#lowkey considering staying late to get it done if i have to... but i don't want to give them the impression that im that super dedicated
steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hello ❤️ I know you’re back home and I think are doing these on an as-you-can basis. If you’re just completely done, let me know! But I got in my feelings today about always being the third wheel and of course my brain wants to whump Steve about it, so here’s two lines from a conversation I had with a friend:
“When do I stop being a last resort?”
“When will I get people who care the way I care?”
Again, if you’re not doing these any more, that’s completely fine! Just thought I’d submit these in case you are. Feel free to use one or the other, or both! ❤️
Hello my star ✨ I am technically not doing them, but it kinda sounds like we both maybe need this one and I'm gonna use this a lowkey plug for everyone to consider participating in the @steddiemicrofic challenge. I'm going with the first one because I believe that even at Steve's lowest, he knows he has Robin to care about him a whole lot ❤️
When the dust settles, when everyone seems to find a new rhythm, when they don't always look over their shoulder and wait for the next world-ending crisis, Steve finds himself alone a lot.
When Robin leaves for college, he finds himself alone most of the time.
The kids are back in school, everyone except Jonathan and Eddie have gone off to college, and those two seem to get along just fine without Steve inserting himself into their friendship.
They still come hang out with him sometimes, usually when they wanna rent a movie using his discount, or if Eddie wants to borrow his dining room for Hellfire.
The worst part is he says yes, puts a smile on his face, pretends he's happy just to get some attention, any attention.
And he is a little happy. Some attention is better than none, especially for a lonely person like him.
He watched everyone around him have each other, while he has himself.
He talks to Robin every other night, but he feels like he's burdening her, but would never say that. He just waits for her to stop answering the calls.
It all comes to a head one evening when Eddie is over at his house late, still cleaning up after Hellfire.
Steve had a bad week at work, customers just being rude over nothing, a migraine two days in a row, and now Eddie dragging his feet to leave.
The worst part? He didn't want him to leave.
Just the thought of another night alone had him tearing up.
He made sure to stay facing away from Eddie, unable to stop the tears from falling, but at least able to stay quiet.
Not quiet enough.
"Steve? What's wrong?"
He sounded so concerned.
"Nothing. Just a little overtired. Head still hurts a little. You know how it is."
He couldn't quite laugh it off, the sound more of a choked sob than anything.
Eddie's hands were on his shoulders, turning him around so he had no choice but to look at him, his worried gaze more than Steve expected.
"What's actually wrong?"
So much.
"When do I stop being a last resort?"
He hadn't meant to say that. He certainly didn't expect Eddie's reaction: pulling him close to his chest, his grip on his back and hair enough to make Steve sink into it.
He hadn't been hugged since Robin left for college.
"What do you mean? You're not a last resort."
"I'm no one's first choice. You only come here because I have the most room. The kids only ever call if they need a ride somewhere. I think at this point Robin only talks to me so she knows I'm alive."
The words were hard to get out but he did it. He felt slightly better just knowing he'd said them.
"Fuck. We've- I've been so stupid."
Steve pulled away.
"I just thought you wanted your space. We're done fighting monsters, so you can go back to just being Steve Harrington. I don't think any of us thought you still wanted to be around us. But we've taken what we thought we could get."
"What? Why would anyone think that?"
"Because you only got involved in all this protect people. Now you don't have to."
"I protected everyone because I cared. Why would I just stop caring?"
"When you put it like that, it sounds stupid."
Steve rolled his eyes.
"Because it is stupid."
"So you do want us around?"
"Yes! I thought no one wanted me around anymore since they didn't need me."
Eddie shook his head, disappointment settling over him.
"That's so far from the truth. Dustin was upset the other day because he was convinced you were going to start telling him no when he asked for rides and he didn't know how else to see you."
Steve let it sink in, the words and the way Eddie still hadn't let go of him completely, still had his hands resting on his lower back as Steve looked up at him.
"For a smart kid, he sure is dumb."
Eddie laughed loudly, smiling down at Steve as some of the tension released from his body.
"I guess we all are."
"Including me."
"You're very loved, Steve. By all of us."
"All of you?"
"Yes. All."
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dumplingsjinson · 6 months
an update on cat guy because it's been a hot minute since i've done one, i think. i don't remember if i've talked about him lately so here goes.
i had a date with cat guy on monday night; met his extended family again for his cousin's birthdy party (which i was informed about ON MONDAY MORNING SO I WAS LIKE HUH), was somehow roped into being in some of the pictures as well so i'm like- oh. they remember me, but i don't remember their names lmfao weflnewklnf
i ended up staying over (like i've been doing literally every date now lmfao).
ANYYWAAYYY, we've been having this thing where tickle fights (started by my menace self) would turn into his face being so close to mine, and i'd have to resist the temptation to kiss him just because i love playfighting with him (because i know once i give in, he'd kiss me hard and wouldn't let me go for a damn while) even though it ends up with me losing EVERY TIME.
and i also just love hearing him laughing. like, sometimes he'd try to kiss me and i'd pretend to give in and then be like HAHA no- we STILL HAVE MORE OF THIS TO GO!
whenever i actually give up because i lowkey tired myself out with all the resisting, he'd move in closer and... well, yeah.
(TMI below the line, if you don't want to see me share the details then spare yourself lmfao)
now that's out of the way.
things would get pretty hot and heavy (my question to him last night, verbatim, after we calmed down a little: "how do we always end up like this?" and mfer goes "is there a problem with that?" in his usual teasing tone while holding me even closer to him EVERY GOD DAMN TIME.
and no, i'm not complaining, because i have needs and wants and i am not someone who's afraid to admit that and usually i want that to happen which is why i start the tickle fights HAHAH
so that night, let's just say i was being a very needy lil shit (his thigh was involved) and i was like blabbering and being all like "this is so embarrassing" in a soft whine, and this man goes:
"it's so hot," in that husky voice of his.
he also called me his good girl once again AND IT NEVER FAILS TO MAKE ME FEEL SO SHY LKWENFWEKN
after that first session (yes we had another one afterwards, stfu-), i was telling him how i wanna make him feel good too (he's always the one making me feel good and i felt so selfish for receiving so much and giving so little).
he proceeds to tell me, "you make me happy. i like making you feel good and as long as you feel good and you're happy, then i feel good, too."
and me, while stroking his hair and feeling guilty with the knowledge that he's usually the one giving, "but are you happy?" (and when i asked that, even though he already said i make him happy, i meant like... is he really happy?? considering how, in my head, he was giving so much and i wasn't returning much. not because i don't want to but because he never asks for much even when i straight up ask him what he wants me to do with him. i'm just someone who very easily doubts things).
and motherfucker on a truck (the sweetheart that he fucking is onrgklfnw), goes: "yeah. i'm happy when you're happy, because i love you so much" and lays his head on my chest and i'm likeee HELLLPPPPPP ofnewklnfw 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
after like a moment or two because my brain is a piece of laggy shit, i mutter a soft "i love you, too" and hold him closer to me bECAUSE I'M BAD AT EXPRESSING MY AFFECTIONS WITH WORDS AND SAYING I LOVE YOU IS NOT SOMETHING THAT NATURALLY COMES TO ME EVEN WHEN IT'S SAID TO ME FIRST OKAY, LEAVE ME ALONEEEEE
i've asked him plenty of times prior to this time what he wants me to do with him and it all boils down to this: he's someone who likes to please, rather than to be pleased.
which is fair enough, but i did tell him if he ever wants me to do anything, he can tell me.
but yeah. all this happened.
and i can't wait to see him again for his friend's birthday party, which he invited me to wlknfe
it's so funny bc i feel like i'm slowly entering his world and i'm part of his comfort zone now.
he's also an insufferable piece of shite and a right old prat at times, but i love him either way <3
he also did suggest something he's wanted to try but never got around to doing so after that talk of ours, which lead into the second session SAURRR
:))) i love him-
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virgo-mess · 9 months
Kidnapper for Hire
Hey! I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and/ or holiday season. Our party is always on Christmas Eve, so I may have spent the entire day working on the first part of this Cash x Reader fic.... I worked on bits of chapter eight of Silver Thread and the first part of Silver Bells, too, I promise. It's just that I started this and literally couldn't stop. It's slightly darker than any of my other current stories, especially this first part... there's literal murder. All that aside, I don't think the rest of the fic will be nearly this heavy. I haven't got everything as mapped out, but I really wanted to get this out there for my Cash obsessed mutuals! I hope you enjoy it. Consider it a slightly late Christmas present!!!!
Kidnapper for Hire
Chapter 1: I Really Did Adore Your Outfit
Cash x Reader
TW: Murder, Stalking, Abduction, Cash lowkey becoming obsessed with you, Cash acting all causal about kidnapping you and firting with you while he's doing it, he also broke into your house several times before he kidnapped you and Masturbated over your bed when you were gone at least once...
Cash’s Pov
Cash sighed, setting down his empty coffee cup, he’d get another one soon. You’d be leaving the museum to head down to the local café to grab a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch. The same way you had been doing for the past two weeks he’d been silently observing you from afar. He’d been scoping you out for a job, aimlessly jotting down notes in his truck about your daily activities, the people you interacted with, and the places you frequented. Cash didn’t normally take this long to get a job done, especially not one with such a big payout but something about it, and you didn’t seem right. He had yet to figure out why someone as mundane and normal, seeming as you had earned such a price on your head. The more he watched you, the more questions he had for the man that hired him. Usually, he wouldn’t mind being hired on a need-to-know basis. In fact, he usually preferred those types of jobs, the ones that didn’t involve having a moral compass, drug deals were his normal prerogative, they didn’t involve getting up close and personal with anyone. You just grab the drugs, hand them off, and get your pockets lined with a substantial sum for putting your badge on the line. Cash didn’t care too much about the badge these days, the only thing it was useful for was getting background checks on all his potential hires and associates and ensuring everything he and Glen did stayed under the precincts radar.
            It was only recently that he felt confident enough to stray towards the more personal types of jobs, the ones where you may get your hands dirty. Unfortunately for you, you would be his first victim, the man who hired him assured him you weren’t going to die, Cash knew better but the prospect of a 600,000.00 payday was too tempting to pass up. He had tried to get a feel on the guy, ran his normal background check but all that turned up for James Reginald Green was a couple of class act lawsuits and indictments. Nothing particularly unusual for a big-time investor that owned a chain of hotels, most of the lawsuits were work discrimination based, also not surprising for a man that came from old money. Cash could overlook this character flaw seen as James Green had an approximate net worth of 400 million. Still, Cash was a bit weary of accepting his offer and asked if he could scope you out for a bit before considering. James assured him you would be an easy job as he gave him your new address, noting that you had moved all the way to Cape May, New Jersey. Quite a jaunt from San Francisco but Cash didn’t feel equipped to question it since James came all the way to Boston to find him. Cash made the six-hour drive down to Cape May and caught sight of you heading off to work one morning, finding James hadn’t been lying about it being an easy job. You kept to yourself save for a few coworkers, you didn’t seem to have a night life, any relatives, and had a total of two people Cash would consider your friends and even that was a stretch. Cash accepted the job and James set him up in a nice rental property after he told him it may be a while because he wanted to make sure he got the job done right. It wasn’t a total lie; he would need to lay low for a bit after fetching you before he brought you up to Boston. But he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t also because you piqued his curiosity, he wanted to know what you’d done to have a millionaire searching the country for you.
            Cash couldn’t deny you were really quite beautiful, it was the first thing he noticed about you that morning. You had emerged from your cottage in a very teasing little pink dress that fell off your shoulders and hugged your wide hips and ample breasts perfectly. Your curly hair was pulled back in a messy bun as you walked to your car with a large number of books in your arms. He followed you that entire day and wondered why a total doll like you was sat at the museum reception desk all day, you had all the books because it was considered the off season for a summer town like Cape May, and you needed something to do.  It only left him with more questions about you of course it made more sense for a woman with your beauty to live in a city like San Fransico as opposed to a vacation resort destination. He could only imagine the attention you got from all the ogling predatory wayward husbands and fathers that plagued the city in the summer. Cash had been ogling you for days, sometimes peering in your bedroom window every evening just to see what skimpy set you’d be wearing to bed that night. He caught on to the fact your air conditioning wasn’t working when he went to search through your cottage after you’d left for work one day. He had only done so with the sole purpose of getting some answers to his questions only to discover you had about four fans blasting in your room. The whole cottage, though exceptionally clean, was that sticky muggy kind of humid and Cash couldn’t help the way he fantasized about seeing your skin slick and glistening. He got off to it as he stared down at your perfectly made bed silently wishing you were in it to watch him stroke himself to the mere idea of your slick body, longing to know if your skin was as soft as it looked.
            Your cottage failed to answer any of his questions no matter how many times he’d broken in. In fact, it only left him with more, there were no personal touches in your cottage, no old paperwork even it was almost like you were a ghost, there wasn’t a drop of evidence that you even lived here. The name James gave him correlated with the giant box he found buried in the back of your closet like it was a part of yourself you were trying to forget. The contents of the box surprised Cash; in it were numerous beauty pageant trophies, scrapbooks from your childhood up until your college days at UCLA, and headshots the most recent ones were only two years old. The prospect of you being a former beauty queen surprised him, not because you weren’t that level of beautiful, you were but you now presented yourself as more of a reclusive small-town wallflower. He hardly saw you speak to anyone except your two friends Amy and Bea and aside from them all you gave passerby’s was a sweet greeting and a cute innocent type of smile. It was for that exact reason he couldn’t imagine what a man like James Green wanted you for. Sure, to the everyday messed up cops and average joes like Cash you were a spectacle, a rare precious flower you couldn’t resist the urge to pick or smell but to multimillionaire businessman women of your high caliber were a dime a dozen. Cash might even say James could pull women as beautiful as you or on the rare occasion more beautiful than you, though Cash wasn’t sure there were any, for a lot less than 600,000.00 what made you so special to him?
            Cash watched you exit the Emlen Physick Estate Museum at twelve o’clock on the dot, wearing one of those tight short denim jumpsuits with a zipper down the front and a belt around the waist. He felt himself twitch against his thigh as he watched your perky breasts bounce with you as you bounded down the front steps quickly. He couldn’t help but wonder how that zipper was even staying in place where it sat just below them because it was very clear you couldn’t zip it up any further even if you wanted to. Cash could hear the faint click of your 70s style ankle boots on the concrete as he trailed behind you in his truck, debating on whether he would finally talk to you or not. Part of him felt like it would just make the job harder because of how badly he actually wanted you. Silently wishing he had never agreed to take the job in the first place because he couldn’t remember wanting a woman this bad in his entire life. Cash wasn’t sure what it was but just thinking about snatching an innocent flower like you had his stomach twisting in guilt. A feeling that, much like his longing for you, was so foreign to him now. His suspension had spearheaded his moral compass, but you served as a reminder he still had one. But one, James Green, was growing impatient with him, he was almost as desperate to have you as Cash was. Cash watched you walk into the coffee shop with the wind softly blowing your pretty curls in a way that made you look almost ethereal in the warm glow of the afternoon costal sunlight.
He knew tonight would have to be the night, the night he finally stopped watching you sleep through your window and finally took you. He had your nightly routine memorized now, you made it so easy for him, being the truly alluring creature of habit, you were. Cash told James he’d have you to him by the end of the month, a full two weeks from today. Cash gave him a half assed excuse about needing to make sure you weren’t reported missing until he took you up to Boston. Which, in part, was true to some degree, Cash was also hoping to get you to answer some of his lingering questions before he turned you over to him. Cash ignored that guilt that churned in his stomach at the thought of handing you over, assuring himself he would be doing it because a money offer like that doesn’t come around every day. The prospect of finally being able to touch you was still so tempting, especially with his for sure plan to have you cuffed to a bed in the rental property with him for two weeks. James’ only demand was that you be alive, Cash could definitely do that and still fulfill at least some of his fantasies about you, couldn’t he?
Reader’s Pov
You let out a long sigh as you trudge up your driveway to your front door wondering why you picked the most uncomfortable shoes to walk in today. Sacrificing your comfort for the sake of an outfit was nothing new to you of course, in your beauty queen days it was a way of life, but those days were another life to you entirely. You weren’t that girl anymore, the beauty queen, the ingenue, or the life of the party that girl died two years ago on a snowy roof top in Seattle one New Years Eve. You turn your key in lock and rush into your foyer tossing your purse and keys on the bench before turning to double latch your front door. You had been feeling especially anxious this week, you were always on edge as it was but recently you’ve felt like you were being followed. You had no proof of course; save for the blue truck you’ve spotted in town frequently. When you mentioned it to your friend Amy, she assured you there was nothing to worry about. She handled some of the reality and rental properties in the area and said the truck belonged to a very handsome, normal seeming cop who was renting a house near the Cape May lighthouse. Amy quite typically encouraged you to hook up with him before he came to his senses and skipped off to spend the rest of his paid time off somewhere more exciting. September in Cape May routinely became quiet after all the families renting for the summer went back home as soon as the school year started up. Though the weather was unusually hot for mid-September the city had begun its off season, the only people lingering here were locals. So, a hot cop popping up out of the blue was odd but not entirely unheard of. Knowing he was just a cop soothed some of your ongoing anxiety at least but Amy’s overt obsession with your dating life was growing annoying. You swore off dating when you moved here because it wasn’t like they could ever really know you. The cop in question was indeed handsome, truly gorgeous, breathtaking even with short grey hair, a strong build, and the most piercing pair of icy blue eyes you had ever seen. Truthfully you found him quite intimidating, you hadn’t realized how tall he was until he was heading into the café just as you were leaving this afternoon. He gave you a charming sort of smile as he looked at you with what you most definitely misinterpreted as a lustful type of hunger in his pretty eyes, as he held the door open for you and gave you a compliment on your outfit. You flushed giving him a quick thank you before scurrying back toward the museum, you felt a little bad about it now that you thought about it. You were sure he thought you were rude or stuck up but there was just something about the way he gazed at you that was a little unnerving.  
You kick off your boots letting out a sigh of relief as some of the aching in your feet was immediately alleviated, but groaned when you realize the reason, they hurt so bad was due to the blisters forming on the heels and pinky toes of both of your feet. You take a moment to insult your cute but apparently devilish footwear for a moment as you peel your socks off and hobble to your bathroom. You flick on the light deciding to start your nightly routine a bit early this evening, it wasn’t like you had anywhere to be, if you didn’t need to make money you would probably never leave the house. You desperately needed to relax for a bit though because you can’t shake the feeling you’re being watched as you pull a box of bandages, some alcohol wipes, and antibacterial ointment out of your medicine cabinet, setting them on the sink next to your nighttime face products. Still enjoying a self-care routine was just about the only thing about you that still somewhat resembled your former self. You venture back into your bedroom turning on your ceiling fan, the two oscillating fans, and the three-speed floor fan you had facing where you usually laid your head. Your cottage was still stuffy with all the unusually warm September days Cape May had seen this month. The cooling company said they wouldn’t be able to get out to you for another two weeks or so and by then it should be finally cooling off as you head into autumn weather. You were still too anxious to sleep with any of your windows open. You rummage through your pajama drawer and settle on a white crop top and short set with blue and pink flowers. You venture back into your bathroom and pointedly lock the door before peeling off your denim jumpsuit.
You let out an almost content sigh as you step into the shower letting the hot water relax your aching muscles for a good ten minutes before you begin washing and exfoliating your skin. You sing softly under your breath in an attempt to keep your mind from wandering off, you tended to get lost in the memories of that night in Seattle because they were still so vivid, they haunted you. You quickly wash your hair because the singing isn’t really doing anything to keep you from losing your mind to the memories, and it sort of feels like you’re just giving the memories their own soundtrack, they did flash through your mind much like a movie only difference was you could pause or stop a movie the memories were more like an endless reel.
            You switch the water to cool for a minute, not wanting to sweat while you put on your obnoxious collection of face creams for once before turning the water off completely. Stepping out of the shower as you warp a towel around your body, and hastily wiping off some of the condensation on the mirror with your forearm before getting to work. Taking your time to gingerly wipe drops of your various night creams, massaging them into your skin before moving on to body lotion, then perfume, then you brush your teeth and hair moving somewhat robotically. Your life now was truly mundane, endless amounts of consistency, there was no sparkle, no real living, just surviving, just existing.
You’ve relived that night a thousand times over in the past two years, you could still smell the cigar smoke wafting off his clothes in the crisp January air. You could still hear the happy cheers of the party below you as the clock finally stuck twelve ringing in the New Year and seemingly the end of your life as you knew it. You could still feel the goosebumps budding all over your exposed skin from both the cold and the fear pumping through your veins, standing on the roof in a short gold cocktail dress; your eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. The snow falling around you gently, a pretty picture, in shocking contrast to the rough terrifying scene that unfolded before you. In your head you were running and screaming but outwardly you stood silent and frozen in place like you were watching a truly captivating movie, none of it felt real in the moment. Seeing James Green’s menacing green eyes glinting at you in the soft glow of the roof top lighting with the slightest hint of red gleaming on one side of his face from the Christmas lights that still hung above them. His eyes were filled with the most unsettling combination of unadulterated rage and pleasure you had ever seen, you still get chills just thinking about it and you still wake up struggling to breathe when those menacing eyes would appear in one of your nightmares. Sometimes you swore you could feel the way he viciously yanked Simone Lewis’ hair, dragging her to the ledge of the roof by it at an agonizingly slow pace. James ignored her horrified cries, sobs, and pleads for mercy. You still couldn’t bring yourself to move or cry for help, paralyzed by your own fear. Watching helplessly as James finally shoved her over the ledge, her red evening gown swirling around her with the snow in slow motion. Resembling a bird caught in midair before it disappeared from your view; she plummeted to the ground with the most terrifying crash you had ever heard. Your flight response seemingly kicked in when you heard him cackle, so overtly ecstatic as he called her a string of vile and demeaning names, looking down at his work with a sense of pride.
You pull yourself out of your head long enough to get dressed and treat your blisters. You unlock the bathroom door flicking off the light as you rush to turn on the TV in your living room, silently begging it to distract you long enough to bury the demons that plagued your existence. As you put a kettle of water on the stove and a bag of popcorn in the microwave, shakily pressing the three-minute button as you lean against the counter. You didn’t know James all that well though he had been aggressively pursuing you for months up until the party. Something about him just felt off even before you saw him murder one of your best friends, Simone Lewis. He had been sponsoring one of the pageants you were in, hosting it at one of his numerous hotels in San Franciso. Truthfully, he made all of the girls uncomfortable when he’d invite himself backstage, ogling at them predatorily as he lurked in the dressing room catching them all in various stages of undress. He, for whatever reason, had taken an unsettling liking to you and Simone in particular; inviting you both to parties he was hosting and spending obscene amounts of money on lavish unwanted gifts. New Years eve in Seattle was just one of many parties he invited you to, he flew you both out first class, even though you honestly didn’t want to go. Simone insisted, having taken a liking to the gifts he sent more so than him.
You're pulled out of your thoughts by the whistling kettle, sometimes the whistling creeped you out and tonight it sounds particularly eerie with how on edge you are. You turn off the burner and grab your favorite mug off the cup rack adding a bag of chamomile tea, a drop of honey, and some cream before pouring the hot water into the mug. You grab your bag of popcorn out of the microwave, deciding just to eat it out of the bag and save yourself some dishes. They took a while to pile up anyway, you rarely ever cooked anymore having lost the passion for it in your isolation. The events after the party were a blur, save for a trip to the police station to file a report, much to your horror they’d been trying to build a case against James Green for years, he was wanted in connection to two other murders and a huge drug ring. You, unwittingly, became a key witness in their investigation because you were the only that could connect him to Simone’s death. Thereafter you were put in the witness protection program, given a new identity, a new backstory for your upbringing, and moved to Cape May, New Jersey to live out some resemblance of a life until they finally could nail him with something.
You take a seat on your sofa and aimlessly flick through the channels for a while, settling on a showing of Jurassic Park as a means to escape your own reality, watching other people suffer soothed you in a messed-up type of way. You glance down at your cellphone to see you missed your weekly call with your U.S. marshal, Jim. You roll your eyes to yourself; Jim decided you didn’t need 24-hour surveillance until the Feds finished compiling their case. He assured you James was very much in the dark about you being the one to report him in connection with Simone’s death. Jim made a routine pop by visit twice a month, you were sure this call was just to set up his next one, you’d call him back in the morning. You liked to make him sweat a bit, you followed all the rules of the program to a T as it was but them denying you surveillance only made your anxiety worse. You feel your eyes get a bit heavy about halfway through the movie and get up to do your nightly security sweep before allowing yourself to doze off on the sofa. You check the front door locks again, the back doors, and all the windows in the kitchen, living room, and your bedroom, finding them all secure. You glance for a moment into your unused guest room and feel your heart skip a beat as you stare into the room with wide eyes. The window was open a crack, you’re silently kicking yourself for not noticing it was noticeably cooler in the house as you cautiously approach the room. You didn’t keep much in there to begin with because you almost never had guests over and when you did, they only ever sat with you on your back porch.
You take a few shaky breaths as you push the door open a bit further, everything in the room looked to be in order except for the open window and your heart starts to race at the prospect that your gut instinct that someone was watching you had been correct. The intruder was lurking somewhere in your house watching and waiting for you to let your guard down. Your eyes scan your house frantically as you start slowly backing yourself toward the front door. You only bring yourself to take your eyes off your eerily still kitchen and living room to glance down at the bench in your foyer, finding it void of your keys and purse, but your boots are still exactly where you’d left them. You’re on the verge of a panic attack as you bring your eyes to look back into your spurious empty house, reaching behind you to unlock the front door slowly. Though you’re not sure where you could possibly go without your purse or keys. You pull the door open a crack trying not to make it creak as you turn to look out at your dimly lit neighborhood street.
Everything outside is just as still as it is inside your house; the streetlamps lit the road softly and you could hear the faint sound of car tires in the distance melding with the soft chirp of crickets. The cooler night air hits your face as you trail your eyes toward your driveway finding it as empty as the bench in your foyer, your black Honda civic nowhere to be found in your dimly lit driveway. You let out an audible gasp as the reality of your situation hits you, that you may very well be on your way to join Simone Lewis very soon. Your heart is pounding in your ears as the sound on the TV in your living room dies down behind you, you hear swift footsteps cautiously approaching you in the new veil of spine-chilling silence. You suddenly feel like you’re back on the roof top in Seattle because you can’t bring yourself to turn around, paralyzed once again by your fear. Your wide eyes slowly gaze down at your exposed navel just as a strong hand clad in a cold black leather glove settles on your skin sending a shiver down your spine. It almost gingerly presses against your stomach, pulling you gently away from the door and into what you can only assume is the intruder's broad muscled chest. The hand on your stomach swiftly clamps over your mouth as they shut and relock the front door with their free hand, dressed in the same black leather glove. You let out a muffled whimper but make no attempt to free yourself still feeling paralyzed in their strong but strangely gentle hold. You vaguely wonder why your intruder isn’t taking the opportunity to put you out of your impending misery. You weren't expecting them be this tender with you, as their free hand runs up and down your right arm in what you assume is an attempt to soothe you. You hadn’t realized how vigorously you were trembling until now.
“You won’t get hurt if you cooperate, understand? You can put a pair of shoes on and pack a bag before I blindfold you, princess. If you act up or try to flee, I will subdue and cuff you. If you do that, I can’t promise you won’t get a scratch on this pretty face of yours, okay?” a deep male voice cooed in your ear in a vaguely threatening tone. You shiver slightly, the threat should scare the hell out of you, but instead you find yourself resisting the urge to clamp your thighs together as you feel your clit throb and the warm sensation of arousal spread throughout your stomach. You nod slowly, fighting back a moan as he gently guides you towards your bedroom with his hand still over your mouth. You spot a duffle from the top shelf of your closet sitting on your bed, a wave of realization washes over you as you gaze at it wondering how long this man had been sitting in your closet.
“Alight, go, quickly” he said in the same gentle but firm tone he had before as his hand fell from over your mouth. His thumb quite nearly caresses your chin affectionately before he steps back to give you space. You bite your lip nervously but obey his command almost instantaneously, hastily pulling pjs, socks, and under garments out of your drawer with rosy cheeks. You avoid making eye contact as you open the duffle to shove them in, you furrow your brows slightly seeing a large chunk of your sun dresses and the jumpsuit you had left in your bathroom already in the bag when you defiantly hadn’t put them in there. You wordlessly turn to open another drawer and add a few tank tops and a few pairs of shorts and pants to the bag before zipping it shut. You fumble for a minute as you put on socks and sneakers before daring to look at him as he stood at the foot of your bed watching you intently. You couldn’t make out much other than the fact he was tall, he had a black ski mask covering his face and he pointedly left all the lights off in your room. You couldn’t even make out his eye color in this lighting as he pulled out a long black piece of fabric, wordlessly instructing you to turn around. You obey him again, though hesitantly this time, taking a deep shaky breath as he wraps the cool fabric over your eyes. You hear him shuffle around a bit before grasping your arm still being unusually gentle as he directs you out of your bedroom and through your house. You hear him unlatching one of the doors, you can tell by the dragging sound it’s the one leading to your patio. A sliding door, all he has to do to lock it is to push the notch in under the handle before closing it. You feel your stomach churn slightly, presuming he already relocked the guest bedroom window. Him securing your house was a step to ensure no one would come looking for you for a while, seeing your cottage locked and secure made it look like you left of your own volition. You wonder if anyone will actually figure out what happened to you, save for Jim, the only person that knows about your change in identity.
“Watch your step, Y/N” your abductor’s deep voice calls out to you in the darkness and it’s all the confirmation you need, because he used your birth name, a name only someone from your past would know. James Green sent this man to get you, which means James defiantly knows what you’ve done, why you really disappeared, and why you ignored all his voicemails asking you to join him for dinner. You stumble for a moment going down your back steps and your kidnapper surprises you by scooping you up into his strong arms, carrying you to your next destination. You can make out the sound of a heavy car door opening as he sets you inside of the vehicle, pointedly on the floor in case you decided to take off your blindfold and try to memorize the surroundings of wherever it was you’d be going. You felt your heartrate pick up again at the prospect of being met with James’ menacing green eyes when you got to where you were going. You feel the car start up, the purr of the engine vibrating through your body with enough rev to make you realize you weren’t in a small vehicle.
“If you’re willing to stay on the floor, you can take off that blindfold but only if you promise not to look out at anything on the drive or when we get there. If you do the same threat applies, okay princess” you nod your head in acknowledgement as you suddenly recognize his voice, it’s the same one that complimented your jumpsuit mere hours ago as he flashed you a charming smile. You begin to think your interpretation of the emotions swirling in those piercing icy blue eyes wasn’t too far off.
“I’ve gotta hear you say it, princess. Say ‘I promise not to look at anything’” he said in a way that boarded on flirtatious. You feel your cheeks flush again as you nibble on your lower lip in embarrassment.
“I promise not to look at anything while you’re driving or when we get there. You didn’t even really like my outfit… did you” you said dryly, reaching behind your head to untie the blindfold. Watching as it pools in your lap before you look up at him from the floor. You can make out his icy blue eyes from the soft glow of the passing streetlamps flooding in through the windows as he stares down at you with an intimidating gaze. You shift uncomfortably, focusing on the dark grey interior of his blue truck, with flushed cheeks.
“Oh, honey, I adore that outfit, I plucked it off the bathroom sink before you even put the kettle on” he said, letting out a deeply amused chortle suddenly pushing harder on the gas.  
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Chapter 2
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milks-shake-cafe · 1 year
This show has been one of my favs ever since I was young and I recently began to re-watch the series!
And me being me, I couldn't help but make an insert ^///^ So here's a few/a lot of things about them since they're being formed based on certain episodes!
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She's a backup dancer for a music group and is Level 2 on Pow Cards! She's not a hero or anything; she just tries to do good whenever she can.
Vaguely knows R.ad, En.id, and K.O since the group makes a pit stop at the bodega for road trip snacks. They think they're all good kids and enjoys seeing their little adventures whenever they get the chance.
Makes his official debut after the episode "The Po.wer is Yours"
One day while the group is heading to practice, S/I spots a rogue Jet.hro rolling by himself. Feeling bad for the little guy and not wanting him to get crushed, she hops out of the car and begins to take him back to Box.more, saying that she'll join practice later
On the way there, she asks him questions about why he was lost and if he's okay since the little robot looks pretty banged up. Which are all answered by, "I am Jet.hro" which my s/I finds funny
Once inside Box.more, the other bots don't....really know what to do with a genuine guest zhshhzs They're so used to heros or other villains visiting/breaking in that they don't know how to behave with anyone else.
My s/i mostly gets their ear chatted off fhtuhy Darr.ell is excited to get opinions on his little outfits (he's wearing the sailor one), Shan.non & Ray.mond recognized that my s/i is in a music group and ask a thousand questions, & Ern.esto is giving a tour of the establishment while Mika.yla stalks from the rafters
Which leads to everyone arriving at Lord Box.man's office and him being like, "Wtf is all that noise and who is this stranger in the building???"
They hand over Jet.hro, whose just been chilling in their arms the either time, and explain they found him by the road and they lowkey gush about all the interesting things they were told about Box.more.
Dude is,,,invested by how much S/I seems to think his job is cool and offers a more in depth tour (which Ernesto is like, "Dad, I literally told him everything =_=").
By the end of the second tour, S/I notices that it's late and that they should hurry before they miss their dance practice all together. Box.man asks if they're going to visit again and they say, "Of course! I had a lot of fun! :)" Thus starting their lowkey intern arc zhjwbzbs
"Intern" Arc Go!!
Whenever they have the freetime, they drop on by to be a sort of assistant/pseudo bot-babysitter!
S/I usually either watches the assembly line to make sure no malfunctions happen, is a bouncing board for Box.man's ideas, or listens to the bots' interests and teaches them fun games to play! (Their version of house will forever concern her)
Helping out at Box.more has been gradually lowering their Pow Card level but they try not to think about too much (aka the stress of this happening is so damn powerful fbgubj)
Meeting Professor Veno.mous!!
If Box.man is in a investor's meeting, it's her job to make sure no nonsense happens in the facility!! ...Which is easier said than done, especially when the bodega gang pop in and are so confused as to why she's there.
The first time S/I met Veno.mous was in "Villa.ins Night Out". She had offered to stay back with the kids but was invited to drive along since Darr.ell & Shan.non assured her that they were big kids who could handle Fi.nk and honestly Veno.mous believed that Box.man may need the babysitting way more rnyibj
Was originally going to stay in the car and wait for the duo come back but was invited onto the ship because what's one more menace?
Mostly stood on the sidelines the entire event, considering the fact that the other villains kept making comments about them being the "assistant of the embarrassment". After one really hurtful comment, Box.man decided that it would be better for them to stick near him, which didn't really help especially after his karaoke segment fbgubjh
Actually had a really great time despite the ship blowing up! When they got back to Box.more, S/I suggested that she was going to sleep in a backroom since it was so late in the night but Veno.mous offered to drive her home.
Once they arrived at her house, he turned around towards the backseat to tell her they made it only to see her and Fi.nk passed out, leaning on each other. And he found it...quite cute. (Yes I'm headcanoning that Veno.mous has a soft spot for cute things. Have you seen how he acts with Fi.nk and Rip.py Roo?)
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It's been so funny and interesting to me getting into Taylor Swift after already having long been into Stray Kids and kpop in general, so here are some funny parallels I've noticed between the two and/or their fandoms:
Ryan Reynolds
The Vault/Chan's Laptop
Really dumb fun fandom energy. Like please, I did not expect the ship name Toe, but that is the only one I am using now. Please I am begging Stays to have this energy when skz start dating publicly
Videos appreciating them existing in cute
Taylor's cats 🤝 Minho's cats
Frothing at the mouth over good/cathartic lyrics and the analysis of such
Ed Sheeran appreciation
Being serious derps irl/online with fans
Loving how their hearts and minds work and how they convey the contents of the same
Reluctant song ranking tiktoks
Knowing exactly which era a photo was from solely based on hair and/or clothes
Knowing details about them that would sound really creepy to someone outside the fandom it's not creepy if they say it in an interview or behind the scenes I swear
TOO MANY SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS and on that note, lowkey wanna leave the list here solely for the sake of things
Learning vocabulary because of them. Seriously. Why did it take me until the last month to figure out that Miroh meant maze and that Clé means key when I've been stanning them since 2021. I'm so mad.
Songs instead of therapy but please go to therapy if you legit need it. "this is me trying" was not about using lyrics as a replacement for professional help. That's a Placebo.
"yes they can actually sing live and here's the proof"
Very involved in their songs from start to finish and it shows and we love them for it
OH SHOOT—I just realized Taylor's Versions vs SKZ 2020/2021—
ME! lol. I do mean the song but also technically me myself as well now heh
Writing love/breakup songs except it's completely made up
Extremely prolific
"so I made this song at stupid o'clock in the morning and here it is lol" and it's the freaking sparkly cd meme
We CARE care about album drops and about them making the money off of it that they deserve as artists
Wanting merch but wiping the lint off the bottom of our wallets to try to find the money
"Please let one measly concert seat be available even if it sucks"
"wait a second, they/their fandoms AREN'T hysterical like the media paints them to be?" *insert mental hurricane that eventually dies down here* "wait, am I actually considering joining them??" *narrator voice: but by then, it was already too late*
Seeing the same memes/edits but in different fandoms but it's not memes I've seen in non-music fandoms. Like literally. Just watched one.
Acronyms that look like keyboard smashes to everyone else please though Swifties you're way worse please have mercy on this baby I'm still learning—
Recycling quotes from haters into song lyrics, like please yes queen/king, continue, go off
Giant creepy creatures as tour set pieces
Taylor and Chan being parents even though they have never actually had children
And on that note, knowing everybody in their industries
Rolling out our list of reasons like a scroll every time we say we stan them and the other person so much as inhales to start a response. We could probably recite that list in our sleep at this point.
I seriously need to shut up or I will get nothing done today but yeah if you stan one, please give the other a chance because you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't.
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noodlepai · 3 years
(OKAY okay so I've come to provide more information on the AU, I'm still working on it a lot so things might change or be added but I got a basic idea of what things are like rn !!)
Info dump moment rn, also TW for slight trauma mentions/hints
• Sam had managed to save the Wii from melting itself all those years ago, and is a pretty big person on tech, so she likes to experiment and try new things, and actively tries to help Eteled out or transfer him through devices so he isn't just stuck in one place all the time, with lots of trial and tons of error, especially since she knows the Wii's getting old and that it can be unstable occasionally with glitches
• Kyle has also taken a liking to learning more about technology through Sam's influence so he sometimes comes over and they both will just study and brainstorm ideas
• Sam moved out of her home and now lives in her own apartment, is in college to pursue her dream of working around and creating technology, hasn't really considered making a job out of it since she mostly does it for fun and likes to achieve her dream goals, Nathan and Kyle also occasionally visit to just hang out and do whatever, usually resulting in the three staying up very late into a movie or game night, and Eteled having to talk Sam into getting sleep for the next morning
• Even though Sam is big on all tech, consoles and video games, she still has a soft spot for old generation consoles in particular
• Sam, Nathan and Kyle had all gotten pretty close growing up so they're like a dumbass trio /lh
• Will moved out of state or some shit
• Kyle wakes up from his villain arc and makes a truce with Eteled /J.. FR though Kyle softens up and becomes more understanding of Eteled's side after they start talking it out, while what happened did bother him at the time all those years ago, he just kinda grew up to the point where it didn't have such of an effect on him anymore, I mean all he saw was a Mii get slice and diced, no need to go beast mode over it, so they forgive each other of the past
• Kyle and Nathan are besties to homosexuals, homie love
• Sam made a Mii of herself from when she was younger to keep Eteled company when going out or having to attend school, Eteled appreciated it but wouldn't wanna admit how it wasn't the same and about how much he would miss Sam when she had to get off the Wii
• Gives Eteled abandonment issues because I love being evil
• He's actually clingy on the inside but would never admit it to anyone
• Also views Sam as a sort of daughter figure besides just a friend but is too nervous to mention it, he wants Sam to be safe, loves whenever she talks or rants to him about anything or shows him something she made or is proud of, or even just anything at all, father Eteled is proud of his child/bestie
• He like, genuinely feels loved around her and would definitely cry about it but would never show it, or at least try not to
• Eteled has the favorite Mii pants because Sam put them on him, with quote "I think it's about time my best friend gets to rock a new style", and yes it did make him almost cry on the spot
• Austin is like, mentally conflicted as hell
• Austin and Eteled both feel guilty for what they've done to each other over the years, aren't sure they can or are ready to forgive the other but they're very slowly learning to tolerate each other
• They're like enemies to kinda friends in a way
• They're traumatized mfs
• They still sometimes fight but it's usually just yelling or saying shit now, they don't do the chair, deletion or axe really anymore since they at least got to the point where they respect each other's boundaries and triggers, and there's no point to keep doing the same old for over 10+ years, for the most part, they still slip up sometimes
• They do fuck up though occasionally so that's why Eteled has scars and Austin is a bit more bashed up
• They still have a rooted dislike for each other they're trying to get over but they sometimes chill out or talk, usually when Sam is asleep or off the Wii for a while, the two just will maybe visit or sit around to at least try to understand the other better
• Sam knows Austin is still around, and it took a while but with time she grew to accept him when he didn't seem like a big threat anymore, and that he was just as important of a soul as Eteled was, she still didn't like the fights and didn't know the full story
• She'd probably section them away from the other with a child gate if she could
• Austin of course has an ego and would never tell another soul that he has many nightmares of the server room and about what happens if he gets caught off guard or is sleeping when Eteled decides to attack him again, Eteled wouldn't do that, and Austin knows it but it's just the deep rooted fear he can't get rid of, even though he's much taller and technically more powerful than the smaller Mii
• Eteled is just tired, usually just sleeps in the Mii channel, especially when under stress or tires himself out if he's going through a moment, like triggered memories or emotions
• From all the deleting and the chair, and more crap from his early life, Eteled is just terrified of it all so even the idea of them scares the fuck out of him, so as a natural response he just tries to defend himself with his axe even if he would be shaking like a chicken, he really tries not to pull it out but he can't always stop himself
• The axe itself would probably also bother Austin a bit, but he would still try to cautiously calm Eteled down since he knows he's just afraid, so afterwards they'd probably have to awkwardly apologize for what the fuck happened at that very moment
• Sam sometimes offers them both to play a game together with her, or plans on playing with Eteled and invites Austin along, as a way to make them bond, they do end up having some fun though
• Eteled has seen and/or been around or within newer Nintendo consoles, but personally prefers being in the Wii since he's used to it the most, and it's the most comfortable and homey to him
• Oh yeah, if Austin or Eteled is having an episode or is deeply upset then the other will try to help sometimes if it's really bad, Austin tries to hide it more but it doesn't always work, yeah they have reasonable reasons to not like the other, but they aren't complete assholes
• They both got trauma memories and aren't gonna just watch the other suffer through it
• Austin may or may not have taken in what Eteled had said all that time ago about "Learning to move past the past", even though that technically makes Eteled a hypocrite when he's constantly beating himself up about shit mentally, even after years, they are both doing it tbh
• Also Kyle doesn't know about Austin 100% but is curious to know his story and who he is and used to be, and how he got in the Wii, especially after the passing of his family member of the same name, little does he know..
• Sam also doesn't know about any of it, neither Sam or Kyle know of what happened or Austin's story, Austin being in a tight spot since he doesn't wanna reveal his identity yet, knowing the possible reaction, for Eteled's sake, Sam's and especially Kyle's, and Eteled being absolutely fucking terrified since the fear of losing someone like Sam could become real, and the small but growing friendship he was slowly making with Kyle could go right back to hatred and wanting the small Mii deleted, not including the fact that he still eats at himself for his past actions so it being brought back up again would be a ✨mess✨
• Austin doesn't know if he forgives Eteled or not, but wants to try to move past it and not be reminded in any way
• Nathan is still a little lowkey scared of Eteled ngl, doesn't wanna upset him or anything and Eteled can tell, he probably sighs to himself but he can't blame the guy
• Kyle has thought about making another Mii of himself on what is now long been Sam's Wii, now that he's older and him and Eteled are rather chill, but decided against it since he wasn't sure, not because he didn't trust Eteled, but because he figured it could potentially remind the Mii of the past, so whenever he plays on it he just uses Eteled
(That's all I can really recall on the top of my head for now, whenever I remember more or add on things I'll probably make a new post about it)
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timelesslords · 3 years
Can u pls write a percabeth fic where Percy and Rachel are dating and percabeth are best friends and they end up spending the night together and it's been a week and they don't know how to tell Rachel and Rachel being bitter ?? Pls
This was kind of out of my comfort zone in terms of what I usually write lol but I tried my best!! I imagine this as like a mortal college AU :)
send me a prompt!
“Beth, you can’t walk home like this,” Percy said, exasperated.
“I’m fine! I’m hardly even drunk,” Annabeth said, trying (and failing) to quash the butterflies in her stomach when he called her Beth. Percy, having been her best friend for almost a decade, was the only person in the whole world who was allowed to call her that. He only pulled it out in rare situations, and every time he did Annabeth would swear her heart skipped five consecutive beats.
Not that he could ever know that, of course. Now felt like a more precarious situation than most-- she’d come over to his dorm so they could watch a movie together, and had ended up curled up together on his bed around his laptop. In fairness, his dorm was tiny and there was nowhere else to sit besides his bed, but if Annabeth imagined really hard she could pretend that it had all been completely intentional, and he was sitting this close to her because he wanted to.
“Hardly?” Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. And, fine. Annabeth had had… an amount to drink. A non-zero amount, some might say. More than Percy, and she had a way lower tolerance than him. She was buzzed, sure, but not buzzed enough to walk back across campus to her own dorm.
“I’m fine. It’s barely twenty minutes,” Annabeth protested. She started to stand up, but Percy gently tugged her back into the bed. She should have put up more resistance than she did, but, well. Who could blame her.
“It’s also three in the morning and you’re drunk,” Percy said, “Come on, just stay the night.”
“Stay where? Grover’s bed?” Annabeth asked, repressing giggles at the thought. It wasn’t really that funny a thought, but, well, she was tipsy.
Percy’s roommate was gone for the night to visit his girlfriend, leaving his bed empty. Grover was a cool guy, but he also had a weird tendency to leave soda cans just about everywhere, including in his bed.
Percy just rolled his eyes. “No, here.”
It took Annabeth a few seconds to realize exactly what he was saying.
“In your bed?” Annabeth asked, hesitantly.
“We’ve been sitting on it together all night,” Percy pointed out.
“Yeah, but…” Annabeth trailed off.
It was different. She knew it was different. And frankly, any other time she’d be absolutely delighted that Percy was offering that difference, but there was also the issue of Percy’s girlfriend. Percy’s girlfriend, who he’d met their freshman year and hit it off with despite the fact that Annabeth had been in love with him since she knew what love was. Percy’s girlfriend, who was in another dorm on campus not ten minutes away, not here but also not not here.
“But what?” Percy asked. There was the tiniest bit of a smirk on his face, and Annabeth shoved his shoulder, rolling her eyes.
“You know what,” she said. Maybe it came off a little more seriously than she’d meant, but he didn’t seem to care.
“It’s not like we’d be doing anything,” Percy said. Annabeth tried not to feel hurt at how foreign the concept of “doing anything” seemed to him in relation to him and her. But she didn’t have any right to feel any type of way about that, because she and Percy were just friends and Percy had a girlfriend who was not going to be happy about Annabeth spending the night in his bed, regardless of which activities did or did not take place there.
“Yeah, I know, but its just… I don’t know, don’t you think Rachel will be mad?”
“You’re staying here because you need a place to crash. She can’t be mad about that.”
“I’m pretty sure she could find something to be mad about,” Annabeth muttered, mostly to herself. Percy heard her though. They were sitting so close their shoulders were touching, so it would have been a miracle if he didn’t.
“Fine, I’ll sleep on the floor. She can’t be mad about that,” Percy said, actually making to get up like he was about to lie down right there and then. It was Annabeth’s turn to pull him back onto the mattress.
“Don’t be stupid, you’re not sleeping on the floor in your own dorm room,” Annabeth said, “Besides, she’d just say I kicked you off your bed.”
Maybe Annabeth should’ve kept that last bit to herself, but she’d never been very good at hiding her feelings about Rachel. Percy sighed, knowing she was right but not wanting to admit it.
“Well I’m not letting you sleep on the floor,” he said stubbornly, despite the fact that Annabeth hadn’t even suggested it. She had to bite back a laugh at the indignant look on his face.
“Percy, I was never going to sleep on your floor. I was going to go home,” she reminded him.
“Well I’m not letting you do that either,” he said, “So I guess you’re stuck in bed with me, unless you want me to spend the night on concrete.”
“You’re so goddamn annoying,” Annabeth grumbled.
“Does that mean you’re staying?” he asked. His expression brightened considerably at the prospect, and Annabeth had to physically force herself to calm her heart rate down.
“Well apparently I don’t have a choice,” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes, praying to every god in the universe that she wasn’t blushing.
“Right,” Percy said, putting on some exaggerated confidence, “Obviously. So am I taking the floor or the bed?”
Annabeth knew he would sleep on the floor in a heartbeat. If she told him that she was uncomfortable being in his bed with him, he would gladly spend the night on cold concrete in the middle of winter in a dorm that had, frankly, terrible heating.
But she wasn’t about to make him do that. And if she was honest with herself, being in bed with him was the opposite of uncomfortable.
“The bed,” she sighed. Percy grinned triumphantly.
“I knew you wouldn’t make me sleep on the floor,” he said, and Annabeth finally let herself laugh.
“Yeah, because I told you so twice.”
“I think it’s because I know you so well, actually,” he said, finally closing his laptop that had been playing the movie earlier, and setting it on his bedside table. They’d turned the lights off earlier, and without the soft glow of the computer screen the only lights in the room were the faint street lights outside.
The bed was just a regular old twin, with not much space for either of them. That was why they were touching so much, Annabeth reminded herself. Just that. No other reason. He just put his arm around her shoulders because it was more comfortable that way, that was all.
It was late, and Annabeth was drunk, so falling asleep was easy. But she’d be lying if she said Percy didn’t help with that too.
It’d been a week since Annabeth had spent the night at Percy’s dorm, and they hadn’t talked about it at all.
She’d woken up the next morning completely hungover, and also with her and Percy’s limbs completely tangled together. The bed they’d shared was small, but it wasn’t that small.
Percy, of course, had acted like it was nothing. He’d teased her about her bed head and she’d half-heartedly teased him back about his morning breath, and then she’d packed her stuff from the night before and made her walk of shame back to her dorm. Except it wasn’t even a proper walk of shame, because they hadn’t actually done anything.
He hadn’t brought it up since, like it had been no big deal at all. Annabeth wished she could be so lowkey about it, but it was the only thing she’d been thinking about that entire week.
They’d already planned to meet up at the end of the week again, only this time in a group setting. A group setting meant Rachel was going to be there, and Percy might think their little sleepover hadn’t been a big deal, but Rachel was definitely not going to share that opinion. Annabeth was honestly dreading facing her so much that she considered bailing at least ten times. In the end, she decided that she had to just suck it up— she was going to have to face Rachel at some point, it might as well have been now.
All that to say Annabeth was a little surprised when she showed up at the party, only to find Rachel acting completely normal towards her. She was irritated towards Annabeth, but that wasn’t unusual. Rachel was always irritated towards Annabeth, and Annabeth was always irritated towards Rachel. But Rachel wasn’t pissed at her like Annabeth expected her to be. She wasn’t even not pissed, she was downright cordial.
All it took was one look at Percy for Annabeth to confirm what she already knew. He hadn’t told her.
“I need to talk to you,” she said, grabbing Percy’s arm and pulling him down the hallway. Rachel was going to be pissed at her for that, but Annabeth didn’t care. Percy followed along without complaint, not even bothering to shoot Rachel an apologetic look.
The hallway was empty, or as empty as a hallway at a college party could be. The music was loud enough to cover up their conversation, anyway.
“Did you not tell her?” Annabeth asked, keeping her voice barely above a whisper. Percy immediately looked guilty.
“You don’t know that,” he said, as if everything about both of their demeanors hadn’t given it away instantly.
“Of course I do, she wasn’t absolutely furious with me,” Annabeth hissed. Percy looked, if possible, more guilty than before.
“Okay, fine, I didn’t,” he admitted, “But what’s the big deal? It’s not like we did anything.”
And there it was again, those two little words and the way he said them, as if anything happening between the two of them was an impossibility. It felt like a dagger straight to the heart, but Annabeth ignored it.
“I dunno,” Annabeth said, “I mean if I was your girlfriend, I think I would want to know.”
Percy had choked on his drink halfway through her statement, and was already coughing before she could finish it.
“Are you okay?” Annabeth asked, alarmed. Percy just shook his head.
“Fine,” Percy managed to choke out, “I’m fine.”
“Am I going to have to heimlich you again?”
“Hey, you promised you would never bring that up again,” Percy said, pointing an accusing finger at her as he coughed again, clearing his throat a few times for good measure, “Besides, I don’t think it works for soda.”
“Fair. But don’t change the subject.”
“You changed the subject first,” Percy accused, in a not subtle attempt to change the subject once again.
“Because I thought you were choking, dumbass. You have to tell her.”
“Why?” Percy practically whined.
“Because the fact that you don’t want to means you know she’s going to be mad about it,” Annabeth said.
Percy groaned, letting his head fall back against the wall.
“Why are you so smart?” he asked. It sounded like a complaint, even though she knew he didn’t mean it that way. It sure felt that way, though.
“‘Cause one of us has to be,” Annabeth sighed.
If Annabeth were smarter, she would’ve never agreed to spend the night to begin with. But it was way too late for that now.
They went back and joined the group, but Annabeth knew Rachel was staring (bordering on glaring) at her the entire rest of the night. She couldn’t even really blame her. She was going to be a hell of a lot more mad at Annabeth once she found out the reason Annabeth had pulled Percy away to begin with.
The very next day Annabeth was in her dorm room, trying to finish a project for her architecture class. It was due on Monday, but she’d been so distracted the entire week that she’d barely even made a dent in it at all. It wasn’t coming together the way she wanted to and Annabeth was three seconds away from snapping her pencil in half and throwing the whole draft away. Before she could, there was a sharp knock at the door.
Annabeth glanced down at her phone, but she didn’t see any texts. Maybe it was the RA doing an inspection, or maybe Piper had forgotten her key again.
But when Annabeth opened the door, she found Percy standing in the doorway. He spoke before Annabeth could even open her mouth.
“So, I told her,” Percy said, with absolutely no context. He knew she didn’t need it. Annabeth found herself gripping the door so tightly she thought her fingers might break.
“You did? What happened?” Annabeth asked, trying not to sound frantic. Why was he here? Why didn’t he just call her? What if Rachel had made him swear to never talk to her again and he was just here to say goodb--
“She asked me to tell her with 100% certainty that I didn’t have feelings for you,” Percy said, impossibly calm.
If Rachel had asked him that, why was he standing in Annabeth’s doorway?
“And?” Annabeth said, voice small. Her heart was practically pounding out of her chest, but Percy just shrugged.
“And, I couldn’t.”
“You couldn’t?” Annabeth repeated, just to make sure she had heard him correctly.
“Nope,” he said, easily, too easily, “To be honest, I couldn’t even give her like, 1% certainty, but that would’ve felt a little rude to say.”
“So…” Annabeth trailed off. She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. It didn’t make sense in her brain. Percy had feelings for her. And he’d broken up with Rachel, which meant— which meant—
“I think now is the part where you tell me if you like me back,” Percy said, interrupting her thoughts. He was smiling though, like he already knew the answer.
Annabeth did not currently have the mental wherewithal to form words. Thankfully her feet did the thinking for her, closing the already small distance between them and kissing him like she’d wanted to do for years.
“So I take it that’s a yes?” he said with a grin, when they finally broke apart. Annabeth was pleased to see he was a little breathless, at least.
“Shut up,” she laughed.
“Gladly,” he said, leaning down to kiss her again.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get separate headcanons for Teru and Akane (boy) with a fem s/o who tends to be polite and calm in the beginning of their relationship, but once she gets comfy with them the boys realize that their s/o is so chaotic that she can somehow??? Jump off of buildings and be okay??? Or accidentally die and revive like nothing happened, memories in tact and all. You don't have to do this if course, but thanks for reading it! Good luck with finals!
teru minamoto x f!reader, akane aoi x f!reader
a/n: hihi!! Aonrfonak i love this so much bc it lowkey reminds me of myself- and thank you so much!! I’m nearly done, thank goodness!!! And thank you so much for requesting <33 iiii am writing this very late at night tho, so i’m sorry if these are bad or have any errors;;;
warnings: none <3
word count: collectively, 902
Teru Minamoto <3
At first, you caught Teru’s interest because of how reserved you were. Even once the two of you became friends, you treated him respectfully for a good while- it was interesting, but he never really questioned it, since you were a bit similar to him.
One thing about Teru, he’d insist it day in and day out should anyone ask, was that he’d love you no matter what! No matter how you expressed yourself, no matter how your personality may change as you grew more comfortable, no matter anything. As long as you were still comfortable in the relationship, he promised he’d be perfectly content as well.
As you grew comfortable, and let your more chaotic side show, Teru was just as content with you as he was when you first started dating. He found it a bit funny at first, glad that you were comfortable around him. He considers it a proud moment!
It was a bit of a surprise, of course. As you grew louder and somehow seemingly more energetic, he’d simply smile, watching and listening to you as you went about with your antics. It was honestly really cute to him- and impressive. While you were less similar to him, he genuinely didn’t mind- he still admired you, and your personality.
However, Teru can be a bit protective at times. He’ll watch you running around, nearly bumping into things and yet managing to be fine, and be standing there, internally panicking. Like “(Y/N), please- be careful- you’re gonna get yourself hurt.”
“I’ll be fiiiiine,”
“You nearly walked into traffic-”
“Traffic shmaffic.”
It was pretty funny to Teru when he watched you hanging out with his family once you were comfortable around them. Family clearly means a lot to him, so watching you play around with Tiara and mess with Kou was both entertaining and heart-warming in a way.
On that note, it was somewhat new for Kou and Tiara- Tiara didn’t really question it, simply going along with how playful you had gotten, and Kou sort of… was there, slightly confused. He definitely asked Teru if you were feeling alright- Kou didn’t mind it either tho! It was just something to get used to.
However, Kou did nearly have a heart attack when you were running down the street and tripped- Teru was there too, just as worried as Kou, yet somewhat used to it. While Kou panicked over whether or not you were alright, Teru helped you up as you brushed yourself off, grinning as if nothing happened. As if you didn’t before, you earned all of Kou’s admiration at that moment.
Teru’s certainly the type to send goodnight texts, so expect them to go from something like “Goodnight. Rest well <3” to something like “Goodnight <3 Don’t stay up too late, stay safe, please don’t go skydiving, look both ways (twice, thrice even) before crossing the streets <3 or perhaps don’t go somewhere late at night. Rest well <3”
“Teru, I’m not a child <3 Rest well!”
“Whatever you say <3”
Akane Aoi <3
It’s very clear that Akane would love you no matter what- seeing as Aoi would be someone of the past, I wouldn’t take it that his love for you is too much different. He loves you, and will show you love no matter what- because he knows that you’re a good person, and you’re the one he fell in love with.
While Akane was used to your calm, polite personality, he did wonder what it would be like if you just… dropped the formalities? Like, don’t you just wanna? Sucker punch people? Scream? Kick Teru in the shins????
Once you grew more comfortable, Akane was pretty relieved. It was a sort of “oh, thank goodness, she actually likes me” moment. Sure, you were loud and somewhat bouncy, but it wasn’t like he minded at all. You’re still his (Y/N), the one and only.
Like Teru, Akane worries about you relentlessly- he even started to carry around bandaids and antibiotic cream in case you fell. As if it did anything since, of all the times you did fall (if Akane didn’t manage to catch you), you’d hop right back up, continuing along as if you didn’t nearly bust your head.
Any time you did fall and hurt yourself, expect Akane to scold you while patching you up. He doesn’t mean any harm, and doesn’t want you to feel like you shouldn’t be yourself- all he means is pleaseeee watch your steps. Though, while he won’t admit it, he does feel a bit proud to have been prepared for the one time you actually got a scrape.
Should you be out and about, texting Akane while at a store or whatnot, expect him to jokingly give you tips on “how not to get killed.” It’s all silly, common sense things like “watch your feet” “keep your eyes on your surroundings” “if there’s an obstacle, d o n ‘ t jump over it, simply move it out of the way” “don’t stare at your phone while walking.”
“Akane, you’re the one texting me while I’m walking.”
“Stop??? Walking????”
“Haha nah”
Despite the heart attacks, Akane really does enjoy your personality- it always brightens his day, and even makes him feel more energetic, to see you so chaotic. He does find it funny though, when he sees you in a setting like school, back to a calm, reserved façade-
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 years
Prepare for your inbox to be spammed now that I am back
Also……. 👀 👀 if I may I’d like to request a (romantic) letter with one Mr jason todd?
Going by she/they pronouns, it’s your favorite cryptid tumblr mutual zea ;) I never fully die on this site forever but I’m also not fully alive
I graduated!!! Officially!!! Your girl is going to be a college freshman
Made it into Boston university for communications and media sciences 😤😤 returning to be an East coast girlie after being a Midwest girlie
New goal: get a Boston boyfriend who works in a bakery in little Italy and can give me free access to baked goods
Turned 18 but this was like way back in March 😅😅😅
….still don’t have a driver’s license
Helloo my lovely cryptid! Congratulations on graduating!! And getting into university! I'm so proud of you, zea! You worked so hard for this! I'm so happy to see it all paid off! Also happy belated birthday! We don't really have too much of an age gap but for some reason I'm still seeing you as a a baby grasshopper ^^ <3
Hey baby girl,
It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk much with you, I've been on a lot of missions lately so I've been occupied. I know that isn't really an excuse, especially when you have so many amazing things going on in your life as well so I wanted to apologize by writing this letter for you.
First off, damn baby, you graduated from high school and got into Boston university? I never got the chance to completely appreciate all the hard work you put in for this so please forgive my belated congratulations, my love. I'm so so proud of you, you've done really well and you deserve everything that you have gotten and even more. I hope you really see how amazing you are and give yourself enough credit for all your accomplishments.
Secondly, are you worried about moving to the East Coast? It's okay if you are, but I know you're going to do just fine. You always come through, you always work hard and you always manage to find the best in every situation. I know you're going to do great, I can't wait to hear all about it.
Thirdly, was lowkey thinking about moving to Boston, and using all the baking skills that Alfred taught me and open up a bakery? A little birdie told me that you wanted a Boston boyfriend to give you free pastries and baked shit. Which, first, rude. Like do you not see the hot piece of ass here just waiting for you like a hot wife when you get back home from Boston?
And secondly, rude, because do you not know that I bake shit better than any Pillsbury doughboy in little Italy can?
And lastly, about the driver's license. You do realize you have a loving boyfriend who can take you out for motorcycle rides like a damn chauffer and who would be more than willing to steal the Batmobile again just to give you a ride to your morning classes, right?
If only I could, but you would probably benefit from asking your little Italy boyfriend. Considering you both do live in Boston. No, no, I'm not bitter. You can lose this cinnamon role for someone's soggy, old beignets. Alfred will never forgive you though, so maybe don't. For the old man's sake.
Jokes aside, I really am happy for you, zea. You've been doing so great and I'm so proud of you. I know that you're a big dreamer so you'll have no problem going after what you want but don't forget to take care of yourself (and not your little italy boyfriend). I love you so much, baby.
Stay safe, I miss you.
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Valentines Day HC's
Taishiro (fatgum) x black!reader, Bokuto x black!reader, Levi x black!reader
TW: Swearing
Note: I'm late w this bc I procrastinate but I hope yall like this💖
Yall are in quarantine for taishiros bc I thought it'd be a nice lil spin. And a modern au for Levi
I dont claim any pictures used! The pictures belong to the original posters
Thank you to @photosbyameil (aka thee bokuto expert) for helping be on bokutos part💖
You will have the absolute sweetest valentines day ever, literally and figuratively
Hes gonna go all out (as much as he can at least, considering you're in quarantine)
You do a gift swap make little baskets for each other🥺
Full of candy, snacks, gift cards, and other little trinkets
You made them be each other favorite colors too
Yours for Tai would be something like this:
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He'd eat every edible thing in the box in a heart beat, and that's how you know he's appreciative of it
His for you would be something like these (more tailored to your liking and in your favorite color if you dont like these of course):
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And if you like to get your hair and nails done he'll throw in some packs of braiding hair, crochets, wigs or whatever you do, with some cash
You'd make a nice lil dinner together, consisting of both of your favorite foods and lots of soul food too (you got him hooked)
All of it would be homemade, Taishiro most likely knows how to cook really well considering how much he eats so he would love to make anything with you
You make a huge dinner together, one that will leave you with weeks of leftovers
After dinner, Taishiro runs a nice bath for the both of you (or just you if you dont like that)
Dim lights, candles, bubbles in the bath, rose petals, soft towels and robes, and champagne (or something different if you dont drink champagne)
If you get in together, it's gonna be so soft and one of the most vulnerable moments in your relationship
Holding each other, soft kisses, and Tai will absolutely confess his love for you all over again
If you prefer being in the tub alone, he'll leave you a cute little love note to read while you're in there and go set up a movie
When you get out of the tub and put on some comfy pajamas, you start up a movie together
For dessert you eat your gift baskets together (and lowkey steal from each others)
You eventually crash on the couch, you knock out first because Tais use to staying up from late night patrols
He realizes you forgot your bonet/scarf so he carries you to the room and puts it on for you :)
The next day his final gift to you is doing your hair, because he can do hair and you cant change my mind <3
"Happy Valentines Day, gumdrop."
Hes just the sweetest ball of energy
He makes everything a surprise
Koutaro is probably an early riser, and always wakes up way before you
So you wake up and hes already got a bunch of surprises for you
A giant gift basket full of heart shaped candy boxes, snacks, and a bunch of hair products
And im talkin oils, masks, treatments, shampoos, conditioners, brushes, everything
He got you a cute lil outfit too
When you put it on he just gushes about how good you look in it
Kou takes you to get your hair and nails done (we're gonna act like both of these take no time at all for the sake of this fic)
Then he takes you to get couples manipedis with him, and then a couples massage
Once you finally get back home, Koutaro offers to cook for the both of you
Just the thought of it puts you in distress, because that boy is a mess in the kitchen
But his enthusiasm is what convinces you
Until you smell burning
You end up having to run in the kitchen before he sets it on fire
You teach him how to make all kinds of soul food
For dessert yall probably eat banana pudding or cheesecake for dessert
By the end you end up realizing almost everything you did today was for you, and nothing for him, and wound up feeling really bad, but he says he doesn't want anything
"All I need is you, my baby owl. Happy Valentines Day!"
The most perfect Valentines day ever
He plans everything out to the last detail with not a single mistake
He does your hair for you the day before (he can do any kind of hair, not taking any other opinions)
And takes you to get your nails done too
Buys you some nice clothes that you just assume are for different activities he has planned
But you dont even try guessing, because when levi surprises you, you never know what to expect
Now Levi isn't much of a romantic, but he tries
He probably had to look some stuff up to make this valentines day extra special
When you wake up, he gives you breakfast in bed with a nice cup of tea
And he gives you a cute heart shaped box of candy
After you finish breakfast together, he gives you your next gift
It's a pretty gift basket, wrapped up nicely
It's filled with candy, tiny little trinkets, and hair products
A supply of your usual products, plus those expensive ones you always wanted to try
Later that day, he tells you to put on one of the outfits he bought you
It was just a casual one, something you'd wear out if you were gonna be out for awhile, but not to anywhere special
He takes you to a cute lil Cafe for lunch
It's one of those really aesthetic ones but the food actually tastes as good as it looks
When you get back home from lunch, he'll give you a cute necklace with his name on it
For dinner, he makes you put on another outfit that's much nicer
And he takes you to and fancy restaurant and gets you dinner
When you get home, he tops it off with a nice bath with rose petals, essential oils, candles and all
Quick PSA: Don't go through his search history, he looked everything up because again, damn near emotionally numb and clueless on romance <3
"Happy Valentines Day, Love."
Taglist: @myhoodacademia @katsuflossy @iiminibattlehero @ecao @nnnoya @hawklmaoo @strawberry-ice @mixijima @wolfkid22 @mythiccheroacademia @myfandemons @lilsparkyswife @her-majesty-kiara @mindofess @kqtsukisgf @lalayy @1-800-s1mping
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geminil0vr · 3 years
𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 !
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the masterlist -> part one
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summary ✰ it's the night of the slytherin bash, and, intoxicated, you almost blurt out all your relationship troubles to pansy and the boys of slytherin.
tags ✰ @partr1dge <3
word count ✰ 3.4k
content ✰ alcohol, weed, rip. mill's hairbrush, a big party, drunk/high people and reader, mentions of sex, mild (but just as serious) sexual assault, boyfriend being pushy, arguments, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, pansy lowkey admiring the reader and vice versa, pansy taking off your makeup for you.
a/n ✰ yes we're having a lil party moment right on shedyool <3 i think i made draco too hot in this like have i forgotten this is a pansy fic ?? and i've been listening to the playlist on repeat for some inspiration but now all the songs are stuck in my head yikes... anyway, happy reading :))
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letting out a short yell, you bolt out the way of millicent bulstrode being chased by her own hairbrush in your dorm room, falling backwards onto your bed, then leaning up on your forearms to watch in amusement as she squeals.
"stop it, stop it!"
pansy crosses her arms, leaning in the doorway for a moment before speaking calmly despite the urgent situation, "mill, i already told you not to try any beautification spells for tonight. they take a certain finesse that you clearly..." she eyes the hairbrush, which has somehow grown teeth, "lack."
daphne fervently attempts to throw millicent's wand to her, having lost her own somewhere in the room, ducking whenever the hairbrush swings too low by her head and yelling encouragement to her as she wails.
"it's gonna bloody eat me!"
you glance over to pansy, your lips quirked but still fighting the brighter grin that tries to force its way upon your mouth, one brow raised. she looks back with a smirk, raising her brows lazily, then pulls out her wand at last.
sure, you have yours, but come on! this is quality entertainment.
muttering a spell under her breath, the hairbrush rises, letting out a sharp, plasticky sound, teeth gnashing at the unknown force which has suddenly halted its rampage. then, thin, dark cracks begin to show upon its surface as it travels higher and higher into the air, finally letting out one last high-pitched sound before exploding into hot pink shards of plastic onto the wooden floor of the room.
millicent makes a lacklustre attempt of trying to catch certain pieces that are still falling, whining about how it was her favourite hairbrush. daphne drops the wand and falls back onto her duvet, exasperated, and you watch ahead in shock.
"blimey, pansy, couldn't you have just done 'finite'?" you ask, eyes wide.
"'s not nearly as much fun," she grins, bounding over to the large, dark oak wardrobe in the corner of the room, "now, ladies. what are we going to wear for the slytherin bash?"
"i bagsy y/n's black dress!" daphne pipes up, bouncing to sit cross-legged on her bed.
"no, you bloody well don't!"
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you look in the mirror of the vanity, tucking back a few strands of hair out of your face and looking down at your silky emerald dress, the neckline dipping a little at your chest, the straps thin.
"whatever, i actually might look better in the green, anyway."
slinking out from the bathroom, daphne fixes the button on the back of the dress she's wearing, the black fabric clinging to her skin, "you definitely do."
"you're just saying that to keep my dress, aren't you?"
"maybe so. but you're still very pretty." she pecks your cheek and sits on her bed, fixing her curled hair in a compact mirror and swaying slightly to the thumping music already playing downstairs.
pansy pulls at her dress, leaning onto the vanity and applying a thin coat of red lipstick over her lips, looking at you through the glass "she's not wrong. you look nice."
you swallow, blinking at your reflection. you've brushed your brows, applied some blush, and a little smokey eyeliner, but nothing much. you don't mind letting your skin breathe a little, anyway.
"thanks, pansy." you eye her loose, sparkling, red dress, neckline dipping so low on her chest that you feel the sudden need to look away, instead focusing on her light-green eyes which never actually ceased intensely tracking the movements of your iris. "so do you."
"right. thank you."
millicent finishes tying her hair up, avoiding using any muggle products and therefore resorting to something simple, clipping it back with a claw accessory, "okay," she starts, and you and pansy quickly look away from each other, "so, are we going or not? can't be too late, they're still missing the life of the party!"
"mill, you pass out after three hours during almost every single party." daphne blinks.
"what's that saying, here for a good time but not a long time?" pansy snickers, zipping up her black boots.
millicent rolls her eyes playfully, crossing her arms. "shut your gobs, the two of you! now let's go!"
locking the door quickly on your way out so you won't have to deal with any arseholes doing it in your bed like last time (well, at least they were having a whale of a time), you bid goodbye to your dormmates who all part ways, immediately grabbing a bottle of firewhiskey from a large table in the corner, looking over at the youthful atmosphere suddenly claiming such a place as the slytherin common room.
pouring yourself a shot, although you're awful at doing those, you hold your nose (as if that's going to help) and gulp down the alcohol, finishing by setting the little glass down and placing your hands on the table full of drinks in front of you, hair falling down into your face.
feeling a hand on your waist, you tense and stand up straight, not relaxing much when your boyfriend kisses your cheek and whispers a 'hello' into your ear.
"ben!" you exclaim, turning around and smiling at him, though not genuinely, "i didn't know you were coming."
"some guys in the year above invited me, unlike my own girlfriend." he teases, gripping you by the waist and pulling you closer, and your nose scrunches at the sharp stench of beer on his breath. putting two and two together, considering how he's slurring his words, you realise he's already tipsy.
"right, sorry!" you genuinely are, though if he hadn't showed up, you wouldn't mind much, "i didn't really find out until the lesson before my free hour, and, well, you wanted us to go to your room, so —"
"oh, yeah. how could i forget?" he leans in, almost stumbling over his own two feet as he gets even closer to you, pulling you to him by your waist and kissing your neck, making you push your head down a little. the party having only just started, people are still piling in and the lights aren't turned off just yet.
you push him by the chest, gently, "it's still early, benny. not now."
ignoring your wishes, he nibbles at your neck, and you bring your shoulder up in discomfort, "but don't you want a repeat?" no, you really don't.
"ben, just, back off, please." you push a little more firmly now, shaking him off, and going to grab the bottle again to pour yourself another shot of firewhiskey as an excuse to not stay so close to him. but clearly that tactic isn't great, because he pushes up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.
"come on, this party'll be lame anyway. your room's empty, right?" you freeze as his lips meet your throat once more, swallowing before finding it in yourself to stretch your shoulders back, and push his arms from your waist, quickly pouring the shot and keeping it in your hand, just in case you need to spill it on him as a distraction.
if he's gonna be pushy, he could at least be decent in bed.
well, at least, that's your cynical view on it.
"ben. no. my — my friends are here, and i... i don't want to leave them all alone." you fiddle with the shot glass in your hand, brows furrowed, and he exhales loudly before shrugging his shoulders.
"if you don't want me then you could've just said so."
your eyes widen, "no, i didn't mean it like that, just that... just not tonight."
"well, it kinda seems like you're not interested. but whatever, y/n, it's fine." as you try to reach out to him, he walks over to his friends, and you lean against the table, gulping down the firewhiskey and wincing at the burn in your throat.
"come on, y/n! they're dimming the lights now, i wanna dance!" daphne bounds over to you, dragging you by the arm before you can protest.
and you oblige.
two hours in, you're tipsy, worn-out from all the dancing, yet still going back between the many students for more adrenaline. grinning as a song you love comes on, you regroup your dormmates in the crowd, grabbing them by their hands and all winding your hips to the beat, millicent giggling and falling over her feet, daphne tearing away from her boyfriend to join with a smile on her face. pansy isn't very giggly when drinking, you've noticed. in close settings, sure, but in big parties like this, everyone so close, air hot, green lights strobing across the common room... she just dances. raising her hands above her head, swaying her hips, twirling her friends around by their fingers — it's almost sensual. well, to anyone else. not to you.
pansy eyes you as you spin — the exhilarated grin on your face from being able to shrug off everything burdening you, everything weighing atop your shoulders. and she realises that she likes the shine of the strobing lights against your skin, your nose and cheeks gleaming, eyes a little bloodshot and chest glistening from all the alcohol in your system, and all the dancing. and when you and pansy finally get off the dancefloor to join the slytherin boys on the sofas, she likes the way your eyes tear up a little after taking a long drag from the joint that's being passed around.
"this isn't laced with anything, right?" you clear your throat to speak over the music, passing it back to theo, head dizzy. you watch the lights entangle themselves between little clouds of smoke, and wonder which cloud is yours.
"what do you think i am, a drug lord? no, it is not laced with anything." he rolls his eyes, leaning back on the sofa.
blaise elbows him, looking at you and pansy who are both sitting next to each other, "don't mind him — you know he gets bitchy when he smokes."
"do not." theo huffs.
"yes, you do." draco deadpans, snatching the joint from his hands and inhaling the smoke, blowing it upwards from his bottom lip.
you chuckle, stretching to settle comfortably into the sofa and tapping pansy's bare thigh subconsciously, to which she tenses, "i feel like nott's always a bitch, regardless."
"not wrong there." theo winks at you, rubbing at his eyes. your head feels like it's spinning, and you giggle again, leading blaise to do the same.
"what's so funny, y/l/n?" pansy raises her brows nonchalantly, crossing her legs and studying you at her right. she's taken the joint between her plump lips now, inhaling deeply for a second, then blowing it up into the air.
"think it's the weed." you giggle once more, eyelids heavy, leaning your head onto her shoulder — you two are much more friendly when a little bit intoxicated and high. more so you, than her.
draco leans back into the armchair he's sitting in, looking over to the corner of the room and spotting your ravenclaw boyfriend drinking with his friends in the corner. and, being significantly less of an arsehole with something in his system, draco decided to be polite.
"how's the boyfriend, y/n?" you chuckle at this, smiling softly and lifting your head up from pansy's shoulder.
"my boyfriend is an absolute, grade O, cockhead."
the whole group is still for a short moment, exchanging varying levels of shock and amusement, before turning back to you. draco speaks again, "is that so?"
"mhmm." you nod lazily, as if your head is too heavy to hold up, pointing over at him from the other side of the room, "ben sucks. he's awful. if i could, i would — well, i mean, i could, but if i really could, i'd —"
"right, i think that's enough of that for tonight." pansy takes the joint from between your index and middle finger, interrupting you and attempting to change the subject considering your tipsy and high state. she’s been through enough non-sober confessions in her lifetime to know best.
"no, i mean it. and it would be worth it if he would actually fuck m—"
"i said, enough." pansy presses, trying to save you any embarrassment. being good enough friends with the slytherin boys of your year since you all first arrived, you know there'll be no judgement or rumours spread around. but, still. better not to air out all of your dirty laundry, or whatever the americans say. well, that's what 'sober you' would say. and right now, you're completely ready to confess how shitty your boyfriend is, to reveal the dialogue that usually only stays in your head.
"come on, pansy, the people wanna know." blaise raises his finger to her, grinning. the boy loved drama; he wasn't a sharer, but certainly a listener.
"i, the people, do not care." draco raises his finger as well, slouched in his seat.
"and i, the people, say you're not gonna let y/n humiliate herself. if she really wants to say this, she’ll do it when she’s sober.” pansy frowns, standing up and gripping your arm, passing the joint over to theo who was watching the scene casually.
“usually you love this stuff!” theo raises his arms lazily for emphasis.
“well, she’s my friend.” pansy gives him a blink stare.
"blah, blah, blah, parkinson." you slur you words a little, and she scowls, "i'm ready to say it. ben rowen is shite in and out of the be—"
she muffles your voice with her hand, forcing you to get up and follow her to the dormitory calmly, as you attempt to yell through her fingers, instead practically humming. it's not a messy, nor embarrassing scene -- you're at least sober enough to know better, and no one's paying attention anyway, not with the beat of the music thrumming through the room, vibrating the floor beneath your feet. but you're not sober enough to control your urge to break down and admit that you desperately want to break up with your boyfriend, even though you think you still love (the old, fake) him, even though you're scared to break his heart.
seeing the scene from across the common room, ben strides over with a purpose, and the boys on the sofa snort at his actions. "what happened?" he tears pansy's hand from your mouth (thankfully, you're not wearing lipstick), to which she scrunches up her nose, clenching her jaw and glancing to the side impatiently.
"your girlfriend had a little too much to drink and smoke. she's going to bed."
"she can just stay with me." he seems over his annoyance from before. shame his annoying personality continues to linger, you think.
pansy eyes him up and down rapidly, grip still firm on your arm. there’s something about your boyfriend, especially considering your change in behaviour around him, that pisses her off. you're looking between the two of them with wide eyes, considerably amused. "no."
"what do you mean, no?" you notice now that he's much, much drunker than before. the boys are still watching, leaning forward to hear over the music. well, theo and blaise are -- draco gives the 'altercation' a glance before setting his focus on the almost-finished joint between his fingers.
"i thought ravenclaws were meant to have an IQ of at least more than ten — no, means, i will not let her stay with you, she's going to sleep it off." you look over to the sofas and give a look the boys, half-grimacing, half-grinning.
"listen, i'm the boyfriend here —"
"are you? because i don't recall you ever being present the entire party."
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean, i was just over —"
"with her, i mean. why don't you go drown yourself in some more of that beer you obviously like so much," 'ouch', blaise mouths, "and i'll take care of your girlfriend, who... y/n?" you stop making frantic pointing gestures to the boys to ‘translate’ what they were saying since the boys couldn’t lip read, turning your attention to the people in front of you.
"yup?" you shrug, tilting your head up at her, being just an inch or two shorter.
pansy closes her eyes, sighing, then shakes her head, feeling a little wobbly herself, "nevermind. let's get you to bed, huh?" she shoots daggers at ben, whose nostrils flare as you're guided to the girls dormitory. he goes after you two again, but is quickly halted when draco's voice raises over the music.
"perhaps you should let them leave, rowen. just head elsewhere — don't be an arse."
ben sighs in exasperation, making his way to the group, but draco sticks his leg out through the gap between the armchair and the sofa on which you were just sitting, making your boyfriend stumble back.
"that wasn’t an invitation." draco deadpans, although the corner of his lip quirks up as he takes a sip of firewhisky and raises his brows.
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instead of casting a quick makeup removal spell, pansy opts to lean you against the bathroom sink at a safe distance, using a cotton pad and cleaning off your eyeliner and any sweat or blush left on your skin. you know, just in case the spell doesn't go well, and you end up being eaten by a magic cotton pad.
you close your eyes, gripping the cold sink behind you loosely as pansy wipes warm water over your skin.
"done." she nods, expressionless, as your eyes flutter open, easily casting 'incendio' on the cotton and not bothering to watch as it crumbles into ash on the floor. she certainly has a flair for the dramatics, and you can't help but think she's picked it up from draco malfoy.
you look into the mirror to smooth down your hair, eyes bloodshot, lips swollen from the firewhiskey (and a little from when pansy pressed her palm into them). she tosses pyjamas at you, and you wobble a bit when they hit your side.
"okay, sergeant." you snort as she shuts the door, clumsily picking up the shorts and sweater she'd thrown.
shrugging off your dress, you call out from inside the bathroom. "why did you get mad at ben?"
for a beat, there was silence, until she called back. "because he was being a 'cockhead'." pansy mocked.
"and why did you make me leave?" you pull up your pyjama shorts, squinting down and trying to tie a little bow at the front, rather unsuccessfully, "i was having fun."
"well, you were gonna embarrass yourself, y/n. i only helped you out."
after slipping on your large sweater, you peek your head out the door, seeing her tie her raven hair back into a tiny ponytail, most strands falling out due to the length of it (or lack thereof). she'd done a makeup removal spell on herself.
"you're going to bed, too?" you murmur, furrowing your brows.
"yeah, tired." she lies, sorting out her bed covers.
you bite the inside of your cheek before deciding to ‘confront’ her, “and, pansy?” her movements still, “i didn't need help. they're my friends, and i wanted to tell them —"
she turns around, cutting you off with a challenging look that makes you step fully into the doorway, "tell them what?"
you swallow. nevermind. maybe she was right to drag you out of the party. maybe she was right to have cut you off, instead of letting you indulge into your history and your barely-there sex life.
feeling like you're being frowned upon by authority, you duck your head sheepishly and clamber into bed, glancing over to millicent who has seemingly collapsed onto her bed and blacked out.
"is... everything okay with you and — you and ben, though?"
"yeah. i don't know what i was saying. he just pissed me off earlier and i started... talking shit." you lie through your teeth.
"right." she flicks off the lights with her wand, back turned to you as she sits on her bed, pulling off her dress and slipping into a big shirt. the lamp on your bedside table that she turned on beforehand faintly casts the room in a warm glow, and through the darkness you can see the pale skin of her back as she pulls it down. your eyes dart away, deciding to focus on the ceiling, instead, "and you're really okay?" she turns now, and relief washes over you — relief that she didn't turn sooner.
you eye her as she gets under her covers, propping her head up with her hand. you bury yours sideways into the pillow, wrapping the duvet tightly around your frame. "yeah. you?"
"yes, y/n. now, sleep off all that shit in your system. and lie on your side, not your back." you listen to what she's told you plenty of time before, and lean over to switch off the lamp, the entire room pitch black.
"'night, pansy."
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
Hi!!! May I request a HP romantic and friendship matchup on both eras? (Preferably male), thanks in advance! 💞
19, Libra, Neutral Good, enneagram is 4w5, Ravenclaw, and my patronus spirit is swan. Bi Pan Genderfluid girl using pronouns of She/Her or He/Him. A friend of mine told me that I (kinda) look like Marinette from 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗯𝘂𝗴, Musa from 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘅 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯, and Alexandra Trese from 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 (a Netflix animated series), but the exception is I'm short (5'1.2") plus sized Southeast Asian woman with Spanish descent that has messy/wavy brunette medium hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin and a small beauty mark on the forehead. My sense of fashion is in between emo and boyish plus korean glam.
Distant and shy at first cause' I dunno how to initiate a conversation, but a total opposite if I open up---friendly, ambivert, witty, laughing loudly on a daily basis, talkative, awkward, daydreamer (I got embarrassed from knocking at the door even I'm inside the classroom 😂), EXTREMELY clumsy, secretly likes affection, easily overwhelmed, prone to melt over any wholesomeness, flusters on compliments, lightly blushes on cheesy banters, sarcastic person with a lowkey crackhead energy citing meme references, and talented girl who can be your no. 1 supporter and unashamed to be true to myself. In terms of leadership, I only educate and guide than being a prefect (I might take the role seriously), and will lift my group when there's lacking/incompleteness. About doing projects in school, I become too extra and prepared for efforts, but I'll forget the process in the end.
People thought I'm a demure self-effacing woman that looks "idealistic" or "one of a kind," (due to my protective parents, a reason why I've never been in a relationship) but the truth is, I'm eloquent, warm-hearted, willig to help, kind, intelligent, supportive, nice, creative, enthusiastic, determined, tough, competitive, and feisty outside, but a real softie that can be childish and dramatic crybaby filled with doubts, frustrations, and insecurities with fear of failure that pushes off the limits to to please everyone, yet I still managed to be stronger than ever, even it's a slow burn process. I can be intimidating, sassy, and a douchebag if I receive ends. Immature, headstrong, perfectionist, demanding, hesitant, jumpy, very indecisive, overthinker, quick-tempered, sensitive, and anxious (no joke, my nervousness makes me think worse scenario will arrive or I might break a belonging due to my carelessness). Though can be procrastinator and arrogant, I raised as a religious 𝖺𝗇𝖽 diplomatic person, willing to fight what I believe (including my dreams) 𝖺𝗇𝖽 what is right. In addition, I have a habit of staying up late and doing sign of the cross to ease nervousness.
Blunt but the loudest idiotic feeling-brokenhearted and bitter friend in the group who fangirl a lot, swears like sailor, will act like a silent backstabber on people that we loathe, will crack up over your stupid antics before helping, and bring gossips, but a hopeless romantic who tends to banter with sarcasms or pick up lines as an endearment (but gets grumpy if I received sappy or offensive one), still generous and concerned in a subtle way.
My hobbies are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. 𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗇𝖼𝗅𝗎𝖽𝖾 making corniest jokes/puns, 𝗌𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD).
Loves kittens, eating a lot, cartoons, watching YouTube videos (mostly pageants, ASMR, edit audios, and mukbangs), also enjoys playing games on my sister's PSP. Sucker for arts, choir, night sky, makeup, fun/deep/dumb conversations, Christianity, documentaries (about saints, real crime stories, and inspirational people), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and writings, chilling both indoors and outdoors. Beside that, my music taste are like late 90s-2000s songs (mostly rock, pop, and country) sometimes kpop and ppop, chocoholic, and a sweetooth as well.
Things that I hate are stereotyping, HUGE creepy crawlies (spiders, toads, snakes, and cockroaches), firecracker sounds, being left out, loneliness, heart break, blackout, and judgemental people. One random fact about me is, I 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 vent out EVERYTHING I despise in my entire existence---from bad soap operas to toxicity and worse scenarios in real life, because it's a big deal for me, and I consider forcing me to do what I'm not into and manipulating me as my major pet peeves.
In terms of triggers...I only have two which are ta𝖨king about divorce/annullment/separation because I came from a generational broken family and religion/beliefs discrimination, cause' there are reasonings that doesn't makes sense because some are too hypocritical.
My best assets are smile, eyes, personality, singing voice, artistic skills, writings, intelligence, and oratorical skills...so I can consider myself as a singer, artist, orator, and a top student who's a former active campus ministry member with three roles (choir leader, psalm singer, and reader). Currently an incoming college freshman, learning how to cook and have so many interests, to the point I don't know what I'm into because of my dreams to become a popular Filipino YouTuber, a novelist, and being part of a successful chorale competing internationally...I also consider joining pageants at school too once the pandemic ends, but maybe.
Thank you so, so much for requesting! I had a lot of fun with this one (as you can tell by some of the really long answers lol) and I hope you enjoy!!
In the Golden Trio era, I romantically pair you with…
One of the most beautiful things about Cedric is that although he may show some introverted tendencies, he still manages to have a natural gift for connecting to others and allowing them to feel comfortable enough to open up. Really, your initial distance and shyness don't last nearly as long towards Cedric as they would with most other people.
Hearing your laughter brings the widest, cheesiest grin to Cedric’s face. Not only does he adore seeing you happy, but he also recognizes that your anxiety, insecurities, and strong emotions can sometimes cloud up your demeanor. Therefore, it brings him comfort knowing that (for the moment) you’re finding joy. He thrives when you thrive!
However, as much as he loves seeing your more energetic and happier self, it goes without saying that he’s the best comfort for when you’re not having the best day.
Cedric is an excellent listener, so he’ll most likely let you talk without interruption for as long as you need before even saying a word. He wants to make sure he truly understands your current state before acting. He may take a few seconds to process everything after you finish speaking, but then he’ll help you tackle whatever problems you’re facing. He’s especially talented at giving words of affirmation.
Cedric’s listening also comes in handy whenever you talk about your interests! He genuinely loves hearing about the things you’re interested in solely for the fact that you’re interested in them. Side note: you can count on him to be at any music performances, pageants, etc. you may have -- this guy is truly your #1 supporter.
Cedric’s a very good student (though I suspect he’s somewhat of a procrastinator himself), so I can also see you two supporting each other through schoolwork and celebrating each other’s successes.
Like you, Cedric has a strong urge to do the right thing. Talking to him about social issues stirs up a need to help, and I could see you two doing volunteer work together in your spare time.
I like to believe one of Cedric’s biggest love languages is quality time. Don’t get me wrong, this guy loves staying involved and busy. But taking a couple hours to be with you in small ways (even if that means just being in the same room while you scroll through social media) gives him a nice balance.
Overall, this kind boy will be there unwaveringly through the bad times and will laugh just as loud as you through the good!
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
You wanna talk about the best conversations, relentless support, and overall the most wholesome friendship you could ask for? Luna’s your girl.
Being unashamed to be true to yourself is one of the biggest reasons why Luna is so drawn to you. While she’s very friendly and insightful towards everyone she meets, it can get a bit repetitive for her to constantly interact with people who try to shelter their unique characteristics from the world. In her mind, these unique characteristics are what make people so fascinating! Why should anyone hide who they are?
Luna’s creativity is endless, and I can see it blending well with yours. Collaborating on a personal project outside of school (ex: novel, blog, etc.) together is definitely something I could see you two doing.
Speaking of creativity, finding creative solutions to everyday problems (both in school and in life) is your specialty as friends.
Admittedly, Luna isn’t usually drawn to louder individuals. However, the complexity behind your personality makes it easier for her to know you are much more than what meets the eye.
Speaking of, Luna has a difficult time standing up for herself -- whether it’s because she doesn’t feel a need to or she just doesn’t recognize the meaning behind certain phrases. She NEEDS a friend like you to stand up for her sometimes, and I know you wouldn’t hesitate!
Ranting to Luna is therapeutic to say the least. While her aloofness at times may make it seem as if she isn’t fully paying attention, that couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s actually catching every word, and once you’re done she’ll leave you with a philosophical solution that may seem borderline insane/irrelevant when you first hear it, but it strangely makes sense.
Overall, the lack of judgment from either of you is what draws you together. As a result, you build a unique bond that couldn’t be broken even if either of you wanted it to.
In the Marauders era, I romantically pair you with…
Let’s be honest, it would take you two so long to ask each other out. You were probably already really close friends, but the insecurities and “what if?” questions from both of you delayed an actual relationship.
When you finally started dating, you were both so relieved. You still share a laugh at how almost nothing changed in the way you interacted with each other.
While with mutual friends, Remus sometimes likes to sit back and just watch you, especially when you get really talkative because this is when you become the most expressive. He has the softest smile when you’re actively cracking jokes, discussing something you’re passionate about, or even calling someone out. Sometimes you may be too distracted to notice, but other times you’ll catch him.
“Oh, nothing.” (While that same soft smile never leaves his face.)
You both hold really high standards for yourself in terms of school, so expect late-night study/work sessions to be your best bet for quality time.
Though the occasional instance of walking through/lying on the grounds becomes a favorite for both of you.
Remus listens when you’re particularly struggling through anxiety or strong emotions, but he has to consciously stop himself from interrupting because he can’t stand how he feels knowing you’re going through a tough time.
All he wants to do is soothe you during these moments. If you’re comfortable, he’ll hold you while speaking to you in a soft voice. Remus, the intellectual that he is, is also your best chance at finding a reasonable solution. So if you're not in the mood for calming words, he's also a great person to turn to for answers.
As for your ambitions, no matter what you choose to pursue, you already know Remus is going to be your biggest source of support every step of the way. He’s more than happy to help in any way he can!
Overall, Remus appreciates you, and he’s always going to make sure you know it.
As a friend, I think you’d best be matched with…
Lily especially connects to you because you manage to be determined, competitive, and intelligent without sacrificing your kindness, which is something she can relate to.
You and Lily are the C.E.O.s of doing the right thing. Neither of you hesitates to back the other up when it comes to confronting someone because you know it’s justified.
As perceptive as Lily is, you never need to tell her when something is bothering you. All it takes is a quick glance before she puts whatever she’s doing on hold to check in with you.
The reverse works as well. Typically, Lily really doesn’t internally struggle too much, and when she does she tries to hide it. You’re one of the only people who can see right through whatever she tries to pull.
The constant banter between you two is unmatched, but you both know it's because you really care about each other.
Overall, you and Lily have each other’s backs through anything, even when the other isn’t actively asking for help.
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iwritethat · 5 years
Wally West: One
A/N: This was a detour from what I was doing. Oops.
Warnings: None
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"The cute alien chic?" You thought of the girl, clarifying it was indeed the correct one.
"And you're sure this one is the one because you said that 3 girls ago."
"Yes... I mean no, I don’t know - look can you please help me (Y/n)." Wally playfully pleaded with you like he’d done on multiple occaisions prior to this and you could only shrug in defeat.
"Sure but my conditions remain the same."
"I know, no bragging, pizza on me, you pick the film for the next 3 weeks."
"And?" You mockingly coaxed, knowing how much the next particular demand pained him which was evident in his deadpan but reluctant tone.
"And no mocking your dates."
The following day you’d stategically accompanied Kid Flash on a visit to Mount Justice, the sight of you two together was no surprise to Robin, Aqualad nor Speedy though the remainder were intrigued by the mysterious stranger so Wally proudly made introductions.
"Hey M'gann, Conner, this is (Y/n)."
"Ah, this is who you love so much to talk about!" The Martian beamed grasping your hands as you shot a glare to a flustered Wally, the guy sheepishly running a hand through his strands.
"Is this your... girlfriend?" Superboy casually inquired after thinking of the correct terminology, yet again leaving you to wonder what your friend has been saying about you in your absence - also considering the implication this’d have on your scheme.
"No! Definitely not! I'm totally single, just because I've told you about (Y/n) doesn't mean we're dating. We're not dating by the way." Wally briskly recovered, blush fading as he emphasised his point specifically for the sake of M'gann.
"Nice to meet you both. Ah Kaldur!" You lit up once seeing the Atlantean, immediately embracing his form just as he did to you in hopes of catching up with him.
"It's been a while (Y/n), you look well."
"(Y/n) is here? Looking as lovely as ever, surprised you're still hanging with Wally though, you're way out of his league." Robin proudly joked as he walked toward you, genuinely happy to see you again and a girl called Artemis agreed with him despite only recently learning your name - supposedly teasing Wally was a commodity amount the Team.
"I'm here for training, Canary said she'd activated the sparring platform so I wanted to test it." With a content shrug you set your plan in motion, gesturing over to the designated area as indication.
Now you were very well trained, the team knew that so it wasn't a surprise when every single member landed with a 'FAIL' until Wally challenged your winning streak. You went two rounds, the first you played to his strengths allowing him to take you down with his speed and received the only 'PASS' of the day. M'gann cheered, flying over with questions and compliments whilst you comfortably sat up and proudly watched Wally bask in the desired attention. Meanwhile got to your feet, brushing yourself only to be met with a smirking Robin beside your figure.
"I know what you're doing and you are good at it, but I don't think it's gonna work."
"Does it ever work with Wally? He's never met a girl he's really caught deep feelings for but I'm only in it for the free food he's promised me." Came your knowing reply, softly smirking at Robin who seemed to disagree but accepted your justification nonetheless.
"There is one y'know..."
"Hey (Y/n) ready to get your ass whooped by the best there is? Fastest kid alive babe." The speedster smugly gained your deadly gaze, his boasting violating the agreement you’d struck less than 24 hours ago and thus not giving you a chance for Robin to elaborate like you’d wished.
This time you would not allow him a victory, like the others you took him out with a mischievous smile and then crouched over his waist whilst he leaned up on his elbows to meet you.
"No. Bragging." You raised a brow, tilting his chin towards you as you punctuated each word as a reminder before heading out. Although your plan had still succeeded to a degree, you walked backwards finding the Martian kneeling down to your friend inquiring about his condition as you winked at him - Wally seemingly impressed with your antics, as he usually was whenever he roped you into these scenarios.
You retained your attentive skills, even talking him up to M'gann but it became painfully obvious that her romantic affections were reserved for a certain clone which left you disappointed albeit pleased for her. Now, you had to break the news to Wally - you'd considered such measures while sitting against the wall in one of the Mountains many hallways bouncing a ball off of the other side as a form of contemplation.
Soon enough your felt a familiar comforting presence beside you, catching the ball and initiating a harmless game between the two of you.
"What's on your mind?" Wally knew you incredibly well, narrowing down I even the smallest quirks and he'd use that to his advantage.
"Nothing, but I'm afraid you might have to give up on M'gann."
"I know. Supes right?" He didn't seemed phased by your sympathetic disclosure, which surprised you slightly due to how long he’d spent gushing over the girl.
"Yeah, sorry West."
"It's alright. Thanks for trying, I'll still get you that pizza."
"But I didn't...?" His response was unexpected, leaving you somewhat speechless but he soon continued with conversation before you could finish, no evidence of heartbreak to be seen.
"That Dan guy you went out with? (Y/n) c'mon you're stunning, and he didn't even offer to pay the full check at the coffee shop. You deserve so much better, his flirting game was awful too." Wally reminisced on the details you’d cruelly given knowing he wouldn’t able to comment due to you deal, although such a thing was now void and you’d regretted that decision. Yet part of you enjoyed his mocking support.
"So I get the pizza but have to suffer your judgements for not getting you a date? I'm sure you have something to say about Jackson too." You threw your head back with an exaggerated sigh, Wally laughing as he replied.
"Don't get me started..."
How unaffected Wally seemed about the let down still puzzled you, although you believed something else must've attained his focus - not that you had any indication of what it was as you sat flicking through the channels.
"So... there's another girl." There it is.
"Dude, are you kidding me? Give yourself a month at least."
"No this one is the one, I know it." His tone was oddly confident compared to his usual dilemmas regarding that topic which automatically gained your full attention.
"Uh Huh. And when did you meet her? Love at first sight or whatever?"
"I've known her longer than a few days give me some credit here. But it wasn't at first sight, I didn't even notice it was happening or rather happened..." Wally's point was certainly more realistic in comparison and he was being truthful - again, maybe this peculiar circumstance held promise.
"You know my terms an-" You simply shrugged, assuming he wanted your assistance once more which dulled your growing investment slightly.
"No, not for this one."
"Hot damn, this woman must be special. Tell me everything!" That decision shocked you and it was evident in your tone, you excitedly encouraged him to indulge your lowkey interrogation since he never turned down your assistance.
"Yes she definitely is, but I don't know what to do for her y'know?"
"Romantic restaurant? Roses? Tell her over a romantic dinner." You listed things instantly, barely stopping for a breather.
"Would you want all that though?" Wally considered your ideas, furrowing his brows before he asked his question even if his posture radiated nervousness despite the confident facade he’d attempted to convey.
"Hah, no way! Honestly I'd love a chill night in, order a take out, put on a good series and just enjoy each other's company. I mean roses are nice too but I want to know my date likes me enough to relax and be themselves - you can't really do that in a fancy restaurant. Anyway, you should probably find out what this girl likes first." You simply smiled, giving him an honest opinion and advice for you felt he'd finally found someone more than just a crush to him.
"I guess..."
It was silent for a moment until familiar words echoed in your mind 'There is one y'know...' and instantly you stood up with your realisation.
"I know who it is!"
"What?! How?!" Wally snapped to with concern evident in his expression like a deer in headlights, unbeknownst to you why that was but he too halted in his tracks.
"Dick told me, I don't believe it Wally - it's great!" Now you had Artemis in your head, they'd hated one another at first so it certainly made sense that he'd grown to like her. They'd also kissed at New Years Eve or so you'd heard.
"Robin told you I liked you?! Are you kidding? He only knows because I thought he had a crush on you." That answer caught you off guard, practically disintegrating your ability to form a coherent sentence or even think straight due to the abruptness of it.
"Wait me? I didn't, um, I can't, since when? All the times I've been helping you with girls I... I..."
"Wait you didn't know? Okay stay there, I'm doing this again!" Wally held his hands out in defence, soon disappearing leaving you standing alone with your thoughts. A dangerous thing really.
Did you even have feelings for him? Quite possibly, that would explain why you occasionally compared dates to him and why you were always so willing to help him find his happiness but surely you wouldn't have suppressed them? It was so confusing.
Within a minute he appeared before you, a single red rose in hand and sheepish smile.
"I'm late I know that but there's no pressure for you. This is not how I expected you to find out, I aimed to flirt with you and only you before making a move so it wasn't thrown on you so suddenly but here we are. Guess I'm not great with girls without you."
With a mischievous grin, you pulled him close by his red hoodie and gently met his lips with your own and you couldn't deny how right it felt - an action you’d hope would quell the warring emotions. You pulled apart, his arms wrapped around your waist and yours on his shoulders.
"You're actually quite adequate, I'm just as surprised as you are."
"Oh you're hilarious." He matched your witty sarcasm, but still you find his happiness intoxicating.
"Can we, um could we take things slow? I know that's ironic to ask the fastest kid alive but please."
"I'd slow down for you, I want to take my time in every moment I get so it won't be a problem (Y/n). I promise." Despite the trace of concern in your voice, Wally was reassuring and sincere with his words so you both felt comfortable in whatever situation you'd crafted.
"So, I assume you won't be mocking my dates anymore."
"I think every date you'll have from now on is gonna be too great for me judge. Ah too bad, I know how much you loved me doing that." The speedster playfully responded with a knowingly satisfied smirk to which you threw him an 'are you serious?' expression.
Later, as you both sat comfortably on Wallys' bed eating pizza whilst a film played in the background, you received simultaneous texts from none other than Dick Grayson - his smugness translated even in a message.
[Dickiebird: Told you so.]
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New follower here! :D I love your work! As for a request? I was wondering how Zenyatta, McCree, Reaper, Soldier, and Mercy would be with an artist s/o. They're super shy and don't show off their work often but one day s/o decides to show their partner a drawing they did of them? I hope you have a lovely day/night~!
This is me if anyone wants to date
I’m also pretty sure I’ve done a piece like this in the past? If I find it (probably on my Wattpad because that’s easier to maneuver than Tumblr), I’ll link it!
Sorry for the long wait; school and all. Welcome to the blog (sorry again for the inactivity
Like what I do? Leave me a tip!
You drew him while he was working in the sanctuary
It’s a picture from your perspective at one of the smaller of the mismatched dining tables
Zen is helping a group of children gather plates of food, either to eat themselves or to carry back to their families
It takes you a while to decide that you’re going to show him the piece, being shy about your work and all
After a long day of work, Zenyatta comes to you with the notion that he sometimes feels like he’s not doing enough
Even some days the brightest light can dim sometimes and Zenyatta is no exception
It’s then that you decide to buck up and show him your work, hoping to prove to him that his notion is wrong
You don’t expect a whole lot in response but are quickly proven wrong
Zenyatta is touched to point where, if he was human, he’d probably tear up
Not only by the meaning of you showing him but by the fact that you care enough about him to show him your work despite your shyness
He’s also greatly impressed by your work, and tells you so
He wants to keep the piece as a keepsake, to remind him that his work matters even during darker days
If you let him take it, he keeps it pinned to his room’s wall, above his personal indoor meditation area
Traveling, he packs the piece up and carries it as a keepsake
The piece you drew was of Jesse cleaning his Peacekeeper after getting home from a long mission
It was just a soft, quiet moment and the lighting was great; you couldn’t help yourself
He probably noticed you drawing him not long after you started, resulting in him flashing crooked smiles and locking eyes with you whenever you looked over at him
He also probably finished cleaning his gun before you were done drawing but made the executive decision to keep pretending do so, so you didn’t lose your muse
When you’re pleased with the finished product, you relax
Only to see your gentle cowman trying to peek over despite being on the far side of the room
Of course, he always respects your wishes and never presses if you choose not to show your work
That doesn’t mean, however, he won’t give you puppy eyes every time to try and convince you to do so
This time, you just so happen to be in a good enough mood to not mind, not to mention he’s been practically watching you the entire time when not trying to be your muse
When you get up to show him, he’s very excited
He’s your biggest fan, regardless of how often he gets to see your work
He just loves experiencing what makes you happy with you
Loses his damn mind when he sees the work you did
Genuinely impressed with and excited about your work
He’s just Like That
Wants to hang it somewhere in the house if you’re alright with it
Will definitely try to keep it whether you want him to or not
If you try to take it from him, it will probably result in a wild goose chase around the house
Even if you manage to get it back from him, the next day it will probably end up framed in the living room
The piece is of Reaper working in his office late at night
He’s still wearing his uniform and hard at work doing paperwork
You’re tired, bored, and, unless you have a tablet or sketchbook on you, are probably doodling said piece on a napkin or the back of scratch paper
You’re sharing his desk and kinda sleepy, so Gabe’s able to catch a glance of what you’re on occasion
During this time, Gabe has probably suggested once or twice you going home instead of staying up until ungodly hours with him, to no avail
Your sleepiness is what gives you the courage to show him your art
Which he is in awe of, but also flustered by
There’s a very clear sentiment to your work, with the fact that you decided to draw him at all and even decided to show him
Considers better than any photo that has been taken of him, especially in his Reaper uniform
He asks if he can keep it, and if you, in your sleep-induced haze, allow him to, he keeps the original piece hidden away in his desk for when he’s having a day that’s rougher than usual
Lowkey wants to pay you for your efforts and thinks it’s not fair that he gets to have your work without you getting anything in return
But that’s something he’ll talk with you about when you’re not half-asleep
If you let him, Gabe will make a blown up copy of it and use it as his official Talon image
Soldier 76
You thought it would be funny to draw the grumpy, hardworking man in a cute, cartoon-y style
In the image, Jack’s in his uniform and poised to fire at an enemy off the page, very serious despite his current cute stature
You think the finished product is amusing enough to show him
You just kind of track him down, push your piece into his face, and ask him what he thinks
Of course, he loves your art and as someone who doesn’t draw immensely well unless it’s battle plans, he’s impressed
“Why is my head so large and why are my arms and legs so tiny?”
When you tell him you thought it’d be fun to draw his grumpy self in a contrasting cute state, a teasing argument breaks out on whether or not he’s actually that grumpy
Mister Soldier “I’m not grumpy; everyone’s just stupid” (AKA “I’m an old man” 76 everybody
Once that settles, he asks if you’re giving it to him or not
If so, he’ll take it and keep it on his at-home office desk
If you prefer to keep it, he tells you that’s fine, compliments your work, and then gives you a smooch on the forehead
If neither of you are busy, you’ll probably hang out and snuggle for a bit too, until Jack’s inevitable workaholic tendencies creep up
Then it’s time to do everything in your power to convince him not to do the thing and stay for more cuddles instead
You drew her while the two of you were lounging around on one of her few days off
She’s curled up in the cozy armchair next to the couch, wrapped in a blanket and wearing comfy clothes that she doesn’t usually get to wear
Reading one book from the several stacks of miscellaneous reading materials that sit on almost every flat surface in her humble home
If she wasn’t a literal goddess, you’d probably consider her a goblin among her hoard
Although, a dragon would make sense too
Yes, and dragons are prettier too
Angela’s definitely a beautiful, intimidating, take-no-shit, dragon with a book-hoarding problem
After your weird self-debate, you chuckle and make a mental note to draw your girlfriend as a dragon at some point
Your little giggle catches said girlfriend’s attention and she gives you a questioning quirked-brow and small smile look over the brim of her book’s cover
It’s a quiet moment and neither of you really want to break the silence fully, so you just smile back and shake your head a bit before turning your piece to give her a quick peak
To which Angela’s response is to break the silence and tell you that it’s gorgeous
She also adds that you were probably weren’t laughing at that, then asks if she can see the piece properly
You hand it to her after she saves her place in her book
You get to watch her marvel at it a bit, gently running her fingers over the lines, before telling her about your dragon idea
Angela cackles and warns that you better make her a pretty dragon, to which you promise you will
She mentions that she’d love to see that piece when you’re done as well
Now it’s up to you to chase your shyness away for long enough to show her
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Jac & Amelia
Jac: Are you okay? My parents would've paid for a cab if they weren't sober enough to drive you back Amelia: My dad was [somewhere nearby cos JJ live in town] Jac: Oh, right Jac: you seized your opportunity then, alright Jac: Is still should've gone with to make sure Amelia: I didn't want her to, she was in too excitable a mood Jac: lol, can't really fault you that Jac: you got a headache, yeah? Amelia: I got the aura so I knew it was time to leave, last time I ignored that I was sick everywhere Jac: That's fair Jac: you do not want that unless you've had a really wild night Amelia: sorry I didn't say bye Jac: well that's okay, if you didn't have time Jac: we were just worried Amelia: is Is okay? I was probably a bit rude to her Jac: Don't worry, she seems fine Jac: you know her Amelia: yeah Amelia: alright cool Jac: make sure you stay hydrated, yeah Jac: and no more screentime Amelia: I'll 😴 it off if I can Jac: Sounds like a plan 🙂 Amelia: it sounds 😕 but I couldn't stay Jac: you can't help that you get migraines Jac: it must be so crap for you Amelia: we've all got crap to deal with Amelia: I wouldn't swap Sav for hers Jac: 😢 I know Jac: she deals so well, considering how fresh it all is Amelia: Where's her boyfriend at? It's not technically a night you can get away with chucking fireworks at your mates or cars Jac: Out on the lash with his mates Jac: or something Amelia: very supportive Jac: yeah, I know Jac: oh well, she had us Amelia: you, you mean Jac: are you not her friend too? Amelia: that's up for debate, but she'd win it over me Amelia: so it probably depends what she wants the answer to be Amelia: and who's asking Jac: She definitely views you as a friend Amelia: okay Jac: No, come on, you don't think she does? Amelia: I know she doesn't Jac: Why do you think that? Amelia: I know it because she's said a handful of words to me lately & all of them are in some way bitchy or patronising Jac: How many have you said to her? Jac: and how nice have you been to her? Amelia: I don't like her, I'm not going to act like I do Jac: Then the issue is a you thing, isn't it Jac: Savannah does like you, and it's not really on to say you know otherwise, simply because that's how you feel about her Amelia: no, it's a me and her clash Amelia: it isn't one-sided Jac: Okay, if you say so Jac: but I don't see her trying to start anything with you, and like I said, I've told you she's told me privately that she likes you Jac: she knows you aren't her biggest fan though Amelia: she would say that to you Jac: Now you're being ridiculous Amelia: no I'm not, she wants me to look like I'm the dickhead and it's clearly working Jac: well no, what she wants is friends who can support her through this tough time and not make her life any more shit Jac: I really do not think she has the time, never mind the desire, to play games to make you look like some kind of villain ??? Jac: we seriously do not need to be that dramatic about things Amelia: fine Jac: it clearly isn't but I'm not going to agree with you Jac: you're not feeling well right now, you're just lashing out Amelia: you sound as patronising as her now Jac: for giving you an excuse for your behaviour? Jac: it's being gracious Amelia: I don't need to be fucking excused Amelia: I haven't done anything wrong Jac: You're being rude to Savannah and now you're being rude to me Jac: you're attacking and saying you're being attacked Jac: just calm down and we can come back to this when you aren't in such a state Amelia: yeah because she's the only one whose dramatics you indulge Amelia: I haven't been rude to her, I've made an effort Amelia: it doesn't change my opinion Jac: You're accusing her of having some plot right now, also of not liking you, being bitchy and patronising...yeah, that's rude, Amelia Jac: and oddly enough, when she went off crying, it was not about you Jac: call it dramatics if you want, but I'd say her home life situation warrants more empathy and listening to than whatever this idea, about us being against you or something, that you've concocted does Amelia: I'm not on her radar when she isn't subtly slagging me off or wishing I'd fuck off, obviously it wasn't about me Amelia: the latter is way less subtle though Jac: You're right in that I'm not indulging this Jac: you're just wrong, that's it Jac: but if you won't listen to reason, and me, then there's nothing else I can do to change your mind Amelia: you wanting me to be wrong doesn't make me wrong Jac: you having no proof for her dislking you, bar the fact you dislike her, doesn't make it true Jac: if you want to walk around thinking people have a problem with you when they don't, that's your call Jac: it's sad but it's clearly an internal issue Amelia: there's proof in every group chat if you want to go back & read it Jac: the fact you're in a group chat together, to plan to do stuff, to talk, kinda negates that Amelia: no it doesn't Jac: totally, when you hate someone and want them to fuck off, you choose to spend time talking to them when you don't have to Amelia: she doesn't spend any time talking to me Jac: well it isn't a private chat Jac: do you expect her to ignore me and Is? Jac: if you wanna have a 1x1 she'd be more than happy, like Amelia: Oh, she ignores Is plenty Amelia: but that's not my fight to have Jac: 🙄 I can assure you, we understand how DMs work Jac: if we wanted to talk just us, we would, and do Jac: and Is seems fine to me, like I said Amelia: great Jac: 🤷 okay then Amelia: 👋 Jac: I hope you feel better when you wake up Amelia: thanks Jac: Night Amelia: goodnight Jac: [hope you do go to sleep so you don't see those gay ass stories] Amelia: [you know she will because she's not actually sick soz gal] Jac: [i mean, you do have 24 hours so bit of a long shot when you're this in love lol] Amelia: [everyone gonna be seeing it including Ty who has been lowkey ignored all night as well] Amelia: [we should say she writes something but then deletes it so Jac only knows she deleted it for the sheer gay drama of it] Jac: [none of y'all got invites to this sleepover, but yes 1000%] Jac: ? Amelia: 🤨 Jac: butt-dial? Amelia: why would I be sitting on my phone? Amelia: I'm not thrashing about with a 🤒 Jac: I don't know why you'd delete a message either Jac: unless you sent me something really 💦 meant for someone else, in which case I wanna know anyway Amelia: I can nurse myself Amelia: though there are loads of lads who would put me to sleep Jac: 🙀 Amelia! Amelia: no Amelia: 🥱 NOT whatever you're thinking Jac: Sure 😉😂 Amelia: 😣 Jac: So grouchy Jac: I'd know if you were texting someone Amelia: would you? Jac: of course Jac: what secret have you ever kept from me? Amelia: I didn't need to before Jac: you don't need to now Jac: you aren't going to shock me with your thirst Amelia: I'm staying hydrated like you instructed Amelia: there's nothing to tell, which is why I pressed delete Jac: What did you say? Amelia: if I repeat it there was literally no point in deleting it Amelia: so no, nothing Jac: Well why did you? Amelia: because it's 😳 Jac: how 😳 can it be Jac: we've known each other at our most cringe Amelia: that was us both being awkward not just me making a massive tit of myself Jac: rude Jac: you're meant to disagree Amelia: alright, I'll lie Jac: you're already being very sneaky, you may as well Amelia: okay Jac: no, tell me, dickhead! Amelia: rude Jac: you're rude Jac: you know you can't just take back a message Amelia: I have & I win Jac: you can't do it without leaving evidence Jac: and I'm not just going to drop it Amelia: 🙄 Jac: why are you saying shit to my virtual face then Amelia: how else am I supposed to speak to you? Jac: I'm not going to apparate into your room 'cos you fancy having a go Jac: don't be a baby, what did you say Amelia: maybe I was saying sorry but you're so undeserving I took it back Amelia: that'd be fitting Jac: oh right, your whole conspiracy theory Jac: you forgot for a hot sec you believed in that, yeah, sure Amelia: it's typical of you to only give a shit about what I'm trying to say when I'm not saying it anymore Jac: you left without saying anything earlier Jac: then you wouldn't speak to me 'cos you were in a huff but yeah, pop off Amelia: I didn't have time to search your 🏠 for you earlier Jac: and I said it was okay but don't act like I was ignoring you Amelia: you were Amelia: but I get it, Savannah's in greater need Jac: oh my God, do you actually get it though Jac: like could you Jac: because this is really gross Amelia: of course I do, her parents are mental and it's horrible Jac: I mean, nicely put Jac: so you don't need to be snippy with me about needing to spend like 10 minutes alone so she can talk about it without my whole family standing around Amelia: I was the one who told you, ages ago, so you already know what I mean Amelia: and I'm not, I'm explaining why I left without saying anything before you hold it against me any harder Jac: you aren't just explaining though, because that was never the question Jac: you said I was ignoring YOU Jac: I said it was fine you left, you had a migraine Amelia: because it's not just about 10 minutes alone so she can cry on your shoulder and you fucking know it's not Jac: you don't like her Amelia: she takes over everything, including my birthday Jac: She was just trying to make sure you had a nice time Amelia: then why didn't I? Amelia: if she really cares so much about what I want, why wasn't it perfect? Jac: She's not a miracle worker Jac: I'm just saying she tried, can you fault someone for having good intentions? Amelia: she cares about you two having a good time, she doesn't try with me Amelia: because guess what, chucking money at something doesn't actually count Amelia: you used to know that Jac: you can't say how much she does or doesn't try Jac: maybe she's really trying, and I happen to think she is, and I've got it on better authority than you Jac: as you said, it's not as if she's had close friends before really Jac: you could give her a break instead of being ungrateful about it Amelia: you could give me a break Jac: no, you're being mean Jac: and blaming her for problems you're having Jac: like how dare she treat you? Amelia: the problem is that you used to care how I feel about things and apparently now you don't Jac: I can care without indulging pointless bitchery Jac: if you told me what was actually wrong with you, I'd listen, I'd do whatever I could to help, you know that Amelia: no, you're not listening Jac: You aren't saying anything Jac: you keep slagging Savannah off, and I counter that and then you stop Jac: what is actually going on Amelia: I've been saying the same thing this entire time, for fuck's sake Jac: When you wanna say what's actually going on with you, and think about that in a way that doesn't involve Savannah Jac: then I'm here waiting Amelia: I don't want to spend time with her, I want to spend it with you Amelia: Why can't we literally EVER? Why does she have to be involved in literally everything? Jac: We do spend time without her Jac: but we can't exclude her when she wants to be involved, she's our friend Amelia: she's not my friend Amelia: I'm trying, I am Jac: okay, she's my friend though Jac: we can spend time together, alright Amelia: okay Jac: pick a day, pick something to do, let me know Amelia: sure, put me on the spot Jac: 🙄 god, not RIGHT now Jac: but give me something more committal than that 'okay' or it won't happen Amelia: okay!! Amelia: are you happy now? Amelia: I just said how much I miss you Jac: like I'm that desperate for attention, again, rude Amelia: clearly not if I have to be the one begging you for yours Jac: oh hush Jac: I invited you to something like, literally 5 seconds ago Jac: you were the one that ruined it with your 🤕 Amelia: I didn't mean to ruin anything Jac: I'm joking Jac: I'll survive Amelia: I'm serious Amelia: and sorry, obviously Jac: it's fine, actually fine Jac: you shouldn't worry about it Amelia: if you want me to try harder, I'll try harder, alright Jac: I'd appreciate it Jac: I think she would too, and you Jac: getting along would just be easier Jac: you don't have to be like, her own personally cheerleader Amelia: I can't work miracles either Jac: you said you'd try Jac: I don't know why it's so hard for you but I can't really ask more than that Amelia: you really don't get it? Jac: No, I really don't Amelia: okay Jac: I'll leave you to it Amelia: bye again Jac: You have planning to do Amelia: you love a competition Amelia: what happens if I lose? Jac: What competition? Jac: I'm not planning anything Amelia: so it's a test instead Amelia: it's the same question Jac: we can still hang out, as you asked Jac: I'll just be bored if you pick something boring, I suppose Amelia: when have I EVER picked anything boring? Jac: 🤷 Jac: we'll see Amelia: don't 🤷 at me Amelia: you've never been bored Jac: you're so touchy 😂 Jac: I can't do anything Friday, by the way, so don't pick Friday Amelia: do you want to assign me a day? Jac: Probably Sunday Jac: I'm working after school every other day Jac: Saturday is up in the air right now Amelia: alright Jac: free time is just not a thing I have Amelia: I know, I'm not touchy about that bit Jac: I'm not going to sit here and tell you you're not boring, Amelia Jac: what kind of midlife crisis Amelia: Shut up, I don't need that from you Amelia: I'm well aware Jac: 👉😠 Amelia: you don't need to teach me sign language either Jac: you're gonna side with the 12 year old asshole on that, are you Jac: yeah that's about right mentality wise 🙄 Amelia: according to you there aren't any sides, we're all friends and everything is 🌹y Amelia: so no Jac: Jude isn't our friend, she's my sister and she's a little bitch sometimes Amelia: yeah, again, I know Amelia: Savannah's the one who needs family introductions Jac: She knows who everyone is Jac: you're being so whiny, it's just annoying now Amelia: leave me to it then, that's what you said you were going to do Jac: Yeah, and I definitely will now Jac: christ, is it any wonder I'm not electing to spend time with just you Jac: think about it Amelia: It's already all I think about Amelia: I don't want to fight with you Jac: it's not hard, Amelia Jac: as I said, Savannah doesn't devote her time to bitching about you, or anyone else Jac: nor does she walk around with a massive strop on all the time Amelia: I'm sorry Amelia: what do you want me to say? Jac: Just stop acting like this Amelia: I'm not acting like anything, that's the problem Amelia: it's how I feel Jac: You're gonna have to sort it out Jac: it's not healthy for you Jac: or good for us or anyone else Amelia: I said I'll try Jac: you've got to Jac: it's for your own best interest Amelia: yeah Jac: yeah Amelia: 👋
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spiffydolan · 6 years
it was cheese pizza, i definitely regret eating it but i was having a cheat day. i hope things get better, you deserve greatness! maybe its because i follow mostly ethan stans rather than gray stans but i even noticed how vicious ethan stans were being in their recent instagram comments. i just hope fans know that words do hurt. its weird because the boys "brand" is being kind to others and accepting, they like it when fans are nice to each other but idk. i don't get having a "lane", i can't get
behind the concept even if i do feel closer to ethan most of the time. i’m glad you can word things so well because i completely agree with everything you said. i think what really got to me was the reading joke, it was just a little much for me because now the stannies will come for gray with that. coming from somebody who does struggle w learning disabilities i know how hurtful that can be. it’s less hurtful coming from ur twin than a bunch of vicious fans that don’t know when to stop.
i think dominant!ethan is hot but i also miss the old soft ethan that was less harsh & appreciated gray more often. i appreciate their new content, i love seeing their real humor & who they really are but ugh!! i just hope this is just a rough patch because i can see how annoyed they have been with each other lately. i want fans to stop being so rude for no reason at all, why can’t we just all appreciate them both considering they both have their own wonderful perks. they’re both unique in their
own way yanno? i wish more fans were like us, i can tell most of the tumblr fandom is more chill about it unlike the twitter and instagram fandom. we seem to all appreciate the boys in their own ways rather than dragging one of them to make the other superior. they’re both flawed but also have their own good things to them. i hope more fans come around to realize their “jokes” just aren’t funny. i can’t support that humor and i refuse to. i bet the twins don’t either. sorry this was messy, i
just have a lot of thoughts on this and i worry that i’m the only one who notices this kind of stuff. some of the fans lowkey ruin certain aspects of the fandom and make you see things differently. anyways yes, at the end of the day i’m sure the boys do love each other and know its shits & giggles ( hopefully! ) but i also hope they realize their harsh jokes can make a bad influence on the rude fans. i’ll always support BOTH of the boys. be careful w ur words kids, equality is key. - nolan
A cheat day? Are you on a diet? Are you vegetarian, vegan, paleo, etc?? I wish I had a more defined, healthy diet… but it’s so difficult when I’m still living with my parents and they aren’t on any kind of diet ya know?
I think both sides of the fandom can be vicious like you talked about. I’ve seen some of the same exact things you mentioned coming from people in Grayson’s lane. I truly hate that it’s like that.
I guess it’s okay for siblings to make jokes like that, and it can be lighthearted and fun. It’s important to know when to stop, and I’m sure they both know the others’ limits. But like you said, fans seeing them doing that to each other might make them (the fans) think it’s okay for them to do it as well when it simply isn’t…
I think, for the most part, tumblr is pretty good about that. I’ve never seen something as serious and harmful as the reading joke on here, but there is definitely some humor here that I don’t relate to which is fine. I know they all mean well, and it’s not ever really harmful (in my opinion). I’m probably just being a little bitch about it hahaha but I know that instagram and twitter stans can be very blunt about what lane they’re in and make harsh lane jokes. I stay away from all of that tho, because I don’t care to see it and it give my energy ya feel?
I think lanes are okay, because they can be fun. Although, it’s completely okay to not agree with the concept. But I stand by the opinion that at the end of the day, every single one of us should be laneless. And if we’re not, then you shouldn’t stan at all. They’ve done everything together from the very beginning, and you can’t truly love one without also loving the other. We’re here to love both guys, support both guys, and appreciate both guys.
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