#love emperor penguins
livegastrodonreaction · 4 months
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spot the difference challenge (difficulty level: impossible)
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fleurywiththesave · 10 days
sid really did his post-signing media availability from a season ticket holder's back porch
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snzinite · 7 months
SNZ STATLINE: 5/10 wetness, 3/10 mess, 8/10 pitch, 4/10 volume
basically textbook high-pitched/girly sound
sometimes "inverted" where the pre-sneeze sound will be higher pitched with no vocalization afterwards
in general pretty inconsistent spellings/sounds even though the "statline" pretty much holds for all of the sounds
sneezes in ones, sometimes twos, with a few seconds in between
doesn't stifle
sometimes give a "hoo~!" or a "wooo!" of relief afterwards
"covers" in the sense that she'll put a hand below her nose/mouth almost like she's "catching" the sneeze, does relatively little to actually cover anything though
only sneezes into tissues/handkerchiefs if she's already blowing/wiping her nose
really obvious that she needs to sneeze. they almost never sneak up on her and it's the whole nine yards: watery, glazed eyes, shallow breath hitching, sometimes she waves her hand in front of her face, etc.
lots of false starts too
likes to sneeze. she think's it's a really satisfying feeling and likes the eventual relief from tickles and itches when it finally does come
does not particularly like to induce. she likes the thrill of getting to finally sneeze naturally
she'll induce others if they ask or if she can tell they need it and they're comfy. Texas, for example
she'll talk about how good it felt or how much she's been sneezing of she's been doing it a lot
likes to be blessed but doesn't mind if no one does it
no allergies, nose isn't particularly sensitive to scents, touch, or temperature
doesn't get super sick very often but gets a lot of sniffly, sneezy colds
super obvious when she's sick; voice is like heavily weighed down by her congestion. wet sniffles for days
she gets sneezy when she's sick but it doesn't change her sneezes like at all, they're still mostly clean
what sets her off more than anything are physical irritants. cooking spices, flour, makeup powder, dust, heavy pollen, etc.
she constantly has sneezing fits while she's baking
not like it stops her. the blood of a baker flows through almost every Latera/nan
Requested by @micaiah-sneezes :]
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neoruby-loves-ut-aus · 7 months
Ello! You're a really great and interesting person here in Tumblr! As a result, this special gift is for you! Inside of it can be anything from your imagination! Enjoy! <3
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Aww thanks Yash!!! *Imagines a cute fluffy female emperor penguin as a pet and friend and hundreds of free Nutella and Oreos* *opens and sees everything imagined*
Awww I'm gonna name my penguin as Snowie and I can finally share my Nutella and Oreos!!! *Gives you a Nutella and a lot of Oreos* Thank you for the beautiful gifts!! 😊😊❤️❤️❤️
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
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penguinies4 · 1 year
Emperor Penguins are very good at diving. The deepest recorded dive by a penguin was over 500 meters deep. The longest known dive by a penguin was around 20 minutes long!!!!!! Both were done by the emperor penguin.
Emperor Penguins are also really good at… surviving.
During Emperor penguin breeding season, the penguins will all swim over to the continent of Antarctica after eating A BUNCH OF FISH and getting fat. after two penguins get together and do stuff and lay an egg, the female will leave around late autumn to go eat fish in the ocean, and will come back after winter. She leaves the egg with the male. Over the winter, the male will spend the entire winter with the egg in his brooding pouch. During this time, he can’t go in the ocean and get fish to eat because he has to keep the egg on his feet so it won’t freeze to death, so he has to starve the entire antarctic winter, surviving on his fat reserves. When the egg hatches (a little after winter), he will feed the new chick some weird milky stuff that comes from his esophagus. Later, the female will return, and feed the chick. The male will leave to go eat a bunch of fish.
Male emperor penguins actually don’t die from this. It is very very uncommon and has not happened in a while. Once they feel like they are at a very critical weight, they will abandon the egg and go eat fish in the ocean.
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As the watermark indicates, the image I'm using as my banner is an artpiece by David McEown
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Just wanted to post some more of his work as I think it's absolutely amazing. Just look at this!
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He doesn't just draw penguins, you can find more of his work here:
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liquifiedfurby · 1 month
literally giggling and kicking my feet rn from researching birds.
#a post i actually wrote myself instead of reblogging? on MY fenblog? its more likely than you think. idk man someday ill post my insane wof#this post is sponsored by the website penguins international because they seem reliable(i hope. please be reliable) and have all the pengui#s! all of them.#did you know there are 18 kinds of penguins. smallest is fairy penguin slash little penguin#biggest is emperor penguin DID NOT REALISE HOW BUG THEY WERE#like you are telling me. this man. is 1.2 metres tall. short for a person but tall for a silly little guy#idk ifa penguin walked up to me id be so nervous. like. intimidated. in a “im a big fan” way but also “wow youre so tall”#we love birds#should i make a tag for original posts? maybe. will i? depends on if i can think of one in the next 10 seconds#sorry in advance if youre reading through all of these tags i got carried away#the way tags work here is simultaneously so good and so bad for me#i can just talk so sos o much and it doesnt distract from the main post unless you want it to and its tucked away in its own little corner#sorry wait what was i talking about#yeah#birds#fenbuhhh how can i combine my name into a word related to talking#google says synonym for talks is chew the fat#fen chews the fat#hm.#what are these synonyms#fenparley#fendialogue#calamitalks#idk in the mood for fen fenby the fen not calamity#do you guys ever get that where sometime you are more in the mood for one name than another#who am i talking to. this is what happens when i never post ig. well tune in next time for uh#im just going to leave actually ALSO EDIT THIS BITCH WEBSTIE DELETED HALF OF M YTAGS
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iindigenize · 3 months
i only have 3 episodes left of shirokuma cafe & i really dont know what im going to do with myself after i finish it:(((
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minka-cola · 9 months
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bison drawn with many little feminine eyelash flicks... and in direct comparison to another male operator.....
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What is your favorite species of penguin?
(Bestie im as bored as you are you asked for random anons i shall deliver)
I just think that they’re super cute and adorable and I love the little hint of yellow on their feathers. Penguins are my favorite flightless bird and they honestly just bring me so much joy.
I love nature docs about these majestic and beautiful birds, and I love that they have a non traditional lifestyle. The men take care of the children and the women go and hunt for most of the year, also they find their soulmates through song which is amazing. I just think their cool and they’re about half as tall as me but non threatening.
They are considered endangered because of climate change! So if your able to donate to end climate change/global warming, and vote for more environmental protection policies.
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verysium · 10 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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smdictionary · 2 years
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penguins are so awesome🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧
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watercolourcritters · 6 months
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trans kids we love you, forever and ever!
[ID copied from alt text: Marker art of an adult emperor penguin looking down at it's fuzzy baby. The chick has been coloured in pink, blue, and white, the colours of the trans pride flag, and looks up at the adult. Both look happy. Text reads "I will always love you, no matter what (heart symbol). The background is plain white, and the artist's signature reads @ watercolour critters. End ID.]
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lowkeiloki · 1 month
what i think different penguin species would think about flying:
Emperor penguins
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Emperor penguins dream about being able to fly as chicks and each one is very convinced *they* will be the one to first accomplish it. As they grow up, however, they lose interest in flying and become content with the way they are.
Adélie penguins
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The concept of flying is actually a laughing matter to the Adélie penguins. Why would you want to fly? Ever seen a fish in the sky? I don't think so. You know what is in the sky? Skuas. And nobody likes those guys.
Chinstrap penguins
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Chinstrap penguins get heavily annoyed when the topic of flying is brought up so it's best not to. Maybe chinstraps are bitter because they can't fly. Or, maybe, it's simply because flying birds (like skuas and petrels) are always bad news for the chinstraps.
King penguins
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Flying is nice, but King penguins are okay with not being able to fly. Really, theyre over it. Believe them.
Gentoo penguins
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Gentoo penguins are strong believers in the idea that penguins can, indeed, fly, they only do it underwater. Don't try to correct them on that, it's very rude.
Rockhopper penguins
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Flying is a highly divisive topic amongst all subspecies of rockhopper penguins. Better not bring it up at all to avoid squabbles.
African penguins
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African penguins wouldn't mind being able to fly as long as they don't have to trade off their swimming and diving skills. It would be convenient.
Fiordland penguins
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Fiordland penguins would much prefer the ability to climb trees very well. But flying is the next best thing.
Yellow-eyed penguins
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Yellow-eyed penguins show no particular interest in flying. They do, however, envy the penguins from Antarctica with no land predators.
Little blue penguins
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Little blue penguins would love to be able to fly, it would be so much fun to them.
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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What if Crowley uses "bird" vocabulary like Floyd with his marine nicknames....
Yes he's a crow ... Just imagine if he sees us as biiiiird~
Of course it's just my point of view, I am not a professional in ornithology, you might have your own idea about this one and I would definitely want to hear about it!
Mostly they are birds we could see in my country...
Let's go:
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Grim(m) -> Grey catbird (grey like Grimm, striped wings and can make cat noise....yes)
Yuu(sona) -> Sparrow (Crowley would definitely call Yuu a little sparrow....)
Night Raven College staff
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Sam -> Painted bunting (small, vibrant, colorful, a rare sight to view)
Mozus Trein -> Eurasian skylark (classy, well known literally a french song about this bird "he sung it to Lucius as a kitten")
Ashton Vargas -> Pheasant (....the irony as his Disney counterpart is an hunter, but vibrant color)
Divus Crewel -> Great spotted woodpecker (literally screaming I am Cruella, fashion red, black and white bird)
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Ace Trappola -> Nothern cardinal (red... funky feather style, fights their own mirror reflection...)
Deuce Spade -> Blue slaty bunting
Riddle Roseheart -> Robin (Hi Ciel Phantomhive...I mean Kuroshitsuji ref but look that little red face)
Trey Clover -> Nightingale (sorry Trey...Crowley is implying you can either sing...or can't...but you do have a perfect voice!)
Cater Diamond -> Pyrrhula (I love this little bird too....they became very rare by now, look this tiny orange one)
(Heartslabyul are literally the birds of Aurora in 2d "Sleeping beauty")
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Jack Howl -> Owl (....this one is pretty obvious)
Leona Kingscholar -> "Savanna" eagle (yes... definitely a strong bird)
Ruggie Bucchi -> Speckled mousebird (listen to that bird you'll understand, also....that feather hairstyle!)
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Jade Leech -> Emperor penguin (tall...classy ...can't fly pfff)
Azul Ashengrotto -> Nothern gannet (verrryyy big, analystic-smart one, can't walk on land...)
Floyd Leech -> Snare penguin (unique appareance, multiple various vocalized sounds)
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Kalim Al Asim -> White falcon (precious, royal bird in a "maybe similar related country in our world")
Jamil Viper -> Red Parrot (or macaw) (obviously because of Iago)
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Epel Felmier -> Snow bunting (a "petite robuste" bird living in snow)
Vil Schoenheit -> Peacock (beautiful, handsome literally The Evil Queen's bird)
Rook Hunt -> Mallard (another irony for an hunter...but this bird is beautiful I mean it, and is found everywheerrre (like a stalker bird ha ha))
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Idia Shroud -> Blue jay (blue, black and blue stripes, funny enough the bird is stated to be noisy ha ha, Idia can be supah noisy sometimes too when setting his boundaries, GG Idia!)
Ortho Shroud -> Eurasian blue tit (a little fluffy bird, blue and yellow doing a very cute melodious sound, I love watching them...)
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Sebek Zigvolt -> Egyptian plover (yes....the bird on the crocodile's back...yes)
Malleus Draconia -> Great eared nightjar (it's a dragon bird....look at him)/I could have chosen Casoar too... but nope...
Lilia Vanrouge -> Anna's hummingbird (it's small, pink and changes color with light...like his hairs)
Silver -> Nine-primaried oscines (a cute lovely bird in our woods, pink and blue)
Thanks National Geographic....
It's just pure fanon brainstorming... I'm sorry...
bird photos were mostly took from "Wikipedia"
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