#love me a good kiyomasa yeah
wanzerous · 4 months
𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲.
loss. you always lose something. people have a habit of losing things . . . their phones, their keys, their wallets. some, their sense of humanity, or a loved one. things began to spiral the moment you lost your father due to gang violence. since then, you were not big of gangs. to you, they were all horrible. however . . . there a specific gang that made you question your feelings. the tokyo manji gang worked their way into your life and you weren't sure if this was a blessing or a curse . . . would you lose them, or would they inevitably lose you? reminder squad: @justmare , @denki1kirishima
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trigger warning: abuse.
what is the purpose of being in a relationship? 
yesterday was troublesome, wasn't it? the events seemed to flood in your mind even when you didn't want to. you walked home that afternoon alone. it didn't bother you, you did it often. but it ... was a bit weird knowing that your horrible boyfriend wasn't aware of it. he would text you and see if you made it home, but that was on odd days. so ... it felt a bit good. refreshing. you sat in class, attention focused outside as the teacher spoke. you couldn't help but think about the two from before.
and ken-chin. 
you still didn't know draken's name; you only heard mikey refer to him as kenchin. they were both amazing. it was people like them that made you wonder why you stuck around kiyomasa in the first place. he was nothing more but a bully. the bell rang, and you gathered your belongings as quickly as you could. holding the books to your chest, you pushed your chair in and headed for the classroom door. only to be stopped by a blond; beaten, and yet patched up. 
" ah , good afternoon, l/n ... " takemichi spoke. his smile was soft, and he waved to you. you stared at him, the corners of your lips turning into a frown. you still felt sensitive seeing him like this. if only you acted a bit sooner. 
" f/n , " you corrected him with a light smile, " you can call me by my first name. " he stood a bit awkwardly but then nodded. it's not like you two were complete strangers; he was your best friend's boyfriend, after all. you knew a lot about him from her, so it did feel like you two were friends. 
" right,  " takemichi nodded passionately, " f'/n".
the two of you walked down the hall, he wanted to speak with you, and you didn't mind it. but you knew what he was going to say. " thanks. for ... yesterday. " he sighed almost in defeat, " i ... appreciate it. really. " but he also didn't. he wanted to prove a point, and yet he failed himself. you hadn't known. " please don't apologize. " you sighed, " i didn't do much of anything to help. if i jumped in sooner, i could have saved you from a few hits. besides, it was the right thing to do. hina would have done the same thing. "
hina would have done the same thing.
you noticed him bite his lower lip, and his fists tightened slightly. " she's my friend. i would be a horrible friend if i watched her boyfriend get beat up, you know. " you commented with a smile, " on behalf of her, take better care of yourself! " you tried your best to mimic her voice. he couldn't help but snort, even if it was for a moment, and you joined in with him. " seriously though. she cares a lot about you. so please try to take care of yourself a little better. " your words must have reached him because his cheeks reddened for a moment and he nodded. 
" yeah. and i care about her too. " 
that was obvious. he did. she did. they cared for each other. you wouldn't know. the relationship you had with your boyfriend wasn't nearly as beautiful as theirs. he didn't look out for you, didn't walk with you to class, or hold your books. he didn't offer you any of his lunch, or offer to take you out after school. he didn't buy you flowers or kiss your head. he didn't ... make you smile. so ... does this mean that you were a bit jealous of these two?
you didn't care for kiyomasa. it was fake love; he was strong, and strong men needed a beautiful spouse beside them. you happened to be the perfect fit. you floated down the hall like an angel. you were average height, with the perfect build. you had a lovely voice, and you were smart. you were admired by a few, and he wanted that power over you. you were a threat. because you weren't physically strong, you dominated him in other ways. so he felt intimidated. he wanted to leash you and hide you from the light. you were a flower, and he wanted to remove all signs of light and take the water you needed. he wanted you to eventually beg. crave for him, and depend on him. but that wasn't something that was on your agenda.
" oh. uh , this is my class. " takemichi pointed over, " i can walk you to yours, if you'd like .. " he smiled, and you were ready to decline the sweet offer. " i've got her. " a voice spoke, and you looked over, a slight squint of your eyes. a friend of kiyomasa, you've been around him a few times. but how did he manage to enter the school? there was a silence for a moment before you spoke up, " i'll meet up with you later, okay? " you smiled at takemichi who nodded, " yeah, uh , sure. " you began to follow the male, and takemichi went inside. 
the bell rang, signaling that classes were starting. and you knew you wouldn't be in class. " he's pissed. " he spoke, and for a moment you felt your blood run cold. that's right. you were defiant yesterday, and you didn't have his back. you scoffed, " for what, exactly? " you were annoyed with this, and yet your fingertips trembled slightly. " oh, 'ya know. getting in the middle of the fight. getting him beat up, and shit ... he ain't pleased with 'ya. says he'll kill your ass. " you found yourself stopping near the stairwell of the school. the typical spot for delinquents.
and there he sat, man spread, with a cigarette between his lips. why didn't any teachers stop them from entering? they didn't attend here... so why would they go through the trouble just to bother you? 
" what kiyomasa? " you spoke first, watching as he took a puff of the cigarette. his gaze hardened, " what? " he repeated, shocked at your horrible response. " don't fuckin' what me .. " he corrected you, fingers sliding around the stick to hold. then released a grey smoke cloud. 
you really, really hated the smell of it. 
and then he stood, after placing the cigarette between his lips again. your knees locked in place, and your heart began to thump in your chest. you could hear your heart in your ears as the gap closed between the two of you until he towered over you. he blocked the light, and you could hear a few snickers behind him. he was seriously a monster. 
despite his fucked up face, you knew he was angry. and you knew you were about to get in a lot of trouble. and yet you couldn't move. couldn't speak. could barely breathe. and he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you aggressively. 
" your ass got me kicked, you know that? " he yanked at your arm, and your books scattered on the floor. you quickly grabbed at his forearm and tried to pry yourself from his hold, " i'm gonna kill you. "  you were no match for this man. you struggled, face contorted in fear and yet there was a minor glimpse of hope.
and you managed to draw your hand back and slap him in the face. there was a silence, and you knew the boys behind him were shocked. the cigarette fell onto the floor, leaving a few ashes as your hands still trembled. and yet ... you knew you had to fight.
" get off of me! you have no right to grab me like this! " you were shocked at how clear your words was, and shocked that your body quickly acted. you stepped forward, and pressed your hand onto his chest to give a harsh push, " don't make me - "
" MAKE YOU DO WHAT? " his voice was sudden.
it boomed, and it was menacing. this was the voice he used yesterday with takemichi. right now, you weren't his girlfriend. but more so his enemy. with his hand still around your arm, he flung you to the ground, and your body met it instantly. you couldn't brace yourself, and you found yourself hitting your head on impact.
the lights blurred, and voices became a bit muffled. you didn't pass out, but you weren't aware of much at that moment. and yet you saw kiyomasa grab the cigarette from the floor and reapply it to his lips. and then you were grabbed and hoisted up by his crew. kiyomasa sat in his original spot, cheek red (despite it being bruised) from your hit. 
and yet they pulled you along, and you struggled against them until you were forced on your knees in front of him, and your arms pinned behind your back. between his legs, and he merely stared at you in disgust. " look at me. " he murmured, using his hand to grab at the top of her head. his fingers dug into the roots of your hair, and he forced you to look at him.
believe it or not, but he degraded you often. called you dumb, and weak. this kind of stuff wasn't new.
but that ... that threw you off. the death of your father was a sensitive topic, and he knew that. and before you could open your mouth to speak against him, he smashed the side of your head into his knee. 
" i ain't ask for you to talk , " he replied, " you used all your words yesterday. talkin' against me "
and he did the same thing but the blow landed on your mouth. your lip busts easily, and you let out a soft cry. it was a wonder you still had your teeth. " you do that shit again , " he spoke up again, benching the cigarette against his lips, " and i'll really, really kill 'ya. " and he pressed the bud against the open skin of your neck. you screamed, trying to pull away from him as he smudged the bud until the fire was out.
the fire died slowly, and you wondered what the symbolism for it was.
◤ ──┅┅┄┄*ೃ:.✧✲゚*。⋆─── ⋆✩⋆
you weren't on his good side. you weren't clear of your death threat, and you knew it. you were thankful that the damage wasn't as bad as last night. you pulled yourself off the floor, where they left you seconds before they exited the school. your head throbbed, and yet you pulled yourself onto your feet. your body ached, but you couldn't complain. those boys had it way worse. there were a few bruises on your arms and torso, and then your cheek from where he kneed you. your lip was busted and you took a deep breath. 
your body was on fire. 
your hand rubbed at the wound he inflicted only for you to wince and pull away. you pulled yourself together and exited, heading down the hall which slowly began to fill. to you, it didn't bother you. you just needed to get to the bathroom -
and yet you found yourself stumbling into the back of someone else. someone who was pretty tall. " i'm so sorry.  " you spoke quickly, eyes trailing up the black cardign to come across a braid. ken-chin. he turned to look at exactly who bumped into him. and if you hadn't looked so helpless, you were sure he would have torn you apart. 
but you were crying and didn't even notice you were. you were trembling like crazy, and you looked helpless. 
the moment draken turned, you noticed takemichi, and mikey. hinata was there too, and you were curious about what was happening. but you couldn't form the words, " oi , you doin' alright? " draken asked, brows upturned as eyes were then focused on you. " y/n , " hina worriedly called out, " what happened? " she was worried for you, and the look on takemichi's face showed that he knew exactly what was wrong. 
if you were normal, you'd beg takemichi to keep his mouth shut. but the lights were so bright, and the ringing in your ears wouldn't silence. your legs felt wobbly, and you felt like you were on the brink of passing out. " i'm , " your voice shook, " i'm alr - "
takemichi admitted, and your eyes hazily adverted his way. in the process of your sight finding him, your eyes met mikey's, and he eyed you down easily. you didn't speak. couldn't say anything. and the answer was obvious. 
" ken-chin. " mikey spoke, giving a glance to draken who caught on easily. draken merely nodded, and mikey approached you. his hands were pulled from his pocket and they took your hands into his. they were warm and oddly gentle. " we're taking you to the hospital. " he smiled lightly and pulled you along behind him. " don't worry, we've got her." he waved takemichi and hinata off, and draken followed.
you wanted to protest. you didn't need to go. you were totally fine, and yet the moment you stepped outside, your legs gave on themself, and you completely blacked out.
to benefit one another. in most cases, the benefit applies more to one person than the other. 
.               ⊹ ✦   ✵      * 2224 words.
sunshine, rainshine, and moonshine. prologue [here] chapter one [here] chapter two [here]
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Mizo Middle Yandere Headcanons
Well, fuck me, I guess... Do you guys know how difficult it is to figure something like this out, if the characters are barely mentioned? Like, I´m really need a list of appearance for these...
Okay! Akkun was okay, we get to know him well enough in the beginning, like the first few chapters make him important to us. He is part of the motivation for Takemichi and really the one, that gives him his conviction. But his story kinda plays as „I´m doing it for my dead wife“, ya know. I don´t know myself how he got that trope instead Hina...
The rest only get defined beyond their introduction over a long while. Like yeah we know Takuya is kind of a wimp and Yamagishi is the smart one and Makoto is the pervert. Like, all of you can see, how these guys are clear tropes and even caricatures for these tropes, right? There is so much going on in the manga, that these guys easily get ignored.
But I tried..., I hope..., well... - It´s gonna be fine!
Atsuhi Sendo – Akkun
He definitely throws down when it comes to you. He was absolutely ready to stab and consequently kill Kiyomasa for messing with his friends
In conclusion he has a temper and is not willing to calm down, when he sees someone he loves getting hurt
Otherwise a pretty gentle guy → very sensitive
He kind of has a sense for when you´re unwell, can figure out your mood in general very well
Also pretty touchy, especially your hair and face → will scritch your head as if you´re a cat for as long as you let him
Definitely has a sense of asthetic and what looks good on you → will style you up sometimes
Hope you don´t mind blood, cause he will get really stabby when someone hurts you
He doesn´t enjoy it, at least he tells you that. The grin on his face, when he makes them beg for forgiveness with you says something different
But hey! He never once even raised his voice at you, so you´re pretty safe from him
On the other hand, he outright tells you that he will kill himself if you ever consider leaving him
Takemichi Hanagaki
(Technically you could find him on the big post → Here is the link: https://are-you-still-writing-that.tumblr.com/post/686716686356938752/yandere-tokyo-revengers-headcanons
(but you get something extra)
There is more acting from him involved than you would think
Kinda tends to exaggerate his whimpy attitude → the stubbornness doesn´t come from nothing
While he doesn´t look like it, he apparently knows how to fight, don´t worry I was surprised too when I realised that one
I also think that he is a lot more manipulative than one would think → with his attitude no one would suspect it, and considering his age (and somehow continued survival throughout it) he can´t be that much of an idiot
Gets obsessed with stuff awfully and kinda hilariously quickly
Kazushi Yamagishi
The brain of the group, who is aware of every gang and can recognize the top members easily
He collects information about you very easily → wants to know everything about you
It´s really childplay for him to get every last tidbit of trivia of you
Also capable of actually using the information that he gets → like he knows what makes you tick and everything and will use it to his advantage
His style definitely involves blackmail, because he can draw quick conclusions even with very little of actual information → he tends to be spot on as well
While he is a bit of an idiot, he is very knowledgeable about everything that he obsesses over
Will not only blackmail you but the people who get too close to you as well → is in the business of ruining someones life, when he needs to
Not at all physical with anybody, while he does hang of the shoulder of his friends occassionally, it´s something special with him, he doesn´t actually seek company out that much
Because of that, he doesn´t really tries to get any physical affection from you as well → Praise and Words of Affirmation are his favourite though and also hoe he expresses himself as well
Takuya Yamamoto
He is the gentlest of the bunch, the softest → not necessarily the least dangerous though, actually I think he is the one most likely to murder you
Very aware of his own appearance and demeanor and how he can use it to aovid suspicion
Will manipulate the hell out of you with that as well → Do you really believe that he did all that? C´mon you must be joking!
But really, he is a great liar! No one suspects it...
He has an avid interest in medicine and seems to help out in an apothecary sometimes, which is good to know → Also definitely makes him the type to poison you and care for you in the aftermath
You´re gonna be sick for like most of the time knowing him, and he´s always hanging around your bedside taking care of you
Probably some kind of power trip for him, to have you consistently at his mercy
Well, you got lucky. The other guy he poisoned is just dead. You he is still taking care of
Will never get loud, he is very soft in that regard, though he sometimes lets out biting insults, in general he is a bit demeaning. Almost verbally abusive, but with a saccharine tone
Definitely someone who loves to cuddle with you, just pulling you in and laying down with you
Makoto Suzuki
(Let´s make this short, mkay, not really comfortable with him)
So he definitely steals your stuff, like all the time, pens, clothes, food you already chewed on and actually wanted to finish, but he just takes it from your plate → nothing is safe around him
Also 100% gotten off to the stuff he managed to get from you → In general you´re often the leading star of fantasies
Handsy as fuck, litteraly as soon as you´re around him, it seems he loses all capabilities to keep his hands to himself → constantly touching
Worries often about you → will nurse you back to health if needed
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
Kiyomasa Kato x Fluff Alphabet
Fluff Alphabet - A, C, D, J, N Modern AU X Reader
//rawr :3
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A - Attractive (what they find attractive)
Of course there’s looks, but he definitely finds wit and sensibility attractive. Having what he defines as ‘common sense’ is incredibly attractive to him since it helps with avoiding pointless arguments and just being able to understand one another. Oh, yeah, and physically he’s definitely a butt guy. And wrists, he becomes enamored with the way you seem to paint a picture when you your hands for emphasis and your wrists are exposed. He finds bangles and bracelets to be very cute  ♡
C - Cuddle (how they cuddle)
He enjoys cradling you in his brawny arms; it’s an outward expression of literally guarding you in his arms and that you’re safe within them. He loves to envelope you since he’s your blanket and will get a little disappointed when either of you have to break the embrace. He loves to show you off in the same manner when y’all are in public – scooped up in his arms embraced within his security. Y’all are actually the textbook definition of the amusement park couples who are always holding on to each other in the long lines for the rides.
D - Dates (what dates with them are like)
Being of high energy, Kiyomasa would like for y’all to do something engaging, like rock climbing or going out for horseback riding. He knows that’s what he enjoys, so he’ll keep into consideration that you may not enjoy so much physical activity. He would also enjoy taking you out anywhere to your liking, as long as he gets at least one say-so in the day.
J - Joker (do they pull pranks?)
Kiyomasa chalks up pranks to being ‘childish’, but if you initiate a prank war with him, you’re gonna to wish you didn’t even want it with him from the get-go. This man is crafty and great with his hands; depending on how good you get him, he’ll either settle with putting down bubble wrap onto the floor and have you step unknowingly into the room or somehow get all of your belongings in said room onto the ceiling and refuse to ground them until you call a truce but also declare him the winner. Pick your battles wisely and avoid all out war is all I can really advise lol
N - Nickel (do they spoil?)
He loves to spoil you with shopping trips every now and then and actually takes pride in being able to hold all of your shopping bags when you're going on a spree. Definitely doesn’t mind spending money on you and will do what he can to get you your heart’s desire as long as it’s within reason - aka not astronomically expensive or beyond his means. He’ll make a comment or five about all of the amazon packages the house may receive, but really he’s glad that you’re able to find things you like and that he’s able to provide that for you.
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azucarian · 3 years
NEFELIBATA - Takuya Birthday Special
Masterlist No content/trigger warning. Extreme fluff <3
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Takuya had grown upset at the possibility of his birthday being forgotten; especially considering his two childhood friends hadn't even raised so much as a 'happy birthday' to him. It's not like he particularly expected a gift - although it definitely would be nice. Tapping his pencil against the desk, he frowned - (Name) was the most attentive person he knew and even she had forgotten? Maybe he failed in making it known beforehand. At this point, he just wanted to go home and curl up into a ball with the birthday cake his mother had baked him.
Now that he thought about it, Makoto had an obsession with the western zodiacs - he always looked on those weird 'zodiac luckiness' websites. Cancer, that's what Takuya's zodiac was - the zodiac of the crab. His 'aligned' personality was about him being loving and full of emotions - but also moody, suspicious and overprotective. He was not moody, he'd like to believe. The thought made him grumpy-
Ah, wait, that'd be right then.
He mentally groaned as the bell signalling the end of the day sounded, and his phone let out the identifiable ping to tell him he'd received a message. Flipping his phone up, (Name)'s contact popped up.
(NAME)-CHAN Mizo Middle headin' out early - we'll see you later Taku-chan! Byebye!
So they had truly forgotten. Takuya felt himself visibly deflate; there goes his final slither of hope. He shrugged, at least he had all of that cake to himself. He began his journey home; the train ride being oddly silent - usually the group of them would rambunctiously play whilst (Name), Akkun and himself would stare judgingly. Until (Name) got annoyed with all the stares from the elderly people and try to beat them up. For someone who didn't fight, Takuya could admit that the girl punched way too hard.
Coming home to an empty house was normal; his parents worked long jobs to provide for them (he actually appreciated their evening absences because of Kiyomasa and his gang, but he no longer feared any of that). But it felt much more empty as he slipped his shoes off- Wait, those definitely were not his shoes.
Sloppily hidden amongst the eco-friendly tote bags, five pairs of shoes were stacked. Four pairs of messy trainers, and one pair of remotely looked after converses. He nearly laughed - so they were here. A surprise birthday party, he guessed. The idiot trio must've gotten side tracked and, in a hurry, (Name) or Akkun shoved the shoes to the side and threw the totes over them.
Takuya guessed he'd humour them after all their effort. Slipping his indoor slides onto his feet and hanging his bag up on the door, he slowly made his way to the living room - and, upon entering the dark room, the lights suddenly flicked on and the distinct sound of party poppers filled his ears (and kind of scaring him, admittedly).
"Happy birthday!" The collective cheer of each person brought a grin to his face; regardless of the under-planned surprise element, he couldn't contain his smile at the sight. Kazushi, Makoto and Takemichi each had several party hats decorating their heads - almost as if they were trying to imitate a crown. Akkun was off to the side with a bright grin and a party popper in his hand. (Name), however, wasn't in sight.
He was about to open his mouth to ask where she was when someone jumped onto his back, arms around his neck "Happy birthday, Taku-chan!" The familiarly cheery voice made him laugh, and he softly thanked them all. The girl of the group eagerly dragged him towards their paper cut out of a birthday cake laid out on the table, surrounded by gifts.
Takuya slowly opened each of them.
From Akkun, a new controller for his gaming console - the boy explaining it as a 'new' method for everyone to play together, instead of taking turns with one controller. He appreciated it, and smiled softly before gently placing it back in the box (promising that he'd play with Atsushi first and foremost).From Makoto, a porn magazine - he slightly sneered at the gift, and the dumb(est) boy began to whine and cry about how 'Takuya didn't like his gift'. Even (Name) sneered and appropriately smacked Makoto on the back of the head with an apologetic smile towards Takuya. The blonde just shook his head and thanked the boy reluctantly (he had definitely thought more of himself instead of Takuya - but it was funny regardless, both Kazushi and Takemichi seemed to think so, too).From Kazushi, a bunch of notebooks, pens and pencils - explaining it to him as a new hobby to pick up. According to him, Takuya looked like the 'artsy poet' type (admittedly, he couldn't help but agree). He tested the glittery gel pens on one of the note books and grinned - they were extremely pretty, perfect for exam note-taking too. He placed them to the side delicately and expressed his gratitude.
He couldn't help but side-eye Takemichi and (Name). Takemichi was someone who would buy an extremely expensively thoughtful gift - it always made him feel guilty for weeks after, because the determined blonde would never allow Takuya to repay him. And (Name)… he visibly sweated. She had no taste in gift giving, and her gift was probably going to be worse than Makoto's - appropriate, but worse. They all exchanged knowing glances as the girl turned around to push Takemichi's gift towards him.
Takemichi had gotten a choker chain; and, as expected, it looked expensive. On the front, 'TAKUYA' was written in cursive with two ruby colored stones either side - if he remembered ride, a ruby was his birthstone. He almost verbally awed, but, instead, opted for hugging Takemichi tightly with an over-the-top thank you. The bleached blonde looked very happy at Takuya's joy."It's time for my gift now, right?" (Name) cheerily reminded, pushing a large box forward "Don't be surprised; I asked for your parents permission too." What? Takuya rose an eyebrow. Parents permission? Whatever it was, the other four didn't seem to know either - they looked just as confused.
She raced out of the room for a few moments before returning with her head poked around the door, hiding her arms behind the door frame "Don't freak out, we have to be quiet." They all nodded "Promise?"
"Promise." They all quietly spoke, and Takuya could feel himself get slightly giddy. Whatever this was, he was excited - and he hoped he wasn't disappointed (he wouldn't be, regardless, because he'd get to jokingly bully her for a bad gift for the rest of her life). She slowly turned and walked in, and the bundle in her arms nearly sent him into cardiac arrest.
The cutest puppy was excitedly wagging its tail in her grip, adoringly staring at its new friends jovially. (Name) crouched down and softly placed it against the floor, and they all watched as it clumsily stumbled towards the closest human - Takuya himself. Pressing its wet nose against his arm, its little butt wiggled with the force of its tail.
"How- wha- I don't know how to react-" For the first time in a while, the group watched as an awe-stricken and very visibly shocked Takuya brought the puppy into his arms. (Name) laughed and slid to the floor beside him, gently patting the puppy.
"I spoke to your parents the other day before school about it; they said it'd probably do you good, especially with summer break comin' up. Keep you company, and you can go on walks with her." She explained whilst watching as the other four crowded round, each taking a turn at stroking the soft puppy.
"How the hell did you get her here?" Akkun questioned. It made all of them wonder; yeah, how? She had been with them all day, so how on Earth had she gotten a puppy to Takuya's house without them realising?
(Name) snorted "I asked Mikey-chan and Ken-kun to bring her; they put her in your room, in one of those play pens. Cute little thing was fast asleep but woke up straight away when hearing the door open. She was so excited." Takuya was so in love with this adorable creature that had found its new home in his arms "She ain't got a name, so that's up to you." He lit up, and the group laughed at his expression.
"Rocky." The name sent embarrassment into (Name)'s system, as she profusely rejected the name - completely being ignored by a cackling Takuya.
"Huh, what's so bad about Rocky? Rocky-chan is so cute!" Kazushi protested.
"It's Rocky because the last time me and (Name) hung out alone together, she fell into the river because of the rocks." The laughter from everyone was enough to make (Name) hide her face in her hands, muttering a 'I hate you' endearingly under her breath.
With his new friend and playmate in his hands, Takuya could wholeheartedly say... THIS WAS THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER.
TAG LIST @dot0nix @starsandkeysruler @hikkarins @valbedo @notsodeadgirlwalking​
Feel free to ask to be added to the tag list!
HAPPY TAKUYA DAY!! Honestly, as a character, Takuya grew on me progressively - I didn’t like him much when I first started but he definitely got my heart </3 He’s so pretty and sweet (totally didn't mistake him for Mikey at the beginning lmao) ~
A proper update will come out over the weekend - I’m currently looking for work so interviews have been taking up a lot of time. I promise it’ll be out tomorrow/over the weekend! I love you all!
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empty-dream · 3 years
Just watched & read Tokyo Revengers
Basically Bokumachi/Erased but with gang wars.
A 26yo part timer time travels back into 12 years to prevent a massive gang war that causes the death of his then-girlfriend back in middle school.
I'm just gonna talk about general theme and up to the S1 anime here. Who knows maybe I'll comment more manga spoiler in the reblog.
I think this is more Drama Action than Action Drama.
Takemichi cries A LOT but to be fair, if it was me who saw shits like that over and over again, I'd cry too and also lose my marbles pretty soon so yeah, understandable.
To people who know nothing (like his friends, for example) he may simply be a guy who cries over random small matters but as a viewer who knows everything, I think he has the right to. I love how the title "Crybaby hero" rings, it suits him perfectly.
And everybody in this show cries. Everybody. Period. And me too. We're all crybabies here.
And this is a hard mode because Takemichi is practically a nobody, consistently weak at fighting and not at all traditionally cool or resourceful. His virtues are simply being a good person who never -doesn’t want to- gives up and being a goddamn tank with probably an unlimited health insurance limit (cause holy hell the amount of hospitalization and medical treatments he gets)
Can't say I ever agree with the idea of teens forming gangs and picking fights for glory and fun. But back in the day, I was close with people actively involved in it. So at some level, the story is kinda familiar lol. I also like that there is a difference between being ‘delinquents’, and being a ‘straight-up criminal’. For the most part, original ToMan are just teens enjoying fights, while the other antagonists can range from committing family abuse to rape to murder.
It's funny to see that these are middle schoolers tho. I'd find it normal if they are high schoolers, but yeah 12-14 are also period you do stupid things... I have seen middle schooler gangs as well. But personally I think you'd be more successful at doing unlawful acts when you're both strong and stupid lol.
The timeline gets from 0 to 20 to -100 real fucking quick y'all.
Favorite character? Mitsuya. I actually like him at his first appearance and thank god he's quite a prominent character. He's such a cool-headed dude. And I love his earring and hair color. (Black Dragon arc is his stage so looking forward for that in the anime)
Best relationship dynamic for me, Takemichi-Hinata and Chifuyu-Takemichi. The former is basically the best parts of tragic time-travel healthy couples tropes crammed in, the latter is dumbasses duo that complements each other so well it makes me want to cry every time they are together. Oh and Mikey-Takemichi because of...all that stuff between them :(
One thing that catches my eyes: The fashion. I'm not talking about the covers or the official artworks, I'm talking about the in-story outfits. Like, man, what the hell, they dress so good? Every gang has their own uniforms and they all look cool. Even Valhalla who 'only' has jackets have theirs uniquely designed (the red tag is eye-catching). If there is any season 2, the uniforms are gonna be even more awesome.
And the characters' casual outfits are always different but also reflecting their preferences and personalities. Like Mikey's jinbei kimono (I think it's what's called?) and the outfits he wears as adult, Draken's similar-looking black/white outerwears, Chifuyu's oversized jackets, and Takemichi's weird shirts.
I like the anime. Sure it's not flashy whatsoever (time travel aside, it's about gangs and mysteries, not supernatural earth-scorching battles) but the way they frame the scenes and adding more details is great for the tension and making sense. My favorite examples are Akkun preparing to stab Kiyomasa and the scene with Takemichi, Baji and Chifuyu in ep18.
I'm glad I watch the season when it's already over because for me this is the kind of anime best for binging instead of watching once per week.
They really pick the worst best scene to end the season holy shit.
If you ignore logics like 'They could have done X that'd be far easier and more effective" or "Do they have the papers for the motorcycles?" or "How much is the hospital bills for that?" and yada yada, I think this is a fun popcorn series.
Idk why but the ED2 is actually my favorite. Also man, that's quite a foreshadowing.
Tl;Dr: Are these really middle schoolers?!
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seshiriabakana · 3 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 千堂 敦
Hello !
This is the first one-shot I post in English... So I apologize in advance if there are any mistakes !
I am quite proud of this story but I do not have much visibility near French readers on Wattpad...
Brief! I hope you like the story! And feel free to leave reviews :)
Happy reading!
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It was past midnight when Atsushi walked to his home. It was August 4, the day after the fight between Tokyo Manjikai and Moebius. A clash where the Toman almost lost Draken.
Atsushi could see the livid and bloody face of the braided again. He could only praise the blonde's perseverance and courage for getting up and fighting, even though he was stabbed.
To be honest, the gang members had a strength beyond comprehension. Were they really college students for the majority? Or even human? He will probably never have the answer...
Finally, the one who was amazing him at the moment was his friend Takemichi. The day the slave fought against the king, Takemichi Hanagaki against Kiyomasa. Although he had been laminated, Atsushi will never forget the glow in the eyes of the fake blonde. Loyalty, dedication,... An unwavering spirit is being born in Hanagaki, the young Sendou was deeply convinced of it.
Even today, or should he say rather say yesterday, his friend had struggled to save Draken's life. He was losing blood in his hand because of Kiyomasa's dagger, and yet it hadn't stopped him from protecting his loved ones.
He had come to admire the fake blonde. He had gone from a cowardly person to a young man with a strong conviction to help his loved ones.
A small smile adorned Atsushi's lips, looking at the starry sky. The future must have plenty of surprises in store for him... But he hoped, from the bottom of his heart, to stay on good terms with the five bastards of Mizochu.
Passing by the park, not far from his home, the squeaks of an old swing were heard.
It's been a long time since he's been to this park. The last time he was there was in the last year of primary school. He discussed everything and nothing with his lover at the time, Aika Hotaru.
They had lost sight of each other a little, as they did not go to the same college. Yet the young man had never forgotten that pleasant feeling that warmed his chest when he spoke to Aika.
He had to admit that he missed that time, though not so long ago. The squeaks had stopped.
- Tsushi ?
Just thinking about her made him hallucinate? He seemed to have heard her voice...
- Atsushi !
He jumped, turning his head towards the swings. A young blonde, with red reflections, waved to Atsushi, with a sweet smile on her lips. His hair was tied in a bun. Oval glasses were placed on the top of his head. Her outfit consisted of a burgundy sweatshirt and sea green pajama pants.
- Ai ?
- Yes! This is me!
His smile became bigger, more childish. She came to tap the vacant swing next to her.
- Do you still have some time? Do you want to come and chat with me a bit?
He nodded softly, joining her. He was no longer a few minutes away. Whether he gets yelled at now or in an hour because he came home late, it would be the same.
He wrapped his fingers around the chains and swayed slightly, in a not-so-heavy silence. Until the moment Hotaru decided to break it.
- I'm going to move...
- Oh yeah? When?
- In five hours...
He looked at her, stunned. How so, in five hours? He was already in shock that she could move when less than ten minutes ago, he was thinking about her... And now that she's leaving so soon, it's unimaginable.
However, he did not let anything appear. Surely she wanted support. For some, it was hard, a move.
- That's cool! Where are you going to live?
- In Misasa...
It was far away. Just over eight hours drive. The possibility of crossing her now was nil.
- Ah... Nevertheless...
- I can't sleep... So I made the wall and here I am! I don't want to leave this city... I have so many memories here...
Atsushi nodded softly. He, too, had a lot of memories in this neighborhood, in this city. He could never forget everything he went through.
- Do you remember the day you pushed me so the swing that I fell, head first?
As she laughed softly, shame colored Atsushi's cheeks. Of course he remembered it... It was during the summer school holidays. It was extremely hot, no clouds on the horizon.
They were much younger than now, a time of carelessness where we didn't care about the future and lived in the present moment... Aika wanted to be swinging, very high. To have wind, to have less heat.
So she had asked Atsushi, her only friend in the neighborhood, for help. He had agreed, to please her. But he was still just a little kid pushing another child.
Instead of pushing the seat of the swing, he had pushed the little girl's back. The latter having ended up spreading its entire length in the grass.
- I am... sorry again... You had a scratched nose if I remember correctly.
- It was nothing too serious, yes. And... Remember the skate park? Where was a high school student who-
- Ate a pole in the face?
They exchanged a complicit look before bursting out laughing. Surely one of their best memories...
A dumbass from the local high school who was doing the smart thing on his skateboard, under the eyes of the young children that were Atsushi and Aika at the time. Sitting on a wooden bench, their heads moved at the same time as the skater's movements.
Skater who did not hesitate to say loud and clear the figures he made, making very clearly the brave in front of the toddlers.
Until the moment when he didn't even pay attention to the environment around him. Sendou had opened his mouth to warn him to pay attention.
But it was too late... When the high school student turned his head to look ahead, his body literally fit into a lamppost. The poor vacant board ended its way at the feet of the hilarious kids.
Atsushi sighed, nostalgic. With his head raised, he looked at the sky dotted with thousand stars, hidden instead by the rain-filled clouds.
- Ah, it was the right time...
- You said it... I admit that I miss it a little, the days when we had nothing to do with the future...
The young man nodded, completely agreeing with her.
After a short moment of white, they looked straight in the eye. The cool wind gently flattered their hair, their bodies illuminated by the low light of a lamppost.
- You... should go back, right?
- That wouldn't be a bad idea, yes.
- I'm going back to you.
- That's nice, Tsushi, thank you!
- That's perfectly normal, don't thank me for that.
They stood up, in silence, in the direction of the girl's house.
Aika Hotaru, the girl he had fallen in love with. Of which he never knew how to confess his feelings to her. This girl who had just calmed him down when a few hours earlier, he could have witnessed the death of a guy of his age. This girl who will move in less than five hours and who fled her home to remember her memories of children.
That's why he loved her... There was nothing sweeter than Ai's cheerfulness. He had gone crazy with her radiant smile and woke up every day to see it and hear her nickname come out of the mouth of the Venetian blonde.
- Eh, Tsushi...
- Yes?
- I will miss you very much...
Caught off guard, the boy's heart missed a beat. His cheeks were getting bogged down, not knowing what to say.
He was afraid of misunderstood. After all, they used to hang out together very often when they were young... But on the other hand, they hadn't really seen each other anymore when they returned to their respective colleges.
It is true that this separation had affected, at the beginning of the college, Atsushi. Although he had quickly bonded with Takemichi, Takuya, Makoto and Yamagishi.
The difference here is that it was no longer a few meters that would separate Sendou and Hotaru but several kilometers. Making then the possibility of seeing oneself at zero.
When he finally found something to say, an onomatopoeia came out of his mouth, for he had had his speech cut off by the girl.
- We've arrived. Good... Tsushi, I hope we'll see each other again in the future...
A slight smile stretched his lips but it was so sad that it broke Atsushi's heart.
He had never realized it... Was it so important to Aika? To the point of expressing this feeling of bitterness on his pretty face.
He remained stoic, a little lost. And upon hearing no answer, Aika scratched her back of the neck and then greeted him before heading to her house, for fear that the atmosphere would become too awkward before she left this city for an indefinite period.
He watched her leave, still without a word. And the first thought that crossed his mind was what would Takemichi have done in his place?
And the answer fell to him as a matter of course, when he put himself in the shoes of Hanagaki and put Hotaru in that of Tachibana.
- Ai! I love you!
At first surprised by her friend's burst of voice, she turned around to look at him. Then, finally understanding his words, she became scarlet red. Just like him.
He had unpacked everything he had been keeping for a while, without thinking too much, not expecting it himself. However, it was done, we might as well continue.
- I mean... I've always loved you actually. It just turned into love instead of friendship. We've always been inseparable, I really liked hanging out with you... When we went to see the squirrels in the woods, play football in the city, listen to Elvis Presley, and so on! It doesn't seem to me to have been bored for a moment with you... You're a great person... And no matter how far apart we are, I will never forget you and I will always love you... Because... It has always been you, the girl to whom I would like to offer my heart, my soul and my being... I will also miss you very much, Ai...
Breathless from having thrown it all away, looking at her while waiting for her answer. Who soon came.
- You're really too stupid, Tsushi... Why are you telling me all this now? How am I going to leave without crying now?
A sniff was heard, the schoolgirl passing a hand over her eyes, as if to prevent her tears from falling.
- Don't cry... We'll see you one day or the other, I promise you!
- Really? Promised, sworn, spit?
He was smiling, it was a sentence that a primary school child could say... Like them, ten years back. The promise of a young individual is sacred... Let it be in the eyes of the child who said it, and also in the eyes of the child who received this unforgettable word.
She had stretched out her little finger to him, while looking at him, with her watery eyes. So he wrapped his little finger around the young woman's, squeezing it gently.
- Promised, sworn, spit. Finally! I'm not going to spit out, huh!
- I understood.
The sound of Aika's laughter sounded like a nice melody in her ears.
- Tu devrais rentrer et te reposer, tu vas avoir beaucoup d’heures de route.
She nodded but did not move. So Atsushi raised an eyebrow.
- Ai?
- Sorry... I take advantage of seeing each other once to never forget your face...
This remark made him blush to the ears. She was really too cute...
- Finally, I still have to have pictures of you in kindergarten when you were in diapers...
- Eh!
What an ugly memory... Finally, there are the memories of the two young college students who have known each other since childhood. So it was normal for her long-time friend to have this kind of photo. Then, deep down, it didn't bother him at all.
- With that, until the next one, Tsushi.
She offered him the smile he won't soon forget. Sincere, tender, sweet, beautiful,... A perfect smile.
With his hands in his pockets, he had a rictus too, looking at her with immense benevolence.
- Yeah... One of these days away, Ai...
Aika seemed to have an idea that crossed her mind. She suddenly approached the young man, putting her arms around his neck and crushing his lips on his cheek.
He hadn't blushed, far too well in his bubble with her. It was the last physical contact he had with, he wasn't going to walk away.
- By the way... I love you too, Atsushi Sendou...
The college student's smile grew a little bigger, taking his hands out of his pockets to hug the girl for a few minutes.
The atmosphere around them was pleasant... They weren't even cold, their body heat warmed each other. The light of the lampposts gave this ephemeral scene an almost magical moment.
Then, finally, Sendou separated from the girl but without forgetting affectionate gesture. He had delicately taken Hotaru in both hands, kissing his forehead.
And he let her go, letting her go to his home.
Sendou looked at the Venetian blonde who had returned home. She was waving at him before she walked towards the tree as high as her house. By chance, a solid branch was quite close to his window.
This allowed him to easily make the wall but also to return again without going through the front door.
She gave him yet another last sign. Atsushi, however, could see where it was that she had tears in her eyes that she held back as best she could.
But he knew that if there was another minute left, she would go back down. So he turned his heels, waving at her back.
He had heard the window closing, along with his heart breaking. Tears flowed down her cheeks.
The day they meet again won't be by tomorrow the day before and it hurt him terribly. As if we had just finished a child's favorite book and closed that book abruptly.
He snorted loudly, wiping his wet eyes with his hand. He straightened his head, nose and red cheekbones, dried tears on his cheeks, his eyes injected with blood.
Decidedly... He already missed her.
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frywen-babbles · 5 years
Sounds of Silence pt8
A/N: TW: Mentions of past abuse
Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4 | Part5 | Part6 | Part7 |
"Of course you don't!" he immediately denied her outrageous claim, baffled she would even suggest such a thing.
Was she insane?
"You don't get it, do you? He will win. He always wins!" Her words were accompanied by a desperate cry that shot Mitsunari straight through the heart. He saw the desperation behind her eyes, the terror, the feeling of being cornered without a way out.
"There is always another way. We just have to find it."
"You googled him, didn't you?"
"You know he's a cop."
"Then you know I have no other choice."
"There's always a choice!"
"Like what?!" Now her eyes turned from fright to anger, the sneer in her face mocking his suggestion. "Going to the police? They would never believe me."
"Of course they would."
"Are you really that stupid and naive? You really think the police can always be trusted?!"
He really wanted to say yes. That she was wrong, that going to the police would be the right option. But he knew saying that would really be stupid and naive. His fingernails dug into his palms and he had to force his hands to relax.
She sank back to the couch and he followed looking at her helplessly. He reached for his tea to get his hands something to do and she did the same, sipping at her tea seemingly unaware of it's taste. Not that he could taste anything either, it could have very well been warm dishwater in his teacup. He tried to come up with something, anything to say. Anything to convince her from returning to him.
"That first time... why did you come to me?"
She blinked in surprise to his question but stayed silent as if searching for words. "I... I thought... I thought..." She fell silent averting her eyes. "I thought... I didn't know where else to go."
She stared at her teacup stirring the tea over and over again before she seemed to find her resolve.
"That was the first time I thought he would kill me."
'The first time'. Did that mean there had also been a second? A third? He felt absolutely appalled, disgusted at even the idea someone might have to be scared for their life in their own home.
And especially because it was her.
How scared must she have been to take the leap to meet with a complete stranger hoping they would help her when the person she should have been able to trust the most had betrayed her trust in one of the worst ways possible.
"I feel so stupid now. I should have seen it coming after everything... But I thought... I thought I still loved him despite everything. And I thought he loved me. That maybe after he calmed down everything would be fine again..." She fell silent and he hoped, not for the first time, he'd be as good with comfort and words as Hideyoshi. But he wasn't. All he could offer were bland flat words he was sure she wouldn't want to hear.
He touched her arm gently to get her attention before he pulled her into a hug. She was stiff in his arms for the tiniest moment before she relaxed and clung to his clothes. He stroked her hair in what he hoped was a soothing way and he felt how she trembled in his arms.
She took a shaky breath. Then another one. Small sniffles turned into bigger ones, her tears wetting his shirt but he didn't mind.
It was as if a dam had broken inside of her.
She cried and cried and cried, her cries turning into wails, her face buried in his chest and he didn't dare to let go of her. He stroked her hair over and over again until he felt like his hand was numb, but still, he kept petting her like she was a frightened animal he needed to calm down. Little by little, her wails turned into sobs and she seemed to calm down at least a bit.
He heard the door open and saw Hideyoshi step inside. As soon as he saw them Hideyoshi gave him thumbs up and winked.
She hiccuped and sniffled, another wail shaking her and he couldn't but held her a bit tighter.
The look on Hideyoshi's face was small consolation after the "encouragement" he had tried to give them. Hideyoshi pointed at the door behind him and made a hasty escape, the door clicking closed after him.
Her cries died down a little bit at the time, but he never let her go. He held her until her breath was even and all the tension had left her body.
He tried to push her away from him, only to realise she had fallen asleep. In his arms.
A tiny bit of panic settled on his chest as he tried to figure out what to do. Should he just let her sleep? He didn't want to wake her up but this wasn't a comfortable position for either of them.
Somehow, after a lot of wiggling and careful planning, he managed to lie her down on the couch without waking her up.
When Hideyoshi returned, he glanced at her blanket-covered form on their couch before he sat across from him at their kitchen table.
"... Look, I'm sorry about earlier... I... might have misread the situation..."
"No need to be so hard, I'm trying to apologise here..." Hideyoshi sighed and glanced at her again. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"
"She thinks she should return to her husband."
"No." Hideyoshi snapped his answer, his lips pursing into a thin line.
"It's only matter of time before he finds her," Mitsunari voiced the thought he had been mulling over the entire evening.
"Then she should stay here. One of us will be here, Inuchiyo is next door. We can call other people to keep her company."
He looked at Hideyoshi astonished. You could just do that? You could just ask someone to move in? Not that he hadn't dreamt of the possibility of keeping a closer eye on her, but he had thought it would be out of the question for Hideyoshi.
She stood in their entryway with a large bag on her hands shifting her weight awkwardly from one foot to another. She placed the bag on the floor and made a deep bow.
"Thank you for having me."
"Don't worry about it! Come in." Hideyoshi beamed at her gesturing her to step inside. She took her shoes off and timidly stepped inside.
"I already put sheets ready for you under the coffee table. Sorry, we don't have a better bed than the sofa, but it's very comfy." Hideyoshi pointed at the sheets sitting on the lower level of the coffee table out of the way and she offered him a nod as a response. "We... um... we try to keep things tidy, but don't worry too much about it, okay?"
"Not we, you." Mitsunari said, "I'm capable of putting things back in place unlike *certain people*."
"Hey, I'm the one who has to share the apartment with a neat freak."
It felt almost as if they had been living with a ghost. A very tidy ghost, but a ghost none the less. She was quiet, eerily so, in everything she did. Anything out of place got put away faster than ever, there were never any dirty dishes on the sink, no stains on any of the surfaces. She never went to bed before both of them had retired to their rooms and when they woke up in the morning she had already folded her sheets neatly under the coffee table, breakfast ready and waiting for them.
All of it made Mitsunari so uncomfortable. But he had no idea what he should say or if he should say anything at all. He held his tongue even when he noticed she had started to clean his room, his books and papers in even straighter and sharper piles than they had been before. Even his clothes appeared in his closet clean and every single piece sharply ironed and folded.
She had been living with them for almost three weeks before Hideyoshi lost it.
"Okay, that's it! Things can't continue like this!" he announced as soon as he got his dinner plate in front of him. She looked at Hideyoshi her eyes wide before she quickly glanced at Mitsunari and back at Hideyoshi.
She looked frightened. Ready to flee at the slightest hint and Mitsunari wanted to do nothing more than to take her in his arms and assure her everything was alright. But the polite smile never left her lips.
"...sorry..." she mumbled quietly.
"Oh, no. No, no, no!" Hideyoshi waved his hands in front of him in denial, "You haven't done anything wrong! Sit down, please?" he pointed at the chair next to him and she sat timidly at the edge of it.
"You're not supposed to serve us. All of us live together, for now, so it's only fair we share all of the chores, okay?" Hideyoshi said, looking at Mitsunari for backup. She turned her eyes on him as well and he nodded.
"I... did wrong?" she asked him searching his face but for what he didn't know.
He was sure his heart would break. How did she not realise what Hideyoshi was trying to say? How did she not realise she didn't need to do all the chores by herself?
"You did nothing wrong. But we have to share the chores. I'll make a chart."
"A chart. And I only do the chores I have on my list? I'm not allowed to help?"
"No. You do only the ones on your list."
"...okay." she agreed, even though Mitsunari could see she didn't understand.
The doorbell rang just as he was concentrated on studying. He sighed and ignored it, deciding it was somebody else's problem. Only after he heard banging on the door, he realised Hideyoshi usually studied with headphones on.
He hurried to the door and barely managed to unlock it when it was yanked open and two men swarmed inside.
"Heey!" the first one greeted with a wide smile on his face as he was already kicking his shoes off.
"Who invited you?" Mitsunari snarled as he was pushed aside.
"Don't be a sourpuss, we came to hang. Where's Hideyoshi?"
"What's the noise?" he heard Hideyoshi ask.
"Some uninvited mongrels, who don't know when they're not welcome," Mitsunari responded sourly.
"Oh, Tora? Ichimatsu?" Hideyoshi asked as he emerged to meet them. She peeked her head behind Hideyoshi's back, and Kiyomasa immediately caught sight of her.
"Oh, hello! Is this the girl you've talked to us about, Hideyoshi?"
"Err... No... not exactly. This is..." Hideyoshi stumbled over his words as she slipped half a step behind Mitsunari and touched his arm to get his attention. "Mitsunari's friend. She's staying with us."
"Oh, yeah. You did mention something about this not being a good time to visit. Well, thanks for having us!" Kiyomasa stepped inside and slumped on the sofa.
She offered Masanori a quiet bow which he returned before he followed Kiyomasa and Hideyoshi to the living room.
"Friends of Hi-de-yo-shi. Or more like nuisances. You don't have to worry about them, just tell them to leave when you want to go to bed." Mitsunari retreated back to his room and was about to close the door when she tapped his arm. "I need to study more for tomorrow, sorry," he apologised. She pulled her hand back and smiled.
"Sorry for troubling you."
Some hours later, Mitsunari was heading out of his room, when quiet voices just outside stopped him on his track.
"-but she's just... creepy. No one is that polite."
"You're being rude..."
"There's polite and then there's... whatever that is. Don't you feel creeped out to be served like that?"
"Like I get offering tea or something but she kept hovering over our shoulders the whole time. And- wait, what's that noise?"
Mitsunari heard it too, a quiet buzz, like an alarm. When he opened his door to investigate, he saw the three men standing awkwardly in the kitchen. When he reached them, he saw her sitting on the floor, eyes closed. Her phone had rolled out of her hand when she had fallen asleep and it was now buzzing next to her.
He glanced around the previously clean kitchen, at the pile of dishes in the sink, at the empty packages of snacks.
He should have realised.
She wouldn't tell Hideyoshi's friends to leave. She had probably been the perfect housewife to her husband, serving his guests whenever they arrived, being a pretty accessory in parties. And now she was repeating that in here.
His hands clenched into fists, but he forced them to relax. He kneeled next to her, trying to school his face to a more neutral expression.
He shook her shoulder and she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times to get him into focus. Then her eyes darted behind him and she scampered to her feet and bowed.
"I am so terribly sorry!"
At that moment, Mitsunari realised what Kiyomasa and Masanori had meant. Her demeanour, her speech patterns were nothing like when you talk to your friends. She was being extra polite, like a server in a restaurant.
Mitsunari tapped her shoulder again to get her attention.
"Go take a shower, I'll clean up things in here."
"But the..." she tried, but Mitsunari shook his head.
"You're tired, go take a shower and go to sleep in my room."
"...Okay..." she relented and slipped between the men to the bathroom. As soon as Mitsunari heard the bathroom lock klick he directed a glare at their guests, who had the decency to look ashamed, and turned to clean the kitchen.
The rice cooker was on so he turned it off and looked inside at what she had been making. Inside he found a perfectly cooked cake, ready to be eaten after cooling down.
"She fed you every single snack in the house and even made you gluttons a cake and you have the audacity to insult her?!" He glared at the three men in the kitchen but didn't receive an answer. Not that he had been expecting one either. They cleaned the kitchen in silence while she showered and slipped into his room.
Kiyomasa and Masanori left sheepishly as soon as they had cleaned. Hideyoshi tried to apologise on their behalf, but Mitsunari waved him quiet and stepped into his room to get a change of clothes.
She was already fast asleep and Mitsunari couldn't help but marvel at her face. She looked calm and peaceful, her lips slightly parted. He wanted to kiss those lips, hear the small gasp she would make as she'd wake up to the kiss-
Mitsunari stopped himself horrified, his hand merely few centimetres away from her still damp hair. He escaped to the livingroom burying himself under their spare blanket.
She was his friend! He had no right to have those kinds of thoughts about her.
He really was the worst.
@honeybeelily   @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age   @han-pan   @masamunesmistress   @dreamfar628
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otome-reviews · 7 years
SLBP: “Lover’s Arrows” Inuchiyo/Keiji + Hideyoshi/Kiyomasa Review [SPOILERS]
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The current event has an interesting format! Similar to the main game, in each route you select there are two love interests to choose from after playing through a “common” route - the one catch here is that one of those love interests actually don’t have a main storyline! I’m impressed with Voltage’s creativity :)
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The first pairing I went through was Inuchiyo and Keiji, his trusty retainer/sidekick/I don’t know??. The common route begins when Inuchiyo (grumpily) rescues MC from an angry man who’s mad that MC interrupted his child beating ways. After a snarky exchange, MC returns to her mom’s restaurant, where we learn that Keiji is a regular, and that Keiji and Inuchiyo are buddies, of some sort (“Call me Toshi again and you’re dead”). The next day, MC runs into the angry man and his thuggish sidekicks again; Inuchiyo helps her hide from the men by hugging her, and Keiji somehow manages to beat them all up off screen, before coming over to tease Inuchiyo (“Oh Toshi, you always were the kinky one~”). The three people return to MC’s restaurant, but when MC’s mom realizes she’s almost out of ingredients, MC is left with a choice to make.
If she selects Inuchiyo, she goes out shopping for ingredients with him. After they return, her mom sends the two of them out to have fun at a festival, which triggers fond memories that MC once had of attending said festival with a neighboring boy. Spoiler alert, Inuchiyo’s the boy. ;) Unfortunately, MC doesn’t remember, which makes things awkward when she asks about a sword decoration that Inuchiyo has (“Someone who means the world to me gave me this.” “The woman you love?” “Yeah.” -- cue self-jealousy). But at the last moment, MC remembers, and the two of them have an adorable reunion.
If MC picks Keiji instead, she stays with him and the two help out at her mom’s restaurant. Keiji’s a charmer but hopeless at the whole waitering thing, so MC sends him out to promote the restaurant instead. It goes swimmingly, until some local assholes get mad him and Keiji...beats them up off screen. I’m sensing a pattern here, haha. In the end, MC catches up with Keiji at a riverbank, and they almost share a kiss before being interrupted by Inuchiyo the cockblocker. Haha.
This may be my super heavy Inuchiyo bias talking, but to be honest, I thought this route would’ve been much stronger if it just featured Inuchiyo! I don’t know much about either character, but Inuchiyo’s story (lost childhood friendship) was so much more interesting than Keiji’s (happy drunk super samurai?). It doesn’t help that I don’t think Keiji’s an especially appealing romantic interest, haha. He’s a great side character, but...let’s be real. The guy’s kind of an idiot. ^^
Personal Inuchiyo enjoyment: 7/10 Personal Keiji enjoyment: 4/10
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The second pairing that I encountered featured the always sexy Hideyoshi and his brother? cousin? retainer, Kiyomasa! The meat of this route starts with a war council: there is a security threat at an upcoming fair, and the duty of protecting everyone falls to H and his retainers. Small problem: everyone at the fair is required to be a couple! So Hideyoshi enlists the help of the women in the castle to help out with some fake relationships, including MC. H uses this hilarious premise to practice his flirty lines with MC prior to the fair (“I love you. ... Something like that, maybe?”), while Kiyomasa takes a more....physical... approach. (He adjusts his hands, pressing me even closer with a sudden jerk, not even a breath of air between us. “This is nothing between lovers, is it?”)
On the day of the fair, if MC chooses Hideyoshi, H spends a good amount of time holding MC’s hand, and some point in time, buys her a hair clip and puts it in her hair seductively. I love this guy. Eventually, they hit up the dance floor, which is on a ship, for some reason, and are pressured by MC’s European friends into slow dancing. It’s awesome. Until the ship/dance floor is attacked...by angry warrior monks! They’ve rigged the ship to explode. H goes into cold sexy scary samurai mode when MC’s threatened, but when the monks set the signal to blow up the ship...nothing happens. Because H’s retainers took care of the problem already! In the end, MC and H share a romantic moment on the riverbank (“Say a word to me with that smile on your face and I’ll have no choice but to fall in love with you...you know that, right?”). I swooned. <3
If MC chooses Kiyomasa instead, she is the sole woman to join K’s group! They scout out the monks’ temple together during the fair, where he, too, holds MC’s hands. The monks require proof that MC and K are lovers; K’s really good at pretending, but MC freezes up. K hilariously blames “performance issues” due to such things exciting her too much, and the monks buy it! Lmao. K even uses the monks as an excuse to make out with MC in a super hot way at some point (Just when I think he is going to break the kiss, he starts another, hand working into hair, grasping at it. Then, he tugs it back, tilting my chin several times to take my lips from every angle, each kiss deeper than the last. “D’you plan on letting me take you to school for the rest of this, too?”). In the end, K instigates a fight in a random room anyways, and H’s retainers show up at the last moment to save the day. Sadly, the two of them don’t quite get together by the end of the route ^^
...So look. I know nothing about the guy, but Hideyoshi has pretty much been perfection in every route he’s shown up in so far. He’s mad sexy. But Kiyomasa really holds his own! If MC and Kiyomasa had actually gotten together in some satisfying way by the end of their event, I probably would’ve enjoyed his event route just as much, to be honest!
Personal Hideyoshi enjoyment: 8/10 Personal Kiyomasa enjoyment: 7/10
Overall, neither the Inuchiyo/Keiji nor the Hideyoshi/Kiyomasa routes made much sense. But nonetheless, this event has been really fun. Looking forward to some Saizo/Kiyohiro goodness soon!
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twsted-princess · 7 years
Dreams Really Do Come True
(This a redo of my old one that I’m really proud of and I want to give it some love)
Another Princess of Hearts fanfic! Based off the wonderful post done by my dear friend @asa-de-ouro.
It was supposed to be another Saturday morning. I mean, it started normally. I woke up, brushed my teeth, checked my notifications on phone, went to my kitchen to make some tea. No one else besides my sister is up, just another day. That’s when it changed. As I went to the study my eyes focused on a oddly placed red button by the front door. There was something written by the button “Those whom you ship yourself with become real and are happy to see you , This includes those whom you shipped yourself with in the past”. Reading the note, my heart swelled at the thought, the idea of those who I adore with all of the heart being here in the world of reality, being with me and loving me unconditionally. My hand was hovering over the button, but my mind was racing. Maybe this is just some prank bro put out for. “But if that’s true, how does he know that I have fictional crushes? This could only be a sick joke.” My thoughts fought with each-other for a while until I finally decided. “If this is really a joke, let’s put to the test” I say to myself as I press the button.
Nothing happen….figures. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes, it was my own wishful thinking. Disappointed with myself, I’m about to sit down at the seats in the kitchen when the doorbell ring. “It’s probably the mailman or something”, raising to get it, the teapot warming up the water is the background noise. I peek through the glass on the door connecting the porch to the outside, there’s what I can assume a head of grey hair and a brilliant pair of teal eyes. “No, that can’t be….” my body wanting to open the door while my brain tried to process the events. I opened the door and standing only a few steps away is Philip. His eyes met mine and he gave me a smile seeing only love and accomplishment, like I’m an oasis made by the gods. He kneels before me, placing a closed hand against his heart, I’m taken back and from his mouth “It’s been too long my princess” comes out.
 “Is this really happening?” is all I’m thinking as he rises. We stand there for some time until he coughs, “So can I come it?” he speaks, his smile not leaving. Snapping at the trace, blushing at the fact that I standing there like a idiot “O-Of course.” comes out. I lead him to the living room where he sits in on the sofa. There’s an awkward silence on my part when the teapot signals it’s ready, “Uh…D-Do you want something to eat, or drink, or something?” I say nervous as all hell. “Not really.” he replies, his eyes not leaving mine for a second “W-Well, If you don’t mind I-I’m going to make some tea”. Speed-walking to the kitchen my mind is racing for answers “This has to be a joke. Yeah, that’s right. He’s just a professional cosplayer that paid to do this. He would never actually fall in love. I’m not pretty, or smart or anything worth loving. I’m annoying and stupid and AGH!”. As I’m pouring the tea and loathing myself for falling for the prank that my brother is probably laughing his ass over, I noticed that Philip is staring at something on the wall. Following his line of sight my eyes are now noticing that there’s a clock that was never there before. It’s counting down the time, 133:55, that’s weird. He sees that I’m focused on the clock when he chuckles, again snapping me out of my foolishness. “Don’t worry about the clock, I’m just waiting for the rest of the gang to show up” he turns to look me still in that adoring stare. “Wait! There’s more comin-” I can’t get the rest of the words out when the doorbell rings agains. “This is a dream” I say repeatedly to myself as I head to the door, opening it, my eyes laid more figures that I know more then anything. Kiyomasa Senji (Deadman Wonderland), Vash (Trigun), S-Sha (Hyperdimension Neptunia), Theodore (Persona 3) and tower above them was Blue Diamond (Steven Universe).
 My brain is almost ready to explode when Philip comes up behind me, “Hey, guys! Nice to meet you finally!”. Vash two-finger salutes him, Blue Diamond waves while the others nod. They see me and they all smile with the same simile of love. “Well, don’t just stand there! Come on it, there’s tea if anyone wants some.” He said heading inside. They follow, passing by me, Diamond transforming herself into a smaller but still tall enough height. “It’s good to finally meet you” Senji spoke while passing me patting my head. The once fictional characters entering my house while I stand still trying to make out if this is real or fantasy. “I have to be dreaming, there’s literally no way this is actually happening...” going back inside I see that everyone has settled in and are now chatting. Gaining some confidence I clear my throat “Can anyone please explain to me what’s going on here?” everyone heads turn to face me “Am I just the willing participant in a elaborate joke?”. The questions hang in the air for a bit, “You can admit it, I know you’re doing this just to get a laugh…I don’t mind. You’re all just cosplaying those characters to get a reaction out of me about how stupid I am, aren’t you?” I added.“What are you talking about? We’re here cause you called us, isn’t that right?” Satan spoke up. “But, that’s impossible...you guys aren’t real.” I tried to explain as S-Sha walked up to me taking the hold on my hand. “We’re here to be with you, it’s that simple.” her voice was true and sounded genuine. She guided my hand to her sliver hair allowing me to feel. It’s was so soft, and I couldn’t feel and wig cap underneath. Again the doorbell rang.
“I’ll go get it.” Senji said as he rose from the seat. S-Sha sat me down and Blue Diamond got me my tea that I ignored. I took notice on the strange clock again it now reading 100:09. The door swung open and another bunch of the people I love walked into the living room. This time a group of ten. Their faces all too familiar to me as everyone greeted each other. The group would then come over to me, with hellos and how much they missed me like I’m a loved one they haven’t seen in a long time. My heart is beating so fast and I felt like I was going to pass out from all the attention. “Maybe this isn’t a dream after all.” I ponder the thought as I get up to make the new guests more comfortable. Making some tea and coffee, I offer the refreshments to them. Some take the offer while some recline. There’s chatter with laughter as stories are being told along with some lighthearted arguing, I stand against the wall enjoying the scene. Another ring from the door, rushing to get it, the clock changes to read 100:00. The next group of ten enters as I’m now greeted with hugs, head pats, even kisses on the hand and/or cheek. Some of them even brought gifts of flowers and even a small crown to me. The living room and kitchen are almost full so I direct the party to the garden outback the conversations continued outside. Soon enough, my parents and my older brother walk downstairs to witness the party at hand. All three of them are stumped speechless at the size of the group. “Oh! Morning you guys! I’ll explain everything later!” My simile is now slightly hurting but I couldn’t care less. This is a dream come true and I don’t want to wake up. My twin sister has now joined the party, having almost the amount of excitement as me. My parents don’t want to question the fact that we’re having the time of lives so my dad started to breakfest while my mom talks to guests. I pulled my brother to the side “Okay, so was this your plan for a joke or something?” I asked in all seriousness. “No! I have literally have no idea what’s going on!’ he said in total honestness.  My eyes was against fall in the clock as another group invites themselves in. The time reads 80:15, the dots connect in my head. It’s counting down every single character I’ve had a crush on. I giggle at my own forgetfulness as i rejoins the party.
Everything is going smoothly as more of the people I love come through the door. Everyone is having a grand time. My parents are getting along with the guest, my sister looks like she’s going pass out from seeing fictional characters in real life while my brother is confused as fuck but is going along with her. The talking is pleasant and the food is almost done. I’ve talked to the loves of my life. Seeing them so happy and even loosen up a bit fills my heart with joy. I smile at the crowd, not wanting this moment to end. There’s a knock at the door “Coming!” I shout as my feet rush to the door. On my way to the door I see that wonderful clock counting down. 7, 6, 5… my steps matched the timing as my hand grip the knob 4, 3, 2… I open to the door and stare at Roronoa Zoro, my very first fictional crush. “It’s been forever, Melanie” are the only words he gets out as I leap into his arms. Hugging him with every fiber in my body I feel tears beginning to fell. He hugs back as the group see that the final guest is here at last. “This really isn’t a dream, is it?” I asked looking up at his face, our eyes locking. “Not at all” a warm grin spread across his lips. It’s just like the stories, dreams really do come true.
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ranseifloof · 7 years
— “What am I supposed to do, Lord Osamu?” He gives sigh, looking out at the kingdom. It’s the middle of the night and most everyone is asleep, Mitsunari’s only company in the moon and stars. And maybe– he can’t help but quietly hope– the ghosts of the past.
— “Am I really fit to be Warlord? Father’s finally proud of me, so I can’t help but be a bit excited, but….but what if I can’t do it? I’ll just be a bigger disappointment to him. Not only that, but the whole kingdom—” Another sigh, mostly in frustration this time. “The whole kingdom would suffer because of my mistakes. Is this how you felt, Lord Osamu, when you became Warlord? Is this how Hiroko felt? No—….did she even have time to feel this….? And that’s another thing—”
— “I left, Lord Osamu. I walked away. I thought surely neither you nor Hiroko would want me around anymore. And yet, here I am. Does that mean she’s forgiven me? Was she ever angry?”
— “……..Where you….?”
— Mitsunari rubbed at his face, and a little voice in his head asked why he didn’t talk to Hiroko about how he was feeling. He quickly waved the thought aside, though. She had enough on her plate right now, and she was counting on him.
— What about Yasha and Matsu?
— As soon as he has the thought, he hears footsteps— deliberate ones. Ones that want to be heard. He can’t but smile a bit as he turns to Kiyomasa and Masanori, the latter still rubbing sleep from his eyes. They both join Mitsunari, standing on either side of him.
— “Can’t sleep?” Kiyomasa has a smile on his face, but there’s worry in his eyes.
— “Oh, no, I’ve been sleeping like a log.”
— “Hey, me too, until Yasha woke me up!” Both Mitsunari and Kiyomasa sigh at Masanori, and Kiyomasa can’t help but shake his head a bit.
— “Anyways–” Best to ignore Masanori at the moment, until he woke up a bit more– “You know Matsu and I are here for you, no matter what, Kichi.”
— “Aw, Yasha, ya'know he’s gonna worry anyways! That’s just how he is! But, hey, hey, Kichi! That’s fine! Yer the worrier. Everyone needs someone like that. I’m too stupid to–”
— “Woah, he admitted it–”
— Masanori ignores Kiyomasa as he continues on. “And Yasha’s too calm all the time. But you? You worry.”
— “Thank….you….?” Mitsunari isn’t sure how to respond to that.
— “Matsu, I don’t know how that’s supposed to be any help.”
— “See, see, that’s why we’re so awesome! Kichi’s worrying keeps us grounded while Yasha plans an’ I beat shit up! We’re perfect! So you don’t gotta worry so much, Kichi. Yasha can plan for any problem and I can beat anyone up that gets in our way. Isn’t that how we’ve always done things?”
— “Well, yeah—-”
— “Th'n why is this any different? It’s jus’ a larger scale.”
— There’s silence for a bit before Mitsunari suddenly starts laughing, practically doubling over. It takes him a bit to calm down enough to speak, but he’s smiling when he does.
— “I guess you’re right. For once.”
— “You should put that in writin’ for me.”
— “Arceus knows you won’t remember it otherwise.” Masanori shoots a glare at Kiyomasa, who only shrugs in response. Mitsunari looks between them when he’s suddenly hit by a realization– one that leaves a bit of a bad taste in his mouth.
— “Kichi? What’s wrong?”
— Ah, it was always hard to hide things from Kiyomasa. He was really good at reading him. Mitsunari just shakes his head though.
— “It’s nothing.” He’s lying, and even Masanori can tell he’s lying.
— “Kichi, what did we just say?” Mitsunari ignores Kiyomasa, refusing to look at either of them. He can’t his mouth shut for long though, and eventually speaks up.
— “What do you guys think of me?”
— “Yer annoyin’, an’ bossy, an’ rude—”
— “Matsu!” Kiyomasa cuts him off, exasperated.
— “Hey, he asked.”
— “Well, yeah, but you can’t read a mood at all, can you?”
— “That’s more yer thing, Yasha.”
— “Girls, girls, you’re both pretty, can’t we focus back on my question.” Mitsunari looks between them, and Kiyomasa sighs before answering.
— “We both care about you a lot, Mitsunari.” Woah, he’s serious, he even dropped the nickname. Tentively, Kiyomasa reaches out and brushes his fingers against Mitsunari’s. “You mean a lot to us.” His voice is soft, filled with kindness. Masanori and meanwhile nodding in agreement. Better to leave the talking to Kiyomasa. Without thinking, Mitsunari hooks his fingers onto Kiyomasa’s. He gets a light squeeze of his fingers in return, and before he can think, Kiyomasa places a light kiss onto Mitsunari’s forehead. Mitsunari’s face turns about as brilliant a red as his fur piece, and it causes the other two to laugh.
--- "I hate the both of you!" Mitsunari tried to look angry, but the redness of his cheeks negated the effect. Kiyomasa and Masanori only smiled, the former resting his head on Mitsunari's shoulder.
--- "We love you, too."
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twsted-princess · 7 years
Dreams Really Do Come True
Another Princess of Hearts fanfic! Based off the wonderful post done by my dear friend @asa-de-ouro.
It was supposed to be another Saturday morning. i mean, it started normally. I woke up, brushed my teeth, checked my notifications on phone, went to my kitchen to make some tea. No one else besides my sister is up, just another day.That’s when it changed. As I went to the study my eyes focused on a oddly placed red button by the front door. There was something written by the button “Those whom you ship yourself with become real and are happy to see you but This includes those whom you shipped yourself with in the past”. Reading the note, my heart swelled at the thought, the idea of those who I adore with all of the heart being here in the world of reality, being with me and loving me unconditionally. My hand was hovering over the button, but my mind was racing. “Maybe this is just some prank bro put out for. “But if that’s true, how does he know that I have fictional crushes. This could only be a sick joke.” My thoughts fought with each-other for a while until I finally decided. “If this is really a joke, let’s put to the test” I say to myself as I press the button. Nothing happen….figures. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes, it was my own wishful thinking. Disappointed with myself, I’m about to sit down at the seats in the kitchen when the doorbell ring. “It’s probably the mailman or something”, raising to get it, the teapot warming up the water is the background noise. I peek through the glass on the door connecting the porch to the outside, there’s what I can assume a head of blue hair and a pair of strikingly red eyes. “No, that can’t be….” my body wanting to open the door while my brain tried to process the events. I opened the door and standing only a few steps away is Cu Chulainn from the Fate series.
 His eyes met mine and he gave me a smile seeing only love and accomplishment, like I’m an oasis made by the gods. He kneels before me, placing a closed hand against his heart, I’m taken back and from his mouth “It’s been too long my princess” comes out. “Is this really happening?” is all I’m thinking as he rises. We stand there for some time until he coughs, “So can I come it?” he speaks, his smile not leaving. Snapping at the trace, blushing at the fact that I standing there like a idiot “O-Of Course.” comes out. I lead him to the living room where he sits in on the sofa. There’s an awkward silence on my part when the teapot signals it’s ready, “Uh…D-Do you want something to eat, or drink, or something?” I say nervous as all hell. “Not really.” he replies, his eyes not leaving mine for a second “W-Well, If you don’t mind I-I’m going to make some tea”. Speed-walking to the kitchen my mind is racing for answers “This has to be a joke. Yeah, that’s right. He’s just a professional cosplayer that paid to do this. He would never actually fall in love. I’m not pretty, or smart, I’m annoying and stupid and AGH!”. As I’m pouring the tea and loathing myself for falling for the prank that my brother is probably laughing his ass over, I noticed that Cu is staring at something on the wall. Following his line of sight my eyes are now noticing that there’s a clock that was never there before. It’s counting down the time, 120:15, that’s weird. He sees that I’m focused on the clock when he chuckles, again snapping me out of my foolishness. “Don’t worry about the clock, i’m just waiting for the rest of the gang to show up” he turns to look me still in that adoring stare. “Wait! There’s more comin-” I can’t get the rest of the words out when the doorbell rings agains. “This is just a dream” I say repeatedly to myself as I head to the door, opening it, my eyes laid more figures that I know more then anything. Kiyomasa Senji from Deadman Wonderland, Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You, S-Sha for Hyperdimension Neptunia, Satan and T from the Puyo Puyo franchise and tower above them was Blue Diamond from Steven Universe. My brain is almost explode when Cu comes up behead me, “Hey, guys! Nice to meet finally you!”. Sho two-finger salutes him, Blue diamond waves while the others nod. They see me and they all smile with the same simile of love. “Well, don’t just stand there! Come on it, there’s tea if anyone wants some.” Cu said heading inside. They follow, passing by me, the diamond transforming herself into a smaller but still tall enough height. “It’s good to finally meet you” Senji spoke while passing me patting my head. The once fictional characters entering my house while I stand still trying to make out if this is real or fantasy. “I have to be dreaming, there’s literally no way this is actually happening” going back inside I see that everyone has settled in and are now chatting. Gaining some confidence I clear my throat “Can anyone please explain to me what’s going on here?”everyone heads turn to face me “And I’m a just the willing participant in a elaborate joke?”. The questions hang in the air for a bit, “You can admit it, I know you’re doing this just to get a laugh…I don’t mind” I added. S-Sha walked up to me taking the hold on my hand. “We’re here to be with you, it’s that simple.” her voice was true and sounded genuine. She guided my hand to her sliver hair allowing me to feel. It’s was so soft, and I couldn’t feel and wig cap underneath. Again the doorbell rang.
“I’ll go get it.” Senji said as he rose from the seat. S-Sha sat me down and Blue Diamond got me my tea that I ignored. I took notice on the strange clock again it now reading 100:09. The door swung open and another bunch of the people I love walked into the living room. This time a group of ten. Their faces all too familiar to me as everyone greeted each other. The group would then come over to me, with hellos and how much they missed me like I’m a loved one they haven’t seen in a long time. My heart is beating and my whole body is swelling from all the attention. “Maybe this isn’t a dream after all.” I ponder the thought as I get up to make the new guests more comfortable. Making some tea and coffee I offer the refreshments to them. Some take the offer while some recline. There’s chatter with laughter as stories are being told, I stand against the wall enjoying the scene. Another ring from the door, rushing to get it, the clock changes to read 90:00. The next group of ten enters as I’m now greeted with hugs, head pats, even kisses on the hand and/or cheek. The living room and kitchen are almost full so I direct the party to the garden outback. The conversations continued outside. Soon enough, my parents and my older brother walk downstairs to witness the party at hand. All three of them are stumped speechless at the size of the group. “Oh! Morning you guys! I’ll explain everything later!” My simile is now slightly hurting but I couldn’t care less. This is a dream come true and I don’t want to wake up. My twin sister has now joined the party, having almost of excitement as me. My parents don’t want to question the fact that we’re having the time of lives so my dad started to breakfest while my mom talks to guests. I pulled my brother to the side “Okay, so was this your plan for a joke or something?” I asked in all seriousness “No! I have literally have no idea what’s going on!’ he said in total honestness “Okay, well that explains that”. My eyes was against fall in the clock as another group invites themselves in. The time reads 70:15, the dots connect in my head. It’s counting down every group I’ve had a crush on. I giggle at my own forgetfulness as i rejoins the party. 
Everything is going smoothly as more of the people I love come through the door. Everyone is having a grand time. My parents are getting along with the guest, my sister looks like she’s going pass out from seeing fictional characters in real life while my brother is confused as fuck but is going along with her. The talking is pleasant and the food is almost done. I’ve talked to the loves of my life about whatever come to my mind and have been to able to my loves of my life with some of them. I simile at the crowd, not wanting this moment to end. There’s a knock at the door “Coming!” I shout as my feet rush to the door. On my way to the door I see the wonderful clock counting down. 7, 6, 5… my steps matched the timing as my hand grip the knob 4, 3, 2… I open to the door and stare at Roronoa Zoro, my very first fictional crush. “It’s been forever, Melanie” are the only words he gets out as I leap into his arms. Hugging him with every fiber in my body I feel tears beginning to fell. He hugs back as the harem see that the final guest is here at last. “This isn’t a dream, is it?” I asked looking up at his face, our eyes locking. “Not at all” a warm grin spread across his lips. It’s just like the stories, dreams really do come true.       
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