nerdynuala · 5 months
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Wanted to do a meet the artist for a long time but never got to it lol
Dropping this, out of trend and late as hell but oh well
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smallblip · 4 years
A quick prompt @luanabonn and I came up with seeing this TOTALLY CANON scene of Levi bathing Hange in this hilarious animatic video (the best part is obviously from 0:17-0:25)
Imagine the first time the vets walked in on Levi bathing Hange and Erwin would probably just facepalm or start rubbing his temples like "Geeez guys, really?". Mike would be like "Called it!" and high five Nana. Poor Moblit would probably just freez cause he's traumatized for life 😂
Years later when the 104th kids walk into the same scenario, Levihan would legit try to normalize it 😂 I see Levi saying something like "What are you looking at, brats? This is perfectly normal. I've been doing this for years now, okay?" and Hange would say "yeah... It's surely not like we're dating or something like that...ha ha ha... not at all"
And the kids be like "Yeah we know you're not dating... Because you're already married... Mom & Dad" ❤️
Yasssss my bbs💖 @hanjo-love @luanabonn thank you both💖 I love this!
Also thank you for the video it was GREAT.
Two sides, same goddamn coin
“Erwin... Why are you standing out on the corridor?” Mike asks on the way back to his room. It’s late. There’s no reason for Erwin to be standing back against his door, looking absolutely resigned.
Nanaba peeks from behind Mike, “hey boys, what’s the commotion about?”
Moblit is with Nanaba, both deciding to search the male dorms for Hanji who has seemingly disappeared into thin air.
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“Hanji and Levi are in my bath...” Erwin exhales a sigh, eyes shut, fingers rubbing his temples.
“What do you mean?” Mike says carefully. At this point, Moblit just looks like he’s seen a ghost. Abort abort! It’s okay Nanaba I’ll look for Hanji buntaicho another time! It’s not that urgent! Nothing is that urgent! But Moblit knows it’s too late. He knows where this is all going. He’s part of their little game now.
“I mean...” Erwin gives them ‘that look’, the one they always give one another when Levi and Hanji are being insufferable, “they are in my bath... Bathing... Together...”
Mike and Nanaba freeze for a second.
It’s only a split second and soon they’re pushing past Erwin and dashing in his room.
“Wait-“ Erwin and Moblit in a hushed whisper. But soon the three of them are standing outside his bathroom door.
Laughter streams through from the other side of the door.
“Oh my god...” Nanaba gasps, “what’s going on?”
“Let’s weigh our options,” Mike suggests.
“On one hand, we get to see for ourselves, get to the bottom of this matter... You know... Investigate...” Erwin has his thinking face on.
“Investigate huh... That’s exactly what the tax payers pay us to do in the Survey Corps...” Mike says. Immediately it’s clear what his preference is.
“On the other hand...” Erwin continues, “Levi might murder us all...”
“A worthy death for a soldier...” Mike shrugs.
“Oh no... I really don’t think we should...” Moblit stutters. Nanaba notes that he is very sweaty.
Looks are exchanged and it has been decided. With a heavy hand, Erwin slams open the bathroom door.
There’s a scream that’s only stopped when Levi slaps his hand over Hanji’s mouth.
“What?” Levi snaps, as if they had been trespassing.
“You’re in my bath...” Erwin says, equally matter of fact.
“Your bath is the nicest...” Hanji offers.
“You’re in my bath... Together...” Erwin raises a brow.
“As Captain of the Survey Corps, you said it was my duty to supervise the cleanliness and hygiene of the soldiers,” Levi murmurs, sinking lower into the bubbles, hands coming to cover Hanji up. Absolute gentleman.
“This is a very unique means of supervision, Captain...” Erwin smirks.
“Whatever gets the job done, Commander...” Levi spits the last word.
Behind him, Mike and Nanaba high five. Finally. Some catharsis. They called it. They all called it. Levi and Hanji were a thing. This is absolute proof. No one can tell them otherwise now. Ha! Take that! Moblit has averted his eyes. Nothing in this world can compel him to look.
“Excuse me ladies...” Hanji clears her throat, shifting uncomfortably against Levi, “I am very naked, and to be honest with you, the water is starting to get cold... Soon I will be freezing my tits off... So could we please continue this at a more convenient time?”
“Whatever you say m’lady...” Erwin tips his imaginary hat.
“Fuck you...” Hanji narrows her eyes at him and mutters under her breath. Great. They can never use Erwin’s bath again. What alternatives are there? The cadet showers maybe? The piping is really new there, that means there’s a whole lot of hot water. Probably not. They don’t need a part two of this happening.
“Hanji san! We need to seek approval for-“
Everyone’s jaw is agape. Armin’s hands have flown to cover his face, “my virgin eyes...” he’s murmuring repeatedly.
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“Why wouldn’t you close the bathroom door!” Sasha shouts accusatorily. Now the bunch of them are standing awkwardly in Hanji’s room, averting their gaze from the adjacent bath. Should they leave now? They really should. But there are forms that need filling.
“Why wouldn’t you guys knock!” Hanji retaliates.
“You always ask us not to!” Connie shoots back.
Oh, Hanji winces, she did in fact tell them to just enter because half the time she’s too engrossed in whatever it is she’s doing to hear.
“What the fuck do you want brats?” Levi has sunk all the way down the bath, the water now grazing his chin.
“We would like to seek permission from Hanji san to go to the town on Monday for supplies...” Armin pipes up, eyes still squeezed shut.
“Permission granted! Now go!” Levi shouts.
Sasha sees the opportunity and ceases it, “we would also like to request for the weekend off for recreational purposes! Sir!”
“Don’t push it Braus!” Levi snaps.
Darn it.
“Anything else? Or would you guys like to run through your entire schedules for the next two months with me while you’re at it? It’s not like I’m in the bath naked or anything ha-ha!” Hanji guffaws. It’s so painfully awkward her body literally cannot conjur anything rational to do. They have both slid so far down the tub that she’s practically lying atop Levi, his crotch against her butt making her blush up a storm.
“Why are you in the bath with Captain Levi?” Mikasa asks. Everyone stares at her.
“Mikasa!” Armin exclaims. They absolutely do not need more time in this tiny room with their two naked superiors.
“Hanji is filthy. I’m cleaning her. What’s abnormal about this situation?” Levi deadpans.
“I can’t reach my back! It’s a practical arrangement!” Hanji chuckles, “it’s not like we’re dating or anything!”
“My parents are married and they don’t even do this...” Sasha murmurs.
Jean has had enough. His face is so red he feels like he’ll die if he doesn’t stop this nonsense. This is a conversation that never needed to happen. “Permission to be dismissed from this conversation!”
“Fuck! Finally! Permission granted Jean!” Hanji says, throwing her hands up in despair.
Everyone shuffles out the door, and Armin bumps against the frame multiple times because his eyes are still shut. Levi and Hanji let out a collective sigh. Good lord Armin!
“Uh... Okay... Bye mom and dad...” Eren stutters, how does one leave this situation on a good note because this isn’t it, “I mean... Captain... Squad leader...” he gathers his jaw from where it has hit the ground and leaves with the others.
Hanji laughs awkwardly and turns to Levi, “remember when Erwin and the others saw-“
Levi’s face is red, and the blush has now spread to his neck. Thankfully the kids are gone. Another moment longer and most of the bubbles would have popped. He tsks and cuts Hanji off, “I would very much not like to remember that... Or this...”
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argethara · 3 years
I miss Zabel Zoë -Ackerman.
Thank you @luanabonn for this art !!! I never imagined him as a young adult but wow he is a very fine being. Hange and Levi’s child would be so beautiful because they’re two very beautiful people too- inside and out. I love LeviHan so much <333
Raising a child after winning a war was supposed to be a more tolerable task. Hange and Levi believed that if they have survived literally mountain-high obstacles to get where they are now, parenting one brat unlike the thousands they had to care for before would be easy peasy.
But no, Levi thinks that after all the trouble, he has successfully raised a little (well, not-so-little anymore) devil from his own flesh. After 20 good and bad years, it still baffles him how Hange finds their son’s mischievous character endearing. Sometimes he wonders how his son turned out like that; and he can only wonder as Zabel sassed him the moment he got home for his school break. 
“I-I was joking earlier. Dad, please listen, I think I know what I want to do for real.” Zabel groaned exactly the way Hange did when they were adamant to capture titans outside the walls before. 
“And I said shut up. We’re not talking about this again.” 
Zabel sported a scowl and angrily peels the potatoes on the table. Levi shook his head while bringing the pots he will use to make their dinner for tonight. “Careful.” He reminded him.
There was silence as they worked on their respective stations in the kitchen. Levi glanced at him quietly cutting the peeled potatoes to chunks. 
He wanted to chuckle at the sight, Zabel grew up looking like him, but his air is very much Hange (Although she argues that Zabel talks like him most of the time.)
“Why haven’t you told this to Hange?” He asked while waiting for the meat to go tender inside the pot. 
Zabel frowned at the potatoes. 
“Oi, talk.’ Levi commanded, crossing his arms to his chest.
“She might...” Zabel muttered the rest of his words.
“You know her, she might cry and I might change my mind. Dad, I know this is it. I want this, I have enough will to pursue this path until I die. This is my calling.”
Levi stared intently at the young man bent over the table. And you think I won’t cry over it, huh, he scoffed internally. 
“You know it's been on my mind, I write to you a lot about it. So I tested my luck and applied for a scholarship…” Zabel looked up to him. Levi’s frown melted, seeing his son back to his five-year old self, with those pleading yet determined blue-gray eyes staring back at him. However, he was taken back to reality when he continued, “I got accepted. I can fly there next year, all expenses paid by the sponsor.” 
The father’s scowl deepened, processing the information. “Next year is in four months. You won’t enroll for second year?”
Their child sighed. “Yes. I’m planning to stay here until then.”
“That’s why you brought all your stuff back? You said you were enjoying Physics.” 
“And I thought Journalism was for me too. But the point here is, your son could be an aeronautical engineer and fly in four years. And I know, I will never regret this decision, ever.” 
“Marley is already far…” Levi distracted himself by checking if the pork was cooking well.
“The Azumabitos own the best engineering school in the world, Dad.” 
“Ah, they do.” His voice became soft while Zabel laid out his plans for changing programs for the second time.
They finished cooking. Zabel gave him anxious glances as he fixed the table setting the way Levi had taught him.
Placing the pot of stew on the center, Levi sat down and brushed his son’s bangs back. “Zabel, sulking doesn’t suit you.”
“Please support my decision,” he cowered on his seat. 
“I’m not saying no, aren’t I?”
His taller copy slacked his jaw in surprise, “But you said-”
“That was me bitching about my child going farther away from home. Remember what I said when you first left home?”
“Yes. Yes, Dad, I will not disappoint-” Levi gave him a stern look, “Myself, I will not disappoint myself. No regrets.” 
The men chuckled together until they heard a familiar hiccup. 
“Hange, join us here.”
A crying Hange went inside the kitchen. “Zabel, my baby,” she weakly called Zabel into her arms. 
Zabel stood up and hugged her. “You heard everything.” 
Hange cried harder, “Of course, and I’m always proud of you but-”
“Let’s talk about it over dinner,” Levi suggested.
Zabel is still figuring out how he could use his wings and soon he will learn how to fly without their help. For the time being, the Ackermans are finally complete again.  
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okitagumi · 3 years
I saw you asking for Måneskin's songs to listen to so here's a list of my personal favourites:
- Torna a casa
- Coraline
- I wanna be your slave
- Morirò da Re
- La Paura del Buio
- Vent'anni
- Are you ready?
- L'altra dimensione
And look up for their cover of Amandoti with Manuel Agnelli they did at Sanremo. Gorgeous.
It's just a few cause I'm sure other people will give you their favourites ;)
thanks for the recs, they're great ❤
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A Magical Experiment went wrong.
A sweet memory of HP AU when everyone made a headcanon about the vets in HP AU, I found this by coincidence on picrew.
Hufflepuff Levi is saving Ravenclaw Hange after she got knocked out by a magical creature she summoned/made in one of her adventures and Of course poor Mike was there to help him carry her and run from the forest.
@luanabonn Thank you for inviting me back then, Please accept this as a very late modest thank you for this sweet dear memory <3
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SURPRISE!!! @luanabonn
Yes, I was the one sending you weird emojis (─.─||)
Here's your gift! ↓
(Click for better quality cause Tumblr hates me and I don't know how to upload images without them looking blurry)
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This is part of the Veterans' Secret Santa event from @alemanriq and @laffitine btw <3
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ack3rlady · 3 years
AoT Veterans Day - Masterlist
Dedicate your Arts!
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Art by the talented @snovaaprel! Posted with permission.
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Let me, @axoxtxhxh or @levi-supreme know if you wish to participate and we'll add you to the masterlist!
Please visit the Main Event Page for more information :)
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Erwin Smith
@ack3rlady - At Last | Erwin x Reader + Ft. all Vets
@levi-supreme | Headcanon | Modern AU
@txmlinsonw - Everything is Blue
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Hange Zoe
@ellepellano - The Tavern At World's End (LeviHan | AU)
@levi-supreme | Headcanon | Modern AU
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Levi Ackerman
@ellepellano - The Tavern At World's End (LeviHan | AU)
@levi-supreme | Headcanon | Modern AU
@hashaneeee - Handsome Clean Freak | Thug Levi | That Monke Again
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Miche/ Mike Zacharias
@levi-supreme | Headcanon | Modern AU
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@sinnerofthewalls - All Bets Are Off | Erwin x Reader x Levi x Miche - NSFW Minors DNI
@chaotic-nick - Chai | Ft. all Vets & Reader
@glassesandswords - Ease Our Burden - Ft. all Vets
@axoxtxhxh - Hange's Halloween Hoopla
@giuliadrawsstuff - Art inspired by Ease Our Burden
@hagenious - Aot Vets x Dreamers Art
@luanabonn - AoT Vets Cosplaying Each other
@axoxtxhxh - AoT Veterans Day | Part II | Part III
@ack3rlady - Trick-or-Treat!
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wingz-of-shit · 3 years
Hogwarts AU
So this post definitely called out to me. I’m joining this Hogwarts team cuz this crossover is the best.
Checkout the HCs by @luanabonn and @free-pancakes , they’re very cool!✨
Here’s my contribution to it.
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And if I had to choose a house for them:
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This is not over people.
Ps: Ravenclaw won the match cuz Hufflepluf’s strongest player was focused on... something else.
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nerdynuala · 3 years
Completely unrelated to the content on this silly blog
I'm looking for a PEN PAL pretty please
Ok this might sound very stupid and forgive me but stupid is my trademark on this blog sooo if any of my mutuals/followers here is a native German speaker and wouldn't mind chatting with me and perhaps calling so I can practice conversation, could we be language buddies?
I really need to refresh my German skills and I thought I might as well ask here so if anyone's interested and wouldn't mind reading all the grammatical horrors I write please get in touch (இ﹏இ`。)
Probably no one's gonna read this but it's worth the try isn't it? Thank you very much I feel so stupid rn but oh well
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michezachariasweek · 3 years
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Google Form Link
Please reblog to get the word out!
Thank you @luanabonn​ for helping put together this poster! :)
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smallblip · 3 years
Omg Smallblip your headcanons made my day, especially the one about Mike and Erwin having matching tattoos xD so here I am again:
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If you have time, would you mind blessing us with some Mike and Erwin bromance headcanons featuring our precious vets? 🙏🏻
The meme absolutely killed me! I love you💖
Yes, Mike and Erwin have embarrassing matching tattoos from a really drunk night’s out. They had a moment ten beers in, Erwin makes this whole speech about Mike being his brother, Mike starts sobbing, they decided to make the moment permanent. They don’t speak about it. Ever. Hanji egged them on and till this day Hanji doesn’t feel bad about it.
Gossip and beer. That’s it. The two are always tucked in a corner somewhere in the mess gossiping over beers. Mike provides the observations, Erwin comes up with the theories. The cadets always think they’re discussing strategy, but the vets know better. Got offended when Levi told them to stop gossiping like old maids. They call it a colloquy.
For this reason I also feel they would place bets whenever Hanji or Levi get into fights with the MP or garrison soldiers? When shit hits the fan Mike would be the one to hold Hanji/Levi back while Erwin pretends to chide them.
Such lads when they’re drinking together. They revert to being teenagers, and this is Erwin and Mike we’re talking about, who are by no means bigots. They’re talking about some of the higher ups and Erwin would say something stupid like “you know what they say about blonds....” and Mike would roar with laughter only to have Hanji say, completely bemused, “Erwin... Mike... You’re both blond...”
Niche dad hobby: Erwin collects old stamps. He knows a whole lot about how the postal system evolved within the walls. The only person who finds this shit interesting- Mike. He generally likes the smell of old things (“you can almost taste the history”). So they sit and talk about old stamps and Erwin shows him his collection. Levi very much hates it- “Please shut up about the goddamn postal service...” and Erwin replies with a “is it wrong for a man to have hobbies Levi?” Levi deadpans, “yes.”
The dad fashion. Everyone hates seeing Erwin in his sandals. It kinda throws people off. It’s also a massive turnoff to see your commander’s pasty toes. Mike absolute fell in love when he first saw Erwin wear them, bought a pair for himself. The other vets have ganged up to toss the sandals out. But what do they find the next day when they walk into mess? They bought new fucking sandals. They were so smug about it too.
Bonus: the dynamic between Levi and Mike is pretty cute, because it can be really capricious. Usually it’s really chill right, and Levi genuinely enjoys Mike’s company because he’s a quiet dude. But suddenly a switch flips and Mike is all like “remember the time I dunked your face in drain water?” And Levi will be all like “I’ll shank you if you don’t get out of my face.”
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
You Saved Me is definitely my favourite, stole my heart since the very first line I read
Also, honorable mention: your oneshot STARS omg perfect Vets dynamics, it's just the kind of stuff I never get tired of reading <3
Thank you Luana! Haha I struggle to pick between You Saved Me and Nobody is You. I love them both for so many reasons but like You Saved Me is my baby haha 😆 I had no idea what I was doing when I started it haha but I love it
Haha I want to write more non reader insert stuff! I really hope to! I just love the vets all being together
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moonbug-julia · 3 years
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I was looking for a reason to draw the vets and I came across a post by @luanabonn and I fell in love with it! It felt warm and fun just reading it 🥺🥰
Here's the post:
Hope you guys liked these chibi vets! 👉👈
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Here is a an official letter that has been passed as an announcement to all members of survey corps after some unplanned...incident in the kitchen during the breakfast duty. @luanabonn Here it is :D
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free-pancakes · 3 years
Hii first of all i really love your Hogwarts AU promptsss. So here i am again after the last one (i loved it btw). How about during the battle of Hogwarts?? Either in the first or second wizarding war it's up to youu
aw anon i’m so glad you like! i’m full aware it’s probably gettin annoying tho 😂 i have so many hc’s theres so many possibilities! but! @luanabonn and @unknowngreatness have convinced me to flesh out the auror hc’s into a full blown fic so stay tuned! i’ll have some free time in a week or so 🙂
so for your ask:
the vets return to hogwarts for the battle as seasoned aurors, they’re all graduates of hogwarts from many years ago
Hange gathered her giant spider friends from the forbidden forest and rides them in to attack
Levi stared at her and the herd of spiders both worried and concerned and equally grossed out by the beasts
Nanaba and Mike have each other’s backs, fighting as they search for young students in the common rooms to evacuate them
Erwin follows Moblit to the herbology gardens and grumbles because of how much he hated herbology when he was a student. They find baby mandrakes to bring out and fling at villains to subdue them all
Levi faces a large group of dementors to save a bunch of first year Hufflepuffs. He does fine at first but there comes another group of particularly fierce dementors and the air feels way too cold. Memories of his mother being killed and his uncle Kenny mourning over her body penetrate his mind and he falls to the ground. He’s filled with so much darkness that he drops his wand and he can’t find a memory happy enough to overcome his despair to summon a patronus
Before a dementor came inches from kissing Levi, a shiny white border collie patronus slams itself agains the dementor.
Hange sees Levi shivering, still unable to find a good memory after the horrible trip by the dementors. More dementors rush towards him, so Hange yells at Levi from afar, the words “Three Broomsticks!”
Memories from their 3rd year came to his mind. The first time they went to Hogsmeade together, they shared a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. And that night was when he first showed Hange the thestrals. One of them came to really like Hange and though she couldn’t see it, Levi told her that the thestral wanted to fly her around because it liked her so much. So for the first time, Levi got to be the expert over a magical creature instead of Hange. He helped her onto the thestral, and she hugged and held onto Levi tightly, and they flew for hours together.
It was one of his favorite memories with Hange, and he was able to pick up his wand and cast a large, bright patronus, saving himself and the frightened Hufflepuff first years
The first years saw Hange and Levi’s patronuses chase each other and snuggle after fending off the dementors, before disappearing into thin air. Their mouths dropped because the rumors they heard were true: aurors Hange and Levi’s patronuses are the only patronuses ever known to interact with each other, and grow brighter and more powerful against dementors as a result
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mello-jello · 3 years
@luanabonn said I did the Vets justice. Excuse me while I shriek all the way to my happy grave omg 😭😭😭
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