#lord of the rings galandriel
wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Fighting for Love (Part 7)
Sequel to Hurt/Comfort Series Saving the Enemy
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Pairing: Legolas x fem!reader
Category: One-shot (Hurt/Comfort elements)
Backstory: You are Gandalf’s granddaughter. Long ago you were captured by the Mirkwood elves after saving the life of their prince, Legolas Greenleaf. He tended your injuries and the two of you fell in love. But it was a time of war and the fates were cruel, tearing you and Legolas apart on separate paths. Hundreds of years later, you and Legolas meet again on a quest to destroy the One Ring. But when Gandalf is murdered before your very eyes, Legolas fears that he will lose your heart forever.  
Warning: Mentions of cannon character death. Shock, disassociation, intense grief. 
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     Galandriel was speaking, searching each of them with her eyes and her mind. Legolas knew the tradition. He understood the reasons and ways behind the queen’s reservations. But this was no time for formality. He was cradling his captive, his beloved, limp in his arms. She was heavily drugged by Aragorn’s herbal concoctions. It had been the only way. Legolas alone had carried her despite Aragorn and his constant offers to assist. He needed Galandriel’s help now. Surely she could sense that something was wrong. 
     Finally, finally Galandriel’s crystal gaze landed on him, the even expression on her face breaking slightly as she took in the sight before her. “Iel nin,” she crossed to where Legolas stood, the fellowship parting so that she could pass. “ Ennas na- baw injurui.” It was both a statement and a question. 
     “Ha na- hen mán.” Legolas blinked against the painful sting in his eyes as Galandriel brushed the hair off of his beloved’s pale forehead. 
     “Tul- na nin.” Galandriel took her from Legolas easily, the swiftness of it causing him to sway unsteadily. 
Aragorn took a step towards him. 
     “I will care for her now.” Galandriel spoke, addressing the entire Fellowship. “Rest, for you are weary in both body and soul.” 
     “My place is by her side.” Legolas drew himself up despite the fatigue washing over him. “I must be there when she wakes.” 
     “Legolas,” Aragorn touched his arm. “She has spoken.” 
     “Would you not do the same?” Legolas looked at him. 
     The tears in Aragorn’s eyes said more than any words could. But he did not release him. “Please, mellon nin.” 
     “Vedui- na Aragorn.” Haldir stepped between Legolas and Galandriel. “Cin baur post.” 
     Helplessness had begun to drown Legolas. He allowed Aragorn to guide him away, gaze fastened to the pale face of his beloved. Please, beloved, he thought, come back to me. I cannot lose you again. 
                                                # # # # # 
     You woke to Galandriel singing in your ear, her soft voice sending you back into the memories of when you were a child. Gandalf had been worried that you would become rough and unladylike should you be raised by him alone. Galandriel proved an obvious choice for a maternal figure. When you were not traveling with Gandalf or learning from Elrond you spent your time with Galandriel, learning the ways of a elvish lady. 
     But that had been so long ago, back when you were a little girl determined to become a woman. Now you were both a woman and a warrior with a thousand adventures under your belt. Now you were strong and experienced and prepared. And yet, never before had you felt so weak. 
     “Naneth,” you opened your eyes. You were lying on a bed of the softest furs wearing a gown of white silk. Your skin felt fresh and clean. Your hair lay brushed and shining against the pillow. The ache in your head was dull yet ever present. Just like the ache in your heart from Gandalf’s absence. An ache that could not be healed. 
     I’m here, Galandriel’s voice sounded in your thoughts, speaking the language of men. She was standing at the edge of the small wooded clearing you found yourself in, the hazy moonlight and fiery blue torches reflecting off her figure as she stooped to dip a cloth into a wooden basin of water. 
     You sat up slowly, gripping the furs as emotions swept over you. This was not a dream. None of it was a dream. Your eyes filled with tears as the memory of the Balrog invaded your mind, followed by Gandalf’s last words given only to you. She will explain everything, he said. 
     Galandriel crossed to you with the cloth in hand. Her brow was wrinkled in worry, an emotion she usually concealed with ease. You looked up at her as she knelt beside you. “He’s gone.” 
     “It is but a temporary state.” Galandriel pressed the cool cloth to your cheek. “The pain will pass.” 
     “Tell me,” you reached up and grasped her wrist. Her skin was softer than the finest of silks. “Gandalf said that she would explain everything. You are the only woman in his life besides myself.” 
     Galandriel searched your face with her gaze. Then she seemed to come to a resolution within herself and pulled the cloth away. “Do you know where you came from?” 
     “I am from the bloodline of men. My mother and father were killed in the first war against evil.” You said it without thinking, waiting for her to continue. 
     Galandriel’s head tilted ever so slightly. “Then why have you been spared from the lifespan of a mortal?” 
     “Because...” Your brow furrowed. “Because Gandalf’s magic gave me the lifespan of a wizard.” 
     “Gandalf is dead. All his magic died with him.” Galandriel looked at you closely. “Who are you, little one?” 
     “I...I am the granddaughter of Gandalf.” 
     “In your heart and mind, yes. But in this world, Gandalf has no granddaughter.” 
     “But...” Your heart was beating faster now, however you knew not what there was to cause such anxiety. “Gandalf saved me after my parent’s death. He raised me as his own, taught me his magic,” 
     “How many seasons had you seen when Gandalf claimed you as his?” 
     “...I don’t understand.” 
     “What were the names of your mother and father?” 
     “I...I...” The ache in your head grew worse. You ran your fingers through your hair, staring at nothing as you searched through your earliest memories for answers. But the further back your thoughts went, the more questions seemed to arise. “I don’t remember.” You breathed. 
     A sad smile settled on Galandriel’s lips. “You remember not because there is no memory to grasp. You never had parents. You are not from the bloodline of men.” 
     The shock of her words jolted through you. You stood up, swaying unsteadily as you walked away from her to the edge of the clearing. You had no memories. You had no origins. 
     You reached out and ran your fingers along the rough bark of a tree, using it to support your trembling body. “The earliest memory I possess...is being found by Gandalf...I was in the woods...I didn’t know where I was, or...who I was.” A tear slipped down your cheek. “Gandalf claimed me.” 
     “You are maia, little one.” There was the soft rustle of Galandriel’s dress as she stood. “Incarnated to walk these lands once again.” 
     “No, surely this is impossible.” 
     “Gandalf nor I were given understanding as to why you had been placed in the forest with no memory. Perhaps it is a curse from the life you lived before. But Gandalf’s heart was impressed with the sense that he was to care for you and unsure that you learned according to the ways of men and elves.” 
     “But why, Mother?” you turned to look at her. “If it is true and I am cursed, what is my purpose now? Why am I here? Why did the fates give me you and Gandalf and...and Legolas. Why have I been given the honor of assisting in countless quests?” 
     Galandriel took a deep breath. When she spoke, her voice sounded deeper, as if there was another, stronger being speaking through her soul. “You have been chosen for this moment. You will assist in joining the lands by uniting the tribes of men and elves.” 
     “No,” you shook your head, backing up until you hit the tree you had been leaning on. “No, I cannot do such a thing. Our world teeters on the brink of war. A tiny hobbit carries one of the strongest powers ever created. Gandalf has died. You cannot give me this task, I will never succeed.” 
     “You have no choice.” 
     “I refuse!” You screamed, wiping angrily at the tears running down your cheeks.” 
     “Daughter,” Galandriel’s voice grew soft once more. 
     You looked up at her. She gave a gentle smile and held out her arms. You ran into her embrace without question, just as you did when you were small. Galandriel held you close, shushing you as she ran her fingers through your hair. You hugged her tightly. She smelled of the woods and the ocean and moonflowers at their peak. Your tears made her shoulder damp. You were shaking violently, crying out of fear and shock and sadness. How could your entire existence change in a mere moment? Why was this happening to you? 
     After what felt like an eternity, Galandriel pulled away to look into your eyes. “Listen to me,” she began, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “It may seem impossible, but the truth you now hold will give you strength. Your powers are strong, perhaps even stronger than mine. Use them for battle. Use them to win. If this is truly the task you have been chosen for, then you will succeed.” 
     “What of Legolas?” Your heart gave a painful twinge. “I must leave him again. He would only serve as a distraction for my purpose.” 
     “Or the fates could use him to aid you in your task. Trust in your heart.” 
     “My head and heart are at war now.” You wiped the tears away once more and stepped back. “I must think.” 
     Galandriel nodded. “Go and reflect. I will ensure that you are not disturbed.” 
     You nodded back without fully hearing her words. “Thank you, Mother.” 
     “Of course, my daughter.” Galandriel watched as you turned and walked away, giving another long, heavy sigh. 
     She could hear your thoughts swirling about in your head, struggling to make sense of all that had happened. But the thought that sounded loudest was that you did not want to see Legolas. The belief that the day’s events were reason to severe the bond between your two hearts. 
     It worried Galandriel. She knew all too well that one’s spiraling thoughts could quickly lead to grievous error. She could not let that happen, especially not to you. 
     It was this thought that caused Galandriel to turn and walk in the opposite direction, heading towards where the Fellowship had been sent to rest for the night. 
Iel nin = My daughter
Ennas na- baw injurui = There is no injury. 
Ha na- hen mán = It is her spirit.
Tul- na nin = Come to me. 
Mellon nin = My friend
Vedui- na Aragorn = Listen to Aragorn.
Cin baur post = You need rest. 
Naneth = Mother
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
The rest of the Fellowship were all stunned and speechless as they saw a beautiful golden haired woman approaching. She was a beautiful graceful regal angel and they had no doubts that she was a queen. An Angel. Even the air around her seemed to radiate power and elegance.
Then they heard Mirabel give a small noise of surprise.
"Pretty Elf lady!" Mirabel blurted out and the Fellowship, especially Legolas and Aragon who knew who this was, choked and hurriedly moved to apologize on her behalf.
Galandriel however went wide eyed and then she beamed brighter than the sun.
"Little one! You've finally returned! Oh how I've missed you! Please someone get the clothes I had made for her and start preparing a hearty meal! I'm sure she's hungry!" Galandriel said and a few Elves scurried off to do that as Galandriel quickly strode to Mirabel and then hugged her, fussing and fretting over her and kissing her head while Mirabel looked embarrassed but didn't seem to mind.
"Are you the pretty and strong Elf lady Mira told me about?" Antonio asked tugging slightly on Galandriels dress to get her attention. Galandriel looked down surprised and then she lit up even brighter.
"An even smaller little one! Oh my you're smaller than Mirabel was when I first met you! Hello little son! What's your name? How old are you?" Galandriel asked and she was already sweeping him up into her arms.
"I'm Antonio! I turn five soon!" Antonio beamed as he held up five fingers proudly.
"So young! So small!" Galandriel gasped and her grip tightened a bit as she cuddled him and Mirabel both.
"Mine now. Just call me mama little princeling. Someone make sure there is plenty of food for him as well and get some clothing fit for him and his station! I owe you five years worth of presents!! And Mira! My little princess don't worry! I have all 77 years worth of presents you missed. I can't believe you're already 87!" Galandriel said and she was gushing and fretting over the two of them.
"Silly lady. Miras not 87! Mira is almost 15! She has her quince tomorrow! Although the family will have to put it off since we won't be home for it." Antonio giggled at the silly lady.
"A Quince?"
But you can’t blame her. Usually, 77 years is nothing to her, she’s an elf, The Lady of Light, it’s the equivalent to a couple weeks for her. But for some reason, for some. REASON. Those 77 years seemed to stretch on forever. Every year, she would wait for Mirabel on her birthday (Middle Earth anyway) with a present, hoping she’d come…home.
So when she DID come back, I can see why she’d be excited. And she brought a little son? A little baby? Yeah, She loves Antonio, and is so happy. The dresses them up, sits them down, and makes sure they eat. She was so worried for those 7, almost 8 decades.
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enchantedbook · 3 years
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Illustration by Hogan McLaughlin, based on JRR Tolkien's character : Lady Galandriel from the 'Lord of the Rings' series.
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3y3 · 3 years
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Illustration by Hogan McLaughlin, based on JRR Tolkien's character : Lady Galandriel from the "Lord of the Rings" series.
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andromedalibrary · 4 years
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galandrielle · 8 years
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In case you didn't notice, I changed my icon! It will be this one for now, I hope I come with a better idea in the future. Now let me explain what it means. - The olive wreath used to be a reward and a great honor for the winners at the ancient Olympic Games in ancient Greece. And as you know, I'm Greek, so it symbolizes my nationality. - The book in the center symbolizes my love for writing. - The language that is used here is Elfish Quenya, which is the oldest one and, according to theories, is the language Galandriel, the elf from Lord of the Rings, speaks. And as you can guess, my username is based on her name. (It was actually my sister's idea to use it a long time ago at a game and because we were sure "Galandriel" would be taken, she told me to add an "l" and an "e", turning it to "Galandrielle".) - Now here's the meaning of the writings: Black: Galandrielle Fuchsia: Ellie Red: Michael Blue: John In the book: Michael & John and Psychoburners
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
(SA that ask literally had me going back and trying to watch LOTR when I can and had this idea)
"Because we traveled needlessly through the Mines of Moria." Legolas informed the Elves in front of them.
"Yes apparently if a wise and strong old wizard tells you it's a bad idea you ignore it. And if a female tells you it's a bad idea that pokes the masculine pride into thinking it's a good idea to go there and prove their strength and bravery like fools." Mirabels voice was ice cold as she shot the group a dark look.
"Legolas gets points for being against the idea after Gandalf said it wasn't a good idea. But for the love of God next time the braincells of the group say don't do it then don't do it." Mirabel said and Frodo winced and bowed his head, knowing it had been his choice and mistake.
"You are not of these lands...there is magic not found anywhere in Middle Earth flowing through your veins." Galandriel said staring at Mirabel and then a few seconds later Mirabels foot kicked up and her hand lashed out, the rest of the Fellowship quickly backing away.
Every bow and sword of the elves but Legolas was pointed at Mirabel now as she scowled at Galandriel who was now on the floor blinking baffled, a shoe on the ground beside her as Mirabel glared. Her other shoe in her hand at the ready.
"It is very rude to go into someone's mind. Especially without permission or provocation." Mirabels voice was sharp as a blade and colder than ice.
"You dare strike Galandriel the Lady of Light?" The male elf helping Galandriel up demanded angrily but the Fellowship were glancing at each other.
"My money is on Mirabel." Pippin said and the rest of the group nodded.
"There's lots of elves here, armed every single one...but I've seen what she can do with those shoes. My money's on the lass." Gimli said earning a solemn reluctant nod from Legolas as well.
"You speak as if the shoe is a weapon." One elf said glaring at them while Mirabel didn't look bothered by the weapons, honestly after the Nazguls and the orcs and cave troll she wasn't scared of these immortal pretty boys.
Besides they had nothing on her Abuela when she was mad.
"She slaughtered twelve orcs in the Mines of Moria with merely her shoe, another seven fell at her blade though she has no training with it." Legolas said and he didn't even know how her shoes had done so much damage to the creatures.
"That was a warning. And you only get one. I deal enough with magic users constantly using their gifts on or around me back home. I was not allowed to fight back there but here there are no such restraints. Do not use magic on me again without my permission unless it is a dire emergency." Mirabel said and Galandriel stared at her for a moment longer before she smiled and gave a small chuckle.
"It has been a long long time since anyone has dared strike me. You are an interesting one child of magic and flame. Very interesting."
PLEASE IM. LITERALLY ABOUT TO WATCH THE TWO TOWERS. Y’all got me hooked <3 found out my mom has the special extended edition??? On the entire LOTR Trilogy????
But yeah, Mirabel was not down with Galandriel’s telepathy and mind reading crap. Home girl gets it enough at home, she does not need it from Middle Earth either 😭 I’m glad Galandriel thinks she’s interesting though, nice dynamic. Though, I do think Mirabel would be freaked out when Gala just…almost goes evil for the ring in front of Frodo…yeah… I like how even Gimli is like yeah, Mirabel mops the floor with y’all.
ANYWAY what do you think Mirabel’s gift from Galandriel would be? The other fellowship members asked for some stuff, but I wonder, what would Mirabel ask for? Perharps magic of her own from the Middle Earth?
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Changed her clothes to fit the Middle Earth theme but still keep some of her old dress as well <3 maybe some embroidery, but I didn’t get around to drawing that. But I think whenever they rest, Mirabel takes a little time to embroider part of the journey or symbols for the Fellowship members <3
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Imagine Galandriels husband seeing these two children he's never met before and seeing his wife immediately fawn over them and he just....shrugs like okay so we have two more kids?
He is not surprised by his wife's actions!
Please. Celeborn knows how she is; she was the same way with Celebrían so…it was expected. He is like ok, we’ll I guess I’m you dad now. Like he’s on board.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Look y'all gonna have to wrestle Galandriel out of Encanto once she meets the kids. And good luck with that
Mirabel has to help them and tell Galandriel to at least check on her realm, because she is like...the leader and all.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
"And what will you like?" Galandriel asked and Mirabel smiled at her brightly.
"Mithril sandals please!" Mirabel said brightly and the choice was odd for sure causing even Galandriel to pause for a moment.
That was when they saw the Fellowships reaction.
"No please no! Have her ask for something else! Anything else!" Gimli was near begging as he stared in horror. The Hobbits had all paled and were shivering. Boromir and Aragon both had blanched and were pale faced now.
"Shoes Lady Mirabel? Why not something else? Like armor or another sword?" Legolas asked near pleading as they all shied away from her and looked pale and worried. Even downright scared.
"Oh! I have the Mithril you can use to make it if you wish! I have plenty for an armor as well as enough to pay you for your services! I just find that I am more experienced wielding the shoe and it does more damage than my shirt sword. Plus it lets me keep you boys in check." Mirabel said brightly.
"Using a shoe to keep the boys in line?" Galandriel seemed amused and intrigued by that thought. Mirabel gave her a bright grin.
"I'm more than happy to show you how! It's very effective where I come from! It even works on these guys."
Its so funny seeing a character like Gimli and even Legolas beg the elves not tl gice her mithril sandals. Like Mirabel would be an unstoppable force with thise sandals and they know it.
The Fellowship hearing Mirabel ask for Mithril sandals:
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Wait wait I just read the snippet where she smacked the shit outta Galandriel. What does Galandriel mean by calling her a child of magic and fire?! Cause I hear Fire and LoTRs and my first thought is the Balrog
Honestly??? I don’t know???? I think it was a metaphor, but then again, Galandriel has always been quite literal when she speaks, so she could have been hinting at something 🗿 Magic, obviously because of the miracle but fire?? Galandriel may be referencing to a power Mirabel might not even know she has, one she just gains while shes in Middke Earth; a lot of things happen in Middle Earth tbh, so I wouldn't put it past me ☠️☠️
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Wait wait how close are Antonio and Mirabels birthdays? Cause if they're close Galandriel definitely insists that they celebrate his too
You’re right! Their birthdays are about 2.5 months apart, so maybe Galandriel throws a two, maybe even three day party for them 😭😭 I feel like elves throw these grand long lasting parties because maybe they don’t throw them often.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Can you imagine how confused and alarmed the Madrigals would be. Her door is half there and disappears at the age of five then when she turns Ten they might not notice it (or they do and there's immediate confusion and alarm cause huh?!? Why now?!) But she goes in and to them she's been stuck inside for two or three months but for her she's been gone a year or two, making her eleven or twelve when she leaves...and she had weapons and armor and probably gold as well after helping reclaim the caves from Smaug!!
And there's this wild tale she tells of dragons dwarves elves hobbits magic and fighting and probably has some scars from her journey and the fights.
And then when she's fifteen the door appears again and she squares up for another fight and journey. Her family is frantic and almost begs her not to go cause they know she'll be gone for months and be in danger. She can't fit in her old armor anymore (instead she lets Antonio wear it so he can pretend to be a knight taming a dragon and saving a princess!) So she leaves it behind but she gets prepared no matter their arguments. Yeah she knows it'll be dangerous but...
But she goes cause she knows she is needed and she wants to check on 'her idiots' so she gets her sword, her shoes, and stocks up on her mamas healing food cause she has a Bad Feeling and thinks she'll need it.
Then she pops up on the side of the road as Gandalf drives his wagon of fireworks into the shire before he meets with Frodo and he's surprised and thrilled to see her since it's been over fifty years (I think around that many but don't quote me) and she's only aged two or three years.
They would notice it! I don’t think they would know it goes to Middle Earth though; at least not at first. Mirabel would try to explain it, but as far as they know, it’s just a whole nother world they can’t even begin to understand. And they were more focused on the fact that she was gone for like, 4 months. Technically, in the Encanto, she’s still 10 physically, but mentally, she’s probably older. I mean, Aragon is, what, 10 during the Hobbit? And then he’s 87 in Lord of the Rings, but looks about 27-34.
Also yeah, the definitely try to stop her from going again, but it doesn’t work. She ends up going anyway, she needs to. She packs up some stuff and goes through the door where she meets Gandalf again (who missed her greatly.). Gandalf ends up allowing her to go on the journey, because she’s obviously capable enough to do so, and she’s be a great help.
Also! The time between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is 77 years. And if we’re going by technical terms, 94 years, since Frodo waited until he was 50 to take the ring to Mordor; but he looks younger in the movies either because that was changed, or Hobbits just don’t age as fast, much like Aragon.
Funny thing I made up in my head when Antonio was wear Mirabel’ old armour; Antonio absolutely believes all the stories Mirabel tells about Middle Earth. The dragons, the dwarves, the elves, hobbits, all of it. He believes every single bit. And he’s so scared of Mirabel getting hurt or even worse, that he ends up following Mirabel into her door and just. Gets stuck with her as well. He’s still wearing Mirabel’s old armour, so he thinks she’d be happy with him for being so safe. She’s actually quite scared, cause they can’t get back until the quest is over, and Antonio can’t stay in the Shire; not after the Nazgûl attacks.
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Antonio ends up going and in the mean time, stays with Mirabel or Gandalf at all times. He is not allowed to remove the chest plate and he always has to carry a weapon, usually a sword. Once they meet Galandriel, she literally just claims him like she did Mirabel.
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Also another funny thing, I think Antonio would have ended up separated and had gone with Sam and Merry to meet the Ents. He’s around the height of a Hobbit, and despite looking young, the orcs just think he’s a younger not-of-age Hobbit and spare him; they were ordered to keep all the Hobbits they capture alive, and Antonio just happens to look like them.
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galandrielle · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to know better (Yeaaaah, no. XD) Tagged by: @riciehmon Name: (Not revealing it, sorry) Nickname: Ellie Gender: Female Height: 1,67m? (I haven’t counted myself for 5 years, so yeah…) Star sign: Libra ♎ Sexuality: Straight (Not sure, but let’s just go with that.) Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Favorite color: Green, red, black, purple and blue Favorite animal: cat Time right now: 3:06 PM Cat or Dog Person: Cat person. Not that I hate dogs, I just prefer cats. Favorite Fictional Characters: Harry Potter and many more Number of Blankets: 1 or 2 Favorite Singer/Band: Not anyone specific Dream Trip: I want to visit all my online friends around the world, especially in US. :D Dream Job: Animator, Youtuber or Making my own videos When blog was created: Somewhere at the beginnings of 2016 Current number of followers: 25 Why did you pick your URL: It all began in February of 2014, when my sister introduced me to a game called “School of Dragons”, in which you are a Viking at the “How to Train your Dragon” universe and you get to train your own dragons and complete quests given by the main characters of the movies. We were looking for a username and my sister suggested “Galandriel”, but we were sure it would be taken (because Galandriel is a “Lord of the Rings” character), so my sister suggested adding an “l” and a “e”, making it “Galandrielle”. Since then, all my social media are named this way. And as well about “Ellie”, it appeared back on January 18th, 2016. I was talking with a friend who didn’t want to reveal their real name and I would feel like I was forcing them to do it if I revealed mine. So we were thinking of a nickname for myself, until I thought: “What if I take ‘Galandrielle’, take the ‘elle’ from it and add an 'i’ before the last 'e’? Then we have the name 'Ellie’!” My friend agreed and since then, I’m known online as Ellie! 😊
I tag @bagelthebeaglepup @bumblingsocialmoth @callmeravenking @jackietheslovakgirl @utubefangurl
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