#lot of kanji
ninelanguages · 5 months
Kanji for "all", "whole", "everything", everybody", "everyone"
皆 = mina / kai
皆勤する - Kaikinsuru - to not miss a single day - かいきんする
皆様 - Minasama - ladies and gentlemen / everybody / all of you - みなさま
皆 - Mina - all / everybody / everything - みな
皆無 - Kaimu - none / nothing (at all) / nil - かいむ
皆さん - Minasan - ladies & gentlemen / everybody / all of you - みなさん
皆既食 - Kaikisyoku - a total eclipse - かいきしょく
Kanji for "stop", "halt”
止 = to•maru / to•meru / shi
痛み止め - Itamidome - a painkiller - いたみどめ
止める - Tomeru - to stop (something) / to put and end to - とめる
立ち止まる - Tachidomaru - to stop / to halt / to pause / to come to a stop - たちどまる
中止 - Chuushi - discontinuation / suspension / cancellation - ちゅうし
止まる - Tomaru - to stop / to halt - とまる
禁止 - Kinshi - (a) prohibition / a ban - きんし
Kanji for "thing", "matter", "fact", "affair"
事 = koto / ji / zu
出来事 - Dekigoto - an event / an incident - できごと
用事 - Youji - a task / an errand / things to do - ようじ
返事 - henji - an answer / a reply - へんじ
大事な - Daijina - important / precious / valuable - だいじな
事故 - Jiko - an accident / a breakdown / a failure / an incident - じこ
見事な - Migotona - beautiful / excellent / fine / splendid / marvelous - みごとな
Kanji for "same", "the same", "equal".
同 = ona•ji / dou
同一の - Douitsuno - the same (as) / identical (with) - どういつの
同じように - Onajiyouni - in the same way / likewise / similarly - おなじように
合同 - goudou - (a) combination / (a) union / merger - ごうどう
同時に - Doujini - at the same time / simultaneously - どうじに
同じ - Onaji - one and the same / the same / identical / alike - おなじ
同じ人 - Onajihito - the same person - おなじひと
Kanji for "fish"
魚 = kyo / uo / sakana
金魚 - Kingyo - a goldfish - きんぎょ
魚を食べる - Sakana wo taberu - to eat fish - さかなをたべる
魚座 - Uoza - pisces (12th) sign of the zodiac) - うおざ
魚屋 - Sakanaya - a fish store [shop] / a fish market - さかなや
焼き魚 - Yakizakana - (a) grilled [boiled] fish - やきさかな
魚つり - Sakanatsuri - fishing - さかなつり
Kanji for "cow", "ox", "cattle", "bull", "beef"
牛 = gyuu / ushi
牛 - Ushi - a cow / a bull / cattle - うし
狂牛病 - Kyougyuubyou - mad cow disease (BSE) - きょうぎゅうびょう
牛乳 - Gyuunyuu - (cow's) milk - ぎゅうにゅう
牛肉 - Gyuuniku - beef - ぎゅうにく
牛丼 - Gyuudon - rice covered with beef and vegetables - ぎゅうどん
子牛 - Koushi - a calf - こうし
Kanji for "city", "town", "market", "fair"
市 = shi / ichi
市長 - Shichou - a mayor - しちょう
市民 - Shimin - a citizen / the citizens / the citizenry - しみん
都市 - Toshi - a city / a town - とし
神戸市 - Koubeshi - Kobe city (of Hyogo prefecture) - こうべし
市場 - Ichiba / shijou - a market(place) - いちば
朝市 - Asaichi - a morning market - あさいち
Kanji for "morning", "dynasty", "reign", "rule"
朝 = asa / chou
朝食 - Choushoku - breakfast - ちょうしょく
朝御飯 - Asagohan - breakfast - あさごはん
朝日 - Asahi - the morning (rising) sun - あさひ
早朝 - Souchou - the early morning - そうちょう
朝刊 - Choukan - a morning newspaper - ちょうかん
朝 - Asa - morning - あさ
Kanji for "daytime", "noon", "midday"
昼 = hiru / chou
昼 - Hiru - noon/ midday / the daytime - ひる
昼寝- Hirune - an afternoon nap / a siesta - ひるね
昼休み - Hiruyasumi - (a) lunchtime [hour/break] - ひるやすみ (see kanji for rest 休 )
昼間 - Hiruma - daytime - (during) the day - ひるま
昼御飯 - Hirugohan - lunch / luncheon - ひるごはん
昼食 - Chuushoku - lunch / luncheon - ちゅうしょく
Kanji for "evening", "dusk"
夕 = seki / yuu
夕食 - Yuushoku - dinner / supper - ゆうしょく
夕べ - Yuube - an evening / last night - ゆうべ
夕刊 - Yuukan - an evening paper - ゆうかん
夕立 - Yuudachi - a (summer afternoon) shower - ゆうだち
夕日 - Yuuhi - the evening sun / evening sunlight - ゆうひ
夕方 - Yuugata - (an) evening - ゆうがた
Kanji for "night", "evening", nighttime"
夜 = ya / yo / yoru
夜中 - Yonaka - midnight - よなか (see kanji for "inside", "middle" 中)
夜 - Yoru - (a) night / (an) evening - よる
夜間(ni) - Yakan(ni) - at night / in the night [night-time] - よかん(に)
金曜の夜 - Kinyou no yoru - Friday night - きんようのよる
夜景 - Yakei - a night view (scene) - やけい
夜明け - Yoake - dawn / daybreak - よあけあ
Kanji for "one", "once", "first"
一 = ichi / itsu / hito / hito•tsu
一つ - Hitotsu - one (thing) - ひとつ
一度 - Ichido - once / one time / (on) one occasion / one degree - いちど
一日 - tsuitachi - the first day of the month - ついたち
一日 - Ichinichi - a [one] day - いちにち
一人 - Hitori - one person - ひとり
一月 - Ichigatsu - January - いちがつ
一月 - Hitotsuki - a [one] month - ひとつき
一緒に - Isshouni - together / with / along with / at the same time - いっしょうに
Kanji for "two", "second".
ニ = ni / futa / futa•tsu
二十日 - Hatsuka - twentieth (day of the month) / twenty days - はつか
二月 - Nigatsu - February - にがつ
二月 - Futatsuki - (a period of) two months - ふたつき
二十 - Nijuu - twenty - にじゅう
二人 - Futari - two people - ふたり
二日 - Futsuka - the second day of the month / two days - ふつか
二つ - Futatsu - two (things) - ふたつ
Kanji for "three", "third"
三 = san / mi / mi•tsu / mit•tsu
三角 - Sankaku - a triangle - さんかく
三人 - Sannin - three people - さんにん
三月 - Sangatsu - March - さんがつ
三月 - Mitsuki - (a period of) three months - みつき
三つ - Mittsu - three (things) - みっつ
三回 - Sankai - three times - さんかい
三日 - Mikka - the third day of the month / three days - みっか
Kanji for "four", "forth"
四 = shi / yo / yo•tsu / yot•tsu / yon
四回 - Yonkai - four times - よんかい
四人 - Yonin - four people - よにん
四字熟語 - Yojijukugo - a four-character idiomatic compound - よじじゅくご
四つ - Yottsu - four (things) - よっつ
四月 - Shigatsu - april - しがつ
四日 - Yokka - the fourth day of the month / four days - よっか
Kanji for "five", "fifth"
五 = go / itsu / itsutsu
五時 - Goji - five o'clock - ごじ
五人 - Gonin - five people - ごにん
五月 - Gogatsu - May - ごがつ
五つ - Itsutsu - five (things) - いつつ
五日 - Itsuka - the fifth day of the month / five days - いつか
五階 - Gokai - the fifth floor - ごかい
Kanji for "six", "sixth"
六 = roku / mu / mu•tsu / mut•tsu / mui
六つ - Muttsu - six (things) - むっつ
六時 - Rokuji - six o'clock - ろくじ
六人 - Rokunin - six people - ろくにん
第六感 - Dairokkan - a sixth sense / hunch / (an) intuition - だいろっかん
六日 - Muika - the sixth day of the month / six days - むいか
六月 - Rokugatsu - June - ろくがつ
Kanji for "seven", "seventh"
七 = shichi / nana / nana•tsu / nano
七夕 - Tanabata - July 7th Festival of the Weaver - たなばた (Also known as the star festival, according to legend 2 lovers are seperated by the milkyway and only meet once a year)
七つ - Nanatsu - seven (things) - ななつ
十七 - Juushichi - juunana - seventeen - じゅうしち / じゅうなな
七日 - Nanoka - the seventh day of the month / seven days - なのか
七人 - Shichinin - seven people - しちにん
七月 - Shichigatsu - July - しちがつ
Kanji for "eight", "eighth"
八 - hachi / ya / ya•tsu / yat•tsu / you
八人 - Hachinin - eight people - はちにん
八月 - Hachigatsu - August - はちがつ
八日 - Youka - the eight day of the month/ eight days - ようか
八方美人 - Happoubijin - one who is affable to everybody - はっぽうびじん
(Affable - friendly/ good-natured/ easy to talk to)
八つ - Yattsu - eight (things) - やっつ
十八 - Juuhachi - eighteen - じゅうはち
Kanji for "nine", "ninth"
九 = kyuu / ku / kokono / kokono•tsu
九つ - Kokonotsu - nine (things) - ここのつ
九分 - Kyuufun - nine minutes - きゅうふん
九十 - Kyuujuu - southernmost of Japan's main islands - きゅうじゅう
九時 - Kuji - nine o'clock - くじ
九月 - Kugatsu - September - くがつ
九日 - Kokonoka - the ninth day of the month / nine days - ここのか
Kanji for "ten", "tenth"
十 = juu / juutsu / too / to
五十音 - Gojuuon - the Japanese (kana) syllabary - ごじゅうおん
十月 - Juugatsu - October - じゅうがつ
十個 - jukko / jikko - ten (things) - じゅっこ / じっこ
十人 - Juunin - ten people - じゅうにん
十日 - Tooka - the tenth day of the month / ten days - とおか
二十歳 - Hatachi - twenty (years of age) / one's twentieth year - はたち
Kanji for "hundred", "numerous".
百 = Hyaku
三百人 - Sanbyakunin - three hundred people - さんびゃくにん
百点 - Hyakuten - a [one] hundred points / a perfect mark - ひゃくてん
百パーセント - Hyakupasento - one hundred percent / 100% - ひゃくパーセント
百科事典 - Hyakkajiten - an encyclopedia - ひゃっかじてん
八百屋 - Yaoya - a vegetable store / a greengrocery - やおや
百円 - Hyakuen - a [one] hundred yen - ひゃくえん
Kanji for "thousand"
チ = Sen / chi
千代田区 - Chiyodaku - Chiyoda Ward (of Tokyo) - ちよだく
五千円 - Gosenen - 5000 yen - ごせんえん
千葉県 - chibaken - Chiba prefecture (east of Tokyo) - ちばけん
二千人 - Ninsennin - two thousand people - にせんにん
千羽鶴 - Senbaduru - (string of) 1000 origami [paper] cranes - せんばづる
千切りにする - Sengirinisuru - to cut into thin strips - せんぎりにする
Kanji for "ten thousand", "myriad"
万 = man / ban
案(が)一Man(ga)ichi - by any chance / by some rare accident - まんがいち
二万人 - Nimannin - twenty thousand people - にまんにん
一万円 - Ichimanen - ten thousand yen - いちまんえん
万国 - Bankoku - all (the) coutries on earth / all nations - ばんこく
万引き - Manbiki - shoplifting - まんびき
万年筆 - Mannenhitsu - a fountain pen - まんねんひつ
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Practical Japanese Vocab: Coupons
I got some coupons from 7-Eleven yesterday so here's some vocab from them:
目印(めじるし)mark (for quick identification)
対象(たいしょう)target, coverage, subject (of taxation etc)
対象外(たいしょうがい)not covered by, not subject to
標準価格(ひょうじゅんかかく)normal price
税抜(ぜいぬき)tax excluded
値引き(ねびき)price reduction, discount
併用(へいよう)combined with, using together
本券(ほんけん)this ticket
該当(がいとう)corresponding to, applicable to, relevant to, coming under, qualifying for
販売(はんばい)sales, selling, marketing
店舗(てんぽ)store, establishment, restaurant
取り扱い(とりあつかい)treatment, service, handling
異なる(ことなる)to differ, to be different
地域(ちいき)region, area, district, locality
このロゴが目印 Marked with this logo
ご予約弁当も対象です。Also covers certain (targeted) bentos.
セブンプレミアムは対象外です。Seven Premium (products) are not covered.
標準価格(税抜)からの値引きとなります。Discount is from standard price (excluding tax)
他のクーポンとの併用はできません。Cannot be used together with other coupons
本券1枚につき該当商品いずれか1コ。Each voucher is for one qualifying product.
カウンター内で販売している揚げ物・フランクが対象です。Applies to fried foods and frankfurters sold at the counter.
店舗により取り扱いの無い場合がございます。Depending on store, products may not be available.
地域により商品名・価格・商品パッケートは異なる場合がおざいます。Product names, prices and packaging my vary depending on region.
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quartzskies · 1 year
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the besties!
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haruspexs · 11 months
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Persona 4 Arena manga bits
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Persona has devoured my brain.
Anyway, here's Persona memes pt. 4 (very slightly NSFW in the second pic).
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Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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#p4#persona 4#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#EVERYDAY IM HOWLING. EVERYDAY IM SCREAMING.#for context this comes at the heel of yosuke charging at mitsuo kubo in rage because of his flippance towards killing saki and he's hit har#but souji and kanji jump in to protect him#like ok a lot of things going on here such as the obvious OH MY GODDDD yosuke being yosuke and taking things on for himself#because he doesn't want to bother people?? because he's made it his own responsibility? because his survivor's guilt is still lingering?#i mean don't tell me he doesn't look at how he surrendered to his shadow like apart from his self-sacrificing propensity#i low key feel like everytime yosuke demands answers about saki's death from the murderer/god/etc there's this undertone of how#he would rather it have been him#he cheapens his own life so much and for what#BUT ALSO!! ALSO!! not just souji jumping in because we know he would he's down bad for yosuke BUT ALSO KANJI#listen you've all heard me talk so much about how i adore kanji yosuke friendships#i can't really tell whether it's kanji or souji that says “haven't we earned your trust yet” but it's a line that hits SO HARD#regardless of which one of them was saying it and i think it hits hard in slightly different manners#it's kanji's admiration and how he looks up to yosuke and how he wants to be closer to yosuke as a friend/kouhai/whatever you want#tatsumi “who's your partner now!” kanji has so much respect for yosuke he wants yosuke to rely on him too!!!#and this stands out because kanji is very conscious of social hierarchies and such but as a kouhai as yosuke's junior#he's so specific about wanting yosuke to treat him as an equal#i smtimes feel bad for kanji because he has a bit of that vibe of a poor puppy trailing after souyo because he wants to be in their convos!#he wants to be included! but critically he also just! wants them to SEE him!!#going a lil off tangent but i think kanji's attitude towards souji is very much one of kouhai respect like he understands his place#of like deferring to souji or getting advice from him and just generally regarding him as a reliable mentor#and it's the same with chie and yukiko? but idk man. with yosuke. guys. with yosuke i always feel like kanji wants to break that hierarchy#that convention. that social norm. to cross a line and be closer to yosuke.#he's more willing to tease yosuke in a way he doesn't with the other 2nd years. and this isn't coming from a place of disrespect either#AGAIN. KANJI REALLY LIKES YOSUKE. he wants to protect yosuke!!! he jumps at the opportunity for yosuke to rely on him!!#i'm getting delulu but there's those hints of “yosuke senpai i want you to see me as a man!!!” kind of energy here and i'm it's yknow hmm
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mochayoubi · 5 months
a fellow japanese learning friend told me there's 2 major "weed-out" learning curves to japanese, and that's 1) learning hiragana and katakana and the 2) learning kanji.
but I propose that there's a 3rd difficult learning curve and that's when you're in what I've called The Intermediate Soup where you don't have any specific thing to work on anymore but you know that you aren't There Yet
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peridot-tears · 8 months
During the main quests, this appears p often. It literally means "Jin's Journey":
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But the kanji for "Jin" -- 仁 -- also means "benevolence," emphasizing a respect for humanity. So 仁之道, while it means "Jin's Journey," can also be read as "the path/way of benevolence."
He isn't following the bushido, or 武士道,the way of the warrior/samurai, but rather 仁之道, the way of benevolence, a path that diverts sharply from the "honor" that samurai follow.
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nilti-luck · 9 days
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I made @boigameista ‘s frog pattern! This was the first thing ive ever sown and it turned out better than i thought it would! Then my dad wanted to show me his nametag stamping set so i finegled a 1 and an l stamp to make the kanji for frog! Say hi to kaeru!
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a-sketchy · 7 months
basically the fundamental gist of it is that yosuke relates to kanji a lot, and that scares him so so so bad
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hauntingofhouses · 9 months
Blue Eye Samurai Characters' Names in Kanji
These are the official kanji used in the Netflix Japanese subtitles.
Disclaimer: I am not Japanese and am still a beginner learner. If there are any errors in pronunciation or meaning of the kanji listed below, please let me know!
1. Mizu: 水 [mizu]
water, fluid, liquid
2. Ringo: 林檎 [ringo] apple
林 [hayashi] forest, woods, grove 檎 [jin] apple, fruit
3. Taigen: 泰源 [tai-gen]
泰 [yasu] peaceful, calm 源 [gen] fountainhead, wellspring; source, origin
4. Akemi: 明美 [ake-mi]
明 [mei] bright, light, clarifying 美 [bi] beauty, beautiful
5. Master Eiji: 鋭司 [ei-ji]
鋭 [ei] sharp, pointed, acute, keen 司 [tsukasa] an official, a manager, a boss
6. Seki: 関 [seki]
barrier, gateway, close, seal, relation
7. Madame Kaji: 梶 [kaji]
oar, paper mulberry tree
8. Mikio: 幹男 [miki-o]
幹 [miki] tree trunk, plant stem 男 [otoko] man, adult male
9. Heiji Shindo: 新堂 [shin-do] 平次 [hei-ji]
新 [shin] new, novelty 堂 [do] hall, temple, shrine 平 [hira] something flat; something ordinary, mediocre 次 [tsugi] next, order, sequence, below
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solradguy · 9 months
I need to make like a random Guilty Gear facts post when I have time; I'm so deep into this series that I forget that not everyone knows Dr. Paradigm is canonically from Ohio^1 or that Baiken was a man in her early concept sketches^2
1 - GG2Overture in-game bio (& I think succeeding GGWorlds have this info too) 2 - Character Designer magazine issue 1, Fall 2003
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Part 30
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Happy 1106 day!
1106 is also known as the Adler dorm number for Rayne Ames (and his roommate Max Land), so November 6th is commonly celebrated in the Japanese fanbase as "Rayne Ames Festival Day".
As a celebration, I've roughly translated Rayne and Max's fan book profiles under the cut! It's full of interesting information about them as an individual character that doesn't manage to get explored much in the main series, so hope you enjoy it!
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"A taciturn sword that sticks to his convictions, and a Divine Visionary that strictly speaks on one's back."
Rayne Ames
Quote: "You need to shut your mouth, before I shut it for you." (from Volume 13, chapter 117)
Small memo (near little Rayne and Finn image): A minimalist with a penchant for saving money, except for things related to rabbits and his younger brother.
A magician who becomes a Divine Visionary to change the Magic World from the ground up for the sake of his family. He's pursuing such a dream as he balances his work as a Divine Visionary and his responsibilities as a student. Profile (these have been translated in wiki and thus taken from there)
Birthday: March 3 Age: 18 years old Height: 175cm Weight: 67kg Dominant hand: Left Foot size: 27.5cm Family: Finn Ames (younger brother) Good subjects: Magic History, Magical Zoology Bad subject(s): Fortune telling Hobbies: Rabbit sucking, sewing Favorite food: Bean sprouts, vegetables Favorite words: Say what you want Favorite type of the opposite sex: Never thought about it Dislikes: Talking more than necessary Frequently visited school spots: Purchasing department How to spend money: Savings, rabbit breeding expenses How to spend holidays: Taking care of rabbits
Relationship Chart
Rayne to Mash: A troublesome junior Rayne to Finn: Must be protected at all costs Rayne to Kaldo: Thank you for taking care of my brother Rayne to Max: Only best friend Rayne to rabbit: *sighs softly* Rayne to Wahlberg: Old geezer who likes to boss people around
Magic: Sword Magic
A magic that can summon countless swords. The personal magic, named "Partisan", has a power level measured through percentages that can be adjusted, an average student usually can't even handle 10% of it.
The caption of Rayne calling out Partisan picture: It's one of the most deadly magic in the Magic World, but he brandishes it only for the sake of justice.
Divine Visionary: of Sword Cane, as well as one of the Directors of the Magical Items Department
All the magical items existing in the Magic World have very strict control. Newly manufactured tools are delivered to the Bureau of Magic to ensure safety. After carefully examining them and making sure the new items are safe, they'll be delivered to the citizens.
The caption of the Magic Mirror (used by Cell War against Mash): The loss of the Magic Mirror marks a great mistake for all of the directors of the department.
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Pick-up: An Awkward Big Brother
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Rayne, who rarely talks but always shows through his actions, makes people have a lot of trust in him, and many students follow his way too. However, his lack of words often causes many misunderstandings.
Quote for upper image: "I've always been really terrible at encouraging people." (Volume 6, Chapter 47)
Caption for upper image: He tried to put himself in the position of the junior who's taking reckless challenges.
Quote for left image: "I'll make sure that brazen kid, goes as far as he can go." (Volume 6, Chapter 46)
Caption for left image: He forced Margarette, who was after Mash, to retreat by using his Thirds.
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Quote: "Words only have a meaning when paired with actions. If you can't act, it's the same as not saying anything at all." (Volume 6, Chapter 45)
Caption: This principle came from his late parents who passed away without words or promises. Since that time, he always lived up to his words.
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Quote: "I still remember you used to come crying at me over the smallest things. You've grown up." (Volume 14, Chapter 119)
Caption for his moments with Finn: For the sake of his younger brother, he had always been shouldering many burdens. However, after seeing his brother's growth, he changed his mind.
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Pick Up: A Genuine Rabbit Lover for Life
It all began when Max suggested Rayne, who was at that time aiming to be the Divine Visionary, to start having rabbits out of concern for Rayne's mental health's well-being. Now, Rayne has never stopped to pour an extraordinary amount of love for his rabbits.
The caption of Rayne surrounded by rabbits: This scene too is a display of Rayne's "survival of the fittest" between the strong and the weak (?)
The caption of Rayne's rabbit handkerchief: Should you ever find a lost rabbit-patterned goodies, please give it to Rayne first and foremost.
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Mash's Room Corner (a corner to talk about gossip relating to the character, with Mash's commentary)
"I've been in the same dorm as Rayne since middle school but...that Rayne...there were quite a few times when the screws in his head were loose. He takes jokes a little too seriously, and because of that, I had to teach him lots of them." (from Max)
Mash: An unexpected side of a good person.
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The Secret Story of Rayne as told by ***!! (a corner about various characters' opinions of a character, in this case, their opinions of Rayne)
Ryoh: I understand the feeling of pushing yourself away for your family's sake, but sometimes relying on others is what makes a man, Rayne.
Margarette: I saw Rayne trying to help a lost child in the city. However, he accidentally made the child cry even more because of his unfriendly looks and unsociability.
Brad: So you've become the Divine Visionary through hard work. Well, depending on Mash's hard work, my promotion might not just be a dream anymore.
Cell War: Since you're one of the directors of the Magical Items Department, it's really difficult to sneak in. Still, the staff canteen's foods are really delicious.
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"Summarizing the Adler Dorm: Honest and full of conscience"
Max Land
Quote: "Let's solve this together!" (Volume 6, chapter 49)
Small memo (near the picture of running Max): His foot speed is number one! He also has a playful side when he pulls a prank and runs.
A third-year at Adler dorm who is open-minded and friendly. Since he is well-liked within the school, he often shares his wisdom and consults others.
Profile (these have been translated in wiki and thus taken from there with slight adjustment)
Birthday: November 19 Age: 18 years old Height: 168cm Weight: 64kg Blood type: O Dominant hand: Right Foot size: 26cm Family members: Father, Mother, Eldest brother, Older brother Good subject: Magic history Bad subject: Broom class Hobbies: Exploring the school while making his body smaller Favorite food: Deep-fried salamander Favorite words: 平凡 (Heibon: Ordinary or commonplace) Favorite type of opposite sex: People who have their own world Dislikes: High places Frequently visited school spots: Purchasing Department How to spend money: Book fees (mainly comic books) How to spend holidays: Going to Marchette Street with friends and taking care of rabbits when Rayne is away
Relationship Chart
Max to Mash: Junior Max to Rayne: You're so awkward I can't leave you alone Max to Finn: Like my own little brother Max to Carpaccio: Lately, when I look around, you're suddenly sitting next to me.
Magic: Size-changing Magic
This magic can change the size of people and objects. Up to 3 different people and/or objects can be resized at one time. This personal magic is very handy for support, as shown during the selection exam where he helped his ally.
Image caption: He made himself and Mash smaller to get away from the eyes of Deadervants.
Mash's Room Corner
I consulted with him the other day, but that guy has the face of an ordinary person but still manages to look handsome. It's plainly and doubly frustrating. (from Dot)
Mash: I feel sorry for Senior Max for being blamed unreasonably like that.
Pick-Up: A Selfish Desire as a Senior
He has a naturally caring personality who won't ever leave his troubled junior behind. But the truth is he just wants to "prove himself like a man", which he despises himself for.
Quote for upper image: "My premonition was right..." (Volume 6, chapter 50)
Quote for left image: "Say, Rayne. Did I do my best for the younger students?"
Caption for left image: Supporting the junior that Rayne is interested in.
The Secret Story of Max as told by ***!!
Tom: I invited him to join Duelo, but he declined because he is scared of heights. Senior Max, you're like a bamboo that's stuck on the ground!
BONUS (from the Q&A session with the original creator Komoto Hajime-sensei):
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Q17: In the final chapter, are Rayne and Finn of the Ames brothers able to get along again?
A17: Rayne (addressed as 'onii-tama here) is a tsundere, but I think they're able to get along well!
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Q18: Why does Finn call Rayne with "Nii-sama" instead of "Nii-san"?
A18: Because of the distance between them...
(A/N: In the original Japanese version, Finn does not call Rayne by name, but calls him "Nii-sama", this has a lot of meaning and nuances that unfortunately are hard to translate and doesn't have an English equivalent, hence the change. "Onii-tama" on the other hand is a baby talk version of "onii-sama".)
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aechlys · 3 months
Honestly, I see misty, mossy forest pictures and all I hear now is a desperately sung "私は獣にあなたは妖精に生まれ..."
"I a beast and you a fairy were we born... Just for this one twinkling of a human moment tasting each other, we live..."
"Body like willowy torchlight softly cast The color of the lake shadowy but also rather of a deep lamentation"
"Even breath forgetting... Your voice far away... 'You will know I...am not...here...' "
"If there is writhing agony In your heart's depths... 'I have known that you...are not...here...' "
"I a beast and you a fairy were we born... Just for this one twinkling of a human moment tasting each other, we live..."
"No one even knows..."
"On the b e d of the l a k e..."
"If this is a dream I beg to just remain in it...always...forever..."
original lyrics by Atsushi Sakurai, music by Masami Tsuchiya, translation by myself, Aechlys. >DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE or I will send ghosts after you.
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#sakurai atsushi#Tsuchiya Masami#my translations#chiisana mori no hito#小さな森の人#buck tick#this piece is more poem than song and I've tried to preserve that here#many of the end words of the english lines are the end words of the japanese lines#it felt important to preserve that for some reason#this is not a typical song at all#this was insanely tricky because despite how stingy with words it is there seems to be a lot going on with the kanji to deconstruct#so like the second line seems very over the top but that's the color of the kanji coming through- he chose very specific and unusual kanji#or at least it seemed to me that way so I tried to work it in while preserving and reflecting everything else#sparse on words *massive* in ideas and suggestions- he really outdid himself on this song#many of the comments on the initial video I found for this song had native speakers wishing he had published his own book of poetry#his son is an award winning writer and they were saying Atsushi could have done so as well- not to outshine his own kid but we missed out#and after translating this and fretting over it for weeks I have to agree#this song brought me to tears repeatedly when I first found it#this weird strange seductive lullaby where you don't know who's alive & who's dead- all you know is the sound and the glimmer and the taste#the taste is everything!! under the water on the BED of the lake where nobody even knows!!! God!!!!!#I hope when I am on the edge of death Atsushi calls me to the afterlife with this song- there's no other reasonable way to go honestly
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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#p4#persona 4#p4g#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#anyone that says yosuke is nothing but mean and awful to Kanji should meet me in the parking lot#we're not going to throw hands im just going to show you my 100 slide powerpoint presentation on their complex dynamic#for me one of the most appealing things about yosuke is how human and realistic he's been written#he is simultaneously capable of immense empathy and care towards his friends while at the same time struggle with his own identity#combined with a difficultly in self expression that results in him making tactless and hurtful remarks at times#thats not to say it makes those remarks ok - far from it!#but i think reducing yosuke to just those remarks makes him a rather empty caricature#which is such a shame especially considering that his entire personal narrative arc has been about confronting himself so he can be better#but anyway yes he cares about his friends he cares about their well being so much#he didnt have any obligation or a responsibility to look out for his juniors but he did so anyway without anyone asking#and it's so!!! because kanji does not look like he needs babying at all. hes taller than both yosuke and yu and he looks way older too#kanji has taken care of biker gangs by himself and is known to be intimidating#not that any of that fazes yosuke? kanji is his friend now hes one of them and therefore yosuke immediately wants to look out for him#god hanamura yosuke you so!!!#AAAAAAAAH#he's good with his queue
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