#loxie has words
loxare · 2 years
Tumblr telling me I can give gifts to blogs I love as if I'm not right in the middle of reporting and blocking their bot ass like ajshatfav
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reystories · 1 month
Sixteen hours… 
Bianca had been in surgery for sixteen hours and she was still in what Loxi had referred to as a ‘delicate time’. 
“But she’s alive.” 
Cathrin replayed those words over and over in her mind, even as she sat at Bianca’s bedside, holding her wife’s hand so tight. She couldn’t get the image of Bianca out of her head. Haggard, still covered in dried blood and dirt, the urgency of taking care of the rest of her body took priority over cleaning up her face. She almost looked like a corpse.
“Please… Don’t look under the cover…” 
Loxi had begged Cat not to pull back the cover on Bianca. She could only imagine how her wife’s legs and right arm had looked. Clearly bad enough that Cathrin had to be told not to look. Clearly bad enough that Loxi, the Lunar Paladin and healer of her squad pleaded with her not to look. Knowing everything that Cathrin has done to others, knowing how many people she had carved up, mutilated, tortured… Loxi begged Cat not to look. 
Cathrin was so lost in her thoughts that the sudden sound of a door closing startled her so much she jumped. She looked over from where she sat, toward the door of the large guest bedroom within the Anteburas home that her and Toni were staying in. There was a slight sigh of relief when she saw the young witch, Dasia Reymheart, standing in front of the door. The girl looked just as tired as the rest of them, her eyes red from crying. She was Toni’s girlfriend of four years and had brought some of Toni’s things to the estate for their stay. 
Dasia walked over and took a seat on the sofa that was in the seating area Cathrin was in. Leave it to Cycaria Anteburas to have a spacious seating area specifically for the even larger guest bedroom. The whole setup almost felt like an apartment, all it was missing was a bath and a kitchen. 
“She’s finally asleep.” Dasia spoke quietly, likely to not disturb Toni in the other room. She drew her legs up onto the sofa, pulling her knees up to her chin while she wrapped her thin arms around her legs. Dasia was already fairly small and curling into a ball the way she was just made her seem smaller. 
“Thank you. She must be exhausted…” Cat was exhausted herself, feeling heavy bags under her eyes and an aching headache from sobbing so much. 
“Hey Cat?” 
“Was Bianca really in that bad of shape that Toni couldn’t see her today?”
Cathrin paused, the image of Bianca flashing in her mind, then she took in a deep breath and nodded. “She wos. And her and I agreed it wosn’t the best time for Toni t’see her… She wouldn’t have been able t’handle it…” She looked to Das with a small smile. “But I’m sure she won’t have t’wait long until she can see her sister.” 
“I hope you’re right… It’s heartbreaking seeing her like this… She’s always so full of energy and today, it’s like she’s a zombie. I’m not really sure she’s even hearing me when I speak to her.” 
“She’s probably jus’ in shock. Toni always saw Bi as indestructible so t’hear this happened.” Cat ran a hand through her hair, pushing it away from her face. “Her world’s a bit shaken, y’know?”
Das pursed her lips and fidgeted slightly on the sofa. “Um… Is it true that Bianca won’t be able to walk again?” 
Cat’s brow furrowed tightly, “Who told you that?” 
“I heard some of the Girls whispering about it. I guess they saw Bianca before she went into surgery.”
Cat held back an annoyed growl, she would have to nip that rumor in the butt before it got too out of control. Although… Bi did seem convinced she wasn’t going to be able to walk again. Cat shook her head of the thought. “Bi’s gonna be jus’ fine and she’s gonna be walkin’ ‘round in no time at all. Don’t listen t’rumors like that, aight?”
Das nodded slowly, “Sorry.” 
“Not your fault. You didn’t say any of that t’Toni did you?” 
Das shook her head. 
“Think she heard it herself at all?” 
“No, I don’t think so. They were in the back and Toni was up at the infirmary door by that time so.”
There was a moment of silence between the two. Cat looked over to the grandfather clock that stood against the wall. “It’s late. Why don’t you sleep in the bed with Toni t’night. I’ll stay out here.” 
“Are you sure? You won’t be too uncomfortable?” 
Cat couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “You kiddin’? That sofa’s probably jus’ as comfy as that giant bed in there.” She thumbed over to the bedroom. 
Das smiled, “Yeah, you’ve got a point.” She uncurled herself and stood from the sofa, walking over to Cat and giving the woman a tight hug. “Sleep well, Cat.” 
Cat smiled, rubbing Das’s back. “You too, Das.” She watched as Dasia quietly slipped back into the bedroom then finally allowed her own walls to come down. She slid down in the chair she sat in, pulling her legs up and curling herself into a tight ball. Like Das, Cat was already fairly small, and curling up in such a large chair made her seem like a child. She brought her arms up over her head, covering her face while the tears took over once more. 
She would cry herself to sleep there, her mind restless and causing her to slip into fitful dreams until morning.
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talenlee · 4 months
Disney's Conversion Therapy Story
There are too many possible titles for this article. You know, Did you notice the gender conversion therapy story in this movie, or that one disney movie nobody watched has some messed up stuff in it or ongoing continuation of Talen Lee’s beefing with Disney corporation every Pride Month. It’s such a shocking thing to see in a story because it requires a really breathless thoughtlessness to commit to doing it, you see.
Okay, first of all, our pieces in places. This is about the 2005, Disney for-the-family, all-ages 3d animated movie called Chicken Little. It ‘starred’ and we’ll use that term generously, Zach Braff, and Severals Others. It’s a story about uh, well ostensibly it’s the retelling of the story of Chicken Little, from Aesop’s Fables, but in this case, that would speak too highly of it. The story of Chicken Little isn’t important here because, as with so many Disney stories, the supposed narrative it’s building off is kinda just a branding thing for Disney to smear its capitalist merchandisable grundle over.
But before I go on, I’m going to talk about some really awful ways women are treated and a bad thing that happens in this movie that I cannot help but compare to and therefore need to provide a Content Warning For Conversion Therapy. The specific kind of Gender Compliance therapy – if you’ve ever been in the kind of school environment where a girl comes home to find all of her clothes changed in her wardrobe or a boy who has their dad take away their pink toys away without talking about it? That kinda thing. Like, the people who are so homophobic that the gender line needs to be enforced through proactive bullying. Oh and Spoiler Warning for Chicken Little but you shouldn’t care.
Alright, the first thing you need to know about in this story is the character of Foxy Loxy. She is uh… let’s generously say, based on the way this movie stylises bodies, let’s say she’s a ‘Fox’ of some variety. Her design is much more of like, well, Foxy Boxy, but you know, whatever, it’s fine, she’s Foxy Loxy. In this movie, she’s presented as a tomboy and a bully, a force of conflict in Chicken Little’s life, by being… well, she’s mean to him, but not in a meaningful way? like she’s unreasonable in how she treats him, she yells at him when he’s in the way, but also there’s no adult in this movie who tells her that that’s bad to do.
Not even Chicken Little’s dad.
Anyway, Foxy Loxy is the antagonist of the first half of this disjointed mess of the movie. Antagonist is a bit overstating it, she’s a bully and she’s mean to Chicken Little but she’s not actually instrumental to the plot of the story. When the time comes to bully Chicken Little over the major event of the story, she’s mean to him in the crowd of every other person in the town being mean to him.
There was a bigger role for this character in the original version of the story, where Chicken Little was a girl in a summer camp and the tension was about fearing that Foxy Loxy was the ‘real’ enemy with the realisation that she wasn’t and Chicken Little’s anxiety needed to be put at war with her need to trust.
Okay, so, Foxy Loxy. Tomboy. Semi-important bully.
Second piece in this story is Runt of the Litter. For this conversation the many sins of Runt of the Litter don’t actually apply. This character is awful, in the way that he is comprised of dreadful Fat Character stereotype rules. He’s emotional, he’s physically useless, he’s cowardly, he’s feminine in his behaviours and interests and he provides resistance against Chicken Little only when he’s doing the things that we, the audience, want Chicken Little to actually do. Runt of the Litter is The Load and we have to take the narrative’s word for it that he is Chicken Little’s best friend, because without that imposition you might imagine that Runt of the Litter is kind of an enemy the story has to overcome.
Runt of the Litter sucks.
It’s intentional, too – the story thinks it’s hilarious that a big fat guy is like this, and how he’s like, he’s called runt of the litter, but he’s actually huge! But he’s wrong somehow, he’s failed somehow, and that’s tied to the ways he behaves and chooses to be.
Now, as for the event:
At the end of the story, all the characters in town have been (temporarily) kidnapped from their homes by aliens. The reason doesn’t matter, it’s all a misunderstanding. The point is, everyone is teleported out of alien containment and into their homes. Everyone is fine, except one individual who is shown as being transported back ‘wrong.’ One of the aliens, who is voiced by Patrick Warburton and is Cop Coded, shows up and explains that they’re sorry, they messed up when they were returning Foxy Loxy to her original state.
How’d they mess up?
Well, Foxy Loxy, who, I need to remind you here is a child, is shown having been teleported back with a scrambled brain that makes her want to be a pretty, highly feminine girl with an interest in… girly things and Not The Things She Was Into. She has a tiny umbrella, a fitted dress to her new look, and Pollyanna curls. And the cop then tells our heroes that hey, they know this is wrong and they are about to change her back to who she was.
Runt of the Litter runs up and interrupts and goes ‘no no no, don’t change her back, she’s perfect now!’ And then, just because he said so, the aliens leave her this way, no adult intervenes, nobody stands up for the integrity of Foxy Loxy’s identity, and she remains this way. Now, she’s into show tunes. We know, because the ending credits of the movie are about showing her and Runt of the Litter singing and dancing and grooving along together. They’re the best of friends now, finally a friend he has who he can share his love of showtunes with and all it took was a cop scrambling her brain and then choosing not to fix it.
You may think oh, this is about dramatic punishment, this is about her being made to address her cruelty to him, that maybe she bullied him about something and now he knows this is her excuse to express something about herself she’s been hiding! That this invocation of a medical intervention to make a tomboyish girl present as something else that is literally enforced by brain altering technology, that’s being done because of something set up in the story priory to this point that justifies it, and this girl has some how done something to deserve this change to her life and mind.
This is the first time Runt of the Litter has ever spoken to Foxy Loxy.
This is a summary of points Fox and I discuss at length on our podcast The Disney Animated Canonball episode Something, Chicken Little.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Happy at Last
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Request: “Can I request super fluffy Loxi x reader where they basically have just a big happy family and another kid on the way?” - Requested by @wearmyheartuponmysleeve​ :)
Summary: The God of Mischief had finally found his true glorious purpose - in the shape of Y/N and their family.
Warnings: None, expect pregnancy. This is just pure fluff!
Word Count: almost 1,3k
a/n: This one was so wonderful and cute to write! 🧡 Thank you, @wearmyheartuponmysleeve​ for requesting! I hope you like it! 🧡
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The day had been awfully long. Helping his oaf of a brother to rule New Asgard wasn't always easy. Especially here on Midgard. Some days were better, other worse. Just as it always has been.
The sun was on the brink of setting, soon to be replaced by the moon, as Loki finally stepped through the door of his - their home. As soon as the wooden door fell gently in its hinges, he felt a rush of peace and calmness flowing through his veins, causing the God to smile. He was where he belonged. Where he always wanted to be. Far away from ruling kingdoms and sitting on thrones. Far away from his 'old life' at the compound of the Avengers. It was more of a prison for him, after all. It was the price he had to pay after trying to conquer New York. But one good thing caused this prison to happen. A thing he would always be grateful for... Meeting her. Y/N. A mortal, an assistant, working for S.H.I.E.L.D - and the love of his life how it turned out. The want of ruling the world and becoming a king faded away and suddenly, his glorious purpose wasn't anymore to sit on a golden throne, oh no. His glorious purpose was now to spend the rest of his life with Y/N. What he did… Eight and a half years ago, he went down on one knee. Eight years ago, he and Y/N said 'Yes' and seven years ago, he got blessed with becoming a father.
And here they were now, a wonderful marriage and two more kids later - with the fourth on the way, settled down in a house of their own. It was near a beautiful lake, surrounded by meadows and hills in New Asgard. Loki had a family now. He was a husband and a father and it was all he could've ever wished for after everything what happened in the past. Slipping off his shoes, he made his way down the hallway. The house was awfully quiet. Not a thing Loki came upon often. Especially not with children. The house was usually never completely quiet. But as Loki neared the big French doors, leading out to their big garden, he heard laughter and rather loud squealing. With a smile on his face, he followed the noises and went out into the spacious, green and blooming garden. The scenes unfolding in front of his eyes made Loki smile even more. The laughing and squealing came from three little girls, who played around in the big, round swimming pool. It was in the middle of summer in Norway and therefore quite warm outside - even though that the sun was about to set. Frigga, the eldest of the trio, named after Loki's beloved mother, carried her littlest sister, Nahla on her back, while swimming through the water. Elli, their second child sat on the inflatable Pegasus the girls had gotten from their cool uncle, Thor. All three of them had their daddy's raven black hair, clarifying that there was no mistaking in who their father was. A little further away from the pool stood his wife, Y/N, watching over the girls and giggling with them. She was also the first who noticed Loki. Nahla, Frigga and Elli were way too caught up in whatever game they were playing. Y/N threw her husband immediately one of the smiles he loved so much about her, as soon as she saw him walking towards her. One hand rested on her seven-month bump, the other went to tuck some loose strands of Y/H/C hair out of her face. The warm summer wind caused her light green dress to sway and in combination with the yellow-orange light of the sun above her, it looked like she was glowing. To Loki, Y/N looked like a goddess. His goddess. "Hey girls, look who's home." Three heads whipped into the same direction on an instant. "Daddy!" The girls squealed excitedly and almost jumped out of the pool, running towards Loki, who squatted down and opened his arms for them to run into. He didn't care that he was going to be soaking wet. No, quite the opposite. He wouldn't want to miss out any opportunity he had to hug his daughters. "Hello, my princesses." He pressed a kiss on every girl's cheek, witnessing how their eyes lit up. "Are you having fun in the pool together?" They nodded excitedly, eyes sparkling. "Will you come play with us?" Elli asked, bouncing excitedly back and forth on her feet. "Yes, daddy pway!" Nahla clapped her small hands, squealing. "Later girls, alright? Let me say hello to your mother first." Loki said, then started to smile mischievously. "But then, daddy is going to get you!" He launched forward and tickled Frigga's and Elli's sides, who squeaked up and giggled uncontrollably. "Okay, okay, daddy!" Frigga laughed. "Now go, play on." The three let go of him again, with adorable smiles plastered on their faces and stormed back into the pool. Loki stood up with a smile as well, his clothes now visibly wet. He stepped over to Y/N and wrapped his arms around her middle from behind, hands coming to rest on her baby belly. "Shouldn't you be resting, my love?" His soft, smooth voice this close to Y/N's ear caused a shiver to run down her spine. "Hello to you, too - and yes, but I can't lay down the whole day, babe. My feet need some movement... Not to mention our three quite mischievous whirlwinds, who keep me up as well." "Alright, yes. I'll let that pass - for now." Loki chuckled and placed a soft kiss on Y/N's neck. "How are you and little Narfi doing today?" He questioned, stroking with his thumbs over Y/N's clothed skin of her stomach. Baby number four turned out to not be another girl. It was going to be a little boy. An entirely new experience for the meanwhile approved parents. Both, Loki and Y/N had been happy to discover that this life they had created was a boy. Not that they would've minded another girl. Not at all. But the idea of a mini-Loki running through the house played out quite sweet inside their heads. "Great, actually. He was a bit quieter today, didn't play a lot soccer with my ribs, bladder or other organs. But my feet are swollen since this morning. It got so bad at one point, that I just decided to run around shoeless." Another chuckle left Loki's lips. "Great to hear that you two are doing good - well... Except for your feet." "Can you probably give me a foot rub later on, please?" "Of course, my love." "Ugh, yes, thank you... My feet are going to appreciate this very much." Another deep chuckle left his mouth, before he pressed another kiss on Y/N's neck, inhaling her scent. They became quiet and just watched their kids play together in the swimming pool.
"I love you, darling." He suddenly whispered. Unbeknownst to Loki, started Y/N to smile brightly. "I love you, too." Loki pulled his wife closer, embracing her further. Yes... This was definitely where he wanted to be. Where he belonged. In New Asgard, close to his brother - even if he would never admit that out loud, at Y/N's side, watching his daughters grow older, as well as baby Narfi in the safety of his mother's womb. Life was more than perfect for the God of Mischief. He had found his true glorious purpose and was happy at last.
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Loxi x M!Reader "Little Brother" 1/2
Warning(s): Cursing, Stupidity :) Note(s): I'm tired of writing the same story that's like 'oh, Y/N has a crush on so and so. And because it's a fanfiction, the character automatically likes them back and they're gonna fuck on rainbow' lol + this is just random lol Pairing(s): Loki x LittleBrother!Reader , Thor x LittleBrother!Reader (It's platonic, you sick fucks) Proofread: I edited words as I wrote Word Count: 798 Words Summary: Y/N has wanted to be like Loki since day one. Wanting to set his brother free, Y/N follows S.H.I.E.L.D. guards and breaks his brother out of the cell only to be captured by the guards then confronted by Thor. Point of View: Third —
"Hey!" Y/N's demanding voice was heard down the cold, dark hallway. Some guards looked back while the others shuffled away to lock the dark haired villain away before interrogation.
"Hey!" The voice got louder as the man with broad shoulders started to charge at them. This was the real test to see who was a coward.
It was easy to tell that none of them were since they worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.
"How did you get in here?" Y/N turned around when he heard his other older brother, Thor. Y/N stormed over to the blonde giving the guards enough time to toss Loki into the cell.
"They took Loki, he did nothing wrong!" Y/N shouted, it must've been an Asgardian trait.
Thor huffed and looked down at the younger man, "He injured and killed people..he tried to take over the planet. If we cannot control him, think about all the damage he could cause!" Thor started to walk after the (H/C) haired man.
"He did nothing wrong," Y/N repeated himself as he walked towards the call in the dimly lit hall. "He was asserting dominance and these pussies couldn't take it."
"What is a pussy?" Thor asked dumbfounded.
"Forgot, I spent more time here with these dimwits than you." Y/N mumbled and continued walking away from the giant blonde.
"You and Loki are so power hungry. Why can you not accept the role you were born in, huh?"
Y/N growled, his hands from into fists and he halted. He turned his body around and puffed his chest at his older brother, "Because I can always be better than what I am. I will never settle." He turned and stormed off yet again.
Thor sighed and walked away, even gods had to take a break every now and then.
Y/N found the room and gasped. "Look what they have done to you, brother.." He looked at the high tech muzzle.
Loki looked up, he was sitting in the corner. His hair was slightly wet. He looked like a depressed shelter dog who was put in time out for being mean to the other dogs.
Loki managed to get up and shuffled to the front. His voice was muffled, but Y/N understood the directions. Y/N grabbed onto the bars and started to bend them. He punched Loki's muzzle and watched it break. "You would think a prestigious organization would make it Asgardian proof." He mumbled
Loki got out of the cuffs and looked at his brother, his eyes watered and his thin lips turned into a manipulative smile, "Thank you, Y/N. I am forever in your debt or whatever these puny humans say."
Y/N nodded and opened the door, Loki got out and started walking towards the exit quickly. Y/N followed his role model, "Thor will not be pleased to know I let you out."
"I thought you did not care what the oaf thought." Loki's eyes looked to the direction of Y/N's voice, but he never turned his head. He got to the exit and touched the door, it felt like sweet..sweet..delicious..freedom!
He opened the door and the alarms went off, soon, the two of them were taken and thrown into another cell. This one had more security, they even had new guard friends to watch their door!
Y/N rolled his eyes when Thor came to the bars, "I know you are upset with me..uh, I guess I'm sorry..even thought I was doing the right thing!" He turned to yell at the guards, "Captivity is immoral!"
"When will you learn, little brother?" Thor looked at Y/N and walked away.
"I've learned...it's just different from what you have.." Y/N huffed and leaned back on the cold steel. "I'm breaking out of here."
Loki looked up from the book in his hands and smirked at the boy. "And that is why you are my favorite little brother."
"I-I'm your only little brother?"
"Just take the compliment."
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band--psycho · 4 years
Loxi x Reader
“Y/N?What are you doing out here?” Frigga asked, making me jump slightly as she did so. 
“I was hoping...to...to have an audience with the Allfather, my Lady,” I stuttered. 
“Come now, Y/N, there’s no need for such formalities,” She said, sending me a reassuring smile. 
“Walk with me,” She offered as she held out her hand, slowly I took it and we began walking down the corridors of the castle.  
“I know why you wanted to see the King,” Frigga began. 
“But I must warn you against it,”she sighed, grabbing my hand lightly as we stopped outside of my bedroom.
“I just wanted to see him,” I explained to her. 
“I know, but I fear he is not the same person he once was..he’s different now,” she said, with a sad look in her eye. 
“That’s all the more reason why I need to see him,” I insisted. 
“Oh my sweet girl,you have loved Loki for half a decade...but...but with everything that’s happened, you need to let this be,” she said, squeezing my hand lightly.
“What if I can’t?” I asked, causing Frigga to send me a questioning look.
“I’ve loved him for five years, I cannot just switch off my feelings for him..even after everything..” I whispered. 
“It is not easy, my dear, I know this. But I fear what the King will do of you do not leave this alone,” at her words I felt a tear roll down my cheek, only for Frigga to place her hand on my cheek and wipe away the tear. 
“I wish there was something more I could do to help you Y/N,” she cooed, I nodded slowly sending her a small smile-I knew that this wasn’t easy for her either. 
“You should get some rest...you look tired,”She said and with that I bid her goodbye and walked through the doors to my room, sighing and sliding down the door once it closed. 
Time Skip-That Evening
I awoke with a start as I felt someone's hand cover my mouth, I went to scream until a familiar voice shushed me. 
“Don’t scream, it’s just me,” Thor whispered, as he removed his hand. 
“What are you doing in here?”I asked, confusion rolling through my head as to why he was here. 
“Mother mentioned your conversation to me,” he began. 
“I can get you down there, but I don’t know how much time you’ll have,” he stated and I couldn’t stop a small smile from coming across my face as I rushed out of bed and followed Thor down to the dungeon.
“My, my, isn’t this a pleasant surprise, my brother and my lover here to pay me a visit,” Loki said as we walked closer to his cell, I could feel my heart beating in my chest as I saw him.
“I’ll keep watch outside, be careful Y/N/N,” Thor whispered, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, whilst sending his brother an almost sympathetic look as he left the room. 
“Did you know that you bite your lip when you’re nervous,” Loki pointed out, closing his book. 
“I’m not nervous, I defended, hating how well he knew me.
“Don’t lie to me, love, I know you too well,” he chuckled slightly.
“I just..I don’t know what to say to you anymore,” I admitted, looking to the floor-kicking myself mentally because I knew what I wanted to say, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say it. 
“It was never meant to be like this, all I wanted was to rule the world with you at my side, as my Queen,” his voice was soft as he slowly moved closer to the edge of his cell. 
“I never wanted the world, or a crown, or the status...all I ever wanted was you..” I sighed, running a hand through my hair, trying to stop myself from breaking down. 
“Why did you do it?” I asked, feeling my voice break slightly, only for him to send me a confused look as an almost worried look came across his face as well. 
“Invade Midgard,” I continued, but all he did was chuckle at my words, pacing along the edge of his cell.
“For power,” he answered simply. 
“You killed people...that army you took to Midgard, it killed hundreds of innocent people..all of that was for pow-”
“And yet you still love me,” he whispered, halting me in my anger. 
“You can try to deny it, but you’re a terrible liar, my love, and your body gives you away,” he said and I could feel his eyes fix on me as a small smirk came across his face. 
“I can hear how quickly your heart is beating against your ribcage, just like it did the first day that we met and everyday since. And you keep avoiding my gaze, afraid that you’ll no longer be able to keep up this little act,” he stated as I mentally cursed myself. 
“It doesn’t matter how I feel...we’re… you’re..everything’s different now…” I stuttered out, moving away from the cell slowly. 
“It matters, and I know how you feel..how you truly feel,” he began. 
“Everything that I did, it was for you, so we could have the life that we-”
“YOU!” I snapped, catching him off guard with my outburst. 
“You did it for the life that you wanted, I never wanted any of this, I was happy with how we were before…” I continued, my voice slightly calmer as I felt tears form in my eyes. 
“And then you faked your death and invaded Midgard…” I choked out, feeling the tears begin to stream down my face. 
“I know how much that hurt you, my love and I can never express how sorry I am for that…” he shushed, sending me an apologetic look. We stood in silence for a few minutes, which I was partly grateful for because it gave me a chance to compose myself. 
“I know you think me a monster, love...perhaps I am..but I never wanted to hurt you. Throughout all of these years, I’ve never had another woman enter my thoughts; it’s only ever been you,” he whispered as I slowly moved closer to the cell, seeing nothing but honesty in his eyes. 
“My heart belongs to you and only you,” he continued, looking directly into my eyes. Part of me just wanted to reach out and hold him, the other part of me wanted to slap him. I should hate him for what he’s done...I should hate him. 
“But you can't, my love, because as much as you want to, amongst all the hate there is love,” he whispered. And he was right, I couldn’t hate him…
“Odin has taken everything from me and my entire life has been a lie, the only thing that hasn’t been a lie or taken from me, is you,” I scanned his eyes and all I could see was honesty...but I also knew who I was talking to, he was called the God of Mischief for a reason. 
“How can I trust you?” I asked,searching his eyes for the truth. 
“I may be the God of Mischief, my love, but you know me, better than anyone,” he began, holding my gaze.
“I’m asking you to trust my love,” he continued and at that point, I just wanted to hug him and never let go. 
“Y/N/N,” I heard Thor shout as he ran over to Loki and I. 
“We have to go, the guards are coming,” he said, grabbing my hand, beginning to pull me away.
I love you I thought to myself, knowing that Loki could hear me, and I was being dragged away, he smiled at me, not a mischievous smirk or an evil smile, no, this smile was genuine.
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peculiar-shardscape · 4 years
and yeah ramble about your bonus level fanpoints please. please do it. i asked politely you have to do it now
d o r i m e .
FUCK. I’LL ONLY RAMBLE ABOUT THE ONES I RLY CARE ABOUT UHM. being on mobile sucks bc i cant do the “keep reading/read more” thing wah
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All I’ll say is, Praedruosis, Point of Eerie Estate stalks Naen but nobody knows about it. That’s why there’s Naen pictures all over the building but we don’t talk about that. Sshh, keep it a secret otherwise she’s coming after my ass-
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Ishi, Point of Stonewall Corridor is... A literal moving stone statue. He can also speak fluent Japanese and is... Hjrhrn... He can either hold you gently or wipe your existence off the universe within .2 seconds. I care he a lot.
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Sperceus, Point of Spectre Study! Very shy bean, is Genderqueer, babey, good bookworme. They have ghost like hands and can actually communicate with ghosts! They have very low self esteem but they’re really intelligent and I love they. :>
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Paci and Ciro, from Pyro Cryo Mountain are probably the two with the most complex backstory because like. They were formerly one entity, who had emotion issues, and temper problems. The entity’s name was Paciro (yes very original, Windy), and they were always able to pull the lever any time they wanted in their dimension
Eventually, they went mad and lost control over themselves, and their dimension got corrupted, splitting the entity in half. Paci is very soft and gentle, and very apologetic. Their self esteem is quite low, but they like to do what they can to please you. Ciro on the other hand is the short tempered asshole in which nobody likes because of how much of a dick he is. Thing is, they only live in their own appropriate side of the dimension, and they’re unaware of one another existing.
Yeah, they forgot about their original self, so they only think they themself exist. They have 0 access to the lever. It is insivible to them, and touching it would only make their hands phase through it, so to them, it doesn’t exist. (So if you’re the Star Saviour and you just sat on the lever without pulling it, they’d think you were floating.) Whenever the lever is pulled, the entity in the former side would “suddenly be knocked unconscious,” and would wake up when the lever is pulled again. However, to whoever was visiting the dimension, it’s like they just switched, but they’re still in the same spot... I really hope that made sense. Probably didn’t. MOVING ON-
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Loxi, Distortion Forest, is a nontheless god damn dickhead that does nothing but piss you off and annoy the fuck out of you until you strangle him. He has the ability to see what you fear, make illusions of them and try to give you trauma because... Well, like I said, he’s a dickhead. Gender doesn’t exist to him, he refers himself as “it” but everyone else just calls him He/Him. He can actually surprisingly withstand corruption, but will stay frozen still for a good hour or so before continuing through. Not like he uses that power for anything though. He doesn’t care. Also, yes, his name is Ixol backwards. Super original, Windy.
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Tucker Trillion but pointifi-/j
Gandi, Point of High Roller Casino!! Rich man, always very formal. He has high manners and high expectations of himself. He seems to keep up a really good act, but if he does something wrong, he goes super apologetic and constantly always fumbles his words and... He’s just really adorable and precious. Also, don’t take his tophat, otherwise that’s instant death for you!!! Same goes for his cape. Take that and he’ll tore your arms off.
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Last one because I’m getting paranoid of myself. Farenight, Point of Final Firestorm! Hot badass pirate gal, aka my wife!! She has a minor habit of speaking Old English, and a very lovely gal! She’s extremely nice, but always willing for a challenge in competition! ... If you’re not advanced in sword fighting, I highly recommend not challenging her otherwise she’ll throw you to the ground and then to your grave/j. She’s really good at beating others in sword fighting, but has a very high mercy level, and sometimes apologises if she’s too harsh on you. If you’re a dickhead, she’ll just whoop your ass and leave.
I have a shit ton more Fanpoints. I have at least one for every single Bonus Level dimension :)
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Daybreak Academy: Chapter 67
Let’s Talk About Us
Summary: In which Gula and Ava talk about marriage. Word Count: 1,674 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
“You know, Shelby,” Ava sighed to herself, petting said turtle with her foot, “If I had known there would be this much paperwork involved with being a headmaster, I don't think I would have been one.”
Shelby gave her a happy little chirp in response. The Vulpes headmaster let out a small laughter before returning to her work. She even started to hum a little to herself as she went on. Silence didn't bother her as she worked, but she always felt slightly more productive if she vocalized what she was doing to others.
Her work was interrupted when she heard her phone buzz. Curious, Ava put her pen down (and also did a good hand stretch to relax those muscles) so she could look at the message. It surprised her to see that Gula had sent her a text.
'where r u? we agreed 2 meet at the fountain remember? hurry up pretty girl'
Ava gave a thoughtful sigh as she rested her head into her hand. Did she and Gula agree to meet at the fountain? If they had, she couldn't remember what fo-
“I forgot about Gula!” Ava quickly exclaimed before rushing out of her office. If she hadn't been rushed so quickly, she would have realized that she had forgotten something (or rather, someone) else entirely. But that was a story for another time. For now, Ava quickly rushed out of the main building and to the school fountain.
Gula was admiring the school fountain as he waited. As far as he knew, the fountain was about as old as the school itself. It was one of the first fixtures to be added at the school's founding, if he remembered correctly. He casually looked into the main pool and gave a light smirk at seeing the munny that had been tossed in by several students. Technically, it was considered an act of vandalism- as per the school grounds rulebook. But who didn't need a bit of luck when that next GPA destroying exam came along?
The Leopardus headmaster carefully looked around the area to make sure no one was watching him. Once he confirmed that the coast was clear, he dug around in his pockets for a bit of spare munny. He mumbled a small wish to himself before flicking the munny into the fountain. Not one second later, he could hear the cry of “Gula!” from none other than his favorite Ava. He turned around and greeted the other headmaster with a smile.
“Did you put schoolwork before the people you love again?” Gula teasingly asked her. Giving a small tsk, he then said, “How dare you Ava. So prudent and goal focused you are!”
Ava didn't have time to respond at first; too busy at catching her breath to properly speak. She must have really ran when she realized that she was late. How cute.
“How do you… not have a… ton of… paperwork to do? You… You slacker.” Ava finally heaved as she looked up at him. Perhaps not with contempt, but something very close to it.
“I let Ira do it.” came the quick, callous answer.
“He seems to enjoy it.” Gula went on to joke. “I mean, he would surely say something about it. Right? You know, something beyond a 'Gula, they are your students so you need to oversee their progress.' He's not very good at getting things across subtly.”
The Leopardus headmaster playfully flinched at Ava's motherly tone. At this point, Ava had regained her sense of being and was now looking at him as if he had interrupted her from her work. Which, in a way, he kinda did. Gula gave her a knowing smirk (one that caused an immediate blush across her features, that beautifully predictive woman) before moving a bit closer to her to brush a strand of her hair away from her face.
“You work too hard, Foxy-Loxy.” he said to her, quietly. Lovingly. “Let's go for a walk in town for a bit.”
Ava raised a suspicious eyebrow at him for a moment, but then she relaxed. “I would like tha-” she even started to say before something suddenly hit her.
“Oh my gosh!” she quickly exclaimed. “I forgot to put Shelby back in his cage before I left!”
“He'll be fine.” Gula immediately replied as he placed his arm on Ava's shoulders. “How much trouble could one little turtle get in to?”
It wasn't enough to satisfy Ava's fear. “What if he gets out of the office? What if he finds his way to the elevator and gets out of the main building? What if he tries to find me, or gets squished by the elevator, or… or…!”
“Ava.” Gula said to her- using a tone that he knew could make her freeze dead in her tracks. “He'll be fine- just trust me on this. Who knows? Maybe he won't go anywhere, and if he does, it'll probably be to find Ephemer. He won't go far.”
Ava continued to give Gula a worried look. Eventually, she gave a small sigh of defeat.
“You're right.” she agreed. “You're absolutely right.”
Gula didn't say anything against this, instead he offered out his arm and gave her a wide grin. Ava looked at him, then at his arm, then back at him again with uncertainty. Slowly, carefully, she let a smile cross her lips, and the two went off to town.
. . .
Gula and Ava walked arm in arm going into town. Gula lead them to a park plaza in between the residential and commercial areas and they continued to aimlessly walk along the sidewalk. The air was cool and light as they went along; occasionally, a small breeze would come by to make Ava shiver slightly. When it happened, she would step a bit closer to Gula for warmth- who, in all honesty, was a bit better dressed for the early September air than she was.
The Leopardus headmaster would steal a look or two at Ava as she happily trained her eyes to the sidewalk. If he listened closely enough, he could hear her hum the tune of her favorite song. For a moment, he could see her dressed entirely in white, humming that same tune as she went down a church aisle. It reminded Gula of something, so he just had to ask her about it.
“Did Invi talk to you about that wedding she was invited to?”
Ava responded with a quick nod. “It's so sweet that her friend was willing to let all of us go along. I can't imagine how expensive it could be...”
“Do you plan on going?”
“I would like to.” Ava agreed, a wide grin spreading across her face. “I can't even remember the last wedding we were invited to.”
“It has been awhile, hasn't it?” he agreed as he ran a sheepish hand along his neck. “You'd think that we'd have attended our own weddings by now. So many of the folks we knew when we were students are already married, some even have kids.”
“Some of us had kids before we even graduated, thank you very much.” Ava boasted. Gula had to laugh at this.
“You were a very plucky 15 year old.” he agreed. “Although I'm sure a few others didn't have the same choice you did. Don't you remember Katrina (I think she was Ninth Year at the time?) and that Brom guy that she ran away with?”
Ava gave a small frown as she wondered, “I thought they eloped? Her dad was so tight fisted on what she could and couldn't do. I didn't think it was because she was…?”
“That's what they say happened.” Gula shrugged. “Who am I to judge? Whatever made them happy in the end, I guess.”
“I guess...”
Gula looked over at Ava, neatly raising an eyebrow in the process. Her thoughts were a bit more somber now- if that small frown tugging the corner of her lips were any indication. They'd never really discussed marriage between them before. In regards to themselves or otherwise. Gula looked back at the path they were walking down and gave a thoughtful hum.
“I think marriage would be a good beginning of the end.” he decided out loud. “Besides sharing a bed and a house, maybe driving each other up the wall on who does what chores, it's not like anything changes between them. Shouldn't change between them, anyway.”
“But what if it doesn't work out?” Ava worried. “What if, even if they thought they were happy, they just… weren't? And one day they just wake up and realize that… that it was all just a… just a waste? All those years together, and they were never really happy...”
Gula gave a soft glance toward Ava, trying very hard not to let his disappointment show. Ava herself had lightly intertwined her fingers with each other as she walked in a contemplative silence. When she finally spoke again, her voice as soft; almost at a whisper.
“Most people get married so they can have kids, or to have a sure place to rest their heads at night. But I already have both of those, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. I don't have a reason to be married at the moment. Does that… does that sound selfish?”
At this point, Gula stopped walking and took Ava by the hands.
“No, Ava,” he softly said to her, stepping even closer to her. “That doesn't make you selfish in the slightest. If anything, it proves what I love about you the most; your sense of knowing what's important.”
“Gula,” Ava carefully said as she looked him over. “What are you...” But she cut herself off the moment she realized where his train of thought was. She looked at him with wide, surprised eyes and was about to say something, but he stopped her with a kiss.
After that, no other words were said between them about marriage. Absolutely none at all.
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hypexion · 5 years
A Pile of Fanwalkers (Part 1)
The setting of Magic: The Gathering is one where you can create as many fun fan characters as you want and it’s feasible that they’d never interact with canon characters. So here’s a bunch of them, escaping from my imagination into this post. There is probably a better way to deliver this information, but efficacy is overrated. But there’s no better time, because it’s “Fan Character February“.
The basic format for each planeswalker will be a Name/Colour Identity/Pre-Ignition Typeline/Homeplane blob of information, a quickish description of them and some “fun“ facts, and then some hits and misses for extra flavour. Also, I’m going to split this into three posts - “Heroic“, “Okay“ and “Villians“, for I believe I have the moral authority to judge my creations.
Also some of these are going to be from fanplanes, which will go undescribed beyond whatever tidbits come out the character flavour. Others will just have a ?, representing a lack of knowledge and/or sufficent worldbuilding. With that out of the way, let’s go!
Using a somewhat loose definition of heroic, these are the planeswalkers that when presented with an injustice, will at least attempt to help. Even if it’s against their better judgement.
Alagard - UR, Human Artificer, Orpheri - As a self styled “Mirror Magus“, Alagard has turned his skill for magical analysis into a method of acquiring knowledge that others would consider out of reach. From simple cantrips, to complex feats of sorcery, there’s no spell Alagard won’t try to copy or take apart at least once. When he’s not commiting “theft of intellectual property“, as the Azorius call it, he might actually be doing his job as an Artificer, constructing various tools used to navigate between the realms of Orpheri. Or he might have found himself in a situation that requires some kind of outside intervention and impulsively intervened. It keeps happening, and once you’ve committed, you’ve got to see the problem through, right?
Alagard has white skin and short blonde hair. When working, he wears the traditional artifacer get-up - protective robes, gloves and safety accessories. Otherwise, he prefers a slightly more elaborate outfit, including a fancy blue long coat with a few too many silver frills. He also carries a Mirrorblade, an enchanted weapon capable of shifting into a multitude of other weapons. It’s pretty handy. When Alagard planeswalks, he seems to shimmer away, flaking off small, short-lived pieces of reflective material.
Hits: Finding new magic, solving problems, fancy coats. Misses: The Queen of Fate interfering with his life, mortal peril.
Heru - URW, Bird Warrior, Amonkhet - As you might guess from his homeplane, pre-ignition life for Heru could have been better. This falcon-aven always had a keen eye for detail, a talent for seeing through deception, and a tad more curiosity than was perhaps safe on Amonkhet. However, even with his growing doubt, he followed the path laid out for him by the gods. When the time came, he passed the Trials of Solidarity, Knowledge and Strength. Many from his crop did not. He might even have passed Zeal, if not for Bontu, the worse of the gods. The pointless brutality of the Trial of Ambition brought Heru’s crisis of faith to it’s peak, a thousand quiet doubts awoken by the senseless slaughter. For many, such a crisis had lead to a quick death. But Heru had a Spark, and it carried him far from Amonkhet. Now, inspired by some owl-aven he met after his first planeswalk, he seeks wisdom from across the multiverse, and wishes to create a better tomorrow.
Heru has light brown skin and brown feathers. Despite leaving his home in a less than pleasant way, he still wears the warrior’s clothing of those who take the trials. However, as he visits more planes and encounters new cultures, he has started to replace the gilded symbology of the God-Pharaoh with simpler patterns he finds appealing. Heru weilds a spear as his weapon of choice, and has recently discovered a talent for pyromancy, although he is hesitant to use it. Heru’s planeswalking effect is burst of golden flame, which occasionally leaves behind a few feathers.
Hits: Philosophy, a target from up to 100 meters, Nicol Bolas’ death, the absolute certainty that Bolas is dead, the lack of possibility that Bolas could return in any way, shape, or form. Misses: Bontu, the false God-Pharaoh knows as Nicol Bolas, large bodies of water, his own attempts at self-delusion regarding what he saw on Ravnica.
Locke - WU, Human Advisor, Noyir - Crime is a problem on many planes, and Noyir is no exception. In fact, it’s starting to get a little dire. Demons run the mob, the proliferation of magical weapons is out of control, and the serial killers seem to be especially nasty. Enter one Sebastian Locke, who has the tremendously useful ability of post-cognition, which allows him to view the recent past of places and objects. Armed with this, and a grab-bag of forensics magic, Locke is ready to take on any case, and won’t rest until the truth is discovered. He’s tangled with the Infinite Consortium, the Ozhov Syndicate, and many other sinisterly name organisations, along with a number of the multiverse’s most dangerous killers. He’s also convinced that Dack Fayden isn’t dead, but I suppose you can’t be always right all the time. (Or he knows something the rest of us don’t. Dack was in deep with the Ozhov, after all...)
Locke has black skin and black hair. He has the look of the classic detective, including the whole trench coat and fedora outfit. Since Locke is actually a detective, and visits a tailor, he looks pretty good in the whole get-up. While he keeps to the traditional drab colours on his homeplane, Locke has a rainbow’s worth of alternate outfits, for when he needs to fit in on another plane. Locke also carries a weapon that is certainly not a handgun, because it uses magic. (He’s from the gritty crime drama plane. It’s a gun.) When planewalking, Locke disappears into a swirl of grey fog, which quickly dissippates. Notably, this action takes him less than a second, making it an effective escape tactic.
Hits: Outwitting criminals, unravelling conspiracies, coffee, due process, elaborate crime boards. Misses: Serial killers, assassins, murderers and blackmailers, police corruption (of both the “taking bribes” and “magically becoming a demon” kinds).
Loxy - RW, Elephant Warrior, ? - Needless to say, Loxy’s name isn’t actually Loxy. It’s short for something. But when she points out that humans can be called Hugh, are you going to argue with the Loxodon who’s likely bigger than you, and carrying a war mace? Probably not. Of course, Loxy probably won’t smack your head clean off, provided you’re not some sort of evil-doer. She’s actually pretty nice, if a little over-enthusiastic some of the time, once you get to know her. Loxy is on a crusade against injustice, to right the wrongs of the multiverse and ensure worlds where the peaceful can live in peace. Many cruel and vile beings have met their end at Loxy’s hand, and I won’t mince words: all of them deserved it. Others have decided that reform is the greater part of not getting crushed by a Loxodon, and gone on to be nicer people.
Loxy has grey skin, because she’s a Loxodon, and whatever kind of hair Loxodon have. Loxy can generally be found wearing her armor, which she keeps polished and clean, in order to make a good first impression. As mentioned before, her primary weapon is a mace, but when you’re an almost eight foot tall elephant-person with foot long tusks, you never need to rely on a primary weapon. When not dressed up for battle, Loxy prefers to wear simple robes, just in case a fight breaks out. Somewhat surprisingly, Loxy’s planewalking aura is fairly subtle. She glows for a moment, before disappearing, leaving behind small balls of light.
Hits: Justice, stopping evil, can-do attitudes, the general concept of the Gatewatch. Misses: Injustice, the unrepentant, those who accept an unjust world as “natural“ and so refuse to seek improvement.
Velos - GU, Elf Shapeshifter Wizard, Ravnica - Have you ever head the story of Velos the wise? No? I thought not. It’s not a story the Conclave would tell you - he’s a Simic Legend. Velos has the power to manipulate biomancy to take on any form he wishes, even ones that are “decidedly male”. His ultimate goal was to be able to mantain a form indefinitely, which eventually, he achieved. Now Velos mentors promising biomancers in the ways of shapeshifting. He’s also taken up cataloguing some of the multiverse’s most adaptive species, which rather worryingly includes Slivers. Additionally, he has also pioneered several shapeshifting based treatments, to help those who need their bodies reworked. Velos is, at heart, a healer, and will offer help to anyone he encounters who may need it. He believes that everyone should be able to live their lives in good health, in the form that they find best fits them. On occation, this has brought him into conflict with some Simic factions, especially those who ignore the rather important factor of “informed consent.“
Velos’ prefered form is that of an elf, with pale skin and equally pale blonde hair. Many have noted that this gives him a strong resemblance to the elves of the Selesnya Conclave, although few really care. Those attempting to investigate his background do not get far, as the Combine wishes to focus on the future, and the Conclave would never admit that someone may have left them. Velos does not carry weapons, preferring to save carrying capacity for a portable laboratory, since he can’t take samples back to Ravnica from other planes. He also doesn’t really need any, since he’s long since mastered the art of transforming himself claws, spines, chitinous plating and other offensive and defensive body parts. While he hasn’t reached the fluidity of a naturally born shapeshifter yet, Velos is still capable of rearranging himself to multitude of forms, with very little delay. When planeswalking, he disappears into double-helix of blue-green light.
Hits: Discovering new species, the endless convience of your hand being a multi-tool, trans rights, a kind of tea that only grows on Kamigawa. Misses: Not being able to grow that tea on Ravnica, the concept of a “true form“, walking into things because he shapeshifted in a weird way.
Look at all these nice people. All of them would probably be into Gatewatching except maybe Velos. He’s more into providing medical care, as opposed to the Gatewatch’s more active form of heroism. Next up will be people who are still ‘nice‘, but in a generally more passive or distracted way.
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ad1ostoreador · 4 years
>> Spill over.
(in which a very small sand castle is built, @ad1ostoreador actually manages to Verbalize a Feeling or Even Two, to @blurry-end-evil, and they commiserate over the wreckage one Serket left of multiple lives.  warnings: features an abuse survivor still being angry and venting off steam about the experiences that left physical and emotional scars on him, and the people who stood around and watched it happen, in ways that are not particularly forgiving or flattering to anyone involved.)
Tavros has flown himself to physical exhaustion, if still nothing approaching sleep, and is now sitting sort of huddled up on a dry hummock of sand, some distance along the beach and nearly out of view from the main hive.  He's got his knees pulled to his chest and his arms around them, ears pinned back, and is still wearing somewhat smeared facepaint.
Loxi was looking for Tavros, for once glad the troll was tall, with big horns. Though right now, he's not looking so tall. Quite the opposite, in fact. He's on tumblr, he can't have missed it being filled by one Vriska by herself. How surprising.
He walks on the beach towards the curled form, stopping somewhat in the bull's line of sight. "Hey TV. What you're doing here ?" For once he's not teasing, just asking neutrally.
He barely lifts his head and doesn't look up, but one ear pivots to follow Loxi's approach across the sand. "...just sitting."  His answer is as neutral as the question.
And here goes Loxi, flopping himself near to him, vaguely cross-legged. "You look like shit." He informs politely.
"Are you going to take me for an idiot again and pretend everything is peachy ?"
He snorts, shrugging a little. "I, uh, don't really care what I look like, right now... and, probably, you saw enough of the dash, to, um, draw your own conclusions... unless you are actually not following anyone at all, and also living in a hole..."
"Ha, ha. Believe it or not, I'm actually following people. Tho, yeth. I have hypothethith." A small grin. "Couldn't mithth how thith part of the web thuddenly got even more webs. But I wasn't thure it could make you go be all depreththed on the beach."
"I'm not depressed..." Not today.  Today, he's just... frustrated and helpless and grouchy.  He's not sure whether it's an improvement or not.  "...they always crawl out of the woodwork in bunches. Like one isn't more than enough..."
"I'm thurprised tumblr didn't crumble under thith army of eight patth creatureth, yeth. They're thtill good at fooling their world, it theemth." He leans back on his hands.
"...it's like people just...--" He cuts off again, rubbing at his mouth with the back of one hand, and making a noise that isn't entirely unlike a growl.
"Forget  ? Forgive  ? " He offers, rather neutral, but... A little bitter, too.
"...never cared, at all, in the first place, unless it happened to personally, uhh, inconvenience them, like maybe some blood got splashed on their shoe, which they then had to try and clean off, because it wasn't a pretty color." It's half-muffled into his hand, or his knee, or just a low, tense mumble in the first place.
"People are aththole. What elthe is new ? Either they're shithead and don't care about what she did, either they're too nithe and forgive her. Or too thtupid and she manipulate them." He huff himself. Loxi tries to act as if things don't really touch him usually, but... He lost a lot, too.
"Mothtly, other don't get it. Why would they care ? Eh."
ad1ostoreador: "...even the ones who try and talk like they care... don't. Not really. It's always more important to them to chase her quads, or pretend like she's some sort of friend or something.... just shove everything under the textile square, right? If nobody talks about it, it's almost like it didn't happen, and it's all my fault if anything is maybe, not pleasant, a little, because I should have just gotten over it, like everyone else did, ha ha! It's not like she took anything important, just my best friend, and my future, and my legs, and my whole life, that I had..."  He's... possibly a lot closer to tears than he'd like to be. Ugh.
He won't point it out, even look at the sea rather than him to not make him feel too self-conscious. He's not good at comfort, but that doesn't mean he'll be an asshole here. "I know. I was here, remember ? She maid me kill AA. Tho, I disagree with whatever thome shithead who wantth to feel better than they are, forgive her or find her excuses. She turned fun games into dethtroyed lifes. I don't thee why the fuck you should be over it, or me, or anyone wanting to be mad at her. She could die under my eyes and I wouldn't even move a thingle finger."
He breathes noisily, annoyed now. Frustrated, too. Sometimes he wish he could have made her pay, for real. "She made your already hard life an impoththible one. If cullers had found you, you'd be dead. As if being a lowblood wasn't giving uth enough to handle, already. But, nooo, mithth blueblood don't thee why we're all tho mean with her, really, we're all awful." Loxi rolls his eyes, hissing a bit.
It gives him time to get his breathing back under control.  To fight down the ghost of remembered pain in his back that is trying to make his legs go numb and nerveless, and to quash the little surge of panic that is the automatic response to that (lack of) sensation.  He digs his claws into his knees a little, then shifts, clumsily.  "...My legs are okay now, but... all of it still happened."  A shaky exhale.  "I don't have to forgive her, or forget it."
"Of courthe not.  Magical repairing or whatever it is, it doesn't suddenly make everything fine again. And it'th not like she is the one who gave you your legs back. Right? Tho she didn't do anything to detherve forgivenethth. If she even could detherve it to begin with, which I doubt."
He's sort of enjoying having someone to trash her with.
"She's dead, and I'm not sorry at all," Tavros mutters.  "I'm never going to be sorry about that. Or decide that I am, um, okay with listening to some other version of her brag about all the terrible things she did."
"Is she ?" He lifts his arms straight above him, and let himself land on his back, on the sand. "Nithe. Finally thome good fucking news.'
Loxi snickers. "At leatht it meanth there's one lethth in the fuckery of the multiverthe. But, yeah, why you have to do that ?" He lift himself on his elbows. "You don't have to juthtify yourthelf, you know ? She did awful things. Kick her, kill her, ignore her. All good choice." He grins, now. "Pretty thure she'd prefer you kill her than you ignore her, the bitch."
He hackles up a little, hair prickling up in a crest, and flattens his ears, but at least he actually looks at Loxi this time.  "I have... a negative amount of care, actually, about what she wants, or wanted, or would have preferred.  All I care about is that she's gone, and at least one version of her... can't hurt anyone else, ever again.."
He stares back. "It'th what I thaid. And I altho thaid ignoring her is probably the betht. I guethth I'm jutht more revengeful than you." It's not judgemental, just a fact.
"...We can't make people thee the real her, though. Thadly."
"...I know. Nobody ever... wants to see it, until it's too late, and she's... broken something they actually care about, in a way that can't be fixed."  Tavros rakes a hand through his hair, trying to smooth it back down.  "....it's just... really tiring." He isn't even sure if he means the effort of trying to blacklist and block and filter her out, for his own sake, or the struggle of trying to maintain any trust at all toward people who let her in.
He nods tiredly. "She's just like... A life viruth. Or a happynethth viruth. It'th in her code, she won't change. It'th bullshit."
Loxi goes back to sitting position, crosslegged and elbow on his knee so he can rest his jaw in his hand. "You warn people, but they don't lithten. What elthe can you do ?" It's a rhetorical question.
"...I don't even try to warn anyone anymore," he murmurs, voice quiet and drained.  "It doesn't do any good, it never did... and no one cares.  Maybe whatever... weird timeline versions everyone else is from just... magically happened to fix whatever was broken in her, so that she could try not being a terrible person, for once.  But... I don't have to trust that, or believe it, and I don't have to try to help her anymore, when most all those, uh.... versions of her act and sound and do everything just like she always did."
He sighs, deeply, rubbing both hands over his face (and really making a further disaster of his facepaint). "...it doesn't make me a bad person, for just... not being willing to put myself in that position, with her, ever again..."
He listens quite patiently, ears twitching. "Thure. You're trying to convinthe me, or you ? Because." Loxi raises one finger. "To me you're, for onthe, right. Tho I don't need to be convinthed. Thecond-" He raises a second finger. "I'm no exactly good at comforting people tho I hope you don't expect that from me.
Tavros snorts again, muted, but almost smirks a little at him, ears still low.  He doesn't know who he's trying to convince, honestly, but it does feel good to get the words out without anyone turning it into something other than what it is.  "...Okay, I get it, you have a thing for 'two'... you don't have to try to convince me, I know..." blurry-end-evil:
Smirking back, he stick his tongue out at him. "I jutht, honethtly had only two pointth to make. Like often."
Tavros scratches his jaw with one finger. Maybe a rude finger.  Oh look, there's the other one, to match.  "...Maybe I just don't, uh... feel like going back inside, yet."
Nice, two of them. He snickers. "You better not. Your fathe lookth like a grub rolled in paint then rolled on your fathe."
"I'll clean it up and redo it... might keep wearing it, um, more often..."  He shifts a little, wings making a subtle crickety rasp as the edge of one drags against the edge of the other.
"Thure ? I'm gueththing it'th a thing between you and Gamzee. I am not really contherned by thieth piethe of info." He's just a little perplexed.
"Yes... and also no?  It's... I don't know.  I guess... I want to, uh. Show some respect, toward the one who made this whole place."  He shrugs, sheepishly.
He frowns, thinks. "Thith plathe is linked to the religouth figures of the clown church ?" Not that he knows them, he just. Suppose.
He's a bit surprised that Loxi has heard of them at all, to be honest.  "Um... yeah, kind of. Maybe not in... exactly the way they thought, but.  One's a destroyer... but the other one is a maker. This place exists because of the Muse..."
Between playing and sniffing online, he heard a lot. That and he still heard people talk around him, on the ship. "How do you know that ?"
"Because we met her..."
He's genuinely surprised. "Hm. Okay. What she lookth like ?" Loxi could call him a liar or naive, but. Doesn't sounds fitting, here.
"Tall... and, uh, green.  Kind of... bony-scaly? She was... very different from anything that I might have expected."
"A thcalebeatht thkeleton ? Original." He's amused, but not like he doesn't believe him. Loxi he's pretty sure Tavros isn' tthe type ot invent this for fun. Further not since it's touching a topic important for his matesprit.
"Just... very different. Her, uh... 'brother' was tearing everything apart, where we came from.  From the stuff she said, he... was the kind of same cheater Vriska always was.  If he wasn't winning, he'd just... twist all the rules around, and make it so he had to, no matter what."  He grimaces a little, giving his head a shake. "...I told her, the only way to, uh, win a game, with that kind of person, is to stop playing their game at all, and walk away."
He raise an eyebrow, interested by the story. 'Did she lithten ?"
"...I kind of... think that listening was maybe a thing that she did."
He burst in a snicker at that. "Shit, could oyu make thith thententhe even longer ? Normal people jutht thay 'yeth'. Or 'I think'." Loxi doesn't sound very mean, but he's definitely amused a mocking a little.
"And, tho. She created thith planet ? For you ?"
Tavros blinks at him, mock-innocently.  "Maybe, I don't like to make, uhh, firm statements, about what reasons for doing something another person may have had, unless they have personally explained them? But... she made this place, and... I like to think it's for everyone who never got a chance, to be free from all of that time-loop stuff."
A grin. "You mean, every thtray troll you can manage to thave and bring here ?" This time it's a tease.
He huffs, quietly.  "...I wasn't going to just sit around while an imperial ship caught up."
"Oooh, thir Nitram thank you for thaving my poor thcrawny athth~" Then he snickers. "Good thing you did, though. For me, at leatht. For you, I'm not thure, cause now you have to deal with me." He's grinning, highly amused.
"You're not, uh, nearly as bad as you think you are," Tavros points out, amused.  "...Scrawny, yeah, but..."
He tries to take an offended face, but he can't fully erase his grin. "Excuse me ? I'm tho bad. A true movie villain. Awfulnethth in perthon. The evil thtraw, it'th me."
He rolls his eyes, then shoves his shoulder a little, but gently.  "Okay, we've both met Vriska, I don't think anyone else is really going to, uhh... manage 'movie villain' levels of awful, compared to that."  Being able to crack a joke about it is at least an improvement.
As a legitimate scrawny gremlin, he nearly stumble to the side at the shove. Is he exaggerating for dramatic effect ? No one will know. "Shit, you're right. I'll be thith annoying thecond role that always annoy everyone then. I let you the 'naive but big hearted' hero role. I know you want it."
"Okay, if that's what you, uh, insist..."  He huffs, lightly, then just sighs, wings dragging faintly over each other again.
"What. You thee me as the hero of anything, really ?" He mocks, though he's probably rather mocking himself. Then, just because he can, Loxi use his psionics to start building a very small sand castle on Tavros's knee. Or shoulder, if the knee is obstrued.
"Strictly, uh, the sidekick.  That's the, um, secondary role, right?" A little smirk.  He doesn't move to dislodge the sand being piled up on his knee, though.
He huff, displeasure visible. "The thidekick is often jutht thtupid and clumthy to make the hero lookth better." He's making a neat little sandcastle. Tryings to get whatever not-sand he find to land in Tavros's hair. Enjoy cleaning that, Gamzee.
"I could be the one with brain thells and computer who's thaving the night by actually thinking and making plans tho the hero don't die, though."
"If you are watching movies where the, uhh, sidekick is stupid and clumsy, then probably I don't know what kind of movies you're watching, but you should maybe find better movies, that don't suck?"  He snorts, then gives his head a shake to shake out debris all over Loxi, too.
Except avoiding getting them in his eyes, he doesn't bother avoiding or removing the debris. The sandcastle is not so miraculously still there, thanks to psionics. "I had only alternian movies. Where the thidekick is always a thtupid and clumthy lowblood, you know. And now I altho watched Moana, where her thidekick are a terribly thtupid featherbeatht and a thupposedly cute oinkbeatht. "
"We need to, uh, show you a bunch more human movies.  They're really alien, in how they look at things, sometimes, but... some of them are actually pretty good."  He brushes at his hair then, with one hand, still not minding the sand on his knee.  "Anyway, I don't think that I have ever thought of you as, uhh, terribly stupid, or a featherbeast?"
"Thank you. " He says, wry and amused. "I know I'm rather a thmartathth, in every way. But thavynethth can't always thave you, or your friends."
Loxi shrugs, looking not bothered. Only looking, though. "I prefer to be thome shitty thidekick not allowed to pilot the ship in fear they'd make it crash, than to be the motor of thaid ship." It's said with a snicker.
Tavros laughs a little, shaking his head. "Well... being a, uh, power source isn't something which you will need to worry about, here, ever..." His smile fades, then. "...Sometimes, nothing can save anybody. But... sometimes we can."
He stares at Tavros, then turn towards the sea. Without his focus on, the sandcastle crumble on the troll's knee. "...Maybe thome can thave people, and others jutht attract death."
As if nothing happened, Loxi turn to grin mischieviously at the bronze. "You know, like thome kind of... unlucky charm. Garanted to not bring you luck."
His expression turns more serious, then. Severe, even. "...I don't believe that luck is, uhh... really a thing."
He lean back on one hand, tilting his head as he smile more than grin, for once. "Each one their beliefs, hm ?"
"Yeah, except when you're, uhh, just really wrong." A little bit of a shoulder-bump, fleeting contact. "Also, you're here now, so..." He dusts crumbled sand off his knee.
He's a little more ready this time, and just chuckle under his breath at the bump. Loxi is not... Really used to contact. Even before the helsman thing. "Jutht watch me, I'm gonna attract thome disathter on your pretty planet by the only forthe of exithting and being here."
He's... Only half serious.
Yeah, that makes two of them, between distance and social isolation. Even after a sweep or so with Gamzee, and time on the meteor before that, Tavros is... extremely skittish and careful about touching literally anyone else. "Or, you will be fine, and so will the rest of us, and also the planet..."
"I am very grateful for you to thay that." His face is serious, until it split in a grin. "Because either it'th true and then good, or you're wrong and the night it'll all go to shit I'll be able to thay 'I told you. I was right.'. A win-win."
"In that case, maybe I should point out that I'm right, in the meantime, every night." He sticks his tongue out a little.
Shit. He pouts, having not thought of that option. "Make it a thweep, and I'd call it fair."
"If we get to one whole sweep, and there, uh, hasn't been a disaster here, just because of you being here, specifically, then you have to publicly admit that you were wrong."
He winces, and actually weighs it... The tip of his tongue poking out as he calculate the odds. "...Okay. Deal. I guethth I don't need to find a forfeit for you, you'll have enough at handling the disathter and my gloating."
"Also, your computer having some kind of, uh, error, does not count as a disaster."  Snort.  "And you dropping a bowl of food on the floor, also, does not count as a disaster.  And neither do things which have nothing to do with you, and that you could not possibly have caused."
He glares, but quick smile again... And lift a finger. "Firtht, my computer don't have error. Thecond -" And here lift the second finger. "Of courthe, we talk about real disathter here, not KK'th tantrum level.
"Just, uhh, preemptively ruling out some things, so you don't try to get away with claiming something silly as a 'disaster', to avoid admitting I was right..."
"You're thuggethting I'm a cheater ? I'm not. At leatht, not when I play againtht thomeone."
"That is, um, good, because I wouldn't want to play games with someone who cheats... but I am looking forward to winning, pretty thoroughly."  He flashes a grin at him, almost cockily.
He can't help but grin back, excited at the prospect of challenge and safe competition. "You wish. I'll beat you at any game, TV." Maybe not, but Loxi believe it.
"It's going to be funny to, uh, watch you try, anyway," he retorts.  It's definitely a safer way to compete.  There's nothing enticing about real harm as physical stakes, to him. Not anymore, if there ever was.
They're two, then. As much as he likes competition, Loxi would probably panic at anything turning into a fight, or close to. Some child-like fight would be okay, but anythign more... Would not. "You dream as big as your horns, but I wouldn't bet a coin on your thkills."
"If you keep, uhh, pointing out my horns, I'm going to think you have a complex..." Tavros grins, teasing.  "And also, out of the two of us, who on this beach right now, has been a ranking regional champion, at a game? Because I am pretty sure it's not you..."
A snort-huff. "You're kidding me ? You're the one talking about them as if you perthonnaly built them." He blinks at the next information. "If you're bragging about the fact you're a regional champion of thith planet, I wish to point out there's lethth than ten people living here..."
Loxi shrugs. "I've had my thuccethth on Alternia though. Got a pretty dethent claththment." He had the bad habit to quickly look at a game's code though, and it caused a bunch of ban. That and he liked to bother people even more than wining.
"Grew them myself," he adds, and waggles his brows a little.
"I'm not talking about this, uh, planet... I mean back on Alternia."  His grin turns a little softer.  A little sad.  "With Aradia... we were pretty good players.  Before, um... everything happened."
"Well, thame for my bulges and you don't hear me talk about them all the time." He mocks a bit, but his grin drops at the mention of Aradia.
"Oh, that. Yeah. She talked about it a lot, but I didn't know it was ranked." His face is neutral, which is his form of 'depressed', probably. Loxi likes to believe it's behind him. To pretend it's not keeping him up at noon. "Not the same as a video game, though." He tries to get the conversation on a less mourning topic, maybe.
Aradia's always been a... sensitive topic, for Tavros.  Especially where any version of Sollux is involved.  Some nights, he wants to just remember her, but blame is a complicated thing for them both.  He lets the topic drop, aware that now probably isn't the best time, and settles for flicking a bit of sand at Loxi.
"Yeah, well, some of us aren't, uhh, allergic to going outside..."
"Computers are better inthide, and Alternia's outthide wasn't exactly a nithe walk in... WHatever is peaceful and thafe." He gesture vaguely to illustrate his thought.
"You also lived in a hivecluster."  He shudders a little, exaggerated.  "Too many people, all crowded together..."
"I didn't thee them much. And what can I thay. Inthide is just my natural habitat." He has... A ton of reason, for that. But none that he's willing to talk about. "My neighbourth had the good tathte to ignore me, and I did the thame. It was great. I didn't have to thit on the thand, getting thome probably everywhere up to my nook, to lithten thome rude troll inthult my thkillth at video gameth."
It was hard to miss the way Loxi was grinning at him though, Loxi making it obvious he was just teasing, and not truly minded. He would have left, if he did.
Tavros raises a brow, glancing down, then back up again, but says nothing further on the topic of Loxi's anatomy with regards to sand.  "So, you're just doing all that, for the pleasure of my, um, company?"  Smirk.
"Who knowth. I've always known to have shitty tathteth, after all." He smirks right back, raising an eyebrow.
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loxare · 1 year
Dracula Daily rating: NOT CUTE. There are so many things wrong here. The enclosure is too small. Jonathan Harkers NEED to be able to wander around and socialize with other people. He is getting nowhere near enough exercise or enrichment. And the only other place available for sleep is far too dangerous! A Jonathan Harker who feels safe will, of course, not normally seek out other sleeping places, but one should provide SAFE and COMFORTABLE extras, just in case he wants to try something new. Additionally, Jonathan Harkers are very time conscious, as seen in his behaviour around train schedules. Asking him to write a letter and give it the wrong date is very distressing!! I could go on, but I feel this is damning enough
My recommendation is to remove this poor Jonathan Harker from this environment immediately and give him a Wilhelmina and a seat next to a train station with punctual trains until he calms down
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empressv2020 · 5 years
High Noon
Chapter 2: Wakey wakey
 Pairings: Loxi x Black Female OC
Warnings: Light swearing
Part:1 of who still knows?
Words: 564
Summary: Loki’s point of view from waking up in this new land all the way to meeting the Empress.
 A damp dark cell of onyx tiles with blue flecks in them contained 3 bodies that quietly and judgingly eyed the Asgardian  Prince as he tried to no avail to explain who he was and how if the guards didn’t let him out, they’d have hell to pay.  While these were pressing matters, he was more concerned with where the tesseract was.  He’d finally gotten the chance to escape with it, he took it.  And now he was in a foreign land…he thinks.  His eyes had not yet seen anything past the current 4 walls for this is where he was when he regained consciousness.  His powers were useless as well.  What was this place?  Everything was fuzzy.  No memories were clear and everything was hazy.  He was spiraling quickly.
The Demi god took to sitting on the floor, back resting against the smooth but dingy tiles.  He surveyed the area.  Everyone seemed…healthy.  Toned. And the guards were as built as they come, bulging muscles covered their entire tan bodies.
Tanned skin.  This has to be a nation with plenty of sun.  A prosperous nation judging by the fact that the other members of his jail cell were far from starving.  He began to feel inadequate.
Wait what was he thinking?!  He’s a LITERAL god of legend!...but none of these simpletons seemed to know or care. Taking a deep breath, he let his head hang to his knees.
A few moments later, the cell doors were opened!... and each of them were immediately put into cuffs and were being led away.  It happened so quickly, he’d barely had time to process.  After a long walk through a damp dark tunnel, there was finally light.
 The morning light was almost blinding.  As soon as his eyes adjusted though, the view was breathtaking.  It reminded him of Asgard in regards to splendor and glory, but the land was much greener.  Laid in front of him was a gorgeous crystal palace with towers that just barely grazed the fluffy white clouds floating above.  It looked like something out of a children’s story.  The air smelled of a sweet floral aroma carried by a gentle breeze.  Behind the landscape of the palace, two waterfalls could be seen falling from a mountain side.  The morning sun shone perfectly through its mist to reveal a gorgeous rainbow.  If Loki didn’t think he might be walking to his death, he would have enjoyed reveling in the beauty of the world longer.
Finally they came to a mahogany door on the side of the palace with gold detailing. In the center lay a crest or symbol of sorts, but he didn’t have time to quite make it out.  All he was able to catch was “Xaha Lā” written under it.  
Inside the palace he stood in line marveling until a voice further away caught his attention.  There was a man’s voice.  He was…explaining crimes.  And then there was a woman’s voice.  Smooth and flowing like velvet with power and authority behind it.  Was she perhaps the general?  Or a judge?  It was then that Loki decided the best plan of action would be to try and speak with the king.  Monarch to monarch.  Fucking idiot.
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micerhat · 5 years
Where did you get your bjd, they are really pretty
Aw thank you!  I got them Ebay/Etsy/Fabric Friends Doll Shop (US dealer) and from import dealers.
Just to warn you, I do have RC in my collection (I have shit morals, but I can’t justify wanting to slap paint all over a $250+ doll vs $84)
I will say overall support the artist and in comparison of quality, seriously go with the legit because recasts come with a whole slew of issues:  Such as being strung odd so the knees like to fold up unless braced in a particular pose and the S hook is temperamental.  Also you’ll catch hell from the communities - which is why I stay the fuck out of them for the most part, just enjoy my dolls and I’m mindful of what gets tagged as legit and I am straight forward with what isn’t.
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From left to right:
Pipos - Cheshire (eBay)
He’s cute, but his teeth were screwy to get put in and the tail where it is makes clothes options a bit interesting at times.  Also, he’s friggen big, but solid body and good posing range for a recast. 
Fox Bjd - (Etsy) - VulpesAnchDoll
Seriously, the fox is awesome but the tail does make standing/balancing a little tricky at times.  But the artist is wonderful with their communication and overall has some really unique dolls in their shop!
The Soom Emporium - Petit Gem - Rudy (eBay)
I’m still trying to get a legit from them, of another Rudy or a Leepy, I check their facebook site every week for releases, but dear god they’re a rare find on the second hand market, I’ve only encountered one and it was snatched up in under an hour.  I had issues with stringing/S-hook/putting in magnets & creating a base for her to stand on.  She’s also very tiny and posing can be challenging at times. 
Dream Valley - Foxy/Loxy - Halloween Event Doll 2018/Discontinued - (Fabric Friends Doll Shop)
I still can’t believe I found one of these in stock.  Dear friggen god, that made my day.  This shop is great, US based with a great range of items from a variety of companies, they’re really good at letting you know when things have been shipped and they ship fast! 
Hujoo/FallinDoll Force Fennec Fox (eBay)
Won from bid war, don’t believe them when you see the word ‘Tiny’ - this ain’t tiny.  This is like roughly Ken doll size, in fact, he fits in those clothes too!  It threw me off because I’m trying to stay to a particular size in preference.  But otherwise, great doll, lots of personality and joints offer a great deal of posing and can hold a pose without slipping.
And coming soon...
Island Doll - Forest Island - Nuannuan
....and a recast Leepy from eBay. 
But both of them are supposedly coming in July... if EMS would be a little bit more on the ball with shipping info...
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crazypercheron · 6 years
The Haunted Manse
The Haunted Manse Part 1: The Ordinary Home
Chapter 3
Of course, to Wren's luck, she was unable to test her theory that a murderous captain pirate was haunting Floral Estates. Instead, as soon as she had arrived, Dale informed her of the new plan to assign her to watching the parking lot. He let it slip that it was really more of like Jeff telling Dale to 'let the newbie work the new job' or something along that vein. Either way, she sat in her van, her arms crossed as she sulked. Right outside her windshield, she watched the small crowd, mainly park employees and their invited friends, start to gather for the ghost tour.
"You know what, fine," she started after a long moment of silence. Foxy, who sat hunched over in the back, turned to look at her. "Let Jeff get chased by the bloody ghost. I don't care. In fact, it would serve him right for mocking me like he did yesterday." 
Suddenly, she heard a tap on her window. Wern turned to look, expecting to see Dale's broomstick mustache and aviator glasses. Instead she was met with an angry, skeletal-like visage, startling Wren so bad, she jumped in her seat. "Holy shh-! You!" she took a pause to roll the window down and continued, "What are you doing here?"
"I should be asking the same. Pardon me, but pray tell, what is the meaning of-of this?" Eugene gestured to the people. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"No sir, it's a ghost tour," Wren replied, raising an eyebrow, "Perhaps you're familiar with them?”
The butler looked slightly appalled. "Here? In a cemetery? Pardon me for speaking out of turn, but that seems to be quite sacrilegious to the souls resting here."
"Ah-ha! so you do admit that there's ghosts haunting here?" Wren cheekily countered, leaning out of the van window to swoop her fist up. The man huffed and pulled down his newsboy hat down to shadow his eyes.
"I've already told you, young miss, that there is no such thing as ghosts. I see this as unnecessary disrespect for the families that do not wish to see their loved ones used as a cheap . . . tour spectacle."
Wren nodded nonchalantly as she propped her cheek up with her hand. "Uh-huh. . . Then you're going to tell me that pirates looking for treasure at your mansion don't exist either, aren't you?" There was an uncomfortably long silence from the butler. "H-hey now, I'm just joking, man-" she lied, trying to change the subject. "Look, I'm just here to watch these cars and make sure everyone behaves while they are on the tour. If you want to issue a complaint, you're going to have to do that when the office opens tomorrow."
"It's Davis, young miss. Not 'man', not 'dude', and most certainly not 'bro'," he enunciated. "In any case, we both are aware that this company is selfish so it does not matter what words I give to them. They will continue this blasphemy until it no longer becomes popular."
"Which may be like a year or so. I wouldn't worry too much, Mr Davis," Wren tried to assure him.
He could only frown in return. "I . . . do hope you are correct. . . I know I've been inconveniencing you, so I want to thank you for taking the time to listen and answer my questions."
"Not a problem, sir." Glancing at the crowd, the security guard suggested, "If you're not too busy, maybe you could join in and see what nonsense stories they tell about Canson Cemetery?"
"I'm afraid it is not possible, after all I still have that sudden increase in trespassers going onto the lawn to try to record our home for their . . . 'ViewUs' videos."
"Uh. . . . it's actually 'UView'," she corrected.
Davis didn't look amused. "Whatever it is," he hissed through his teeth, his annoyance though more directed at the concept of UView than Wren, "It's becoming a thorn to our side. . . Young miss-" he leaned a little closer to her, taking a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure the other guests were not trying to come over to eavesdrop on what he had to say," -I implore you. Stay away from the mansion. I don't know what you are trying to accomplish in doing so, but the mansion is no place for a young woman like you to be getting into. You look like a respectable lady and I would . . . hate if something ill befell on you." 
Before Wren could speak, the butler quickly turned away from the van, grabbing the loose end of his fluttering scarf and tossed it over his shoulder. "Have a good evening, young miss." And he walked out of view into the darkening street.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asides the random visit by that butler, the rest of the night remained uneventful. Wren made sure to open and then close the gate once the tour was over and the visitors left. Dale drove by to check on her and before she knew it, it was starting to become dawn. However, the words that the butler told her still plagued her mind.
What did he mean by 'something ill would befell on her'? Was he actually making a threat that he himself would try to hurt her if she dared learn too much? That couldn't be, Dale even said that although he does chase the unruly boys out of the mansion's lawn with a shovel, Mr. Davis hadn't quite made the news yet with actually assaulting anybody. Unless, if the pirate story is true, then maybe he meant it as a genuine warning to stay away from the danger? 
After that close encounter with the literal killer robots at the pizzeria, she could see why he would be concern. Foxy had barely helped her and Mike escape by fighting off the animatronics at the cost of his old body being torn apart. Nobody believed in the killer animatronics, why would they believe in a killer pirate ghost?
The security guard yawned loudly as she got out of the van and stretched. "Well, Foxy-Loxy," she yawned, "I don't know about you, but I think we're getting too awfully close to figuring out this nonsense to the mansion. Not that you care about it, of course." 
The pirate fox looked over tilting his head to the side as if he wasn't so sure how to answer that question. Truthfully, he too was curious about why that butler was extremely overprotective of that manor, but at the same time he had a bad feeling radiating in his soul that perhaps they should give up the obsession with the strange house. 
"I mean, we are going to be working here for a while, so I don't think it's too bad of an idea to know what exactly it is we are dealing with. Especially if a ghost from there decides to suddenly show up in the parking lot," she tried to reasoned while assisting Foxy out of the van and into her car. "I mean, Hell, if we could be friends with the ghost, that would be even better."
She wasn't sure how long she was asleep for, but it mustn't have been for that long because the morning sunlight still shone through the slits of her curtains. Wren groaned and rolled over as she heard Foxy knocking loudly on her nightstand for her to wake up. "Foxy, let me sleep 10 more minutes," she mumbled, "I didn't even sleep that well yesterday." Foxy huffed as his brows furrowed. He knocked even louder on the wooden nightstand, making sure his steel knuckles contacted the table.
"Foxy, I showed you how to open the door for Skye, now get lost!"
The animatronic frowned severely, pulling his ears down and his tail flopped on the floor as he thought for a moment. He stalked over to the window curtains and hooked one side of the blinds. He then closed his eye and almost violently ripped the plastic curtains to the side, allowing an ungodly amount of bright sunlight into the room. It practically drowned Wren in a torrent of light as she flinched.
"Foxy!" she groaned, grabbing a pillow and pulling it over her face in an attempt to shield her eyes from the sunlight. Foxy facepalmed seeing that his second attempt at getting her out of bed failed. Finally he turned away and retreated back into the living room. Hearing his servos fade down the hallway, Wren eased her tensed body, believing that he gave up the battle to wake her up.
Yet, just as she was about to fall back to sleep, the sound of her TV in the living room dramatically increased in volume.
The stupid fox had found the remote again.
"Danggit, Foxy!" Wren yelled. She yanked the pillow off of her eyes and hurled it on the ground, squinting in the bright light as she reached over to get her eyeglasses from the nightstand.  Wren continued yelling over the volume while rolling out of her bed, "I'm trying to get some sleep! Stupid fox!"
First she made her way to the window and then snapped the curtains back over the glass before she stomped her way over to the bedroom door. Just as she grabbed hold of the door, the voice originating from the TV caught her attention. Wren stopped and continued to listening to the woman's voice on the TV.
"If you're just tuning in, we are here live on scene at Newport Beach Harbor. Earlier this morning that crane you see had snapped in half and dumped its cargo onto the road. I've been told that they were moving these beams for the construction of the upcoming Maritime and Space Museum-" Wren was now in the living room, staring at the TV along with Foxy. 
The reporter continued, "-Luckily, no one was hurt by the falling debris, but as you can see behind me, the roads are closed off as crews try to move the several tons of metal off the road that leads towards the harbor. City officials say it will remain close for several hours so the street can be inspected for any structural and integral damages. Also closed is the Newport Beach Historical Cemetery. Unfortunately, some graves have been damaged by the falling steel beams." 
The live shot then switched over to some "B roll" footage that the cameraman took earlier. It showed a very old and decrepit graveyard that sat on a small plot of land, no bigger than a city block. Headstones, crypts, and stone crosses were tightly intertwined between each other. The delicate yet rusting fence that surrounded the graveyard was horribly folded underneath a steel beam, unable to handle that much weight. Also laid strewn in the path of destruction was several huge chunks of weathered stone, some even laid to rest beyond the lines of yellow "caution" tape that the city workers wrapped around the cemetery.
Wren gasped loudly as the next footage lingered on one badly damaged crypt. Although the carved name was barely legible and cracked in half, Wren recognized the name on it; Bartholomew Bloodmere.
"Once the debris has been cleared, the Historical Monument Committee will look into if it will be possible to restore these historical headstones of notable sailors and pirates that have been laid to rest here. If not, they will be looking to replace the headstones with new ones and display the broken ones inside the museum-"
The animatronic finally aimed the TV remote at the television and lowered the volume back down to a respectable hearing level as the reporter had begun to wrap up the end of her story. He gazed up at Wren who was still standing beside him and staring at the TV in thought. "I'm telling you Foxy, I'm a damn jinx. This is all too much to be a coincidence to happen," she mumbled, "And on top of that, it's another pirate! No offense, Foxy."
Foxy lifted his hand up to convey that he found no 'offense' to her statement. 
"But now I'm convinced that this Captain Bloodmere dude has something to do with the sudden activities at the Cemetery. . ." She thought for a moment, rubbing her chin before she looked up at Foxy. "Wait, Eugene. . . Foxy, do you think he knows?"
The red fox animatronic rolled his eyes as he let out a huff. He then slouched his shoulders heavily as he stared at Wren with a look of annoyance, an eyebrow raised. 
"Don't give me that look, I was only wondering! But yeah, you're right, maybe he does know, but I don't think that it hurts to ask him anyways." She took the remote controller from the surprised Foxy's hand and turned the TV off, power walking away to get changed into her work clothes. "But we got work today Foxy, so I can stop by on the way to ask him." 
Nearby in the corner of the living room, a large doberman pinscher slept despite the obscenely loud volume from the TV. She was lying on her back, contorted like a pretzel and her tongue sticking slightly out from her open jaw. And she probably would have continued to sleep had she not heard Wren starting to unlock the front door. Her ear twitched and then Skye woke up, spotting her owner and Foxy trying to leave the home.
Then in a flash, the dobbie bounded up to Wren, nearly making her escape into the yard when the security opened the front gate. Yet she was faster and slammed the gate shut before Skye had the chance to run out. "No, Skye! Sit! Sit! Stay, dammit!" she commanded, trying to nudge the dog away from the door with her leg. However, the doberman pinscher firmly planted herself right by the doorframe. Skye just stared up at Wren's face with a wide grin.
Checking the time on her watch, the security guard threw her hands up in defeat and went to fetch the dog's harness and leash. As much as Wren wasn't looking forward to bringing her energetic dobbie for the ride, she had to admit, it was probably a good idea to bring at least someone along to speak to the butler. That house honestly still gives her the chills.
Driving down Esplanade Road, Wren pulled her car over to the shoulder of the road right where Dale had parked his truck at the day before. "Foxy, you wait here," she told the animatronic crammed in the back of her car. Honestly, while the car is a perfect size for Wren and Skye, it was a mere clown car to Foxy. She should honestly invest in getting a van, but right now, he didn't look too bothered by the tight space. If anything, the pirate fox gave her a pout upon being ordered what to do. 
True, it's broad daylight and he despised being exposed to such bright lights, yet at the same time, he wasn't so sure if he should allow Wren to go by herself. OK-well, she had Skye, but she was a dog, so...
Getting out of the car, Wren made her way to the passenger side and allowed Skye to hop out of the car. Wren kept a firm grip on the dog's leash as Skye tugged on it to sniff the ground. If something vile was going on at the Mansion, Skye should have been freaking out by now, Wren observed as they both drew near the entrance. 
Wren frowned as she noticed that the butler was not there hiding in the shadow of the gate. However, she still cautiously approached the fence more, craning her head to see if she could view the manse now that the Sun was out and there was no ominous servant guarding the gate. On impulse, she reached out her hand towards one of the slightly corroding bars.
"I thought I told you to not come back here."
She jumped, yanking her hand back and glanced over to the left this time. There was Eugene, scowling at her from the otherside of the fence. Immediately, Wren noticed that he was holding something in his gloved hands; in one hand, he held a pair of gardening shears and in the other -and much to Wren's surprise- a beautiful rose in full bloom. The deep rouge petals strangely complimented the forest green suit he wore.
Wren quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, sir. I was just trying to look for you."
"Strange, I thought you were a security guard, not a telegram messenger," Eugene replied, still looking down at her.
Wren squited back at him. "Hey, easy now Mr. Davis, I'm still a security guard! I came here to tell you something-" Suddenly, upon realization of what she was saying, Wren paused. Well, shit she did became a messenger girl. She swore she saw the corner of Eugene's frown curl up slightly in a smirk.
"Go on, you can tell me what it was you were going to say, young miss. Are you here to inform me that Floral Estates finally cancelled that late night rendezvous?"
"No," she bitterly replied, " I'm here to tell you that something had happened at Newport Beach Harbor. This large crane that I guess was carrying steel beams for that museum broke right over a cemetery. I think you can guess where the debris landed." Normally, Wren would have been satisfied with delivering bad news just for the reaction on people's faces', but the look on Eugene's made her wonder if she is now starting to meddle too far into this mystery. 
He tried to keep a straight face of indifference on, but he couldn't help but frown and look off to the side in thought. He said softly, "So they foolishly went on to start their project. . . I advised against it, but it should have been expected. . ." After a moment, his focus turned back to Wren. "Young miss, why are you still looking into the house? I have kindly asked you to not inquire further about it."
"Look, now I'mma going to be straight with you; I drove by the house originally as a joke because I just barely got assigned to work at Floral Estates. You know, to help keep trespassers out?" She started to get animated, swinging her arms in emphasis. "It's not even been a week and ever since I almost crashed here, which I don't know how you saw that unless the old man told you otherwise-"
"Crump," he suddenly spoke up, "His name is Mr Crump."
The woman sighed loudly at being interrupted, but continued on. "Yeah, him. Anyways, I'm trying to work a normal job and it's really hard you know to do so when you have a ghost turning off the lights and basically mocking you from afar. And all of your coworkers look at you like you're going insane because clearly none of this stuff has happened to them! So I'm trying really hard to figure out if I had done something wrong to mess with a spirit and most of my pitiful research has pointed me to this house right there!" She stuck out an accusatory hand at the mansion sitting atop the hill.
After a slight pause, Eugene simply replied, "Have you considered pursuing other career options?"
"Mr Davis!" she cried in exasperation, unable to believe what he said, "I'm being serious here!"
"And so am I. Perhaps a career in fictional writing or acting would be a start," he countered.
"There's something in there, Mr. Davis! And I have a good feeling you're hiding something since you have not allowed anyone or anything for that matter on the property!"
"I believe it's called 'Trespassing on private property', or as the misfits call it, 'mind your business', young lady,” he sharply retorted. Eugene slightly leaned back as he continued, “Now, suppose I do allow access, do you truly believe that entering the house would solve your problems, young miss?" challenged the butler.
She furrowed her brows, "I-I don't know, would it?"
"No, it would not." he answered, glancing at the dog at Wren's side, then back up again at Wren. "If you really believe that something lurks inside the house, which I assure you there's not, then I believe it is more sensible to not enter the premises and attract more unwanted attention. Young miss, if I were you, I would leave this place and go elsewhere."
For a while, Wren stared at the butler, as if leering at him would make him change his mind. "That's fine," she finally huffed, "After all, I just came here battling through that stupid traffic because I was concern. But I see that you can handle yourself just fine against. . ." she rolled her wrist at the house, "-Whatever it is you got in there. I'll be next door obviously if you change your mind, sir."
"Hopefully that won't be the case."
"You never know, come on Skye, let's get you to the dog park." Hesitantly, the doberman wanted to get closer to the gate to sniff Eugene, but after getting her harness tugged again, Skye followed behind Wren. The security guarded was fuming so deep in thought, she failed to notice the ears on Skye perk up as the dog looked up at one of the branches that hung over the brick and iron fence from the property. 
A raven with beady red eyes watched them back. 
Skye quickly picked up the pace after Wren and obediently jumped into the car. Waiting until the heavily tinted car fully pulled away and onto the street, Eugene didn't even bothered to look up at the raven he knew was perched in the tree. "It was you who was messing with that poor girl, wasn't it?"
"I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about," the raven cooly replied, also watching the silver car leave.
"I've seen you leave the manor a few times before, sir. Do not think that I didn't know that it was you."
"I got bored."
"That's a bit ineloquent of you, you're supposed to be here hosting our guests, not. . . Scaring the wits out of some poor girl like a common specter," Eugene argued. "Besides, if it is true what she said-"
"Which it unfortunately is."
"-Fine, if that . . . Pirate finds out what he's capable of, I don't want her to get involved. She's a simple mortal, what could she know about the manor?"
The air around the raven gave off the impression that he was grinning mischievously. "You're right. But Eugene, be honest, do you not feel. . . A draw towards her? Like a radiating vibration?" 
"I'm not interested sir, besides, my loyalty lies with the manor."
The raven laughed. "Oh no-no-no, Eugene, not like that. What I meant was, there's a peculiar air around Miss Songbird, almost like she has seen a ghost before as well."
The butler stayed silent for a while longer with a troubled frown on his face. "It's foolish to get her involved. Don't do anything rash."
"I won't."
Eugene could hear the insincerity tone in the corvid's voice and he scowled. "I mean it, you may be the majordomo of the home, but I have the final say on the mortals." 
Unfazed by his threat, the raven merely chuckled as he flew off his perch.
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secretstobetold · 3 years
Our proposal.
Over the weekend, on October 16th, 2021, I said yes to forever with my best friend. I am in complete shock because I cannot believe he pulled this off!!! It all started with just having a girls day. We went to brunch at Prohibition and then have plans to get pedicures. We got to Prive Nail Spa, which is a nail salon that Annie and Delani owns. We all started getting our pedis. I did my nails two weeks ago for Chey and Steven’s wedding, so I kept going back and forth of getting my nails done. Car kept egging it on and all the girls decided to get manis in hopes that I would agree to get it done. We all finished our pedis and I said I wasn’t very interested in getting a mani. Then Annie comes up to me and asks if anyone of us sitting there waiting was getting their nails done. Annie looks at me and is like can I do your nails? She tells me she has a design she wants to do because she’s bored. So I say yes, and I literally thought nothing of it! She does my nails, we’re just talking. She says it’s a fall design I wanted to do, etc. Then after I get my nails done, I was the last one. We head to target cause I had to get some lash glue since my lashes were falling off and then I wanted to get some socks and boxers for alang for his birthday gift. Then we start heading back to Mal’s. I was riding with Jackie and she was scared she was going to spoil it. She takes a different road since we were stuck in traffic and kept wondering if Mal is ahead of us etc. We get to Mal’s house, all the girls are waiting in front of the garage. I was busy trying to get Alang’s stuff in Mal’s trunk to hide it. Then I forgot I put my keys in the bag I put in Mal’s car. So I grab them. Then they’re still waiting for me. I then see roses and a little envelope that says “Mish, Go through gate…” This is when it hit me. I was so shocked and I even said I’m scared/nervous. So I grab the roses, started walking into Timmy and Mal’s backyard. There were tons of fake white rose petals on the ground, and I see Alang standing there in front of lighted huge letters that say “Marry Me.” The song Marry You by Bruno Mars was playing in the background. I was so shocked cause I briefly saw friends and family standing on the cement just watching me walk through. I see Loxy crying, which threw me off because I just couldn’t believe it was happening. I finally walk up to him and he starts to tear up and his voice cracks. I see him tear up and I blurted out “What! What is happening” He starts talking. He says “I know it’s been a long time, I know you’ve been waiting for this. I know we’ve had our ups and downs. I don’t think love is something you find, I think love is something you build on and we’ve been doing that. So with that being said, Lamishia Ann Lin, will you marry me?” I was in such shock, I could not even put together the words yes. So I just nod. Then all of our friends and family cheers and I was feeling so overwhelmed. Alang has been planning this and actually wanted to propose last year, but due to COVID. Then he wanted to wait to tell everyone after the wedding so that no one spills. There has been so many subtle hints and what not that I had not thought anything of it. Tif texted me a few weeks asking what I thought about this ring. She said her cousin was about to be proposed to and she wanted to see what I felt about it, really trying to figure out what type of ring I want. All the girls trying to convince me and Annie offering to do my nails. Everything was a part of it. Alang thought I knew because we have been talking about getting married and what not lately. I asked Noanne her proposal story the week before. I usually figure things out, so everything thought I knew. But this was allll such a shock to me. I had absolutely no idea and I am so grateful for everyone that was there. I am still in complete shock and so grateful for Alang. I get to marry my best friend and I cannot imagine life without him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love him so much. I want to remember this moment forever and I have a fiancé!!
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our-smithdavid · 4 years
Calender Market - Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast (2020-2027) : Timely, BrownTrout
The research report on Calender market offers a comprehensive analysis of the worldwide market with in-depth and specialized analysis of the Calender market. The Calender market report aims to supply an in depth overview of the worldwide Calender market with broad market segmentation on the idea of products, services, application, also as regional overview. Additionally , the Calender market report also provides an entire analysis of the worldwide market trends that are influencing the worldwide market over the forecast period. Moreover, the worldwide Calender market is probably going to witness a big growth over the forecast period.
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Global Major Companies In Calender market report:
Wyman Publishing
Andrews McMeel
G Suite
By Product Types:
Paper Version
For End-User/Applications Segments:
Leading Geographical Regions in Calender market Report:
North America, Asia-Pacific, UK, Europe, Central & South America, Middle East & Africa
Book Your Sample Copy of the Report here: https://www.asamarketresearch.com/request-sample/998270
The scope of the Report:
The report analyzes the key opportunities, CAGR, and Y-o-Y growth rates to permit readers to know all the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Calender market. a contest analysis is imperative within the Calender market and therefore the competition landscape serves this objective. A good company overview, financials, recent developments, and long and short-term strategies adopted are par for the course. Various parameters are taken under consideration while estimating market size. The revenue generated by the leading industry participants within the sales of Calender across the planet has been calculated through primary and secondary research. The Calender market research is provided for the Global markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status.
Some major parameters were considered to forecast the present estimates of the Market:
Market driving trends.
Predicted opportunities.
Challenges and restraints to be faced.
Technological developments.
Other developments, e.g. Infrastructural.
Consumer preferences.
Government regulations.
Consumer spending dynamics and trends.
In a word, the Calender Market report provides major statistics on the state of the Calender industry with a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals curious about the market. At the top , Calender Market Report delivers a conclusion which incorporates Research Findings, Market Size Evaluation, Global Market Share, Consumer Needs along side Customer Preference Change, Data Source. These factors will raise the expansion of the business overall.
Ask Questions to Expertise at: https://www.asamarketresearch.com/send-an-enquiry/998270
Customization of this Report: This Calender report could be customized to the customer's requirements. Please contact our sales professional ([email protected]), we will ensure you obtain the report which works for your needs.
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