#lord librarian
comicwaren · 10 months
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From Carnage Vol. 4 #001
Art by Pere Pérez and Erick Arciniega
Written by Torunn Grønbekk
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ace7librarian · 8 months
Of course you have a weird relationship that might include a Deal™ and a lot of homoerotic tension with an eldritch being. And pronouns.
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emo-nova · 10 months
Okay, au where Shen Yuan is the older than Shen Jiu and Yue Qing. And this boy just goes "I'm a single mother of two" mode, he is responsible but is on the fringes of unhealthily independent as to make sure both of these kids get food and water and have a somewhat decent childhood.
Shen Jiu most likely sees Shen Yuan as a reliable adult but with a bad penchant of focusing too much on Shen Jiu and Yue Qi for resources. Yue Qi sees the same but wants to help Shen Yuan in getting more food and water.
Of course when the Qiu House comes knocking, Shen Yuan puts himself in the stead of Shen Jiu and ensures both of them leave. While Shen Yuan tries to both get a better standing in the house and looking to leave over the course of the years, he doesn't hold out much hope for Shen Jiu and Yue Qi to come back.
Last SY saw of them, they were kids, thin and tiny and barely fast enough to outrun adults. But when almost a decade comes, both of them rock up.
SJ is pissed, but looks composed, but still ready to burn the place down. YQ is livid, looking calm as anything, but is talking very nicely with the Young Master of the house in getting one of their slaves.
SY is brought out. He looks slightly healthier, not much, but he has some weight to him, and he is clothed better than rags. He looks presentable. He looks over to the two and has a mini heart attack.
Dawning realisation that "oh fuck, I was raising the scum villain and the head of Cang Qiong Peak" add a light anxiety attack in his head as he just watches everything happen.
They leave, SY in slight shock as he is now free, to Cang Qiong. Now this can go anywhere.
I personally want SY to not be a cultivator but a librarian to the libraries of SJ's peak to help Binghe get the correct manuel but also guide him a teacher-adjacent way to him and others.
Sure, SY would have a shorter life compared to others, but I think with him trying to become a cultivator when he is an adult already would be more difficult and just not worth it.
But anyone can pick this up to something else, possible with a hibernating system until Binghe comes around? Who knows? But enjoy this random, in the moment au :D
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Dream: He is my masterpiece. A dark mirror made to reflect everything humanity will not confront. Your name shall be..... The Corinthian.
The Corinthian:
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Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Lucienne and Jessamy saw their lord's "masterpiece."
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The sweater says "collects comic books" and the face says "collects phone numbers"
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The Guardian Weekend (2006)
Hi, I'm David-in-my-pants," says the very boyish, handsome 34-year-old striding towards me, arm extended, wearing, as promised, his underpants. Perhaps the train journey from London to Cardiff was worth it after all.
"I just don't have the courage of my convictions about my fashion decisions-I think I need some guidance there," he adds in his charming Scottish accent, his eyes all characteristically puppyish and pleading. Yes, the trip is definitely worth it so far.
This fashion insecurity is a bit surprising, though, seeing as it comes from David Tennant, the tenth and latest Dr Who (he's in Cardiff filming the newseries) and, according to the Pink Paper, "the sexiest man in the universe" (Tennant claimed, sweetly, that he was "somewhat surprised" by that accolade.)
When playing the title role in the BBC's widely acclaimed Casanova, Tennant wore flouncy blouses with aplomb; and his outfit for Dr Who English tweeds paired with scruffy Converse - has already received plaudits from the fashion press. "It's not a million miles from what I usually wear," he says, "so I now have to be careful if people see me out and about looking too much like Dr. Who, that would be pretty naff."
The Converse were inspired by Tennant himself - he's been devoted to the brand for more than 20 years - so when I tell him that David Cameron wears them, too, he reels back into the sofa, aghast "No!" he whispers. "You`ve just ruined them for me.
He insists that becoming a recognised face has not changed his style, but has made him more conscious that he shouldn't wear something more than once because people comment on it. This, naturally, means constant wardrobe updates, which rather goes against a Presbyterian upbringing "that would never permit any conspicuous consumption."
Tennant's teenage years were a swamp of fashion mistakes, he says, citing in particular a pink jumper that we wore for years until someone told him that it was, well, terrible. And at 15 he sported a paisley shirt, skinny tie and cropped jacket combo that "properly expressed myself" - unfortunately, his tracksuit-wearing peers disagreed and punched him in the face. "Yeah, that didn't work out too well."
He is, he says repeatedly, not a shopper. "I do that typical male thing of finding one thing and doing it to death, like Paul Smith suits." He recently discovered H&M, he adds, enunciating each of the letters carefully, as if tentatively speaking in a new language. "Plain T-shirts for only a tuppence."
Yet despite all of this he seems at ease during the shoot. He particularly likes a tan jumper, which prompts him to stroke his hands over his chest in a most distracting manner. "I love this - what is it?"
Burberry, comes the answer.
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morpheusbaby3 · 2 years
Morpheus telling Lucienne about the problems he has been through:
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aunt-booty · 1 year
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those photos make me so happy, I'm genuinely in love with it.
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totalherald · 1 month
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The Sandman S1.E2 Imperfect Hosts
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zzoomacroom · 9 months
Hey guys, soooo I have never written fanfiction in my life, but this just fell out of my brain for some reason. I don't know what came over me, but here's a little crackfic drabble for ya. Just a thousand words of Matthew being a complete idiot. Enjoy! (Yes, I know this premise has been done to death, but I'm having fun so shhhh)
Edit: now on ao3!
So there Matthew was, just minding his own business, catching up with Merv in the gardens outside the palace, when a goddamned nuclear bomb went off.
"JEEZUS FUCK!" Mervyn bellowed, his cigarette dropping from his open mouth and into the pile of leaves he'd been raking. Matthew squawked and catapulted himself ungracefully to the top of the nearest tree.
Oh, so not a bomb then, thought Matthew as he watched the stunning display of fireworks that had erupted above the palace, gold and crimson embers now drifting lazily towards the ground. Still, what the hell was that all about? He would have to ask the boss--if there was some kind of celebration happening in the Dreaming, he wanted to join the party! Hopefully he'd be off his feathery tits on dream champagne before the day was over.
Matthew launched himself from the tree branch, ears still ringing as he made his way up to the palace. He soared through an open window to the throne room. Hmm, empty. So where was the party? He made his way to the library--Lucienne would know what was up.
"Heya, Loosh," he called as he circled down to the table where Lucienne was occupied with cleaning up a puddle of ink that was spilled all over the yellowed scroll she had been writing on. "What was up with the fireworks?"
"Hmm?" she glanced over to him, preoccupied. "Ah. That sometimes happens when...actually, it's probably better if you don't know. For your own sake," she adds pointedly, peering over her glasses at him.
Uh, wow. Ouch. "What? Aw, come on, don't leave me out of the loop. Ravens aren't invited to the party? Wait, why aren't you at the party?"
Lucienne stared at the raven, confusion and irritation mingling on her face. "What party? Lord Morpheus is in his private chambers, there is no--"
But Matthew was already hopping off the table and flying towards the nearest window. So it was a private, VIP kinda thing, then. He was a little hurt that he wasn't invited, but no matter. He would slip in and infiltrate the event, just in case the boss needed protecting from a disgruntled fae or something. And if he managed to dip his beak into some unattended booze, he felt he was sneaky enough that no one would be the wiser.
"You really don't want to know!" Lucienne called out exasperatedly as he flitted away, not looking up from her work. "Don’t say I didn't warn you!"
Yeah, yeah, he'd been to parties full of snooty elites before. Whatever weird shit they were into couldn't be any worse than what he'd seen during his recent trip to Hell. He circled upwards towards the highest tower and perched on the balcony outside the boss's private chamber. There was definitely something happening in there, judging by the noises coming from inside. It sounded like things were getting crazy--a shout, glass breaking, a thud like a body hitting the ground, a screech that may or may not have been human. Shit, the boss man might be in trouble! Good thing Matthew was here to...well, he wasn't really sure how he could help, but he'd figure something out. And he just really, really wanted to know what was going on! Curiosity may kill the cat, but the raven should be fine, right?
He darted into the darkened room and blinked as his eyes adjusted. Oh. No party, then. The boss was standing in the middle of the room, looking even more like he'd just sucked on a lemon than usual. His robe flicked around him and drooped off one shoulder, like he'd just hastily pulled it on (was that...a tentacle peeking out from under the hem?). And was he sweating? He didn't normally sweat, did he? And hold on--did he have cat ears?? Matthew stared, and just as he noticed the ears they receded down into his disheveled mop of hair and disappeared.
"What is it, Matthew?" the Dreamlord demanded icily.
"Uh...sorry to interrupt whatever...this...is, but I thought maybe you were in trouble. And I was just wondering what was up with the fireworks. Scared the bejeesus outta me and Merv," Matthew explained.
The boss looked confused for a moment before answering. "Ah. My apologies for the disruption," he said, voice dripping with sarcasm even as Matthew failed to get the hint. "The matter has been handled. You need not come to my defense."
At that, a poorly-stifled chuckle sounded from behind a marble pillar. "Sorry," the pillar mumbled sheepishly. The boss shot a withering glare at it and the pillar instantly dissolved into a pile of sand, revealing...
Ohhhh. "Um...hi, Hob," Matthew said with an awkward wave of his wing, wishing very much that he could dissolve into sand right about now. Hell, that may very well be his fate soon enough, based on the way the boss was glaring at him.
"Hey Matt," Hob replied with a bashful smirk. He was mostly naked except for an Elizabethan ruff, white knee-high stockings and a pair of 18th century shoes with little bows on them. And he was wearing the boss's helm. But not on his head (cool, cool, not like Matthew had followed the boss to Hell to get it back or anything). Oh, and he also had cat ears. Wonderful.
"Ya know, I better get going, I think Merv may need some help with--oh, yep, he set the garden on fire." Matthew peered out the window down to where Mervyn was currently shouting at no one and flailing around a steadily growing conflagration. "So I should go deal with that. Just wanted to check in, glad everything's good here. Uhhh nice to see you Hob, Boss. Not that I, uh, saw anything. Okay bye!" Matthew zoomed out the window before either of them could say anything else. God, he really needed a drink now.
Morpheus continued to glare at the spot where Matthew had been perched as Hob came up and wrapped an arm around his waist.
"Right. So where were we?" asked Hob, apparently unphased by the whole incident.
"I think we should take this to the Waking if we wish to avoid any further interruptions," Dream replied through gritted teeth.
Hob chuckled and started to massage the knots out of his lover's shoulders. "Yeah, probably. Kids, right?" he sighed.
Morpheus raised an eyebrow at him. "Matthew is not my child."
"Isn't he, though?" Hob replied with a grin, peering over Dream's shoulder to watch Matthew and Mervyn frantically darting around the flaming pile of leaves, making no progress whatsoever in putting out the blaze. Morpheus merely sighed in exasperation.
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brokehorrorfan · 14 days
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Funko will release The Sandman Pop figures in November. The line includes Dream (with masked chase variant), Lucienne with Matthew, Lucifer, and The Corinthian. They're $12.
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librarianladyx · 8 days
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Can you keep a secret? I made these bookmarks for my beloved co-worker, as retirement party gifts (which hasn't happened yet, so shhhhh 😉). These are two quotes I took from his email signatures over the years--the first is from Tennyson's "Ulysses," and the second is from Benito Juárez.
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ace7librarian · 9 months
I have so many characters that I wish could be Tumblr sexyman but the fandoms are too small
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pt III sandman but ive still never watched or read it
it's 2:30 am i am in no state to be making this hi im asmi and the uh. official good omens mascot. that is all i know about me. thankfully i know more about sandman (ish) (<- me when i lie). anywayyyyyyyyyy.
Dream is Morpheus and he's fucking adorable and is probably about to cry 24/7. What a cutiepatootie. Poor kitten.
He also assumes everything is his fault and is too caught up in using his powers to remember that they owe their existence to serving humans. Or something.
He gets trapped in a fishbowl for a century by someone who's trying to kidnap Death for an empire? Something.
Death is his sister. They're all one big happy Endless and non-incestuous family. The tension is there though. It's fucking there. I blame Desire.
People are feral for Ferdinand.
Ferdinand plays Hob who is not Dream's friend for centuries but then is and it smells kinda homoerotic but what do I know everything smells homoerotic to me (was literally told this today).
So uh. The power of (probably not homoerotic) friendship. And a pub. Bar? Pub.
There is a raven named Matthew (?).
The raven is murdered. Maybe Dream should have forgiven the murderer but he couldn't.
Something happens at the end of volume 7 involving some fucker named Orpheus. People need recovering from that.
Did I mention Dream is adorable and pretty because he is.
He blows sand and that makes people sleep like the uh. legend. etc. Not blows as in /sexual but blows as in /forceful expiration involving the external intercostal muscles of the lungs. Ahem.
Why did I just fucking type that I am so sorry.
Oh um and this is all @neil-gaiman's intellectual child. hi Neil im making terrible posts again.
Lucienne is a librarian and it is a public library. Yay libraries!
Mmmmmmmm Dream what a cutie with big pouty eyes in vol I.
Okay I should get off the internet byebye my fucking reputation~
I am so sorry Sandman fandom I will regret this in the morning and until then uhhh stay gay everyone stay gay. Or something. What the fuck am I saying this is why I stay lurking within Good Omens.
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neytui · 2 years
I've finally made a Redbubble and more designs!! Now with Desire, Death, The Corinthian and Lucienne, u can go check them out and get your own
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
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So I had this dream last night where Dream had this amazing Pre-Raphaelite look/poofy sleeve outfit and stars in his hair so I had to draw it. Tried my best to get as close as I could to how he was in the dream and the mood he envoked
(Also I think it's important to note that the context of the dream where he wore said outfit was this)
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(Very much trying to evoke @twottie-m8 's fantastic style for this xD )
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morpheusbaby3 · 28 days
I love how Morpheus is The Sandman but he is constantly humiliated or berated by women. I especially like when Lucienne does this, in canon or in fanfics.
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