#lucifer: anyway mc wanna come with me to see it next time
cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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he is so funny sometimes w/how he loves Bothering Them dncncncgnng
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sulumuns-dootah · 24 days
If WHB had PvP: King interactions
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: Started playing new gacha game with PvP arena and got me thinking how the kings would react to having to fight other kings or their own selves ^^
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Satan vs. Satan
"Wait, that's me?! Do I also have clones now like that fly bastard?"
"Hahaha I hope he enjoyed that as much as I did!"
"I'm not that short, c'mon!"
"Do you think that guy also has his own Sitri or do we both share him?
Satan vs. Mammon
"Who are you calling short?"
"This is what you get for taking what's mine!"
"Do you notice me now?"
"Heh, you won't see this one coming"
Satan vs. Beelzebub
"No matter how many clones he has, I'll beat him anyway"
"You stay away from my knees! Don't want a repeat of last time."
"This was the last time your clones took turns with MC!"
"After we're done here, wanna grab drinks?"
Satan vs. Leviathan
"Here's a little taste of what will happen the next time you'll try to kill MC!"
"About time someone burst that bubble of yours!"
"Time to wake up and smell the roses!"
"Who even is this guy, wanting to go back to school?"
Satan vs. Belphegor
"Man, imagine being able to sleep. Couldn't be me!"
"Oh hey, did anyone else see that corpse reanimate itself?"
"For someone who sleeps all the time, he sure does look tired."
"That guy Beleth, I could use someone like him too."
Satan vs. Lucifer
"Heh, look who just became a harmacist!"
"I wonder... if he injured me, would he also heal me afterwards?"
"When I first met him, he seemed weaker... Still, he's no match for me!"
"I heard a squeak earlier... Did I accidentally step on that tiny piss ballon?
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Mammon vs. Satan
"Oh? I'm sorry, I didn't notice you down there."
"I don't mean to be rude. It seems he's very insecure about many things."
"He's like an adorable kitten when he wants to play punch."
"I like small things"
Mammon vs. Mammon
"Ah, what a strange state of affairs. I must've somehow gotten multiplied."
"If there's two of me, does that mean we must share?"
"Do I own him or does he own me?"
"So this is what it feels like to be a Beelzebub."
Mammon vs. Beelzebub
"My subjects tell me he's more in Tartaros than in his own country"
"His food is palatable with enough gold on it."
"If I recall correctly, he tried to eat one of the pillars in my castle."
"I won't hold back the next time he whisks my master away."
Mammon vs. Leviathan
"That coffin seems valuable, I shall look into it more"
"I must admit, Hades is a beautiful country."
"Leviathan could use a visit to one of many Tartaros' spas."
"He's so pale. He should go out more."
Mammon vs. Belphegor
"I do respect a country which hasn't descended into chaos with the king mostly absent."
"I shall send him some new bedsheets. Who knows when was the last time he's had them changed."
"Ahahah, I do admit you do have a very unique power!"
"Such lifestyle does look appealing, alas my country would greatly miss my presence."
Mammon vs. Lucifer
"I respect you deeply. This is nothing personal."
"If you require financial aid, do not hesitate to ask."
"I hope Buer is satisfactory in his position as a healer"
"Do you miss your father as much as I sometimes do?"
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Beelzebub vs. Satan
"Huhu, you're cute trying to fight me!"
"Oh, we were fighting?"
"I'm bored, let's jump someone together!"
"Hm, I kinda want a snack now."
Beelzebub vs. Mammon
"I could use a bigger meal."
"I just heard one of the Tartaros' beaches calling me. I have to go."
"Maybe we could go visit my favorite Abyssos casinos afterwards!"
"Hm, I wonder how the pillars in his castle taste like."
Beelzebub vs. Beelzebub
"Oh hello, me!"
"I see you're handling everything here, so I'll just get going."
"If you go to that café in Gehenna, I can go to that stall with fish sweets in Hades..."
"Are you Bael or are you really me?"
Beelzebub vs. Leviathan
"Levi! Nice to see you again!"
"I wonder if he liked the last souvenir I bought him..."
"C'mon, next time I'm in Hades I'm treating you to a fish steak!"
"Sometimes I think he'd love to give me a noose around neck too."
Beelzebub vs. Belphegor
"You won't mind if I borrow Beleth for a few weeks, right?"
"Ah, how is Andrealphus doing?"
"I wish I wasn't so busy and could just lay in bed all day!"
"If only Bael was here to see how well can a country flourish without the king being around all the time."
Beelzebub vs. Lucifer
"Next time invite your angel brothers along."
"I don't need anymore shots for now."
"Another Seraphim down."
"Paradise Lost is pretty, but the smell is horrible."
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Leviathan vs. Satan
"Ah, how pitiful you'd even try to mesure up to me."
"Size matters, don't you know?"
"I expected nothing less from you."
"Someday you might grow out of it."
Leviathan vs. Mammon
"A shame, truly. You seemed as a worthy ally."
"Money isn't really what matters. It's beauty."
"That palace of his is very tacky, don't you think?"
"I've won, of course."
Leviathan vs. Beelzebub
"Ugh, just please stop talking."
"You're lucky you're not one of my subjects."
"I shall end you quickly to end my suffering."
"I wish I could be back at my castle."
Leviathan vs. Leviathan
"Finally, I get to defeat myself and come as the winner!"
"Who dares to multiply me and make me compete with myself?!"
"Hm... That color doesn't seem to suit my complexion."
"I'm jealous of other people for being able to see me from such point of view."
Leviathan vs. Belphegor
"Oh, to be able to stay at home all day without being interrupted."
"My coffin is way more comfortable than that cheap bed."
"Hades is beautiful and blooming, unlike Niflheim."
"Where is this Beleth I keep hearing about?"
Leviathan vs. Lucifer
"I shall keep an eye on you at all times."
"All angels are deemed untrustworthy in my eyes."
"I will never forgive your kind for what you've done to us."
"Perhaps, you'd also like to forget your past?"
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Belphegor vs. Satan
"Man, your existence's gotta be terrible..."
"Jeez, why are you so loud?"
"Anger drains so much energy..."
"Couldn't be me..."
Belphegor vs. Mammon
"Nice pillows..."
"All that gold looks uncomfortable.."
"Wonder how nice the hotels are in Tartaros..."
"Can ya get me some figures at the Hellcon?"
Belphegor vs. Beelzebub
"Ya exhaust me..."
"Tell Bael I ain't givin' Beleth to anyone.."
"Ya gotta be tired from all that runnin' 'round..."
"Ugh, I'm exhausted..."
Belphegor vs. Leviathan
"Six... I'll have ya obliterated!"
"Ya remind me of that one anime character that dies in the end..."
"Imagine putting all that work in just to look like that..."
"I wonder when they'll announce another season..."
Belphegor vs. Belphegor
"Well, what in tarnation?"
"Makes me double tired..."
"Ope, am I still dreamin'?"
Belphegor vs. Lucifer
"Hospital beds ain't comfy..."
"This Hell might be big enough for the two of us..."
"Agares might need ya soon, if he don't shape up..."
"That Andrealphus, he seems hurt, check up on him, will ya?"
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Lucifer vs. Satan
"Humans believe you've taken on all my wrath towards my father. Thank you for relieving me of such impure emotions."
"You. I'd expected you taller."
"I deeply apologise for all the grief my brothers have caused you."
"Morax asked me to remind you to wear your mouth guard."
Lucifer vs. Mammon
"Ah, father must've been very generous while creating you."
"I can sense a deep sadness within you..."
"If your horn stump becomes painful, my doctors can help you."
"There were many demons who required back pain treatment after carrying his riches."
Lucifer vs. Beelzebub
"I was told my brother fears you. If that is what will keep him in line, I shall support such occurence."
"That Phenomenon, what exactly is it?"
"I believe you're due in for another health check up."
"They call him wandering king and yet I have yet to see him vacation in Paradise Lost."
Lucifer vs. Leviathan
"My lord, you truly are the epitome of vanity."
"Could you please keep your servant in check, so we do not have to use spells to ensure our morgue doesn't get broken into?"
"The amount of Hades demons addmited to the hospital because of thorn injuries is great. I wonder why?"
"I am deeply sorry for all the horrible things you've been through. I should've intervened."
Lucifer vs. Belphegor
"I feel insulted to be now considered your fellow."
"I believe we do have a cure for narcolepsy, If you'd be interested."
"Beleth, that name sounds familiar..."
"That halo doesn't seem like it was your to begin with."
Lucifer vs. Lucifer
"Has... father created another copy of me?"
"Am I so easily replaceable?"
"So this is how all the other demons see me... I now understand."
"If there's two of me, I shall work twice as hard now..."
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obeymematches · 5 months
Hi! How about hc of mc getting pursued by another demon to be with them instead since the demon brothers ignores them and doesn't treat them that well connected to their avatar (like how belphie ignores you 24/7 for sleep) I just wanna see possessive demon brothers please! 🥺
ahhh i remember the guy who i was _just_ talking to on tinder say i needed to have his name painted on my nails... what a funny guy he was
also i'm having this in several parts, it's gonna be that long.
You supposed you and him had a special chemistry between the two of you. It is hard to describe what it was like but you felt it everytime you looked into his eyes, heard their voice, felt their touch. To your best knowledge the feeling was mutual, he did ask you out on a couple of dates. Until he stopped texting you (if you texted him he didn’t even open your messages) and sometimes you didn’t even see him for a day or two despite living in the same house. You didn’t want to make the situation more awkward than it already was , so from your point of view you made the most realistic decision. Catching another fish from the sea seem like a great idea.
Lucifer: He saw you from a distance as you were having a chat with Lord Diavolo himself. At the time he preferred not to think much of it. Not that the idea of you falling madly in love with the prince didn’t cross his mind; of course he did consider that a possibility. He knows Diavolo the best and he also knows he’d adore you if he got a chance to. The next day you and Diavolo walk by, completely unnoticing him. He didn’t eavesdrop; what would be the point of that? But he, or to be more specific, this side of the RAD building could hear Diavolo joking about and laughing with you. It was most unusual! Especially in public like this, Diavolo would normally keep it lowkey, it would be too risky to let anyone know he enjoys your company.
That’s when The Avatar of Pride had the idea to check the message you sent him ….. almost 3 weeks ago.
Was telling you he was busy be good enough? Would you buy that? Most likely not. It was a shame he let the situation escalate like this, however it’s been decades or maybe even a century since he felt chemistry with anyone the way he did with you. Of course he can’t tell you like it is, otherwise he wouldn’t be the Avatar if Pride but the Avatar of Bluntness.
As much as it hurt his ego to admit it, he did grow fond of you.
„Meet me in my office, 3PM today.”
As you read his message your little human heart almost skipped a beat. It’s going to be awkward assisting him after you started growing feelings for him, feelings which he pretty clearly never reciprocated. You don’t really feel like meeting him, quite honestly.
So you didn’t meet him. He could call you if it was so urgent anyway.
The next day he made sure to run into you when you weren’t in the company of his friend.
„We must talk. Are you free now?”
„I am, for now. I have a class in 20 minutes.”
„I am sorry I did not talk to you about it sooner. Our last date was everything I could ask for. It would be a shame if you were seeing anyone else now. Are you free this afternoon?”
„Oh…um…how should I put this… if you really enjoyed it that much how come you were avoiding me for weeks?”
„I will tell you everything later. I promise.”
• It is up to you to accept or decline him now, however his possessivenes will get the best of him in the following days. He’ll be waiting for you after classes just to talk to you. Sometimes he even gives you a rose. Why is he being so desperate now? Thankfully his pride doesn’t allow him to talk to Diavolo about the situation.
There you are, in his favourite pub, playing pool with two attractive demons plus a duo who appears to be a couple. He knows you can’t play pool very well; it was most definitely not your idea to come here and play. Then who’s? Are you on a date? That cannot be happening.
Yes, he stopped spending time with you but it hasn’t been that long, has it??
He checked your message which you sent about 4 days ago. Surely not much time has passed since!
He ordered himself AND YOU a drink and didn’t hesitate to go up to you.
„Heyy, watcha up to? This ones for ya.”
„Thanks Mammon-„
„So who’re ya here with?”
„I’m with my friend” you look at one of the members of the couple.
„And who’re these losers? Lemme join ya!” he said as he put his arm around your waist.
„Well actually we don’t know them. They were just here, playing.”
The night went by, Mammon did provide you support in the game, although he is not much of a pro himself either. He did his best.
„Sorry I didn’t text ya. I was hustlin at Hell’s Kitchen ya know, givin me sweet money for working nightshift.”
You didn’t really reply as it was still a bit hard to believe him.
„And I also got me a second hustle for the day. I needa get more money! I wanna take ya on some nice ass dates, not a stupid coffe from the machine again.”
• Even if you tell him so he won’t leave you alone for the night. • Which is nice as the unknown demons left already! Now you are for sure for him only!
Part 1.
Tumblr is out there making me fight for my life as I'm trying to edit this post
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midnight-vixn · 2 years
You think any of the Obey Me bros are into exhibition? More specifically, do you think any of them like to freeball it around HoL so MC can see the outline of what they're working with? Or wearing shorts that are just a bit too short so they're practically flashing MC whenever they sit down. Or maybe they just got out if the shower after they invited MC over and whoops, the towel fell~
Fndndnnd I just can't get enough of thinking about the demon bros just casually showing themselves off to MC, trying to rile the human up so they can finally make a move.
I sure freakin do!!! These boys are such show offs, they wanna get in your pants so bad but they’re not sure how…might as well show you what’s in their pants!
Mammon had a habit of sleeping naked before you showed up and was occasionally caught wandering to the kitchen in the middle of the night because why tf would anyone else be up? Lucifer scares him in to changing that habit but barely, now he sleeps in satin boxers or black sweatpants with nothing underneath. Early one morning he ventured into the kitchen, shirtless and his sweatpants riding dangerously low on his hips, his white happy trail peaking out against his abs. He was still in a haze and not fully awake but he definitely caught you staring at his dick while he walked by, pretending to listen to one of his brothers talk but your eyes watching the way his dick moved against his thigh, noticing how you bit your lip just slightly. He’s also been known to be in his boxers when you come over in the evenings and good lord you can see it all when he manspreads, he of course pretends not to notice you glancing down occasionally to get a glimpse of his package. He twitches slightly and knows you saw because your whole body went stiff immediately after.
Beelzebub is so so oblivious to the death grip he has on you. Another one who will lounge around in a tank and sweats like it’s no big deal, all the while you can see the outline of his fat cock resting against his massive thigh. Wouldn’t be a problem if you could stare from a safe distance but Beel is a cuddle bug and likes to have his human close to him, so now you’re trapped next to him, one massive arm over your shoulders while you try to focus on the tv and not that fucking anaconda hiding in his sweats. You fail miserably but that’s fine he doesn’t notice anyway, just be careful how far your mind wanders though, Beel has an excellent sense of smell especially when it comes to your excitement.
Asmodeus is the queen of thirst traps so of course he takes any chance he can get to rile you up. Wearing cute short shorts that accentuate his ass and bulge, wearing beautiful lace thongs that show just above his shorts, sweatpants aren’t his style but if you stop by his room in the evening you’re bound to catch him wearing very sheer underwear that give you a full view of everything. He knows when he’s got you worked up thanks to his pact, that only spurs him on and makes him sink his fangs in deeper. If he catches you staring too long he’ll take charge and pull you into his room, whether you let him show you a good time or just let him tease you for a bit is entirely up to you, just make sure to compliment his lingerie~
Lucifer gave you a near heart attack the one time you walked in on him post shower. Hair still wet and hanging in his face, water droplets cascading down his chest and stomach, and towel hung low on his hips. You squeaked in fear and embarrassment, you knew better than to enter without knocking but you’re really glad you didn’t, maybe your sudden squeal is what startled him but nonetheless his towel quickly dropped to the floor giving you a full frontal view. You were left speechless with legs weak and shaking, now you knew why he was the pride of the celestial realm because good lord was he big. You tried to run or look away but your mind only flooded with the most unholy thoughts, Lucifer must of picked up on that because he very quickly had you pressed against the wall with his lips on your neck.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
-> mc is back in the human world but didn't pick up the phone, so the brothers leave a voicemail
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read also kind of trying out a new style hehe
content warnings: kind of angsty maybe, alcohol use, gambling mentions
'good evening, mc. it is a fine evening here in the devildom, I hope it's the same case with you. I have just returned from a meeting with diavolo, we've had... quite the demonus. however I am by no means drunk. anyways I have actually been listening to the record you got for me, a thoughtful gift indeed. I just have a feeling that... it would sound lots better with you in the chair next to me. (he chuckles) well, there's no helping it. perhaps I have to bring you back to the devildom myself?'
'I was hoping to hear your voice, too bad you didn't pick up the phone. are you perhaps asleep, mc? in that case I shall leave you be. sleep well, mc.'
'yo mc, why are you not picking up your phone? I just snuck away from home with mine to talk tp you, you know? ugh... that cocky lucifer and his stupid rules. like what do you mean we gotta take turns calling you? no way, I ain't waiting so long to talk to you! just cause he's the eldest he thinks he's all high and mighty!'
'okay anyways, on with the important stuff! so listen up I called because I scored HUGE at the casino today and you know how I won so much huh? I bet on your favorite number, y'know... cause I miss you and all... (he suddenly coughs) ah wait no what I just said ain't true! I bet on your favorite number cause... well... that was my battery percentage or something...'
'okay anyways mc, you better visit the devildom soon! bye bye! have a good day!'
'um hi what's up? how's the human world? did you get the games and anime I asked you to get yet? I totally can't wait to see what kind of stuff you got over there! oh and I can't wait to show you the newest releases here in the devildom! the latest season of 'I went to the fair a 6km distance from my house with my best friend and pet dog but the manager turned out to be my online gaming buddy' came last week and I binged it all!'
'um (pause) but look I kind of called to tell you... well... you gotta come here fast so we can share the stuff you know? ahh it's no good I can't say it! um well look, I miss you!' (he hangs up suddenly)
'hello mc, I see you're not picking up your phone. are you busy? listen to this voice message any time you'd like then. I hope the human world is treating you well, it's so different from the devildom after all. well at least you won't have to worry about anyone stealing your soul.'
'exam season at rad just ended, I'm satisfied with most of my scores. I am a little disappointed because of my spells and potions grade, a 83 isn't good enough to me. could it be I was distracted because I miss you? (he sighs) well, one more reason for you to hurry back here. everyone's been fighting over who gets to call you first and all that, it's pissing me off. but I get it, I love hearing your voice. well mc I guess this is it, goodbye for now.'
'hi mc! finally it's my turn to talk to you, but what's up with not picking up hm? well as long as you promise to call me back later, I don't mind leaving a voicemail for you! did you do anything fun recently? I attended some parties but well, they were kind of boring. or was I just... not feeling it? whatever that doesn't matter, I just wanna see you again! how much longer are you going to stay in the human world? I miss you so so so much!'
'I hope you miss me too. do you miss me? when you call me back you have to answer that question, deal? and if yes you have to visit. there's so much I want to talk to you about, so much I wanna show you! like I made into a magazine, you just have to see it! call soon, okay? I love you.'
hell's kitchen is having a sale. when you but a cheeseburger you get a second one free. of course I took advantage of the deal and got a lot of cheeseburgers. you should visit soon mc, I want to share my food with you. it tastes better like that.' (you can basically hear him smiling through the phone)
'anyways, everyone misses you. sometimes my brothers get really sad, it's kind of hard to watch sometimes. of course I really miss you too. I think about you every time before I fall asleep. it makes me have good dreams. also my team won another game last night, I wish you could have seen it. well, next time right? bye mc, I hope to talk to you soon.'
'hi mc. how are you doing? I hope you're good. listen I'm on the balcony right now and there's stars in the sky. ugh I hate to be that one cheesy guy in your average romance movie but... the stars look like you. I can see your face in them. nevermind just forget what I said that was really sappy.'
'anyways please call me back, I get that you're probably busy or napping right now but I want to hear your voice. I want to hear how you've been there in the human world, hopefully your weather is nice.'
'well I'm running out of stuff to say, bye mc. call me back.'
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jtks-gh05t-g1rl · 6 days
My everything.
part two
(also on my Wattpad)
warnings: swear words, mc getting hit on, death(disclaimer before).
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..... I woke up, light peaking through, shining on my face. As I sat up in bed I noticed a note and uniform hung on the closet door.
the note read: "This is your new uniform. Please get dressed and come downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.. If any adjustments need to be made, please inform me or Lord Diavolo, signed, Lucifer."
▪︎Leviathan's POV▪︎
There she was. Walking down the stairs into the kitchen was the woman of my dreams, literally. Last night, after I showed her the room she's staying in, I went back to my room and fell asleep immediately. That wasn't normal, at least not for me. I always stay up until the early morning playing video games and watching anime, but that night was different. During my slumber, I dreamt about MC. It wasn't a normal one. It was honestly terrifying. More of a nightmare if anything.
(mention of death) °°°°°° there had been loud noises and yelling coming from the front entrance of the house. I assumed it was my brother's fighting again, until I heard Mammon..
Belphie? he's supposed to be in the human realm..
Mammons voice sounded coarse, serious, and tearful.
I blanked out for a moment. Before I knew it, I was watching as Mammon was being held back by Lucifer and Beelzebub.
Mammon became weak and lost balance. He fell to the floor, still screaming. His fall led my eyes to MC laying on the ground, unconscious, bruises on her neck, eyes glazed over.
My stomach dropped. My heart began to palpatate, beating out my chest.
I started to get closer to her body. I got just close enough to see her colorless face.
°°°°°°°° I woke up right when I got a look at her face. The image is engraved in my mind. Every time I blink, I see her.
But here she is, standing in front of me smiling and waving.
"Good morning, MC. How was your first night?"
"Good morning! It was actually pretty good, I wasn't expecting to be able to sleep." "Oh, I do have a question, though."
"What about my family and friends? I'm still not completely sure if I trust everything going on right now. It would help a lot to still have contact with them."
"Ah," "we have sent letters and gotten in contact with your family and school to let them know about all of this." "As for your contact with your family and friends, you should still be able to contact them on your D.D.D. "
"Ok, cool. I would go insane without them." she placed her hand on the chair next to me "Is this seat taken?"
I looked up and shook my head slightly. Why would she want to sit next to me? Maybe she was actually interested in talking about TSL, or maybe she's just going to use me to get closer to my brother's. That's happened a few times, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Mammon sat down next to her, ruining my chances of talking to her. Not that I would've anyway, but it would've been nice to have the option.
Breakfast was served, and everyone was talking and smiling, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had. ..... Why would I have a dream like that? .... I've had nightmares, but never any that bad. ... maybe it's a sign? .. or a warning? . . "psst, Levi, you ok, hun?" asmo broke me out of my thoughts.
"Huh - oh yeah. I'm fine."
"You sure? You looked a little stressed."
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm just thinking about the dream I had last night."
"Oooh, well, what was it?"
"I'll tell you later."
After breakfast, we all started cleaning up.
"Leviathan, You and MC have the same schedules, so you will be showing her to classes."
I nodded and turned back to MC.
"Well, you ready?"
"Yes, sir!" "wanna tell me about TSL now?"
°°°°°°° MC and I made it to RAD with about 10 minutes left to spare until class started.
We were walking in the hallway talking. Another demon came up to us looking smug and confident.
"Hey. You're new, right?" "I thought you were cute and was wondering if you were single?"
he playfully smacked my arm with the back of his hand.
"You don't mind right, man?" The crusty demon said. My face was covered in pure disgust.
"She's okay, thanks."
"Yo, help me out here, bro."
"Actually, we're both good." I grabbed MC's arm and began to walk away.
"Wait a second, I want to hear from the lady." He looked at MC.
"I'm gonna have to pass on that offer." MC said awkwardly
"Aw, c'mon cutie," "If you're going to say no, you gotta at least give me a reason."
"You want me to be honest?" She looked at him with innocent eyes.
"Hit me"
"Well, I would rather have my nails ripped out and shoved into my eyes than date you. Plus, you're pushy." That same look remained on her face.
MC began to walk past him, I followed. She was trying to hold back laughter.
"What a great start to my first day." The girl said, giggling.
"I know, right? In all seriousness, I promise not everyone here is like that."
We made it to our first class. I spent the time trying to help MC figure out school stuff.
(look who finally posted lol)
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Hello, i saw your request was open and I was wondering if you want..
GN MC family member or friend has passed, and they ask the brothers to find out of they are in the devildom, which they are. Just reactions and all
a/n: i couldn't think of scenarios for all the brothers without being super repetitive, sorries (⇀‸↼‶)
content: asking lucifer, mammon, satan, diavolo, and solomon if someone has come to the devildom.
warnings: rather on the solemn side; they are all comforting you when you hear the news.
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"hey, can i ask a favour?"
"what is it?"
"do you think you can find out if... someone i know is down here?"
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═  ˎˊ˗
"are you prepared for the answer to that question?" lucifer shifts his gaze from his paperwork over to you, releasing a sigh. "it may not be the answer you hope for."
you blink in surprise, pausing to think before eventually nodding yes. "please, lucifer. i need to know."
the demon puts his pen down on the desk before making his way to where you stand in the doorway, shoes clicking against the floor. "it will take me some time to find out. wait here in the meantime," lucifer says, taking your d.d.d. from your hands to observe a picture of the person you were looking for. "i'll return as quickly as i can." he passes your d.d.d. back to you, taking a moment to squeeze your shoulder reassuringly before stepping out.
by the time lucifer returns, it's far too late for you to be awake, but there you are anyway, sitting in his study with a book in your lap. as the door opens, you turn your head to look at lucifer, worry evident in the crevices of your expression. it's hard to catch any sort of emotion on lucifer's face, but with the way sadness glints in his eyes and an apologetic smile rests on his features, you can only assume the worst.
"they're here," you whisper, head falling into your hands as you curl up on the couch.
you don't hear lucifer come over; you only feel the weight of his coat draping over you and the shift of the couch as he sits down next to you. "i'm sorry," he murmurs softly, reaching around your shoulders to pull you into his chest. lucifer feels his heart sink as your shoulders shake, and he can't help but hold you tighter when you grip onto his shirt. he cannot change what already is, but he will help you through it.
═  ˎˊ˗
the avatar of greed is unsure of what to do, shifting his weight from side to side as he hums in contemplation. "MC, do ya really wanna know that?" you practically deflate at his words, your hands falling to your sides as you look down. "i- i mean... shouldn't ya... agh, damn it." mammon mutters under his breath before stomping over and grabbing your face so he can tilt it towards his. "don't make that face, alright? the crows can look for 'em, sound good?"
"really?" you gasp, looking into his eyes expectantly.
"yeah, and we can take a drive around the city while they look." mammon takes note of the way you grip onto his wrist. he knows how hard you're fighting the doubt that settles into your stomach. he holds your face for a few seconds longer, faintly rubbing at your cheeks, and then dropping his hand down to your side. he keeps it there as he guides you to the window, cracking it open and then whistling sharply. his crows show up in no time, perching on the windowsill with curious eyes. "show them who they're lookin' for, and then we'll head out."
you slip your d.d.d. out of your pocket, holding it up for the crows to see the screen. they stare for a few seconds, then chirp their affirmation and fly off. mammon and you follow suit, hopping into his car to hit the roads. the two of you had barely spent any time on the road, hitting the view point in fifteen minutes. however, the fifteen minutes seemed ample time for the crows to do their work. mammon had just switched the gear into parking when his crows came tapping on the window. he grimaces at the sight; his crows coming back that fast only means that they found what they're looking for.
you push your seat into a resting position before turning on your side to stare out the window. "thanks for looking." you wave to the crows, biting your lip to stop yourself from crying out.
mammon's hand floats above your waist, wanting to comfort you. eventually, he pulls it back and unbuckles himself from the driver's seat. "shove over." the words are harsh, but he says them softly. you shuffle closer to the door on your side, exhaling quietly when you feel mammon slip in behind you and throw his arm over you. "don't worry, the great mammon's got ya. promise."
═  ˎˊ˗
"of course! what's their name?"
your hands fumble with your d.d.d., pulling out a screenshot of their page from a human world social media. "here," you mumble nervously, eyes averting diavolo's as he nods repeatedly.
he grabs his chin in thought, glancing up at the ceiling. "the name sounds familiar," diavolo muses, standing up to sort through the numerous files on his desk. you wait in front of him with your heart in your throat as he shuffles through all the different papers. he hums quietly as he looks, tilting his head every time he comes across a new profile. finally, he sees it, pulling it out with an unnecessary "aha!"
you clench your fists tightly, foot tapping on the ground as your nerves begin to spike through your body. "is... is it them?" you ask timidly, your voice barely above hearing level.
"it is! i thought i had heard the name before." diavolo speaks a little too cheerily for your liking, and you hang your head low at the revelation. he turns to look at you, only then realizing how downcast you are. "MC?"
shaking your head, you bring your gaze to his, giving him a wobbly smile and a trembling thumbs up. "thanks for letting me know," you manage to choke out, tears pooling at the corners of your eyes. with a wave, you begin to excuse yourself, but diavolo is suddenly wrapped around you, one arm locked firmly around your waist, the other resting on your shoulders as he presses your head into his chest.
"forgive me, MC. i had forgotten that finding their name here isn't something to be happy about." you resign yourself to the young lord, finding comfort in the way he holds you close. diavolo begins to card his hand through your hair, internally shuddering with joy at how you were finding solace with him, but keeping it quiet so that you were undisturbed in his arms.
═  ˎˊ˗
the white-haired man stares at you blankly, hands frozen in the air with different potion ingredients. with a sigh, he sets them down, the glass beaker making a low thunk when it hits the table. solomon strides over to you quickly, fear so obviously scrawled across his face that you can't do anything but regret your question. he stands in front of you, looking you up and down, before holding a pinky out.
"i can find them if you promise not to go meet them." you gape at solomon, confused as to if he was joking or not. "don't give me that look," he pleads, shaking the hand with the extended pinky finger. "it's just never a good idea to meet with someone you knew in the human world. i speak from experience."
you hum in acknowledgment, your own pinky reaching up to wrap around his. "such a silly way to make a promise," you remark with a lilt.
solomon chuckles at the sight, bobbing your conjoined hands up and down. "just needed to be sure," he teases, releasing you shortly after. "wait right here," solomon says as he pulls his cloak off and places it on your shoulders. you frown at his actions, ready to ask about it, but he simply waves at you and begins to head to the next room over. "it gets in the way of this spell." his footsteps begin to recede as he gets further away, leaving you to fiddle with the straps of his cloak as you wait for his return. time ticks by slower than you'd like, and by the time solomon comes back, you're sitting with your back against a wall. you straighten yourself up when you hear him come in, giving him a smile. the smile disappears when you see the way his face is shadowed.
he turns slowly towards you. with a forced smile, he walks over to crouch in front of you. "remember our promise, okay?" his eyes curve up, into crescents, but there is nothing happy in his gaze. you feel yourself folding into yourself, a restless void churning in your stomach.
"... okay," you answer solemnly, leaning forward to rest your forehead on solomon's shoulder. unwillingly, a whimper escapes the confines of your throat. solomon can only pull his cloak around you tighter and gather you into his arms, pressing his cheek to the crown of your head in the hopes that you know he cares.
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a/n: thank you for 300 followers (´ω`)
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kittievampire · 1 year
I had given this idea to someone but it never got made so 🥲 Anyways, I hope you can make something out of this crack idea. Mammon leaving to the human world for like a week for modeling but for whatever reason (you can make one up or it can be a misunderstanding after an argument etc) his brothers think he's leaving them for good. You know never talking to them and cutting off any ties to them. So his brothers beg him not to leave, cry their crocodile tears, promise to be better etc only for Mammon to be confused af and then clear up the misunderstanding 😂 I really hope something can come to fruition out of this dumb ass idea lol.
This one made me cackle in an unflattering way
Sorry it took so long for me to write this for ya, anon, ily tho
There's no MC mentioned in the request, so MC will be a bit of a side character in this one, love y'all
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if ya wanna request!
Don't Leave, Mammon!
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Warnings: Family Arguments, Misunderstandings, Light angst, a lot of crack-head energy, MC's just kinda there
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It'd been about three months since you'd left for the human realm.
The House of Lamentation didn't change, it was always in a state of chaos. However, one could tell that your absence had taken a toll on the brothers, each in their own way. Not that this was exactly a bad thing, their lives had been changed thanks to you, and they wanted to carry out your parting wishes to the best of their ability. They became more responsible, more kind-hearted, and more merciful.
However, siblings will do what siblings do best: Argue over bullshit and cause each other stress.
"StupidMammon! Did you take money from my wallet again?!" The Avatar of Envy shouted from across the hall as he approached the white-haired sin. "I was saving that for an exclusive Limited Edition Hana Ruri: Prestige Version Gaming Set, controller, headset, and figurine included bundle! Give it back right now!" Mammon turned his head to face his brother, shades slipping down his nose a bit. "Eh? I didn't steal shit from you, Weeb! Quit assumin' stuff!"
The sound of the door to Satan's room closing made the two flinch, a small sigh following the closing of a book in the blond's hand. "There you go with the lies again, Mammon. Just give him his money back, spare the ones in earshot the headache." The Avatar of Greed jumped, turning toward Satan. "I swear, it wasn't me this time! I didn't do nothin'!" He held his hands up in surrender. "You're being loud," A soft voice erupted form the twins' room, the source being the messy-haired youngest with an irritated expression on his face. "Beel and I are trying to sleep, and you woke him up. Then, he woke me up." The Avatar of Sloth huffed out, the sin in question poking his head out from the crack in the door and the frame.
"Mammon stole my money again!" Leviathan practically screeched, tears welling up in his eyes. "I was saving it on a Limited Edition—" "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Levi. Mammon, give him his money back before he goes on a nerd-rant," Belphegor waved his hand dismissively, earning a nod of a agreement from Beel. "Maybe you should hide it better next time, Levi," The Avatar of Gluttony said, munching on some Spicy Newt Chips.
"I'm tellin' ya, it wasn't me this time! I actually got a modelin' gig up in—" Mammon tried to protest, but was ultimately cut off once more. "What's going on here?" The eldest brother asked, face full of irritation from the bickering of his younger brothers. "Why are ya all suddenly springin' up from outta nowhere like this?!" Mammon whined, earning a stern look from Lucifer. "Of course, you're the culprit, Mammon. What did you do?" He seethed.
"I didn't do nothin'! I swear! Honest to Diavolo, it wasn't me this time!" The Avatar of Greed tried desperately to defend himself, only for his purple-haired brother to argue more. "He stole money from my wallet! I was going to by an exclusive Limited Edition Hana Ruri: Prestige Version Gaming Set, controller, headset, and figurine included bundle!" Lucifer deadpanned at his brother before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing heavily. "Mammon, make this easy and just give it back."
The second-born looked around, only to see all of his brothers start to gang up on him, all repeating the phrase, "Just give it back," even though he never stole anything! At least, not this time. "I-It wasn't me this time!" Mammon tried to sputter out among the others' yelling. "It wasn't me!" He repeated, hand gripping the door knob to his room.
As the brothers continued to berate the second-born, Mammon turned the door knob and rushed into his room, slamming the door shut and locking it. "I'm fuckin' done!" He threw his hands up in the air, though the tone he had made the statement seem less playful than he meant it to be.
Lucifer clicked his tongue, adjusting his black gloves as he took a step toward his brother's door. "All of you just want to give me a headache, don't you?" He asked softly, earning a whine from Leviathan. "My Ruri-Chan!"
"Oh my, what's going on out here?" Asmodeus asked, opening his door and pulling up his face mask. "Do you know how important my sleep is to maintain the health of my glowing and radiant skin? What's the meaning of all this noise?" The Avatar of Lust practically demanded, though he kept a neutral tone because of the eldest's presence. The third-born turned to his brother in pink, pointing at Mammon's room. "Mammon took the money that I was going to use to buy a Limited Edition Ruri-Chan Figurine from my wallet!" He exclaimed, pulling his phone out and fumbling with it for a moment. He nearly shrieked. "And I wanted to be the first one to buy it! That's it, I'm summoning-" "If you summon Lotan, Levi, I can assure you, Mammon will be the least of your concerns." The Avatar of Pride warned, earning a yelp from the purple-haired sin.
Asmodeus glanced between the two before sighing heavily. "Levi, are you referring to the 200,000 grimm you left in my room a few hours ago while you were ranting about how excited you were to get the figurine?" He asked, opening his door wider and pointing to his vanity mirror, lights glowing, and grimm sitting on the desk.
The brothers all exchanged glances, and the eldest growled.
When you saw Mammon at your doorstep, you thought that something bad had happened. He told you that he was here for a modeling gig, but you assumed that there was more to the sudden arrival.
"I just figured I'd pay ya a visit while I'm here, nothin' more, g-got it?" He asked, a light blush present on his face as he denied any other reason for his appearance.
You were worried, so you contacted the brothers to see what was going on. You were able to get a hold of Satan, who explained what was going on as best he could.
"I did hear him say that he was... 'done,' but... I didn't expect him to run off like that." The Avatar of Wrath seemed perplexed over the phone. "It seems like he was more upset about it than I thought... I'll tell the others, please keep him there as long as you can. Don't let him leave," He said just before ending the call.
You looked down at your D.D.D., letting out a small sigh as you turned toward your bedroom door.
Did your departure have something to do with this? Maybe you could help in some way.
Mammon insisted on sleeping in the same room as you, even if it had to be on the floor. When you were still awake, he'd started rambling on about his brothers and how annoyed he was, and you couldn't help but feel bad for him. He must be going through so much internally, and you were glad he was letting it out, even if it was under a cloak of sarcasm and pettiness.
In the middle of his rambling, though, you heard the front door swing open. Mammon jumped to his feet immediately, worried that there might be an intruder. Lucifer slammed the door to your room open, his brothers spilling out into the room after him.
Asmodeus immediately lept toward his white-haired brother, squeezing him in a tight embrace. "Mammon! Don't leave us!" He whined. "If you're gone, who am I going to party with?! Who's going to be there to splurge on shopping with me, hm?! I can't exactly take Levi or Satan with me!! Leaving is too cruel, Mammon! Too cruel!!"
The eldest looked down at the Avatar of Envy, tilting his head toward Mammon, motioning for him to 'go'. Leviathan shuffled over to his brother, looking up at him with an apologetic expression on his face. "I'm sorry, Mammon. I didn't mean to go blaming you and stuff, that's only what a normie would do. I didn't mean to make you leave!" Beelzebub came up after them, scooping all three of his brothers up into a tight hug, making Mammon wheeze as he tried to breathe properly. "O-Oi—!" "Don't leave Mammon!" The gluttonous demon sobbed, holding his brothers close.
"Beel, let them breathe." Satan chuckled softly, patting the sin on the shoulder. Belphegor and Lucifer stood behind the rest of them, the Avatar of Sloth feeling less enthusiastic than the rest of his brothers, though he could hardly blame them. Lucifer cleared his throat. "Release them, Beelzebub," He demanded. Beelzebub did as told, allowing the gasping demons in his arms to fall to the floor.
"W-What's this all about, huh?! Why're ya all actin' so weird?!" Mammon asked, grasping his chest as if to try and steady his heart beat. Asmodeus grabbed him by the shoulders. "Because you came to the human world to escape us! Because you were through with us, no?"
Mammon blinked.
"I have a modeling gig tomorrow..." He muttered out, making the entire room go silent. You bit your lip, a very frightening aura being emitted from the eldest sin. "And... That's the only reason why you left?"
The Avatar of Greed nodded, causing Leviathan to immediately recoil. Asmodeus kept his arms wrapped around him, tears streaming down his face. "Don't joke around like that again!! I thought I lost the only other interesting person in the House of Lamentation!" He whined.
Mammon scoffed, a small smirk forming on his face. "Of course ya'd be distraught! Losing the one and only Mammon is the most horrible thing that could happen! Ya should be greatful that I didn't!"
Silence fell upon the room once more, with the acception of Asmo's sobbing.
Lucifer then turned to you, a vein bulging from his forehead.
"MC, you would happen to have rope, do you?"
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Hope you liked it, anon!
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bite-sized-devil · 1 year
💕 Love letters 💕
Written as an add on to @crazyyanderefangirlfan idea posted here
Summary: yeah as if I'm writing that, check out the original post if you want info. And then hit like and reblog because it was such a good idea! Love you Yan 💕💕
Lucifer: Little dove, I see the effort you put into your studies and extracurricular activities. Your achievements should fill you with pride, as having you as part of my family fills me with pride. Forgive me, love. You mean the world to me.
Mammon: If I'd a known those notes were from you MC I wouldn'ta reacted so dumb like! I fish'd 'em outta the garbage, just so ya know. They're keep'n Goldie company. Say, you wouldn't wanna write another one would ya? I'll keep it like it's my most prized possession. Like how I'd keep you. I love you
Leviathan: My first stalker turns out to be you MC? That's like, straight out of one of my favourite animes where the hero keeps getting these notes left for him to find and it turns out to be his childhood friend who he's been in love with for years but he was scared she didn't feel the same- anyway I miss you MC, please come play games with me again. I won't stop sending you these little notes until you agree! I neeeeeeeeed my player two.
Satan: Dearest MC, I am filled with the utmost rage and regret at my inability to determine that those notes were from you. Please accept my most humble apology, I'm sorry my love. Going forward I would request that you sign them, not necessarily in your name but a simple signature so that I can determine their origin. For example: signed kitten. Yours eternally, Satan.
Asmo: Screaming! Crying! MC! You are such a naughty little thing, sending me love notes and not signing your name. How am I supposed to know which of my admirers they were from? Darling, next time you want to write me a note, just come to my door. Let's save the trees and skip the paper altogether. Love letters are so much more fun when they are written in kisses on the naked skin. 😘😘
Beel: Doesn't write you a note, comes to you in person later that night standing in your doorway. He's so big but looks so small in that moment, giving you puppy dog eyes as he clutches your smaller hands in his. "MC are you really over us? Because I'm not over you. I'm in love with you, I want you. Always. I kept every note you gave me. I knew they were from you, I know your hand writing and I know your scent. Please forgive my brothers, they're sorry, I know they are."
Belphegor: I'm always making mistakes with you MC, would you forgive me again? Please, I'll beg if I have to. Can I make it up to you? I'll do anything for you, kill for you, give you anything you want. Just, say you'll forgive me. I keep having nightmares about you leaving me, forgetting about me, hating me, and yet it's still not as hellish as hearing you say you're over me. I'm sorry MC, I took you for granted and swear to you I never will again.
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What do you think Yan? Begging is a good colour on them. Kinda dig that 😅☺️😘
@delphi-dreamin @sassykattery @alexxavicry @your-next-daydream @rosanism @marvelous-maniac @i-hardly-know @kyungjoon-do @ria-demon29 @itsmeninerz @allielozoya @spookyscaryskeletonn @zarakem @tea-time-writes @ladyofcrowsx-deactivated2023040 @yuujispinkhair @attic-club-sandwich @whimsiecat @bontensbabygirl @beelzebubneedsabeelzehug @lostsomewhereinthegarden @simpsations @randomnerdthingz @weeb24555
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p0k3m0n-catch3r · 6 months
I'm not sure if it is within the rules, but I would beg on my knees for some fluff between a gn(or even male) reader that leads to Levi purring
Platonic would be brilliant but even romantic is fine
Just give some soft attention to the snek boy until his anxiety is extinguished, please
Nobody gives Levi enough love
A Senstive Spot on Levi
Leviathan and Gn!MC
Can be seen as a romantic relationship, not specified
(Levi does have autistic traits in this)
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Being dragged into RAD was probably the worst thing to happen today. Levi had to deal with a meeting right after too! Not to mention the fact that all his brothers shared at least two classes with you and he only had one! He was stuck alone and couldn’t even have his music since Lucifer took it away. It was hell for him!
Classes sucked, they were extremely boring and loud, and the only time it was slightly interesting was in 6th period, which was Potions Class with you. By that time though, he was ready to give up and cry. What’s up with demons trying to talk to him when he wanted to be alone?! Plus the succubi and incubi being loud throughout the entire day.
When the meeting finally happens, Levi looks extremely tired and ready to go home. That quickly ended with a glare from Lucifer though…
Walking back with Levi was a bit weird, he avoids any topics and doesn’t really bother talking to you. Since this extremely out of character, you decide that Levi needs a break! You guys get back home and you leave him be for a bit, and after roughly an hour you come back to his room.
Before you can even knock you can hear small sniffling and hiccups from his room… And him loudly talking to his little friend.
“H-Henry 2.0…!! C-Can you believe what happened today.?? Lucifer is so horrible… *hic* I hate RAD..!!”
Huh. When’s the last time he cried? Well for something reasonable. Not about an anime or a figurine. Not important to you anyway! You knock and you can hear Levi panic a bit, you can hear him moving around the room, probably cleaning up his face to try and get rid of any hint of him crying. Poor him, he doesn’t even realize how loud he was…
“Wh- H-hold on! You guys always come at the worst times…”
After a minute of him trying to make things better and ultimately failing, since you’ve heard him fall and panic even more at least 3 times so far. He finally opens the door and you aren’t sure if he feels better you’re there or if he’s panicking even more.
“…I- Uhm..Do you need something..??”
“Are you gonna let me in or not? I wanna see if you’re okay.”
“I am okay!! i just- i.. just fell, thats all.”
“And cried?? You’ve been through a war im not that stupid.” You walk in and close the door. “Gonna explain why you seemed weird today?”
“Wh- Im not!-“
“Liar.” Grabbing Levis arm, you move him away from the door and you sit down on his gaming chair. “I can see anything going on yknow? You and your brothers gave me that power after doing the most insane shit behing my back.”
“…J-just… School.. RAD just sucks.. Its so loud and i hate it!!”
“…Was that so hard”
“Actually it was. Shut up”
You sigh and point to his bathtub bed, which to this day think is incredibly stupid. Whatever though, if it stops him from falling of beds and hurting himself, you guess its fine.
“..Why are you-“
“Lay down. If it works with your brothers, it’ll work with you.
“…I don’t think i should-“
“Who cares? Lay down and ill make ya feel better.” You get up, clearly tired of his bullshit and you sit on his bed, which you can see some tear marks on his body pillow. Tossing the pillow to the chair, you pat the space next to you.
“Hey my-…ohhhh…” His pale face flushes a bit with a beautiful color of light pink, then sighs and sits next to you. His face flushes into a deeper pink when you lay back and move his head onto your shoulder, scratching his head being gentle with him.
“Feeling better?” You ask after a minute, he nods with his eyes closed, his face still the same shade from a minute ago… He turns into his demon form, and you guess that its just because its more comfortable. Being careful not to accidentally touch his horns, you move to a spot behind the horns and play with his fluffy hair there.
By the time hes asleep, which is just a few seconds after playing his hair, you can hear a small sound.. A deep sound, which freaks you out for a second until you realize it’s extremely similar to a cats purr. Just… extremely more deeper, at least an octave down.
You love Levi a lot, but you have to record this. You pull out your D.D.D and start recording. Lets just hope Levi doesn’t wake up…
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Hi sorry for not claryfying yeah i mean God as intheir father..ooo are you already planning another HC/story?
Don't apologize! I just wanted to make sure I was giving you what you want! 🩷
And yes, sort of! I wrote a small character blurb in my brainstorming document for Obey Me! The Fourth Realm for the boys' father, so he might appear there, too! I gave him the name Khalique, and while I'm still deciding on a few things appearance-wise, I'm seeing him with a lot of hair colors lol. More on that later. For now, onto your request!
The Brothers' Father Visits Devildom
I'll be calling him my hc name Khalique for simplicity's sake.
I feel like Khalique never approved of the exchange program, but since he is an obviously high-ranking angel, he'd probably have to attend a related function at some point. Let's say he had to go to some sort of meeting at Devildom. What goes down?
Have you ever despised someone you've never even met? That's the impression MC has. After hearing the stories and seeing the effect the boys' father had on them, it's hard to feel anything positive. Ig how MC reacts is up to you, but even if you wanna throw hands, you know that it's not a good idea, and you're too precious to these guys to be let anywhere near him.
Lucifer has it rough. His rage is boiling at the surface. He wants nothing more than to tear Khalique limb from limb for what he and his brothers have gone through, but even if Khalique confronts him and makes snide comment after snide comment, Lucifer will not let his pride hurt his brothers again, and he will not ruin a diplomatic meeting for Diavolo, so he holds his tongue. It's so, so frustrating. The frustration becomes angry tears the moment he's alone. Diavolo sees the strain it puts on him, and makes sure he's away the next time Khalique comes down.
Mammon has a bit less self-control. He will be as passive-aggressive as Khalique is, and Lucifer knows that. He also knows that Khalique will smile cruelly and say that Mammon is just like his father, and Lucifer is not willing to test the repercussions of that, so he gives Mammon a special task- staying right by your side and keeping you away from that monster. Mammon agrees at once. He's the Great Mammon, and your first. His old man isn't gonna get anywhere near ya, he promises!
Levi is terrified. His brothers knew that, but they didn't know how bad it was until he lay quaking in his bathtub on the morning of Khalique's arrival, begging to be allowed to stay home. He isn't ready to face his father again, not yet. Lucifer will allow him to, and will probably have you and Mammon just stay with him.
Satan, despite his Wrath, is the brother that Lucifer perhaps trusts the most to attend the meeting. Having been born after the war, Satan does not view the issue with Khalique quite as personally. He doesn't in any way like the angel, but he's not so filled with rage that he may lose control. Let's just hope that Khalique doesn't refer to him as Lucifer's son.
Asmo is in a similar boat. Despite his hatred for Khalique and how personal it is to him, Asmo can actually find his chill about the whole thing. He can attend the meeting without much issue. He knows that he's more gorgeous than Khalique will ever be, anyway!
Surprisingly, Beel is also in a constant panic, but for a slightly different reason. Yes, he is terrified of his father, and he's plagued with nightmares of his wrath, but he's more afraid for you and Belphie. He won't let either of you out of his sight, almost animalistic in his protectiveness. Don't expect him to speak much until Khalique is gone.
Lucifer is even more afraid of Belphie's wrath. Everyone knows how bad things can get when he's angry. His hatred for humans has cooled, but his hatred for Khalique has not. Though he is not as out of control, he is also glued to your and Beel's side, so Lucifer has him stay home, separately telling Beel and Belphie to protect each other, and you.
Diavolo knows that this is a painful endeavor for seven of his closest subjects, but everyone knows how unmovable he is in his quest for peace. However, this time, he will tell anyone who objects that he will not change his mind about the meeting, that he has no choice, but he will apologize very sincerely. During the meeting, he will remain respectful and try his best to keep Khalique's attention on him and on the meeting, not on his sons. Still, if Khalique ever returns, he will not subject Lucifer to his presence again.
Simeon dreaded this day. Of course, he can't outwardly show contempt for Khalique. Even now, respect is a force of habit, but once the meeting is done, Simeon seeks out Lucifer and tries to offer him comfort in his angry tears, whether Lucifer will push him away, or be so emotionally exhausted by the ordeal that he'll finally submit to the affection of his former brother.
Likewise, Luke shows utmost respect for Khalique, and it's more genuine than Simeon's. Still, after seeing how upset his presence made the brothers, Luke sort of wishes that Michael had attended the meeting in Khalique's place...
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whosesta · 1 year
Want requests hm? Hmmm how bout some lee Solomon (obey me) and ler MC (gender neutral please)
MC is intrigued how Solomon's so composed and tickles him to try and break that composure 😌
pahpah long time ago when i did a fanfic.. anyway, lee solomon!?! sure!! BUT. im not sure if i got his character right. and gender neutral? SURE !! i hope you have fun reading it :DD !!
"People do like you."
Solomon x MC [romantic or platonic idc]
comfort and tickling !! if tickling isn't your thing, don't read it. but i ain't forcin ya
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It was a dark evening. MC couldn't do anything. They were bored. Until they realised that MC needed to go someone. Solomon.
MC walked out of their room and walked towards Solomon. They walked in, seeing Solomon.. calm. He's usually the type to smile around everyone, or at least tease someone. Most of the time it was MC, or Asmodeus. But this time he was just.. sitting at his desk. Reading something.
"Oh? Hello MC! You did come, huh? I'm glad." He said as he stood up. He walked calm towards you. Patting your head. "There were some things I wanted to talk to you about." "Why are you so calm. Is something off?" MC asked right after Solomon spoke. Almost interrupting him.
"I'm always calm! Nothings off. I'm alright!" Solomon said with a bright smile, he made a sign with his hand to come to him, and MC did. MC walked to Solomon. He sat on his desk.
MC looked at the sorcerer's neck. They lightly trace their fingernail over his neck. "EEP!– M-MC.. why did you do that!?" Solomon almost jumped out of his chair. He looked at MC, he was shocked.
"Stop being so calm. You're scaring me!" MC said, the sheep grabbed the white haired human and almost *threw* him on the bed.
A few minutes later, Solomon was laughing like crazy, of course, his worst spot was being tickled. His armpits.
"M-MC! PLEHEHAHAHASE! IHIM SOHOHORRY! MEHEHERCY!!" The sorcerer begged for mercy. He was thrashing around. After a few more minutes of torture he finally stops laughing.
"Never knew you could be so cruel.." Solomon said with some tears in his eyes. "Why did you become so calm out of sudden?" "I.. I um. I just wanted some people to like me more? Haha.." Solomon said. His little laugh was a nervous laugh, and oh he was serious.
"What do you mean? People to like you more? A lot of people like you already." MC said with a little concern in their voice. Rubbing his cheek as comfort. "I mean.. I don't think Lucifer likes me.."
"He knows that you're powerful. He does like you, but he doesn't show it that easily. A lot of people like you. Like me! I like you."
MC said, they smile softly at Solomon as the sheep got off of him. Sitting next to him.
"You do like me? Ah.. i shouldn't have overthink that much. My apologies!"
The evening continued why MC liked Solomon, and why everyone else likes him. Solomon ended up being "happy" again.
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WOO finally done. im maybe gonna add titles to the fics.. i wanna look professional LMFAO ,
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beelspillowpet · 1 year
Also hate how Lilith is just pretty much a plot device. I don't know what the game is doing now but I hate that she's pretty much there to speedrun a relationship between MC and the brothers.
And that's when MC is already developing a genuine bond with some of them.
But if there are any other instances of her being a plot device, I'd love to hear it.
i do wanna make it clear that this contrived plot point that is lilith does not drive forward the relationship on ALL of the characters. just the most difficult two to really complete the list. i refuse to believe that mammon, satan, leviathan, asmo AND beel didnt care about MC before this turd-bomb of a plot point happened, but i absolutely do believe that is the case for lucifer and belphie for different reasons.
i believe it is a method to sort of "punish" belphie by the games weird rule of telling but not showing. it was the first sign of cowardice on the writing team back then for pulling their punches and taking judgement out of our hands; something they honestly do not often enough and too much at the same time with more mundane things, but with it being a multiple choice type game, options were never really ours to make. just the illusion of it.
by making us the very distant relative of lilith we are punishing belphie for his rash action to anger and and giving us a contrived reason to feel bad for him afterwards. which doesnt work when hes still got the blood on his hands, diavolo hot on his trail, and lucifer coming to his defense.
its a plot point for lucifer because until you earn the trust of all his brothers, he could pretend to care, hell he might even care a teensy bit, but no matter how he feels about you, if there is a shadow of a reason as to how you could betray him and his brothers and use them against their will, there is a shadow of a reason for lucifer to not hesitate to kill you.
picture a scenario where all of the boys save for belphie (and consequently lucifer himself) are forced via their pacts to attack belphie as revenge for him attacking you. with belphie out numbers and his own brothers losing control of themselves to potentially kill him, lucifer would be his last defense against those odds. lucifer is nothing if not cautious and powerful, so he could hopefully subdue his brothers in due time. it also helps that in comparison to lucifer, each of his brothers as you go further down the line have a unique type of fear of him that could in theory ensnare them from continuing their assault on belphie at your command. ie. mammon is really afraid of lucifers wrath and more than anything wasnt to avoid having his credit card taken and being strung up from the ceiling for hours. aside from everyone else in the house, mammon is more powerful than THEM compared to lucifer. then next comes levi, a sort of spineless coward-like person i feel (when it comes to a fight anyway, you basically NEVER see him stand up for himself) and wouldnt want to face lucifer and deal with the punishment of that. and then you go further and further down the list and they get weaker and weaker as we go. satan cant combat lucifers spells, he himself far too busy learning how to cast them rather than protect himself from them. asmo is much like levi in that he would rather not lift a finger, if not for fear of broken nail than broken bone. despite this, he could fold beel like laundry (which still doesnt make sense to me but whatever i guess?) and speaking of beel the guy is built like a truck. hes also the only other one lucifer has physically struck with intention to subdue that was tied to a serious event. and i believe it was more than once at that.
my point being they were very specific and careful about who came in the pecking order, and it was for precaution that lucifer be the one able to straighten them all out in the end.
if there is an MC out there hellbent on destroying belphie, that is a person lucifer will never trust. and so its rather coincidental that in the heat of the moment we choose to forgive belphie, or at the very least put it off, until "months later" since the game jumps ahead in time a LOT since the killing in c.16 and the end of the years program in c. 20.
lilith being our distant relative was for belphie to feel shame, then quickly feel attachment, only for lucifer to see that if we all get along (or perhaps fall in love with belphie in that short period of time for the belphifuckers out there) hes allowed to feel something finally too. or at least let it show more.
so it was a speedrun not for all of the brothers. lucifer, while he wouldnt hesitate in killing you in an instant before belphie got close with you, i wont say didnt feel anything beforehand. he just puts his brothers before anything and everything; something he makes clear time and time again. it was a speedrun ONLY for belphie. lucifer and MC have a sort of slowburn going on, but to say that their relationship is speedran from c.16 onwards is disregarding the little moments beforehand that were special to his character.
as for if and when shes used as a plot point again later, that requires i redownload OG and look around for it there and honestly playing in a pit of spikes sounds more fun than that. playing nightbringer is already such a painful chore....
edit: im also trapped in the early episodes of season 2 bc i flopped so hard at that boring ass gameplay in the first one lol
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obeymedweeb · 1 year
MC turns into a cat(for the most part)
Obey me oneshot
You were sneaking out of class to look for Solomon hoping no one would notice. But of course everyone did. Especially Lucifer. You'd never done anything like this except once with mammon when he convinced you to help him with one of his debts.
But anyway you went to the place you and solomon agreed to meet at. It was a potion room no body uses anymore and is left there for students who study or stuff like that.
So you walk in carefully and Solomon is still preparing the potion "Ah Mc just in time. I was just about to finish up." Solomon said turning to you with a smile on his face. "Hey uhh, are you sure this will work?" You look a little worried. "Of course....well it should if I did it right." His tone drops almost to a whisper at that last part. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN-" "Ahh no time to argue drink uppp"he grabs the potion and makes you drink it.
Once it's all down your throat you cough with tears in the corner of your eyes. "W-what was that for??" He dodges the question looking at you with a smile still "How do you feel" "DONT IGNORE ME-" you felt your teeth become sharp and you showed Solomon "Hmm I see the effects kicked in much quicker than I thought. "Well class is about to end so you should go get ready for next class you won't be a complete cat till schools over, by night I presume." You found it cool how your teeth became sharper so as you walk to your locker you play with them.
You decide you don't wanna risk you turning to a cat mid class so you just go home only having 2 classes left. But the walk back to the house is kinda long considering you usually take a car with the brothers (idk if they actually do) But once you arrive you're about to open the door but you rwalised was already unlocked which you found weird cux the brothers should still be I'm school only you didn't check the time.
You peek your head in seeing nobody. So you walk in completely and lock the door behind you. You step slowly making sure not to make much tapping sounds with your shoes. You grip the straps of your bag and look down.
Then all of a sudden "We've been waiting for you MC" You shut your eyes tight and stop and open one to slowly turn to where the voice is coming from. "I uhh had uhm important stuff...to do." You said avoiding his gaze. They all stand up to turn you and when you hear them gasp and not say anything you thought they'd noticed your teeth which you were trying to hide. Lucifer was too shocked to be mad at you.
Forgot to say you did this to surprise them.
Satan quickly rushed over to you and towers over you with an adored look. Which you found really strange since you knew only your teeth have changed. Only you didn't notice your tail and ears popped out when you walked in. Satan began to give you headpats really quickly and snuggled up to your cheeck "MCCC YOU LOOK SO CUTEEE"
Blushing you ask him what he's talking about. He grabs your ears and tail which makes you flinch at the feeling but also freaks you out because you were supposed to turn completely into a cat. You thought maybe the potion wasn't in full effect yet. "Uhh i...can explain"
Lucifer and the others walk to you "MC who did this." Lucifer spoke wanting to touch you cuz of how cute and adorable you look in that but holding back. Mammon walks over and touches your ears and pets them trying to see if they were real you accidentally purred into his touch which made them all freeze and you to turn red from embarrassment. "I-i gotta go" you say trying to run but belphie hugs you from behind.
"Mc your ears are soft can we go cuddle for a bit" his chin on top of your head. Asmo take you away from him "No we need to try on cute outfits. And with these ears and tail she'll go viral on devilgram. Just look at her adorable face" he says rubbing your chin moving up to your ears making you purr again. Asmo finds it so adorable. "Oo and what about your tail?" Beel says lightly tugging on it making your breath hitch. Lucifer says "Enough" he picks you up bridal style "I need to have a word with MC...alone" you look up at him nervous knowing what's coming. The brothers yelling at him how it's not fair and he only wants you for himself only he doesn't care. He takes you to his room and places you on his bed. "Lucifer....I'm sorry, I wanted to surprise you guys..." you say but he suddenly places a hand on your head. "Is that why you skipped your classes." You nod in agreement "how long till this wears off." "I uhh don't know.." you keep talking then he notices your teeth.
He pushes you down onto your back and gets on top of you "I like these" he says opening your mouth and pullingyour lips apart enough so he can see them. You blush avoiding his eyes. "I was holding back on touching you earlier because my brothers were there and I didn't want them to see" "But now I have you all to myself. Now tell me darling are your ears really sensitive? OR what about your tail" he says playfully as he rubs the tip of your soft tail and tugging on it making you gasp "Th-they are sensitive but if you keep doing that ill-" he rubs your ears stopping you from talking. He places a kiss on your lips "Just look how adorable you are, unfortunately I have work to get back to." But we'll continue this later. He walks out and you sit up feeling something down there. You ignore it though and you walk back out to the living room all eyes on you once again.
You see a empty spot on the couch next to Mammon and Asmo so you decide to take it. Trying to avoid everyone's gaze quite impossible in your situation so you ignore everyone. Silence fills the room. "Don't ask..." you feel awkward kinda but also kinda crave for attention
Asmo suddenly hugs you snuggling up to you rubbing him cheek against yours "Ohhhh MC you look so adorable~" you blush halph smiling "A...asmo stop itt" he let's go and cups your face "just look at this adorable face I can't resist" you shut your eyes when he places a kiss on your nose.
Mammon doesn't waste time to try to push him off you "Hey asmo back off my human" Asmo let's go arguing with mammon when Beel comes from behind the couch and picks you up from your waist "you look tasty MC" You look up at him and so does everyone else you're face a blushing mess
"Put her down Beel don't scare the poor kitty" Belphie says signaling you to go to him. And when you do he pulls your arm down so you lay next to him to snuggle.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hello hello, its sibling angst anon again ^^ i loved your response so pls dont apologize for the long ramble, bc i get like that about it too!! also, im glad you liked my song recs <3
speaking of those sibling slideshows i mentioned, for some reason tiktok has filtered them out so when u look them up, they dont show up??? you just kinda get them on ur fyp one day. or atleast thats what happens to me. but if u look up sibling webweaving here on tumblr, ohhh boy. its basically an amalgamation of different types of media be it poetry, song lyrics, shows and movies, and book excrepts all packaged as one that pertain to a theme. my fav is those about mothers and siblings, so unequivocally human. its like walking down a museum tbh.
and agh, i loved your thoughts on the demon bros sibling dynamics. plus yeahhh, its kinda hard to take anything seriously since it is an otome game, BUT who says u cant come up with your interpretations and thoughts? whos gonna stop you? anyway, each brother has a level of depth that is screaming to be fleshed out, but its all very surface level on game. belphegors burdening shame and regret from watching lilith die in front of him, and by extension beelzebub having the same feelings and/or his own guilt. (i remember belph talking about his trauma and the immersion immediately breaks off when an option pops up on the scream, "ask him to kiss you." LIKE. place and time!) asmodeus and lucifer, their entire relationship T_T speaking of which, satan and lucifer?! they're brothers, or say they are and the rest just kinda go with it. but does no one else wanna bring up how satan was even brought to existence? he was literally birthed from luci's wrath during the celestial war. thats like, a gateway for someone to write a long philosophical analysis about him and what it symbolizes. aghhudhwdhwhd i wish i could say more, but i'm literally out of words rn. if i was mc, i'd have to fight everyday to keep it together without breaking down and crying about this. espeically having to live under the same roof as them...ooofff
speaking of complex siblings dynamics, have you see succession? its a show on hbo. its about an ultra rich and powerful family that is ultimately, dysfunctional. theres four siblings and their relationship mean sooo much to me. i wont drop any spoilers just in case you dont know anything, but when i say dysfunctional i meant it!! one of the things i like about this show is that it doesnt have any flashbacks or show the backstories for most of the characters, rather they kinda drop pieces of information randomly and you just go ??? that happened ??? youd think it wouldnt be a good storytelling strategy bc how are you going to emotionally connect the story to your audience? but somehow, the show does it really well. for example, one of the brothers, roman, was heavily abused. and sometimes one of his siblings would go, "yeah i remember when dad used to heavily beat the fuck out of you" offhandedly, like its a cute little fun fact. and youre sitting there like....when did THAT happen??? ofc they wouldnt show it, but if you watch how roman and his father interact on show (roman is so submissive and scared next to his father) it starts to make sense. its like the "show dont tell" but they switch around to "tell and show." subtle interactions like that fully exposes a characters psychology. subtle body language goes a long way. theres also the eldest brother connor, whos seen as the father figure bc their real dad is so neglectful. but tbh connot gets shit on a lot and uuyfuefehfe theres more. i would talk about this all day. sibling angst got me on a chokehold.
anyway, sorry if i made 0 coherent sense but heres the end of the ramble T-T have a good day :3
(if i come back, can i be  🧬 anon?)
Welcome back! And of course you can be 🧬 anon, I will add it to the list!
Oh man, so I did a search for sibling webweaving and I was like woah what is all this lol. I had no idea there was a term for stuff like this, but I'm fascinated! I must not be getting the TikTok videos... admittedly my use of that platform is limited lol.
The thing about the otome game not delving into things means that we all get to speculate and come up with whatever we want. It's a blessing and a curse lol. On the one hand, I like being able to come up with my own interpretations. But on the other hand, it'd be nice to have just a little more depth that what we have.
I have thoughts about Belphie and specifically what happened in the OG with him. That was definitely a situation of, there is so much more going on here than they're bothering to get into. I also get that they can't really do a ton of that, partly due to the medium and partly due to the amount of characters they have to deal with. Like I think they can only choose to flesh out certain characters and the rest kind of end up on the back burner. Which is annoying because there's so much potential for so many amazing stories!
I also have a lot of thoughts about Satan and his relationship to Lucifer and everybody. It's like they give us just enough to make the story dramatic, but in the end everybody loves each other and so on and so forth. I'm not saying both Satan and Belphie shouldn't be able to reconcile what happened to them and move on, but it just happens so fast. It seems too easy. So I kind of headcanon it as, they hide everything. Not just those two, but all the brothers have a certain level of trauma that they just bury deep or at the very least don't display in front of MC. I know they make MC out to be the demon therapist, but nobody resolves their issues in one session and that's all they're normally limited to. But of course they don't have time to get into things that deeply in a mobile otome game lol.
I have not seen Succession! It sounds pretty intense. I think it's always interesting when media use different techniques to tell their story. Of course I have very little knowledge of how TV scripts are written, but for story writing, the way a character reacts can imply all kinds of past history, even if you don't know exactly what happened. Flashbacks are helpful, but I think it's interesting to have a bit of a mix. A character is always going to tell the story of their past a little differently than how it actually happened. And I find that it can reveal a lot about character just to see what they change or leave out when telling it. Of course, who they're speaking to can affect that as well. But it's definitely an interesting concept!
No worries, you made plenty of sense lol! You are always free to come back to my ask box if you so desire! <3
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mitsua · 4 months
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Let's have a drink, shall we?
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Summary: MC suddenly asks for "vacations" to go to the mountains and gain a bottle to drink with their favorite demon. Inspired by this post by @obeymekarasu
Finally!! Happy birthday Lucifer!!! I've got this in my drafts for weeks but I'm glad I've finished it before his date 👏😼
Warnings: little cursing, MC receives harsh words Genre: little angst & comfort
Pairing: Lucifer x MC Series: Obey me! SWD?
MC's. . . GN! Words' count: 3.6k
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"MC's been real quiet don't ya' think?" Mammon asks to the demon next to him. Leviathan quickly answering back, "Yes, but I don't know why could that be..."
The living room falls silent once again, even when the five missing brothers knew this time of the day is spent chattering or fighting for another absurd thing between those two who happen to be the greed and envy embodiments.
The strangest is that the exchange human who they were talking about just moments ago was present, seemingly reading something difficult to understand on their D.D.D.
"Do any of you know...the Drealinal Mountain?" they finally spoke.
"Wha-" "Why'd you wanna know that?!" Leviathan interrupts Mammon.
"Uh, n-no reason..." you said shying away from their piercing gazes, you felt as if you've said a cursed name.
"THEY DID WHAT?!" "'THE HELL YA' TALKIN' 'BOUT?!" Both the white-haired demon and the blue-haired one shout in unison, startling the rest exchange program students but not their brothers who had grown accostumed to this kind of outbursts, specially if it's about their favorite human.
"I said MC has gone on a vacation," Lucifer repeated rubbing his forehead in frustration.
"Wha-B-But why?!" Mammon shakes his older brother's shoulders while searching for any sign of this being a joke.
"We... don't really know." Asmodeous answers after waiting for any of the others to reply for a few seconds. His gaze going to the floor in deep thought about his older brother's question. Have they done something wrong? Made them mad? Forgot about a special date? Was that pudding so special to you?
Lucifer, however, seemed the least affected, shaking Mammon off of him to continue with his busy agenda of the day. Burying the unsettling feeling growing in his stomach.
"I feel bad for not telling them the truth." The little angel confesses just as their home's door is closed behind him, letting an exasperated sigh as if being dissapointed with himself.
"But we promised MC we wouldn't tell a soul about this until they were back," Simeon tries to cheer his companion.
"And you know, I have my ways to see if my student is alright wherever they are. So don't worry," Solomon reminded and with a wink, he left to go back to his experiments.
"H-Hi! Is-Is this the Drealinal bar?" you asked to a big shadow standing next to what looked like a long-time abandoned officine.
"And who are you?" A deep voice was heard from that tall silloute, making you feel even smaller.
"I'm-I'm MC, sir." You said, bowing a little to show some respect.
"MC... That name... are you the human who has the seven rulers of hell as their dogs?" you winced at those last words, the heck? shouldn't he respect them?! their comment really ticking something in you.
"I do have pacts with them, so could you answer my question now?" you said not really caring if you're coming of as rude.
"I don't believe you," he said, the shadow coming closer to you in an intimidating way.
"Well, that's not my problem."
"Who do you think you're talking to-"
"Oh come on Lamqua! Let them in already! It's not like you run the place anyway," a femenine voice was heard coming from the inside of the ruined building.
The demon grunted and opened the door for you. You passed as quick as you could, flashing lights and pretty loud music disconcerting you for a moment when you felt a pair of hands on each side of your shoulders.
"Welcome darling! You've arrived at the best time here!!" The same voice shouted through the rythms.
"Haha-uh,- sorry, I-I came here for a special drink..." you tried to explain that you were not really looking for a partner or anything similar.
"Oh-has someone broken your heart?" the young demoness asked while ushering you to one of the counter's stools.
"No-It's not like that, I'm looking for a legendary blend of Demonus I've heard you only brew here..." the silence took place just as those words finished coming out of your mouth. Was this really a forbidden place where you couldn't say anything or what was going on as well when you mentioned the mountain's name to Levi & Mams and now here the drink's name?!
"Haha! They're joking! Keep it going guys!" the demon shouted to suffocate everyone's doubts and start playing their songs again. The environment returning to its livid self. "Listen, I know what ya'r talking 'bout, but do not mention it around anyone but me anymore 'mkay?" she said with a more serious tone, getting closer to you and now directing you towards a wooden door far from the party's room.
"If you want that drink that much, then you better be prepared because you might get involved with the worst demon in this whole place."
Once you reached another metal door, the friendly demon asked you one last time if you're really sure of what you were doing.
"Yes, I need to get that legendary Demonus."
And with that, the door opened and a dark aura quickly flooded all your surroundings. A sinister laugh ringing in your ears and as you realized how pretty much fucked up you were, the girl that was once next to you had dissapeared, now it was only you and whoever behind the smoke courtain.
"It's been one day, six hours and fourty-six minutes since I've last seen MC!!!" Mammon let in a pained tone, stretching his tall figure on the living room's couch.
"Twenty-six seconds too!" Leviathan added, only causing Lucifer's forehead's vein to pop further.
"Could you please not act like that? We all miss MC, but this is too much." Satan chimed in, also discomforted from his brother's behaviour.
"You could put this time to something useful and do your homework now." Lucifer suggested, shoting a killing stare at both of them to shut them.
"It's just that it's so weird they left without really saying that much like on other occasions..." Asmodeous tried to defend his brothers, but also expressed his true feelings about your sudden decision.
"Yas, he's right, normally they'd let any of us know beforehand where and how long are they goin' off!" Mammon shouted in annoyance.
"It was MC's decision, we can't do anything about it than to wait for them to explain, so now shut up." Lucifer finished.
"So you want some of my precious creation I've heard?" you heard another womanlike voice speak, feeling the smoke move all around you, you inferied the presence infront of you was inspecting you.
"Y-Yes!" you said in hopes that they'd stop whatever they were doing.
"Hmm, I don't think you're worth it."
"If you want a bottle of my legendary Demonus you shall pass a test." In a snap, all smoke was gone and you saw for the first time the witch behind that so praised beverage you've read about lately.
The demoness infront of you seemed to be in her early thirties, but you knew better than that, she must be at least one and a half thousand years old.
The room was full of chemistry equipment and exploding bubbles could be heard from a little further. In the ceiling there were middle-age weapons to cursed swords and torned magic books. Please don't ever let Satan see those, he'd have a heart attack from them being mistreated — you thought.
"What kind of test?" You asked, getting more cautious as reality dawned on you. This was truly dangerous. You were currently all alone with an uknown, seemingly powerful, witch, in a room full of weapons.
"Hah, now now don't dare to back off!" The witch who had been leading you deeper onto the room suddenly came to a stop. "It's not like you have room for any more option."
"How's MC doing? How're they? Are they alright?" Luke bombarded Solomon who had told his two roommates he's gonna do his hourly check-up on you now.
"Luke, they can't concentrate if you keep on shaking him!" Simeon took the youngest off of the sorcerer to let him continue.
"They've met a witch... they're with her right now..." Solomon fell silent, watching through a cristal projecting a little image from your point of view. He got caught off when he could discern the demoness' face, how long has it been since he last saw her?
Nevertheless—as some memories came to mind—Solomon also remembered her grand power and her ease with magic, making him grow interest for how would it turn out... still, he did not understimate his apprentice.
"Draras..." he muttered to himself, finally moving to a side for Simeon and Luke to watch over MC, both quickly filled with concern for their beloved friend.
"Tha-That's the witch they've been talking about?!" Luke spat out, covering his eyes with his hands as Simeon gave him a comforting palm on the back.
"Yes, and I might add I may or may not have been the one who taught her how to brew in the first place..." he said, recalling the little demon he hung out with when he was first getting involved on the beverage world as one of his many hobbies.
"Brew? you? How'd it go?" Simeon wanted to ask, but knowing his roommate, it probably caused some massive explossion as he added whatever his heart told him to. Instead, he cleared his throat to take out of their thoughts the two people accompanying him.
"Uhm, well, do you think MC'll get over it? Safe?" the oldest angel preferred to ask and get his anxiousness to go away.
"Even if it seems as they're in a difficult environment," Solomon said referring to the laboratory filled with weapons, "Draras's always been on the path to make psychological tests rather than physical ones..."
"I never got to know why, but she was beyond interested on knowing more about people's thoughts and emotions." Solomon shrugged.
"Oh MC, just come back safe please!" Luke cried out.
"So, now you know the rules, you only gotta come back from a short nap, 'mkay?" Draras said as once again smoke poured out and started to engulf you into a drowsiness state.
Before you could muster a word, you'd already fallen to dreamland.
"A human risking so much to defend a demon and an angel... how very interesting."
You felt the first tear fell.
"Can't you go a single day without causing trouble?"
Then the second one...
"All of you, out of the way...! I'm going to tear that human limb from limb...!"
What on literal hell was going on? Lucifer? Luci—
"Let me make one thing clear: I respect my brothers' freedom to do as they wish. However, if I ever sense that you've become a threat to either Diavolo or us... then I will show you absolutely no mercy.
Understood?" a stern so cold you couldn't help but nod out of pure instinct, thinking you'd get to see something, anything else after your one true love being mad at you as he once did.
So this was what the test's about?
As horrid memories came one after another, your eyes already stinging and swollen from reliving them all, you noticed some more casual ones or 'cute' ones you've had with him before coming here got distorted as well, he was being mean in all of them.
Mean to you, whatever you'd do he'd call you out and show you how to do it flawlessly. He'd not take a look back at you as he expressed his disappointement on you, he'd mindlessly say how you're better off in the human realm as you clearly were such a failure, a threat to everyone.
After what felt like years of watching, listening and feeling every single cruel thing Lucifer could have and might have told you, you found yourself as a complete wreck.
Knelt on the floor as your legs stopped working about hours ago, exhaustion filled your form, dried tears stained your cheeks and the only thing that kept you awake in this twisted nightmare was your constant mantra "this did not happen, I love him."
You'd repeat it as you'd feel his words hitting harsher than any physical pain you've been through, his eyes missing the light that'd brighten up any day with him, his embrace that was shown closed for only you as the current menace you symbolyzed for him.
The scenary finally turned black, it was only you and your utterly messed up thoughts climbing you up, surpassing your fatigued mind. They whispered through and through everything they could to make you go insane.
"Now that you've seen that," Draras appeared a few meters infront of you, "tell me one thing." Her figure showed was nothing but imposing. It made you want to crawl into a corner. But there was truly no way to go anywhere to wherever you were in the first place.
"How is it that you still love him?" she continued, walking to finally look you straight in the eyes from above; you would've thought she was mocking you if it wasn't for the truly intrigued look she was giving you.
You didn't know what or how to answer, your mouth felt dry and your eyes were heavy.
Remember what you came for. You came for... What did you come for again?
"See, so useless you can't even remember your purpose." A voice that you were now so familiar with spoke back.
You lowered your head in surrender, why couldn't you say it? What did ever kept you from admitting it? Pride? Like him?
"I came here because I love him, and I love him because of him and only him, his innate strength, the fearless way he says things but still giving thought to every word to do not get it wrong, his caring nature..." you finally admitted, you felt yourself being flooded with the immense love you had for him, for Lucifer.
Lucifer Morningstar.
"I love him." You added for the last time, now standing up face to face with Draras, who listened intently and watched fascinated as you explained everything.
"I can only wish for you to enjoy yourselves dear, and hope someday I'll get to meet someone like you." She replied, crystaline-eyed with her hands to her heart, showing you a kind smile.
With that, everything vanished, you sucked a big breath before recognizing your whereabouts as the laboratory you first entered to.
Draras was looking for something inside a hallway in the room, which was covered in bottle racks. The pictures of the Legendary Demonus you've only watched online came to your mind and you felt as if you'd burst of how proud you felt for yourself in that moment, this, immediately leading you to think about Lucifer's reaction once you show him what you got.
"Here, only the best of the best," she handed you a translucent, pear-shaped bottle, a lilac, thick beverage swirling in it.
"Thank you so much Draras," you said taking it with great care, starting your way back home.
"They made it!" Solomon exclaimed from his room as he watched once again through his cristal, your point of view indicating you were out of the bar already, bottle on hand.
Luke and Simeon let out a relieved sigh, hugging themselves feeling happy for you.
"It's been three days, eight hours with four minutes..." Mammon groaned, his defeated form laying all over the same couch he first started counting on.
"And eleven seconds..." Leviathan let out, spraid on the floor with his game's console long forgotten at his right side.
"And you didn't even spared your books a single glance..." Satan said in frustration.
There was this tension hanging in the air ever since Lucifer broke the news of you being gone. None of the brothers acted as their usual self.
Even if Satan showed himself as discontented with his brothers, he kept thinking if there could be a bad reason why you'd leave without saying anything at all.
Lucifer kept doing his night patrols and would watch his brothers' demeanour get worse. Along his, that is. It wasn't unheard of you to go on a vacation to the human world from time to time to see your family now that the exchange program was done for the first year.
What it was unheard of was you wanting some other brother to deliver the news to everyone, this was something you'd taken very serious since you knew how those brothers get even without a 'goodnight' from you every night.
So of course this was new for all of them, and they were not taking it very well for the time being.
After some minutes of silence except for Beel's stomach growling and utensils being used by him cooking something for dinner, some knocks were heard on the HoL's front door.
"Are ya' waitin' for somethin'?" Mammon asked as he twisted his body to try and get a glimpse of who or what might be bothering at this hours from the windows.
"No, my cosmetic's delivery won't arrive until tomorrow." Asmo chimed in, bringing his hand under his chin as if in deep thought.
"We're only waiting for MC—" Leviathan said in realization.
Everyone's eyes were on him and before he could say anything else, the brothers who were awake and not cooking ran up to the door and slammed it open; as expected, revealing an MC a little messy, with a backpack that looked as if it was dragged a few miles and a very odd-looking bottle on their arms secured.
"H-Hi everyone! I'm back!" you exclaimed, a bit embarrassed now that you got time to think about your appearance, nevertheless, you were welcomed warmly and quickly taken care of by your seven roommates demons.
Eventually, you found yourself surrounded by their tangled bodies trying to fit in your single bed, restless.
You cautiosly made your way out of pile of people to fetch something to drink, preferably a coffee, you thought.
As you arrived to the kitchen, you noticed the bottle of Demonus you brought, you've totally forgotten about it after being embraced by the brothers so kindly.
A smile came to your face and as you were about to place it somewhere safer than the counter it currently was on, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a chin rest on your shoulders and breath hit your neck.
"Just where on hell did you go?" Lucifer asked, mindless of his bold action and mostly intrigued about your little trip.
"Hmm, do you know about this drink?" you replied, turning a little for him to get a better look at it. His eyes widened as he read the bottle's label.
"MC, don't tell me you went to something like the black market to get that—" an agitated look appeared on him.
You laughed at his reaction, "No, of course not, I-I," suddenly the words got caught up in your throat. You were proud about your achievement just a few hours ago, why couldn't you tell him?
Flashes of the nightmare you had to go through flooded your mind and it came difficult to keep your eyes open due to the pain forming in your head.
Lucifer noticed and ushered you to sit down, settling the drink somewhere else as he took care of you.
"I went to the Drealinal bar and encounter a witch named Draras," you barely mentioned before feeling the need to hold your forehead with one hand.
"Did you get hurt?" Lucifer's voice got lower and a cold glance met your eyes, just like what Draras showed you—
"What—no, I'm fine, I—I brought the Demonus for you," you presumed forcing a small smile to reassure him, your other hand found place on top of his other and moments later your smile reached your eyes genuinely.
It was this little moments of connection and intimacy you had with him, with Lucifer, that gave you the comfort and peace you need to go from storm to storm, this were your happy and calm moments with him that you had learnt to enjoy so much.
"I have to say it tastes delicious even if it doesn't affect me." You declared as you took another sip from a glass with the liquid that took you so long to find, your beloved taking from his own cup on the chair next to yours while listening to some cursed records of his, on the cozy environment that brought his room.
"It's exquisite indeed," he let out in a grunt as he felt every fiber of himself melt along the burning sensation he got in his throat for drinking for Lord knows how long now.
"I'm so glad you liked it," you remarked smiling fondly at him, who became speechless admiring your happy self.
He got up, leaving his glass of Demonus and making his way towards you, next kneeling infront of you and taking your unoccupied hand with his, planting a small his on the back of it.
Then getting closer to you taking advantage of his height, it was not that difficult to reach your face, surprising you.
"I love you... I love you so much," he confessed, never letting you out of sight, as if searching your love for him in your eyes as well, because right now, he knew you could see his.
The best method you found to express it rather than words was the way your lips found his in what started as a tender and soft kiss, slowly turning into a more passionate and love-filled one.
As you separated, Lucifer opened again his eyes, admiring you once again. It certainly wasn't always for something like this to happen, but it was surely was something you loved about him the most.
"I love you too."
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All writings' rights reserved © 2024 Mitsua. (Credit to the respective owners of the pictures and tagged anime character.) ⌇ my navigation!
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