#love my geeky guy
madsipie · 7 months
okay i'm currently running through TWDG S1 again and i am just so. oh my gosh.
everybody hates Ben. like wtf. even before he admits his silly little fuckup, even if you side with his ass entirely throughout Lilly's little argument about who took the supplies, everyone (most specifically Lee) still treats him like trash
Lee could hate Kenny and he still gets offered nice dialogue options with him, but almost every piece of dialogue Lee can say to Ben is pretty damn condescending and outright hateful like wtf do you have against a 17 yr old bro... and this is STILL before Ben admits anything, so there is no reason why he should be so mad at him bc he's literally just breathing... he even gives him nasty looks and even when i do get the choice of a nice dialogue it ain't even directed at him, just about him, and wtf! why does a 37 or something year old man have beef with a 17 year old!??!! he didn't do anything yet!??? god?!!!
flabbergasting. also have this pic i took of him because Ben.
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somin-yin · 11 months
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I'm liking Johnny quite a lot, he makes me laugh and gives me Todd vibes because of his sense of humour ❤️ it was definitely a good decision to pursue him, and also he's a gentleman! what else can I ask for? ❤️
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madegeeky · 3 months
30 June: I get sick. Hacking cough, snotty nose, nausea, the works.
2 July: Mr. Geeky and Mars get sick. Both experience minor coughing. Mr. Geeky has some nausea.
5 July: Mr. Geeky and Mars are no longer sick.
7 July: I am still sick. No nausea but much snot and coughing and sinus pressure.
8 July: Mr. Geeky tells me that if I hadn't been sick first, his symptoms were so mild he wouldn't even have noticed that he was sick.
9 July: I murder my husband. It is difficult, what with all the snot and coughing, but it had to be done.
10 July: I am still sick.
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woman-with-no-name · 2 years
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I think too many people try to divide people into aesthetic categories and then freak the fuck out when a person seems to define the boundaries of an aesthetic. Human beings are complex.
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arch-dieangelo · 2 years
nico needs to get weirder
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doctorjohcoy · 7 months
sorry for rbing black butler, but messy theatrical femme in a suit is forever
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spittingstar · 11 months
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If you know you know... Who cares if you have to pay the bills, you need to leave if you feel sad and bad at work...
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edenesth · 3 months
[7:03 AM]
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"Oh my freaking god! If you don't know how to drive, go back to driving school!" you shouted, resisting the urge to flip off the car in front of you. "Seriously, how did these people even get their driver's licenses?!"
Seonghwa bit his lip, glancing over at you with hearts in his eyes. He admired your heeled foot pressing aggressively on the accelerator as you overtook the slow driver hogging the fast lane. His eyes travelled up to your work outfit—a well-fitted black velvet dress with a mid-thigh slit, a floral-patterned scrunchie on your wrist, and a pair of geeky rose gold-rimmed glasses on your face.
God, if only she knew how hot she looked.
The thing was, you were usually the sweetest angel known to man. Everyone at your workplace called you 'sunshine,' and you truly were the nicest person to exist, a quality that had drawn him to you. To him, this made you wifey material, and he couldn't imagine loving anyone else if you weren't the one he eventually married.
But there was one time when you were most unlike your usual self: whenever you were on the road, behind the wheel. When you drove, you turned into a complete demon.
He remembered witnessing this side of you for the first time. It was just a few weeks into your relationship when he needed a ride. His initial shock quickly turned into admiration as he savoured the meanest resting bitch face he'd ever seen on you. He had no idea his sweet, perfect angel could harbour such rage.
That same expression was on your face now, and he would never tire of seeing it. However, there was one problem: he was getting a little too excited from seeing you like this. This was not the right time for such feelings. He was on his way to work, for goodness' sake. The last thing he needed was for his coworkers to notice how 'affected' he was by his girlfriend first thing in the morning.
To avoid letting his excitement escalate, he quickly took out his phone and started playing around with it, eventually settling on taking selfies using the mirror on the visor to distract himself.
"Man, I look good today," he smirked.
"Oh yeah? We'll see how good you look when you have to walk yourself to work tomorrow. This will be the last time I'm dropping you off, Park. That goddamn car of yours better be all serviced and ready by the end of the day."
His grin vanished at your words. "But babe, we're having such a good time. Don’t you like spending a few extra minutes with me, hm? Besides, the guys at the workshop said it could take a few days if the spare parts don’t arrive on time—" he was cut off by the deadly glare you shot him.
"If you think being stuck in an unnecessary jam and being late to my own job because of you is a good time, you need to reevaluate your priorities," you said coolly, eyes on the road as you overtook all the drivers from hell and sped toward his office building, which was thankfully not too far from yours.
"Yes, ma'am."
Seonghwa wasn’t sure how to feel hearing those words, but he supposed he finally understood what it meant to be both scared and turned on at the same time because damn, that was hot.
Before he could dwell on those feelings for too long, the car slowed to a stop, and he realised you had arrived at his workplace. After shifting the gear to park, you turned to face him, your usual warm smile greeting him once again—the smile he adored, the one that had stolen his heart, the one that made him realise you were the one.
"We're here, Hwa! You know I don't mean any of those words, right? I'll drive you whenever you need me to. Now go before you're late."
Just like that, his angel was back.
His heart melted all over again as he leaned in to press his lips firmly against your invitingly pink ones, not caring if he ruined your gloss. That was what you deserved after all the things you had just said to him. Call it his little payback if you will. To his delight, your eyes fluttered shut as you kissed him back, just like the sweet angel you always were, giving in to him without fail.
Pulling back slowly, you sighed, "Go. I'll see you after work. Love you."
He bit his lip, feeling your thumb swiftly wipe your gloss off his lips. "I love you too, babe. God, you drive me crazy."
And he meant it.
You giggled, pushing him away by the chest. "You do the same to me, Park Seonghwa."
As he got out of the car, his heart pounded in his chest, still reeling from the emotional whiplash you had given him. Feeling hot from the experience, he loosened his tie to cool off before entering his office. Oh yes, he couldn't wait to be picked up by you this evening. Unlike now, he would be able to show you just how crazy you made him once you got home tonight.
Just you wait, you little devil.
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ATEEZ Masterlist
I... this is self-indulgent as fck, that's all I'll say HAHA this was the only thing on my mind as I was driving home from work today. I'm usually sweet as an angel (it's what most people say about me) but good lord, I'm unrecognisable whenever I'm on the road.
Sacrificed my workout time to write this because priorities LMFAO
Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this random timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha |
@haven-cove @idfkeddieishot @vic0921 @vnessalau @apriecotte |
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alphajocklover · 5 months
Wake Up Pops
**A sequel to my earlier story, ‘Wake Up Bro’. It might be little premature to write a sequel only a month later, but the second picture really inspired me. Hope you guys like it, and check out the story of Owen’s transformation into Big O**
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“Wake up pops.”
Ben Smith looked up at his son in shock. Lately his son, Owen Smith, had been acting strange. He had shot up more than a foot seemingly overnight, and had gained an almost impossible amount of muscle. It almost hurt Ben’s brain to think about it, like he was noticing something he wasn’t supposed to be able to. Like he was staring at the sun. But he brushed his son's seemingly impossible transformation as a strange growth spurt, just like everyone else did. What other explanation was there? What he couldn’t brush off was his sons… other changes. It was like he was an entirely different person. He had gone from the shy, sensitive, geeky kid that Ben adored to a sport obsessed, crude, overly sexual jock. Worst of all, their relationship as father and son seemed to have just… stopped. Owen and Ben used to be so close. Owen looked up to Ben, Ben adored Owen, and they did practically everything together. But since Owen’s transformation into ‘Big O’ he had consistently ignored his father. Too busy with his new position on the football team, with his new jock bro friends, and with the girls he seemed to constantly be hooking up with. This was the first time that Owen had spoken to Ben in weeks, and what he was saying made… no sense.
“Owen? Is something wrong?” Ben asked, his first instinct to help his son. Strange transformation or not, Owen was Ben’s child. He had to make sure he was ok. Owen grinned a cocky, dumb grin, looking at his dad with slight dull eyes.
“Everything fucking great pops. I just need you to wake up pops.” Owen said. Ben looked at him with confusion. What was his son talking about? He was awake, wasn’t he? Own continued, looking at his father with a strange mix of dull amusement and genuine love. “I know you miss the old me. You miss us being close. I’ve missed you too pops. We can be the same again. You’ve just got to wake up pops.”
Ben, concerned and confused, made a move to comfort his son, when suddenly a wave of vertigo overcame him. The room around him dimmed till all he could see was his sons grinning face, his voice echoing around him. “I love you pops, but a stud like me needs a stud dad. A mentor. I can’t have a geek for a dad. And this way we can be close again. You’re meant to be more than this. It’s time to wake up pops.” Owen said, his grin turning more satisfied and victorious.
Ben felt the room began to spin as he fell back mentally, the words repeating in his mind like an all consuming loop, almost like a vortex. Wake up pops. Wake up pops. Wake up pops. WAKE UP POPS.
Ben was so lost in the words that he barely noticed as his son led him over to a mirror. Ben was so shocked by what he saw that he almost passed out right there. He looked… godly. He was impossibly big, with a body so thick and beefy that it commanded respect. His face had become so chiseled and manly that it put marble statues to shame. He barely looked like the suburban dad he once was. More like he belonged in the movies or in porn. He heard Owen laugh, a confident, manly laugh that Ben felt himself echoing without even meaning to. Owen spoke once more, a look of pride on his face.
“Fuck yeah pops! Now we’re both total studs! You let your inner jock wake up, and now we’re gonna fucking rule this town together!”
Ben felt his old self recede, as something else, someone else woke up and took control. Ben fell asleep, and Big Os pops, Coach Smith, woke up. Coach patted his son on the back, a smug grin on his face “Fuck yeah we will son.”
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whore-ibly-hot · 10 months
Best friend!Retro-gamer!Yandere x Fem! Or Transmasc!Reader
"My Player Two"
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Dub-con, perverted thoughts, obsession, bullying, masturbation, cum play, begging, general perversion, dry-humping.
(AN: Merry early xmas or equivalent holiday, guys! I have given you all the present of rising from the grave to deliver some submissive yandere horny thoughts.)
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A gentle tug shakes you out of your thoughts, making you sit up quickly and turn your attention to your friend, Lewis.
The curly haired brunettes tongue just barely pokes out between his lips, thick coke-bottle glasses slipping off his nose. He's trying his best to play his video game, whilst also keeping one hand on your shoulder. "Hey, I asked you somethin'!" He says, not glancing away from the screen.
"Sorry, just zoned out. Whatcha need?" You tilt your head and adjust your posture when he puts the hand from your shoulder back onto his controller.
"I was telling you that I think I'm real close to beating my Galaga score at the arcade on 54th. Real close to getting my initials up on that screen."
"That's great, Lewis. I'm glad all that practicing with your hands is paying off." He blushes at the encenuation. "You know, if you'd like you could come and see me, when I get that high score. It'd be pretty great." He grabs an old plastic cup by the side of his bed, handing it to you with a shake.
"I've even got a few coins for you, if you want them. Maybe we could play a couple rounds side-by-side, or I could use them, and get you a slushie or something from the prize counter." He looks at you hopefully, with large eyes. You giggle, and reach out to adjust his glasses, pushing them back up his nose. "Sure, Lewis. I can bring my own coins though how much you covet those coins." He chuckles.
The clock chimes 9:00 and your head whips over to see the time. "Oh, geez. I gotta get out of here, Lewis, I've got classes in the morning." He pouts a little, trying to think of a reason to get you to stay a little longer.
"Hey, maybe you could sleep over, just borrow one of my shirts. I'd hate to make you go home, plus I've got food here." He stands. You shake your head as you fumble around for your stuff.
"I can't Lewis, thanks though, I'll see you soon, okay? Uh, call me when you plan to go to the arcade, alright."
"Okay, goodnight then, Y/N..." he watches wistfully as you leave, trying to resist the urge to pull you back for just a few more minutes. He'd give you soda, or some more snacks. Lewis is hesitant to let anyone touch his controllers, but if you wanna play two player, he'll allow it, you'd just have to promise to be gentle. He knows you would be though, your always so gentle. With him, with animals and other people, (though he wishes it was him mostly.).
Lewis has never been popular at your school, it was bad in elementary, and only got worse when the social politics of high school kicked in. He was scrawny, freckled, and loved anything geeky. He was bad at sports and an only child, making him a little socially inept. He didn't care though, he may had wanted someone in elementary to play with, or in sixth and seventh grade to be his friend, but by eight grade year, it didn't matter. That's when he met you. Sweet, perfect you.
You were immediately popular at school. You were friendly, attractive, and outgoing, everything he tried and failed to be. Becoming your friend changed everything for him. He was still bullied and picked on, but it didn't matter. As long as you saw him as worthy, he was happy. His parents even stopped goading him about going out more, once they saw he actually had a friend, which just led him to have more time to stay indoors, with you and his consoles.
He lays on his bed thinking about how much you've meant to him, having set his controller aside, when he realizes the scent of your shampoo is still lingering on his pillow. You smell so good, and there's still a warm patch from where your laying.
"No... fuck." He whines, feeling his cock twitch to life from under his jeans. He runs a hand through his hair, fighting shame and carnal need. He quickly pokes his head around his blinds, making sure his parents aren't home yet. After deciding the coast is clear, He locks his door and gets under his bed, digging around for his book. Eventually, he finds the family photo fromthe christmas card your family sent his last december, just a couple months ago. He feels so dirty for jerking it to your family photo, especially considering your other family members pictures are on the page, but all the cute Polaroid pictures he has of the pair of you are still developing, and he really needs to look at you right now.
Normally, he'd just just turn on the adult late night channels, but he heard from some of the guys at school that usage of those channels are starting to reflect on cables bills, and he'd rather not get his TV taken.
In a moment of desperation, he kisses your photo once, before taping it up to his headboard, and grabbing the nearest pillow. Even though it's not you, and his cock desperately needs to be free from his jeans, he wants to make it romantic. He straddles the pillow, pretending in his head that this isnt weird at all, it's just.... practice for if, no, when he convinces you that he can provide reasons for you to love him.
"Y/N..." he huffs, looking down at the pillow and trying not to think about how embarrassing he's being. "I like you so much, I do, and I need-" he rolls his hips. "I need to be in you, I do." He tries to imagine what you might say.
"I know, i-its my first time too, but it'll be really good. I'll make sure I make you feel good, and I'll go really slow, even if I want to speed up." He begins undoing his pants. "You know, you thought you were being funny, making that dirty joke about practicing with my hands, but I bet some of that dexterity might carry over?" He chuckles, before groaning as he kicks off his boxers. "Stupid, that was stupid. Don't say that when this is a sure thing."
He looks down at his freckled dick, the tip red and leaking, slightly bulbous. He's pretty thin, but a decent length. He's sure if he figured out the right way to use it, he'd make you feel amazing. He's know you'll make him feel amazing.
"I'm gonna put it in now, okay? Y-yeah, yeah I'll go slow. Of course, I wouldn't hurt you or anything, unless you wanted that. I'd do anything for you." He groans, before rubbing his tip against the pillow and pumping his hips slowly. He pants, glasses fogging up.
"S' really good, not just on my dick but... but having you up against me, feels so nice to hold you." He clutches the pillow like a life preserver while he ruts away into it, whispering and panting praises and assurances to it.
"Gonna cum, god, I-I feel it coming. I wanna be a good guy, and pull it out but-" He moans. "You feel so good, I can't." He imagines in his head your on the pill, maybe for cramps, but... maybe just for him. "I-I can cum inside you? Really? Go's, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll do that. I'll give it to you, and I'll clean you up right after I- shit." He can feel himself losing control at the thought of ruining you, the sight of his cum leaking out of your holes. He moans loudly, though it choked back and emotional enough it sounds like more of a cry. Thick, white cum comes out in strings, all across the crisp white fabric of his pillowcase.
Once that post-nut clarity hits, he groans. How could he be so stupid? This pillow had to be cleaned now, and that would wash out all the remnants of your scent. He sighs as he chucks the pillow case into his laundry basket, and tucks his spent cock back into his jeans. Wiping off his fogged up glasses, he looks at the photo of you again, taking it down from his bedframe. He leans back against the headboard as he looks at it.
"M'so in love with you, I wish I had the guts to say it. I play the hero all day, everyday in my games, why can't I just be like them. Strong enough to get the girl, and keep her. Not jerk off to a pillow and a family photo." He tucks it back under his bed. He'll impress you, he's just gotta find a way.
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Several days later, you got a call from Lewis to meet him at the arcade. Grabbing your keys, you head out.
Upon arriving, you enter, and see Galaga. Huh, Lewis's initials were already on the leaderboard! He must've won before you showed up. Heading outside, you hear grunting from an alleyway. Concerned, you peek around the corner, and gasp.
"Hey!" You yell, running up. The two punks who were standing over your battered friend turn there heads, only to snicker. It's two boys from you and Lewis's class.
"Oh, Y/N, perfect timing. This geek was getting taught a lesson." The jock snickers.
"What is your problem? He didn't do anything to you guys!" You push past them to try and help Lewis up, but he looks mortified to see you. "N-no, no Y/N, don't-"
"Yeah, he didn't do anything to us, it's about what he did to you, or maybe, what you did to him." You turn around, and Lewis pales. "What're you talking about?" Your brows furrow.
"This geek has been in that shitty arcade all day, playing that game. When he beat his high score, he started dancing like a little girl. We laughed at him, and he started going off. Yelling about how he didn't need our approval, and he wasn't upset. He had something we couldn't take from him. We asked him, and he said it was you." You tilt your head.
"Yeah, man. We knew this creep had been following you around for a while, but we didn't know he thought you were friends. We said we didn't believe him, and he got so upset he started claiming he was your friend, that you loved each other. Even, heh-" The two laugh. "Even that he fucked you."
"W-what?" You gasp and look at him. "Lewis?"
"I'm so sorry, I... I needed them to believe we were close, that you did care." He blubbers, reaching our weakly to your blurry form, glasses broken.
"He got graphic with it, too. Talked about condoms and taking you from behind up in his bed, since it isn't true, the little perverts been fantasizing about it for a while. If nothing else, we did you a public service, shutting this creeps mouth." The taller jock says, trying to put a hand on your shoulder.
"Don't touch them!" Lewis screeches, blindly lashing out, weakness replaced by a moment of fury. "Jesus, he's crazier than we thought. Need us to walk you home?" The jock winks. You shake your head vehemently.
"Just go." You say coldly, not turning to face them. "Whatever, bitch. Don't blame us if this sicko does something to you." Only you and Lewis are left in the alley now.
"Don't, Lewis." You snap, making him recoil into himself. "I trusted you, you were my friend, h-how could you say such lewd things about me?" You ask.
"I-I didn't meant them to be leed, I was just angry. I mean, I would like to do that stuff with you, but it'd be romantic! I'd never try and defile you or something shitty like that. Just please, can we go back inside?" He begs. "I'll get you that slushie like I promised!"
You shake your head. "I... I need some time to process all this, Lewis. I think it's best if we don't see each other for a bit." His face falls. Despite what's happened, you almost regret what you said. He looks broken.
He kneels before you, on the ground. "Y/N, no, please. Your my only friend, my best friend, I'm sorry! I'll never talk like that again, I'll do anything to make it up to you! I-I take hormone suppression pills, o-or... I don't know, take an abstinence pledge, just don't leave. Your my everything, my best friend-"
You've already left the alley when he looks up. A few game tokens lay scattered, meant for you but having been lost from his pockets during his beat down.
"No... you're supposed to be my player two..."
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ashwhowrites · 23 days
Hi beautiful! I just wanted you to know I absolutely love your work! You are a phenomenal writer! I’m so excited that your request are back open! I was a curious cat wondering if I could request a best friend eddie Munson x shy reader, where she loves Star Trek next generation and has tickets to a con but none of the group will dress up with her and Eddie surprises her and does, maybe a kiss or sneaky smut! Hehe! I’m sorry if this is awkward turtle! 🐢
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️ disclaimer - I've never seen Star Trek NG so I goggled characters and I'm sorry if this is not accurate at all
Tickets to Con
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Y/N had nerdy friends, she just tended to me a little more nerdy. Her friends enjoyed things but didn't like to dress up or do cosplay, but Y/N loved it. She found so much joy in putting together a costume and attending cons to show off and meet people just like her. The only thing she disliked was always going alone.
She hoped this year would be different. She got tickets to a Star Trek con and tickets only came in pairs. She did not want to waste her money and have no one join her. So she asked all her friends, even her best friend Eddie. And they all said no.
She was devastated but refused to let that ruin her experience. She enjoyed doing her thing, even if it was alone. She worked on her cosplay for days, creating the perfect Troi outfit. She had everything pinned down to perfection, her hair, makeup, and outfit.
Y/N felt excitement fill her once she walked into the building. She took in everyone's costumes, everyone seemed to be with someone and she felt a little sad none of her friends came with her. She walked around, running to her favorite tables for signed autographs and pictures.
She was having so much fun that she barely noticed an hour passed. From all the running around, she felt like she was sweating through her costume, so she stepped outside for fresh air.
"Sir, I've already told you, you cannot go in without a ticket!" The sound of security was the first thing she heard when she stepped out. She didn't want to be caught up in the mess so she turned her back.
"Well, SIR, I already told you my friend has it and she's inside!"
That voice sounded really familiar. She scrunched her eyebrows as she turned around. She swore she felt her jaw smack the concrete.
Her best friend was standing there fighting with security in a perfect Riker cosplay matching her.
"Eddie?" she called out in shock
He looked to see where her voice came from and smiled when she came into view.
"SEE THAT'S HER!" he yelled
The guy turned around, "Is he with you?" the poor guard looked over it
"Yes," Y/N laughed, handing the guy the ticket. Eddie stuck out his tongue at him as he made it into the building.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked, excitedly throwing the boy into a bone-crushing hug.
"I couldn't let my favorite girl be here all alone," he said, accepting her hug.
She pulled away and Eddie swore he had never seen her smile so big. She shrugged off the way his words made her face burn. She always had a crush on Eddie but figured she was way too geeky for his taste.
"Well you are the best Riker I've seen here," Y/N said
"Yeah well, I am the best looking," Eddie shrugged with a teasing smirk
Y/N tried not to melt into the floor
"I did some research and apparently our two characters are sorta into each other, do we play as our characters or just dress as them? Because I am ready to fully commit to the romance," Eddie joked. Y/N hoped he couldn't hear how hard her heart was beating.
"PLAY!" she shouted, embarrassed as he laughed, "We definitely have to be into each other," she lied.
She felt like squeaking when his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Let's do this, baby"
The event went amazing with Eddie by her side. They even won Best Couple cosplay and got a small trophy then their picture was taken. Y/N happily carried the trophy to her car, placing it gently in the backseat.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but damn that was fun!" Eddie said, chuckling as he leaned against her car. She laughed as she shut the backdoor and moved to her driver's door.
"Can I count on you for next time?" she asked, Eddie couldn't help but smile as she smiled.
"Yes," he said with no hesitation
"Thank you for coming. I know it's not your thing but it means a lot," she said, giving him another hug. But this one was more soft and close.
Eddie didn't say anything but hugged her back. He slowly pulled away but kept his arms wrapped around. She felt nervous under his stare and shivered at how close they were.
She watched as he leaned in, his eyes flicking from her eyes to her lips. She held her breath as his lips drew closer to hers, and then his lips landed on hers.
She gladly kissed him back, trying not to show how eager she was that this was finally happening. She imagined this almost every night and it was never as good as this. His lips were soft and warm, and the way he had control over her made her stomach flutter.
She stared as he pulled away, he gave one last small kiss to her lips before he removed his arms from her.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he said with a smile
"Goodnight," she breathed out in awe, watching as he walked away
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt@ineedmentalhelp123
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ironstrange1991 · 3 months
The Goatee Problem
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 0,600k
Warnings: None, just fluff.
A/N: This is just a small blurb I came up with instead of finishing my Defender smut. Didn't want to end the month with nothing so I am posting this. Hope you guys like it and have a short but very nice reading.
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"Believe me, you don't want to see this"
Stephen's voice sounded a bit shaky and nervous and his insistence that you do not go into the bathroom had you worried.
"Stephen, just tell me what happened. Are you hurt?"
You tried again to open the door and this time he didn't try to stop you from entering.
He was standing by the sink, but he turned his face so you couldn't see him in the mirror's reflection. You walked over hugging him from behind and he sighed "My hands... are shaking more than usual today... I shouldn't have tried..."
He turned to you, his face still smeared with shaving foam, but the goatee you were so used to was gone. "I had no alternative but..."
"Oh..." Was all you managed to say before bursting out laughing. Stephen frowned slightly offended.
"That's why I didn't want you to see me like this" He said pulling the towel from his shoulder and wiping his face.
He was gorgeous. Of course it was weird to see him without the goatee, but he was still handsome without it.
"I am not laughing at how you look, but at all the drama you are making."
You caressed his strangely smooth face, your index finger tracing around his lips and down to his chin. Stephen's skin was extremely soft.
"I've had my goatee for years, I don't even recognize myself without it."
You nodded, still distracted by how much the sight of Stephen in that different way was messing with you. "Well, I can't complain, you're still as hot as ever"
His face flushed with your compliment which made the whole situation even cuter. You pulled him to your lips and the feel of his smooth skin was different and interesting at the same time. He seemed taken aback by the intensity of your kiss and he was the one who broke the kiss to breathe.
"Don't get me wrong, Steph. I want the goatee back and you're going to have to put up with Wong and America's jokes for a month, but it's not all bad"
He didn't seem to understand where there could be a bright side to that tragedy and you made sure to make that clear when you kissed him again and continued to kiss the corner of his lips, running your lips up his cheeks  until you reached his ear and licked his earlobe with the tip of your tongue before whispering "I'm sure it will feel very interesting between my legs"
He glanced at you completely intrigued as you pulled away and walked towards the bedroom.
"Did you like it then?" He asked still unsure.
You chuckled "Yes I did. Besides I'm sure in another universe there must be a version of you without the goatee."
He took a good look in the mirror and shook his head as if trying to encourage himself. "You're right, it isn't so bad."
"Don't get too excited tiger, I want my goatee back as soon as possible or you'll be sleeping on the couch." You warned.
“How do I face Wong and America now?” He asked, his voice sounding completely mortified “Shit, can’t let Stark see me like this.”
“Good lucky with that.” You said laughing while leaving the room.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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allthingsfangirl101 · 7 months
Little Stevie's In Love - Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
"Hey, Steve."
I looked over my shoulder to see Y/N, my neighbor, jogging toward me. Y/N was one of those people who others didn't realize how wonderful she was. Sure, she was quiet and a little shy. But if she really knows you, she's completely open.
I once asked her why she was shy around the other kids at school, but normal around me. She shrugged and said there was no reason to open up to a bunch of fake people. She said I wasn't fake, but the truth was, I am. Only she knows the real me.
"What's up, Y/N?" I asked as I shoved my hands into my back pockets. I smiled when she started to nervously ramble.
"I was wondering if you could do me a favor," she started. "Well, you wouldn't be doing the favor, per se. It would just be lending me something. I know this is precious to you and. . ."
"Y/N," I laughed as I gently cut her off. "What do you need?"
"I was wondering if I could borrow your car to take my parents to the airport tomorrow."
"Of course," I said, but she continued to ramble.
"I know that a car is a guy's, like, sacred place and your geeky neighbor taking her parents to the airport in it is not exactly what it's supposed to be for but. . ."
"Y/N," I cut her off as I gently grabbed her arm. She instantly bit her bottom lip–a habit she's always had. "First of all, breathe. Second, you are not a geek."
"I'm a theater weirdo," she interrupted.
"You've stared in every play our school's put on since freshman year," I laughed as I forced myself to let her go. "That doesn't make you a 'weirdo'. That makes you awesome."
We stared at each other for a few beats of silence before I cleared my throat. "And third, of course, you can borrow my car. You're about the only person I let drive it, other than me."
"Thank you so much," she sighed, relieved. "You just saved the day."
I blushed when she jumped up and kissed my cheek. I cleared my throat as she walked away.
"Glad I could help," I mumbled long after she left.
* * * * *
I was walking to my car when I heard Y/N's voice call out my name. I turned around to see her jogging toward me. The second she got to me, she jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Y/N," I said in a sing-songy. "Are you okay? Did the theater kids join the potheads during lunch today?"
"What?" She giggled as she let go of me. "No, I didn't smoke anything with the potheads at lunch. That crap ruins my vocal cords."
"Then what made you so cheery?" I teased.
"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me borrow your car," she said, her voice serious.
"It was just a car," I chuckled. "Not like I gave you a kidney or something."
"I know," she shrugged, her face burning red. "But still, it meant a lot. To me and my parents."
"Really?" I couldn't help but stutter.
"Yeah," she smiled. "My mom about swooned when she heard that you had lent me your car. My dad was impressed you trust me with it."
"It's just a car," I repeated. "I really didn't care about it that much."
"Still," Y/N giggled. "It meant a lot to me. Thanks again, Steve."
She grabbed my elbow and squeezed it before walking toward her locker. I couldn't take my eyes off her. I watched as she walked away. I watched as she opened her locker. I watched as she grabbed her calculus textbook.
"Who was that?" Tommy asked in his annoyingly over-confident, ridiculously insulting voice.
"My neighbor," I said without thinking about it.
"Oh! She's that theater girl," Carol scoffed. "The one who's in like everything this school does."
"She's okay I guess," Tommy shrugged. "It's not much fun to watch her, if you know what I mean."
"We always know what you mean," Carol sighed. I turned toward them, my anger boiling.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I scoffed.
I grabbed my backpack and walked away. I started to leave but stopped when I saw Y/N walking to her math class. I glanced over my shoulder to see Tommy and Carol had already moved on.
"Hey, Y/N!" I called out to her before I could talk myself out of it. She turned around and sent me a smile that made my heart jump into my throat.
"Hey," she said with a small laugh as I jogged over to her. "Is everything okay, Steve?"
"Yeah," I said, slightly caught off guard by her worry. "I just. . . I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me study for the Geometry test I have on Friday. I know you took Geometry in like sixth grade and it comes extremely easy to you, but I could really use your help."
"I'm sorry, Steve, but I can't tonight," she said, her smile dropping. I tried but failed to not look as disappointed as I felt. "I can help you tomorrow," she said quickly. "I know that's the day before your test but it's better late than never."
"Tomorrow works," I smiled, my mood instantly improving. "What do you have going on tonight?"
"Well," she sighed, "my partner for the Government test hasn't done a single thing on our project, so now I have to stay up late tonight and finish everything. Our presentation is tomorrow."
"That sucks," I scoffed. "Want me to kick his ass?"
"No," she laughed, "thanks though. I'll keep the offer in case we get anything lower than a B."
"Just say the word," I winked at her. I filled with pride when my wink made her blush.
"So tomorrow night?" She asked, refocusing the conversation.
"Perfect," I smiled. "Do you want to come to my place or. . ."
"Your place is fine," she shrugged when I didn't continue.
"Great. My place, tomorrow night."
"Or earlier," I stuttered. "I could order a pizza or something?"
"You don't have to," she started to say.
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "You're giving up your Thursday night to help me study. The least I can do is buy you dinner."
I held my breath when I realized that sounded like a date. I didn't mind the idea of going on a date with her, but I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
"How about I meet you at your place at six?" She suggested, her smile making my entire body feel weird.
* * * * *
At the end of the day, I was driving Carol and Tommy home. The entire drive, I thought about the study session I had with Y/N tomorrow night. I have been weirdly nervous ever since she agreed to come over and help me.
"Can I ask you a question?" Carol asked, her voice instantly interrupting me mentally cleaning my room.
"What?" I deadpanned.
"What's the deal with you and Y/N?"
"She's my neighbor," I stuttered, my nerves jumping.
"You've said that," she scoffed. "Are you. . ."
"Don't tell me you have feelings for that girl," Tommy scoffed.
"No way!" Carol giggled.
"So what if I like her?" I asked harshly. "She's down to earth and funny and smart and sweet and beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Not to mention the fact that she's real."
"You don't just like her," Carol said in a nasally voice. "Little Stevie's in love."
"Bullshit," Tommy immediately scoffed. "Steve Harrington wouldn't be with a weirdo like that stage freak."
I couldn't help but slam on my brakes a little too hard.
"Y/N's not a weirdo," I said harshly as I held the steering wheel so tight my knuckles turned white.
"You can't be serious," Tommy laughed. "You can't possibly have feelings for her. You're Steve "the Hair" Harrington. She's a nobody."
"Get out," I said through my teeth.
"But. . ."
I turned toward Tommy, unable to soften my glare.
Tommy mumbled something under his breath as he got out of the car, but I didn't care. My anger was more focused on how they talked about Y/N. They didn't know her like I do. The only reason they knew her name was because of me.
Part of me wished I'd never become friends with Tommy and Carol. And instead, I wish I had gotten closer to Y/N.
I jumped, being pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my window. I sighed angrily when I saw Carol watching me. I clenched my jaw as I rolled my windows down.
"Easy, Frosty," she chuckled. "I just wanted to say. . . You know Y/N better than Tommy and I, so if you like her, you should do something about it."
"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice softening.
"Tell her, dumbass."
I thought about what Carol said for the rest of my drive home. When I pulled into the driveway, I instantly looked over at Y/N's house. I couldn't see her room from the front of her house. I had a perfect view of it from my room though. It took everything in me sometimes not to look at her window. I was also more aware of when I left my blinds open.
I headed inside and instantly went into my room. As I threw my backpack onto my bed, my heart jumped into my throat when I saw Y/N sitting at her desk by her window.
I smiled when I remembered that she was working on her Government project tonight. Instead of completing my homework or studying for my math test, I watched Y/N work on her project.
* * * * *
I was distracted all day on Thursday. I forced myself to refocus when Y/N showed up on my doorstep at the agreed-upon time. We ate pizza at the kitchen table as Y/N helped me through the formulas our test was on.
I was overly aware of how close Y/N and I were sitting all night long. When she left, I couldn't sleep. The only thing I could do was go back through the events of the night in my head as I kept my eyes on Y/N's closed window.
Friday morning, I walked into school feeling way more confident about my math test than normal. And it was all thanks to Y/N. She was at my house for three hours helping me study.
I was on my way to math when I noticed someone waiting outside the classroom.
"Y/N," I said as I walked over to her. "What are you doing here? Don't you have English right now?"
"I do," she said slowly, clearly surprised that I knew her schedule. "I just wanted to wish you good luck on your test. And I wanted to make sure you knew that you can do it. I believe in you, Steve."
"Thank you," I said with absolutely no sarcasm in my voice. "Really, Y/N. Thanks for giving up your Thursday night to help me study."
"Of course," she shrugged. "Besides, it's not like I had anything better to do."
I cut her off by grabbing her hand and pulling her into my chest. Before I could wimp out, I leaned down and delicately pressed my lips to hers. I felt her gasp against my lips, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she snaked her arms up my chest and wrapped them around me as she kissed me back.
I broke the kiss long before I had wanted to. I leaned back and we instantly stared into each other's eyes.
"Wow," she whispered. "Steve, I'm a little. . . Confused."
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "It's just. . . The thing is. . . Over the last few. . ."
"Steve?" She gently cut off my nervous stuttering.
"I have feelings for you, Y/N," I blurted out.
"You do?"
"Of course, I do."
I laughed when Y/N jumped up and pressed her lips back to mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss her back. She broke the kiss, her face bright pink.
"We should. . . I should get to class," she said, her voice soft. "Plus, you have your test to ace."
"I wouldn't be so confident in me," I chuckled. "We'll be lucky if I pass."
"Hey," she said firmly yet gently. "I know you can do this, Steve. You're a lot smarter than you think you are."
I felt like someone was blasting the heater as I stared into Y/N's eyes.
"What?" She asked when she saw the look on my face.
"That," I whispered. "That, right there, is why I'm crazy about you."
"I'm crazy about you too, Steve."
"How about this," I said, tightening my arms around her, "after I pass this test, I will take you out to dinner to celebrate."
"Dinner?" She asked, her face bright pink.
"Our first date," I smiled. Y/N giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Six o'clock?"
"I'll pick you up," I said, lowering my voice. "And I won't be even a second late."
Y/N stood on her toes and pressed her lips to mine. When she broke the kiss, she slowly lowered back down.
"I'm gonna hold you to that," she whispered. "Now, get in there and go ace that test."
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 3 months
okay saw that you also write for ethan morgan and could you. write a siren!reader thats like SUPER into him and he finds it unnerving (hes not used to girls Actually liking him) and he agrees to go on a date w her?? you can choose where!
"Bright like blue" ~ Ethan Morgan x Siren! Reader
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tw! siren
erm idk which episode had the siren i cant find it 😖 i was gonna rewatch it but nvm ig, anyways ik what sirens are so i'll js thug it out. Also this guy is such a geek that he fs does dates at his house and gets his family to leave the house. he's also broke. i hate this.
(backstory: friends w sarah/erica they knew you were a siren, told the group thats how everyone knows)
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Ethan kept his distance from her, to the best of his abilities at least. The thought of her luring someone out and killing them just by using her voice was.... frightening to say the least.
Yet, every time she flashed him the smile he remembered the kind of person she was. That she wouldn't make random men fall in love with her and then lure them out to sea and drown them! Right?
He knew you liked him, Sarah told him awhile ago. He didn't know what to do though, a girl hasn't ever liked him before. He's never even been on a date. I mean he's never really been too interested in dating until last year! Except he would be lying if he said you weren't attractive, I mean you're one of the prettiest people he's seen. Like ever.
"Hey, Ethan wait up" You called for him.
You were going to the same class together, he already knew that. It scared him, but he knew. Why was he so terrified of you? He knew you wouldn't actually kill him, but every once in a while he'll catch a glimpse of a scale or gill thats usually well hidden and it freaks him out.
"you wanna walk to class with-" He cut you off before you could finish your sentence.
"Do you wanna go on a date?" He asks looking at you, "wi-with me! i mean... do you want to go on a date with me..."
The last part of that was less of a question and more of anxiety and muttering. Yet, you could only smile at him and his dorky self.
"yeah sure" you respond, contently.
He was confused, why was he more anxious about this than you? You're the one that likes him! He doesn't even know if he likes you! Ok, he does like you a little bit... but why aren't you freaking out? Jesus just answer her!
"okay, uhm uh do you wanna just meet me at my house then..?" He was trying to play cool but there was clear anxiety in his voice. His stutter with every other word.
"yeah, sounds cool. So... do you wanna walk to class together or what?" You say, almost teasingly. With that same smile you always give him. God, you're pretty.
He just nods his head and you guys walk and talk with each other to class. You were doing the majority of talking, but you were so funny and so interesting. He hadn't ever talked to you for this long before. Once you reached the class your shared giggles died down.
After sitting through the hour long class he was thinking about what to wear, he had a good idea of what it would be. In the halls you went with Sarah and Erica while he went with Benny and Rory. You both just happened to be talking about the same thing though.
You came over an hour after school ended, there were no cars in the drive way. It looked as if no one was home, except the lights were on. You knocked on the door.
He answered wearing his and blue collar shirt with his formal pants. He looked at your somewhat formal (dress/suit/etc) attire.
"You look great" he says with a nervous smile.
"Thanks," you say with a genuine voice, "you look... geeky"
You both chuckle and he invites you in, offering his hand to you. You grab his hand and he gets a vision of water and a dock and a song.
You being a siren this freaks him out and he lets go of you instantly. While you just look at him confused, why did he drop your hand so fast? He had finally just stopped acting weird around you, kind of. Is he going to start again?
He leads you to the dining room where he set up candles and music, with food that looks surprisingly edible.
The room looked nice but, you had to poke fun.
"Everything looks great, but." Your voice trailed off at the end, teasing him.
He looked at you nervously, "but?"
"Take off the sweater vest. It's killing the mood." You say, playfully making fun of him. Lightly laughing.
He just rolled his eyes, taking off the vest and throwing it somewhere behind the two of you.
You two were talking and laughing the whole night, besides eating the enormous amounts of food that the two of you happened to finish somehow?
"Hey, I wanna show you something c'mon!" You say excitedly, standing up while wiping your face.
He looked at you confused, was this the thing in his vision? What were you showing him? He got up slowly, following you out.
You finally both arrived, hand-in-hand, walking to a somewhat abandoned dock. It didn't look old and dangerous but there were no boats or any signs of recent human life. You leave him and go to the edge of the dock, sticking your feet over. Humming some olden siren tune.
Same song as in his vision, thus making him panic. He stays off the deck completely, scared of what you might do. You turn around, suggesting him to come over as you scoot over. Making room for him. Kicking your feet in the water. He walks over, slowly, to sit with you. He takes off his shoes and socks and puts his feet in the water. Kicking with your feet in the water.
Maybe some visions aren't bad.
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