#looks like we will get breakfast jokes 😁😁😁
On December 31, at 9 PM (Kyiv Time), the traditional "New Year Evening Quarter" will be aired on 1+1 and partnering TV channels. Together with "Women's Quarter" they will perform several skits. The audience will also get the chance to hear the New Year's address by the "President".
Several artists and Stanislav Boklan will also be featured.
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aetherdoesthings · 9 months
can I request Luffy x reader where something happens and reader threaten luff that she will cry if he makes her do something? Could you also include the others reaction? Thank you 💖
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elo anon! when i first read that i was like 'damn that's sad' so then i proceeded to write something very sad :D.
forethoughts: this one's kind of darker than my normal ones. yeah. the tone's just sad. did my heart break when i wrote it? i mean. it feels kinda out of pocket for luffy, but 🤷
notes: do i feel bad? maybe. but sometimes requests are sad. 🤭
[drinking the tears of my readers while deciding if i want to do a part two or not 😁]
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Life as a member of the Straw Hat Pirates was never bland. Sometimes you would wake up in the middle of a fight against the marines, or wake up to the sound of Sanji fighting Zoro over something stupid again. Nevertheless, everyday was a new adventure with its own sets of challenges, but nevertheless, you wouldn’t ask for another life.
After all, you were the future King of the Pirates’ girlfriend.
You loved Luffy more than Luffy loved meat, and you stood behind that bold claim. Everyday was filled with adrenaline and anxiety for you, as Luffy would find charging recklessly into battle the best thing to do. He always came out alive; he’s Monkey D. Luffy after all, but you always worried about his health and wellbeing. With enough cuddles and kisses, Luffy would always subdue your worries about him, but it always was a thought in your head that chewed at you. Another thing was that Luffy was a very passionate boy. Sure, he may be an airhead and a bit obtuse at times, but he had his own paradigm of morals he followed, and you respected the hell out of him for that. He always thought about you, considered your feelings, always putting your life in front of his.
He was the most caring person you knew.
He would never do anything to break your heart.
“I’m kicking you out of the Straw Hat Pirates.” 
You stared at him, your heart dropping. Your legs began to wobble, barely able to support your body as you stared at him with a look of disbelief, a hesitant smile on your face.
“W-What are you saying, Luffy? Luffy, this isn’t a funny joke!” You say. Everyone around you began to stir too, once they heard Luffy’s words. All of you were in the galley, just finishing your breakfast.
“You heard me.” Luffy stared at you with the blankest look he’s ever given to you; you didn’t even know he could be that stoic. “I’m kicking you out of the crew. You’ll get off once we reach the next island. Oi, Nami, how long until we reach the next island?”
Nami stood up in disbelief and complete anger, storming towards Luffy as she smacked him on the back of his head, to the point Luffy stumbled and fell onto the ground. “What are you talking about Luffy?! This isn’t a funny joke! You can’t just kick Y/N out!”
Luffy simply stood back up, looking at Nami. “Yes I can. I’m the captain.”
“She’s your girlfriend!” “Oh. Right.” Luffy stared at you. “We’re breaking up too.”
“Luffy!” Nami smacked him again. 
“W-Wha.. W-wha..” You stammered, your legs going wobbly, probably going out if there wasn’t a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
“Luffy, I don’t think this is the smartest decision to make. Can you explain your thoughts? You cannot simply kick Y/N out for no reason other than ‘I just can.’” Robin said, placing both of her hands on your shoulders, trying to reassure you.
“Yes I can, Robin. I’m the captain.” Luffy stated again.
“That’s not a good reason. By that logic, you can kick any one of us out at any moment simply by your mood.”
Luffy stared at the archaeologist, clenching his teeth. “Shut up, Robin, this is my decision.”
The sound of pans hitting each other silenced the room, turning everyone’s attention to the cook. Sanji stared at Luffy, taking his cigarette out of his mouth. “Oi, Luffy, don’t tell Robin-chan to shut up. You’re being very impolite. And I agree with Robin-chan, you cannot simply do what you want based on your mood. That means all of us are liable to just go at any moment.”
Luffy balled his fists. “Shut up, Sanji! I don’t need to explain myself! I’m the captain! Next island! You’re getting off! If I see you on the ship, I’ll… I’ll…”
Luffy let out a frustrated noise, stomping towards the exit of the galley. Before he could swing the door open and slam it, a single blade with a white handle blocked him. 
“Luffy…” Zoro said, keeping the Wado Ichimonji in between the captain and the door. “If you walk out this door, that means everything Robin and cook says are true. A captain that kicks out his crew members based on his mood. If this is all a joke to you, cut it out. Go apologize to Y/N. If this is not a joke, then you were never fit to be a captain. I don’t care if you’re an airhead and easygoing, but if you decide to kick Y/N out right now because ‘you said so’, the Straw Hats were never meant to be a successful crew.”
Luffy glared at Zoro, his fists and toes clenched. Zoro shot back the same stoic look he always had. While Zoro was calm and still, Luffy looked like a dynamite about to explode. His body was shaking, his skin turning red. It wasn’t Gear 2 level red, quite close.
“Fight me if you want to. You’re only proving my point.” Zoro added.
Silence filled the room. Silence that was so fragile, you were scared that if it broke, everyone would be affected and harmed.
“L-Luffy…” You call out with a shaky voice, taking a hesitant step towards the boy you onced called your lover. Breaking the silent atmosphere caused all eyes to be on you. But with Robin’s hand on your shoulder, she stopped you from moving any further, keeping you close to her body.
“Y/N… please, let us do this.” Robin said. You looked around, and realized she was right. Every Straw Hat looked like they were ready for a fight, or to make some comment about Luffy’s statement.
“N-No.” You brushed Robin’s hand off of your shoulder, taking a bigger step towards the ‘captain’ of the ship.
“Luffy… look at me.” While your entire body was shaking, filled with disbelief, sadness and a tinge of betrayal, your voice was firm.
You watched the captain turn his head around, the straw hat covering his eyes. 
“Is this what you want, Luffy? Do you want to see my heart break? Do you want to see me cry, luffy? because it is, and I will. Is this what you want, luffy? to see your girlfriend cry? Is that what you want?”
No response.
“Fine… fine… this is what you want, isn’t it? You never loved me. You never saw me like I saw you, if you’re so adamant on kicking me out.”
No response.
“Tell me, Luffy, is this what you really want? Tell me, and I'll leave. I'll go, and I won't come back. That's what you want, isn’t it? to never see me again?”
No response.
You scoff at the boy, whose body was shaking, his head hung and fists clenched. You wiped your tears with your arm, staring at the boy you once called your lover.
“Fine. I hope you’re happy, captain.” you brushed your shoulder against him, purposefully making him stumble before storming towards the door. Zoro sheathed his sword, letting out kick the door open and slam it shut.
“Y/N, wait!” Nami cried, running towards the door. Zoro let her pass too, as well as Robin and everyone else who wanted to comfort you. This left Luffy alone with Zoro, all at his mercy.
At the sound of the door finally closing, Luffy collapsed onto the ground, his knees hitting the wooden floorboards as he sobbed. He sobbed and cried, until there was nothing but small hiccups and grunts of frustration.
“Now, do you want to tell me what’s really happening?” the right hand man asked.
“She hates me. She hates me. She hates me.” the captain repeated to himself.
The boy took a deep breath, before standing up, meeting Zoro's gaze.
“Alright, i’ll tell you… but don't tell anyone else, okay?”
“Just tell me.”
The captain took a deep breath. “Yesterday…”
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a-998h · 5 months
I wonder how the Battle Tendency crew would react to a friendly Himbo! Pillar Man! male reader who was the only survivor and last of his kind? No one, not even reader, knows how he survived. But, he somehow did. He's usually happy all the time and sometimes jokes about his trauma but he can get serious if needed. He wants revenge against Kars for killing his family.
Reader after telling his tragic backstory: Isn't that crazy? 😄
Caesar, straight up flabbergasted and mortified: Wha- I- How the hell are you even alive?
Reader: I have no idea! 😃
Lisa Lisa: Have you heard of someone called Kars?
Reader: Kars? *face goes dark while he poses dramatically in true Pillar Man fashion* I have not heard that cursed name in years.....
I love this idea. Himbo reader is best reader.
Joseph and Speedwagon were still trying to cope with everything that just happened, beating Sanvento, the pillar men's connection to the stone masks, and the death of Von Stroheim. They returned to New York and reunited with Erina, before heading to Italy.
He befriends Ceaser, meets his mentor Lisa Lisa, and begins hamon training. Things are going great, but of course life has to throw a massive wrench in the way in the form of a another pillar man.
Your stony body was quite the shock for Suzi Q to find, she ran and reported it to Lisa Lisa. You were stared at, everyone worried. If you awakened, you could kill them all. But, something compelled them to drag you to a shaded area where you awakened. They were on guard, but you didn't attack, instead you freaked out and raised your hands in surrender.
"I come in peace humans!" You exclaim.
They don't believe you, they think you're going to attack the second they turn their backs. Lisa Lisa activities her hamon, and you smile?
"Wait, members of the hamon yribe survived?!" You ask in shock, not angry but happy, like an excited puppy.
The group looks confused and have you explain yourself.
Caesar, straight up flabbergasted and mortified: Wha- I- How the hell are you even alive?
Reader: I have no idea!
Lisa Lisa: Have you heard of someone called Kars?
Reader: Kars? *face goes dark while he poses dramatically in true Pillar Man fashion* I have not heard that cursed name in years.....
They ask you to explain.
" Kars attacked, me and my people, we fought against him. I ended up being stabbed after he slaughtered them, I had attacked with more vigor but I still got injured. I remained entombed for centuries until I met you all, Isn't that crazy?" You explained.
"Final question, are you with us, or against us?" Joseph asks.
"With you all the way, friends!" You declare.
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Lisa Lisa
Pleasantly surprised by you friendly demeanor
Glad you're not planning to kill them
She feels kind of bad for you
You both bond over losing loved ones
When she sees you act dumb... she is so confused
You are an ancient powerful being that could kill them all, but you stand out in the rain not moving
She doesn't know who's more ditzy, you or Suzi Q
She finds some of you antics funny
Catches you traning at night, is proud of you for trying to get better
Has a list of things you can do and touch in her house... it's a small list
Doesn't laugh at you or mocks you
Thinks your heart makes up for you lack of brain power
Tries to act as a therapist for you and your trauma
Is kind of like a mom to you
Lisa Lisa: Reader when did you eat today?
Reader: *bright smile* Last week!
Lisa Lisa: *facepalms* Dear, let's get you breakfast.
Reader: ok 😁
^ these kind of interactions are daily
She ruffles your hair and laughs with you
She gets a little nervous when you start ripping into Kars
Wonders where the soft kind Pillar Man she loves went
Teaches you how to act in the world
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Joseph Joestar
You're his new best friend
You two are a Josuke and Okuyasu type duo
He enjoys your friendliness
Thankful you were not planning to kill them
Is a little worried about you
When you joke about your trauma... he doesn't laugh
Wants to help you
Asks you about your family to make you feel better
Is willing to spar with you in the middle of the night... sometimes
Teaches you how to adapt to the modern world
Teaches you a few things he knows
Feels bad that you lost everything to Kars
Whenever you do something dumb, he questions how you survived centuries
Calls you "Love" and "Handsome" but you don't understand the flirting
Is annoyed with how dense you are
"You're as dense as the rock you were trapped in!" Becomes a common phrase he uses with you
You two are peas in a pod
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Ceaser Zeppeli
He doesn't trust you
You're something that could kill them all, so he doesn't trust you at all
It's only after he sees how dumb you that he starts to let his guard down, only a little
Your "coping skills" makes him a bit worried
Tries to keep his distance but your friendly nature draws him in
Once he trusts you, he tries to be the older brother to you
Also teaches you things about the world
Is horrified by your story, and the way you joke about it
It takes him a bit to realize your jokes are your "coping skills"
He is proud of your warrior spirit
Wishes he could spar without one of you getting hurt
"Sei un idiota!" This something he commonly says to you whenever you've done something dumb
He calls you "second Joseph"
Tries to help you cope in a proper way
Is now a friend of yours
Feels your hate for Kars and wants to help you get revenge
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madi-writes-things · 5 months
Nobody Pt. 4
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,332
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), fluff, PDA, fake dating chaos, mention of cramps and throwing up because of the pain, bad sex joke, use of emojis (I have no clue how else to explain the exact reactions other than the emojis), drinking/being drunk (I’ve never been drunk, so forgive me if my portrayal is off), Not Edited
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve literally been locked in my room for two weeks with no motivation. I really hope that y’all like this chapter. I’m also hoping to work on some other stuff coming up soon. 😁
-Madi <3
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Nick and Matt stood at the island as me and Chris walked into the kitchen. I caught Nick’s eye as I set down enough food to feed a small militia. He just stares.
Matt hits him in the shoulder, prompting him to give him a dirty look before speaking. “I’m sorry…” He looked like he wasn’t sure what all he needed to apologize for. “I’m sorry that I punched you” he nodded toward Chris. “I’m sorry that I made you cry, I feel really bad about that.” He averts his eyes, and I think I see a small glint of shame.
I physically can’t stay mad at him, and I make it very obvious when I envelop him into a rib crushing hug. He whispers a small thank you in my ear before I walk back to the other side of the island to unpack the food. As I start unpacking breakfast I feel arms wrap around my waist, and a chin resting on my shoulder.
I freeze up, and Chris mumbles a quick “is this okay?” Into my hair. I look around realizing that Matt and Nick don’t even notice, much too invested in their food to care. I nod my head, trying to will the rosy shade to leave my face.
I’m failing miserably.
after breakfast me and Chris went upstairs to watch a movie in his room. Matt was quick to respond in the worst way possible.
“Sock that wang before you bang… and please be quiet, I don’t want to hear my brother doin it”
Y/N: 😨
Chris: 😮
Nick: 😟
Matt: 😁
needless to say, me and Chris practically teleported upstairs and away from that mortifying experience. We enter his room in a fit of laughter, practically collapsing onto the bed.
After a second I noticed that Chris had stopped laughing… his laughter is addictive, and I already missed it. I turned to see him staring at me with a look in his blue eyes that I couldn’t quite grasp. He looked happy and sad and something else all at once.
“What?” I giggled as I said it, still thinking about what Matt said only a few minutes earlier.
“are you doing okay?” This question again… I never know what to say when people ask me that. Right now I’m doing great… but in 30 minutes, or a week, or even a month I might break down again.
that’s never the answer that people want. They want something simple, yes or no. He stares at me patiently waiting for my response, it makes me feel bad for not having one.
“I’m okay right now…” he gives me a quick nod before speaking again.
“Okay, will you tell me when you aren’t doing good?” Why is he offering this, he doesn’t want to deal with me. “You need a safe space, and you clearly aren’t going to tell Nick. Let me be your safe space.”
With that we got comfy on his bed and found a movie.
things carried on like this for months.
doing good.
going down.
running to Chris.
he was always so sweet and caring. He would hold me while I cried Myself to sleep, he would walk me home early from an event if I wanted to leave, he would hold my hair back and get me a heating pad when my cramps got bad… no matter what, he was there. He had also started being more touchy in public, leaning into the fake relationship for those around us. It made me feel things that I tried to avoid for years.
I think I hate him… how DARE he make me fall in love with him, knowing that none of this is real. How dare he kiss me at parties, and hold me during movie nights, and make me feel safe when none of it is real for him.
“you okay baby?” He snaps me out of my thoughts with the use of his new favorite nickname for me. I melt when he calls me his baby, unfortunately a small part of me also dies inside every time I hear it.
“yeah, just a little tired.” We’ve been at this party for like three hours, and I haven’t even touched my drink. When Chris is tipsy he get more brave with his PDA, I don’t want to risk forgetting a single moment where he is touching me.
“do you want to walk home?” He doesn’t want to leave, he shouldn’t have to leave because I’m sad that he doesn’t love me.
“no. we should stay, you’re having fun. I’m actually going to go get a drink, maybe it will make me feel better.” He looks at me for a second before letting go of my hip, allowing me to grab a drink.
How did I get here?
It’s like one second I was listening to Chris tell a story, and now I’m dancing to some annoying pop song. I need to find Chris, I definitely had a few too many drinks.
I stumbled around for a minute, everything is spinning and making me want to throw up. I don’t know if I can walk all the way home, but I don’t want to make all of them leave early. I grab my phone in an attempt to call Chris, but by the time he picks up I’ve forgotten what I was doing.
Chris’s POV
I look down at my phone to see that Y/N is calling me, and it makes me a little worried. I pick the phone up to my ear, trying to head over the sounds of music and talking. I don’t hear her, only making me more worried.
She almost never drinks, because she has a very low tolerance. Last time I saw her, she was already three drinks in and proclaiming her love for the song that was on.
That was an hour ago.
I quickly scour the crowd in an attempt to find her face. And when I do my heart drops.
There she is in her skin tight jeans and corset top, looking lost with tears in her eyes. I rush to her side, immediately pulling the drink from her hand. She looks like she’s about to start crying.
“hey baby, can you look at me please?” When I say that she starts crying and she doesn’t seem like she’s stopping any time soon. “Hey, it’s okay. Do you want to find somewhere quiet so that you can sit down for a minute?” She nods her head aggressively before stumbling towards the bedroom of whoever is hosting.
The Golden Trio
From: Chris
can y’all meet me in the master bedroom, Y/N is really drunk and needs to go home.
From: Nicky Bo Bicky
for sure, I’ll bring some water for her.
I turned to Y/N, she looked out of it. Then all of a sudden life came back to her eyes in the worst way possible. She almost fell down in her attempt to get to the bathroom.
“it’s okay baby” I whispered sweet nothings to her as I held her hair and rubbed her back. Nick and Matt showed up shortly after she finished dry heaving, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her drink anything as fast as she drank that water.
If I thought it was a hassle trying to get her in the car, I had no clue how hard it would be to get her up a flight of stairs. She giggled as I picked her up bridal style… it made me so happy to hear her laughing.
once she got into more comfortable clothes, she fell asleep in no time.
as she held onto me and nuzzled into my side, my heart shattered. All I want is for her to be happy, but I know that I can’t fix everything. I kiss her on the forehead before rolling over and going to sleep.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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littlespacereader · 1 year
Chapter 4 - A Sleepless Night is out on my AO3 story The Little Princess in Hawkins! 💕🎀
Sfw warnings in this chapter- curing, bed wetting, pull-ups and hurt/comfort
Here’s a short chapter snippet (completely sfw):
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Caregiver! Billy & Fem Little! Reader
The two of us went into the kitchen where all the bags from our grocery trip laid on the counter tops.
“Wow, how nice of you to leave all of this to me.” I joked rolling my eyes. I put my stuffed animal lion Will on the counter next to me as I grabbed a bag and started to unpack it.
Billy shook his head and started helping as well. As we started to put things away I came across the cookie container! I quickly grabbed some and shoved two cookies into my mouth.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! Who said you could eat those?” Billy said as he grabbed the container away.
I pointed to Will, my mouth too full of cookies to say much of anything. Billy smiled. Leaning on the counter top, he decided to play along with it.
“Will! Are you kidding me? You’ve only been here for 5 minutes and you’re already a bad influence on Y/N!” He shook his head playfully. Will, the stuffed lion just stared back at him.
I finished eating my two cookies and went to eat another but Billy pulled the container farther away. “No more cookies till we eat something. I think we’ll make that another rule on the list: If you want a cookie you gotta ask me first. I don’t want you eating too much sugar.”
I sighed, “Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?”
“Because if they’re one thing everyone knows, it’s that sugar and kids don’t mix well. I don’t want you running around the house on a sugar rush.”
“But I’m not a kid! I can eat a cookie if I want to. Plus I don’t want a ton, I just want another one. Will said it was okay,” I began reaching again.
“Will is not in charge here, I am. We’ll eat dinner and then you can have one more.” Billy opened the tallest cabinet and put them away.
I whined a bit but listened to his stupid rule. I grabbed a bag and began unpacking some more. After that it there wasn’t much to put away. The household chore of putting everything away seems sort of relaxing with Billy. As a team we put everything in the right spot and it felt sort of comforting seeing him do something so…regular.
“Okay,” Billy said as he eyed the kitchen. “We need to either cook something or make something for dinner because it’s getting late and I’m starving.”
“Getting late?” I looked over at the clock that had 6:30 displayed on it. “What are you 80?”
Billy smirked, “What’s your bed time again?”
I crossed my arms, “Not late enough.”
He crossed his arms mimicking me, “Y/N, what time is it?”
I sighed uncrossing my arms, “It’s 9…stupidly.”
“Yes it’s 9. So we need to get something to eat before before heading to bed.”
For once he had a good idea.
“Can you cook?” I asked him.
“I can make…certain dishes…like breakfast foods.” Billy shrugged. “How about you?”
“I only know like three dishes and we don’t have the time to cook them.”
“It’s a good start. At least we know we won’t starve,” Billy smiled causing me to smile as well. “But I think after the day we’ve had we deserve some pizza.”
I immediately lit up. “YES!”
And there we sat on the couch, slice of pizza in our hands, watching tv. Billy’s arm that wasn’t holding a slice of pizza was wrapped around my shoulders. It’s comforting to have that safety and security.
And that’s all for now! Click the link at the top to read more! I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Next chapter will have Little! Eddie and Little! Reader causing chaos for Steve and Billy!😁😆
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once-ler-ask-blog153 · 5 months
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Credit for the original story goes to @simplydannie on tumblr she she writes cool fanfic go check her blog out!
Link to original story if you want to read it⬇️
😁ok now onto the story!
Chapter 3
“You heard me lady! Kaiyo isn’t going ANYWHERE with you!” Ritz grabbed a small piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it “see it says here until velvet and veneer are released from jail I’m legally responsible for him!” He yelled again “ugh you know what coming here was just a waste of time!” She gets back in the van as it drives away. “Thought she’d never leave!” He goes back inside and shuts the door.
The Next Day back at Mount rageous jail/prison….
It was early in the morning and after breakfast before veneer and Mike could swap places again sally walked up to him. “Ven you have visitors!” She opened the door to reveal Kaiyo and Ritz.
Kaiyo ran over to veneer and hugged him tightly “hey kai!” Veneer smiled and hugged him back “are you being good for Ritz?” Veneer asked “I am” the young troll/Mount rageon hybrid nods.
Velvet walked down from the hallway “Where’s my hug” she joked before Kaiyo ran over to her and tightly hugged her as well. “I missed you so much kiddo!” She gently picked Kaiyo up and held him close
“That proves my point Mike! See you think if velvet and veneer really were criminals there little brother would run up and hug them like that?” Sally whispered to Mike. Mike looks at the three siblings then at Sally “innocent till proven guilty!” She whispered to him again softly remaining him.
Mark walked down the hallway and glanced angrily at them “who said they could have visitors!” He demanded “um… I DID!” Sally yelled then snarled at him. “N- nevermind….” The red head rageon gulps nervously. Kaiyo laughed a little “he’s scared of a girl!” Sally looked at Kaiyo “mark isn’t that tough… he only acts tough so no need to be scared of him!” She tells Kaiyo. Veneer and velvet both laugh as well.
“By the way my name is Sally and this is Mike” she introduced herself and Mike to Ritz and Kaiyo. “Your much nicer than the other security guards.” Kaiyo adjusted his glasses.
“And you must be Kaiyo!” Mike smiles at the young boy “yep!” He replied back before looking at Velvet again and grabs a little eyeshadow makeup palette from his pocket “here velvet I know you never go anywhere without this!” Velvet smiled “thank you Kaiyo!” She gently grabbed it and hugged kaiyo again.
“Ritz thank you again for looking after Kaiyo until veneer and I get everything sorted out! And sorry if he caused you any trouble” velvet said to him. “Your welcome and he hasn’t caused any trouble honestly i like looking after him” Ritz replied putting his hands in his pockets.
—A Couple Hours Later—
Veneer and Mike swapped places like the day before and Veneer showed them the piece of paper that was the same paperwork showing velvet and veneer are Kaiyo’s legal guardians “still has the stamp of approval!” Sally says in a quiet tone as Mike also looks at it “We could also use this as proof that you and velvet aren’t… bad” Mike also said looking at Veneer.
“That’s what i like to hear” Sally said to Mike “seeing how veneer and velvet both interact with there little brother they treat him with respect and they obviously have a good sibling relationship with him there good people but try telling Mark that he can be extremely stubborn” Mike looks at Sally and back at Veneer.
“He can be stubborn… not when I talk to him” Sally smirks and crosses her arms “he is scared of you” Mike added. “And that will make him listen!” She laughs a little.
Sally takes the paper from veneer and walks towards Mark’s office. She knocks on the door then walks in “Mark don’t you think…. You’re being a little harsh on veneer…” Sally asked standing in front of his desk “he’s a criminal of course I’m harsh on him!” Mark sighs and looks at her from his computer “Hahah.. heh well veneer seems like a really sweet guy you saw him and velvet interact with there little brother there both just misunderstood!” She replies back.
“Listen there both criminals ok end of story!” He rolls his eyes before Sally slammed the paper on his desk and slid it forward to him. Mark jumped a little and looks at the paper “velvet and veneers paperwork to be Kaiyo’s legal guardians.. it’s still valid!” The female guard smirked “w- well- um that could be uhh..” mark stuttered “you stuttered Mark! Anything you need to say??” Sally slides the paper even closer to him “hmm?”
“Well maybe… we should..” he reached for the paper but Sally quickly yanks it away “shame shame shame… one thing I learned in training a true security guard listens to there instincts and mine are telling me… you’re a jerk!” She glares at him and walks out as Marks face turned pale from his interaction with Sally.
Sally eventually finds Clare who is another security guard and shows her the paper Clare removed her sunglasses and looked at the paper “no need to tell me to change my mind from this I can tell Velvet and Veneer clearly care about there little brother so much!” Clare says gently pushing her bangs aside away from her face.
~End of chapter 3~
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ian-galagher · 2 years
This tag game was brought to you by the lovely lemony @depressedstressedlemonzest 🥰🧡
What are some movie /tv quotes that you quote often?
The Office, all the time... When I'm frustrated I'm Jan going JUST JUST JUST JUST!!!!! She then violently kisses Michael which I can happily say I don't do :)
What is your favorite flower?
I like the butterfly bush! For attracting butterflies 🥰
If you were in Avatar the Last Airbender what element would you want to bend? Earth, fire, water or air?
What was your first job?
Newspaper round. I hated getting up at 4 but I saw sooo many animals around town! A buzzard once swooped down in front of my nose, chasing a jackdaw. Lots of hedgehogs out and about too. Plenty of snoring to be heard from open windows as well...
What is your favorite breakfast?
Plain yogurt with fresh fruit and honey!
What's a meal from childhood that you love?
A big bowl of steaming porridge with sugar on top and soup made from homemade broth! The best!
What's your favorite joke to tell?
Uuh ooh... I don't really have a joke ready at hand. I usually play off other people... I'm sure I'll think of LOADS later....
What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
SO MANY! I absolutely love polar bears, the sarus crane is stunning, and sloths! There's a couple at my local zoo who are being fed quite well and they RACE through the trees at an alarming speed really... apparently they're the best breeding sloths of any zoo 😅😂 not that lazy after all... 😏
What's your go to quick meal to cook/make at home?
Noodles with lots of veggies and nuts or a bowl of spaghetti!
What's your go to meal to cook someone to impress them?
Oeh! Coq au vin or chicken roast, which funnily enough is super easy to make but people LOVE it. It's all in the spices...
What's something you want to do better?
Talk to people, be social, which I struggle with a lot
If you're working do you like your job?
Anything keeping me away from writing is evil! But no, I love most of it 😁
Do you collect anything? What?
Souvenirs, trinkets, and I like to take home streamers after a concert 😁 I've got a great scrapbook with setlists, ticket stubs, that sort of thing
If you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in?
The Powerpuff Girls! Just as a bystander though, not a superhero 😬 too scary!
An adults tv show?
Our Flag Means Death? Not sure I'd survive for long but it looks like so much fun! Being on a boat with a bunch of fellow gay people! I guess it's the most like being on Tumblr 😁
What kind of job did you want as a child?
A writer. In school I wrote endless stories about the most beautiful goose I'd seen in a field nearby. I named her Daisy. She was far prettier than the other boring white geese, with her brown stripes and busy pattern. It wasn't until years later that I read that the females are white and the males brown... I was ahead of my time writing about a trans goose.
Do you follow any sports? What team do you root for?
Nope! None! 😁
If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
Something with wings so I could fly with my head in the clouds 🥰
If you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why?
I've always like the Phoenix! Wings again, and their colors are so nice, orange-red 🥰 okay I looked up why they're always that color and they're based on the gold pheasant! Even better!
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(look at the DOF in that photo... what do we think guys, F2.8?) 😉😂
What's the most obscure thing you've had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading?
I'm still not over this: glow in the dark condoms?! This one reviewer said he had to sit with his dick in the light for so long that his erection had gone by the time it actually glowed in the dark... amazing. I guess some people wanna get dicked down by a light saber?
What milkovich do you identify with most?
Mickey. I'd love to be him and flip everyone off and not give a fuck but I could never! 😬😂
Which one are you actually like the most?
Tough one! Iggy?? I'm nothing like Mandy, Sandy, or (thank god) Terry...
What Gallagher do you identify with most?
Franny! I've never worn a dress or anything other than a pair of hiking boots (they're SO COMFORTABLE!!!! Why would anyone want to walk on anything else?!) and Ian and Mickey would be my favorite uncles too 🥰
Which one are you actually like the most?
Liam. Kinda serious and looking at everyone like they've lost their minds 😂
Tagging a whole bunch of wonderful people!!
@sickness-health-all-that-shit @sweetbee78 @tomorrowillmissyou @sleepyfacetoughguy @axhicleos @shameless-notashamed @mikhailoisbaby @darthvaders-wife @shinygalaxyperson @lalazeewrites @liamgallaghers @mishervellous @xninetiestrendx @y0itsbri @look-i-love-u @energievie @creepkinginc @vintagelacerosette @stocious @francesrose3 @gallagher-milkovich @gallavich-headcanon @darthvaders-wife @shinygalaxyperson @lalazeewrites @y0itsbri @liamgallaghers @mishervellous @gardenerian @thisdivorce
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nsb-air-conditioner · 2 years
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North Star boys first dates
Oliver: takes you to the beach. He’d pick you up early so that you could watch the sunrise . he’d pack a breakfast picnic and You’d both sit there for hours talking about anything and everything. If the vibe was right he’d suddenly pick you up and run into the water. “ put me down Oliver!” “ oh put you down?🤔😁” *splash*
Sebastian: if you were up for it, he’d take you on a motorcycle ride around the city. You’d both stop for food and sit in the parking lot. He’d suggest a quick game of tag, “ you’re it” he quickly gets up and runs across the empty parking lot.
Kane: Kane would take you to a drawing workshop he found. He’d meet you there, saving you a spot next to him. When the workshop starts he’s very focused, trying to draw well to impress you. He’ll look over every now and then to check on you to make sure you’re having fun, smiling over. When the teacher eases up a bit, he’d turn to talk and compare drawing. “ yours looks better then mine” “ don’t be silly you’re is great to, could you help me with mine actually”
Reggie: he would take you to a restaurant nothing fancy, a” in n out” or “ jollibee” . He’d pay for both your food and spent a while getting to know you. Low key wants to do cheesy stuff like drink from the same milkshake and sit on the same side of the both. If you’re comfortable with it, that’s what he’ll do. “ I’m sorry I can’t hear you * moves to your side of the booth * “okay much better continue”. 🥰😁
Darren: Darren would wanna take you somewhere where he could show off his cooking skills, so he took you to Korean bbq. He pulled your chair out for you and cooks all the food. If you’re shy when eating in front of others, he tries his best to make you more comfortable. He cracks lot of jokes and makes sure he keeps everything organized. He moves used dishes to the side, and makes sure you have napkins. “ we should get boba lol”
Ryan: Ryan takes you to a music store, he says that someone’s music taste is a good reflection of how they are. So it’s his way of getting to know you, also to show of his good music taste lol . He takes you to his favorite section of the store and plays some of his favorite songs, asking your opinion. He then helps you look around for yours. If you have a favorite record and you don’t own it yet, he’ll pay two copies. One for you and one for him to listen to later. “ This is your favorite? Looks cool and I like the song you played for me so I’ll take your word for the rest lol”
Justin: Justin is gonna meet you at the arcade. He wants to impress you, and knows he’s good at the games there. He takes you around showing off slightly but also makes sure you’re included and having fun too. If you don’t understand a game he’ll explain it to you well, and use his tokens for any of your practice attempts. When you finally get the hang of it, he’ll smile at you. If you’re hungry he’ll get you both food and you’ll sit and talk for a while before heading to the price counter. “ would you like a prize? I have a lot of tickets, and I don’t need anything here.”
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gar-trek · 3 years
riker centric movie synopsis. please. ok go.
OKAY THIS IS HARD OKAY. Establishing scene. Bridge crew shore-leave to Risa 🤪🤪🤪 it’s like a fucking anime beach episode up in that bitch. Everyone chilling in their bathing suits. Comedic scene where like, data wears one of those 1920s mens bathing suits and just sinks to the bottom of the pool when he tries to swim. Everyone is like “oh data!! 😂” it’s really camp. OMG worf wears something really slutty which everyone finds shocking and he’s just like “what this is traditional Klingon warriors swimwear 😳” but it’s like the gayest speedo known to man. Um like Riker wears a Hawaiian shirt 😁. OKAY I DIGRESS. while everyone is having fun there are suspicious characters creeping around. Dinner scene, everyone talks about how life is awesome and they love their job or whatever. Everyone is still ready to have some more fun after dinner but Picard is like “I think I better turn in for the night, I’m not as young as I used to be 😉” and everyone is like “bbyyyeeeee 😁” BUT THEN, scene of Picard entering his dark room. It’s eerie in there. Suddenly PICARD IS ATTACKED!!!! AND KIDNAPPED BY SHADOWY FIGURES 😱😱😱😱😱next day, crew wakes up like “ughhh what did we do last night? Lol” breakfast time…. But… PICARD IS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN ?? 😳🤨🤔. They go to his room and it’s been ransacked 😱😱😱 WORSE the enterprise won’t be back to pick them up for another 3 days!! Riker contacts Starfleet and they are told to Start doing a preliminary investigation…. In the room, data and Geordi uncover evidence that it was Ferengi who took the captain. THOSE BASTARDS. But what Ferengi?? Who???? Where??? The gang splits up, Riker, worf and Troi go to find information about the Ferengi and Data Geordi and Crusher go to find transportation because they assume they took Picard off-planet. They get word that the Ferengi were spending most their time playing card games with a greeblite. Gang ent. seedy Risian casino/bar. They approach the greeblite and Riker is like “can you tell us any information about your ferengi friends 😁” and the greeblite is like “perhaps…. For some time in the holosuit with your friend there😏😏” nasty alien smile. And Riker is like “do not speak about Deanna like that😡😡” and the alien is like “I wasn’t talking about the female….” And Worf is like “😳😳😳my honor” and yeah the joke is kinda tasteless but it’s the 90s okay. And then Riker is like,,,, “how about ill play you in a game of Greeblarian quickdraw, I win you tell me what I wanna know, you win… you get holosuit time with worf” and the alien is like “aight” BUT THE THING IS greeblites are masters of Greeblarian quickdraw it’s their fav game and worf and tori are like “RIKER!!! How are you gonna win this…..” And hes like.., “don’t worry guys,,,,,, Greeblarian quickdraw is just like poker😏😏” OKAY in the meantime Geordi Data and Bev have found a ship to rent but its gonna cost them 1 thousand bars of gold-pressed latinum!! Geordi is like “dammit guys!! Where are we gonna get that kind of money??” And then crusher who is standing slightly away from them is like “… I think I have an idea 😏😏” *Pans over and she’s looking at a poster that says “Talent show, tonight! Grand prize 1000 bars of latinum”. And then Geordi realizes what’s going on and hes like “uhhh check please”. BACK TO RIKER who is like sweating as he tries to beat the greeblite, its insane, Riker is losing, its all coming down to one hand. Worf is like gripping the back of his chair like please dont make me give this man sloppy, everyone is sweating, some kind of cool dialogue between Riker and the greeblite, and then it all comes down to,,,,, RIKER WINNING VIA HIS POKER FACE SKILL!!! Yippie everyone clapped. Back to the others, crusher choreographss a super fucking camp musical number for Geordi and Data to perform. You think it's gonna be shit because Geordi is so nervous he's about to die, but data takes the lead and they kill it!!! They win the competition!!! Okay the gang meets back up now, they have the ship and they know where they gotta go. Its like some kinda super shit alien ship and Riker
is like “We need to get this things to the neutral zone, thats where Picard will be” and Geordi is like “the neutral l zone?!?! I’ll be surprised if this bucket of bolts can get us half way to the beta quadrant😳” us as the audience laugh. The ship is like constantly on the verge of exploding and Geordi and data are running around the whole time but they make it to the neutral zone. PRETTY MUCH the Ferengi are going to hand over Picard to the Romulans and the exchange is gonna happen on some moon. The Romulans want Picard because they are going to steal his brain for federation information. Whatever the idea was thought up by Sela. Yeah we bringing back fucking Sela for this movie. OKAY the plan is that Worf and Riker and data are gonna beam down to the planet, scoop up Picard, and then they are gonna fly away. This obviously goes to shit. On the planet's surface, they are prematurely detected and get shot at by both the Romulans and the Ferengi, since the Romulans are now aware the federation is around they find the ships hiding place and start to attack. The shitty alien ship our heroes got has like no weapons and is literally about to esplode. The Ferengi are like “peace out” and go to transport back to their ship, but just then Riker gets a good idea and LUNGES on a Ferengi right as they are being beamed up. Now he's on the Ferengi ship and he's going sicko mode and like fistfights like 5 Ferengi, worf and data still on the surface think he DIED and now are also captured by the Romulans. Back on the ship with the rest of the gang, Geordi is like “btw our warp core is about to ESPLODE” BUT JUST THEN they get hailed by the Ferengi ship and its RIKER?!?! WAHHH and he's like “BEAM ABOARD THIS SHIP I TOOK OVER AND ALSO SEND YOUR SHIP RAMMING SPEED INTO THE ROMULANS SO IT EXPLODES THEIR SHIP” and they are like “aye aye sir” and the Romulan ships explodes and the explosion is green for some reason which is awesome and then Riker has help on the Ferengi ship to fully take over and the Romulans still on the surface are like “lol our plan worked perfectly” but when they go to contact their ship to beam up they don’t get any response and then Riker beams back down and also during this time he got the Ferengi to turn on the Romulans so he beams down with like 5 Ferengi and hes like “uhhhhh actually you guys are our prisoners now and your coming with me lol” and then Picard who like had a bag over his head this whole time or something is like “ummm is anyone gonna take this bag off my head?” And everyone laughs and its awesome 😁😁😁😁
This movie takes place before generations btw and also the whole Picard kidnapping plot happens because I don’t want him in the movie a lot lol this is about RIKER who is the hero in this movie and its called STAR TREK: ESCAPE FROM RISA ?!
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sapphire-strikes · 2 years
Hi! If it strikes your fancy, I wouldn't mind seeing an expansion on HCs or anything for a sleepover at FK's place 😁 Only if you're interested, though!
It does indeed strike my fancy!
• As at home as you are at their house it's odd to think that they'd never stayed the night at yours. Since the events of the night started because Boris caught you upset, he's gonna be a bit of a worry wart.
• Silly Time™️ isn't exclusive to their house you know! Boris might lay it on little thick but that's cause he considers crying a big deal, even if it was over something small, so to combat your previous tears he has made it his goal to keep you cheered up for the remainder of the night.
• This leaves you in the precarious position of a potential tickle monster attack so be sure to choose your words and actions very carefully!
• While Kamal seems chill. He's actually just as worried. He might be sassy and sarcastic, but he does care about you just as much.
• When Boris first texted him saying that you were upset about something, he was originally going to respond that he'd swing by later with something to eat and just ask Boris to keep you company until then. But when Boris followed up that you had been crying, he dropped what he was doing and got in his car. Asked the guy at the Chinese place to be generous with the portions too.
• He's cool about it and gets a better understanding of the situation when he gets there, but he's still worried about you. He knows what pent-up stress can be like and sometimes it takes more than a good cry to relieve it all.
• So while you've got the green giant trying every which way to squeeze as many smiles out of you as possible, Kamal tries to pry a little bit, asking you about work and other little things that might give him a better idea of how you're actually doing without outright asking you what happened.
• Sure Boris has already backwashed into the gallon of milk in your fridge and Kamal is slowly getting concerned by your unhealthy eating habits the more he pokes around your kitchen but you really do begin to relax, enough that you almost forget why they are here in the first place.
• Boris acts like this is the first sleepover the three of you have ever had, and when you bring up that you've spent many nights at their place he insists that this is different!
"There is a big difference between staying the night and having a sleepover!"
"Is there?" You and Kamal ask in unison.
"Of course there is! We are going to watch movies and eat popped corn and stay up late having fun! That is a sleepover! And it is at your house this time, so it is extra special!"
• Boris is the first to crash, right around midnight (impressive for him!) on the couch beside you; leaving you and Kamal to half-watch the quieted TV and talk while finishing off your leftover take-out.
• This is when Kamal takes the time to actually ask you if everything's okay and you assure him that you are, sometimes feelings just bubble over.
"I know the feeling, kid, trust me."
"Yeah, Boris just walked in at the wrong time, haha..."
"Nah, I don't think so."
"I mean, I'm glad he did. Otherwise, a little buddy of mine would have spent the night alone when they should have had their friends there to help them unwind." Kamal made himself comfortable in the makeshift blanket bed he'd made for himself on the floor of your living room. "In fact, maybe we should check up on you more often?" He joked, rolling onto his side and closing his eyes with a grin "But yeah, I'm glad he did, I'd even say that his timing was juuuust right."
There was some silence as you watched him settle down for the night, thinking hard on what he'd just said before looking between him and Boris and settling on the couch beside the latter, who was quick to cuddle you to his side, even while fast sleep.
"Yeah...yeah, me too."
• When you wake up the next morning, Boris is making breakfast for eveyone in your kitchen like he often does at his house, but you're not sure where he got half the ingredients since you're positive they were not things you had in your fridge.
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princessmisery666 · 3 years
The T-1000 Handmaiden
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Summary: Sam has an idea, which of course involves belittling Bucky, Steve sees the potential but it’s unethical and Thor does not get the concept of subtlety or, apparently, Sam’s pop references.
Warnings: none. Shenanigans, Sam and Bucky bullying each other sort of (but we know they love each other really), Thor being clueless.
W/C: 750
Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Thor Odinson.
Pairing: none.
Challenge: @there-must-be-a-lock Fics Against Humanity 4k Challenge Prompt: white card - Not understanding that reference. Black card - HYDRA was disappointed to realize that they’d used the wrong code words and activated the _____ soldier instead of the Winter Soldier.
A/N: this is probably crack-ish but that was the point and I had fun writing it, I hope it makes you smile too 😁
Betas: @cockslut-padalecki // mistakes are still mine.
Graphics: title card made by me, dividers @firefly-graphics
Master Lists: Main // Marvel
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The T-1000 Handmaiden
Why Steve ever believed a quiet dinner would be just that, quiet, when Bucky and Sam were involved, was beyond him. He’d come to expect it, Sam and Bucky ragging on each other, bickering like school children and playing practical jokes that always went too far. But he had to admit Sam’s latest suggestion - that he was thankful Sam hadn’t yet proceeded to put into action ‘as a joke’ - wasn’t a bad idea. Unethical? Absolutely. But not technically a bad one.
Steve shook his head and suppressed a chuckle by taking a swig of his beer, trying not to react to Sam’s proposal in a way that showed he hadn’t immediately disagreed. However, Sam wasn’t going to let it go that easy.
“Come on,” Sam goaded, “you know it makes total sense, and we’d all benefit.”
“I, too, agree with the Eagle,” Thor said.
“It wouldn’t take much,” continued Sam, ignoring the blond God’s mistake. “We could dress it up as a simple medical, he’d never know. Then when we need it BOOM, a few words and then T-1000 of domestic bliss.”
Thor frowned. “I do not understand that reference.”
Steve understood it and as Sam’s eyes drifted to the ceiling of the bar as if imagining the scenario in vivid detail, Steve too had an unwelcome picture seared to his memory. The image of Bucky in a frilly maids outfit with Terminator like focus while he blitzed around the compound with a pink feather duster scorched behind Steve eyes. He knew Sam was joking, partly at least. But he seemed to have put a lot of thought into it, perhaps too much.
“What reference?” Bucky asked, re-joining them at the table with a fresh round of drinks.
“Nothing,” Sam snapped, shooting a glare of Thor.
Which the God of Thunder totally disregarded or didn’t understand. “The Crow was just telling us how easy it would be for Stark to initiate your Hydra protocols, but we could change the words to make you our handmaiden.”
Bucky glared at Sam who simply shrugged, and defended himself. “Look, I’m just saying if you clean as good as you kill we’d never have to hear Stark moan about running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang, again.”
Bucky sneered, “I’ll use your head as a toilet brush!”
“I’m sure Stark could make an all purpose cleaning arm for you,” said Sam, “and you’d make such a pretty T-1000.” He laughed, reaching out to pinch his cheek.
Bucky batted away Sam’s advance with his vibranium hand and Steve winced knowing it would leave a bruise.
Bucky’s brow furrowed, he obviously didn’t get the reference either and Thor understood his comrades' confusion. Leaning closer he told him, “I did not understand that reference either.”
“See, Steve,” Sam said, unwisely turning to face him and subsequently putting his back to Bucky. “We should do it to punish him for not knowing a classic!”
Steve shook his head and rolled his eyes watching Bucky tip an obscene amount of salt into Sam’s drink while his back was turned. It would end badly, it always did, but Sam kind of deserved it.
“I can see the headlines now,” said Sam, eyes gleaming with his teasing tone as he turned back. “HYDRA was disappointed to realize that they’d used the wrong code words and activated the not understanding that reference soldier instead of the Winter Soldier.”
“That doesn’t even make sense,” Bucky jeered.
Sam immaturely countered with, “your face doesn’t make sense.”
“His face makes a lot of sense,” Thor butted in, utterly confused. “The symmetry and angles are perfectly aligned, his hair is soft and dreamlike; he very much makes sense as does his face.”
“Thanks buddy,” Bucky smiled at Thor. Then he handed Sam his drink, laughing.
Steve knew the laugh was hollow, Hydra may have activated the Winter Soldier but Sam Wilson had a way of activating the Petty Revenge Soldier.
Sam failed to notice the insincerity behind the smile and slapped Bucky on the back. “So you’ll consider it?” he asked, taking his drink from the insincere soldier.
“Sure,” Bucky nodded, “if Stark can make it happen, why not?” he shrugged. “Let’s toast to it.”
Steve watched as Sam lifted the glass to his smug smiling lips and in his head he counted down the seconds before what was supposed to be a quiet night erupted into one filled with juvenile pranks that he’d no doubt have to play referee for. Three, two…
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Marvellous Marvel: @denimbex1986 / @b3autyfuldisast3r / @deanwinchesterswitch / @katbratsupernaturalwhore / @petitgateau911 / @xoxabs88xox / @cockslut-padalecki
Captain ‘Past Asking Permission’ Rogers: @bccky /
Beautifully Broken Bucky Barnes: @bccky
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lyranova · 3 years
Your little fics are really cool, I love reading it! Also, I saw that you wrote a Nozel/Vanessa once. Well, since I read Where The Heart Is from Oighear, I admit I'm lost to this ship. So wouldn't you mind if I request one? I would like with the prompt "I don't want to get up... it's so warm beside you" and if possible, a bit fluffy. Don't worry if it's a bit ooc, you write Black Clover generally great.
Hiya and thank you for sending in a request 😁! Yep I did write a Vanzel fic a while back for the lovely @flow3rbudz 🥰! Of course I hope you enjoy this fic I apologize it’s so short but I did make it very fluffy 🥰! Aww thank you I’m so glad you think my Black Clover is generally great 🥺💕! I hope you enjoy this little drabble anon!
Word Count: 557
Warnings: None
Vanessa let out a soft sigh as she opened her eyes slightly, she couldn’t believe it was already early morning. It honestly felt like she had just gone to sleep only a few minutes ago, it had been a long week for her and the Black Bulls as they seemed to be getting a lot more missions lately. Of course she didn’t mind having something to do every now and then, but this was beginning to get to be a bit much, she hadn’t been able to sit down and drink her favorite wine nor had she been able to see her boyfriend in the past week!
Just as she thought about her boyfriend she felt a pair of warm and strong arms wrap around her and pull her close, Vanessa smiled softly before gently rolling over to face her boyfriend.
“ How long have you been awake?” Nozel Silva, Captain of the Silver Eagles and her friend/squad mate Noelle Silva's older brother asked, his voice thick with sleep. Vanessa let out a small ‘hm’.
“ Not too long, I’d say about five minutes. How about you?” The pink haired woman asked and she snuggled into his chest, she felt his warm hands gently rub up and down against her back.
“ Hm, about an hour I’d say.” He replied with a small smile as he slowly opened his eyes to look down at her.
“ An hour? Why didn’t you wake me up?” She asked in surprise, she knew Nozel would try to wake her up shortly after him so they could have breakfast and spend a few minutes, or hours, in bed before they would have to go to their respective squads.
“ Well, you looked so peaceful and relaxed while you were asleep that I just couldn’t bring myself to disturb you.” He replied. Nozel knew how stressful the past week had been for her, he could see it on her face the minute she arrived at their secret cottage, so he had thought it would be a good idea to let her rest and get as much sleep as she needed. Nozel smiled a bit more when he saw Vanessa blush.
“ Ah so you were watching me sleep like Gordon does?” She joked with a giggle, Nozel blinked in confusion.
“ ‘Like Gordon does’?” Nozel repeated slowly and with a quirked eyebrow, Vanessa shook her head and laughed softly.
“ Sorry love, it was an inside joke.” Vanessa said before looking over her shoulder and letting out a disappointed sigh. “ It’s almost mid morning, we need to get moving if we want to have breakfast together.” Vanessa added as she tried to roll out of bed but she let out a small yelp as Nozel pulled her closer to him and gave her a gentle squeeze.
“ I don’t want to get up, it’s so warm beside you.” Nozel mumbled and when Vanessa turned to look at him he had a small pout on his face.
“ Aww you look so adorable when you pout.” Vanessa teased, only causing him to pout even more and a blush to appear on his cheeks. She giggled a bit before laying back down and snuggling into his side once again.
“ Five more minutes?” She asked.
“ Hm, make it ten more minutes.” Nozel said thoughtfully, Vanessa smirked a bit before nodding.
“ Fine. Ten more minutes.”
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
The Royal Romance.
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A/N: I’ve decided to go into my own little TRR world and create an AU. This will be fun! So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Dawkins (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 7,720 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: Lights Go Out/Make That Sound-J. Holiday | Still In Love With You-New Edition
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @choiceslady @bebepac @hopelessromanticmonie @txemrn @lucy-268 @pixie88 @aussieez @secretaryunpaid @shanzay44 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @choicesficwriterscreations
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Chapter 23.) Deciding Factor.
It was 2 weeks before the parliamentary vote as to who would rightfully run Cordonia. And Shanelle and Marquise were having breakfast one morning when she dropped a bombshell on him. She wanted them to explore being a polyamorous couple.
“Shanelle you have got to be joking!” Marquise said to his fiancée.
“No I’m not kidding. And it’s time for us to stop kidding ourselves.” Shanelle replied.
He just stared at her. The suggestion was unfathomable to him.
“Do you have any idea what the repercussions will be for us? For the monarchy?” He asks her.
“Yes I do. Which is why we should do this. Think about it, Marquise! It’s the best of both worlds!” She replied.
“I can not believe that you are suggesting this.”
“I’m suggesting this because I know you’re still in love with Tanya.”
“Listen to me I’m not angry. I want you to know that. I don’t want us to have any regrets. And I feel like a traditional monogamous marriage will leave us with regrets.”
He was in shock and yet he was intrigued at the same time.
“You’re not saying that you don’t love me are you?” He asks.
“No I love you and I’m in love with you. I always have been and I always will be. But again I know how you feel about Tanya. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. You still love her. You’re still in love with her. And I want you to know that it’s okay if you choose to pursue her.” She replied.
He was stuck. He knew he couldn’t lie to Shanelle. He does still love Tanya. Madly. Deeply. And he was tired of hiding it from her.
“I don't know what to say to you. And I don’t want to hurt you, My Queen. And I swear on my life that I do love you. And I will make you my wife and THE Queen of Cordonia. I just…with her…I have a love with and for her that I can’t deny anymore.”
“I know.”
“I just…I never got over her. And constantly being around her…it…”
“Brought back feelings that you weren't willing to admit to?” She asked.
He nodded his head.
“Yeah I know.”
“Let me guess…troll?” He asks.
“Would you hate me if I said yes?” She replies.
“Of course not. Like I said, me being around my ex and you being around yours…has brought up feelings we both weren’t willing to admit to. But none of it changes how we feel about each other.” He replies.
“So if I wanted to explore with Damon…you won’t throw me in chains?” She asked.
“Never. I trust you, my love. And I also know that you trust me.” He replied as he kissed the palm of her left hand.
“I don't want you to think that he’d replace you. Because that will never happen. You my king are irreplaceable to me. I just know that when it comes to love, your heart as well as mine has space to love and be in love with more than one person.”
He shook his head and smiled at her.
“How do you do that?” He asks.
“Do what?” She replies.
“Make me fall more and more in love with you by the second.”
“Easy. There is no other woman like me.”
“True enough. So how do we get them to understand that this is what we want?” He asks.
“You handle her. I’ll handle him.” She replies.
“And how do we do that?” He asks.
“Don’t you have that conference in the French Alps to go to next weekend?” She replied.
“Yeah. What about it?” He asks.
“Well while the king is away. The future queen will play.” She replies.
“And you want me to take Tanya with me?” He asks.
“Yup. Seeing as how the monarchy has a soon to be new communications director…” she replies with a wink.
He grinned at her.
“Works for me. Now let’s eat! Preferably before our food gets cold and I get grumpy.”
“Ohhh no! Let’s not have that.”
That following Thursday, Marquise was ready to go to the conference. And although he would miss his queen terribly, he was eager to get Tanya alone finally.
“I’m gonna miss you!” Shanelle said to him.
“Tu vas me manquer aussi mon amour. I promise to make it up to you.”
“You’d better!” She teased.
“Is that a challenge my queen?” He asked.
“Depends if you choose to accept it, my handsome king.” She replies.
He grinned at her.
“If this conference wasn’t honoring my father, I wouldn’t be going.”
“Think of it as a mini vacation for us both.”
“True enough. What will you do while I’m away?” He asks.
“Wedding planning. Because vote or no vote we are getting married!” She replied emphatically.
“Ohhh really? What have you planned so far?” He asked.
“So far I have the color scheme set. Or at least it’s set in my head.” She replied.
“What are our wedding colors?” He asks.
“Purple, white and silver.” She replied.
“Purple was my mother’s favorite color.”
“It’s mine too. That’s why I picked it.”
“I know my love. I can’t wait to see what you have planned. So when I get back, we are going dress shopping.”
“You can’t see the bride in her dress before the wedding!”
“King!” He says as he points to his face.
She shook her head and smirked. Just as an attendant came walking up to them.
“My apologies, your majesty but your security detail is ready.”
“Thank you.”
With a curt nod the attendant walked away.
“Time to go. I’ll miss you my queen.”
“I’ll miss you too! Let me know when you get there. Have fun!”
“Will do!”
With a goodbye kiss, Marquise was on his way to the French Alps. Meanwhile Shanelle left for her private estate in Volterias. After a quick 2 ½ hour flight to Lyon and subsequent car ride Marquise, Tanya and his security detail pulled up to Chalet where the conference is located. Prime ministers, premiers, other high government officials and foreign dignitaries walked around and mingled amongst each other.
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After the introductory luncheon Tanya and Marquise were in the lobby with the rest of the guests. While she was running through his schedule for the weekend, he was bored. Tanya took notice and pulled him to the side.
“Something wrong?” Tanya whispered.
“Ugh! I’m bored. ” Marquise replies.
“They are putting us up in this swanky chalet, while honoring your father, Marquise!”
“So? They could honor him without me having to be here. I feel like I’m suffocating!”
“You’re such a big baby!”
“I want my rattle!”
Tanya shook her head.
“Okay fine! Let’s go find your room!”
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They went to his room which was connected to hers.
“Now this is luxury!” She exclaimed after touring both of their rooms.
“Perks of being connected to the King.”
“Show off!”
He stuck his tongue out at her.
“Marquise Constantine Rys! You did not just stick your tongue out at me!”
He shrugged.
“You are so childish!”
“Not my fault that you bring it out of me.”
“Uh huh. The only time you were ever this childish is when you had something to say to me. So what is it?” She asks.
Marquise took a deep breath then spoke.
“You’re right. I do have something to say to you. So come sit down with me.”
They sat down next to each other in front of the roaring fire.
Still in love.
Still in love baby. Listen. Oh, what can I do, girl? So much in love, girl. But your friends got you thinking and it's affecting you. What can I do, girl? So in love, girl. And I don't know what to do 'cause I don't want to lose you. No, what would I do without your love? Baby it's heaven sent from above. So you don't believe what your friends tell you about me.
“What is it Marquise?” She asks.
“I don’t know how to tell you this.”
“Tell me what?”
“I don’t know how to tell you that…I…Tanya I…I love you. Hell I’m still in love with you.”
She sat across from him stunned into silence.
“Say something Tanya.”
“You are insane! Why the hell would say something like that? Especially when you’re engaged!”
“Because it’s true Tanya.”
“It can’t be. Not now. Not after all this time. You can’t be.”
“I am. I didn’t think it would happen. But the moment I saw you…everything that I thought I’d forgotten…”
Tanya shook her head while chuckling.
“If this is your idea of a joke…let me just say that it's incredibly cruel.”
“It’s not a joke, Tanya.”
“Okay. Let’s say that it’s not a joke…have you forgotten that quickly that YOU ARE ENGAGED?! If she were to ever find out that you have feelings for me your ex—“ she started to say before he cut her off.
“She already knows Tanya.”
For the second time she was stunned.
“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you being so cruel? How could you do this to me after all these years?” She asked with tears in her eyes.
“Listen to me. She figured it out on her own. Because the way I feel about you…is the same way that she feels about Damon. So we decided to not enter into marriage with any regrets.” He replies.
“What the hell does that mean?” She asked.
“Shanelle and I have both decided to have an open, poly marriage.” He replies.
I'm still the man for you. And I'm still the man that's true. And I'm still the man who's lucky. And I'm still in love with you. It don't matter what your friends do. They're just jealous of me and you. And I'll always keep you happy, 'cause I'm still in love with you. Oh, yeah. I'm still in love.
Yeah, ooh. Time passes so fast, babe. I wish it would last, babe. 'Cause I know in my heart that my life ends and starts with you, babe. And baby, I know that this feelin’ I'm feelin' just won't let me go away. 'Cause you're the first true love I've ever known. So what would I do without your love? Baby, it's heaven sent from above. And I know that in my heart I'm the best for you.
“An open, poly marriage? And this was just some random thought you two had?” She asks.
“No. This was her idea. And initially when she told me, I thought she was crazy. But Tanya I can’t deny how I feel about you anymore. I miss you. I love you. I need you. I was an idiot all those years ago. I was selfish, self centered and self absorbed. I didn’t fight for you or us like I should’ve. I took the cowards way out when I ended things. And for that I am so sorry. I will never stop apologizing to you for that. I am begging you to come back to me. I will do anything to have you again.” He explained.
I'm still the man for you. And I'm still the man that's true. And I'm still the man who's lucky. And I'm still in love with you. It don't matter what your friends do. They're just jealous of me and you. And I'll always keep you happy, 'cause I'm still in love with you.
Oh, what can I do to right this wrong? I know that it makes me happy to be in love with you.
So... I'm still the man for you. And I'm still the man that's true. And I'm still the man who's lucky. And I'm still in love with you. It don't matter what your friends do. They're just jealous of me and you. And I'll always keep you happy, 'cause I'm still in love with you.
Tanya sat silent. She didn’t know what to say or do with the bomb that just got dropped on her.
“I don’t…I…I…I don’t know…” she tried to say but the words just failed her.
She watched him stand up and extend his hand to her.
“Come here.”
She looked up at him then put her trembling hand in his. She rose to her feet and was instantly wrapped in his arms. As if on command, the dam of emotions that she felt in that moment broke and she burst into tears.
I'm still the man for you. And I'm still the man that's true. And I'm still the man who's lucky. And I'm still in love with you. It don't matter what your friends do. They're just jealous of me and you. And I'll always keep you happy, 'cause I'm still in love with you.
He held her as her body quaked as she cried.
“Look at me Tanya.”
She could barely see him through her tears.
“I know this is a lot for you.”
Tanya took a deep breath before she spoke.
“You have no idea how long I have waited to hear you say that. No idea at all. When you left I didn’t know what to do. I needed you. I loved you. I hated you. I wanted you. But Marquise…you were gone. You left me. You never looked back. I mean I’m thankful that you left me the brownstone without a mortgage so selling it was easy. But it didn’t erase the pain.”
She said as her eyes welled up with tears again.
“It didn’t take away the anger, hurt or heartache that I felt. And here I am in a place where I finally moved on. Not only that I’m in a place where I could look at you and it not break my heart or make it skip a beat. So to hear this now after all these goddamn years…knowing that you are engaged to another woman…a woman that I work for…I don’t…I can’t.”
He held her close as she buried her face in his shoulder and cried again. They stayed that way for several minutes until she could no longer breathe. He rubbed her back as she trembled in his arms. She didn’t want him to let her go.
“Talk to me. Say something Tanya.”
“What am I supposed to say?” She asks.
“Say anything.” He replies.
“Say anything or say yes?” She asked.
He went quiet.
“That’s what I thought. I want you to know that I love you. That I am still madly in love with you. But this? A poly relationship? I don’t know if I can do that. I don’t know that I can share you, Marquise.”
“Let me finish! I want you. God knows I do. But I can’t bring myself to share you with another woman.”
“I swear to you that’s not what this is.”
“Then what is this? Why am I here? And don’t you dare lie to me.” She said to him.
“You’re here because I want you here. I wanted the chance for it to just be me and you.”
“You mean you want the chance to convince me to be your mistress.”
“Mistress? Hardly.”
“You know it’s true. Because as much as you love me, you love her just as much. If not more than you would or could ever love me.”
She finally stepped back from him.
“Marquise you know as well as I do that if it came down to it, you’d choose her over me. And I don’t know that I’d be able to stand it.”
She took a shaky breath.
“I love you. I love you more than any other man I have ever loved. But when it comes to you, I refuse to be second to any woman.”
“Love, you would never be second. You know this. I would never make you compete with anyone.”
“And yet that’s exactly what you’re asking me to do. You’re asking me to compete with Shanelle over you and your heart. I-I-I’m not a secret. I don’t deserve that.”
She turned her head because she couldn’t look at him anymore. No matter how badly her heart wanted her to.
“You’re right. You’re not a secret. And you’re not someone that deserves to be one. And you wouldn’t be.”
“So you’re saying that you’re willing to go public with whatever this is or would be?” She asks.
“Yes.” He replies.
“What about Shanelle?” She asks.
“This was her idea. And as much as I wanted to say no, I couldn’t.” He replied.
“Why? Why didn’t you say no?” She asked.
He went quiet in order to choose his words carefully.
“Because I thought that I could hide or even mask how I feel about you. I thought I could quiet that voice in my head that kept repeating your name. And that kiss, as much as I tried and wanted to forget about it I couldn’t. Because I couldn’t forget you. Sure, I kept my distance from you. But honestly not being around you is the same pain I feel when I’m not around her. You were a staple in my life and my heart for years. As selfish as this is to say, I want that back. I want you back. I want you to myself.”
“You’re right Marquise. It is selfish. You are selfish! Incredibly selfish! And I never in my life thought I’d ever say that about you of all people! And you want to know what else?!”
“What?” He asks.
She answered his question by planting him with a searing kiss. The kiss they shared was deep, intense, hot and ravenous. When their kiss ended she had a grin on her face.
“Maybe selfishness is what I need.”
“So was that a yes?” He asks.
“No it wasn’t.” She replied.
“Then what was that?” He asked.
“Besides selfish and impulsive? That was your invitation to convince me that being in a poly relationship with you is worth it. Because right now I don’t necessarily feel that it’s worth it to me.” She replies.
“How long do I have?” He asked.
“Until Sunday.” She replies.
“No time like the present to start.”
“Oh really? And what do you have in mind, your majesty?” She asks.
“You…me…right now!” He replies with a searing kiss of his own.
He backed her up against the wall next to the fireplace.
“You know you’re an asshole right?” She asks breathlessly.
“I’m a King, love. Asshole is in the job description.”
She grinned at him before crashing her lips into his. She felt his passion, his hunger and especially his lust for her in that moment. He went from kissing her to sucking on her pulse line.
“Yesssssssssss…” She moaned softly.  
He stopped long enough to look into her eyes.
“God I’ve missed making you do that.”
“You shoulda thought of this sooner.”
“True. Well now that we’re here, allow me to make up for lost time.”
He kissed her again before pulling her down towards the giant rug in front of the fireplace.
“I would take you to bed but this rug is soft and I’m feeling impatient.”
“I am yours, your majesty.”
“Damn right you’re mine. Now, let's get you out of this dress.”
His mouth found hers as they quickly undressed each other. He kissed his way from her lips, down her neck and across her collarbone. He placed heated kisses down and across her breasts. He listened to her chest rise and fall with each breath that she took.
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“I’ve missed you.”
“Less talk! More action!”
“As you wish.”
He went back to kissing down to her lower body. He rolled over onto his back with her sitting on his face.
“Try not to scream so loud. Ohhh and you might want to hang on.”
When he descended onto her clit she nearly jumped out of her skin. All she could feel was his mouth.
“Fuck yes! Yes! Yes! Yesssssssssssss! Oh My God! This feels so good!” She screamed as she leaned back on her knees as she rode his tongue.
Her body was on fire. His mouth felt like heaven. Every time he made a sound it would send shockwaves shooting through her. Her clit throbbed harder and harder every time she felt his tongue slide over it.
“Mmmmmmm…” he hummed as he feasted on her.
“Ohhhhhhhh Shit! Marquise! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! God! I’m so close!” She shouted.
Tanya was about to break and he knew it. With his arms tightened around her thighs; he went for it. He drove his tongue inside her hot core and didn’t stop until he heard her scream.
Her thighs twitched and her body shuddered as her orgasm shredded everything in its path. When he let her go he could still taste her on his lips.
“So fucking good!” He said as he licked his fingers and winked at her.
“God you don’t play fair!” She said while trying to catch her breath.
“You forget kings don’t play fair.”
She rolled her eyes at him.
“I wanna taste.”
“Who said you get a taste?” He asks.
“I do! Now gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” She replied as she sank to her knees and he stood up.
He grinned at her as he circled her lips. When her mouth opened to him he damn near lost it.
“HOLY SHIT!” He moans.
Her mouth was warm, wet and inviting. He tangled his hands in her hair but let her set her pace. She swirled her tongue around and around his dick in a slow torture.
“You’re gonna be the death of me!” He hissed.
His breathing went shallow as her mouth went back and forth from head to base again and again. Marquise broke out in a sweat as he tried to restrain his orgasm. But it was quickly becoming a battle he was losing.
“God you feel so good!” He groaned. As she upped her tempo his hips began to move. He was getting desperate.
He wanted to be inside her in the worst way possible.
“Fuck! Come here.” He strained out.
He needed to feel her. He wanted to feel her vaginal muscles clench and release. When he brought her to her feet he plunged his tongue into her mouth. With his lips still on hers he laid her down on the rug with him positioned between her legs.
With a condom on, he inhaled sharply as he circled her entrance.
“You ready?” He asked.
When she nodded her head he thrust his hips forward plunging himself inside her.
“Yesssssssssssss!!” He moaned.
As he threw her legs over his shoulders, she grabbed the rug underneath her.
“Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yesssssssssssss! You feel so good!” She moaned.
“That’s it love! Tell me what you want! Tell me how good it feels! Tell me how you like it! I want to hear you baby!” He moaned.
He was doing it to her. Just like she always knew him to do. He was using his words to ignite both her fire and desire.
“Marquise! Give it to me! Fuck me! I need you! I need this!” She shouted.
“Yeah! That’s it baby! Take it! Take this dick!”.
When she looked in his eyes he had this raw carnality in them. Every thrust was more powerful than the last. The grip he had on her thighs tightened. She begged him to give it to her and he was more than happy to oblige.
She was getting dangerously close to her climax and he wasn’t too far off from his own.
“I-I’m about to cum! I—!” She struggled to say.
“That’s it cum on this dick! Let it out! Let it all out! Cum for me!”
He was barely hanging on himself. One final thrust of his hips was all it took to throw her over her edge. Her eyes rolled back and her body shuddered as her orgasm ran through her.
“Yes! Cum on this dick! Cum for me!” He encouraged her. One last roll of his hips was all it took; to take him out.
“Shit!” He hissed as he lost himself with her.
When it was all said and done; they were both breathless, tired and satisfied.
“Well that was fun!” He piped up.
She just shook her head and chuckled.
“You have no idea what you mean to me, do you?” He asked.
“After what just happened I have a pretty good idea. Although it never hurts to compare notes.” She replied.
He just snickered.
“Is it wrong that I just want to stay here like this.” She asks.
“No. Because I owe this to you.” He replied.
“I’m not a debt Marquise. You don’t owe me anything.”
“But I do. I owe you my heart and my love. And I promise to give you that. I promise to give you all that I should’ve given you all those years ago.
She shook her head at him and snuggled closer to him.
“Well this weekend might not be so bad after all. I have you and all weekend to convince you to stay with me.”
“I'd say that you’re off to a really good start. But it’ll take more than just fucking my brains out to convince me.”
“What else would it take?” He asks.
“Well the palace is going to need a new head of Royal Communications. And that job has my name on it.” She replied with a shrug.
“I mean I guess I could put in a good word for you.”
“Ugh! You make me sick!”
He snickered.
“I hope I wasn’t too loud. I’d hate for your reputation to be ruined because of me.”
He scoffed.
“Ohhh please! Considering that ¾ of  the attendees didn’t bring their spouses with them anyway, I wish one of those idiots actually would say something about you being here with me.”
“You’re joking right?” She asks.
“Nope. Take Prime Minister Vannaugh of Gemmora for example. The lady with him has been one of his 7 mistresses for 5 years now. And I’ve only been a king for 3 of those years.” He replied.
“Well shit!”
“My thoughts exactly. One of the reasons why my father loved coming to this conference is because he could use him being here as leverage if he needed to.”
“That's a good strategy.”
“Blackmail always has a place in a monarchy.”
She chuckled at him.
“You know I love you right?” He asked.
“I know. I love you too.” She replied.
“Good. Don’t ever forget it.”
“I won’t.”
Tanya sighed.
“I don’t want to leave. I just want to stay like this. But we have to attend the dinner tonight.”
“If by attend the dinner tonight you mean have room service delivered. Then yeah, we do.”
“What? I’m not leaving this room and neither are you! Not until the conference officially gets under way tomorrow.”
“Works for me! Now if you don’t mind. I want to enjoy this fire with you.”
“I most certainly don’t mind.”
He held her close as they both laid in front of the fire and eventually dozed off.
The next morning Tanya found herself waking up in his bed without him there. So she threw on one of his shirts and checked to see if he was in the bathroom but he wasn't there either. Just as she started to wonder what time he had left there was a knock at the door. It was room service. Marquise had it sent to her complete with a rose and handwritten note. She giggled as she read the note.
"Good Morning Beautiful. Sorry I'm not there to wake you up. I had to be at the first part of the conference. Duty calls. So this is my way of saying thank you for last night. I'll see you later. This weekend is just getting started. XOXO"
It was short, sweet and made the butterflies in her stomach flutter about. She loved that about him.
Meanwhile in Volterias, Shanelle had Damon right where she wanted him. Or she will anyway.
Shanelle kept herself busy that Friday by spending time in duchy Volterias. She visited the local food bank, the children’s museum, the orphanage and she even had time to consult with a few local dressmakers and wedding planners.
That night after a good long bubble bath, she stood out on her balcony in her robe overlooking the fields and waterfall with a glass of wine in her hand. It was one the most beautiful sights she’d ever seen.
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 Listening to the waterfall thunder relaxed her. It also distracted her because she didn’t hear Damon walk up behind her.
“So Prince Charming gave you all of this?” He asked her.
She could hear the clear jealousy in his voice.
“Awwwwww are you mad?” She replies over her shoulder.
He rolled his eyes.
“Not in the least.”
“Uh huh. Security sweep done?” She asks.
“Yes. The estate and surrounding lands are secure.” He replies.
“Good. At least now I know you actually do know how to do your job.”
Damon groaned.
“You’re gonna be like this the entire weekend aren’t you?” He asked.
When she finally turned around to face him that’s when she knew she had him.
“If you don’t like it then do something about it.” She replies.
“Are you crazy? Need I remind you that you’re engaged to a king that could have me locked up or killed?” He asks.
“That’s funny. You didn’t seem to care about that when you two got into it. And you damn sure haven’t cared since you’ve been pursuing me for weeks now.” She replies.
“Okay first off, he swung on me! And second, you don’t have to be so goddamn obnoxious about it!” He snapped at her.
“Awwwww poor baby. He’s jealous.”
“Thank God I’m off next week! That way I don’t have to deal with you!”
“Why? So you can continue whatever meetings you’ve been having with Duchess Kaitlyn?” She asks.
Damon went pale.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He replied trying to hide the nervousness behind his tone.
“Ohhh please! You’ve been meeting with her for weeks.”
“Again I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Marquise didn’t add those three agents to my detail just to find Tariq. They were added to watch you. That’s how I know you’ve been meeting with her. And my question now is why?”
Damon swallowed hard.
“So you aren’t going to deny it?” She asks.
“No, I'm not. I have been meeting with her. We both want the same thing. We want you out. Because you don’t belong here. You belong with me. In my arms and in my bed.” He replies.
She took a sip of her wine.
“You’re gonna tell your fiancé aren’t you?” He asked.
“No. You are. You’re going to tell him everything when he gets back.” She replies.
“Nelle you can’t be serious! He’ll have my head!”
“I know. But you’ve earned it.”
“So what happens now?” He asks.
“Nice to see you taking this like a champ.” She replies.
“It’s not like I have a choice not to.”
“In the meantime you have one job.”
“What?” He asks.
She finished her wine before walking over and pushing him up against the doorframe and kissing him. He was shocked and turned on at the same time. He broke their kiss so he could breathe.
“What the entire hell?” He asks.
“You can stop being so shocked. This is what you wanted.” She asks.
“If he finds out—“
“He already knows. Next question.”
“What do you mean he knows?” He asks.
“He knows that I’m about to turn you into a whore.” She replies.
“I don’t understand.”
“He and I have decided to have an open poly marriage. Which is why he’s with Tanya right now and you’re about to be with me. Or you will be once you get naked.”
“He’s with her?! I mean I knew they had the hots for each other but I didn’t expect that.”
We’ve flirted. I've heard it all before you want to show me now. I’ve sat in waited filled my head with doubt. I didn’t think you would come around and see it my way. But you build up all the courage now. Tonight you're the water and I'm riding your waves today.
“Blah! Blah! Blah! Get naked!”
He shook his head at her.
“I shoulda known. You always acted like that whenever you wanted to fuck.”
“As my charge commands.”
“Good boy! I knew you wouldn’t resist.”
He smirked before kissing her again. He couldn’t wait to have her again. And he didn’t care how that looked. He picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her back into the bedroom.
“I…have…been…dying…to…fuck…you!” He said in between kisses.
“You talk too much!”
“You love me for it though.”
It didn’t take them long to get each other naked. He took a moment to admire her naked body.
I never told you that the way you be talking to me lights my whole world. But now it's class time, girl if you dont mind let's show and tell. I got in good with your best friend. (I got in good with your best friend) So that you never forget me. And all that trash we be talking to her its entertaining.
“Like what you see?” She asked with a wink.
“Of course. You’ve always been beautiful.” He whispered.
“Too bad it took you losing me to realize it.”
“Well let me start apologizing.”
He went from kissing her to going straight to the treasure between her thighs. He had to taste her again. It had been years since he had her like this.
So he went straight for her center and buried his face in it. He licked, sucked, nibbled and kissed her sweet snatch all the while rubbing his face in it, making sure he was coated with her juices.
She moaned loudly as he ate her out. Once her thighs started to close around his neck he knew she was going to break. So he grabbed her thighs and plunged his tongue inside her. He felt her body shake as she screamed again and flooded his face with her nectar. He looked at her smiling as she caught her breath. He was happy because he knew he still got it.
So shawty wait until the light go out. There's no more talking and no more teasing, nothing but pleasing. Wait until the lights go out, let’s lose the power for about an hour. Oooooh Shawty wait intill the light go out… Oooooh Shawty wait intill the light go out…
If you ready, hold it steady girl lets get into it. Turn off the mood if the blinds but some shade to it. Put your body in postion for submission. Straight shoveling while I'm digging no need for an electrician. Oooh when the lights…
“Sweet as sugar.” He said as he licked his fingers.
She giggled and rolled her eyes.
“Don’t get cocky. You still haven’t proven anything.”
“Don’t believe me just watch!”
“Have I mentioned that you talk too much?” She asked.
Rather than answer her, he grabbed her, flipped her onto her stomach then mounted her. He was ready to take her right then and there.
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“What are you waiting for? Let’s go!” She dared him.
It was on then.
He closed his eyes then drove himself straight into her and began fucking her senseless. He wanted her to know and feel how he missed her. He pounded that sweet treasure for what he felt was an eternity. The sounds their bodies made as he crashed into her again and again coupled with her feminine scent made him dizzy.
“Don’t you dare slow down! Give it to me!” She shouted.
He intensified his rhythm just for her.
“That’s my girl! Tell me you want this dick!” He growled.
He loves hearing her scream bloody murder as he took her. She was close to her climax and he knew it because he was as well. That's when she screamed at the very top of her lungs and unloaded onto him. She felt so damn good to him.
So shawty wait until the light go out there’s no more talking and no more teasing nothing but pleasing. Wait until the lights go out lets lose the for about an hour. Oooooh Shawty wait until the light go out… Oooooh Shawty wait until the light go out…
He stayed still for a moment before pulling out of her. He marveled at the sight before him. They were both exhausted and satisfied. He curled up with her in his arms. Just the way he always wanted.
“So how pissed will Prince Charming be when I tell him about me meeting with the Duchess?” He asks.
“Pretty pissed. Because you did commit crimes against the crown. But I might be able to calm him down, if you make it worth my while that is.”  She replied.
“You know this is blackmail right?” He whispered.
“Even if you want it?” She replies.
He grumbled.
“Uh huh. I thought so.”
“How did we get here?” He asks.
“You know how we got here. You know why we are here. Look I get it. You’re sorry…I think. And I am too. We didn’t try hard enough to keep what we had.” She replied.
Damon sighed.
“To be honest none of this was your fault. Yeah sure you had your flaws but all of this was my fault. I shouldn’t have ran to her. And I did and I ruined us. I hurt you. And hell her and I didn’t even stay together.”
“Not even for DJ?” She asks.
“Nope. We found that after he was born, we weren’t as compatible as we thought. So she left, took him with her and found someone new. Like you did.” He replies.
“Do you miss her?” She asks.
“No. Not like I’ve missed you.” He replies.
“Have you tried contacting her?” She asked.
“Not lately. Lately I’ve been running behind you.” He replies.
“You should. You should go see him. Do you know where they are?” She asks.
“Yup. They live in Arlington. They moved in with her new beau last year.” He replies.
“And you’re not jealous?” She teased.
He pinched her arm.
“Owwww! Jackass!” She sneered.
He kissed the spot he pinched.
“Better?” He asks.
“Maybe.” She replied.
He shook his head and held her close.
“So where do we go from here?” He asks.
“We stay here the rest of the weekend.” She replies.
“Smartest thing you’ve ever said!”
She groaned as she snuggled in his arms.
One week later it was time for the parliamentary vote to be cast. Marquise and Shanelle arrived at the Royal Archives and awaited the vote. Being superstitious and hopeful at the same time, she suggested that they wear matching outfits.  But doing so did little to calm her nerves. Shanelle was a nervous wreck. She was worried that Marquise would lose everything. And he could feel it.
“What’s wrong my queen?” He asked her.
“I’m scared. I know I shouldn’t be but I am.” She replied.
He placed a featherlight kiss on her forehead.
“Don’t be My Goddess. This is a fairly simple process. Whoever wins must have a majority vote of each of the Great Houses. With the exception of Houses Beaumont and Fierro. Since they are represented by you and Duchess Kaitlyn those houses are ineligible to vote. As it could be seen as favoritism.” He replies.
“So maybe they’ll see our matching outfits and vote yes instantly.”
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“That’s the spirit my love. Shall we?” He asks.
“Let’s!” She replies.
He took her hand as they walked into the main hall of the Archives. They were greeted by the Keeper of The Archives.
“Hello your majesty, your grace! Welcome to the Archives.” He said as he greeted them.
“Thank you Viscount Langdon. It’s great to be here. I just wish we were here under different circumstances.” Marquise replies.
“Of course your majesty, I understand. If you’ll both please follow me.” He said as he led them into the waiting area.
It was an opulent room decorated in early 19th century decor.
“Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!”
“Thank you My Queen. My grandfather had it remodeled the year my father married Leo’s mother.”
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They sat down together and were soon joined by Duchess Kaitlyn and Tariq.
“Look who’s here my dear the soon to be former king and his soon to never be queen.” The duchess sneered.
“I can’t kill them can I?” Shanelle asks Marquise.
“Unfortunately no.” He replies. His tone was tight.
“Charming as ever I see.” Tariq quipped.
“As king I do have an image to protect.”
“You won’t be king for king Marquise!” Kaitlyn snapped at him.
“Temper temper Duchess! Not very becoming of a queen.”
“I’d love to reach across this coffee table and slap that smirk off your—“ Duchess Kaitlyn started to say before he cut her off.
“Don’t you two forget that until the very last second that the final vote is cast I am STILL king and I can STILL charge you both with treason!” He hissed.
His threat was enough to cause Tariq and the Duchess to back off for now. It also excited Shanelle to see her man angry.
“Long live my king!” Shanelle quipped in a singsong voice.
Tariq huffed.
“Fine. So my future queen and I can’t touch you Marquise but that doesn’t mean we won’t make you pay for all you’ve done to us once we become the new monarchy!” Tariq growled.
Marquise wasn’t impressed.
“Do I look scared? Do I sound scared? You were a wuss as a kid and you’d be a wuss of a king, if you are to become one. And thankfully you won’t ever be one.”
They were soon joined by Viscount Langdon.
“Good afternoon everyone! I’m happy you’re all here. Now the vote can officially begin. Now although his majesty King Marquise knows the rules, allow me to explain the process. Each of the Great Houses will vote on who they feel is fit to be king and queen of Cordonia. With Duchess Shanelle Dawkins representing House Beaumont and Duchess Kaitlyn Winslow representing House Fierro, they will not participate in the vote. His majesty and Mr. SaVion were asked to supply a budget plan for the country as well and that will be considered in the vote as well. The vote took hours. So may the odds be ever in your favor everyone!” Viscount Langdon explained.
He nodded then left for the vote to begin.
“Well here we go.” Duchess Kaitlyn quipped.
“Indeed. Good luck to you both. I look forward to seeing you both lose.” Marquise said to them both.
The waiting drove Shanelle crazy. Marquise rubbed his left thumb over her right knuckles.
“Don’t worry my beautiful queen. We have nothing to fear.” He whispered softly in her ear.
“I know. Thank you for easing the worry.”
After 2 hours they were joined by Viscount Langdon again.
“Thank you everyone. The vote is now complete.” He said to the group.
“Well? What are the results?” Duchess Kaitlyn asked.
“Thank you for your enthusiasm Duchess. As you all know each house was asked to vote as per the Legitima successione nobilium. They were asked to also consider each budget plan as well. And they have voted. Now before I reveal the results a few comments must be addressed. Starting with you your majesty.” Viscount Langdon explained.
He turned to Marquise and Shanelle as he spoke.
“Many of the heads felt your recent decisions regarding Duchess Kaitlyn and Mr. SaVion were vicious, vindictive, petty, tyrannical, spiteful and petty. Completely unbecoming of the title and role of King. Even if they were legal, many felt they were not right nor just.”
“As they should!” Tariq sneered.
“Furthermore they also understood the stress and pressure that you are under as the reigning monarch. And they understand that you may have been pushed too far.”
He then turned to Kaitlyn and Tariq.
“As for you Duchess and you as well Mr. SaVion. Many felt that you took advantage of the country’s grief when you both announced your challenge for the crown. Many felt it was insensitive, cruel and completely opportunistic of you both. They questioned whether or not you had the heart and fortitude to lead Cordonia and her people.”
Shanelle snickered.
“Now that the comments have been made, the results can now be told. After the votes were cast and the budgets read over and considered…”
Marquise took a deep breath and squeezed Shanelle’s hand as Viscount Langdon turned to him and his future bride.
“Your majesty, your reign…shall continue. The vote is in your favor. You have won the challenge. Congratulations my king.”
Shanelle was overjoyed at the news.
“Oh My God! YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT!” She squealed as she hugged him.
“Correction My Queen, WE did it.”
Tariq and Kaitlyn were livid.
“This is unbelievable! How could they choose him?! He’s a glorified tyrant! Just like his father was!” Kaitlyn yelled.
“Allow me to explain the decision. Although many disagree with his most recent decisions regarding you and your fiancé Duchess, it wasn’t enough to cast doubt in his majesty’s abilities to rule as King Of Cordonia.” Viscount explained.
“Surely this is a mistake!” Tariq quipped.
“I assure you that it is not. The votes were properly cast, counted, verified and finalized. They can not be challenged or changed.”
“Which means in other words: Bow down to your King!” Marquise sneered as he stood up.
Both were stunned that they lost to him and Shanelle.
“As for you, you beautiful creature.” Marquise said as he helped Shanelle to her feet.
“Yes my king?” She asked.
“We have a wedding to plan my love!” He replies.
“Way ahead of ya!”
“Now that is the queen I know!”
She smiled because soon he will officially be her king and husband. Without anyone or anything standing in their way.
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