meteoric-whimsy · 9 months
Love's Legacy - A not-so-challenging legacy challenge
Are you more of a storyteller than a gameplayer?
Do you tell the story but ignore the objectives and just say you did because telling the story became the main focus?
Do you dislike when a challenge doesn’t leave room for personalization and creativity?
Well have I got the “challenge” for you!
Let’s get this out of the way, this is more of a legacy “template” than anything. Not many rules, few trait/aspiration requirements. The only rules you’ll see are to help set the narrative of each trope.
If you end up doing this challenge/template tag me @meteoric-whimsy here, meteor.trait on instagram, or just use the hashtag #loveslegacy!
The “Love’s Legacy” is a “challenge” based on some of the most popular romance novel tropes. So if you love telling romance stories, this is the one for you!
Gen 1: Amnesia
You’ve just started this legacy, what’s a better way to jump-start a story than with not really having a backstory…or at least knowing it right away.
Your sims MUST start out in a relationship at the beginning of the story.
One of the sims (can be the heir or the partner) MUST lose their memories (especially the ones containing their partner)
The amnesia-sim MUST move out/the couple MUST separate
The amnesia sim MUST regain their memories at some point
The couple at the beginning are not required to get back together, you may do as your story sees fit.
Although they are not required to get back together, the initial pairing must be the parents that create the Gen 2 Heir.
Gen 2: Sunny v. Grumpy
Last gen was a bit of a dramatic one, so now you get to reward yourself with some cute opposites…well of course if you choose to play it that way.
You may choose that your heir be either the sunny sim or the grumpy sim.
Sunny Sim MUST have the Cheerful trait and the Grumpy Sim MUST have the Gloomy trait. The other traits are up to you.
The couple MUST go on AT LEAST 5 successful dates before becoming official (warming up to each other)
Gen 3: Forced Proximity
What’s a good love story without tension? Not all love stories are “love at first sight”. Some take time to blossom…some take forced time to forcefully blossom.
This one is fairly straight forward and up to you.
Get your sims in a predicament where they are forced to spend a lot of time together (whether that be working together, living together…imprisoned together)
Use your cupid ways and get them to fall in love
***Suggestion: fuel that heat: give them opposite traits to increase tension (i.e hot-headed x cheerful, etc.)
Gen 4: Best Friends Sibling
Love in familiarity…your best friend's familiarity. Finding love where you least expected it.
Grow up with a childhood friend that has AT LEAST one sibling.
Don’t show any interest in the sibling until YOUNG ADULTHOOD
Have a small falling out with your best friend after they find out about your relationship.
Reconcile with your best friend before you get married.
Gen 5: Fake Relationship
A lot like “Forced Proximity”...except the love stuff has to happen A LOT quicker…whether it’s real or not…and then it DOES become real.
Another one that is pretty straight forward, but leaves you with room for originality.
Come up with a scenario where your sims need to be in a marriage for any other reason than love.
DO NOT show romantic interest until AFTER marriage.
Gen 6: Forbidden Love
The only story without a happy ending. An eternal affair.
Get married straight out of highschool (you can love this person, but they are NOT your soulmate and you know that deep down)
Begin an affair with your true love
For obvious reasons you CAN NOT end up with your true love.
You may choose to come clean or keep it a secret.
You may choose to divorce your initial spouse, but you CAN NOT marry your true love, it’s forbidden after all.
Have your true love be the other parent of Gen 7
Gen 7: Marriage Pact/Arranged Marriage
Having everything figured out early on, maybe even planned for you.
This one can go one of two ways
Marriage Pact: You’ve made the plan for your future
Arranged Marriage: Someone else has made the plan for your future.
You already have your life planned out from a very young age so you just follow the plan.
Get married out of convenience/planning as a young adult.
You can choose if this turns romantic or not as the years go by.
Have one child (adopted or biological)
Gen 8: Runaway Partner
You can’t always get it right on the first try. Maybe what you’re looking for has been right there all along.
Get engaged to someone you think you love
Leave them at the altar (in game interaction)
Run into the arms of someone close that you never thought you’d have been interested in before.
NEVER get married: the idea of marriage has been ruined for you. (You may stay romantically involved with the one you run to, just no marriage)
Gen 9: Bodyguard
The one that’s been there for you all along. When did caring for you become a want instead of a job?
You may choose to have your sim be the bodyguard or even the bodyguarded.
Have a big story beat where one of them gets injured and one/or both realize their feelings.
Once the feelings are confessed, the bodyguard MUST quit their job.
You can choose when / if they end up together, but as for previous rules, they MUST parent the next gen together.
Gen 10: High School Sweethearts
The sweetest and most common one in all of sims-storytelling…unless you don’t want it to be.
While in high school, find your soulmate and begin to date them.
Here you can decide if you want a cute ending or a dramatic one:
HAPPY: You marry that sim soon after high school and you live your fairytale ending together raising your family, maybe preparing for a new legacy challenge
DRAMATIC: Have them split up after high school but they find their ways back to each other later on and marry each other later
Remember, this is a template and you can change things to fit your story! I' love to see your take on it, what you'd change, and how you'd choose to do it!
I hope you enjoy it! Have fun! xoxo - Imogen
Check out my Love's Legacy story: here
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divyay123 · 25 days
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