn't exactly the most calm thing either
So you uh. see what I mean? Paragraphs for a headcanon
anyways, a short one, I like 4 just Saying Things, like he won't say super insane stuff but he'll say kinda gay things and other stuff without fully thinking about it. It doesn't happen all the time but it does when he panicks or doesn't think about it.
I also really like both 4 and 3 being not only self centered, but also cringe. That's pretty much canon. Even their classic versions were both cringe- the self centered part I don't remember right now. But genuinely, this is why I think it's funny when people hate them for being cringe, which, okay, whatever, but for BECOMING cringe, when they've always been. And I think they do worse things. In that one episode, I think it was the SMG4 are you okay? where they were playing dolls? I think they would do that more regularly than we're shown. It would definitely get chaotic and kinda gay honestly. Not because of the playing part but because they'd many times just make their dolls kiss or some shit like that and then like immediately stop
3 also has the vibe of like- If it sucks hit da bricks, except there's too many exceptions that stops him in that, maybe even too much to consider it fully- like money, when he's in a tight, perhaps trapped situation- or sometimes when it's about 4. He isn't always super lenient with him but in the end he always helps when 4 asks and he's not proud of himself for it. 4 has similar feelings in that regard, although he's a tinge bit more willing to help 3 when he needs to, referring to inspection for example where he only questioned 3 once really
bi 4 and pan 3 (with male pref) a classic but a classic for a good reason. Cuz it fits
I think they can. both wear heels but 4 never really finds the occasion to wear them and 3 just prefers platforms most of the time. Though neither would wear actually high heels, 3 doesn't even like thinking about it, 4 does but he's like, scared of it. 3 catching him watch videos of people people walking in high heels with an upset expression
that reminds me, 4's emotions. He expresses short term stuff really well. Cries easily. An emotional man in general. But if he gets like, Big Trauma moments, man bottles up. He might cry about it for like the first few days but it kinda stops helping him so just. doesn't bother. He hides it well, maybe a bit too well. Forcing himself to rest when he needs to, probably with ASMR in his ears so he has something to focus on instead of, Idk, the time when his biggest flaw almost got him and his guardian partner killed! It helps in the moment so that he can sleep. He will have nightmares sometimes but doesn't like to mention it to the others. On especially bad days though, he stays in bed a lot longer. But he never really lets it go too far, considering a certain person dressed in purple will bust his door down with his usual coffee, questioning if he's doing good in a not so nice tone. While it's comforting that 3 cares, it's not fun to be flipped out of bed by him so on days like that he reminds himself to get out or 3 will make him fly.
On that regard, 3 likes to usually check the secret cam in 4's room at times like these. As in each time something out of the ordinary happens. 4 thinks it's the cosmic link, which is only the weaker part of the equation. Like yes, 3 gets a feeling but like, 4 is sad a lot over the dumbest of things and the link isn't good at showing if it's the Chronic Sad coming out or if it's 4 crying at a random Dharmann video.
3 is, by nature, a really touchy person. However, the way his life went, he doesn't show it a lot. He gets really touchy with 4 because he's the first person he actually go comfortable with. He starts to mind it less from the crew in general though, BUT it takes a long time for him to admit that to them directly. They OBVIOUSLY know at that point.
Honestly, 3 in general has a hard time admitting things, sometimes even to himself ("me and 4 hugged in the igloo" HUGGED???? HUGGGED???? HUGGED???? sure BUDDY) and somehow only manages to confess things at his breaking points. Telling 4 how much he cares while drowning in goop, straight up calling himself 4's friend while dangling to his death, reaching his breaking point about his cafe not doing well ONLY in Trash Friends, you'll note he doesn't mention to anyone that he isn't doing well until then. I think he actually partly started writing in his notebook to try and admit things to himself. Besides obviously the emotional value of putting down your feelings on paper, I think it did help him. But not enough. At least he didn't need to be dangling at a cliff to admit that his cafe is not doing well. I also think he has a very similar relationship with his romantic feelings which I'm pretty sure he's aware of at this point.
my biggest hc is probably the love-hate at first sight, especially on 3's side. Like destined rivals in love or whatever. They don't actually realise it though. 4 gradually realises it over Perfect, and slowly gets comfortable to the idea but then catches himself- like genuinely I think he only calls 3 rizzless or insults him in that regard whenever he has the chance, especially with his thoughts in the Elevator ep, is BECAUSE he thinks 3 is hot and I think if someone asked him if he thinks 3 is hot, he would not give you a straight answer, in both ways. He would start bringing up excuses and sound really stupid. However if it's 3 asking 4 just rolls his eyes, reminds himself that 3 may but hot but he doesn't want to inflate his ego further.
They both have self worth issues tho. canon
3 has a problem with committing to things. Not just as in not doing them but doing them so actively it feels unhealthy and then never doing it ever again. For this reason, his streaming schedule is also really bad, catching him streaming is hard. Also gets the same way about spying on 4, which we've seen him do 2 times at this point.
I will only say this in short and will not elaborate so I don't have to put a community label on this thing. Power bottom 4
both 3 and 4 are rizzless, but 4 is way worse. Bad at flirting when he does it on purpose. The closest he comes to flirting is flustering 3 by being a bit too sincere about how important 3 is to him
4 really really likes to consider 3 his partner. Not even in the romantic manner but just like, his right hand man. Also the reason I think he made 3 his cohost in the News ep. Also why 3 is somehow the first person he will ask for help when something happens.
4 has sensitive skin in general. These 2 will cuddle and 3 can just. smell the typical sensitive neutral shower gel smell on 4 after he showers. Perhaps grows attached to it because him. He hates that about himself, thinking he's softie little bitch for doing that. Takes a long time tellling 4 and he wouldn't even have done if it wasn't for 4 asking what's up and even than, 3 is really rude about the way he tells him, calls 4 stupid and the smell of him meaningless. Which hurts 4 to hear but he would know better at that point. Would definitely immediately tease him about it and get decked.
4 is very careful when it comes to 3 but still fucks up. He goes from barely thinking about what he's saying to I Have To Google How To Apologise To Not Fuck This Up. But when he gets it right, he's careful, he's gentle, he figures out the right things to say to get to 3. Later on would probably play mindgames with him to get him to say how he feels if he's really refusing.
They're both night owls. Another reason why leading the cafe is hard for 3. Always looking groggy and lowkey pissed, people are usually more polite for this reason in the mornings when he has costumers, nobody wanting to piss 3 off too much, considering they're in a place with a fuck ton of explosives.
3 is the type of the wiki surf, he likes to read about random stuff. Has some seemingly useless knowledge which others get surprised at when they get to know.
neither really likes horror movies, however 4 is more likely to choose one for a movie night with 3 in hopes that they can be close and intimate but then they're just both scared and there's nothing intimate about it, they're both losers. They would also often argue about what movie to watch, wasting a lot of time with it as well.
3 is a theatre kid. canon. Also gets pissy about shittily made movies. Comments on technical things mercilessly. 4 likes to listen to him rant though.
4 is stupid in the kind of oblivious way. not about everything. basically canon. example for the first: him asking where he is when he's at the obstacle course with 3 in Forced Hold Hands, 3 doesn't. 4 is slow to catch onto things. However he will immediately notice when 3 is being soft. And teases him, obviously. Not in the "I want to humilliate him" way but in the "Aww he cares about me and I'm happy about it but I can't be mature about it because I have my own demons to fight"
4 bad posture. should be canon. we should be hearing him whine about back pain. then getting called old for it.
3 getting pain in his legs from moving around too much in the cafe. Like. it's a LOT more active and also something you need to standing up, while caring for memes and being a streamer isn't.
both 3 and 4 are ambiverts where they like to talk to people and being social but once their social battery runs out it becomes Pretty Hard. 4 gets more uninterested and silent while 3 just leaves like a brooding lone wolf.
Anyways, I should probably talk about other characters as well, huh?
Mario, he's.... so........... I love his "many" intellence 0 wisdom. Or at least very little. He's the type to scream and cheer when the DVD logo hits the corner perfectly. He has a bit of a shipper brain.......... he def also played dolls with 4 before. His wavering mental state which can easily change by circumstances + his will and determination basically endless make him great opponent.
hates cardio. canon
therapy Mario..... not even just 3 or 4 but literally the whole gang. If it appeared more, I think he would often be the guy to listen to his friends' concerns and fears.
great sense of smell and hearing but it can easily be overwritten by desires. For example, his desire of tasty tasty spaghetti eating making him not notice he ate trash in Trash Friends. Only doesn't bring up the igloo incident to others because the last time he brought it up off screen it didn't end well. He can also be nice sometimes, as a treat.
uuuuh Meggy! I like the idea of her being sort of the Prepared friend, as I wrote her in Sever the Ties. She just has Things when you need them, especially if it has to do with sports or kitchen accidents. She is very similar to 3 in that if something turns into a competition, they both have their common sense overwritten. 4 is also like this. Meggy is realy the only one who doesn't cause this, the other 2 do it all the time. She definitely has anger issues and isn't the best in general with handling such intense emotions. She's a lot more chill about love because she's mostly good with relationships. She will get nervous about dates and stuff, and becoming way too serious about which might scare away people who don't get her. Her determination in general can be a turn off for a lot of people (then there's.... certain people..... who admire her for it.... man I sure wonder who I'm talking about)
anyways, another random- Saiko. aro, sorry I just. I can't see her any other way. Loves her friends but just can't get down with love at all.
Not really the best with her emotions. Although not as bad as 3, she can still get rather aggressive. She's also the person in the crew who would complain in a restaurant. Probably doesn't have the best hearing considering the fact that not only is she in a band but it also isn't the calmest of music that they're playing. She also sometimes still misses having a chaotic life. I'm sad it hadn't been brought up since her last major appearance
can't really think of anything else right now, my mind became rather empty after all my rambling about 34 oops-
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blackautmedia · 7 months
One of the things I'm hoping to get across in this Boondocks video™ in progress is the way a lot of discussions about adult animation center less around genuinely engaging with the commentary these shows often make and more rationalizing and elevating blatant bigotries as an elaborate progressive satire.
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I don't hate the Boondocks. In a lot of ways it's fantastic, but I also find that a lot of more left-leaning adult animated series like Bojack Horseman, Tuca and Bertie, Bob's Burgers and The Boondocks get placed in this deified space where they're placed in binary terms against the likes of the shows agreed upon to be the "bad" ones like South Park, Family Guy, etc.
It's especially valuable to be more critical about these as discussion pieces as they're often very impressionable and influential on younger viewers in their mid to late teens and early 20s.
Because it's not Family Guy, it must be progressive and how dare you ever speak critically of it in any capacity.
So much discourse around queer themes in The Boondocks only center around The Story of Gangstalicious Part 2 without looking at several other relevant episodes and themes throughout the show, which I think gives a very incomplete picture of the nature of the kind of commentary The Boondocks makes.
In particular, I think it does a major disservice to Black trans people and the way that misogynoir also influences the discussions of queerness in The Boondocks.
But it can also be difficult to have this conversation because of the ways that "it's a satire, they're intentionally awful people" is utilized.
Depiction is not endorsement, but just because a work is satirical or your cast are intentionally bad people doesn't mean you're magically free of the narrative implications behind how you frame your cast.
Depiction is one piece of the puzzle, but you can't discuss it without discussing framing.
In some way, shape, or form, these conversations often assert that criticisms of these works are unfounded because the use or inclusion of bigoted characters doesn't make the work itself bigoted, which...isn't the claim being made.
For example, Robert Freeman throughout much of the TV series is depicted as a blatant womanizer and is repeatedly mocked for that attitude. The entire episode Pause AKA the Tyler Perry episode is in part a long joke at his expense for his womanizing behavior and for overestimating his skills as an actor.
This idea isn't wrong, but it is incomplete. While you can certainly make that argument the episode is a joke at a womanizer's expense, it still doesn't grapple with how the narrative delivers his comeuppance within the confines of cisheteronormative ideas about queer and fat bodies.
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You can only see Robert as being "punished" if you also agree with the framing that fat women's bodies are disgusting and worthless, thus they are thrust onto him as comeuppance for his sleazy behavior toward "actual" (i.e. conventionally attractive) women.
You can only see Robert as "getting what's coming to him" if you cosign the way that the episode frames and links the element of queerness or being publicly perceived as queer as gross and awful, with Robert even comparing the concept to the gross challenges done in Fear Factor.
Likewise, Pause runs into a lot of issues very quickly in how it depicts Winston Jerome, the Tyler Perry stand-in as a predatory gay man with the desire to be a woman "both inside and out" in his words. A Tyler Perry who deceives Robert with the promise of sexual gratification with beautiful women only to see he's being preying on Robert to trick him into having sex with a gay man.
It's not helped by the title of the episode being "Pause" and the episode also heavily referencing The Rocky Picture Horror Show.
A lot of Pause and several other episodes in the Boondocks lean into very homophobic and transphobic notions of fat and queer bodies and the idea of viewing Black queer people as predatory beasts.
This is also my issue with a lot of discussions about adult animation in how they center around if individual people are "meant" to be seen as bad.
To leave the episode as "Robert is a womanizer we're not meant to agree with" is to leave out the entire discussion of the portrayal and utilization of queerness and misogynoir within the Boondocks.
This also applies to discussions of Riley's homophobic beliefs within the series. Riley espousing homophobic views is not an endorsement of homophobia by the series proper nor the creators. He's designed to be a very specific form of critique about the bigoted attitudes normalized in the hip hop community as well as a commentary on the narratives normalized through Black media.
But leaving the conversation there without making further discussion on how the Boondocks frames those issues within its own storytelling oversimplifies the conversation and invalidates the very real grievances Black queer people have felt toward portrayals and narratives like this.
The video will discuss this in more depth than my light summary here since this is a preview of sorts and go into the historical precedent for these ideas, so this is just a taste of what's to come.
I'm almost through the research phase with only a few more books to read through and watching a few other series and films that the Boondocks is heavily inspired by, so I'm looking forward to rewatching the Cowboy Bebop movie this weekend!
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello there! Could I request Albert x male! reader who is part of the Moriarty group and reader pretends to be a woman who is Albert’s secret lover. Then Albert finds out about his lover’s secret? Turns out reader pretends to be one so people would be more supportive of it and because he thinks that Alby isn’t into men?
I’m so sorry if it’s confusing. Thank you
It's not confusing at all :) this will probably take a bit more time then the others but I'll write it nonetheless!
'•.¸♡ how to avoid stupid laws ♡¸.•'
Albert x male!reader
Cw!!! Homophobia, transphobia.
If this subject is triggering in anyway please do not read, your mental wellbeing is more important
A/n: so being gay was illegal at this time in England (but it wasn't illegal to be a lesbian or a woman who felt romantic/sexual feelings to wards other women and other genders)so I'll be mentioning that, that isn't the case anymore as far as I know. Also I couldn't find any good pictures with the green alber is represented in so sage green will have to do.
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Everyone around you saw you as a woman, even the love of your life, Albert. You and Albert weren't publicly in a relationship, none of your close friends even know you knew who Albert was or that you were in love, the only people who knew you and Albert were together was Albert and you, no one else knew you two were together although some had their suspicions.
Despite the way you presented yourself you were not a woman, but due to the grave laws against love you had no choice but to deceive everyone into thinking you were a woman, which was also against the law but you hoped no one would say a word about your true self.
You were involved in other illegal activities to make the world of England more... bearable to say the least. Was this plan going to work? Will the death of nobles change anything? Or will the deaths only stir up some commotion which will die out with time, no one knew but they hoped to make the country which occupied their minds to change for the better.
As to your relationship, it wasn't easy for you to maintain your secret but what else could you do? Many concerns of Albert finding out consumed your thoughts, what if he found out? What if he decided to rat you? What if he didn't love you anymore? All these thoughts consumed your thoughts and you didn't know what to do, this resulted in a subconscious distancing yourself in fear of your secret was to come out.
Albert noticed that you were distancing yourself and wanted to know why, he decided to visit you at your home, it was a small place to live compared to Albert's manner but you loved your little home. Albert has visited you in that house before and got used to entering without knocking but anytime he came over you were ready for his arrival and were all dressed up in pretty dresses and wore makeup to conceal your masculine facial features.
Albert walked into your house as per usual and walked about to find where you were, he stopped when he walked past your bed room to find a stranger dressed in a suit making the bed in which you slept. Albert stood there in shock, who is that? Where were you? Are you OK? Did this person hurt you? What happened to you? Albert was about to forcefully get a confession out of a stranger until the stranger turned around and had a look of pure horror on his face. Albert's eyes widened when he realised that the man infront of him was no stranger but his lover. 'What- who- how- I...' he was speechless, no words could describe the mixed feelings of relief which seemed like a grain of sand compared to the sea of questions he had.
'I'm sorry.' Were the only words you could think to say, still paralysed from the shock. 'I'm sorry but I'm a man, I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm so sorry.' Tears started to roll down your cheeks and you couldn't do anything about it you didn't know what to do, was Albert going hate you for this? What was going to happen? 'Why did you lie?' You hated those words and the way Albert looked at you, you hated everything about that moment, you just wanted the floor and the walls to eat you alive, for you to disappear, but you were stuck there not being able to fully have a grasp on the situation. 'I... it's because I'm gay and I didn't want to be imprisoned, can you ever forgive me? I also did it because I love you but how could you ever love a man, I just wanted for you to love me, atleast for a while...'
Albert's heart ached, you couldn't be free due to this country's horrible laws. You noticed Albert's expression soft resulting in your body doing the same. 'I also love you and being a man will never change that, I love you no matter if you're a woman or a man, I will always love you the same y/n' in the same second you could feel a pair of hands around you giving you a hug, you hugged back and the tears only increased resulting in you sobbing quietly into Albert's shoulder. 'I'm sorry...' the words left your mouth with the sobs which accompanied them. 'There is nothing to apologise for, everything is OK.' A soft kiss was planted on your lips in the hope of making you feel calmer.
That evening was spent in each others company.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I sound weird for some reason. Oh well I hope you enjoyed this :)
Don't forget to take care of yourself! And have a wonderful day/night.
-with love Az the wizard frog :) <3
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symphonyofsilence · 2 years
Y'all, everytime I see an image of ROP Galadriel, whether in google images or thumbnails/short clips in YouTube, she always looks so fucking angry and arrogantic, like I've never seen eyes with so much hatred in it. I thought I would only see it in orcs, goblins or any of Sauron or Morgoth's servants but nope its always her. I've seen better characterization of Galadriel in ao3 fics than in this mess of a show. And that fucking Halbrand bullshit, like I cant believe people prefer that stupid ass oc over Celeborn, FUCKING CELEBORN. Didn't Sauron hate humans? So why tf did he dress up as one?
Omg Right!? In every-freaking-shot! In every-freaking-scene! Even when she's talking to her "friend" (who asks her how she is and hears "why Elrond, you've truly become a politician. I am not some courtier to be placated by idle flattery." In response), or thanking someone, if she thanks them. 'Cause she's rude, angry & arrogant, and hateful towards people who help her, save her life, and are nice to her, too. And still, unlike well-written other angry and arrogant characters (like, say Fëanor, who always suffered as a direct result of his actions), it never has any consequence for her. everyone loves and admires her and she always gets her way.
I guess looking angry, hateful, and arrogant at all times = being a strong female character
'Cause the previous Lady Galadriel who was kind, generous, wise, hospitable, altruistic, calm, gentle, dignified, peaceful, and graceful (coincidentally feminine traits) & radiated so much power, magnanimity, majesty, ancient strength & wisdom that it felt like one was standing in the presence of a goddess was not strong enough for Amazon. No, she had to jump into the sea in the middle of an ocean, disrespect people, threaten genocide, etc.
& yes, I think the reason Galadriel's characterizations are better in ao3 fics is that the authors love the characters and the work. They don't want to drastically change them. They don't get paid, they don't have to write. they do it because they love to. Because they have ideas to write. because they've given thought to the characters and the events.
And yes, this whole Halbrand deal is so infuriating! Not only they've completely ignored Celeborn (Who Galadriel chose to stay in ME for.) to have a love story between Galadriel and an OC, aka Galadriel x Sauron, which until this mess of a series I don't think anyone has ever thought of, and erased Celebrian (& now they have to pull a Renesmee/Jacob with her and Elrond if they even decide to include her), but they also replaced Annatar! (Probably because twink Annatar deceiving a young Celebrimbor might have had some gay subtext and it would have been too much for the Mormon showrunners) not only they completely ignored Galadriel's insightfulness, mind-reading powers, wisdom, and intelligence by not showing that she was not deceived by Annatar for a moment and rejected him immediately & so Sauron, a literal maia was weary of her ("he perceived at once that Galadriel would be his chief adversary and obstacle."), And not only they completely ignored one of the few plot points they had to meet as there is not much said in the books about the second age, and they couldn't even meet those few plot points. But it doesn't even make sense storytelling-wise. If an adaptation changed something from the source, (even then, Annatar to HaLbRand was too much) but made it better, or at least made it ok in its own right, it wouldn't have been so horrible. But the storytelling of this show is the most abysmal I've ever seen! In a well-written show could you imagine the tension of the scenes when Celebrimbor finds out that Annatar is Sauron, but doesn't want him to find out that he has found out until the rings are safely tucked away, but Sauron has found out that Celebrimbor knows and the confrontation that leads into Celebrimbor finding out that Sauron knows that he knows? and at that moment, because Sauron is a maia, Celebrimbor doesn't stand a chance?
And the way the showrunners said that they've changed it 'cause they thought that it was stupid that the elves were ever fooled by Annatar? These fuckers really thought they could write better that the father of modern Fantasy.
And no, you're right. Sauron dressing up as a human doesn't make any sense. Just as Sauron's whole plan, if you could call it that, or the plot of the series NOT being Sauron's plan doesn't make any sense.
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snugglebuddyhan · 9 months
Really, really, REALLY hate being the one at fault for shit that I didn't even start, bc WHY is my mom mad at me for not visiting with my brother and his wife when they came over earlier when they're literally homophobic? I am a queer person. Why would I want to sit and talk to them when they look down upon people like me? My brother has already implied I'm a sinner and I'm going to hell, so no, fuck him and his grooming ass wife
My brother was one of the most open minded people I knew until he married her. She forced her religion onto him and he ended up becoming grossly conservative afterwards. I remember when I came out to him he gave me a playboy magazine he had hidden behind his dresser and we flipped through it together, but now I'm a sinner who's going to burn in hell for an eternity? This is the same man who excitedly told everyone he knew that I was gay, bc he wasn't ashamed of me. This is the same man that said for all he knew he could end up with a guy as his partner. The same man who bought me a deck of cards with naked women on them as a gift. He didn't have a prejudice bone in his body until he married her. I don't even recognize him anymore
And don't get me started on his hypocrisy. I'm condemned to hell, but he nearly killed an entire family in a wreck HE caused. He totaled their car and left them with injuries and guess what he did? He came home and made jokes about it, carried on like nothing happened and put the financial burden of it on my mother. She loaned him money she didn't have. He ended up having to file for bankruptcy some time later, which was another burden he put on her shoulders. She was so stressed I remember her dropping a bowl of gumbo on the kitchen floor, bc her nerves were bad and immediately falling to the ground and crying. She was mentally exhausted, bc of him and when it was all over he never thanked her or paid her back any of the money she loaned him
He started hanging with a new crowd of people. They were all alcoholics and, bc he was friends with them he started drinking too. For a year straight he'd come home wasted. He'd drive around drunk all the time. He could have killed someone and any time we'd tell him that he'd get mad or say we're tripping. He was out there playing with people's lives like it was nothing
He STOLE money from his job for years. He was eventually caught. He told us his boss was going to report him to the police, but he changed his mind and let it slide by telling him to quit quietly. Just, bc he didn't go to jail doesn't mean what he did doesn't make him a criminal
He's lying to his wife's family, by telling them he fought in Iraq when he NEVER made it off Parris Island. His ass never stepped foot outside of South Carolina. He broke his wrist the first week he was there. He spent 3 weeks in the infirmary and was shipped back home, but he's out there telling people and mind you, he's telling the VETS in her family he served the country. It's sickening. He's deceiving everyone around him. All he does is lie. My mom confronted him about it, bc she's tired of seeing people on Facebook thank him for him for a service he never provided and he said he knows it's wrong and is going to tell his wife. Well, fast forward 2 years and he still hasn't said anything and expects us to keep a closed mouth
He has the fucking nerve to judge me, bc of who I'm attracted to, but not himself after all he's done? I'm going to hell? I'm the one who lives a life you don't approve of? And see, it's infuriating that my mom has approached him about his views despite all he's done and is still continuing to do. Told him how can he judge people. Asked him how he thinks he's going to see the gates and you know what this motherfucker says? "I'm still going to heaven. My place there is just going to be different" like??? You see how these people just bend the rules in their favor when necessary? Bitch, you're going to hell too. Judging me for what??
So, when he comes over I'm not going to be gaslit into speaking to him. He is not the victim here. Also, he's an Isreal supporter. Fuck him and his wife. I don't care that he's my brother when he doesn't even treat me like a sister. When I see him I see red. It's in everyone's best interest to keep him as far away from me as possible, bc let him say the wrong thing to me. I will destroy his marriage in 2.5 seconds. His wife don't play about that military shit. Her family is full of vets and when she finds out she's not married to the soldier she thought she was it's over and if he tests me I just might let it slip
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evil-ontheinside · 2 years
Ok so I haven't seen a single episode of stranger things (this has been fixed in the future shdhhd) but I'm invested so I'm gonna share my idea on Mike getting vecna'd. Buckle up this might be a bit longer.
So I saw a post where Mike's song and seeing all those memories doesn't actually help him but makes things worse. I would love that a lot because he sees all those memories and it works at first, he's reminded of the people he loves and how much he loves them and is just so lucky to have them in his life but then there's vecna telling him something like "imagine if they knew you lied to them all this time. They would be disgusted by you." not only focusing on him being gay but also on the whole 'friends don't lie' aspect and that's when all those memories turn painful.
Instead of helping Mike get out, they make him want to give up. They make him hate himself even more because yes, he lied to them this whole time and every single of those memories might as well not have existed if they knew about him. How can he be their leader, their friend if all he ever did was lie to them and deceive them about who he actually is?
On the other side, everyone is trying to safe Mike of course, and I'd love if Eddie is the one who realised that Mike is gay before everyone else (maybe there were comments in school, and Mike's little crush on him, and the fact that he won't shut up about Will, (his natural gaydar as a fellow fruit) etc.) And he and Mike had a conversation about music and when Mike said he liked small town boy (or whatever other song you imagine would work for him) he teased him a little and Mike immediately denied liking the song so Eddie got suspicious. So it was his idea to use the song and it works! (just not how it should)
And while Mike is about to die, something else is going on and someone attacks the rest of the group and through his little window Mike can see them panic and THAT'S what gets him to fight back. He sees his friends, his family is in danger and can only think about how he has to protect them, how he can't be a burden to them right now.
He fights his way out of vecna's grip and joins his friends back in the world of the living. And someone is like "so the song did work!" and Mike just smiles and nods and everyone moves on but then there's Nancy. She looks at her brother and sees the lies because she knows him. They might not be the closest of siblings but she know when he's lying but right now they have other things to worry about.
They escape the attack (maybe the angry mob or other monsters you decide) and when everything calms down a little, Nancy confronts him. Not in private but also not in front of everyone. They're in the same room as everyone else but she drags him to the side and corners him (literally).
"You lied. The song didn't work. What happened?" and Mike, of course, gets defensive. He insists that the song worked just as it did for everyone else but Nancy stares at him until he just caves (it's been a long day, the boy is tired, give him a break please). "It did work Nancy. Just not how it should have" (just like I'm not how I should be). And he admits that he did see those memories but they just made things worse.
Nancy is confused because for her, those memories were everything she needed. "but that doesn't make any sense. Those were your best memories Mike, how could they make things worse?" And Mike gets angry, mostly at himself for being different, for being wrong and because he's reminded that he lies to everyone he knows. And his voice gets louder for the next part. When he tells her that he lied to everyone and that if they knew this about him, they would hate him and all those memories are build on lies and how is that supposed to make anything better?
Nancy is stunned, just like everyone else in the room who heard what Mike said. His friends are confused, what do they not know about their best friend? What did he never tell them that would make them hate him? And they want to reassure him that, 'no Mike, me wouldn't hate you' (especially Will who hasn't made a big secret of him being gay but still hasn't told any of them even though he's pretty sure everyone knows) but before any of them can say something, it's Eddie who steps forward.
He grabs Mike's shoulder and tells him that he knows. He's known for months and that he isn't disgusted by him, that it's ok, that it's not his fault that society thinks of them as less and wrong. And Mike has never heard that before (not because his friends wouldn't tell him the same thing, but because he couldn't imagine anyone being ok with it, with just accepting him without everything changing) and he just starts crying, which he hasn't before and Eddie hugs him and tells him that he's fine, that he doesn't need to be fixed, and fuck everyone else if they don't accept him for who he is and.
Yeah. That's all I have for now. He probably has a talk with Will later who might have caught on during Eddie's little speech and Robin definitely understood as well so she talks to Mike too and it ends in byler being happy and that's it
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pugzman3 · 2 years
This was a video released by the Vatican a little while back. This combination of religions is nothing new. I was going to include it in my post yesterday about the luciferian united nation's, but if you saw the size of it you can see why I didn't. Pay attention to what is said, and again no matter where you are in your beliefs in God, this is a huge part of what is coming.
So if you sae the UN post you saw a glimpse of how luciferians played in forming the UN course. The religious aspect of the UN has gone under the radar when held next to all the other things they are none for. But when you look at everything they are about, the language they use, and the things they oppose, (hatred, racism, etc...), and you notice how fast people will jump kn someone for speaking out against Isreal or jews, as well as Muslims. Popes for years, and major Christian evangelists (one in particular whose name I won't say but his initials are Billy Graham), have been saying Muslims and Jews can go to heaven. Over time that has broadend out to non believers, atheists, gays, and even Satanists.
So where is the problem?
John 14:6 KJV
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
John 3:36 KJV
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
John 6:40
And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Jesus is the ONLY way. And believing he existed, like jews and Muslims do, is not the same as believing he came and gave his life for our eternal salvation, redemption of sins, and accepting him as the One True God. They KNOW this, but there is a reason they have infiltrated ALL of the denominations, created major confusion with the bibles, and stayed silent on apostasy preaching and doctrines. They are the root of them. They do not want the believing people to know it.
And again I say, none of what I am writing is out of hatred. If their is any hatred, it is towards these people. The deceivers, not the deceived.
Now.... "we are all children of God".
No. Not at all. We are not.
John 8:44 KJV (Jesus speaking to the Pharisees)
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it
See we are all creations of God....we are not all children of God. There is a HUGE difference. But to say otherwise is hateful and racist. Wonder what will happen to those who hold to the words of Jesus and do not bow to the beast system.
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