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U Dona to co zwykle czyli ciągłe romanse. Biedny zaczął łysieć, ale nie przeszkadza mu to w zdobywaniu serc. Ogólnie to on albo parcela gdzie mieszka mi się zbugowały, bo nie zmienia mu się wiek i nawet jak próbowałem go postarzyć modami to się nie dało. W końcu się jakoś udało go postarzyć i po prostu pewnego dnia zabiję go modami i tyle będzie z Dona. Na dole umieszczam jeszcze jego listę obecnych kochanek. Z Kaylynn nie ma już relacji, z Niną jest to właściwie już nieaktualne i jednostronne.
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lilakartoffelbrei · 8 months
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Julia is not pleased with Adriana's choice of conversation topic
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The Seven Deadly Sins, from Lotario dei Conti di Segni (Innocent III), De sacro altaris mysterio (part of the 'Mettener Armenbibel'), prepared in Metten Abbey, Bavaria between 1414–1415. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, BSB, Clm 8201, fol. 95r :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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"In my body and in my soul I realized that I greatly need sin, I needed lust, vanity, the striving for goods, and I needed the most shameful despair to learn how to give up resistance, to learn how to love the world, to stop comparing the world with any world that I wish for, that I imagine, with any perfection that I think up; I learned to let the world be as it is, and to love it and to belong to it gladly."
--Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha
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potatobuttcheek · 1 year
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nannelia · 5 months
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Mirabella i Leon spędzili ze sobą popołudnie i wieczór na mieście. Na zakończenie spotkania zostali oficjalnie parą.
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oh-my-peach · 1 year
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First and second generation portraits 📸
40 of my 80 playable sims at the moment. This is not all of them, but the main characters with their kids ― the future heroes of my dynasties
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If anything, this is a screenshot from the tablet in the Notes application of the very long post that I wanted to publish yesterday. I don't want to risk pasting this as text again because Tumblr will give me an error again. And how could I then publish a long chapters of one fanfic here? Just some kind of mystery from Tumblr.
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guilhernunes · 2 years
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The Sims 4 Don Lothario
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lovesickdeadsims · 2 years
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One man stuck in a house with three beautiful women: (from left to right) Don Lothario, Katrina Caliente, Dina Caliente and Nina Caliente.
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steel--fairy · 1 year
Timeline year: 1863
this is semi written with the intention of it being a fic one day, semi written with it being a video game concept (hence why theres that protagonist/friend part)
notably this is also just the oc's... there are canon characters who make appearances but this is for me to keep track of oc info. also, there will be a part 2 and possibly 3, I just need to name a bunch of characters first (my greatest nemesis...)
no moodboards because 1. there are so many characters. and 2. it'd take forever for me to do and i want to post this.
anyways i love these lil fellows <3
38 / Dewford Village (Hau'oli City, Alola) / he/him
A shipwrecked professor of Pokemon who came to Hoenn to study its fauna. Now is afraid of water and refuses to leave Dewford Island. Ancestor of Archie.
Owned Pokemon: Numel, Bulbasaur, Chimchar, Popplio
16 / Dewford Village / he/him or she/her
A teen who's the caretaker of their sickly younger brother. Either the protagonist or their friend. Friend is ancestor to Professor Birch and his child.
Owned Pokemon (as friend): Pelipper, Kadabra
7 / Dewford Village / he/him
A young boy with a deadly illness. Wishes on Jirachi to get better.
Owned Pokemon: n/a
24 / Rustboro Village (Petalburg Town) / she/her
A bubbly housewife who dotes on her Delcatty! Surprisingly good at helping her husband run his business. Ancestor to Steven Stone.
Owned Pokemon: Delcatty, Salamence, Slaking, Obstagoon, Blaziken, Scizor
25 / Rustboro Village (Viridian Town, Kanto) / he/him
Certified Wife Guy who also loves rocks and dirt. Founded the Devon Mining Company a few years back after moving to Hoenn in his late teens. Ancestor to Steven Stone.
Owned Pokemon: several Aron who work for his company, none personally
21 / Draconia City / he/him
A recently instated Draconid Lorekeeper who's meant to have a mastery over Dragon types. Instead, he has anxiety. Ancestor to Zinnia.
Befriended Pokemon: Altaria, Vibrava, Bagon
27 / Wanderer (Lava's Ridge) / she/her
A theif and bandit who roams Hoenn's wilds for prey. Uses her good looks as an ambush technique. Ancestor to Kabu.
Owned Pokemon: Ninetales, Linoone (Galarian)
32 / Seafarer (Olivine City, Johto) / he/him
One of the most dreaded pirates to sail Hoenn's seas. Currently has a truce with Victoria while they're besieging Sootopolis for its hidden treasures. Ancestor to Maxie.
Owned Pokemon: Sharpedo, Tentacruel, Huntail, Crobat
24 / Seafarer (Hau’oli City, Alola) / she/her
The other most dreaded pirate in Hoenn. Don't underestimate her just because she is short and cute; she's even more ruthless than Xander. Ancestor to Lana.
Owned Pokemon: Chatot, Dhelmise, Gorebys, Lanturn, Crawdaunt
30 / Sootopolis City / she/her
The Guardian of the Cave of Origin who takes her job of protecting her city seriously. Looks like she could kill you and she would. Ancestor to Wallace and Lisia.
Befriended Pokemon: Gyarados, Relicanth, Wailord, Ninjask, Regice
18 / Sootopolis City / he/him
An apprentice of Artemisia. Also does work as a merchant. Ancestor to Juan.
Befriended Pokemon: Seadra
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hocuspocusbabyy · 6 months
A little Ficlet from my archive of wlw… first time posting my Melissa content!
A breath of fresh air:
“You’re Jacobs aunt and the new French teacher at Abbott Elementary, Melissa and you bond over shared cigarettes and vices.”
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Melissa stood next to her car facing the fence, away from Ava who was contently giggling at whatever stupid video she and Jacob were watching. She didn't see why Barbra had to banished her to the far side of the school for wanting one bloody cigarette.
Mel huffed trying to get her lighter to work from her spot behind the shed as she looked around, the empty streets dimly lit by the lamp lights bounding off the metal fence. It dawned on her that she was alone out in the Abbott Parking lot. Everyone else having escaped inside from the cold.
'What you doing over here all by yourself?' A familiar voice called, startlingly elegant the remittance of France still present within the dentals of her accent.
Melissa felt all the hairs stand on the back of her neck. The teacher whirled around to face them, the woman that had been giving her heart palpitations and a mega lady boner since the moment she’d arrived at Abbott four months ago.
Jacob’s Aunt, Jacob’s young, very attractive aunt - who was nearly fifteen years younger than her.
'Needed one,' Mel smirked awkwardly, holding up her unlit cigarette. 'Just can't seem to...' she gave her lighter a few flicks for effect, but it was futile.
'Here." Y/N produced a lighter and lit the flame, as Mel gratefully leaned forward and sucked on her cigarette until it caught.
'Thanks,' the redhead replied, finally feeling the blessed burn as the smoke hit her throat.
'So,' Y/n remarked, ashing her own cigarette, 'Jacob tells me you're a real Lotario.'
Mel looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. 'Who’s that?'
Y/n smirked. 'A slut, basically.'
The redhead grinned at Y/n 'Damn, you've just going call me out like that Hill?"
Y/N took another drag and smirked. 'So it's true then? You just go with a lot of men?'
'Go? As in a date? Nah, It's like, I've don’t take anyone out to the movies or shit like that, none since I was married… even when I was married.’ She shrugs inhaling again, ‘just kinda go with the flow,’ There’s an emphasis on that last part.
‘Everyone got a vice.' Y/n concurs. 'I for one have always enjoyed the pleasures of my fellow feminine species.” - how very French Melissa thought.
Y/n leaned against the wall alongside the teacher. 'I don't mind the company of women either. Never have.'
Y/n raised an eyebrow. 'Really?'
'Is that so surprising? An old gal like me chasing skirt?”
Y/n laughed aloud taking another drag of their cigarette, smiling appreciatively. 'So crude Schemmenti.”
Melissa made an acknowledging sound stubbing out her cigarette as you continued, ‘so what is your vice then?" Y/n asked, watching the Italian woman with interest.
"Work." Mel deadpanned.
"There are worse things to be addicted to I suppose" Y/n shrugged throwing down her cigarette and stepping it out.
"Yeah, but being addicted to sex sounds much more fun" Mel commented, smirking as she swore the woman beside her blushed.
"You know Janine and Gregory are definitely going to hook up”
Mel gave a disbelieving tisk, not wanting to give away her friend and colleagues years in the making relationship. "What makes you think that Frenchie?”
'Come on,' Y/n replied, placing a hand on her hip, 'Have you looked at them? It's bound to happen. I can't quite put my finger on it but I know there's something there.' Y/n continued, her eyes narrowing. 'There was this sort of connection between them the moment they laid eyes on one another. It's been a tumultuous back and forth ever since, someone you can’t falsify.’ Her gaze lingered upon the Italian, the soft curve of her hips as the lay push against the brick. Full and decadent. An essence to their words that did not reflect or belong to Gregory and Janine at all.
'I suppose you may have a point.'
'If they're not shagging now then they will be, I just know it.’
“Not who’s crude.” Mel joked, a dazing full smile lay upon her features.
Y/n simply shrugged. 'I only hope Jacob catches on and finds someone too, at least so he won't turn out a spinster like her aunt.'
‘Oh come on’ the redhead sniggered, ‘you a spinster? How ridiculous. You’re far too young and gorgeous to be referred to in such a way.’
‘You don't believe me? all my relationships have ended in utter failure because I am reserved to becoming an old spinster,' Y/n sighed dejectedly, dramatically. 'Perhaps I should just accept my fate and adopt a bunch of cats.'
Mel smirked, a little laugh escaping her lips as he turned to Y/n if you wanted to play coy, she’d take the bait. ‘Look I don't know much but I do know, no matter when or how it happens, you just gotta be open to it,' she whispered, ‘and when you've done that, well maybe then you can get some cats.’
Y/n looked at Melissa for a good long moment, letting what she had just said sink in. After a bit, she nodded in agreement before revealing a sly look.
‘You think I’m gorgeous?’
‘Caught that did you?’ Melissa shook her head, flashed a charming grin, ‘besides I'm sure even old spinsters get a good fuckin' every once in a while."
‘Oh sure. I'm sure I'll be able to fit in a good rendezvous or two between all the cat feedings.’ Y/n delighted, their bottom lip curling upon their teeth.
‘Yeah, see, there you go,’ Mel laughed. ‘I'd definitely wanna show a fine cat lady like you a good time.’
Y/n found herself grinning, and looked down shyly. Maybe she was lying a little, plenty of people flirted with her, but never any as spectacular as this particularly teacher. What was a white lie in favour of a future?
Y/n turned towards Mel reaching out and grasping her wrist, taking her other hand and idly drawing circles in the Italian’s palm. 'Is that an offer?'
Melissa gave another, surprisingly nervous laugh, smile brilliant and charming. 'Well that depends on your answer Frenchie.’
Y/n hummed as if she were contemplating what they were going to do. When really she was just trying to contain her excitement because holy shit Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti was going to kiss her.
No time for nerves Hill.
Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as the redhead stepped in front of her, moving in close. Y/n bit her lip, holding in a gasp as she felt tender fingertips and a set of perfectly manicured nails just barely graze the soft and sensitive skin beneath her left eye. A hot palm pushing against her skin, brushing away her hair and pulling in. Y/n needed bit down harder to prevent a gleeful shout from escaping as strong hands grasped into her hair.
There was a moment, a bare seconds, void of anything other than the woman before her. Vision becoming little but hues of red remittent of Italian soils that Y/n would gladly be lay to rest in. The soft apex of the teachers lips falling down upon her own, moving in a perfectly smooth motion.
Melissa Schemmenti’s lips could only be found among worldly things, the simplest of pleasures. Between old library pages, morning rain and bath water as it fizzled down a drain. A kiss worthy of its benefactor, a kiss she couldn’t help but reach up and steal again. A rememberable of smoke thick upon their teeth, as they devoured one another.
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tsims · 10 months
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After years in the Funeral Director career (reaching level 8!), Jared finally bagged a job at the law firm and registered as a lawyer. The first course of action was beach day celebrations, and attending the small congratulatory party the Macdonalds threw for him. He got Business tycon --- Antonio Lopez to sign up as his first client. (I never expanded on where Doug [from the Martins] got his initial supply of guns... well, it's Antonio, I have him set as the local gun and drug smuggler.)
Other clients, I want Jared to represent in the future will be his wife (writer), Marie Le Pen (politician), the Rocks (comedian/social media influencer pair), Edward Burns (professional athlete), Bella Lotario (actor), Walker Wells (band group member), Doug Martins (criminal) and the Moreaus (wine business powerhouse from France.)
It'll take a while for me to post more content because I'll be playing some families for the first time next round and I won't have a lot of pictures. You can look forward to my wine-making French sims next, though (they also like horses)!
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lilakartoffelbrei · 1 month
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Still raining
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lady-moriel · 2 years
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Don Lotario
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olympic-paris · 13 days
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Germania occidentale,croce detta di lotario, 1000 ca, con base tardogotica (XV s.) 
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nannelia · 14 days
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Wiktoria dobrze sobie radzi w szkole zarówno ocenowo, jak i towarzysko.
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