#lowest wages
dawnthefluffyduck · 1 month
I drew this explanation post for why I was completely inactive for a week, but then felt too anxious and drained to post it, and subsequently disappeared for a second week
Two main blog drawings and one side blog wip later, I remembered I made this and still think it's funny, so even though I stopped being dead (TM) I still wanted to share lol
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Brief series of events at work
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^^^old, but I'm still taking it easy so posts on both this blog and my alt will continue to be scattered for now
#so for those of you that don't know; i have moderate combined scoliosis#my entire back is always at least a little strained so i have to really watch my physical activity#but i live in Tennessee where we have the lowest federally allowed minimum wage#so in order to pay for college i have to work in a package distribution company because it's the only place that pays well/has a scholarshi#I'm in the small package dept thankfully (bc spine)#but for the last three months one specific manager kept sending me out to a different area with the heaviest packages in the building#when i first disappeared it was because i was having trouble walking and using stairs lmao#I complained to that manager and it seems I'll be in smalls again for the foreseeable future; so I've had time to recover and am better :D#every day i didn't post after that was due to anxiety and a low social battery BUT I'm getting slightly better on that front too#i have been *very* aware of my spine lately though#the last time I got an xray was ten years ago and i wonder if it's changed since then... not that i can afford a new xray lol#also can i just take a space to complain about the US not using the metric system#so many packages have kilograms ONLY and i have NO frame of reference for that since we don't use kilograms anywhere else#''ooh wow 70 is a big number but surely it can't be that baD- HOLY SHIT THAT'S 154 POUNDS'' <- me all the time#at this point I myself will just switch to metric and make life harder for both myself and life around me out of principle
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garrettwrites · 1 month
The internet is amazing because if before the commoners and the wealthy were separated to such an extent they barely glimpsed into each other's lives, now we get to hear those well off in society complaining about cruises, vacations, fancy earphones, incomprehensibly expensive computer parts and niche pieces of equipment being expensive, while I need to weight my pasta to make sure it does indeed last for 7 meals rather than six so it's one less expense ""in the long run"", or wear trainers with a busted sole for months because shoes "are an unnecessary expense if these still work, no matter how much the rubber is snapping off", or eat like shit for an entire week because how dare I send 40€ on a second hand game instead of thinking off how many tuna cans, rice packs and vegetables that is. Or making groceries last so I can pay my pets' food.
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rubbish78 · 1 month
Our union president is shaking rn
Love how this one flight attendant was like: “let’s vote this bitch out of office” and she got everyone to email repeatedly for a recall
I need to be like that girl , damn like just be like bam and get shit done
Union doesn’t do shit for us!!!
We are the lowest paid regional airline in the industry!!!!!!!!!!!
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sisaloofafump · 10 months
Hi there! Do you accept commissions?
I do! I wouldn't be able to complete one until mid/late December, but I am open to discuss and coordinate any time.
Commission Info:
I currently don’t have a set commission sheet. However, I've attached various examples of character art and the respective style's price. It can scale up and down depending on extra characters (+50%), complicated backgrounds, rendering style, cropping (full body vs bust) etc. You can also check out the art masterposts pinned at the top of my page, or the non-fandom stuff on my instagram @ astridn.m. If you see something you like, shoot me an ask or dm and I’ll let you know what I would charge for something similar to that! I’m sure we could outline something to work within your budget and vision :)
I am happy to draw almost any subject matter but I do have limited experience with animals/anthro. Though I am a-okay with nudity and mildly suggestive content, I won't draw any properly sexual interactions. Payment would need to be through PayPal (from anywhere) or e-transfer (if Canadian).
Here are some examples of recent work in the non-abstract styles i am most familiar with and their respective prices:
(All numbers are rounded and loose estimations)
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Detailed full body, one figure, cell shading, simple background: $60 CAD // $44 USD // €40 EUR
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Detailed full body, one figure, COMPLEX shading, simple background: $120 CAD // $88 USD // €81 EUR
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Detailed full body, TWO figures, cell shading, simple background: $90 CAD // $66 USD // €60.5 EUR
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Detailed full body, TWO figures, NO COLOURS, simple background: $70 CAD // $52 USD // €47 EUR
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SIMPLE full body, TWO figures, cell shading, simple background: $15 CAD // $11 USD // €10 EUR
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Detailed HALF body, TWO figures, COMPLEX shading, FULL background: $110 CAD // $81 USD // €74 EUR
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Detailed HALF body, one figure, COMPLEX shading, simple background: $30 CAD // $22 USD //€20 EUR
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MID-DETAIL full body, one figure, cell shading, simple background: $25 CAD // $18 USD // €17 EUR
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sirpeppersto · 3 months
so it turns out I've been getting paid 25 cents higher than i thought 😳 oh im really not getting paid minimum wage anymore huh
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girlbob-boypants · 6 months
I do recognize that I could be treated a lot worse cause of a myriad of factors even as a customer service worker in a tourist area but also im tired and tired of the weird slights that customers clearly know are slights cause doing it back pisses them off
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timeisacephalopod · 10 months
Lol out of curiosity I looked up my old job on Indeed and yes they ARE urgently hiring for the position and if I didn't get treated like dog shit for expecting a stress free work environment with reasonable expectations and not wildly cunty management who seemed to be under the impression they were doing THE most important job at THE most important store ever maybe I wouldn't have just not shown up one day 🤷🏻‍♀️ asshole thing to do to my poor coworkers but I didn't even have the energy to quit right after spending a month and a half feeling deeply surveilled at every aspect of my job lest I get another frivolous writeup no one else got for doing their jobs worse than me so fine. You want me gone enough to threaten my livelihood and SHRUG when I point out I have rent to pay, fine, but I wouldn't put up with that behavior from anyone in my life generally and I LIKE those people so my JOB pulling bullshit? Oh hell no, if I wouldn't take it from people I CHOOSE to be around on purpose I ain't taking shit from a fucking JOB. I refuse to be in a work environment that's unaware it's a GROCERY STORE, not a 5 star establishment frequented exclusively by world leaders or some shit. Like Sam, my job is cooking food at a fucking sobeys and you're acting as if I'm disarming bombs it's so important get reasonable priorities and standards for employees and then apply them equally to managers and not EXCLUSIVELY minimum wage staff 🙄
Which is funny because my new job everyone seems surprised with how fast I've caught on to stuff down to a coworker yesterday telling me he thought I worked in a shoppers prior to the pharmacy I'm in because Im catching on so quick. This isn't unusual for me either, some time in the last five or so years I've found every workplace I'm at I end up being heavily relied on because I'm good at my job, so fucking sucks to suck for sobeys because it took me some week or so to be consistently praised for being better at the job than the guy I replaced only for them to throw that out because they think management should be able to do whatever the fuck they want while they shove minimum wage staff under a fucking microscope to ensure they're doing their shit right and even that isn't consistent. They punished me exclusively because I did not lay down to be treated as a door mat and dished the treatment I got handed. If you treat me like shit I WILL treat you the way you treat me, no worse, and sometimes a little better because I don't lose my moral standards in that treatment either. Just because I'm being an ass doesn't mean I'm willing to do whatever the fuck, just enough to ensure that the person who's decided I'm their new plaything knows that'll be going both ways so fuck off. I've never had a job so willing to keep on shit management they had at LEAST a dozen meetings with regarding performance and I was the one who got punished for being frustrated about that. But I will take a new significantly less stressful job 🙌🏻
#winters ramblings#anyway theyre “urgently hiring” and if they listened when the fuck i told them i was so stressed i was clenching my fists#so hard in my sleep my hands would be DEAD STIFF and locked in place in the morning and required me to carefully massage them#and exercise the muscles and even then my hands still hurt. i told them ive been throwing up from stress AND i told them i was job hunting#because this was all bullshit. they KNEW where i was at and they should have listened but they didnt so fine#fuck me around 17 ways to sunday teo can play at that game and i didnt come here to be involved in a game at all#but force me onto that fucking biard then dont get mad when i flip it and walk away#im a grown assed adult i have no patience for workplaces that don't understand youre not a fucking slave#and the workplace isnt something Extremely Important And Special its a cucking GROCERY STORE and i wasnt even workinh#one if the jobs that DOES absolutely make a grocery store necessary i made fucking hot food everyone treated as Top Notch Shit#when ut was frozen boxed chicken strips and ut us INSULTING to me to teach me HOW to cook fucking BOXED FOOD#and NO i did bot take that “”“too personally”“' while they were trying to ”improve“ store standards#its fucking BOXED CHICKEN STRIPS guys why the fuck are we treating it like ROCKET SCIENCE??!?#i dont actually think its unreasonable to be angry your manager cannot even trust you to make food from a fucking BOX#without a chef coming in and treating you like some kind of idiot whohas never made a food in my LIFE despite#me cooking a lot more complicated shit at home on a regular basis. give me a fucking BREAK acting as if#it was StOrE sTaNdArD changes or whatever do YOU nit understand boxed food isnt HARD to make or do you need that explained#to you?? like i take shit too personally no YOU have unreasonable standards for EXCLUSIVELY your lowest wage staff#and im NOT bring held to a higher working standard than MANAGEMENT
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 10 months
It fucking sucks how many things are dependent on having money.
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1shimaru · 1 year
Ill probably be opening commissions soon 😚💖 I gotta make a graphic bc prices went up
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Social work is easier to find a job for imo
well yes, social work is technically my first choice but i'm scared that i'm not gonna pass the interview application process because i have social anxiety :'))
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sassmill · 21 days
I can take malice. I can understand malice. Malice is obvious and has actual intention. What I cannot fucking stand is being uncomfortable with upsetting people and lying to your part-time employees and dumping the hard part on me after explicitly agreeing to break the bad news for me since it was YOU that handed down the decision that throws a bunch of hard work out the window and screws over our employees, NOT ME.
#about to throw my computer out my office window#I wrote out all the details and even included a statement for him to use.#he could’ve copied and pasted it for fucks sake#but instead he lied about the reason the decision was made#didn’t explain any of the factors that went into the decision#and then left out the most important aspect which was THE WHOLE POINT OF THE EMAIL#and then ended it with ‘I’m sure sassmill and the team will fill you in on the details.’#thanks for fucking nothing#you cannot SERIOUSLY be at the level of executive director and be so confrontation averse to do this shit to your lowest paid employees#he really looked me in the eyes and said my time could be spent better on other things#and then turns around and does this so now I have to take the time to do damage control#I wouldn’t be surprised if someone quit over this#and it might be me#at the start it wasn’t personal#but now with this jackass move it’s personal#you need to stand by what you fucking say if you want your employees to trust and respect you#and I have been clinging onto my trust in him by a fucking thread#for MONTHS now#but there have been too many incidents now like I need you to prove to this staff that you actually mean any of what you say#you can’t say one thing and consistently do another and expect anyone to have faith in you#I do not get paid a living wage despite working in one of our states most expensive cities#I’m ready to fucking walk if this place doesn’t get its shit together#I love this job but it is not fucking worth this amount of bullshit and no fucking money#museum musings
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protectorcraft · 1 month
cant lie. thinking about how i need to look for insurance and start job hunting is making me want to peel my skin off.
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silverislander · 3 months
i thought all the unpaid internships on the evil job website™️ were bad enough but i just found one that would pay me. six cents an hour. for a Chance at a position after 6 fucking weeks
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ellistocracy · 4 months
can't do commissions unless i buy a new drawing tablet. can't afford to buy a new drawing tablet unless I do commissions. the artistic ouroboros
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beepbeepkazoo · 5 months
bro i think my workplace is vagueposting about me
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ligbi · 7 months
With the news of Discotek taking on AnimEigo reminding everyone that there's them, amc (sentai), ponycanyon, gkids, the rare crunchyroll/nozomi/funimatiom disc, and media blasters for anime on home media in the u.s., I have to wonder
Does Media Blasters still have the home media rights to Invader Zim? Due to the length of contracts I'd guess no and Nickelodeon would probably re-release it through Paramount like with avatar. Media blasters just did such a great job on it back in the day and I'd love to see them... how do you nicely say get a win so they don't look like the stray dog of anime licensors?
I'm mostly just lamenting capitalism and monopolies but also somewhere between confused and frustrated that companies leave money on the table by not (re)releasing shows on disc. Yes this is partially about netflix and partially about zim and partially Sony being allowed to absorb and destroy every decent sized anime company that was left 5 years ago and partially about how you need to buy things on home media if they're available because I actually don't support piracy when you can buy something but companies have been making that so hard and there will come a time in not even 20 years when you think back fondly on a show you streamed that never had a disc and whose torrents are dead and its not on any backwoods cryptomining streaming site so your options are import an old japanese disc for hundreds of dollars or nothing.
Happy discotek is taking over animeigo instead of them quietly shutting down do not mistake that. But i think if sony died today we'd have a small boom of new licensors crop up to feast on its corpse in a year. May be. Other things that are worse that happen when one of the only corporations left dies but on the anime side I'd like to hope that would be good.
The best thing would be anti monopoly legislation that forces all a limit on all companies to how many other places they can buy. That company is a merger and you already bought up 3 others? Sorry that makes you 6 companies in a trenchcoat and the maximum is five. Merge denied. Oh this is retroactive? You have to split your people and profits off and you're not allowed to just shut down the businesses. You want to make a new company under your existing one? That's fine and doesn't count towards your total but if company x is already made up of three studios and a game company, studio y which is a former independent network and three studios, cannot buy x to merge them.
None of this would happen under our current stock market and the way a company is legally forced to do whats best for the shareholder, but good news. You slash the military budget in half so you're...still the largest military in the world by far, put that money into goverment supported retirment funds, and overhaul the stock market so you can enter it for growth as a smaller company, but once you git a certain size you pay out investors who only made a modest about and invested because they believed in the company and not because they like rich person gambling, and then you kick them off the market to fend for themselves.
✌ Some asshole blogger whose primary platform is more home media 2028 ✌
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