#louise plays a vigilante which is very difficult to play
tcrmommabear · 7 years
TCR AU #4: D’n’D AU (2)
Welcome to part 2 guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Let’s get this show on the road! Today we’re talking characters!!
Sidenote: So, 90% of my experience is with Pathfinder, so that’s what I’m using in regards to race and class and suchforth. D’n’D and Pathfinder are two separate things, but I felt D’n’D was a better name for the AU.
Name: Louisa Player: Louise (DM) Race: Catfolk Class: Vigilante Backstory: Louise is the (older) twin sister to Duke. They grew up in a primarily Catfolk village by loving parents. When they were young children, their parents were viciously murdered. Duke took the time to mourn, while Louisa viciously clung to the idea of vengeance. The twins separated due to conflicting wants and desires- Duke settled down as a sort of “sword for hire”, deadset on helping and defending those who couldn’t do it themselves, while Louisa searched tirelessly for their parents’ killer. Years later, she finally has a lead and asks Duke for help, just this once. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name: Duke Player: Baron/Humbert Race: Catfolk Class: Paladin Backstory: Duke was happy to live his life, working for little pay to help those in need. He couldn’t protect his family, so he’d protect as many people as he could. But when his sister Louisa finally came back into his life after nearly 10 years, he couldn’t deny her ask for help (or the gold she provided when he originally said no). With the help of his employees/friends, they’ll travel across the world to finally find peace. Alignment: Lawful Good
Name: Moon Player: Muta Race: Half-Orc Class: Bloodrager Backstory: Moon doesn’t have much of a story to tell. He keeps it close to his chest except after a few gallons of ale. He was raised in a human family, educated beyond measure. Then his Orc family took him away and all he knew was violence and bloodshed. He was caught between two worlds for a long time until he settled on being a mercenary for hire. It wasn’t until Duke came along that he knew he wanted to do something more. Something better. With a healthy dose of brains and a great disregard for rules, Moon is willing to do anything to help a client. (Side Note: Has a weakness for little kids) Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Name: Aubert Player: Toto Race: *Tengu Class: Rogue Backstory: Aubert came from a distant Tengu village, hidden in the mountains. He talks little of it though, only sharing bits and pieces of the life he lived there with the friends he surrounds himself with. All is known is he left, and he committed theft after theft in order to survive and get where he is. Now, he uses his talents to help Duke and Moon, to pay for the meals when Duke refuses payment. Now with Louisa in the picture, he’s seeing different sides to his oldest friend, and wonders what this adventure will do to everyone. Alignment: True Neutral
Name: Hero Player: Hiromi Race: Human Class: Ranger Backstory: Hero stumbled across the group during their journey to cross the sea and just... Never left? With nothing better to do, and instantly bonding with Yuki, Hero decided she would be just that- A hero. Alignment: Neutral Good
Name: Kore, Pirate Queen of the 8 Seas Player: Persephone Race: Merfolk Class: Swashbuckler + Witch Backstory: Merfolk are xenophobic and harsh people. With amazing musical ability and a dangerous beauty, they lure many a sailor and innocent victim to the cracks of their islands and devour the bodies as they fall to the sea. Kore was born the most beautiful of them all, but with a compassionate heart and no singing voice. She was forcibly chased from her home, her family, her life, and sought out a new way of life. That’s how she met Captain Killigan. The two women were inseparable, and Killigan helped Kore find her calling- benevolent pirating. Killigan died, and Kore conquered the seas in her name. Now alone, and hiding her heritage with an innate magic, she sails for hire and battles other pirates competing for her crown. She was supposed to be the Ironwilled Queen. Until a certain Catfolk came onto her ship. Alignment: Chaotic
Name: Yuki Player: Haru Race: **Skinwalker (Elf) Class: Druid Backstory: “H-Hello? Is this the Cat Bureau?” Yuki was just looking for help. Little did she know she’d get dragged into the advenure of a lifetime, with romance, bloodshed, intrigue, and deeply personal problems. Indebted to Duke and Louisa, Yuki travels with them to help the siblings find their parents murderer and seek vengeance. But is that what the pair really need? Working constantly as a voice of reason and constant motivation, Yuki hides a dangerous secret from her friends. Maybe one day, she can tell them about the animal skin she wears. And warn them to let sleeping dogs lie. Alignment: Good Neutral
*Tengu= Bird people **Skinwalker= Shapeshifters (Haru looks like an Elf rather than a human)
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houseofswords · 5 years
Mike Conner
Theme song / Theme Song / Moodboard
Divinity: Archaros, The King in Black, Father of Iron (primordial darkness, cosmic forces, death and rebirth, ingenuity, metal and machinery)
Full name: Michael Alex Conner Gender: Male Age: 42 Birthday: 3rd September
Myers-Briggs: ESTP Zodiac: Virgo Tarot card: Knight of Swords
Nationality: British Birthplace: Doncaster, Yorkshire
Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship status: It’s complicated
Occupation: Classic car mechanic (previously: security guard, police officer, SWAT sniper.)
Height: 6’1” Weight: 210 lbs
Hair: Iron black, choppy, currently worn in a spiked undercut. Style can vary but it’s always rough because he cuts it himself. Eye colour: Dark grey
Physical characteristics: Physically fit and muscular build, with broad shoulders, tapered waist and large, strong hands. His face is long and angular, with high cheekbones and defined jaw, and dark, narrow eyes. Other traits: Two piercings in the cartilage of each ear, usually with silver rings in them. He used to have snakebites under his lip, but took the studs out and let them heal closed. He has an impressive collection of scars all over his body, especially his arms and hands. Tattoos: Smiley emoticon on his left wrist, later covered with a sparrow. Chains wrapped around his hips. Technically a scar, but his right arm is covered in ritual scarification in the form of arcane geometric shapes, all the way down to his wrist.
Clothes: He doesn’t vary his clothing much and typically wears a band shirt, ripped and scuffed old jeans, combat boots and his favourite black leather jacket on all but the hottest of days. He has a chest holster that he only takes off when he’s sleeping, and wears a diamond engagement ring on a cord around his neck.
Personality: Mike is short-tempered and prickly by nature, even in a good mood, and swift to pick a fight. He’s impatient, paranoid, easily frustrated and hates small talk. People see him as reclusive, erratic and difficult to handle—unaware that his thorns and anger hide a soft underbelly. He’s honest to a fault and completely selfless, willing to do whatever is necessary to protect those he cares about. He would take a bullet to save a life without hesitation. He’s surprisingly gentle and understanding towards his loved ones, though overbearingly protective.
Motives: He spent much of his life after Gael’s disappearance feeling lost and without purpose, a void which even his time in law enforcement couldn’t fill. Eventually he was pulled back to Holyhead in the wake of another disaster, and realised that his purpose was to protect others from its darkness—Ash most importantly of all. His goal is for Ash to live in a world where he won’t be hurt and afraid any more.
Values: Burning with righteous fury at a world he sees as unjust, Mike believes that heinous crimes should be appropriately punished. He has no qualms killing people who would just as readily kill him or someone else. He tends towards pessimism, seeing no reason to have faith in systems that are flawed and inefficient, preferring instead to rely on himself and him alone; it’s the duty of the strong to protect the weak, and he’ll carry the world on his shoulders if he has to.
Fears: Terrified of the thought of losing the few people he loves that he has left, and wary of forming new friendships and attachments for fear of losing them. He’s aware of his own anger, and the thought of becoming a worse monster than those he fights haunts him on those long, sleepless nights.
Weaknesses: Stubborn and hates showing weakness, preferring to tackle his problems alone. This combined with his aggressive, paranoid nature often means that when he does need help, he seldom gets it. He’s excessively self-critical and constantly berates himself for his perceived failures, even if they weren’t his fault.
Quirks: Bares his teeth a lot, rarely smiles, laughs even less. Impulsive when drunk. His strong Yorkshire accent hasn’t dulled at all over the many years he’s lived in Holyhead.
Skills: Keen eye, excellent marksman, knows his way around tools and guns. Highly competent, handles stress and survival situations well. Also a seasoned close-quarters fighter and knows how to make various traps, tripwires and explosives. He’s good with machines and can fix most things that are broken on intuition alone, though he’s not formally trained. In his youth he dreamed of being in a famous band—that dream is dead, now, but he still plays the guitar regularly and he’s very good at it.
Hobbies: Playing his guitar, video games, putting things together and taking them apart again, going to the bar with Louise, metalwork, road trips, just going out in his car with no destination in mind just to see where he’ll end up.
Powers: — Abnormally resilient, doesn’t tire or injure easily and recovers quickly when he is. — Far stronger than a normal human of his fitness level, able to punch through walls, flip cars over and jump from the third floor without breaking any bones. — Empowered by his fury, growing faster and stronger the angrier he gets. — Power over darkness, shadows, machinery and metals, including summoning them, manipulating them, altering their properties, and changing one to another. — Reality warping, altering physics and gravity in particular. — Machines must obey his orders, regardless of programming or physical restraints. — Archaros is unstoppable when in control of his body. This won’t happen in RPs unless specifically planned for.
Favourite music: Disturbed, Metallica, Lamb of God, Five Finger Death Punch, Devilskin Favourite films: Die Hard, Snatch, Inglorious Bastards, Transporter, Alien Favourite food: Tea, whiskey, bacon, pies, cake, chocolate, oranges and orange-flavoured things Favourite animals: Dogs, cats, if it’s cute and fluffy he’ll have a soft spot for it but dogs are his favourite. Favourite colour: Black. Likes: Swearing like a sailor, drinking scotch on the rocks, driving at night, fast cars, guns, British comedies Dislikes: Things that are obnoxiously American, Eric, people who drive slowly down the middle of the road, bright colours, incompetence, ERIC.
Misc. info: Eschews rules, dress codes, the establishment and wearing colours that aren’t black. He had an Irish wolfhound called Cujo.
Superhuman: Mike is a ruthless vigilante who goes by the name of Cage. Tired of watching other heroes let villains go, he uses his shadow powers to hunt them down and eliminate them—permanently. Victorian Gothic: Mike is as nocturnal as the monsters he hunts, and just as apt to sit and brood on top of gargoyles. It doesn’t dampen his ferocity and dedication to keeping the city streets flee of bloodsuckers and foul creatures. Dead in the Water: Death took Mike’s family, but it couldn’t take him. Now he seeks vengeance, a pirate who hunts other pirates, in his eyes the only force of justice on a lawless ocean. Swords and Sorcery: Michael was a paladin, once… but he broke his oath to pursue bloody vengeance after the death of his daughter. It’s a fine line between good and evil, and all that keeps him from crossing it is the sad eyes of the boy he swore to protect. Gotta Catch Em All: Mike is a Pokemon ranger, currently investigating the surge in poaching in the mountains he watches over. His partner is a Tyranitar he bonded with over their mutual understanding of what it’s like to lose a child. Blood and Wine: The people are thirsty, and someone has to get them their drink. But Mike’s reasons for diving into the criminal underbelly of the Prohibition are deeper than they first appear. Behind the Lines: Mike’s squad of paratroopers were slaughtered when they were dropped into the wrong position behind enemy lines. Now he fights his way across France alone, desperate to return home to his daughter. Apocalypse Now: Mike wakes from suspended animation with no memory of how he got there. Accompanied by his robotic dog, he heads out into the wasteland in search of survivors who can tell him what happened.
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