#lotta animal quirks I know
magma1000 · 2 years
If you’ve noticed, I haven’t been posting in a while bc I was working on something….
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I also…..
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MADE SOME MORE!!!! This one here’s Class 1-D and above them is Class 1-C, my original ocs. Sooo, while you guys are waiting for me to draw cooler things again, everyday I’ll introduce you to five of the students from both classes!
Comin up,
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No. 1 from class 1-C, Atsuko Takahashi, 17, Quirk: Hot Head 
She can freely manipulate the lava on her head in multiple ways.
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No. 1 from class 1-D, Akari Nagata, 16, Quirk: Leo
She can summon a fiery lion from her own star spirit. 
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No. 2 from class 1-C, Ayane Suzuki, 15, Quirk: Siren
The lyrics she sings will direct anyone she wants, as long as the lyrics make sense
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No. 2 from class 1-D, Arakai Shimizu, 17, Quirk: Hawk
He can do anything a hawk can do but better, and she uses it fantastically 
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No. 3 from class 1-C, Emiko Izumi, 15, Quirk: Chameleon 
Izumi can do anything a Chameleon can!
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No. 3 from class 1-D, Charlie Mai, 17, Quirk: Oceanic Body
Mai can transform her body into an ocean like form, fish, coral, seaweed and everything!
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No. 4 from class 1-C, Etsuka Yoshino, 17, Quirk: Porcupine 
She can do anything a porcupine can
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No. 4 from class 1-D, Daichi Fumihiro, 15, Quirk: Body manipulation
Fumihiro has the ability to change the form of his body, in addition to growing new body parts (as long as he can produce enough bone and muscle for what he wants to grow)
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No. 5 from class 1-C, Fujin Tani, 16, Quirk: breath
For as long as she’s blowing air out of her lungs, she can create a powerful tunnel of wind 
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And no. 5 from class 1-D, Hikaru Ikki, 17, Quirk: Ant
Ikki is able to do anything an ant can do, but better 
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OUAT!Hades x Soulmate!Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: Love interests who acknowledge that their true love had a true love already, accept it and respect the fact that their will always be a great love there... and still ask to just be the next one >> All other love interests.
'Yes, you and Michael had a beautiful love story... and now I hope that we can have our own' (By Rafael Santiago, Jane the Virgin)
Yes I had to make the other guy Jafar. Just because its their OUAT versions doesn't mean I cant keep beloved original animated patterns.
Warnings: -
You don't want to do this. You don't want to be here. This is too hard. You will never not have love for Jafar, he will always be important to you- and if Hades asks you to forget that now for him then you're going to have to hurt him. Because you refuse. That is not fair.
Just because you cant be with Jafar anymore doesn't mean that you aren't always going to be a place he can come back to, a home, if she needed. If she wanted.
That's just how it is. That is how it will always, be. You promised.
So, feeling like you know exactly what Hades is going to say you just give a frustrated sigh and slip your hands away from him; turning to just leave. He's cute and you care about him, you like him, but you cannot be asked to-
Hades doesn't go to grab you back, that's not his style- and his voice is soft but theirs always been a restrained rage in it that felt commanding. "Y/N, wait."
"No, your answer is no. Just- " He appears directly in front of you again, blocking off your exit. Giving a hopeless sigh, you feel like you almost want to cry. "I, just- "
"You don't even know what I wanted to talk to you about... "
Sniffing, you cross your arms and look down to the ground beneath you. "I know what you wanna talk about it." You say defiantly, quietly.
"No, you don't." The tone in his voice is obnoxiously haughty, and when you look up at him he's shaking his head; an irritatingly sure look on his pale face. "Just stop for a second okay? Just a second, don't we owe ourselves that?"
"Why, because we went on a couple of dates?"
"Because we love eachother." Your jaw drops and Hades gives a short sigh, like a dissapointed 'oh right'. "Or, at least, I do."
You stop aching to leave for just a moment then, sighing and closing your eyes. He sounds so sure. How can you... how can you tell him, he doesn't? He likes you, he might even care about you a little bit deep in that cold dead heart of his but he can not love you. You cannot love him. Its... its too soon. "... Okay, Hades, look, I don't think- "
"Y/N, I've had my eye on you before you were born- literally. This is not some... sad, poetic, mumbo jumbo about the universe and big balls of gas hanging in space- this is real. I've known you were coming for centuries, and I've watched you grow up and... I know, we are meant to be." Lost in your head, wondering what the hell he is talking about, you let him take up one of your hands at least- in his again, which he warms in both of his. He almost looks earnest,.. or at least as earnest as Hades can look with those dead eyes.
"... " Suddenly a realisation comes to you. "The fates." Hades' eyes light up the tiniest bit, eyebrows shooting up and a small grin quirking at one corner of his still mouth; pleased at your deductive reasoning. You shake your head then, though, disbelieving. "No... They did not- "
"They did. They said- they said my soulmate, whatever that means, would be born on your birthday. They triangulated you right down to the damn street."
"A lotta kids were born that day, Hades!" You're trying desperately not to give into this madness, because you already had a great love and what Hades is suggesting makes you feel like it wasn't. Like what you had with Jafar would just get swept under the rug. Like wasn't important.
And it was!-
"None like you. Trust me; none like you."
"Hades come on- "
"I know, I know," His voice gets softer, as if it was even possible, and he steps in closer to you- something you notice but for once don't make yourself fix like its a problem. You stay right where you are, frowning and searching his blue eyes for even just a hint that this is something evil. Something planned. A step in some villainous scheme, meant to distract you so he can hurt someone. Because that would be easier- that would be par for the course with villains like him. "... I know, you had a great love story with- with Jafar. That'll always be true. No one will deny that," He presses his forehead to yours and you melt. "Ever.
"... but I was hoping, we could now have our own."
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twotiime2 · 1 year
Reality Adjustment, pt. 5
[[ Discord log to follow, yadda yadda, this one is SUPER long! Best read in Dark Mode! ]]
[[ tw for: Themes of not trusting your perception of reality, frequent use of casual ableist language. Later on there are mentions of animal death, some implied light nsfw descriptions, and a whole lotta Fake Nonsense Science Jargon since neither of us have any formal education related to any sciences. Toward the end there's a scene that includes some accidental fantasy racism, but it's very brief and handled with more than a generous amount of apology and guilt... and then that goes straight into Fiction territory. this is an isekai now. ]]
After some shuffling things about and repeated neuralization of Otome, the pizza dinner was back underway and back on course. As it turned out, Otome knew the following things - and nothing else…
The Technocratic Union was a super secret conspiracy agency (probably of the government, or some global international thing?).
The Union did spy stuff using cutting edge technology that the commercial market wasn't ready for.
Normal people weren't ready for the supertech stuff because of some quirk of ultra-high technology science something.
Nobody could ever learn of the Technocracy, or the weird science quirk thing would happen to everyone, everywhere, or something.
The Union was basically MiB, like in the movies, but… whatever they dealt with was secret. Might be aliens. Maybe not. Who knew?
Simon worked for Q Division, the tech support and computer R&D department.
There was also the money group, the MiB spy people, the biolab freak science people, and the space research people.
The Union protected the world from super dangerous forces that defied reality somehow (Cthulhu, Demons, Aliens, whatever?)
The Union was super into Loyalty and Secrets and Trust, keeping your mouth shut won tons of brownie points.
The Union had seemingly unlimited authority, resources, and money. And thank God too, because they'd need it to fight Demons.
Otome's knowledge of anything deeper was limited to guesses and things she kept to herself, either because she wasn't sure she was right, or because she was pretty sure that Simon had one of those Memory Pen Flash things and he might flash her and leave her if she knew too much. So, she was a Good Girlfriend™️ and kept it to herself.
And of course Simon was brilliant with super secret agency technology that might be from space or another dimension. After all, he was certifiably insane and a walking checklist of eccentric quirkiness. He was perfect for the job!
Once all of this was known and settled, and pizza had been redone in detail - Simone/Edith had some real talent for detail - they began the dinner again from when Otome had just put down the drinks and rejoined Simon and Simone. This time, she was kept clear of any clues as to Simone's reality-breakage, excessive special effects, or any questions about reality's limits and the depths of the Union's activities.
- - - -
Instead of asking Simone, Simon asked Otome, "So, when did they come out with new Mountain Dew flavors? They only had original green-yellow lemony-limey whatever for… ever." He waved his hand in a vague circle from the wrist, as he was trying to describe the flavor of Mountain Dew.
At the end of the sentence, while waiting for her reply, Simon stroked Edith's back, all the way down to the tip of her tiny tail. It was genuinely such an adorable form! So very distracting. And he was, again, not much of an animal person, before.
- - - -
Otome thought while she chewed, and after swallowing, said, "I have no idea. But it sounds very Googleable."
- - - -
His eyebrows screwed up. "…The doctor said something about a Google, and now you've used it as a verb. What the fuck is a Google? Like, I know a googolplex, but I feel like that isn't something you would usually consult for obscure bits of information. And he had no idea what Dogpile… was. I guess."
- - - -
"Isn't a dogpile when there's a bunch of guys on one girl?"
" That's a gangbang. Big difference. "
"Google is a search engine. Like, the search engine. So much so that Googling something is a slang term for looking it up. On most devices, if there's a search bar for you to type into, chances are it defaults to the Google search engine. They're so big now, as a company, that they own YouTube, FitBit, Waze, and a bunch of others, plus they own investment capital in Robinhood, Duolingo, Uber and… well, a bunch of other stuff."
She paused, noting his expression. "Uh… they're a search engine that got crazy rich and owns like ten percent of all the names people think of when they think of the tech industry."
- - - -
Simon closed his eyes and tilted his head, consternation clear on his face and in his knit brow.
"Rmm. So much jargon that flew over my head. That explained everything. Thank you for the simplified version."
He finally took another bite of his pizza, still delicious as before and hitting a craving he hadn't realized he was suffering. "And, uh, you were thinking of a gangbang. Dogpile was a search engine that launched toward the end of the century- it'd pull results from everywhere, even like, other search engine results- and, personally, MetaCrawler had nothing on it. Shame it's not being used anymore."
- - - -
"I thought you still used 'Crawler? Oh, I guess you wouldn't remem- yeah, they're still around. You're the only person I know who uses it, but it's around."
" They relaunched in 2017. "
When he clarified that she'd referenced a sex act, Otome choked a little on her japanese soda, turning red. After clearing her throat, she said simply, "Oh."
"Uh… yeah, not that. Hey… is it wrong to ask what the 90's were like? I mean, we were in diapers during those years in the real world, so…. what was it like? I know how they show it on TV, but that's…. that's fake, right?"
- - - -
He gazed at her over his pizza.
"…I have no idea how they show the 90s on TV. If it's anything like they did the 70s and back, probably not. I'm not sure what to tell you."
- - - -
She pondered that for a moment, and shrugged. "That's fair. And probably accurate. It's just a little awkward having you back, but not… really being able to talk about anything we'd normally talk about."
She touched his hand with hers, but only along the outer edges of their hands, since they both had pizza-hands.
"But I'm trying."
- - - -
His gaze softened, and he reached to touch her back.
"…I appreciate the effort. On the bright side, we can have a movie marathon where you show me your favorites of the last twenty years? And introduce me to mine, again? Totally blind, not even having seen the trailers during ad breaks on TV." He considered for a second. "And the ones you hate. Especially those. If you can sit through them."
- - - -
Her head tilted. "TV has ad breaks during the shows?"
- - - -
Aaaaand his gaze hardened again. "Tell me you're not fucking with me again. Did they finally get rid of the two-minute breaks between five minutes of show?"
- - - -
She shrugged, "I have no idea. I don't watch TV. I stream everything, and I always have. I mean, I think we had TV when I was like, super little? But I don't remember it."
- - - -
Seriousness gave way to consternation. "Tell me what you mean by 'streaming'."
- - - -
She winced. "Oh! Oh, right… sorry. Streaming has replaced a lot of TV for a lot of people. It's when a streaming service, like Disney+ or HBO, or YouTube, keeps a big library of watchables in their servers and users subscribe - usually for a monthly fee, but not always - to the services they want, to watch the things they want to watch, when they want to watch them. We could go log in to Disney+ right now and watch Snow White… on a television, a computer, a cellphone… any device with a screen and an internet connection. It's like hitting play on a video file, except instead of having the movie on a flash drive, the movie is on Disney's computers… and you need to make sure your internet connection is solid enough to watch it without any screwups. But you can do it anytime you want… if you have a subscription."
- - - -
"…Huh." That explanation sounded very logical and also fucking impossible given what he had known of technology's capabilities in the 90's. They didn't even have external storage that could hold one movie-length video in the common market, much less that could hold multiple, or internet connections strong and fast enough to access those video files on external servers, then play them. He chewed as he thought about that, staring into the middle-distance.
The Union had brought technology a long way in the last twenty years.
They didn't quite have Mobius's sentient-nanite tech in the Consensus yet, but boy, were they well on their way.
"Wow. Do you even still keep hard copies of the shit you can stream? I am gonna have so many questions."
- - - -
"Yes. Because… what if it's not streaming anywhere when you want to see it? Not every service can sustain more than a hundred titles in active rotation at a time, while some can handle several hundred. Usually, the shows and movies go on rotation from one service to another, and sometimes, it's just… not showing. Or they decided not to stream it for cultural reasons… like some of the old racist stuff in cartoons and movies where celebrities tap-danced in black face and stuff. And then there's …. you know…. adult material. That doesn't stream anywhere."
" Except for every porn site ever. "
"Unless you count things like PornHub, but… that's not a real streaming service."
" I'd make a joke here, but it's too easy. And a little gross. "
- - - -
"Fair." He nodded to Edith, in response to her, not that Otome knew that. "…Well, at least it's not all online-only yet. I have to say, with a clear head and in retrospect, having everything exist only in a digital space is just asking to lose humanity's cultural history to a disaster way less impressive than burning a whole library to the ground. Data decay was already a bit of a problem, I can't imagine how bad it effects things now."
"But, uh, it's not great that they're deciding what is and is not available to people that are paying them for the ability to watch the things in their archives. They're- you're- paying for the service expressly for access to that company's stuff, so it's… really shitty they hold anything back without it being a restriction of their tech rather than their policies."
- - - -
Otome paused. "Uh… Boybot? Most of your video games are online only. Some consoles and computer games are only online gaming capable."
- - - -
Oh, that brought a distressed grimace. "Jesus Christ."
And then a disappointed shake of his head. "Why??"
- - - -
She looked confused. "Because it's easier and cheaper for indie game devs to publish and distribute through Steam on PC, or through Online Marketplace for Polystation, Sintendo, XXXBox, and the rest? They can just put up a few paragraphs of description, a few screen shots, maybe a video file trailer, and sell their game for $5 or $20, without having to pay for marketing and packaging and stuff. And it keeps clutter to a minimum."
- - - -
He looked at her from above his glasses, head half-hung from where he shook it. "Is that true? Or is that just what those companies want you to think? I- well, I admit, I don't know anything about the gaming scene now or its variety of content. But without those companies cornering the market, would it actually be that hard for individually-published titles to be distributed? Word-of-mouth or of-text on like, bulletin boards, used to work fine. And game hardware was simple enough, they could be made into console cartridges without too much trouble."
"My collection was… my collection. From their publishers. But they were my copies. What happened to that?"
- - - -
She looked thoughtful and nodded between bites. "Something we've discussed many times. Skipping to the end, I don't know what the Union is capable of, and I don't know what could be if things radically changed… I just know what is. Without knowing more, I don't think I can really know enough to feel that strongly about something I can't change."
- - - -
"Hmph." He harrumphed over his next bite of pizza. "The decline of physical media is a crime to people's right to the things they pay for, based on capitalism's own rules of exchange. Fucking stupid, full stop."
Simon sulked for an entire slice, and its bones.
- - - -
She offered a sad smile, "Okay, Che, calm down. At least you're still you on some things."
- - - -
He paused, considering her remark, and then nodded. "Good. I never liked how the Union supported that crap; it was like, part of the main thing I left 'em for."
It only occurred to him after a few bites that he was still working for them in this reality. "…In. The life in my head. I just heard the dissonance."
- - - -
Otome did look confused, but then nodded when he explained. "So… they put you inside the Matrix, but back in the 90's… and you left, in the simulation? Must've sucked."
"Caution here. I wanna know too, but you should keep it to a minimum. Unless you wanna do this pizza thing a third time?"
- - - -
He raised a brow and glanced at Edith, noting her warning, but continued to Otome after a moment.
"…Yeah. I had an alternative offer that gave me the same creative freedom without all the fellating of Capitalism- or, at least, as much. It was still kind of the Union anyway, though- just, like, an offshoot. I think maybe some of the drugs they put in me while they were trying to keep me alive fucked up their Matrix sim in more ways than just crazy dreamscapes interspersed with details of my actual life."
- - - -
"You think maybe the offshoot thing was part of the… whatever the doctors called it? The psychotic reaction thing?"
" Bored now. I'm going to go upstairs and do something more fun than talking about capitalism and crap. If you take too long down here, I'm going to walk down here naked and force you to have to try and carry on your conversation with me being lewd or whatever. That way, you don't bore Otome to death, and I still have something to do. "
The kitten hopped down and stood as a girl once more, before finishing her root beer shot.
" You better pray I find a comic to read or something, or I'm comin' back down here in my birthday suit."
- - - -
Simon pouted at Edith. "Aww, come on, we're establishing personal belief baselines! What do you wanna talk about, Eed? Besides how much pizza to leave in the box for you when I bring it up, or whatever you consider 'lewd'."
- - - -
Edith rolled her eyes and sulked, shoulders slumped. "But that's boooooring!! Can't we go take something apart, or blow something up, or juggle chainsaws, or something? I'm falling asleep over here! You're my boyfriend, darnit! You're supposed to keep me entertained!"
- - - -
"Oh, I'm supposed to keep you entertained? When I haven't hardly had any time with either of you, t'do anything yet, much less time for myself to let this reality set in? D'you want things to go back to kinda-normal, or do you want me to be trying to figure out how it is you want me to entertain you while also trying to puzzle through my life with Otome without any time to hang out with her? I'm sorry you can't exactly participate in the conversation, here, but it's not my fault you don't care about the things we're talking about."
He had half-turned in his seat to face Edith, legitimately frustrated with her self-centeredness and perceived lack of care for the differences between what he knew and what was. It may have been self-centered of him to be wanting more to catch up than to just spend time, but, he felt it wasn't unreasonable for someone in his position to want to do so, before they tried to do anything else.
"If I could fucking hang out with both of you at the same time, that would be great, but guess what? I can't do that. So."
Simon fixed her with a more legitimate, annoyed frown.
- - - -
Otome blinked in surprise at his outburst, and so did Edith. The latter hesitated, before going upstairs, muttering something about staying out of his way.
His girlfriend looked where he was looking, then back at him. "Is everything okay? Did I do something?"
- - - -
Simon suddenly felt kind of like he had yelled at a child harshly, for just wanting his attention while he was busy with something else, and all of his annoyance deflated into guilt. He turned back to Otome, that guilt coloring his face.
"…Ugh. No." He wiped one pizza-hand on his pants, and then ran it through his slightly-damp hair. "Edith wants to do something, because our conversation is boring her to sleep, and said I'm 'her boyfriend, aren't I supposed to entertain her?' but like, having these kinds of foundational conversations is kind of important, and… god damn it, does my having come out of a hospital maybe an hour ago, not knowing a goddamn thing about the life you guys know, not take priority right now?"
He stared at his pizza, suddenly far less hungry.
"…I guess that is kind of self-centered, too, but… things aren't gonna settle back to normal in a day just because I'm awake and home, you know? I'm not… I'm basically not the me you guys know, and I have to get to know you guys without any prior idea of what you're like or what quirks you have or what your favorite colors are. I get you've been missing your-me, but-" He looked up at Otome from above his glasses. "-that's not - I can't be relieved to be back, because I didn't know you two and haven't known I had anyone like you to miss."
He ran his hand through his hair again, and rested that elbow on the table, half-burying his face into the crook of his elbow while that hand hung in the air slightly above his head, playing with a curl between his index and thumb.
"I've barely landed, why can't she let the jet-lag wear off a little before dragging me around?" he muttered into his arm.
- - - -
Otome's hand was patient and her tone comforting, as if this particular anguish were a well worn road under their feet.
"I quote an expert in the field, when I say, 'Because Edith is part of what drives you and vice versa. Every perfect score, every new program, every brilliant breakthrough, every obsession, every time you got up and did the impossible, when all you wanted was to stay in bed… was, partly, her fault. Because she doesn't let you stay in your ruts, ever.'…"
Otome paused and then offered, with a shrug, "Maybe she thinks you need to be something besides hanging out with your girlfriend, if you want to get better. Usually, her tantrums annoy you, but lead you to the next big thing. I always know when you're about to go off on some crazy marathon project because the first tell-tale sign is you and Simone being inseparable and you complaining about it in bed, talking about how you need a break from her."
She shook her head, hands up at her sides, "Or… maybe she's just being a twit? I mean, you are the only one she lets see her."
- - - -
He listened, and watched Otome's body language, still sulking in his arm while she spoke.
Then sighed out of his nose, slightly fogging up his glasses from the air being redirected upward by his arm.
"I… I dunno, what she said doesn't feel like a tantrum? She's just being insistent about doing something instead of talking about "capitalism and crap". That something might be her, honestly? But. I don't wanna neglect you, by spending all my time on my first day with her, and I also feel like I'm neglecting her right now. I don't know what the right thing to do here is."
- - - -
Otome took his hands in hers - her own having been cleaned at some point he hadn't noticed, but the dirty napkins beside her told the story none the less. "Simon… it's not a competition. I love you and I know you, and I know I'm not the only woman in your life. I've known that since we first started dating. We've talked it out endlessly and we found a way that works for all of us. And you have no idea what it is, and I get that, too. And yes, sometimes, Simone - cat or girl - is a little needy. But, monkey… when Simone gets antsy, it's a sign. It's always a sign. Sometimes it means you're going to do something at work that gets you a raise. Sometimes it means that I'm going to need to buy us a new microwave or toaster or blender, and start keeping little fire extinguishers around the house. And, in one memorable case that shines above all others, it means I'm going to come home to clouds and wind and a snowstorm happening in our living room, with the tile floor in the kitchen being turned into an ice sheet."
She touched his cheek softly.
"And I've made peace with that. Maybe she's being a selfish brat. Maybe she's getting triggered by all your heightened brain activity from the accident. Maybe she's horny. I have no way to tell. And it's none of my business. But whatever is going on… it's okay. We'll get through it. I'm not going anywhere."
- - - -
His eyes searched her face.
She seemed genuine, and caring, and her touch made him raise his head a little bit, if only to lean into the touch of another person in such a familiar area. The softness of her treatment made him sigh, more in relief of a little of the stress he had been holding than in the accumulation of that stress.
"…OK." It was quiet, and he couldn't look at Otome's face for more than a moment, comfortably. "I- I think I should probably go apologize. Sorry, 'Tome."
Simon turned his face into her palm, holding her hand still with his own, and put a small kiss into it, then pulled away from her, gently, leaving the pizza and drinks in their places. "I'll try and come back down later. I really don't want to like, favor one of you guys to spend time with, and make the other one feel left-out… so I'm gonna try t'make time for you, even if you guys had a system going that worked, before. You deserve my time, too."
Then, after another lingering look, Simon left the kitchen to see Edith in her room- or wherever he ended up finding her.
- - - -
He found her dismantling a controller on her bed with tiny tools, and a flashlight strapped to her head. Her movements were slow and she didn't seem to be very into it, her face still making her seem quite rejected and saddened. When she noticed him out of the corner of her eye, she shuffled around a little on her butt, on the bed, to keep more of her back to him. Her voice was heavy with reluctance, but soft in tone.
" . . . . . Hey. "
- - - -
He tried to approach gently, and sat down next to her in an area that he hoped didn't displace any of the controller pieces she had already removed, without encroaching too much into her space.
Uncertain what to start with, or how to approach this sort of thing, he just opted for the straightforward route.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you, Eed. You've been open and genuine and energetic with me all day… and I haven't given you that, back, at all; I've been too caught up in how overwhelmed I am with… everything, without actually asking you how you're doing. And then, after I totally swapped my attention to someone else… I got upset with you when you wanted your own needs met. That wasn't fair. I'm sorry."
- - - -
She kept working quietly for several seconds, before saying.
" I know. It's not your fault. "
She reached up and turned off her headlight before she looked at him, her red eye greatly magnified by a worker's loop flipped down over her eye to help her work.
" Your head's not in the game, Boybot. You need to accept three things: first, this is real. You're not going to wake up from this, on some weird planet's victorian era, or something. Second, your life is only off by twenty years. Sure, that means a lot for friendships and relationships and family… but everybody knows that and nobody is asking you to make that go away or to catch up all at once. Everybody is being super cool with your time-brain thing. And it means that you have some tech homework to do and a few new company names to learn. Buuut…. that's kind've all it means. This isn't Venus or a space station in a universe you don't know, and it's not some weird hyperviolent cyberpunk future in the year 3050-something. It's… 2023. Woo? Most of the countries are still the same. Heck, most of the elected representatives and major companies are even still the same. Electric cars are more common and so is gun violence. Homosexual and transsexual people have more rights and respect now… unless you just suck at being nice to people who are different. "
She removed her headgear, leaving her ponytail a tangled mess in its wake.
" So…. stop acting like it's a weird new world that has to be deciphered or interrogated. It's new. New is good. New is interesting. New means potential to be better. Stop acting like a victim. I'm sorry you lived a false life in a cyber realm. But I keep trying to take your mind off of it and help you focus on what's ahead, and you won't stop watching the rear view mirror and questioning the now. We're in the car, bro. We're going places. The world passing you by is scenery, not a tragedy. So hands on the wheel. "
She held out her small tools to him.
" Keep your eyes on the road. "
- - - -
It took him a minute of looking down at her tools to mentally chew on what she had said to him. A lot of the smaller details were insensitive at best, but the message she was trying to get through to him was also a little hard to swallow: "Stop lingering on what happened, and start focusing on what you'll do now."
The 'false life in a cyber realm' was real barely half a day ago, to him- it was fresh, and a hard space to emerge from when the space he was entering felt like so much more- but for Edith and Otome, Simon was just trying to recover from a lengthy, bad dream, and they knew what to expect from him, and had their own ideas of how to help him through it. The dream would fade, and he'd settle back into reality and into the same patterns of behavior they knew him for, because, as he had said to Edith when they 'first' met: he was who he was, "whether that's who this reality expects or not."
He couldn't change what had already been done, but he could decide what to do with what was left. And if he was going to do it well, he had to build up his resources, workspace, and knowledge, in order to use all of his tools effectively; it didn't matter what happened before this point, except that all of those moments were stepping stones that brought him to now.
And he needed to focus on now and stop thinking of his life as over. It had just begun again, hadn't it? He just had a little catching up to do.
Edith could see all of these thoughts playing out as Simon considered them, uncertainty and slight insult slowly evolving into a kind of courage: the determination to move forward, to take that next step, after the path he thought he was supposed to take had crumbled in front of his feet. He just had to pivot and keep moving, and he would get wherever he needed to go.
Simon took up Edith's little tools, then, and released a breath he didn't realize he had been holding.
"Right. Let's get moving."
- - - -
Eed dragged out two of the consoles, their controllers, and some cartridges. She walked him through dismantling them, anytime he hit a wall, explaining modern methods of sealing products… though, there wasn't much need, since it was mostly the same - just with more and smaller screws, holding down more things. Nothing was glued, but there were a few pieces where plastic tabs were fit together in a way that would (normally) require special tools to open - to help keep the technology and its repair and modification, proprietary.
"I guess you don't remember anything about what we were working on, huh?"
- - - -
As he tinkered and took things apart, noting the newer methods of holding the plastic together and applying the effective dismantling techniques to future pieces, Simon listened and watched Edith with the senses he wasn't using on his current project. The circuit boards weren't very different, at least, even if the consoles themselves had gotten more complicated and required more bits on the board to control their new features.
"Can't say I do, no. Tell me about it?"
- - - -
"Well…" she said, watching him work, "Your mind seems pretty preoccupied with code and program stuff and whatever. When we first met, you were the same way… but…"
She watched his reaction carefully, almost like she might be worried about how he'd react.
"… we'd gotten pretty far beyond that, even before you learned about Q Division. That's why you wanted to join it, to work with their gadgets. But you were getting frustrated by their restrictions, before the accident."
- - - -
Simon paused, at that, and looked over at Edith with a raised eyebrow.
"Beyond that? Like how? Applying those principles to hardware?"
- - - -
"Kiiiiiind of, yeah. I mean, we've been at this - I know you don't remember - for fourteen years. We went through coding, hacking, wrote our own OS, brought down a few crappy companies' websites for awhile, had some close calls with police and stuff… then we made our own computer designed to run our OS, and explored the Net in ways that were really cool and Matrix'y… but…"
She slumped a little. "It was fun, sure… but you realized that…. it didn't mean anything."
- - - -
He tilted his head and pulled his brows together, then, uncertain. That seemed like a lot! He had made his own ZackAttack-esque Web-interface computer, for his own custom OS! That… didn't change anything for other people, but as steps forward, those were huge!
- - - -
"So like… we did some cool stuff, some fun stuff, we made things for the Web, even got inside of it and did some TRON Matrix stuff for a couple of years… it was a ride."
She watched him work at the console, following his hands with her eyes.
"… But the Crash changed all of that. The Union guys call it the Dimensional Anomaly. Tech-heads in particular, they called it the WhiteOut. And we barely escaped it alive. This massive surge of extradimensional energy that blasted the entire digital webspace into nothing. Like Nothing nothing. Even the mundane internet was riddled with signal and domain errors and service problems, for like a week. The whole planet's internet was crap, and everybody was struggling to find or access even the most basic services. And then, suddenly…. it all came back. Everything except for the digital space… that got wiped clean. A lot of it's been rebuilt, but the WhiteOut still lurks online like a roving power surge virus or something."
"But it got you thinking about how… virtual reality wasn't as safe as you'd thought, as a 'world of the future'. Because if mankind moved into the virtual universe… it could be wiped out without warning, by something nobody was able to stop."
She offered him her headstrap, with the flashlight and the magnifying loop eye lens attachment.
"So you started exploring ways to apply new science ideas that might've worked inside the web, outside the web. Sometimes, it goes really badly. Sometimes it works great! But the Union… has some pretty strict rules about what should and shouldn't be. So innovation has to stay within limits. That was the part bugging you."
- - - -
Simon nodded to himself. "…Yeah, I was saying that before- how data decay could totally wipe out humanity if we moved to entirely-virtual space. I didn't know about the WhiteOut, though…" He took her headgear and fixed it to himself, after having made sure nothing he was working on would fall or move out of place when he took his hands off of it.
"Maybe all those Web-spiders fucking up the Web and connections to it and computers was like, my head's way of remembering that… I saved this really cool User from being murdered by that, actually- he went by ZackAttack. Nice guy. A little condescending, if I'm being honest, 'cause he figured the only reason I got past his door encryption was it being too old and not as secure as his newer stuff. I think he had been trapped in the Web for like, a week, before I found him and got him out- and I had to do that after Morpheus updated Zack's old computer to be, like, made of his nanites and safe from the web-spiders."
He shrugged. "Not that any of that matters. It was just, like, one of the last things I did before things went sideways for me."
"So, we were trying to make Web constructs and functions work in Meatspace? What've we gotten to work so far? What did they not like us trying?"
- - - -
"The spiders… are a whole other thing. I'll spare you the details, your memory loss is a blessing on that one. It makes sense that they'd make their way into your nightmare fuel."
"The Union doesn't know about--"
Her next two words sounded more dramatic, being slightly louder and sounding as if they were spoken through a series of echo-filters and were dubbed over her actual words in the after-editing of the audio for his real world moment. And it happened that way every time she said it.
"--'The Lab'. If they ever learned of 'The Lab', they'd probably label you a deviant or a threat to their Consensus. It isn't so much that we were making web constructs in the real world, so much as we were figuring out how to dig through all the junk code that the Union has decided is 'reality' and 'physics', and find the real source code for reality's laws, so we could build machines and utilize forces that had been overwritten by and large, but were still there in the underlying code that reality really runs on."
- - - -
Simon stopped his work and looked at Edith entirely, then, eyes sparkling despite his slight difficulty understanding.
"…We were trying to hack reality and unbury some cool shit?"
Memories bubbled up of being stuck in a padded cell, with voices speaking to him- just hack reality to get out. He wasn't sure when they happened, but he was certain it was a reality he briefly woke up in- and one that he got re-awoken in at least twice, when he didn't respond correctly the first time. But he still remembered the first time.
…It was before Allison's reality. Right before.
"That sounds fucking awesome. But I don't remember how we accomplished it."
- - - -
"Hacking reality is something we tried, but… it went bad, really fast. But it was technically possible. What we were onto more recently was… well, okay, here's an example."
She sat facing Simon more fully.
"Anti-gravity. Possible, or impossible, and why?"
- - - -
Simon squinted at her, and set his current project on the floor so that he could focus on Edith fully.
"…Theoretically possible? I didn't do a lot of research into it, but, I'd imagine pushing against the force of gravity in order to achieve lift is definitely not the same thing. Not sure how you might turn off gravity in an area, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible."
- - - -
"Turning it off wasn't the question. Is Anti-Gravity possible? And you answered… yes. Yes, it is. Gravity is what everyone thinks it is… but it's not only what everyone thinks it is. And it's not everything that everyone thinks it is. The stuff that it isn't, was laid down via conspiracy by the Union over many, many years… and everyone believes it, which makes it quasi-real. That's the Junk Code in this example. But under it all are actual laws of gravity. That's the Source Code. And we were working on ways to sift the Source out of the Junk, across all kinds of topics. Computers run on some basic rules that can be broken, and some foundational laws that can't. Everything else above and beyond that are rules and conditions imposed by the software and hardware you attach to it or install into it. But strip all of those away and it's still a computer, able to parse the simplest commands via the most rudimentary programs that they all understand."
"Reality is a computer. Add new hardware - like land and air and water, animals and humans, sun, moon, stars, the universe - and new software - ideas and scientific or religious beliefs that are taken as widespread fundamental truths - and you get The Real World."
"Some of that Real World is kinda crummy… so you dig through the code and wiring, find what you can do without and what you can't do without… and make new hardware and software - new physical objects and new ideas on which they function - accordingly."
"If…. if enough people can be made to accept the new programs and devices, then the Computer stops being one model and becomes another. Upgrade."
"That became your new slogan… Don't Escape. Upgrade."
"It came to you during one of your big slumps… you read a girl's breasts - I mean, her t-shirt - and the phrase you saw stuck in your brain and made you change your whole way of trying things away from the virtual and computerized and toward mad science, as you put it."
She held out her hand in a sweeping slow gesture.
"The shirt said…. The Road Not Traveled Never Reveals Its Secrets."
She shrugged. "Since you already knew the secrets of computers, you went a different direction."
- - - -
Simon's eyes went fuzzy while Edith explained to him and he imagined these concepts in application. The rules of reality, of the decorations on top of the fundamental forces that made the rest possible, were just commonly-believed "truths". Like the face of a webpage. The common User thinks of that as the page, but anyone who knows better would be able to look at its code, its foundation, and if they also knew the language of its source code, change anything about its face.
Those same principles could apply to Reality, too- if he knew the language Reality was written in, he could do anything with it, within the capabilities of that language in its application. And even those capabilities could be bent with some creativity.
"So… anything about reality I thought could be better, we went about trying to figure out how it worked, and then used its foundational ideas to try and upgrade that facet of reality? Or was there more to that?"
"…Can I see the- uh- The Lab?"
- - - -
"I think you're thinking of much broader, sweeping changes than we were ready for. We're still learning what is and isn't Source or Junk. But… yes."
Eed held up a single finger between the two of them, drawing his attention sharply.
"Otome must never learn of The Lab. We never go to The Lab. We go to Polka Practice. She has no idea what that really means, but she knows it's code for 'I have to go do my super secret stuff for awhile'. She'll leave us alone, and won't follow us or ask to come along."
Edith lowered her finger and scootched off the bed, stretching as she stood.
"We haven't been to The Lab in a couple of years. Because of the Union. But you're off the grid, for now. Doctor Gemini and his Sidekick ½ can finally get back to work!"
- - - -
All of this seemed absolutely ridiculous, which also seemed right up Edith's alley, and made it all charmingly funny. Simon couldn't hide an amused grin. "Polka practice? We couldn't come up with anything better than that?"
Still, he got up, leaving her cute gadget-headpiece on the bed with his half-deconstructed electronic, and made to go to the door.
"I gotta admit, that's stupid and hilarious and really exciting. I can't wait to get into it."
- - - -
- - - -
Edith ran down the stairs and was waiting for him in the driveway, behind the steering wheel of a …. car? [[a/n: this is a link to the image for the car! ]]
"C'mon!! Let's get going!"
She pulled on big leather gloves, before fastening goggles over her eyes and putting an old bomber's cap on.
- - - -
Simon called out the door behind him on his way down the stairs, "HEY OTOME WE'RE GOING TO POLKA PRACTICE I'LL SEE YOU LATER!!!"
His big grin never faltered, despite the complete absurdity of this situation, as he got swept up in Edith's energy and jumped into the passenger's seat next to her. Then buckled his seatbelt- or, would, if the car had them.
It didn't.
Suddenly a little nervous.
"Wooh!! Oh, man! This is crazy."
- - - -
"Crazy!? Crazy is for beginners, Bay-Bay!! We're going straight to Psycho!!"
Many gears, levers and dials were adjusted in rapid succession, and off they went!! No seat belts, no doors, no roof, just Eed and her 1890's Driver's Outfit, ripping through traffic at … 76 knots? The car's digital speedometer measured speed in knots!?
- - - -
Simon was trying really hard to just take this in stride and believe Edith knew what she was doing. They were completely destroying all road laws, driving insanely fast, with minimal safety features in the car and a windshield that did basically nothing for him or Edith in terms of its namesake. He had to hold onto his glasses for dear life, when he wasn't holding onto his seat with white knuckles or laughing with exhilarated terror. She was not kidding.
Over the wind, he yelled to her, "Can other people see this??"
- - - -
"Nope!! Imaginary car!! Invisible but veeery solid!"
She continued slicing and weaving through other cars, before yelling, "HOLD ON!"
Which is when she jerked the wheel hard to one side, lifting the car from four wheels to two for a moment, taking a left hand turn across active traffic without waiting for the light, dodging cars and settling back down on a smaller four lane road.
- - - -
Simon clenched his asscheeks and gripped the seat with his hands so hard he probably ripped the leather a little bit. Imaginary car!! So, still up in the air over whether he was certifiably insane and that level of belief just allowed things to manifest in reality, or if she was some imagination-fueled being who was just really into his specific brand of weird. Cool. Awesome. Please don't kill him by accident with no way to fix it.
When they leveled out, it took him a shaky second to relax a little bit from his whole-body muscle cramp, but he managed, somehow.
"J-Jesus Christ."
- - - -
"Atheist, actually. Or maybe agnostic. I dunno."
The car then came to a very abrupt halt, showing him the value of the padded dashboard and low-laid rise behind the short windshield as his face slammed into cushion and leather quilting.
"Ta-Da! And I never even drove before. Hah! I just learned by watching you, and then ignored all that slowing-us-down signs and lights garbage you do. Not bad, right?"
Edith pulled off her Driving Accessories, leaving them in the seat, and hopped out.
They were perfectly parallel parked…. between two other cars?… outside of a mansion… castle… thing!? That his shades claimed was an empty lot.
Because why wouldn't this be his evening!?
- - - -
"Mrph." Great. It took him a second of checking to make sure his nose wasn't broken before he got out of the "car", also pulling his glasses off to make sure they hadn't broken and then turning them off so that they wouldn't try to capture the rest of this insanity.
The mansion/castle/laboratory was… impressive, on the outside, even if "reality" said it was an empty lot. He jogged a few steps to catch up to Edith after that second of admiring the building.
"You are so lucky I had faith you knew what you were doing." She didn't even know how to officially drive!!!
- - - -
"Oh, c'mon… imaginary friend, imaginary car, imaginary mansion, imaginary mad science lab…. I'm in my element!! What could go wrong?"
She pulled out numerous keys on a long chain from her back pocket and began unlocking numerous locks on the gate. The gate itself had many warning signs posted to it.
Eed finally finished unlocking the gates and put her keychain away, swinging it open for him. "Doctor."
She beamed at him with open adoration and admiration.
- - - -
He was… thoroughly confused, but entertained, and followed along with her by walking past with his chin high, shoulders straight, and hands clasped behind his back. "Thank you, ½."
He had no idea what to expect within the property. This was really stretching his idea of what imagination could do.
- - - -
As he crossed the threshold, Simon found himself wearing an outfit similar to Edith's 'For Science!™️' attire. His was more grand, of course, because he was the Doctor, and wore a long lab coat over his apron, with the words Dr. Gemini sewn into it. When she finished closing up behind them, and hurried to catch up, Eed was wearing her outfit as well, her own lab coat saying Sidekick ½.
She walked along, one step behind and to his right, mimicking his stride and posture.
"Welcome home, Doctor Gemini… to Half House!"
The door unlocked itself and opened before his approach. Inside was a blend of victorian antique and cassette retrofuturism styles, in all things. The wooden walls were wallpapered from halfway, up to the ceiling, though electronic panels and retro-computer clunky tech were set into the walls, framed by finely polished wood, making it stand out elegantly from the wallpapering.
- - - -
[[ a/n ]]
- - - -
He had no idea what the hell most of this stuff was for beyond ornamentation.
The hard time he was having taking this at its face manifested as dropping his 'professional' affectation to take off one glove and run a hand through his hair. This was getting to be a lot.
"You know, initially, I thought we were just gonna walk into the closet, or something. For some reason this," Simon gestured to the grand spectacle of the room, "is way harder to fully let myself believe is real. You work on a level of imagination I'm not totally sure I'm up to yet, Sidekick."
- - - -
He saw her remove her own glove and run her hand through her hair as well. "Yes, of course, Doctor. It will take some time for your neuro-mnemonic-pathways to re-integrate into appropriate patterns of cognitive activity and actualization."
She grinned. "I'm a science!"
They were then interrupted by an elderly male voice that was very clearly computer-generated, despite its british accent.
"Ah! Doctor Gemini! I am so deeply elated to see you alive and well, sir. Welcome home."
An automaton approached the pair.
- - - -
Simon flinched away from the automaton, very much not expecting the auto-butler or his aesthetic despite everything that surrounded them. "D'ah!! Uh-! Th- Thank you!"
He leaned down to Edith. "Who is this?"
- - - -
She leaned up and into him and whispered sideways, "Your butler, Mister Gearwhistle."
- - - -
He considered this, then nodded. "Right."
"erhem. Thank you, Mister Gearwhistle. How have things been in our absence? I heard from my Sidekick that it has been a few years, now, since our last visit- I'm not sure how closely you've been monitoring things on the outside, either, given recent events…"
Definitely play along. This was so weird.
- - - -
The butlerbot made its way into the room using a limited range of motion that never the less emulated human movement quite well. His metal mustache moved when he spoke.
"I never bother with the outside world, good Doctor. Much too dirty. And so uncivilized. No, sir, none of my business. Quite the opposite. Besides, I've been far too invested in maintaining the Imaginarium in your absence. Miss Half has been kind enough to assist me from time to time, during your long travels, sir."
Despite having been turned 'off', his glasses still notified him in the corner of his vision, that he had left known space and could not be located by GPS at this time, nor could his glasses connect to a network. This seemed more like a safety advisory, than anything else, in case he didn't know his own situation.
Sidekick Edith 'Eed' ½, stepped forward to deflect on Simon's behalf, by holding up a 'stop' hand toward Mister Gearwhistle.
"The Doctor has no time for pleasantries, I'm afraid. We must away to the Imaginarium, right away!"
The robot nodded, stepping aside.
"Yes, yes, of course. The Great Work never sleeps, does it, Miss Half?"
She took the lead and said quietly, as if to herself, in a very serious but immature play voice, "Science Never Sleeps."
- - - -
Simon mentally frowned at his glasses still tracking his position and network status- he'd have to find a way to genuinely turn them off, later. But it was good to know, he had to admit, that he was really off the grid, even if that was definitely outside the realm of possible. None of this was possible. It was kind of cool, though.
He followed behind Edith at a steady pace with his long stride, eventually almost catching up to her, to stay within the narrative of the one who knew what he was doing and was in charge. He was totally just letting her lead.
And had no idea what the Imaginarium was, beyond what it sounded like.
- - - -
She led him to a full phone booth standing against a wall at the end of a hallway on the first floor. After opening the door for him and letting him step inside, she followed and closed the door behind them. A small wall phone was set into the rear wall of the booth and Edith picked up the receiver, wound a revolving lever on the right and then dialed a number on a rotary dial, and hung up the phone.
The interior of the phone booth then began to descend into the floor. An elevator with a secret code, it seemed.
At the speed they were going, it looked like they'd have a moment alone.
She looked at him, searching his face. "Worried, huh?"
- - - -
He pulled his glasses up, then, and gave her a nervous smile. "I am way out of my depth right now."
- - - -
"I grew up here," she said softly, before leaning on his arm like he were a pillar.
"Half House has been my home for as long as I can remember, except for when I moved in with you. And then, Otome moved in, and I didn't want to be forgotten, so I stayed around. I thought for sure if I moved out, you'd… move on. You know?"
The elevator continued slowly rolling down its path on what sounded and felt like well maintained wheeled tracks at a steady pace.
"When you started trying to break the laws of reality in the real world, and not just the digital one… I knew I wanted to share the house with you, and make it yours. It's changed a lot since then, thanks to your presence and imagination."
She bounced lightly on her toes as she stood back upright. "You're not out of your depth, Boybot. This is your pool. It only goes as deep as you want it to. If you see water that's too deep? Don't swim in it. Go back to the shallows and get used to the water some more."
Her arm slipped into his. "I believe in you. You may not know what the heck is going on… but you can… because you have… so if you want to…. you will. Sooner or later. I know you will."
- - - -
Simon fixed Edith with a gently confused and sympathetic look, smiling very slightly in fondness and aforementioned sympathy.
"So… you existed here before you were in school with me? Or revealed yourself to me, I guess? And even after that, it was your house you went home to after school- and what that airship was thematically based on?" It was a lot of questions, but less of an interrogation and more of Simon trying to get her timeline straight. He shook his head gently, eyes closed. "You might've given me the reins, but this is still your horse, Eed. What are you?"
- - - -
She nodded in response to his questions and guesses. "The house used to be the airship, actually… but otherwise, yes."
To his last question, she simply gave him a slightly sad but most reassuring smile as she touched his cheek. "I'm what you needed. I still am, and happily. And I will keep being, for as long as you need it. And I'll love every moment."
The elevator began to slow, before settling into what felt like a cradle at the bottom. There were no windows on the outside this time.
"Deep breath. And try to remember… we worked together for years down here. Okay?"
- - - -
That didn't really answer a damn thing. Simon's eyebrows knit, and he frowned at her, but when she released his face, he pulled down his glasses and did his best to steel himself for whatever was behind that door. He was sort of expecting a Frankenstein-esque mad science lab with a slab in the middle and lots of machines around the outside of the main space. It probably wasn't that, though. That was for making monsters, not breaking the rules of reality.
- - - -
When she slid the door aside, what was revealed was… actually fairly close to what he'd imagined… except bigger… with sections and areas….
And a fucking train.
"Welcome… to the Imaginarium!"
- - - -
Simon had to take a long minute to let the enormous, full, crazy area sink in. There was a train! IN the room! Why?!
He took a step out of the elevator-phone-booth, sidling past Edith, in order to not feel trapped in the tiny space. It wasn't much better when he was surrounded by all of… this, if he was honest with himself. And all of this was way more than he imagined when Edith first broached the subject of figuring out the foundations of reality, to him.
He turned back to her, stomach fluttering, honestly feeling a little queasy but trying his best to just trust the unreality of the space. And the potential flexibility of his sanity.
"…Ready to start the tour?"
- - - -
She looked confused, before comprehension crept across her face. "Oh! Oh, oh…. no. No, no… no. This place isn't really a… tour… kinda situation. You just wander around, until something makes you curious enough to engage, and then…. you start futzing with it. Eventually, you figure out what it is, how it works, and from there…. you figure out how you could make it better, or why it isn't working. It's an Imaginarium! Like…. like a laboratory, but for your mind. There's nothing in here that your mind can't handle… and if you get stumped, there's always something else to work on. After awhile, you start having a few things you're working on at a time, going back and forth between them."
She walked in, gesturing all around in a slow spin while she walked.
"In here, reality is whatever you need it to be… right up until you Throw The Lever!™️ and see what will really happen. And then you tweak and tweak… and it gets better and better, and so does your understanding of how it really works."
"Reality's code doesn't have a neat, tidy console to read off of. That's why people Experiment. But in here, you're not limited in your experiments to what the Union has signed off on. Only reality's source code determines what can and cannot happen, in here."
"We've worked together on hundreds of projects over the years. We built that train!" she said, smiling.
"It runs on psychic energy… more or less. So no matter where we go… if there are people - or even just a boatload of animals - it'll stay fueled up. And it can leave Earth. That was kind've the whole point of making it. We needed some stuff from other dimensions, so we needed a way to get there. We had some spare parts for a locomotive so we went with that."
She pointed toward an alcove with green-liquid tanks and giant tesla coils. "We invented living Pocket Demons right over there. But only three."
- - - -
He stared incredulously as she pointed to devices, and stopped at the tanks with wide eyes and a straight face.
"…Which ones?"
- - - -
"Sparksqueak, Watortoise, and Grassaurus."
- - - -
"…Pikachu, Squirtle, and… Bulbasaur? Where are they?"
- - - -
"They…. they died. Old age, a few years ago. We were only able to give them a life expectancy of four years. But they also provided blood and organs, as signed donors, for future works. We have a template still in the Genesis Engine, but… we never came back to that project."
- - - -
Oh. That was sad. He gave Edith a sympathetic little frown and set a hand on her shoulder. "…Oh. I'm sorry."
Losing a pet was always hard, as far as he was aware (having not had any pets he was aware of), and he hoped the sympathy at least helped. It probably didn't though.
"…Are the scientist getups part of the expected reality in here?" he had to admit it was not his usual look, and a little stuffy.
- - - -
"No. We just thought it would make being down here more fun, to do it in character."
She carefully removed her goggles. "Sorry… "
She muttered under her breath, "Still better than suits, though."
- - - -
He patted her further, then took off the gloves and gently cupped her face with one, bare hand. "Hey, no need to apologize. This is already nuts, okay? And they are way better than the suits. Definitely appreciate that. But I'm not quite used to it enough to need to play pretend in the imaginary-workshop I just got invited to see and work in. Okay?"
- - - -
She nodded, offering a light shrug as she shed her outfit in its entirety as if it were a single bathrobe, leaving her nude as her science outfit pooled in layers on the floor. Little ripples of prismatic and beautiful rainbow sparkles wove their way from her toes, to her ankles, knees, waist, chest, shoulders, and then the top of her head - and in their wake she was wearing her shortalls outfit again, with a ballcap that said SIDEKICK across the front and had a little white hat-pin on it of her Simone kitten form as a cute anime kittyball.
She wore big, wide circular glasses around her mismatched eyes and her hair was in a curly ponytail now, with frizzles sticking out all over.
"So… do you want to see the Genesis Engine, then? Or maybe take a look at the Vampire Detector? We could play in the Ball Pit of Doom, if you prefer, and learn about physics! Or, I guess we could climb inside the Tesla Dome…"
"I dunno… what, about reality, would you like to tinker with, break, fix, and improve?"
- - - -
Oh, shit, she was naked!! And then did a Sailor Senshi into a mechanic-girl! Simon's face went beet-red, with the blush artfully extended off of his face to either side without his intent as emphasis of just How Much he was blushing and flustered. "Buh- uh-!!"
Why couldn't he change outfits like she could? Super not fair. But also, she had adorable tits and a great figure and her muff was just. Hoo-boy. He turned around to try and hide his burgeoning arousal, rubbing the back of his head while the other hand went to his hip.
"W-well! I kind of just wish I had a way to catch up on what I already knew, quickly! I have never needed remedial classes and honestly it kind of sucks!"
- - - -
"Hey!! That's a great idea!!"
She ran over and hugged him tight.
"Inside the Imaginarium, we can fix your memory! As an EXPERIMENT!™️"
She looked around frantically. "We just have to find something that works with the mind… Hypno-Helmet? No, too invasive. We wanna unlock old memories, not write new ones. Forget-Me-Stick? No, you already forgot. Hrmmm…. there's gotta be something around here!"
Eed hopped off on a walk that was almost a skip. "If I were a Mental Experiment, where would I be?"
- - - -
"The loony bin, usually," Simon sighed back to her, after he had unfrozen from being hugged by the previously-naked cute girl.
"But that's for the failed ones. Could we like… apply hypnotherapy principles to the helmet's system somehow? I think I remember seeing shit on TV about how therapists can use hypnosis to help people unblock traumatic memories…"
Yes, he did still have a half-stiffy, no, he was not going to acknowledge that.
"Hey, how do you change your outfit like that?"
He jogged lightly to catch up to her, again.
- - - -
"Sure we can! We can do anything we want! That's the whole point of this place. Huh? Oh, my clothes. Sorry. I just shed one costume to make room for the next one, and called for it. If the thing that you call for is close enough, it comes right to you."
She reached out to her side, and he saw her concentrate for a second, and a brass sphere flew off of a table across the room, straight at her and into her waiting hand.
"See? But if it's too far away for that, like these clothes were, then they have to come to you - or in this case, me - through a channel in reality. My clothes know how I wear them, so… they appear already where they know I'll want them to be."
She held his hand and slipped the little sphere, roughly the size of a golf ball, into his hand. "You used to be able to do it, but stopped when the Union told you it wasn't acceptable. Do you want me to teach you again, or should we get right to work figuring out how to wire a hypno-device to do memory recovery?"
- - - -
Edith's hand got held onto, gently, after she gave him the little ball. She was soft and warm, and he wanted to hold her hand for a second longer.
"…It'd be nice, if you could show me some easy tricks before we get into things. Some pre-work prep, maybe."
- - - -
Edith nodded and wrapped her fingers around the hand he was holding the ball with.
"Feel it. Really explore it, with your senses - most importantly, with your mind. Your mind takes in the temperature, the texture, the shape… but also the weight and density. So don't just feel it with your hand… explore it. Become familiar with it. Everything about it. Toss it around, catch it, juggle with it…. whatever it takes, to get to a point where you know the ball well enough to feel like you could almost treat it like a part of yourself. Like if you toss it up, you'll catch it just the way you want to, without thinking about it. It'll take some time… but it's the fastest way."
"You see, space… isn't space. Space is full. There's no such thing as vacuum, because even a void is something. It's filled with a devouring hunger that drags all light and air and life into itself, but… that's still a thing. It's a force, like gravity, or an idea that can be physically observed, like time."
"But space… the amount of room between you and the ball… is filled with a whole rainbow of unseen forces. If you can become familiar enough with the ball, with the metal and the weight and the feel of it… not just as a ball, but as a thing that is kind've part of you - or could be - then you can throw the ball… and use that unseen force to catch it. Like undo'ing the throw. Or taking back a bad idea. You can pull it back to you, through that space, by tugging on the ball with the space itself… like pulling a yoyo up by its own shifting momentum on the string."
"It's actually harder to figure out, than it is to do. Most of this stuff is. Takes forever to learn…. but once you get it, it's easy. Like basic math, or riding a bike! It's a struggle, right up until you can do it!"
- - - -
Simon frowned at her, looking with an intensity that surely meant he was paying very close attention to her words, visualizing the concepts in his mind while she spoke and trying to understand them from her description alone. It was a little difficult.
"Almost like the ball is a yo-yo, or… the air can be moved back into place where it moved it, sending the ball back in the direction it came from…?" He was having a little bit of a hard time grasping the concept, and that was frustrating.
- - - -
"Kind've. Stick with the yoyo-part… the ball is the yoyo… you must have a good, deep, touch-memory for the yoyo and the way it moves on the string, to make it doooo anything. So the ball is the yoyo… and the string… that's the hard part. The string is the space between your hand - usually the middle or upper middle of the palm, since that's where you started learning it from the first time - and the object - in this case, the ball. The string only exists… if you can hold it in your mind hard enough to get a kind of phantom sensation of it in your hand or imagination, or, preferably, both."
"If you can get used to tossing it and catching it, and feeling it and whatever… always trying to remember that string is there, when the ball leaves your hand…. then when you've finally got it down… you'll be able to let the yoyo fall and then tug the 'string' back up toward your hand. Except, instead of a little tug with your wrist or finger, this tug is more like a mental tug, inside your hand, to reel the string back on."
"Got it?"
- - - -
Simon spent a little while after Edith's explanation just… holding the ball. Tossing it between his hands, back and forth, feeling its weight and how it hit his palm until he Knew the feeling, or, at least, thought so- then, took some time tossing it upward, trying to catch it while looking and then trying to catch it without looking and then trying to pull it back to his hand on an invisible little cord. When he felt comfortable with those motions, he finally started trying to treat it like a yo-yo… It had been a little while, and Edith did her best to encourage his Actual attempts to move it with his Will, or give him some coaching, but he was really starting to feel the mental strain before he even got to the point where he started dropping the ball and trying to pull it back up.
- - - -
Finally having had enough of his inability to grasp the concept (obviously he just wasn't there yet, to his infinite chagrin), Simon threw the goddamn brass ball across the room - instantly regretting his outburst. He instinctively tightened his hand, still outstretched, as if to try and catch it even though that moment was long gone… and yet… he felt the space around the sphere clamp down on it, like a perfectly fitted round velvet pocket of air that just gripped the orb suddenly, stealing all of its momentum. The brass sphere simply remained where it had been, some six yards away, perfectly still in the air. It didn't bob, it didn't rotate, there was no motion at all. It was as if the ball were caught in time and space alike.
The instant his concentration faltered, it fell to the floor with a loud clang and rolled along a little bit, until it came to a stop.
- - - -
Now he sort of understood what Edith meant when she said it was more often something that was harder to get than to just do.
Simon stared angrily at the sphere for a moment, on the verge of a headache for the third time since waking up, and reached for it in order to pull it into his palm (from the palm-point relative to his middle knuckle) by… pulling it through a tunnel in the gas of the air, a vacuum from his palm directed at just that little asshole ball.
- - - -
It took longer than he would've liked, and he was just about to give up, when he felt it… she was right. There was an unseen force… not quite gravity, not quite space, and certainly not the air. But it was there… a kind of psychic tether, between his hand and the brass orb. It flickered in and out of existence, erratic and wholly untenable and at the very edges of his perception… but when he finally found his sense of it and managed to hold on to it in his mind… to keep the tether there… the tension in his arm, as if flexing a muscle behind his wrist, pulling from somewhere in the air behind his physical hand, he touched the ethereal. He felt the line, made of nothing, completely invisible, intangible, nothing but dream and imagination, latched onto a scientific principle that offered no proof of its own existence… and he drew in the distance between his palm and the brass ball, causing it to fly from the floor and whip painfully back into his grasp once more - as if it had been dragged straight to him by a high-powered tow cable under great force.
He had called it back to himself. Reclaimed it, from the floor. He had reduced the space between the ball and himself and become 'whole' again, in that vague way.
And now that he knew what the sensation felt like… now that he knew what mental, imaginary feeling he was trying to feel, what sensation he was searching for… he knew that he could do it again. Maybe not every time, it would take practice. But he'd just outright broken the known laws of physics as they pertained to forces like kinetic and potential energy, gravity, inertia… but he'd done so by applying a law that he hadn't known existed.
Part of the hidden source code of reality. A force unnamed and unknown, long buried by the Technocratic Union and erased from the Consensus. He'd found one. He had no idea what to call it, of course… but he knew it was there, what it felt like, and a vague impression of how it worked, what it did… a space between spaces.
She was right. Even nothing, was still full of something.
- - - -
Completely mentally exhausted, frustrated, and really at most limits of his stamina, Simon Castor threw his arms into the air and exclaimed, "WOOOO!! YES! I fucking DID IT!"
And then he threw the ball with all the force of that tow cable, and wanted to stick it into the wall hard enough to make a crater. FUCK that ball.
- - - -
The ball flew across the room, tinked gently against the wall, then returned to his hand once more.
- - - -
Simon made a frustrated growl and plopped his ass onto the floor. He couldn't remember where Edith had taken the little ball from in order to return it there, but god damn it, it had come back, and he was fucking tired now.
- - - -
The ball, sharing his exhaustion… fell from him resting hand, limp and rolling along the floor until it came to a stop. Simon could almost feel the ball's frustration and exhaustion, as tired of this exercise regimen as he was.
- - - -
Oh, aw, that garnered some sympathy from him toward the little object. He called it back and held it in both hands, trying to share that feeling of shared accomplishment, too, with it.
"Hey, man, you did great. Thanks for working with me with all that crap."
- - - -
Edith sat down beside him, seemingly out of nowhere. "Once you get better at feeling things out through the aetherium, you'll be able to try finding the ball when it's nowhere nearby… and the next step after that is calling it to you through the space in between, the way I do with my clothes. But… I don't think you'd be able to do any of that outside the Imaginarium. After all…"
She looked around. "… this place is kind've like an emulator, letting us work through reality's settings. But outside, the Union's rules kick back in, in full. That's why we work in here, until a device is totally ready to be applied out there. You wanted to bring some Q gizmos in here to fix them up and work on them, but you said you were pretty sure that they'd somehow find out the Half House existed if you did that, and come deconstruct it or something."
- - - -
Simon nodded to her, still holding and looking at his little ball friend. "Yeah, probably. Unless we took it apart at home and removed anything they could use to track it, but, y'know, with that… aetherium?… the guys who made it can probably track its individual pieces, too. Any luck with that thing? What've we gotten to work outside, so far?"
- - - -
"Any luck with what thing? OH! The Hypno thing… I'm so sorry, I got distracted by the Digitracer. Outside? Well, we've got the MVD - the Mobile Vampire Detector, it's a handheld little version about the size of a keyfob. There's also the Death Ray, the Barrier Shield, Encrypto, and…. uh…. there was something else…. "
She looked off into the distance, absently.
"…. OH! Oh. Um…. yeah. The other thing. Don't worry about the other thing."
She waved her hand at him, all Jedi-like.
"There is no other thing."
- - - -
He frowned at her, totally not mind-tricked at all. "You mentioned it, now I gotta know what you're talking about."
He would ask about those other things after she spilled these metaphorical beans.
- - - -
She reddened a little. "Can't we just pretend you didn't hear that one? Oh! Where's your neuralizer?"
- - - -
He pressed the button on his glasses that made them into mirror-shades. "Nuh-uh. Come on. You can open up a little, and if you're blushing that much, I'm certain it's probably fine since you've been coming onto me since we got home."
- - - -
"Some things are private!"
- - - -
He snorted. "Eed, if you're my imaginary friend and we're in my imaginary mansion slash mad science lab, and it's all mine by rights, nothing is private here. Come onnnnnn."
Simon crossed his arms, still holding the little ball in one hand.
- - - -
Her face fell flat and she sighed. "Fine. But don't judge me."
She reached behind herself and held out her hand, which was now covered in a bright pink and purple wad of writhing tentacles with little ridges, the hues fading beautifully from one into the other and back. It uncoiled and one bright blue eye with an octopus-like figure '8' pupil opened sleepily. Upon seeing Simon, it tensed, shrieked like a horror movie scream queen and slapped him across the face with one of its tentacles, covering its writhing amorphic body mass with other tentacles, before trying to hurry back into Edith's hammerspace.
"He's sensitive."
- - - -
He was not prepared for the tiny tentacle monster, nor for being slapped in the face with one of its brightly-colored tentacles after it screamed at seeing him. He was definitely staring at it and now the situation was completely ridiculous.
Simon very quickly averted his gaze so that it didn't feel so… violated? Was it for violating Edith? He wouldn't have been surprised, though its- his- sensitivity was surprising. Simon now sported a tentacle-print red mark on his face.
"S-sorry, sorry, I have to admit I was not expecting a little tentacle monster! He is fine to exist outside??"
- - - -
She nodded. "His name is Kaiju II."
She blushed as she made sure the little monster was tucked away in the nowhere. "You tried to make one for Otome, but it didn't survive and it turned out that she has a tentacle phobia. But Kaiju I was able to divide and reproduce before dying, and Kaiju II survived. So, I adopted him."
- - - -
"Oh, shit, a phobia? I thought her mentioning her nightmare-version's lack of tentacles was like, a reference to her preference for hentai. I wonder what caused the phobia."
Once Kaiju II was away, he turned back to Edith.
"…Sorry about the first one. You guys… had a lot of little experiments die, huh? I don't… really think experimenting with life is generally a good idea, myself."
- - - -
"It wasn't about experimenting with life, that was just how we dug through the metaphorical code. Curing diseases, seeing which medical conditions are real and which ones have been created as byproducts of Consensual Science, seeing if humans can be made better by weeding out weaknesses that've been bred into them… you have to create life, to have life to study. Even the Vampire Detector required experimenting in the Genesis Lab."
- - - -
He nodded along, though did seem uncertain about one thing. "…Let's. Not do the eugenics experimenting anymore. If that's okay. I really feel like creating life only to give it diseases we wanna cure is extremely immoral."
- - - -
She looked at him in horror, "Who would do that!?"
- - - -
"…Was that not what you were just implying we were doing??"
- - - -
"No!! That's awful!! We didn't create Kaiju to make them sick! We didn't even grow a whole vampire just to tear out its heart! That's just cruel! You only grow the stuff you need, or lifeforms you think will be beneficial in some way! Like the Conductor Worm!"
- - - -
He gazed at her with alarm. "…Conductor worm?" He was thinking of MiB2's big worm.
- - - -
"Yeah. After a few too many accidents in the Voltaic Icosahedron, we designed and tinkered and when it was finally ready to be a stable lifeform, we used the Genesis Engine to create a little worm. It enters the body and feeds on your bioelectrical field, growing like a second nervous system all throughout the body. It takes days, and keeps you fatigued, but once fully grown, a healthy Conductor Worm is able to absorb and redirect otherwise dangerous amounts of electrical current through a human body without damaging tissue or jolting the system."
- - - -
"Ohhhh." He nodded to himself. "Okay, yeah, that sounds like a smart thing to have done. Kinda fucked up, given it's an organic parasite instead of like, some kind of wearable grounding apparatus or something, but still pretty smart. We could change the whole face of the electrician position."
"I thought you were talking about a parasite that controls people, or, like, the giant subway worm from Men in Black Two."
- - - -
She just looked at him. "He has a name. It's Geoffrey."
- - - -
He held his hands up in a mollifying gesture. "Right! I couldn't think of it right away, sorry, it's been years since I saw that movie."
- - - -
"And a wearable device has limits based on what the Union's done to material conductivity and dispersion tolerance. But an organism is limited only by its own biology. Why would we be making mind control worms down here? What kind of mad science do you think we were into?"
- - - -
He shrugged helplessly at her, eyes wide, tone defensive. "I don't know!! I have no idea what you guys were doing down here!"
- - - -
"'We' guys, Boybot. You and me. You'd never go for a mind control worm. Especially after seeing Star Trek II. The original, not the reboot franchise."
She leaned on his shoulder.
"Do you still wanna work on that Hypno-Helmet recalibration, or do you wanna break after learning how to contract spacial aether?"
- - - -
He considered for a second, lips pursing, gaze wandering around the room.
"…I do feel like I just completed a solo mathcounts competition when I was supposed to be part of a team."
Then leaned his head onto hers.
"And I'm not sure how to apply trauma therapy principles to a device I don't remember making in the first place. What do you think?"
- - - -
"I think we didn't build the Hypno-Helmet. We fixed it… but it was already down here when we found it. But, I get what you mean. I don't know anything about therapy stuff either… but does that matter? It's not much different than reversing the function of your Neuralizer, is it? Except that the Hypno-Helmet can do more than make people forget. And since hypnotherapy is already a thing that has been made part of their Consensus, we don't even have to rip out junk code…. just wire it into the helmet somehow."
- - - -
Simon considered her ideas further, nodding absently along. "That makes sense."
Leaning up off of her, Simon used the arm not under her head to turn himself and cradle Edith so that she didn't just fall over as he got up. "I think that settles it; how about we get working on that helmet? I don't wanna lose steam, you know?"
- - - -
She stood with him, using his arms as leverage. She still didn't weigh what a person should, even a shorter framed person like her, not by half or better.
"Steam isn't bad, but it's terrible for the environment, because of the coal and lumber and stuff. Carbon! That. Buuuuttt….. we were working on a Phlogiston Collector and an Aetheric Energy Converter, before you stoppe--…. oh, you mean like… right. Got it."
Edith took his hand and led him toward the HypnoDrome, which was apparently one of the chambers that branched off of the main lab via a corridor large enough to drive a … train… through.
- - - -
Simon looked at her curiously as she led him into this branch of the Imaginarium. "Phlogiston Collector? And Aetheric Energy Converter? So we were working on clean, efficient energy alternatives?"
He did note her continued lack of mass, but was caught up more with the energies Edith suggested than the continued problem of her existence.
- - - -
She nodded. "Some of our designs need more juice than conventional power can provide. Best solution? New power."
She gestured around the pipes and bundles cables that lined the wide and tall tunnel, whose metal grate flooring and general vibe made it seem like the interior of an oversized nuclear submarine.
"Their Consensus refuses to allow anything to run on Essence, sooo… gotta find alternative power sources. The world won't accept them, especially not as commercially viable alternatives… but we can use them."
She frowned. "Stupid Consensus."
- - - -
He patted her tugging hand with his, smiling in sympathy. "Yeah. Some of the restrictions on reality are stupid. I'm excited to see past them again."
Casting his eyes around, Simon found himself somewhat disliking the haphazardly-bundled cables and maze of pipes running around the place, and he frowned to himself. Couldn't they have kept things a little tidier? Or was the pursuit of progress more important than aesthetics, now? If he had cared enough, his room full of wires and cables and things would have, ideally, been streamlined and organized and had all of its cables at least carefully laid out to keep them out of the way, but, well, he hadn't cared enough to do all of that at the time. At least, not in the history he had in his head.
Maybe with a girl to impress with his work, this-him's formative years had been different… and certainly would've been happier.
- - - -
They entered the HypnoDome, a vast… well, dome… with a black and white spiral design that was a little disorienting, painted all across the wide ceiling. It didn't move, he didn't think, but it sure tricked the eye into seeing it move when he looked up at it, which threw the room into a slight tailspin.
All around were enormous tesla coils, electrodes… were those vacuum tubes?… control panels, various work stations… the air here smelled of burnt ozone.
Eed smiled apologetically, "Sorry for the mess, we had to store the Symphoniator in here, because it kept damaging things in the Voltaic Icosahedron. On the bright side, we can work to music, if you don't hold anything metal up too high!"
- - - -
The dizziness made Simon hold onto Edith a little tighter, forcing him to hold his attention on her rather than gazing at the ceiling for even a moment more else it might make him hurl. That concentration expressed itself as a very intense stare at the girl, eyebrows furrowed and mouth set into a hard line.
"Symphoniator? And you keep mentioning the icosahedron, what were we doing with that?"
- - - -
She nodded to his first question and gestured to the room at large. "I have Sweet Home Alabama programmed into it, still, if you want me to turn it on. The Voltaic Icosahedron is where most of the direct energy work gets done."
- - - -
He gazed at her. "…What is a Symphoniator? I mean, I'm not huge on that song, but if it's cool I'm not gonna say no."
- - - -
"It uses voltaic shock and plasma discharge, in phased bursts, to burn the air in ways that create music when set up in advance to fire at different phase frequencies and time intervals."
- - - -
That sounded like just enough plausible bullshit to work, so Simon shrugged permissively. "OK, sure, playing music with electricity, why not?"
And he sat through a demonstration of tesla coils playing "Sweet Home Alabama* through the room, loud enough to make his ears ring and definitely at a frequency that made his headache just the slightest bit worse. He winced on every low note, the buzzing of the electricity hitting a bad spot on his range of hearing, but, over all, was sincerely impressed by the performance.
"…Cool. What else do we have on this thing? Can you do a playlist of songs for it?"
- - - -
"We have over nine hundred songs programmed."
- - - -
"Then why is it not playing right now? Besides my headache."
- - - -
She grinned and went to one of the control stations and began punching in various songs and setting it to shuffle and run, as the room lit up with strobing blasts and strings of electricity in blue, purple, yellow, orange, green, and pink. When she returned, she came back with a gumball-looking thing.
"Chew on this and suck all the juice, until the whole thing is dissolved. Cures headaches and hangovers."
- - - -
That was sincerely impressive- more impressive than the tesla music, if he was honest with himself. Given his chronic migraines, he hoped they had a whole mess of these at home. Simon took the little ball and popped it right into his mouth, very much hoping it was well-flavored, too.
- - - -
It was like chewing on a Whopper, except instead of chocolate and malt, it was crunchy blue raspberry that slowly dissolved into chewy juicy bits.
Eed came back over to him with a large helmet that encompassed the whole head, and trailed spiraling cables from a big box unit on the back of it.
"We'll need to tune it to your current brainwaves before we can begin. I think. I don't actually know how this thing works, but it did help get rid of your lisp some, and it can make curly fries. So, I think we're good."
- - - -
The curly fries comment did dampen his enthusiasm a little bit.
"…But it's not gonna fry my brain like those fries, right?" He thought the Union helped him get rid of his lisp, but, well, who's to say what is and isn't from this crazytown science lab anymore? He took the helmet from her and looked it over, trying to gauge how it might be tuned and calibrated as he usually did: fiddling.
- - - -
"It shouldn't fry your brain. It never has before."
The interior of the helmet had a range of speakers and viewscreens, as well as ample cushioning. The exterior had little to work with. The box section on the back, though, had a veritable switchboard of tiny wires and plugs, going to and from different holes in a neat arrangement, as well as four dials and three toggles. It looked like he'd made tiny stickers with tinier writing, trying to label them - but some ended with question marks.
- - - -
That did not inspire confidence in the apparatus. Still, Simon took it over to some kind of seat and plonked it onto his head after sitting down, then gave Edith a double thumbs-up.
- - - -
He heard her put her goggles back on and felt her hooking numerous cables into the back of the helmet, and then the clicking of dials being turned as a low hum gradually grew in intensity, underneath the music happening overhead. And then, he heard Edith throw a loud, frankenstein-esque electrical lever as she screamed without warning, "FOR SCIENCE!!™️"
The inside of the helmet flared to life with violently bright polychromatic flashes of light and barely audible pulses of sound from all around his head, while also spraying him in the face with a fine strawberry-scented mist.
- - - -
The mist was definitely the most unexpected part of this experience, though the rest would've made a migraine instantly if he hadn't just had the little gumball that defeated his headache. Instead, it threw his sense of balance off entirely and made tingles run down his neck and spine from the sound waves, and basically blinded him with all of the flashing lights, while he mentally tried to weather the shock of sensory input and also the discomfort of being misted in the face for no good reason. Silently, Simon was grateful his glasses kept the helmet from just spritzing him directly in the eyes.
As it worked, he yelled to Edith (or thought he was yelling, was he yelling? Could she even hear him?), "Is it working? What's with the strawberry mist?!"
- - - -
His eyes were rapidly growing to sting, and then burn and felt as dry as sand. Blinking hurt.
"It's our not-legally-patented moisturizer to protect the eyes from the mimetic desiccation dangers!"
- - - -
"Oh!" He reached up to take his glasses off, then. Ow ow ow.
Except he couldn't get his hand into the helmet. Shit.
Simon scrunched his face around and tried to intentionally displace his glasses to get them out of the way of the scented mist. It mostly worked, to which his eyes were grateful.
- - - -
The mist helped immediately, just as his headache was gone and showed no sign of returning, despite him still having some medicine-ball still in his mouth (it lasted a little bit). It felt weird at first, but he quickly got used to it, just like he would have gotten used to walking through fog in a breeze.
The weirdness show continued on, surrounding him with increasingly aggressive and overt and wildly chaotic displays of intensity… and then the whole thing shut off with a loud 'thwack' noise, of … maybe a breaker getting tripped? He smelled smoke.
- - - -
He very quickly took the helmet off of his head, worried it might start an electrical fire or something. AC/DC zapped in the background.
- - - -
The smoke was coming from a small fire located at the rear of the helmet, but just as he noticed it - once the helmet was removed - he was hosed with a fire extinguisher that left him… cold and uncarbonated and smelling stale air with a bitter tinge.
"Sorry. I didn't know you were taking it off. I think it worked! One of the things in the back exploded a tiny bit and set fire to some stuff, and it tripped the circuit over there!"
She pointed excitedly to the wall, where the lever she'd thrown earlier was now broken and looked like it was also on fire a little.
"So now we just need to fine tune it and strap you back in, rev it up…. fix the wiring… and see what happens!"
- - - -
That was just the calibration process. Okay! Okay. At least he didn't have a headache, and his ears weren't pouring smoke, though the helmet being slightly on fire was not terribly encouraging, either. For Science!!™️…?
Simon actually opted to take his glasses off for this one, setting them on a table nearby. "Y'know, I think maybe we should cut the music so that you can listen for any like, warning noises. And I wish you had told me about the mist! My glasses totally got in the way."
Still, he turned the helmet around and examined the wiring, where it had shorted, and how he might be able to fix it, or even entirely prevent the short from happening again.
- - - -
Edith shrugged, "Who wears glasses inside a helmet? That one's on you, Boybot. And don't worry about the music, there's never any warning sounds for most of these things. The sound of progress is a lot like the sound of catastrophe… it just depends on where the fires break out and how bad they are."
When he got himself a better look at the burnt helmet's inner panel, he saw that one of the labeled stickers was lightly singed. It read, AUDIO REGULATOR B-3? and the fire seemed to have started there. The cable plugged into that port ran to another port that was labeled POWER SOURCE - CHANNEL 3.
As Simon scrutinized the connections in the adjacent spaces, he realized that 'Audio Regulator B-3' was definitely mislabeled. Audio regulators elsewhere were plugged into ports along the left hand side of the lower grid; this one was in the upper middle, where other power regulation ports seemed to be. So… one of the wires had been feeding energy from a regulator, into a regulator, and wasn't allocating that power to anything else, anywhere.
Further examination showed him that he had already sorted most of the switchboard's ports - and it looked like he had been able to refit the holes into new places in the grid so that it made more sense to him - and he was able to quickly rearrange several plugs in ways that he was pretty sure would set the machine to (1) not burst into flames this time, and (2) induce memory regression and recovery without any active participation from a second party… by giving it a list of questions to pose during regression and hooking that list into the secondary input port. He was pretty sure the primary input port just went to psychedelic bullshit recorded for playback inside the helmet.
It was… completely haphazard and improvised, and yet he felt fairly certain that it would work, based on what he'd seen.
Maybe this was what being crazy felt like… total certainty based on practically no information.
- - - -
Simon checked around him for a few label stickers and a pen to write on them with, so that he could re-label what he had just done and add some notes about the primary input port's recording. Then all he had to do was come up with the questions to put into the secondary port…
"OK, Eed, I think I've got what we need to do here- follow me on this. We should give the helmet some questions to pose during the process, through the secondary input port, that should induce the regression and recovery of my memories without you needing to do much of anything."
During the explanation he pointed at the secondary input port, now newly labeled.
- - - -
"Then who's going to ask the questions?"
- - - -
"…Probably the screens and audio through subliminal messages or something, based on what we write in a program we have the helmet run?"
He raised one eyebrow at her.
"I dunno, man, this is all improv, you know that."
- - - -
"We don't know the OS the helmet runs on, or even if it uses modern programming concepts. It seems to be purely mechanical, like… like analog tech. No digitals. If you write the list down, I could plug a microphone into that port and read off the questions every so many minutes, so you hear it while you're under? Or we could pre-record the questions and plug the cassette deck into the input and hit play? We have options, I guess, is what I'm saying. I was going to plug the Opticon into the helmet's output and record whatever you experience, for later review, too - just to see if maybe it helps you make sense of things more, or maybe like if you don't remember what you remembered, because you were under at the time. I dunno… just seems like we should come at this a few different ways, to be on the safe side."
She gave him a slight hug. "Science wouldn't be science if it worked exactly the same time, every single time, would it? No, then it'd just be…. I dunno, facts or something. There's gotta be some risk and some doubts and some kind of chaos element for it to be real science."
- - - -
He chuckled at patted her between the shoulder blades, then gave a slight squeeze. "Right. Sure. Whatever fucked up, crazy take on things makes you possible, I'm all for it."
"The problem is, I have no idea what sorts of questions should be asked to kick my brain back into its previous gears. Do you have any ideas about that?"
- - - -
She pursed her lips and hopped up on a worktable, wiggling numerous gears and small tools away from the spot with her butt.
"I don't know therapy stuff. I'd say we could google it, but there's no internet down here. We still have the Society of Oracles and Scholars - or the SOS for short - that people turn to for answers in times of need… but I wasn't going to throw you that far down the rabbit hole, this soon."
- - - -
Simon nodded, setting the helmet down into his lap. "Or… Maybe we go find a book in that enormous library wing?"
- - - -
"Oh, I mean… maybe? Most of those books aren't for anything so… mainstream. They cover lore of other dimensions, astral physics, demiplane navigation and creating worlds, portal construction, dreamscapes, Otherworlds, dragons, stuff like that."
- - - -
He blinked at her, eyes owlish. "…Oh." And then waved his hand dismissively. "Well, pssshh, of course all that exists to be researched down here, I mean, that's super important shit to our SCIENCE!!™️, but it kind of sucks that it isn't a universal library where we could look up anything." It was definitely a little sarcastic, but the sentiment was genuine.
"If that's not an option, then I guess the SOS is what we should consult… Or we should go upstairs or outside to ask the internet."
- - - -
"That depends on whether or not you're ready to board the train and make the short trip into another world, to ask a question. If you'd rather go upstairs, I'd understand completely, and will happily wait here while you Google. Just pull out your phone, hit the multicolor 'G' icon and type your question. And the internet will answer. Just avoid results that say sponsored, or ad… they have laws requiring that, now."
"If we take the train, we'll both need to change clothes. I can't go home looking like this, everyone would stare at me funny."
- - - -
- - - -
"……." Simon stared at Edith for a long second.
"So you're a fucking extradimensional being?!"
- - - -
"Not exactly, no. Just because it's another world, doesn't mean it's another planet or another dimension. I keep telling you, I'm Imaginary. I don't understand what's so hard about that."
- - - -
He frowned. He thought he had figured it out! He thought he had finally found an explanation for The Girl Nobody Could See But Him. Alas, she continued to confound him, and that was also frustrating.
"Sorry. I don't- imaginary people were not on my radar until I met you, so I'm just. I guess not understanding how you're so…" Simon gestured to All of her. "Crazy and your own person and possibly my completely made-up girlfriend and--"
He stopped himself, covering his face with his hands. "God damn it."
"Imagi Nations. You're. You're literally a person from the realm of imagination. You're not- I dunno why you attached to me as my imaginary friend, but like, you are a "real" person in the person sense- you're just not from this reality and your native laws work way different? Like a fucking Toon?"
- - - -
She frowned in return, her frown turning into an angry scowl at the end as she hopped off the table and leaned over to look him in the eyes from her mere five feet in height (give or take, it was hard to tell) while he sat on the testing chair, lifting a hand part way and pointing it upward under his chin.
"Did you just call me a fucking Toon, you self-righteous, racist, rigid-minded Meat Sock!?"
- - - -
Simon's eyes went owlish over his fingers for a totally different reason this time, and he physically shrank into the chair, giving her the upper hand in the power dynamic of the conversation.
His voice was small and aghast.
"oh shit that was racist??"
- - - -
"Simon, you just told an imaginary girl that she was--"
She held up a finger for each thing he'd said, counting them off with her other hand as she spoke.
"--a quote 'fucking extradimensional being', crazy, 'My Own Person' - real nice, by the way, very self-centered and invalidating of my right to exist without you - made-up, for fuck sake, a real person…. and a FUCKING TOON!!!"
She slapped him hard across the face.
"You…. you….." she seemed at a loss for something vile enough to call him, in her moment of anger, before she found the perfect insult to hit him with for his sudden onslaught of specist rhetoric.
"You Human."
She fumed, arms crossed.
- - - -
It may not have had the same impact that she was expecting, but the slap was unexpected and did hurt his feelings more than just being called "human" did. He had basically been human his whole life, and all of her Imaginary shenanigans had been stretching the bounds of his idea of what was possible, hardcore. Basically this whole time Simon had been staving off some kind of nervous breakdown by just moving forward like he had agreed he would earlier.
He turned back to her, holding his bright red cheek tenderly, eyes a little wet from the sting, and squashed down any guy-feelings about being hit that would have made him yell back, hit back, get angry, anything that wasn't the sincerely horribly guilty and apologetic he knew he needed to be, instead. Simon tossed the helmet to the floor and slipped out of the chair to stand on his knees in front of Edith, hands clasped in a gesture of pleading.
"Holy shit, Edith, I am so fucking sorry," he started, looking up at her. "I didn't- I wasn't meaning to be racist, or invalidate your individuality, and I am so, so fucking sorry that I was anyway. I didn't know that language was so fucking awful, and I won't say it again, I promise, I am so fucking sorry, Edith."
- - - -
She looked down at him, confused as hell, but also touched. She'd clearly never expected him to take the argument this direction. After a huffy moment, sentimentality won out and she sighed and helped him stand.
"Okay…. fine…. I guess. Apology accepted." She sounded like she was really trying to let it go. He could tell that they'd had this fight before, from her reaction, and that she wasn't used to it going like this.
"Um… so… I don't remember what we were talking about."
- - - -
- - - -
He gave her an enormous hug as a "thank you" without actually saying the phrase, because he knew that was not appropriate when you had just hurt someone so profoundly, but trying to comfort them at least helped, right?
"When I remember what it all is, I am so treating you to all of your favorite stuff. But, uh-" he let her go and held her shoulders, "We were gonna go to the SOS and ask about restorative hypnotherapy? I actually wanna go now and see what it's like, now that I get it, and asking the internet would be the boring solution."
- - - -
She looked him up and down, as if re-evaluating him somewhat. "You… cannot… be all stiff-brained and uptight and… that stuff you just did…. if we go. You know that. Right?"
- - - -
He nodded enthusiastically. "No, yep, no, I get it, not doing that anymore and if I do please slap me again."
To be entirely truthful, understanding what Edith was and how she worked as an entity was a relief to Simon's mind, rather than a strain- of course this imaginary space is Real, of course this imaginary girl is Real, why shouldn't they be? Just because they worked on different principles than his idea of Real, it didn't make them any less so, he just had to operate under the assumption that it all was a "reality" with different rules to it. Like the Web, or a waking dream, or Seeing monsters in the way Hunters did. Working on a level that was not a Human one. Totally reasonable. If she knew how he was wording this in his head, he would probably have the daylights slapped out of him.
Simon smiled nervously at her. "Please."
- - - -
(( mentions of parenthood moving forward. ))
- - - -
She nodded, seemingly satisfied, and pulled a little whistle rod from her pocket and gave it a blow - making the loud sound of a steam whistle, that silenced the electrical music playing around them. He heard the locomotive start its own engine down the large hall and the wheels and their pistons begin to turn as it tried to come toward the whistle's call.
"We'll change once we're aboard the Prismaticka."
The steam engine - only a single locomotive engine of exceptional size, since it also seemed to contain living space and such... like a steam engine locomotive that was also a road RV - came chugging slowly into view, spewing multicolored water vapor out of its smokestacks and rainbow sparkles as sparks from its wheels and gears.
- - - -
Simon was infinitely enthused by the train's fantastical exhaust and rail sparks, and Edith saw his face light up. "Oh, shit, that's fun," he had a smile in his tone. "Can't wait to remember how to call for my own clothes, though- what do we have on the train? Er, Prismaticka?"
He held one of her hands in his, and squeezed it gently.
- - - -
"We lived on board for a year and a day, while we traveled across a handful of years and lived as basically husband and wife. When we returned, only a day had passed, just like I'd promised. Uh… speaking of which… do you like kids?"
The locomotive came to a halt in front of them and its door slid open, folding in half as stairs unfolded down and locked into place for them.
- - - -
His eyebrows raised into his hairline. "Jesus Christ it's a Doctor Who time-train," he mumbled to himself, before she got to the 'kids' part, which had him pale spectacularly.
"…Kids?" Oh, despair. He could not tell Otome if he and Edith had kids.
- - - -
"Yeah. Do you like them? Or no?"
She grabbed the handrail and hopped up onto the first step, before climbing the steps and going aboard.
- - - -
The memories of ghost-pale kids with sharp teeth and black eyes jutted into the forefront of his mind; Simon tried to shake them away and remind himself that was likely not real. He hoped those weren't part of this Consensus… everything they dealt with was. A Lot.
But normal kids? Simon considered, while he climbed up behind Edith. "Uh, well, it turns out I can kinda get petulant back at them if they're being snotheads," he confessed, remembering the Peter Pan-esque adventure he and Madison had been on, "But in concept, they're fine? Do we have kids, Edith?"
- - - -
She hesitated before answering, quietly. "Only a couple."
And then hurried past the driver's compartment, which had no one in it. The interior styling was nearly identical to the wooden finery of the airship he'd seen. Every window was circular and stained glass, and the doors were wooden with stained glass interiors, that folded in half when slid to the side. Nice crimson carpeting laid along the walkways of the floor, while powerfully blue carpeting laid directly overhead of those paths, from which tiny chandeliers hung and lit the way in scintillating tinted colors.
"The wardrobe is back here in the master bedroom!" she called from down the hall. He passed a short staircase upward on his right and another directly opposite it going downward on the left, that looped around to keep going up or down respectively. She was in the space beyond, straight ahead, through another set of doors.
- - - -
Simon followed Edith, totally quiet. Oh. They did have kids. And she still let him have a girlfriend?
He couldn't get over the fact that he had kids. What the fuck. He hoped he had been a good dad. He also wondered where the hell the kids were. Part of him wondered what the kids were.
The space of this train was frankly ridiculous, having two more levels at least and this many rooms for each… he decided not to pay much mind to that, as it was Imaginary and didn't have to fit inside the façade of the train it was in, instead following Edith into the master bedroom.
- - - -
The 'master bedroom' was a suite in various wooden hues with a red floor and a blue ceiling, luxurious furniture and many color-tinted mirrors and stained glass windows, in a circular floorplan. On the wall hung a beautifully painted portrait of a family crest… a clockwork gear that was red on the right, blue on the left, steel along the outer edges and digital pixel-fade toward the center where it faded into nothing. The gear served as the circular frame inside of which was a vibrantly rainbow hued butterfly whose body was actually a collage of super tiny paintings that blended together to create an overall rainbow hue effect, while the wings were stained glass.
It was their crest.
She was already dressed in vibrantly colored, overly elaborate and mildly-steampunky Victorian elegance. Her hair was a series of coiled curls and a woven loop in the back, ears and neck adorned in tasteful jewels and gold, while her flowing gown and buttoned collar with its tied bow were hues of blue and red, violet and pink, with the faintest hints of outlying green or yellow here and there.
She held out a bright, vivid blue hat with a stark red satin band around the base of it.
"Your city wear, Mr. Gemini."
- - - -
Her dress was stunning. The room was stunning. The entire space had an elegance to it that really married their styles well; was she some kind of nobility where she was from? Simon took the hat, absentmindedly, preoccupied with all of the detail in Edith's clothing, and then came back to himself with a realization: "Ah, shit, my glasses are on the table--" he set the hat down and made to leave the room, then stopped himself. Maybe he could…?
Simon tried to pull his glasses into his hand, knowing their weight and feeling by heart given he had worn them all of his remembered life, without pulling the air around them- rather, he wanted the space they occupied to be in his hand, instead of on the table. He hadn't tried this yet, so he wasn't sure if it would work, but maybe if he just tried to feel it hard enough…
- - - -
A different pair of glasses appeared in his hands, answering his summons. They felt… somehow more familiar in his hand. They carried the same style as everything around him, each lens colored to match his eyes, and the frames were delicately etched with tiny artworks of pixellation, gears, and even some super-tiny binary code engraved in gold along the hinges. It read GEMINI.
"The hat will dress you. When… um, when you're ready."
She blushed a little and turned to sit ladylike on the edge of their enormous bed as the train began to move again.
- - - -
Hell yeah he did it!!! Simon pumped the other fist in silent celebration, even if it wasn't the exact pair of glasses he had been looking for. He then turned back to Edith, grinning, and took the hat back up.
"I kinda figured, when you just handed the hat to me," it was his turn for a sailor senshi transformation! He put on the hat after rolling it along his arm (a trick he had picked up for fun since it seemed cool as hell), holding it by the tips of his fingers gently on the top.
- - - -
The hat sent a ripple throughout Simon's body; his clothing was blasted away in a cascade of red and blue beams, before new, elegant, Victorian-styled attire befitting a gentleman with title and holdings of the era, slid across his body in scintillating pixel crawl at high speed. As the glow of his naked flesh died down, the transformation left him clad in stark white and black, gold and silver, one cufflink a ruby and the other a sapphire, his beautiful, tinted, round-framed spectacles sitting gracefully on the bridge of his nose and his top hat having turned from red and blue to black and white.
- - - -
He did a little twirl and then bowed to Edith, one leg crossed over the other and left hand sweeping his hat off to hold it in proper fashion. The other hand was held gracefully behind his back.
When Simon came back up, he was beaming. "This doesn't match your dress by a long shot, but it's still really spectacular. Did we design these ourselves?" He settled the hat back on top of his head.
- - - -
"We had them made by a specialist. He felt it fit our family dynamic best to have one of us wearing one set of our stark contrasts while the other one wore the other set."
She smiled softly and joyously from her seat.
"You look quite dashing, Mr. Gemini. I… I'm sorry about… I know this will be a lot for you, going back now, the way you are. There's so much you won't be ready for. I suppose it won't be as happy a reunion for you as it will for the others. But, we can at least consult the SOS and make sure that your memory restoration is free from glitches or complications."
- - - -
Her speech was suddenly far more demure and eloquent- Simon supposed it was probably her preparing to go home and getting into a suitable mindset. The outfit did make him want to be a little more polite, though, too. He came over and sat next to the girl- his wife, actually (still wasn't over how incredible that was)- and rested a hand on her thigh, over her dress.
"It's alright. I opted for this, didn't I? Whatever happens, at least I'll have you there to bolster me." His hand pressed gently down, in a way he hoped was comforting.
- - - -
She gazed up at him, much more openly in love than she normally let herself seem and laid her hand lightly upon his.
"Not just me. I may be the one who found you and stayed with you, but… there is the matter of my… sister."
- - - -
His eyes widened in alarm. "…You have a sister?!" Not that it was a problem, but, he had not been expecting that. Why hadn't he been expecting that? He had a brother, and she seemed to have a lot in common with him.
- - - -
"We're half sisters. I found you, but… earlier on, you two… got along better. I was pretty jealous at the time. She seemed like she was so much better for you than I was. I mean, I'm just an Imagen, very rustic by comparison… but Chip is a Cypherian, so much more sophisticated and advanced in their ways… and so much more forward and bold in their attitudes. And you did so adore Cypher, as opposed to Imago."
- - - -
Those were definitely the names of places and the people from them, but he had no idea what they were actually referring to, and thus just blinked owlishly at her and tilted his head (only slightly, so his hat didn't fall off) like a dog who was trying to find the source of a sound.
- - - -
Edith smiled.
"Imago is what you would consider an Antiquarian culture, whose sciences and technology are befitting a bygone era, but are fueled by a more free-thinking approach to innovation and industry. Cypher is a realm of lights and dark places, where everything works and moves very quickly and life is fast and dangerous. Like your cyberpunk fictions. Chip's father was a Set. I think his name was Ram or Rom?… My father was a Gemini. But very few Sets attended the dual wedding. It was a sad moment for poor Chip, but she understood. Most Cypherians don't find Imago to be a very suitable place for… much of anything, really. And they believe our social ceremonies are much too long. They'd rather hold marriages over a video conference, so nobody has to stop what they're doing, to attend."
- - - -
One eyebrow raised, and he frowned, gently. "Oh. That's a shame. What's a Set, and a Gemini? Am I a Gemini? Your- wait, I'm married to both of you? Or did your mom marry two men? Or both??"
- - - -
"Well, our mother did marry both of our fathers, yes… but yes, you did marry us both, in a beautiful dual ceremony. We're twins, you see, we were both conceived during the same… uhm… evening. The Geminis and the Sets are both very respected Kin Houses. And since our mother was a Libra, it made perfect sense for her to have two husbands, one for each aspect of her sensibilities. My father, the erudite and cultured gentleman of refined tastes and eloquence, and Chip's father, the fun loving, brash, bold, spontaneous adventurer of an exotic domain."
- - - -
He nodded. At least that was understandable. "…Right. Let's get my memory back before I say something really insensitive about all of this by accident, hm?" He leaned his head against hers, turning to breathe in the scent of her and give the top of her head a little kiss.
"At least I know you stayed with me, and Chip didn't. I guess she had more important things to be doing than hanging out in my reality."
- - - -
"Chip was undecided on the matter, at first. I found you first and that meant you belonged to me… but I knew you were more her type, back then, and I was willing to share. And it went really well for awhile… but the Digital Realm - the Web - in your world was just too dangerous. That was why we spent a year and a day roaming the worlds, after the wedding… trying to find a way to undo the WhiteOut threat, so we could all live together. But… we never found a way. It was just too deeply ingrained into your reality and affected too many parts of what she'd be doing. So, she stayed behind, in Cypher, with Simon II. Taylor wanted to live in Imago with Simone and Edward. But we returned to Earth."
"And then, a while later… you met Otome."
Edith kissed his cheek.
- - - -
He blinked owlishly again. "…Me and Chip have kids too? Christ, I need to keep condoms around." That was a phrase he never thought he would have to say. And he didn't even know what Chip had been doing in the Web. And he realized he had married these girls early, before he met any Earth girls he would click with at all. Was that sad? He decided that was a little sad.
Given a couple of the kids's names, Simon still wasn't that creative with names, apparently. "Why did the kids stay in Imago, and not come with us? They could fill out Half House, couldn't they? …Was Half House your dad's before it was mi- ours? I mean, it's all Victorian Steampunk, and that… isn't really my jive, as much as it seems like it's the Imago aesthetic."
- - - -
She lowered her gaze a little. "You… weren't ready to raise children on Earth. Too expensive, you said. And you were probably right. Besides, the Gemini have always had nannies and house servants raise the children and they spend a lot of time in school. They'd be about the right age though, to start spending time with us, if you wanted to bring them home? Well, the three we can pick up, anyway. We can go to Cypher while we're traveling, if you'd like, too? You can meet Chip and Simon II all over again. Maybe she knows more about recovery from bad implants, now that I think of it…"
- - - -
She didn't answer his question about the House, but that was fine. "…Mmm. I feel like that'd get complicated, trying to hide them, and our life with them, from Otome. Unless you finally let her in on," he waved his hand around, "this. Which didn't seem like it was going to go well."
"And, I'm not totally sure I'm comfortable having Mister Gearwhistle raise our kids while we're busy with other stuff? I'd rather we have a more personal role in their lives, if you're alright with that- it just seems. Really impersonal, and a good way to get them to resent us."
"…How long ago did all this happen?"
- - - -
"The last time I tried to include her more in our lives, she thought I'd become some kind of poltergeist manifesting your insecurities about your relationship with her into a weird psychic phenomenon. You have to remember, m'Lord, she knows just enough to make some very wild guesses and consider them utterly possible, but not enough to know when she's being irrational about them."
"Mr Gearwhistle would never raise our kids! He's a butler, not a nanny! Besides, they're practically grown now. And they've never been to the Real World, but they keep asking to go. Um… which 'all of this' are you referring to? We've had a busy life."
He noticed bright light coming in through the stained glass windows around them. They were outside, somewhere. Somewhere silvery-white, from the look of the gleam through the stained glass. He didn't see any other colors or details moving by though, just light.
- - - -
It was probably some space-between-realities they were moving through, like the inside of a wormhole, or the time between selecting a hotlink and actually popping into the space it linked to. Like a loading zone. Simon didn't pay the lack of color much more mind.
"I- well, I guess if they keep asking t'go…" he was visibly uncomfortable at being called "M'Lord", and generally with her suddenly extremely polite mannerisms, charming as they were. The M'Lord really struck him with just how formal Edith's speech had turned, though. "But, I uh, I meant… the wedding, and the kids, since, if they're grown now, but we've only known each other a little over a decade, time must be pretty dilated between worlds…"
- - - -
"Time doesn't dilate, that's a Humanism. It's just different, in different places, at different times. Like how some days take forever to end and others zip past too soon. Clocks measure time out by their pre-approved portions and keep track of those portions, but the rate at which they actually occur is highly variable. The machine is a machine and doesn't experience time the way self-aware beings do, so it just ticks away… but to the person watching that clock, time only passes at the same speed for the person and for the clock, while the person is watching and counting along with it. Once they stop paying attention, time changes again."
She shook her head. "Time is really no reliable measure of how long something is anyway. But they're all well into their teens now. Practically young men and women! And we've visited them several times, each year. They know about your accident, don't worry. They'll just be glad you're okay!"
- - - -
Well. That did make a bit of sense, he had to admit, and just nodded as confirmation of that, to Edith.
"…Right. Well, at least we visit them semi-regularly, and they know I have no idea who they are or how… well, maybe they don't know I can't remember our life, but at least they know something went really, very wrong with my brain and I'm gonna be weird because of it. Weirder? Weirder."
- - - -
She glanced at the windows. "Would it be alright if I opened a window? I always love this part of the journey home."
"Would you like to know anything about your children, or just… be surprised? You go back and forth between asking many questions and asking none, so I can't tell."
- - - -
Simon raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, yeah, of course you can open a window. Is it not just, like, featureless white, outside?" He helped her stand from the bed, if she so desired, intending to follow her to the window to look out at their surroundings once he had a clearer view. "I mean… I have no idea what to ask. What are they like, I guess? Who takes after who? Did we want kids, or were they… y'know, an acci- well, a happy accident?"
- - - -
"Very happy accidents, as I recall your cries of passion, my darling."
She smiled back at him over her shoulders when they'd reached the window, before unlatching it and swinging the two curving halves open, outward. A sweet breeze blew inside the cabin, smelling of spring rains, winter snows, wildflowers, and fresh cheese. Beneath the Prismaticka locomotive was a railway track made of mirrored crystal and glass, with supports and railings that ran into the infinite universe below as the train made its way through its own prismatic vapor trails across the expanse of the solar system. Earth loomed large at one end of the winding trackway which followed no clear path through its own maze of scaffolding, each strut reflecting the lights of moons and stars and cities. They were near enough that Simon could clearly make out the whole of Australia as the planet spun slowly beneath them, and the movement of the clouds and the waves of the seas. Far too near was Luna, bright white and pock-marked with her shadows and craters, her dark side glittering with the lights of megacities unseen by human eyes. Only just beyond the moon were the enormous asteroids that spun and drifted lazily yet beautifully, a ballet of stone in the dark velvet of space, lit only by the delighted faces of billions of twinkling stars that collected themselves into the vibrant ribbon of the Milky Way in the furthest distance - clear and bright and vivid in its splendorous colors to Simon's eyes. Giving silhouette to the wafting ocean of drifting solar rock was the great red eye of Mars, watchful and judging, unwilling to offer gentle approval of anything it beheld. But behind him was Jupiter, off to one side of the Red Planet with her wife Saturn, her rings' scintillating hues glistening in the reflections of the unseen Sun.
Edith leaned her elbows on the windowsill and rested her chin on her folded hands, gazing out upon the Solar System That Could Not Be. "Isn't it lovely?"
- - - -
And it Sure Fucking Was, wasn't it? Mars wasn't that close, by any estimation of human observation, nor were Saturn or Jupiter- and he didn't see Venus or Mercury on this side of the train at all, though, given their position relative to Earth, it was likely that didn't matter one wit to where they actually were out in all of this vast insanity. Simon marveled for a while, stunned into silence at the sight, taking in perceptible Truths that Could Not Be if he held on to Human ideas of what Was and what Wasn't.
It seemed he really couldn't do that anymore if he wanted to have any chance of holding onto any semblance of rationality, not that he had a firm grasp on that when he came-to in the hospital this morning.
His hand came to rest on Edith's back, both to share the moment and to ground himself a little bit, nearly dizzy from the vastness of the space before him. He completely forgot what the subject of their conversation had been.
- - - -
They gazed together, quietly and with awe, at the view of the cosmos as the train whisked along its path at speeds that could not be reached through bodies that were much too close together, along a track that may not have ever existed… only when the silvery glow of the moon's bright side had finally passed and the lands far below were the towering starscrapers of vast mega-metropoli lit by neon that shone upon roads that looked like the fine strands of complex circuitry from high above, and the horizon loomed angry and red under the light of Mars, did she finally close the window. The scent of cheese and wildflowers had become one of cigarettes and bourbon, the smell of rain and snow remained but had been joined by the tinge of unhealthy city air.
She lit a blue raspberry candle to brighten the scent in the room, with a wooden match, and retook her seat upon their bed.
"All of your children are roughly the same age - two sets of twins, one from myself and one from my half-sister. We didn't even know that Imaginary women could take child from a Human, but… well, the honeymoons proved that theory wrong."
She offered a loving smile.
"Our children are Simone and Edward. She's the older by a few seconds and is still in that rough period of needing to prove herself to everyone… including herself. She's always been a bit bossy toward her brother, but she looks out for him as well. She, of course, refuses to accept a woman's life in Imago, just like I did. She wears the pants, between them. Edward prefers skirts and the clothing of young ladies, though never to excess. Timid and shy, he's a very sensitive and loving boy with a big heart, who will find a wonderful husband or wife to care for him someday. Where Simone refuses to accept her assigned gender, Edward often asks what it's like to be a woman, and prefers domestic affairs and hobbies, in contrast to his sister's rambunctious adventures. Taylor is your daughter by way of Chip, and she's as adventurous as Simone, and as kind and gentle-hearted as Edward. Her brother Simon II is more reclusive and introverted, preferring the anonymity of Cypherian schools and online organizations to actual in-person friendships."
- - - -
Blue Raspberry seemed to be a theme with their miscellaneous items, he noted, as he came back to ground from the lofty sights of the passing system. He didn't mind the smells of cigarettes, bourbon, or City; they reminded him of Noir media, of the more mundane, gritty cyberpunks that came around after Bladerunner, and that movie's entire aesthetic. It reminded him of the kind of person he on-and-off wanted to be: a gritty, skilled, tough fighter with a soft spot in his heart hardened by lead, alcohol, and grief. He was also grateful that wasn't his life, though, as it seemed like a hard one and Simon didn't really believe he was cut out for that sort of suffering.
Once Edith smiled at him, Simon took his seat beside her, resting his hand once again on the small of her back and listening quietly until she took a pause.
"…Simon II reminds me of myself when I was- in the sim, when I was growing up, and in-person interactions were complicated and I felt like nobody in the world liked or understood me. Taylor, though, is kind of like if my brother- if he even exists- were kind instead of nice. He was definitely the more adventurous of us, and outgoing, and he could find a friend or asset pretty much anywhere he went; I was jealous of him a lot." He stared into the middle-distance toward the door out of the room, watching snippets of made-up memories that felt real as she did beneath his hand. "…My whole family, on my dad's side, we always ended up with twins; I never knew my uncle, or aunt maybe, but I'm sure Dad misses them. It's too bad Sie' doesn't want to come see Earth with Taylor… I'm sure she'll miss him, too."
- - - -
"Her brother is the only one who has seen Earth. He watches, through the Digital Web… despite the dangers."
She sighed softly. "He just can't seem to pry himself away from the Virtuality."
Edith laid her head on his shoulder.
"Sometimes I wonder what it must be like for you. Shackled to a world you can't change, desperate to fix it like it were one of your inventions, or a program that needed troubleshooting. Having to live in a place that never quite feels like home… but never having anywhere that ever really does. I've done my best to be there for you, to be by your side, always… but you still seem so alone sometimes, all up there in your own head."
- - - -
Simon nodded to himself; that made sense, too, for Sie to go out of his way to watch the world he couldn't be part of, even or especially if it was dangerous for him. That self-destructive and isolation-reinforcing behavior was one Simon himself was very familiar with; it was why he really, deeply hated romantic movies of most kinds, before. He would have to take Edith up on the offer to visit Cypher, so that he could at least commiserate with Sie, if not ask Chip about malfunctioning implants and their interactions with devices that could simulate the experience of an entirely different life.
He rubbed Edith's back in a way he hoped would come off as reassuring. "…I can certainly say that without you, it was a totally different kind of painfully lonely. I think having you in my life really influenced it, and me, for the better, even if sometimes being in-between everything still gets to me and feels like too much to handle. You're probably the best thing that ever happened to me, Eed."
- - - -
She smiled up at him and kissed his chin. "That part goes without saying, Sir Boybot."
She sighed happily at the little backrubs. "If you go to see Chip, let her know that I still miss her, please? And try not to get shot too many times, this time?"
- - - -
He grinned back at her, and leaned down to actually plant a kiss to her lips, chaste and quick. "You don't at least wanna come with? We can do the TRON-suit thing, like the poster on your door!"
- - - -
She gave a light laugh and shook her head. "I wish! No, I'm afraid I… I just can't. Not after what happened. i know you don't remember, but… I can't risk returning to Cypher. There's too much that could go wrong. I miss my sister, but… it's safer this way, for all of us."
- - - -
Simon tilted his head at her, then decided, "…I won't ask. You don't have to relive the memory if it's bad enough you can't go back- I'll remember when I get my head on straight."
Finally, he looked at the window they had recently left, trying to gauge where they were by the color of light outside. "And… how much longer 'til we get to Imago?"
- - - -
"Just as soon as you wake up, my darling husband."
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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And Yet It Moves
by Broken Rules
Price (US): $9.99
Included In: Bundle for Racial Equality and Justice, Bundle of Ukraine
Genre: Platformer
Pitch: Rotate the world in 90° increments, shifting gravity to navigate tight, treacherous paths. A 2D puzzle-platformer.
My expectations: I played the demo for And Yet It Moves in 2009. There was a lot of buzz around it, which baffled me. Fourteen years is a long time, though. Maybe I'm ready to appreciate the brilliance now. I wasn't aware this was a Broken Rules joint. I sort of liked Chasing Aurora. I was far less keen on Old Man's Journey, but it had its moments. There's talent within this team. I want to be a fan.
I fall.
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The ground rushes toward my feet, but it won’t be the ground for much longer. I swing the world clockwise. I whip past other surfaces, walls becoming ceilings whenever I please, gaining momentum all the while. I’m going faster miles an hour, and it feels amazing.
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Fast, joyful movement is possible in And Yet It Moves, and it is met with stern punishment. The protagonist is not a capable Super Mario-type, but a lanky, bumbling slowpoke who shatters upon landing anything except the shortest, gentlest hop—and since twisting gravity is this game’s defining features, look forward to a whole lotta tedious, cautious dropping.
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Surfaces are rarely level, so whether or not a landing will count is determined by a sketchy, overactive physics model. At the end of a tricky section, I never think, “I’m so smart!” or “I did that so skillfully!” It’s always, “Huh. Got lucky that time,” and “Glad I don’t have to do that again.”
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Occasionally. the player character can hang out in a safe spot while turning the world to move objects or animals, and most of those puzzles work. The game’s full of winning ideas; they’re just hampered by a loser character.
+ Flipping gravity to solve a physics puzzle is satisfying when it works. + Some nice visuals late in the game. + Frequent checkpoints. Unlimited lives. + There's no consistent definition of up an down. You might expect to get lost easily in a game like this, but the level design does a good job of keeping players on the right track.
– This character. It's like they're running along the bottom of the ocean, weighed down by cement shoes, and honestly? Deserved. There is a reason tall and thin aren't adjectives you can use for most beloved platform game heroes. – The physics. – The uneven, unpredictable surfaces, especially in concert with the physics and the character's cumbersome shape. – I had a much better once I muted the pink...plink...plink-plink-incoming-Skype-call soundtrack and turned on real music. (And now you know how that Modern Lovers link crept into this review.)
🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 Bottom Line: Full of promise; overflowing with frustration. Irritating, unpredictable controls can be the death of a platformer or a physics puzzler. And Yet It Moves is both. It's certainly possible to get through it, and speedrunners might get a kick out of mastering its quirks, but reaching the end isn't isn't very satisfying when it feels like each accomplishment has more to do with luck than skill.
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lakehouse-loser · 2 years
puppet headcanons!!!
ive been plannign this pos for weeks! now i have to wake up at like 7 tomorrow and its the middle of the night so perfect time for me to write it out!
i dont know how long this will be just a warning!!! this includes everything from the puppets' personalities to physical and behavioral quirks to relationships!
ok so generally i think all the puppets have personalities that are larger-than-life because they are puppets. generally symbols of childhood folly and entertainment. goofy ah puppets
this bloke is much sweeter than we tend to give him credit for... sure hes a lil bitch but he will always be there for his friends. he has a surprising amount of strength and know-how as we see in some scenes of the films. when he displays emotions they are always comically overdramatic like the clown he is. he has a hard time displaying his sorrow, though. when he feels genuine sorrow he tries to mask it with his dramatic flair. blade, leech, and decapy can see when hes really feeling low though, and cheer him up when they detect that melancholy. jester's also super sarcastic. sarcasm is roughly 70% of his humor
torch is like that one guy who WILL do ANYTHING. if he sees a wild animal he WILL try to pet it, if he sees an interesting plant he WILL try to eat it. even so, he wont do something unless he's absolutely convinced it will have a good outcome for him or his friends (this doesnt mean its true, he just thinks so). hes a little dumb but supremely kindhearted. he never understands jester's sarcasm or jokes and the others have to explain them to him. he has a very literal sense of humor. hes always expecting the best out of people, and can get disappointed very easily. he can only see in shades of red.
Blade: ok so lets get one thing straight torch and blade are boyfriends, blade is very nervous and jittery. he has nervous habits of twitching and fidgeting with stuff. he scratches up furniture like a cat when hes feeling uneasy or restless. hes sleepy a lot because hes always unconsciously keeping himself still, also he stays up late a lot spying on the current enemy. hes easily spooked. he's an awkward and clumsy guy, but he tries to be serious and stay on task. he notices everything. he can also only see black, white, and green. he and torch ponder the concept of color together a lot. he dreams about hands. he collects bones
Additional Blade and Torch Thoughts:
-they nap together often
-blade explains jester's jokes to torch all the time
-they try to cook together because knife+flamethrower, it doesnt work out and they have to throw their food in the sea because it is so foul
-they have a shared goal of someday getting onto the roof of the inn. they dont know what they want to do up there but they want to go
Pinhead: he is the big brother. hes usually very calm and patient and rarely raises his voice, usually only at jester or six. one of his eyes stays shut because of (good and understandable reason). his eyesight is not too keen. he thinks about pronouns sometimes, what are his pronouns. i know he likes trucks, hes probably taken one from an enemy before. hes trying to build a mechanism so he can drive it on his own. hes not a very big talker but hes known to take part in conversation when its needed. he carries the other guys (except torch, torch too big). he likes to give them piggyback rides. he has a secret passion for poetry and occasionally he will write some of his own. he doesnt think its very good but leech woman has read a few of his works and if you ask her she will write you a 5 page essay on how compelling and thought-provoking his words are. he can pick up things 10 times his size/weight like an ant
Sixshooter: always on the grind. he is an alpha male. he gets hella bitches. he loves doing target practice. he's actually responsible for a miscalculation of the local woodpecker population, because "damn theres so many holes in these trees, must be a lotta woodpeckers over here!" we all know he can climb like a motherfucker, he can probably go upside down too like a bug. i saw our friend mountain dew glowstick flavor say that he can stand on the ceiling and i agree. he could also swim well hypothetically, but he's too nervous to try that out. he watches workout videos and works along with them even though he is just a little puppet. he laughs at every one of jester's stupid jokes, and his laugh is BIG and LOUD. he giggles his cheeky little giggle very often as well.
Tunneler: truly an anomaly. truly an enigma. he once heard the myth of "digging to china" and it didnt go very well. He's jammed his drill multiple times from getting dirt and grime in it from digging so much. he doesnt think he needs to worry about it that much because he's a PUPPET, so he's basically IMMORTAL right????? he mixes leaves and dirt in puddles and pretends to make soup. he likes to hang out with sixshooter and jester and laugh at the goofy jokes they crack. here and there he'll crack one too, but its much stranger and usually will just be met with weird looks. "why did the chicken cross the road? ground beef wholesale." he's a little socially awkward, but he doesnt realize it. he's very easygoing and doesnt really notice as many issues or disturbances as blade does per say.
Decapitron: decapy is like that one guy in a cartoon that explains the moral of the episode to the other characters. like in sesame street, he'd be the human and the other puppets would be the, well, puppets. he's very nice and calm like pinhead, but he doesnt ever raise his voice, even at six or jester. he likes to problem-solve and do critical thinking. he loves figuring out new things. he approaches everything with a very open mind. since he's kind of like the messenger of andre he sometimes gets random flashbacks to things andre experienced. sometimes theyre nice but often times theyre memories of elsa's death or the burnt up puppet theater, and they'll shake him up for a few days. he doesn't usually talk about this issue to the others, though. he can see a very wide range of colors almost like a bee, and often talks to blade and torch about color since they have a limited spectrum.
Leech Woman: she is totally cool! she has a bit of an interest in fashion and sometimes makes her own outfits from found stuff around the inn. she sucks at cleaning, though. whenever she gets her clothes dirty she dunks them in the ocean and gets confused when they come out all sandy. she sometimes wakes up in a cold sweat, worried about the whereabouts of her leeches. the leech she puked back in '98... where is it now? she has a very strong hunger because of all the leeches. she has to feed them as well. often times when she's getting a dose of elixir she will put drops of animal blood in it to quench her neverending thirst. but because of all that weird magic nonsense, she'll act weird and goofy for a little bit after. its worth it though! proud mother of an infinite host of leeches.
Additional Decapitron and Leech Woman Thoughts: -decapitron will clean leech's clothes for her. a devoted househusband -they watch lightning storms together -sometimes they go out and dance together when it's rainy out -leech is the only guy decapy vents (amongus) to about his flashbacks -they take early morning walks together every sunday, rain or shine, sleet, snow, or hail.
Mephistopheles (i know hes not one of the main ones but..... he holds a special place in my heart.) this will be short because i dont know how much i have to say about him. he talks in a swedish accent all the time. he can manipulate fire (yeah this is based off the comics). his orb shows him cool stuff sometimes. he pirated sing 2 and is currently watching it via the orb. he knows a surprising amount about wine and alcohol even though he cannot drink it. he can only see in black and white, but he has no desire to learn about other colors. he sharpens and paints his stupid little fingernails every week, and polishes his horns every other day.
i hope you liked my headcanons they took some consideration. some of them i made up on the spot though
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Eeyyo remember that interview where Horikoshi said to watch Aoyama (Shinso, not Aoyama, Imisremembered) and Monoma during the final arc? Well we know why he said that about Aoyama now, but, why Monoma?
We’ve caught exactly one glimpse of him since the War arc started... We know nothing about what’s been going on in his head since the Joint Training arc and he (and the rest of class B for that matter) have been oddly absent from the story through all this planning for the final battle, despite class-B having been heavily involved in the previous battle...
... Horikoshi, I’m stumped, what are you doing?
Maaybe Monoma’s the other “traitor,” but, k’know, a mostly good guy “traitor,” obviously.
I could see him attempt to be a double-agent or infiltrator of sorts, emphasis on attempt, remember how deer-in-the-headlights he looked during the summer camp attack? More-so in the anime than manga, but still, even in the manga he uncharacteristically never voiced any opinion on the whole summer camp arc till Joint Training, and even then it was limited to Bakugo’s role and meant to get Midoriya riled up to brainwash him.
Perhaps Monoma tried to give the wrong location for the camp on purpose or something, that’s why “how’d they know we’re here” was the first thought to pop into his head.
We know those civilians in the leaks are taking orders from AFO, there’s more than just Aoyama. Plus, we know Shinsou’s going to be helping Aoyama somehow, creating a narrative opportunity for Monoma to work with him again if he’s also been tangled with AFO.
OOOR perhaps he’ll just come in clutch during the final battle, his quirk has infinite possibilities after all. As I’ve mentioned in a previous meta, he might simply be avoiding interacting with 1-A since the Joint Training arc cuz he’s stubborn, and feels awkward about how close the rest of his class has gotten to them, eheh.
Perhaps class-B as a whole will come in clutch & that’s why they’re absent atm too. They’re probably staying at UA & if AFO attacks the school while class-A is away...
Either way all I got is a lotta speculation & it’s driving me nuts. 😅
Oh yeah, almost forgot, Deku’s Quirk’s become mostly public now hasn’t it? That’s another major thing that’s occurred since Monoma’s last interaction with him.
For all the analysis I’ve done on Monoma’s character, I don’t have the slightest idea how he’ll react to the true nature of Deku’s quirk. There’s several directions it could go.
On one hand, I can see him be justifiably VERY suspicious due to it’s similarities with AFO, also jealous to top off that already volatile situation.
On the other hand I can also see him empathize with Deku as their quirks are quite similar, once he gets enough information on it anyways. As in, like, they’ve both likely struggled with the thought that their power isn’t truly their own, right? Once he learns Deku was Quirkless before getting the Quirks, for all the “we must act unheroically to get by” talk I don’t see him holding the distrust against Deku for long. Of/c he doesn’t know Deku was quirkless yet as far as we know....
Then I’ve got a few ideas that almost veer off into fanfiction territory, like Monoma being able to use multiple quirks he’s copied at once when using Deku’s Quirk, cuz being able to use multiple Auirks simultaneously is a passive attribute of Deku’s Quirk? When Monoma copies Deku’s quirk, does Shigiraki’s OFA-sense track him too? Oh look at me, just rambling like Deku by this point.
IDK, y’all, anything can happen.
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authorracheljoy · 2 years
Apply to anyone!
Questions About Your Character’s Relationship
1. Who do they consider their closest friend or best friend?
2. Do they have a romantic partner?
3. Which family members are they close with?
4. Who do they share your deepest secrets with?
5. Do they have any co-workers they’re close with? Any they can’t stand?
6. Who do they trust? Who do they trust?
7. Who would they turn to for help?
8. What is the relationship like with their parents?
6 Questions About Your Character’s Thoughts and Emotions
1. What’s their spirit animal?
2. What are their biggest pet peeves?
3. Do they consider themselves an introvert or an extrovert?
4. What does perfect happiness look like to them?
5. What is their greatest fear? What keeps them up at night?
6. Are they a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person?
Seems fun!!
I pick... *randomly picks an oc from the pile* SAM! I'm gonna talk about Sam for this one <33
Questions About Your Character’s Relationship
1. Who do they consider their closest friend or best friend?
Any of her regulars, honestly~
She doesn't socialize nearly enough to have a best friend, and most of the other witches treat her badly >:/
2. Do they have a romantic partner?
Yes! He's a warlock (or IS HE) named Tom!
Although, I don't know if I'd consider their relationship to be strictly romantic? It's more like being soulmates but not necessarily platonic? If that makes sense???
3. Which family members are they close with?
Probably her aunt! I haven't fleshed said character out, but considering she's the mom of a few meanies in the fam, I'd say she's understanding and loving and considerate towards Sam's quirks! <3
4. Who do they share their deepest secrets with?
Tom <33
5. Do they have any co-workers they’re close with? Any they can’t stand?
Her boss Maria! Who is also her cousin O_O Yeah... can't stand her or the other Day sisters! For good reason, too, 'cause they do NOT treat Sam nicely!
Can't think of any nice coworkers at the bar she works at? Maybe my girl should QUIT
6. Who do they trust?
Pretty much anyone but her cousins ^^'
And maybe werewolves?
She's also not privy to vampires (but then again, who IS??)
Y'know she doesn't trust easy, now that I think about it!!
7. Who would they turn to for help?
Tom would be her first choice... she also grows to like/trust Toni? So probably her as well!
8. What is the relationship like with their parents?
She loves them! They're accepting of her (for the most part)!
6 Questions About Your Character’s Thoughts and Emotions
1. What’s their spirit animal?
A sparrow! (I dunno why though...)
2. What are their biggest pet peeves?
When people don't clean up after themselves >:(
3. Do they consider themselves an introvert or an extrovert?
Definitely an introvert!
One that's been forced to socialize in a work environment... ^^'
4. What does perfect happiness look like to them?
Simply being comfortable in one's own skin! <33
5. What is their greatest fear? What keeps them up at night?
Being ridiculed or making a mistake, even a small one...
6. Are they a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty kind of person?
Ya know, that's a good question... I think Sam could be either honestly! She's positive, but she also accepts shit on a daily (or at least weekly) basis... so she's grounded. Hmmmm...
Thanks for the ask, Friendo~ Had a lotta fun developing Sam a bit more <3
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
I just had a thought that, if the traitor truly is in the Class 1A,then Nedzu could be revealing the whole UA mecha plan to see if the traitor will catch the bait(idk how it would work if the traitor is part of the staff or nezu himself tho...)
Oooooh👀 you're onto something there
I def wouldn't put it past Nedzu to just be like "yeah here's what we're gonna do and here's where everything is, oh yeah plus we have an underground system BUT ALSO we have a backup plan if it fails and" just to catch the traitor out
I think my only two questions about that would be 1) what made Nedzu tell 1A specifically? Has he found a trail, a hint that might lead him to the traitor? and 2) What exactly is Nedzu gonna do IF one of 1A is the traitor?
I mean Nedzu said he started this project at the cultural festival, so something since then could have tipped him off as to who it could be... something specifically sus that happened in 1A... *looks at Izuku*
To an outsider, Izuku's behavior IS suspicious, because at the cultural festival he didn't give many specifics to the staff as to what happened. He just said "we had a scuffle but we've sorted it out now"
He ran into them getting arrested, the staff realized that Izuku had fought with them, but Izuku stared at Gentle with a calm look
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For someone with scuffed clothes and a bloody nose, he's awfully calm about running into them and telling fellow Heroes about a "bad guy" who got past the barrier. It's like he's hiding something (which he is, he's hiding the severity of the situation, but the staff don't know that, so him hesitating on answering the question and giving as short an answer is, well...)
It's SUPER suspicious. To an outsider at least
I can imagine Ectoplasm or Hound Dog going up to Nedzu and saying "Midoriya was acting a little off when we captured Gentle Criminal" and Nedzu going "Hmmm👀interesting👀👀"
(which, if this is true, this current UA barrier thing and getting Izuku back would be about Nedzu cornering his prey in order to get the truth out which... yeesh. Something that Izuku doesn't need)
Or something else could have happened during the cultural festival that we just don't know about yet
But then, even if this "Trick The Traitor And Catch Them In The Act" thing DOES work, what would Nedzu do with the Traitor?
I can definitely see the final battle being very much like War Arc, where there's like 2 things going on at once, except this time it'll be like 5+ things going on at once, if that. Hori did say as well that there will be a lot of moments that link together and connect situations based on what happens, sort of like a domino effect.
If, within all that chaos, the UA traitor is revealed, what's Nedzu gonna do? Attack them? In the middle of the final battle, where there will surely be a whole lot of Villains attacking UA?
And, assuming we're going Full Mecha on this and Nedzu is controlling the thing, he's not gonna have the time to even confront the traitor. If he sends someone to capture them, what are the chances the traitor won't just escape through the chaos? How are they gonna keep tabs on them?
I mean... unless the traitor gets revealed BEFORE the final fight, I don't see how this could work out
It just makes me wonder; if this is Nedzu's intention, to reveal the traitor with this information, then it's a bit of a messy plan because there's the possibility of everything being revealed too late into the battle and causing too much tension among the school/staff. Nedzu would be taking a lot of risks there (not saying it wouldn't happen, I'm just wondering about what Nedzu's plan would be and how he would go about it)
While Nedzu's behavior in 323 IS a little off, I also wouldn't put it completely past him to just improve everything because he can
In the cultural festival, he was visited by the commissioner-general of the national police agency, and they were pretty serious with Nedzu not risking anything
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And Nedzu was pretty adamant about the kids enjoying themselves as much as possible
So I also think he could have just improved everything so he doesn't get hounded by the commission again, and to ensure the safety of UA so the kids don't have to have a dark future
Based on his backstory too, with him being an animal with a quirk and how he was abused and mistreated due to discrimination, I can see that he'd hate the possibility of a dark future for everyone, and strive to make sure everyone was happy and safe
There's a whole lotta possibilities as to what Nedzu's intentions are. On one hand, I think him just wanting to improve everything for the sake of improvement and happiness could be good and prove just how much he doesn't want to have a dark future
On the other hand, I can also see him revealing this information and being highly specific in order to draw out the traitor and capture them. If it's before the Final Fight, I think it would totally add tension. During the fight? Well... I wouldn't be totally opposed to it I guess but I think it would be a little messy, but also add that Whoa Plot Twist! thing that Hori loves so much
On the other OTHER hand (I have 3 hands now), I think it would be really good if Nedzu gave that info away, have the traitor reveal themselves, and for Nedzu to say "Ha! We never had a mech system in the first place! I was lying and you took the bait!!"
There is, of course, the possibility that Nedzu is the traitor but... idk I personally can't see that being true. He has his grudge over what happened to him in his past, but other than that, for someone to go from mistreated to having a better life to a principal all to throw it away for villainy? I just can't see it. There's too much work to be put into that just to throw it away. It is a possibility, but I just can't really see it
I've seen some people talk about Traitor Nedzu in terms of 323, but Nedzu drawing out the traitor?? That's a new one, and I like it! It has merit and it could make sense as to why he was giving away such specific details
He's such a mystery, that little principal. He's good at hiding his intentions, I think, so it's real hard to tell what he's thinking. I wonder if we'll get a little more focus on him at some point
Thank you for the ask!
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And today is the day we power through the rest of chapter 3! The last three pages have been living rent free in my head since I first saw them, and by god I’m gonna fucking ramble on those as much as my brain allows - but first I need to get there. Well, I know there are more fantastic Izuku faces along the way, so I suppose I can live.
[No. 3 - Entrance Exam]
God, that’s an actual small city, what the fuck UA, how do you afford this? Izuku is trembling from nerves (and exhaustion, you can still see the eyebags on him). A picture of the crowds around him:
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So there’s Shouji and Aoyama, along with Uraraka, and we know Iida’s here too, so that’s a fourth of 1a in the same arena. We also have the featured extras (right to left): Beaker (The Muppets), High School PE Teacher, MSPA Reader (Homestuck), Big Meaty Elbones, The Pompadour to Pierce The Heavens, and Slenderkid.
(Yes, before you ask, I will be giving all the extras names in the spirit of Bakugou.)
But yeah, Izuku notes everyone’s confidence and the gear that goes with their quirks, and then he notices Ochako, who is getting herself into the zone. He tries to shakily make his way over to thank her, but Tenya comes in again and stops him, telling Izuku that she’s meditating and wondering if Izuku’s there to interfere, which of course freaks out Izuku. 
Engineer (TF2) recognizes him and calls him out:
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Hello Aoyama, yes we see you looking at the camera, good to know that’s not an anime-only thing. And that looks like proto-Tokoyami, who does appear to be the actual one next time we see him, so that’s six members of 1a in one zone. But yeah, everyone considers themselves lucky, which seems a bit silly when he’s just one out of, what was the number again? 1550 students per cityscape? I suppose this is something future Izuku is narrating, so maybe that’s just how he felt about it. 
Anyways, the call to begin goes out, with everyone going ‘hmm?’ all at once in confusion. They all look up to the top of… what the fuck?
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How fucking tall is that building?? When the cities are this big??
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Is there an atmosphere up there? Is he halfway to low earth orbit? What the fuck UA. (Also poor Izuku, so many nerves.) 
By the time Izuku catches on and turns around, the rest of the crowds have already gone off, including Ochako, Tenya, Tokoyami, and the extras Pompadour, Dudley Dursley, High School PE Teacher, Knock-Off Pussycat, and Skull Mask. He panics and starts running after, telling himself to calm down, that it’s fine, that he’s meant to do this, even as the crowds get further ahead of him.
We then flash back to the beach, with this fantastic face:
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Hahaha poor kid. Izuku mentions he doesn’t feel himself transforming, and All Might laughs and notes that it needs time to digest and that he’ll feel it in a few hours. Izuku is flailing with nerves as he walks off, thinking about getting home for a shower and breakfast; All Might calls out to him, telling him that he might be a proper vessel, but he was put together in a hurry, and hasn’t had time to get used to the power, so prepare for kickback. He says there’s no time for a detailed explanation, and so we then zone back into the present as his words echo in Izuku’s head, saying that when using OFA, to ‘clench your butt and let your heart cry out, saying…’
Before it’s cut off with a one pointer crashing out in front of Izuku, literally - you can see the wall debris flying away. 
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Yeah, me too. The one-pointers are noted to be quirk but fragile while the robot that it’s target locked on him. Izuku sees it coming, but he can’t move and his body is shaking from the instinctive terror. He chastises himself, calling himself an idiot as he tears up-
And a laser slices through the bot, Aoyama giving the quick save. He thanks Izuku for the assist, but that he doubts they’ll meet again, giving Izuku a sparkly wink as he zooms off. Present Mic then announces six minutes left, and Izuku starts to panic and think about how bad the situation is. 
We see him take in the situation around him:
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Yup, that’s definitely Tokoyami, and who might that dark-haired person be close to the middle?
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Yup, a discord friend pointed out that that’s Kirishima! So that’s no less than seven members of class 1a in the same battle zone! And considering how Ashido and Kirishima were in the same school and her name comes before his, like Katsuki’s comes before Izuku, I wouldn’t be surprised to know she’s in Katsuki’s battlezone. 
(Imagine if all of 1a, sans the recommendation duo, were either in Katsuki or Izuku’s battle zones. The sheer odds of that happening…)
But yeah, Ochako is up to 28 points, Tenya to 45, and Eijirou to 32, all while Izuku realizes there are barely any enemies left. He’s freaking out, tearing up, and you can see just how fucking exhausted he is. 
We shift over to the ‘teacher commentary’, where we can see Midnight and Thirteen in the back, and then Vlad, Cementoss, and presumably other teachers in front of and to the sides of them. They note how a wide battlefield with limited time brings out the best in the applicants - intelligence gatherers (featuring Shouji), mobility experts (Tenya), decision makers (Aoyama), and natural born warriors (Katsuki). The abilities the students need to preserve peace are judged by their points.
They note that that year has a bumper crop, but that that’s not confirmed yet, as they push the big button labeled ‘Yaruki Switch’. Which unleashes massive, multistory robots into the battle centers (and where the fuck were they hiding???)
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Yeah, me too, kids. Izuku thinks that that’s way too big to be a ‘gimmick’. It punches down into the street with a massive blow, sending wind and debris everywhere, and the other students run while Izuku is sitting there, frozen in terror. Tenya runs past him with barely a glance, while the teachers’ commentary continues - people show their true colors when faced with the zero pointer.
Izuku is in tears and yelling at himself as he picks himself up to run. He knows he has to get away while also getting points, but he’s still stuck at zero, and believes this’ll all be for nothing. 
And so we get to the pages that have taken rent-free residence in my head for days now:
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God just. The composition, the entire change in his thought process and demeanor because someone was in danger, the fucking smashing blow and the power behind it, everyone else’s reactions to him oneshotting the monstrosity, and that ominous ending, with Toshinori grinning while the narrative notes that Izuku’s current score is zero.
I’m just going to paste in my gushing from discord, to be clear how I feel about all this:
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And no, I’m not particularly ashamed of all the gushing or the images or how much I repeat myself. I’m still feeling a whole lotta things from these pages and like. Jesus fuck if I wasn’t already in this fandom, I would be now.
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curiousherbal · 4 years
In Hands We Trust(fund)
Mystic Messenger
In Hands We Trust(fund)
Han Jumin x Reader ; Han Jumin x MC
Fluff & Humor
3.7 k
Rated: T
Summary:  Jumin had large hands. He was a tall man, of course. And you know what they say about having large hands, right?
*read on ao3 for animated emojis :3*
Jumin had large hands. He was a tall man, of course.
And you know what they say about having large hands, right?
ZEN: come on jagiya, don’t make me ask again..
You quirked a small, side smile to yourself. The chat had been active all morning and afternoon. Everyone must be in a good mood. Your most recent RFA party had only been two nights ago, and it was arguably one of the most successful ones to date. It was exhausting, yet rewarding, and you hypothesized that everyone’s lighthearted temper was a direct effect of being relieved that all of the extensive preparations and tedious social engagements had come to fruition, and quite smoothly at that.
707: ooohhh eager are we? did someone get a new role>> B)
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ZEN: how’d u know??
Always happy to seize the opportunity to play off Seven’s bouts of humor, your fingers scrambled to reply, rapidly flying over your phone’s keyboard:
You: Telekinesis!
707: Ah! My lady doth speak after all!
ZEN: Your lady?
707: But Zen
ZEN: Yes??? What??
707: You’re playing the part really well
707: I’m impressed!
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Yoosung✰: Huh? I thought Zen was just acting like himself?
ZEN: yeah Seven, are you on drugs or something?
707: Mis-ta Steal Yo Girl! You’re playing the role real well!
707: I’d be wary of the fearsome iceman though…
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Yoosung✰: I’m so confused…
Oh no. Panicking, you hurriedly went to turn down the speaker volume on your phone –
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Satisfied that you managed to avoid Yoosung’s … disturbingly bawdy bawling, you tucked your feet beneath your legs as you adjusted your position on Jumin’s bed.
Our bed.
It was still something that you had to get used to. Your relationship with Jumin was something that was intense; it accelerated at a rate which had everyone surprised. But you were happy. And Jumin was finally freed from the tendrils of loneliness that had haunted him all of his life.
You finally had someone that not only treated you like the princess that you were, but someone that was mature, responsible, and respected you as not just as a woman or lover – but as a human being.
He was your best friend. Your best friend that shared a mutual love for cats.
And if you were being completely honest, his handsome visage and comfortable living arrangements were nothing to complain about either.
Jumin Han has entered the chatroom
Your face flushed red. Your fiancé was currently at work. He must have just gotten on his lunch break to log into the chatroom. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t at least somewhat apprehensive of how Jumin would proceed. He has always been just a bit too protective…
707: AHHH! Yoosung run!!
Yoosung✰: WHAT WHY
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707: THE
707: I
707: C
707: E
707:  O          /|\          / \
Yoosung✰ has left the chatroom
Your head fell back with bellowing laughter that reached the high ceiling of the penthouse. Poor Yoosung.
Unphased, your fiancé made his presence known in chat:
Jumin: Ah, ma chérie. How lovely it is to see you here. I take it you’ve had lunch?
Jumin: …
Jumin: Zen, it is truly regrettable that I cannot say the same to you.
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ZEN: What’s wrong with you??
707: Yeah!
707: No greeting for me?? What am I, chopped liver??
Jumin: My sincerest apologies, Luciel. How are you?
707: Doing just dandy, thx thx (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
ZEN: blegh, gross. Don’t flirt with that man, Seven.
707: whattttt
Like a well-oiled machine, you and Seven both responded at the same time:
You: but he flirts with everyone!
707: hey I flirt with everyone!
Your eyes widened and you couldn’t help but shake with laughter. You and Seven were like two sides of the same coin, finishing each other’s sentences whilst copying each other’s mannerisms and phrases.
707: JINX!!!
You: OMG
Jumin: Love, I’m happy to see you enjoying yourself.
Feeling slightly guilty at having delayed answering Jumin’s question, you blushed and gave your lover a reply:
You: Darling! Yes – I am well. <3 I hope work has been going well. <<33
You: And no – I haven’t yet. Zen was just trying to convince me to go get lunch with him lol
707: lolol
707: gonna go get popcorn 4 this lololol
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Jumin: Zen, is that true?
ZEN: So what if it is! You don’t own her! She can make her own decisions
Jumin: Of course she can. And of course I don’t. Are you, by chance, projecting?
ZEN: Are you being smart with me?
Jumin: Just curious. I find it interesting how you are defaulting to assuming the worst in me. Perhaps you are subconsciously ashamed of your own beastly tendencies, no?
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ZEN: Jagiya, can you believe this guy??
Sensing the growing tension, you decided that it would be best to windmill the conversation. Usually Zen’s and Jumin’s bickering was fairly harmless, but you didn’t want to take any chances in ruining the positive atmosphere that graced the RFA recently.
You: Zen, I appreciate your concern for me.
You: But we are kind of engaged, lol
Jumin: Correct.
707: Affirmative.
You: Glad that’s settled then, boys!
ZEN: Hey I wasn’t done –
You: I’ll meet you at the Parisian café halfway between yours and mine Zen 😊 15 minutes?
707: Oh la la, French cuisine ? How romantic~
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You grimaced slightly. You hadn’t meant for it to be romantic. You were just really craving an egg and cheese croissant, that’s all!
ZEN: Sounds picture perfect, princess.
ZEN: And I should know, since I take the best selfies haha
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ZEN: I’ll see you there.
ZEN has left the chatroom
You rolled your eyes at the 180° change in Zen’s mood. He’s too easily pleased when he gets what he wants. Despite his mercurial tendencies, you did genuinely like Zen. You just couldn’t imagine being in a relationship with him; your nose crinkled slightly at the thought. The actor was too much like an older brother to you. Which is why I have Jumin. Your heart fluttered at the mere thought of the dark businessman. Many and most regarded him as cold, aloof. But you knew better, and he knew you knew. And that was all you both needed to be happy.
Jumin: Please be safe on your way, sweets. I will call Driver Kim to assist you there.
You: Thank you my love! I will be waiting for you when you get home this evening~~
707: Awhh how cute
You: You’re welcome to come too, Sevs
707: unfortunately I got a lotta work to do
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707: I am but a hacking slave
You: haha okay. Well you’re welcome anytime. I’ll get going then
You: Love you, Ju xx
Jumin: Enjoy your afternoon. I expect to see you later.
You have left the chatroom
Not wanting to be the last one out, you left before Seven or Jumin did. You briefly wondered if they’d talk any to each other, but you supposed you could always log back in later and see for yourself.
As you started getting ready to leave the penthouse, you couldn’t help but worry your bottom lip between your teeth as you thought about your fiancé’s parting wishes. No emoji. No kisses. No pet names.
You sighed.
Jumin had made leaps and bounds regarding his borderline obsessive nature over you, but he still could be quite moody. It was obvious that he wasn’t pleased with you having a lunch date with Zen, no matter how strictly platonic it was in your eyes. The tight-lipped business heir was making an effort to put on a cool, calm façade in the chatroom so as not to upset you. You appreciated his efforts, you truly did. It was all you could ask for – that he make an effort, that is.
You slipped on your sneakers and slung your crossbody bag over your shoulder. Giving the flat a onceover to ensure Elizabeth was comfortable and the windows locked, you exited the penthouse.
Surprisingly, Driver Kim was already waiting obediently in the hallway outside of the door.
He gave a polite bow. “Are you ready, Miss?”
With a smile and warm thanks, you exited the building and slid onto the cool, leather backseat of the car.
I’m on my way! 😊 You pocketed your phone after texting Zen, your stomach growling in anticipation.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
Jumin Han arrived home precisely at 5:15 PM. Less than ten seconds upon entering his penthouse, he could already tell from the dark hallways that you had yet to return from your afternoon rendezvous with a certain musical theatre actor.
Jumin’s lip curled in distaste.
Peeling off his suit jacket, Jumin made his way to his bedroom.
Our bedroom.
His heart gave a sudden pang in his chest, and Jumin sat gingerly on the bed. He undid the buttons to his waistcoat and exhaled. He laid back on the bed, his legs still bent at a right angle over the edge. He settled his large, slender hands atop his flat stomach.
He sensed the soft pitter-pat of Elizabeth stealthily slipping into the room. His senses were proved right when he felt her rub herself against his calves, her lithe body weaving in and out of the man’s lanky legs.
He sighed once more. One lethargic hand reached down, just barely nosing at the soft tips of Elizabeth’s dainty ears.
Jumin was annoyed. In truth, he was jealous, but he had been working hard to remedy that feeling specifically, especially when it concerned you.
Oh, how he hated to disappoint his love.
He turned his head, his left cheek now resting against the cool top of the comforter. His stomach growled hungrily.
He hated to disappoint you, but… I cannot control myself any longer… he suddenly thought hazily with a loose and smug smile: I am going to punish you when you get home.
The lonely man wove his fingers together, stretched them, and rested them against the back of his head.
Yes, he knew just the appropriate punishment for you.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
It was half past 5 when you finally unlocked the door to your shared penthouse. Zen had insisted that you watch part of his rehearsal right after lunch. Not having anything else to do, and not looking forward to returning to an empty nest, you agreed easily.
You hadn’t meant to extend your lunch date several hours; it just so happened that way.
And you hadn’t meant to spend essentially the entire day with your handsome, celebrity actor friend whom your fiancé didn’t entirely fancy – it just so happened that way. Or so, you told yourself.
To be honest, you were feeling apprehensive. Jumin had most likely already returned home, and you were unsure what state of mind or being he would be in when he discovered you not there.
The man was desperately concerned for your safety and whereabouts. More so than he needed to be.
The door swung open on its smooth hinges, you toed off your sneakers, and draped your jacket on the minimalistic coat rack that stood plainly by your front door. You took note of Jumin’s briefcase and loafers sitting idly by. I was right. Another sigh. He beat me home.
“Jumin?” You called for your lover softly into the open space. “I’m home. I’m sorry that I took so long – I just didn’t have anything else to do.”
You walked through the penthouse and into your bedroom; you surveyed the California King sized bed, only to find –
Well, nothing – excluding the spoiled white ball of fur that currently lay curled up in the center of the bed.
How could your 6 ft something Mr. CEO rich business heir fiancé disappear?
Did he go out again after dropping off his work stuff?
No – he always wears his loafers, and they’re still here…
Perplexed, you spun on your heel and began to walk back towards the hallway.
Maybe he was lounging on the couch –
Bright light suddenly filled the bedroom.
A tall, dark figure dashed out from the space behind the open door and ensnared you with its long arms. Large hands spread their spindly fingers over your stomach, interlocking with one another. A pointed chin dug into your shoulder. An angular nose pressed against the right side of your face. Black, glossy hair tickled your neck.
“My love.”
The silky baritone rumbled from the large chest currently pressed up against your back. “You’re home.”
“Ju-Jumin…” You reached a hand up to cup your lover’s cheek, trying to pivot in his embrace so that you could properly greet him.
“I think not.”
Your eyes widened in bewilderment. “What?” You breathed out airily, not sure what was happening.
“You’re late.” Jumin pressed a single, deliberate kiss to the pulse point on your bare neck.
You shivered, not expecting this development, but not exactly displeased either. “In my defense,” you felt him press another delicate kiss to your skin, “I never said what time I’d be home.”
The large hands abruptly spun you around.
Suddenly, your back was to the wall. Jumin towered above you, his palms resting on either side of your head.
“You see, my love,” he leaned in closer, inhaling your gardenia perfume that you applied earlier; his stomach curdled at the thought of you putting it on for anyone other than himself, “That is where you are wrong.”
You were being kissed. Passionately. With lots of pressure.
“You said you’d be waiting for me at home, did you not?”
The hairs stood up on the back of your neck as you stumbled out a lame “Ah, yeah – you’re right.” You licked your bruised lips and made eye contact with his dark irises, only an inch or two away from your face. You gulped. “I’m sorry.”
Jumin let out a dark chuckle.
“You know, my dear… I’ve been working so hard to please you these past several months. I’ve been attempting to tame the beast as Zen so likes to call it. Exterminate my unhealthy feelings of obsession. Possession.” He slipped a knee between your legs. “Even… aggression.” He nipped at your neck. You closed your eyes. He leaned back. “But when you don’t make similar efforts to help me out,” He brought up a large hand to cup your face, you opened your eyes again at the touch, were his hands always so huge??, “it is rather difficult for me to not stray course.”
You blinked before voicing meekly, “is it?”
Jumin gave a curt nod, placing his other hand at the curve of your waist. He breathed your name softly, followed by an inquest: “…do you know what they say about having large hands?”
Your face went beet red. Is he really asking that? So much for maturity…
“Uh… um...”
“Hmmm?” He patiently waited for your answer.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
“Would you prefer I show you in a more… direct manner, then?” Jumin arched a perfect eyebrow, studying your flustered expression, challenging it with his unbothered one.
Still not able to form words or sounds, you gave a single, timid nod.
And then: “Ahahahahah!” Your raucous laughter burst from your chest suddenly, your body reacting before your mind had even processed what had just happened.
That’s when you felt it – those large hands… on your body…
Tickling you. Hard. Frenzied. Up and down your sides.
“AHH hahaha, Jumin!” You shrank down trying to bat away his persistent palms. “Jum- hahaha! Oh my god hahahha,” you craftily pulled yourself from his embrace and ran from the room, still giggling, clutching your tickled sides.
“Oh, you think you can escape that easily ma chérie? This is your punishment!” Jumin shouted heartily at you, laughing himself as he gave chase to your retreating figure.
You rounded the couch, clutching at its backside, panting playfully, not entirely sure what your next plan of action should be to escape your fiancé-turned-tickle-monster.
“Oh? Have you gone into hiding my love?” Jumin loftily proposed to his living room, taking slow steps in a circle as he surveyed the room. “You know that for every second you delay your punishment, the reprimand gets extended twice as long.”
Oh fuck. There was nothing for it. You had to give in now. You weren’t sure how much longer you could endure his tickling once he inevitably trapped you.
“Gotcha!” Jumin appeared at your side suddenly, circling your wrist with his deft fingers. He crouched beside you behind the couch.
“Oh, did I scare you?” He pouted petulantly, his eyes giving away the merit that he actually felt.
“Yes, how did you even sneak up on me like that?”
Jumin jerked his head to his left, pointing out a certain feline that was staring directly at you, her tail flicking to and fro. Leave it to the cat to give away your position.
“Elizabeth!” You brought a palm to your chest. “I am betrayed!”
The next thing you knew, strong arms had scooped you up bridal style, and you were cradled against an equally solid chest, clothed only in a thin, dress shirt that was unbuttoned at the top.
“Just because you’re cute doesn’t mean that you can escape your fate so easily,” Jumin chastised with a gentle breath of your name.
You looked up at his dark eyes. They peered down at you. Despite his pedantic words, nothing could erase the genuine tenderness that his irises beheld when regarding you.
They narrowed. A smirk overtook his features. His eyes glinted with mischief.
Well, it was a nice thought while it lasted…
Jumin suddenly dropped you.
“Ah!” You landed gracefully onto your bed, bouncing a bit as the mattress dipped to accommodate your form.
Jumin straddled you, pinning your elbows by your sides with his knees.
“Oh, it looks like I’ve trapped my little songbird,” Jumin sighed in contrived melancholy, “There’s nothing for it – she looks so sad. I must give her what is due.”
Your eyes widened in alarm – “wait Jum—!”
He was upon you like a ravenous wolf. His large hands flew over your body once again, surrendering you to his ticklish torment. You let loose uncontrolled giggles, your own small hands desperately trying to prevent his large ones from continuing their delighted assault. Your body responded in involuntary spasms, your breath hitching and releasing peals of laughter. You pounded your fists weakly against his chest as he heightened his tickling by nuzzling his nose into your neck.
The overstimulation, the excess of sensation, it was all too much. Pain mixed with pleasure, your mind and body interpreting the experience in two completely different ways. It was pleasurable. It was torture. It was pure nonsense. It was stinging. It was true gaiety.
“Jumin—!” You wheezed, fighting to string together a coherent sentence despite the hellish delight he continued to inflict upon your vulnerable form, “ahah Jum—aha –in! St—op!”
Out of ideas, and incredibly overstimulated, you decided you had no choice but to play dirty:
“You’re hurting me!”
Immediately, he stopped.
Gone were the conniving eyebrows, replaced with ones knit in concern instead. His open-mouthed smile was instantly exchanged for a downturned frown. He eased his pressure on you, his hands stilling as they now hovered over your body in hesitation, as if afraid you would break at his slightest touch.
Oh no. No no no.
“Jumin, I didn’t actually mean – “
“Darling, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Oh Lord, he sounded miserable.
Your heart leapt in your throat at the anxious tone in his voice.
“It was just a lot, love. I enjoyed it; I really did. You didn’t do anything wrong, please don’t be sad.” You suddenly felt very guilty as you looked at the fretful expression on your lover’s face.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…” Jumin averted his eyes.
Oh no he doesn’t.
“Jumin,” you placed your hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at you, “I like this side of you. The playful side. The lighthearted side. The affectionate and silly side. I love every side of you. Never apologize for coming out of your shell. Especially to me. I’m your best friend before your lover.” You smiled invitingly. “I shouldn’t have said you were hurting me… I’m sorry. But, we should maybe establish a safe word next time, yeah?”
Jumin’s face morphed into one of gentle bliss, his mouth turning slightly to kiss your palm.
“Deal.” He acquiesced easily. “You know, you’d naturally make quite the good business negotiator with rhetoric like that.”
“Oh?” You liked the sudden vitality in his eyes.
“Would you like me to prove it in a more…” He swallowed thickly, his gaze now hooded by lust and love, “ahh… direct manner, then?”
“God yes.”
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
ZEN has entered the chatroom
ZEN: Hey Ms. Party Planner, did you get home safely??
You were lying on Jumin’s bare chest, both of you long exhausted from the sheer physicality of the day’s events.
You: Yup yup! Thx for asking 😊
Jumin was also on his phone, his arms long enough to wrap around your shoulders and text with both hands at the same time. He gave you a quick peck on the crown of your head. You looked up at him briefly and grinned lovingly.
Jumin: Thank you for entertaining my fiancé today, Zen. I would have hated for her to be lonely.
ZEN: Humph! Yeah yeah. I don’t hang out with her for your gratification.
ZEN: She’s my friend too.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly at the young man’s characteristic defensiveness. Even Jumin chuckled slightly above you. Ever the mediator, you sought to cool things down again for the evening.
You: you know, I can never tell when you two are actually arguing vs. just bantering
ZEN: I’d hate to distress you princess...
ZEN: We can’t have you developing worry lines in your precious skin!
ZEN: perhaps we should come up with a sign that let’s you know what’s up lol
Yoosung has entered the chatroom
Jumin: Oh, you mean like a safe word?
Jumin: Sounds easy enough. Her and I established our own just an hour or two ago.
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ZEN: Safe word…….
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Yoosung has left the chatroom
Wooo! My second MysMe fic! I really loved how adorably fluffy and humorous this one turned out. I have a major soft spot for Jumin -- and I think he is most adorable when he allows himself to act silly. I also was growing tired of the ultimate-daddy-dom-jumin fics (which are great! but I thought, well what if he led MC on like that and then... ATTACKED HER WITH TICKLES AND CUDDLES) As always, you can find me on tumblr @curiousherbal And you may request prompt ideas either here or there :)) I hope you enjoyed this self-indulgent nonsense xxx
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hello. What about a villain SO who adores animals for Captain Hook, Hades, Dr. Facilier, Bill Cipher, Beetlejuice, and Jafar? Thank you hun😊🍯
Hope you like these ^^
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·         I wouldn’t put it past him to make one or two beastiality jokes…
·         But apart from that, he doesn’t half mind animals either! (And he finds it endearing to see you playing with them, not that he cares to identify at all the warm, soothing feeling in his chest when he sees you boop your nose against a tortoise’s.) He’d love a dog, or… a tiger. A dinosaur would be ideal.
·         But actually, its animals that tend to have a problem with him.
·         Cuz of course animals are a lot more sensitive than humans tend to be to ghosts, and demons, and souls. And his soul is pretty damn mucky. BJ has met exactly zero animal’s so far (Since his death) that haven’t taken an immediate dislike of him. They hiss at him, or growl, or try to wriggle away even if they aren’t being held by him; Just nearby to him.
·         He scares them because they can feel his evil and want nothing to do with it.
·         So your dreams of adopting a dog with your new ghostie bf will need to be put on a back burner. Maybe he can lasso a sandworm and y’all can name her Rose and she can be your pet? He absolutely does not want you to be sad because of him!!
Bill Cipher:
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·         “ooOOH, what kind? Anglerfish? Clown fish? Sharks? Lobsters? Giant Squid? Wolffish? The Textile Cone Snail’s native to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Oceania waters? Octopus? Lock Ness Monster? Mermaids? Shrimp? Koi? M E G A L A D O N S? OH OH- THE KRAKEN?”
·         “Wow, that was a lotta underwater stuff. I mean, yeah, they’re all great but also land animals and birds… And I don’t think all those are actually real?”
·         “Heheh, that’s what you think… “His body loses its colour and becomes like a Bill Shaped screen, like he does sometimes when he’s brainstorming, and you just catch a picture of somewhere under the ocean and a beautiful, purple tale flapping out of the picture and a flash of soft, human skin just above it. Your eyes blow wide open. “Y/N, remember 80 percent of the ocean is unexplored.”
·         SO, yeah. Bill’s really into underwater creatures. It is the most mysterious part of earth and in it lives some of the world’s freakiest creatures.
·         He’ll install a whole aquarium in your house out of excitement, and inside? Nothing but angler fish, giant squids to watch you while you sleep and beautifully coloured sea snails climbing up the glass walls.
·         Land animals though and birds? Very little interest. Birds get points only for being close to dinosaurs (You ask about reptiles in that case and his eye inverts in its colouring. His ‘skin’ goes red. “Those jerks know what they did.”), but still he’d much rather talk about star fish! Get ready to be more educated about the ocean’s weirdest creatures and mysterious happenings then you ever wanted to be.
Captain Hook:
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·         He has very confused feelings about this- especially when you act so chummy with Tik Tok who, naturally, loves you and your T-Bone steak snacks.
·         On one hand, if you’re feeding Tik Tok then Tik Tok probably won’t feel the need or be able, to eat him.
·         But on the other- bEtrAyER! How could you feed and love that monster, that has plagued his life for years and made his existence a living hell?
·         But then again, the fact that Tik Tok is now often too full to bother with him rears its head again and he calms down.
·         Because of this, its typical that he says nothing when you have animals around (Any animal. They all remind him of Tik Tok. Scales, fur, or feather). He’ll want to. Gosh, the need to speak will overflow in his throat and he’ll take a deep breath- … but then no words come out. He forces it down. Because he can’t mention his dislike without mentioning his relief also, so speaking at all would really just make you confused and feel bad and leave him frustrated because he doesn’t know how either of you could change to make this better for anyone, so its just not worth it.  
·         So then he just walks away.
·         Its pretty humorous to see, actually. Because he’s just all grumpy and slouching off, maybe shaking his head and muttering, and you’re all wide eyed and confused. Holding, like, a budgie or a snake or something.
·         The other pirates are keeping a tally.
·         Bonus point: He’s not scared (Or allergic) of any other animals apart from Tik Tok, so you don’t have to worry about him being skittish or anything.
Dr Facilier:
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·         Frogs are a difficult subject for him so enjoy amphibian cuties somewhere that he is not, please. Also rabbits- there was an incident before you came along that he does not speak of.
·         Other then that, Facilier is basically a normal person about animals. He can appreciate a nice zoo visit every now and then and pet the odd dog or cat but with you in his life he never wants to go to a zoo again. And he’s bored as hell by everyday pets.
·         But he won’t tell you he’s sick of all the animals. Nay, nay. Its one of those things where you love the person, so you put up with the crazy/annoying shit they love. Like ‘Yes, yes. Very interesting, cher… ‘ when you talk about it, while he’s actually reading the newspaper and he hasn’t heard anything you said. After all, you stay quiet when he’s plotting or cackling over something he did to a victim that day. Its only fair.
·         He is fascinated, though, when he’s just watching you (Sometimes he just sits back and observes you doing your thing. Its relaxing for him) and he notices little quirks you’ve picked up from various creatures. Like the way you curl up when you’re lying down on the couch and how you shrink back from things that happened to surprise you, similar to a big cat. Your eyes are focused like a wild animal, too. Very cute.
·         Lots of animal-themed nicknames.
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·         “You know, some tell me I’m a kinda animal, babe… “He wiggles his eyebrows at you over his mug of whatever-he-drinks (You fear asking, after watching him eat a bowl of worms), offering his best (And funniest) bedroom eyes to you.
·         “Yes, but are you as cute as this snake Hades?? Are you?? Look into these eyes and tell me this snek is not as cute as you are.” You lift the little grass snake gently from the table and onto your arm, letting him wrap its body around you and lift his head to look around; Checking out what’s up. He was getting his scales stroked good; Why has it stopped?  
·         “Pfft,” Hades rolls his eyes, returning to the chess board in front of him (He likes to play both sides and challenge himself).
·         Okay so, Hades can take or leave most animals. But it’s so cute that you love them, so he lets you keep them around. Whatever animals you like (Don’t worry, you also have the proper equipment and enclosures for them, and Hades makes another God, who is an expert on all things animals, come by whenever you have a question), and however many you like. I mean, what’s the good of being a God if you can’t spoil yourself and your preciously excited, human significant other?
·         So you have, like, Reptiles at the west end of his underworld castle, nocturnal animals on the east, more pet-type animals like dogs and cats and rabbits in the living area part of the castle, etc.
·         The animals give Pain and Panic a hugely hard time, which Hades thinks is a great bonus to doing this for you.
·         He really loves it when you call him and yourself the animal’s parents. Yes, call me Daddy, babes. Its fine by me!
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·         Oh my god, the disdain in his voice when he looks from you, practically bouncing on the heels of your feet and to the fluffy white kitty you’ve gently shoved in his hands- which he holds at nearly a full arm’s length away from him. “Eugh. Really?”
·         “What’s wrong! ? Isn’t she the cutest?”
·         “She’ll get fur everywhere.”
·         “Oh, that’s rich… “You say, side eye-ing Iago, who’s making a face at the cat from Jafar’s other shoulder. “Iago stress moults- and you stress him out all the time!”
·         A dramatic, offended gasp erupts from one of the two males (Not gonna tell you who). “It is aesthetically pleasing mess!”
·         So basically if the animal doesn’t speak a language he understands, he doesn’t care for it. You’re going to be fighting him on this for the rest of your life, Y/N. (Or his. I mean, I heard evil double crossing sorcerer vizier’s are dying at an accelerated rate these days. Hm, mysterious.).
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First Date HCs With David Webster
warnings: meh some cursing but nothing major, it’s also very long I’m sorry- but the rest is just fluff, so eeee I hope you all like them! <333
words: 1.6k (ajsajhk i got carried away on these headcanons, i couldn’t help myself)
Taglist: @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi,@noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers, @rayleighshughes, @floydtab, @wexhappyxfew, @sherlollydramoine, @meganthesunflower, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @stressedinadress​
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First Date Headcanons with David Webster
So you see, of course our favorite Harvard boy will take you to the fucking aquarium (Cliche and obvious? Yes. But like where else, I mean seriously??)
When you first got together the first thing he promised you was an aquarium date, and well looky here, he fulfilled that promise.
Ok, so y’all pull up to the building and you can see waves of literal euphoria coming out of him. He’s just so adorable and he has a little bit of pep in his step when walking towards the entrance. 
And then every time he walks, his poofy brown hair bounces up and down and the way the suns hits it is *chefs kiss*-
Even before you get to the entrance, your boyfriend is gushing about marine animals. They were short descriptions of a multitude of animals but they were so detailed and captivating, you couldn’t help but listen.
However, his voice was a bit distracting at times and you could find yourself zoning out while he talked. 
A look of awe is plastered on your hand and your hold on his hand tightens ever so slightly.
It’s safe to say that you learned more about ocean animals in those brief moments than you ever could from your years in school.
Y’all bust in the aquarium like the iconic couple you two are (I’m so proud of you) and boy oh boy is David cute as hell.
Here he is-- a grown ass man who went to Harvard and literally served in WW2-- looking like a child discovering a shiny rock. You love it-
David is indecisive as hell and he had no idea where to go. He turns over to look at you with those beautiful eyes of his and you can’t help but smile.
You two pull up those maps of the building and you two plan out the rest of your date. Your fingers trail over the paper, trying to figure out where to go first.
You two make up this intricate schedule and you knowingly look at each other when your eyes find where the shark exhibit was.
But at the beginning of your date Web held your hand as you two viewed various wildlife vibin in the water behind the glass.
You were in heaven when you saw how the water played so beautifully on the your boyfriend’s face. 
David was oblivious to how you stared at him in awe and you were oblivious to whenever he did the same to you.
You named a crab after Johnny and a particularly cute clownfish was named after Babe. You two had a heated discussion on who Winters was. 
(Y’all never settled on anything. Web thought he’d be a red snapper. You personally think he’d either be a blue marlin or a swordfish.)
He called you his angelfish and you hit him on the arm for being so cheesy. After that he said that you were a flame angelfish instead and you could only playfully roll your eyes at him.
Get prepared for literally a shit ton of fish trivia this boy will never shut up and he just wants to gush about it to you, it’s very wholesome and sweet actually.
He knows a lot because he either has a whole 100000 page book about the sea printed on his brain or something or because he has the literal ocean in his eyes.
Look I can’t tell at this point-
The two of you were going to every single exhibit this aquarium had to offer and there was no stopping you.
Sadly that intricate schedule is unceremoniously yeeted out the window because when you head over to the next place you're stopping at you two see something else you like and head there instead.
“(Y/N)! I thought we were seeing the penguins next-”
“But Web, the seals! Look at the seal exhibit!”
You’re gripping his arm and looking at him with your stunning face, how could he say no to you? 
So he lets an exaggerated sigh and nods his head as he tries to contain his grin.
You two went over to the seal exhibit instead kasjhd- Y’all still got to see the penguins, it’s all ight.
While gawking at the beautiful fish species you saw, Web seemed to know a heaping mount about a lotta of em. The facts he didn’t tell you earlier he says now and you’re just like “look at my smart Harvard boy go-”
The amount of times you wanted to just make a scrapbook that is dedicated to this day alone is nearly impossible to keep track of. The both of you wanted to cherish this aquarium date for all eternity.
Cause literally there’s this one moment where you’re looking over at tropical fish and Web was reading the description. Oh what would happen next-
As you’re admiring the way the small fishes swam gracefully Web legit goes on a rant on how they got some information on the Tiger Barb wrong.
This adorable idiot I- I can’t even at this point.
But Web holds you in his arms as he buries his face in your hair while looking at fish send tweet. 
He also wraps his arms around your waist and he rests his head on top of yours. He makes comments about some of the fish and you just sink into his embrace.
Also one thing you did keep from your schedule after not following it was visiting the petting pool after you two ate lunch.
When I say that you two nyoomed over to the petting pool area I mean y’all nyoomed-- Like full Speirs mode on-- because Jesus Christ this is an aquarium and David will obviously take you to the petting pool.
You two arrived there and my Lord you swore that David was holding back a squeal. The two of you immediately rolled up your sleeves and went over to dip your hands to touch the animals in the pool.
The look you gave Web when you touched a cownose ray-- it was precious. 
You also couldn’t hold your excitement as a few more smaller rays glided under the pads of your fingertips.
Then there were the horseshoe crabs and yknow those tiny fish that like swarm your hand and tickle you, yeah those too.
Y’all also chill it out and get to wash the jellyfish. The way the room was dark gave it a whole nother vibe, my loves. 
Like in  that jellyfish room, you two will most definitely just hold each other while gazing at the glass.
Bro, in the dim room, he’ll just pull you close and place a chaste kiss on your forehead and lips.
The bioluminescence of the jellyfish illuminates Webster’s face, making his features appear more sharp. Simping time commence, you two are a fine af couple.
Now time for the real kicker- It’s shark time
After dragging your ass to almost all of the other exhibits in the aquarium, Webster saved the shark exhibits near the end of the date.
Ohoho, was this boy eUPHORIC-
David is gripping your hand tightly and he’s constantly sending you smiles as you two walk closer to the entrance of the shark exhibit.
This is where Webster ascends out of his body, this is the second time he has (first time was when he met you and started dating). 
You share his happiness and the utter vibes comin off from your boyfriend makes you so soft and full of glee.
Yknow his constant face when his eyes are focused on something and his mouth is just slightly parted? Well that is his face most of the time during your time there.
M o r e   f a c t s.
Webster did write a wholeass book about them, what did you expect?
The utter passion and fascination in his voice really stands out whenever he talks about these beautiful babies- 
Like sure, David sounds happy when he talks about other sea animals, but with sharks? Whole nother level. 
It’s one of his biggest quirks and my goodness do you just stand there taking in all his facts as he goes on a tangent about different types of shark species.
The light in his eyes as they trail over as they trail over a sand shark swimming by. He’ll also just stare at a leopard shark while smiling because he loves them.
After leaving the shark exhibit after spending 1 hour in there with your boyfriend, you two decide to go home- But first, y’all buying some things from the giftshop. 
Webster will spoil you and will buy you anything you want in the aquarium gift shop.
Wallets beware, you’d also do the same for him.
There was this jellyfish theme hat you saw and you made David try it on- He looked so fucking stupid but like a cute kinda stupid.
You regret not buying it when you had the chance-
However- You two got shark plushies together. You got a tiger shark plushy and he gots a hammerhead. 
You two absolutely love them and you could’ve sworn you could’ve just burst from happiness when he showed you the tiger shark plush he got for you.
You two also bought those chonky seal plushies because I mean... I mEAN- Just look at em, they’re stunning of course you and Web had to get em.
With a day well spent with your boyfriend you just wanted nothing more but to lay with David on your bed as you run your fingers through your hair.
So you two leave the aquarium building smiling and laughing. Webster leans in a gives you another soft kiss on your lips and you let out a giggle. 
The two of you are noticeably happier, and you two head back to the car. The date ends with your hand in his and your four new plushies in tow.
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a/n: it’s been so long since I posted a fic or writing of any kind. unfortunately, i’ll have to put a hold on my pt 2 for the roe fic i made and im procrastinating by writing hcs kasjadjk. i decided to make these for some of the lovely people in my discord server. i hope y’all enjoyed these hcs with web!
i love you all very much, stay safe and i send yall another round of my good vibes 😩💕💕
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palettepainter · 4 years
Top ten favorite heroes, students, and villains and why? Im genuinely curious.
That’s a lotta characters, I may end up doing less then 10 cuz I don’t know if I’l be able to think of 10 for each but here, these are listed in no real order.
Hereos (including UA teachers):
Fatgum, Powerloader, Ectoplasm, Cementoss, Gunhead, Kamui, Gang Orca, Best Jeanist, Centipider, Bubble Girl
Real quick reasons why:
Fatgum and Gang Orca were the first pro heros in the series I was instantly like ‘OMG I love you!’, I find their designs really interesting! Powerloader and Ectoplasm, you can blame @/frelmidja for making me fall in love with them, their ship are is golden! Cementoss I say it was how perfect I think his dub voice is for his character, he sounds like a polite gentleman! I fell in love with Gunhead when Uraraka was training with him, I thought he was funny, especially at the ‘Was that a boy?~’ line. Kamui was the pro hero I had a ship for, I ship him with MT Lady, plus like with Cementoss I thought his dub voice was really good! Fell in love with Best Jeanist because he told Bakugo what he needed to hear. Like I get Bakugo’s powerful but dude, come on, why has no teacher put you in counselling with Hounddog for that temper and all the shit you’ve been through. When Best Jeanist told Bakugo he didn’t like him very much, that he had a ferocious nature, and that Bakugo needed to uphold an image that would assure the public I audibly yelled ‘THANK YOU!’ at my screen. Centipider and Bubblegirl where both designs put into the show by the creator because they won a competition so I wanted to know more about them, eventually fell in love with their characters. 
Sero, Kirishima, Koda, Mina, Shoiji, Amajiki, Tetsuetetsue, Kendo, Tokoyami, Kuroiro,
Real quick reasons why-
Fell in love with Sero thanks to @j/ustalittlebitartsy, their art also got me shipping BakuSero! Fell in love with Kirishima with that episode in season three when we got to learn more about his backstory. Koda I’m not really sure, I just started to like him because I thought he was a sweet character. I like Mina’s personality, she’s lively and she’s out there and I like those kinds of characters. Shoji again thanks to @/justalittlebitartsy, I also read some cute Shoji x Hagakure stories which further made me fall in love with him. Amajiki, what’s not to love about him, he’s adorable and relatable. Tetsuetetsue and Kendo I fell in love with cuz so far aside from Monoma they’re the only students from 1B that so far have had a lot of screen time, plus his friendship with Kirishima is funny! Tokoyami was the first 1A boy student I fell in love with, his design, voice actor and quirk are all so perfect! Still one of my favs since I first saw him in the series. Kuroiro I only recently started to love, but he just looks really cool! 
Mister Compress, Twice, Stain, Toga, Giran, Skeptic 
Real quick reasons why-
I never understood fictional villain crushes until I saw Mister Compress in the anime. I’m not joking when I saw he is so far one of my favorite animated villains ever! He’s just so quirky and cool looking, and again his voice actor is PERFECT! Twice at first was for his personality, then it became his personality and his backstory, Twice was a great example of how not all bad guys are bad guys at heart. If Twice had been treated with more kindness the chances are he wouldn’t have turned to villainy. I liked Stain because again I found him interesting, his quirk was cool as was his design, and his morals on heroes made me want to learn more about him, like why did he have these views?? Toga I was at first surprised when I ended up liking her character, not cuz she’s a bad character by any means, but IDK I just feel like in almost every anime there is always a yandere kind of character and it just feels like an overused theme. It was her interactions with Twice that eventually made me fall in love with her. Giran cuz he’s interesting, plus the man didn’t give up any info on the league despite his fingers being chopped off, give this man a medal, he may be a villian but A+ for loyalty dude. Skeptic was for his design and the way he was drawn in the manga, he’s always drawn so funny and I think his personality is pretty cool too
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And They were Coffin-Mates
Title: And They were Coffin-Mates
Summary: “I’m a vampire.”
Out of all the things to come out of his best friend’s mouth, he hadn’t expected that. Was Virgil sure he wasn’t dreaming? Maybe this was some set-up to one of Patton’s corny puns. Something like “I’m a vampire. I like my coffee de-coffin-ated.”
Virgil pretended to hate them. He groaned or grimaced at how awful they were. But really, it was all to cover up the smile they produced.
“A vampire? Pffft,” He quirked an eyebrow, “You’re going to have to try for a better joke than that, Pat.”
Word-Count: 3.5k
Pairings: platonic moxiety (they’re best friends)
Warnings: Vampires, blood mention, memory loss, involuntary turning, hurt/comfort, puns, so many puns, crying, non-graphic violence, headache, sensory overload, panic
This is based off a prompt ask I got sent a long, long awhile ago and just finally finished!
Virgil trudged up to his apartment, sweat rolling down his back. Really, it was his fault for wearing a black plaid hoodie and ripped black jeans. Wearing black in the sweltering heat of the summer sun’s gaze was like inviting death upon you. But he looked good in black and was willing to suffer. Besides, Virgil was quite sure his soul was dead already.
Eventually he made it to his apartment, blessed air conditioning hitting his face at last.
“How was your day, kiddo?” His roommate and best friend Patton asked. He was in the kitchen, mixing something in a bowl.
Virgil groaned loudly, collapsing into the couch cushions.
Patton whistled, “That bad, huh?”
“I’m going to fight the sun. Either that or move to Seattle, whatever’s easiest.” 
He groaned again, shoving his head into a couch pillow. His head hurt and he was so damn thirsty. Thirsty for water, please get your mind out of the gutter. He was terrible at remembering to drink enough water, something his coworker Logan constantly berated him about. Did he work with Lo today? God, he couldn’t remember. The entire day felt like a blur.
“Aw, I’m sorry you had a rough day. Maybe I can brighten it up with some pat-cakes?”
“Like it’s like pancakes, except with my name--pat-cakes!”
Virgil groaned, this time attempting to keep himself from laughing.
“Stop trying to cheer me up, it’s illegal.”
“Oh? I guess I’m a warmhearted crook then!”
“Yeah, because instead of a coldhearted crook, I got a lotta love and I’m not afraid to give it.”
Virgil snorted, gazing up from his pillow. Patton stood there, grinning in his grey cat-onesie. The sight was enough to warm his cold, barely beating heart, dammit.
“Well consider yourself under arrest.”
“What for?”
“Stealing my heart.”
“Oh my goodness, you made a pun!” Patton’s blinding white grin was worth it for allowing such a cliche, cheesy pun escape his lips.
“Yeah, well, don’t count on it being a regular thing,” Virgil said, turning away in a poor attempt to hide his burning, surely reddening cheeks, “that was my allotted pun for the year.”
“Auugust I’ll have to try to get another pun out of you before the year’s over.”
“Y’know Auuu-guust, like ‘I guess?’”
“Pat, I love you but that one was terrible.”
“Oh, tearable! Like paper?! Or tearable like tears?”
“Patton, no, that wasn’t a pun.”
The banter continued as Patton finally started to pour pancake batter onto the grill. In typical Patton fashion, he created animal shapes  and stick figures out of the pancakes, rather than keeping with normal, round ones.
It helped distract Virgil from both his headache and his rather unmemorable day. Everyone deserved a Patton in their life. Someone who brightened your day with their mere presence. Virgil set the table for their pancakes-for-dinner feast as he pondered this.
He then found their largest water container (a blender) and filled it up to the brim with water. Was he going to regret this sometime in the middle of the night? Yes. Did he care? Not really, no.
He didn’t even know why his throat felt so parched. The last couple weeks of work had been ridiculously slow. It wasn’t like he had to deal conversing with a horde of customers, thank God. He took a gulp, then another and another.
“Wow, I sea you were thirsty!” 
He lifted the blender away from his mouth to respond, before pausing. He blinked, staring at the now-empty blender. Huh.
“Um yeah. Really thirsty.” He chuckled, setting the blender beside the sink.
“Good thing you quenched it then.” Patton said, looking at Virgil weirdly.
He didn’t blame him. Virgil would too look at someone weird if they chugged a 40 ounce blender like it was nothing. He licked his lips, his mouth still feeling as dry as ever. 
A part of him wanted to grab the blender, refill and down it, desperate to douse the itching, stinging feeling that clenched his throat. But he refrained, sitting down at the kitchen table instead. It was probably possible to die from drinking too much water, right?
“Here you go!” Patton said, shaking him of his thoughts. He placed a plate of pancakes in front of Virgil. There were several blobby pancakes with two triangles pointing out at the top, what Virgil presumed to be either a cat or dog.
“Thanks Pat,” He said, “So, uh, how was your day?”
“Oh, it was Pet-tastic!” Patton perked up, “I got to pet a dog today!”
“Yeah! I was on the subway when a person came in with the cutest--”
Virgil tried to focus on the words coming out of Patton’s mouth. He really did even as his head throbbed, headache worsening. Patton’s voice, the humming of the refrigerator, the dishwater noises, everything was suddenly too loud. He fidgeted, the fluorescent light beating down on him. He took a bite, hoping it would help. He hadn’t eaten since morning, of course he felt like shit. He just needed substance. Once he ate something, things would be okay.
Except he spat it out, coughing. Something was wrong. It couldn’t be Patton’s pancakes. He always made them to a fluffy, sweet perfection. Yet Virgil’s stomach threatened to heave up its contents at the mere taste.
He jerked his head towards Patton, wincing from the whiplash. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m never okay.” is the retort Virgil wanted to throw back. Deflecting and self-deprecation was Virgil’s main attributes. Patton would’ve gasped at him, telling him he’d physically fight him for talking bad about himself. Except those words didn’t make it out of Virgil’s throat.
“I’m--I’m sorry, I just--think I need to go--bedroom.” 
He hated it. He ruined a perfectly good dinner all because his brain decided to freak out over things that didn’t bother normal people. 
“Hey, Virge. It’s okay, I’m not upset,” Patton said softly, “we can hang out more tomorrow. Movie night, remember?”
“Y-yeah.” Virgil said, rising from his chair. Vertigo crashed into him, almost sending him to the ground if not for a pair of arms catching him.
“I’ve got you.” Patton said, adjusting his hold so that Virgil stood, heavily leaning against him.
“Let me help you to your room, okay? Wouldn’t want you falling for me again.”
Virgil let a small, breathless snort. He wanted to protest, but his legs felt too much like jello that he didn’t trust them. Patton guided him down the hallway, to Virgil’s dark cave of a bedroom. He let out a hiss when Patton flipped the light switch.
“Opps, sorry kiddo.” Patton apologized, shutting it off. They stumbled into the room, until they reached Virgil’s bed. Patton hoisted him onto the bed, fussing with his covers until Virgil was nice and tucked in. 
“I’ll save you some pancakes.” Patton said as he closed the door. Virgil didn’t respond. He closed his eyes, the quiet darkness quelling his swelling anxiety. Fatigue finally claimed his bones and he fell unwillingly into slumber.
It wasn’t a peaceful sleep. It was one of those dreams you woke up more exhausted than rested. The thirst followed him into the dream. It gnawed at him, nearly indistinguishable from hunger. He had to satisfy it, relinquish the control it held over him. He went out to search for something to make the burning ache go away. 
He went--well, he wasn’t sure he went. Everything turned hazy, as dreams often tended to be. The next thing he knew, he was standing over someone. No, not a person, they were just a pulse of red to him. They had it, the thing he needed and they weren’t giving it willingly. Something tackled him to the ground, pinning him to the ground as he flailed, desperate to escape its’ grip--
He shot up, gasping. Panic pumped through his veins. This wasn’t his bedroom, where was he? He frantically scanned the dark murky surroundings, relaxing slightly when he recognized it as his apartment living room. Still, what was he doing here and not his bedroom?
“You’re awake.”
Virgil jumped, vaguely making out Patton in the armchair beside the couch. He wasn’t in his cat onesie anymore. Oddly enough, he seemed dressed not in pajamas but in a polo shirt and blue jeans.
“Y-yeah, finally. I had a really weird nightmare.” Virgil said, surprised to find the action of speaking no longer painful. In fact, his throat felt fine even. Maybe the blender water’s effect was delayed.
Patton sighed, moving to sit on the couch next to Virgil. He didn’t say anything at first. Instead, he clasped his hands together, fingers twisting in a fretful manner. It alarmed Virgil. Patton was always babbling about something, jumping from one topic to the next seamlessly. Virgil didn’t know how he never ran out of things to say.
“Virgil, there’s something you should know,” He hesitated, “I was planning on telling you eventually. I just didn’t think…”
“What is it?” Virgil asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.
“I’m a vampire.”
Virgil gaped at him. Out of all the things to come out of Patton’s mouth, he hadn’t expected that.  Was Virgil sure he wasn’t dreaming? Maybe this was some set-up to one of Patton’s corny puns. A way to placate Virgil. Something like “I’m a vampire. I like my coffee de-coffin-ated.” Virgil pretended to hate them. He groaned or grimaced at how awful they were. But really, it was all to cover up the smile they produced. 
Virgil laughed, except it came out wrong. All high-pitched and strained.
“A vampire? Pffft,” He quirked an eyebrow, “You’re going to have to try for a better joke than that, Pat.”
“I’m not joking. Promise.” Patton insisted, grasping Virgil’s hands with his own.
Virgil swallowed, staring down at Patton’s pale hands. Come to think of it, Patton always shied away from doing outdoor activities, especially in the blazing hot summer heat.
“I’m Irish! I burn easily.” Patton once said, laughing.
Patton wasn’t laughing now. He looked abnormally serious, his lips pressed together in a neutral line. It was starting to freak Virgil out even more, to be honest.
“Vampires aren’t real, they’re just fictional,” Virgil said, as if he didn’t spend his time watching conspiracy theory videos at 4AM and wholeheartedly believing them on a daily basis.
Besides, Patton was too sweet, too kind and bubbly to be a vampire. They were gruesome creatures of the night, they feed on blood and had little room for morals. Unless, Virgil’s breathed hitched, unless Patton had been faking everything, what if their entire friendship was just a whole facade in order for him to get close enough to suck his blood?!
“Virgil, breathe,” Patton said, squeezing his hands.
He squeezed back, inhaling a deep shuddering breath.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to apologize for, remember?” Patton said, referring to a past conversation they had regarding Virgil’s anxiety.
“Patton, I just…” Virgil bit his lips, instantly regretting it. He must’ve bit down harder than usual because it hurt, “having a hard time not thinking this is a dream.”
“I can show you,” Patton said, “Is it okay if I turn on the lamp light?”
Virgil nodded and with his consent, Patton reached over to the end table and turned the lamp on. A soft glow flooded the room. Virgil closed his eyes regardless, black dots overwhelming his vision. 
“You okay?”
“Just gimme a moment.” Virgil gritted his teeth, wincing again when the action hurt him. What the hell was wrong with him?
“I’ll only keep it on for as long as necessary,” Patton reassured.
“Alright,” He nodded, fighting to keep his eyes open. It burned like someone had been chopping garlic, but that was ridiculous, right?
Patton drew a breath in, opening his mouth wide. Virgil watched in horror as two sharp incisors intruded from his gumline. Even if Patton wasn’t one for cruel, practical pranks, there was no way it was a pair of cheap plastic fangs. They looked too real, too grotesque to be fake.
“What the fuck!” Virgil fell off the couch, tripping in his haste to flee. He plunged to the floor, his head banging against the corner of the coffee-table.
A dull pain blossomed around the crown of his head but he stood up anyways. He had to get away, flee from this twisted nightmare he found himself in. This couldn’t be real. Perhaps he thought he woke up only to be thrust into an even worst nightmare than before.
“Virgil, Virgil, please calm down!” Patton appeared at his side within a blink, placing his hands on Virgil’s shoulders. 
He tried jerking out of Patton’s grip, glancing wildly for some sort of escape. Belatedly he realized though the lamp light had been turned off, he could still perfectly see his surroundings. What the hell? He looked back at Patton, taking in the worried wrinkles and his normal set of teeth. No fangs. Where were they? He knew he saw them, he couldn’t have imagined them--
“P-please dont hurt me,” He whimpered, digging his head into Patton’s chest. He didn’t know why he did that. He should kept thrashing, escaping the grip of a supposed vampire. But Patton was also his friend, who cheered him up with stupid cheesy puns. The one and only person Virgil trusted and sought comfort from.
Patton drew his arms around Virgil, pulling him closer. He froze, waiting for sharp fangs to pierce his neck. Instead a hand carded through his hair, soft and gentle.
“I wouldn’t dare,” Patton said, his voice tight with emotion, “I’m going to hurt those that did however.”
Virgil craned his neck to look up at him, “W-what do you mean?”
Patton didn’t say anything at first, continuing to caress Virgil’s hair.
“Virgil, how was your day?”
“Your day, before you--” Patton hesitated, “before you fell asleep, what happened?”
“I overslept my alarm,” Virgil recalled, “I was in a rush to get to work, and I....”
He bit his lips, a soft curse slipping out from both the pain it produced and the fact he couldn’t remember. He must’ve went to work, right? Work has been so slow and tedious that he just forgot what happened. He must’ve said some of that out loud because Patton slowly shook his head.
“Virgil, I contacted your workplace. You never showed up to work.”
“Wha-but I wouldn’t--I mean--” Virgil jolted, making direct eye contact with Patton, “I’m a vampire now, aren’t I?”
 He couldn’t believe he said that out loud just now. It was absurd, it didn’t make any sense! But...it did make sense in a maddening, down-the-rabbit-hole way. His unquenchable thirst, his unusually sensitive eyes, food tasting weird, that absurd, horrific nightmare that was starting to feel more and more like it wasn’t a nightmare. Had he really almost killed a person to drink their blood? He felt lightheaded, his world spinning wildly out of control as he clung to Patton for balance.
“I got you kiddo,” Patton whispered, leading him to sit on the couch, “do you need a glass of water?”
He was deflecting, maybe in a poor attempt to spare Virgil from the cold, harsh reality.
“Patton,” Virgil hissed, “I need to know.”
Patton averted his gaze, his hands curled into fists by his side.
Virgil’s heart stopped beating. Wait a minute, didn’t vampires’ hearts already didn’t beat because they were undead? Did that mean Virgil was technically dead?!
He frantically checked his own pulse, relieved yet spooked hear it. Albeit, much more slow and lethargic than before.
“Our heart beats at a slower rate than humans,” Patton laughs weakly, “A lot of the myths around vampires don’t have any truth to them.”
“Pat,” Virgil’s voice trembled, “This is crazy, I mean--you’re a vampire and I’m one?! Did you--”
“No!” Patton insisted, his eyes flashing a brief red, “Virgil I promise you, I’d never do that. It can be really, really painful--the whole turning process. It can be so traumatic that well, I--I don’t even fully remember my own. Many don’t survive let alone live pass it. I’ve never wanted you to know what it’s like to--”
Patton cut himself off, jerking his head away. Virgil took hold of his hand, squeezing it gently.
“Know what?” He pressed. Patton’s lips quivered, tears glistening in his eyes, as he cupped Virgil’s cheek with his free hand. Virgil leaned down, gently touching his forehead with Patton’s.
“Pat, please.”
“You deserved a normal human life,” Patton said at last, a strangled noise escaping him, “Where you got to live and grow old and die. You didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve to be a monster like me.”
Patton broke away, clasping a hand to his mouth as the tears finally fell down his face. Virgil watched, his head throbbing as conflicting emotions raged war inside. Denial, rage, sadness--he pushed them all aside. Patton. He needed to focus on Patton. 
Despite everything, he still knew one thing; Patton Patterson was the furthest thing from a monster. Virgil refused to believe anything otherwise. He needed that one thing to remain true or else he’d fall apart completely.
“Patton you’re not a monster, you’re--you’re,” Virgil took a breath, steadying himself, “you’re my best friend.”
Patton let out a bark of laughter, “If--if you knew the things I’ve done, you wouldn’t be saying that.”
“Yes, I--I would,” Virgil swallowed, kneeling down beside him, “Pat, you are the kindest person I've ever met. You cry at cheesy Hallmark movies that end in happy endings. You volunteer at the local animal shelter and soup kitchen. You believe the best in people, even if they’re a shitty anxious nobody who doesn’t deserve it--”
“Virgil--” Patton choked.
“And--and unless that was all one elaborate ruse to fool the world, to fool me,” Virgil pressed on, “vampire or not, your presence makes my day bat-ter.”
“Bat-ter? L-like bat?”
“Yeah, well, congratulations you managed to get a pun outta me before the year’s end.”
Patton stared at him, mouth hanging open. He then laughed again, this time surging forward to tackle Virgil in a hug. Virgil yelped, falling to the floor hard enough to see black dots. Still, he clung to Patton as if afraid of never getting the opportunity again. Virgil let out a high-pitched keen, no longer being able to contain his anguish. Patton responded with a despairing wail of his own. 
Tears poured down both of their faces as their sobbing duet continued. For a long, long while it was the only noise produced from either of them. Until it tapered off into weak whimpers and then it was just the sound of two slow, steady sets of heartbeats close together.
“Pat?” Virgil croaked, utterly exhausted from the ordeal. He wanted nothing more than to fall asleep, safe and secure in Patton’s arms. A small part of him yearned to wake up in his bed and learn that all of this was a nightmare and nothing more. Yet the pain from unconsciously biting his lip with his newly sharpened incisors said otherwise.
“Yes?” Patton answered, his hand brushing through Virgil’s hair once more. He was so soft and gentle that it was hard for Virgil to ever imagine him the same species as Count Dracula.
“If--if you didn’t, um, turn me, then wh-who-how--why don’t I remember--why would--” Virgil let out a frustrated huff.
“Virgil, I...I don’t know who did it or why. There’s lots of reasons why another vampire would do it,” Patton said, dropping to a low growl, “and none of them are good ones.”
“Oh,” Virgil swallowed, “and that person? I went after a person, didn’t I? That was real, right? Did--did I hurt them? I swear I didn’t mean to, I--I--”
“Virge, deep breathes,” Patton said, “They’re okay, you didn’t hurt them. They were fanged out but okay. And then I brought you back here and gave you some of my blood supply.”
“I--I don’t remember that.” Virgil said, “I remember attacking them and something...stopped me? That was you right? But I don’t--I don’t remember--”
Virgil’s voice trailed off, the words once more getting tangled up in his throat. He was afraid. Virgil was always afraid but this was new. Vampires were real and he was one of them. He was an immortal, bloodsucking creature of the night. As much as it sounded cool on paper, it was utterly terrifying. Especially to know he had no memory of becoming one. 
As if sensing his distressed thoughts, Patton brushed his bangs aside to kiss his forehead.
“Shh, it’s common for young vampires to black out from blood rage. It’s--well, it’s not okay what happened to you, Virgil. I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there to stop it from happening. But I swear to you it’s going to be okay and that I’m here now to help.”
“Promise?” Virgil asked, yawning.
“Of course. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a stake in my heart.”
And while Patton’s words didn’t immediately quell his fears, he fell asleep knowing Patton would be there for him, like he always was.
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riotfuckery · 5 years
Shattered hearts and clean shirts pt 2
Sero Hanta x F!reader
A/N: Hello my beautiful readers! It’s your friendly neighborhood big tiddy goth gf here with shattered hearts and clean shirts pt2! It’s all fluff this time with some tones of flirting so please enjoy!
Taglist: @thedreadthread @queensynderella @trafalgar-temptress @kingtamakimurder thank you for all the love and support senpais 💖🥺💖
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It’s been a few months since things ended with Bakugo. The sharp pain in your heart now down to a rush of anger whenever you were near him. The squad (formerly known as the bakusquad) was still there for you. Always being their friendly and cheerful selves while comforting or calming you down when it was needed. The grinning boy being the main reason you didn’t go ballistic on the blonde during class at the regular rude comments he yelled.
All the stages of grief went through normally but you were still stuck on anger. You pulled yourself together after getting played by the blonde toilet brush with a bad attitude. Including going to train more, eating healthier, and healing your heart with the help of your lovely friends. You could rely on Sero the most when it came to emotional stuff.
‘HOW DARE HE PLAY ME LIKE THAT? LIKE I WAS SOME STUPID PRIZE TO BE WON. I AM A PERSON GODDAMNIT. I AM A PERSON WORTHY OF LOVE AND CARE LIKE MOST GOOD PEOPLE. I HOPE HE ROTS!’ you angrily yelled in your head as you took out your frustration on a training dummy.
Letting out all of today’s anger out on the dummy with the last slice of your blade like thorn, you sliced it so hard at the neck that you decapitated it. ‘Oh shit, went a little too hard I guess.’ You thought with a shrug while breathing heavily from your workout.
“WOAH! THAT WAS SO MANLY (Y/N)! YOURE SO STRONG!” Kirishima exclaimed loudly from the other side of the room where he had his own training dummy. He was your workout buddy now, everyday you met him at a small gym down the street from the school to hone your skills and practice your hand to hand combat. You smiled at him brightly and gave him a loud “THANK YOU KIRI, BUT I CAN’T COMPARE TO THE MANLIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!” You shot back at him.
He blushed at the compliment, stopping his own workout to catch his breath. He shyly put a hand to his neck for a moment before walking over to where you were. His eyes widening at the damage you caused and sweat dropping.
He lowly whistled before he spoke. “Woah, that’s a lotta damage. You really tore into that thing like a wild animal. But that was super manly (y/n)!” Kiri commented excitedly as he did his signature red riot pose to emphasize on the manliness. The sweat on your skin started to become sticky and you wanted nothing more to take a shower.
“That’s the 3rd one this week, I’m broke from how many dummies I beheaded!” You moped dramatically. “Hey, at least you’re getting super strong!” Kirishima replied with a smile and a pat on your shoulder. You smiled at the statement. After training for another 30 mins, you and Kiri packed up your stuff and headed to the dorms.
The walk home with Kiri was always filled with laughs and smiles. He was such a nice boy that you couldn’t help the happiness that filled your heart. The two of you arrived at the door and keyed yourselves in. You both were walking through the common room when you heard Sero speak up.
“Hey gym rats, how was training?” He jested with his signature smile. You rolled your eyes at the nickname but smiled nonetheless. You each had your thing with the squad. Kiri had training, Sero had study sessions and movies, Mina had a few days of the week allotted for girl time and gossip, and Kami would just join in whatever he felt like. Some days it was study sessions, other days ‘girl time’ but very rarely training. (Damnit Denki, you could be the next ZEUS if you put enough work into it bby!)
“It was good, decapitated another dummy today, ya know the usual. I’m gonna take a shower and then we can study yeah? ” You spoke nonchalantly while walking towards your room. You took a glance at Sero who gave you a bright smile and a loud “Yeah”.
You set your stuff down and grabbed a change of comfy clothes to wear after your shower. Pulling out a random shirt and a pair of (f/c) sleep shorts. You folded them nicely before grabbing your shower basket and towel. On your way down the hall to the girls showers, you realized it was the shirt you accidentally stole from Sero. Your face heated up intensely as you tried to shake it away.
You developed a crush on the dark haired boy during those months of healing. The first few weeks, you tried to isolate yourself from everyone. Keyword: TRIED. Sero wouldn’t let you though. He always seemed to find you and he always seemed to soothe the ache in your heart.
The reassuring words spoke softly to you during lunch on the rooftop of the school and the comforting little touches he would give made the small spark of comfort turn into a small flame. That little flame he unknowingly added to until it became a full fire coursing in your veins. The thoughts about your crush continued even while you were showering.
‘He’s so kind, patient, and smart. Plus he just smells so GOOD! He’s cute and gentlemanly while still being fun and exciting. Heavenly beings only knows we have enough excitement in our group so I’m thankful he’s so chill and rational. He’s like the balance between everyone. I don’t see why he doesn’t see himself as special! He’s the most special out of all of us! He’s got a useful quirk (not that it matters) and a good heart! Plus he’s handsome! What more could you want in a guy?” The monologe continued in your head while you scrubbed away all of today’s dirt.
You soon finished, your body and hair now smelling like (f/s) and being squeaky clean. You stepped out of the cubicle (?) and wrapped your towel around yourself. Humming a random tune as you got dressed and brushed your hair, putting in all the usual products. Exiting the girls shower and making your way up to your room. You did your skin routine before swiping on your deodorant and spraying a bit of perfume after blow drying your hair.
Taking a good look in the mirror you have on your door, you gave yourself a smile and a approving nod before grabbing your bag and heading to Sero’s room. Nervousness was setting in as you neared his dorm.
‘You were wearing HIS shirt to your weekly study sessions! Did you want him to notice? Is it too late to go back and change? Oh god why didn’t you think about this earlier! Why did your stupid butt only remember this after you did everything?!?!?’ The little voice in your head scolded.
You knocked on the door three times, the nervousness weighing on you like a heavy blanket. Taking a deep breath, you tried to clear your mind of any nervousness and worry while putting on a small smile to keep up appearances. The door opened to a brightly smiling Sero, which made you internally scream.
‘Oh god that smile! I’m already nervous about wearing your shirt around you and then you have to greet me so happily I feel like I’m going to have a SEIZURE!’ The same voice in your head was screeching.
“Hey Sunflower! You ready to study?” He asked happily. You could only manage to give a nod while you felt your face heat up. ‘God why does his voice sound so good’ you whined internally.
He stepped aside to let you walk through the door and left your slippers next to his at the entrance. You made your way to his hammock and set your bag down beside it while you made yourself comfy in the oversized sling. He went and pulled out all his materials before making himself comfy next to you.
You studied like you would normally with him, taking notes and him asking you questions. Always answering them with a smile and explaining them thoroughly. He was surprisingly smart, but he just needed it explained differently than teachers and textbooks showed. That was another thing you loved about him.
The nervousness you felt was gone by the end of your study session, mostly thanks to his jokes, memes, and overdramatic whines of why math was needed to be a hero. He made you laugh so easily, the thought popped up that he might have a second quirk. Another thing you added to the list of why you had a crush on the dark haired boy.
“You did great today Sero, lets pack up and then we can watch whatever movie you want!” You happily said as you gave him a pat on the head, a habit you picked up from All Might. ‘His hair is so SOFT! I don’t regret doing it but I know I’m gonna think about playing with his hair all the time now’ you scolded yourself.
“Sure thing Sunflower! How does a bad horror movie sound? We can roast the hell out of those dumb teens......” his tone turned from his normal excited friendly to silence accompanied by a contented sigh leaving his lips. He felt like he was in heaven. Your smooth voice humming a sweet song he didn’t know just added to his fantasy. Your hands were so soft and felt so good, that his body melted as his dark eyes fluttered close.
Your hand was now playing with his hair, focused on feeling it now while you still could. You softly pet his hair, moving your hand down to play with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck. The short nails on your hand lightly scratching his scalp on instinct. You hummed a song, “Can’t help falling in love” cover by twenty one pilots. The song subconsciously chosen purely for the fact that you were so in painfully love with him.
You both sat there for a moment, wishing it wouldn’t end. Then your love dazed state was blown away and your actions hit you with like a BUS. You stopped humming and pulled your hand out of his hair as gently as you could while you were panicking. The embarrassment and guilt creeping in your body like a unsuspecting wave.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t ask and my hand just moved on it’s own, I-i...” you waved your arms around wildly, as if trying to make yourself fly away from this painfully awkward situation. The heat on your face climbed up to your ears in embarrassment. You were cut off with a chuckle from none other the man himself.
“It’s fine sunflower! It actually felt like- uhhh really nice.” His normal friendly grin returned also with the addition of a light pink blush on his cheeks as he shyly put a hand to the side of his neck while looking the other way. Your heart that was beating wildly calmed down at the friendly tone but picked back up when he said he liked it.
“O-oh! So it’s okay?” You questioned shyly. You received an equally shy look and nod from Sero in reply and sighed out a breath in relief.
“Go and pick out the movie while I clean up, and then we can watch while I play with your hair. If that’s okay with you?” Your shy tone never leaving as you took another shot at being closer to your crush.
“That’s sounds great! Bad horror movies still good with you?” He asked. You hummed in reply as you cleaned up both of your stuff. The excitement heating up your body as you neatly stacked his books and papers and set them on his desk.
Sero couldn’t tried picking out a movie if his life depended on it right now. His focus only on you as you gracefully moved around to clear the space you were both previously in. His mind drifted back to how you were so warm and inviting, like a freshly dried fluffy blanket on a cold day. How you cute you looked as you wildly flailed around when you apologize, not that you needed to. Plus the adorable blush on your face kissed the tips of your ears.
He shifted back his focus to movies and picked a random one while he put in the DVD player. When he turned back, he saw his floor clear and you laying down on his bed. The red on your face dimmed down to a soft pink that scratched at your cheeks. He made himself comfortable as you watched the start of the movie.
He decided to lay on his side with his hand supporting his head. His pining heart sang in joy because of the closeness and thumping in his ribcage like a overjoyed bird. He wanted to be closer, fuck he needed to be. Alone time with you was rare and he needed to take advantage of it. He summoned all the courage in his body and slung his free arm over your waist, pulling you closer.
You jumped at the sudden contact and then melted into his embrace. Platonic cuddling wasn’t new to you and the squad, always cuddling up with someone while the whole group watched a movie until all of you passed out on the common room couch. This felt different from all those other times. It’s because both of you were ALONE TOGETHER.
The movie playing on the small tv in his room was the farthest thing from your minds right now. The thumping of both your synched heart sand the pink blushes on your face were the only thing on them as you hoped the other couldn’t see it. You were just struggling to breathe normally.
Sero was feeling the same way, his brain tunnel visioned on you. There you were so painfully close to him. The smell of your perfume mixed with the floral scent of your shampoo drove him absolutely insane. He took his position behind you to his advantage, his eyes trailed your body slowly.
His dark eyes started at your plush thighs, they looked so soft and so warm that he had to hold in a groan. The sleep shorts you wore just accentuated your hips and backside, the tight shorts with yellow and white stripes on the side tempted him sinfully. He moved his gaze to where his arm was, slung over your tiny waist.
‘It fit so perfectly, it was almost like you were made for him.’ He thought with dazed sigh. His mind stopped dead in its tracks when he realized you were wearing his shirt. His heart kickboxed in his chest, his subconscious screaming at him to make a move now or get over it.
“Sunflower?” He tried. You gave a hum in reply, not trusting your own voice. He paused for a moment, trying to decide if he should ask you why you were wearing his shirt. He loved you wearing his clothes so he just decided to spit it out. To see if he wasn’t just imagining things in desperation for you.
“Is that my shirt?” He teased, pulling your back closer to his chest. His deep voice was right next to your ear as his breath tickled your neck. He knew what he was doing, the cheshire grin overtaking his handsome features as his eyes twinkled mischievously.
You’ve been caught red handed. The muscles in your body froze as a burning hot blush erupted from your cheeks. The organ in your chest nearly ripped itself out when he pulled you closer and it stuttered when he spoke.
“Y-yeah, it is. I just threw it o-on after taking a shower. I can give your clothes back after I do laundry.” You managed to speak out in your overwhelmed state. He was so close to you and the way his voice dropped had you nervous.
“Keep it sweetheart, it’s looks better on you than it ever did me. Plus you look so cute in it, how could I say no?” His friendly causal tone was back, but the impish grin on his face never left. ‘When did he get so smooth? And sweetheart? He called me cute!!!!’ Your brain scrambled trying to comprehend what just happened.
Something ignited within your spirit. A mischievous grin spread across your face as you thought of a battle plan. ‘Oh he wants to play like that does he??? Aight bet. Let’s see if he could take what he dishes out.’ You smirked at the thought.
You turned so you were facing him. Mustering all the innocence in your being, you pushed your chest against his and craned your neck up so your noses were brushing. Your eyes peeked up at him through your long lashes and a playful grin overtook your face.
“Sweetheart huh?” You teased as you ever so slowly got your plush lips closer to his. You felt his breath hitch before it stopped completely, the rapid beating of his heart thrumming against your chest. His dark eyes were locked on your soft lips and you decided to test his patience by biting your bottom one softly. The strong arm around your waist tensed and you felt his body freeze.
“If I’m so cute and your sweetheart then why haven’t you made a move yet, cellophane~?” You spoke softly before you actually reached his lips. You heard a strangled groan from the back of his throat and smiled playfully before you moved away and back to your original position. An evil smile on your face as you pretended that you didn’t even do anything.
A soft and frustrated “fuck it” came from him and suddenly and you were pinned down on the bed by your wrists. Sero was straddling your hips as he held your wrists down with a tight grip. You looked up at him and saw the bright red blush on his face as he breathed heavily. The shocked and doe eye look you gave him only seemed to make it brighter.
“f-fuck, I’ve liked you for the longest time sunflower so will you be willing to go out on a date with me sometime soon?” His tone and gaze was nervous despite his dominant position over you. He let go of your hands and moved so he was sitting in front of you with his leg folded.
He shrunk a bit under your surprised gaze, but despite his feelings his eyes stayed stayed on yours. You propped yourself up and sat in front of him in the same position. A wide grin and the shine in your eyes ever present as you looked back at him.
“Of course I would love to go out with you Hanta! I’ve liked you for a bit now but was nervous asking you out after that whole ‘situation’.” You grinned brightly, cheeks flush pink and eyes slightly crinkled from how happy you were. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled back as you just as brightly.
He tackled you into a hug, the joy in his heart keeping him from being polite with you. The sweet giggles that rang around the room just made his love for you shine brighter than ever. With his face buried in your neck and his arms snaked around your waist, he squeezed you like a teddy bear.
You audibly let out an “awwww’ at the boy. He just so sweet you couldn’t help it. Your hand found it’s way to his hair once again, running your fingers through it and lightly scratching his scalp while the other rubbed his back soothingly.
Both of you spent the rest of the night cuddling and making plans for your date. Laughs and the soft sound of whatever movie playing in the background just made everything feel so warm and comfortable. It felt like all the pieces had come together and placed you with Hanta Sero.
He was feeling just as warm and fuzzy with you. As he cuddled and snuggled you through the night, he couldn’t help the adoring smile plastered on his face.
Who knew he would not only tape the last pieces of your shattered heart together but made it feel full as well?
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Soooo, bee haw related asks huh, cool, the white fang are cattle rustlers so Blake is insanely good with a lasso, while yang can put a hole in a quarter after someone flips it in the dark, they decided its a good idea to traid skills after they are partnered up at Beacon Ranch
There a whole lotta creative liscence taken with shooting and lassoing here 😅
I hope y’all like competitive bees!
“Listen pardner…” Yang drawled, lifting her hat up slighting and leaning back on the fence, toothpick hanging loosely from her lips. “There ain’t no way no rope throwin’ gon’ impress me. Any body can throw a rope. Takes real skill to shoot a quarter in the dark, y’hear, Blake?”
“Sweetheart…” the cat faunus woman in front of her practically crooned, slivers of gold glinting from underneath her own hat. “If Just anybody could throw a rope, Ozpin wouldn’t have hired me. You need me.”
“Oh please, Blake. I could do your job easi-“
Yang stopped and quirked a brow when amber eyes glinted below Blake’s black hat dangerously, seeming to shift to a molten gold. Blake’s hands shifted to the two lassos that she kept at each hip and unhooked them from her belt and started spinning them at her sides, her movements slow and lazy at first but quickly picking up speed.
“Miss Xiao Long…” Blake said dryly, her golden eyes narrowing as Yang stood up and stepped forward her head tilted curiously. “I don’t appreciate your tone. Maybe we need to do something about it?”
“Like wh-“
Yang was cut off by Blake expertly sending her lassos out towards her and she lifted her arms high to block the incoming trap… only to realise too late that both ropes were headed to her gun holsters that were slung low on her hips. Blake’s lassos looped around each gun and yanked them out and into her hands, disarming her. Blake’s golden eyes gleamed with a challenge as she freed the guns and twirled them around in her hands before she quickly unloaded them, sending Yang’s magazines to the ground, before she hooked them into the front of her jeans with a smirk, her shirt lifting up to reveal the toned skin beneath.
“Anybody can shoot in a sharp line. But it’s takes real skill to disarm our finest sharp shooter on the ranch.” Blake said, mocking Yang’s earlier words. “Now, these guns are real pretty so I think I might hold onto them for a bit. Come find me when you’re ready to admit defeat, cowgirl.”
Yang stared after her in shock as Blake sauntered away, her thumbs hooked through her belt loops and disappeared around one of the buildings.
“Goddamn.” Yang whispered to herself, taking her hat off her head and ruffling her long, blonde hair ruefully as she stared after Blake with a slightly dopey grin. “Now that’s a woman.”
She paused for a moment and blinked as she realised, later than she should have, something very important.
“A woman that stole my guns!”
Blake smirked lazily as Yang strolled into the saloon, her spurs clinking as she walked, an air of false nonchalance about her. But when lilac met amber, Blake watched the way Yang’s jaw tightened at the sight of Blake spinning her guns around her fingers lazily. The ranch hands surrounding Blake all glanced up and winced, patting Blake on the back and wishing her good luck as they moved a safe distance away.
Still within viewing distance of the show, though.
“You wanna give me my guns back now, Sugar?”
“Hmm… maybe.”
Blake bit back a laugh when Yang growled, her gaze narrowing as she turned a chair around and sat on it, leaning forward and crossing her arms over the back rest.
“What d’ya want, woman?” Yang asked, tilting her head slightly as her sharp gaze carefully examined Blake’s face.
“I want you to admit that you were wrong about me.” Blake said simply, placing the guns on the table out of Yang’s reach. “I disarmed you. Something that no one has been able to do, cowgirl. That’s gotta say something.”
“It says that yer a smartass.” Yang drawled, a competitive gleam entering her eyes. “I admit, you got the jump on me this time. But I still doubt that ropin’s as hard as you claim.”
“Funny. I could say the same thing about shooting.” Blake leaned forward, biting back a smile. She would never admit it… but she was having fun.
“Yeah? Well… how ‘bout we make this more interestin’, then, pardner.” Yang said with a sly grin. “I set up some trick shots that you’ll have to shoot and you set up some kinda challenge for me with a rope.”
“Make it two and you got a deal.” Blake smirked, her feline ears flicking forward with intrigue. “I’m ambidextrous. If I’m shooting with two guns, then you’re going to rope with two hands.”
“Pfft.” Yang scoffed. “Easy. What are the wagers?”
“Loser buys drinks for the winner for a month?”
“I like the way you think, Belladonna.” Yang chuckled, leaning her chin on her forearms and grinning up at Blake. “I almost feel bad that I’m gonna kick yer ass.”
“That’s funny.” Blake laughed, delighted with the challenge. “I don’t feel bad about kicking yours at all.”
“As you’ll find out, Yang.”
“I certainly hope so, Blake.”
Blake, admittedly, may have bitten off more than she could chew. She watched as the two kids stroll 20 paces away and got ready to throw their coins.
Blake could shoot. She could shoot a bandit and a rustler. She could take aim at a rattler that was about to bite her herd or her horse and protect her animals. Hell, when she was with the White Fang and rustled cattle, she had taken out her fair share of deputies and sheriffs.
But that was basic shots. This was sharp shooting. She had heard the rumours about Yang. Had heard tale that she could shoot a hole in a quarter at 50 paces… in the dark, using only the glint of steel to direct her shot.
Ugh. This is what she got for trying to show off.
“Alrighty, Blake. Usually I shoot at 50 paces and at night but I’m gon’ be nice and getcha to shoot at 20 paces durin’ the day. When yer ready, Doll… let the kids know.” Yang called lazily from the crowd, a smug expression in her face.
Blake growled under her breath. Cocky little shit, wasn’t she? Regardless, she inhaled deeply and nodded to the kids and took aim…
And took out two windows instead of the quarters.
“Well, shoot.” Yang grinned cheekily, no doubt knowing exactly what she was saying. “That’s not meant to happen. I hope you’ve got enough lien for the upcoming month, Blake.”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, Yang.” Blake stomped over to her and calmly (well… as calmly as she was capable of at that moment as the crowd chuckled) placed Yang’s gun’s into their holsters, purposefully giving them a tug and leaned forward. “I can’t wait to wipe that smug smile off of your face.”
“I’ll show you a small series of tricks and I want you to copy them as best as you can, cowgirl.” Blake said calmly as Yang watched carefully. She couldn’t get this wrong. How hard could it be?
“Got it, Sugar.” Yang smirked.
That smirk quickly fell away as Blake effortlessly danced through her lassos, bouncing and hopping between the loops. She made it look so easy… but not even Yang’s sharp eyes could keep up. Yang gulped, her confidence starting to crack.
This was what she got for trying to show off, wasn’t it?
“Here you are, Sweetheart.” Blake smirked with a brow raised challengingly as she passed Yang the lassos and stepped back.
“Pfft.” But she wasn’t going to let Blake see the crack in her confidence. “This’ll be easy. That’s nothin’, Doll.”
Now… Yang could throw a lasso over a rogue cow if she needed to. She could tie knots. She could even make a rope. But she was starting to realise that this was a very different beast.
She inhaled deeply and began to twirl to loops to the sides and made the first jump into them… and quickly lost track of what she was doing as the noose tightened around her ankles, sending her off balance. She hopped, desperately trying to regain her balance, until the back of her legs hit something.
There was a loud splash as Yang fell tumbling into a water trough. Loud snickers ran through the crowd and if she didn’t know better, she’d say that the horse’s were snickering at her too.
“It’ll be easy, huh?” Blake teased as Yang pulled herself out and crouched, loosening the lasso and pulling it off her ankles and throwing both ropes at Blake, who caught it easily.
“Yeah, yeah.” Yang grumbled, despite the smile fighting its way into her lips as she, dripping water, glanced at Blake. “I guess ropin’s harder than I thought.”
“And I guess I can’t shoot as straight as I thought.”
The two stared at each other for a long moment before they both began to laugh softly.
“Well…” Yang snorted, amused. “I guess that’s a draw. How’s that work out?”
“Let’s make it simple and say that we just have to buy each other drinks for a week?” Blake smiled genuinely as her left ear flicked. She had a really pretty smile, Yang realised.
“Sounds good to me.” She said before letting out a sigh. “I would suggest that I buy you one now… but I need to go change.”
“We can catch up later, then.”
“Sure thing, Blake.” Yang started to walk away but paused and glanced over her shoulder with a small side smile. “Jus’ so y’know, Blake… I’m looking forward to workin’ with you.”
“You too, Yang.”
Yang grinned, winked and waved as she walked back to her home. Life just got a lot more interesting around here.
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