#lord uther
heiressofdoodles · 1 year
Explaining my OC lore with only memes
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Celesta Knight belongs to @den-of-the-blue-dragon! Go check them out!
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agent-holbrook · 18 days
People are out here shipping Merthur, Morgwen and Pergwaine, but what about Godwyndragon?
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Someone feel free to come up with a better name for it, but I think this has potential
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Yesterday was Father's day. And I was a bit busy. So belatedly, I'd like to wish a Happy Father's Day to the wonderful DILFs of our tournament! They're not all good men (hell they're not all good fathers) but they are all HOT.
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omensfilm · 1 year
princess elena was actually one of my favorite merlin characters. despite being manipulated for 20 years by her nursemaid, mocked by everyone in camelot and not feeling like she was good enough her entire life, she got the happy ending she deserved!!
makes me so mad how everyone mocked her and then as soon as she acted “normal” everyone was just like “oh my god, she’s BEAUTIFUL!!”
elena deserved to fall in love, take part in horse races and not wear heels for the rest of her life!! my messy haired queen, i adore her so much!!
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quanblovk · 6 days
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Clown to clown communication (Mapobas by @sacrificecage )
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justaz · 7 months
listen. my guilty pleasure is those merthur fics where merlin is handed over to foreign lords and they get violent and then arthur finds out and goes apeshit. love it. so fun. but what i think is so funny is that like,,, merlin would punch back. maybe not realistically, maybe he’d restrain himself, but spiritually merlin is throwing hands. i just think its funny bc in like all the fics ive read merlin is the personification of 🥺 over it
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shitakimooshrooms · 3 months
I’ve been watching bridgerton season 2 and I just finished episode five but I had to stop midway through the episode because I was like “I recognize the sharma’s grandfather” and so I looked it up and it’s Anthony Head. I find it funny that the Bridgerton casting team got 2 actors from Merlin in the same season (Anthony Head plays Uther, and Jack Featherington is played by Rupert Young who plays Sir Leon in Merlin)
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merlin but its out of context
7:04 got me choking 🤣
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mioxeno · 4 months
I always love villains and antagonists who are evil however still have a sense of honour and camaradarie with their friends and allies.
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sea-owl · 9 months
Me watching Merlin: You know Sir Leon looks familiar.
Me: *looks up the actor*
Went from trusted Mom Friend to Scheming Bastard. Sir Leon would fist fight Jack Featherington and win.
Also I guess Uther's actor plays Lord Sheffield. Now he's a bad dad and a bad grandfather.
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arianna-creates · 10 months
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DragonLORD merlin isn't talked about enough IMO also rmbr how Balinor was literally a LORD in CAMELOT under Uther's reign???? HELLO??? THEY KNEW EACH OTHER LETS TALK ABOUT THAT
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heiressofdoodles · 1 year
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more brain emptying! This time with mostly characters that I haven't introduced yet. Don't worry, I'm getting to it.
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chappellcastiel · 6 months
“I row with my father all the time just do what I do. Lay low and wait for him to come to his senses” -Arthur pendragon.
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joliackermann · 1 year
Really random, but I need to talk about the dream I had tonight.
So for some reason the LOTR universe and the Merlin universe got merged together.
Uther and Denethor were friends. Uther really hated the way Denethor treated Faramir and he respected Boromir as an honorable worrior and wanted for him to fight for Camelot. Denethor was for some reason really fond of Arthur and Faramir became really good friends with Merlin and Gwen. Merlin was in love with Arthur and Faramir was actually really supportive.
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daritskaya · 2 months
Has anyone ever wondered why Uther considers the Kilgharrah locked in the dungeons to be symbolic of victory over magic?
I don't know if that really makes sense! but I have some headcanons that the dragonlords' powers aren't about controlling dragons and imposing their will on them; it's far from the most important part of their power and connection to dragons
I think dragons are beings of magic, who perceive the world through connections to magic and are in a sense the elemental, intelligent embodiment of magic. every dragon birth is a foreshadowing of something; they affect the world simply by existing
and - once upon a time - the world around them and the magic in it was all they cared about; they cared little for humans and their attempts to change the course of things. some were indifferent, some were destructive. humans wanted to curb or subdue them, but failed.
the first human to create a bond with a dragon was not someone who tried to break it by force, but someone who was able to share the way they saw and felt the world. i don't think it happened right away, but - the dragon taught the human about magic - unbridled and natural magic as he knew it himself - the human taught the dragon about the magic of the human heart, and the importance of the place the human could engage in that world of magic that the dragon knew, and that created a bond
I think dragons and their people were among the first to bring magic to humans, among the first to bring a new understanding of it, awakening curiosity rather than fear
I think that the dragonlords kept that knowledge, multiplying it, and kept their dragons, even as the world changed.
I think it was really a partnership.
I think that in the world before the Purge, the story of the first dragon and his man was a legend retold to children.
capturing the dragon for Uther was a theatrical gesture.
"magic is not made to seek a friend in it. i have destroyed those who brought the knowledge of magic, and the last of the survivors are in my hands. The magic is in my hands, and I can melt it whenever I want. it is my symbol of royalty."
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weird-tea · 2 years
So I looked up what Dragon Lord is in Welsh for a fanfiction (while we hear English in the show it's assumed they are actually speaking some form of Brythonic that's a predecessor of Welsh & Gaelic, so I figured Merlin in modern time would speak English but revert back to his mother tongue for things from that time like the name of his kind) and the Welsh is Arglwydd y Ddraig or Arglwyddi'r Ddraig.
Now I'm not fluent in Welsh so any native speakers feel free to correct me but it's my understanding that this would be pronounced something like:
Arrg(l)oouhth uh Thraig
Roll the R
(L is not voiced, put tounge in L position and blow)
All of this to say, the Welsh word for Lord sounds pretty similar to Arthur's name.
Arthur Pendragon and Merlin the Arrgloouhth uh Thraig.
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