#lost Merlin fics
nahasketches · 9 months
Im starting this posts because sometimes I want to read a fic that I remember very little of it and didn't bookmark it, so if you think you know the name of the fic pleaseeeeeee tell me and share this to find it.
I remember Merlin is hiding his scars by a charm, and I remember Lancelot knew, thinks that I remember about the fic is that Merlin didn’t see like one of his eyes is looking strange or have a scar or something but because of the charm no one knew, but Merlin became more clumsy
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justaz · 4 months
this got longer than i meant it to so im putting it under the cut
merlin and morgana watching arthur and gwen be The Couple in camelot. they are heartbroken, jealous, and tired- no, exhausted. they've arthur and gwen for years and fell madly and hopelessly in love with them (respectively). however, they care for the both of them and if they’re happy together then merlin and morgana will simply bite their tongue. besides, its not like their feelings are reciprocated so there’s no use in stirring up trouble.
but the pain eats away at them until they are shadows of their previous selves. merlin is quiet and demure while morgana’s lighthearted snark is growing harsher and harsher. it comes to a head when morgana makes a scathing remark to merlin about his feelings. before, her comments had been directed at others, arthur more often than not, but never toward merlin. they were in the same boat so why would morgana target him?
but she did and things get a little tense. then merlin finds a spell and shows morgana and the two of them, utterly exhausted and desperate for an end to their agony, agree to take part in the spell together. merlin concocts the potion and they both down it. the next day, merlin and morgana are as happy as can be. it was a startling 180° from the morose and downtrodden duo they had been not even twelve hours before to the happy, on cloud nine, nothing is wrong with the world people that hummed as they danced around the castle
merlin and morgana exclaim to one another how freeing it is to not feel such a heavy burden of unrequited love. they mention how easy it is to breath. how they haven’t been this happy and carefree in years. of course, like everything else, there comes a price
to be rid of feelings like love, the opposite feeling would take it’s place. a lot of people believe the opposite of love to be hate, but it is in fact indifference. it starts off slow where gwen makes inside jokes that morgana cant remember. then it moves to them having trouble remembering arthur and gwen’s names. then their memories begin to rewrite themselves to remove arthur and gwen from their minds. eventually, they roam the halls, arm in arm, without even a glance at either arthur or gwen bc they cant find it in themselves to care about these two random strangers. who would?
arthur and gwen go to gaius who has already noted their odd behaviors and has been looking into it. the rest of the knights join them in gaius’s chambers bc they had also noticed how weird they were acting. lancelot is quiet and brooding until arthur pushes him to confess what he knows.
lancelot tells them how he fell for gwen the first time he had come to camelot. she flushes and arthur seems upset but lancelot continues. he tells them all how despite, or maybe because of, his love for gwen, he let her go to be with arthur bc she was happy with him. he hesitates and gwen encourages him. lancelot mentally apologizes to his two magical friends and spills the beans. he explains how morgana has loved gwen for years and how merlin has loved arthur for years. the three of them had bonded after arthur and gwen were engaged about how much it hurt watching the person you love be happy with someone else.
slowly, he pulls out a vial filled with glittering, dark red liquid - dark like blood. he hands it to gaius and explains how they had come to him a few days ago with that and said how it would cure his pain. it would wash away his love for gwen so he wasn’t crushed under the weight of it. he says he never took it bc he didn’t think it was right but merlin and morgana had already taken it. he wasn’t sure what the side effects were going to be until he saw them that afternoon.
gaius finds what the potion is and explains how it did in fact wash away their feelings of love for arthur and gwen and with the absence of love, indifference took hold. he wasn’t sure if their missing memories could be attributed to the indifference or if the spell took to wiping the memories to prevent the love from regrowing.
arthur and gwen are quiet, guilty and upset that their closest friends were going thru such turmoil and they weren’t aware at all. leon clears his throat and asks how to cure them. gaius grimaces and read the book a bit more before responding that a counter potion would do the trick, it would neutralize the previous potion by bringing back their memories and feelings. arthur is quick to agree but gaius interrupts that once the counter potion has been administered, everything will come back at once. everything.
they question him and he explains that every memory, every word spoken, every touch, and every feeling from the past 7+ years will run through them at the same time. considering they’ve been dealing with unreciprocated love and watching the one they love be with someone else for the past couple of years, it wouldn’t be that farfetched to assume that they would look and sound like dying animals. suffice to say, it wouldn’t be pretty.
in spite of the guilt and fear in arthur, he insists that they have to bring merlin and morgana back. he doesn’t want to put them in pain but he cant just let them wipe themselves away and continue on with his life as if he didn’t just lose his best friend and sister. they spike merlin and morgana’s wine with the potion and, as gaius predicted, merlin and morgana both drop to the floor, screaming and crying in pain, pleading with anyone to make it stop and take the pain away.
gwen hides her tears in elyan’s shoulder, arthur uses his long taught skill of being an Emotionless Prick of a Prince his father taught him to not cry. the tears stay in his eyes and do not fall. a few minutes later, merlin and morgana are both catatonic on the ground, limp and staring at nothing. their breathing is slow, so slow they almost appeared dead.
lancelot and gwaine help merlin up and take him to his chambers while leon and percival do the same for morgana. no one mentions what happened and merlin and morgana stay locked in their rooms for two days before being able to get up out of bed. they aren’t back to their shadow selves from two weeks prior, nor are they the happy go lucky duo from the past few days. instead, they are slow and quiet and barely even there. they’re barely even people anymore. simply going through the motions.
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nextstopparis · 4 months
cant stop thinking abt that merthur fic where they were married but then merlin got amnesia and arthur had to pretend they were just roommates and merlin reread his favourite book but didnt like it anymore. that shit had me STRESSED
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regulusrules · 5 months
thinking about this Arthur and how it was the moment he felt most fear in his entire life.
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also thinking about how it’s the fundamental core of my breaths are run by your compass and how it was FUCKING narrated there
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lalluviadeanoche · 2 months
Pls help me find a fic😭
I can’t remember this one Merlin fic I read a while ago. It was a mini series and I think so far only two parts were out, both around 12? Chapters?
Anyway Arthur finds out about Merlin’s magic while on a mission bc of some bandits I think. One of them is very badly wounded and they’re trying to make it back home. Otw there however Arthur makes Merlin promise he’ll never use magic again. If I remember correctly Merlin agrees but is unable to which causes Arthur to be upset even more. And in the second one they agree that Merlin would be allowed to use magic but only with Arthur’s permission since he doesn’t fully trust him yet.
I suck at describing it but I just can’t remember much!!💀😭
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tifacart · 2 years
For @merthurweek2022
Day 2 - what does merthur mean/represent to you? + orange
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-Dusk and Dawn, Mirtha Michelle, Letters to the Men I have loved
For me personally merthur is the inevitably of fate. Where every beginning would have an end just like how we started our day at dawn and it ended at dusk. For merthur specifically there's still hope even after the ending (Merlin's however long wait for Arthur) just like even after the darkest nights, morning would follow. You just have to be there to see it. (Keep waiting merlin, we'll see our sun rise yet)
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no-name-for-me · 4 months
Hi, I am looking for a lost Merthur fic, I remember it was a fic where Arthur is king and it was an au where Arthur and Merlin didn't know eachother, but Merlin was still a servant. I remember it had the tags older man/ younger man but for some reason I can't find it. I also remember that Arthur gets jealous because Gwain flirts with merlin when he is teaching him how to clean a sword, I also remember there was a scene where Merlin burns his hand with hot water and Arthur helps him. If anyone knows this fic please let me know thank you.
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 6 months
heya, so I read a Merlin fic a while ago and I can’t remember it’s name for the life of me so if you know what I’m talking about, helppp
so basically Arthur came back and Leon and Merlin are immortal. I do remember that Leon told Arthur Airplanes are death traps on air or something of the sort and when Merlin said he is going to get on one Arthur freaked out.😭
I don’t remember much but I think it was merthur. I know it’s not much but it was a really good fic and I NEED to know the name. if it sounds SOMEHOW familiar and you can tell me the fic I would really approve it, thanks! ~L
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 10 months
I recently fell into another fandom, but now I crave Merlin again (it's that time of the year. Rewatch the favorites, you know?) and I once more can't find fics.
I remember mostly remember the summary/synopsis of the fic being about Arthur surviving court/court savvy. Bedding the right women, hanging out with the right men, creating rumors, boasting, posturing, etc. It was about being calculated to be popular, basically. I remember it was the canon era, but I don't think that was a tag, and I don't remember if it was Merthur or not.
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nahasketches · 11 months
Im starting this posts because sometimes I want to read a fic that I remember very little of it and didn’t bookmark it, so if you think you know the name of the fic pleaseeeeeee telll me and share this to find it.
I It is post canon, everything is beautiful, the golden age arrived but Merlin lost his place in that world, Arthur thought he was taking away tasks from his friend, he hires another servant and makes Merlin stop going hunting, Gaius hires another assistant and I think there is already someone who is protecting the kingdom, if I'm not wrong, I think it's Morgana or maybe it's because everything is very calm and Merlin's protection is no longer needed, plus the knights are patrolling away, so no one notices Merlin's presence.
So he goes home and starts telling the children about his adventures. I think some time passes and Arthur arrives from a patrol or something like that and they notice Merlin's absence and goes to look for him.
Maybe it’s with the tag of #hurt Merlin
I think Arthur is having nightmares or something like that and Merlin for helping him creates a connection that makes Merlin live Arthur's erotic dreams whether Arthur is dreaming asleep or awake.
I specifically remember
1. that Arthur made Merlin think that the only reason why he is the protagonist of his erotic dreams is because of the spell.
2. a scene where they are at a meeting and Arthur begins to dream that Merlin is doing him in that same place, completely naked, while in real life Arthur does not notice that he is dreaming that and Merlin is having a lot of trouble containing himself.
3. After that scene Arthur goes to his room and dreams that Merlin uses his magic to subdue him and Merlin tries to get to his room without coming
I think this is a fic that redeems Morgana, because it talks about an old lady who is selling love tokens in the square.
if I'm not wrong Arthur buys almost all the tokens for Merlin and Merlin only manages to buy a frog plushy for Arthur, none of them knew that the other one bought him something.
Percibal bought Gwaine underwear that I think says love and I also remember Gwen/Leon, specifically because there is a moment where they go to the tavern and find those two couples there, and then they discover that morgana is the old lady selling the tokens.
Please if you remember this fics comments, or if you want me to search fics for you you can tell me
Also use the #lost Merlin fics
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Wow i knew this fandom was fast but not that fast 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
Thank you so much, I really wanted to read this fics for a long time 😍😍😍😍😍
Thanks to @hoarder-of-dragons @hey-its-asp for helping me find this fics, you are literally in my heart
First fic
I'll still post about lost fics and will search for fics if you want
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silentauthor96 · 5 months
For @merlinmicrofic April prompt: "Enough" | Merlin/Arthur/Gwen | 100 words
Merlin watched two of his oldest, closest friends enjoy their romantic walk through the woods. He watched Arthur stop to reach down and pick one of the brightly colored wildflowers blooming across the forest floor. He watched Gwen graciously accept the offered gift, smiling beatifically back at her love.
Merlin watched and hoped that his loves’ happiness would be enough to sustain his own heart. 
Merlin wasn't alone in his watching. Gwen and Arthur turned back to watch the man who held their relationship, and their kingdom, together.
“Come along, Merlin.”
“Yes, Merlin! We invited you to walk with us.”
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purplepri · 1 year
Does anyone remember that fic where Leon and Merlin were adopted brothers bc Hunith was friends with Leon's parents and when she found out Merlin had magic she was scared and she left Merlin with them to protect him?
I'm crazy looking for it and I can't remember much beyond Merlin respecting the Old Religion rituals during the year and having to do them in secret bc if he was found they'd kill him
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justaz · 4 months
arthur works up the nerve to confess his feelings for merlin pre-magic reveal and merlin has to stare the man he loves in the eye and reject him. arthur, heartbroken bc he had been told repeatedly by all his and merlin’s friends that his feelings were reciprocated and to take the risk, doesn’t cry bc his father taught him to never show weakness but maybe merlin can’t see the tears clawing their way into his eyes bc the room sure is getting blurry for some reason. he asks, no, he demands to know why not. he had been paying attention and he’s completely sure that merlin was flirting back with him, that his feelings were reciprocated - everyone said so. hell, half if not all of camelot has participated in a betting pool bc they’ve been so obvious with their feelings. merlin tries to give vague answers without telling him straight up and their argument escalates into a near screaming match where merlin says “you don’t love me, you love a version of me you believe to be true. you don’t know me, you can’t love me”
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Hello!! I'm not sure if you help people find lost fics, but if you do, please could you help me find this fic im look for? It's basically were a sorcerer de-ages all the knights + merlin (i think it was a fem! merlin fic, but im not completely sure, sorry!) to the age they lost their v's. And i remember lancelot was in it, and he was only like a few years younger than he normal is lol. But merlin was like really young and so they like sit around the fire and merlin tells his/her story- i think it was something about cenred's men/bandits? maybe? I'm pretty sure the place i read it was on tumblr but, again, im not completely sure! Thank you so much for reading this! And if you don't help find lost fics, sorry for wasting your time!! :)
I am F R U S T R A T E D because I've read this fic. I remember reading this fic. But I can't find it :(((( All I know is that it was definitely on AO3 because that's basically the only place I read fic.
If anybody knows it, please link in the comments or reblogs for anon and I!!
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regulusrules · 5 months
*manifests an ao3 email to notify me of a comment on one of my fics to cheer my terrible day up*
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merthurfics · 1 year
hi do you think you can help me find a merthur fic? canon era, pretty sure merlin is court sorcerer, arthur def knows about his magic and that he's a dragonlord. mordred is good but morgana is bad, and towards she end she kidnaps merlin like in the show but aithusa saves him, and merlin like smashes a giant crack in the ground to keep himself safe, he's got aithusa with him and arthur + the knights are trapped on the other side. thats the only scene i can remember vividly and its making me crazy!
anyone have any idea?
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