#loss of a loved one tw
cakeinthevoid · 1 year
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum...
Whumptober No. 1: “But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | (drunken) Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?” —— (2, 3)
Content: Heavy drinking, drunk character, loss of a loved one, memory struggles, dual pov, lowkey apocalypse setting
This is a one shot that came to me at the crack of dawn. As always, if you want to see or learn more, send an ask! I create nearly a whole world for all my little writing whether I like it or not bwahaha
Michael was on his fourth… no, it must’ve already been his fifth drink in half as many hours. More or less. Time escaped him. 
Liquor was stronger now than it was in the Days Before—luckily for him. It took less drinks to disappear under a fog. Michael admired efficiency. He was an engineer after all. 
Well, many would say had been, but he still wore his iron ring, despite it all. He still tried, in one way or another. He still… 
He took another swig, killing a thought before it could even form. He put his bottle back down on the workbench that became his bar table somewhere between the first week after the Revolution and the day… the day when—
The bottle came back up to his lips, but stopped shakily an inch before. It was the day she died. She… she… he couldn’t remember her name. He suddenly felt extremely nauseous. 
His eyes darted about his makeshift lab, looking for a memory trigger, but he hid it all away. Except... he kept one thing—a picture—signed, it was signed, he was sure!
Broken thoughts were coming to him in desperate panic. The picture, the picture, he tried to envision it. It was upstairs where Kyle was likely passed out on the couch. An insignificant corner in the living room. There wasn’t much living nowadays. Only surviving. 
He wrenched back control of his thoughts, slamming the bottle back down on the table. Dark liquid splashed and stained forgotten blueprints and notes. 
He gripped the bottle tightly. As soon as he could envision the picture, he’d see her face and the name would come back to him. He wouldn’t forget. He couldn’t forget. 
Michael began to hyperventilate. He could barely imagine a frame, let alone what she looked like. Was her hair a flaming red like his? Or was it darker, more dirt brown? Was her face round and bright like the sun? Or sharp and rugged like mountains? 
“Fuck,” he croaked, the first word of the night. 
He knocked the bottle over as he pushed himself off the stool and to his feet. Blood rushed to his head, and he could only hear roaring and ringing in his ears. He didn’t even hear a bottle shatter. 
He let go of the bench to make his way to the stairs, but promptly doubled over, nearly falling down on the bare concrete floors. 
He grumbled and swore to himself, pulling himself upright on sheer force of will alone, because God damn it, he was a Cosat Engineer and he saw hell on this dusty earth and still did his fucking job. 
A few drinks were nothing. So what if the room was spinning like a top. 
He stumbled towards the stairs, crashing into the hard walls around them. It was dim and his depth perception was shot to shit. He rode out a wave of nausea before crawling up the stairs. 
The ten steps felt like a hundred. It took much too long to reach the door to the entrance hall. But Heavens above, he did it, and he smiled a bloody grin at a task accomplished. 
He shoved the door open, unaware that he didn’t lock it properly in the first place, and tumbled into the shoe rack. Or maybe it was that hat rack Kyle insisted on getting to clutter up their entrance. 
He slurred profane curses, making some up as he dragged himself back up with difficulty. With a clear goal defined in his mind—find the picture with her in it—he forced himself towards the living room knocking a variety of items over as he went along. 
Why was it so fucking bright? As though the auditory nightmare that was his ringing ears and pounding head weren’t enough, it felt like the living room had all the lights on and then some. 
He blinked, but the room was spinning—when did he get to the middle of the room?—and his head hurt and he could feel consciousness slipping away as he tipped over—
And was caught. 
“Woah hey, I said what the fuck is going on, not ‘pass the fuck out,’ jackass.”
“Shut the fuck up Kyle and let me go,” was what Michael was trying to say. It came out as more of a slurred mumble. 
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Kyle muttered as he dragged Michael to the couch. He dropped him there, pulling his feet up and pushing his chest down to lay down.
Michael resisted, pushing against the weight on his chest and trying to swat at Kyle—missing terribly. 
“Oi, can you shut up?” Kyle gave him a halfhearted shove. What a big dumb idiot. “Bloody hell, Mikey—can you even tell me how many fingers I’m holding up?” But now he was his big dumb idiot so he had to… help him, he guessed. 
Michael growled something at him. Kyle snorted. “You didn’t even let me put up a hand, because I’m too busy keeping you down! Stay down!” 
Michael fought for another few moments before sinking into the couch. Kyle noticed tear tracks on his cheeks. 
His friend muttered something, choking on the words. 
“Say again?” Kyle asked carefully.
“…name, her name, her name…” Michael brought a hand to his head to pull at his hair. 
“Hey, none of that,” Kyle pulled his hand back down. Michael was a strong son of a bitch but now Kyle was stronger. “Whose name?” 
“Picture,” he said in reply. 
When it hit him, Kyle sighed a harsh breath. No wonder he was in shambles. 
He put his hand on his shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting manner. 
“Saffya, Mikey. Her name is Saffya.” Was, his mind corrected. 
“Saffya,” Michael sighed in relief, lines softening on his weathered face. He repeated the name to himself, again and again. 
“Yeah bud, here,” he patted Michael on the shoulder and went to grab the photograph. 
Kyle picked up the frame from the small round table in the corner. In it, stood two young kids, arms over each other in a half hug and grinning at the camera. The trees were a vibrant green in the background, a sharp contrast not only to the bright red hair of the boy, but to the dull colours of the present. 
He admired the photo as he carried it back. The girl’s long hair seemed alive with dark curls, matching with the black engineering company logo on the boy’s shirt. With the amount of contrast and matches in this single snapshot, Kyle thought it was something worth hanging up in a museum. 
“Picture,” he said simply as he gave it to Michael. 
He took it with a shaky hand. Kyle saw how he rubbed a thumb over Saffya’s cheek and looked away, as though intruding on something far too intimate. 
Tears flooded Michael's eyes again and Kyle knew that he had been drinking far too much. And he thought he was getting better. 
Knowing Michael would likely kick his ass if he knew Kyle was seeing this, he made his move to go.
“I’ll be in the kitchen, Mikey, don’t fall o—“ Michaels free hand shot out and grabbed Kyle's wrist. Kyle looked down and back up to Michael’s eyes, but he was focused on the picture. 
When after a few beats nothing was said, Kyle tried, “…You want me to stay?” 
Michael just tugged his arm down fiercely enough that Kyle nearly lost balance. “Shit, okay sure. I’ll just… sit right here.” He sat on the floor, back against the couch. If he tilted his head back, he’d bump into Mikey’s chest. Instead, he turned his head to his left and up, so he could see the picture again. 
Michael and Saffya always had stunning green eyes. He turned back to look at the coffee table in front of him.
“I miss her too,” he said at length. 
Time passed. He sighed as he heard snores, but didn’t get up.
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the-sappho-of-lesbos · 7 months
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Source- Long Time Passing: Lives of Older Lesbians , edited by March Adelman PH.D
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cloudyydraws · 3 months
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more saiki stuff
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frissy · 1 year
Earth42! Miles Morales x fem!spider/1610!Reader
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(Part 1) Part 2
• Earth 1610 Miles Morales
• You are also a spider person on Earth 1610 with Earth 42 spider DNA like Miles
• Takes place right before, and when Miles (and you) are sent to Earth 42
• possessive Earth 42 Miles
• You and Earth 1610 Miles are not in a romantic relationship
• mentions of death, guns, and blood
• violence
• angst and fluff
• some OOC Earth 42 Miles
• not proofread
Let’s do this.. one more time. Hey, I’m [name] from Earth 1610. You’ve heard the story before, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for over a year, I’ve been one of Brooklyn’s spider-people, along with my best friend, Miles Morales.
We keep the peace in the city, and we protect it. but.. sometimes it’s hard. Keeping our normal lives balanced with our crime fighting lives… but somehow, we still find time for each other. . End of introduction….
“DON’T LET THEM LEAVE. THEY CAN’T LEAVE.” Miguel O’Hara was shouting out at every other spider person trying to get to you and Miles.
It turns out, you guys were anomalies. You weren’t supposed to be spider-people.
But the chasing was no use, you two already made it to the machine that could send you home.
Somehow, you two managed to get inside as the almost mechanic-looking-spider began to crawl from the celling and read your DNA and build a web around you two to send you home.
But Miguel lunged over, clawing at the web, almost breaking it. He was trying to get to you and Miles. But it was no use. The avatar, who responsible for the machine looked at you and Miles with sympathy. And she pressed the ‘yes’ button to send you home. .
You both were shot onto a roof of an apartment complex. The one that Miles lived in. However he was lucky, and ended up near his room. .
Meanwhile you were shot out onto the roof, hitting your head. On concrete, which knocked you out. .
with miles…
“Miles?” A familiar voice echoed. Entering his room. It was his mom! .
“Mom!” He walked over to her. “what did you do to your hair?”
“nothing? Mom. I have to tell you something. But you have to promise me you won’t get mad.”
“Of course Miles. What is it?”
“you’ll still love me, right?”
“yes of course. Now what is it?”
Miles took a deep breath.
“Mom.. I’m Spider-Man.”
… “who’s Spider-Man?”
his stomach dropped. He tried explaining to her.. but she was brushing him off.
“So, you shoot webs out your butt?” She laughed. “No.. but I did have a nightmare about that once—“
He heard the apartment door open. He felt sick. Even more sick when he heard his voice.
it was his uncle Aaron… but how.
He couldn’t understand what his mom and uncle Aaron were talking about. He was in shock. But Aaron noticed him.
“Miles. Lets go.”
“oh.. okay.” Miles left his room. Walking with his.. uncle out of the apartment onto the roof.
“ah.. fuck.” You groaned, standing up. You couldn’t believe you got knocked out like that. You rubbed your head.. then you looked up.
Brooklyn was in shambles. .
Then it all clicked. This, this was not your earth.
You remembered Miguel’s words. .
How stupid could you and Miles have been? The machine reads the spider DNA.
the spider was from Earth 42… not 1610. You were mortified by this Earth’s Brooklyn. .
But it got worse. So much worse. You turned around.. facing a giant brick wall. Miles’s dad was staring right back at you. .
But your own face was looking right back at you too. .
You felt like passing out again. .
You were dead, you were dead in this universe. .
The door to the roof open. Put came Miles… and Aaron. He looked just as mortified as you. Seeing Brooklyn, and the mural.
That’s when you felt a sharp ping in your neck, and the last thing you heard was,
Your body didn’t hit the ground.. someone had caught you in their arms.
“I told you to wait for my signal.” Aaron said looking at his nephew, who held you as if you were as delicate as porcelain.
Who held you how he would always do.
Aaron had Miles slumped over his shoulder.
“I know. Unc.. but couldn’t help it.” .
Aaron sighed, and looked at his nephew who’s looked at your unconscious, breathing figure as if he had just found something that had been lost for a long time.
he looked at you, barely whispering, putting a hand on your cheek. “Mi querida..”
Aaron sighed at his behavior.
“That’s not your girl.” Aaron told his nephew, “Remember that.” He said, pointing at the mural behind him.
Miles didn’t reply. Instead he brought your body closer to him, and held you tighter.
He wanted to feel the ride and fall of your chest.
He wanted to hear your breathing.
And doing that, he felt something he hasn’t felt in so long. .
“I know she’s not my girl.” Miles replied. His voice was shaky and he didn’t take his eyes off you. .
But I can make her my girl.
He thought to himself.
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poeteunoia · 14 days
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"grief is just love with no place to go"
(jamie anderson)
"i this hope grief stays with me because it's all the unexpressed love that i never got to tell her..."
(andrew garfield)
Credits: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Notes on Grief / C.S Lewis: A Grief Observed / Shannon Barry quote via @academia-aesthetics / Fleabag 2016 / Jamie Anderson quote / One Day 2024 / Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Half of a Yellow Sun / Little Women 2019 / Amanda Gorman, Call Us What We Carry / WandaVision 2021 / Andrew Garfield quote / Ocean Vuong quote, source / Up 2009 / Lang Leav: September Love via @academia-aesthetics / "the grief is never ending but so is the love" monkey meme / commemorative bench plaque in Central Park, New York, photo:© Neva Micheva / Valarie Kaur, See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love / Glennon Doyle Leyton: Love warrior / Hotel Del Luna 2019 / Heidi Priebe: As Long As There Is Love, There Will Be Grief
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Rooster: Do you think there's someone out there you could love as much as Ice? Maverick: Well, Bradley, that's hard to imagine. Rooster: What're you gonna do? Maverick: Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning... breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out... and, then after a while, I won't have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while. Rooster: What was special to you about Ice? Maverick: Oh, kid...how much time you got? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together... and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched him. It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known... I was giving him a hug on the tarmac, with a hundred people around, and I knew. It was like...magic.
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you were one in a million a four-leaf clover a blue moon an identical snowflake. it was impossible to find one that could ever be like you the codename you chose that of a common flower but you, my friend. were nothing but common. you were like the stars bright and vibrant and so, I see you there you were like the plants. nurturing, and kind and so, I see you there daisy, charlie, my friend. though we never met, or spoke. i felt like I knew you, to some extent thank you. for everything, charlie. @willynobirds69 I wrote this for them. I'm really sorry. im so so so sorry, Will.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Sabo still struggles with memory loss. He had his childhood back, of course, he remembers Ace and Luffy and everything they did together. But he doesn't remember some stuff. Some anecdotes Luffy tells oh so excitedly? He can't recall that those happened. And if he does, it's all blurry and never at all like Luffy says. But he never says anything because that would break his brother's heart, to know his older brother isn't fully back with him, so he nods and smiles and pretends he knows what Luffy is talking about every time.
His room is filled with Post-it notes. Stupid, really. Dumb stuff. But he has all the meetings he needs to remember and the missions he has to do, along with everything he wants to write down at some point properly. The walls are covered in pictures of the people he loves (Luffy, Ace, Koala, Robin... All the others that have ever meant something to him because he refuses to forget somebody again).
He keeps writing dumb stuff down. Anything. He refuses to forget. He denies the possibility of doing it again.
But he forgets. Sabo keeps forgetting important dates. Important parts of his life, like his past with his brothers (he forgets a random adventure they had that he swore he had talked about the day prior) and crucial things he has to do. He has a hard time picturing his memories. Putting them in his brain. Turning them into images. Saying it's frustrating is a huge understatement.
Koala helps him out, of course. She's hard on him so he finishes his paperwork, but she knows it's difficult sometimes. She's his personal calendar and diary. She informs him of what he has to do during the week and always tries to talk and talk about anecdotes that she knows he still remembers but knows he loves to hear again.
His mental health isn't the best either, but he refuses to acknowledge it. There's a revolution at hand, he can't stop working. And fighting. And doing more and more and more. But sometimes it's just too much. Sometimes he goes into depressive episodes he can't control, and the medication is either addicting or the worst thing that has ever happened to him. Sometimes he's a bit too intense. Koala says he needs to calm down, that he has a problem with his fixation on the revolution and his past. Sabo keeps saying that it's fine. But he sometimes forgets or has blurry images of the fights and the people he has killed, filled with energy and excitement and like he has the power of a God. He doesn't like those. Enjoys the moment. Hates to forget it. Hates to know what he did during it too, even if it was for a good cause. Despises the look Koala gives him, also. Makes her promise not to tell Luffy about all of this.
But it's fine, he keeps saying. Sabo will keep trying to never forget anything ever again.
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starry-eyed-adam · 2 months
‘call me if you need anything’
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grief is becoming a common theme in the discord server :)
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norman-fucking-reedus · 4 months
Was hoping to get lots of writing for my fic done today after work but unfortunately I woke up this afternoon to the news our family dog had passed in the backyard. This is pretty hard considering he was a very vocal dog, I mean he barked when my mom would get ice. It was super sudden and we took the time to bury him, but it’s still a lot.
Death is big thing to me, I don’t like the concept of it or the idea of it, to think that the last time I had saw him was when my mom picked me up after work, then I take a literal three hour nap and hes just gone.
I was hopefully gonna have the fic out by tomorrow or the following days after, but usually after a family death (because we’ve only had two other losses) my mind is very quiet and blank so I’m not quite sure if that’ll stay the same.
I’m really sorry that this is different then what I normally post, but it’s just in case I disappear off tumblr for a minute.
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I’m so sorry Bubbles. You were such a stupid little shit but I wish you could be a stupid shit for just one more day.
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searenbound · 3 months
I’ll probably be taking the next couple of days off, it looks like today is grandma’s time
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cielie-voss · 2 years
Let me take care of you.
~ Eddie Munson x Reader
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Word count: 1.3k
Fluff and comfort, just a little thing I couldn't get out of my mind.
Warnings: mention of the loss of a loved one, my bad writing, if you squint your eyes reader is the definition of most mentally unstable people.
Likes, reblogs and comments are always welcome! If you'd like to request something, just send an ask or dm me.
A/n.: This is for my darling @violetmiroh and everyone who gives everything for the people around and always put themselves back, for everyone struggling with grieve without anyone who to care for them, for everyone who keeps everything to themselves to not be a burden for anyone. Big hugs go out to you guys. 💕
"Hey Darling, you okay?" His soft hand feels warm under your wet shirt. You don't know how long you sat there in the rain, you just know the drops and the sound of the rain calms your busy mind.
A smile creeps on your lips for a split second as you nod before turning into a heartbroken grimace.
"Oh, no, come here." Tears start to stream down your face as he wraps his arms around you to pull you flush against his chest. "It's ok." His voice was nothing more than a whisper, only audible just for you, and mixed with the splattering rain into something that pulls out the plug deep down in your mind. Everything starts to bubble up again, there is no hiding or suppressing anymore.
Hot tears leave their trails on your cold cheeks, sobs rocking your body as you bury your fingernails in his shirt. The smell of his cologne and the last cigarette he smoked hours ago is filling your nose, giving you some weird feeling of being home.
"You wanna talk about it?", he breaks the silence after a few seconds as your sobs become less heavy and frequent.
With his thumb he carefully wipes away the last tears and looks you deep in the eyes.
"Only if you want to. It's absolutely okay if you don't. We can just sit here or get a pizza and chill in my van or listen to some music or … "
"Pizza sounds good." With a shaky voice you interrupt his nervous babbling. He freezes for a second and looks at you until he shakes the trance off and puts on a soft and warm smile.
"Well, then pizza it is." With that he grabs your hand and gives it a little squeeze. Eddie makes sure you are slowly getting up without stumbling due to your weak knees.
He is mesmerized by your strength, your power and the way you are always so selfless. You know each other only for a few months now, but it instantly clicked between you and Eddie and it's like you're friends for like forever. It just feels so natural to be around you, to talk to you, to just lay next to you in silence in his van after he picks you up after work.
He guides you to his car and offers a pack of Kleenex. Grateful you take the pack to wipe away the remaining tears and blow your stuffy nose. Between shaky breaths and occasional sobs your gaze wanders to Eddie's hand, comfortingly resting on your knee until your fingers find his to intertwine with them.
As your cold fingers touch his, Eddie releases a relieved breath he doesn't know he was holding. The whole time the thoughts are running wild through his mind, not knowing if this intimacy would be okay for you, if you would feel comfortable or if it's too much for you right now. But as soon as he feels your touch he knows you are alright with this.
After a short ride Eddie parks the van and looks at you for a moment before he asks what kind of pizza you want. You just shrug.
"I don't know. I just … cheese maybe. I like cheese."
A smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "Cheese. Alright. Got it. You wanna wait here?"
Without hesitation you nod and try to bite back another wave of sobs and tears.
"Okay, okay." Quickly he grabs a blanket he knows must be somewhere in the back of his van and drapes it around your shoulders. A simple try to make you feel comfortable and safe.
You take in a deep breath and grab the corners of the blanket to pull it closer around your shoulders.
"Okay, I'll be right back." He squeezes your hand before he leaves the van to get the pizza. It takes a few moments before the door next to you opens suddenly, startling you as you slowly begin to doze off, wrapped up in his blanket, the smell of him filling your nose as you nuzzle your face in the fabric.
Quickly you turn your head only to meet Eddie's warm smile that reaches up to his chocolate brown eyes. You have to blink a few times to fight against the dryness of your sleepy and puffy eyes before you notice the little plushy he helds up to his chin. It's a little raccoon, so small it fits completely in his hand.
As soon as your eyes are able to focus on this little yet incredibly huge sign of affection his smile unknowingly infects you and dances around your lips.
"Found this little guy and he literally begged me to get him for you." Carefully he places the raccoon in your lap before he stores the pizza in his backseat.
"Thank you, Eddie." Your fingers run through the soft fur and you lift his little gift to your face, gently rubbing your cheek against it.
It is only a small plushy, not even a really pretty one. But you love it. You love the meaning behind this gesture. You love the reason Eddie saw this little raccoon, thought of you and was determined to get it for you. It's these little things that matter for you, that make you feel loved and safe. And he knows that. In this whole world, no, in this whole universe, in this exact moment, there is nothing else that could make him happier than seeing you like this because of something he did.
You always make sure your friends are alright, you always care for everyone around you, you always give your last cookie at the cafeteria for Gareth or Dustin, you give everything for everyone. To make it short, your priority list goes something like this:
First: Your friends
Second: Your family
Third: School and your classmates
Ten million other things
And finally, maybe, sometimes, there is you. You always put everyone and everything above yourself, you only give but never dare to take.
Eddie absolutely respects that and he honors you for that, but you have no clue how much he hates it from time to time. When he sees you absolutely burned out after a stressful day of school and studying, tutoring some kids after school, your mini job as a cashier in the evening and you still push yourself further to do the groceries or the laundry to relieve your mother. There are days you barely sleep or eat, you just work and care for everyone except you.
And after your father died a week earlier it became worse. You had to take care of your mother who was unable to do anything after the loss of her beloved husband, you had to console your siblings who lost their father, your grandparents who lost their son and son in law, you had to plan and organize the funeral, get the money together for the funeral service and a coffin. There was so much to do, so many people you had to help with their grief. But there was no one to help you, there was not a split second where you had the chance to grieve, there was no one to console you, to hold you tight at night when you cried into your pillow so nobody could hear you.
So Eddie decides it's time someone takes care of you, even if you try to refuse the help. This little raccoon and the pizza are only the first steps on his list to help you with all of this, to give back to you everything you gave to the people around you before. To make sure you know that there is someone in your life you can feel safe with, someone you can confide in. And Eddie is as determined as he's never been before that he'll become that person in your life.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please like and reblog if you liked it. <3
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frissy · 1 year
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Earth42! Miles Morales x fem!Reader
(Edited) ——— (Part 1) (Part 2)
• fluff to angst
• tw: mentions of death
• google translate used, so excuse any mistakes
• short! • Miles loves to spoil you
• little bit OOC, Miles has a soft spot for you
• not proofread!!
”Where next, mí amor?” He grabbed your hand.
You and Miles were out on a date, and he was spoiling you.. like a lot.
But you’re not complaining though.
He’s gentle with you, which is unlike his apathetic and cold demeanor.
But you are his [name]. His world, his love. He would do anything for you if it ended up withyou safe and happy.
“Miles.. isn’t this a bit much? We’ve been out all day and you’re carrying so many bags.” You looked at him, slight confusion in your eyes.
He has bags all around his arms. He didn’t let you carry anything. He didn’t want you to, he heave you major princess treatment.
“nonsense, mí amor… it’s never too much when it comes to you.” His grip on your hand got tighter.
You had no clue where Miles got all this money from, it’s kind of concerning to you. But he’s not gonna tell you, so you just go with it.
“oh.. okay then.. how about.. uh.. the jewelry store?”
“Of course.”
He went the rest of the day spoiling you, and being affectionate.
”I love you, [name]. Mí amor… mí vida… mi bella querida.“ he kissed your cheek. Wrapping an arm around your waist.
Everything was great, it was all fine. Nothing bad could happen, right? .
Your date was later over, he went home while you went to work.
That’s when everything went terribly wrong. .
Miles was slouching on his couch, he was thinking about you, and how much he loved spending time with you… then, he saw the news channel. It was live.
The whole world stopped for him. There was a crumbling building… and it was falling to you.
That’s when he saw his dad too. He had ran to you, attempting to help, but it was too late. Miles watched it all from the TV. .
He was crying. He hadn’t noticed. But he did when it all sunk in… you were dead. His darling, his world. Was dead.
All he could do now was beg for you to walk through the apartment door, coming to see him again with a bright smile on your face.
He was waiting for his dad to come home, with dinner in his hands from Miles’s favorite restaurant.
He would never witness either of those ever again. .
As soon as he could, Miles and his uncle Aaron made a tribute to you and his dad with graffiti on the brick wall on the roof of the apartment complex. .
His father was smiling in the portrait. In his police uniform…
You were also smiling. But Miles’s had painted a halo around your head. You were his angel after all, but now you were truly an Angel.
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spidereye-village · 2 months
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Tw: Talk of death under cut
So today, we lost our 9 year old cat. It happened so quickly, and randomly, we didn't even have time to take him to the vet before he was gone.
All of us are pretty upset and coping in our own ways. And drawing this was Danny's way.
We all miss him and just can't really process he is gone forever. Everything from his big yellow-green eyes to his love of belly rubs on his round tummy. Its all gone so easily.
I hope he lived a happy life with our family. And I wish I could say he didn't suffer.
All we have left of him is his little bowtie. And photos.
Its really all over.
Dan/ Dantdm (He/him) 💎
Danny/ Dannytdm (he/him) 🦕
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this-should-do · 7 months
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White stains so easily, it's just a shame you live in a palace of blood
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axel-the-goat-guy · 4 months
I can't believe she's gone...
One of my partners... @sorahavocadachi aka Luna.... She died... She died from a heart attack after leaving for a trip with her mom to her hometown.
I have just woken up, and my other partners told me what happened... I'm crying and shaking as I type this... I woke up, and one of the people I love have just died.... I never got to hold her hand or kiss her or even see hear or even hear her fucking voice.... Fuck. Why is life so cruel? Why did she have to be taken away so soon....
One of my other partners even knew her since they were both kids... They were childhood friends and then they became lovers.... And now she's gone...
I miss her... I love her so much... And now shes gone... Why? Why did she have to go so soon?
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