#love is Composed of One Soul Inhabiting the Same Body
chosok-amo · 3 months
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Satomi Gojo :
— A Detailed Character Description
Satomi Gojo is a striking and enigmatic presence, her appearance marked by both beauty and a haunting uniqueness. Like her older brother, Satoru, she possesses the same mesmerizing blue eyes indicative of the powerful Six Eyes technique. However, her left eye is blind, a hollow white that starkly contrasts with the vibrant blue of her right eye. This blind eye is a constant reminder of the trauma and abuse she endured at the hands of the Gojo clan, symbolized further by a prominent scar encircling it.
Adding to her mystique, Satomi's functional right eye occasionally manifests on her left palm, endowed with the same Six Eyes power. This phenomenon, while granting her unique capabilities, has further isolated her within the clan, marking her as both a prodigy and an outcast.
Her long, white hair cascades down her back in soft, silken waves, matching Satoru's distinctive hair color. It often falls over her left eye, partially concealing the scar and the eye itself from casual observers, adding an air of mystery to her appearance.
Satomi is a complex and resilient young woman, her character forged in the crucible of hardship and adversity. Her experiences with abuse and harsh treatment from the Gojo clan have instilled in her a strong and unyielding spirit. She carries herself with a quiet confidence, her demeanor calm and composed, much like her brother's. However, beneath this exterior lies a reservoir of deep-seated emotions—pain, anger, and a fierce determination to prove herself.
She is fiercely loyal to those she cares about, especially her brother Satoru, whom she admires and respects deeply. Despite her hardships, she possesses a compassionate heart, always willing to help those in need and fight against injustice. Her kindness is tempered with a pragmatic understanding of the harsh realities of the world they inhabit.
Satomi shares the same powerful abilities as her brother, Satoru, inheriting the Six Eyes and the Limitless Cursed Technique. These abilities make her a formidable sorcerer, capable of extraordinary feats of power and precision. The unique manifestation of her right eye on her left palm grants her a distinct edge and versatility in combat.
Her mastery of the Limitless Cursed Technique allows her to manipulate space at will, creating barriers, teleporting, and distorting reality around her. This makes her a formidable opponent in battle, feared and respected by both allies and enemies.
Satomi's soul is mysteriously tied to Sukuna's, adding another layer of complexity to her already intricate abilities. When she shares DNA with Sukuna—through a kiss or any form of intimacy—her blue eyes turn into a deep red, and Sukuna's distinctive markings appear on her body, similar to how they manifest on Yuji Itadori.
During these moments, she gains the ability to use Sukuna's techniques and power, the duration and extent of which depend on how long they share the DNA. This connection not only amplifies her strength but also ties her fate closely to that of the King of Curses, adding a perilous dimension to her existence.
Satomi's past is marked by struggle and perseverance. Born into the powerful Gojo clan, she was immediately seen as both a blessing and a curse due to her unique abilities and the blind left eye. The clan's harsh treatment and abuse were intended to mold her into a weapon, but it only served to strengthen her resolve to carve her own path.
Her relationship with Satoru is one of mutual respect and deep familial love. He has always been her protector and mentor, guiding her through the complexities of their abilities and the dangerous world of jujutsu sorcery. Despite the clan's attempts to control and break her, Satomi has emerged as a strong, independent sorcerer, determined to forge her destiny.
Now in her second year at Jujutsu High, Satomi is recognized for her exceptional skills and potential. She is dedicated to her training, constantly honing her abilities under the watchful eye of her brother and other experienced sorcerers. Her presence at the school is both an inspiration and a source of intrigue, as her unique abilities and mysterious past draw the attention and curiosity of her peers.
Satomi Gojo is a multifaceted character marked by strength and vulnerability. Her evolution from a child subjected to abuse to a confident and skilled sorcerer showcases her resilience and determination. The deep bond she shares with her brother, Satoru, is central to her character, providing her with the love and support she needs to overcome her past and thrive at Jujutsu High.
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afra-blueraz · 10 months
I did this test for all Yui x Diaboys ships and the results are so good and adorable. I just love how all Yui's ships have good dynamics 😁.
Shu x Yui
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For you guys, love is a promise, it is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, cheerio!!
Admin: well I love this description for Shuyui love. It's kinda similar to their story.
Reiji x Yui
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You both are two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful.
Admin: please gosh I feel so sad when this test describes Reiji alone 😭. So true they are in love so much.
Ayato x Yui
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You guys chose each other. And will choose each other over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, lucky guys!!
Admin: Adam and Eve vibe. Yes they will choose each other over and over again.
Kanato x Yui
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For you guys, love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Admin: this is just so cute.... ok.....
Laito x Yui
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You guys chose each other. And will choose each other over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, lucky guys!!
Admin: Is it a Laiyui description??? Yes yes forever. Laito will choose only Yui over and over again. He can't find love with anyone other than Yui.
Subaru x Yui
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You guys chose each other. And will choose each other over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, lucky guys!!
Admin: As expected, this is also true for Subaru. The best description of the Subayui ship. Subaru will only love Yui forever 💘🥺.
Ruki x Yui
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You guys chose each other. And will choose each other over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, lucky guys!!
Admin: Why not? Ruki is same. He can't love anyone else. Just his cute angel Yui.
Kou x Yui
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Stay away from candles. Your relationship is hot enough already!
Admin: hehe right. They are hot 🔥😅💘.
Yuma x Yui
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For you guys, love is a promise, it is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, cheerio!!
Admin: yup.... that's true for my baby bear 😭.
Azusa x Yui
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For you guys, love is a promise, it is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, cheerio!!
Admin: cinnamon roll Azusa... you really deserve this baby 😘
Carla x Yui
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For you guys, one's heart is, and always will be for the other.
Admin: my Carlayui heart 😭😭😭😭. Yui's heart is and will be.....
Shin x Yui
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For you guys, love is a promise, it is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, cheerio!!
Admin: yes because they promised to be with each other forever and ever.
Kino x Yui
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You both are two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful.
Admin: Calling Kino as alone like Reiji just 😭😭😭....
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These Stones Remember - LXIX
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"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." — Aristotle
The topmost book was roughly the same size as his field notes book. Exquisitely bound in leather, it had clearly belonged to someone wealthy or important, and a quick look at the fore edges showed him that a considerable portion of the book had been written in, as more than two-thirds of the leaves were ever so slightly ruffled in a manner that indicated the application of wet ink at some point. Tucked inside the book there appeared to be a few loose pages, made of a different paper - slightly larger and with rougher deckled edges that had curled over somewhat. The other book was a little smaller and a little thinner, reminding him of his current slim journals, though - unlike his card-bound journals - this one was bound in leather. It was also well-worn, as if it had been very frequently used. Both books reminded him of something, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what. The black ribbon was broad and— Wait a minute. That wasn’t a ribbon…
Read it in full at AO3: These Stones Remember - LXIX
Artwork by Sabira/floweroflaurelin (used with permission) - see my pinned post for links to their work.
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ellaintrigue · 1 year
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This guy's profile is NUTS. I'm going to copy and paste it since it's so long and doesn't screenshot well on my laptop:
"I sure hope you're enjoying that cold vanilla ice cream on this hot day. You could have at least put some sprinkles or hot fudge on top. Don't worry, I won't steal even a slight taste. To all the submissive women who play dominate. It's a turn off for that special guy with the magic touch. I could always just hump your leg like a dog if you prefer to continue that boring scam approach to dating? It's like a creaking bed, just oil it already. Just for today, lets substitute that with an overwhelmingly intoxicant style secret love affair addiction that might never end. The recipe of a roaring fire that best friends never taste? A lover and soulmate, not let's go to dinner and fake it scheme. I'm your favorite guilty pleasure food and your dating approach is a diet. Just cave and taste the good life without guilt, hesitation, or regret. Life without pleasure is no life at all. You don't truly live unless your push your limits on a regular basis. Crashing tsunami waves can be terrifying but I bet you are absolutely sick, tired, and bored of reading all of these fictitious profiles by now. These sweet talking liars are such a struggle. I feel the same torturing torment and am also ready to explode. They are even worse than the same old rhythm of your previous relationships. Might as well just get a cat, larger vibrator, and call it a day. Probably wondering what happened to all of those truth in advertising laws as they apply to online dating. The truth is that I am writing this profile at my friends wedding. This was the shove that pushed me to fluidly penetrate the online dating world. He met an awesome lady on here and now I am curious enough to unlock the basement door. I suppose this is less cliche than a bar, Walmart, or funeral. At least the negative ones show it quicker online than they would in person. Saves us from that awkward moment when someone turns creepy. I just hope that I live to tell the tale... Where do we begin? The chicken or the egg? The fingertips, hands, and arms? The toes, feet, and ankles? The hair, head, neck, and lips? Aristotle defined love as, “love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” I can be a genuine gentleman, true hopeless romantic, or an absolute filthy naughty bad boy. I'm educated, prepared, more loyal than any dog, hardcore, and a true ride or die man. I live an intentional, progressive, healthy lifestyle. Add a pinch of playful mischief and top with chocolate covered whipped cream. Then blend well in a hot tub. Brutal, savage, merciless, and a great cuddler who cooks healthy food. I smell good and you will never forget how tempting my touch can be. It all depends on what I eat for breakfast. Guess what I ate this morning...
Perhaps it's a crime of passion that I’m a gentleman in public and an absolute dirty animal in private. Holding the door open for you while making others jealous of the powerful connection that we have. Your best friend or worst enemy. Knowing exactly what creates goosebumps and sends that trembling shiver down your spine. I’m taller than you, exercise everyday, and refuse to shake hands with toxic fakes. I don’t tolerate BS, play games, or waste anyone’s time. I’m not on here for a meaningless hookup. I’ve never had a one-time thing and don’t want one. Hopefully that’s enough for you to swallow. We both know that nice guy that you want will never satisfy you. They often end up not being so nice in the end. I don't wear a mask. My direct openness and comfort in my own skin might initially throw you off. You need that dirty, intense, crazy, excitement as much as me. The true life blood of that deep bond is the passion which rarely happens by accident. I happen to agree with the Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of love, “A sexual passion or desire; a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.” I'm just foolish enough to believe in the complete partner package. Maybe now you can see why friendship just never goes deep enough. If you don’t know what you want, hangout with someone like me who knows what they want, how to obtain, build. maintain, and appreciate forever. Are you haunted enough by the law of diminishing returns? I offer an adventure which has the lottery ticket of becoming a forever real life dream come true. I shall shock your conscience into a deeper desire...
What percentage of men are over 6 feet tall, inshape, highly educated, don't cheat, put effort in to maintain a relationship, work hard at their career, and never use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco? Cocky? Maybe... or maybe I just see how most men are these days."
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stories-poetry4all · 7 months
It was one of those fine little love stories that can make you smile in your sleep at night." - Hunter Thompson
"We loved with a love that was more than love." - Edgar Allen Poe
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Suess
"For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person, and we are finally home." - Stephanie Perkins
"Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear." - John Lennon
"I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." - Roy Croft
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride." - Pablo Neruda
"To love is to burn, to be on fire." - Jane Austen
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." - Mother Teresa
"Where there is love there is life." - Mahatma Gandhi
"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides." - David Viscott
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." - Plato
"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." - Nora Ephron
"We would be together and have our books and at night be warm in bed together with the windows opens and the stars bright." - Ernest Hemingway
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in." - Mitch Albom
"Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it." - Swedish Proverb
"You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are." - Melissa Etheridge
"You and I, it's as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to Earth together, to see if we know what we were taught." - Boris Pasternak
"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - Nicholas Sparks
"I remember who I am when I'm with you." - Nicole Christie
"All I've ever wanted was to be near you." - Shannon Hale
"You are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing." - E.E. Cummings
"No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star." - Diana Peterfreund
"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." - Paulo Coehlo
"Love is a game that two can play and both win." - Eva Gabor
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle
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MASTER LOVE'S VIBRATION HOW TO ACTUALLY MANIFEST MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS. "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle The force of Love isn't merely an emotion. It's a potent vibration that echoes through-out the Universe. When we tap into the essence of Love, we unveil its magical properties granting us the power to craft dream-like relationships. Every individual, unbeknownst to them, emits an energy that aligns with the internal state. When the heart brims with Love, the vibrational frequency, it emanates, become magnetic. This magnetism doesn't only pull towards oneself, the ideal relationship is also refines the existing ones turning them into harmonious connections. "That feeling is a Secret. If you venture into the depth of this statement, you'll unearth its inherent Truth." - Neville Godard When one feels loved, loved deep within one starts manifesting relationships rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and intimacy. The Universe, like a Grand Symphony, responds to the notes of our heart.
"We attract what we are." - Dr. Wayne Dyer (Seminal Teachings: Often illustrated the concept that we don't attract what we want.) If you are fostering feelings of lack or resentment, the External World mirrors it in your relationships. On the other hand, when your core resonates with LOVE, the World reciprocates with partnerships filled with tenderness and joy. Consider the analogy of radio frequency, if you tune in the frequency of love, the songs of affections, warmth, and camaraderie will play in the theater of your life.
"Following one's bliss." - Joseph Campbell When you intertwine this bliss with Love, you are met with relationships that don't merely satisfy but elevate your spirit. However, vibrating with Love, isn't just awaiting a grand romantic gesture or discovering an idyllic partner. It begins with an intimate love affair with oneself.
"What you seek, is seeking you." - The Sage Rumi (Poet) When you start embracing your imperfections, celebrating your achievements, and loving the entirety of your being, you set a precedent for others to love you in the same magnitude. Yet, many individuals falter entrapped in the web of heartbreaks, letting past betrayals dictate their present. In such instances, it's pivotal to remember the teachings of Louise Hay who championed the Power of Affirmations by regularly affirming the line: "I am Love. I am worthy of love. And I attract loving relationships." You dissolve past wounds and clear the path for future love-filled engagements.
"When you release Love into the Ether, it doesn't dissipate but amplifies returning to you manifold." - Deepak Chopra beautifully articulates; (The Universe thrives on the Law of Reciprocity) This is not just a metaphysical principle but a testament experienced by countless individuals who has chose Love over bitterness, compassion over judgement. But how close one practically vibrate with Love in a World filled with skepticism and cynicism??? It begins with daily rituals. Starting your day with gratitude. For example, align your spirit with positivity. Its not just about being thankful for significant life events but, cherishing minor moments, a stranger's smile, a child's laugh, or the gently rustling of leaves. Practicing mindfulness & meditation where you center yourself in love can immensely elevate your frequency. Visualize your Heart as a radiant sun. Its ray filled with Love, extending and touching every soul in every corner of the World. Feel this Love returning to you like the ocean waves gently caressing the shore. Embracing acts of kindness WITHOUT EXPECTING reciprocations is another potent tool whether its aiding someone in need, lending an ear to a friend, or simply spreading cheer. These acts magnify the Love Vibrations within Yours. Remember, every individual you met is fighting a battle you know nothing of. By choosing Love, by vibrating at its frequency, you not only uplift your soul, but also brightens someone else's day. Your kind words or merely presence could be the sanctuary they've been yearning for.
"By aligning with love, you're not only attract ideal relationships, but experience a life brimming with miracles." - Esther Hicks (Channeling the wisdom of Abraham often emphasize the Importance of Alignment) Love isn't restricted. It's vast, encompassing friendships, familial bonds, and also relationships with pets and natures. "Being deeply loved gives you strength. Loving deeply gives you courage. When you vibrate with love, not only do you become a beacon of Hope and Warmth but you also harness the Bravery to face life's adventure and adversities." - Lasu Love isn't merely an emotion- it's your shield, your guiding star, your magic.
In conclusion, as you transverse through life's Myriad Paths, let Love be your Compass. Immerse in its magic. Vibrate in its frequency. And you'll manifest relationships that are not just fulfilling but DIVINE. Love has the alchemy to transform the mundane into the extraordinary. So wear it. Radiate it. And Let it's magic envelop your being. Drawing toward you, the dream relationships- you've always desired.
Embodying Love doesn't mean an absence of challenges... but with Love- as your anchor, even storms turn into melodies. When you vibrate with Love, Magic doesn't just happen... -It becomes your very essence.
Credits to: Law of Insights
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haruwrites21 · 11 months
Sealed with Love: 10 Memorable Quotes to Celebrate Your Engagement
In the journey of love, an engagement is a momentous milestone, marking a vital bond between two people in love. As this day is filled with excited anticipation, overwhelmed hearts and the first echoes of ‘forever’, encapsulating it adequately can be hard. This article brings together ten memorable engagement quotes that perfectly resonate with the unique magic of an engagement.
"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you." – Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"
This heartfelt Coelho quote plays into the beautiful sense of destiny that often accompanies true love. It encapsulates the emotion that every decision, every chance encounter, has led you to this incredible moment of commitment.
"You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought." – Arthur Conan Doyle, "The White Company"
Through the words of Arthur Conan Doyle, communicate to your beloved how integral they are to your existence. Their presence isn’t merely a part of your life; they encapsulate it wholly, illuminating even the remotest corners of your heart.
"In your light, I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems." – Rumi
This quote by Rumi, the master of mystic poetry, reflects your loved one's profound impact on your life, alluding to their inspiration and the beauty of your engagement in the most poetic manner.
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." – Aristotle
Aristotle’s philosophical angle on love beautifully sums up the fusion of two souls – an apt message for an engagement that celebrates the union of two individuals.
"We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine." – Eduardo Galeano
This playful yet profound quote by Galeano captures the transcendental experience of love. Engagement isn’t merely a tradition but a celebration of the intoxicating love that makes life extraordinary.
"Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever." – Audre Lorde
This quote, filled with depth and wisdom, inspires to love profoundly and earnestly, as if each moment is infinite.
"I’ve come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours." – Edward, "Sense and Sensibility"
This quote from the pages of a classic novel delivers the timeless emotion of surrender in love, embodying the commitment that engagement signifies.
"We loved with a love which was more than love." – Edgar Allan Poe, "Annabel Lee"
Express the expansive, boundless nature of your love, that refuses to be boxed and labeled, just as Edgar Allan Poe described in this passionate quote.
"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction." – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
This quote epitomizes the shared vision that becomes integral to your journey once you take the step towards engagement.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return." – Christian, Moulin Rouge
Rounding off with this simple yet profound quote, remind yourselves of the core essence of your engagement, which is to love and be truly loved.
Each of these quotes carries insight and sentiment that can embellish your engagement celebration with extra love and a touch of articulated emotion. As you select the words that echo your heart, may your engagement be just the beginning of a joyful journey towards a world filled with love and companionship.
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bitcofun · 2 years
This is a viewpoint editorial by Phil Snyder, teacher, video director and editor.According to Merriam-Webster, a nation-state is: "A type of political company under which a reasonably uniform individuals live in a sovereign state." Is that what Bitcoiners are-- or are ending up being? Like it or not, Bitcoiners are political by default. If you think in sound cash and act on that belief through investing funds, time, energy, intelligence, feeling and will into area, you remain in direct political opposition to the existing world system. Are we fairly uniformYes! If we enable that homogeneity can be an abstraction instead of restricted to physical hereditary origins. What binds us as a country is our shared loyalty to such everlasting worths as love, peace, fairness and liberty. What maintains us as a country is that we willingly send to the guideline of law embodied in the Bitcoin procedure-- a code of honor that rewards the practice of those worths and penalizes breaches of the agreement composed in that code. Do we populate a sovereign stateOnce again, I think that in the abstract the response is "yes." Bitcoiners, by meaning, are sovereign people. We state ourselves sovereigns over our own wealth and fates by avoiding the Keynesian economics design and its fiat cash system preserved in Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) that damages whatever it touches.We are what Abraham Lincoln explains in the Gettysburg Address as "... a brand-new country, developed in liberty and devoted to the proposal that all males are developed equivalent." This sort of talk is "fightin' words" when it reaches the ears of the King Georges of the world, who state themselves sovereign over us. We are revolutionaries in the real sense of the word and are at war with those who look for to shackle us. We dedicate no physical violence, our really presence and our believed criminal offenses are anathema to the fiat elites. We can indicate January 3, 2009, as the day the country was developed with the Genesis block. Ever since, we have actually been gestating and establishing as body and soul, concealed in the womb of cryptographic code and safeguarded from spying eyes. The day of birth is coming quickly with the requisite labor discomforts. It appears like we have gotten away the abortionist, however will we catch fear at the crisis of birth as opponents let loose all the weapons at their disposal? The ESG disinformation peddlers, the worldwide banking facility, their minions in federal governments and their vicious enforcers are not going to just state triumph and let us be on our method peace. There are some who broach forming a Bitcoin political celebration, which might sound proficient at initially, however Bitcoiners are global, people of the world. If you follow the sensible development, you might even state we currently have a world federal government, one that isn't beholden to any other federal government with goals of world supremacy. "Bitcoinia" is really sovereign, and that bestows on us the capacity to be sovereign people. We have, if you will, plural citizenship. I'm a person of the USA, of Bitcoinia, and the Kingdom of God (a.k.a., the Kingdom of Heaven). One is natural, one is digital and one is spiritual-- a trifecta of sovereign loyalties.As all of us understand, Bitcoin is something brand-new, special, and effective adequate to alter the world for the much better. I would state the very same for "Bitcoinians." As a country, we are likewise entirely distinct-- and yet we are the most varied union of individuals in history. There are numerous things we disagree on, i.e., how to evangelize nocoiners, what swear words to utilize as adjectives when explaining altcoin fraudsters, and simply just how much personal privacy we want to quit for institutional adoption and hyperbitcoinization. We are a not likely collection of a few of the most affluent, most well-read of every race and creed, together with a few of the unbanked poorest of the bad-- all
yearning to breathe the fresh air of liberty and consume the distilled water of our God-given liberty. We long to make our own life options, and not to be dealt with as goods by a cabal of amoral self-anointed overlords.Who, up until now, ever believed there could be an operating decentralized federal government with no totalitarian, president, or prime minister? Even in a libertarian's wildest dreams this may appear an impossibility. And yet, here we are. The possibilities are unlimited, and the capacity for excellent in this world "just" by repairing the cash are beyond determining. This isn't to state that this amazing procedure is a remedy for all the world's ills however is an excellent base from which to introduce 'till Christ returns.We have plentiful factors to be positive and even giddy at the potential customers of all that can and will be achieved in this transformation. We are witnesses and individuals in an unmatched historic turning with guarantees of ending limitless wars, around the world performance, and completely let loose financial success. How does that appearance in reality? Delight in the program, folks!This is a visitor post by Phil Snyder. Viewpoints revealed are completely their own and do not always show those of BTC Inc. or Bitcoin Magazine. Learn more
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Love Is Composed of One Soul Inhabiting the Same Body Chapter 13
He is a bit dehydrated, a lot malnourished. The doctors and nurses move around him while he keeps his eyes stubbornly shut
“Where did you come from?” One asks him.
He opens one eye. “From my mam and da, same as ye, I assume.” His eye closes again. They turn to the man that brought him in.
“He had a bit of a long journey. His mind is in the past. I know he speaks and talks a bit strange but, I assure you he isn’t a danger to himself or others. Just a very stubborn Scot.”
“And a very malnourished one. Mr. Beauchamp, where did he come from and what is your relationship to him?”
“He is my brother -in-law. My wife ‘s death hit him hard. He was quite close to his sister. They only had each other, you see. After, he lost himself a bit. I found him locked up, in himself. He just needs some time with family. I wanted to make sure he was alright, health wise.”
The doctor nods. “Eh, the death of a love one can hit hard. He is healthy, other then the malnourishment. We will treat that. Are you sure you and your family can handle the mental issues? We can keep him here if needed.”
Brian quickly shakes his head. “I appreciate the offer, truly but, the last thing he needs is to be physically locked away. The love of his family is what he needs.”
The doctor nods. “He isn’t a danger to himself or others so, we will keep him one night to get more of the IV nutrition in him and then you can take him home.”
“Thank you.”
Now he just needs to get his family back together.
“Jenny?” Ian sits up, rubbing his face, “What is wrong?”
She shakes her head. “I am sorry for waken you. I just had the strangest feeling that Claire..”
“You will think me draft?”
He draws her to his side. “Never my love. Please tell me.”
“That she was close. Close and received news that shocked her, her and Jamie. I know what the crown reported but, Ian, he is alive, alive and with Claire, he and Fergus. I know it.”
He nods. “Then so do I.”
They didn’t get much sleep. Both are trying to make the improbable fit into the reality that Brian lives, can travel and had rescued Murtagh and taken him so far into the future.
“And they want us to join them?” Jamie sits up on the side of their bed. Vaguely they hear a soft whine from Penny. Fergus responds in French to her and she quiets.
“How did Ned even receive a phone call through time? Is the crème de la Menthe that powerful? “ That she can’t answer and adds it to the list of stuff to ask Ned. He is coming by later that day.
“We will ask. Jamie, are we traveling into he future?”
His deep set eyes meet hers. “I would love to meet my father again, see Murtagh, have them meet our bairns. But Claire, you have made a home here. Would you wish to leave it?”
“Jamie, my home is wherever you are. Don’t you know that? Where you and our children are.”
He smiles and starts to respond when the squeal of Rory comes drifting in. He always wakes with enthusiasm, standing and shaking his cot until one of his parents or big brother fetches him.
“Mon petite Frere veux-tu voir Le chiot?”
After the struggle Bree had learning English, Claire was, at first, concerned that Fergus spoke French around them. But, her brilliant children had no problem becoming tri-lingual. Now Rory spoke and understand French as easily as he does English and Gaelic.
“Le chiot!” They hear the sounds of Fergus lifting him out of the cot, the double squeals as the little boy and puppy meet. Soon the lasses awake to it. They soon hear the sounds of all the children meeting Penny.
“We must join them.”
“Aye, I pray the puppy can travel.”
They greet Ned later that day. The children are in school except Rory. He sits and plays with Penny as his parents talk with the man he knows as Uncle Ned.
“How was the phone call even made?”
“Well Jamie, your father uses a crystal to travel. It is, apparently powerful enough to make phone calls across time.” He shrugs, not completely understanding himself.
“This whole situation is crazy so that makes as much sense as anything.” Claire shrugs back.
“The question, my loves, is are you joining them?”
“We have done naught but discuss it all night. Aye we are. How can we do less? I can’t deny the chance for da and Murtagh,” he stops, to broken up to go on.
“Daddy?” Rory climbs up on his lap. His chubby toddler hands frame his daddy’s face, “Sad?”
“No mo mhac. These are happy tears.”
“How Ned? How do we go about this and still make sure Lallybroch stays in Fraser hands?”
He looks from the sweet sight of Jamie and his son to Claire. “I shall set up a trust. It will state that Lallybroch will pass down to..” He looks to Jamie.
“Fergus. He is our eldest son.”
“Very good. To Fergus James Fraser and his descendants.”
“With provisions made for Faith, Brianna, Rory and, the other bairn.”
Ned looks to Claire and she nods. “We are expecting again.”
“Congratulations! Yes then, with the assurance that all the Fraser children will be seen to.”
Brian, sitting beside Murtagh ‘s hospital bed, fingers the crystal. He works it around his hand recalling his own da handing it to him.
“Mo mhac, it allows you to travel. You have inherited the ability. It will guide you to where you need to be and when. Don’t fear it, even though it is powerful magic. You will need it, I have seen that, aye, need it to help in the past and future.”
Now he understands what he meant. He is able to use it to travel through history and, as yesterday proved, make phone calls through time. He will use it to get his family, Claire who travels through stone and, Jamie who does the same through water, and their bairns and puppy, to this time.
Murtagh stirs and he turns to him. “Are they coming?”
“They are. Don’t fret, mo charaid, you will see Jamie and Claire again soon.”
He smiles, settling back against the bed. “Good, as will you.” Brian smiles bigger. To see his son again, the woman that completes him and his grandchildren. “Now, when can I get out of here?”
Brian laughs as he presses the call button. “Lets find out.”
“A trip? Can we take Penny?” Faith asks, holding the puppy tight.
They had told the children that they are going on a trip to meet their daddy’s Godfather and their grandsire.
“Aye, you remember when you and your mama went through the stones?”
The lassie’s eyes get big. “No daddy! We won’t leave you again! Bree doesn’t recall but responds to her sister’s distress. She wails out too. This gets Rory crying also. The puppy starts whimpering at the noise. It is pure chaos. Jamie and Claire share a look.
“Mo leanaban grádhach, never. Your daddy will never leave you again. I swear it.” He holds them all three in his arms. Claire picks up the whimpering Penny.
“Or you little girl.” The puppy calms as does her young mistresses and master. When all is quiet again, Jamie continues.
“The traveling will be something like that. But all of us. You, your mama, Fergus and, Penny.”
Ned, always a wonder, soon has all sorted. The estate will be held in trust for Fergus Fraser and his descendants. The upkeep covered with money for the other Fraser siblings.
“I will leave a copy at the Lallybroch of Jenny and Ian’s time.” He tells Jamie and Claire.
“She will know we are alright.” Claire is happy about that.
“Aye she will. I would like to leave a letter for her too.”
“That can be done. I will take it when I take the legal papers. “
Jamie sits down to write his sister. She had been no farther then ten miles away from Lallybroch her whole life. How to explain.. he smiles as it hits him.
“My Dearest Jenny,
I wrestled with how to explain all these to you. Then I recalled that you have heard of the Woman of Balmain. Claire, she is her. Truly. She came to me through the stones of Craig Ne Dunn. A fairy, eh. She had traveled from the year 1947. That is the time I sent her and the lasses back too. I thought they would be safe, they and the lad she carried in her womb.
It is where Fergus and I traveled to when I was drawn by the tale of the white witch. It is in that time where we are now. We have a lad, Rory and another child on the way. I don’t know how we traveled here. It might be because.
Janet, if I have your attention still, and you haven’t given me up as a madman, I’ve something else to tell you. It is about da.
He is a traveler also. Is not was. He lives Jenny! He lives and has called for us to join him. He and Murtagh. He rescued him from the prison. They are in an unknowable time of 2000.
Claire, the children and I, are preparing to join them.
Incredible, I know. But true, every word, I swear it. You may leave a reply behind the loose stone in the Lairds office, where you placed the silver coins.
Know we will always love you.
Your dearest brother
They hide away things they will need in the future. Legal papers, pictures of their family, certain toys and stuffies that their children can’t bear to part with. They are packed carefully. Neither know if they will be affected by time. A few seconds to them, is fifty years or so, in reality. They are hidden in a secret place in Lallybroch.
Ned joins them before the time arranged for Brian to call them. “It won’t be like you through the stone, Madonna or, you and Fergus through the water, Lord. Brian travels in a different way and helps people travel in the same way. Just stand together and think of him, Jamie. Claire, you think of Jamie. Ladies and young master, you keep your parents in your mind.”
“What of Penny?” Faith asks. In truth, he doesn’t know if the animal can travel.
“Hold tight to her. If she doesn’t go with you, I promise to see to her.”
She nods and holds the puppy tighter.
They wrap around each other, the children and their puppy, in the middle. Jamie holds Rory and Claire. Claire holds her girls, while Faith holds Penny and her sister. All connected.
Across a ocean of time and a literal ocean, Brian holds tight to the crystal and thinks of his family, of Jamie, his wife and bairns. It is a lot of people and a lot of time. He knows it will take a lot out of him.
They have left the hospital and are in a large hotel room. Murtagh watches nervously, as his mate calls for his family.
One second, they are in a huddle on the front garden of Lallybroch, the next they are gone. All of them.
Murtagh blinks hard at their sudden appearing. At he same time, Brian collapses, as if dead, on the floor.
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mindninjax · 3 years
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Ok Hellooooo I’ve decided to do it! Below are my long fic wips and lil summaries!
Here is the link to choose which one you think I should work on! There’s no pressure or anything haha I just need help focusing. The hype and excitement for Stardew Baku was actually very helpful in getting me to focus and finish it up so I’m hoping to have that happen for this next one too!
Anywhoo thanks in advance if you decide to pick one! They’re all Bakugo x reader.
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1.) Only if for a Night- the reincarnation Au (possible black reader)
When you sign up to become penpals for a year with another college student across the sea in Japan, you think it’s a great idea to share the book you’ve been captivated by the last few weeks. There’s something about it, something about the way the characters react to situations, something about how every word feels familiar, and something about how when you were finished every single one of your instincts told you to share this with your new hot headed penpal.
2.) I Know About Popular- Fake Dating Au
When Katsuki’s date for the Hero Gala pulls out at the last minute, he desperately searches for a new date that can fit into her dress. Luckily, one of the survey takers that works for him in the Sales department has just managed to snag a big time donation, knows how to speak to the public, and is the same size. What will he need to do to get you to be his date and pose as his girlfriend during the Gala?
3.) Untitled Band AU-(Black Reader)
Ready to go solo and get into composing and producing his own music, Katsuki is on the search for a singer to bring the song he’s been working on for months to life. He’s come up short in his search many times and right as he is about to give up he meets you, a down to earth, soulful young woman with a voice more lively and poetic than he’s ever heard.
4.) Aphrodisiac (villain Reader, Hero Katsuki)
The cat and mouse chase between you and Bakugo is finally coming to an end. He steps into your club to arrest you for all of your illegal drug activities. But one thing he doesn’t expect is how you’re always two steps ahead of him. Now an unwilling test subject for the new drug, he has to find a way to get out of this club safely. Giving in to the drug’s effects means partaking in sensual activities with you he’s sure he doesn’t want to be involved in. But the way your lips and body look under the flashing lights in the club, maybe he’s not as sure as he thinks.
5.) Eyes of a Child- (Deku x Reader, Bakugo x reader)
You meet pro hero Deku at a hotel bar on a rainy day and hit it off immediately.The romance grows fast and passionate and in a matter of months you find yourself head over heels in love with the pro hero. Your life looks splendid when you marry and start a family with him. But everything goes on pause when he’s ripped from you in a tragic accident. You’re left with raising a son who looks exactly like his father by yourself. And what’s worse? The man who was in love with your husband for years and despises you just showed up on your doorstep.
6.) Untitled Romantic Comedy
A date in the city with a mysteriously handsome man from Japan who refuses to tell you what his job is plunges you into the wildest ride of your life.After a one night stand, he leaves to go back to his own country and you’re left with a surprise of your own. Months later, you’re kidnapped and held hostage for ransom by a crazy villain wanting to lure the infamous Dynamight into a trap. Why would you being captured be bait for Dynamight? It might have something to do with the fact that you’re pregnant with his kid.
7.) Dragon Hybrid Katsu (Fantasy AU) (also black reader )
Promised to the Dragon Prince at birth, you’re stolen by a witch and lost to a new world where you forget your identity as the princess of a magical kingdom. Accustomed to the new modern world you live in, you become an animal scientist, earning a doctorate in animal behavior. On your way to an inhabited island where a new species of bird has been found, a storm crashes your ship and you wash up on the shores of the inhabited island. Once there, you find more than a new species of bird. A dragon inhabits the island. And you’re in trouble because he seems to be searching for you.
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Meet Alexirrhoia Seawind AKA “Momo Alexi” & Bonus~!!!
Hey every each and single one of you far-fetched and mind-blowing, talented artists and writers~ Listen I’m so sorry for not posting of my sketching and my drawings because I had to re-doing my first chapter of my story and I was trying to make my story to be amazing and awesome just like the other writers creating and making their stories unique but I won’t give up because I am still determined and hardworking but anyway I am posting of my brand-new womanlike deep-troll which I adopt her from @ameliaongaku​ because when I saw this fanciable and irresistible character, I am always thinking and rethinking yet imaging of her as an drop-dead gorgeous and stunningly talented gigantic deep-troll and one of adopted adoring nannas for my oc’s. But still anyways again, I would like all of you artists and writers meet... “Alexirrhoia Seawind” AKA.... “Momo Alexi”~   
Alexirrhoia f Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek verb ἀλέξω (alexo) meaning "to defend" as well as "to help" combined with the Greek noun ῥοία (rhoia) meaning "flow, flux", which is related to the Greek noun ῥοή (rhoe) meaning "river, stream".      
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“Momo Alexi/or “Momo” is a good-natured, openhearted & warmhearted, and composed womanlike deep troll who is walk down the aisle and join in matrimony with “Papo Rimulus Islandshore”, the deceased-topmost commanding officer of “City of The Isolated Coast” & “Village of Cold Water Shore”, and the commanding ruler of the mother country of “Wards of the Serpent”, the clan of “The Kinsfolks of The Sea Serpent Trolls”. She and her adopted daughter “Doctor Halimeda Seawind” who is one of the most skilled and well-trained healers and female/or womanlike doctors from “Angelvale Riverstones General Hospital” just like her beloved adoptive mother~ Yet unrelated manners and natures but then again, they’re still care about each other and love each other at the same time with mother’s and daughter’s relationships~! Momo is extremely knowledgeable and sharp-witted, kindhearted, and extremely composed and cool as a cucumber womanlike deep troll with a soft-spoken and well-educated personality. Good-natured and pleasant, fascinating, and sympathetic from her natures as becoming the age-old enchantress in City of The Isolated Coast along with her renowned and notable chief as both of them were also self-sacrificing and unstinting, and primordial newlyweds until one day, she’s, her mate and her adopted daughter were attacked, cursed and put to death by the shadowlike and diabolical creatures from other-side of netherworld-like realms as all of them and their mother country demolish by one of them. And now she’s and her loved ones were inhabited in “Crystal Lake Burial Grounds” and “Sea Breeze Burial Grounds” as both of them and few of her adopted folks and ancestors are now dwelled in “Crystal Lake Burial Grounds” better known as “Temples of Crystal Lake”.”                             
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“Doctor Halimeda Seawind, the secondhand chief of Angelvale Riverstones General Hospital in City of The Isolated Coast. Extremely knowledgeable and sharp-witted, well-trained, and gifted just like her adopted parents yet however she is scornful & full of contempt, and a bit of bad-tempered but then again, she is softhearted & good-hearted, compassionate, and concerned young woman who’ve united in wedlock with “Captain Quicksilver Slivershore”, the son of “Captain Noelle Snowstone” and “Shayleigh Seawing” & “Neha Gemdale”, the niece of “Herb Turtlemello” and “Shizue Crystalbriar”. She is a bit mean-looking and intimidating but then again, she is extremely maternal and nurturing, and devoted doctor with a unexcitable and composed natures from her body and her soul. After got cursed and put to death by the shadowlike and diabolical creatures from other-side of netherworld-like realms along with her folks and her loved ones, her hometown, she is still working as doctor at one of the abandoned hospitals, “Big River Hospital” in Temples of Crystal Lake but also working at “Test Center/Lab of The Diminishment of Gemology (Study of Gems)��� & “The Soul Apothecary”, the enchanted and oversized yet extremely longstanding and age-old apothecary of the unknown deep-rooted and ageless medicines and drugs, potions and poisons, and also, herbs and spices, and jars of extremely age-old spirits and ageless ghosts from other-side netherworld like realms.” 
Well I hope y’all like/or love of the post I’ve made and also, sorry I didn’t making posts again because I’ve got so busy of trying to thinking and rethinking of updating my ocs, trying to finish the other stories of my, and other stuffs but then again, I am thinking I am going to taking a break today and relaxing myself for today and tomorrow as I going to listening to music and watching movie and also, a nap too. But anyway, I am really, and exceedingly hope you artistes and playwrights have a fascinating long weekend in summer breaks, see you later, bon voyage and hasta la vista!  😁😁😁                        
The beautiful and adoring drawing and Dolphin Trolls belongs to @boxcat0-xiaolin-hina​
The gorgeous drawing and Deep Trolls belongs to @ameliaongaku​ and @xyuniconnijix​​
Alexirrhoia Seawind/Momo Alexi and Doctor Halimeda Seawind belongs to @gloomycherub-mysterious/ @sullenwriter-log/ @glazedwriter-mystery0014​           
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sxfik · 3 years
the real quote from aristotle is “love is composed of single soul inhabiting two bodies,” which i interpreted as similar to “whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” it also connects to the greek legend that states that humans started as one whole but then the souls split in half, destined to spend our lives searching for the other half. i interpreted as a semi-confession, telling him that she is whole with him and when he gets hurt, she can now feel it as they share the same soul.
(posted this on twitter but i’m also reposting on here bc i am unoriginal)
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[ More info below the cut! ]
Due to popular demand, I finally made a ref sheet for the species my Swap Benrey’s belongs to- the Errantel. 
Their name, originally, had no human translation, since they are not from Earth. Benrey himself describes it as loosely translating to “Unkillable hobo”, though Tommy thought it was too long, and seemed... rude, almost. So, with the help of his friend Forzen, they came up with the term Errantel; a combination of the words for “immortal wanderer” in french. 
Biologically, Errentel are very interesting species, as they’ve earned their reputation for being “unkillable”. They’re essentially the equivalent of giant, interdimensional tardigrades. They can withstand nearly all conditions- the vacuum of space, temperatures hot enough to usually make things combust, and temperatures nearing true zero. This grants them safety when they manage to worm their way through dimensions and travel to different planets that might be otherwise inhabitable. 
Not only that, but they are also proficient at rudimentary “shapeshifting”- they can compress and expand the mass of their form, ranging from very very small to extremely large; rivaling skyscrapers. Their average size is normally a healthy in between- the size of a two-story house (the size that Benrey took during the final battle). 
They can also shift the amount of limbs, mouths, eyes, and other features they possess, with some restrictions mentioned above. This allows Benrey to take an arguably very humanlike form to better fit in with his coworkers.  Their diet is extremely varied. Their near unkillable state and rapid healing is because of their physiology. In short- their body is made of completely different things than ours, so they need a wide range of nutrients and minerals to stay healthy and unkillable. This is what causes the most competition amongst them- sometimes even eating other Errantels for the specific nutrients in their bodies. 
Socially, they’re sapient; generally human-level intelligence, sometimes slightly above (mostly due to their outstanding lifespans). How they are seen, however, varies wildly between dimensions, planets, species and societies. In some places, they’re considered normal people. They could, arguably, wander into a space McDonald’s and get a job, and be treated as a normal person. In other places, they’re considered wild beasts, to be avoided or even hunted for sport. 
Amongst their own species, they’re pretty extreme. Honestly, because of their extreme lifespans and nearly unkillable status, the only thing keeping their population in check is... well, their own species, and the fact that they’re so widespread. 
When an Errantel meets another (or honestly, any species they see as ‘equals’), they see them as competition. Rivals, in a sense. One of the few things that can truly threaten them. And so, their main goal is to remove that competition by any means necessary. This can go one of three ways:
Put enough distance between them that they don’t have to compete. This is pretty easily done, considering they can worm through dimensions and travel through the void of space to reach entirely new planets.
Kill each other. Errantels are, unfortunately, highly cannibalistic. The can and will eat other Errantels if they see them as threats, or even as weaker. Some of them will even eat their eggs and young in times of duress or if they simply don’t want to have any at the moment. 
Become partners. And I don’t put that lightly- Errantel ‘partnerships’ are almost complete codependency; putting their full trust, safety, heart and soul into each other. They’ll trust each other with their lives, share their food, young- and even other partners. It’s not unusual to have a group of 2-5 Errantels all in a polyamorous partnership. This eliminates the competition and threat of death through a much more friendly way.
So, a meeting between two Errantels usually starts as a long winded display at a distance, dancing around each other and judging whether or not they’re going to partner up, fight, or flee. There are no half-measures among them- you will almost never see two Errantel hanging out together for fun. Though, of course, in a social situation, most of them can behave long enough to share a space in a formal environment (think about having to go to a meeting with your ex. Sure, you don’t like it and there’s tension, but you put up with it for formalities). 
When communicating, Errantels use a communication system composed of a high-dense light, sound, and color they can expel from their mouth, which can help communicate emotions both visually and sensually (”Sweet voice”). My guide for Sweet Voice is the same one I use for the Errantels.  They’re very intelligent, however, and commonly learn other languages as well. 
When it comes to reproducing, Errantel can go two ways. They can reproduce both sexually and asexually! All Errantels have both bits, so any Errantell can reproduce with another. When done sexually, it’s pretty much only ever with those they’ve partnered with- there’s very little ‘infidelity’ amongst partnerships, or even one night stands for single Errantels. The children produced are just like humans in where they can have features of both parents, though other mutations are pretty common. 
When done asexually, it is something they can choose to do if they want a child but either don’t have any partners, or their partner can’t reproduce for some reason. Young produced this way are usually very similar to the parent- if not identical- but not always! Due to variations in DNA and self-alteration of sexual cells, as well as mutations, asexually produced young are usually slightly-off versions of the parent. Joshua, for example, was created this way- he’s almost identical to Benrey in every way except for a slightly different skin tone, and different colored eyes. 
Also, because they don’t differ at all between what’s in their pants and travel so many dimensions, Errantel have little care for gender or how they’re perceived. Most will go by whatever neutral pronouns a language has, or will simply use any pronoun- though of course, some do enjoy being gendered and are free to do so. 
Errantels also lay eggs. They’re usually in batches of 1-3; any larger and you risk the parents eating the extras to save resources. They’re usually the size of chicken eggs, and Errantel will often shift down smaller during this to hide away and go unnoticed. 
A freshly hatched Errantel simply looks like a very small adult- except for the fact that their ‘fur’ is white instead of black, and they’re usually much more covered in it. As they become juveniles, their white fur quickly starts molting away into the signature black color. 
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Once their fur is molted into being fully black, they’re technically able to survive on their own. However, good parents often keep them around much longer than this, until they’ve reached full and true maturity. Once they’re old enough, they usually voluntarily leave to go find their own territories and partnerships!
 Errantels can continue to breed throughout their whole lifetimes, and so their territory will often be surrounded by the territories of their children- and so each child reared often has farther and farther to travel to reach an uninhabited space. This can be quite dangerous, but most make it. And thus,  the whole cycle starts again!
So this is what your Benrey is? Sort of. Mainly just my Swap AU Benrey and Joshua- my other Benreys are all completely different, really.
What the fuck is your Swap AU? It’s my Roleswap AU for HLVRAI. Benrey is the scientist and Gordon is the guard, etc etc. You can find out more about it here, and this is the tag I have for it on my tumblr!
Can I make an OC of this species? Fuck yeah! Go nuts, dude! The only thing I ask of you is that 1) You give credit if anyone asks what they are, and 2) send them to me! I’d love to see them! 
If I do make an OC/Use this species, does it have to be HLVRAI? Nope. Because they travel dimensions, they can arguably appear in any media- if you want you can use them for anything. Original universes, other fandoms, other AUs of any sort, etc etc! Same rules apply as above- credit, and I’d like to see them!
Can they be albino/melanistic/piebald? I’m gonna say yes because it’s cool as hell. Love that shit.
My question isn’t answered here! Help??? I have an ask box and you are 100% welcome to use it! I’d love to talk more about these guys and anything I didn’t cover.
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youngster-monster · 3 years
I’ll take it all
After Anasterian Sunstrider is dealt a mortal wound in battle, he calls for his son from his deathbed.
“You must rule,” he says, voice rasping with pain, “With kindness, with honor, and with fairness. Only then will you be worthy of this crown.”
But Prince Kael’thas is young, with a heart set on magic and learning. He does not wish to rule. His sense duty bars him from giving up the crown; so he chooses another way out.
The healers said the king could not be healed by any mortal means. He goes to seek elsewhere.
Deep within the darkest forest of the land, where the moon never sets, there lives a demon. One must be brave, to make the trip, or very foolish, for the forest holds many dangers besides. But with courage and strength, one may find their way to the heart of this forest, and ask the demon for a service; and if one is very lucky, the demon may agree to it.
Kael’thas is young enough to believe himself invincible. But he is also one of the most brilliant mages in the kingdom, and a powerful warrior, enough that his bravery is set in more than youthful naivety.
He sets off at midnight with nothing more than the fastest horse of the royal stables and a sword. He rides without pause for a full day and night, through hills and forests, and knows himself to have reached his goal when hours pass and the moon never lowers in the sky. The darkness has a weight, here; a deep magic that stretches like spiderwebs between the trees and glints silver under the everlasting stars.
Following the trail of this magic, the prince comes to find a clearing, at the center of which stands a house of black stones and dark wood. A single lit lantern announces that it is inhabited; but the stillness inside tells that the occupant must be very lonely indeed.
Kael’thas composes himself, breathing in deep. Don’t forget to be polite, the voice of his best friend warns in his mind. You cannot be rude to a wish-granting demon.
As if he would ever do such a thing.
Walking directly to the unguarded house, Kael’thas slams the heavy knocker upon the door thrice, and waits.
And waits.
Just as he is about to knock again — perhaps call out loud, since this demon must be hard of hearing — the door creaks open, with a sound like a wail.
“Who comes to disturb my rest?”
The sickly green light of the lantern does not reach inside the house, so that the disembodied voice seems to come from the darkness itself.
“My name is Kael’thas Sunstrider,” he says, “And I come seeking help from one we call a demon.”
Slowly, footsteps echo across the stillness — oddly sharp, like cloven hooves upon a stone floor. A faint glow the same hue as the magical light comes to breach the darkness, in odd twisted shapes like thorn vines and, higher still, like two eyes.
“Have you not been warned, Kael’thas Sunstrider, to never give your name to creatures you so readily insult by calling them demons?”
“It’s a risk I am willing to take for the sake of a proper introduction, and as long as I stand here alive I will consider it a risk worth taking.”
The darkness rumbles with something akin to a laugh, getting nearer, until Kael’thas can start to make out a shape. First he sees the horns, tall and curved and glinting like metal; then teeth, bared by speech; a chest carved with glowing markings; and wings, shifting like living shadows behind the creature; until finally all of him is visible.
He looks the part for a demon, Kael’thas muses; but he looks rather like a man, too.
“What is it that you seek, to come so far from the light?”
“A miracle cure for my father, who was wounded in the war.”
The demon tilts his head, considering. Then he says, “Come, then.”
And he walks right past Kael’thas, past the cover of trees and deep within the forest. The prince hurries to follow after him.
They walk, the demons with confidence and Kael’thas with confusion, until they reach a tree. It is old, Kael’thas can tell, large enough that it might take him many minutes to walk around its trunks and nearly humming with the force of its innate magic. The demon strides up to it and gouges into the bark with a swipe of his claws. The tree bleeds red; and it shines like blood under the moonlight.
“Pour this over his wounds,” he says, gesturing to the sap, “And he will heal.”
Kael’thas looks at the dark liquid, then at the demon, and says, “I have no vessel to carry it in.” Only his water skin, which he could empty easily enough; but it seems unwise to take from a demon and offer nothing in return. One never knows when the demon will want to call on this debt.
“Then you will work for me for three night and three days, and I shall give you one,” says the demon, and nothing more.
It’s only after Kael’thas agrees that he realizes there are no days here, and the moon never shifts or changes; and he thinks himself very foolish indeed for agreeing to a contract that has no end, when his father is lying in agony and might pass the veil at any moment.
But there is no going back.
For hours the demon has him do menial tasks. Fetch water; gather firewood; weed the garden into which nothing else grows. He never lets Kael’thas inside of the house, not once in the many hours of labor. And Kael’thas doesn’t complain, not once; not even as he rages against his own stupidity, and schemes his escape. But as much as the demon seems absent more often than not; but whenever Kael’thas comes closer to the house, he appears as if from nowhere, and sends him to another task.
For three days and three nights he neither sleeps nor eats nor has the need to do either. For three days and three nights he hopes, desperately, to find a way out.
But at the hour at which the fourth dawn should have broken, and despite the full moon remaining unchanged above their heads, the demon comes to Kael’thas and offers him a glass vial filled with the blood-dark sap.
“Be on your way,” the demon says, “And never comes back.”
Kael’thas rides hard and fast through the trees until he finds dawn; then through the forests and the hills, all the way back home again. Not once does he look back.
And he would have stayed away, too, if months later sickness had not swept through his kingdom. Their healers work tirelessly; but dead bodies litter the streets, and the sky is choked with smoke from the pyres, and Kael’thas knows if they ever find a cure, it will be too late.
He remembers the path to the forest, through the trees, under the moon and all the way to the clearing with the black stone house. He knocks; he waits.
And waits.
The door creaks open, and the same low voice asks, “Who comes to disturb my rest?”
“It is Kael’thas Sunstrider,” he says, “Who seeks a cure for the plague.”
There is a beat of silence, then, “Follow me.”
They walk through the forest until they reach a pond, by which grows a bush of white flowers that shine like diamonds.
“Crush these,” the demon says, “And give the sick water infused with the powder. They will heal.”
But Kael’thas is no more likely to accept a one-sided deal now than he was last time, and he says, “I have no box in which to store them safely during my travels.”
“Then you will work for me for three night and three days, and I shall give you one,” says the demon, and nothing more.
Once hardly makes a pattern, but Kael’thas still trusts that the demon will release him after the allotted time. So he works, without complaints and without fear, as the demon has him sweep the path leading to the house and pick the rocks from the garden where nothing grows, not even weeds.
Still he doesn’t come too close to the house; still the demon does not speak to him beyond handing him tasks; and still, at the dawn of the fourth day, the demon comes to him with a tin box filled with flowers, and sends him on his way.
The third time is what makes it a habit.
Jaina has refused his proposal; she loves another, she said, and it broke Kael’thas’ heart.
For weeks he is inconsolable. Elves live long lives, and are slow to change; he would have mourned this love for many weeks more if, one night, he had not woken up from a nightmare to find the full moon staring down on him.
Another man would have gone back to sleep, or perhaps waxed poetics about the unfeeling face of the moon. But Kael’thas is a man who rode twice to the heart of the night and came back with a boon each time; he sees the moon, and thinks of a black house among trees.
What is a heartbreak but a wound? What is heartsickness but a plague of the soul?
This time, the door opens before he even reaches it. The demon looks at him in silence; Kael’thas swallows past the pain in his throat, and whispers:
“Once again I come to your front step, asking for a cure for love unrequited.”
Something flashes across the demon’s face, impossible to read in the gloom. He gestures at Kael’thas to follow and leads him around the house, to the small garden where nothing grows. He has him dig in the soft dirt and scatter seeds in the holes; then he makes him carry star-strewn water from the stream, through the tangled roots of the forest.
After three days, the demon empties what little of the water is left after taking care of the garden into a gold-rimmed cup, and offers it to Kael’thas.
“Drink this,” he says. “Your heart will mend, and grow stronger for the breaking.”
Kael’thas drinks. The water tastes cool and sweet.
When he leaves the forest of never ending night, the dawn that breaks seems to him to be the first in years rather than days; and it is all the more beautiful for it.
After this Kael’thas starts to find excuses to travel to the moonlit forest. He comes asking for a book that does not exist, and the demon finds it; he comes asking for a sword of sunlight, and the demon gives it to him; he comes asking for anything that comes to mind, pays the toll of labor and leaves, up until the demon opens the door and says,
“Oh, it’s you again.”
And Kael’thas replies, “Who else could it be? It’s not like you have many visitors.”
“Maybe I like it that way. What is it that you want, now?”
Kael’thas thinks for a long time, staring at the demon, and then says, “I seek a name that belongs to a demon in a black house in the forest of night.”
The demon looks slightly distressed at that.
“Is there nothing else you want?”
“Only this knowledge.”
The demon makes him weed the garden again, urging him to be careful of the new growth there, before he tells him his name.
“I was once known as Illidan,” he says begrudgingly.
“What good is a name when there is no one to know it?”
“There is me, now.” Kael’thas grins then, looking up at him, and says, “I have your name and you have mine. Won’t you invite me in, as the rules of hospitality demand?”
Illidan looks, for a second, like he might kick him out of the clearing for good. But in the end he only heaves a sigh, and waves him inside.
The house is dark inside — what use has a blind demon for light, after all? But after Kael’thas has bumped into one piece of furniture too many, he waves his fingers and flames flares to life in the fireplace.
“What do you want, then?”
“Must I always want something?” Kael’thas asks absently, looking around himself. There are books everywhere: piled on the floor, the seats, the table, overflowing from the shelves. He supposes there’s little else to do with one’s time, when one is a demon living alone in a black house in a forest of eternal night. Though he does wonder how a blind demon reads.
“You generally do.”
“That is fair.” Considering the question for a moment, he finally says, “A conversation.”
“Make yourself useful, then, and boil water for the tea.”
Kael’thas comes to ask for many more conversations after that first one — and though Illidan never offers them freely, the price is always easy to pay.
All Illidan ever asks for is for him to boil water, or clear some space to sit, or grab a book for him. Eventually he brings himself to ask Kael’thas to read for him; some he knows by heart, and will mouth the words as they are said, but most he listens to in silence. It’s Kael’thas who stops, usually, to ask a question or start a debate over what he’s reading.
Illidan is brilliant, he finds — with a mind like a steel trap, and a sharp tongue that he seems reluctant to use.
“Words have power,” he says when Kael’thas mentions this. “And power should not be wielded carelessly.”
Kael’thas, who’s notorious for speaking before he thinks of the full implications of what he’s saying, nods and continues the paragraph he stopped in the middle of.
Illidan is brilliant, a scholar, and old enough to speak of history as if he has lived it personally. Kael’thas learns all of this and then more, and each new information feels like a theft — as if, by not paying the meagre price Illidan insists on making him pay for everything else, he has taken something from him.
So he tries to offer payment instead, though he does not voice it as such. One of the ways he does this is by cooking. Kael’thas is not a good cook by any measure; but one of the things he’s discovered about Illidan during their many conversations is that the man is terrible at it. He eats mostly meat, raw or charred over the fire, that he has hunted himself in the depths of the woods.
“Is that why your garden was barren when I first came?” He asks idly over the root vegetables he’s currently peeling. They have odd shapes and colors, but they taste remarkably the same as the carrots he eats back home, so he decided that’s what they must be.
Illidan stares through the window as he answers.
“No. I tried once, and nothing grew. I did not believe it worth it to try again.”
“What changed?”
A pause. “I found that I… enjoy repetition, in the right context.”
Kael’thas says nothing for a long time. When he speaks again, it’s to change the subject — it’s easier on the both of them.
“For as long as I’ve stayed here,” he says, “I’ve never needed to eat.”
“But you stay for very little time, when compared to me, and all that lives must eventually eat.”
Was Illidan changed, he wonders, by this strange halfway land he resides in? Or what he already like this when he came, and it is the land that changed around him? Surely there wasn’t always a forest of night in the heart of their kingdom; surely it was not always inhabited by a demon. One or the other must have come first.
The next time Kael’thas comes, he brings something in anticipation of the payment he must make. Pastries from the capital: sweet and buttery, something he’s sure Illidan has not tasted in a long time.
He has an important question to ask — or rather, something that will lead to an important question, later.
“What do you seek here?” Illidan asks, as he always does when he opens the door.
“An answer.” Kael’thas thrusts the box of pastries at Illidan. “And before you ask, I brought payment already. Let’s get inside: your garden will survive not being weeded for a day.”
They sit, and after allowing the demon a few moments to taste the pastries and looking away so as to not witness the emotions warring across his face, Kael’thas asks:
“Why must I pay, every time I come?”
He keeps his tone neutral, because in truth he is more curious than insulted by the practice. Demons must have their quirks, and he cannot entirely shake off his initial fear of a bargain struck but left open-ended.
Illidan tilts his head so that his long hair covers his face slightly, and his voice sounds rough when he replies.
“It can never be a gift. Only a trade or a theft.”
“Gifts are like curses — easy to give, hard to get rid of, impossible to change. Powerful. They’re dangerous.”
“And me bringing you food in exchange for conversation makes them… less so?”
Illidan looks away then, fully hiding his expression behind the curtain of his hair. “I do not like to owe people — or to have others owe me. It is easier, that way, to have every payment upfront.”
“What a terribly mercenary way to look at things.”
“Perhaps, but it has served me well.” When he faces Kael’thas again, he is smirking. “But this offering of yours has paid for more than a single question, I would say. What would you like to talk about?”
There are many things Kael’thas would like to ask about. Who took too much from you? What more can I offer you? Where do you come from, what are you doing here?
But he will not ask; this, he thinks, must be offered freely.
“That first time — would you have let me leave with the sap, just like that?”
Illidan shrugs, still smiling. “You feared me then. You would have thought keeping your life a sufficient payment in exchange for it, and it certainly would have made you leave quicker.”
How glad he is to have been too stupid to be truly afraid, now.
Kael’thas makes the trip to the moonlit forest one last time. He glances at the flourishing garden; he knocks on the black wood door.
When Illidan opens it, his usual greeting on his lips already, Kael’thas takes a step back and digs his hand under his cloak.
He doesn’t know what is on his face; only that Illidan’s face falls at the sight of it. But this must be done. Kael’thas will not be trapped into a life of bargaining, but he cannot keep on taking without ever giving something back.
“What do you bear?” Illidan asks blandly, in the way one would ask about a particularly cumbersome burden.
Kael’thas offers his hands, and bows over it. Between his fingers he holds a single flower, the petals pale pink with veins of gold. Beloved’s blossom; a flower often exchanged between lovers, as a proposal. He held a similar one out for Jaina, an eternity ago.
“A heart,” he says softly, though he does not allow himself to be quiet. This is not a vow to be whispered and lost in the wind. “Freely given, for you to keep or to let go as you please.”
“What do you ask in return?”
Glancing up through his lashes, he sees a small, bitter smile on Illidan’s face. “You bring me a gift,” he says, like it’s poison on his tongue.
“I am a selfish man, Illidan. I wished my father saved, my people cured, my heart mended, my days filled with your company; all this you have given me. Now I want to tell you I love you; I will have this too.” His uncomfortable bow makes talking awkward, but he refuses to straighten up until Illidan has either accepted his gift or closed his door to him forever.
Slowly, so slow it’s torture, a hand comes to cover his. Clawtips prickle the soft skin of the inside of his wrist. “Have you not been warned, Kael’thas Sunstrider, to never give your heart to creatures who could so easily break it?”
“It will only be stronger for the breaking.”
“Do you seek to see it broken again, then?”
“No. But it’s a risk worth taking, for the chance to see what you would do with it if given the chance.” He hopes for care; but it is only a hope, and he would not dare to make a request of it.
Illidan’s hand closes over his, and he can feel it shake slightly as the demon sighs deeply.
“Come inside, Kael,” he says softly. “The night is cold, and your heart is dear to me. I would not like to see it freeze.”
Smiling triumphantly, Kael’thas follows him in.
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etoileholland · 4 years
I'd gladly surrender myself to you, body and soul
 Anonymous asked: I’ve always loved this idea. A lonely Tom wanders into an old jazz club where reader is a last minute substitute sultry singer. The two lock eyes and reader makes the first move by getting flirty during her song and Tom is desperate to find her after the show.
Pairing: Tom and female reader
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: none
A/N: I loved this idea too, thank you so much for requesting it! I really hope you enjoy it and I hope I did it justice. As always, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
Also the songs I used in order were: Crazy He Calls Me by Billie Holliday, Autumn Leaves by Nat King Cole and Why Don’t You Do Right? by Benny Goodman (all song lyrics are italicised)
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Tom solemnly walked down the streets of Greenwich Village in New York, his coat collar popped to attempt to conceal his face, which also helped provide some warmth against the chilling autumn wind. It was nearly midnight, and Tom was enjoying some solace in a city that never sleeps.
He hadn’t wanted to be bothered by anyone, while at the same time wanting people to care. Since fame, he’s grown increasingly lonely as people cared less about him and more about the idea of him.
Looking up at the vast skyscrapers and massive apartment buildings that lined the streets, he wondered how many of their inhabitants felt as lonely as he, a thought he pondered for a while.
Tom took solace in knowing that many of the loneliest and most talented people have spent time and come from this city, and somehow that was a comforting thought. In the distance he heard some smooth jazz echoing in the streets, and as he walked down Seventh Avenue, the music grew louder. A few blocks down, he was standing in front of an old jazz club- its name, ‘Village Vanguard’. The name of the club was illuminated in a red neon glow that was a stark difference to the noir of the night sky.
Hesitantly, he gently pushed open the red doors and was met with an intense red lighting illuminating the club, the smell of cigar smoke lingering in the atmosphere. The club was intimate, maybe only fifty seats, and on the wall were photos of famous jazz musicians who’ve performed here. He wandered over to the bartender who was talking to an older gentleman about something pressing. He took a seat right nearby the talking strangers, slightly eavesdropping in on their conversation.
“What do you mean he’s out sick? I know that kid is lying to me.” The older gentleman stated. He was a hefty gentleman who spoke with a dangling pipe in his mouth, not caring that small particles of ash floated downwards onto the bar table. He wore a gold ring on his pinky and had a deep bellowing voice.
“Listen, all I know is he texted me and said he can’t make it, but he knows of a replacement. He called her a ‘throwback to the golden era of jazz’, with a voice as sweet and sultry as honey. He promised he wouldn’t let you down.” He poured some scotch into a glass, added ice and slid it over to Tom.
“Um how did you know-”
“I have a gift, I know what everyone’s usual is without even knowing them.” The bartender interrupted, his gaze shifting back to the older man.
“He better not be lying to me, that idiot kid. God if he weren’t my grandson I would’ve fired him immediately.” He downed his drink and looked at Tom, who instantly tensed up.
“Where are you from kid?” The gentleman puffed on his cigar, allowing the smoke to sit in his lungs a second before blowing it into the bartender’s face.
“So what brings you here to New York, Londoner?”
Tom took a second to contemplate the man’s question, deciding whether or not he should tell the truth. “I was looking for a change of scenery, I suppose. And tonight I was wandering around for a bit and stumbled upon this place.”
“Well you stumbled into the right place, ya classy man. Ya like jazz?” He asked as he took another puff of his cigar.
“I’ve heard some songs but I’m not the most avid listener.” Tom swirled the glass in his hands, the ice clinking against the glass.
“Oh after this you will, jazz has to be listened to live, you see. You need to feel the energy coming from the percussions and brass, and bask in the aura. It’s an otherworldly experience.” He patted Tom on the back and he nearly choked.
“I’ll take your word for it.” Tom added as he downed his drink. The bartender was quick to pour Tom another drink, sliding it over to him.
“Where is this replacement, huh?” The man asked as the bartender pulled out his phone. “Should be here any minute according to him.” He stuffed it back in his pocket before resuming his work.
The front door swung open and Tom, along with everyone else, looked at the figure who sauntered into the room. You were wearing a long evening gown and heels, neck adorned with jewelry. Your hair was up in a vintage updo with little tendrils of hair framing your face. The men howled and whistled at you, and you playfully rolled your eyes. Your eyes then scanned the room as you looked for the owner of the establishment that your friend described to you. Deciding to ask the bartender, you moseyed over to him.
“Excuse me; I’m looking for a gentleman named Tony. I’m the replacement singer for tonight.” Your voice was low and sultry, matching the ‘honey’ description. Tom was mesmerized by your plump red lips, and he couldn’t tear his gaze away.
“Well you found him, I’m Tony.” He grabbed your hand, lightly caressing it before kissing the top of it. Your gaze met the bartender’s as he slid a drink over to you.
“Hmm, gin and tonic, how’d you know?” You took a long sip while the men gazed at you, the bartender raising an eyebrow. To say you were entrancing was an understatement, and they all watched your lips hug the rim around the glass. You finished the drink and set the glass on the bar table.
“You never did tell us your name.” The bartender smirked, your lips curling up slightly. “Y/N.”
A beautiful name for a beautiful girl, Tom thought. You noticed him looking at you and you smiled.
“You never did tell me your name, darling.” You looked right into Tom’s eyes and smiled, making sure to emphasize the last word.
Tom gulped, attempting to match your sultry and seductive energy. “It’s Tom.” He took a drink of his scotch and your eyes glinted in the red lighting.
“Enchanté, London boy.” You winked, playfully tilting your head to the side. Tom looked at you curiously when you guessed where he was from, and you smirked. Already loving the attention that he was feeding you, you made sure to keep his focus solely on you. Returning your gaze to Tony, you let out a breathy sigh before asking, “Well, when do I go on?”
“Right now princess, go talk to Big Louis over there on the piano and let him know you’re ready.” The men watched you walk away, making sure you were out of earshot before speaking.
“Say, if I didn’t know any better son, I would think you’ve already fallen in love with her.” Tony remarked, swirling his drink in his hand before taking a sip.
“Maybe so.” Tom stated as he leaned onto the bar table.
“I hate to break it to you but you have no chance.” Tony paused, looking over his shoulder as if he expected someone to be eavesdropping in on their conversation. “I’ve heard my grandson gush about her nonstop but they never got together. This is the first time I’ve ever met her and I now see why he chased after her pathetically.” He paused, taking a sip of his brandy.
“Apparently, at least according to my grandson, she doesn’t bother finding love. She knows that there’s no man good enough, and she’s right. Look at her and tell me there’s anyone worthy enough to love that.” He downed his third drink of the night and motioned for the bartender to pass him a glass of water.
Tom, looking down at his hands which were clutching the glass, began to ponder what the man said. He wondered if the man was right, since his grandson apparently is quite familiar with you. The way you looked at him though said otherwise, and he held onto the tiny bit of hope that maybe you were as mesmerized by him as he were you.
The men watched you saunter over to Louis on the piano, lightly placing your hand on his back as you whispered in his ear. You bent down slowly and you felt the gaze of fifty people on you. Louis got up from the stool and you sat down, adjusting your dress and checking the microphone.
“Hello cool cats, how’s the night been treating you?” You spoke in your signature low voice as the room exploded in whistles and hollers. You smirked and looked coyly at Tom, who began to blush. You composed yourself before speaking again. “I’m only here for a short time tonight but trust me, I’ll make it worth your while.” You breathed, the men in the crowd whistling loudly. “It would be wrong if I didn’t perform a song by the one and only Billie Holliday, so ladies and gentlemen, here’s ‘Crazy He Calls Me’.”
You rested your fingers over the keys and mentally prepared yourself to sing in front of an already captivated audience. Your fingers glided over the keys with ease, making it seem effortless.
“I say I’ll move the mountains, and I’ll move the mountains, if he wants them out of the way.” You sang softly. You looked over at Tom who was leaning back against the bar table, arms crossed as he watched you sing. You lightly bit your bottom lip, which drove the men wild.
“Crazy he calls me. Sure, I'm crazy, crazy in love, I say.” You began to improvise the notes slightly, embellishing it as you went along. You looked into the crowd, quickly meeting Tom’s gaze again before looking down at the keys.
Tom instantly knew he was already madly in love with you. His mind wandered to what Tony said earlier about you not deeming any man worthy enough for your affection, but Tom was determined that he would be the one who could change your mind.
He observed the way you looked at him with a glint in your eye, a smile always leaving your lips as your eyes studied his face. He was hoping and praying that you were as captivated by him as he were you.
As you wrapped up the song, you made sure to sing the last verse straight to him. There was something that drew you in about him, and you were desperate to get close to him.
“I say I'll care forever, and I mean forever, if I have to hold up the sky. Crazy he calls me, sure, I'm crazy, crazy in love am I.” You embellished the last few notes on the piano and the room erupted with hollers, whistles and even love proclamations.
As the room filled with applause, you stood up from the piano stool, bowing as you basked in the attention. Licking your lips, you looked over at Tom, who had a grin on his face. You smiled back at him, clearing your throat to prompt the audience to settle down.
“I could use a drink right now, how about a scotch on the rocks?” You said into the microphone, making sure to look over at Tom who now had a smirk on his face. That was his drink of choice, and to make sure he knew you paid attention to detail, you ordered the same thing he had. Tom winked at you which illicited a small giggle. The bartender, whom Tom discovered was named Lionel, swiftly prepared your drink, leaving his workplace to bring it to you.
“Merci, darling.” You whispered, taking a long drink from the glass and setting it gently on top of the grand piano. He swiftly made his way off stage, heading back to the bar to continue preparing drinks for the audience.
Tom watched the way your lips went around the rim of the glass, observing how you lightly smack them after every sip. He was well aware of the fact that he was making his attraction obvious to you, but in that moment he didn’t care. He only wanted you, now more than ever.
As you lightly tapped on the microphone to ensure that the attention was back on you, you spoke to the audience. “This song means a lot to me, and hopeful it’ll mean a lot to you as well. It’s autumn here in New York, and the song is fitting for reminiscing a love no longer in one of the most beautiful seasons here.” You began to play the first notes of the song; the trombone player following your rhythm.
“The falling leaves drift by the window, the autumn leaves of red and gold. I see your lips, the summer kisses, the sun-burned hands I used to hold.” The rawness and pure vulnerability in your voice when you sang the lyrics made Tom’s heart sink. He couldn’t fathom the idea that someone would love you, and then leave you. It was evident from your voice that you were missing someone, the sheer thought of it alone was heart wrenching.
“Since you went away the days grow long, and soon I'll hear old winter's song. But I miss you most of all my darling, when autumn leaves start to fall.” You slowed your playing as the violinist took over, playing their solo as the song came to an end. The audience paused a second before applauding, as a man in the front row wiped away a stray tear from his cheek.
“I’m sorry there’s not one dry eye in the room.” You joked. The man in the front row let out a little sob as others laughed lightly.
The audience watched as you made your way from the piano over to the microphone in center stage.
“I’m gonna finish off tonight with a rendition of one of my favourite Benny Goodman’s songs. Also, a large thank you to ‘Swinging Louis’s Big Band Orchestra’ for accompanying me tonight.” You clapped as you watched the ensemble stand up, bowing before taking their seats.
Looking over at the players and giving them a little nod to signify you were ready, the cellist began to play as you slowly swayed your head to the beat.
You glanced over at Tom, blowing him a kiss and stifling a laugh as his face turned beet red in a matter of milliseconds. Everyone in the crowd turned their heads to see who you were giving your attention to, looking at Tom, then shifting their focus back to you.
“Maybe I was wrong kid, you might just have a chance with her.” Tony remarked as he slapped Tom on the back.
“My heart is sad and lonely, for you I sigh, for you dear only. Why haven't you seen it? I'm all for you, body and soul.” Your gaze pierced through Tom and he smiled. He knew that you were his and he was yours, he felt it in his bones. His eyes trailed down your body, gaze stopping right where your gown’s neckline plunged. You, noticing where his gaze rested, retaliated by putting your hand on your chest and moving it slowly up to your cheek. His face turned red when he saw you wink at him.
“My life a wreck you're making, you know I'm yours for the very taking. I'd gladly surrender myself to you, body and soul.” You finished the song and the room erupted into a loud fit of applause, whooping and whistling, and even some roses being passed to you by men in the front row. You bowed, slowly making your way upstage as someone asked for your autograph.
“I’m not famous sugar.” You laughed but the man shook his head. “Trust me you will be.” He handed you a napkin and a pen. You walked over to the piano so that you would have something hard to write on, autographing it for him as you lightly kissed the paper which left a red lipstick stain below your name. Handing the napkin back to him, he blushed, grabbing your hand and placing a light kiss on the top of it. Now blushing, you spoke into the microphone one last time to wrap up the performance.
“I appreciate everyone allowing me to play tonight. Go find someone to love and have a good night.” More applause filled the room as you walked off backstage.
As the applause died down, Tom looked over to his right to ask Tony where he could find you. When he saw a vacant seat next to him, he began to panic. He didn’t even notice that Tony was no longer sat there, but then again, he was so entranced by you that he didn’t pay attention to much else.
He glanced over at Lionel who was pouring a glass for the gentleman who had asked for your autograph.
“Lionel, where would Y/N be?” He asked with a hint of urgency in his voice. Lionel pondered it for a second and pointed at the back door. Tom nodded, hopping onto the stage and going through the back door. He hesitantly made his way down the corridor, careful to not make any sounds that would draw attention to himself. His ears perked up when he heard your voice, conversing with Tony who was discussing your pay. Peeking his head around the corner from where he stood, he listened some more as he then heard Tony give you an offer he thought you couldn’t refuse.
“C’mon princess, the crowd loves you. Just think, you could play here every weekend and make a ton of money.” You scoffed and Tony rolled his eyes. “You could easily become famous, you have an amazing stage presence and you’re clearly talented. Come on Y/N, take the offer.”
“Listen Tony, tonight was fun but I only did it for one night. After a while I would inevitably lose my charm and people wouldn’t come to see me anymore, so I better quit while I’m ahead.”
“You and I both know that wouldn’t happen, you could easily be as famous as Holliday, or even Fitzgerald. You can’t try to tell me you don’t have that kind of talent in you.”
You paused for a minute, pondering the idea once over in your mind.
“I’ll think about it, but for right now I still stand behind my answer. Singing will become a chore and then I’ll be miserable.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest as Tony let out a sigh.
“Alright, there’s no reasoning with you. The offer still stands though, so one day when you change your mind you can let me know.” Tony said as he watched you walk out the back door of the club, the door slamming shut. Just then Tom turned the corner to follow after you, and he and Tony met face to face.
Tony looked at Tom sympathetically, and spoke. “Kid, I know you like her but she’s stubborn.” He paused a second, wagging his finger as a thought flashed over him. “On second thought, I can tell that you are too, so if you want to chase after her she went out that way and walked down Waverly Place. While you’re at it try to convince her to change her mind, will ya? You and I both know she’s extremely talented. Now go.” He pointed towards the door and moved out of Tom’s way.
“Thank you.” He replied quickly, bolting out of the building as he looked for you. He ran down the street and stood at the intersection of Waverly and 7th Avenue to try to find you.
A fair distance away, he saw you walk towards an apartment building, calling your name as he watched you stop in your tracks. Turning your head around to see Tom running towards you, you waved to him and waited for him to catch up.
“Y/N, you were amazing.” He breathed heavily, fatigued from nearly sprinting.
“Thank you Tom, I really appreciate that. It was nice to know you were in the crowd.” You looked him up and down, noticing his broad shoulders and his slightly tousled curls.
“Why won’t you take the offer though?” He asked, out of breath as he bent forward and rested his hands on his knees.
“Oh so you heard that?” Tom only nodded as he began to catch his breath. “Personally, I would love to perform every weekend, but I don’t want the fame. Contrary to what you might believe, and what you’re accustomed to,” she poked his chest softly, “I’m not in it for the fame. I just want to enjoy what I’m doing, and not make it a chore.”
Tom stood there slightly dumbfounded at what you had just said, and let out a small laugh. “You know, that hit close to home. That’s the whole reason I ended up in New York, for the anonymity. Being famous is exhausting and right now I’m sick of it.”
“I think it would be torturous to be famous.” You remarked, and Tom agreed. “Oh yeah, it definitely can be.” Playing with your apartment keys nervously, you stuffed them back in your coat pocket and looked up at Tom, who was looking at you.
“Where did you learn-” Tom began to ask but you interrupted him. “Self taught.”
“Wow.” He gasped. You gave him a half smile and looked down at the ground. “I would love to teach you, if you’d want.” You said which caused Tom to smile. “I’d love that.”
You both stood there in silence, unsure of what to say next. The air was brisk, and the city was quieting down. After a minute, you decided to speak.
“Hey since it’s late I should probably get going, but-.”
“Wait, would you-”, he exhaled, “want to go out with me? At least, until I inevitably have to go back home to London.” His hand reached for the nape of his neck and rubbed it, the other stuffed into his pocket as he awaited your answer.
Blushing, you bit your lip and looked at him coyly. It was evident that he was becoming flustered as you stood there, silent.
Taking a step forward, you placed your arms around his neck, lightly pressing your chest to his. He hesitated before putting one hand on your hip, the other on the small of your back.
You leaned your face closer to his and closed the gap between you two. He kissed you back; his lips were soft, still tasting vaguely like scotch. After a minute you were the first to pull away but he pulled you back in, kissing you more passionately.
“I would love to go out with you, London boy.” You whispered against his lips as he kissed you again.
Additional A/N: I don’t give enough credit to my best friend/beta reader @scarletxwidow​ for always helping me revise and edit all of my stories. She deserves the world and please go send her some love. Also to everyone who has sent in a request, thank you and know that I am working on them 💛
mes anges (taglist): @sunflowerhollands @fangirlwithasweettooth @lmaotshollandd @musicalkeys @taciturnspidey @graceluvsyouu
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kpop-cakepops · 4 years
Write about reading a book on a sunny day with a Seventeen member! It's really unspecific sorry, but there's a new quillstarters challenge, and I thought that it would be great for that!! good luck uwu
Thank you for the request! So I've chosen Wonwoo for this one because you truly can't spell "book" without Wonwoo lol. Hope you like it!
GENRE: fluff
Warnings: none.
Word count: 1,654
Summary: Realizing you’re in love with your best friend can simply take a couple of flashbacks, a bit of nice weather, and a book.  
quillstarters challenge no.6 ( @quillstarters )
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He was gleaming as he sat under the sole tree that decorated the backyard of your new house. He was your best friend of years, and you weren't sure if it was thanks to the way the sun's glare bounced off his skin, or if it was the way his round glasses slowly slipped down the bridge of his nose only to be pushed back into position, whatever it may be, the boy that you teased for being dull and sometimes boring, was suddenly gleaming.
He was very unaware of your presence as he flipped the page of whatever western philosophy book he'd picked up now. Funny enough you'd met under a clouded sky and rain, and yet even then, there had been a philosophy book wedged under his arm.
                           ~ ~ ~
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" the cold rain was no longer pelting on your crouched body causing you to look up at whoever had sheltered you through your bloodshot eyes.
"What?" You managed to ask.
"It's Aristotle" he shrugged before crouching down beside you. His umbrella covering the both of you as you stared at the wet street before you. The same street your boyfriend... or should I say, ex boyfriend, had just walked away from.
"Who the hell is that?"
A small smile appeared on his lips as he turned to face you. It suddenly dawned on you that you weren't in the best position to act sassy towards a stranger that had been kind enough to shelter you after being embarrassingly dumped. "Not important." The stranger retaliated before looking back towards the street. "What I'm trying to say is that he might just not be the other half of your soul"
With those last words he handed you his umbrella, stood, and rushed for the coffee shop that you'd just been dumped in.
Finding the kind stranger after that required a lot of your efforts. You suddenly wanted to give him his umbrella back and tell him that you did know who Aristotle was, and most of all, you wanted to thank him for having been nice enough to save you from yourself that day.
It was after a month of showing up to that coffee shop and repeatedly missing him that you finally managed to meet him again. His gaze had lifted almost automatically as you entered the place, both your gazes meeting and a soft sigh of relief leaving your lips. He gave you a small half smile before returning to his book, only then did you realize you were still standing at the door of the shop and it would be very weird if you didn't order something. So that's exactly what you did. Once you placed your order, the girl at the counter nodded over to the kind stranger and grinned proudly. "I told him you'd been looking for him, he's been waiting since 11"
Your cheeks flamed as you took your drink and sped towards the table furthest away from him. Why would she tell him you were looking for him?! He probably thought you were a stalker and a weirdo and probably only waited for you so he could tell you to stop looking for-
"That looks like sugar with coffee more than it does like coffee with sugar"
You froze in your spot and realized that you'd been emptying packet after packet after packet of sugar into your coffee and had gotten caught in the act by the same stranger you'd been looking for for a month now. "Uh... I like my coffee sweet" you lied.
He scoffed slightly and sat down across from you. "I'm guessing that's my umbrella?" He asked.
You nodded quickly and pushed it towards him. "Thank you for your kindness."
"No proble-"
"And I do know who Aristotle is." You blurted right after, earning yourself a deep laugh from the guy sat across from you.
                           ~ ~ ~
The memory brought a smile to your face and you found yourself walking over to the book worm that you called your best friend. “Hey” you greeted as you took a seat beside him. He turned his attention over to you and smiled warmly. “Do you remember how we met?” you asked as a soft breeze blew at the pages of the book in his hands. 
His brows furrowed as he thought back, face lighting up only seconds later. “Why so suddenly?” He questioned. 
You shrugged and rested your head on his shoulder. The sun’s glare catching your attention again. You wondered if you gleamed the same way he did. Both of you allowed yourselves a moment of silence before he broke it.
“I think I have a better memory of the night I met the real you” voice low and teasing as he stretched his arm before him. Your mouth shaped itself into a reminiscent ‘o’ at the sight of the “apology” bracelet you had gifted him after that night. 
                             ~ ~ ~
”I hate her.” you murmured into the sleeves of your sweater. “I don’t get why she would come back after so many years.” 
Wonwoo had been silent as you poured your heart out to him bitterly. After spending nearly all of your life alone, struggling with your depressed father, your mother had reappeared and suddenly wanted to “reconnect”? And your father was encouraging it? You didn’t understand. Was the burning feeling of betrayal not something you and he shared for the decades spent without the woman?
Your throat was twisted in painful knots as you tried your best not to cry in front of the guy that you’d looked up to for the past year. Yet it was hard. 
Wonwoo, ever the level headed bastard, sighed before speaking up calmly, “ To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it...” 
You looked over at him and rolled your eyes at him causing for the tears you’d wanted to hold back to roll down your cheeks. “Are you being serious right now?” you smacked at his arm.
“...is what Confucius would have said!” he exclaimed rubbing at his arm. 
“I don’t care what some dead man has to say about my situation Wonwoo... this is real. I am in actual pain. I don’t want to see her because every time I do, I see my face in hers. She’s everything I hate, yet I’m such a part of her and she’s such a part of me.... it makes me hate myself. It makes me wonder if I’m going to be the same as her in a few years” You hug your knees to your chest finally allowing yourself to cry wholeheartedly. 
Wonwoo moved his gaze away from you and stared up at the starry night that sheltered you both this time. His hands nervously picked at the corners of the thick book in his hands. He had never seen you cry, not once for the year of friendship you’d both experienced. However, the moment tears rolled down your cheeks he decided it was something he hated, but something only he wanted to see. “Comfort comes in all shapes and sizes and I’m glad you’ve chosen this mere case of a human to trust in.” He said continuing to stare up at the sky after letting you sob for a few minutes.
“Was this Plato?” you sarcastically asked between sniffles.
“No... that was Jeon Wonwoo.” He stated looking back at you. “If you ever need to cry about your mom, about your dad, about your ex, about the food you had for lunch, I hope you continue to come to me.” 
Your mouth fell agape as you took in the silver glow of his face under the moonlight. That was the first time your heart skipped a beat for your best friend. The first of hundreds.
                            ~ ~ ~
“You’re being weirdly quiet. Penny for your thoughts” murmured Wonwoo bringing you back to the present. 
Ah, right. It was no longer dull and raining... It also wasn’t a cold silver night.... the present was sunny. The present was warm and breezy and Wonwoo was gleaming, his dark eyes back on his book, but his ears were ready to listen to whatever it was that was weighing down on your heart. 
You sat up straight and looked over at him. Your sudden movement catching his attention, making his eyes meet yours in less than a split second. The same split second it took for you to make up your mind. “I found it” You confess.
He stared at you quizzically, a brow raised. “You’ve found what?” he asks. 
Your lips press themselves against his soft ones in the briefest of kisses. For the first time since you met him, Wonwoo looks taken a back. A soft pink taking over the apples of his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “I’ve found the other half of my soul” you finish your confession. His eyes immediately light up remembering what he had told you the day you’d met. 
"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" he repeated the words causing a chill to run through you. A smile painted itself on his lips before he took hold of your face and returned the kiss you had so blatantly stolen from him. 
“It’s Aristotle” you added causing him to laugh softly. 
“The one you know really well?” he teased.
 “That one” you agreed.
Before you knew it, you were back to doing nothing. Wonwoo’s attention was set on his book once again, your hands interlaced, and all you could think of was how beautiful everything was. You met him in the rain, fell in love on a random night, and chose him as your other half on a sunny day, a love whose sole representation was a book. Your heart couldn’t help but flutter at the thought of it.
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(Talk about getting carried away!!!!! lol, I ended up writing it all)
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