#love u Reese 😚
gothym · 7 years
0-44 Do all of them. 👏
Alright here it is, you fiend. Study hard, there’s going to be a pop quiz on Monday.
0: Height – 5’4”
1: Age – 18
2: Shoe size – 9 ½
3: Do you smoke? Nope
4: Do you drink? Yup
5: Do you take drugs? Only the ones my psychiatrist prescribes !
6: Age you get mistaken for – Between 12 and 16 usually ((((((:
7: Have tattoos? Yes! One of my cat’s name, plus two stars that match my mom & aunt – all on my wrists
8: Want any tattoos? A billion
9: Got any piercings? Ears & Nose
10: Want any piercings? I’ve been thinking of doing my eyebrow ?
11: Best friend? Tbh I don’t have one, my once best friend and I have been distant since a thing happened last month and she just stopped talking to me
12: Relationship status – Singlee (accepting volunteers anytime guys)
13: Biggest turn ons - … I’m gonna be safe here and go the clean route. A good sense of humor, soft hair, pEt nAmeS, smoking bc I’m disgusting
14: Biggest turn offs – Being obnoxious, pushy, this probably makes me sound like an ass but too serious? Obviously not every day is all fun and games but you gotta let loose (footloose)
15: Favorite movie – Clue or Inside Llewyn Davis
16: I’ll love you if... you give me any sort of attention. Seriously. But if you REALLY wanted to go for it, I fall hard for just little gestures that show you were thinking of me. Also good morning texts (even if it’s like 5pm when u wake up) pretty much ensure that I’ll die for you.
17: Someone you miss – My ex. Not as a girlfriend but as a friend.
18: Most traumatic experience – To avoid getting too deep,, I’m gonna say getting my blood drawn :o
19: A fact about your personality – I’m ridiculously dramatic and clingy
20: What I hate most about myself – This might seem superficial, but my body. I eat fairly healthy and exercise frequently but I can’t seem to lose weight.
21: What I love most about myself – Uhhhh my independence, I’m mega clingy with people I like but when it comes down to it I do pretty well on my own.
22: What I want to be when I get older – A criminal psychologist !
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) – Meh, I have a younger brother who’s 14 and we play a lot of video games together and tell each other shitty memes so.
24: My relationship with my parent(s) – Good, for the most part. It’ll be better once I move out.
25: My idea of a perfect date – Anything if it’s with someone I liiike. Ideally we’d stay in, maybe order a pizza, cuddle, watch movies, and just be dumb together. Oh, and baking together would be super cute too. Going to an animal sanctuary or aquarium. Or planning a heist – like picking a place and scoping it out, getting intel, planning how we would break into/rob it – without actually doing it, ofc (;. I have a lot of date ideas and no one to go on them with.
26: My biggest pet peeves – When people are unnecessarily loud, the way my brother drinks water
27: A description of the girl/boy I like – HA you thought
28: A description of the person I dislike the most – I really don’t dislike anyone in particular, at least not anyone that I know personally.
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend – To avoid getting yelled at for making stupid decisions.
30: What I hate the most about work/school – Being in classes that I seem unable to succeed in. (@AP Statistics)
31: What my last text message says – That’s classified, but the last message I sent said “don’t get impaled on a pencil”
32: What words upset me the most – When guys refer to women as “females,” it makes my whole body cringe into another dimension.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself – My therapist called me cute today so I guess that’s pretty great
34: What I find attractive in women – TALL, can kick my ass, goth/punk, can do my hair for me ( I cant french braid :( ), smells nice, will search for cryptids with me, loves animals
35: What I find attractive in men – TALL, soft hair, loves animals, stubble 👀, singing & any other musical talent, soft™, smells nice, not afraid to have stereotypical “feminine” qualities (like, some guys can’t even be polite or kind bc they feel emasculated??? society is great)
36: Where I would like to live – I’d love to live somewhere in Europe, but in the US I feel like somewhere northeast or northwest where there’s a lot of forests would be cool
37: One of my insecurities – I worry that I’m super annoying and everything I say is cringy (:
38: My childhood career choice – Astronaut!😎 or Steve Irwin 2.0 ( my childhood hero, rip)
39: My favorite ice cream flavor – Mint chocolate chip
40: Who I wish I could be – A cute smol who's funny and not a dumbo
41: Where I want to be right now – Is “hug” a place? If not, then Candyland.
42: The last thing I ate – pu- I made this really delicious vegetarian turkey sandwich with fresh spinach on it, yum
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately – Morena Baccarin, duh
44: A random fact about anything – Hitler was a huge stoner
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