#lotl Adamant
deadinthename · 5 days
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tesseractrave · 1 year
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Kongo Sensei Studies 🧡💎
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king-paimon · 1 year
Houseki no Kuni Chapter 104 Thoughts: "My Way" By Frank Sinatra
Hello everyone! I hope your month had gone by well. Mine had been...eventful, to say the least, though I suppose things could have turned out much worse.
Anyways, that's not what this is about. I just finished going through the latest chapter and... wow. That last image. Many fans have pointed out the signs, and I think it's safe to say that those last few pages confirm how this long saga is finally going to end...
BUT before I get into that, as always, I'll share some of my thoughts in this post. This will be long and ramble-y as usual (I truly meant to keep it short this time, I swear! It just kept getting longer and longer...) and I may come back to update some things. And as always, please feel free to share your own thoughts!
BTW: After reading this chapter a few more times and struggling with a title for the post, "My Way" by Frank Sinatra kept popping up in my head. It's honestly pretty fitting. That's why it's my title now. Please look up the song and lyrics when you get the chance and you'll hopefully see what I mean.
View of Humanity Through Untainted Eyes (Or lack thereof...)
Like the last couple of chapters, this chapter was dialogue heavy and it was admittedly hard to pick which parts I liked the most. Eyeball's (Or should I address him as "Brother"?... I'm sticking with "Eyeball") dramatic performance at the beginning was very funny and informative. It really showed how much he not only hated humanity and yet valued the professor during her final moments. And his talk with Phos at the end of the chapter was engrossing. But for this section, I'll mostly focus on Phos's interactions with the pebbles; I'll focus more on the first pebble in the following section.
Phos has truly become a teacher/mentor-like figure ( and dare I say even parental figure) for these pebbles, especially because of how they spoke to them. Phos literally reminded me of a thoughtful pre-school teacher with how patient they are with each of the pebbles and giving them the chance to express their differing opinions and giving what I think were appropriate responses. In some ways, Phos's mannerisms in this chapter reminded me of Adamant, though Phos's approach with these pebbles seems more gently, at least to me.
Hmm...You know what's funny? As I was writing this portion, a little thought popped into my head claiming that Phos may have inadvertently adopted more of Adamant's habits than I first realized. I'll try to explain more on this in the next portion.
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But let me first go back to another thing that I liked about Phos's interaction with the pebbles: their individual responses. It could have been so easy to have the pebbles all be likeminded after hearing the history of humans, but that's not what we got. Each pebble had their own opinion; some were curious, some were scared, some were right in the middle, and a few seemingly blasé. I don't know why but I like how these varying responses further emphasize that the pebbles individuality goes deeper than their varying appearances and mannerisms. And I'm also thankful that Phos and Eyeball weren't seemingly perturbed by their responses... at least Eyeball wasn't.
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"I want everyone to be happy": Naivety or Profound Point of View?
Now let's focus on the main pebble, because of course, out of all the responses, their response to Phos and Eyeball had the most weight despite how simple it sounds on the surface.
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You can argue that the pebble's response was due to their naiveté, but I think this pebble has repeatedly shown that their nuanced view of the world around them is sophisticated and mindful. After being told by Phos and Eyeball about how fascinating and yet awful humans were and even acknowledging humanities good and bad qualities, the pebble still believed that everyone deserves happiness, even those considered "bad".
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I couldn't agree more with Eyeball and Phos on this page:
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At first, I thought that these innocent and yet wise responses reminded me of old Phos, but the more I thought about it, this couldn't be further from the truth. While Phos was also very naïve at the beginning of the story, I think they were to lost in their own heads to truly think outside of their own unrealized desires, even when they claim their actions were to help everyone. So if you were to tell old Phos the stories of humanity and ask them the same questions, I don't think we would have gotten the same answers the pebble gave. And the more I think about, I doubt Phos would have ever made the same conclusion at any point in their story. There's nothing wrong with that, but that just has me thinking... It's interesting how this small pebbles seem more empathy for others than the previous human descendants, from the Lunarians, Admirabilis, and the even the Lustrous, even though they looked more human.
Tell me what you think! This was weird character analysis tangent and I'm curious to know if anyone has feels similarly or differently. But speaking of Phos's character... Onto the next section!
Friend to Closed Off Guardian: The barrier between Phos and the pebbles
While I was typing the paragraph that focused on Phos's mentor-like persona, I made a small realization. Is it just me or doesn't Phos's interactions with the pebbles feel different now? Yes, I pointed out that Phos is acting like a kind teacher in this chapter and I could be overanalyzing this, but while this interaction is cute on the surface, I can't help but feel there is more to this interaction. This is why I brought up Adamant, for Phos's interactions with the pebbles in this chapter reminded me of a certain aspect of Adamant's old relationship with the Lustrous.
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As you may recall, Adamant assumed a leader/guardian role with the Lustrous over time. He had many reasons of doing so, including for their protection, but assuming this role came at a price; Adamant ended up keeping the Lustrous at an emotion distance. With the exception of Antarctictite and eventually Phos and Euclase, Adamant closed himself off from forming true close relationships to the gems, for their sake and his, effectively creating a barrier between them. This barrier only became obsolete after Adamant finally relented and opened up to the Earth gems after Phos's first attack on them, and even if it were just for a short time, Adamant and the Lustrous interacted on a somewhat equal footing.
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Now lets go back to how Phos initially interacted with the pebbles. Not long after Phos found the first pebble, they didn't interact like how Adamant used to with the Lustrous. The two talked freely and sang together without a care in the world. Though Phos and this pebble are vastly different in many ways, it was clear that Phos saw them as a friend. An equal. And Phos was happy.
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But now look at how Phos interacts with the pebbles now. I don't see Phos's interaction with the first pebble or any of the pebbles the same way anymore. Yes, Phos encourages the pebbles to speak freely, but to me, it feels like the same can't be said about Phos now. Phos isn't speaking as freely as they did before. They are selective in how they address the pebbles, kind of like Adamant. Phos is acting more like their guardian rather than their friend... like Adamant used to. Phos is fully embodying Adamants old role now and it's a little sad the more I think about.
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After being alone for so long in more ways than one, Phos had finally found beings who treated them like a real friend. But because something in them changed, Phos is now slowly but surely assuming their role as the pebbles guardian and in doing so, that friendship connection is being replaced by a similar barrier that Adamant once donned.
Like I said, I'm probably overthinking this and giving Haruko Ichikawa more credit than what's due, but I just can't help but think about the parallels here. What do you think?
Acceptance: The End is Near
The last thing I'll touch on are the last few pages because...wow.
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If I remember correctly from posts made by some keen eyed fans, the story had been hinting that the main sun is about to die. And one of the final stages of a star's death is that it would expand into either a red giant or a red super-giant, which was being depicted in that last image.
And if I'm interpreting those last few pages correctly, it seems that both Phos and Eyeball are aware that the sun will eventually consume the Earth. It will take a couple more thousand of years, but as we've seen here and in the previous chapters, time doesn't matter. The real end of everything is coming and those two are accepting it.
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Yup. It looks like we have true confirmation for how this saga is going to finally end. And just like those two, I'm ready for it. Not out hatred or anything truly negative towards this series... I just feel like I'm ready for that final curtain call for this unique, thought provoking, and strenuous story.
I just hope the end will be a worthy end.
WHEW. This post ended up being even longer than I originally intended! Sorry about that. Regardless, I hope you liked it. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts, even if you don't agree with me!
Until next time!
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mieowkoid09 · 1 year
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Inktober Day Twenty-Nine: Nano Lotus
Houseki no Hanatober
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19-bellwether · 1 year
There's some kind of meaning in the last remnants of human being content and happy in their simple existence versus a non-human machine being full of wrath and vengeance, while Phos believes humanity's presence causes the opposite trend.
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lunarah-artistry · 2 years
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♦ Creation of Phos ♦ Reimagination of the famous painting! - 2021
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mwyoomi · 3 days
HEIII this is kinda old but um here's my oc talc!!
mohs : 1
job : none
age : 1 yr old!!
He emerged towards the beginning of the manga, right before the shell arc! He's very naive and shy, too afraid to leave adamant's or to even leave his room sometimes. He needs extra layers of clothes due to his low hardness scale, to protect himself from crashing into stuff and crumbling. I'd love 2 use him in a rp but the lotl fandom is so small we could fit in a mini van
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ursa-the-stranger · 2 years
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ranan-culus · 2 years
The most human emotion
After having given it some thought, and also considering Chapter 97, I’ve thought a lot about what Enma said in chapter 88.
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Of course, back when Phos went onto their revenge spree, most of us were on board with it, especially since the gems have wronged Phos greatly. But I never couldn’t really agree with what Enma said, especially since he considered Phos too pure after they got their gold aloy and agate legs.
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And exactly that thinking is why the Moon people can’t pass into Nirvana. They considered Phos, while they were looking monstrous and only were out for blood (inclusions?) the most human that they’ve ever been,
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while Adamant considered Phos human enough before (or rather saw Doctor Ayumu in them) that state.
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If there is one thing that keeps getting Phos closer and closer to humanity, then it was them reveiving or showing love. When Ventri gave them the agate legs, she also gently petted over their broken face, or when they lost their arms, Antarc got themself into danger to get them new ones. Even receiving Lapis’ head was an act of love from Cairn. After each of those times they developed further and changed more. 
But when they got to the moon? They were forced to have the pearl eye, they were forced to wear the lunarian clothes. That is when they stopped developing and were stuck in that Laphos phase.
Through the moon they ended up desiring vengeance, which made them lose sight of who they originally were. So it’s notable, when they got the final and last treasures, Sensei’s eye and Cinnabar’s mercury that they radically changed again. One was due to a promise that was fulfilled and another to give Phos the chance to pray.
But they truly became enlightened through a motherly kiss.
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Phos wasn’t human because they wanted vengeance, but because they love. The lunarians are so focused on wanting salvation, that they could never consider love as a way to reach Nirvana. They only hurt and destroy, because that’s the thing that got them onto the moon in the first place.
So in a way, a rock amalgation becoming a divine figure is more human than any human souls that are residing on the moon.
Because the most human emotion is love.
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rurucattt · 2 years
Hnk spoilers!!!!!!
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deadinthename · 2 years
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aevalentine · 4 years
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king-paimon · 2 years
Houseki no Kuni Chapter 97 Thoughts: Rebirth and Purpose
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Wow...this was a very fascinating chapter. We finally get to see more of Adamant’s past and his relationship with the doctor character, Professor Ayumu. And at the end, we got to see what can be best described as Phos’s presumably final metamorphosis.
I have to admit, I didn’t think we’d be seeing this transformation so soon. Yes, I figured we’d see Phos transform again, but I thought the process was going to take a while. Like, I really thought that we’d be seeing Phos in their gooey form for another chapter or two, see them wander around and maybe even new gems or something like that.  I don’t know how I feel about that just yet. Maybe it’s just me or doesn’t this feel so...sudden? Rushed? I don’t know. I’ll talk a bit more about that later in the post. But first, I want to go over the main meat of this chapter. This post may be a little messy as I’m writing this really late and I’m really, really tired. Please expect some edits here and there.
I’d also like to note: Whenever I’m talking about Phos’s current form, I’m going to call it their “Enlightened Form.” I saw a few posts calling it Phos’s “Angelic Form” and though it does look angelic, I’m going to call it Phos’s “Enlightened Form” instead. It feels more appropriate since this story revolves around Buddhism. And I don’t want to call Phos a Buddha just yet; that’ll be saved for how things turn out in the next chapter.
Also TW: Body horror for anyone who’s squeamish about that stuff. 
Ok, here we go:
The Human and Her Machine
The interactions between Adamant and Prof. Ayumu were really fascinating. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Adamant be so... expressive? Youthful? It’s...so odd to see him like this, but it’s nice. And his interactions with the dog were adorable, I can’t deny. 
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TW: Body horror again!
Prof. Ayumu herself is fascinating, too. I really liked what Ms. Ichikawa did in designing her slowly decomposing, not entirely organic body. It reminds of some of her other trippy works. I don’t think if it was ever explained how she end up like this but I get the feeling that she continuously modified herself by replacing organic parts with robotic parts so would be able to live long enough finish making Adamant. I always find characters who would go through such modifications fascinating.
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But other than her design, what intrigued me about Prof. Ayumu is her revelation about about the world and her place (or rather humanities place) within it.
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These are the words of someone who realized that humans really can’t control everything. To me, she’s essentially saying: “Humans really didn’t matter in the ‘grand scheme’ of the universe. We were here by chance and now we’re going by chance. And the world will just keep changing. Nothing we/I did mattered, and that’s fine.” This revelation reminds me of some of the different Buddhism teachings that I’ve come across over the past few years, including ones from other analysist posts. 
This dialogue also made me think about Phos and their experience. About their initial pursuit for finding their role in their world. And even as Phos and their goals evolved, there was still this underlining drive of finding something for themselves. Whether it be a purpose for themselves, a purpose for someone else, or just happiness. And sadly that drive also contributed to their suffering. Phos and their journey is like a reflection of raw human desires.
Reincarnation: From Human to Gem to Human again
This chapter also revealed how Prof. Ayumu and Phos are connected, with the likelihood that Phos is Prof. Ayumu’s reincarnated form. There were discussion before about how the universe had been restarted many times, but I don’t remember if reincarnation was something that was brought up before this. 
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If Phos really is the reincarnation of Prof. Ayumu, this could be one of the reasons why Adamant showed favoritism towards them. This was something a few fans had commented on before, and I agree with them. Now I’m wondering... Did Adamant know that Phos was connected to the Prof. Ayumu in this manner? Did he remember this small conversation after so many years had passed? And did this influence how he treated Phos throughout their life?
In my opinion, I think Adamant did remember this conversation, but I don’t think he made the connection to Phos until much, much later. In fact, I think he started to see more of the professor within Phos as they evolved. I don’t think we’ll ever know for sure.
But this scene and the next scene I will talk about brings me back to Adamant and what his possible real goal was.
Adamant’s True True Goal: Burn it all down
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This. This, and and the previous dialogue that lead up to this panel really stuck out to me. Remember, these are Adamants’ memories. The professor told this to Adamant for a reason, and I think Adamant wanted Phos to see this. Why? I can’t think of any other reason other than to set something big in motion. Or rather, to STOP something that’s in motion.
(The following thoughts literally came to mind as I was writing this, so forgive me if they are too outlandish.)
For the longest time, I think many fans, including myself, have been questioning Adamant’s choice of actions both before and after he was taken to the moon. Maybe I’m overthinking this, but what are the chances that most of Adamant’s actions, including inactions, up until this point were deliberate.
What if Adamant was intentionally or subconsciously sabotaging this cycle that Aechmea’s trying to complete?  What if his reluctance to pray wasn’t only because he loved the gems, but because of the last order he was given from Prof. Ayumu? What if Adamant wasn’t actually “broken”?
Remember, Adamant could only pray if he was told to by a “human.” Could the same be said if he was told to “burn the bridge”? Again, I’m probably reaching, but could this be a possibility?
Ok, before I lose track, let’s go back to Phos and this scene. There must be a reason why Phos is experiencing this. Did Adamant know that Phos would experience is? Is there a chance he hoped Phos would pick up where he left off in this regard? It’s actually hard to say, but it’s clear that Phos needed to hear this for an important reason. Adamant had to have done this on purpose...
And now I’m wondering Aechmea actually knew about this when he gave Phos Adamant’s eye. I figured he wanted Phos to experience the traumatic event Adamant witnessed, but what about that specific conversation with the professor?
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And you know what, I’m also wondering back to Aechmea and Adamant’s new “partnership.” Several fans, including myself, have noted how Adamant seemed off after being brought to the moon. It felt weird seeing how Adamant is acting fine around Aechmea after seeing him fight back against him and the Lunarians for so many chapters. We could excuse this as a result of the transformation process that all the other gems had. But now, I’m again wondering if Adamant really is fine with everything or if this is somehow a ruse. I still stand by the theory that while Aechmea may be powerful and can predict certain people’s actions, he’s not omnipresent and can’t predict or control everyone. I’m hoping this is the case for Adamant.
Again, I know it’s a stretch. Maybe a part of me still wants to believe in Adamant. That there is still a sliver of defiance within him and now Phos. Well, regardless of whether Adamant is truly now on Aechmea’s side or not, I think Adamant wanted Phos to experience this scene with Prof. Ayumu. He wanted Phos to hear that final order. And I believe the outcome of this will play out in the next chapter...
But before that, I want to share my thoughts about this chapter as a whole.
How I’m feeling about this chapter: Going too fast?
I like this chapter overall, especially because we got to learn more about Adamant and their role in everything. But I admit that the last two to three pages caught me by surprise for a few reasons. The first being Phos’s enlightened form. It’s.. eerie and pretty at the same time. It’s a very unique form, and it contrasts a lot from Phos’s last two forms. I think that was Ms. Ichikawa’s intent. It’s very interesting how she incorporates Buddhism imagery in such unique and abstract ways.
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But despite my fascination with this form, I still feel that we’re seeing it too soon. Like I stated at the top of this post, part of me feels like this chapter, or rather Phos’s transformation was rushed. I’m not saying this because I want to see Phos continue to suffer any more in their gooey state; in all honesty, I’m kind of happy to not see their gooey depressed form anymore. 
But at the same time, it feels like Ms. Ichikawa is now running to the finish line. And after having Aechmea say that they would just supervise Phos and collect any new gems in the previous chapter, I kind expected that we would see some of that? Maybe small glimpses of that at least? Maybe it’s just me thinking this. What do you guys think?
Well regardless of how I feel about the pacing in the last few pages, Phos’s “enlightened” form is really cool. But how “enlightened” have they become? I think that will be answered by what they do next...
The final turning point...
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I think it’s clear that the next chapter will lead to the next, if not final, turning point in the story. “Everyone” is here to greet the newly “Enlightened Phos.” With the Lunarians are on the left. The Admirabilis on the right. And the gems right in the center, right above Phos. This is it. All remnants of humanity are here. And Phos’s actions in the next chapter will be the determining factor in how this story will conclude. Anything can happen now, but the question is what?
Will Phos do the prayer for the remnants of humanity and free everyone as Adamant’s replacement?
Will Phos “burn that bridge” and stop the cycle somehow?
A bit of both? 
Or will Phos do something no one saw coming?
Who knows. We’ll have to wait until next month to see.
But regardless of what happens next, like I’ve said in my last few posts, I guarantee there will be a lot of unsatisfied fans in this fandom and there will be anger, specifically towards Ms. Ichikawa.
But you know what? That doesn’t matter to me right now. 
Despite my own conflicted feelings, I’ve been enjoying my time with Houseki no Kuni and I’m sticking to this story no matter what to the end. And if this leads to the most bitter, most anger inducing end with no happiness in sight, it’s fine. 
I will have no regrets.
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penebui · 4 years
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Thanks to my wonderful friend and savior @phriski-phriski, we have found the full image to the rare rutichi! It is horrible image quality, but the plus side is it is up for grabs on buyee.jp if anyone wants it! 
The original post I was referencing to
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The manga is finally back, so you bet my obsession with this has reared it’s ugly head once more.
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