#lucille saint peter
frankenpagie · 2 years
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poemaseletras · 1 year
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In a lot of books I've read that the three members of the Committee of Public Safety most intent on having the Dantonists executed were Barére, Billaud-Varenne and particularly Saint-Just; however, I have never seen a sufficient explanation as to why. (I know about the gossip such as the Sillery affair or that Saint-Just and Desmoulins hated each other but I don't think such trivival things really contributed to them wanting to have the Dantonists executed.) Could you explain if it was really these 3 members who were hellbent on the whole affair and why the others might have been reluctant about it? Furthermore, about Lucile: to what extent is it true that the letter upon which her arrest was based was forged by Saint-Just? Because I have read that various times and also various times that Saint-Just had absolutely nothing to do with the letter. Can you please give me recommendations (books, articles) about the whole Dantonist affair because I feel that most I have read this far is incredibly biased or just simplistic.
Thnak you so much.
I have wondered the exact same thing, because you’re right, it has been stated by many historians that a certain number of CPS and CGS members (though not necessarily always the exact three you listed) were particulary eager to put down the Dantonists. This often gets contrasted with Robespierre’s alleged more hesitant reaction:
It was on the same day, perhaps, that, after much hesitation and many discussions at the Committee, [Robespierre] was at last persuaded by Billaud-Varenne and Collot d’Herbois to consent to the proscription of Danton. Robespierre (1935) by JM Thompson
But the fate of the ‘Indulgents’ was still to be resolved. In late March there were desperate meetings between Robespierre and Danton as pressure mounted for arrests. Robespierre remained hesitant — what exactly was Desmoulins’ offence? — but Billaud and Collot, worried by what the proscription of Hébert and his allies might mean for them, were unrelenting. Robespierre: a revolutionary life (2010) by Peter McPhee, page 190
In the government committees, the dabate has been vivid. Those most up in arms about Danton and those close to him have been Amar, Voulland, Billaud-Varenne and Collot d’Herbois, but it’s Saint-Just who has been assigned with writing a report against them. Robespierre (2014) by Hervé Leuwers, chapter 21
Collot d’Herbois and Billaud-Varenne, who had both been close to the Cordeliers, argued fiercely that the Committee should strike down the Dantonists. For a long time Billaud-Varenne and Robespierre had been at loggerheads over this. For several months Robespierre resisted killing Danton.  Choosing Terror (2014) by Marisa Linton, page 218
But of all those listed here, Billaud-Varennes is the only one for whom I’ve found sufficient evidence when it comes to hostility towards the dantonists, as he on several times is recorded to have reported his eagerness when it came to silencing Danton. As can be seen, he does however never really give a satisfying answer as to why, other than the fact that he saw Danton as dangerous.
The first time I denounced Danton to the committee, Robespierre rose like a madman and said that he saw my intentions, that I wanted to lose the best of patriots. Billaud-Varennes accuses Robespierre on 9 Thermidor 1794
Billaud-Varennes: If the misery of Danton is a crime, I accuse myself of it: because I was the first to denounce Danton; I said that if this man existed, freedom would be lost. If he were in this enclosure, he would be a rallying point for all counter-revolutionaries. Danton was Robespierre's accomplice; for the day before Robespierre consented to abandon him, they had been together in the countryside, four leagues from Paris, and had returned in the same carriage. I ask you if it is for few men that the Convention must vote at this moment. I declare that, if the intriguers, the thieves could have the upper hand, I would kill myself. Les crimes des sept membres des anciens comités de salut public et de surete general (1794) by Laurent Lecointre, page 23
I repeat it for you, Danton is the only representative of the people whose punishment I provoked, since he to me seemed like the most dangerous of conspirators. Réponse de J.N Billaud, représentant du peuple, à Laurent Lecointre, representant du peuple (1794) page 38
The last political opinions of Billaud corrected the old ones only on purely individual points. Thus, the death of Danton was then in his eyes a crime, because of the immense services he had rendered. "Alas!" he would often say, I was too directly involved in it and with a terrible hatred. The misfortune of revolutions is that you have to act too quickly; you have no time to examine: you act only in full and burning fever, in fear, I understand, of seeing your ideas aborted. Danton and his friends were clever people, invincible patriots at the tribune or in public action, and we massacred them! Unlike us, they did not, except for the brave Westermann, the Murat of the Republic, have their hands free from trafficking and plunder; they loved luxury too much but they had a noble and revolutionary heart; you will know their services one day, when the sincere history of our time is written. That of M. Lacretelle is only a work without facts, a work made up of a rhetorician. I remain with the intimate conviction that 18 Brumaire would not have been possible, if Danton, Robespierre and Camille Desmoulins had remained united at the foot of the tribune. Billaud Varennes — mémoires inédits et correspondance (1893) page 236-237
There’s also the following claim said to originate from Billaud in McPhee’s Robespierre biography that I’ve honestly been interested in since the first time I read it. No source is cited and I’ve not yet been able to discover from where it comes:
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On January 13, Billaud also openly opposed Danton when the latter defended the recently arrested Fabre d’Eglantine, exclaiming ”Woe to whoever sat next to Fabre d'Églantine, and who is still his dupe.”
For the rest of those mentioned however, I not only had a hard time finding reasons for them to be particulary against Danton, but also evidence they actually even were against him more than anyone else. Since private papers where they might have spoken their mind more freely barely appear to exist for most of these people, I’ve chosen to mainly look over the minutes from the Convention and the Jacobin club between December 1793 (when the bickering between the hébertists and dantonists began) and the dantonists’ execution in April 1794. That colorful and devisive opinions are hard to find here might not be all that strange given the fact they needed to appear somewhat unified before the public. But I would still say my findings are rather inadequate for the claims cited above.
Starting with Barère, we know that he on December 26 denounced Desmoulins (without mentioning him by name) when talking about ”periodical writers who […] revive the counter-revolutionaries, and warm the ashes of the aristocracy.” He did however also say that Camille was doing this ”unknowingly and perhaps unintentionally,” which is very similar to how Robespierre chose to defend him on January 7. On April 1 Barère also voiced his support for the dantonists’ arrest at the Convention, but nowhere near as strongly as Robespierre had right before him. These were the only times Barère actually said anything about the affair during these four months that I could discover… I also didn’t see Barère talk about any particular role he might have had in it in his memoirs, though given the nature of those kinds of publications that doesn’t have to mean very much.
Collot did him too denounce Camille’s journal without naming his name on December 23. He denounced him again on January 5, but opposed expelling Camille from the Jacobins, which had been suggested on both December 21 and December 31, saying that ”the aristocrats have pronounced that Camille Desmoulins would be driven out of the Jacobins: let that go; the club will judge in its wisdom what is to be done; but let us not forget what an old patriot has done for the public good.” He only proposed the journal be censored, which is again the same thing Robespierre would also later ask for. At the same meeting Collot did however ask for Philippeaux to be expelled from the club, something which Robespierre would instead declare unnecessary two days later, but this on the grounds that Philippeaux had never really been a worthy member anyway.
One rather common thesis is that Collot (and Billaud) were close to the hébertists and for that reason wanted to get rid of Danton, and even that getting Danton’s head was their ultimatum for helping obtain that of Hébert. As evidence for this is often listed the fact that Collot on December 21 openly defended the hébertist Ronsin who had been arrested four days earlier, was celebrated by Hébert in Le Père Duchesne as well as the fact that he on March 7 went to the Cordeliers Club to preach union with its members. In Collot d’Herbois: lègendes noires et révolution (1995), Michel Biard does however dismiss the idea that this can be used as evidence Collot himself was a hébertist, arguing that he defended Ronsin to protect himself since the latter had been his collegue in Lyon and not because he agreed with him politically (if he had, he also would have defended the other arrested hébertist Vincent) and that Hébert praising Collot doesn’t mean Collot praised Hébert.
As for Saint-Just, he was away from Paris during much of the period (From October 17 to December 4, December 10 to December 30, and finally January 22 to February 13). It was of course he who, with the help of Robespierre, had prepared the dantonists’ indictment, but that he also did for the hébertistswhy did they always get him to write all the important reports btw?
The CGS members Amar and Voulland I found to barely have spoken at all during the studied period. On February 2, it was however the latter who suggested setting the imprisoned hébertists Vincent and Ronsin free, which I suppose at least reveals which side he was on. Amar was in his turn the one who had written the report regarding the East India Company scandal, in other words the people the dantonists would end up getting executed alongside. Though curiously, when reading the report at the Convention on March 16 (the only time he is recorded to have spoken that I could find) Amar received criticism from both Billaud-Varennes and Robespierre, who claimed it too narrow since it only focused on the financial side of the affair. At the same time, Robespierre called on the Convention to defend its honor and purge itself of traitors on its midst and demanded that Amar’s report be revised to express these ideas… The article André Amar and his role in the Committee of General Security (1961) also didn’t mention anything in particular about its subject’s role in the dantonist purge.
All those listed had however been attacked by Desmoulins in his two more recent publications (Saint-Just, Barère and Billaud in Lettre au général Dillon, Barère, Collot, Amar and Voulland in Le Vieux Cordelier), and, like you said, SJ and Camille had also been personal enemies since 1792. But also like you said, it is hard to say exactly in what way this affected them, and if it was to the extent that they actually wanted the author dead…
tl;dr, I actually don’t know what motivated these guys to put down the dantonists, because I don’t understand what the claim that they were extra eager to get them even stems from.
As for the story of Lucile Desmoulins and the letter from Arthur Dillon, I’ve already written about it in this post, but to quickly recap, Saint-Just (or anyone else for that matter) did not go so far as to commit forgery. Dillon himself admitted he had written Lucile a letter, however, he also underlined that it had simply been about encouraging her and not at all an invitation to conspire against the government. Lambert, the man Dillon had asked to deliver the letter, did in his turn claim that after he had refused to, Dillon tore the letter up before it could even leave his side.  Finally, Lucile answered ”no” both when asked if she had received the letter and when asked if she had received money from Dillon.
Finally, when it comes to good books or articles on the dantonist affair, I found chapter 8, Le chef d’un groupe indulgent ? and 10, ”Tu montreras ma tête au peuple ; elle en vaut la peine” of Danton: le mythe et l’histoire (2016) to be quite useful. The first chapter deals with the ”indulgent offensive” while simultaneously questioning the idea that there really did exist a cohesive group that under the leadership of Danton sought to slow down with ”the terror,” while the second is about their trial and execution. I also really liked the account in Camille et Lucile Desmoulins: un rêve de république (2018). Of course, both these books are in French, which I don’t know if you know or not, and none can be found for free legally… When it comes to English litterature on the subject, I’ve yet not found anything that I think truly has it all, but two books that can at least be found for free are Camille Desmoulins and his wife — passages from the history of the dantonists (1876) (bias in Camille’s favor and sometimes romantizing, but also making use of several primary sources) and Danton (1978) (I’ve honestly not read that part of the book, so who knows if it’s any good…)
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sporadiceagleheart · 3 months
Heaven tribute edit for all old angels Mei Shan “Linda” Leung, Barbara Yung Mei-ling, Dayle Yoshie Okazaki, Elyas Yakub Abowath, William Makoto “Bill” Doi, Yuriko Lillie Kita Doi, Patty Elaine Higgins, Thomas E. Higgins, Lela Ellen Reed Kneiding, Bert Clyde Reed, Abana Bethalda Booth Reed, Maxson Carl “Max” Kneiding, Joyce Lucille Brown Nelson, Eris I Brown, Alma Winfred Coombe Owsley, Eugene Theodore Nelson, Margaret Ada Brown Yarnell, Tsai Lian “Veronica” Yu, Maxine Levenia Tedder Zazzara, Vincent Charles Zazzara, Betty Grace Peterson Zazzara, Edward Peterson, Violet Louise Dunlop Peterson, Katie Lee Smith Maggiore, Brian Keith Maggiore, Manuela Eleanore Rohrbeck Witthuhn, Dr Debra Alexandria Manning, Cheryl Grace “Cheri” Smith Domingo, Wayland Clifton Smith Jr., Janelle Lisa Cruz, Lyman Robert Smith, Charlene Herzenberg Smith, April 21, 1951: Lois Janes, 7, disappears from Harrisburg, Little Miss Nobody/Sharon Lee Gallegos, Louis XVII, Mary Crocker, Mary Kornman, Judy Garland, Rosina Lawrence, Joan of Arc, Jean d'Arc, Ilse Weber, Eazy-E, Ella Harper, Annie Oakley, Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Hana Brady, Pauline Adelaar, Annie Kerr Aiken, Gracie Perry Watson, Inez Clarke Briggs, Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Valentine, Saint Patrick, Mona Lisa, Saint Mark, Saint Peter, Saint Rosalia, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Constantina of Rome, Saint Helena of Constantinople, Saint John the Baptist, King David, Matilda of Denmark, Anna D Crnkovic, Irmgard Christine Winter, Saint Clare of Assisi, Saint Ita of Killeedy, Saint Agnes of Rome, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Rita of Cascia, Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, Sainte Bernadette Soubirous, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Teresa de Jesus, Saint James the Less, Catherine of Aragon, Olivia Twenty Dahl, Anne de Beauchamp, Isabel Despenser, Countess of Warwick, Isabella I, Isabella of Portugal, Isabel of Barcelos, Beatriz Pereira de Alvim, Mary I, Lucy M Haynes, Isabelle Romée, Anne Boleyn, Cleopatra, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Jacques d'Arc, Mary, Queen of Scots, Marie Curie, Pierre Cauchon, Catherine II of Russia, Anna Petrovna, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia,
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.16
Appreciate A Dragon Day
Beatles Day (UNESCO) [fake holiday based on erroneous story from Armenia Press]
Book Publishers Day
Certified Psychiatric Technicians Day
Chapultepec Peace Accords Anniversary Day (El Salvador)
Civil Service Day
Day of Lights (Elder Scrolls)
Day of Remembrance (Benin)
Day of Remembrance of Donetsk Airport Defenders (Ukraine)
Flag Day (Israel)
Gulf War Anniversary Day
Haru-No-Yabuiri (a.k.a. Day of No Work for the Overworked; Japan)
Inflatable Tire Day
Juuruku Nichi (Ryukyuan)
Kanuma Panda (a.k.a. Tusu Puja; Andhra Pradesh, India)
Laurent Kabila (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
Lead Day (French Republic)
National Boston Day
National Bouvier de Flandres Day
National Day of Peace (El Salvador)
National Day of Racial Healing
National Good Teen Day
National Nothing Day
National Religious Freedom Day
National Startup Day (India)
National Without a Scalpel Day
National Work at Home with Your Spouse Day
Psychiatric Technician’s Day
Quit Lying Day
Teacher’s Day (Myanmar, Thailand)
There’s No Business Like Show Business Day
Whiskey A-Go-Go Day
Zeta Phi Beta Day
Zuuruku Nichi (Okinawa Islands, Japan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Croquette Day (Spain)
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 8.19]
National Fig Newton Day
National Kava Day
National Quinoa Day
Prohibition Remembrance Day
3rd Tuesday in January
National Superfoods Day [3rd Tuesday]
Printing Ink Day [Tuesday closest to 16th]
Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day [3rd Tuesday]
Independence & Related Days
Tsardom of Muscovy (Established; 1547) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 16, 2024
Fort Wayne Farm Show (Fort Wayne, Indiana) [thru 1.18]
New York Corn & Soybean Winter Expo (Syracuse, New York)
NYC Restaurant Week (New York, New York) [thru 2.4]
Feast Days
Altar to Invite Harmony Throughout the Year Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Benjamin, Pope (Coptic)
Berard of Carbio (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Armenian Apostolic)
Concordia (Ancient Roman Goddess of Harmonious Relations)
Day of Offerings to the Shemsu of Ra (Ancient Egypt)
Eve of Saint Anthony (observed with ritual bonfires in San Bartolomé de Pinares; Christian)
Festival of All Fairies (Shamanism)
Francesco Scavullo (Artology)
Fursey (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Vaz (Christian; Saint)
Henry the Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Hestia’s Day (Pagan)
Honoratus of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Lao-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Lucas Achtschellinck (Artology)
Macarius the Elder of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Marcellus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Mr. McTaggart (Muppetism)
Night of the Lemur (Church of the SubGenius)
Nothingness Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Coptic Church)
Thiruvalluvar Day (India)
Titian of Oderzo (Christian; Saint)
Uzhavar Thirunal (Tamil Nadu, India)
Vasant Panchami (Hindu)
Wind Gods of the Eight Directions Festival (Ancient Greece)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Adventures of Puss in Boots (Animated Film; 2015)
After the Ball (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
The Bird Store (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
Black Lightning (TV Series; 2018)
Boop-Oop-a-Doop (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Captain Hareblower (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Circus Daze, featuring Bosko (MGM Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
The Corporation (Documentary Film; 2004)
The Famous 1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert, recorded by Benny Goodman (Live Concert; 1938)
From Hopeless to Helpless, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 31 & 32 1965)
Half Baked (Film; 1998)
Harper Valley P.T.A. (TV Series; 1981)
Hello, Dolly! (Broadway Musical; 1964)
Horse on Merry-Go-Round (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got that Swing), recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1932)
It’s Nice to Have a Mouse Around the House (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Jaws, by Peter Benchley (Novel; 1974)
The Life of Riley (Radio Series; 1944)
Lucille, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1857)
Man in the Mirror, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1988)
Paddington (Animated Film; 2015)
The Saint in New York, by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1935) [Saint #16]
Shakin’ All Over, by The Guess Who (Album; 1965)
Slay it with Flowers (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
Son of Flubber (Film; 1963)
Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series; 1995)
Suffering’ Cats! (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1943)
Summer (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1930)
Tokyo Godfathers (Animated Film; 2004)
Vagabond Voyage or The Castoffs Cast Off (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 144; 1962)
The Village Smithy (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Vincebus Eruptum, by Blue Cheer (Album; 1968)
Wailing Whale (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 143; 1962)
Wayne (TV Series; 2019)
Whiskey A-Go-Go (Nightclub; 1963) [Los Angeles]
A Zoot Suit (For My Sunday Gal), recorded by Kay Kyser (Song; `942)
Today’s Name Days
Arnold, Maurus, Romedius (Austria)
Anastazija, Mavro, Pavao, Stošija (Croatia)
Alice (Czech Republic)
Maura (Denmark)
Salve, Salvi, Sõlmi (Estonia)
Ilmari, Ilmo (Finland)
Marcel (France)
Dietwald, Marcel, Tilman, Uli (Germany)
Gusztáv (Hungary)
Marcello (Italy)
Lida, Lidija, Lija (Latvia)
Marcelis, Norgailas, Norgailė (Lithuania)
Hilmar, Hjalmar (Norway)
Marcel, Waleriusz, Włodzimierz (Poland)
Petru (Romania)
Kristína (Slovakia)
Estefanía, Fulgencio, Marcelo (Spain)
Helmer, Hjalmar (Sweden)
Aaliyah, Aleah, Aliyah, Paine, Payne, Phillis, Phyllis, Pilar, Priscilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 16 of 2024; 350 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 6 (Ji-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 5 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 16 White; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 3 January 2024
Moon: 34%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Moses (1st Month) [Lao-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 27 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 26 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.16
Appreciate A Dragon Day
Beatles Day (UNESCO) [fake holiday based on erroneous story from Armenia Press]
Book Publishers Day
Certified Psychiatric Technicians Day
Chapultepec Peace Accords Anniversary Day (El Salvador)
Civil Service Day
Day of Lights (Elder Scrolls)
Day of Remembrance (Benin)
Day of Remembrance of Donetsk Airport Defenders (Ukraine)
Flag Day (Israel)
Gulf War Anniversary Day
Haru-No-Yabuiri (a.k.a. Day of No Work for the Overworked; Japan)
Inflatable Tire Day
Juuruku Nichi (Ryukyuan)
Kanuma Panda (a.k.a. Tusu Puja; Andhra Pradesh, India)
Laurent Kabila (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
Lead Day (French Republic)
National Boston Day
National Bouvier de Flandres Day
National Day of Peace (El Salvador)
National Day of Racial Healing
National Good Teen Day
National Nothing Day
National Religious Freedom Day
National Startup Day (India)
National Without a Scalpel Day
National Work at Home with Your Spouse Day
Psychiatric Technician’s Day
Quit Lying Day
Teacher’s Day (Myanmar, Thailand)
There’s No Business Like Show Business Day
Whiskey A-Go-Go Day
Zeta Phi Beta Day
Zuuruku Nichi (Okinawa Islands, Japan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Croquette Day (Spain)
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 8.19]
National Fig Newton Day
National Kava Day
National Quinoa Day
Prohibition Remembrance Day
3rd Tuesday in January
National Superfoods Day [3rd Tuesday]
Printing Ink Day [Tuesday closest to 16th]
Rid the World of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day [3rd Tuesday]
Independence & Related Days
Tsardom of Muscovy (Established; 1547) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 16, 2024
Fort Wayne Farm Show (Fort Wayne, Indiana) [thru 1.18]
New York Corn & Soybean Winter Expo (Syracuse, New York)
NYC Restaurant Week (New York, New York) [thru 2.4]
Feast Days
Altar to Invite Harmony Throughout the Year Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Benjamin, Pope (Coptic)
Berard of Carbio (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Armenian Apostolic)
Concordia (Ancient Roman Goddess of Harmonious Relations)
Day of Offerings to the Shemsu of Ra (Ancient Egypt)
Eve of Saint Anthony (observed with ritual bonfires in San Bartolomé de Pinares; Christian)
Festival of All Fairies (Shamanism)
Francesco Scavullo (Artology)
Fursey (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Vaz (Christian; Saint)
Henry the Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Hestia’s Day (Pagan)
Honoratus of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Lao-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Lucas Achtschellinck (Artology)
Macarius the Elder of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Marcellus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Mr. McTaggart (Muppetism)
Night of the Lemur (Church of the SubGenius)
Nothingness Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Coptic Church)
Thiruvalluvar Day (India)
Titian of Oderzo (Christian; Saint)
Uzhavar Thirunal (Tamil Nadu, India)
Vasant Panchami (Hindu)
Wind Gods of the Eight Directions Festival (Ancient Greece)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Adventures of Puss in Boots (Animated Film; 2015)
After the Ball (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1956)
The Bird Store (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1932)
Black Lightning (TV Series; 2018)
Boop-Oop-a-Doop (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1932)
Captain Hareblower (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Circus Daze, featuring Bosko (MGM Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
The Corporation (Documentary Film; 2004)
The Famous 1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert, recorded by Benny Goodman (Live Concert; 1938)
From Hopeless to Helpless, Parts 3 & 4 (Underdog Cartoon, S1, Eps. 31 & 32 1965)
Half Baked (Film; 1998)
Harper Valley P.T.A. (TV Series; 1981)
Hello, Dolly! (Broadway Musical; 1964)
Horse on Merry-Go-Round (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got that Swing), recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1932)
It’s Nice to Have a Mouse Around the House (WB LT Cartoon; 1965)
Jaws, by Peter Benchley (Novel; 1974)
The Life of Riley (Radio Series; 1944)
Lucille, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1857)
Man in the Mirror, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1988)
Paddington (Animated Film; 2015)
The Saint in New York, by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1935) [Saint #16]
Shakin’ All Over, by The Guess Who (Album; 1965)
Slay it with Flowers (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1943)
Son of Flubber (Film; 1963)
Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series; 1995)
Suffering’ Cats! (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1943)
Summer (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1930)
Tokyo Godfathers (Animated Film; 2004)
Vagabond Voyage or The Castoffs Cast Off (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 144; 1962)
The Village Smithy (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Vincebus Eruptum, by Blue Cheer (Album; 1968)
Wailing Whale (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 143; 1962)
Wayne (TV Series; 2019)
Whiskey A-Go-Go (Nightclub; 1963) [Los Angeles]
A Zoot Suit (For My Sunday Gal), recorded by Kay Kyser (Song; `942)
Today’s Name Days
Arnold, Maurus, Romedius (Austria)
Anastazija, Mavro, Pavao, Stošija (Croatia)
Alice (Czech Republic)
Maura (Denmark)
Salve, Salvi, Sõlmi (Estonia)
Ilmari, Ilmo (Finland)
Marcel (France)
Dietwald, Marcel, Tilman, Uli (Germany)
Gusztáv (Hungary)
Marcello (Italy)
Lida, Lidija, Lija (Latvia)
Marcelis, Norgailas, Norgailė (Lithuania)
Hilmar, Hjalmar (Norway)
Marcel, Waleriusz, Włodzimierz (Poland)
Petru (Romania)
Kristína (Slovakia)
Estefanía, Fulgencio, Marcelo (Spain)
Helmer, Hjalmar (Sweden)
Aaliyah, Aleah, Aliyah, Paine, Payne, Phillis, Phyllis, Pilar, Priscilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 16 of 2024; 350 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 6 (Ji-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 5 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 16 White; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 3 January 2024
Moon: 34%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Moses (1st Month) [Lao-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 27 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 26 of 31)
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alexlacquemanne · 2 years
Danger : Diabolik ! (Diabolik) (1968) de Mario Bava avec John Phillip Law, Marisa Mell, Michel Piccoli, Claudio Gora, Terry-Thomas et Adolfo Celi
L'Horloger de Saint-Paul (1974) de Bertrand Tavernier avec Philippe Noiret, Jean Rochefort, Jacques Denis, Yves Afonso, Julien Bertheau et Jacques Hilling
Les Grandes Familles (1958) de Denys de La Patellière avec Jean Gabin, Jean Desailly, Pierre Brasseur, Bernard Blier, Françoise Christophe, Annie Ducaux et Louis Seigner
Les Ambitieux (The Carpetbaggers) (1964) de Edward Dmytryk avec George Peppard, Carroll Baker, Alan Ladd, Bob Cummings, Martha Hyer et Elizabeth Ashley
Bathing Beauty (1944) de George Sidney avec Red Skelton, Esther Williams, Basil Rathbone, Bill Goodwin, Jean Porter, Nana Bryant, Carlos Ramírez et Ethel Smith
Que les gros salaires lèvent le doigt ! (1982) de Denys Granier-Deferre avec Jean Poiret, Michel Piccoli, Daniel Auteuil, François Perrot, Tchéky Karyo, Nadia Barentin, François Lalande, Florence Pernel, Jeanne Lallemand et Marie Laforet
Pain, Amour et Fantaisie (Pane, amore e fantasia) (1953) de Luigi Comencini avec Vittorio De Sica, Gina Lollobrigida, Marisa Merlini, Virgilio Riento, Tina Pica et Maria-Pia Casilio
Les Ripoux (1984) de Claude Zidi avec Philippe Noiret, Thierry Lhermitte, Régine, Grace de Capitani, Julien Guiomar, Albert Simono et Claude Brosset
Scoop (2006) de Woody Allen avec Scarlett Johansson, Hugh Jackman, Woody Allen, Ian McShane, Romola Garai et Julian Glover
Sous le signe de Monte-Cristo (1968) d'André Hunebelle avec Paul Barge, Claude Jade, Anny Duperey, Pierre Brasseur, Michel Auclair, Raymond Pellegrin et Paul Le Person
Une femme sous influence (A Woman Under the Influence) (1974) de John Cassavetes avec Gena Rowlands, Peter falk, Fred Draper, Lady Rowlands, Katherine Cassavetes, Matthew Laborteaux et Matthew Cassel
L'Enquête corse (2004) d'Alain Berberian avec Christian Clavier, Jean Reno, Caterina Murino, Didier Flamand, Juliette Poissonnier, Pierre Salasca, Éric Fraticelli et Alain Maratrat
Didier (1997) d'Alain Chabat avec Jean-Pierre Bacri, Alain Chabat, Isabelle Gélinas, Lionel Abelanski, Michel Bompoil, Jean-Marie Frin, Zinedine Soualem et Elliot
Les Aventuriers de l'arche perdue (Raiders of the Lost Ark) (1981) de Steven Spielberg avec Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott, Alfred Molina et Wolf Kahler
M. Hobbs prend des vacances (Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation) (1962) de Henry Koster avec James Stewart, Maureen O'Hara, Fabian, John Saxon, Marie Wilson et Reginald Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Carole Lombard, Robert Montgomery, Gene Raymond, Jack Carson, Philip Merivale et Lucile Watson
Ulysse (Ulisse) (1954) de Mario Camerinia avec Kirk Douglas, Silvana Mangano, Anthony Quinn, Rossana Podestà, Jacques Dumesnil, Sylvie et Daniel Ivernel
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 4, 5
Le Jardin de la mort - L'ange destructeur - Vendetta - Qui a tué Cock Robin ? - Sombre automne - Le Fruit du péché - Un village très coté - Le Ver dans le fruit - Les Sonneries de la mort - Meurtre dans un collège anglais
L'agence tous risques Saison 1, 2
Détournement - Le candidat - Un si jolie petite ville - Immigration clandestine - Poussière de diamants - Otages à l'orphelinat - Les mustangs : première partie - Les mustangs : deuxième partie - Histoire d'eau - Pression amicale - Le pain quotidien - La pêche miraculeuse - Agitateurs - Acier - La guerre des taxis - Le Scorpion du désert - Tirez sur le Cheik - Eclipse - Les marchands de poison - Dites-le avec du plomb - La vache maltaise - Pas si facile que ça
Affaires sensibles
10 mai 1981 : l’arrivée de la gauche au pouvoir - Ali contre Foreman : choc des titans à Kinshasa - Le 6 février 1973. L'incendie du collège Pailleron - Sharon Tate : l’Ange et le Démon - Voici l’histoire de Hurricane - Harlem, 21 février 1965 : Malcolm X est mort
Friends Saison 5, 6
Celui qui embrassait - Celui qui a des triplés - Celui qui accepte l'inacceptable - Celui qui rate son week-end - Celui qui a du mal à se taire - Celui qui emménage - Celui qui avait des souvenirs difficiles à avaler - Celui qui s'était fait piquer son sandwich - Celui qui avait une sœur un peu spéciale - Celui qui prenait de bonnes résolutions - Celui qui riait différemment - Celui qui avait un sac - Celui qui découvre tout - Celui qui prenait des coups - Celui qui enviait ses amis - Celui qui ne savait pas se repérer - Celui qui se sacrifiait - Celui qui ne savait pas flirter - Celui qui sauvait des vies - Celui qui jouait à la balle - Celui qui devait casser la baraque - Celui qui était à Las Vegas : 1re partie - Celui qui était à Las Vegas : 2e partie - Ceux qui revenaient de Las Vegas - Celui qui console Rachel - Celui qui était de mauvaise foi - Celui qui perdait sa belle assurance - Celui qui avait une belle bagnole - Ceux qui passaient leur dernière nuit
Coffre à Catch
#101 : Une belle petite pause dans un torrent de merde ! - #102 : Hornswoggle, Evan Bourne : le renouveau à la ECW ! - #103 : WWE Draft : la fin du Mercato d'été à la ECW ! - #104 : CM Punk et Mark Henry champions du monde !
Top Gear Saison 18, 17, 19
Spécial Journée Circuit - Made in China - Une course comme sur un green - La Vallée de la Mort - Une Lamborghini à la mer - Les pires voitures de l'histoire - Spécial Afrique : Première partie - Spécial Afrique : Deuxième partie - 1500 km à fond de 5ème
Un Chalet à Gstaad (2021) de Josiane Balasko avec Josiane Balasko, Armelle, Philippe Uchan, Stéphan Wojtowicz, Justine Le Pottier et George Aguilar
Friends, mes amours et cette chose terrible de Matthew Perry
Undertaker : Rise Of The Deadman de Rodrigo Lorenzo, Edu Menna, Serg Acuna et Chad Dundas
La renaissance des héros Marvel, Tome 7 : Phénix de Greg Pak, Greg Land et Kirkham
Catch : L'âge d'or, 1920-1975, l'épopée du catch français et les "Michel-Ange" du ring de Christian-Louis Eclimont
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writemarcus · 2 years
2023 Blue Ink Award Winner Announced
by Blues | Feb 10, 2023 | Blue Ink Playwriting Award, News
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Congratulations to Kristoffer Diaz, winner of the 2023 Blue Ink Award for Things With Friends.
As part of the award, Diaz receives a $2,500 cash prize, a staged reading at American Blues Theater, and the opportunity to further develop his script with our artists.
Kristoffer Diaz notes, “It’s truly an honor to receive this year’s Blue Ink Award. Wendy Whiteside and American Blues have been an important part of my career dating back to before I even really had a career to speak of. It’s fantastic to come full circle. Even though my life and work are based on the east coast these days, I’m proud to consider myself a Chicago playwright.”
“We are thrilled to announce Kristoffer Diaz as the 2023 Blue Ink Award winner,” notes Artistic Director Gwendolyn Whiteside. “Diaz’s voice resonates through every page. He has the ability to surprise through character descriptions and actions, word choice, punctuation, and reveals details only as needed.”
About Things With Friends
Manhattan. Burt and Adele are hosting a dinner party. Steak is on the stove. The George Washington Bridge has collapsed into the Hudson. Kristoffer Diaz has written a play about it. I’ve already said too much.
About Kristoffer Diaz
KRISTOFFER DIAZ is a playwright, librettist, screenwriter, and educator. His play The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Drama. Other full-length titles include Welcome to Arroyo’s, Reggie Hoops, Hercules, and The Unfortunates. His work has been produced, commissioned, and developed at The Public Theater, Dallas Theater Center, Geffen Playhouse, ACT, Center Theatre Group, The Goodman, Second Stage, Victory Gardens, and Oregon Shakespeare Festival, among many others. Awards include the Guggenheim, Jerome, Van Lier, NYFA, and Gail Merrifield Papp Fellowships; New York Times Outstanding Playwright Award; Lucille Lortel, Equity Jeff, and OBIE Awards; and the Future Aesthetics Artist Regrant, among others. As a screenwriter, Kristoffer has developed original television pilots for HBO and FX, written for the first season of Netflix’s GLOW, and adapted the musical Rent for FOX. Kristoffer teaches playwriting at New York University. He is an alumnus of New Dramatists and a member of its Board of Directors, and the current secretary of the Dramatists Guild Council.
Other 2023 Blue Ink winners
2023 Featured Finalists: Audrey Cefaly (Trouble), Victor Lesniewski (Cold Spring), Gloria Majule (Uhuru).
2023 Finalists: Amanda L. Andrei (Mama, I wish I were silver), Kimberly Dixon-Mays (When Given a Choice, Bleed), Emma Gibson (LUMIN), Keiko Green (Hells Canyon), Monet Hurst-Mendoza (Blind Crest), Deepak Kumar (House of India), Matthew Libby (Sisters), Tlaloc Rivas (DIVISIDERO), Nia Akilah Robinson (The Great Privation: How to flip ten cents into a dollar), Elaine Romero (Hoverland), Marcus Scott (There Goes The Neighborhood), SEVAN (You, The Fire, and Me), Liba Vaynberg (The Matriarchs), LaDarrion Williams (Bridging the Gap).
2023 Semi-Finalists: Jaisey Bates (Real Time remix), Cris Eli Blak (Brown Bodies on a Blue Earth), Brendan Bourque-Sheil and Madison Smith (Dogrose Patrol), Laura Maria Censabella (Beyond Words), Aaron Coleman (Tell Me I’m Gorgeous at the End of the World: The Last Gay Play), Nelson Diaz-Marcano (When the Earth Moves, We Dance), Ramón Esquivel (¡O Cascadia!), Gina Femia (lisa; a fantasia), Alyssa Haddad-Chin (Off-White; Or the Arab House Party Play), Darrel Alejandro Holnes (Franklin Ave), Jessica Kahkoska (In Her Bones), M.J. Kang (The Battle of Saratoga), Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj (stop killing black people), Zizi Majid (They Came In The Night), Eric Marlin (and come apart), Josie Nericcio (619 Hendricks), Peter Pasco (Yoli, Alfredo, y la vida), Jason Gray Platt (Homeowners), Audley Puglisi (The Misplaced Saints), Andre R. Hogan II (The Hot Wing Special), Iraisa Ann Reilly (Saturday Mourning Cartoons), Lia Romeo (Greek Tragedy), Phillip Christian Smith (Riverside Drive), Jonathan Spector (Best Available), Gina Stevensen (Breakfalls), Steven Strafford (The Model Congressman), Ellis Stump (Once on Rumspringa), Caridad Svich (Joan of the Dockyards), James Anthony Tyler (Into the Side of a Hill), Hope Villanueva (Brackish), Mary Weems (Crack the Door for Some Air), Deborah Yarchun (Great White).
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About the Blue Ink Award for playwriting
The nationally-renowned Blue Ink Award was created in 2010 to support new work. Since inception, we’ve named 13 Award winners, 129 finalists, and 203 semi-finalists. Nearly $10,000 in cash and prizes will be distributed to playwrights in 2023.
Each year American Blues Theater accepts worldwide submissions of original, unpublished full-length plays. The winning play will be selected by Artistic Director Gwendolyn Whiteside and the theater’s Ensemble. The 2023 winning playwright receives a monetary prize of $2,500. Cash prizes are awarded to finalists and semi-finalists too.  All proceeds of the administrative fee are distributed for playwrights’ cash prizes.
Submissions for the 2024 Blue Ink Award open August 1, 2023. All submissions must be received by American Blues Theater by August 31, 2023 at 11:59pm. Playwrights may only submit one (1) manuscript each year for consideration.
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80smovies · 5 years
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Brain Damage
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weshallc · 2 years
HAPPY EASTER from the Crown Inn, Poplar-on-Tweaven.
The Crown seven shuffled into the pew at the back of Saint Preservus, led in by Vi and ushered in by Paddy bringing up the rear.
“Hello, I see the naughty pew has been taken this morning,” beamed Peter Noakes, “that is usually reserved for the Noakes family.”
“Have we stolen your seat?” laughed Paddy.
“Don’t worry, this isn’t the Crown, there won’t be a fight,” joked Peter as he and Camilla sat in front with Phyllis accompanying Lady Keville and aromatherapist Jane Sutton. “Looks like that’s the Crown pew this morning,” Phyllis winked at Paddy.
“Shove up!” the southern accent demanded, faintly attempting the local dialect.
“Trixie, that’s the pub pew this morning, come and join us,” Chummy suggested.
Paddy had already shifted for Trixie to sit down.
“I am representing Bernie,” Trixie grinned.
“Trixie is Team Crown,” Val added on the other side of Paddy.
“You ready for today, Trixie?” Paddy asked.
“I think so. I have some understanding of an egg hunt and even the hill rolling, but jarping remains a mystery to me,” Trixie informed him in all seriousness.
Paddy leaned in and kept his voice low, aware of his surroundings.
“Right then, the Crown and Church Easter Jarping Tournament, or as it was formerly known, the Crown Inn Easter Jarping Tournament. It's very easy to understand the rules.”
“I believe you,” Trixie smiled, but did not laugh.
Paddy leant forward in an attempt to not be overheard and Trixie followed him,
“It is played in a knock-out format, like the FA Cup.” Trixie nodded she understood. Paddy continued, his voice below his usual range.
“Each contestant selects a hard boiled egg prepared by a neutral source.” Trixie nodded she was following. “Competitors divide into pairs. One is the holder or Jarpee and the other is the thruster or Jarper. You following Trix?”
“I think so?” she whispered back, her cheeks slightly flushed. Paddy swallowed and continued at the lower vibration.
“The holder grasps their egg with their dominant hand revealing just the tip. The Jarper holds their egg also in their dominant hand. The Jarper needs to know they can make a firm contact with the other egg, so gently rubs the end of their tool against the opponents to ensure the certainty of contact. So the Jarper has one attempt to make a clean strike. You following?” Paddy paused.
“Yes,” Trixie assured in a rather higher pitch than she intended, “It’s very warm in here, or is it just me?” she added, removing her scarf. Paddy nodded, still sat forwards whispering into Trixie’s ear.
“The pair then swap places and repeat this series of events. Everyone has a turn with everyone else. Once both tips of your egg are cracked, you are eliminated. The winner is the final competitor to have at least one end intact.”
The congregation hushed as Tom Hereward arrived in the pulpit, to start the service, just as Chummy, who was sitting directly in front of Paddy and Trixie, exclaimed a little too loudly, “I’ve never been more aroused.”
Timothy Turner sitting at the organ, couldn’t help turn toward the back of the church to see where all the sniggering was coming from. To be honest, he knew exactly where the laughter was coming from, but he had to look. Lucille, in front of her choir, exchanged glances with him and they shrugged their shoulders. He looked at Bernie, who was shaking her head and glaring at the back of the church. Tom Hereward was looking a little flushed and said, “Shall we begin.”
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rpgkroywen · 2 years
Face-Claim Master List w/BlogURLS
Abigail Cowen - Daphne Blackwell ()
Alexa Demie - Ira Magdalene  (https://iramagdalene.tumblr.com)
Alycia Debnam-Carey - Feyre Archeron  ()
Annalisa Cochrane - Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort  (https://fischltheprincess.tumblr.com/)
Anya Taylor Joy - Isabella Krul Constantin  ()
Astrid Berges Frisbey - Maruine Lynx  ()
Benedetta Porcaroli - Yisie Tudor  (https://yisietudor.tumblr.com/)
Casimere Jollette - Tsaritsa  (https://frostbitef.tumblr.com/)
Cheng Xiao - Hu Tao  ()
Daisy Ridley - Rey Organa Skywalker  (https://reyorgnaskywlkr.tumblr.com/)
Danielle Rose Russell - Brannagh  ()
Eiza Gonzalez - Helena Heydrich  (https://queenofthedmnd.tumblr.com/)
Elizabeth Olsen - Waleraine Carmilla Bloodbringer  (https://thoushaltnotsufferawitchtolive.tumblr.com/)
Elle Fanning - Ilyanna Ivanov  ()
Ennik Somi Douma - Sandorone  (https://sandronethemarionette.tumblr.com)
Fernanda Ly - ZeroTwoB  ()
Jang Ye-eun - Kujou Sara  (https://kujoufsara.tumblr.com/)
Jennie Kim - Geto Suguru  ()
Jessica Alexander - Felicia Sarah Hardy  ()
Josephine Langford - Evaluna Jora Black  (https://evalunablack.tumblr.com/)
Katherine McNamara - Minerva Freya Johnson  ()
Katheryn Newton - Celenia  ()
Katheryn Winnick - Athena Yaxley  ()
Kennedy McMann - Charlotte Loise Faraday  (https://charlotteeloisefaraday.tumblr.com)
Kim Do-yeon - Nivrele Clair de Luna  (https://nivrele.tumblr.com/)
Liz Gillies - Andrew Raven Tepes  ()
Madelyn Cline - Lumine  (https://luminetheviatrix.tumblr.com/)
Mae Van Der Weide - Elvira Maeve Rosier  (https://elviramaeverosier.tumblr.com/)
Margot Robbie - Eve Mary Jordan  ()
Meg Donnelly - Anastasia Saint-Petersburg  (https://anastasiarstpetersburg.tumblr.com/)
Momo Hirai - Raiden Ei  ()
Natalie Alyn Lind - Kara Kent  (https://reddaughterofrao.tumblr.com/)
Natalie Dormer - Lilith  ()
Ning Yi Zhuo - Ganyu Latifi  ()
Olivia Holt - Yoimiya Naganohara  (https://yoimiyaqnaganohara.tumblr.com/)
Phoebe Dynevor - Proserpina Aidoneus  (https://paidoneus.tumblr.com)
Roseanne Park - Ayaka Kamisato  ()
Sadie Sink - Corvina Selwyn  ()
Sadie Soverall - Mary Jane Walsdorf  ()
Samantha Cormier - America Kennedy Singer  ()
Samara Weaving - Anthea Lucille Shephard  ()
Samara Weaving - Gabriel  ()
Sana Minatozaki - Yae Miko  (https://guujivioleteverbloom.tumblr.com/)
Sasha Kichigina - Heather Juliette Gashler  (https://heatherjulietteg.tumblr.com/)
Sasha Luss - Manon Blackheart  ()
Soo-young Park - Columbina aka Damselette  ()
Summer Fontana - Vrethera Blackwell  ()
Tiffany Young - Ningguang  ()
Victoria Pedretti - Nesta Archeron  (https://nestarcheronc.tumblr.com/)
Wonyoung Jong - Mona Megistus  () M
Aaron Taylor Johnson – Peter Sigmund Saintville  ()
Adam Huber - Satan  ()
Alex Fitzalan - Asmodeus  ()
Alex Saxon – Connor Cloudstrider  ()
Andrew Garfield - Benjamin P. Rolf  ()
Ben Affleck - Capitano  ()
Charlie Cox - Leonel Demarcus  ()
Charlie Hunnam - Kieran Knight  ()
Christian Yu – Geto Suguru  ()
Cody Fern - Lucifer Morningstar  ()
Danny Griffin - Fred Jones  ()
Drew Starkey – Childe/Tartaglia   ()
Dylan O’Brien - Aidan Blackwell  ()
Evan Peters - Dorian  ()
Evan Roderick - Waldemar Desmond Cloudstrider  ()
Evans Nikopoulos - Rhysand Darkbloom  ()
Freddie Thorp – Harry Osborn  ()
Freddy Fox - Draco Malfoy  ()
Henry Cavill - Pierro  ()
Hwang Min-hyun - Scaramouche  ()
Jacob Elordi – Cassian Faladel  ()
John Bubniak - Peter De Luc  ()
Leo Howard – Kazuha Kaedehara  ()
Logan Lerman - Percy Thaert  ()
Lorenzo Zurzolo - Henry Silverhood  ()
Lucas Bravo - Sebastian De Medici  ()
Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen – Mikaela Morningstar  ()
Luo Yunxi - Pantalone  () 
Matthew Daddario - Leonard Blackwell  ()
Maxence Danet-Fauvel - Dominic Crouch  ()
Michael Provost - Maxon Schreave  ()
Michael Rosenbaum - Lex Luthor  ()
Oh Se-Hun - Kamisato Ayato  ()
Regé-Jean Page – Mansel Rudyard  ()
Rudy Pankow – Aether Viatrix  ()
Sam Claffin- Vernes Thaert  ()
Sam Corlett – Tamlin Glittersteam  ()
Song Jiyang - Xiao Latifi  ()
Theo James - Aurelian Edouard  ()
Timothee Chamalet - Yuichiro Amane  ()
Toby Regbo - Theseus De Medici  ()
Tom Hiddleston - Adam Shephard  ()
Tom Holland - Fenris Rolf  ()
Zane Holtz – Victor Sage  ()
Christian Bale - Hybern Kralı  
Thomas Doherty - Dagdan
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newmanspaul · 4 years
Aries: Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, William Holden, Doris Day, Anthony Perkins, Debbie Reynolds, Ann Miller, Billie Holiday, Karl Malden, Warren Beatty, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Lon Chaney, Steve McQueen, Ed Begley, Melvyn Douglas, Alec Guinness, Leslie Howard, Jayne Mansfield
Taurus: Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Don Rickles, Orson Welles, Tyrone Power, Rudolph Valentino, Gary Cooper, Henry Fonda, Shirley MacLaine, Shirley Temple, Anthony Quinn, James Mason, Ella Fitzgerald, Lionel Barrymore, Phil Silvers, Jack Klugman, Harold Lloyd, Mary Astor, Simone Simon, Margaret Sullavan, Eve Arden
Gemini: Judy Garland, Bob Hope, Dean Martin, Errol Flynn, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Tony Curtis, Rosemary Clooney, Douglas Fairbanks, Burl Ives, Al Jolson, Stan Laurel, Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone, Rosalind Russell, Hattie McDaniel, Priscilla Lane, Josephine Baker, Jeanette MacDonald, Peggy Lee
Cancer: Ginger Rogers, Eva Marie Saint, Natalie Wood, Olivia de Havilland, Barbara Stanwyck, Lena Horne, Jimmy Cagney, Milton Berle, Yul Brynner, Peter Lorre, Red Skelton, Jane Russell, Gina Lollobrigida, Leslie Caron, Farley Granger
Leo: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Mae West, Clara Bow, Norma Shearer, Esther Williams, Walter Brennan, Robert Mitchum, Louis Armstrong, Peter O’Toole, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Alfred Hitchcock, Maureen O’Hara, Lucille Ball, Shelley Winters, Dolores del Rio
Virgo: Lauren Bacall, Gene Kelly, Sophia Loren, Claudette Colbert, Greta Garbo, Donald O’Connor, Ingrid Bergman, Peter Lawford, Fredric March, James Coburn, Fred MacMurray, Peter Sellers, Raquel Welch, George Chakiris, Vera Miles
Libra: Jean Arthur, Carole Lombard, Montgomery Clift, Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Charlton Heston, Mickey Rooney, Lillian Gish, Groucho Marx, Buster Keaton, Bela Lugosi, George C. Scott, Lenny Bruce, Walter Pidgeon, Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine, Brigitte Bardot, June Allyson, Julie London
Scorpio: Richard Burton, Rock Hudson, Vivien Leigh, Burt Lancaster, Gene Tierney, Grace Kelly, Claude Rains, Joel McCrea, Johnny Carson, Burgess Meredith, Hedy Lamarr, Eleanor Powell, Veronica Lake
Sagittarius: Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas, Sammy Davis Jr, Edward G. Robinson, Rita Moreno, Lee Remick, Boris Karloff, Lee J. Cobb, Ricardo Montalban, Irene Dunne, Agnes Moorehead, Gloria Grahame, Betty Grable, Julie Harris
Capricorn: Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner, Marlene Dietrich, Loretta Young, Ethel Merman, Eartha Kitt, Janet Leigh, Lew Ayres, Ray Bolger, Sal Mineo, Danny Kaye, Oliver Hardy, Oscar Levant, Ray Milland, Elvis Presley, Jane Wyman, Kay Francis, Barbara Rush
Aquarius: Kathryn Grayson, James Dean, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, Jimmy Durante, Jack Benny, Lana Turner, Kim Novak, Ronald Colman, Ernest Borgnine, Randolph Scott, Vera-Ellen, Donna Reed, Jack Lemmon, John Barrymore, George Burns, Arthur Kennedy, Cesar Romero, Jean Simmons, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Pisces: Jerry Lewis, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Harlow, Nat King Cole, Sidney Poitier, Cyd Charisse, Lee Marvin, Jackie Gleason, Edward Everett Horton, David Niven
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
Lucille Ball and her various film and television projects had a loose connection to Peter Pan, the boy who wouldn’t grow up from the J.M. Barrie story that served as a play in 1904, and a novel in 1911. It was later translated into numerous stage and screen adaptations, and inspired many others. 
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n 1953′s “Lucy Hires An English Tutor” (ILL S2;E13) pregnant Lucy made Ricky read aloud from the book to test his command of the English language.  Fans will realize that the text Desi reads in the episode has nothing to do with Peter Pan!  The children’s book is just a prop.
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The choice of book may not have been coincidental since the guest star, Hans Conried (playing Mr. Livermore), had just voiced Captain Hook for the Disney animated feature film of Peter Pan to be released just a month later, in February 1953. Conried was a favorite of Lucille’s, having made dozens of guest appearances on her radio show “My Favorite Husband.”
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The ‘Peter Pan Connection’ actually began in 1939, when Lucille Ball starred in the RKO ensemble film Five Came Back. One of the ‘five’ was Wendy Barrie (top with Lucille).  Although born as Marguerite Wendy Jenkins, she took the stage name Wendy Barrie in honor of her Godfather, author J.M. Barrie.  Not coincidentally, Wendy is also the name of the eldest Darling child in “Peter Pan.”  
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In a March 8, 1955 episode of “Make Room for Daddy” titled “Peter Pan” Danny’s 7-year-old son Rusty imagines that he can fly like Peter Pan, so his father invites the theater's elderly stagehand to the house to dispel the fantasy and bring Rusty back down to Earth.  The characters lived in New York City and had seen Mary Martin (who did not appear in the episode) in the musical production at the Winter Garden Theatre. In reality, the stage production closed on February 26th to prepare for a live television broadcast on NBC, which aired on March 7, 1955, one night before this episode aired. Danny Thomas sings a song from the stage show at the end of the episode.  Mary Martin was mentioned on “The Lucy Show” in 1964 by guest star Ethel Merman, who was also a big Broadway star like Martin. 
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In “Lucy the Gun Moll" (TLS S4;E25) in 1966, Lucille Ball not only played Lucy Carmichael, but a nightclub singer named Rusty Martin who sang “My Heart Belongs To Daddy”. The name 'Rusty Martin’ was probably derived from Lucy’s hair color and the surname of Mary Martin, who introduced the song in the 1938 Broadway musical Leave It to Me. Marilyn Monroe sang it in the 1960 film Let’s Make Love. 
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Desilu Studios was the filming location for "Make Room for Daddy”. When it switched from ABC to CBS in 1958, the show did a cross-over episode with “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”.  In return, Lucy and Desi appeared on “Make Room for Daddy.” Coincidentally, Hans Conried, who voiced Captain Hook in the Disney animated version, was a recurring character on “Make Room for Daddy” as Uncle Tonoose. 
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In “Return Home from Europe” (ILL S5;E26) aired on May 14, 1956, Ricky comes up with the idea to fly home from Europe instead of taking the steamship, When Ricky wonders whether he’ll make it back in time to perform at the Roxy, Lucy evokes the name Peter Pan, the main character of the J.M. Barrie children’s story of the boy who wouldn’t grow up - but could fly (without help from Pan Am, that is). 
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In “Vivian Sues Lucy” (TLS S1;E10), Lucy Carmichael calls Vivian ‘Tinkerbell’ due to her propensity for ringing her bedside bell while (supposedly) incapacitated.  
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In “Lucy and the Winter Sports” (TLS S3;E3) aired on October 5, 1964, Lucy Carmichael skis off the roof and lands on Mr. Mooney!  He had just bent over to tie his shoe...
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In 1966′s “Danny Thomas’ The Wonderful World of Burlesque” Lucille Ball performed an aerial ballet. Peter Foy, of the famous Foy Family (who did flying on Broadway for “Peter Pan” and other shows), was brought in to supply rigging and supervise Ball’s flight. Film of the act later became part of their archives.  
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In “Lucy Meet Mickey Rooney” (TLS S4;E18) in 1966, Lucy Carmichael claims to have played Captain Hook in “Peter Pan” while in school. 
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in “Lucy’s Tenant” (HL S6;E7) in 1973, Lucy Carter sarcastically calls Mary Jane Peter Pan when she brings up Lucy’s age!  
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In “The Bow Wow Boutique” (HL S6;E5) aired on October 8, 1973, a Saint Bernard is named Tinkerbell. In “Peter Pan” Tinkerbell is the name of the fairy who is Peter’s closest friend.  Not coincidentally, the Darling children have a St. Bernard dog named Nana, who serves as a pet and a nanny. 
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February 1963
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redhanded6-blog · 3 years
Classic Movie Kisses (& Almost Kisses) from Anna Imhof on Vimeo.
Starring Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Jane Wyatt, Ronald Colman, Mary Duncan, Charles Farrell, Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone, Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr, Fred MacMurray, Carole Lombard, Buster Keaton, Sybil Seely, Vivien Leigh, Robert Taylor, Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift, Ava Gardner, Gregory Peck, Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire, James Cagney, Jean Harlow, Dick Powell, Ruby Keeler, James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Katharine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Barbara Stanwyck, Gary Cooper, Claudette Colbert, Joel McCrea, Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas, Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, Jimmy Stewart, Celia Johnson, Trevor Howard, Richard Widmark, Jean Peters, Marlene Dietrich, Gloria Swanson, William Holden, Clark Gable, Loretta Young, Paul Newman, Piper Laurie, Eva Marie Saint, Marlon Brando, Janet Leigh, Van Heflin, Cary Grant, Julie Harris, James Dean, Kim Hunter, Rita Hayworth, Lucille Bremer, Ronald Colman, Henry Fonda, John Gilbert, Jean Arthur, Toby Wing, Patricia Neal, Kathryn McGuire, Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier, Virginia Huston, Robert Mitchum, Dana Andrews, Linda Darnell, Shelley Winters, Margaret Leahy, Georgia Hale, Charlie Chaplin, Bette Davis, Leslie Howard, Jane Wyman, Mildred Davis, Harold Lloyd.
Music: "Wild is the Wind" by Nina Simone
For entertainment and educational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.
May 17, 2017
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fic-al · 3 years
Oops hadn’t realized I didn’t post the final chapter on here previously.
Easter Bernie: Easter Sunday.
Here's someone who really loves you. Don't ever go away.That's what these walls would say. (If These Old Walls Could Speak, Jimmy Webb)
“Right over left, round and then through,” Fred repeated again, as he secured Reggie’s tie. “You will get the hang of it, son, easy when you knows how.”
“Thanks Uncle Fred,” Reggie was determined, he would master the tricky accessory by the end of the day. It couldn’t be more of a skill then changing a beer barrel, and he could do that.
“Oh, look at you two, all suited and booted, don’t you look smart,” Violet emerged from the Crown kitchen, wearing the dress and coat she had worn for Chummy’s wedding.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, Violet,” beamed a perfectly groomed Val in a coral trouser suit and cream silken vest top.
“Who has one of those phone things, that takes a picture?” Evie asked, smoothing down a new floral dress she had treated herself to.
“Everyone Evie,” Val laughed, “Except you and Paddy.”
“Must be a pub thing,” added Jack, coming through the door, to cries of dismay.
“Jack, you are in jeans,” cried Vi.
“Talk about letting the side down,” remarked Fred.
Jack looked abashed, but added, “Thought I would stay behind, make sure no-one breaks in and steals all the eggs.”
“Jack, you know Paddy want’s us all to attend Easter Service this morning. If we are having a joint Easter Festival this year, it starts at ten o’clock at St. Preservus,” admonished Vi.
Jack looked at his trainers. That were at least clean.
“Let’s say no more about it, you will have to do,” Evie concluded.
The last member of the party had arrived through the door marked Private, that led to the living quarters of the Crown. Paddy gave a harsh look at Jack, but said nothing.
“You always scrub up well Mr T, you should wear suits more often,” blushed Vi followed by Paddy.
Val brought him back down to earth, “Would you like me to do your hair?”
Paddy gave Val the look reserved just for her and her cheek, the one that kept her quiet for about five seconds.
“Right then, is everybody ready?” another glance at a fidgety Jack, Paddy continued, “Bernie and Tim are meeting us there.”
The Crown seven shuffled into the pew at the back of Saint Preservus, led in by Vi and ushered in by Paddy bringing up the rear.
“Hello, I see the naughty pew has been taken this morning,” beamed Peter Noakes, “that is usually reserved for the Noakes family.”
“Have we stolen your seat?” laughed Paddy.
“Don’t worry, this isn’t the Crown, there won’t be a fight,” joked Peter as he and Camilla sat in front with Phyllis accompanying Lady Keville and aromatherapist Jane Sutton. “Looks like that’s the Crown pew this morning,” Phyllis winked at Paddy.
“Shove up!” the southern accent demanded, faintly attempting the local dialect.
“Trixie, that’s the pub pew this morning, come and join us,” Chummy suggested.
Paddy had already shifted for Trixie to sit down,
“I am representing Bernie,” Trixie grinned.
“Trixie is Team Crown,” Val added on the other side of Paddy.
“You ready for today, Trixie?” Paddy asked.
“I think so, I have some understanding of an egg hunt and even the hill rolling, but jarping remains a mystery to me,” Trixie informed him in all seriousness.
Paddy leaned in and kept his voice low, aware of his surroundings.
“Right then, the Crown and Church Easter Jarping Tournament, or as it was formerly known, the Crown Inn Easter Jarping Tournament. It's very easy to understand the rules.”
“I believe you,” Trixie smiled, but did not laugh.
Paddy leant forward in an attempt to not be overheard and Trixie followed him, “It is played in a knock-out format, like the FA Cup.” Trixie nodded she understood, Paddy continued his voice below his usual range. “Each contestant selects a hard boiled egg prepared by a neutral source.” Trixie nodded she was following. “Competitors divide into pairs. One is the holder or Jarpee and the other is the thruster or Jarper. You following Trix?”
“I think so?” she whispered back, her cheeks slightly flushed. Paddy swallowed and continued at the lower vibration.
“The holder grasps their egg with their dominant hand revealing just the tip. The Jarper holds their egg also in their dominant hand. The Jarper needs to know they can make a firm contact with the other egg, so gently rubs the end of their tool against the opponents to ensure the certainty of contact. So the Jarper has one attempt to make a clean strike. You following?” Paddy paused.
“Yes,” Trixie assured in a rather higher pitch than she intended, “It’s very warm in here, or is it just me?” she added removing her scarf. Paddy nodded still sat forwards whispering into Trixie’s ear.
“The pair then swap places and repeat this series of events. Everyone has a turn with everyone else. Once both tips of your egg are cracked, you are eliminated. The winner is the final competitor to have at least one end intact.”
The congregation hushed as Tom Hereward arrived in the pulpit, to start the service, just as Chummy who was sat directly in front of Paddy and Trixie exclaimed a little too loudly, “I’ve never been more aroused.”
Timothy Turner sitting at the organ, couldn’t help turn toward the back of the church to see where all the sniggering was coming from. To be honest, he knew exactly where the laughter was coming from, but he had to look. Lucille, in front of her choir, exchanged glances with him and they shrugged their shoulders. He looked at Bernie, who was shaking her head and glaring at the back of the church. Tom Hereward was looking a little flushed and said, “Shall we begin.”
Back at the Crown it was all stations go. Violet gave a wicker basket to Fred.
“These are the onion peel dyed eggs, for egg rolling down Crown Bank. Take them to the back of the pub and remember it is one egg per child.”
“I wondered where that pong of onions was coming from. They do look pretty though, but don’t half pen and ink,” the brewer preferred a more hoppy odour.
“Jack, you take these plain eggs to the beer garden. There is a table set up with colouring pens and markers for the more artistic types. Remember one egg per child,” Jack nodded at Violet to reassure her he had got it.
“That leaves the jarpers for later. The Church are in charge of the Easter Egg Hunt around the village. I just hope they haven’t made it too difficult for the little ones,” Violet took a breath.
“I think it was Tim and Lucille who hid them, so should be all right Vi,” Val reassured with a wink.
“So I just drop my egg down the bank?”
“Trixie, you must have rolled an Easter Egg before?” Bernie thought her friend was deliberately being dense.
“You mean one smelling of onions, can’t say I have,” Poplar's latest resident snapped back.
“No wonder we want to shot them away down the hill,” laughed Fred.
“What is the point?” Trixie wasn’t satisfied.
“It’s just a laugh, you race your pals and see how many times you can roll it, before it cracks,” Bernie was losing patience.
“Represents the stone rolling away from the tomb,” Paddy interjected, Bernie made a shocked face and Paddy grabbed her by the waist and said, “What? I am not a complete heathen,” threatening to roll her down the hill.
“So once I have rolled this, I have to go down the hill, retrieve it and if it hasn’t cracked, do it again, until it does?” Trixie said, keeping a wide berth from wrestling Paddy and Bernie, the latter now screaming.
Fred feeling a bit awkward himself with the tactileness of the moment, nodded at Trixie,
“Better get a move on love, don’t want to miss the start of the duck race.”
“The duck race down the Tweaven, first duck to Mount Busby wins.”
Paddy interrupted, suddenly letting go of Bernie, who actually did stagger a few feet down hill before achieving traction. “My favourite bit,” he grinned.
“You race real ducks, that is medieval,” protested Trixie.
“This from the Poplar sheep rustler,” corrected Paddy.
Bernie saved the situation and herself from joining the eggs at the bottom of the hill,
“They are not real ducks, Trixie, you know those ones you put in your bath, those rubber ones. You put your mark on one and the first one Reggie spots at the farm, wins.”
“Who has a bath these days? Haven't you all got showers yet?” Trixie was confused.
Paddy huffed. Bernie added, “You might be the one at the farm, waiting for a duck next year.”
“I don’t think that is in my job description,” Trixie added, but she didn’t look convinced.
Fred and Paddy were trying unsuccessfully to keep a straight face, “Fancy a pint, Fred?”
“Not arf, Doc,” he replied, already heading for the pub.
“You are all as cracked as these eggs,” Trixie said, delicately tossing her egg southwards.
Trixie walked back to the front of the Crown and wondering if she was doing the right thing moving to potty Poplar. She made her way to the beer garden and was surprised to see her new employers surrounded by sticky fingers and loud chatter. Turner Prize nominee Patience Mount, was decorating eggs with the village children. She was helping a few of the Sunday School class with their fragile Easter bonnets, some of which looked more like caps or helmets.
Delia, never far away, stood guard over a cardboard box, where a couple of fluffy yellow chicks were being coo’d over. Phyllis was still accompanying Lady Keville, who had brought a large selection of knitted egg warmers in all the colours of the rainbow. They were showing a group of children how to make the pom-pom version of the tweety little critters in Delia’s box. Lucille had been delighted with these knitted extras, and had Tim yarn-bomb Poplar, distributing them around the village, as part of the Easter Egg Trail.
Trixie was feeling a little bit lost. Bernie had returned from the egg rolling in one piece and was now interrogating Paddy, “What were you all laughing at in church, tell me?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” he winked at Trixie.
Trixie grinned, “I feel like a vegan in the hen house. What can I do, to help at my first Poplar Easter Festival?”
“Well, you are good at sales, you can be in charge of the raffle,” Paddy said, as if he had given her the combination to his safe.
Val placed on the bar a huge cuddly grey and white rabbit, holding a large gold foil covered chocolate egg. Trixie forced a smile.
“There are a couple of envelopes there too; Second Prize is a Mount Busby Alpaca Day Out and third prize is a Meal for Two at the Crown.” Paddy announced proudly and Trixie suddenly connected with her new life.
Until Bernie spoilt it, “Fourth prize is an Alpaca Day Out and a meal at the Crown,” laughing hysterically at her own joke. While Trixie, Val and Paddy refused to. Even though Val’s lips were twitching.
Valerie passed Trixie a tupperware box full of coins “A float; to get you started, they always come with notes.” Trixie smiled a little bit.
The sun was lowering behind the Cleveland Hills, cooling the Crown beer garden. The last of the tables had been cleared and the clutter added to the recycling bin. Val was taking orders for drinks. The children had all gone home. The Two Loves had taken Antonia back to Bagnall Hall. Trixie sat proudly admiring a brightly decorated toilet roll inner with a bright yellow toy chick with a wonky beak, stuck on the top with blu-tack.
“I can’t believe you won the Egg Jarping, Trixie,” Bernie shook her head.
“Beginner's luck,” shouted an envious Jack.
“Expert training,” suggested Paddy.
“What are you going to do with your trophy, Trixie?” laughed Val
“Put it on top of Bernie’s telly,” Trixie said emphatically.
“That monstrosity is not coming into my house,” Bernie cried in mock indignation.
“Oi, Tim made that,” Paddy yelled.
“About ten years ago, Dad!” Tim blushed in horror. Lucille and Jack’s laughter adding insult to injury.
Tom and Bobby and baby Hereward appeared. It was the first time they had been seen since church. They had been overseeing the egg hunt around the village and offering refreshments at the church, a role Bernie had envied.
“The church is locked up, and the village is litter free,” explained Bobby to Julia who was sipping on a Crabbies’ ginger beer, emphasis on the beer.
“Splendid, everyone has worked so hard today,” Julia commented. “That little one looks tired,” she added, observing a grouchy baby in Bobby’s arms.
“She actually needs changing,” Bobby explained.
Val, who was passing Evie a pint of Easter Egg Ale informed the young mother, “The toilets are just inside Mrs Hereward, the changing facilities are in there.”
“Oh thanks, Valerie,” said Bobby and moved toward the backdoor.
Tom held up a hand, “We should really be getting home, love.”
“Aren't you two stopping for a drink, we’ve all earned it,” asked Julia, taking another sip of her memory.
“No, we better get home and get this little madam seen to,” Tom laughed weakly.
“Be quicker, just to change her here if she's uncomfortable?” Phyllis, sipping on a double brandy, offered.
“I would rather we went home,” replied Tom curtly.
“The facilities here are excellent. I should know, I make sure they are spotless every morning,” Evie’s tone held authority.
“But it is 6pm,” Tom’s voice had a higher pitch now.
“Bernie or myself, check the loos every hour. If you look on the door, we have to sign to say everything is in order,” Val couldn’t keep quiet any longer.
“Look, you’re all very kind, but I don't want my daughter being changed in a pub toilet,” Tom’s voice was adamant.
Evie looked as if she was about to combust.
Julia intervened, “Tom, maybe you should get your family home, we have all had a long day.”
“And confusing. I am sorry, but I really haven’t seen the point of this. We welcomed everyone to church this morning, for the most important date in the Christian calendar, and then chased them all to the pub. Where is the message in that?”
The youth minister's words left the beer garden in a dense fog of discomfort. Julia looked lost for a moment. It was Phyllis who spoke up,
“Today was about community lad, bringing the village and the wider area together. These two buildings have been central to this village for over 300 years. It’s about time they came together.”
Phyllis had given Julia time to compose herself, “We will discuss the issues you have raised concerning a joint festival in a meeting tomorrow, Mr Hereward.”
Baby Hereward was becoming more grumpy, and Bobby was struggling to placate her. Paddy, who had been very quiet through this most recent exchange of views, offered quietly.
“Mrs Herward, your daughter seems very unhappy. Would you like to take her upstairs to the flat? Where you can have ample space and privacy.”
“Lets go Bobby, I will see you tomorrow, Reverend,” Tom nodded at Julia, Bobby didn’t have time to acknowledge Paddy’s offer, as she was pushed by her husband towards the door.
Someone with not the longest fuse in Poplar, had sweaty palms and a racing heart and a mouth she couldn’t keep shut.
“If yer have issues with the joint festival, then that is fine, Mr Hereward, as Reverend Lewis said that needs to be discussed between you tomorrow.” Everyone recognised the north of the border twang. That wasn’t done yet.
“But I have issue with your attitude right now concerning this house, it is so much more than an alehouse, it’s a place where people work, it is a home.” Tom stopped in his tracks, Bernie went on,
“Your place of work just happens to be the House of God. Now we were invited into that house this morning and everyone here, acted in a respectful manner.” Bernie took a breath. There was some awkward shuffling on the garden benches. She was on a roll though,
“You were invited into our home today and I feel you have not returned that respect. To say the Crown isn’t a fit place for a child, maybe you want to take a look at Timothy Turner, he was raised here. Would Mrs Turner have chosen this as a home, if she thought the Crown wasn't a fit place for a child? I think he has turned out pretty OK, don’t you?”
Tim wished at this point, that people would just remember who he was, and not feel the need to check by staring at him. Fortunately Bernie went on,
“Surely what matters is not whether it is a House of Prayer or a House of Refreshment, but a House of Love. And you can take my word for it, for what that may be worth. This house is just that. There is so much love in this house, I am only sorry yer canae feel it.”
Later Trixie said that she started the clapping, but everyone was sure it was Val, followed by Lucille. There was definitely a “Well said lass,” from Phyllis and somebody, maybe more than one, said her dad would be proud. Was there an Amen? The kids just said, “You don’t mess with our Bernie.” Did anyone notice Paddy said nothing, he just beamed with pride. If pride was a signal the Crown was 5G?
“I am barred from St Preservus.That’s the Mission I have offended and the church in one week,” Bernie complained.
There was only her and Paddy now. The sun had gone to its rest behind the hills. They sat on Frank and Peggy’s bench sharing a secret ciggie, Bernie perched on Paddy’s knee.
“Nonsense, Julia totally supported you. It’s Mr Hereward who should be worried and as for the Mission, does that really matter now, Bernie?”
“Mr Hereward is young and idealistic, everything is black and white to him, I used to know someone else like that,” she smiled stubbing out the butt of the fag, they hoped Tim would never know about.
“What happened to her?” Paddy said, turning her face gently towards his with both hands.
“She came home,” she smiled and kissed him tenderly, in a way that she was just beginning to understand.
“Bernie, you know this can be your home, whenever you want it to be, on whatever terms you want.” He looked at her intently. Bernie knew if she didn’t save herself, she would drown in those eyes.
“You know what I do want?” she kissed him on the forehead and pushed back his unruly hair. He just raised both eyebrows saying tell me?
“Are those pink wafers still behind the bar?”
“Go see,” he laughed, helping her off his knee.
Bernie almost ran to the bar. She found a package wrapped in gold foil with a red bow. She ripped open recklessly the carefully wrapped box. Only to find a large brightly coloured tin which read Huntley and Palmer Superior Biscuits. Bernie’s expression looked like it was Christmas, birthdays and Easter all at once.
“Paddy, I bloody love you.”
Paddy smiled, “Happy Easter, Bernie,”
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 1.16
Appreciate A Dragon Day
Beatles Day (UNESCO)
Book Publishers Day
Civil Service Day
Day of Lights (Elder Scrolls)
Haru-No-Yabuiri (a.k.a. Day of No Work for the Overworked; Japan)
Inflatable Tire Day
Juuruku Nichi (Ryukyuan)
Kanuma Panda (a.k.a. Tusu Puja; Andhra Pradesh, India)
Laurent Kabila (Heroes’ Day; Congo)
National Bouvier de Flandres Day
National Day of Peace (El Salvador)
National Good Teen Day
National Nothing Day
National Religious Freedom Day
National Startup Day (India)
National Without a Scalpel Day
National Work at Home with Your Spouse Day
Psychiatric Technician’s Day
Quit Lying Day
Teacher’s Day (Myanmar, Thailand)
There’s No Business Like Show Business Day
Whiskey A-Go-Go Day
Zeta Phi Beta Day
Zuuruku Nichi (Okinawa Islands, Japan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Day of the Croquettes (Spain)
International Hot and Spicy Food Day [also 8.19]
National Fig Newton Day
National Quinoa Day
Prohibition Remembrance Day
3rd Monday in January
Brew Monday (UK) [3rd Monday]
Elementary School Teacher Day [3rd Monday]
Human Relations Day [3rd Monday]
Human Rights Day (Idaho) [3rd Monday]
John Chilembwe Day observed (Malawi) [Monday closest to 1.15]
Junk-Food News Stories Day [3rd Monday]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (a.k.a. MLK Day, King Day) [3rd Monday]
National Crowd Feed Day [3rd Monday]
National Day of Service [3rd Monday]
Robert E. Lee Day (Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi) [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Tsardom of Muscovy (Established; 1547)
Feast Days
Benjamin, Pope (Coptic)
Berard of Carbio (Christian; Saint)
Blaise (Armenian Apostolic)
Concordia (Ancient Roman Goddess of Harmonious Relations)
Day of Offerings to the Shemsu of Ra (Ancient Egypt)
Eve of Saint Anthony (observed with ritual bonfires in San Bartolomé de Pinares; Christian)
Fursey (Christian; Saint)
Joseph Vaz (Christian; Saint)
Henry the Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Honoratus of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Lao-Tseu (Positivist; Saint)
Macarius the Elder of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Marcellus I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Mr. McTaggart (Muppetism)
Night of the Lemur (Church of the SubGenius)
Nothingness Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Coptic Church)
Titian of Oderzo (Christian; Saint)
Tu B'Shevat (a.k.a. Rosh Hashanah La’llanot or Arbor Day; Judaism) [15 Shevat]
Uzhavar Thirunal (Tamil Nadu, India)
Vasant Panchami (Hindu)
Wind Gods of the Eight Directions Festival (Ancient Greece)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Blue Monday (UK) [3rd Monday] (Saddest day of the year.)
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
The Adventures of Puss in Boots (Animated Film; 2015)
The Bird Store (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Black Lightning (TV Series; 2018)
The Famous 1938 Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert, recorded by Benny Goodman (Live Concert; 1938)
Harper Valley P.T.A. (TV Series; 1981)
Hello, Dolly! (Broadway Musical; 1964)
It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got that Swing), recorded by Duke Ellington (Song; 1932)
Jaws, by Peter Benchley (Novel; 1974)
Lucille, recorded by Little Richard (Song; 1857)
Man in the Mirror, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1988)
Shakin’ All Over, by The Guess Who (Album; 1965)
Son of Flubber (Film; 1963)
Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series; 1995)
Summer (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Village Smithy (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Vincebus Eruptum, by Blue Cheer (Album; 1968)
Wayne (TV Series; 2019)
A Zoot Suit (For My Sunday Gal), recorded by Kay Kyser (Song; `942)
Today’s Name Days
Arnold, Maurus, Romedius (Austria)
Anastazija, Mavro, Pavao, Stošija (Croatia)
Alice (Czech Republic)
Maura (Denmark)
Salve, Salvi, Sõlmi (Estonia)
Ilmari, Ilmo (Finland)
Marcel (France)
Dietwald, Marcel, Tilman, Uli (Germany)
Gusztáv (Hungary)
Marcello (Italy)
Lida, Lidija, Lija (Latvia)
Marcelis, Norgailas, Norgailė (Lithuania)
Hilmar, Hjalmar (Norway)
Marcel, Waleriusz, Włodzimierz (Poland)
Petru (Romania)
Kristína (Slovakia)
Estefanía, Fulgencio, Marcelo (Spain)
Helmer, Hjalmar (Sweden)
Aaliyah, Aleah, Aliyah, Paine, Payne, Phillis, Phyllis, Pilar, Priscilla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 16 of 2023; 349 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 3 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 25 (Jia-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 23 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 23 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 16 Aer; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 3 January 2023
Moon: 33%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Moses (1st Month) [Lao-Tseu]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 27 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 26 of 30)
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