#luffy doesn't really generalize the blame
gatitties · 1 year
Hiii! Can I please get a s/o who has a big butt, but she’s naturally oblivious about it unless she’s in battle? Like she knows her butt is big but she doesn’t know it’s THAT big, (p.s.: she likes wearing wearing regular shorts!)
─Strawhats, Heart Pirates & Kid Pirates x fem!reader
─Summary: you have a big ass, nothing more, nothing less
─Warnings: none
This is so unserious lol, sorry 🤣 oh and I assumed this would be for one piece bc of your profile since you didn't give any further indication 😅
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─ Everyone knows it, you are semi-conscious, it's not a big secret that you have more meat on your buttocks, it's obvious just like Zoro's tits are bigger than Nami's or Robin's.
─ It's not something that affects the rest since it's something normal, they are used to it, however you can get different types of reactions from other parties.
─ You're a total distraction to the most shameless people, but at least you can hit them for being distracted.
─ And you'll just make the situation worse if you wear those jeans, you didn't know the power that 'mom' jeans have over some people.
─ Seriously, you wouldn't think it was that exaggerated, you are aware of your body but not to that level, you could really kill someone if you fell on your ass on that person.
─ Sanji probably made some comment about that before…
─ You'll have to hit Brook more than once so he doesn't bother you with your underwear, he's more persistent with you because he wants to know what size you wear.
─ Nami will hit your butt when you're off guard, you know, girly things, you'll have time to hit it back when she's focused on working with her oranges.
─ Once you played guess who and Luffy put a pillow on his butt to imitate you.
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─ They try not to look seriously, but Shachi and Penguin's eyes go away accidentally, you don't blame them, you look at the butt of every person you meet, the problem is that yours is not small by any means.
─ Law will probably scold them just like Bepo because doing that is impolite, but his eyes will also take a look, it's okay Ikkaku will be the one to hit them.
─ You are still a distraction for the most morbid people when you wear those tight jeans, Law probably uses you to distract enemies on more than one occasion without you knowing.
─ He also gives you scientific proof that you could suffocate someone with that.
─ And you tried it on your next mission, yeah, you killed someone with your buttocks.
─ You were more aware of the power you carried, whether hypnotically or as an oxygen-depriving weapon, you were a complete danger.
─ Sometimes you have competitions over offensive comments with Shachi and Penguin and they are definitely using your trunk as insult artillery.
─ You get a lot of praise from Ikkaku and comments that you should share some ass for her.
─ Bepo uses it as pillows, please.
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─ It's not a mystery, it's something shouted out loud and admired here.
─ Get ready because if you weren't aware of the size of your ass you will be after spending half a day on this crew.
─ No one wants to offend you, far from it, but they will let you know that you have a couple of generous weapons with you.
─ You won't be saved from the stares, but you also have eyes and you observe too…
─ In fact you have a podium for the best ass of the crew and you and Killer always compete for first place.
─ They definitely use you as a distraction for the nastier guys, but they'll be the ones who take the worst beatings.
─ You will also receive a lot of praise from Heat and Wire, they look like two proud moms seeing how you are not ashamed of your body and you continue wearing those pants that enhance your figure even more.
─ You and Kid have a little competition about who hits the other's ass the hardest and you go completely wild.
─ You've suffocated more than one person and the others time it to know what your best time is.
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greyskyflowers · 1 year
Bits and Pieces of fics I'll never finish:
Poly crew vibes for the win
ABO dynamics
Zoro doesn't wear a collar. It's one of the first things people notice.
It's usually: swords, hair, and no collar.
They always think it gives them an edge, like Zoro isn't aware of the fact that he's not wearing one.
They holler and cackle, calling out the same jokes over and over.
"Does your pack know you're out all by yourself?"
"Who's your alpha, sweetheart? We'll give them a call to come get you."
"Looks like you're missing something, omega! Did you lose it or did you get it taken away?"
They laugh.
He doesn't.
They lose their heads.
He gets paid.
He knows what he looks like, bound and collarless. Morgan knew exactly what he was doing when he had Zoro tied like this.
Anyone could bite him when he's this restrained and exposed. He's been severed on a golden platter to anyone with enough balls to try their hand at claiming him. He's ripped out throats for less and he's ready to bloody his mouth again if needed.
The strange alpha that comes out of the grate doesn't comment on the lack of collar, his gaze barely running over his throat before continuing to talk. He smiles and shows sharp teeth.
The alpha unties him and just disappears. It's... anticlimactic. He's so used to people wanting something, hinting at something more, that this is strange.
The beta girl is untrusting. He feels her look at his neck and carefully catalogue it in her head as a weak spot if needed. He can't blame her. After all, he's doing the same thing
The little ship smells heavily of tangerines and ink, citrus scents are always a little overwhelming. There are unknown scents under her scent that are already fading away and he doesn't care to ask who they were.
Luffy's scent of cedar smoke and salt is powerful, and he scent marks everything almost absentmindedly. Dragging his hands over surfaces, rubbing his wrists on anything within reach, even pressing his cheeks against them quickly.
They don't crowd Zoro, even though he knows they want to.
Omegas are comforting, they usually mean pack and safety. He doesn't know what they think when they look at him but no one has ever looked at him and thought safe.
A lot of people are uneducated. They assume omegas aren't often at sea because they're too soft, too delicate.
Pirates though, especially the good ones, know what omegas really are. Vicious, protective, and a nasty opponent in a fight.
The older generations know it, and when he eventually interacts with Garp, he'll be pleased that the old man seems begrudgingly impressed that Luffy had roped Zoro into his crew.
Pirates in the grandline and beyond will know. Omegas aren't often at sea because they're protecting what's theirs, usually a home or a pack.
If you can get a omega to call your ship home, you'll have some of the fiercest protection available.
First mates are ideally omegas. They're well loved by the crew/pack and amazing fighters. They're usually content to follow those they trust but like to do their own thing enough that being firstmate allows them the freedom they need.
The clown separates them and hands Nami and Zoro off to be kept in their restraints. They're left with a alpha who keeps talking about revenge or something else annoying, getting close like he wants Zoro to think he'll bite before pulling back. He doesn't react and the alpha's scent burns with anger before he spins the wheel Zoro's on and starts trying to scare him.
The smell of his anger mixes with annoyance quickly. Every thud of the blade into the wood is meet without a flinch and the alpha gets more and more riled up. Zoro doesn't really care. Even if some of the blades hit they wouldn't cause irreparable damage. A inconvenience at best, especially if Luffy needs them to fight.
They pick up another beta, twitchy and ballsy with how he goes to mention Zoro's lack of collar a few times, each time getting hard looks from Nami and Luffy to stop.
The butler turns his nose up at them and he feels painfully out of place. Everything around him is nice and expensive, he's like a street cat let in on accident.
It smells sterile in the whole manor, he keeps rubbing at his nose and sneezing. There's something in the air that he can't name exactly but it has him on edge.
Usopp is talking about the girl, Kayla or Kay or something like that. He looks at Zoro like he can help with whatever relationship he has with her but he can't. He doesn't even know what the girl is, the smell of sickness and that ever clinging sterile smell surrounding her. He assumed she must be an omega since Usopp was asking him but he's not the person to ask about this stuff.
When he wakes up in the well he knows they pawed at him. There are many people who would take advantage of a unconscious and unmated onega. A chance to see him up close like he's something exotic.
His neck feels wrong, like thin threads or spiderwebs are very lightly touching the skin. The disgusting scent of the maid and chef stick to him and he even rubs his neck against some of the rocks to get it off.
The waiter looks appalled when he looks at Zoro, eyes clearly aimed at his bare throat. He moves like he's going to say something about it before his eyes catch on Nami and he's completely focused on her. She catches his eye and he knows she's putting up with the waiter so Zoro won't have to.
Mihawk cuts him open and calls him magnificent. It has his instincts demanding he roll belly up and purr.
The stench of infection, sickness and fish are overwhelming when he wakes up. Everything hurts and his head has the cotton feeling of too much sleep. Luffy is on him and around him, talking too fast for Zoro to catch most of it but he gets the tone.
He wakes up with the feeling of someone touching him again but it's different than the well. It's not as bad when it's Luffy.
Arlong's crew says omega like it's his name. They chatter at him and wait patiently for a opening to sink teeth or claw into his unprotected neck.
The clown howls with laughter from the bag at the waiters hip.
"Better teach them what omegas are really like, kiddo!"
He despises that the fucking clown has more respect for omegas than most people.
The waiter, Sanji, isn't too bad once he settles in. He still seems stuck on Zoro's lack of collar but he never says anything. One of the others must have spoken to him about it.
They bicker and fight but it's never because of a comment towards Zoro being a omega. He hides a grins everytime they fight, pleased that his crew respects him enough to honor his desire to not talk about it.
He tells them he thought Kuina may have claim him if they had more time together, if they'd got the chance to grow up together.
He talks about the way they were always paying attention to each other, trading harsh blows and barely there touches. She called him pretty and constantly knocked him on his knees, he was furious that it made him blush at the time.
Then she died. And it felt like the only claim he could ever get from her was Wado Ichimonji.
In a strange way, the sword is like a collar. She's still with him, telling him to draw his sword to defend himself and sitting blinding white at his side like a claim. The sword deters unwanted attention the same as a collar would.
They remember the name of the sword now, make a point to say it's name and be respectful of it. He refuses to acknowledge that Kuina would be charmed by it, that she'd probably really like them all.
He also ignores the voice in his head that quietly asks if this could be the start of a pack and a home.
It takes a while to notice but he's been scenting the ship. The delicate skin of his wrists red and raw before fading into a thicker layer of skin.
His scent is saturated into the ship and the crew. The start of a claim is clear.
They haven't said anything and he isn't going to be the one to bring it up.
His heat is... mildly concerning. He knows Luffy doesn't expect anything from him and the rest of the crew is on the same page, but he can't help the little curl of worry in his belly.
What if something happens? What if they haven't been around a omega in heat before and get grossed out? What if they never think of him the same?
Sanji is a anxious and furious presence that lingers. He does everything he can to get Zoro to eat. Healthy snacks, fruits and vegetables, a extra serving of meat, protein drinks, etc.
He looks pleased everytime Zoro eats something and his scent goes happy. Luffy huffs a bit at the extra meat Zoro gets but someone must have explained it to him because while he still pouts, he doesn't try to steal it from Zoro anymore.
He gets lathargic, finding more and more creative places to sleep.
The third time Usopp almost has a heart attack from unexpectedly coming across him, they decide to encourage him to nest in his room.
He doesn't know what to do with all the stuff given to him. It's soft in his hands, his rough skin catching on all the fine fabrics. His nests are usually small and made of whatever was available, often just a spare shirt and a few towels. These are actual nest supplies though. Pillows, blankets, cushions, etc.
Of course the ship was fancy enough to have these hidden away.
He just stares at them for awhile before he gets restlessness. Starting to arrange and sort them. He's got a nest by the end of it, the best one he's ever had. He strips and sprawls belly down in it, a few of the blankets tugged over him.
He purrs and shoves his face into the pillow under him, it smells like dust with faint hints of the crew.
They haven't discussed anything, there's no bonds or claims that hold them responsible for helping him during his heat. There's no bond or claim that says he owes them anything.
It's hard for people to be around a omega in heat and not want to be close though. His scent is warm like a candle, meant to coax pack close for comfort and protection while he's unable to defend himself.
His heats aren't like normal heats. There's usually no sexual component to it. He's had too much damage and scarring to his body, injuries to critical points like his scent glands and lower belly.
His heat is usually miserable. The increased hormones and stress on his body makes everything ache. All the old injuries and broken bones that healed wrong flaring to life. He usually spends the days curled up and forcing all the whines that want to slip out down into his chest. Waking up at the end of the cycles dehydrated, starving and exhausted.
He can hear them hovering outside the door. Hushed whispers and and footsteps that are meant to be quiet enough he can't hear them. It grates on his nerves and he tells himself that's why he forces himself up, wraps one of the stupidly soft blankets around him and goes to the door.
He yanks it open and they all freeze. The smell smacks him in the face and his instincts purr pack. He doesn't say anything, just turns and goes back to his nest. Burrowing back under everything and taking the opportunity to enjoy the fact that he didn't feel absolutely miserable yet.
He sleeps here and there, listening to the other slowly drift closer and get more comfortable. He actually feels good.
He's more comfortable than he thinks he's ever been. Body practically boneless and a purr in his chest that he's just managing to hold back.
His scent glands don't burn, his body doesn't ache, his head isn't spinning.
It's because he has people with him. He knows, okay?
Not only do they insist on making sure that he's drinking and eating enough, the scents and comfort go a long way.
There's a reason omega seek out packs.
They stay outside the nest, respectful in a way that annoys him at the moment because he wouldn't mind them being closer and asking seems... very intimate.
Luffy watches him like a hawk the whole time, eyeing him carefully whenever he moves and new skin shows, like he's trying to make sure there's nothing physically wrong. He's restless, not sure what to do and how to make it better.
He ends up dragging Luffy in first. Snagging a wrist and huffing angrily when the arm stretches instead of dragging Luffy closer.
Eventually he gets the alpha in. He can't help the purr he lets out when Luffy is under all the blankets with him. He's warm and Zoro isn't even embarrassed that he's completely bare when he presses closer.
It's dark and almost stifling with how much body heat Zoro's giving off. The air smells like them and he thought he was already relaxed but he's boneless now.
Luffy doesn't seem to know what to do. His hand hover over his hips and his waist before he seems to decide he can touch.
He's instinctively positions himself between Zoro and the door. The others are also between the nest and the door.
Luffy smells like fresh cut cedar burning and salt. It's sinking onto Zoro's skin and his lower belly is warm. He can't get close enough.
Nami's citrus and ink, Usopp's fresh earth and herbs, Sanji's palo santo and spices all cling to him and the nest.
His own scent, of cold steel, summer rain and tart blackberries isn't very typical of a omega but it doesn't seem to bother them. They're all taking it in like they can taste it if they try hard enough.
The others end up joining him and Luffy, dragged in one after the other. The nest is big enough for all of them, which means he was planning on them joining him even if he wasn't fully aware he was.
He feels good.
He's given up trying to stop the purr and it rumbles from his chest. He's never had a heat like this and he understands the appeal if this is what it's like with pack. It's like a pleasant high, he's sleepy and very happy.
Luffy doesn't want to leave so they shuffle between Nami, Sanji and Usopp on watch. It's hard with only 3 of them but they can leave easier than Luffy, who seems to permanently be attached to Zoro.
He's touching Zoro constantly. Petting at bare skin or face buried is the omega's neck. He nips a nasty bruise on his throat but Zoro doesn't stop him. He'll worry about it later.
He ends up in Luffy's lap towards the end, chests against each other, Zoro's legs around Luffy's waist and his chin on the alpha's shoulder.
Luffy has possessive arms around around him, face tucked into the side of Zoro's neck and legs crossed to support the omega.
He should have know, there's a reason captains have a reputation for being notoriously protective and territorial.
He blinks at the others sleepily when they come in, making a little noise from the back of his throat that has Luffy's shoulders dropping from where they'd slowly been raising.
Nami steals the tray Sanji had been holding, who looks like he may take it back before he seems to realize it was Nami.
Luffy back is to her and Zoro's watching her, chin still digging into Luffy's shoulder.
The kiwi is sticky in her fingers and it runs juice down her hand and wrists but Zoro perks up a bit when he sees it, the hunger and thirst of a ending heat taking over.
He doesn't hesitate taking it from her fingers, swiping his tongue to grab the juice left on her fingers before pulling away and chewing. His lips are shiney and his scent is warming at being surrounded by pack and alpha.
Usopp steals the next piece of fruit to give, and then Sanji. They keep that rotation until Zoro's falling asleep again and turning his head away from them.
The room smells like pleased omega.
The nest stays, even after the heat is over. They don't talk about it because it's still a little raw. There's a lot of unknown.
The start of a pack bond has been strongly established though, centered around Zoro and waiting quietly for the next step.
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legendweaver · 10 months
OPLA Soundtrack and Zolu Part 2
The brain rot has returned again. I was discussing with @general-cyno, You Better Not Mess With The Strawhats, the song that plays when Zoro is saying his "Totally Normal and Not Gay At All Life Devotion Pledge, Part 2" It has a tiny bit of Luffy's theme in the beginning when he is blaming himself. But it's overtaken by, Zoro's theme, which starts off soft, then builds up, Luffy's instruments (drums and trumpets) joining in in playing it, till it crescendos triumphantly. (They're themes combining and building on each other just like their dreams and Zoro lifting up Luffy both emotionally and musically in the scene and-)
And now that I've gone back and listened to it, the reverse can be said in "Totally Normal and Not Gay At All Life Devotion Pledge, Part 1". 'Wounds On The Back Are A Swordsman's Greatest Shame' which is the OST for the Zoro vs Mihawk fight, towards the end 4:26, you have the saddest version of Luffy's theme I have ever heard, as he cradles Zoro's body. Then, when Mihawk leaves, you hear Zoro's instruments return, around 5:00, and it starts to build again, still very sad. You can really hear it at 5:23, where they have Zoro's wind instrument (I don't know the name) carying the melody as it plays Luffy's theme(though it's still so sad). (Zoro's instruments rising up to weakly support Luffy's theme just like in the scene, because his captain is sad, and he doesn't want to disappoint him, and Luffy's instruments intertwine cuz he wants to keep him there, and he doesn't want to lose him, and he's scared-)
The fact that this damn soundtrack has not only Luffy's instruments playing Zoro's theme, but Zoro's playing Luffy's, and its the Oath scenes. They make me so ill, I can't stand them, I could write a love letter to the composers.
Part 1
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majestick-posts-op · 3 months
My personal rating and ranking of Luffy's father figures from worst to best
7) Garp (-100000/10)
Yeah, I don't even need to elaborate on this at all. Cause like... we all know how much Garp sucks. We all know how he valued his job and loyalty to the marines more than the actual safety of his family. How he says that he cares... but he truly doesn't do anything at all. AND THAT'S BARELY SCRATCHING THE SURFACE!!! Because in all of Luffy's childhood... I don't think there was a single moment where he was just... kind? Canonically at least. It was always launching your 3 year old in the jungle, in a ravine, in the fucking air tied to baloons just so you can fuck off and do what YOU want. It was awlays ignoring every single one of his dreams. And not only that because while thinking that a life as a pirate isn't ideal is fair, forcing your own phisosophies on your kid and forcefully msking them choose the carrer YOU want isn't. No wonder Dragon is the way he is! And he made Luffy's abbandonment issues WORSE by leaving him in another random place with other random people. And this is only the stuff we saw about Garp... we never saw a house where he lived in any flashback. Did Garp stay in the marine's headquarters? Did Luffy fucking sleep outside in the forest? Luffy looked so exited when Makino got him a shirt. Did Garp never get Luffy clothes? Did he just used random rags he had laying around? When Luffy only got a bowl of rice and a cup of water to eat he said that it was better than what Garp gave him. Did he fucking starve Luffy by making him hunt for all he ever ate since he was a fucking toddler? IS THAT WHY LUFFY IS HALF OF GARP'S SIZE???
But worst of all... he was never there! Not when he got kidnapped, not when they almost burned him alive, not when Ace died, and he never will.
Garp truly did not care enough. And that is what hurts the most.
I'm removing all of his ppint and shoving him into the void.
6) Shanks (6.5/10)
Okay so I'm a little conflicted about Shanks. He has many good things about him. He inspired Luffy and supported his dream, and has shown to be very caring and affectionate. He taught him that some fights are not worth it and that he shouldn't be too hung up on certain things. That's good. But he also indirectely caused him to commit self harm, took a crying bleeding 7 year old in a bar full of alchool, lied to him about what happenned to his best friend, and then he just... dissappeared. I don't fully blame him since he isn't Luffy's primary caretaker, that was GARP and Shanks is already infinitely better since he supported his dream. But Shanks does have this theme where he is bad at communication and doesn't fully commit to certain things. We saw it with Buggy. But hey, at least he gave Luffy that really good advice that its okay to cry but you have to move on. Expect that he never said it directely to his face (or out loud for what matters) and he was only at marineford for 30 seconds.
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I'm removing one ppint for him being an idiot, another for abbandonment, and another and a half points for general flaws.
5) Dragon (7/10)
I think people tend to be a bit too hard on Dragon. He was starting a revolution, of course he couldn't have taken care of him for his own safety. And he sadly had no other choice so sadly GARP raised Luffy. I can't rate him any higher tho because we just never really saw him parent Luffy... apart from that one time when he saved him, but then he dissappeared. Still can't believe he raised Sabo instead of him honestly.
I'll remove one point for abbandonment, another point for giving him to his father and a last one for bad eyebrows and bigass forehead genes.
4) Crocodile (adding him because I said so) (7.5/10)
All things considered, Croc didn't exatcly have the best starting point. (He arguably had the worst) But he was 100% one of the most helpful people to Luffy during marineford.
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Not only did he save Ace despide hating Whitebeard, but he also blocked Doflamingo's attack and helped him break out. HE WAS MORE HELPFUL THAT GARP GODDAMMIT!!! So maybe Croc's heart isn't exatcly in the right place... but he seems to do much better now.
I'm removing one point for abbandonment and one and a half points for almost killing him.
3) Franky (8.5/10)
Much like croc, Franky didn't have the best start with Luffy, and we don't really see much of just the two of them since he is closer with Usopp, but the few scenes they have togheter paint a pretty good picture. Firstly both Luffy and Franky share an interents in stuff like beams and robots, and Franky is willing to show off for him so in return Luffy does admire this side of him. Franky also tries to avoid toxic masculinity, and never forces Luffy into anything while supporting him unlike GARP. In Dressrosa Franky really looked after and accompanied Luffy to assist him in retrieving Ace's fruit, which Franky understands was very hard for him. He is rensponsable and doesn't let Luffy do anything stupid (like revealing his name) and later that arc there's that one super cute scene where Luffy is just sleeping and Franky is there looking at him while smiling/crying and...
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Look at him!!! He's so dad material!!!
Removing one point for hurting Usopp and half a point for mildly enabaling him.
2) Rayleigh (9/10)
Like many others, Rayleigh was also very helpful during the summit war saga, specifically the post war arc. He was with Luffy during his worst time and helped him get through them. Not only that, but he also trained him. Execpt that unlike GARP who would just launch Luffy into a ravine and exept him to get out by himself so he can leave and fuck off where he wants, Rayleigh stuck around and not only gave him useful advice and lessons, but also prevented him from doing things that would have hurt his body like using to much haki. It didn't work but still, he mastered the art of being hard but still very much caring and being present. Plus it was so heart warming seeing him helping Luffy and how much he reminds him of Roger.... Uncle Rayray I love you!!! Give me your wife!!!
Removing one point for... lack of screentime? I guess, I'm not sure.
1) Jimbei (15/10)
We all know that fishdad is the best period, but I really wanna analize him. Jimbei was possibly the one who helped Luffy the most when he came to... everything? I mean he saved him from Akainu, stood by his side when he was still unconscious from his operation, stopped him from committing self harm or worse, comforted him trough his grief and tears, gave him his blood thus saving his life and showing just how much he loved him, offrred to guide him in accomplishing his dream, came back each and every time he was needed, because Luffy needs somebody like him that can ground him and make him reflect but also respect and love him, he believed in Luffy so much to go againsts a Yonko TWICE, and one of these times it was literally a face to face with the scariest person on Earth.
But the best part? Jimbei truly cares about all the young. The new generation that should be hate free and happy. The new generation he fought for multiple times. He knows Luffy can be a major figure in that, but he also just cares for him. He loves Luffy. Unconditionally. I know I may be repeating myself but he is 100% what Luffy needed when he needed it. And I will not shut up about this. Ever.
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Trademark dad hawaian shirt.
Adding 5 point for being handsome.
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possessionisamyth · 8 months
Not sorry, but I believe Sanji's arranged marriage made WCI worse. I didn't like the arc that much already, but the marriage was extremely unnecessary.
I know the framing is supposed to show Sanji is kind, but to me Sanji's kindness was never called into question. Whole Cake did not bring it back or highlight it. We knew Sanji was kind when he was told to leave Gin to die on the baratie and Sanji fed him anyway. We knew Sanji was kind when he trusted Nami even after barely knowing her and tried to reassure the rest of the crew there must've been another reason for her leaving. He extended that same kindness to Usopp by defending him from Luffy during Enies Lobby. He even blamed Zoro for Usopp leaving at all!
He's kind enough to remember everyone's favorite foods and preferences BEFORE Whole Cake Island. His kindness is shown equally to men, women, and kids in multiple arcs both main, filler, and in one piece movies set during pre-time skip. Of course Sanji is kind. THIS KNOWLEDGE CAME FREE WITH YOUR PRE-TIME SKIP ANIME.
The poor attempt Whole Cake does is try to remind people Sanji is a nice guy after the horrible character assassination of making him an even bigger pervert which are two separate problems. The kindness was never drawn into question! We knew! We always knew! It's Oda's fault for deciding over and over again to make Sanji behave one step removed from "accidentally" groping women!
Like, Sanji's fandom wasn't built because he's strong like Zoro or fun like Luffy. Sanji's fandom derived from his gentleman schtick pre-time skip where he's genuinely fucking sweet when he's not twirling around like an idiot. If he was actually an intolerable gross pervert, it wouldn't matter how well he cooks. People would either have mixed feelings about him or they'd hate him. But post time skip Sanji???????? They were riding the fucking edge with that behavior. Like REALLY riding the edge! It was the cushion of his history that kept him popular along with the hope that they'd fucking tone it down!!!!! They wanted the grossness toned down! They didn't need a reminder of the kindness!
Add the fact that he didn't need A SECOND ALTERNATIVE BACKSTORY???? Apparently nearly starving to death on an uninhabitable island with a man willing to eat his own leg so the child had a shot at survival wasn't tragic enough for some people?!??!?? What does Judge's relation to Sanji add other than a last name he doesn't want and never claims? What do his supposedly emotionless family generate when Sanji has already been the character that chooses kindness when surrounded by cruel people. He's a freaking pirate! That's a normal Tuesday on some of the islands they go to! What did this arc add to him that made me look at his behavior differently? Should I thank Oda for adding another dead mom to his corpse arsenal, or will I acknowledge the fact he probably just wanted to add a super sentai reference so he could cover every style of anime in his giant storybook?
And I don't want to say Whole Cake was a bust. I mean Jinbei is there!! We finally get to see what kind of real threat Big Mom is!!! The Charlotte family is a colorful and tasty looking cast!!!! Sure the Katakuri fight wasn't nearly as exciting as other big encounters but there were big plot relevant things within the story including a connection to punk hazard! Yet, the whole thing with Sanji's biological family and this arranged marriage was the dumbest segway for us to get this information!
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nururu · 1 year
Hi. So I saw your posts about the x reader stuff, and I'm sorry that your having your time on Tumblr ruined by a community you aren't apart of. I know the tag feature has been an issue with a lot of people in tons of different communities.
But I am genuinely curious, because shouldn't this be something your more mad at the Tumblr tag function or just Tumblr in general for? Like I checked the posts you showed in the video, and both seem to be tagged fairly normally, and neither seemed spammed with tags. So wouldn't it be more productive to submit reports to Tumblr about the lack of the tag function reflecting your blocked/muted tags and creators?
As someone from the x reader side, I can assure you that we aren't doing this stuff maliciously, and I know I can speak for a lot of people on here when I say that we just want everyone to enjoy their time on the site. But taking the anger out on the creator when the fault really is with the site's tagging feature itself doesn't really solve anything.
Especially since this is an issue much bigger than just fanfiction side, as I know many artists try their best to tag their art with phobias that may trigger people in a particular piece, and how the tagging system is now, it's not really able to help as effectively as it should.
But anyways, again I'm sorry this is having a negative impact on your time here. I really do hope they get this stuff sorted out soon. And I highly recommend that you submit a report to possibly further help the push for a better tagging system.
I hope you have a wonderful day. ❤
Since 2012 when I started using Tumblr, it's always had issues with how it's functioned and how the tagging system has functioned. That's why it's userbase came together as a whole to do a damn good job at making sure things were tagged properly so people wouldn't have these issues with the tagging system (that has never once been perfect since the beginning of Tumblr and most likely never will be.) I'm specifically mad at x reader writers because they are the ONLY people who do not tag properly.
Example: don't tag x reader stuff with main fandom tags. Like instead of tagging it [character name] AND [ character name x reader], tag it with JUST [Character name x reader] instead of tagging it with [show name] AND [Show name x reader] tag it with JUST [Show name x reader]
That way, when I mute "show/character name x reader", it will actually mute it. The I can properly avoid it. But when you tag it with all the main fandom tags as well, it gets unmuted and I can no longer avoid it.
Also x reader writers will tag it with EVERY main fandom tags. Not just the characters they've wrote about, but every single strawhat. So I'm seeing usopp x reader in the Luffy tag.
Truly, this is less of "Tumblr tag system not working" and moreso "people not using the tag system properly and ruining its purpose". If I tagged every single dog I saw with cat tags, it would show up in all the cat tags. So when people search cats, all they'll get is dogs. Not that they hate dogs, but it's NOT what they're looking for. And just because I want everyone to see dogs, doesn't mean I should force them to.
Tumblr doesn't use an AI to auto tag things and sort them properly. It uses it's userbase to do that. If it's userbase isn't using it right, it doesn't work.
I am 1000000% blaming x reader writers. Every single fandom has this issue. Ive seen multiple viral posts complaining about this NOT just from the one piece fandom. It's inconsiderate, and rude, and ruins many peoples tag pages, fyps, AND dashes.
It's not my responsibility to fix an issue I didn't create. All it would take is for this one group of people to stop accosting everyone and start using the tag system as it was intended. This is the first time in my 12yrs on this site where it's been an issue. And it's because none of these writers tag correctly. Simple as that. Tumblr can't stop "dog" from being sorted into the "cat" tag if everyone is tagging dogs as cats.
Also it's not an accident or simply forgetting. It's intentional. And it shouldn't be bc it ruins everyone else's experience.
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moongothic · 8 months
There are people who are like there’s no way crocodile wouldn’t know luffy was his kid and they need to read more because dragon’s surname wasn’t known to the world until marineford. Why would crocodile know even if he was with the revolutionaries at one point.
I mean to be fair
One Piece is long as fucking hell, and it's been around for over two decades. There are losers (like me) who have read and watched and reread and rewatched the series multiple times and have a ton of it memorized, and there are also people who've only ever read and/or watched the series through once. So it is perfectly normal for people to not actually remember everything. God knows I can't remember most of what happened during Whole Cake for example, because I only read through it one and a half times. (Compare to like pre-timeskip which I have literally rewatched unironically like 15+ times) (I had a lot of free time in middle school okay)
(Not to mention not everyone cares enough about details like this-- like I'm fucking Neck Deep in This Shit so if I can't remember some lore detail or something, I have a pretty fucking good grasp of where to go double check something. Like I have a website for quick access, I have a pretty good grasp of what chapter-range to look in if not the exact chapter (and if I don't I generally have a good idea for HOW to figure it out through Wikis), so I can dig up something with relative ease at a moment's notice. And the same can't be said for the average fan, who probably doesn't care that much)
And it wouldn't be weird to assume that Dragon would've (AND SHOULD'VE) told his significant other his fullname and/or what their child was named. That DOES seem strange at first glance, like a massive plothole that under normal circumstances would debunk the theory
It's only when you start thinking about it in detail and speculate about the specifics when Crocodad starts becoming more believable, but most people don't even get that far with the theory because either they shut it out immidiately in bad faith, or whoever they're hearing the theory from doesn't actually go into these kinds of details. Like I've watched one or two YT theory videos about Crocodad and they only ever explain the basic, surface-level concept of the theory without much speculation, and it is an absolute shame because there is so much more to it when you start really digging in. But also if you wanted to make the most in-depth look into the Crocodad Theory, explaining both the basics and then go into the Deep Speculation Section, just to explan to people how truly viable the theory actually is, it'd turn into a 4-hour long video essay
POINT IS. I don't blame people who're sceptical of the theory for details like that, because you need to be at least a little deranged (or like me, Extremely Deranged) to get it /jk
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greatwyrmgold · 3 months
The other day, I started thinking about what Devil Fruits the Undersiders might like, followed by what parahuman abilities the Straw Hats might want. So I decided to formalize my thoughts into a proper post.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm limiting it to the core Undersiders' powers and the Straw Hats' Devil Fruits. Also a couple of non-DF-users' abilities, since there are six "core Undersiders" and only four Straw Hats with Devil Fruits.
Also, this isn't a powerswap AU. It's assumed that the Undersiders are parahumans before they get this chance, and the Straw Hats are a crew. So they still have parahuman/Devil Fruit powers.
Taylor: Flower-Flower Fruit
Blame this for me writing this entire post. Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit compliments Taylor's powers and M.O. so perfectly. It lets her literally be anywhere within her power's range, to literally reach out to anyone she can sense, or literally watch them with her own eyeballs.
Moreover, her superhuman multitasking would let her use the Flower-Flower power more intricately than Robin could dream of. She wouldn't have the advanced techniques Robin developed over her twenty years evading the World Government with the fruit, but she could restrain a whole bunch of people at once with brute force.
Rachel: Human-Human Fruit
This one is easy, not because I think Rachel would really want the Human-Human Fruit, but because no one else would have much use for it.
I imagine she'd give this fruit to Angelica, in case it helped her with the health problems the terrier accumulated before and during the series. If she got it later in the series, she'd probably give it to Bastard instead.
Alec: Gum-Gum Fruit
I just think he'd have a lot of fun with that power. His friends would be pissed.
Brian: Fish-Man Karate
I'm a little fuzzy on what Fish-Man Karate...does, compared to Hu-Man Karate. But I think that Brian would be more interested in learning the basics of a novel martial art than a gimmicky power. If, for the sake of fairness, he could master it as easily as his teammates eat a fruit, I think he'd jump on that chance.
Aisha: Revive-Revive Fruit
I think the spooky soul powers Brook demonstrates post-timeskip would appeal to Aisha.
Lisa: ???
I gotta be honest, I don't know what kind of Devil Fruit Lisa would want. Certainly nothing combative like the Straw Hats have; she only ends up in superhero fights because her teammates want her to, and she fades into the background as soon as she can. Maybe she'd pick the Revive-Revive Fruit so she could give it to one of the self-destructive people she struggles to stop from self-destructing, but in the timeframe of Worm that person is Taylor, and she already has a different Devil Fruit.
Considering the Straw Hats I've picked for the other half of this...I guess she ends up with something from Sanji by default. Maybe his...(wiki noises)...genetic modifications? Sure. Why not.
Sanji: Imp's power
Imp's power isn't invisibility per se, but it would still let him peep on naked women, just like the Clear-Clear Fruit. Let's move on.
Robin: Tattletale's power
Superhuman intuition would have obvious utility for Robin's people-watching hobby, her archaeological passion, and general curiosity. I expect she'd give herself migraines from overusing the power for at least the first few days.
Luffy: Regent's power
I just think he'd have a lot of fun with that power. His friends would be exasperated.
Brook: Grue's power
Grue's darkness is visually spectacular in a way most of the Undersiders' powers aren't. You can work that into a live performance, at least if your performances have the right vibe. And, well...Brook's face is a skull, so he either has the right vibe or no vibes at all.
Chopper: Bitch's power
I don't have any deep character-ful explanation, I just think post-timeskip Chopper would be more comfortable with such a "monstrous" transformation power.
Jinbei: Skitter's power, I guess
Like Lisa, Jinbei doesn't really fit with any of the Undersiders' powers. Maybe Bitch's if you altered it to work on whale sharks, but even that's a stretch. Anyways, Skitter's power wouldn't appeal to any of the Straw Hats, nor to most anyone else in the setting. Or any setting. It doesn't even appeal to Taylor until she's forced to invent ways to use it.
Anyways, I'm not sure what Jinbei would do with Taylor's power, but it's his now. Merry Christmas.
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missingn000 · 4 months
Omg you're officially starting an ace seraphim project.. Wishing you strength and inspiration!!! I remember you vaguely mentioning an idea along these lines in your tags a month or two ago? and it was like an epiphany in my brain and I was patiently waiting to see if you'd ever post more about it so really excited now (but also no pressure at all!) :))
yeah, i am!! ahh that's so sweet that you remembered :')) it's something i've been planning since like…early april lol, but i took about a month away from it to write my sanji vs king fic and now that it's finished, i'm back babey. i too was super compelled by the fandom's collective idea of seraphim ace, and since no long fic exists exploring what a trainwreck this little angel has the potential to be, i decided to take it upon myself. i'm honestly really excited too :D and PLEASE pressure me lmao i gotta get out of my own head and start writing this monstrosity
since you reached out (tysm for doing so <3) i'll give you (and anyone else reading this) the elevator pitch i've given my friends when i first introduce this fic idea to them!
elevator pitch below cut :)
alright. the general premise of the seraphim ace fic is that vegapunk created seraphim ace (s-flame) in secret with the aim of him being like -- a safety measure, made to stop the other seraphim if necessary. since vegapunk can't produce logias, s-flame has charlotte oven's devil fruit: the heat-heat fruit, where he is able to superheat his body with virtually no upper limit due to his increased lunarian & pacifista durability. this gives him an advantage over all the other seraphim, because his fire is exponentially hotter than theirs.
the whole thing is....extremely poetic in a twisted way. vegapunk knows that hotter fire can beat less hot fire because akainu's magma is what killed ace. so he created s-flame to stop his own brothers & sister in the very same way the person he was made from was murdered.
eventually, s-flame meets luffy and the SHs when they arrive in egghead, and learns even more about the original ace. he's always been a lonely, angry kid like ace, but now he has even more turmoil towards his own existence. essentially: he doesn't want to be ace, but he knows that if he isn't ace, he isn't loved. everyone he meets mourns him and he's not even dead. he has the same relationship with ace that ace had with roger: he resents and blames ace for the way the world feels about his existence. so the more he rejects ace, the more he becomes ace.
the whole thing is one very long existential crisis about individuality, the interconnectedness of healing and grief, and s-flame reverse-engineering why ace was loved through learning about his interactions with others. it's a struggle between wanting to live up to ace's memory while also separating himself from ace's identity itself. he wants to be loved for himself, not who he's made from, so it's his journey discovering who he is, who ace was, and where to draw the line between them while forging new bonds along the way.
i'm really looking forward to this project, so thanks for the encouragement!! <333
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megafreak400 · 2 months
Watching all of One Piece - The East Blue Saga
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Well i've been trapped. You watch one introduction story about a cute reindeer doctor and suddenly you're locked in anime jail, unable to leave until you've traversed the entire grand line. I'm committed at this point though, so join me on my journey as I watch all of One Piece for the first time. Some background to start with. As alluded to the entire reason why I started this was I watched the Drum Island Arc on a whim before deciding to say fuck it and just watch the entire show. I haven't watched an anime series in like at least 5 years so why not start with this behemoth (this was decided before I watched Zombie Land Saga, but I blame a friend for that one.) Also note that i'm watching the Funimation dub of the original anime (not the live action also.) The plan is to write a blog post for every story saga. Is this the smartest way to break thing up? Eh maybe not but I'm going with it if it comes back to bite me oh well. So yes while I did watch Drum Island first, I won't give my thoughts on it until I finish the next saga. My plan is to break this down in four sections, though this may change in future blogs. The sections will be: 1. A talk about music I liked and OPs I liked 2. My general thoughts on the arcs (I will not recap what happens this blog assumes you know) 3. My thoughts on Major Characters or Characters I really really like. This saga will be a heavily focused on our main cast, but i'll make mention of guys that stood out or guys I hated as well for the supporting cast/villians during the arcs section 4. Overall thoughts on the saga.
A great first opening for this show, catchy as heck and I think it fits the feel of the show perfectly. I do think maybe a rap may have been a better fit but this is still really good.
Sadly the second OP is just ok. It's not bad but I think the english version isn't nearly as good as what i've heard of the Japanese version, and even that just doesn't hit as well as We Are. I also think the weird 4 image thing the op does is kind of lame compared to unique animation and as far as I can tell that's how it was in japanese as well. As far as ED's go, none of them really stood out to me except one.
This song is just so catchy, even more so in the English version which just has more energy to it. I mostly like the starting section with the kid versions of the main cast running, it's so good and i love kid zoro just running super extra hard it's adorable. For background music, all of it is very good but by far the best background song is this one:
Specifically the first part. When these trumpets start blaring you know that someone is doing something cool or about ready to make a bad ass stand. It's also very catchy and powerful. On a similar note I also really enjoy Rubber Bazooka. You know Luffy (or sometimes buggy for no reason...Like seriously why did they use this theme for him in that one episode) is kicking some major ass and it's always a fun time.
And my last pick for my top 3 favorite songs is Mother Sea, a remix of We are that usually plays when the saddest backstory ever is happening. Always fits the scenes perfectly, doubly so since a lot of these scene have like a white fuzzy boarder of sorts to denote a flash back that for some reason when mixed with this song just gives a very sad nostalgic vibe that I appreciate.
One last honorable mention goes to the snippets of character themes that play midway during an episode when it goes to commercial. I know that there is a full song to these and these are just parts of that full orchestration but the parts they pick really fit the characters perfectly and it's always a delight to hear the song and be like "oh zoro's poster is gonna flutter on up." All of the music in this show is delightful and I can't wait to hear more.
Ok It's time for the Meat and potatoes section. This is mostly what stuck out to me, so if I missed something you found cool i'm sorry. Romance Dawn Arc
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A good start to the story, introducing us to the insanity that is Luffy. This is mostly just an introductory arc so I don't have a ton of specific reactions here that wouldn't be mentioned in Luffy and Zoro's overall character thoughts. For other characters Koby is a weenie but I do end up liking him and I love how Luffy inspires him. It is really wild that he ends up friends with a pirate despite wanting to join the marines (though honestly kid, 90 percent of the marines I've seen in this show suck, maybe don't.....or go find captain smoker), but I guess Luffy is just built different. Villains wise, most are kind of forgettable. Alivda is a whatever character here and Helmeppo is silly but kind of obnoxious. Morgan is horrible and starts the trend of the main villian of the arc being the biggest piece of shit, and usually even a bigger piece of shit compared to the guy from the last arc. One piece is in an arm race to find the worst characters for Luffy to beat up and I'm kind of all here for this. I guess the other thing to note is Shanks, who is shown in a flash back (though in the manga I know it's just the first chapter. I really like Shanks and I know we'll see more of him in the future. Just know I think he's really cool and I hope he doesn't end up being an asshole. But beyond that there isn't much else to say about this arc. I like the Nami shows up here doing her own thing but beyond that it's just a solid introduction arc without anything too crazy that stands out.
Orange Town Arc
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Chouchou is best boy! The fake out of you thinking he got slaughters when actually he struck a blow was great I really hope we see him again in the future, though I doubt it since he's such a small character. Also the Mayor was really fun, respect to him marching off to fight Buggy. Stupid of him, but he had guts. Beyond that uh yea sorry I don't really care for Buggy. This arc is great because we get more Zoro and Luffy character building but Buggy and his crew are a bit of a snooze fest. Maybe it's the dub actor who sounds like he's going for Joker if he wasn't funny and also was barely evil but I guess most of the villains in this show are giant asshats who you want to see beat up. Buggy is just kind of an annoyance so far. He's a lot more annoying in later episodes, here he was fine but IDK the anime seems to love this man and he hasn't done anything to make me enjoy watching him. Chop Chop powers are fun, but he doesn't really do anything creative with them here. His lackeys also overstay their welcome. The fact that I remember Chouchou more than the guy he was fighting should be evidence of that. And acrobat guy shouting random attack names was funny but again just got old after a while. The more important part of this arc is Nami finally meeting Luffy an Zoro. I want it noted that it takes a while for me to like Nami, here she slightly got on my nerves mostly because she was being a bit silly about thinking she could trick Buggy, at least at the time. Also shout outs to Zoro just sleeping after a bad stab womb. Won't be the last time either, I love this dumb swordsman.
Syrup Village Arc
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Ok this is the first Arc I really gelled with. Not that I wasn't enjoying the show before this, I was because I really like Zoro and Luffy. But this was the first arc where I thought the overall story and pacing kept me enthralled. Ussop really shines in this arc and while it's kind of his fault no one believes him he steps up and the battle that follows is incredible. Kaya is a sweetheart, though some of her actions in this arc are a little short sighted. Her going to Kuro just seemed like the wrong move, but i respect her guts. She is also part of the reason Ussop works in this arc because his tall tales are for her benefit and it's shown she really enjoys Ussop's company. Next up....how did Merry survive? I know this won't be the last time i ask this but seriously this dude should have died. I legit thought he was going to become their boat through some strange reincarnation, and I wasn't entirely wrong? Obligatory Zoro is so dumb and I love him for it. Nami pushing him down into the oil, ok sure dick move but the guy took like a half hour to realize he could just use his sword to climb up. I also find it absolutely hilarious that if he doesn't have a sword in his mouth he's like at half strength. The Black cat pirates are by far the best villains so far. Kuro is an absolute dick and even before the reveal I hated this man. This man was a wanted pirate who decided to hatch this insane scheme to take over this rich families fortune by 2 years of pretending to be their faithful butler and faking his death to get the marines off his tail. Just an absolutely over the top insane plan but it doesn't matter because he sells it just due to how cold and cunning he is. Unfortunately he stupidly decided to reveal his plan to merry for no reason before failing to kill him, so maybe dumber than you think (like most cats.) His crew is also a lot of fun, the back and forth of them wanting to cheer him with his old name and him getting mad at them is great, and them just switching to cheering for Luffy when he reveals he was going to kill them all is hilarious. Jango is also a lot of fun, his hypnotism add a lot of twists to this arc that I enjoyed. I've learned quickly that for a lot of these arcs they need something to prevent Luffy and Zoro from just winning right out the gate, so having Luffy be hypnotized here was not only hilarious it also gave Ussop a time to shine. Oh yea and shout outs to the ussop pirate gang, those kids were pretty cool in the end and respect to them for staying to fight against Jango. Overall best arc so far, it was a joy from start to end. Baratie Arc
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This might be my favorite arc of this saga. I fucking love this insane restaurant everyone who works here is nuts and It's the best. There are so many good characters in this arc. Patty and Carne stand out from the chefs, but even the nameless background chefs are great. Zoro's bounty hunter friends are introduced here and I loves these weirdos and the fact that they stick around for so long. Zeff is the best dad, his backstory with Sanji is the saddest backstory ever and I really love his goodbye with Sanji. Also The idea of a kicking pirate is great and I love that he taught Sanji everything he knows. Also his interactions with Luffy are hilarious. Full not metal not alchemist is a giant weenie and a great way to introduce how nuts the fighting Chefs of the Baratie are. I assume we'll see him more in the future but glad he got what was coming to him. Gin is a great character and I love that we get a complex villain here. One piece needs a giant asshole for the crew to defeat but having a character who is technically on the other side but has good morals helps give a bit more complexity beyond just bad guy is bad. Mihawk comes way the fuck out of now where and I assume he'll be way more important later but he's a good way to show how insane what they'll find in the Grand Line will be. It's interesting because a lot of this arc feels like setting up for later arcs, with the stuff with Nami leaving leading directly to the next one or Zoro's fight here most likely leading to big things later down the line but it never feels like it's out of place. Don Krieg is a giant weenie and seeing him and his stupid armor taken down was very satisfying. This man also sucks because he's supposed to be one of the strongest pirates ever and he went to the grand line and instantly got his ass handed to him. He also has a punch able face. The setting to this arc is also very fun. The idea of a floating restaurant is just such a cool concept. It also makes for an interesting battle ground since neither party wants to destroy the terrain. Also Sanji. This is the last time Sanji gets to be not cringe for an entire arc (so far at least) I like sanji here a lot he's fantastic. I feel like fighting wise he doesn't really get to do much here (he honestly feels more normal here and less super strong compared to later fights) but his morals when it came to feeding people and his defending of his family and home and how he finally agrees to join Luffy's crew are all handled fantastically. Sadly though he has one glaringly bad character flaw, but i'll get to that later. Overall I just love the pacing of this arc. It flows perfectly. From them meeting the bounty hunters (which is hilarious by the way, don't pour lemon juice down a man's throat to cure scurvy at home kids) to them deciding they need a chef as the reason to go the restaurant in the first place. The from there the marine jerk causing Luffy to become a chore boy, and them being there leading to Gin escaping and bring back Krieg, it just feels all natural. And as mentioned with Nami leaving it also feels like it just flows well into the next arc. 10/10 best arc. Arlong Park Arc
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Ok......Let's try this again. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK This arc is apparently the arc to watch if you want to know if you'll like one piece and I get why. Also the arc that made me go "what the fuck how did 4 Kids dub this" before realizing the answer was "badly." There is some brutal stuff in this arc, and if you thought Kuro was an asshole, clearly you haven't met Arlong. Ok some minor things. Momoo is adorable and I love them. I feel so bad for them and I want to give them a hug. Granted the running joke of Luffy and Sanji not knowing what the heck animals are is really funny but leave my poor cow baby alone. Ok other small things uh............fuck everything in this arc isn't really small. Ok uh....Ussop he gets to be heroic for once, that was cool. Oh and the pinwheel guy and Nami's sister are fantastic I love them and them trying to save Luffy is hilarious and also Luffy is an idiot. alright uh where to start. Arlong is a fucking asshole. Fuck this guy the biggest piece of shit until the next piece of shit. IDK what the worst part about this guy is. The racism, what he did to nami's mom, what he did to the village, what he did to nami both in making her join his crew and giving her false hope before snatching it away. Take your pick, they're all good choices. Arlong is our first introduction to the fish man species and I really hope there are some good fish men later on (there are I know this) because pretty much everyone here (except one) are just awful. Arlong's defeat by Luffy is extremely cathartic. The entire scene in the map room and luffy's reaction...it's perfect. uh other fish man....honestly most of the other guys are whatever except Hatchan. Dude is hilarious and also very dumb. While I said Gin was great for being a good guy on the bad team, Hatchan is good for being a dumb guy on the bad team. From his first meeting to zoro to his entire fight with zoro seeing dumb vs dumb is a sight to behold. Ok i'll get to this more during nami's character section but Nami is a character who slowly gets better arc from arc with slow character building and moving her to this moment. This is her arc, and it's also when I was fully on liking her as a character. That scene, that fucking scene man. You know the one. It's just so good everything about her in this arc is done masterfully. How she fakes killing Ussop, the Tattoo she ends up getting after everything, her friendship with Luffy here. Nami is this arc and while I did enjoy the Baratie more, this arc hits on an emotional level with the saddest backstory ever told. Also obligatory Zoro is dumb. Did I mention I love him? Louge Town Arc
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This arc is a fun time. It's a good breather arc, setting up the the transition to the grand line, introducing some new characters and reintroducing some old characters. I was not expecting to see alvida again, and though she basically acts like a different character, it's cool to see her return i guess. Buggy is here....yay? IDK maybe Buggy becomes amazing later on but he's more just used here to establish characters coming back and act as a way to make Luffy seem cool. The side stories in this arc are what i mostly enjoy though. Everything with Zoro in the sword shop was a fun time, and I can't wait to see more of this not the dead girl zoro knew in the future. Ussop's story with Daddy the Father (yes that's his name) is also fun. Any time Ussop isn't being annoying i'll always applaud. Some insane stuff happens near the end of this arc, like this weird man and the weird lighting but I'm assuming we'll learn more about that much later. And lastly, Smoker. We love Smoker. The first marine I like and IDK what his role in the story will be but i can't wait to see more of this man. Warship Island Arc
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An anime only arc that....exists. This arc is fine, but honestly thinking back I really don't have much to say about this one. Eric is a stupid weenie and the entire arc is them going to the wrong place and having to back track. I do like Apis, she's a fun character, but the overall pace of the story just is kind of whatever. I do like that they work this arc into manga events like getting trapped in the calm belt or entering reverse mountain, and the main cast continues to be pretty fun in their interactions with each other but I kind of just want to get to the grand line already!
Episodes not in Arcs
Ok there are really only two things to mention here. 1. Gaimon is the best and I love his island with the weird animals. I assume he's not important but his episode is fun and the idea of this weird box man is hilarious. 2. Buggy's episodes suck. like the only episodes of the show i really didn't like. I don't like buggy as it is but he absolutely can't function as the protagonist. Small buggy dicking around is painful to watch but then they have a second episode with his crew and I just don't care. The lion is funny but other then that these episodes just felt like a waste of time.
OK I'm only going to cover the main guys here, in later sagas I main include more, we'll have to see. Monkey D Luffy
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Luffy is an idiot. He's like so dumb but I kind of love him for it. Probably my second or third favorite character at this point, this man is Goku brained. That's not a bad thing mind you, but if you've watched original dragon ball, all the traits are here. A love for food (and a huge appetite,) loves to fight, gets insanely pissed if you hurt his friends, stupid strong, very very dumb and a has a good heart. Luffy is a simple character but honestly that's fine. Everyone else can get sad backstories and deep lore Luffy is fine just being this rubber wrecking ball. The fact that he actively doesn't want to know the backstories of his crew is both hilarious but also touching in a way, since it doesn't matter to him where they came from. He decided they were on his crew and his friends and that's just the way it is. East blue Luffy overall is a fun time and while him being nerfed at times due to stupidity is a bit, well stupid, it also makes it so he doesn't overstay his welcome. Him being dumb could be annoying but it's mostly paced well enough that it ends up just being funny and not overbearing.
Roronoa Zoro
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I love Zoro. Man is stupid strong, stupid stupid and a good guy. Granted he's smarter than Luffy and I love it when he notices stuff and gets to show off a bit of his tactical no how. But the man also is very dumb in a lot of other ways and I love him for it. The fact that the only reason he's known as a pirate hunter is because he just beat up pirates trying to find his way back home because he got lost and he doesn't even realize he's known as this big bad bounty hunter is pretty incredible. It does suck that he gets wounded so much in east blue but if he didn't he would probably win all the fights with no struggle. And because of that we get to see how determined he is to be the best swords man. His fight with Mihawk after learning his back story is such a great moment and i really hope he becomes just that, the greatest swordsman. Nami
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I like Nami a lot and I only keep liking her the more I watch. I do think it's a slow burn to liking her, she's not exactly the nicest character to the guys for the longest time, but a lot of that is her wearing a mask due to her past experiences. Once we get to Arlong park and realizing everything she's been through and how strong willed she is, it's understandable and from that point she also becomes a lot more approachable to the rest of the crew while still maintaining a bit of her trademark "you idiots" bite to her. I do wish she was a bit less money hungry at times but compared to other characters it's a minor flaw so far.
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Ussop is in a race for my least favorite main character in the East Blue and it sucks because I do like him. It's just while the lying in his arc was fine, when he starts to brag and lie during other arcs as a way to seem tougher or to take credit for others deeds, he just comes across as obnoxious. Because Usssop doesn't need to lie, he's pretty cool on his own. Him doing his marksman thing and generally being one of the smarter members of the crew is enough on it's own, you don't need to be freakishly strong dude. He took out a fishman on his own and it was legit hype but then he decides to lie to the town and tell them he did everything despite them clearly watching the whole fight against Arlong. I think Ussop will always be a character who is always really good or really annoying, but I hope he leans more to the good side the further on we get.
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Oh Sanji. Sanji, Sanji, Sanji. Sanji could be such a good character but he has one really annoying awful trait. He's horrible when it comes to women. Not only that but he's kind of an asshole to the rest of the crew during the every day travel, and only good when in battle. He was great during his arc mind you, but he always acts weird around Nami or any girl and just please dude. Men being weird about beautiful women is always a weird joke and while a lot of times it can kind of work, it just doesn't here. It's unfortunate because it kind of becomes Sanji's whole character or at the very least eclipses anything else good about him.
Final Thoughts
East blue overall is a fun saga to start our adventure. I think it establishes the world of One Piece well while leaving room for more insane characters and story elements the further in we get. It gives us our main cast (besides best boy Chopper) for a while and introduces all their back stories. A good mix of comedy and heartbreak i'm excited to watch more of this show and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 1 year
(delete if makes you uncomfortable) hello!! i read your acelu answer (?) where you talked about ace and/or luffy being infertile and its amazingly good angst but. imagine luffy winding up pregnant, and then the sudden shock and horror when he winds up miscarrying. just. them suddenly finding out while theyre both doing a normal activity for one another like hunting, and luffy dropping to his knees all confused. ace holding his dear brother close, terrified because "why is he bleeding?? he didn't get bit or clawed at!!! what's wrong???" and being unable to hold back tears and screams as he tries to carry his poor panicking and in pain brother to the treehouse.
Goddd this is so devastating though?? Especially if they didn't even KNOW that Luffy was pregnant, so there's that brief moment of absolute joy at the news. . . and then reality slams into them.
Luffy usually bounces back (heh, because he's rubber!) from things so easily, nothing ever gets him down, but this. . . Losing Sabo was devastating, but now that grief and pain is coming from his own body and he doesn't even really know why. Bonus points if the miscarriage happened because he wasn't eating properly (because they live in the jungle) or because he was hit a few too many times during a fight (because they live in the jungle) or because he's just stressed in general (because they live in the jungle) so then they both have to deal with the guilt of "causing" the miscarriage.
Ace never gets over it. He had seen Luffy injured before, but never like that and he has nightmares for months of Luffy covered in his own blood and bleeding out on the forest floor. He buries his grief and fear though because, for once, Luffy is the one who needs comfort and support. He still blames himself though.
It takes them both a long time to recover emotionally. The joy that Luffy could get pregnant in the first place, that they could start a family together, gets overshadowed by the traumatizing experience and the fear keeps them from trying again for a good, long while, first with Ace refusing to even touch Luffy, then with them using the strongest birth control available in their village.
And when Luffy finally does get pregnant again, it doesn't matter if the pregnancy itself goes totally fine, they're both still stressed and scared the whole time and Ace 100% has a panic attack during the birth. He didn't know there would be so much blood.
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boneparrot · 4 months
Can I hear more about Asexual Franky Truth?
Of course! I'll try to explain my thoughts on Franky's sexuality in general (for the record, I headcanon him as a gay aroace man), but it mostly comes down to the fact that I'm aroace and like projecting onto my favourite characters. But if you want a less boring answer, here's some more reasons I came up with:
While I'm not claiming Franky's obsession with masculinity is inherently queer, the emphasis on striving to become something of men's dreams does come across as a little gay to me.
Prior to joining the Straw Hats, Franky saw himself as a failure due to blaming himself on Tom's death. We can draw parallels between this and the asexual experience, as a common part of that is to feel like something's "wrong" with you. With how allosexual mainstream society is, these thoughts can lead to feeling alienated, which creates a desire to find a community that will accept you. Franky was able to form a found family of other outcasts, and you know what they say about LGBT people gravitating towards each other.
Franky is a proud, self-proclaimed "perversion of nature" who takes any jabs at his gender expression as compliments. Cyborg pride? Gay pride. Additionally, it's a common sentiment among aphobes that asexual people are "freaks".
We never really see Franky react to women in the same way the other Straw Hats *cough cough* mostly Sanji *cough* do. Though this could be attributed to the fact that he's one of the more mature members, he never shows any romantic or sexual desire towards people. While he does acknowledge Robin and Hancock's beauty... who wouldn't? Even Luffy is able to tell someone when they're pretty, and he's an aroace icon. There's also the scene where he rejects Lola's marriage proposal, telling her he's "too super to settle down", as well as the scene where he casually kisses Kyuin, only to agree that hearing about love from inexperienced young women makes him "sicker than a bad drink". He just doesn't care.
Considering his nipples are light switches and his pelvis is extendable, I get the feeling he doesn't have a high desire for sexual activity.
I want to see more aroace representation like Franky and Luffy, rather than just the common stereotypes we see in media.
I think it works well with me shipping him with Brook. Now I'm DEFINITELY just projecting here, but as an aroace person, I'm more attracted to fictional characters than I am real people. Especially those with more monstrous features. Not that Brook isn't a human, but obviously someone like him is impossible to exist in reality. My point is, he doesn't have a dick, and he's probably open to all kinds of kinks.
I actually have a fanfic about this concept, but it's in WIP hell. Anyway, I hope that answers your question, and thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about this!
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I have a couple questions regarding Hearing Problems (I mean, I have a lot but I don't want to spoil it for myself with the more specific ones lol). So, if these questions aren't too much of a spoiler (and if it is, or if it's something you're planning on taking further, please feel free to leave it out of your answer or say you can't say right now)
Will we be hearing more about Helena? She sounds really cool and I'd love to hear about her adventures as a pirate
Since Helena is now dead, that means her Mizu Mizu no mi fruit is now 'back in circulation', are you planning on doing anything with this? Also, could you describe her fruit and haki abilities in more detail? (Like how she uses haki, or if she has any subtypes, or how she got her haki and trained it)
I assume that Karimi doesn't know about her family origins right now, but it's a pretty interestingly complicated family tree, so:
How would Karimi react to meeting Ace? I assume she wouldn't blame him for his predecessors actions, and if she can hear his thoughts she'd know he isn't the same as Vesper. But his powers are a direct reminder of the man who killed her grandma, left her for dead, was the reason she ended up stranded and scrabbling to survive on an island of corpses, etc. how would she deal with it?
If Monkey D. Garp didn't recognise her when they first picked her up, does he not know that his son has a kid at all? (I know you mentioned that Lyon hates Garp so this would make sense)
Is Helena also Dragons mother? (I must know more about her and Garp)
Who knows of Karimi/her father's relation to Garp?
Did Beckmanns hatred of her father, and hearing his story about his sister (her mother) change her view of her father in any way?
And lastly:
Is 'Any Way The Wind Blows' a reference to anything? Like the phrase or the song from hadestown?
Bit more about Helena here and her history with Garp. I'll definitely be going more into her history in Hearing Problems, as Karimi learns more about her and her history as a pirate.
The Mizu Mizu no Mi is currently in the possession of the World Government and being carefully guarded; it's considered too dangerous to be consumed, though that doesn't mean it won't end up happening.
Helena was proficient primarily in Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki, among the strongest users in the world when she was still active. She heard about Haki from her father originally, and when she left Foosha Village with Garp in her youth she was dead set on learning more about it, building alliances with stronger pirate crews relatively early in her career so she could find someone to train under.
Karimi knows very little about her family, apart from her grandmother. She barely even remembers her father since she was so young the last time she saw him, and really wouldn't even know what he looks like if not for his wanted posters. At the start of Hearing Problems she hasn't met Ace; she's spent the past six years in the East Blue and didn't encounter him before he made it to the Grand Line. She's wary of forming bonds with anyone in general, and his Devil Fruit abilities would definitely be off-putting for her, so she would definitely be cold toward him at first; but seeing how close he and Luffy are would put her mind at ease at least somewhat. I do have plans of them meeting later, but we'll leave it at that for now.
Garp absolutely recognized her. Apart from hair color she's the spitting image of Helena when she was younger. He had no idea his youngest son had a child at all, however, until Vesper and his crew were indicted and arrested, and Vesper revealed that he had left the Siren's granddaughter alive and stranded. Garp's original intention was to take her to Foosha Village, and he intended to reveal the truth once she calmed down and stopped threatening to kill any Marine that came near her, but that was squashed when she escaped.
Helena is indeed the mother of both Dragon and Lyon. She retired from piracy when she had Dragon. There's a hefty age difference between the two of them, Lyon barely knew his older brother at all growing up because he was quite young when Dragon left.
The only other person (apart from her father and some of his crew) who knows she is Garp's granddaughter is Sengoku. They're the sole reason she hasn't had a bounty put on her head; as long as her activities as a mercenary don't lead her to target any Marines or the World Government, they've essentially swept everything under the rug where she's concerned.
Honestly, Karimi doesn't have many opinions of her father. She wants to find him because he deserves to know exactly what happened at Conch Cove, and apart from Marines she's the only person who really knows because the whole incident was kept quiet. Hearing more about her father from both Shanks and Beck was honestly more strange for her than anything; it just made him seem more real, like prior to that it felt like she was chasing a phantom.
Any Way the Wind Blows is a line I pulled directly from "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen actually, but it also reflects how clumsy Lyon was with his Devil Fruit abilities when he first got them. Give a twelve year old the ability to alter wind currents and there's going to be a whole lot of strange weather phenomenon cropping up where it shouldn't be. Resulted in Lyon ending up with a bounty on his head when he was no older than fourteen because he was just unintentionally causing so much havoc.
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Straw-Hat Crew — general NSFW headcanons ⚠️🔞⚠️
Luffy and Sanji have mini-scenarios with theirs :)
Characters: Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Nami, +Smoker
(established relationships)
Part two coming soon
WARNINGS: NSFW, overstimulation, cockwarming, size kink, voice kink, slight choking, and a whole bunch more that I'm too lazy to tag 😅
Very impatient.  
High libido; will take the opportunity to jackhammer into you any chance he gets.
Pretty vocal most of the time.   Maybe even whiny.
His kisses are messy; saliva dripping down his chin and everything. He'll touch every part of you with his hands. 
Loves to go down on you but says the most embarrassing shit about your genitals.  Deadass compares it to eating meat the first time it happens; like babe, sorry but that's not very flattering from your point of view.  
Gets kinda rough at times.  Won't stop fucking you even if he's got tears in his eyes. 
Will go at it for hours if you let him.  "Just one more, c'mon, please—just one more" he says after every orgasm. He'd stop if you truly wanted him to. 
Passes tf out after pounding the daylights out of you.  Learns about aftercare after that and gets better at it eventually.
     Luffy's voice is so hot when he's fucking you from behind.  His cock finds your sweet spot out of habit and he uses one of his hands to push firm pressure on your clit.  He's rocking into your body, kissing you wherever he can.  At times all he can do is rest his face against your skin, drooling. He refused to cum until you do ('cause "that's when it feels the best!"), and only when your eyes roll to the back of your head does he finally let go.   
     His pace is unforgiving even now.  He can't form words at this point, all he can do is whine and cry as he feels your gummy cunt spasm on his cock.  
Absolutely submissive. Very vocal.  The way he moans is hot as fuck; he'll whine, grunt, his voice may even crack, and the way he breathes out your name with tears in his eyes— makes blood rush straight to your groin.  
Loves cockwarming and overstimulation.  He keeps going until you cum, and he makes you cum as many times as you can.  
Kinda into being choked; he really gets hard when you're rough with him.
(If you're a woman or someone who wears panties: Definitely steals your underwear.  Loves the way your heat smells and uses it as wank-material 🥴)
Into giving and receiving praise.  
Spends all the time he can between your legs; he's immensely proud that he can make you come undone with his mouth alone. Loves the way you taste.
Likes being ordered around a little bit. 
His aftercare is divine.  He knows exactly what to do without you even saying it. 
      Imagine Sanji ploughing into your doughy hole;  load after load pumped out and still his pace never lets up.  How can you blame him when your insides are squeezing him that tightly, when your voice gets whiny and tears dot your cheeks, when your walls are so slick and relaxed that he doesn't even need to use lube to help the process along? 
    He's cumming deep inside you with a loud cry, yet again, barely slowing down, and you cum with him. It's clearly the big finale.  His voice is erotic, fit only for wet dreams and pornography, and damn it turned you on.  
     Soon enough he's slowing down, rocking into you, ensuring you're stuffed full of his seed.  He's massaging your pliable body; the ever dutiful Sanji already beginning his aftercare routine. After cuddling, showers, and getting ready for bed, you fall asleep in each other's arms. 
Prefers to be the dominant one in bed with you, but does occasionally let you take the reins.
He's got the stamina to go round after round; you better be prepared. 
Not very vocal, but he's perfect at fucking you at the right pace. 
Likes to hold you up in position a lot; both to get stronger and flex his strength in front of you. 
Likes it when you use his body while he's sleeping, so long as it's behind closed doors. 
Doesn't even know what aftercare is; when you explain it to him, he doesn't understand why going to sleep right after the deed doesn't count, but he gets it eventually.  He knows you're not trying to be needy or anything, but a little more care in this area couldn't hurt. 
(Continuation of last hc): next time y'all do it, he takes the time to hold you and rub your back. You actually fall asleep before him, for a change.
Another whiny one. 
Likes when you use the '–sama' honorific.
More on the submissive side; talks big but in reality he's kinda insecure; he likes it when you go your own pace.  
Can't go too many rounds tbh; gets sleepy immediately after a couple of orgasms.  
He doesn't know how best to please you at first but he gets the hang of it quickly.  Does his best not to leave you unsatisfied and usually succeeds. 
Rather good at kissing.  Can do things with his tongue that make you melt.
(His nose gets in the way sometimes, but y'all make it work 🥴)
Make sure you're truly alone when you're banging though, cause there is no keeping him quiet when he orgasms.  
His aftercare is decent, actually.  He's a natural.  Falls asleep right after this though; there's no way you're getting this guy out of your bed after something like that.  (Cute asf though.  Talks a lot in his sleep, says your name a lot too. vv cute <3)
Anyone with Robin as their lover is extremely blessed.  She may not convey her feeling verbally, but the unspoken way she shows her love is clear. 
So when it comes to the bedroom, she is tender.  She's a service dom all the way.   
Whatever position you may find yourselves in, she is always attuned to the way you're feeling.  
She puts her devil fruit powers to good use, too 👀👀 Just imagine all the uses of extra hands during love-making... endless possibilities.
She is so good in bed bruh, but most of all it's just really loving.  It has to be; she'd never be so vunerable with someone she didn't trust completely, and you're honored to be one of the few people she's chosen for the role. 
Her kisses and hickeys were promises; testaments to all the things she doesn't say out-loud. 
Robin loves the face you make when you cum, and she usually has more stamina than you in this area, so you're going to be making that face a lot 🥴
Her thing is thighs; they're really sexy to her.  She adores your thighs, and loves to leave hickeys on the insides of them.
Any stretch-marks, scars, or other insecurities are adored by her, proof of your own trust in her.  
She's a pro at oral.  Whatever you've got down there, she knows what to do.  The extra hands and mouths do wonders. 
Let her fuck you with the strap please she'll love you forever lmao.
Pillow princess. 
Usually likes to lay back and order you what to do, or just have you take care of her. 
Likes to tie you up sometimes though. 
Uses lots of toys, both on herself and you.  
Her toys and harnesses are always so pretty.  Nami would never own something ugly, what do you expect?
Has a thing for ruined makeup 🥴
Okay Nami is low-key really kinky. Bondage, spanking, etc. She likes to choke you a little bit, too.  
Her moans are cute asf; she tries to hold back at first, but soon she can't help but let out high-pitched whines and moans. 
Loves it when you pull her hair when you fuck her.
He's got a size kink, bad.  
But other than that he's surprisingly tender.  He looks like the kinda guy who likes it rough, and sure he can get rough if you want, but he's always sweet about it regardless.
Prefers fucking you at a slow pace, taking time to enjoy the flutter of your walls around him as you pant and moan.
Holds you close when he makes love. 
Likes doggy-style, missionary, and prone-bone positions. 
Doesn't mind a little choking, giving or receiving.
Not into quickies or public sex; more so the latter than the former.  He wants to be a good example for his subordinates, no fucking on the job. 
Into creampies, and has a little bit of a breeding kink.  
When he orgasms, there is a lot of cum— and I truly mean a lot. He gets hard again and is ready to go for another round just from watching his cum gush and ooze out of your hole. 
He'll make you orgasm again and again until neither of you can handle it, and then he'll make you cum again. 
Likes it when you scratch him up as he pounds into you. 
You can call him whatever you want, he doesn't mind, but he prefers sir over anything else. 
Service dom, and super quiet in bed. You'll have to let him know if you want him to be louder. 
He's good at kissing but his mouth tastes sickly sweet, like ash and the artificial sweetness of cigars.  
A natural with his mouth, in all the right places, iykwim 😏
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rishere222 · 2 years
How would One Piece Characters Confess their Love for you
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—☆ Fluff
—☆ Fem and Masc Y/N, HC
—☆ warning: mention of depression & anxiety
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The biggest tsundere
Her love language is asking you for help
Would deny it at first
Most likely confessed because of a near death experience
"This may be the end so I'm saying this once so you better listen. I like you okay. Now think of a plan to get us out of this."
Blushes real hard
Punches you for making her feel butterflies in her stomach
Extremely generous and flirty towards you
Doesn't know what liking someone is
Nami and Robin will tell him that he has feelings for you, because he wasn't really self aware
Very affectionate
Never really liked someone before so he was nervous about confessing
More likely he accidentally told you that he likes you
"So what? I like you and that's just how it is. Can you blame me? You're very cool."
Will feel proud once he confesses
Loves to cling to you and asks you to play with him
Very emotionally aware and vocal
Found out you're suffering from anxiety be cause of a traumatic past so he's very gentle towards you
He would cook for you (ofc)
Likes listening to you, he wants you to see him as a safe place
He was surprisingly very serious when he confessed to you because he doesn't want you to think that he's joking
"I like you Y/N, I've adored you for quite some time now. No pressure though, I want you to heal from your struggles and I want to help you too. I'll always be here for you okay, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm just here."
He's your biggest supporter, literally sees you as a goddess/god.
Would ask Chopper to make medicine for you when you're experiencing an intense panic attack
You and Robin shares the same interest, reading books.
You suffer from depression and reading is your coping mechanism
Robin was shy at first, she doesn't want to pressure you
Her love language is recommending you a book she really likes
Robin understands your struggles and tries her best to always be there for you
Her way of confessing was giving you a book that highlighted the following words:
"Hello, I've liked you for quite some time now. You are an amazing and beautiful person. I only wish nothing but the best for you and for our future adventures" -Robin
She was in denial and tried to be very respectful
Very shy and bashful after she confessed
Loves to remind you to drink your anti-depressants
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morefandomscenarios · 3 years
Cuddling / Sleeping Habits
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Only conks out when he's either 1) very tired, or 2) very full.
Has no preference for cuddling.
Big spoon? Yes!
Little spoon? Awesome!
Twisted cinnamon bun? Huh? ... Ah, that's just Luffy wrapping his arms round and round your form because he decided you're gonna be his bolster for the night!
Mumbles a lot in his sleep.
Chews on his own tongue when he dreams of eating.
Might even chew you, actually. Better get used to it.
Loves it when you hum or sing him to sleep.
Prefers to sleep on hammocks than beds, really.
8/10 should cuddle and risk being tangled in a mess of rubber limbs when you wake up.
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Too hot to cuddle in warm climates.
A very comfy weighted blanket slash heater that kisses you lovingly every now and then in cold climates.
Likes it better when he's the little spoon though.
Especially on darker nights plagued with nightmares.
Nuzzles against you.
Random soft kisses.
Has occasional nightmares and will appreciate being shaken awake.
Will fall in love with you all over again when you try your best to calm him down afterwards and lull him back to sleep.
Snores loudly whenever he's laying on his back.
Sleeps naked, unless you're bothered by that - in which he might throw in a boxer.
Sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep - a side effect from his narcolepsy.
Sometimes forgets to take off his accessories.
Sleeps with a weighted blanket on whenever you're unavailable for cuddles. It doesn't come close to having you cuddle with him but it's better than nothing.
5/10 generally good to cuddle, depending on the room temperature.
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Loves cuddles but will never admits it.
Never initiates cuddles.
... Is what you THINK.
When he's 1000% sure you're asleep, he snuggles up against you.
Denies any accusations whatsoever in the morning. Blames YOU for snuggling against HIM.
Man is so touch starved he'll be over the moon whenever you suggest to be the big spoon.
Another one plagued by constant nightmares.
Severe ones can get bad and he won't even wake up.
Is mostly uncooperative when you try to take care of him and persuade him back to sleep. Might or might not comply.
Has sleep paralysis at least twice a week (assuming he sleeps five days a week).
Knows what's happening medically on those occasions but it still bothers him. Extra grumpy the next day and needs you to help him relax.
Will never tell you but having you sleep with him helps a lot.
Actually has a pajamas. Though sometimes he forgoes the shirt if the submarine gets too hot.
Keeps his bed clean (eating on his bed is a big no-no).
Always makes his bed in the morning.
Will appreciate you for spraying calming scents on the sheets and his pillows every now and then.
10/10 cuddle this man please.
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Insists he's not a cuddler.
Actually is.
Big spoon.
Will probably crush you with his metal arm.
Very heavy sleeper. Both literally and in definition. RIP you if you get crushed under him.
Kicks the blanket away.
Kicks you.
Steals your pillow.
Uses you as a pillow.
Doesn't really care if you use him as your pillow in turn.
Snores loudly.
Forgets to remove his makeup most of the time.
Sleeps in his underwear or without, depending on his mood - your opinion does not matter.
Builds his own bed himself so it's extra huge. Lots of room to sprawl and roll around.
Sometimes forgets sleeping is a thing when he's working on a particular project/machinery.
Actually appreciates it when you drag him to bed on those nights.
Washing? His bedsheets? They need to be WASHED??
Secretly loves the feeling of fluffy blankets.
2/10 would not recommend cuddling because of his bad sleeping habits, plus, you might actually risk suffocating.
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Will stay up later than you because he finds your sleepy face adorable.
Maintains the cleanliness of his bed well. After a long mission, it's best to come back to a clean, soft bed afterall.
Has different sets of pajamas for every day of the week.
Will happily wear matching pajamas onesies with you.
Takes couple photos while in those onesies.
Keeps said photos under his pillow or in his pocket whenever he doesn't get to sleep with you on his missions.
Likes being the big spoon so he can run his fingers through your hair.
Cuddle sessions sometimes overlap with heart-to-heart talking sessions.
Will never get tired of tracing any scars or marks you have on your skin because he finds it mesmerizing.
Melts when you nuzzle against him.
Light sleeper.
Mostly stays very still when he sleeps.
Wakes you up with kisses and wants to be woken up with kisses.
12/10 perfect cuddles guaranteed.
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