#loth kittens
Clone Wars Headcanon: Loth Caths
Cody would give Fox a Loth kitten because he thinks his batchmate is lonely and would appreciate the company. This kitten would be absolute bonkers
Thorn absolutely loves it and tells Cody Fox loves it even though Fox refuses to admit it
Then Fox would find a Loth kitten that is more chill and give it to Cody as a gift and exchange for his own cat
Cody would treasure it with all of his heart
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loreensdarling · 10 months
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cloneenthusiast · 1 year
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Despite everything.
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rooksunday · 5 months
au where plo koon talks with wolffe, sinker, and boost about their siblings, and—having contacts among jedi and therefore able to message the other clones—sends along little ‘welcome to the clan ho ho ho here’s my comm in case you need it xoxo ba’vodu plo (i hope i’m not being too presumptuous!! B) )’ packages
later in the war, when fox is out of commission in medbay for the eighth time, thorn is scrambling through fox’s yards of datapads, mouldy ration bar wrappers, and odd socks— and he finds a message tucked inside a piece of flimsiplast folded into a tooka shape
and thorn is like. kark it. they’re already slated for decommissioning. this might as well happen.
anyway that’s how plo koon lightnings the chancellor, adopts the entire coruscant guard, and racks up a record bounty for abduction of military assets and property destruction (that no one ever bothers trying to track because the being has a personal army have you seen this shit?)
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amandamadeathing · 4 months
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@theonion headline paired with a Loth-cat.
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eorzeashan · 2 months
For those of you who missed the 7.5.1 livestream, new Date Nights are Aric Jorgan and Vette.
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raevulsix · 1 year
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A lil Loth cat I did for someone on IG.
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forcemelt · 4 months
swtor is a good game because i can have a little pet kitty follow me around and it also meows at me every once in a while
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sullustangin · 2 months
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It's been 2 months since Cat 2 was released from the mortal coil to make well-intended accidental chaos on another plane. It's been rough. @vexa-legacy, who also has been owned by cats, sent me this a couple of weeks ago, and I've been marinating in it. The one-eyed loth kitten kills me dead, as does young Eva. I still miss Cat 2 oh so very much. This helps fill the gap. Thanks, friend.
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dingoat · 10 months
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GLOW prompts: Lantern
Endrali (and loth kitten) for @queen-scribbles!
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coline7373 · 1 year
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"Even in the midst of war, Commander, Life will make itself known."
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indigofyrebird · 7 months
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I really wanted to write a story about the three times Ezra tried to bring home a Loth-kitten and was denied and the one time they let him keep one but my story wasn't working so here is a drawing instead.
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queen-scribbles · 10 months
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Let's put my collection of Loth-cat kitten screenshots to good use and say this is a pattern ref for anyone who wants/needs it
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cloneenthusiast · 1 year
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He's that dad that didn't want the tookas...and then fell in love with them
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haledamage · 4 months
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a baby!!! 🥺
found in a seasons cartel pack and I'm in love
Kade and Mako have named him Dust Bunny because they found him in the vents
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tennessoui · 1 year
bunny-wan. lunar year of the rabbit ... more bunny this year?
happy bunny day/easter!
(1k) (crack)
It starts mostly as a joke.
Rex is scheduled to be with Obi-Wan so that he’s not alone in Anakin’s apartments for the duration of his trip back to Tatooine, but Rex has accidentally double-booked himself.
“I made a calendar,” Anakin says through gritted teeth as he glares at his ex-friend through the shitty connection of their comm call. “I sent everyone two copies each. I sent you three!”
“Your long-term partner doesn’t need a babysitter, Anakin,” Rex replies defensively. “He’s a fully-fledged adult, he can spend a night alone—”
“Bunnies aren’t meant to be alone!” Anakin snaps back, crossing his arms over his chest. He thinks he’s said this phrase so often that it’s become one of the basic, guiding tenets of his life. Bunnies are not made to be alone. “Obi-Wan has different needs, alright? He wants company! You! Hence the kriffing calendar that you promised to abide by!”
“Anakin, you’re being ridi—”
“I won’t be able to concentrate if I know he’s by himself in that bathtub again, Rex!”
“Who said anything about a—”
“And I’m codifying the next hundred year treaty with the remaining Hutts, Rex! I need to be able  to concentrate, or negotiations are going to fail and the Hutts will re-establish their mob rule over my home planet, the Republic will lose its furthest reaching planet, slavery will once more become law, and other Outer Rim planets will see Tatooine leave the Republic and follow its lead! We’ll have a galactic civil war on our hands if—-”
Rex throws his arms up into the air. “Fine! Fine, alright, fuck, just shut up—fine, okay. I’ll take Obi-Wan with me on my couples vacation with Padmé!”
“Thank you,” Anakin says graciously. “That’s all I ask.” 
His friend throws him a very rude hand gesture. “And after we get back, we’re going to buy him a loth-kitten for company, kriff the stupid calendar!”
Anakin laughs because Rex could not be more obviously joking, and reaches forward to cut the connection.
His commlink buzzes with an incoming call only a few seconds later.
As soon as he accepts it, Obi-Wan blinks into sight. He’s running his fingers along the edge of his lop ear distractedly as he smiles in Anakin’s direction. One of their throwpillows is sitting in his lap.
It’s ridiculous and unnecessary and frankly unhealthy to be jealous of a throwpillow.
Anakin is very jealous of the throwpillow, especially when Obi-Wan drops his ear to wrap his arms around it.
It’s fine.
“Hi, Obi-Wan,” he says, grabbing at his own hands so he doesn’t try to do something stupid, like reach out and attempt to touch the holo image.
“Hello there,” Obi-Wan replies, cheeky and beautiful and perfect, and even though Anakin is on a starship speeding towards some place vast and dangerous, he suddenly feels at home.
Alright, so maybe it wasn’t a joke.
That’s the very first thing Anakin thinks upon arriving home to find a loth-kitten sitting just inside his apartment door, tail flicking back and forth as it cocks its head to stare at him curiously. 
“Oh,” says Anakin. “Hello.”
The loth-kitten blinks once before apparently deciding that he is someone to be trusted, because it stands and begins to rub its face against his leg while purring.
Frankly, it’s adorable.
It’s adorable, but it has nothing on the sight of his partner, rounding the corner. “Obi-Wan!”
The bunny breaks into a smile at the sight of him and rushes forward. Anakin accepts the hug with a happy sigh, nuzzling his face into Obi-Wan’s velvet ear and pressing a kiss to its base.
In his arms, safe and secure, Obi-Wan shivers. It’s a whole-body thing, one that only serves to remind Anakin about how sensitive bunnies are.
“Were you good while I was away?” he murmurs into the younger man’s ear.
Obi-Wan shrugs and kisses his neck. “I didn’t like Rex and Padmé’s ski lodge, so I got them kicked out,” he confesses, rubbing up against him in a fashion Anakin finds very distracting.
“That’s Rex’s fault,” he replies absent-mindedly as his hands trail down to massage the area of skin right above his partner’s tail. “There was a calendar.”
At this, Obi-Wan perks up. “You’re not mad?” He checks.
Anakin has never been mad at Obi-Wan once in his life, and they met after the bunny stole his ancestral crown because it was shiny. “No,” he says anyway. “Course not.”
“Then you’ll take it away?”  He’s asked eagerly. 
Anakin pulls away from their embrace to frown at him. “Take what away?”
“The punishment,” Obi-Wan says.
Anakin frowns. “Punishment?” Obi-Wan nods and gestures downward. 
As if it’s been listening, the loth-kitten at their feet meows plaintively.
Instinctively, Anakin crouches down and scratches its ears.
Obi-Wan’s face, when Anakin remembers to look up, is thunderous.
“Oh, come on,” Anakin says. He’s not whining. He does not whine. He is a galactic senator and a man in his later thirties. He is above whining.
The loth-kitten in his arms mewls.
Obi-Wan looks incensed. “I want it gone,” he demands.
Punishment, which is apparently the only thing the bunny has been calling the kitten, mewls again.
Anakin tightens his arms around the creature. “But where would she go?”
“Do I look like I care?” Obi-Wan asks, putting his hands on his hips.
He does not.
“I think having a pet would be good for you. Have you even given Menti a chance?” “Menti?”
Anakin frowns at him. “Well, I can’t call her Punishment for her entire life, she’d develop a complex!”
His bunny sneers at him and crosses his arms.
Anakin puts the kitten on the ground just so he can have both hands free to rub at his temples.
When Anakin lurches awake in the middle of the night, it’s to the disturbing realization that he’s alone in bed.
He’s never alone in bed when he’s on Coruscant. Obi-Wan likes to cuddle, and Anakin likes to be cuddled by his partner.
But when he awakens, he’s alone.
Obi-Wan can’t have gone far—Anakin will believe nothing else—and so he throws the warm sheets off in a bid to find him. He’d search all of Coruscant, if he had to.
But luckily, Obi-Wan is in the living room. 
“I don’t want you,” Obi-Wan says. “In fact, I despise you.” 
For one heart-wrenching second, Anakin is convinced that he is talking to him.
Then he rubs his eyes to clear his vision, and he sees the loth-kitten perched on a discarded throwpillow.
It meows.
“No, really,” Obi-Wan replies. “You’re–you’re—superfluous.”
“Superfluous?” Anakin repeats, and Obi-Wan startles. He turns around quickly—defiantly—and glares at Anakin.
“Superfluous!” Obi-Wan declares stridently. “You have me! You don’t need anything else so–cute! And—and—” “Fluffy?” Anakin suggests, leaning against the doorway and smirking despite himself. 
Obi-Wan scowls. “That’s not what I was going to say.”
The laughter escapes him without his permission. “So just to be clear,” he says, opening his arms so that his bunny can step into them. “You’re jealous of a loth-kitten?”
Obi-Wan’s scowl grows. “No,” he says. “Alright,” he mutters a second later. “Maybe.” 
When he stands from his crouch and steps into Anakin’s arms, Anakin can’t stop himself from smiling and pressing that smile against the crown of Obi-Wan’s head. “That’s alright,” he tells him. “I was jealous of a throw pillow.”
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