#low quality icons high quality man
snoopysads · 2 years
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what-even-is-thiss · 11 months
There’s no Khajiit or wood elf marriage candidates in Skyrim and only one high elf woman which is bs. If you’re gonna make so many low quality candidates throw like one cat in there for the furries. I’ve made it clear I don’t like playing Khajiit all that much but come on at the very least you know the furries will buy it to just find one ripped cat man as a ripped cat man. You will go from iconic game to minecraft levels of sales at that point.
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Nova’s Notes - Dracula Daily - June 5
Dr. Seward is back with another exciting podcast update :D
(Also, for clarity’s sake, I’ll probably be calling him Jack/Seward from here on out because first and foremost, I just like that nickname for him and also it’s a little bit easier to differentiate Jonathan vs. John. Since he’s only been referred to as John thus far — that will change later — I just wanted to clear up that when I say “Jack”, I mean Dr. John Seward!)
Looks like he’s studying Renfield again, who is proving to be an “interesting” case.
“He has certain qualities very largely developed; selfishness, secrecy, and purpose. I wish I could get at what is the object of the latter. He seems to have some settled scheme of his own, but what it is I do not yet know.”
Per the last Jack podcast, he talked about selfish vs. unselfish people and their threat level (I talk more about that here, if you’re interested). He seems to have decided upon Renfield being a selfish man — aka his threat level is low — though he does seem to have an unspecified purpose that Seward can’t figure out. I wonder how Jack differentiates between an unselfish person’s duty and a selfish person’s purpose, since they seem to be almost the same thing, per his logic. Then again, they could be very different!
“His redeeming quality is a love of animals, though, indeed, he has such curious turns in it that I sometimes imagine he is only abnormally cruel. His pets are of odd sorts. Just now his hobby is catching flies.”
Jack, buddy, I love you, but you can’t say someone has a love of animals and then in the same sentence think they’re probably also abnormally cruel to them?! Then again, I have to keep in mind, he’s also speaking these words so this is more of an active stream of consciousness than, say, Jonathan’s journal. I suppose it would put it more in line with Lucy’s letters, who impulse writes. Love to see these parallels!
On another note, how did Renfield catch these flies without hurting them and where is he storing them? Did the asylum give him jars or did he have to improvise? I have so many questions, but my bug phobia prevents me from wanting the answers tbh.
“He has at present such a quantity that I have had myself to expostulate.”
Yesh, that begs the question: how many flies did he catch? Again, I actually don’t want the answers, but since I’m analyzing this, I at least needed to ask.
Ok fine, let’s do a little math here. It’s been 11 days since the last time we heard from Seward. He didn’t talk about the fly-catching the last time, but perhaps it was because there was only like 5-6 flies there and he didn’t feel the need to mention it.
So if we give Renfield 5 flies the first day (minimum estimate) and he catches around 10 flies a day (a high guess, yes, but we know Renfield is determined and this is an average so some days he might’ve caught 8 and some days he might’ve caught 15) a day, we can multiply 11 x 10 to give us 110 flies + 5 (from the first day) = about 115 flies!! (I really hope I did this math right or I’m going to look silly)
In the iconic words of Phil Swift, “That’s a lot of damage.”
Again, this is an estimate — I’m not pretending this is actually the number, though it is certainly a possibility. While that seems like a large number for one man to catch and a lot of flies to get into a room, keep in mind this is the 1890s, which means more bugs in the area and Renfield could’ve skewed the numbers by leaving old food around to attract flies.
“To my astonishment, he did not break out into a fury, as I expected, but took the matter in simple seriousness. He thought for a moment, and then said: ‘May I have three days? I shall clear them away.’ Of course, I said that would do. I must watch him.”
Seward, I would suggest watching him very closely because uh…I happen to remember how he’s going to clear the flies and spoiler alert: it’s not just opening up whatever storage container he has them in. So, you can imagine with my bug phobia, I’d rather not analyze this further. Let’s just say it’s interesting he picked three days as the number to clear them away. He’s just built different, I guess.
So that’s it! For the next two weeks, we will be in a Dracula Daily Drought (try saying that five times fast). I am already sad about this!! 😫😭😭
In the meantime, I suppose it is high time I finish my BBC Dracula liveblog, so be on the lookout for that (I am more likely to do it putting it in writing!!).
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
Persona 3 Portable Essential Mods
Here's a list of mods that will improve your experience with the PC port of Persona 3 Portable:
Persona 3 Portable: TrueHD Reloaded by TrueHD Team: WIP mod that replaces a number of the AI upscaled backgrounds with high-resolution screenshots of Persona 3 FES (running the HD Overhaul mod).
P3F Model Port Project by Pioziomgames: Replaces the low-poly PSP character models with the higher-poly PS2 character models from Persona 3 FES. (FeMC's model has also been modified to fit the style of the FES models.)
High Quality Music Pack by ARandomGuy231: Replaces the compressed low-quality music with higher-quality CD rips. Also features a toggle to swap the Male and Female protag's battle music.
HD Cleaned Up Bust-Ups by MadMax1960: WIP mod to improve the resolution of character sprites.
Improved Title Screen Logo by TheNXTCypher: Replaces the upscaled logo on the title screen with a new, better-looking logo. Comes in both Blue and Pink variants.
Kenji and Junpei Spelling & Grammar Fixes by MadMax1960: Fixes typos in Kenji and Junpei's social link events.
Controller UI Overhaul by Pixelguin: Replaces the button prompts with new ones, and can be tweaked to match the controller you're using.
Useful Descriptions by yukiyoneko: Rewrites the skill descriptions to give a better indication of what they actually do and how effective they are.
HD Audio SFX by WXNDER: Replaces compressed audio for battle sound effects with higher quality audio.
Simple No Ken Romance Mod by MadMax1960: You can no longer date a child.
P3F Dungeon Camera by Pioziomgames: Changes the dungeon camera to be like Persona 3 FES.
Colorful Skills+ by Pixelguin: Changes the colours of skill icons.
P3 Opening Movie by Pixelguin: Swaps the original Persona 3 opening with the P3P opening, so Burn My Dread plays when the game is booted up and Soul Phrase plays as the attract movie.
Classroom Cheat Sheet by WXNDER & MadMax1960: Let's be honest, you were going to use a walkthrough for this anyway. Might as well cut out the middle man.
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The Daughter of A Siren.
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Just an in between that I felt needed to be outside of part four.
LET'S face it, when it comes to men, us women are desperate to know exactly how we can get what we want and at the same time appear irresistible.
Have you ever wondered how Hollywood superstar Angelie Jolie has the power to make most men go weak at the knees?
Or how movie femme fatale Marilyn Monroe got her "luminous quality"?
You have to be distinguished from other women. Have the ability to make men pursue you without even trying. It’s in your voice. It’s in the way you dress. It’s how you move.
That’s what it takes to be a siren.
A siren is essentially a feminine woman who plays on her damsel-esque energy to seduce. Her power lies in the fact that she makes men feel powerful, although she’s the one in power. Women, on the other hand, want to be her, but fear their sexual energy could never compare. Many men have destroyed themselves because of the siren.
A man is often secretly oppressed by the role he has to play, by always having to be responsible, in control, and rational. The siren is the ultimate male fantasy figure because she offers a total release from the limitations of his life. In her presence, which is always heightened and sexually charged, the male feels transported to a realm of pure pleasure. In a world where women are often too timid to protect such an image, learn to take control of the man libido by embodying his fantasy.
Carmella Love was that woman.
the femme fatale whose smoldering style and countless relationships made her an icon. She was a vocalist turned actress. A woman who sings with enchanting sweetness. Carmella was the purest example of a siren. Think of Carmella and certain images instantly come to mind: the pouty lips, slightly parted; the sleepy, bedroom eyes of 1950s film stars; the curly hair; and that voice, breathy, like she just woke up and can't wait for you to join her in bed. Carmella conjures up sex and – simultaneously – misery, thanks to the way her troubled personal life has been pored over from the moment she became a movie star.
A deeply traumatised and lonely woman, in love with movies and the idea of love, but desperately crippled with daddy issues that infect every single relationship she develops. the victim narrative, and the absolute essence of feminine, sexual glamour and irresistibility. There is also a mystery to Carmella, something elusive. life was one of extreme lows and extraordinary highs. She became an actress after she was already a successful singer. Carmella’s mystery is not that of her ascent, but of the extreme contradictions of her life. She was a generational talent, a movie star with undeniable charisma, charm, fantastic comedic timing and an aggressive earnestness about her that was as disarming as it was captivating…
“The American Dream is a term that is often used but also often misunderstood. It isn't really about becoming rich or famous. It is about things much simpler and more fundamental than that.”
"I don’t want to make money, I just want to be wonderful."
"I don’t mind living in a man’s world as long as I can be a woman in it."
"It’s all make believe, isn’t it?"
She never really did it for the money. Carmella had a real passion for performing for others. She revels in enjoying her senses and the pleasure she can bring as well as pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable to society. She’s confident and exotic, and she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She didn’t seek confirmation from men that she was attractive, rather having an innate understanding within herself that she is attractive and desirable.
Carmella moved from Baltimore to The Big Apple at the age of sixteen after her mother committed suicide. Her father had left them when Carmella was two days old and remarried to a woman in Virginia. Carmella found a job at Macy’s as a cashier during the day to cover her rent at her Harlem apartment and at night she would sing at a leather club in the 1980s for extra spending money to pay for studio time.
As the 1970s gave way to the ‘80s, New York City’s party scene entered a ferociously inventive period characterized by its incredible creativity, intensity and hybridity. New York City drove the music scene forward as remixers and producers entered into a mutant period that brought together disco, rhythm and blues, funk, rap, punk, no wave, new wave and dub into an undeniably heady mixture of sound seemingly beyond categorization. Much of the music released during the 1980-83 period didn’t have a name. Nobody seemed to care.
Carmella loved it all. She would sing at a popular nightclub in Manhattan and take to the dance floor. She found the fun in the mundane, enticing men without trying, like it was as easy as taking a breath, and the ability to bring out a heightened masculine feeling in those she came in contact with. Despite what she’d been through, she tried to enjoy life as much as she could.
During her nights out, she would always run into an attractively energetic and enthusiastic girl around her age named Felicity. Felicity Jones was a glamorous, ambitious, top advertising executive in New York. They quickly became great friends and after a period of time, Felicity’s older brother, Damion, took interest in Carmella. What man wouldn’t? She was gorgeous and it was easy to succumb to her.
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Carmella had many unsuccessful relationships with men that she couldn’t stray away from. She just wanted to be loved. Her extensive dating history followed her well into her breakthrough career as an actress and with the fame came the gossip-mongers. As her good friend and photographer, Sam Davidson, who himself was rumored to be her lover, once said, "If Carmella slept with every guy that claims he was with her, she would have never had time to make any movies."
The 90s rolled around and Carmella was in her mid 30s when she finally took interest in Damion. It happened unexpectedly, and definitely not how Felicity would have wanted it to be. Felicity hated her brother Damion. He was an abusive, narcissistic man who often cheated on his then wife. Felicity tried to warn Carmella about her brother and why it would be a terrible idea to get involved with him, but Carmella was irrevocably in love with him.
Felicity lived in fear that Carmella would find out about the kinds of things her brother got involved in, things that could risk her life if she’d find out. Soon, Carmella began to grow jealous of Damion’s wife and how secretive he was whenever she’d ask him about his whereabouts. Their affair was one that Damion fought to keep hidden, and they bickered often about it. Damion would raise his hand to Carmella to ‘keep her in line’ and she would have to conceal her black eye with a pound of makeup the next day for a shoot.
As if things couldn’t get any worse, Damion decides to leave Carmella. She fell into depression and became a pain to work with on set because her personal life began to merge with her professional one. She picked up a drinking habit and would abuse prescription drugs. It was a cry for help and also a way to cope with the stress that came with fame. She dated men here and there to help fill the void in her life but she only wanted Damion.
After rehab and therapy for almost a year, Carmella reunited with Damion when he’d contacted her. He confided in her about his rocky marriage, and over time they rekindled their affair. Carmella kept it from Felicity as long as she could, but the unexpected pregnancy would be hard to conceal. Carmella didn’t feel as if her being pregnant was a burden. She hoped that it would bring them together and as delusional as it may seem, she wanted to become his wife.
Sadly, Damion abandoned her again and wanted nothing to do with Carmella when his wife began to suspect he was creeping around on her. Felicity soon found out about her pregnancy and urged Carmella not to tell Damion. Damion would stop at nothing to ruin Carmella’s life if he found out and Carmella refused to have an abortion. She’d always wanted a child of her own, and after trying for years in previous relationships, she finally had her miracle baby. True to her word, Carmella didn’t tell Damion about her pregnancy, even growing to resent him for the way he treated her. Apparently, his image was more important than Carmella’s feelings.
Carmella purchased a stunning colonial home in Buffalo, New York where she planned to have a water birth and a Doula to provide physical and emotional support. After press tours for her box office hit, she decided to take a long break away from the spotlight to raise her child. Carmella wanted the sex of her baby to be a surprise, and only Felicity knew what the sex was so she planned to decorate her nursery for the big reveal. Carmella finally gave birth in July of 1994 to a beautiful baby girl. She named her Adena; after her late mother who committed suicide.
Carmella made sure her daughter was set for life. She’d prepared a will with her attorney and legally arranged her financial accounts, property, and personal and medical information in such a way that trusted people in her life can handle her estate and affairs with as little inconvenience as possible when she passed away or become incapacitated. Carmella never had a relationship with her family, so the only person she trusted to take care of Adena if something ever happened to her, was Felicity. She appointed Felicity as Adena’s legal guardian.
Adena was a scholarly, active child. Whatever she found interest in, Carmella would support. She enjoyed dancing, singing, gymnastics, Capoeira, archery, and playing the piano. Adena had her mother’s siren eyes and lips and her father’s mocha complexion and nose. She’d sometimes look at her daughter and wish that she’d known who her father was. After seven years, Carmella would soon find out the dark truth about Damion.
A mysterious invitation arrived on her doorstep on the eve of Halloween after picking her daughter up from private school. They were both enjoying a scoop of vanilla ice cream while strolling along the cobblestone walk-way of their home when Carmella stopped, noticing a red box with a perfectly tied satin ribbon. She picked up the box and kept it away from Adena, instructing her to get started on her homework in the dining room and she’d join her.
In her kitchen, Carmella inspected the box carefully before undoing the neat bow. She slowly opened the box, afraid that she’d find something grotesque like a severed finger. When she finally opened the box, she found a black and red masquerade mask with a black feather and black crystals. She noticed an invitation in the box with a luxury black background and golden details. Reading the fancy script, she wondered who The Court of Aje were, and why they would be sending her an invitation.
And the anonymous note.
Someone wanted her to go to whatever this Halloween party was and the entire mystery of it all intrigued her. Carmella had plans with Adena earlier that day to take her to the pumpkin patch. She could ask her babysitter to watch Adena for the evening while she went. She’d have to find a dress to wear and seeing that it was last minute, Carmella hoped she could find something appropriate to wear for a masquerade ball.
And she's going to have to come up with a secret name.
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“Oh!? Miss Love! Are you okay?”
Carmella sauntered into her kitchen, disheveled and in distress, ignoring the babysitter’s concerns. Felicity walked in soon after, just as distraught, and when she’d noticed the babysitter, she quickly assured her that everything was okay and she could go home for the evening. While Felicity walked the teenage girl to the door, she informed her that Adena was fast asleep for the night after being read a chapter of her favorite bedtime story; The Princess Bride.
Felicity closed and secured the door, checking out of one of the windows on the front door to make sure she’d left. Felicity rushed back to the kitchen to find it empty, and when she walked through the open patio doors to the back yard near the lagoon pool, she found Carmella sitting by the edge of the pool, staring down into the blue waters, the glow from the pool lights illuminating what looked like tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Carmella?” Felicity lifted the bottom of her green gown, and sat next to her best friend, “Hey…hey, sister…it’s okay…it’s gonna be alright. I’m just glad you’re safe.”
Felicity rubbed soothing circles on Carmella’s back.
“I can’t believe that’s what he gets involved in. And I wonder who sent that invitation…they must have wanted me to get killed that night. If it weren’t for you being there to have my back, I would have probably died…thank you.”
Felicity looked out beyond the yard with hard eyes.
“I hate him. I hate my father for even allowing us to get involved with The Stevens family. Those people are horrible. They’ve been horrible to my family since as early as the 20s.”
Carmella turned to Felicity with glossy eyes.
“…So, my family used to be as big as The Stevens’ are. Although we came from new money, we were just as well-respected as them. We had each other's backs…shared businesses together…it was as if we were a second family,” Felicity took a deep breath in before continuing, “That all came crashing down when one of my great uncles was accused of sexually assaulting a member of The Stevens Family. A teenage girl. He was wrongfully accused and my family were banished from ever doing business with them. They dragged our name through the dirt so bad that our family had to change our name…from King, to Jones.”
Carmella gave Felicity a puzzled look, “So, why does your family still interact with The Stevens family? Shouldn’t you feel…angry?”
Felicity shakes her head, “Oh…we are. But what can you do? They are powerful, Carmella. More powerful than any white man. They have the police, FBI, DA, government, and Mayor in their back pocket. Of course, being a prestigious black family, you have your fair share of white people trying to bring you down…but nothing can break The Stevens family. They made sure of that…”
Carmella exhaled a shaky breath, “So, they can just get away with murdering people?!”
“Yes,” Felicity sadly admitted,“And I wish you hadn’t gone there, Carmella. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happens to you. Please, promise me, you’ll leave New York behind and just start over. You have the money, I will always be here for you. I’ve seen what they’ve done to people…and I’m wrapped up in this mess with no way to escape—”
“Then come with me,” Carmella grabbed Felicity’s hands tightly, “Let’s go to London. Remember how we always talked about moving there? Just the three of us, Felicity? Adena would love it. She always gets so excited with the post cards you’d send her, and the pictures of yourself lounging in your beautiful apartments in Notting Hill…”
Felicity smiled softly at Carmella, bringing her hand up to stroke stray curls from her eyes. They stared at each other deeply, Felicity fighting the urge to press her lips against Carmella’s. She’d loved Carmella since the moment she’d laid eyes on her. To see that she fell in love with her brother, it broke her heart. But, despite that, she still cared deeply for Carmella. She’d always feel that way. Carmella leaned in and pressed her lips against Felicity’s lips softly, lingering there for a moment, eyes closed and allowing the safety of her being there with her to envelope her.
“I love you, Felicity…”
Felicity blinked back tears and pulled Carmella into a tight hug, pressing her nose into her hair, inhaling her sweet scent.
“I love you too, girl…always.”
They both separated and turned towards a sleepy Adena rubbing her right eye while carrying her large care bear. She’s wearing a nightgown with Disney princesses all over it and her favorite fluffy pink slippers. Her waist length curls are pulled back into a low ponytail with the hairs frizzy from not wearing a scarf.
“Come here, pretty girl…” Felicity held out her arms.
Adena walked over to her aunt and her mother and Felicity sat her in her lap while playing in her hair. Carmella stroked her puffy cheek that reminded her of a cute chipmunk while Adena gave her a sleepy smile.
“Did you have a good time with your babysitter today?”
“Yes. Mommy, were you crying?”
Adena touched Carmella’s cheek with her tiny hand. Carmella reached for her daughter’s hand and brought it to her lips.
“Mommy is okay. Listen, why don’t we drink some hot cocoa to help you get some sleep?” Carmella said.
“And I’ll read one more chapter of The Princess Bride,” Felicity added.
Adena nodded her head rapidly with a tired smile before Felicity carefully stood up with Adena in her arms and followed Carmella back inside of the house.
Felicity didn’t know that would be the last time she would see Carmella alive.
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The following week…
Felicity was summoned by her brother one cold evening in November. She walked the darkened hall with thick, carpeted floors within his home until she found him pacing the large, oval-shaped room with clenched fists and rageful eyes. He came to an abrupt stop when he’d spotted Felicity standing there with a stony expression and folded arms. Damion’s sinister eyes peered behind her and with a tick of his chin his henchmen that had guided Felicity to her brother's office disappeared and shut both polished oak doors.
Felicity watched her brother with an untrustworthy gaze, wondering what he’d called her there for. She’d just flown back in from Chicago after meeting some people there to do business. With his arms crossed behind his back like an evil villain, Damion walked up to Felicity, staring down at his sister with anger and resentment. Felicity’s emotions mirrored his, and she didn’t show any fear towards her brother. A slow, sly smirk appeared on his face at her courage.
“You have a lot of explaining to do, Felicity,” Damion spoke with a deep baritone, “Did you think I wouldn’t figure it all out?”
Felicity quirked an arched brow, “Figure what out?”
“Felicity…let’s not play games here. The Halloween ball…what was Carmella doing there?”
Worry showed in Felicity’s eyes and she was too late to hide it from her brother.
“She was never supposed to know about that, Felicity. You…you allowed her to walk in there and see what happens…you know what has to be done when you invite the unwelcomed, correct?”
Felicity stared unblinking at her brother but her lip trembled. Damion cupped her chin aggressively to make her look at him closer.
“…They suffer the consequences.”
Felicity pushed Damion away from her and he barely moved.
“What did you do…WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!!” Felicity yelled.
“I made a statement. I did what needed to be done…Joseph,”
Felicity turned icy eyes onto Joseph Stevens who seemed to materialize from the shadows. His handsome, dimpled smile and unblemished umber skin came into view when he joined Damion’s side.
“You…you son of a bitch!!!!”
Damion caught Felicity by her narrow wrist before she could smack the taste out of Joseph's mouth.
“Get off of me, Damion!” Felicity screamed.
“You brought this on yourself, Felicity. Now, if it were my choice, I’d have you killed…just like we did that beautiful seductress. You betrayed us. How are we supposed to trust you when you do something like this?” Joseph spoke darkly.
“No,” Felicity’s knees buckled, “What did you do to her!!!!!!!”
“It will be on the news by tomorrow morning I fear,” Damion whispered ghoulishly, “Such a beautiful, talented woman gone too soon…”
“She said she received an anonymous invite! Whoever did it set her up! Why don’t you punish them?! She didn’t know anything before going to the ball! How could you?! How could you Damion?!” Felicity wailed.
“We don’t know who sent the invite.” Joseph admitted.
Felicity turned her teary eyes onto her brother who hadn’t responded. She had an inkling that he knew who had done it and was covering for them.
“This situation could get out of hand, Felicity. Powerful people attend this ball every year. If word got out that they are involved in this type of activity…all will be lost,” Joseph stated carefully, “This was an attempt to tarnish our name. Whoever did this, was jealous of Carmella, and also willing to bring my family down.”
Felicity kept her cold eyes on her brother, but he didn’t break character.
“Did you question Maxine, Damion? Your wife?”
“Maxine knows nothing about The Court of Aje. And if she did, she wouldn’t be safe from our wrath either. Maybe you let slip about the ball to Carmella yourself—”
“Then, it remains a mystery…” Joseph said.
“Until then, we��ve decided to revoke your involvement with The Court of Aje, Felicity, and you will be watched from here on out. If we find out that anyone else knows about this…I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Felicity felt as if a boulder had crushed her. She couldn’t believe her brother had said that to her. Not even the hurt in her eyes made him realize how evil he is towards her. She had to get away. All she could think about beyond the ringing in her ears is little Adena discovering her mother’s dead body, or worse…
“I won’t say anything. And why would I? So you can kill someone else and get away with it?” Felicity said with a shaky voice.
Damion’s jaw tightened at her words and Joseph Stevens watched her storm out the doors. She rushed out of his home and raced over to Carmella’s home. Tears blurred her vision when she charged through the doors, calling out for Carmella. She searched the entire basement, then worked her way to the main level and couldn’t find her. She wasn’t out at the pool either.
“Carmella! Adena!” Felicity shouted.
Her footsteps bounded up the stairs and all she could see beyond the darkness of the hallway was a dim light from her master bathroom. Carmella took leisurely steps into Carmella’s room that looked rather ordinary, but when she’d made it past her bed, she found the carpet soaked with pinkish bath water. The door was left ajar, but the sound of running water grew louder as Felicity pushed open the door….
Slipping on the linoleum floor, feet splashing in bloody water, Felicity ran to the jacuzzi bathtub, screams bouncing off of the walls like a chilling echo. She got down on her knees and turned off the faucet, too distraught to believe the state of her friend. She looked pale. Her wrists were slit and she was lying in a bloody bath. Her eyes were open and they looked empty. Felicity forced her eyes away, shaking, unable to get the image of her dead eyes out of her mind. All she could do was try and remember the light that had occupied those bewitching eyes.
“Adena?!!!!” Felicity looked around the bathroom, but there was no sight of her, “ADENAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”
She left Carmella’s body to search for Adena. Feet heavy, Felicity combed Carmella’s room, even searched beneath her bed, when she made it inside of Adena’s room, she checked beneath her canopy bed and the closet. Just when she was about to leave, Felicity looked towards the corner of her room where a pile of Adena’s stuffed animals were. Felicity walked over, crouching down, and when she peeked over a tall giraffe, she spotted Adena in the fetal position, shaking with fear.
“Hey, pretty girl…it’s Auntie…”
Adena sat up slowly, and when Felicity noticed blood stains on her night shirt, she broke down crying.
“Is—is mommy dead?” Adena questioned with a soft-spoken voice.
Felicity felt her throat close up as she watched tears stream down Adena’s youthful face. Felicity sighed heavily, letting her head drop. Adena could hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as her grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.
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themorguepoet · 1 year
I find it hypocritical when hindu boys say "jai shree ram" and follow tate- all in the same day. Bro wtf are you high on?
Like I don't even get this glorification of him among the Indian youth. His concepts of masculinity and femininity are half baked. Western concepts don't apply to us either. Are you lacking neurons or are you just intellectually lazy? "He tells us to go gym" yeah bro- no one was fit in India until Tate baba said so yeah? *haryanvis having hanuman ji as the fitness-eight pack-strength icon while absolutely killing in the wrestling area* *Kohli apparently couldn't inspire Indian men for fitness as good as Tate did* Lame loser justifications to follow a narcissist.
Indian concept of masculinity and femininity does not require a western lens no thank you. We have Gauri-Shankar, Lakshmi-Narayan, Sita-Ram etc that guide our societal roles here. Everything that Tate baba says is a sign of a "High value man" happens to have feminine symbolism in your culture you ignorant child. Knowledge, Wealth and Power. high value men things right? Sorry to break it to you. Here in India, Knowledge is Ma Saraswati, Wealth & Prosperity is Ma Lakshmi and Power is Literally Adi Shakti Ma Parvati.
Let me clarify more for you. First of all, there is no complete masculine man or feminine woman. Everyone has varying rates of masculinity and femininity within them. What do these terms even mean. Well in easy words, the way masculine traits could be described from indic lens cpuld be with the imagery of a mountain; strong, reliable, changes are slow almost unseen, protective (hailing to how himalayas protect us from the blizzards) while feminine imagery could be that of a river- always moving, unstoppable in its path, destructive rage but also equally nurturing, unpredictable, frequent change, adaptable etc.
These are some traits that can be associated with the terms. Now if your neurons haven't picked up yet, these traits aren't exclusive for a male or a female respectively. Men can have the qualities of adaptability, can be nurturing too. Women can be rigid, strong and reliable. These traits can be found in any gender. So for the "women ☕️" meme fans you also have feminine traits within you- to suppress emotions is actually a feminine trait much more than it is "masculine"- Shri Rama cried his heart out when he lost Ma Sita. Bhagwaan Shiva carried devi satis burnt body in his arms for many many eons, screaming in distress. Krishna adorned himself with vaijyanti flower garlands, peacock feathers while simultaneously holding sudarshan which is capable of destroying the three worlds at his command. I don't understand how Tate Baba's words appear enlightening to you when it is so contradictory to your culture which you claim to be the flag bearer of? Sit down. You know nothing Jon snow.
Without Shakti, even Shiva ji is powerless. However without bhagwaan Shiva- shakti still holds her powers but without any direction. Divine masculine becomes the channel for the divine Feminine. Without devi lakshmi, even Vaikuntha remains in gloom. The world is born, run and destroyed by the feminine traits.
The Masculine is the anchor, the Feminine is the power. Without Shiv ji, Ma Kali's rage would be unrestrained, directionless- he roots her but he neither commands nor controls her. Her capability is not reliant on anyone but herself- only the effects of her shakti can be and are supposed to be managed by her counterpart.
Shri Rama couldn't command Ma Sita into staying back at Ayodhya, he couldn't control her from going back to Prithvi Ma when she felt disrespected by her own subjects and made a decision for herself. He did not try to restrain her independent expressions. Meanwhile Ma Sita remained with Shri Ram throughout. In his exile he had no wealth, no power (army power is what I mean). But the lack of neither made him "low value man"- and Ma Sita did not care.
I am frustrated and tired. I will end it here because if you didn't get it this far- sorry buddy you are a little too far gone, I can only pray that Ma Saraswati knock some sense into you.
For the love of Krishna, do not enforce the idea of marriage being a contract? or a give and take idea? Like I bring the money you bring the pretty? Please don't get brainwashed by the western idea of what marriage is. Marriage in India is sacred. At the time of wedding the couple are no less than Lakshami-Narayan themselves as per the customs. So come out of this non sense. And go to gym. Our dieties, our lore heroes, our legends don't carry their abs and diamond-hard biceps with ten different weapons just for you to go and take fitness lessons from a rando on Internet.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
VA - Cease & Resist - Sonic Subversion & Anarcho Punk In The UK 1979-86 - new comp from Optimo Music
Anarcho Punk was the one sub-genre of Punk that emerged in isolation from the rock & roll establishment. During its pioneering days of the early 1980s it thrived in opposition to the music industry, existing as a fiercely underground alternative to the bands, labels and venues of the commercialised mainstream Punk scene. It continues to do so. Anarcho Punk represented one of the last truly underground and autonomous music movements ever witnessed and remains a movement that has never sold out and has never gone away. The major differentiation between the Anarcho Punk acts and the more traditional Punk outfits was that for the former, albeit often more due to musical limitation than intent, the message was more important than the music. Standard song structures were often dispersed with in favour of a relentless lyrical polemic accompanied by a similarly uncompromising aural assault. As the scene grew, so did the diversity of records that emerged under the Anarcho Punk umbrella: from D & V (drums & vocals) to the proto-EBM synth-pop of Belfast’s one-man Hit Parade and the Dadaist Beefheart hybrid of The Cravats. In later days the two biggest acts of the scene, Flux of Pink Indians and Crass themselves, both released LPs which had more in common with improv Jazz than hardcore punk. The resounding victory of Anarcho Punk is that it is now a the unifying soundtrack to a culture of resistance that spans Scotland to Indonesia and remains without compromise. It is still as removed from mainstream music and oppositional to conventional culture as it was over forty years ago and shows no sign of changing. Quite the opposite: the more popular Anarcho Punk becomes the less it has to engage with the music establishment and the more control it can enjoy. In 2023, that message remains as uncompromising as ever. This is a double vinyl retrospective compilation of some of the most radical music ever made, a musical force that changed lives. Covering the years 1979 - 86 and including classic tracks from Crass, Poison Girls, Flux Of Pink Indians, The Mob, Zounds, Annie Anxiety, The Ex, ATV plus 10 more, all newly remastered by iconic Punk mastering engineer Daniel Husayn. It has been lovingly compiled by JD Twitch and Anarcho legend Chris Low and was ten years in the making. There are also a couple of previously unreleased mixes included. It comes as a high quality double vinyl pressing, and has a full colour sleeve with back and front images designed by the legendary Gee Vaucher. It also comes with a 6 page fold out poster on one side with detailed sleeve notes, recollections and essays on the other side. The compilation is a fundraiser for Faslane Peace Camp. Not so far from Glasgow Faslane Naval Base is home to Britain's abhorrent Trident nuclear missiles. The camp has been there, protesting since 1982 and is still active to this day. We hope in our lifetime we will see those missiles leave Scottish soil. We have so much respect for those who have dedicated their lives to protesting these weapons and it seemed an obvious choice that the proceeds from this release should go to help them, and the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
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phoenix-fell · 1 year
Top 5 rwby episodes so far?
Just 5?! Oh boy.
Confessions in the Cumulonimbus Clouds - man, the apprehension, the excitement, the cloud 9 of that week as a Bee shipper. Just 10/10 all round. I loved the fact that their confession wasn't in the middle of chaos, but actually removed from everything so they could just concentrate on each other. For me, it's Blake's leg pop at the end. Outstanding. Burning the Candle - forever iconic, I loved seeing Yang open up, the girls enjoying school things, the way the crew played with the lighting in this episode, everything. A Night Off - I loved Season 7 in general tbh, but this ep is a big reason. It's the moment where the tone shifts entirely, we're lulled into a false sense of security, they're all enjoying being themselves, quality Bee moments/confirmation, Renora, and then absolute tragedy. Alone in the Woods - just the entire Apathy arc tbh, it was dark but I loved it, just so well executed, loved hearing the differences in their voice acting, appearances, the story itself. Seeing Red - I had trouble picking between this and Friends Like These, because they're two of my all time favourite fight scenes. The season 6 finale is one of my favourites in general, ending with a sense of hope and fresh start, concluding Adam's arc, Ruby and Weiss working seamlessly as a partnership, Ruby at peak leadership too.
And while you didn't ask, my other favourites include the Volume 2 opener - because the food fight was simply iconic. Painting the Town - for the first time we see Yang's semblance in action, all the team moves etc., The Witch and Ultimatum from Volume 8 as well, Yang was epic in the former, and the second had so many highs and lows, I loved the dress-down Watts gave Cinder, the team reunion, the dark message at the end...
Anyway! That's my all time favourites, and the episodes that I can easily watch over and over.
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snoopysads · 1 year
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pretty boy👥
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fatimajpeg · 2 years
can you rank all these disney villians from most to least camp. with one sentence for each on why.
chronological list copied from wikipedia
Evil Queen(Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Chernabog (Fantasia)
Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Cruella de Vil(101 Dalmatians)
Ursula (The Little Mermaid)
Jafar (Aladdin)
Scar (The Lion King)
Hades (Hercules)
Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog)
1 - Ursula
She gets top spot cuz she’s based on the drag queen Divine. All the other disney villains are queercoded yeah but it’s the most explicit with her imo. Little Mermaid in general is such a sweet film that had a lot of queer people work on it (Howard Ashman <3) and they definitely camped Ursula up on purpose.
2 - Cruella De Vil
I mean her whole concept is so camp. An evil rich lady who wants to skin puppies for their fur. That’s so over the top and delightfully evil. Her look is stunning as well. Cruella was also based on another Camp Icon, Tallulah Bankhead. Old hollywood in general is considered camp now but Tallulah was camp even back then.
(imo both Ursula and Cruella are the campiest because they take what society deems abhorrent like self-centred independent women and just take it up to 100 on the cartoonishly evil scale)
3 - Captain Hook
Guy’s got beef with a 12 year old lol. He’s also over the top evil and the audience laughs at him instead of being scared for the most part. He’s a silly pirate and overall pretty campy.
4 - Jafar
While i do have my issues with Jafar, he’s pretty Campy. He’s practically a caricature of a greedy man and has a lot of fun being evil. He’s very camped up.
5 - Chernabog
Wow literally a perfect camp villain. Even though his appearances are very theatrical and over the top, there’s still an imposing and scary quality to it all. Very horror-esque camp i love it <3
6 - Maleficent
A classic over the top evil Disney villain but wow she’s so graceful! Nothing about her is comedic imo but she does the maligned witch thing so good. An evil woman doing evil things, that’s camp!
7 - Queen of Hearts
Alice in Wonderland is just plain weird and nonsensical (this is a good thing) so in theory she should be up way higher but idk i feel like the others have a better camp legacy. She’s an over the top homocidal queen like ofc that’s campy. Idk i feel like everyone after the first 2 can be interchanged.
8 - Evil Queen
she’s the first to do it! But maybe it’s cuz she was first she wasn’t as camp as the others. But even though she’s low on the list doesn’t mean she’s not camp! She’s been a camp icon for yearsssss.
9 - Scar
Scar’s probably the 2nd most queercoded villain after Ursula. And while “be prepared” was deliciously evil and campy, i don’t think any of his actions later on were enjoyable to the audience. He’s definitely a camped up Shakespeare antagonist but idk if he should be placed higher.
10- Dr. Facilier
Smooth talking witch doctor (with a great look). He’s the best classic Disney Villain we’ve seen over the past 30 years. but his overall campiness? hmm i’m not so sure it’s that high
11 - Hades
I feel so bad for placing Hades last because he’s one of my personal faves but again, comparing to the others, is he really that camp? Ik you might think he can take the Evil Queen or Maleficent’s spot but those two have such a rich legacy that Hades hasn’t had. He’s goofy and has tons of fun, but sometimes you can feel him winking at the audience. Ursula does that better and with more extravagance so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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kor0sh · 2 years
What are the best leather brands? | Review
What are the best leather brands? Leather is one of the most important and widely used materials in the clothing modeling and design industry. Since the value and price of leather is increasing day by day, it can be expected that the price of natural and original products will also increase in particular. As a result, many fraudsters design and sell similar products such as leather jackets, original wallets, etc., but they sell these items with low quality and average prices. For this reason, it is recommended that you buy luxury goods whose quality is the first word from reputable brands so that you can use your desired product for many years with more confidence.
In the following, we introduce and review the best leather brands in Iran and the world:
Versace leather
Besides being in the list of the best leather brands, Versace is very popular among people. Maybe the reason is the story behind its logo. The Versace logo is part of the icon and head of "Medusa". Medusa was one of the Greek myths, a beautiful girl whose stunning beauty caused anyone who looked at her to be turned to stone and nailed in place. This story is not unrelated to the Versace brand. Versace leather products have special color codes. The high use of Verni style in its various products, such as Versace women's leather wallets and men's leather wallets , is very close to the Italian people's own taste, and this issue has created a dazzling brilliance for its fans all over the world.
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Mashhad leather
Mashhad leather is a brand like Mashhad carpet, which originated from Headling Mashhad and has now become one of the most powerful and best leather brands in Iran. The idea of ​​establishing this brand originated from an internal trip by Engineer Hamidi, the founder of Mashhad Leather, to a leather workshop whose production line had been stopped for many years. In those years when the quality of Iranian leather was hidden from the public, Mashhad leather entered this field and quickly attracted its fans.
Today, Mashhad Leather continues to operate as a reputable company and brand in the leather industry, with the difference that this brand focuses on after-sales services and its customer club.
weone leather
We One Leather , this Iranian brand that has been on the list of the best leather brands in Iran for 15 years. The difference between this brand and other popular brands in Iran is production and supply without intermediaries. By producing all products in its unique production line, V One has become one of the top brands of natural leather products, first in Mashhad and then throughout Iran. Despite its new age in the production of leather bags and shoes, this brand designs a variety of leather accessories and leather clothing and jackets , which is unparalleled due to its unique and specialized design. In addition to the quality of its language, this brand has a very extensive after-sales service, which makes it different from other more famous brands.
Darsa leather
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Fendi leather
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Charmnegar is among the best Iranian leather brands because it is more than just a quality brand. Charmnegar is an example of an original Iranian brand that transforms its product from a simple women's leather bag into a special and original leather bag with engravings of Iranian poems and motifs and Slimi designs . Of course, leather engraving style may not be used by everyone. But the beauty and the idea of ​​producing this particular style among leather brands is of interest to many people.
Berber leather
Burberry in the clothing industry refers to a special type of fabric style that has parallel lines on top of each other and is like a checkerboard. But this idea became global from the Berber brand itself. In fact, Thomas Berberi was a 21-year-old young man who decided to implement his idea after many years. This brand is one of the most important and best leather brands in Britain, which has its own fans. The cold British winters made it difficult for Shaal people to work. The idea of ​​producing fabric and thick clothes was only one of the 100 Berber techniques that he implemented in his designs. Gabardine fabric was the first thick and resistant fabric whose wool fibers and its dense texture had a very good resistance against cold. Today, gabardines are widely used in suits, but their percentage of polyester is much higher than the gabardines of the time.
Of course, Burberry is a fluctuating brand that has tried its luck in various fields and has been successful in this field partly due to having smart and prominent CEOs.
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watchpilot1 · 18 hours
The Ultimate Guide to Designer Watches for Men Top Picks for 2024
Designer watches for men have evolved beyond simple timekeeping devices to become powerful symbols of status, style, and engineering excellence. A luxury watch is an investment that reflects a man's taste, personality, and values.
In 2024, men's designer watches are more vibrant than ever, offering an impressive array of choices that cater to various styles, functionalities, and preferences.
This guide explores the top designer watches for men in 2024, detailing why they stand out and how to choose the perfect one for your lifestyle.
1. Why Designer Watches for Men Matter
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For men, a watch is not merely an accessory—it is a statement piece that defines their style and persona. A designer men watches can elevate an outfit, express individuality, and even serve as a conversation starter.
In 2024, the market for men's designer watches has grown exponentially, with brands focusing on combining traditional craftsmanship with modern technology.
From sleek dress watches that exude sophistication to robust sports watches designed for adventure, there's a perfect designer men's watch for every man.
2. Key Features to Consider in Designer Watches for Men
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When selecting a designer watch, it's crucial to consider several key features that define its quality, functionality, and overall appeal:
A. Movement Type
The heart of the watch, the movement, can be mechanical, automatic, or quartz. Mechanical and automatic movements are highly regarded for their craftsmanship and complexity, while quartz movements are valued for their precision and low maintenance.
B. Material
The material of the watch, such as stainless steel, titanium, gold, or ceramic, affects its durability and appearance. High-end models often use precious metals or innovative materials that offer a unique aesthetic.
C. Water Resistance
Water resistance is vital for actively participating in water sports. Watches can range from splash-resistant to being capable of withstanding deep-sea diving conditions.
D. Complications
Complications are additional functions beyond telling time. Chronographs, moon phases, perpetual calendars, and GMT functions add functionality and intrigue to a watch.
E. Design Aesthetic
Whether you prefer a classic, minimalist design or a bold, avant-garde style, your watch should align with your taste and wardrobe.
3. The Top Designer Watches for Men in 2024
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A. Rolex Submariner
However, the Rolex Submariner remains one of the most iconic luxury watches for men. Since its inception, it has set the standard for diver's watches with its unmatched durability, functionality, and timeless design.
The 2024 Rolex Submariner features a robust stainless steel case, it is perfect for aquatic excursions because to its unidirectional rotating bezel and 300-meter water resistance. Moreover, the self-winding automatic movement ensures accuracy and reliability, while its classic aesthetic makes it versatile enough for formal and casual settings.
Available in multiple versions, including the classic black dial and the eye-catching blue dial, the Submariner continues to be a top pick for those who seek both style and durability. Similarly, Men Tissot Watches also offer exceptional craftsmanship and timeless design, making them a favored choice among watch enthusiasts.
B. Omega Speedmaster Professional
The Omega Speedmaster Professional, famously known as the "Moonwatch," is another top contender in the realm of designer watches for men. With a rich history dating back to its use during NASA's Apollo missions, this watch embodies adventure and precision.
The 2024 model retains its iconic look while incorporating Omega's latest Co-Axial Master Chronometer movement, offering superior accuracy, anti-magnetic properties, and a power reserve of 50 hours.
Its stainless steel case and hesalite crystal add to its vintage charm, while the tachymeter scale on the bezel nods to its racing roots. The Speedmaster is perfect for those who appreciate both heritage and cutting-edge technology.
C. Patek Philippe Nautilus
The Patek Philippe Nautilus is synonymous with luxury, exclusivity, and exquisite craftsmanship. Further, designed by the legendary Gérald Genta, this watch stands out with its distinctive porthole-shaped case and horizontal embossed dial.
The 2024 model upholds the Nautilus tradition with its stainless steel construction, integrated bracelet, and self-winding mechanical movement. Moreover, water-resistant up to 120 meters, this watch is as functional as it is elegant.
The Nautilus epitomizes sophistication, making it ideal for the modern man who values refinement and timeless style.
D. TAG Heuer Carrera
The TAG Heuer Carrera is an excellent choice for those who favor a sporty yet sophisticated look. Inspired by the high-speed world of motor racing, the Carrera is renowned for its bold design and superior functionality.
The 2024 edition features an automatic chronograph movement with an impressive 80-hour power reserve, a stainless steel case, and a tachymeter scale for measuring speed.
Its robust design, sleek dial options, and distinctive logo make the Carrera a versatile timepiece that transitions seamlessly from a business meeting to a weekend track day.
E. Audemars Piguet Royal Oak
Few watches are as instantly recognizable as the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak. The 2024 model continues to feature the signature octagonal bezel, exposed screws, and "Tapisserie" patterned dial that has made the Royal Oak a legend in horology.
Crafted from a mix of materials such as steel and ceramic, this watch combines classic design with modern elements. The skeletonized dial showcases the intricate movement inside, appealing to watch enthusiasts who appreciate high horology and detailed craftsmanship.
The Royal Oak remains a symbol of modern elegance and is ideal for those who desire a blend of tradition and innovation.
4. Emerging Trends in Men's Designer Watches for 2024
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A. Smart Hybrids
The rise of smartwatches has influenced the luxury watch market, leading to the emergence of intelligent hybrids. Brands like Montblanc, Frederique Constant, and TAG Heuer are creating watches that combine traditional aesthetics with smart functionalities.
These hybrids offer fitness tracking, heart rate monitoring, GPS, and smartphone notifications while maintaining a classic watch design. This trend caters to men who want the benefits of modern technology without sacrificing the elegance of a traditional timepiece.
B. Sustainable Materials
However, sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the luxury watch industry. In 2024, brands such as Panerai and IWC Schaffhausen will use eco-friendly materials like recycled titanium, ceramic composites, and plant-based leather straps.
This includes items like the Guess silver watch, which also reflects this commitment to sustainability. These watches appeal to environmentally conscious consumers who seek high-quality, sustainable products.
Moreover, this trend reflects a broader shift in consumer values, where ethical considerations are as important as craftsmanship.
C. Customization and Limited Editions
Personalization has become a significant trend in the luxury watch market. Leading brands like Jaeger-LeCoultre and Hublot offer bespoke options that allow clients to customize various elements of their watches, from the dial color to the strap material.
Limited edition watches are also in high demand, enabling gatherers to own a unique piece of horological art that stands out in any collection. These exclusive timepieces often feature unique engravings, rare materials, or particular movements, making them highly coveted among enthusiasts.
5. How to Choose the Right Designer Watch for Your Lifestyle
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A. For the Business Professional
A classic and understated watch is essential for men who spend most of their time in professional environments. Models like the Cartier Tank and the IWC Portofino are perfect for business professionals.
These watches are known for their slim profiles, clean lines, and timeless elegance, which pair seamlessly with a suit. The Cartier Tank, with its rectangular case and Roman numeral dial, offers a blend of tradition and sophistication.
At the same time, the IWC Portofino is renowned for its minimalist design and refined aesthetic.
B. For the Adventurer
Initially, if you are adventurous and enjoy outdoor activities, watches like the Breitling Navitimer and the Tudor Black Bay are excellent choices.
The Navitimer is famed for its aviation-inspired design, featuring a slide rule bezel that can perform various calculations, making it ideal for pilots and explorers.
On the other hand, the Tudor Black Bay offers robust water resistance, a sturdy build, and a retro-inspired style that harkens back to the golden age of diving watches. These models are perfect for the modern adventurer who values durability and style.
C. For the Tech-Savvy
Men who appreciate traditional watchmaking and modern technology will find the perfect blend of models like the TAG Heuer Connected and the Apple Watch Hermès.
These watches combine classic design elements with intelligent functionalities like fitness tracking, NFC payments, and advanced notifications. These options cater to tech-savvy individuals who don't want to compromise on style.
The TAG Heuer Connected offers customizable faces that replicate traditional analog dials, while the Apple Watch Hermès brings a luxurious touch with its handcrafted leather straps and exclusive watch faces.
6. Caring for Your Designer Watch
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A designer watch is a significant investment; proper care is crucial for longevity and performance. Here are some essential tips to keep your luxury timepiece in pristine condition:
A. Regular Servicing
Like any fine-tuned machine, luxury watches require regular servicing. It is generally recommended that your watch be serviced every three to five years, depending on the brand and model. Servicing involves cleaning, lubricating, and recalibrating the movement to ensure accuracy and functionality.
B. Avoid Magnets
Magnets can interfere with a watch's delicate mechanics, causing it to run fast, slow, or even stop. Keep your watch away from magnetic fields, such as those emitted by smartphones, speakers, and other electronic devices.
C. Clean Regularly
Dirt, sweat, and moisture can accumulate on your watch over time. Further, clean it regularly with a soft, dry cloth to maintain its luster and prevent corrosion. Additionally, avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the case or strap.
D. Water Resistance Checks
Initially, if your watch is water-resistant, it is essential to have its water resistance tested periodically, especially after opening the case for battery replacement or servicing. This ensures the seals are intact and can prevent water damage.Conclusion
Choosing the right designer watch for men in 2024 is a journey that involves understanding your style, needs, and the statement you want to make.
The options are diverse and exciting, from the timeless elegance of the Rolex Submariner and the heritage-rich Omega Speedmaster to the luxurious appeal of the Patek Philippe Nautilus and the innovative trends in clever hybrids.
Moreover, this guide provides a comprehensive overview to help you navigate the evolving landscape of men's designer watches, ensuring you select a timepiece that meets your aesthetic preferences and aligns with your lifestyle.
Investing in a luxury watch is more than buying a timepiece—it's about choosing a companion that will accompany you through life's most important moments, reflecting your journey, values, and taste.
Source: Designer Watches for Men
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sensingyourskin · 1 month
Perfect Fit, Perfect Style: Classic Polo T-Shirt for Men
When it comes to timeless wardrobe staples, the classic polo t-shirt stands out as a must-have for every man. It’s a versatile piece that effortlessly transitions from casual to semi-formal settings while maintaining an air of sophistication. Whether you’re heading to a casual brunch, a business-casual meeting, or even a weekend getaway, the classic polo t-shirt ensures you stay comfortable and stylish.
1. The History of the Polo Shirt
The polo shirt, as its name suggests, originated in the sport of polo. However, its journey into mainstream fashion began with tennis legend René Lacoste in the 1920s. Lacoste sought to create a shirt that offered both comfort and style, leading to the birth of the iconic short-sleeved, buttoned shirt made from pique cotton. Over the decades, the polo shirt evolved, becoming a symbol of casual elegance, embraced by fashion enthusiasts, athletes, and professionals alike.
2. The Perfect Fit
A polo shirt’s appeal lies in its simplicity, but the key to making it truly stylish is achieving the perfect fit. An ill-fitting polo can detract from your overall look, so it’s essential to choose one that complements your body shape.
Shoulder Fit: The seams of the polo should align with the edges of your shoulders.
Sleeve Length: The sleeves should fall around the mid-bicep, without being too tight or too loose.
Length: The shirt should cover your waistband and stay tucked in when needed, but not extend too far down.
By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure that your polo shirt flatters your physique and enhances your overall appearance.
3. Styling the Classic Polo
The beauty of the classic polo t-shirt lies in its versatility. Here are a few ways to style it for different occasions:
Casual Look: Pair a solid-colored polo with jeans or chinos for a relaxed yet put-together look. Complete the outfit with loafers or sneakers.
Semi-Formal: Opt for a well-fitted polo in a darker shade, paired with tailored trousers and dress shoes. This look is perfect for business-casual settings.
Sporty Vibe: For a sporty and comfortable ensemble, pair your polo with athletic shorts or joggers. This combination works well for outdoor activities or weekend outings.
Color and Pattern Combinations: When choosing colors, consider your skin tone. Neutral tones like white, navy, and grey are timeless, while bolder hues like red or green can add a pop of color to your wardrobe. Striped or patterned polos can also bring variety and visual interest to your outfit.
4. Quality and Materials
Investing in a high-quality polo shirt is essential for long-lasting style and comfort. The fabric plays a crucial role in determining the shirt’s overall feel and durability.
Supima Cotton: The most common material for polo shirts, supima cotton offers breathability and softness, making it perfect for everyday wear.
Pique Cotton: Known for its textured weave, pique cotton adds a subtle dimension to the shirt and is highly breathable.
Merino Wool: Ideal for cooler weather, merino wool polos provide warmth without sacrificing style.
Care Tips: To prolong the life of your polo shirt, follow these care instructions:
Wash in cold water and avoid using harsh detergents.
Hang or lay flat to dry to prevent stretching.
Iron on a low setting to maintain the fabric’s texture and shape.
The classic polo t-shirt is more than just a wardrobe staple — it’s a symbol of effortless style and versatility. From its origins in sports to its place in modern fashion, the polo shirt has proven its staying power. By choosing the right fit, styling it appropriately, and investing in quality materials, you can make this timeless piece a central part of your wardrobe. So why not add a few classic polo t-shirts to your collection and experience the perfect blend of fit and style?
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teslaproperties · 2 months
Top Reasons to Invest in Properties in Dubai
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Dubai, a city known for its futuristic skyline, luxurious lifestyle, and strategic location, has become a premier destination for real estate investment. With its robust economy, tax-free environment, and high rental yields, the Dubai real estate market offers numerous opportunities for investors. Here are the top reasons to invest in properties in Dubai.
1. Strong Economic Growth
Robust and Diversified Economy
Dubai's economy is one of the most diversified in the region, with key sectors such as tourism, finance, trade, and real estate driving growth. This economic stability makes Dubai an attractive destination for real estate investment, ensuring that properties in Dubai retain and grow their value over time.
Continuous Development
Dubai is a city that is always changing, with several projects for growth being worked on. From the world-famous Expo 2020 site to various infrastructure and commercial projects, the city is always expanding, offering new opportunities for property investment.
2. High Rental Yields
Attractive Returns
Dubai offers some of the highest rental yields in the world, making it an ideal market for buy-to-let investments. Rental returns on properties in desirable areas including Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina, and Palm Jumeirah range from 5% to 9%, giving investors reliable sources of income.
Growing Demand
The demand for rental properties in Dubai is driven by a large expatriate population and a thriving business environment. This ensures high occupancy rates and consistent rental income, making Dubai property for sale a lucrative investment.
3. Tax-Free Environment
No Property Taxes
The tax-free environment is one of the main benefits of investing in real estate in Dubai. There are no property taxes or capital gains taxes, maximizing the return on investment for property buyers. This makes Dubai an attractive market for both local and international investors.
4. Strategic Location
Global Hub
Due to its strategic location at the meeting point of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Dubai is a significant worldwide hub for trade and tourism.The city’s world-class infrastructure, including the busiest international airport and the largest man-made port, enhances its connectivity and accessibility, attracting investors from around the globe.
5. Diverse Property Options
Luxury Properties
Dubai offers a wide range of luxury properties, from high-end apartments in iconic skyscrapers to opulent villas in exclusive communities. Areas like Palm Jumeirah, Emirates Hills, and Downtown Dubai are home to some of the most luxurious and sought-after properties in the world.
Affordable Options
In addition to luxury properties, Dubai also offers affordable housing options in areas like Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC), Dubai Silicon Oasis, and International City. Due to its diversity, investors are guaranteed to find properties in Dubai that meet both their needs and their financial objectives.
6. High-Quality Lifestyle
World-Class Amenities
Properties in Dubai come with world-class amenities such as state-of-the-art fitness centers, swimming pools, concierge services, and private beach access. The city’s focus on luxury and comfort ensures that residents enjoy a high-quality lifestyle.
Safety and Security
Dubai is renowned for its safety and security, with low crime rates and strict law enforcement. This safe environment makes it an ideal place for families and individuals looking to buy a home in Dubai.
7. Favorable Government Policies
Investor-Friendly Regulations
The Dubai government has implemented several investor-friendly rules in an effort to attract foreign investment. These include long-term residency visas for property investors, relaxed ownership regulations, and initiatives to enhance transparency in the real estate market.
Legal Protections
Strong legal safeguards are offered to investors and property purchasers under Dubai's real estate laws. The Dubai Land Department (DLD) ensures that all property transactions are transparent and secure, protecting the rights of both buyers and sellers.
8. Innovative Projects and Developments
Sustainable and Smart Cities
When it comes to innovative real estate developments that prioritize sustainability and smart technology, Dubai is setting the standard. Developments like Sustainable City and Dubai South are examples of the city’s commitment to creating sustainable and future-ready living spaces.
Iconic Landmarks
Investing in properties near iconic landmarks such as the BurjKhalifa, The Dubai Mall, and the Palm Jumeirah can provide significant capital appreciation and rental income due to their high demand and prestige.
9. Strong Capital Appreciation
Growing Property Values
Over time, Dubai real estate has consistently appreciated in value. Investing in areas with ongoing or upcoming development projects can yield substantial returns as property values continue to rise.
Market Resilience
Dubai’s real estate market has demonstrated resilience even during global economic downturns. The city’s proactive approach to development and investment has ensured steady growth and stability in property values.
Investing in properties in Dubai offers numerous benefits, from high rental yields and tax-free returns to a luxurious lifestyle and strategic location. The city’s robust economy, diverse property options, and investor-friendly policies make it an attractive destination for real estate investment. Whether you’re looking to buy a home in Dubai or invest in rental properties, the Dubai real estate market offers a wealth of opportunities for every investor.
For more information and to explore the finest properties in Dubai, visit Tesla Properties. Allow our knowledgeable staff to assist you in locating your ideal home in this vibrant and dynamic city.
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dronzer123 · 2 months
Calvin Klein Men’s Windbreaker Jacket: A Style Staple
Introduction The Calvin Klein men’s windbreaker jacket is more than just a piece of outerwear; it's a statement of style and functionality. This iconic garment has evolved from a practical athletic piece to a versatile fashion essential. Let's delve into the world of Calvin Klein windbreakers, exploring their history, style, features, and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe.
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A Brief History of the Windbreaker
Before we dive into the Calvin Klein version, let's understand the windbreaker's origins. Initially designed for athletes to protect against wind and light rain, the windbreaker has undergone a significant transformation. With its lightweight, water-resistant fabric and elastic cuffs and hem, it offered unparalleled comfort and protection during outdoor activities.
Calvin Klein, a visionary in the fashion industry, recognized the potential of the windbreaker and elevated it to a new level of sophistication. By incorporating their signature minimalist aesthetic, Calvin Klein windbreakers became synonymous with modern, effortless style.
The Allure of Calvin Klein Windbreakers
Iconic Branding: The subtle Calvin Klein logo adds a touch of luxury and authenticity to the jacket.
Versatility: Whether you're heading to the gym, running errands, or enjoying a casual outing, a Calvin Klein windbreaker fits seamlessly into any occasion.
Comfort: The lightweight fabric and relaxed fit ensure maximum comfort without compromising style.
Durability: Crafted with high-quality materials, these windbreakers are built to last.
Key Features of a Calvin Klein Windbreaker
Water-resistant exterior: Protects you from light rain and drizzle.
Breathable fabric: Allows for optimal airflow, keeping you cool and comfortable.
Multiple pockets: Convenient storage for your essentials.
Adjustable hood: Provides added protection from the elements.
Elastic cuffs and hem: Seals out wind and cold air.
Styling Your Calvin Klein Windbreaker
The versatility of the Calvin Klein windbreaker makes it a wardrobe staple. Here are a few styling ideas:
Casual Chic: Pair with jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers for a laid-back look.
Athletic Edge: Combine with joggers, a hoodie, and sports shoes for a sporty ensemble.
Smart Casual: Layer over a button-down shirt and chinos for a refined yet relaxed outfit.
Caring for Your Calvin Klein Windbreaker
To ensure the longevity of your windbreaker, follow these care instructions:
Machine wash in cold water on a gentle cycle.
Use a mild detergent.
Tumble dry on low heat or hang dry.
Avoid ironing directly on the logo.
The Calvin Klein men’s windbreaker jacket is a timeless piece that effortlessly blends style and function. Its versatility, comfort, and iconic branding make it a must-have for any modern man. By understanding its history, key features, and styling options, you can confidently incorporate this jacket into your wardrobe and create a variety of stylish looks.
Keywords: Calvin Klein windbreaker, men's windbreaker, jacket, fashion, style, versatile, comfortable, durable, water-resistant, breathable, casual, athletic, smart casual, care instructions
Would you like to add more specific details or focus on a particular aspect of the Calvin Klein windbreaker?
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harmonyhomes · 3 months
Find Your Dream Home: Apartments for Sale on the Isle of Man
The Isle of Man, nestled in the heart of the Irish Sea, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant community. If you've ever dreamt of owning a slice of paradise, there's never been a better time to explore the array of Apartments for sale on the Isle of Man this charming island. From luxurious waterfront residences to cozy countryside retreats, the Isle of Man offers a diverse range of properties to suit every taste and lifestyle.
Why Choose the Isle of Man?
Natural Beauty and Tranquility
The Isle of Man boasts an unparalleled natural beauty that captivates residents and visitors alike. With rolling hills, pristine beaches, and scenic coastal cliffs, the island provides a serene and picturesque setting for your dream home. Whether you enjoy hiking, cycling, or simply soaking in the views, the Isle of Man’s diverse landscapes offer endless opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.
Rich History and Culture
Steeped in history, the Isle of Man is home to ancient castles, historic landmarks, and a unique Celtic and Norse heritage. The island’s vibrant culture is celebrated through numerous festivals, events, and traditions, providing a rich tapestry of experiences for residents to enjoy. From the annual TT motorcycle races to traditional Manx music and dance, there's always something happening on the Isle of Man.
Strong Community and Quality of Life
The Isle of Man is known for its strong sense of community and high quality of life. With low crime rates, excellent healthcare, and top-notch educational institutions, it’s an ideal place for families, retirees, and professionals alike. The island's welcoming atmosphere and close-knit community make it a wonderful place to call home.
Top Locations for ApartmentsDouglas
As the capital and largest town on the Isle of Man, Douglas offers a vibrant urban lifestyle with a range of modern amenities. Waterfront apartments with stunning views of Douglas Bay are highly sought after, providing easy access to shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Living in Douglas means being at the heart of the island’s social and economic activity, making it a perfect choice for those who enjoy a bustling city environment.
For those seeking a more relaxed coastal lifestyle, the historic town of Peel is an excellent option. Known for its beautiful sandy beach and picturesque harbor, Peel offers charming apartments with views of the sea and the iconic Peel Castle. The town’s friendly atmosphere and array of local shops, cafes, and seafood restaurants make it a delightful place to live.
As one of the oldest towns on the Isle of Man, Castletown is rich in history and character. Its quaint streets, historic buildings, and proximity to the stunning Scarlett coastline make it an attractive location for apartment buyers. Castletown offers a peaceful, small-town lifestyle with a strong sense of community.
Situated in the north of the island, Ramsey is known for its beautiful harbor, Victorian architecture, and lush greenery. Apartments in Ramsey offer a mix of coastal and countryside living, with easy access to the island’s northern hills and beaches. The town’s vibrant market, parks, and friendly community create a welcoming environment for residents.
Types of Apartments Available
Luxury Apartments
For those looking for the ultimate in comfort and style, luxury apartments on the Isle of Man offer high-end finishes, modern amenities, and spectacular views. These properties often feature spacious living areas, state-of-the-art kitchens, and private balconies or terraces.
Traditional and Modern Apartments
The Isle of Man offers a blend of traditional and modern apartments to suit different preferences. Whether you prefer the charm of a historic building with period features or the sleek design of a contemporary apartment, you’ll find a variety of options available.
Waterfront Properties
Waterfront apartments are highly coveted on the Isle of Man, providing stunning views of the sea and easy access to the island’s beaches and marinas. These properties offer a unique lifestyle, combining the tranquility of coastal living with the convenience of nearby amenities.
Investing in Your Future
Apartments for sale on the Isle of Man is not just about finding a beautiful place to live; it's also a sound investment in your future. The island's stable economy, favorable tax regime, and strong property market make it an attractive destination for property investors. Whether you're looking for a permanent residence, a holiday home, or a rental property, the Isle of Man offers excellent potential for growth and return on investment.
Start Your Journey Today
If you're ready to find your dream home on the Isle of Man, now is the perfect time to explore the available apartments. With a wide range of properties to choose from, there's something to suit every lifestyle and budget. Begin your journey today and discover the unparalleled beauty and charm of island living.
For more information and to view the latest listings, visit Apartments for sale on the Isle of Man Your dream home on the Isle of Man awaits.
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