#ls 4x14 pr
rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
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lovecolibri · 1 year
Not me thinking if the backlash can get super loud and bad that KR might have just blown up her whole career. I am not sure how ABC can be happy about that ending and the reaction to it. Now I wonder if they have the guts to fire her coming off a writer's strike. If she actually gets fired, she is going to have trouble finding other jobs at the same level. I usually don't cheer or root for someone to lose their job, but this would be entirely her fault!
I'm not going to pretend I have any idea how any of this works, but I will say, showrunners have committed far greater crimes against their shows and nothing has stopped them from continuing so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hollywood can still be a small place and burning bridges doesn't happen that often so even IF something happens, I don't expect WE will hear much if anything about it. If Tim comes back in a more active capacity they might still have her do the interviews and we wouldn't know (unless they recapture the magic and good pacing of the early seasons and that will be a clue but LS was a pacing nightmare too so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️), OR if they did say anything it would likely be a "stepping down because of xyz other opportunity came up" or some other PR nonsense.
Mostly, I just miss the good pacing and the heart and depth this show used to have. I still have moments from previous seasons that all I have to do is think about them and I get goosebumps STILL at how good they were. Now I feel like I never know what the characters are thinking most of the time so none of the emotional beats really land. Everything is so surface level it can't hold any emotional weight.
Anyway, we shall see what happens. She was fine as just a writer under Tim, but by s4 when he was giving her more control, well. We all saw 4x14 and how it sidelined Eddie and the firefam to push BT and the two best scenes were ones she didn't think needed to happen on screen. The inside of her eyelids must be the most interesting place in the world with all the things and developments and conversations for the characters that take place there.
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rafaelsilvasource · 1 year
SNEAK PEEK [HD]: Someone Ate Paul's Chocolate Pudding | 911: LONE STAR S4 E14 - “Tongues Out”
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