#lucifer anon
selfshiprequests · 1 year
hi lucifer anon again :3333 could i have a doodle of lucifer? specifically her blushing like she's looking at me (>:3) and maybe with her hair from the sandman comics as opposed to the show?
Hi Luci Nonnie!! A Lucifer doodle you request and a Lucifer doodle you shall receive! I hope you like it!
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Mod Antler
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l3viat8an · 5 months
Fluff idea sitting in Lucifer’s lap while he works. Not even really talking to each other just enjoying the moment. 
Ahskhs fluffy Lucifer <3 rambling as always-
Honestly if Lucifer could he’d always have you sitting in his lap. Especially while he works at his seemingly, endless pile of paperwork.
Nothing calms him down more than knowing you’re safe in his arms.
Now it depends a little on if you’re sitting facing him or his desk-
If you’re facing him; wrap your arms around his neck or nuzzle your face into his neck and Lucifer will immediately relax into you. He’s still working ofc! He’s just not as stiff~
His fingers will run up and down your spine, when he pauses to think. Lucifer clams it helps him concentrate- but really he loves the way it makes you wiggle in his lap.
If you’re facing his desk; he’ll ask your opinion on little things once in awhile. Smiling at you proudly when you point out something he missed or just agree with him.
And it’s just super peaceful….sitting with Lucifer like this- The sound of his pen scratching away as he signs papers ‘n corrects others, soft classical music playing, (if you’re lucky you’ll even hear Lucifer humming along with his favorite part) and the faint scent of coffee, mixed with warm pine~
If you’re not careful you might just fall asleep in his lap <3 and then Lucifer will have a new homescreen for his DDD!!!
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senseichaos · 8 months
Hey, can you have a Lucifer going down on a female reader until she’s completely over stimulated? Trying to push him away, him using his magic to keep her still that sorta think? TIA🤤
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Your wish is my commannndddd!
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"Amh.. Luci s'.." Your words get swallowed up by another moan that goes through your body, legs trembling as Lucifer's hand keeps them open with a strong grip. A blush goes over your face when his eyes peek up at you as he works his tongue against your clit, circling the sensitive bud at a tantalizing pace that makes you go dizzy.
You pull your blanket to your face, lower lip trembling as the pleasure from Lucifer's tongue continues to go through you. Gasping, you feel Lucifer's tongue dip into your hole, the pleasure from the action causing you to squirm and whimper loudly in an embarrassed pleasure.
"Duckling.." you hear him mumble into you, the vibrations causing you to continue trembling. "It's not nice having you squirm when I'm treating you, hm? Remember this is a punishment," oh you remember all right. You'd accidentally ripped a hole in one of Lucifer's expensive shirts, he wasn't mad (he's never mad) but he was definitely looking for that opportunity to punish you all the same; his punishment was simple, he was going to eat you out as many times and make you cum as many times as he pleases.
So far, he is doing a fucking good job at doing just that.
"Sorry! It's just so dirty.."
He chuckles, the vibrations making your cunt clench around nothing.
"That's just how I like it, silly duck. Now stay still for me, hm?" He asks, and under his soft yet authoritative gaze nodding without any thought but his beautiful lips as they kiss against your clit.
as Lucifer laps his tongue against your clit whilst his fingers massage into your thighs, you feel your first high begin to tighten inside of you. Once again feeling your body tremble as you bite your lower lip, closing your eyes shut tightly whilst Lucifer puts his oral skills to good use. You press the sheets to your mouth, letting out a high pitched whimper when your thighs threaten to close around Lucifer's head. He doesn't allow it, though; he makes sure to keep your thighs open nice and wide for him even if that means using a large amount of force.
"Lucifer! Careful or m'!" You moan, the knot in your stomach itching to unravel your orgasm.
"M' gonna cum!" You cry, and Lucifer chuckles, nibbling his sharp teeth against your clit as his tongue draws circles against it. With that movement you are inched to your high, the knot inside of you unraveling so hard you squirt a little. But Lucifer doesn't stop, he continues to eat you up, taking what he wants from your choicest of fruits. He doesn't care that you squirted on his chin, he doesn't care that tears are beginning to fall down your cheeks, he continues to lap up all of you. He's determined to do as he chooses.
"Daddy! S'too much..!"
Lucifer laughs, sucking against your swollen clit for a moment before withdrawing, mouth pressed to your mount. "Well, you should have considered that before ripping Daddy's shirt, hm? Be a good duckling or I'll make you cum even more than I plan," He says, a sadistic glint in his eyes as he kicks a long strip against your entire pussy.
"But I'm gonna fall asleep.." you whine, holding the sheets of the bed to yourself tightly. You try to push him away, you really do! Even going as far as to shock him on the arm with your (weak) powers. Though, this all doesn't appease Lucifer. If anything it makes him more ravenous to eat all of what he can from your pussy. This all amounts to his own powers keeping you still, a throb of a sort of ache-y pain entering you.
"Well if you do, I guess I'll just keep going. I didn't teach you to resist punishments like this, little ducky.."
Once again, he dips his tongue into your hole, fucking his tongue into you for a moment before going back to teasing your clit. It just goes like that, he'll suck, bite, lick your clit and then fuck you open with your tongue.
You can't even begin to recall how many times you came. 5? 8? 10!!?? By the time you awoke your pussy felt moderately used. And yet it was all worth it when you awoke nestled against Lucifers chest, his light snores filling your ears.
(not proof read!)
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
i want to take your art, put it in a pot, fill that pot with broth, chicken, and noodles, boil it, then eat it with crackers, so my mouth can feel a sliver of the joy my eyes feel when i see your art
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Had to try out that oddly specific recipe, but thank you! ^v^ -Bubbly💙
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Lucifer's 'he's an overlord!?' reaction is hilarious because I imagine Alastor had the same reaction to Lucifer in the beginning.
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Alastor: I've never been so disappointed in my life.
Continuation of this post
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nouverx · 3 months
Maybe a cool idea would be Alastor and Luci from one of your human aus dying and seeing eachothers demon forms for the first time, making fun of one or the other
I love your artstyle btw
I think you mistook me for someone else lol?? I don't have any human AU,,, I did make a human design to Alastor but it's canon compliant so,,,
HOWEVER, it has been a while since I last drew my human Alastor so here he is
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incorrect-obeyme · 1 year
Lucifer: What are you writing? MC: Diavolo wants to know what kind of dangerous weapons we have in the house. I’m letting him know it’s private information Satan, looking over MC’s shoulder: This just says ‘fuck around and find out’ in calligraphy.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
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Demon Brothers - With Flirty Male Reader
So! While writing this ask I've very quickly figured out that I can't flirt for my life. Thus; this ask was translated into Headcannons instead of my original plan of a split between Headcannons and a Oneshot. I hope you enjoy this because that was a half hour of embarrassment that I can't get back. —Benny🐰
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☕ You're either very brave or very very stupid; there is no in between. The audacity that you have to flirt with the avatar of pride: Lucifer himself is absolutely appalling. This poor overworked demon goes through full 5 minute factory reset just to understand what the fuck you just said to him.
☕ Stop. Please, just have a normal conversation with him. It can be about literally anything— A dream you had last night, the breakfast this morning, Beel's Fangol practice, your homework, how you think he should send Mammon to rehab for his obvious Kleptomaniac tendencies... Lucifer will even indulge in speaking about those weird captioned images and short videos that you call memes; just, please... he understands that he's handsome, but make it quick; he has paperwork to do.
☕ Do you really think that you can flirt your way out of a punishment? First Asmodeus and Diavolo (after Asmodeus spent some time with him, Diavolo attempted to flirt his way out of his Princely duties to take a few hour break) and now you? Goodness, he's surrounded by idiots. You're going to give poor Lucifer gray hairs, you know.
☕ Lucifer may let you bargain your way out of facing his wrath, though. He finds the image of you being ripped from your flirtatious facade and forced to think about things that you could offer him as collateral as he patiently taps his fingers on his desk to be on of the most amusing thing he's seen in almost 200 years. He won't lie; your nervous figiting is pretty entertaining too.
☕ Though... you might want to be a little more careful going forward, lest you catch the avatar of pride on a day that he's particularly stressed; he might just take you up on one of your occasionally more... lewd flirtatious remarks. Perhaps he'll put an end to your flirtatious ways with a well deserved spanking? Lucifer is sure you wouldn't complain, given your very clear attraction to him.
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💰 You broke him; the minute those words left your lips he went completely offline. Of course; Mammon thought that you were just making fun of him at first and tried to see of you'd slip up and insult him like so many others have. However, you only doubled down and now, the poor, flustered avatar of greed can barely look you in the eyes anymore.
💰 Truthfully, Mammon can't help but compare you to Asmodeus with how seem to need to add some sort of flirtatious comment into every sentence. Though you're not as dramatic and not at all cruel like his younger brother. He doesn't see your flirting as a bad thing but he can't help but get jealous when you start flirting with his brothers, Barbatos, Lord Diavolo and that angel. You're only supposed to do that sort of thing with him! He's your first man, dammit!
💰 Flirting your way out of being roped into a money making scheme? Pretty unlikely, believe it or not. When Mammon gets a hint of money he's chasing it and no amout of compliments will get you out of being dragged along for the ride. However, you might be able to flirt your way into getting him to take all the blame when the plan inevitably fails. All you need to do is lay it on thick and he's sold. This demon is madly in love with you, he will do anything you ask and more.
💰 While your first man is okay with taking the fall for you in any situation; he expects you to nurse his sore body back to health after hanging from the rafters for 6 hours again. You'll convince Lucifer to give him back Goldie too, won't you? Of course you would, Mammon doesn't work for free, after all.
💰 Mammon may or may not practice pick-up lines in his bathroom mirror. While he's confident in the solitude of his bathroom; once he's face to face with you his anxiety skyrockets and he stumbles over his words like a drunk man trying to navigate a dark room. You have no idea what you do to him, do you?
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🎮 Sorry, he's dead. Unfortunately, you had to go and flirt with this yucky otaku demon and he keeled over and died from overheating. Leviathan blushed so violently that he liquefied his brain and he fainted right then and there, bonking his head on various objects on his way down. Ah... poor guy...
🎮 Please, please, spare this poor man, he cannot handle it. Leviathan is too precious so go easy on him or he may just never leave that little hidey hole he calls a bedroom ever again. He's not brave enough to face you when you're like that! You may be his Henry but it feels like he's gone in too deep now, he can't even look at his beloved Ruri-Chan like he used to because you wrestled your way into her place! Just what the hell are you doing to him!?
🎮 You want to escape one of his long winded rants on TSL? All you need to do is give Leviathan a lovestruck gaze and his brain is fried; then you can make your escape. Fat Chance! As if he'd ever willing let you opt out of letting him share his one of his passions with you! Malfunctioning or not; he'll keep on talking; whether it's just to continue the conversation or to distract himself from you, we still don't know. You'll let him right? Or... do you think he's just a gross otaku afterall...?
🎮 If you do ever get into trouble with Lucifer for whatever reason; just pop into Levi's room and hide under the blankets in his bathtub while he's distracted by whatever game he's playing at the time. His older brother will never find out and neither will he until he stumbles upon you when he's feeling tired after an excruciatingly long raid. Of course, even after he finds you, he won't tell a soul.
🎮 Leviathan may or may not be hoarding various cosplays of characters with flirtatious personalities that just so happen to be in your size. How he got your measurements for the alleged cosplays is information that he will take to the grave. (He actually just asked Asmodeus but he prefers to seem mysterious about for some reason...)
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📚 Are you sure you wanna do that? Do you really want to take that risk? Truthfully, Satan knows all he has to do is amusedly raise a brow and you'll be quite as a mouse. But he finds it funny that you try to hide your fear of him behind that meaningless banter that you keep spewing. He's almost immune to your antics due to his abundant knowledge of human psychology and the time that he's spent observing you... almost.
📚 You'll have to either say something very shocking or tie it in with cats somehow in order to have an effect on Satan. He hangs around Asmodeus far too often (a personal headcannon of mine is that the two are actually very close) to be very influenced by flirtatious or suggestive remarks too much anymore. Usually he'll either raise a brow at you or just send you a teasing smirk. Though if you play into his vast knowledge and offer him a risqué fact he doesn't know, he'll be very interested.
📚 Wanna try your hand at flirting your way out of being on the receiving end of one if his wrathful outbursts? Are you a fucking idiot? Do you have no self preservation instincts at all?? You best get to steppin'; or else Satan will rip your face right off in his blind rage. To be honest, if you do go and try that, you deserve what you get in return for your stupidity.
📚 If you ever get into trouble with Lucifer, all you need to do is go to Satan and he'll harbor you in his room so long as you keep your hands to yourself. Make sure to let him know whenever you plan on flirting your way out of one of his oldest brother's punishments; he'll bring himself some popcorn. Not only will he get to see you embarrass yourself, he'll also get to see you annoy Lucifer; it's a 2 for 1 deal!
📚 If you catch him in a really good mood, Satan might just flirt back at you. Resting his chin on his palm and looking at you with the softest eyes as he lets loose words so sweet you'd think he was made of sugar. He can be really suave when he wants to, he just has to be in the right mood, ya'know.
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🛍 Look, I'll be blunt; Asmodeus hangs out with literal sex demons on the daily, he's heard everything. He's the avatar of lust; he is unfazed. So when I tell you that this man immediately thinks your just wanting to either have sex or something close to it, I'm serious. There is no if, and, but or in between; you guys are either doing the sideways tango or making out. If you don't want that, don't bother flirting with him.
🛍 Asmodeus is 100% unfazed by your flirting. No matter how sweet or raunchy you get, you'll never pull a big reaction from him. It'll mostly just be little hums of acknowledgement, his well rehearsed smile or bedroom eyes. I don't know what you were expecting, to be honest.
🛍 You think you can flirt your way out of doing anything with Asmo? Haha, no, you silly little human, you.~ He'll give you an airy little giggle and then drag you along to either his bedroom or whatever place that he needed to take you originally. Sometimes he'll strait up ignore you and act like you hadn't even said anything at all. Other times he'll use his charms and make you feel guilty for even thinking about opting out of spending time with him. It's a lose, lose situation; or a win, win depending on how much you like the guy.
🛍 You think he'll let you flirt your way out of one of Lucifer's punishments? Absolutely not! Or, at least, not without him giving you a few pointers first. Truth be told, Asmodeus thinks you have almost no rizz (he still loves you regardless~♡) and as the avatar of lust, he feels like it's his job to fix that! Or... at least try.
🛍 Truthfully, Asmodeus will keep you at an arm's length (for a while until he figures out your true intentions) like he does all of his sex demon friends. He believes you only want him for what they want him for; his body and looks. He won't ever show it but it does take a toll on him. He can breath a sigh of relief when he figures out what you really want from him.
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🍔 It's like talking to a brick wall; Beelzebub doesn't get the implications of your words. And why would he? He's far too innocent and thick headed (in the sweetest way possible) to understand something like that. Why do you even want to flirt with this precious man? Are you trying to corrupt him, you heathen!?
🍔 If you want a flustered Beel, you'll have to drop the flirting all together. Say what you need to say in clear message so he can't confuse any meanings or insinuations even if he tried to. And boom. You'll get a cute, flustered giant with flushed cheeks and an angelic smile. He'll be like a school girl with a crush; shyly fiddling with his fingers and giddily shuffling in place.
🍔 Trying to flirt your way out of sharing your food with Beelzebub? Don't. Give him a portion, you stingy bitch. Flirting aside— how could have the heart to say no to this man, you monster!? Back on topic; flirting will just fly right over his head, so I wouldn't even bother. Just give him some of your food, it's not that hard. You'll get a cute, grinning avatar of gluttony out of it, so what's that harm?
🍔 You're trying to flirt your way out of a punishment from Lucifer? Well... Beel doesn't wanna make his eldest brother mad... but he also doesn't like the idea of not helping you when you need it. He's so torn! What should he do! Unfortunately for you, the poor man will be so caught up in whether he should help you or not, that Lucifer has already found you and now you're hanging from the rafters. Please don't be mad at him, he didn't mean to ignore you, it was just a really hard decision for him!
🍔 When Beelzebub "flirts", he usually offers you some sort of food item that he really wanted to eat. He'll take occasional glances to see if you've eaten it or not and to see your reaction to it so he knows what you like in the future. Accept it! Don't you dare turn down a gift from this sunshine, you'll make him sad!
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🌌 Hey, so... you remember how he killed you via snapping your spine like a toothpick. I really wouldn't recommend flirting with him in any capacity. I don't think Belphegor would appreciate you waking him up to flirt or if he's already awake, which is a rarity in it's self, he'd rather you be quite so he can nap. He's just here to use you as a pillow, not to hear you run your mouth.
🌌 The best time to "flirt" with this slightly homicidal demon is when he decides that you deserve to take a nap with him. (Read as; when he decides to sleep on your bed and use you as a pillow.) However; said flirting must be soft and sweet. Gentle praises in a soft voice. Comb your fingers through his hair. Belphie will drift off to sleep with small smile on his face. Expect him to be in a very flowery mood when he wakes up again.
🌌 You want to attempt to flirt your way out of stargazing in the attic for the nth time in a row? Sure! You do that! In fact, Belphegor thinks that your bones are looking mighty crushable right now. Don't get too ahead of yourself, he's not above physically holding onto you and keeping you in the attic until he's satisfied. You're not getting out of this one, hun.
🌌 On the run from Lucifer? Belphegor's got you covered! Just head on up to the attic while he goes to Satan for a hex he can place on the door to keep the prideful demon away. Anything to fuck with Lucifer will have him come running, so keep him informed, okay?
🌌 On some rare occasions, when you and Belphie are alone together, he can be real sweet to you. Calling you something romantic like his north star or something of the like. However, he quickly ruins the mood with an obnoxious yawn. Whether he does that on purpose or not is up to you.
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vaggieslefteye · 2 months
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ALASTOR & LUCIFER | ᴘᴀʀᴀʟʟᴇʟꜱ + ꜱɪᴍɪʟᴀʀɪᴛɪᴇꜱ
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koolades-world · 9 months
Helloo !
I just wanted to know how you think the brothers (or any other character you want to do!) would react to an MC that shows affection or just generally behaves like a cat on the norm? [Specifically Satan]
Like, headbutting their arm or something (gently) to get attention, having an overwhelming urge to push things off of tables when their placed on the edge, slow blinking to say 'I love you', managing to get into random places and somehow squeezing into crevices, often found napping in the most inconvenient spots, etc?
-E. (*^^*)♡
hi!! omg I love this request. I love cats sm
sorry I took so long to get to this, E! hope you enjoy
Mc with cat-like tendencies
thinks it cute but won't ever admit that
often finds you napping at strange times in his office since it's so quiet and cold
keeps lots of fluffy blankets around the house for you (and Belphie by proxy)
a little annoyed at your tendency to steal small objects or push things off his desk but it just taught him to keep decoys
overwhelmed by your cuddliness at such strange, specific times and prickliness at others
finds himself buying lots of little things he knows you're going to like
one time he found you asleep underneath his bed when he couldn't find you anywhere
when asked, you told him nobody would ever check under there since his room was notoriously messy, which embarrassed him and made him a little cleaner
surprised by your love for napping in his bathtub
he loves how you're often up with him during his gaming sessions late at night and totally understands passing out randomly and for short periods of time
also gets being startled by sudden movement or loud noises
all and all gets along with you very well
over the moon once he notices all these tendencies
understands the slow blinks and can barely contain his excitement
keep that info from his brothers so he can share those special moments with you
introduces you to his favorite, quiet spots that are secluded in hopes of being able to enjoy some precious moments with you
he's just relived that you don't also shed like a cat, he loves Satan but he can't stand having cat fur on everything
can't be mad that you ruin his organization and enjoys your company when he's playing dress up or getting ready
always finds you hanging out or sleeping in strange places in his closet
adores how loving you are and how you come to him for the affection, since coming after you doesn't really work too well
a little confused by your actions but gets used to your quirks quickly
grows used to the arm headbutting and draws comfort from it
finds himself growing rather protective of you when you nap somewhere public
if you happen to fall asleep on him, he's the least likely to move you and will stay exactly where and how he is so he doesn't wake you
ultimate nap buddies!!!
falling asleep on each other is like a job at this point since you both do it so often
with each others help, you both find even more weird places to sleep
your favorite spot together is the roof, but if you're not there, he knows just to check the top of the high bookshelves in the library for you
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bananadramaaa · 6 months
You draw them so amazingly. I LOVE your Mimzy!! And Alastor is perfection! I wonder how you would draw Lucifer in your style! (Biased cause he is my fave)
Here comes the booooooooy✨
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silvermarley · 1 month
Hi, gorgeous! 💐🏃‍♂️
Hope you have a great day!
Can i request brothers reaction (or just Mammon lol) on them shouting on MC (after hard day or smthng) when MC just wanted some of their attention?
Not me all the time, of course not 🤡
If you're not okay with it, or just don't want to do it, it's okay)
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The Eldest Brothers lashing out when MC wanted attention
Warnings: angsty to comfort, cursing, hints of insecurity (Levi)
A/N: I’m a sucker for comfort what can I say 🤭 but I hope all is well, dear anon!
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It’s safe to say this man is overworked, and that’s putting it lightly. He works himself to exhaustion almost daily. Today was no different. Other than the stressful time he had this particular day.
Being his adoring lover, you knew how he was. You knew he could get caught up in his work. But sometimes you wanted his attention. Attention that he couldn’t give you when he was nose-deep in paperwork.
You were sitting on the couch next to his desk in his familiar office. A usual routine.
Due to his lack of attention on you tonight, you couldn’t help but feel starved of it. You began trying to convince Lucifer to just take a break. To go to sleep with you as it was pretty late into the night at this point.
At first he would say “Not now, MC.” or something along those lines. But then you began to prod at him to leave his work. And something just.. snapped eventually.
“MC, could you not hound me about this? Just go to bed, I’ll be there eventually.” His voice was louder than he meant for it to be as he slammed his pen on his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
Your heart drops at his tone of voice and his words. Without another word, you rush out the office and to his room. You always slept there most nights. Against your better judgement, you still wanted to sleep there tonight. You finally let some tears flow out as you lay down to your side in the soft bed. The thoughts of how stupidly needy you were and how he shouted at you spiraled in your head.
Lucifer would stare at his half-done paperwork, frowning to himself after you left. He wished he conveyed what he said differently. That he didn’t fuss at you for simply wanting attention from your boyfriend. Moments pass, and he would finally step away from his work for the night. Pushing his chair from the desk, he gets up and walks towards his bedroom.
Seeing you facing away from the door on his bed, he noted that your shoulders shook. He gently closed the door and immediately sat on the edge of the bed next to where you were laying.
“I.. didn’t mean to raise my voice at you. I’ve just had a rather stressful day and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” His gloved hand sets itself on your arm.
The same hand slowly lifts the back of your hand to his lips where he then places a light kiss on it. “I’m sorry, dear..”
You would then meet his gaze, and seeing your glazed over eyes hurt his heart. “‘m sorry for pestering you.. I-I just wanted you to get some rest with me.”
He slides into bed behind you, cuddling you as you wanted. “No need for apologies. I should be taking time off my work to spend more time with you. I’ll try my best to see that happen.”
Lucifer pulls the blanket over the two of you. “Let me pamper you the way you deserve, yes?”
His day was rough. He had been tied to the ceiling for multiple hours as punishment from Lucifer. Not only that, but he wasn’t getting very lucky with his gambles.
You had noticed he was very dismissive of you. He wasn’t in his usual mischievous mood. Throughout the day you would try to get him to pay attention to you.
At one point, he just let it out. It was when he was out, cooling off from the events of the day. You had called him, wanting to know when he’d be home so he could hang out. He was still heated because of the losses and irritated at being tied up earlier.
When he picked up the phone after being so distant throughout the day only to hear you asking a multitude of questions, he shouted, “Dammit, I don’t need this right now! Can’t a guy be alone for two seconds?!”
The other side of the phone goes quiet. You were surprised and hurt at how he responded. You leave it at that and hang up.
Mammon looks at the “call ended” text on screen. After letting his frustration out, he just felt horrible. He shouldn’t have said that. “Shit..”
He rushes home, hoping you are willing to hear him out. The demon steps into your room to see your knees being held close to your chest and your head laying on your knees. He never wants to make you upset. And that’s just what he did.
“MC?” He starts, nervously sitting next to you on your bed.
You don’t look at him. He looks at the ground. “Look.. i shouldn’t have yelled at ya. It’s just that today hasn’t been on my side,”
He glances back to you. “And I’m sorry I said all that because of it..” Mammon wants the best at words, but you knew he was sincere.
You sniffle, eyes darting to him. He’s saddened by the fact he made you like this all because he couldn’t hold his irritation in. He feels like a scumbag.
He leans back, offering his lap to you with open arms. He’d understand if you don’t want this, though. “C’mere treasure.. lemme make up for it.”
Mammon smiled a little when you climbed into his lap and laid your head on his shoulder. He places sweet kisses on your face. He made sure every moment that night was spent worshipping and praising you.
It’s not too often Levi lashes out at you. He’s incredibly serious about his games. Typically that doesn’t change how he acts with you and it doesn’t bother him when you’re there with him sitting in his lap or something.
Today, he had lost a pretty big tournament in one of his games. He became mad at himself and at the loss.
You came into his room, wanting his attention. “Leviii, you haven’t come out of your room all day!” You complained, to which you were met with an annoyed Levi.
“Well no shit! I just lost this month’s tournament! Do you really think I’d be happy?” He shut his mouth after speaking so unusually loud.
Levi watched as you left. God, how could he be so stupid? You were just concerned about him and he yelled at you.
He left his room for the first time since he lost. Feeling guilty as he went to apologize. He just hoped you wouldn’t hate him now. Though he would not blame you if you did, seeing as he’s just a yucky otaku.
He looked all around the HOL for you, and found you in the living room. You weren’t facing his way, but he was sure it wasn’t good. The demon hesitantly stood next to where you were sitting. He didn’t want to see you like this. But he needed to apologize for his behavior.
Levi fumbled with his fingers and at the cuff of his jacket anxiously. “M-Mc?” He began, hoping you’d listen.
When you didn’t look up, he frowned to himself and continued despite his urge to sulk in his room. “I’m sorry for lashing out.. I-It’s just— I lost a tournament that was important to me.”
You look up at him, not entirely forgiving him. He smiled awkwardly. “And I know that’s no excuse to have done what i did..” Levi lowered to his knees, and shakily took both ur hands in his own.
If you looked close enough, you might see him getting misty-eyed. “I-I’m really glad you checked on me, even though I lashed out when you did..” He looked down ashamed, “And I’m sorry, MC. Can you forgive a worthless otaku like me?”
You gave it a thought, and squeezed his hands. He perked up his gaze to you. “I forgive you.” It was a short and simple response, but Levi felt so much joy hearing it.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!!” He hugs your waist from where he was on his knees. His hug only tightened when you brushed your fingers through his hair.
After a bit of silence he talks again, “Can we maybe.. watch a show together? It can be anything you want.. I’ll even get your favorite snacks.”
And that, you did. He made sure that he would make it known the rest of the day how much he is thankful you forgave him. For you, you got the attention you desired.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
idk if it’s just me but ANGRY SEX omfg like imagine they just get so angry they HAVE to pound the shit out of you 🤭🤭 - 🪰
I got like 9 asks about angry /  rough sex in like an hour the other day from different anons are y’all okay? Just horny?
CW: angry / rough-ish sex, afab! reader, pick your boy cuz I couldn’t lmao
You don’t even remember what the fight was about…did you even have an argument?…Your mind is too fuzzy to think straight…..
Not right now anyway, not while he has you pressed against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist…not while he’s pounding into you so roughly, all you can do is moan and claw at his shirt trying to ground yourself.
Hell he’d practically ripped off, mumbling about getting them out of his way. Not that you care right now-
Your too busy moaning, whining with every movement of his hips, every slide of his cock in and out of your poor abused cunt….
His fingers digging into you ass so hard you’ll definitely have little bruises tomorrow. All while he keeps nipping and sucking at your neck, making sure to mark you as his even when he’s angry. Especially when he’s angry
Only pausing to whisper degrading words right in your ear, mocking you for letting him fuck you like this even after you said you were mad at him, even after yelling at each other….calling you a whore, his whore and asking if you knew you’d end up like this?
You both knew you’ll always end up like this-
Your eyes fall closed as you moan louder….begging for more…until you let out a surprised gasp as he pulls you away from the wall, your arms tightening around his shoulders at the sudden shift and now he’s using his grip on your ass to bounce you on his cock, chuckling at your startled expression.
You can only whine louder and hold on tighter as he uses you as a little fuck toy……you’d be embarrassed if it didn’t feel so fucking good-
Maybe you really did deserve the way he mocked you-
His cock keeps hitting your sweet spot inside you just perfectly~
Hearing him groan in your ear as you cum around his cock.
Seeing that damn smirk on his face when your walls keep spasming around his cock, as if you still want more even deeper inside, and he taunts you by calling you a slut….his slut as he moves, dropping you on bed.
Pushing you down as he trusts into you again, moving his hips faster and faster until he’s pounding into you again….until he’s cumming…..moaning your name as he stuffs your poor little cunt with his sticky cum….
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keets-writing-corner · 7 months
Love how Lucifer just manhandles Adam during their 'fight' despite everyone else getting their asses kicked. Plus him effortlessly destroying him when Charlie's in danger is really sweet.
gawd me too anon me too
that was everything me to me. like everything. It was built up so well too
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we spent the whole season building up alastor as this massive powerhouse, eldritch, nobody messes with him. Only one who tried picking a fight with him (Vox) got utterly humiliated and everyone else was clearly outclassed. Except for Lucifer where Alastor merely just went with annoying instead of power challenging. Like we got vibes okay yeah makes sense that the King of Hell isn't intimidated by anyone, even if it's alastor, but Alastor got TWO wtf moments in Dad Beat Dad one with Husk and one with defending the hotel
other than that, it was pretty much, nobody messes with him cuz he will mess you up
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and he fights Adam evenly sorta for a bit before Adam pulls out the "I'm an angel which is stronger than any demon" card and alastor gets his ass handed to him.
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Like what a way to set up how strong ADAM is, having him beat Alastor. And then no one else in the hotel is as strong as Alastor was, so everyone's struggling. Charlie at least gets one good hit in but her inexperience kicks her in the ass and then Lucifer just shows up and
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like hot DAMN that was just one hit! He broke Adam's mask, the force was enough to send him FLYING across the roof top, and bounce so hard against the billboard he BROKE THE SKYLIGHT
That was just a "HANDS OFF MY BABY" warning too, like LOOK at that face, that's not a "fight me" face it's a "if you touch my baby again, I will screw you so bad your bones will need therapy and you never recover"
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Lucifer not even .2 seconds later, just upon seeing Charlie
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and then yeah, Lucifer was NOT taking the fight with Adam serious at all, like the dude was taunting him, mocking him, dodging all of his attacks, just shapeshifting like Adam was a joke LIKE LOOK AT THIS
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Lucifer isn't even scared, he's just "oh there's a wall there"
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His FACE IM DYING he's legit like "wowwww you just tried shoving me into a wall? really? didn't have any other ideas? Soooooo original of you. I will mock you now"
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rewatching rn for the screenshots, he's legit just shapeshifting for the fun of it. 70% of the time nothing has happened, he's just dodging adam and shapeshifting while doing it, like he doesn't need to be doing that this is 100% mockery.
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And then the iconic
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like omgggg this is soooo satisfying and amazing to watch. Like the set up of Adam being powerful was great, and then we just get this absolute trolling from Lucifer cuz he really doesn't care about Adam
And listen the trolling is great and all, but when Adam makes the mistake of not heeding Lucifer's warning of messing with his baby, and then does it a second time
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RIP Adam just getting one shot-ed like that but hnnnnnggggg we got to see Lucifer fully pissed and it was GREAT
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And somehow my favorite part wasn't even watching Lucifer go absolute ham on Adam, it was that even at his absolute most rage fueled moment, snarling like a beast where he was going to and fully intended on making good on his threat about messing with his baby
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just one shoulder touch from Charlie and he's immediately chill. Like it's instantaneous, like how much do you love someone to be able to be absolutely livid, about to incinerate someone levels of rage only to immediately be "o oki! No more violence!" the second that person touches you???
Ugh I love them so much! Like everything about that fight, but especially how Lucifer can just go from absolutely the most dangerous person in one second and then OWO SOFT the next just by looking at Charlie
oops this post got long... IMSORRYYYYY other than "More than Anything" and the phonecall with charlie this is one of the scenes I replay the most, I love them so much
Characters going absolutely feral over loved ones is just aasdfadffalklkmafdjalsg 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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temis-de-leon · 1 month
Southern gn!MC spoils the brothers with their cooking
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon and Beel (x reader, separately. Non established relationship, but there's a hint of romantic interest)
Main Masterlist
Anon request: Can I get a southern gn!MC that loves to spoil the brothers with their cooking? Low and slow BBQ, TexMex, Cajun cuisine, they make it all and they do so amazingly
A/N: mind you, I'm not even american
They’re all used to fast food and globally-liked dishes; Mammon’s favourite food is noodles, Levi’s is pizza and Beel’s is a cheeseburger, after all. The rest prefer desserts, so the only brother who deviates to something slightly different is Belphie, but even sushi is widely known and shared in all the realms.
Being as old as they are, yours is a cuisine they’ve already tried, but it obviously didn’t stick. Perhaps it was due to flavour being lost in culture differences or Devildom cooks using other ingredients to follow the recipes, or maybe there was a whole different reason.
Whichever it was, they all had to forget it when you started living with them.
It quickly became clear that not only you preferred certain foods and spices, but you also cooked them to perfection.
Buttery seafood and tender meat that fall apart in their mouths and sauces that leave them gasping for fresh air; other dishes are tamer and fresher, but no less flavourful.
Although they thoroughly savour everything you put on their table, it inevitably comes the day when they feel the need to discuss the idea of asking you for some variety in their private group chat, unaware of your ability to read those messages.
Imagine their surprise when they gather for dinner at the House of Lamentation that same day and a whole feast is waiting for their enjoyment.
It’s a gift of appreciation, you say, a way to show your love for them.
How could they ask for anything different after that?
His heart warms at the idea of being taken care of and he won’t have any problem showing this sentiment as long as you both are alone.
While he compliments your talent and thanks your efforts along with his brothers in the dining room, Lucifer won’t ever let them see the way his smirk turns into an adoring smile whenever you enter his office with a tray full of plates.
Skipping family meals isn’t something he’s keen on doing, but spending time just with you almost makes him change his mind.
On days when he’s unable to finish paperwork on time, what gives him the energy to keep going is the knowledge that, once you finish dinner with his brothers, you’ll prepare an obscene amount of food so he won’t go to bed hungry.
He will wait for your foot to knock on the door, hands too occupied to do the job, and he will quickly preen himself before opening the door, gaze softening in anticipation.
He invites you to sit with him while he eats and he puts quite the effort in asking how you learnt to cook like this. Does your upbringing have anything to do with it? Did someone teach you or is it a self-taught skill?
While he shows great interest in the food, he hopes you realize that the spice isn’t what’s making him blush so much.
Being insulted by his brothers is a common occurrence in his life, but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less. Some words cut deeper than others and, on certain occasions when he’s already feeling down, they even take his hunger away.
It’s late at night when you hear noises coming from the kitchen and Beel’s is the first face that crosses your mind, so you tiredly get up and prepare yourself to stop the elder twin before he eats the leftovers.
To your surprise, what peaks over the fridge door isn’t strands of red hair, but white.
Although Mammon’s figure is covered by shadows, you can see his sombre expression thanks to the light inside the fridge; reddened eyes searching for something to settle his rumbling stomach.
Your actions are moved by instinct.
There’s no way of making your presence known without scaring him, but at least you can share a couple of awkward chuckles after he shrieks like a banshee. He tries to play it cool and turns around to hide his embarrassment, so you both take the chance and also ignore the sadness in his frown.
He watches as you take a couple of containers with different food and prepare dinner again, this time just for him. It’s healing, kind of, witnessing someone putting so much work and effort into making him feel better.
You’re sleepy, your speech is slurred and your movements are slow, but you are also making sure his food looks somewhat presentable and appetizing. You reheat it and stop the microwave before it bleeps and you’re smiling at him the whole time.
Half-serious and half-joking, he makes you swear you will only do this for him from now on.
Cooking when it’s your turn and enjoying what you do in the kitchen is one thing, but going out of your way to feed him?
That’s something you’d only do for your First Man!
He would thank you out loud, but he’s too busy crying tears of joy.
His expectations aren’t set at any point when you cook for the first time since he has already eaten everything in existence and even more, so the moment he starts to chew the first mouthful his mind goes blank for a moment.
In mere seconds his eyes darken and he sets his elbows on the table to prepare himself.
There’s no way anyone is getting seconds.
Although Mammon is the one in charge of your safety, your cooking makes bonding with Beel way easier and faster.
You are more than happy to satiate his hunger, wishing to show your affection through your skill and flattered by his immense appreciation, so the kitchen becomes a sacred place for you both.
He stares at you intensely with focused eyes and drool filling his mouth, anticipating the texture and flavour of every ingredient you are stirring and flipping in the pots and pans.
Conversations are short and simple, but you are unable to blame him.
There’s no need to talk anyway when he smiles at you like that each time you turn around and feed him scraps and samples to satiate his sin while you’re cooking.
Over time, even when every corner of the house smells like charcoal, spice and a little bit of sweetness underneath, his stomach stops feeling as empty as before.
He won’t ever reject anything you put in front of him, especially when you talk so lovingly with eyes so bright, but he will find that, as days come and go, his need for more focuses on something entirely different.
Taglist: @sammywo @ilovecandys2010 @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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allastoredeer · 3 months
When do you think Lucifer found out Alastor is an Overlord? When Mimzy mentioned it in episode 5 he was on the tour already and wouldn't have heard her
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Lucifer: The quality sure went down while I was away.
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