#luckily my terrible sleep schedule knocked me out enough to keep me from doing that
trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
Happy five months to the Trenchcoat!!
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psstt check out the stuff under the cut there’s more art and it’s pretty cool stuff if i do say so myself
Hi so I’ve been meaning to draw anons, like for fun and my enrichment (<- i really like drawing things for people i like) and uh that sketching session I had like three days did net me a lot of terrible awful rough sketches I could work off of, so i kinda just bit the bullet and started doing shit. so uh yeah that’s why there’s bonus drawings this go around for the blogiversary! There’s 2 more bonus drawings on the way btw!! I just did not have the spoons (or the ability to keep my joints normal enough) to be drawing long enough everyday to finish four full drawings from scratch with multiple characters in each, so the other two will be posted in the next few daysish hopefully…
sorry to anyone not included in one of these/in the other two I did try my best to remember as many of our frequent askers as possible but a lot of the anons who haven’t been chatting recently kinda just got buried by the qsmp folks lol…. speaking of the qsmp yall are pretty much the reason there’s group drawings and not just all silly doodles like the one with me and Vale (<- which i technically drew last month and could’ve posted at literally anytime but shh that doesn’t matter). I mean group drawings are not easy either but fucking hell you guys are three drawings all on your own…
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I had to try so hard not to ask you guys what you looked like since I wanted this to be a surprise and since I just made up designs for the most parts here's who's in the bonuses!
Bonus 1:
Vale (🌾🪶 anon)
Bonus 2:
llulah anon (twice technically lol)
wilbur (ethercollective)
bad & foolish (itty-bitty-ferns)
q!pac anon
Bonus 3 (I might repost this drawing later with edited shading. it's too dark looking at it on my computer screen ugh i hate how colors look different on different screens):
💙🐏 anon
🦁⛰️ anon
Voidling anon
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March Day 6
OK so today is officialy my Birthday and I have a new present. This time is for @noxsoulmate for the trope "domestic violence."
Don't worry people there's no domestic violence between Carlos and TK, I wouldn't do it. Never, never, never. This is about a call where TK is involved.
Title: Superman for a day
Summary: TK goes to a call about domestic violence. the victim is alone at home, he has time to convince her to go with him to the ambulance, because her husband will take a long time to come home... or so they thought.
TK awoke suddenly, not quite sure what had brought him to. His head hurt. Not as much as other times, the blow hadn't been as serious, but it had knocked him unconscious for a few moments. Now he had a really big and scary guy that almost outweighed him in volume, or at least that was what fear made him see, with a softball bat in his hands, about to blow his head off.
Luckily, TK had a quick enough reaction to move before the bat hit him and crushed his skull, though he couldn't stop it from hitting him in the shoulder and had to bite his lip to keep from screaming from the pain. It wasn't broken or anything, but it would hurt for days.
Stepping to the side, he kicked the man's legs and caused him to lose his focus and a bit of his balance; more than enough time to kick and crawl to his feet. He ran off, even in the distance, hearing the voice of the woman whimpering in a ball on the floor at the end of the hallway next to the bathroom.
He went to her and crouched down in front of her.
"Get up, the police are on their way; if we take shelter in the bathroom, we can buy a little time."
"I can't do that, my husband is terrible when he turns into a rage like he is now."
"I know, I've noticed and precisely because he hit me." The woman looked up to TK's head. The paramedic reached up and protested as he touched his wound. "Exactly. I'm proof that your husband is a violent guy. He's going to do some serious time in jail."
Christina, the woman he was there for, nodded, and reached out to help him to his feet. He pulled her up, not caring too much about the force he was exerting, and carried her into the bathroom.
The man's voice could be heard in the background, he didn't even know the name of the man who wanted to kill him, it sounded thunderous, approaching like a terrifying troll who wanted to devour them.
TK closed the bathroom door and placed a chest of drawers in front of it to prevent him from entering.
He left Christina sitting on the floor and sat down next to her. He breathed for a moment and picked up the phone.
His hands were shaking, he almost dropped it on the floor, but he managed to pick it up with enough strength to hold it between his fingers and concentrated on making the call. The last thing he wanted was to scare Carlos when he heard him talking on the other end.
When he had woken up that morning, he was convinced that the day was going to be beautiful, the sun was shining, he felt he had rested, Carlos was still sleeping next to him because they were both on the same shift schedule and they were able to have breakfast together. He was sure things were going to go well.
He certainly didn't expect to find himself locked in a bathroom with an injured woman crying next to him and an abuser with a bat in his hand, wanting to bust his head in as soon as he had him in front of him.
"Tiger, how was your day?"
"Hey, babe. I guess no one's said anything to you yet."
"No one's told me anything I need to worry about, no. What's up?"
"Long story short, a woman scared and hurt by her abusive husband called us. I went in to assist her and her husband came back early."
Keep reading on AO3
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alma37 · 4 years
A[h]arrowing evening - chapter 2
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I kind of promised another chapter if I reached 100 hits on AO3. I am a little behind schedule, but a promise is a promise.
So, here is the chapter 2.
Fandom : Dracula TV 2020
Relationship : Agatha x Dracula
Rating : this one tends to M but not quite
I still have not counted the words.
@hopipollahorror​ @lady-of-the-wolves​ @thebeautyofdisorder​ @festering-queen​ @feralstare​
[let me know if you don’t want to be tagged]
@vampyrsbride​ @khyruma​ no idea if you even read fanfiction
Anyone else who didn’t ask to be tagged but still read my shit,
everyone, I hope you’ll enjoy!
As Dracula was settling comfortably for the night, a knock resounded on his door. Curious, he went to open and was startled to find a swaying Agatha in front of him.
- Agatha! To what do I owe the pleasure? Or is it displeasure tonight?
The young vampire waved her hand and slurred :
- I came to aplo... to aloo... ap.., to say I'm sorry.
The older vampire frowned :
- Are you all right?!
- Nether bedder!" She was leaning dangerously sideways until she was supported by the doorframe.
- Did you take something?" Dracula asked, incredulous.
- Noooo!... " But after a short pause, she admitted : "I just drank a drunk!" And she sniggered. Agatha never sniggered.
- Oh my! Are you drunk?!
- Mabee a little bit. But he tasted sooo good!" Agatha mumbled, ecstatic.
- What did I tell you about drinking drunk people?!
- Pff!" The younger vampire scoffed. "I drrink whoeve' I want, Mr 'now-it-all.
Now she was listing dangerously towards Dracula who held her upright by the shoulders.
- Do you understand how much alcohol is needed to affect us?! How much blood did he have left in his alcohol stream?!" He asked drily.
The former nun, leaning on his chest now, snorted.
- Did you just make a joke?
- Perhaps.
- You shooould not do that.
- Why not?
- Because... it makesss you likeable. And I am not sh-supposed to like you. I am sh-supposed to.. to kill you! See? I still have my little arrow with me, just in case.
Agatha brandished in all directions the wooden weapon she got used to carry since Dracula turned her. Weary, the older vampire got hold of it before his younger kin could do some damage to either of them.
- Yes, I can see that. I'll keep it for now, if you don't mind.
Agatha made a gesture, that could either mean she didn't mind or its exact opposite. When she didn't try to take back her weapon, the Count concluded it was the former and returned to their previous conversation :
- Did you just said you liked me?
- Ov course not! Why would I do that?! You mush... must get deaf in your old age.
- I assure you my hearing is quite good. You just said you liked me." He persisted.
- Nooooooooo. No, no, nononono. No..." Another short silence, before :" Maybe. A little. But I am rrrreally d-drunk at the moment, so you'll have to ashk... aks... hashk me again tomorrow. When I sh-slept it off.
- When you slept it off, you are going to wish me to the devil. So...
- Zat's not... jat's... that... Yeah!... Maybe we should sleep it ohf togejer, zen.
- I beg your pardon?!
- Zat way, no dish... no dims... no w... no sc-scoffing at.
- I won't sleep with you when you are drunk, Agatha.
- Why not?! I am vewy ri... very vi... willing at the moment. When will you 'ave anozer chance, do you think?
- God, give me strength!
- Did you..." Agatha sniggered for the second time in the evening. " Did you just take God's name in vain?!" before she dissolved in laughter, at the utter dismay of her older kin, while actually slouching against him.
- That's exactly why." The only thing keeping her up was his arm around her waist. When she finally calmed down, he tried to lead her towards the bedchamber :
- Come now. I am putting you to bed.
But Agatha resisted his pull. Even drunk, she was still a vampire.
- Only if you're coming with me into it.
Dracula towered above her.
- Agatha, don't push me. You know I want you. But not like that.
Far from being cowed, the younger vampire slid along his chest until she was an air breath from his mouth before flashing him a brilliant smile :
- Draaackeyyyy... me loveyyyy. Don't be so meaneyyyyy.
The older vampire snapped :
- That's it. That's enough! I am putting you to bed now.
Lifting her like she was a bag of feather, he threw her on his shoulder. Sober Agatha would have been scandalised. Drunk Agatha, however, sniggered for the third time and purred :
- Ooooh! Me very own cave man!... Cave vampire!" Then, even upside down, she set about removing his shirt from his trousers. Dracula couldn't believe what was happening : a few weeks ago, she almost killed him and now, it appeared that she was intent on undressing him.
- Agatha, stop that!" He admonished her, to no avail.
The younger vampire, apparently, was determined to see him naked before they could reach the bedroom. She was really trying his self-control.
- Agatha, if you don't stop, I am going to do something I have wanted to for a long time and you will be left with only regret and self-loathing in the morning. Is it really what you want?
At last, this made her stop. Dracula couldn't help but release a relieved sigh.
Once they reached the bedroom, Dracula slid her down to the bed. He put a knee on the floor to remove her shoes. Agatha, surprisingly silent, was watching him. When he straightened up to help her lie down, she unexpectedly put her hand under his shirt flat against his abdomen. Dracula fought to keep what was left of his restraint.
-Show me your scar.
- It's gone. You know we don't scar." The older vampire answered while removing gently her hand from his skin. She was warm from the blood, which wasn't helping with his growing lust. Luckily, she didn't resist. But she looked disappointed :
- I wanted to kiss it better, as you asked me. As an apology.
- You did, don't you remember?
- Hum! Yes. But I wanted to do it more... Can I kiss you better somewhere else, then?
- Agatha..." But before truly realising it, he was leaning forward. His restraint was flying through the window.
The kiss started sweetly, a mere brush of the lips, but drunk Agatha was demanding and Dracula, unable to resist, gave her what she asked. Soon they were tangled with each other, the older vampire not sure anymore how many limbs his younger kin had, as she seemed to touch him everywhere at the same time. He finally stopped her hands from their roaming and threaded their fingers, while exploring her mouth with avidity. In all their 123 years of fighting, she had never let down her guard and never allowed him this close. Until tonight. She was exquisite, as always. Warm and soft and... softer?
Dracula raised his head to note, with a mix of dismay and amusement, that his nemesis had fallen asleep in his bed. Well, at least, she finally was where he wanted her. The vampire shook his head and laughed softly at the irony. As it was, she wouldn't be able to stake him come morning. Small mercies.
A few hours later, Agatha emerged slowly from her slumber. For a few instants, she couldn't remember but when memories flooded back, she put a pillow on her face and groaned. How could she do that?
- Oh! I see you are awake. Hum! And not suffering ill effects from your over-indulgence.
- Sweet Jesus! It really did happen, then?! I still hoped it was a nightmare.
- I am afraid not, Angel.
- I can't believe I did that. This is so embarrassing!
- Well, it could have been worse. I could have given in.
At those words, Agatha removed the pillow from her face - She couldn't smother herself anyway - and looked at her supposedly oldest enemy. He was watching her with a mix of fondness, resignation and longing. Or so it seemed to her guilty mind.
- I am so sorry, Vlad. I... Well, thank you for resisting. At least one of us didn't embarrass themselves last night.
- My pleasure, Angel. And don't thank me, I wasn't able to totally resist, if you remember well. If you hadn't fallen asleep, honestly..." He trailed before falling silent.
Agatha dropped her gaze on the sheets, a new wave of mortification washing over her.
- Yes, well, I provoked you. So, for once, I don't blame you. You actually showed remarkable restraint.
-  Did I hear you well? Did you just pay me a compliment?! You may suffer ill effects after all." Dracula teased her.
- Nevermind." Agatha mumbled, going out of bed. Dracula presented a helping hand, which, after only a slight hesitation, she took. Once upright, though, she had to grip it more tightly as she swayed on her feet.
- Hum. Not totally unscathed, then." The older vampire remarked, without mirth.
- I'm fine." She defended herself."I just feel a little numb.
- Yes, of course. My mistake." He answered, with a knowing smile this time.
- Oh do shut up, Dracula!" The younger vampire growled, as she tried to remove her hand from his. But Dracula didn't let her.
- Maybe you should stay the day. Sleep it off.
- Dracula...
- I promise you : no mischief, no ulterior motive. If I may say so, you don't look so good. You could rest here, I won't bother you.
- I don't think..." She hesitated.
- I can bring you some clean blood to clear your head and you can lie here as long as you want." Dracula added when he sensed her wavering.
Agatha was thinking about accepting his offer as she felt exhausted, but still she pondered.
- Where will you rest? It's daytime.
- Don't worry about me. My sofa is quite comfortable.
The former nun snorted :
- Your sofa is as comfortable as a marble coffin and at least a foot shorter than you!
Dracula shrugged.
- Well, I still have to put a bed in the guest bedroom, so it will have to make do.
Agatha looked at her nemesis' bed : it had been made for him, so it was probably a foot longer than her and at least, large enough to house a small village. She gulped then took a deep breath :
- Your bed is big enough for the both of us. And since, you were the gentleman and offered me its exclusive use, I would be a very sore guest if I'd let you sleep on this terrible furniture you dare call a sofa.
Despite his surprise at her unexpected proposition, Dracula chuckled :
- Well, if you get into the habit of coming to see me while drunk, I may need to invest into a second bed. Or...
Agatha raised a warning finger :
- Don't even think about finishing this sentence, Count.
The older vampire grinned but stopped talking. After an awkward silence, Agatha added :
- You should think about replacing that sofa, too.
- I will." At his tone, she looked at him. He was watching her back with that same expression again.
- Are you sure you don't mind?" Dracula broke the spell. "I must admit I got quite fond of my bed, since I don't need my coffin to sleep in.
- No. I mean : I don't mind." But she insisted, to be sure : "You promise me no mischief.
- You offered me to sleep with you." He countered, teasing her.
Agatha didn't catch the joke, if her scandalised look was any indication :
- I was drunk!
Dracula laughed at her outraged tone.
- I'm joking, Agatha. Relax.
he sat on one side of the bed and patted the place next to him.
- Come on. You look dead on you feet. I promised you no mischief. I'll keep my word.
Agatha sat carefully on the bed then lay down next to her old enemy. They didn't say anything for some time. Dracula rearranged his limbs then put his hands behind his head, settling in.
Agatha was lying next to him rigidly, debating with herself, until finally she sighed :
- Oh Hell!" And throwing caution to the wind, she rolled on her side to nestle against him. It was quite nice, actually.
The older vampire stayed still for a moment, unsure what to do. Then, slowly, he put down one arm to place it around her shoulders and bring her a little closer to him.
- No mischief." She mumbled into his shirt.
- No mischief." He confirmed with a smile in his voice. "Even if you make it hard for me to keep my promise."
- Not without a partner." His younger kin replied softly, already on the verge of sleep.
Dracula resisted laughing at her tart answer, so as not to disturb her. She was relaxing against him and very soon, he could sense she was fast asleep. No partner indeed.
He couldn't hold it any longer and laughed, barely disturbing his exhausted partner. She muttered in her sleep, then settled against him once more after throwing an arm across his chest.
Perhaps, she would heed his advice next time. But Dracula hoped she wouldn't. Drunk Agatha was almost as fun as angry Agatha and far more agreeable.
The older vampire looked down at the woman in his arms. Maybe he was the one high, in this instance : he still couldn't believe his nemesis was actually sleeping, sober and peaceful, in his embrace. If God had decided to be done with him and Agatha was His sword arm, Dracula decided then and there that it was a small price to pay for a few hours with her in his arms. And with that satisfying thought, he slipped in a comfortable slumber.
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javier-djarin · 4 years
Como Me Duele: Chapter 1
Ship: Javi x Reader
Rating: M
Word Count: 3,270 words
Warnings: Language
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Summary: After your life fell apart six months ago, you decided it was time for a change. So, you moved to Colombia, taking a position at a local hospital. Your family thinks you’re insane, but The Murphys couldn’t be happier having you as their neighbor. Upon your first, and very brief, meeting with Agent Peña, you’ve captivated him. Despite Steve’s warnings, Javier still wants to get to know you on a more personal level.
A/N: This takes place a little into season 1. This is my first time writing Javier. So, please let me know what you think. Please let me know if you want to be on my taglist!
Your POV
You had been living in Colombia for about a week, working at the hospital as a doctor. You had signed up for one of those Doctors Without Borders programs after you broke it off with your faithless, bastard of a fiancé. You needed a change of pace and a change of scenery - a way to forget about what happened. When he heard you were leaving, he accused you of running away from your problems instead of trying to fix them. Maybe he was right, but after catching him sleeping with your Maid of Honor, you knew there was no fixing your problems. You wanted to leave that life, the memories and pain, behind and find yourself somewhere new.
Your old college friend and roommate, Connie, told you about the hospital in Colombia and how it was in terrible need of assistance. Luckily for you, she had said, there was even an apartment in her building that had just opened up. You took this as a good sign and applied for the position. Your family, mother in particular, thought you had lost your mind. Colombia was dangerous; especially with the likes of Pablo Escobar running rampant. However, you reassured her that you weren’t alone since Connie and her husband Steve were down there and were going to be your neighbors in Bogotá. 
You moved down there in March, just before Spring. You decided to head down a few weeks early to get acclimated to the area and comfortable in your new apartment. Connie sat with you in the middle of your floor as you unpacked some boxes with a wine bottle between the two of you. “I’m so glad you took the job,” she said sipping on the red wine.
You smiled. “I had to get out of there. Everywhere I went, people stared at me, pitied me for what he did.”
Connie shook her head and took another drink. “I still can’t believe Michael did that to you. You guys had been together since undergrad!”
“I don’t know if his or Hannah’s betrayal hurt worse,” you sighed, taking a huge swig of wine, “but now I’m here ready to start over.” 
You froze as you pulled out a photo album from a box. It was your engagement photos. Instinctively, Connie reached for the album. “I’ll get rid of this.”
You pulled it back. “No. I want to keep it. It can always remind me that things could be worse.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. It’ll stay in this box forever, probably, but I’ll still have that reminder. No matter how bad things get, I didn’t marry a lying bastard.”
Connie laughed and held her wine glass up. “Cheers to that, girl.”
You pushed your glasses up on your face and stretched. “I have so much unpacking still, but it’s getting late.”
“I can stop by after work tomorrow if you want.”
“You sure Steve won’t mind?”
She shook her head. “He’s been working late these last few nights. But, if he is coming home early, I can have him pick up dinner for the three of us.”
You knew Steve was a DEA Agent and that he volunteered for this job when his partner in Miami was murdered. This move had been rough on Connie, but she loved her husband dearly and would follow him to the ends of the Earth. Your heart ached for that kind of love, but you knew that with the cards you had been dealt, you needed to wait for a new hand. “If he doesn’t mind, then Girls’ Night Round 2 will commence.”
There was a knock at the door. You looked puzzled at Connie. You literally only knew Connie and Steve down here, so you weren’t expecting anyone. You stood up from the floor and fixed the messy bun your hair was in. You opened the door and saw Steve standing there with another man. You had seen him before and figured he worked with Steve and lived nearby. “Hey, Y/N,” he said, giving you a hug and kiss on the cheek, “is Connie still here?”
“I’m in here, Steve,” she said holding up her glass of wine at him. 
“Ah, yes. I see you two are still catching up.”
You laughed. “Come on in. It’s not much, because we are still unpacking.”
Steve and his friend stepped inside. You adjusted your glasses again and grinned at him. The man behind Steve cleared his throat. “Oh, sorry. Y/N, this is my partner Javier Peña.”
You held out your hand for him to shake. He grabbed it and gave you a devilish grin. “Nice to meet you,” you said.
“Mucho gusto,” he said in Spanish. The syllables flowed off his tongue and almost had you melting where you stood. You could tell just by those two words he was exactly what you wanted to avoid. You glanced up at his dark brown eyes and smiled. No matter how good looking this man was, you needed to avoid him at all costs. He smelled like trouble.
You turned away and walked back into the room with Connie. “What did you need, honey?” she asked.
“We gotta fly out tonight,” he said, “to Medellín.”
She stood up. “For how long?”
He shrugged. “Few days probably.”
Connie sat her glass down. “Thank God I have Y/N to keep me company then.”
“I’m sure we can find plenty of trouble to get into while you’re gone,” you said with a grin. 
Steve laughed and shook his head. “Just don’t get too friendly with the local law enforcement while we are gone.”
“Hey,” you argued, “I haven’t been friendly with them since after I completed my residency.” You saw Javier’s eyebrows raise in curiosity, but you ignored him. “And even then I still talked my way out of the cell.”
“Connie, she’s not helping,” he said.
“I’ll keep her out of trouble. We will be more focused on setting up her apartment anyway.”
Smiling, Steve leaned in to kiss his wife. “I’ll call you when I can.”
“Be safe. Love you.”
“I love you, too.”
He and Javier walked out of the door. Before closing it behind him, Javier turned to you and said, “It was nice meeting you, Y/N.”
You smiled and nodded. “Likewise.”
You waited a few seconds before saying anything to Connie. “He radiates trouble.”
Connie sat back down on the ground and laughed. “You could say that. I love Javi, but he’s a little more trouble than you would want right now.”
“I doubt I’ll see much of him once I start working anyway.”
She grinned at you and took another sip of her wine.
He followed Steve down the stairs of their apartment complex without saying a word. It wasn’t until they reached his Jeep did Steve finally break the silence. “Okay, man, just say it,” he said.
“Say what?”
“I’m not a moron Peña.”
He grinned and started the car. Boston came on through the speaker. “I fucking love this band,” he said, cranking up the volume. 
Steve leaned over and turned it down. “Come on. I saw you look at her.”
“I had to when you introduced me.”
“Okay, but I saw you look at her. Just promise me this, you won’t try anything with her. She’s one of Connie’s best friends and she’s been through enough. I don’t need my wife trying to murder my partner because he couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
Javier laughed and put his Jeep in drive. “With our schedule, I don’t think I’d have time to try anyway.”
Steve let out an audible, annoyed sigh. He knew that was Peña’s way of getting around making any promises. Luckily, he knew Y/N well enough to know she could hold her own. If she didn’t want a man to fuck with her, she’d let them have it. Part of him wanted to see her give Peña’s ego a reality check, but the other part didn’t want him anywhere near her. 
They rode in silence for a little while, and Javier’s mind began to wander. In her messy bun, glasses, oversized concert shirt, and short shorts, she was the sexiest woman he’d seen. He wanted to run his hands down over her round, plump ass and pull her down on his lap, devouring as much of her as he could. He could still feel her soft, delicate hand in his while she gave him a nice firm handshake. He pictured taking each of those fingers and nibbling on them before he worked his way to her wrist and up the rest of her arm. These thoughts made him a little uncomfortable and he adjusted in his seat.
Steve looked at him, disgusted. “I know what you’re thinking about. Find the local whorehouse when we get to Medellín, please, so you can get this out of your system.”
Javier rolled his eyes. “I can’t help it. You didn’t warn me that your wife’s friend looked like that!”
Steve rested his hand in his hand near the window. “Look, man, she will destroy you. Trust me, she wants nothing to do with your shit right now. I’m pretty sure she hates all men.”
“What happened?”
“Her piece of shit fiancé slept with her Maid of Honor about two months before the wedding.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah. So leave her alone.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t do anything that will make her regret moving to Bogotá.”
He did it again. Made a promise without making a promise he would break. Steve leaned forward and turned the music up a little bit. An Aerosmith song was playing now and offered as a nice distraction from their current topic. Steve knew there was no way he would get Javier to promise he wouldn’t try to sleep with Y/N. 
Your POV
Just as she promised, Connie came over after work to help you finish setting up your apartment. You had everything out of the boxes, now and were working on organizing things. Connie walked in with food from a local bar just down the street and some more wine. “I figured if Steve is still gone tomorrow, we can go out with a few people from the hospital. It’ll be a great chance for you to meet everyone.”
You took a bite of your food. “Just let me know what time.”
“The staff is wonderful down here. How’s your Spanish?”
“Rusty, but I think I can manage.”
“Great! I’ll come by after work tomorrow to come get you. It’s just a short walk from here.”
You finished your dinner and downed a glass of wine. Connie noticed when she walked in that you were a little off. She noticed how puffy and red your eyes were, but she figured that was from wearing contacts all day. “Is everything okay?”
You sighed and put your head in your hands. “Michael called this afternoon. He was begging me to come home and work it out.”
“How did he get your number?”
You shrugged. “I have no idea. I want to say my mother, but there’s no way she would have given it to him. He wants to burn him alive for what he did to me.”
“What did you tell him?”
“To fuck off.” You tried to fake a smile, but it didn’t work.
Connie caught on. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through. But you don’t have to deal with him anymore. He’s out of your life now. You’re somewhere new, ready to move on.”
Sighing, you took another sip of your wine. “It’s not that simple, Connie. We were together through undergrad, through med school. I thought he was it. The love of my life. I can’t just forget that.”
She reached forward and grabbed your hand. “I know, but don’t let him get to you. Who knows how long they were fucking before you caught them.”
“A year. Or so he says.”
“A year! You were engaged for almost a year!”
You felt the tears brimming in your eyes, ready to stream down your cheeks. “I know. I still have more questions than he had answers.”
“When I told Steve what happened, he was ready to fly home and murder Michael himself.”
You smiled. “Tell him he can take a number.”
Connie laughed. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there."
You shrugged your shoulders. "It's fine," you said, "I don't know what I would have done if Kate wasn't there."
She came around the counter and wrapped an arm around you, putting her head on your shoulder. "She should come down once you're settled. I miss her."
"I told her that once I was moved in, I would give her a call."
She smiled and clapped her hands. "It'll be just like senior year!"
You grabbed the dishes and placed them in your sink, scrubbing the food off them before letting them dry. Connie moved into your living room and started organizing all of your books by genre. "I can't believe you brought all of these," she said. 
"I only brought my favorites!" You defended. 
The bookshelves were set up comfortably around your TV set and were just barely big enough to house all of your books. You followed behind Connie placing picture frames and knick-knacks on the shelves to give your little library more character. You stopped when you found a picture that was taken of your med school graduation. You and Connie were surrounded by your friends with Steve clinging to her side...and Michael to yours. It was one of your favorite pictures, but now it only brought back the pain. You gently set it on the second shelf, at eye level for you. Connie watched you stare at it and felt her heart break for you. She waited for you to say something first. "What hurts the most is remembering all of the moments like these. The nostalgia of when we were happy and in love."
Connie walked over to you and rested her hand on your back. "We had so much fun that night," she smiled. 
"And given what I know, I would do it all over again."
The phone rang, startling both of you. You rolled your eyes. "I'll answer it," Connie said.
She walked to the wall where you mounted your phone and picked up the line. "Hello?"
"Y/N?" A familiar masculine voice said on the other end. 
"She's busy," Connie dryly replied. 
"Oh, it's you, Connie."
"She doesn't want to talk to you, Michael. So, stop calling here."
"You don't understand. I need her back. I cannot do this without her."
"Well, you should have thought about before you started fucking Hannah."
"I made a mistake," he pleaded.
"Clearly you weren't that sorry if you kept going back."
She heard him sigh through the receiver. "This is between me and Y/N. Give her the phone."
"She's getting ready. We're heading out with Steve and his partner Javi for the evening to celebrate her leaving your worthless ass."
"Wait. Javi-" she slammed the receiver on the wall and turned to face you. 
"Now that's settled, back to decorating." She was obviously very proud of herself.
"Javi?" You grinned.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. It's not like he's going to come down here to bring you home."
You laughed. "Thank you."
"Of course." She finished putting the books away for you before going to the stacks of pictures on the floor. “Y/N, we need to update some of these.”
“Let’s do it!” You saw Connie taking the photos out of frames and making piles of them on your side table. She laid them neatly inside the drawer. She, then, started hanging up the empty frames. “What are you doing?”
“That way you remember that we should update them with pictures down here.”
You smiled at her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
They were on a stake out just outside of a rundown building that they believed was one of Escobar’s operations. They needed to find proof that Escobar was in fact a Narcos to help derail his political ambitions. Javi sat in the passenger seat staring out the window, finding it hard to keep his eyes open. “Hey,” Steve said, “wake up. I’m not going to sit here on this stake out on my own.”
Javier grumbled and sat up in his seat. “Look, no one has come in or out of this building for hours. I think we need to throw it in. We got bad information.”
Steve leaned his head back on the headrest and sighed. “You might be right. I don’t know what’s worse. This or sitting back at the office going through paperwork.”
He laughed and grabbed a cigarette to light. “I’ve been thinking…”
“Oh great. I absolutely love it when you do that.”
Javier rolled his eyes. “I think Connie’s friend needs a good distraction to forget what that piece of shit fiancé did to her.”
“Are we seriously going to talk about this again?”
“Come on, Steve. You can’t forbid me from talking to her. That makes her like…” he paused, trying to think of the appropriate metaphor, “forbidden fruit.”
“Forbidden Fruit?” Steve laughed. “Jesus Christ.”
“You know that just makes her that much sexier to me.”
Steve adjusted in his seat to look at his partner. “I can’t even pretend to be surprised by this. Shouldn’t you be more worried about your...ahem...contacts?”
Javier gave him a devilish grin. “Just introduce us. Properly, this time. Not just in passing like you did.”
He shook his head. “Nope. You’re going to have to ask Connie for that. I refuse to get involved.”
Javier let out an exasperated sigh and flicked some of his ashes out of the window. “I’ll just do it myself.”
Steve knew that Javier was a persistent bastard, especially when he set his mind to something. Had this been ten years ago, he might have actually considered setting the two of them up. She was his type, and fiery enough to keep Javier on his toes. But now? He’d known both her and Michael for years. He knew how in love they were, and how she would do anything to make him happy. Javier would only make her life more complicated right now, and he didn’t want to put her through any more shit. “Peña, I seriously suggest you leave her alone. Her life fell apart only a few months ago. Connie said she broke down more than once unpacking her things. She’s not going to just jump into bed with you after the one person she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with broke her heart. Hell, I doubt she’s ever going to trust anyone ever again. They were together for eight years before he popped the question. You can’t forget someone like that.”
Javier took a minute to think on what Steve said. It wasn’t too long ago when he broke his own bride’s trust, leaving her at the altar, embarrassed and alone. Several months after things cooled down from the incident, he asked his father about Lorraine. She was distraught. After all, they were together for almost as long, if not longer than Y/N and her fiancé. He never knew if she found someone and moved on with her life. He couldn’t bring himself to digging into her, for fear of her finding out. He had done enough damage. It was then that he understood the pain Y/N harbored. “Fine, you fucking hillbilly. You’ve made your point. I don’t want to cause her anymore pain.”
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atinydise · 5 years
Hate me more
❦ Genre: Angst/Fluff.
❦ Pairing: San.
❦ Word count: 9k7.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
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You were a longtime friend with Yunho. He was your neighbor since you moved to Seoul when both of you were kids. You grew up with each other. Every time you needed something he was there. When you were sad, he would run to you and made sur to comfort you, even if it meant that he will need to stay 2 days at your side. When he needed advices about girls, you tried to do your best to help him. You did it so well that now he was a perfect boyfriend material for everyone. But the best thing that happened to him was when you almost forced him to audition at KQ Entertainment. His friend Mingi was the first one to try and Yunho wanted to follow him but being an idol would be hard and stressful. Luckily, you were there. You stayed up with him till late to help him to practice for his audition. When he was accepted as a trainee, you were so happy for him. He would go through hard moments, but you would be there. It’s been almost 1 year and a half that you didn’t see each other for a whole month. He always did his best to meet or hang out with you. Sometimes, he would invite you to their dorm. When you went there for the first time, you met his teammates. They were all nice to you. Hongjoong and Seonghwa asked you so many questions to know you a bit more. Mingi was teasing you anytime he could just go annoy Yunho. Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho were trying to know some funny fact about their member’s childhood. The only one who was distant with you, was San. There was like an awkward atmosphere between both of you. He was barely talking to you. You couldn’t know if you did something bad.
One day, you were at their dorm to celebrate Seonghwa’s birthday. Hongjoong’s offered to order pizza for the dinner. San would be the one to go get it. You took the opportunity to talk a bit with him. “Can I come with you? You won’t take 6 pizzas by yourself?” You smiled. “If you want...” he simply replied, grabbing his coat. You followed San the whole way to the pizzeria. He was walking in front of you, hands in his pocket, ignoring you. You tried to talk to him. “So... San, how was your day?” He glanced at you for a second and stared back in front of him. “Boring,” he replied coldly. You gulped, “long day huh?” He signed and just hummed back to you. You couldn’t give up so fast, he would be a part of Yunho’s life, so you need to get along. “What is your favorite song, of your new album? I like ‘Precious’ the most!” You said, enthusiastically. He stopped and said, “If I would be here to chit chat, I’ll bring Wooyoung with me.” Okay that was rude, you thought. He started to walk back without looking if you were following him. To be honest, he hurts your feelings. You just tried to be nice, but he was clearly mad at you. You stayed quiet till you got in the pizzeria. San was nice and cool with the waitress. He was smiling so bad that it could hurt his jaw. But when he handed you the pizza boxes, his smile faded away. “Can you hold this, or I need to do it by myself?” You looked at him, mad. “Why are you so mean with me?” He rolled his eyes, “I’m not. Can you hold it or not?” You scoffed and grabbed 3 boxes and left the pizzeria not waiting for him. The thing you were not aware of was that San felt bad. He needed you to believe that he hates you. Why? Because he was falling for you. The first time he saw you, he felt his heart race a bit more than usual. Every time you were with them; he was falling in love for you a bit more. But he couldn’t ask you on a date or confess his feelings toward you. Simply because you were Yunho’s friend. Before debuting, they made a pact; they would never fight for a girl or date a sibling or a good friend. Yunho was like a brother, he doesn’t want to lose him and get the group in bad condition. When he saw you, leaving the pizzeria, he realized that he hurt you a lot. He sighed and followed you without saying anything. Since this day, you hadn’t talked to San. You were trying to avoid him every time you could. When you were alone with him in the same room, you just focused on your phone, trying to forget his presence or just by going in another room till someone come back. San noticed how you put a distance with him and felt bad a lot more. Yunho too, he asked you few times what was going on, but you just replied that nothing happened between you and his friend.
This lie worked for 2 weeks. But everything changed when you went at their rehearsal for their concert in Seoul. They were performing ‘Win’, you were cheering all of them and dancing messily with them at the additional stage. San couldn’t get his eyes off you. You looked so happy. Your smile was illuminating the entire hall. He was so hypnotized by you that he fell off the table he was supposed to perform on. All the boys rushed to him to see if he was fine and hoped that he didn’t hurt himself. “Are you okay San?” Asked Wooyoung crouching down to him. “Yes, I’m fine...” he sighed. “What happened? You should have stay on your side,” asked the leader. He couldn’t say that it was because you distracted him so much with your happiness that he couldn’t focus properly on the choreography. “San?” Called Mingi, seeing that his friend wasn’t answering. “Huh-,” he grunted and finally lied, “it’s just that...” Everyone was looking at him, even you, worried for him. “Y/N is nonstop moving in front of us. I can’t focus. She’s distracting me!” “Wha-“ “Yes! Can you go backstage because you are not helpful right now!” He shouted. “San, calm down,” ordered Yunho, angrily. “She’s always distracting us with her screams and terrible fanchants.” He pointed at you. You were so disgusted that you could feel your lunch stuck in your throat. You were so sad and mad at him. “Why do you hate me so much?” You yelled at him, frustrated and angry. “No-, he doesn’t hate y-“ said Yunho calmly. He does!” You wiped the tear sliding on your face. “He’s not talking to me. When I try, he just rejects me!” San looked at you, he felt so sorry that you felt like that. “Whenever I try to interact with him, he just...,” you sighed. “Whatever... I should go.” You get down off stage and grabbed your jacket. Yunho wanted to follow you but San did it first. When you exited the building you couldn’t see anything, the sun was right on your face and the tears increasing in your eyes, blurred your vision. You heard someone calling your name behind you, but you didn’t want to deal with anyone right now. As an escape, you wanted to go at the opposite side of the concert hall, but you instantly regretted it when you heard the car horn coming from your left. You knew that it was too late when you saw the car lights right in front of you. Right before the impact you felt the pain & heard your heart beating so fast. San’s voice resonated in your head. His scream was high, and you could feel how scared he was for you. When you turned to see his face, you got the impact and the last thing you saw was his feet, running to you.
San called the emergency right away. Yunho got the feeling that something bad happened and left the rehearsal. He wasn’t expecting to see your body on the floor. Blood was sliding at the side of your head. He froze. This was his worst nightmare. The taxi driver was warning people to slow down and covered your body with his jacket. San was shaking your body, begging you to stay awake. Yunho saw that he was crying. His cheeks were red and his whole body was shaking. San hugged you tightly, trying to keep you warm as possible. “Y/N...” whispered Yunho. Tears dripping off his chin. “Y/N!” He screamed and ran towards you. San looked at his teammate, running to you. “What happened San?!” He crouched to you, rubbing your cold cheek. “I- I don’t know... I tried to stop her, but it was too late...” he explained, wiping his tears with his sleeve. “Y/N, you will be okay huh? You are a warrior.” He smiled at you. You were looking at him. You wanted to smile at him like slays but the pain was insane. “The emergency is coming okay. You will be fine.” He held your hands. “I’m so sorry Y/N,” apologized San, “I shouldn’t have been an asshole with you.” Yunho looked at San. “I was scared to show you my feelings. I love her,” he confessed. His voice cracked. Your best friend was speechless and couldn’t say anything. When he tried, the siren resonated on the street. At this moment, you couldn’t keep your eyes open. You were too exhausted; it asks you so much effort. “Y/N?” Called Yunho. “Y/N!” That was the last thing you’ve heard.
These last days were terrible for Yunho. He needed to perform at their concert and act like if everything was okay, but he was devastated. During all the VCR, he was busting in tears, worrying about you. But he knows that you were the strongest girl ever and that you will be fine. He was sleeping at the hospital next to you at night and went to his schedule the day. He tried to keep his fake smile with his fans, he couldn’t make them worry. Right now, he was focusing on every line and ‘bip’ coming from your heart monitor. And when he wasn’t, he stared at you. Praying that you would open your eyes. He almost had a heart attack when someone knocked at your door. Probably your friend. She was always making sure that you were okay. “Come in!” He stood up frustrated when he saw San. “What are you doing here?” He said angrily. San sighed; seeing Yunho mad at him was the worst thing ever. “I wanted to see her...” “Okay you did, now go away San.” Ordered your best friend. “Look Yunho... I know that it was my fault, but I really need to explain why I acted like that.” “You’ve done enough San.” “Yunho please,” begged his member. Yunho rolled his eyes and sat back on the couch, “I give you 5 minutes.” “Thank you.” San took a deep breath and stared at you. “When we met Y/N for the first time, I liked her instantly. She was happy, polite and funny.” Yunho raised a brow. “I know that I would fall for a little more every time she would come.” He wipes his eyes, “but we made this pact: none of the team member would date-“ “A sibling or a close friend,” finished Yunho, knowing San’s dilemma. “I had no choice to act like I didn’t like her. Because it would ruin our friendship.” “San, you should have told me.” Said Yunho. “I know. But I acted like a coward and now everything is my fault...” he grabbed your hand in his. He felt so bad. He wished to change your place with him on this hospital bed. “I wouldn’t be mad if you date her... you are a really good guy and I trust you.” He smiled, “thank you but I don’t think she will talk to me ever again.” “W-why I wouldn’t?” They both stared at you. “Y/N?!” Yunho rushed to your side. You smiled at him, “it’s me.” “I want to pinch you so bad! You are irresponsible! You need to be more careful! My heart can’t handle this!” He scolded you. “Sorry mommy,” you laughed weakly. “I- I should call the doctor,” said San. “Wait San. I will go. You have many things to talk about.” Winked Yunho. San blushed, not daring to look at you. “I’ll come back in few minutes okay?” He kissed your forehead. When he exited the room. An awkward tension settled, like before. But for the first time, San talked first. “So... are you okay?” You giggled, “I feel like someone who got hit by a car, but I’m fine.” “I’m so sorry...” “It’s not your fault.” “I shouldn’t treat you like I did...” “It’s okay. I’m happy that you don’t hate me that much, finally.” He pecked your hand, “It’s quite the opposite of how I feel.” “Really?” You smirked. “I think I like you.” “Like me? Only?” You asked, outraged. “Okay... I might love you a littleeeeee bit,” he confessed. “Interesting.” You smiled. “And you?” You yawned, “I’m so tired. I should go sleep.” “Wait what?! Y/N! You need to tell me! That’s unfair!” Shouted San. “I’m falling asleep...” you faked. San grunted but sat on the couch. He was impatient but he couldn’t be any happier. Yunho kind of gave his benediction and he would made sure to not ruin anything this time.
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
Gravity Can Forget
From: @the-lincyclopedia
To: @loveyoutoobits
Summary: Jack takes such good care of Eric after Eric's concussion that Eric can't help but develop feelings. Too bad Jack is straight . . . right? 
Rating: T
Tags: Concussions, Hurt/Comfort, Coming Out, Year 1 (Check Please!), Getting Together, POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, Present Tense
“Bittle. I’ve got your back.” 
The words echo around Eric’s head as his ears ring. The crowd seems to be making noise—a lot of noise, actually, enough to worsen his headache—but their roar is competing with the ringing in his ears and the ghost of Jack’s words. It’s a lot of sound to take in, and Eric shuts his eyes as if eliminating input to one sense will make it easier to handle the overwhelming input to another. He’s not sure how he wound up laying on the ice; the last thing he remembers is Jack talking to him on their way out of the huddle. 
The next thing he knows, there’s a hand on his shoulder. He can feel its weight through his pads, but it’s not shaking him; it’s just resting there. 
“Bitty,” he hears. It’s Jack’s voice. “Bits, are you conscious? Wake up for me, please.” 
“’M awake,” Eric mumbles.
“Merci à Dieu,” breathes Jack. “Can you open your eyes, bud?” 
Eric groans but opens his eyes. There are stars in his field of vision. He blinks several times, but they don’t go away. He’s dizzy. 
Two pairs of feet—wearing shoes, not skates—stomp-shuffle into view. The legs they’re attached to bend, and then Hall and Murray’s faces enter Eric’s field of vision. “Come on, Bittle,” says Hall. He slides his hands under Eric’s armpits and pulls Eric upright. “Can you skate?”
Eric considers the question. It feels like his brain is working more slowly than usual. “Maybe?”
Hall puts his arms around Eric in a sort of side-hug, and Murray adds a hand against Eric’s back, and the three of them make their slow, halting way off the ice. There seems to be . . . clapping? Eric isn’t sure what’s happening until he hears his name: Bitt-le, Bitt-le, Bitt-le. He’s surprised. He knows his name is on the back of his jersey, but he’s just a frog. Nobody really knows who is—right? 
Lardo gives him a shaky smile when he makes it to the bench. “You okay, dude?”
Eric starts to shake his head and immediately regrets it. So much nausea. “Not great,” he mumbles. 
She reaches out a hand as if to clap him on the shoulder and then seems to think better of it. “You did great. Proud of you.” 
“Thanks,” Eric mumbles.
“Larissa, can you take him to urgent care?” Hall asks. Murray’s hand is no longer on Eric’s back, and Murray himself isn’t in Eric’s field of vision. When did he leave? “I’ll come as soon as the game is over—you’ll probably still be in the waiting room. He’s conscious, so it’s probably fine for him not to go to the emergency room, but we should get him checked out tonight. Someone will need to stay with him all night if he has a concussion, but we can figure that out later.” 
“All right,” says Lardo. She stands and maneuvers Eric’s arm over her shoulder. “Let’s go, Bitty.” 
Lardo helps Eric to the locker room and oversees him taking off his skates and pads. She grabs his bag out of his cubby and makes sure his wallet is there, with his insurance card in it, before they leave the arena. Eric gets the most carsick he’s been in ages on the drive to the hospital, but he manages to avoid actually throwing up until they’re in the parking lot. Lardo, to her credit, just rubs Eric’s back as he hurls and then helps him walk around the puddle and into the building. 
After Lardo helps Eric check in, the two of them sit down and Lardo takes out her phone. “Well, we won,” she says. 
“Huh?” Eric asks. 
“Samwell won the game. It’s over already. Jack says he and Hall are going to head to the hospital soon.” 
“Oh. Good,” says Eric. He’s vaguely aware that ordinarily he’d be tweeting right now, but the prospect just seems overwhelming, so he stares at the wall instead. 
He’s not sure how long it’s been when Hall and Jack show up. Hall takes a seat on Lardo’s other side and begins asking her quiet questions, but Jack crouches down in front of Eric and says, “Bits, I’m so sorry.”
Eric isn’t sure what Jack’s apologizing for. The only word he manages to form is, “What?”
“The play was dangerous. All I was thinking about was winning, and I put you at risk for that.” 
“Jack, we play hockey.” 
“Yeah, but that guy boarded Holster. You were so brave, but I shouldn’t’ve—”
“Eric Bittle?” a nurse calls. 
Eric stands and then lurches forward. Jack catches him and throws one of Eric’s arms over his shoulder, which doesn’t work very well given the height difference, and then Eric, Jack, Lardo, and Hall make their way back to a doctor’s office, with Jack half-carrying Eric. 
The doctor asks Eric a number of questions, about both his symptoms and the world at large—he’s dizzy and nauseous, but at least he knows Obama’s the president—and then tests to see whether Eric has double vision (he does) and can walk on his own (kind of). In the end, Eric gets diagnosed with a mild concussion, which makes him wonder what sort of symptoms are required for a serious one. The doctor says he should ask for extensions on all his assignments and do less schoolwork for the next few weeks at least, as well as avoiding exercise and screen time. The doctor also says that someone needs to wake him up every hour that night to make sure he’s still conscious and lucid. 
Hall asks if Eric thinks his roommate would be willing to wake him up all night, but, before Eric can even wrap his head around the question, Jack says, “Don’t worry about that. I’ll do it.” 
“What?” Eric asks. 
“You can stay at the Haus tonight. You can take my bed and I’ll take the floor. I’ll wake you up every hour.” 
“But why?” Eric feels so confused. 
Jack looks pained. “Because it’s my fault you’re hurt. Let me take care of you, all right?”
Eric feels like he should argue, but he also feels like he might throw up, so he decides to just say, “Okay.” Hall and Lardo are looking between him and Jack, and Eric can’t read their expressions, but he’s too tired to care. 
Jack supports/carries Eric out of the hospital and back to Lardo’s car, and then the three of them drive back to the Haus. Eric winds up borrowing one of Jack’s T-shirts and some of Lardo’s sweatpants to sleep in (Lardo makes a “never thought you’d get in my pants” joke that Eric ignores), and he wipes his top half down with a washcloth rather than showering, since he’s still pretty unsteady on his feet. He brushes his teeth by putting some of Jack’s toothpaste on his finger, and he doesn’t bother washing his face or even looking for floss. He’s exhausted and he feels awful. All he wants is to faceplant on Jack’s bed. 
Still, he’s a Southern gentlemen. He has to ask. “You sure it’s all right if I take your bed? I feel bad about kicking you out.” 
“Bits. You literally have a traumatic brain injury because I made a bad decision. You have every right to take my bed. Just try not to hate me when I wake you up all the time, all right? I want to let you sleep, but your safety matters more.” 
“Of course, Jack,” says Eric, and then he crawls gingerly into the bed, because he has a feeling faceplanting would worsen his headache. 
(He kind of hates Jack when Jack wakes him up every hour all night, but he manages not to say anything about it, though that has more to do with talking being difficult than with Eric being tactful.)
Luckily, the next day is a Sunday, so Eric doesn’t have any obligations. He stays in Jack’s bed all day—he’s allowed real naps, without the hourly wakeup, after eight a.m.—and Jack brings him food periodically and keeps the blinds shut. When it’s dinner time, Jack orders them both takeout and they both sit cross-legged on Jack’s bed to eat it. 
“Do you want me to email your professors and tell them you won’t be in class for a few days?” Jack asks. 
Eric groans. “I’m already kind of behind in my classes.” 
There’s a pause when Eric suspects Jack might be restraining himself from saying something unkind. Then Jack says, “Do you think you can handle class tomorrow?”
Eric finishes chewing his bite and says, “Ugh. No.” 
“Okay then,” says Jack. “I’ll email your professors. I can get your schedule from Lardo.” 
“Thanks,” says Eric. 
They don’t talk much for the rest of the meal. After Jack cleans up their trash, he offers to walk Eric back to his dorm, and Eric agrees. Eric is steadier on his feet now, which is good, but Jack keeps an arm around him anyway. Eric tries to ignore the warmth that spreads through him from the points of contact. Jack is straight, and he’s just doing this out of a sense of duty and guilt. 
The next few weeks are hard. Eric spends three more days in bed before venturing to class, and then he finds his focus is worse than ever, which is saying something—his ability to pay attention has always been so bad that he hadn’t realized it was possible for it to get worse. Reading is also hard, and screens give him terrible headaches so quickly that he can’t deal with his email or typing up his papers at all. He spends his whole printing budget (and then Ransom and Holster’s printing budgets, once his runs out) printing out the scanned readings that his professors have put up on their class websites. He starts writing papers by hand and Shitty types them up, since Shitty turns out to be the only one on the team who can read Eric’s handwriting. His professors are being okay about giving him extensions, and the team is being wonderfully supportive, but he still feels like he’s limping to the finish line of this semester, and his grades are not going to be what he’d hoped. 
On top of all of Eric’s academic and concussion-related problems, the team loses their next game, knocking them out of the playoffs. After the loss—which Eric half-watches on the Haus TV, because there’s no way he’d be able to handle the noise level in the arena—Shitty texts the group chat comprising the team minus Jack (the group chat normally reserved for inappropriate jokes and planning kegsters) and tells everyone sternly that they are to leave Jack alone until Jack comes to them, and that he, Shitty, will be checking on Jack and there’s no need to double up because that’ll only make Jack annoyed. 
Which is why Eric is so surprised that Jack keeps checking on him daily after the loss. It was also a surprise right after Eric got concussed, because the team was training feverishly for the next round of the playoffs, but it’s even more of a surprise the day after the team gets knocked out of the playoffs, because Eric has seen how hard Jack takes regular-season losses, and this was the last game of the season. 
But, in spite of Eric’s expectations, Jack keeps sending How are you texts, keeps dropping by Eric’s dorm with food or medicine, keeps inviting Eric to the Haus. Eric’s stomach flips a little every time it happens, and eventually he can’t put it down to concussion-induced nausea anymore. It’s so inconvenient that he has a crush on Jack, his straight, hockey-robot captain, but that’s undoubtedly what’s happening. 
The poll for the hockey awards and for next year’s captain hits Eric’s email a couple weeks after the concussion, and Eric forces himself to deal with the screen time in order to vote. He reads the descriptions of the awards—the Carlisle Award mentions “enthusiasm,” which SMH is basically drowning in, but ultimately Eric votes for Shitty—and of course he votes for Jack for captain. The team comes first and last for Jack, and Eric is positive that, without Jack’s help with checking, he wouldn’t still be on the team—he probably wouldn’t even still be at Samwell. And that’s not even mentioning Jack taking care of him these past two weeks. 
The banquet is a week later. Eric is shocked when he receives the Carlisle Award but not at all surprised when Jack is unanimously voted captain. Jack seems surprised, though. After the banquet, he catches Eric on the way out and says, “Hey, Bits, can I talk to you about something?”
Eric keeps glancing at Jack while the rest of the team files out of the clubhouse, but Jack doesn’t say anything more to him while the other guys leave. At last, everyone else is gone, and Jack says, “Would you mind walking with me?”
“Sure,” says Eric. He’s got a baseball cap with him that doesn’t work at all with his suit, but direct sunlight still hurts enough that Eric’s willing to let his style drop a bit. He puts the cap on as the two of them step outside. 
“I, um, I wanted to thank you for voting for me,” says Jack. “I know I haven’t always treated you well—I haven’t treated you the way a captain should—and just when you started trusting me I let you down. I can’t tell you how sorry I am, for both of those things, and I feel like I don’t deserve your vote, but I’m, uh, really grateful that you voted for me anyway.” 
Eric puts a hand on Jack’s arm. “Of course I voted for you, Jack,” says Eric. “You’re a great player, but you’re also a great friend. I probably wouldn’t have been able to stay on the team without your help with checking, and you’ve been so good to me these past few weeks as I’ve been dealing with the concussion.” 
“You skipped some details,” says Jack, “but, if that’s how you want to remember it, that’s okay with me.” 
They haven’t walked very far yet, and Eric’s wondering if all the fanfare was for this. “Is that what you wanted to say to me? That you’re glad I voted for you?”
Jack runs a hand through his hair. “No. I mean, kind of, I guess? I definitely wanted to say it. But there’s another thing I wanted to say too. Well, two other things.” He clears his throat. “So, um, first of all, I’m bisexual.” 
Eric squeaks in surprise. “You—really? Oh wow, Jack! That’s great! I mean, not that you wouldn’t be great if you were straight. Just—thank you for telling me!” 
Jack chuckles a little. “You’re welcome. Um. Now the hard part. And I know there’s like a 99% chance that the answer’s going to be no, and I want you to feel free to say that. Like, this is me speaking as your friend, not your captain. Everything’s going to be fine if you say no, with the team and with me personally. Shitty knows I’m doing this, and he’s going to check in with me in like an hour, and he’s really good at cheering me up. So just say whatever you want to say.” 
Eric doesn’t know what this is about. He knows what he’d like it to be about, but that would be delusional, right? “Jack. What is it?” 
“I, um, I wanted to ask you out? And I know it’s rotten timing because the school year is almost over and we’re going to be in separate places over the summer, and, again, you can absolutely say no and everything will be fine, but Shitty gave me a pep talk and told me to go for it, and—”
Eric, who’s been feeling like a balloon has been expanding inside of him, suddenly deflates. “Shitty put you up to this?”
Jack stops walking. “What? No, Bits, no no no! I’m asking because I want to ask. I just wouldn’t have had the courage to do it if Shitty hadn’t talked to me about it.” 
“Oh,” says Eric. 
“You can say no, Bits—it really will be fine—”
“You silly boy,” says Eric gently. “Of course I’m saying yes.” 
“What—you—really?” Jack gabs. 
“Yeah,” says Eric. “Really.” 
“Do you want to go back to the Haus?” Jack asks. “My room locks—I mean, not that we have to do anything—but we could get a bit of privacy if you want it. Or just hang out with the guys. Whatever you want.” 
“Jack,” says Bitty. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for weeks. A room that locks sounds great.” 
Eric has never seen a smile this big on Jack’s face.
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hollywoodx4 · 6 years
Thirty (Eliza)
Friends, let me tell you something. I love Eliza Schuyler so freaking much. I love her as a historical figure, I love her as a character in a musical, I love the women that portray her in said musical, and the lovely humans who continue to share her story. This being said, of course the thing that would bring me back to this writing world for a minute would be Eliza Schuyler’s birthday. This little dedication ficlet is set within the SWTS universe (which, yes, finally I’m working on again) and is set in the future. And because you all know how deeply I love Eliza, you know that she’s going to get the future she deserves. Also, I’m going to see Hamilton next week and I’m living.
So here’s a little piece for you guys, and for the birthday of a Leo queen!
Brightness consumes her; the way it gently sweeps between rows of black curtain, just barely brushing the tip of her arm. She can feel the heat of the lights before they are on her, a wild anticipation that still sets her heart aflutter with a gentle sort of nerve. There is light in the way a grouping of human beings can laugh all at once, some raucous while others are clearly giving her PR manager an ego boost, and an excuse to continue to use her off-beat sort of humor. Eliza smiles still, shifts on the balls of her feet with the slight discomfort of a swollen stomach. She pats it, then, looks down at the rounded shape in adoration as her heart reaches out to her toddling son, who is undoubtedly causing mischief in the back of the convention room. There is applause then-even the applause carries warmth-and Emily finds her way backstage.
               “They’re all warmed up for you-I know you hate the jokes but I have to do them.”
               “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Eliza’s breathing is even, readying. Emily pats her shoulder and steps back, letting Alexander take her place.
               “You’re going to kill it,” both of his hands find her shoulders, pulling her in for as close of an embrace as their second child will allow. “You are incredible-I’m amazed by you every single day. You have helped so many people already, you’re going to help so many more. I’m so proud of you.”
               There is so much light, so much happiness in her heart that it swells in her chest, giving room for the good fortune her life has brought her. One more breath; a moment to collect herself, and a kiss on her husband’s lips, and she’s listening to the soft clicking of her shiny orthopedic flats on the floor of the stage. The lights are no longer the brightest thing in the room; not the thunderous applause, or even the induced giggle of her son’s wobbling steps backstage. Eliza illuminates the space that she is in, consumes its beings with happiness and hope; she denies it when Alexander tells her over and over, rolls her eyes in good nature and commends everybody involved in making these wonderful things happen. But it is Eliza sitting on a sleek cushioned chair, Eliza without notecards or papers or props. It’s Eliza, completely freed, that brings forth the brilliance of the room.
               She clears her throat and the room grows silent, hinged on anticipation, glowing with admiration. She lets her eyes adjust to it all, scans the room as part of a self-made rule. There are women her age, a few who seem slightly older scattered between them. There are some men, even, who seem to sit up further in their chairs, even more eager to receive a new page of knowledge. It is the younger girls, some just barely teenagers, that she sets her mind to remember. They’re more nervous, playing with their hands in their laps, whispering to their mothers or aunts or grandmothers or friends. They’re the ones she trains her gaze to, remembering.
               “So I turned thirty yesterday-it’s crazy, really. It’s strange to feel so young and so old at the same time. I have a husband and a son, and another one on the way. I have a house, I’m finally done school…there’s so  much I’ve done so far that I keep thinking back on because thirty feels so old but really, I’m still young. But for my own life, for feeling lucky to even be where I am right now, I feel like I’ve surpassed anything I thought I could have been. I’ve been thinking a lot lately, since I’ve been doing these talks. It hasn’t been long, and I’m still adjusting-luckily, my husband’s sleep schedule is maybe an hour a night, usually in his office chair, so at least I have some company.“ She gets a laugh at this, and a smirk from Alexander, whose eyes are wide and shining and trained only on her from the sidelines of it all.
               “I think there’s a critical age-I think that as women, we all go through it; some great, big, terrible Mount Everest of an ‘it’ that can mean a variety of things. Some of you are nodding, you get it you’ve been there. You’ve been through ‘it.’ I think there’s an age where we start to forget who we are. We give ourselves up to these ideals that have been engrained into our minds by the media, our peers, our families, of who we’re supposed to be and how we’re supposed to behave. As human beings, we’re constantly telling each other what we can and cannot do, who we are…you are the only person who knows yourself wholly and completely. That’s something I didn’t learn until recently; until I met my husband, who has never owned me or acted like he’s an expert on who I am and what I’m going through. My great, big, terrible it was a tough one; it changed me, knocked me down so hard that I had to rebuild myself from these fragmented memories of who I was and who the man that abused me thought I was. I had this paint-by-numbers picture of myself with all of these mismatched pieces; something I thought I had liked became something I never wanted to see again. And for a while, I was silent. I stayed silent so long that my voice became unrecognizable-half the time I didn’t know what I was saying. When I left the man that abused me, I didn’t want to have a voice. I thought that if I shut it out long enough that it would all just go away-if I didn’t vocalize my pain, or tell the entire truth, that it didn’t actually happen.
               Something shifts in you when you’ve been told what to think and how to behave for a prolonged amount of time. I didn’t know how to be; his words felt true, that I had to be with him in order to feel whole. I recognized his behaviors as bad ones, but his words still filled my mind even when I tried to shut them out. His voice-his words-became my own. I treated myself the way that he treated me, and what a crappy thing to do! What I didn’t realize is the love that I had for myself and the things I could do. I’d forgotten all of the little things I’d locked away for him when I shrunk to fit his mold. I forgot how much I like to paint, how freeing it is to make plans five minutes before they happen. I forgot what it feels like to laugh openly and freely, to sing and have somebody sing along with me. I forgot how much I love waking up in the morning-honestly, ask my husband, I’m actually one of those people who wakes up chatting and making smiley face pancakes.
               There is so much hope in my life now; that’s why I’m here. Today, I’m here as a survivor. I’m here as a woman, a teacher, a mother, sister…I’m here as a friend. And you’re here for the same reason I am…because we’ve been through it, or are going through it. I’m here to tell you my own story, to answer questions and to give advice. But most importantly, I’m here to share your struggle in hopes that we can work through this fundamental societal problem together. We can be the change we’re so hoping to see. We can help others who have been through it, or are going through it. We can all be advocates, friends…we can do this.”
               There is light in new situations becoming familiar; her innate skill of talking to people and ‘working a room’ translating into speaking in front of them, telling them about the years of her life she’d worked so hard to recover from. Her soul is filled with love within  those crowds of people, old and young, human beings of all kinds holding a book with her name on it she never dreamed would come into existence, vowing to run steadfast into a hurdle that had taken her so far back, only to hurl her forward years later. And when it’s over, when the lights go out and the audience has become new friends, when all have left and gone home with newfound confidence, there is beauty in the way Alexander holds their firstborn child. They tuck Phillip into bed together, singing and caressing and showering him with the love that had been in her dreams when her life had been tumbling apart. And as Alexander lays beside her, rests his hand on her stomach with tear-filled eyes; when he tells her I’m proud of you one last time before he falls asleep, she knows that she’s done something right.
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bigbangenthusiast · 7 years
Amy’s birthday is approaching, and I wanted to do a little something to celebrate. This ended up being a little silly. I hope you enjoy.
Amy lay awake staring at the ceiling on the eve of her birthday. She was too excited to sleep, thinking of her annual gift. She twisted her head to the left and peered at her fiancé in their nearly-dark bedroom. He lay on his side facing away from her, so she watched the rest of his body for signs of alertness.
Squinting at him without her glasses on didn’t work, so she gently placed her hand on his ribcage. It rose and fell slowly and steadily. She would probably have to wait until morning. Luckily, her birthday fell on Sunday this year, so they could take all the time they needed making love. What time was it anyway? She carefully rolled over and pawed at her nightstand. Where was her phone?
She peered over her shoulder to be sure she hadn’t woken Sheldon. She was both relieved and disappointed that he still appeared fast asleep. Sighing, she methodically combed the nightstand surface with her fingers. They made contact with her glasses, lotion bottle, Kleenex box, lamp, and the MRI of Sheldon’s brain, one of her most prized possessions. Everything was there except her phone. Had she left it on the coffee table? No matter. It wasn’t that important anyway. She lay back against her pillow and closed her eyes.
Amy awoke to the sound of her name. She blinked and saw Sheldon hovering over her. “What time is it?” She croaked.
“Just after midnight. Happy Birthday,” he murmured in a low, sexy voice.
She sat up against the headband and rubbed her eyes. “Really? It feels more like 3 a.m.”
He consulted his watch then showed it to her. “No, it’s 12:03, and I know it’s right because my watch is…”
“…linked to the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado. It’s accurate to one tenth of a second,” she finished for him. “I know. I don’t doubt you. It’s just that it felt like a long time for me to fall asleep. It’s hard to believe it’s only two hours since bedtime.”
“Now that we’re both awake, shall we begin with your birthday festivities?”
“Yes! I’m always eager for your gifts.”
He reached under the bed and extracted a gift bag with ‘Happy Birthday’ emblazoned on it in multicolors, surrounded by balloons. He watched as she pulled the red tissue paper from the bag and set it on her nightstand. Amy dug her hand to the bottom of the bag and removed the contents.
She stared at the object and frowned. “My phone? I don’t understand.”
“I added some reminders to your calendar. Open it to January 17.”
She obliged, furrowing her brow. “8 p.m. S+A. What does that mean?”
“S+A stands for Sheldon and Amy,” he explained.
“I kind of figured that, but what exactly happens on January 17?”
He gently peeled her fingers off her phone and set it aside. Taking her hands in his, he gazed into her eyes. “Amy, my gift to you is more frequent sex. Once a year isn’t nearly enough, so I scheduled sessions on the 17th of every month at 8 p.m.”
“Oh, Sheldon!” She threw her arms around him and squeezed.
“And that’s not all. I also scheduled Valentines Day, my birthday, and our anniversary. Plus, I would be open to occasionally sneaking in some extra sessions.”
She kissed him hard. “Thank you!”
“I’m so glad you like it. Now prepare yourself for our first session.” He flipped her onto her back, hovering over her in his red plaid pajamas.
One month later, Amy and Sheldon sat on their neighbors’ couch, consulting their watches.
“That’s like the tenth time you’ve checked your watches. Are we boring you?” Leonard asked.
“No, I’m sorry. It’s just that we need to…” Amy caught her fiancé’s stern look, “leave in a few minutes,” Amy finished lamely.
Penny eyed her friends curiously. “What’s so important on a Wednesday night?”
“That is none of your business,” Sheldon huffed. “Come along, Amy. It’s almost time anyway.”
“Sorry,” Amy called over her shoulder as Sheldon led her out the across the hall.
Penny shut the door behind them. “What was that about?”
Leonard shrugged. “Better not question it. You know how weird Sheldon is. Let’s forget about them and enjoy the quiet.”
Penny sat down and patted the spot next to her on the couch. “I know how we can enjoy the rest of our evening.” She winked at her husband.
Leonard took the proferred seat. He brushed back a lock of his wife’s hair then froze. “What was that?” They cocked their ears toward the door.
Penny wrinkled her nose. “It sounds like an animal in distress.” She stepped into the hall and frowned. “I think it’s coming from Sheldon and Amy’s apartment. I hope they’re not doing some weird experiments with animals. That could explain their odd behavior.” She creeped up to the door and rested her ear on it.
“Penny, that’s eavesdropping. We need to give them their privacy. They could just be watching Animal Planet.”
“Shh… I hear another sound, but it’s too faint to make out.”
Leonard sighed and joined her. He pressed his ear to the door and concentrated. “That’s just Amy giggling. Can we go now?”
“That doesn’t explain the other sounds. I’m going in.”
“We can’t just go in there,” Leonard reasoned, but it was too late. Penny was already pounding on the door.
“Who is it?” Amy’s muffled voice inquired.
“It’s me and Leonard. Can we come in?”
“That’s not a good idea. We’ll see you tomorrow,” the neuroscientist replied.
“What are you doing? We heard some strange sounds. Is everything okay?”
“We’re fine!” Sheldon shouted. “Go away.”
Before Leonard could stop his wife, she ran to their apartment, retrieved the key to 4B, inserted it in the lock, and turned. “Penny!” he hissed, as she quietly entered the apartment.
She surveyed the living room and kitchen. Nothing out of the ordinary. Her eyes traveled to the closed bedroom door. Moans emanated from the room punctuated by Sheldon muttering 'vixen’. “Oh, God,” she groaned softly. She quietly slipped out the door then ran to her apartment and slammed the door.
“Penny, what happened? Were they actually experimenting on animals?”
She shook her head in the negative. “They were having sex. Oh, God. I’m a terrible friend.”
He joined her on the couch. “You’re not terrible, just concerned.”
“How could I think my best friend was doing unspeakable things to a living being?” She wailed.
“Well, she kind of is.”
She glared at him. “Not funny, Leonard.”
“Let’s forget about them. Why don’t we watch one of your reality shows to take your mind off it?”
Penny relaxed as they sat back and watched The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Leonard had been extra sweet, preparing snacks and wine. He pulled a blanket over their laps, and she rested her head on his shoulder. The on-screen action was the perfect distraction, and soon the incident was all but forgotten.
“This is really nice. We should do this more often…”
They jumped as a blood curdling scream pierced the relative quiet.
“Amy! Someone broke in! Oh, dear Lord!” Sheldon shrieked.
“Uh oh,” Penny murmured. “I didn’t shut their door.” She crept over to the door and peered out the peephole. The door was flung open, and Sheldon stood by the couch in his bathrobe scanning the room.
“My laptop and Xbox are still here,” he sighed in relief.
“My laptop is here too. Perhaps it wasn’t robbers. It’s possible in our rush to get home, we didn’t close the door properly.”
“I know we did. I heard the click when you turned the deadbolt.”
“I’ll check for signs of a break-in.” Amy tied her robe tighter and stepped into the hall. Her eyes we’re drawn to a key in the lock. She poked her head in the door and noted their keys in the bowl, as they should be. She plucked the key from the lock and closed the door behind her, dangling it in front of her fiancé.
“What’s that?”
“Our spare key.”
“Leonard and Penny!” He grumbled. “Wait, that means they came in after we told them to leave. They heard us! Oh, dear Lord! This is unacceptable! I’m going over there to confront them.”
Amy grabbed his wrist. “Sheldon, wait! It’s late. Let’s confront them in the morning.”
“No. They violated our privacy, so I don’t care how late it is.” He marched across the hall, performing his triple knock much louder than normal and waited.
“Sheldon, they’re probably sleeping. Let’s go to bed and worry about this in the morning,” she begged.
He ignored her request. “Hand me the spare key. I’m going in.”
“Sheldon, two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“Hand me the key, please.”
She sighed and placed the key in his palm. Penny slid the chain lock in place and backed away from the door. The deadbolt clicked. Sheldon pushed the door open but was met with the resistance of the chain.
“What the hell, Sheldon!” Penny yelled.
“You invaded our home, so I planned to do the same to yours.”
Amy joined her fiancé, peeking through the small opening. “I apologize for Sheldon’s behavior, but to be fair, he was only doing it because you entered our home uninvited. All I want to know is why.”
Penny unlocked the door and faced her neighbors. “I’m sorry, Ames. We heard some strange sounds coming from your apartment and were concerned, especially since you left our place so mysteriously.”
Sheldon and Amy exchanged an embarrassed look. Amy twisted her engagement ring around her finger. “You’ve probably already figured out what we were doing.”
Leonard reddened. “It’s Penny’s fault.”
“Hey!” She glared at her husband. “Thanks for throwing me under the bus.”
“It doesn’t matter who’s to blame. Can we just forget this happened? It was an honest mistake. Sheldon and I will try to keep the noise level down next time.”
“For future reference, please do not disturb us after 8 p.m. on the 17th of each month, Valentine’s Day…”
Leonard cleared his throat. “How about if we just agree not to use our spare keys unless there’s an actual emergency or if we’re apartment sitting.”
“Deal!” The girls agreed.
Amy gave Sheldon a look. “Deal,” he grumbled.
The friends shook on it then returned to their respective homes.
“Who knew my gift to you would cause such a ruckus,” Sheldon muttered, as they disrobed and slipped under the covers.
“At least they can’t tease us about our sex life anymore.”
“You know, the schedule doesn’t specify how many times we can engage in love making per date. It’s still January 17th.”
“I like how you think, Dr. Cooper,” she purred. “Do you think you can keep the noise to a minimum?”
“I downloaded an app that can alert you if the decibel level gets above what you set it to. I’ve used it in my office to prove my point to President Siebert when he didn’t believe how loud the geology lab gets when they run their confounded sieve shakers. Perhaps we can use it to experiment here.”
“You’re sexy when you talk science,” she growled. “Perhaps we’ll need to increase the frequency of our sessions until we get the desired effect.”
He set up the app then scooted closer to her. “I agree. We’ll need sufficient data.”
She kissed him hard, their lips making a loud pop when they separated. Sheldon’s phone beeped, and they both dissolved into a fit of giggles. “I think we can agree that we need to increase the decibel level it can handle.”
“Agreed.” He increased the setting then turned to her. “You know, for this experiment to work properly, we’ll need to test the highest decibel level we can get away with before Leonard and Penny can hear us. I suggest starting on the high end.”
“What? It’s only logical.”
“But we promised…”
“We said we’d keep the noise level down. We didn’t specify how much.”
Before she could respond, he flipped her onto her back, covering her naked body with kisses.
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A Favor Between Friends
For Gobblepot Summer 2017. This was so much fun to write! Tropes...tropes everywhere...you are warned ;-) A/N: Prompt from Bingo Card: Lawn Mower   Time passed in Gotham quickly, with the city that never seemed to sleep. Jim always thought that was Las Vegas, but he was pretty sure it was worse here. Six months had passed since everything with the Tetch virus. Jim and Harvey were working cases again as usual again, but Jim had become more and more distant. Harvey knew Jim carried his guilt like armor, and tried to alleviate it some whenever he could. “You done for the day, partner?” Harvey asked, as Jim gathered his stuff to leave. “Yeah. Shift actually ended an hour ago, but I lost track of time. Nygma has us running in circles,” Jim muttered. “See you tomorrow,” “Yeah,” Harvey said, with a sigh as he watched Jim leave with his shoulders slumped down. “See ya,” He didn’t know what else he could do but to let Jim be. He trudged back to his own office in a huff, snapping at anyone who even looked in his direction to get back to work.   Jim wandered around for a little while, not really wanting to go home to his apartment alone. Again. He had pulled the self-pitying, self-deprecating act for a while now, not being able to help it. He kept thinking over and over…he was a monster; No matter whether he was dosed with the virus or not. All under the umbrella of doing the right thing. He shook his head while he walked. Who the hell knows what the right thing is anymore? He thought. Somehow, Jim lost track of exactly where he was walking and ended up somewhere he never thought he would in a million years. The Iceberg Lounge. Its sign was a bright blue, and flashing right in front of his face. Loud, pulsing music could be heard even from outside, and there was a line halfway around the block, as per usual since it had opened a month ago. Oswald must be doing pretty well for himself, Jim thought. He and Oswald had come to a truce after Jim had killed Fish. Oswald had realized Jim had taken the virus, and even felt sorry for calling him a monster. It didn’t excuse it, as Oswald had said, but it had given reason for the man to not kill Jim on sight. Jim hadn’t ever thought about stepping foot inside the lounge, but…what the hell? Jim thought. What’s one more bad decision? He waited in line with the other patrons, and was let inside about a half hour later. Luckily, Jim was let inside before he could talk himself out of it, and immediately went to the bar to order a drink. There was a rock band performing a series of covers that night; Jim sat at the bar nursing his whiskey and tapping his foot to the music on the stool. The Iceberg wasn’t his scene, but Jim felt oddly comfortable there. No one here knew who he was, or if they did, they didn’t give a flying rat’s ass. That made Jim feel like he could finally breathe after a long day at the precinct where everybody talked in hushed tones behind his back, or looked at him with pity. “Jim! Long time no see,” a voice came up behind him, and Jim felt a hand on his shoulder. Oh, Christ. Jim thought. “Zsasz,” Jim muttered, and immediately flagged down the bartender. He knew he was going to need another drink. “Didn’t think you’d have the guts to come in here,” Victor grinned his maniacal grin at him, which made Jim clench his jaw. “Just wanted a drink,” Jim waved his glass a little when the bartender brought it over to him. “Boss will be sad by you not requesting to see him. He’s lonely. I can tell,” Victor sighed a put upon sigh, that Jim knew had to be sarcastic. “Ever since he thawed out lover boy, he never leaves his office. Never lets me have fun so I can catch the green wearing menace, either,” “I don’t want to know,” Jim said, in a gruff tone. “I am still a Detective, Zsasz,” Jim couldn’t help but feel the stab of something resembling jealousy when Zsasz called Nygma ‘lover boy’. He didn’t want to think too hard on that. “Yeah, but what’s a secret between friends?” Zsasz winked, and walked away and Jim shook his head. He tossed back the remaining of his drink, wondering what the hell just happened. -0- A few minutes, or it could have been a long while later, Jim was getting ready to leave when he saw him. Oswald was coming over to him, with a bitter look on his face. That’s never good, Jim thought. “Hello, old friend,” Oswald greeted, with a tight smile. “Enjoying yourself I hope?” “The band is great.” Jim had nothing else to say, and he was mentally kicking himself. How did Oswald Cobblepot make him so nervous? “Thank you. I auditioned them myself,” Oswald said proudly, sparing them a glance. “So, uh…I talked to Zsasz,” Oswald raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Oh?” “Just to say hi, apparently.” Jim responded. “He is strange, but he’s the best I’ve got. He wasn’t bothering you, I take it?” Oswald asked, shifting his cane to the other hand. “No, no. Just said you weren’t going to leave the office if I was waiting for you. Which I wasn’t. I know you’re busy and—“Jim cut himself off with a sigh. “I just ended up here, I swear. I had no intention to cause trouble.” “I know. I—I usually don’t, but I figured I would make the rounds at least once tonight since it is busy. Did you—need something?” Oswald was curious as to why Jim ‘ended up here’, as he put it. “No. Just got off from work, actually.” “Oh, alright. Well, have a pleasant evening, Jim.” Oswald nodded to him, and walked away. Jim hated how their relationship now had become so distant, but he guessed it had always been like that. When Harvey had found out about the exact reason why Oswald went ‘missing’, and told Jim the whole story…he couldn’t believe it. How Ed’s girlfriend who looked exactly like Kristen Kringle was a product of Indian Hill; how Oswald had fallen for Ed hook, line and sinker and had this woman killed before she could hurt Ed…it was all such a mess, and since Ed believed a completely different story, he had shot Oswald to let him bleed to death. It seemed that Oswald still had feelings for Nygma, however; Due to the fact that Ed was still alive and breathing, Jim thought. He watched Oswald head toward the other side of the bar, and shake hands with a few different people, all whom he probably despised, but played the dutiful host anyway. Before Jim could talk himself out of it, he flipped open his phone and sent a text. Are you busy tomorrow? –J He didn’t expect a reply for a few hours at least, as he left the bar and caught a cab home. As Jim readied himself for bed, he heard his phone buzz on the nightstand from a call coming through. It was Oswald. “Hello?” “What the hell did that mean? If you want information on Ed, I don’t have it. We aren’t really on the best of terms right now, if you catch my drift,” Oswald said on the other line. Jim immediately felt terrible. Oswald thought the only reason Jim asked that was for information. When in reality, he wanted to have lunch. “No, I know you two aren’t. Even if you were, between us, I would never ask that of you. You have been through enough with Ed, and quite frankly, I’ve put you through enough too.” Jim admitted, lying down on the bed. “Well there’s a sentence I never thought I would ever hear from you,” Oswald on his end was relaxing as well, or was trying to, from the comfort of his office. The club was closed, and the cleaning crew was just finishing up when he decided to check his phone. Oswald was furious that Jim had sent him that message at first, but in the end his curiosity gave way. “It can cover a whole myriad of things,” “I know.” Jim muttered,” Oswald began to say something when a knock came on his door. He rolled his eyes. “Can I call you back? One of my crack staff has had the thought to interrupt me while I’m working,” Jim chuckled at that. “Sure,” “I’ll just be a moment,” Oswald said, and hung up the phone. “Come in,” “Boss? I just got the call, and the guy who is scheduled to come to do the yard work tomorrow at the mansion is out sick.” The man informed him, a look of terror in his eyes. “Oh, for God’s sake…Well, it needs done, so I’ll find someone else in the morning. Why he waited until after one in the morning to call is beyond me,” Oswald said, in annoyance. “Thank you for informing me,” “No problem, boss,” And the man left without another word. Oswald sat back in his chair and thought about his problem at hand. His grass needed cut, and a bunch of other things around the yard needed done. He couldn’t exactly do it himself, because of his leg. Ivy had enough to do with her greenhouse alone, so he didn’t want to ask her. His father had kept the grounds immaculate, and Oswald did the same as one of the ways he paid homage to his memory. This couldn’t slide…he thought with a huff. Then, an idea struck him. “Oswald?” Jim answered, when his phone rang again. “Jim, yes. I was wondering…why you asked me if I was busy tomorrow,” Oswald asked, tapping his pen on the pad of notes he had in front of him. “I wanted to see if we could have lunch, or something. Just…friends catching up, I guess. Didn’t know if you’d go for it, considering…” Jim admitted. “You see, I am in quite a pickle tomorrow,” Oswald began. “A pickle?” Jim didn’t like where this was going, and debated on hanging up right that second. “Well, I employ all types of people. Chefs, maids, cleaning crew for the club, waitresses, etc. Now, I also employ yard maintenance over the summer months,” Oswald continued, and at Jim’s silence, he carried on. “The issue is, my employee has called out sick. The one who usually takes care of all of that, and I cannot seem to find another. I keep the place up to honor my father’s memory,” “You—you want me to do the work?” Jim asked, in disbelief. “If it’s not too much trouble. I would pay you, of course.” Oswald assured him. Jim debated back and forth for a few moments, but ultimately decided…what the hell? He had the day off tomorrow, so why not? “Sure. Then, maybe we could have lunch after?” “Of course, I would love to,” “So, what time should I be there?” Jim was already starting to regret his decision, considering how hot it had been lately. “Earlier the better, since it does get quite warm these days,” Oswald seemed to read his mind, and it made Jim chuckle. “I was just thinking that, and began to question my decision to help you,” “Doesn’t that always happen?” Oswald joked. He decided to end the call before Jim could back out. “See you in the morning, Jim,” “Yeah. See ya,” Jim said, and heard the other line go dead. Jim laughed once as he set his phone back on the nightstand and clicked the light off. He had to laugh because what even was his life anymore where he was going to Oswald’s mansion in the morning to mow his grass? He fell asleep with a smile on his lips for the first time in ages.   -0-   Jim had set his alarm for 6 am, so he could take advantage of the weather taking a break from the stifling heat. When driving up to the Van Dahl estate, Jim debated several times whether this was a bad idea, and to turn around to head back. In the end, he decided that it wouldn’t be in his best interest to do that, considering the truce he and Oswald had established. The conversation last night had been the most the two had said to each other in months. When Jim finally arrived, he exited the car and was surprised to find how clean and fresh the air was out here. It was light and airy, not close and suffocating like the air in the city sometimes was that threatened to choke the life out of him if he wasn’t too careful. Jim breathed in a sigh of relief with it. “Hello, who are you?” A man came up to ask him, startling Jim. “Jim Gordon,” Jim replied gruffly. “Ah, I see. You are here for grass, yes?” “Yes?” “Carlos. That’s me. I was instructed by Mr. Cobblepot to show you around back to where equipment is, so please follow me,” Carlos motioned for Jim to follow him. Jim set his mouth into a thin line. What was he expecting, for Oswald to show him around himself? Jim shook the thought away as he followed Carlos into the backyard. Jim’s mouth dropped open in shock. It was beautiful. Jim looked around to see many fountains, trickling away causing a soothing sound to Jim’s ears, many flowerbeds bright with pink and red roses, even a vegetable garden off to the one side. “I’m not sure about these,” Jim told Carlos honestly, pointing to the flowerbeds. “Hmm?” Carlos asked, turning around from the shed. “Oh, no no. Mr. Cobblepot does these himself. Oh, and with the help of his friend Ivy. She’s a beauty, that one,” “Ivy…Ivy Pepper?” Jim asked, raising an eyebrow. “Si,” Carlos nodded. “Here is the lawn mower. It’s a riding one, of course since the grounds are so large. Weed whacker over there with the hedge trimmer, gloves over there. Only thing that needs done with that is the front hedges need cut,” “Sounds good. Since the grass is still damp, I’ll just start with the front hedges,” Jim told him. Carlos smiled. “Good, Mr. Jim. Let me know if you need anything,” “Are you O—Mr. Cobblepot’s butler or something?” “No, no. I am head of security.” Carlos said, simply. Jim widened his eyes for just a moment, but righted himself quickly. Carlos nodded to him once, and walked back inside through a back door. Jim shook his head to clear it, and went inside the shed to pick up the hedge clippers. He hadn’t held one of these since before he went in the military, but it looked pretty standard. Nothing fancy, which Jim appreciated. He put on the gloves that he had shoved in his pocket when he got around to the front yard, and slipped his sunglasses on to shield his eyes from anything that might fly in them. Happened once when he was in high school, and that was enough, Jim thought. He slipped in the headphones that Harvey had lent him a while back that was attached to the only thing he kept from when he was with Barbara, his ipod. The music immediately flooded his ears, and he relaxed a little. Now, Jim remembered why he liked working with his hands so much. He yanked hard on the starter, and it came to life immediately. He set to work on the hedges, noticing they were really out of shape. Must be with all the rain, Jim thought. He hummed to himself as he worked.   Oswald didn’t usually wake up until late morning, considering his nights were rather late nowadays. However, he set his alarm for 8 am, wanting to make sure Jim had arrived. While he got dressed for the day, he sent for Carlos to meet him at the breakfast table. “Did you give him the instructions?” Oswald asked, taking a sip of his tea. “Yes, he finished with the hedges about a half hour ago. He insisted on weeding the front bed as well, which hasn’t been seen to.” Carlos told him. “Ah, well. Jim always liked to go above and beyond,” Oswald chuckled. “Pengy! Who is messing around in the yard?” He heard Ivy screech, and Oswald shut his eyes with the noise. “Screeching, Ivy. We talked about this,” “Sorry. But, who is that? He’s not touching the flowers!” Ivy sat at the table next to Oswald, and fixed him with a stare. “No, of course not. That’s our project together,” Oswald tried soothing her. Ivy was like the little sister he never had, and never knew he wanted. Ivy was so protective of her plants. “How is your latest project going?” “Oh, so awesome! You will never believe what this can do—“Ivy went off on a tangent, which is exactly what Oswald had been going for. Ivy was brought in some breakfast as well, continuing to talk through it. Her mind never tires for a moment, Oswald thought fondly.   About an hour or so later, Oswald wandered into the sunroom, next to Ivy’s greenhouse entrance and was debating on going to offer his assistance to her when he caught the sight of Jim on the lawn outside. His mouth went dry at what he saw; Jim was shirtless. “Oh, my,” Oswald breathed out. He knew he should quit staring, but he couldn’t help it. Jim was all hard muscle, glistening with sweat as he rode around in the hot midday sun on the mower. Oswald could get used to this sight. “What are we looking at?” He heard Ivy’s voice, and felt her walk up beside him. He couldn’t even respond before she saw his line of vision. “Oh, he’s a fox,” “Watch it, young lady!” Oswald scolded. Ivy might look older, but Oswald knew better. “Hey, a girl can look. You were looking,” Ivy threw back, poking him on the shoulder. “Much better than string bean. I mean, he was cute, sure…but look at his chest...” Oswald went red in the face. “Don’t you have work to do?” “Sor-ry,” Ivy drawled out in two syllables. “Just know it’s creepy to stare like that,” Then, her eyes widened and a grin split her face. Oswald didn’t like the look of it one bit. “What?” Oswald asked, in trepidation. “You should go bring him a cold drink. It’s so hot out there…I’m sure would appreciate it,” Ivy waggled her eyebrows and Oswald chuckled. “Ok, get those ideas out of your head, missy. Get back to what you were doing. Go on…shoo,” Oswald teased her. Ivy pecked a quick kiss to Oswald’s cheek, and skipped off to her greenhouse. He shook his head fondly at her back, but thought about what she said. He should bring Jim something to drink, right? He thought. He probably would appreciate it…he walked to the kitchen, and instructed Olga to get some of the lemonade she made yesterday together on a tray with some ice, and a towel. She raised her eyebrows at him at the towel comment, but didn’t say anything. When it was set up, Oswald motioned for her to follow him as he made his way out back to the patio, where Jim was. When he was sure Jim could see them, Oswald waved him over. “Just a sec!” Jim hollered over the noise of the mower, and rode it over to as close to the back patio as he could get. It had to be going on noon now, since the hedges took a while, and with the weeding he added in before he began on the lawn. Jim had to still weed whack by the fountains, and along the fence as well. He tried in vain to wipe some of the sweat off his forehead with his shirt he stuck in his back pocket, but his shirt was soaked. He walked up to where Oswald was standing. “I-I brought you some lemonade,” Oswald stammered out. He made sure his eyes stayed up on Jim’s face, and not on Jim’s bare chest. “Thank you.” Jim went over to the table to where Olga had sat down the tray and gulped down a full glass in one go. “That is good,” he told Olga. She nodded once and went back inside. Jim decided to sit down under the umbrella covered table for just a minute and take a breather. Oswald sat in the chair opposite him, and poured some lemonade for himself. “It got hot really quick,” “I tried to warn you,” Oswald said, chuckling. “I’m surprised you’re still out here, especially dressed like that,” Jim pointed to Oswald’s long sleeved shirt. “Used to it, I guess. Besides, you look cooled off a bit now,” Oswald joked, referencing to Jim’s shirtless state. “My shirt is soaked, and it was really uncomfortable. Plus, I thought I would be done by now, to be honest. I didn’t realize how big this place really was. I still have to weed whack after I’m finished with the lawn,” Jim explained, taking another drink. Oswald watched as he swallowed, Jim’s Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. His mouth went dry yet again, and he took a deep breath to steady his own thoughts. “I will pay you,” Oswald put in. Jim shook his head. “I insist,” Jim shook his head again. “This is not a favor! I must insist that I pay you for the work you’re doing!” “How about this. You can pay me with a few free drinks at your bar. Top shelf stuff. How’s that?” Jim suggested, smiling. “That’s not enough!” Oswald scoffed. He knew how extensive the work was, and how much he paid the other man that usually worked for him. A few free drinks was like tossing pennies in Jim’s direction, which was downright insulting. “It is to me. It’s fine.” Oswald rolled his eyes. He stood up to walk around the grounds a little under the ruse of inspecting, Jim following him. Truth was, he didn’t want to be away from Jim for a little while longer. They talked about the greenhouse that was coming along, thanks to Ivy and how Jim’s work was going for a few minutes, Jim and Oswald being comfortable in each other’s company. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Oswald commented on the flowerbed with roses. “Ivy’s work?” Jim asked. “Of course. Nothing is going on, if that’s what you’re implying. She’s fifteen,” Oswald rose an eyebrow. “I know that, for God’s sake. I’m just happy that she has a safe place to stay,” Jim said. “You think she’s safe here?” Oswald asked, in disbelief. “I can tell you care about her from how you talked about her.” “She’s like a little sister. I will not let anything happen to her. She saved my life when…when I washed up in the river,” Oswald shook his head, ridding himself of the tight feeling in his chest. “That’s unbelievable.” Jim rose both of his eyebrows. “Not like I don’t believe she did, but its just—wow,” Oswald laughed, as they reached the mower. “Well, yes. I am still pretty wow about it, myself. I’ll let you get back to work. Let me know if you need anything,” Oswald began to turn to head back to the house. Jim stopped him with a touch to his wrist. When he turned around, Jim was grinning. “You want a ride?” “Excuse me? I can’t ride that!” Oswald exclaimed, pointing to the offending mower. Jim smirked. “You’re serious?” “As a heart attack, as Harvey would say,” Jim nodded. “It is a long walk back up there,” “I suppose it is.” Oswald sighed, and conceded. It would save his leg, he thought. “Where am I going to sit? There’s only one seat,” “Behind me. You’ll fit,” Jim told him. He climbed back up on the mower, before he could listen to the screaming part of his brain that asked just what the hell he thought he was doing. He helped Oswald climb up with a hand, and Oswald situated himself behind Jim, holding onto his shoulders. Jim put Oswald’s cane across his own laugh so it didn’t fall. “You better not let me fall,” Oswald growled. Jim laughed, and looked behind him over his shoulder. “Never.” Oswald felt a swoop in the pit of his stomach, to which he couldn’t put a name to. “Well good,” “Ready?” Jim asked, starting the mower again with a roar to life. “If you must, Detective. Ride on,” Oswald hollered over the noise, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. Feeling the hard muscle of Jim’s shoulders and being free to look down his back as he held onto him, made Oswald feel hot under his collar; and it wasn’t from the heat. He hadn’t felt this way about anyone since Ed. He didn’t even look in anyone’s direction like that, and he liked it that way. But, of course, Jim fucking Gordon had to bring that crashing to the ground because he took his damn shirt off, Oswald thought. When Oswald realized Jim wasn’t heading back to the house, he wrinkled his brow in confusion. “What are you doing? The house is that way!” He hollered over the noise. “Taking you for a ride!” Jim laughed. “Relax and roll up your sleeves. Don’t want you melting back there!” Oswald chuckled and took Jim’s advice and rolled his sleeves up of the jumper of this jumper to his elbows. “Where exactly are we going?” Oswald asked, holding onto Jim’s shoulders again. “Just once around the yard, then I’ll let you loose,” Jim joked. “Let me loose? What are you doing, holding me captive?” Oswald teased back. “As if I could,” “Oh, no…I am vicious when captured.” Oswald told Jim into his ear, making Jim shiver. Fuck, what am I doing? Jim screamed inside his head. Oswald felt the shiver, of course and scored one for himself in his head as a victory. “No, just figured you don’t get out enough these days. According to Zsasz you don’t,” Jim said, adjusting his sunglasses as they began to slip down his nose. They rode around for a few more minutes, before Jim took Oswald back. “Well, Zsasz is nosy and cares about me for some God forsaken reason. He says I need to get out more, but I don’t see the point,” Oswald told Jim once they reached the steps to the patio again. Jim hopped down first to help Oswald down. “I don’t either but Harvey keeps pressuring me to. It is good to have people who care,” “All it has gotten me in the past is heartbreak, Jim.” Oswald said sadly, shaking his head. “It doesn’t have to be that way,” Jim insisted, stepping closer to Oswald. Oswald sighed. “Yes it does. I can’t be hurt like that again.” Jim understood where he was coming from, but he hated to see Oswald so dejected for some reason. “After I’m done, would you like to have lunch? With me?” “You were serious about that?” Oswald asked, confused at the change in subject. “Well, yeah,” Jim said, shrugging. “If you’d like,” Oswald nodded, with a smile. “Let me finish up here, and I’ll see you in a bit,” Jim got back on the mower and went to start it up again. “Jim? I can have your shirt washed for you…if you’d like,” Oswald offered. “That would help, since I don’t think I want to eat shirtless,” Jim laughed, and pulled the shirt out of his back pocket. “I certainly wouldn’t mind,” Oswald’s eyes went wide as he realized what he said, and Jim’s face went a bit red. When Oswald looked back at him, Jim was smiling and shaking his head. He tossed Oswald the shirt, which the other man caught in his hand. “You have my favor now,” Jim teased, and started the mower and rode away. Oswald looked down to the shirt in his hands, and blushed even deeper. A favor, indeed.
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chipsandwaffles · 8 years
Feel Better
Anon asked: Johnny or Doyoung make out fic maybe? Possibly? Pleaseeeeeee I'm actually in dire need omg
You’re having a shit day and the only thing that’s going to make you feel better is if you see Doyoung.
I was having a shit day and got this request so I wrote it...? I feel like i didn’t spend enough time on the making out portion i’m sorry ;;;; i still hope you enjoy.
You wake up on the wrong side of the bed today. You had a bad dream, one involving people killing all your friends and leaving you to suffer alone. You wake up from it alone, and, figuring maybe your boyfriend got up to get something you go back to sleep. You wake up a second time, alone, and that just sets the day for being even terrible.
You get out of bed six hours before your class, feeling like shit as you trudge around your apartment. Six hours is way too many hours before your class, because you have to kill time in between and you’re not even fully awake, but it’s not like you were going back to sleep. You’d just wake up alone again and that was never fun.
So, you kill time by doing laundry and cleaning up after you take a shower. Your shower is probably the only good thing that happens, because everything else goes to shit.
Your washer decides to have a meltdown today, which means you have to go to the laundromat. On your way, one of the handles on your laundry basket breaks, making you drop it down the stairs and spilling it everywhere. And, of course the one neighbor that has a dog manages to accidentally let go of the leash, and in turn the dog runs up the stairs, muddy paws and all, and runs right over your clothes.
The dog is lucky you’re going to clean them, or else you would’ve blew up on it’s owner.
Once you manage to drag your laundry basket to your car, you tell yourself the day can’t get any worse.
Then, your car doesn’t start. You hit the steering wheel in anger and try and start it again, but nothing happens. Not only was it raining, but your car wasn’t working and that meant you’d have to walk to class later. You’d take the bus, but you knew it was going to be packed on such a rainy day so it wasn’t worth it.
You head back into your apartment building, dragging your laundry basket behind you as you make your way to one of your neighbors doors. Unfortunately, the neighbor that let you use their washer and dryer wasn’t home, and you sigh in defeat. It was only ten in the morning and you were already at your wit’s end.
You drag your laundry basket back to your apartment, leave it at the door for later, and move on from the whole laundry ordeal.
Of course, you’re not sure why you thought anything else might be better. When you do dishes, you end up cutting your finger on one of the knives. When you clean the bathroom, you knock your toothbrush into the toilet on accident. When you try to vacuum, your vacuum decides it doesn’t want to work.
You quit cleaning early, because clearly your apartment doesn’t want to be clean today. Instead, you go to make yourself a quick lunch and, you shouldn’t be surprised at this point, there’s barely any food. You don’t want to make something from the scraps that are left, so, you decide you’ll just get something after class.
You get ready, grab your umbrella and your boyfriend’s raincoat and head out. You walk to class in the pouring rain, but luckily nothing terrible happens in the hour it takes for you to get to school.
You shouldn’t have gotten excited about that, that maybe your day was looking up, because once you’re in class, you’re handed back your test you had taken last week. A 79 in red pen stares back at you, mocking you on your already shit day. It’s not that bad. You could’ve gotten worse, but it’s still not what you expected. You should’ve looking online earlier at the score so you wouldn’t have been so let down in class.
Once you’re out of class, the class that drones on and on and where the professor goes off on several tangents, distracting you completely from the topic at hand, you call your boyfriend.
Your day was shit, and if there was one thing that was going to make you feel better, it was him. He picks up on the second ring, and you want to start crying at hearing his voice.
“Hey, babe. What’s up?” He sounds happy on the other end, like he’d just been laughing, and now you definitely want to see him. You want him to rub some of his happiness off on you.
“Can I come see you? I’ve had such a shitty day- I just want to see you, Doyoung.” Doyoung takes a pause on the other end, and you hear him speaking to someone else. Hopefully it was one of the staff, and he was asking if you could come see him.
“Hey, you still there?” Doyoung asks.
“Manager said it was okay for you to come. We’re going to be prerecording soon, though, so I might not be here when you get here.”
Suddenly, you remember that your car wasn’t working. And, Doyoung wasn’t exactly close by. You really didn’t want to take the bus to see him, because it’d take an hour and by then he’d be performing and then he’d be busy waiting around and probably making backstage videos. Seeing him for two minutes would make you feel better on any other bad day, but today was especially bad. You wanted to see him for hours.
“…never mind. My car broke down earlier I’ll just- I’m going to go home. I’ll see you tomorrow or something, I guess.” You hang up on Doyoung, not even waiting for his response. You were just going to go home and nap. That would make you feel better.
You wake up from your nap to your boyfriend pressing kisses to the back of your neck. It’s very nice, and you almost go back to sleep just from the sheer contentedness it brings you. But, unfortunately, your bladder has other plans. So, you push him away and head to the bathroom, quickly taking care of business and washing your hands before heading back to your bedroom.
“Hey,” Doyoung smiles at you from the bed, patting his lap when he sees you. You go straight to him, climbing onto the bed, and then into his lap, resting your head on his shoulder. “You feel better after your nap?”
“Kind of. Or, I’m not three seconds away from crying at least.”
“…so, then, you don’t need me anymore? Should I leave?”
You lift your head from Doyoung’s shoulder and make sure he can see you roll your eyes. “Of course not. I’m still having a bad day. I definitely need my boyfriend to make me feel better.”
Doyoung smiles at you with that gummy smile that makes you smile back immediately, and your shitty day is already starting to feel like it didn’t matter. He presses a quick kiss to your lips and you whine when he doesn’t give you more.
“How do you want me to make you feel better?” He asks. You’re glad he’s not just doing whatever he might want and asking you what you wanted. That made you feel better too.
“More kisses. All the kisses.” Doyoung doesn’t hesitate to give you what you want. First, he starts off with peppering kisses all over your face, kissing your cheeks, kissing your nose, kissing your chin, your forehead. It makes you giggle with every kiss, and the moment he moves onto your lips, your bad day is forgotten.
He’s sweet at first, pressing soft, sweet kisses to your lips. Then, he finally moves on to keeping his lips against yours. His hands find their way under your shirt, resting against the skin underneath as he opens your mouth with his tongue. You happily let his tongue slip in, playing with your own tongue and exploring every crevice that makes up your mouth. You can’t help the sigh that comes out of your mouth when he deepens the kiss, his hands now running up and down your sides as he kisses you.
Doyoung is a good kisser, and you wished he didn’t have a schedule today, because if he has kissed you the moment you woke up, you wouldn’t have had such a bad day. You’re certain of it.
“More kisses still?” Doyoung asks when you pull away from each other. His lips find your neck, kissing along your skin and you nod your head, craning your neck a little to give him more access.
“Way more kisses.”
Doyoung sucks a mark into your neck, almost like he’s leaving an offer of something more on the table if you wanted it before kissing back up your jaw, to your lips, his lips moving against yours again. Your fingers play with the strands of his hair at the back of his neck as he distracts you with kiss after kiss.
Eventually, Doyoung shifts you so you’re laying down next to each other, his arms wrapped around you as he nuzzles his nose against your own.
“I have to leave soon. We have an early schedule in the morning,” Doyoung tells you. You whine and kiss him, seeing if maybe you could distract him with more kisses. Unfortunately, Doyoung doesn’t take the bait and pulls away from you.
“No more kisses. I’ll stay here all night if there’s more.” You laugh and try and pull him back towards you.
“Good, that’s what I want. More kisses and you staying here.”
“I want that too but I have to go.”
“Just have them pick you up here. Please? My bad day could go back to being worse if you’re gone. What if I cut my finger again?” Doyoung frowns at you.
“You cut your finger?”
“I did a lot of things today. Dropped my laundry down the stairs, cut my finger, dropped my toothbrush in the toilet… The list goes on,” you say. You can see the look on Doyoung’s face contemplating whether he should stay or not, and if he says no you’re ready to go on with your list of shitty things that happened. You’re willing to even lie and say something worse.
“I’ll have them pick me up. It’s not like they haven’t before.” You beam at Doyoung and push him over onto his back, climbing on top of him to offer more love to him.
“Then we have all night.” Doyoung smiles up at you and his hands find your hips, placing them there, squeezing gently. You hope he knows exactly where you want this to lead.
“We have all night.” You lean down, pressing your lips to Doyoung’s lips again. Even though you’re on top of him, he takes control of the kiss immediately, his tongue licking across your bottom lip. You open your mouth for him again, allowing his tongue to slide in.
The kiss only last a few seconds because all of a sudden Doyoung has you flipped, him on top of you and you pinned underneath him.
“I’ve been having a bad day too, you know. Maybe you could help me feel better?” You don’t hesitate at all to give Doyoung what he wants.
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shadzennjakereak · 5 years
Thoughts of a vulnerable man and well, it’s my life story. Kinda
~~So to lead this off, this was a mostly comprised as a message I would send to my closest friend. But well, for archival purposes I wanted to leave this here on my dead af Tumblr account because, well that is what I use it for afterwards. So if some things read somewhat oddly, it is probably due to it being written as a letter in sorts for someone.~~
------ Well... hm.... I'll hit on the major things kinda like I have when I have done therapy in the past. So uh... when shad was a young boy, roughly around 10, I was at a mom's side family Christmas party and me and my female cousin of the same age, Erin, was playing around. Another cousin of mine, whos name I forget, was roughly 15 years old brought us to the basement and pretty much tried to make us fuck. So yes, I was partially molested as a child, LUCKILY my young brain kinda knew this was not normal and grabbed my brother, while im fully naked, and well he got involved and stopped it. However the entire family outside of the immediate, sided with my older cousin and well my family got cut out of my mother's side. As for Father's side, well they are all in Maryland so I have never met them.
Now fast forward a few years, im a shy kid whatever nothing much happens. We get into Highschool where I have my friend group and this one girl I'm hard crushing on who so happens to be my closest friend. Her name was Micky, very weird girl, always cosplaying and well... Everyone assumed we were dating because well even at school we were always like cuddling and shit, HOWEVER we never did. She pretty much had a sugar daddy the entire time and the one time I knew in Senior year that she was single, I asked her out and well, was rejected and pretty from there we stopped interacting. So I not only lost my closest friend, but also well felt the pain of rejection of the one who I was in love with.
Now suddenly in highschool I'm desperate to get laid after getting rejected and well, turn to craigslist, find a milf who takes my virginity, cool. While that was very vanilla it was a fun learning experience. I did know my baseline kinks at this point. I kinda immediatly learned all that early into my life. Highschool was easy going more or less. I had great grades without trying much and looked decent, despite only having a singular relationship, back in 8th grade, at this point so I kinda never had that confidence in me. Hm... well highschool passes and I reject a couple small scholarships for wrestling because I'm an idiot. I enroll into Eastern Michigan University.
This would be my first time away from home pretty much ever and adulting for myself. It went terribly. This is what broke me and has been the root of my mental issues. I went to some classes, did fine, but this mother fucking Friday 2-d art class was from 8am - 6pm. I was going for a computer graphics animation degree which I absolutely love to this day, but well I despise drawing and that was all this class was. I hated it so much and couldn't even wake up for it that I stopped going. I got scared of how my parents would react and hid this information until the very end of the semester where they found out. I failed that class and another due to attendance (despite having an A in the class itself).
I agreed with my parents to retake those two courses. I did, but immediatly into I fell back into the slump. I was alone again, only person close to me was Dra, my roommate. My friends from highschool never contacted me, and I ignored family. I was utterly alone so I decided to attempt to take my life. Due to a miracle Dra was there and prevented this. So I lived. However as the year went on I grew scared and frightful of going home, so I ran. I decided to work at Cedar Point which is in Ohio and has on-boarding rooms. So I went there without telling my parents why.
Eventually my father would gank me at Cedar Point and I told him everything that happened. He was just disapointed, but happy to at least talk to me again for the first time in honestly 1.5years. While I was working there I made close friends, as Dra also worked here and I met others. I at least started to feel some happiness again since leaving highschool. I had one relationship with  a girl while working there. It kinda ended due to her not accepting my kinks when I told her. I also had another girl who was interested in me, but she refused to date me because she didn't want to do Long Distance once we stopped working at Cedar Point for the season. Well, Cedar Point closed at the end of October for the 2016 season. I had to go back home.
I go back home with my family and just bum there. I am not looking for a job or looking to go back to class. I was only playing games, eating, and sleeping. Eventually my father got sick of my shit and got me a temp job at his workplace at the end of December of that year. I worked there for a month helping reorganize files for the Human Resources department to help them with their acquistion of another company. At the end of January 2017, they offered me a full-time job as a Human Resources Intern. I had no interest... but my father convinced me to take the job as a way to get paid schooling down the line. So I accepted.
Throughtout the year I do what I can, but my emotional state is all sorts of fucked. I am working a 8-5 job that is an hour away. I am not a morning person as you know. I wake up around 6am every day for this job and well, my body cant handle it. I got into a major car accident on my way home from work one day. I luckily had no injuries nor the person I hit, but my car got totalled. I continue working. I do what I can, but one of the woman I worked under hated my work. She was always critiquing me, giving me bs tasks to do, and just never really letting me feel like I do decent work, and never teaching me anything. I had no prior experience or education for this job for christs' sake! She wares down on my mental regularly.
It wasn't much better at home. My mother constantly is yelling at me to lose weight, that I look like shit, I need to take care of myself, I need to go back to school. She never complimented me. So my own Mother and this woman at work were 2 devils in my ears that broke me down more and more everyday with nowhere safe to hide. It destroyed me. However Acri comes along and says "Hi, here's Kelsey" around July of 2017. This was my first real girlfriend. Things were happy and great at first. She helped me with my mental and so on. However you know how her story arc goes.
Now back at work, it was October 2016. I get into another car accident after falling asleep while driving into work. I was right outside of the office when this happened, so everyone there knew this was happening. I get this taken care of with the police and the report. I go into my dad's office to avoid people as he offered to, and would let me file the insurance stuff. But, the woman who berated me regulary came knocking on the office door and saying "Hello? You ever going to come to your desk and actually do work today?" This is when I break... I shut the door on her and text my dad to come back asap. I tell him what happened and he agrees to fire me for unemployment benefits. I am unemployed yet again.
I go for most of October and November jobless. I eventually pick a job up at Panera Bread in December of 2017. I am still dating Kelsey, and we have met IRL a few times now. She despises my family due to a few stupid disputes. She refuses to hear rhyme or reason and just hates them without compromise. However working at Panera was nice. I met a lot of people there and was working evening shifts, so I had a regular sleep schedule that wouldn't cause driving accidents. While working there I need to leave home, my mother is still berating me and tearing me apart at home. I start looking into an apartment, and while doing so, Kelsey insists she needs to leave her home state of Pennsylvania. I feel like we are ready to move in together thinking things were okay. I settled on in apartment in June 2018.
After taking a week off, I move into the aprtment myself with my parents help, and Kelsey shortly after. My parents and kelsey had a major argument at this point. My parents insisted on having the apartment key to tidy up things while I spent the weekend driving to PA to move Kelsey's shit, and Kelsey despised this idea as anything my parents did was evil in her eyes. So they argued and argued. My mom also eventually would find my sex toy in my room back home and we had a major argument about those. She would call me the Devil's child and we never would really be on "friendly" terms again.
Well after moving Kelsey into my new apartment, I realize the mistake I made. She is useless as a human being. She does nothing to help around the apartment. I am working full time and the only one capable of driving. Kelsey would sit home and do nothing but eat and game. She did no chores, and if I asked her to, she would yell at me. We had no sex life either. She strung me along making me act like a father, driving her where she needed to go, buying her groceries, doing chores at home. I sacrificed everything and would never recieve anything in return. She eventually would break up with my at the start of February 2019. I was destroyed, but this was thankfully something that had to happen. While I was destroyed and heavily suicidal again, I eventually recovered and started going to therapy. Also mind you Kelsey was blaming me for things, she was saying how I needed to get better, how I was the lazy one, how I didn't do enough to make her happy.
So after about 2 weeks of devestation, I start recovering thanks to Acri and Nevan. They help me through this time, but I am however still stuck living with Kelsey for about 4 more months. She already has a new boyfriend. That, is oddly suspicious, but fine whatever. I play nice, I keep being Kelsey's father but I refuse to do any more cooking for her. She at the very least must feed herself. She starts to claim I'm abusing her and enjoy watching her suffer. March of 2019 she decides to have her new boyfriend visit. I am so against this and tell them to get a hotel room. Kelsey says they cant for a whole week, which was how long he was staying. We compromise on them having a hotel for the initial weekend, then they sleep on the couch of the apartment for the rest of the duration. Well this happens and I mostly just ignore them during this shit. Her new boyfriend, who was named in discord as, Dragon Daddy, finally leaves.
The following month Kelsey goes out to visit him, I finally have a week away from Kelsey. I feel great and so on. She eventually comes back, we get into more arguments on the regular. She eventually disappears randomly at the start of June 2019. The last month of the apartment. She is gone without saying anything and barely taking anything of hers. She doesn't respond to me for a days. I'm somewhat concerened but fine whatever. She eventually says she is gone and not coming back. She left her shit here though. Near the start of July I come back home from work. The apartment is TRASHED, about 50% of her stuff is gone. I guess she came by and took it without a word. She doesn't respond to messages. I move out in July and into a new apartment the following month.
Kelsey reaches out again and is asking to get the security deposit for our apartment, which I personally fully paid for. I tell her no and she has no claim to it. We argue about it until I block her because I refuse to deal with it. We packed the things she left at my apartment into boxes and send her a message that says she has one month to give us a shipping address or else it is all going into the trash. She responds with "Never contact me again, I refuse to talk to Jacob due to his abuse of me." I have not heard from her since.
And now we move onto the new stuff. I did start a new job in November of 2018 at Potbelly. It was nicer than Panera due to a lighter work load. And my life is starting to go up. I was recieving therapy which helped and eventually had to stop due to insurance not allowing more sessions. But I'm on an up trend. Things are going well, 13Noobz roster was going well until that exploded, so we talked and decided to find Lost Collective. It has its issues, but I am proud of it. And Due to LCST I have made wonderful new friends, and well of course Tay, being the best. I honestly do love you, and I'm happy to have met you and hope Acri makes you happy, as you deserve it. And of course everyone that has joined my Discord has been wonderful, and due to living with Brian, me and him have rekindled our brotherly bonds.
Of course I'm not perfect, especially mentally and physically. I don't look great, I still have depression, which definetly spikes up in Winter (seasonal depression). But, well, for now at the very least I can say I'm content with my life. I have friends who actually care about me for the first time, well ever. Acri has also recently come back into my life majorly which is nice. So I have my solid foundation of Nevan, Tay, and Acri. The 3 people closest to me. And of course I love interacting with the others. I just, well am not use to this. I haven't had friends since highschool, and definetly not ones who are as close to me as I am close to them. It's nice to have my own love and affection for my friends be returned in full.
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droneseco · 5 years
Bosma X1 Review: A Decent Indoor Security Cam That Lacks Polish
Our verdict of the Bosma X1: The Bosma X1 gets the job done well enough but lacks the polish and extra features to justify its above-average price.610
If you haven’t already, you should invest in an indoor security camera as a kind of insurance. It may never actually prove useful, but you don’t want to be in a position where you’re burgled or violated and not have any footage.
The Bosma X1 indoor security camera kit is available for $119, which includes a few bells and whistles on top of the base camera. That’s a little more than you’d expect for a single camera, so the question is: How does it stack up to the competition?
Here’s everything you need to know about the Bosma X1 and whether it’s worth buying. But I’ll tell you up front: don’t set your expectations too high!
Bosma X1 Bosma X1 Buy Now On Amazon $119.99
Bosma X1: Specifications
Physical dimensions: 1.9 x 1.9 x 5.9 inches (4.8 x 4.8 x 15.0 cm)
Physical weight: 28 oz (794 g)
Wireless transmission: 2.4GHz only
Camera field of view: 145 degrees
Camera panning: 360 degrees
Night vision: Yes (Starlight and Infrared)
Battery: No
Memory: Up to 128 GB microSD card
Video recording: Yes
Image snapshots: Yes
Mobile notifications: Yes
Notable features: Auto-panning, remote control, video live stream, two-way talk, motion/sound/PIR event triggers, siren alarm, Amazon Alexa support
Bosma X1: What’s Included?
The Bosma X1 package is modest but contains everything you need:
Bosma X1 security camera
Micro-USB cable
USB power adapter
Window/door sensor
Wireless doorbell
Bosma X1: Design and Build Quality
I like the overall aesthetic of the Bosma X1. It’s sleek, unassuming, and modern, although not necessarily discreet. You can place it on a shelf and it may not be obvious, but stand it on a desk, table, or dresser and it’ll stick out. To anyone but the most tech-illiterate, it’ll be immediately obvious that this thing is a camera.
The body is bottom-heavy and weighted—just shy of 2 pounds—and it feels hefty. You can rest assured that nothing short of an aggressive pet will knock it down, and if the device ever dies, you can use it as an office paperweight.
Unfortunately, you have to stand the Bosma X1 on top of something. It doesn’t come with any mounting options, so you can’t place it on walls or ceilings. I don’t see why it needs to be as big or heavy as it is, as all of the main functionality is housed in the head. If the head optionally came off a standalone camera, it’d be light enough to stick anywhere using something as simple as double-sided tape.
That said, I wouldn’t feel comfortable dropping it. While the head, which is the upper part with the camera that pans around, is securely affixed to the weighted body, I’d expect it to either crack or break off when faced with blunt force.
The Bosma X1 is not a wireless security camera. It comes with a USB-A-to-Micro-USB cable and a USB power adapter, which the device needs to be plugged in to as there’s no built-in battery. On the one hand, you don’t have to worry about it dying while you’re away, but on the other, you lose out on portability.
Bosma X1: Usability and Performance
The Bosma X1 is easy to set up. Connect to it using Bluetooth on your phone, set up the camera’s Wi-Fi settings using the Bosma app, and afterwards interface with the camera using your phone via Wi-Fi. Only 2.4GHz networks are supported as of this review.
Its primary feature is the ability to live stream the camera’s feed directly to your phone, with the option to listen in on what the camera’s audio picks up. The Bosma X1 also has real-time two-way audio chat without the need to press a “walkie-talkie” button in the app, although I’m not entirely sure what the use-case is. I guess you can yell at intruders and let them know they’re being watched? Or talk to your pets while you’re away from home? Still, can’t knock it for having the feature.
The camera itself has a 145-degree field of view, which widely captures a lot of activity but has noticeable fish-eye-lensing around the edges. Other nifty features include 360-degree panning, which can be controlled from the mobile app, and auto-rotate sentry mode so it’s always panning even when you’re, say, sleeping.
The Bosma X1 also has two night-vision modes: Starlight (color capture in low-light but poor performance in near-zero light), and Infrared (traditional black-and-white night vision that works even when there’s no light).
Bosma X1 with “Starlight” night vision
As expected in a modern indoor security camera, the Bosma X1 also supports video recording to a Micro SD card up to 128 GB in size (card not included in the kit). You can either set the camera to Never Record, Always Record, or Record After Event Detection. The Bosma X1 supports High, Medium, and Low sensitivities for the following event types:
Motion events: Visual movement in the camera’s vision.
Sound events: Audio disturbances picked up by the camera’s microphone.
PIR events: Infrared movement detection for living bodies (e.g. pets and intruders).
Doorbell and sensor events: More on this below.
When using the event-triggered recording, you’ll receive a mobile notification when the trigger is tripped, and the recording will keep going until it determines that the event has passed. You can set an interval setting for how long the camera should wait before detecting another event.
There is an event log that you can use to jump directly to a specific event and view the accompanying recording. Unfortunately, you can’t decouple the event-triggered recording from push notifications. I would much prefer to disable notifications and browse the log on-demand, but alas, push notifications are mandatory and can’t be disabled.
I found that motion detection was excellent during the day, PIR detection was excellent during the night, the door sensor performed consistently, but the sound detection was spotty. No matter which sensitivity setting I used, it triggered inconsistently—but no bother for me, as I don’t find sound-based triggers useful in general.
There’s also an optional siren that gives off a 110 dB audio blast when an event is triggered.
Of course, you can create a recording schedule—multiple entries that each indicate days of the week and times of the day—and everything mentioned above about video recording will only happen during the recording schedule’s days and times. If you only want the camera to be active at night, or when you’re away at work, you can do that.
You can also manually create photo snapshots using the mobile app. These snapshots are saved to your phone.
Bosma X1 snapshot quality at 360p
Bosma X1 snapshot quality at 720p
Bosma X1 snapshot quality at 1080p
The Bosma X1’s product description says it captures in video resolutions up to 1080p “with superior optics”. The footage was satisfactory—more than good enough for a home surveillance camera, but nothing outstanding.
Strangely, the recorded video files are saved in an uncommon AVI format that wasn’t immediately readable by my MacBook or Adobe Premiere. I had to convert the videos by hand to MP4 using Handbrake before I could view them outside of the camera itself.
Furthermore, the snapshots were terrible. No matter which setting I chose, the resulting image always came out as 720×431 pixels and the quality was smudgy, blurry, and just plain bad. However, the image taken in 1080p mode was slightly clearer than the others, so I assume the image source is taken at the current resolution of the camera but then heavily compressed when saving.
The audio is disappointing, both in video recordings and using real-time two-way talk. It’s garbled, low quality, and I had trouble making out conversations even when they took place near the camera. I don’t demand much audio quality from security cameras, but when the audio can’t be understood, it makes me wonder why even have it as a feature?
As mentioned above, the Bosma X1 comes with two accessories: a door/window sensor and a wireless doorbell.
The door/window sensor is a tiny two-piece device that triggers an event when the two are pulled apart. So, you attach one to the edge of a door and attach the other to the doorjamb, or one to the edge of a window and the other to the window frame. When the door or window is opened, the camera will be triggered. It works well, but too bad the kit only comes with one pair.
The wireless doorbell is a lightweight device that you can stick on the wall outside your door once you’ve paired it with your camera, which is as simple as long-pressing it while in proximity. When pressed, the Bosma X1 plays a distinct doorbell sound effect, sends you a mobile notification, and you can set a “preset position” to which the camera turns to. It’s nice in theory, but the camera never returns to its previous position, and from what I can tell there’s no way to disable the preset position once it’s configured.
Bosma X1: Final Thoughts
Bosma X1 Bosma X1 Buy Now On Amazon $119.99
While the Bosma X1 is a decent indoor security camera, it’s too expensive for what’s on offer. Sure, it does everything it claims to do, and it does those things well enough, and the feature set is on par with competing cameras. However, the video quality leaves me wanting, the various minor flaws do add up, and the accessories aren’t useful enough to justify the price. Unless you can get it at a discount, I’d pass. Luckily for you, that’s exactly what we have! Valid until June 30, 2019, you can get 20% off the Bosma X1 standard kit (including all the bits mentioned in this review) using the coupon code 20OFFBOSMA on Amazon.
Enter the Competition!
Bosma X1 Security Camera Set
Read the full article: Bosma X1 Review: A Decent Indoor Security Cam That Lacks Polish
Bosma X1 Review: A Decent Indoor Security Cam That Lacks Polish published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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